McDonaldization of Society....

McDonaldization of Society....


  1. The McDonaldization of society focus on the four main elements that are efficiency, predictability,calculability,and control this is said to be the best way to run a business with rational. I can understand some of this but its like we now longer endure patience anymore. Medonaldization I feel has it's good things and parts that can really help in the college, and then it has it'd bad parts that doesn't do anything to help the college or the students. It does effect the way I learn because just like in the video stated that we have to get an a and need to meet a good GPA. That's one of the top important things in college but we also need to learn as well. I don't feel that McDonaldization is good for every part of society but maybe some but definitely not all parts. I feel the way it will effect our future is by taking it completely over the future will become all McDonaldization at the rate we are going today. Cupcake005

  2. McDonaldlization of society and the four main points that makes up McDonaldlization is efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control, of course like anything else McDonaldlization has pros and cons that can be judge in the four components itself first example efficiency (efficiency) has become increasingly important for our fast paced environment but truthfully it's making people very impatient. second example predictability although expected you can't have a one track mind so to say just cause Illinois have a certain item you want on the list doesn't mean Alabama will it's like going to any business and expecting everyone to be courteous (not always going to happen) third example calculability is a major role not everyone can afford fine dining etc. or twelve dollars entrees at any given time so of course we make the decision to get more bang for your buck! last control everyone wants to be in control of most if not all the decision in their life The video ask Is McDonaldlization good for colleges and universities? I'll have to agree it could be cause now you have many ways to go to colleges to get a degree rather it be online, as well as getting degrees in the fraction of time seems to work for people. The video also asked how it affects the way you learn? It can play a major factor in your education you have some teachers who run right through the assignments and if you don't understand it sometimes your just out of luck! (next question) how will it affect our future? McDonaldlization will help as well as hurt the future in many ways. (last question) Is McDonaldlization good for society? I agree that it can be beneficial to many areas of our society so that we can stay on top of things such as industry, technology, health etc. Leathas005

  3. McDonaldization with it's 4 organizational principles: Efficiency, Predictability, Uniformity and Control has created employment for millions around the world. The builders, food suppliers and employees have benefitted and customers get quick meals in their busy lives. The video asks is McDonaldization good for society. To me the fact that so many jobs were created by McDonald,s is very good for society. On the other hand, the efficiency of an Egg McMuffin, one quick breakfast, has replaced a healthy breakfast causing obesity and bad eating habits for children. Predictability has replaced creativity, calculability of the same boring food replaces freedom of choice and quantity replaces quality and control over employees replaces individualism. Recognizing some of the problems with McDonaldization, companies today are replacing rigid rules by giving creative freedom to skilled employees to generate results. Many open, flexible organizations of today also use competitive work teams and replaced bureaucracy with fewer levels of command. The new flexible organization generates new ideas and adapts quickly to changes.
    I have hope that in the future companies will continue to evolve where both highly skilled and low skill service workers are valued and proud to work. Americans have proven to be resilient in tough economic times! As far as colleges, I like the computer calculating
    tests which saves the teacher time and lets the student know results right away. However, I feel teachers need to vary from rigid curriculums to use their personalities to make a class enjoyable. grandma005

  4. McDonaldization with it's 4 organizational principles: Efficiency, Predictability, Uniformity and Control has created employment for millions around the world. The builders, food suppliers and employees have benefitted and customers get quick meals in their busy lives. The video asks is McDonaldization good for society. To me the fact that so many jobs were created by McDonald,s is very good for society. On the other hand, the efficiency of an Egg McMuffin, one quick breakfast, has replaced a healthy breakfast causing obesity and bad eating habits for children. Predictability has replaced creativity, calculability of the same boring food replaces freedom of choice and quantity replaces quality and control over employees replaces individualism. Recognizing some of the problems with McDonaldization, companies today are replacing rigid rules by giving creative freedom to skilled employees to generate results. Many open, flexible organizations of today also use competitive work teams and replaced bureaucracy with fewer levels of command. The new flexible organization generates new ideas and adapts quickly to changes.
    I have hope that in the future companies will continue to evolve where both highly skilled and low skill service workers are valued and proud to work. Americans have proven to be resilient in tough economic times! As far as colleges, I like the computer calculating
    tests which saves the teacher time and lets the student know results right away. However, I feel teachers need to vary from rigid curriculums to use their personalities to make a class enjoyable. grandma005

