Handling Crime.....One Paradigm of Thought

Violence and Reasons......


  1. I do not understand how one man could take another man’s life for no apparent reason, and I think the amount of people who have been killed in New Orleans so far this year is astonishing. The article stated that the month of January ended with 22 fatally murdered. The police are doing what they can to improve the New Orleans streets to make them safer, but the police say there are several contributing factors that lead to the violence New Orleans is experiencing right now. On the contrary, the police said that it is happening all over the country, not just in New Orleans. Some of the contributions to the heightened violence are drug, gang, and gun related. Another contributing factor is the events that happened in Ferguson, MO. The issues in Ferguson have heightened police awareness, and many of them are not taking any chances, and taking their jobs very seriously, as they should. A surprising statistic that shocked me from the article was that it was predicted that high school graduation rates would decrease, but quite contrarily, graduation rates have surprised many and increased. All in all, what I gathered from this article is that like many parts of the country, New Orleans is dealing with crime rates skyrocketing; however, police and government officials are taking action. Purple003

    1. I like how you mentioned Ferguson in your statement, I agree with Ferguson being a very important contributing factor to how the police operate today. Taking their jobs seriously is what they should be doing. A more community based approach to policing should be expected, but with the high crime rates like New Orleans, some officers have no other option but to retaliate. Bry001

    2. I agree that you have good points throughout your blog but I disagree when you say that some police officers aren't taking their jobs "seriously," if anything i feel like they are just being more aware of the situations at hand. Due to the conflicts between officers and their communities, police officers understand the possible outcomes that can come about. On the contrary, I also see where you are coming from in means that some officers are afraid to take action. I think that more training should be given in the near future for decrease these worries. behappy001

  2. According to multiple sources online and on the news, gun related crimes in the United States is on rise. This article seems to be an additional piece of evidence that supports the fact that shootings are increasing around the country. The article then states that Baltimore had twenty-five shootings in the first twenty six days of the year and February has just arrived so there is still no evidence of these events decreasing anytime soon. Police departments and their officers deal with a lot more inner city and on the street crimes. So the question is, do we put more officers on the streets or behind the desks to try and figure this out? Are criminologists more of a necessity rather than more manpower on the streets? I think places with higher crime rates are in need of more officers patrolling the streets, it seems to be the only reasonable thing to do. What do you guys think? Bry001

    1. The police can be on the streets but the problem becomes that they need to do something while they are out there. Some law enforcement doesn't actually do anything to make a difference in the crime. Then there is some who are getting paid to look the other way. hotfox003

  3. This article focused on shootings in New Orleans and the shocking statistics of those documented just from January 1st til now. Basically the rate of deaths total at least two a day. The mayor is determined to lower these rates by incorporating a new safety measure such as cameras in vital areas and license plate readers. The police chief is collaborating with state and federal authorities to incorporate the safety plan to reduce these statistics. The need for more officers to help lower the violence. The fact that the accessibility to guns, gang situations, and police staffing makes it hard to get a handle on these crimes. A fact was noted that the young males normally associated with these crimes has decreased and that number of high school graduates is increasing. Hopefully a change will occur. Being opened minded to more ideas that will help and get the handle on it for the society and the law enforcements safety and to end the high statistics of violence.Bell003

  4. The article focuses on the injury and death rates for January 2017 in New Orleans. The reasoning they say for increases in crime rates is what they refer to as "usual factors" which included drug markets, access to guns and gang relations among other things. The city is implementing crime cameras into their hot spots and license plate readers while I think this will help prove who committed the crimes I don't think it is going to decrease the frequency. The reason the police presence isn't helping either is because of the Ferguson Effect that they mention, cops are less and less likely to make a stop because of the fatal officer shooting. With increases access to guns, and no increased gun laws people in high crime areas still create mass conflict with weapons. Guns are the easiest form of intimidation and can kill or injure someone without laying a hand on them. This article is still very evident of the increasing gun violence not only in New Orleans but everywhere in the United Stated especially mirroring the same issues we face in Chicago on a daily basis that sees some of the worst gun violence and murders of high populated crime cities. Putting into place new action plans are going to help any city hopefully cut down on crime, but it also seems like officer safety and procedures could benefit from additional training or some type of revamp to allow officers to feel safe on the streets again, without the officers signing up and joining the departments and going out on the streets nothing else can be fixed and crime would only increase or individuals will get away with more if police now fear the public; we should all be working together to improve our neighborhoods.Marras002

    1. I agree with your statement that the city putting crime cameras in hot spots and license plate readers will not do much to really reduce the violence. It will definitely help with catching and convicting people who commit these acts, but I feel like unless there is a stronger police presence, the violence won't really reduce much. CAE004.