  5. As a society, we are so used to getting everything fast and quick. The word efficiency holds us to that. However, I believe people are becoming to keen on having everything in their hands right away. Whenever there is a mistake, and the efficiency is somehow lower, it is the end of the world, right? People get so angry if something takes 1 minute longer than it should. You see it in fast food restaurants, grocery stores, malls, almost everywhere. When it comes to college, I like having online tests. They're less stressful and we do get to see our grade right away. It helps us out a lot. I know that sometimes I don't like to wait weeks to see our grades get posted online. The predictability part makes sense. I would always like it if professors taught the same way for each class. That doesn't always happen though. As we get older you see technology expanding which helps with the efficiency. Companies are developing new ways to make things faster and easier for customers. i like these ideas as we are now in a world where we can do these things and I hope we can keep up with these advances. PAWW005

  6. This video really opened up my eyes, to how McDonaldilization could be a good thing, rather than a bad thing. To answer the first question of the video, can McDonaldilization can be good for Colleges. Waiting for teachers, to grade my test or even paper can have a little anxiety attached to it. But when quizzes are attached to a certain online service, (Blackboard) than it is automatically graded right after you take it. That helps both the teachers and the students about taking a drastic amount of time to get the grading done. The second question, how does it affect the way we learn? I believe that in some cases, we can’t have these programs and computers teach us, there has to be a teacher standing and even teaching us, we can’t replace them with these computers. So in a way as we advance into the future we need to understand what makes schools, what they are and that is the teachers teaching the students. The final two questions can be answered together, I believe this way of living could not be a good way for the future, since in the world where we have, “the fight for fifteen.” How some McDonald employees believe they should be making $15 an hour, is a huge misstep for them. Since McDonalds as a corporation could just look at them and say, “no, why would pay you that much when we could just replace you with machines.” That could be a very scary future that we all live in and that could be the same for a lot of businesses. Where many people will lose jobs. We would be living in a Wall-E sort of world. TB005

  7. I love this video style, very clean and concise. The video asks a lot of great questions at the end. The questions were about whether or not McDonaldization is good for colleges, and society. My answer is simply no. I think this system of doing things is creating generations of people who are not as capable as their grades would suggest. I am not saying that someone with good grades is definitely less intelligent than they seem on paper, but because of the emphasis we put on our scores rather than how much we truly are learning about a particular subject, we tend to focus in on very narrow avenues to the end result of getting that "A" and nothing else. I feel that I could pass most undergraduate courses without ever studying simply because of how "predictable" and "efficient" the testing process has become. This is a bad thing, not a good thing; it leads to workers who are ill prepared for their responsibilities. So many of my health sciences instructors, and classmates complain on a regular basis about how there are so many bad nurses out there that they have worked with or observed who don't know an elbow from a butt crack, and this system of education is likely to thank for that sort of thing. That being said though, I don't really have any better ideas. Poet005

  8. Mcdonaldization is based off of the fast food restaurant McDonald’s. I would have never guessed that they would come up with a sociological theory from McDonald’s. But they use their business model of efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control. I believe that Mcdonaldization is good for colleges and universities. It helps the teachers work load when they are trying to teach multiple classes during a semester. With universities and colleges cutting back on teachers this is a big help for teachers that have a bigger work load than normal. I like the fact that I can take a test on the computer and get my test results back immediately. This instant feedback is very helpful for students. It takes the stress and anxiety of not knowing the results for a couple days or a week away. Mcdonaldization affects the way we learn because it helps with standardizing of educations from different colleges or universities. No matter what college or university you go to you will get the same education or close to the same. For society it turns us more into objects then humans I think. Each of us has our own specialty or contribution to society. We specialize in one field most the time when we are studying at school. Cardinals005.

  9. The video talks about the mcdonaldization of society and the four main points which are efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control. I don't really think that mcdonaldization is that good for colleges and universities. I don't really see how it fits in with that. It can affect the way you learnt by first using efficiency. If you take a test and you finish, then it's automatically entered into an online grading system. When it comes to predictability you expect every teach to teach the same. However that's not the case. Mostly all teachers teacher differently. Unless the school makes them teach a certain way which i think is wrong. Calculability comes into play when you get good grades so you can maintain your grade point average. I think the control part needs to be changed however. Not every class should teach the same way. Its not showing students or kids diversity or other ways of learning. They're showing it all has to be done one way or you're wrong. I feel it can be both good and bad for society. I feel like with some changes it could help the future, but some parts like the control is bad. If that doesn't change it could be bad for the future.Mustang005