  5. As of February first, seventy-five people were killed or wounded by gunfire in New Orleans in the first month of 2017. Twenty-two of these victims were killed, making the rate the highest since January of 2012. Out of all twenty-two homicides, all but three were caused by gunshots. Deputy Chief Paul Noel mentioned in the article that the partnership between the state and federal law enforcement agencies and the city-wide public safety plan the rate of violence should decrease in New Orleans. Some of the tools that are being used to limit violence are crime cameras and license plate readers. I feel that regardless of where high rates of crime take place, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact plan to help the situation. I think that the New Orleans law enforcement agencies should all come together to brainstorm on how to prevent even higher crime rates and figure out which areas this crime is most likely to occur in. Also, by investigating and figuring out the target and reasoning behind these homicides, police and other law enforcement officers can act on them accordingly. These numbers are startling and they seem to be rising all around the U.S. I do believe that these numbers do not directly mirror police efforts, but what they can do to better this dilemma. behappy001

  6. In New Orleans, there has been more than 2 people a day that has died since the beginning of the year. Death has been on the rise in cities across the United States. Something should be done about the high crime rates, but it is not that easy. There could be preventive measures and cameras that the police departments can do to get it under control. hotfox003

    1. The problem lies in the preventive measures as well. It is tough to increase policing and overall law enforcement while keeping incarceration rates down, and without impacting the community in a negative way as well. The article did mention the use of cameras though. Furthermore, the cameras could help identify possible suspects and isolate crime hot spots too. The plate scanning cameras also help police departments track criminals after the crime has been committed as well. There are endless possibilities with the developing technology we have at our disposal and I feel as if it will be up to our generation to push it forward and help straighten the implementation of such technological advantages. The world is continuing to get smaller and smaller with our ever connected society and time will only tell if it gets to be too much at some point however. Ghost003, Ghost004

  7. The city of New Orleans has been experiencing a recent increase in gun violence in the beginning months of 2017. According to this article, at least seventy-five people have been either killed or injured by gunfire. That is more than double the total number of shooting incidents the city had in January of 2016. The article also mentions that twenty-two people were murdered this past January. This really seems like nothing when you compare New Orleans recent gun violence to Chicago’s. As of February 1st, there have been a reported two hundred and ninety-nine shooting victims and fifty-one homicides in the city of Chicago. Some of the theories out there that explain this recent gun violence are that there are drug market disputes, people are gaining access to firearms, gang warfare, low staffing at police departments, and the “ferguson effect”. However, the article also mentions that the city continues to see a decline in the population of males between the ages of 15 and 24. Also, the city’s graduation rate has seen an increase. This could foreshadow a decline in the city’s violent crime rate. I like the idea of the department’s partnership with state and federal law enforcement agencies as well as the institution of a city-wide safety plan as a way to help bring the violence down in New Orleans. CAE004

    1. I agree with you on how the city is partnering up with state and federal law enforcement agencies. It will start to help keep crime and hopefully gun violence down in the city and if it works and keep crime down. If it works then hopefully other states will see how it has been proven to work and follow suit to keep the peace in the United States, plus keep the communitys safe from harm. Steel001 Banshee002

  8. Once again murder rates have seemed to rise starting the new year. The city of New Orleans reports seventy-five people were killed or wounded in January 2017. This is over double the rate of shootings and killings from last January. Many cities across the nation have seen a rise in violent criminal activity this year. Most of these "hot spots" are urban or developed areas. There could be multiple reasons for the increase in violent criminal activity. Many could say it is the high number of young males in those developed areas. Some also say it could be the lack of law enforcement presence. The "Ferguson effect" is a possible contributor to this issue. Many officers are hesitant to conduct basic street stops in urban areas after a fatal shooting of a law enforcement officer in Ferguson, Mo. Locally, Chicago's murder numbers continue to rise as well. This situation appears to truly be getting worse nationwide and many officials including our new president have warned of military intervention if law enforcement agencies cannot contain the shootings and killings. A nation where the right to bear arms is a fundamental building block cannot allow this to continue unchallenged. Most criminals buy or "acquire" their firearms illegally and that must be a focus for law enforcement agencies looking to lower the high rate of shootings. Another major focus could be gang activity in general. Urban areas are known for high levels of gang related crimes and activity and therefore, should be a target for police resources nationwide. Furthermore, the development of city based safety plans can dramatically help urban areas with high shooting rates. Having a population that is knowledgeable about the situation and provided resources or ideas on how to react and approach dangerous situations like shootings. Another good idea comes in the form of joint operations between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies working together. This idea can help distribute national resources where they are need most like I mentioned before, and the amount of police officers could be increased with additional funding which could in-turn help lower crime rates overall. Ghost003, Ghost004

    1. I agree that the number of police officers being increased would help with lowering crime rates. Rayder004

  9. I cannot comprehend why there are so many different fatal shootings and injuries and why the people behind the guns do it. Taking a life would be a pretty hard thing for me to do, yet here are people that are just killing left or right. Some of these people kill just over lost money and some may even do it just because somebody lied to them. Whatever the reason, it is still horrible for someone to take a life over selfish reasons. I agree with the article when it says that another contributing factor in the rise of shootings is the "Ferguson Effect." It would make sense that people would try to do more illegal and bad things if they did not think that they would be punished for it. The thing that needs to be done in order to help with this horrible occurrence is to increase the number of police patrolling the streets. Rayder004

    1. I agree people feel as though they have the power now over the police. while the police are scared to do thier job because of the ferguson effect. evo001

    2. I personally believe that people feel invincible to a point where they don't even think about the consequences of their actions and what they do. Their are people that are wreckless and have no concern of anyone elses life but thier own. It's a disgrace. Those are the handleful of people that need to be taken off of the streets. Now I do disagree with you about the "Ferguson Effect." I believe that you still need to regulate and crack down on crimes and offenders. Bread003

    3. I think alot of people think that they are invincible when it comes to the law. Where they can committ pretty much any crime and not think about the reprecussions of those actions. Ciaccio001/002

  10. This article states that 75 people have been killed in the month of January due to gunshots in the city of New Oreland's. Expect criminologist say this is a deadly trend that is playing across larger cities across the entire nation, which these cities are growing more violent and more lethal. Two ideas that the city law enforcement is doing after the chief of Police for the city worked out a prevention plan with both federal and state law enforcement came up with two different prevention factors to tackle the violent crimes. The first one being setting up crime cameras in hot spot areas where large amounts of crime are taking place. The second prevention method that was said in this area to take place with be high speed license plate readers. These expert criminologists have also say there are the usual disputes that take place to cause this crime tend can contribute to drug markets access to guns, gang welfare, low law enforcement staffing at police departments. Individuals also could not be deterred from the crimes with no shift punishment for a lot of said crimes this would cause an increase in crime as there is no fear that any form of punishment would come from committing any said crime. Sociologist also believed before the numbers come out of violent crimes for January of 2017 that crime would have a dramatic decrease as there was a lower population rate for males ages 15-24 which according to the article can be linked to many violet crimes. There was also the other factor that the city was having a higher high school graduation rate which has been shown that higher education is a prevention factor in individuals committing crimes. Many of the violent crimes can affect multiple victims this article also states that it causes many victims to get shot during one crime scene. But as the New Oreland’s police officers are staying on top of preventing these violent crimes making it their goals to prevent and to arrest the individuals that are caught for committing these harmful acts that effect society. This article also said that there were 55 people who had been wounded due to the recent gunfire that took place within the city. With growing intelligence of how these trends are taking place, and with the growing joint task force of the state, and federal law enforcement officials staying on top of these harmful acts this should be a major decline to the violent criminal acts. Hopefully when these methods proposed by the Chef are effective such as the license plant cameras and the crime cameras in the hotspot crime areas this will prevent the crimes and limit the amount of work of law in catching these malicious individuals that harm communities in this nation. With these new upcoming strategies with law enforcement gaining more intelligence they have information on these people causing the shootings on top of understand where the individuals got their weapon’s to how to catch these people before these acts take place. Eagle001 Eagle002

    1. I agree with you I think we should use our advancements in intelligence and technology to help us solve these crimes ad further prevent them from happening. This staggering amount of violent crimes happening and we need to stop it. It is very interesting to see how the age and gender demographic can effect the amount of violent crime happening as well as the graduation rate. Hopefully we can see more graduations and less violent crime in the future. BIke001, bike004

  11. This article states that 75 people have been killed in the month of January due to gunshots in the city of New Oreland's. Expect criminologist say this is a deadly trend that is playing across larger cities across the entire nation, which these cities are growing more violent and more lethal. Two ideas that the city law enforcement is doing after the chief of Police for the city worked out a prevention plan with both federal and state law enforcement came up with two different prevention factors to tackle the violent crimes. The first one being setting up crime cameras in hot spot areas where large amounts of crime are taking place. The second prevention method that was said in this area to take place with be high speed license plate readers. These expert criminologists have also say there are the usual disputes that take place to cause this crime tend can contribute to drug markets access to guns, gang welfare, low law enforcement staffing at police departments. Individuals also could not be deterred from the crimes with no shift punishment for a lot of said crimes this would cause an increase in crime as there is no fear that any form of punishment would come from committing any said crime. Sociologist also believed before the numbers come out of violent crimes for January of 2017 that crime would have a dramatic decrease as there was a lower population rate for males ages 15-24 which according to the article can be linked to many violet crimes. There was also the other factor that the city was having a higher high school graduation rate which has been shown that higher education is a prevention factor in individuals committing crimes. Many of the violent crimes can affect multiple victims this article also states that it causes many victims to get shot during one crime scene. But as the New Oreland’s police officers are staying on top of preventing these violent crimes making it their goals to prevent and to arrest the individuals that are caught for committing these harmful acts that effect society. This article also said that there were 55 people who had been wounded due to the recent gunfire that took place within the city. With growing intelligence of how these trends are taking place, and with the growing joint task force of the state, and federal law enforcement officials staying on top of these harmful acts this should be a major decline to the violent criminal acts. Hopefully when these methods proposed by the Chef are effective such as the license plant cameras and the crime cameras in the hotspot crime areas this will prevent the crimes and limit the amount of work of law in catching these malicious individuals that harm communities in this nation. With these new upcoming strategies with law enforcement gaining more intelligence they have information on these people causing the shootings on top of understand where the individuals got their weapon’s to how to catch these people before these acts take place. Eagle001 Eagle002