    1. I agree staying at a controlling job that you hate going to each day is not for me so I left jobs I didn't like. However, advancements that make life better and save lives are wonderful.
      Years ago I learned to appreciate modern society while on a wagon train in N. Dakota for a week. My home was a tent that I put up each night and took down each morning. Food had to be prepared over a fire, you walked, rode a horse or sat in a bumpy wagon. You kept moving in rain or heat to meet our goal of 10-12 miles a day. Does anyone want to go back to those days? Technology has made life so much easier and we all have choices to find the job we enjoy and create our own life style and accept technology's way of life or not. grandma005

  10. I think Mcdonaldization is another way to evaluate the educational system in which can help with the overall education but I do believe there are better methods in improving the overall educational system. To use a mcdonadization method in the schooling system would make the system seem repetitive and the learning would decrease as this would make it the same environment day in day out until you graduate. I also believe that Professors need the freedom to cover what needs to be covered and the amount of one area that is to be covered. Difficult areas need to be emphasized to better teach the students. In taking Biology 140 here at ICC we never took the time to emphasize on any of such material, every week was a new chapter or area in which we couldn’t learn but had to memorize in order to pass that test. The next week we started the same process all over again because we needed to cover all the chapters and did not have the time to stop and try to get a better grasps on the material. This is where I think the education would go in if mcdonaldization was introduced which does not help the students except for that moment in their schooling. This is also why I say there are better methods to be introduced some that won’t take out the leaning process to be filled with memorization. When I get into the real world most people will want me to know what I’m doing opposed to “Hold on a second I’m trying to memorize this and your surgery is in less than an hour”. Scary right, this my point because that is what the mcdonaldization will do in the educational system. BHL005

    1. It is true that we use it in our educational system but it also plays a huge role in our every day life. In today's society everything is fast-paced and you always need to be somewhere. Whe it is true that we use it in our educational system but it also plays a huge role in our every day life. In today's society everything is fast-paced and you always need to be somewhere. For example, if you have to be at a wedding by 5 o'clock. If you are also the best man you cannot be late at all. You might also have to go pick up a ton of things.. So if you're running 45 minutes late picking up the cake, it throws the whole wedding off of the original time schedule and some people might get upset because they live in a mcdonaldizaton reality. Rose005

  11. Mcdonaldization is not a sufficient way to run society because its only focuses it quantity and quality and how they can make it easy on professors, when in all actuality they wanted this profession and what it all entailed. In college it should be about both quantity and quality because that way we are getting our moneys worth, education cost to much not to get the whole package.With Mcdonaldization i feel like it takes away the person feeling away from the professor and the individuals in there lecture. I feel we sacrifice too much when going to college because at the end of the day we are not guaranteed anything not even a job after we have finished being trained ( classroom studies) and just like working in a Mcdonalization society there is no in between you either know it or you don't. I don't believe in efficiency based off wait time, efficiency should pertain to how the person at the server interacted with you. If it works in society, than it works but i feel like somethings should be more person instead of trying to run specific institutions like its a restaurant. Hopefully there could be an alternative to the way society is ran. MelaninQueen005

  12. I agree that mcdonaldlization of college education can have good results, but it can come with negative ones too. We try to control the efficiency of graduation rates by sacrificing the human element in teaching it. Our society lives in such a fast past way that many of us can not afford to study for longer amounts of time which makes choosing a lesser valued degree opposed to degrees such as doctorates. I feel like we are lowering our standards of what we consider quality education. The choice to learn online is convenient and allows more people to have the opportunity to achieve a degree. This is limited to lower income career choices that in return makes higher career options fall off the radar. Online classes can only give a student one type of learning process. In my opinion, you are not able to prove accountability for the students grades.
    On the other hand, I prefer when professors use both face to face teaching and then use technology as an additional learning resource because it can be helpful to the learning process. It also encourages students to be resourceful in research and problem solving. As a nursing major I wouldn't be comfortable working with out a quality education. I would like to graduate sooner but the career I want requires me to actually know what I am doing on the job.Jimmys005

  13. I like how it talks about the school system as a sense of McDonaldization. I, personally, feel as though standardized tests are not very beneficial to the learning process. They test our ability to memorize and pick out the answer within a reasonable time frame, but they do not really test the understanding of the topic. McDonaldization in the learning zone takes away from the exploration of the information. It makes it so that you become focused on knowing the right information that you do not get to dig deep into everything that you learn, Everyone learns differently and McDonaldizing the learning hurts some people in the long run. lucy005