  12. This article states that 75 people have been killed in the month of January due to gunshots in the city of New Oreland's. Expect criminologist say this is a deadly trend that is playing across larger cities across the entire nation, which these cities are growing more violent and more lethal. Two ideas that the city law enforcement is doing after the chief of Police for the city worked out a prevention plan with both federal and state law enforcement came up with two different prevention factors to tackle the violent crimes. The first one being setting up crime cameras in hot spot areas where large amounts of crime are taking place. The second prevention method that was said in this area to take place with be high speed license plate readers. These expert criminologists have also say there are the usual disputes that take place to cause this crime tend can contribute to drug markets access to guns, gang welfare, low law enforcement staffing at police departments. Individuals also could not be deterred from the crimes with no shift punishment for a lot of said crimes this would cause an increase in crime as there is no fear that any form of punishment would come from committing any said crime. Sociologist also believed before the numbers come out of violent crimes for January of 2017 that crime would have a dramatic decrease as there was a lower population rate for males ages 15-24 which according to the article can be linked to many violet crimes. There was also the other factor that the city was having a higher high school graduation rate which has been shown that higher education is a prevention factor in individuals committing crimes. Many of the violent crimes can affect multiple victims this article also states that it causes many victims to get shot during one crime scene. But as the New Oreland’s police officers are staying on top of preventing these violent crimes making it their goals to prevent and to arrest the individuals that are caught for committing these harmful acts that effect society. This article also said that there were 55 people who had been wounded due to the recent gunfire that took place within the city. With growing intelligence of how these trends are taking place, and with the growing joint task force of the state, and federal law enforcement officials staying on top of these harmful acts this should be a major decline to the violent criminal acts. Hopefully when these methods proposed by the Chef are effective such as the license plant cameras and the crime cameras in the hotspot crime areas this will prevent the crimes and limit the amount of work of law in catching these malicious individuals that harm communities in this nation. With these new upcoming strategies with law enforcement gaining more intelligence they have information on these people causing the shootings on top of understand where the individuals got their weapon’s to how to catch these people before these acts take place. Eagle001 Eagle002

  13. The number of shootings in these large urban areas is awful. Innocent lives are being lost due to the dumbest reasons. People should not have to be afraid of getting shot when all they want to do is sit on their porch or step out into their yard. New Orleans is such a unique city and it’s sad that it’s being affected by these large amounts of shootings. Other cities across the country are also reflecting this lethal violent behavior. For example, Chicago had a crazy high number of shootings for the year 2016. These large cities thrive on tourism. The higher the number of shootings, the lower the number of tourists will be. Until this article, I didn’t think the Ferguson effect possibly has such a huge impact. It’s awful that police officers fear making those street sops because they are afraid they will lose their life over it. The media is definitely not helping this situation. The media provokes protests and fails to release all of the information in investigations. Many people don’t bother to see how biased the media is. The article explains that the increase in violence across these cities can be because of gang warfare, low staffing at police departments, disputes over drug markets, and access to guns. Harper thought crime there should decrease because of the increase of rates of high school graduates in the city and the decline in young male population. The crime cameras in hotspots and license plate readers should help bring down violence, but I think they should hire more police officers instead. The increase in police officers can help citizens stay honest and avoid antisocial behavior. (Most) people will not commit a crime if they believe the reward outweighs the risk. By driving up the risk, it will make the reward less of a return which will prevent many crimes. I also think it’s strange to see the crime rate is so high since it’s not summer, which is the typical time crimes spike because children are on break and the hot weather better allows for people to go outside of their house. I believe crime will also decrease if the punishment for the crime is severe and swift. Now there is so much waiting for trial and the whole process is dragged out. For these crimes (any violent ones), it is vital for offenders to get a severe punishment. Others need to see this violence is not tolerated. Scuba002, Scuba004

    1. The point about weather aspect which we have all learned summer months and people out of school and work etc. increases violence... so it will be interesting to see if later this year an even bigger increase in crime happens. I think we will see a increase in crime in general with the state of politics in big cities right now and new laws going into affect that really cause an uproar. We live in a current culture that when something upsets us we speak out which causes that group mentality and reasons to fight and cause chaos. I don't think cameras and license plate readers are going to do very much; the problem is stopping crime before it happens not catching the offender after the fact which is what those utilities will do. Though I still think that's an important factor for deterrence when speaking about violent crimes so far other big cities like Chicago have those implemented and it does very little to deter the violent crimes, people just take it elsewhere. Marras002

  14. My first thought after reading this was I was surprised to see that they said police officers were becoming more reluctant to make proactive stops due to the Ferguson case. I understand what the case caused for the police officers in our country but that does not mean that they should stop doing what they know is right and make the proper stops and searches that are necessary to keeping their community safe. Also it may seem unamerican but in big cities where we see these daily shootings I feel that the country needs to enforce the Marshal law as a way to try and prevent and deter these mass amounts of gun crimes.

    1. i agree with you 100% ace. the fact that police officers nowadays are almost too safe when it comes to proceeding into their daily duties. cops should always put the job first because if they don't start the ball rolling who will? RM001

  15. I believe that this is very thin linned subject. This can go one of two ways. One way could be that the New Orleans Police Department cracks down on everyone. They could start making those extra police stops. Doing what it takes to get to the bottom of the illegal weapons that are roaming the streets and could fall into the hands of just anyone. If you do begin to do that, you can possibly control situations, and possibly cut the number of those shootings drastically. Now the second option is the police department creates more methods to regulate the violent offenders, without creating an environment like the Ferguson or St. Louis areas after the shooting of Michael Brown. The last thing you want is Martial Law or cause a city to completely turn against a police department. You want the city behind you, and supporting the department as they make an effort to stop the violence in that city. I personally think that the department should take the second choice. Go about things peacefully while still policing the area and making the city safer. Bread003

    1. I believe the crackdown and doing a stop and frisk legally without discrimination or harassment could remove a lot of these dangerous weapons off the street. also by going about the issue peacefully as stated will keep the city from turning on the police department that is located within the given city. Also, I agree that the police department could make the extra because getting to stopping guns from getting on to the street and removing them is more important then anything else as guns being removed may mean less lose of life for civilians and also for law enforcement officials. Eagle001, Eagle002

    2. I agree with your idea that police should be making more stops and searches if possible. This could definitely get more guns and illegal weapons off the streets of bigger cities. It is for sure a thin line on what they can do to cut down the homicides in the cities. They can't take rights of citizens but something needs done to prevent such events from taking place. It is out of hand. The city should feel like a safer place to be and people should not fear for their lives whenever they go out just to have fun. The people living here just need to be smart on where they go and who they associate themselves with. Gym003

  16. This article covers the 75 shootings that started in Jan of 2017 which were far more than the ones that happened in Jan of 2016. I don't understnd how someone can shoot and kill another just for the heck of it. The increase in violence in that city is astounding to me. The rise in violent crimes is also dishardening especially in a city like New Orleans. Many of the violent crimes can affect multiple victims this article also states that it causes many victims to get shot during one crime scene. But as the New Oreland’s police officers are staying on top of preventing these violent crimes making it their goals to prevent and to arrest the individuals that are caught for committing these harmful acts that effect society. This article also said that there were 55 people who had been wounded due to the recent gunfire that took place within the city. These expert criminologists have also say there are the usual disputes that take place to cause this crime tend can contribute to drug markets access to guns, gang welfare, low law enforcement staffing at police departments. Individuals also could not be deterred from the crimes with no shift punishment for a lot of said crimes this would cause an increase in crime as there is no fear that any form of punishment would come from committing any said crime. Hopefully when these methods proposed by the Chef are effective such as the license plant cameras and the crime cameras in the hotspot crime areas this will stop alot of the crimes and limit the amount of work of law in catching these individuals that harm communities in this nation. With these new upcoming strategies with law enforcement gaining more intelligence they have information on these people causing the shootings on top of understand where the individuals got their weapon’s to how to catch these people before these acts take place. The article stated that the month of January ended with 22 fatally murdered. Ciaccio001, Ciaccio002

  17. reading this article made me very uneasy. the fact that in just a 30 day span 75 people have been shot or killed due to gun violence. i always say one shooting is one too many and there's still 11 months to go so that number could rise into the 800s at the rate it's at. at some point there's only so much that can be done as the New Orleans pd and it almost needs to fall upon the citizens to put a stop to this. police officers will always be there to detain the ones who are getting caught and criminologists will always be there to predict the next move of the ones thatre on a spree but when that's not enough something's gotta give. the city has only so many assets to help out in a crisis like this and with these extremely high rates of gun violence it can only get worse. the pd could always go the extreme route and crack down heavily on all people with guns and hope the majority are registered and just hit those heavily trafficked areas and hope that's the most of the problem right there but when it's at such a high number that's almost unrealistic. i hope for all of our sakes the problem gets solved soon because it's only going to get worse from here. RM001 RM002

  18. New Orleans gun violence continued at alarming rate to start the year, as 75 people were wounded or killed by gunfire in January. No matter where you go crime always follows and it doesn't matter how much a person tries to change the mind of a criminal. They still will slip between the cracks and wind up killing someone. Individuals also could not be deterred from the crimes with no shift punishment. Sociologist believed before the numbers come out of violent crimes for January of 2017 that crime would have a dramatic decrease as there was a lower population rate for males ages 15-24. The only reason that this theory didn't come true is because of the "Ferguson effect" is a possible contributor to this issue. Most people would say that this is the number one contributor but I totally disagree. To me honestly I think the media is the number one contributor because the media provokes protests and fails to release all of the information in investigations. So there are more reasons behind the killings than just having criminals. -NIKE001, NIKE002

  19. It is ludicrous to see the amount of violence that is happening in new orleans. The numbers are extremely high already for 2017 and it was only in January that these statistics were taken from. There is no doubt that something in the criminal justice system needs to change in order to make a difference in the amount of violent crimes we are seeing in our nations cities. One thing that they mention in this articles which may have some part in why we are not able to stop this crime would be the Ferguson effect. What is happening with our police officers today is that they may have a sense of fear because of the Officer Shooting incident and media outburst In Ferguson Missouri. What we need to do is implement better training for these officers and help them become more proactive so that they can better prevent violent crimes like the ones taking place in new orleans. There is also a problem I think with guns getting in the wrong hands. We need to better implement the gun laws we have to try and get the guns out of the wrong peoples hands and prevent them from ever getting there again. We need to get to the source of the illegal weapons, drugs, and gangs in the United states and put a stop to all of this madness in our cities. Bike001, Bike004

  20. This article tells us about the serious problem that is going in New Orleans. As of February first, seventy-five people were killed or wounded by gunfire in New Orleans in the first month of 2017. Twenty-two of these victims were killed, making the rate the highest since January of 2012. Everyone who has been killed or wounded has been done by gunshots by different groups of people. With that being said this has made it very hard for everyone because there isn’t even a pattern that is going on to help the cops put an end to these crimes. When people think of crimes as serious as murder they think of the crimes happening in areas that are poor. These crimes though are now going into the large urban areas. When crimes move into areas that aren’t use to them the area will go into a state of panic because it isn’t in the norm so everyone goes and thinks that they are now in “bad areas” which doesn’t help anyone. In New Orleans what is so sad about all of these shootings is that Eight shooting victims were juveniles, the youngest a 5-month-old girl wounded Jan. 14. Whenever children are involved because of someone acting stupid is so very sicking. From the article it sounds like no one could do anything about these acts but even hard to hear when it has children being killed. No human should ever want to hurt a kid that doesn’t even know what is going on. Pie001,002,004