  14. At the end of the video they asked a couple good questions that made me think. One of those questions that stood out to me the most was “how will mcdonaldization affect our future?” I believe that mcdonaldization will turn our world into a fast paced society, which would turn our thought processes into quantity over quality, which isn’t good. A good example that the video used was how colleges would be affected if they used mcdonaldization. Colleges would focus on how many students are failing or passing instead of helping us all to succeed. They would also lose focus on helping students understand the course instead of just focusing on a syllabus and how fast they can get through it so they can start on the next semester. I feel like mcdonaldization would make the people in our society very needy and would bring the expectations of how fast things should get done. It would turn employees into “robots” that could easily be replaced due to the consistency on how things would get done. Food005

  15. The McDonaldization makes four good points, because we do tend to rush everything but want it perfect and correct at the same time. We tend to believe that when we go somewhere to get food then I shouldnt have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for my order. Knowing that there are people ahead of me but so what, then we rationalize it by saying that's why I came out because I didn't want to cook. Then we also say its cheaper and I can get more for my buck instead of going to the store and buying groceries. Our future will be ran by robots at the pace we're wanting things to go if we don't change the theory of what Mcdonaldization believe to be true. It take me back to the movie Holiday Heart when he tell the lady she's like a microwave she want everything quick and easy. So I think thats how our future will be real soon. mc12-005

  16. From this video I am now made aware of what Mcdonaldization is: efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control. Efficiency is known as the standards of which expectation are placed on the customer and business. Predictability is the hope of something being the same, or close enough, at one place as it is at another. Calculability is referred to as a number pleasurable to someone. Control is what people have the power of doing. At the end of the video there were multiple questions proposed, but there is one question I found the most important which is, “Is it good for society?” Realizing that “it” is referring to McDonaldization makes one confront the prongs of which McDonaldization is built upon. With that being said, I believe McDonaldization is not good for society. I say this because it seems as i McDonaldization conflicts with societal evolution. People must be willing to wait for stuff, despite their want for service as soon as possible. Also, people must be willing to step outside the zone of comfort and embrace other aspects of life. We are not always going to have what we want how we want it. No that is not being difficult, that’s being human. It’s apart of life.


  17. Like said in the last blog this is society. I can’t understand predictability though. I don’t expect a different place to have the same thing and made the same way somewhere else because I know how people are. I expect people and other places to have something totally different. Calculability I can understand. I don’t know how many times during a day that I calculate my dollar. Know I can go right around the corner and get a bigger meal for $1 less. I don’t care if it was 50 cents, I want the cheapest thing. I want the cheapest thing I don’t care if its worse to be honest with you. Dollar005

  18. In this video it introduces us to Mcdonaldization, a concept written by George Ritzer in 1993. It is broken up into 4 parts; efficiency, control, calculability, and predicatability. Efficiency, being how long something takes. Control, the power someone has over something. Calculability readily relied on. And lastly predicatability, the word being self explanatory. They used an example for each explainging how the steps work in McDonalds' food chains. What's cool about it is that it works with in more than just McDonalds. It works in our schools, stores, jobs and more. McDonaldiazation is involved with in our societies as a whole and in many different but the same ways. To add another example Caseys' gas station. It shows efficiency by how quickly it takes to purchase and pay for your items. You and the employee are both in control when you are pumping your gas and you are paying. They control the pricing where you still get to chose and demand what you want. Calculability is shown by the quality of each donut that you buy..tasting the same each time. Predicatability is shown with what is expected to be in the store each visit and in most cases the employee waiting on you. PurpleHearts005

  19. Mcdonaldization is a very evident thing to see in our society today. You can see it everywhere you go from college to where you eat. It is true that i expect all McDonald to serve the same foods and I expect them to be the same quality. For expectation i expect the food to be done rather quickly and if not I probably would get a little annoyed. Calculability is extremely easy for me to relate to as I always want a bigger bang for my buck. Mcdonaldization is taking over our society and I'm not sure thats a good thing. Acer005

  20. Mcdonaldization is a good thing but also a bad thing. It encourages us to move at a fast pace but sometimes fast can't be too fast. We use it in every day life besides for fast food. Like the way we intake information and apply it to real life situations. For example if you work at a restaurant and you are a waitress you need to make sure that food and drinks get to the table at inefficient time. getting away from food you could be putting cars together and you have a deadline before all of the cars need to be shipped on the boat so you have to get them done out before the shipment leaves. Things happen in a timely fashion if you use that strategy. When we go to school and we learn a whole lesson in a day aren't we mcdonaldzationing. We are in taking all that information in a short amount of time and applying it to our work skills. Rose005