    1. I agree with you, these statistics are very disturbing, especially hearing about the child that was caught in the situation. We need to get control of this situation, and soon. These numbers are already out of hand and we are only a month and a half into the year. I hope to see a change in these numbers, but over the last few years, this seems to be the trend. I hope that I will be proven wrong, but as things stand right now, the trend will continue on, and unfortunately appears to be worse than it was last year.
      gh_blackhawks001, gh_blackhawks002

    2. I agree that these statistics are troubling. My stance on this however, is that the community of New Orleans needs to step up and try to help the police curb this violence. Somebody somewhere in that community must know something, and I feel they need to come forward and speak up. If people want to see real change in their community, they need to stand up to these thugs. The police can only do so much.-OKC001

    3. Statistics can be pretty terrifying. BUt I agree with OKC001, the community really has a big role in this as well. I think, that as people have become absorbed into their phones and computers and other technologies, their involvement in society has diminished. This may be the cause of a community that doesnt do it's best to help police and to reduce crime. - AJC001

  21. At the end of the article they were saying how New Orleans was suppose to be on a decline of violence because the men of 15-25 left and there graduating rate increased. That was until Seventy-five people were killed or wounded by gunfire in New Orleans in the first month of the year - more than twice the total in January 2016. To have promising numbers in making there city better there has to be some reason why they had such an out burst of crime. Like usual they think it could leads to drugs and gangs. Which is not that usual in gun related cases. I think they came up with a great Idea in order to stop these gun shooting and save lives. Like how they are going to use crime cameras in the hot spots and licenses plate reader in order to catch the guys.There was also a low staff in police for what happened in Ferguson. Which is reasonable because that is probably how the crime rate got up. Because there were hardly any cops that were on the job so they thought they could get away with anything.Most people think that way but the New Orleans police are going to work on that to make it better agine. Adelle002

  22. In this article it tell you of the rising rate of murders and shootings in New Orleans, with that being said they reported they had 22 people killed 55 wounded by gun fire. Which it states that it is double from what it was last year. Which is an enormous problem considering that if it does not get fixed soon what happened in Baltimore MD. could happen in New Orleans real quick like. That could involve the national guard being called to stop rioting and then things could either escalate and/or deescalate the situation. If the police do not start to take control of the situation it could end up that way, but I do think the police should start using escalation of force on individuals with that in hand and s.o.p.'s that help support you on the decision you make and be justified. With the technology now day they can pin where a crime has been committed and then you can predict where the next one will be just by the the area and time frame. How the United States changes from year to year it will be hard to keep police operation moving and evolving along with society. Steel001 Banshee002

  23. 75 people already killed or wounded in the first month of the year in New Orleans is astounding to me, as it should be since it is double the rate that it was the previous year. Not difficult math, but that is more than two per day. That is unacceptable to me. We have seen a lot of violence over the last couple of years, but these statistics are baffling. This country seems to be going in the wrong direction when it comes to getting along with one another, which is basic behavior that is taught to young children, that grown adults cannot figure out. This is already a trend that should not sit well with anyone, and it is not a great start at all to the New Year, especially there in New Orleans. If this continues, and especially if we see this happening throughout the country, we are going to be in a horrible situation here in the United States. Now it is a little early in the year to assume that this trend will continue, but the fact that it is already so high is not a good sign, and needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. By the end of the month, there were already twenty-two murder victims. In one month, they racked up twenty-two murders. Along with the twenty-two dead, the rest of the seventy-five, were all wounded. Eight of these shooting victims were juveniles, and the youngest of the group was just a five-month-old girl. I think this violence has been on the rise over the last couple of years, ever since the Ferguson incident. Violence against cops, against communities, and against each other throughout communities. It needs to come to an end, and the violence that was shown by this article in New Orleans is beyond me, and needs to be controlled.
    gh_blackhawks001, gh_blackhawks002

  24. What is happening in New Orleans is truly sad. 75 shootings in one month is an astronomical number, and is only going to keep rising. With this rise in shootings, NOPD is doing a great job in my opinion in trying to curb this rise in violence. With the cameras being installed in hotspots and license plate readers being set out across the city, it is easy to see that they are trying to stop this rise in violence. But the police can only do so much in my opinion. At what point does the community they police have to take some responsibility? People in the areas of these shootings have to know something, and I am by no means saying that they aren’t cooperating with the local PD, but if these investigations are to go smoothly they need to. Without support from their community police departments can get almost nothing done. To go along with that however, the gangs need to stop this senseless violence. I know that sounds stupid, but it is true. They have to look around and see what they are doing to their community. Gangs are nothing but a cancer on communities, and they need to be removed. Chicago is the same way. Everybody in that community complains about all of the violence, yet nobody steps up to do anything about it. If people want to start seeing real change in their community, they need to work with their local police officers to try to help the fight against violence.-OKC001

  25. 75 people wounded or injured in the first month, the first 31 days of 2017. If that fact right there does not shock you I would be surprised. I understand New Orleans is a densely populated area but that is still a lot of violence for just 31 days. The article said it took only 14 hours for the NOPD homicide detectives to get their first call of 2017. The statistic that really gets me is the fact that 8 of the shooting victims where juveniles, the youngest of with was a 5 month old baby. There is not way to justify the injury of a 5 month old baby because of violent crime. Violent crime has been on the rise in America and in cities such as New Orleans. Some blame the police, some blame Ferguson, while other blame the gangs. I think we all should stop pointing fingers and guns at each other and stop the violence. There is not reason 75 people shot be shot in the first 31 days of a new year. Costco001

  26. The article talks about how 75 people have been killed in January in New Orleans. It also says how that doubles the amount killed in 2016. The article explains how violence is increasing across cities because gangs, drug markets, and gun access. New Orlean’s police officers are at ;east on top of things to prevent these crimes. They’re also trying to prevent it and arresting the ones doing it, as well. Law enforcement is gain more intelligence and they’ll get more information to catch these people, hopefully before the act happens. stlblues001, stlblues002

  27. Murder. It's a rather serious thing. Since the dawn of time, murder has been a rather cruel thing to do to people. I mean, really. What's the point of walking up to some dude and killing them. For the most part, our society has strayed pretty far from this path. But it's true that some of the citizens haven't come around. This article shows us about that. In New Orleans, the month of January saw 22 individuals mudered. This is absolutely horrible. It is sad when you compare the great accomplishments of man and then witness those who were left behind at the bottom. And this trend is spreading, according to the article. Cities with massive suburban populations are growing increasingly violent. Murders have become more recent. If this trend continues, it will likely get much worse. Law Enforcement agencies, with their advancement in technology, are becoming better equipped with dealing with these issues. I believe, as reforms flow around and help return the citizen's trust in the law enforcement, violence may fall again. But, even criminologists believe it is too soon to tell. At the moment, we should look to helping victims and helping to deter further shootings, and leaving the "end of the world" beliefs to the future.
    And I wonder, if it continues, how this will affect me and my job in the future. - AJC001

  28. Violence is clearly on the rise in the U.S. People are angry at what they see as injustice in regards to the police brutality that has been in the forefront of media information. People are responding to violence using violence. These acts of violence are leaving community members afraid so therefor they will start responding violently as well. Hopefully law enforcement can come up with real solutions to this very alarming problem in our communities. mommy004

  29. The amount of homicides in the city of New Orleans so far this year is surprising and tragic. It is also interesting to note that this spike in violence comes while the overall population of the city is increasing. Typically most crimes are committed by a younger demographic of people, and when the average age of a population increases crime rates tend to decrease. The article postulates other possible causes for the spike in violence, like the Ferguson effect, which is the idea that police are conducting fewer proactive stops in the aftermath of the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson MO in 2014 and the following protests. The article also mentions that the city's spike in violence in the first part of the year is part of a similar trend in cities across the country, like Baltimore, a city that experienced a staggering 25 killings in the first 26 days of the year. While many cities in the US have experienced an increase in violent crime in the first month of 2017, it would be irresponsible to claim that it is indicative of a long term trend of increasing violence given the relatively brief period being observed. CoolGuy003

  30. The number of murders an lives lost due to gun violence in Mew Orleans is mind blowing. I found a website showing gun violence in America in 2015 and it stated that, Half of America's gun homicides in 2015 were clustered in just 127 cities and towns, according to a new geographic analysis by the Guardian, even though they contain less than a quarter of the nation’s population. It has to be the culture of these areas or how the cities are using programs to prevent youths from joining gangs and getting involved in these crimes. Criminologists say the increase in violence across several cities can be attributed to usual factors: disputes over drug markets, access to guns, gang warfare, low staffing at police departments and the "Ferguson effect," in which police officers are more reluctant to make proactive street stops in the wake of a fatal officer-involved shooting in Ferguson, Mo., and subsequent protests. blackhawks001

  31. There is a staggering amount of shootings going on all over the world. The fact that one large city had twenty five homicides in the first twenty six days is astounding to me. Knowing there were seventy five people shot in the first month of this year is scary to know. I definitely think something needs to be changed especially in the bigger cities. I know it is not an easy task to control gun trafficking but I think the laws should be more strict on who gun shops sell their weapons to. I think there should be background checks on all people who wish to purchase guns. When guns are sold privately that is a different story and more difficult to control. I believe there could be a law put into place to where someone wishing to sell a gun should have both parties meet at an authorized buildings so the recipient can get a background check done. Maybe even more security for public buildings and gathering could help keep these homicides down as well. Regardless of what happens there definitely needs to be some means of reform of gun laws in the areas such as Orlando to prevent future homicides. Gym003

  32. The article focuses on the shootings that has happened in New Orleans. It says there has been 75 shootings in the first month alone; that is two shootings per day. Out of the 75 shootings 22 of them died, including a father of two children. It took the NOPD homicide detectives 14 hours to show up to the scene. Adding on to that, 55 have been injured in shootings more than double of January 2016. Criminologist suggest that the rise of violent crimes is because of drugs, guns, gangs, and low staffing. The New Orleans high school graduation rate continues to increase which people would think that would cause a decrease in crime, but it has not. The New Orleans police are trying to slow down the violence, but as it continues they are going to try to find new ways to do so. Having more police on the streets to try and stop a crime before it happens could be a reasonable tactic. coutinho004

  33. So there were 22 murdered and 53 injured. I would much rather read it like that than reading "75 killed or injured". It is still a high murder rate for one month. Hopefully that will be declining over the next few months and not increasing. I noticed that in the comments, someone blamed it on the heroin epidemic. I can almost guarantee that the violence is due from the drugs that they are involved with. There is almost 2.5 shootings a day, that is just out of control. Maybe they should start up a program like Peoria has with trying to get gun violence out of their city. Even if it does not fix their problem completely, could save a few lives and that is what matters. I don't know what else they could do besides either waiting for it to decrease on its own or start punishing these offenders more harshly. If you punish more harshly it will hopefully prevent future offenders doing it. If you wait it out, you have a chance of nothing changing and/or the violence just gets worse.