  21. mcdonaldization has 4 key points organization, Efficiency, Predictability, Uniformity and Control I believe. these 4 key points help build a business and are also taught to employees. with the jobs I have had I have heard almost all of them especially the uniformity when you go to the same chain of food restaurants or the same clothing store you expect it to be the same. The food should taste and look the same and if its a clothing store within the same chain you should expect the prices to be the same as well. as consumers those are the things you would look for and it would be easily pointed out if it wasn't being done right
    kyw 005

  22. The 4 principles of mcdonalalization efficency,predictably uniformity, and control all work well in the fast food industry, because everything is set in a particular order. But applied in school now because everything is runned differently by certain individuals, nother all rules are followed as according to the rulebook, rules are loosely followed, but in the case of the fast food industry you have no choice because you need customers. Honeytea005

  23. If we were to treat the rest of our life with the same mentality that we treat McDonaldization at McDonalds we would probably learn to be more patient or we would just always be angry and impatient. Being the optimistic person I am, I don’t hope for the latter. Personally McDonaldization is fifty/ fifty pro and con. Good grades are very important, yes, but I care less about maintaining my GPA as I do actually gaining something from that class. One thing that I never fail to gain from a class is learning how to work with different personality types because all teachers are different. And to be honest it is always the teacher’s style that you remember more clearly than the actual course content (more specifically what you liked and disliked). All of our teachers having the same predictable style would be very boring and slightly disengaging. However, it is really nice to take a test and then have the grade in instantly; it takes out a lot of the anxious waiting. Every student is different and likes how different parts of McDonaldization fit into school so it would never be perfect to everyone. Spoopy005

  24. The McDonaldization of society focuses on four key qualities which are efficiency, predictably, calculability, and control. These four key elements help show the way we act in certain situations or why we act a certain way. Such as in the video, it stated that when we go to McDonald's we expect to get the same thing no matter what location we go to, we expect that they should all be the same and we should get the same taste. Another reason why we would go is because it is cheap and we can get a lot for our money. Another example i thought was interesting, because i know i do this sometimes is how it stated that sometimes we want a teacher to teach a certain way because we know how we learn best or we liked the way another teacher taught. I also thought our mindsets were interesting on how we thing that we need to get an A or how technology has advanced to where many different people can do the same thing easily or how computers can calculate our grade and put it into a grade book automatically. Many things have changed and it is interesting to see all of the changes. bball005

  25. I learned the four elements which are efficiency, predictability, calculabilty, and control and these are the most rational forms to help run a business efficiency helps the customer to do things on their own like getting their own napkins, predictability helps us to get an understanding of others company's but this could also become a problem because not all things are the exact same, some things are the same in some ways but also different quantity over quality is what helps calculablity and control is having to do with technology. I feel that this helps and is good for college students, but it also will hurt them a little in the future because I feel that when you view these four elements they impact the type of information that we receive, but you will also need to view these fur elements with the right mindset. I see it as a irrational process and dehumanizing and It possibly might damage societies and damages peoples health. And as a total it effects more then just college students but also many other types of societies throughout the world, and is being sped up by the world, I feel that if we can control how we take these types of things in then that would be the first step to success. -Annie2016

  26. I work at a local “Big Box” home improvement store, part time, while attending ICC. I had been employed by this same company approximately 12 years ago, and was amazed and a little shocked at how different store operations had changed since my previous employment. When I worked her, before, customer service had an entirely different definition. You would greet the customer, ask them how you could be of assistance, what was the project or problem they were trying to accomplish or solve, and making certain that their experience was personal, satisfactory, and professional. Now, what used to take anywhere from half an hour to two or three hours, may take less than five minutes to accomplish due to the accessibility of the internet. There is no longer that “human” quality of the customer/salesperson interaction. You can go online and place your order, have the product shipped to either your home or for pickup at the local store, and never have to interact with another person for this task. We see this occurrence every day, in many of the tasks we take for granted. You can go into many of the local businesses ring up your own purchases at one of the self-check-out kiosks without waiting for the customer with two shopping carts ahead of you. No waiting in line at all, with the possible exception of the customer ahead of you at the self-check-out. The Macdonaldization of society is a reality that everyone should be aware of NOW. People today are so “now” oriented that we have lost the ability to be spontaneous, creative, independent, self-reliant, and, sometimes, just plain polite to one another. The interaction between people seems to be becoming a thing of the past. At least at the MacDonald’s restaurants, we still hear someone asking “How may I serve you today?” Seoulman005


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