  34. Knowing that there are shootings almost twice a day in New Orleans would make me not want to live there. Even though there are shootings everywhere, the media has a big part of people's outlook on crime. The way that the media words things can also make it seem like things are worse then they actually are. The New ORleans police force are trying to cut down on the crime but it still seems to be increasing. Even though the graduation rate has been increasing the crime has not been decreasing. People would think that with the graduation rates increasing there would not be as much crime because they are getting educated, but the crime continues to be there. bball001

  35. All of these shootings at schools and all around is really scary. I don't understand how someone can just kill someone for no reason with no purpose. This should start to catch all police departments attentions. In my opinion there needs to be more traffic stops because there are a lot of crazy people with stolen or illegal weapons in there car just waiting to kill anyone simply because they don't care for life anymore. People like this needs all the help they can find. Also with all the school shootings and shootings in the bad urban areas, I feel as if the cops should start patrolling those areas a lot more than they do. There should be more security in the schools, especially in the kids schools. Hopefully cops wise up and stop trying to go after a little bag of marijuana and other petty things and start looking for the things that puts the community in danger.

    1. What they were saying in the article is that cops are afraid to just randomly pull over citizens for traffic stops because of the Ferguson incident. There's so much hostility directed at the police force right now that prying into suspicious looking vehicles or just random ones could come off as an invasion of privacy. And I'm sure officers are worried about it but there is no magic fix to end violence. Dr. White just taught last week that patrolling strictly the "bad" areas can cause negative effects within the community. It can come off as a bad department.

  36. I don’t understand the shootings in New Orleans. Some of the shooting victims are fathers and mothers. Some are kids. The 5 month old kid, what did he do? I sure as hell know he aint no drug dealer. He was probably an accidental shooting victim, but still. There is no reason for the shootings. If anything they are hurting themselves. More crime equals less people who want to live there. Less people living in the neighborhood equals less people working. Less people working equals more poverty, which equals more run down neighborhoods, which equals more crime, and it just repeats and gets worse and worse. That is the sad reality. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. It should not be that way. Paddle001

  37. I agree, but the way a lot of these parents portray cops as pigs and racist and all that other crap, so the only thing people know is the bad about the police their parents tell them, so it's installed into their brains that all cops are bad, which is probably why some are afraid, so in my opinion cops are in danger also and should protect themselves as well because they have families also.

  38. The crime rates of New Orleans are high, but it's not surprising. Crime rates are increasing across America for the start of the new year. Particularly gun violence. I liked Mr. Harper's saying that he expected a decline in violence, but that his wrong prediction showed how human behavior operates. I just read a piece in my juvenile delinquency text that also predicted crime rates to decrease, but the thing is that we can't predict humans. There is no pattern. You would think during the Great Depression that crime rates would have skyrocketed but surprisingly they didn't. Humans have free will and a complex mind set that makes it impossible to predict what we're going to do next. All of the shootings in New Orleans are unfortunate but it's very saddening to know that so many juveniles have already been victim to gunshots, although nonfatal no child should be victim to such an act of malice. Two young women were shot in front of a high school. There's no reason these acts of violence should become a regular occurrence that the citizens of New Orleans have to be worried about.

  39. This article mostly talks about the violence in New Orleans. That is a very big problem at the moment. A staggering number of 75 killed or wounded in just three first month of the year. That number is just horrendous and needs to come down and never happen again. Gun violence is increasing and I don't see much change in the numbers, except for them rising. The article says that it's because of the usual factors which are disputes over drug markets, access to drugs, gang warfare, and low staffing at police departments. Controlling all of the except the staffing at the police departments is a very hard thing to control. The way people can go around the cups and anyone to obtain drugs and or guns is very bad. This isn't only happening in New Orleans, this is occurring all over America. Out of all the problems that are still happening in New Orleans somehow the graduations rates are rising. At least thats going good for them. Mustang 003/004

    1. I totally agree with you when you say " you don't see the numbers do anything but rising." I think this is really just the beginning of a bigger problem in this country. Everyone has such a stern view on gun control, we all want to argue about it while innocent people are loosing their lives. -dicaproio001

  40. This article focused on the rising of violence in New Orleans. Reading the number of homicides in the first month of the year (75 people) is just shocking. The homicides are 2x what they were last year. Knowing the rising in gun violence is not only a trend we are seeing in New Orleans, but a trend we are seeing across the county is a huge concern. All of the homicides but three of them were by gunshots, 16 included multiple victims, 8 juveniles, and the youngest victim was a 5 month old! A 5 month old? How is that exceptable, homicide in general is not but what did a child with their whole life ahead of them do to be killed? Most of the factors that contribute to these murders are the usual ones access to guns, gangs, war over drug markets, etc. Gun violence is a huge problem in this country and honestly I don't see this "trend" going away any time soon. There is only so much law enforcement agencies can do as a whole. Obviously gun control is a huge debate in this country, But when it's coming down to innocent peoples lives there has to be a point where we stop arguing over it and actually do something about it, before more people lose their lives. One positive thing that I got out of this article is that the graduation rate in New Orleans's is rising, and that has to count for something. -dicaprio001


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