Over-Simplified Law Enforcement Reform....Really?

Law Enforcement Reform Made Easy? Really?


  1. This article was very interesting and informative. Police brutality has been a problem for a prolonged period of time now, with little to no improvement recently. The issues that police brutality and excessive force cause are absurd, and can be controlled, or even stopped. First of all, I think we need to get rid of all the bad police officers who are causing crimes and creating more issues than needed. As we all know, 20% of police cause 80% of problems. The article pointed out that there are many problems caused by the “bad apple” police officers. Not only are these officers causing issues on the streets, but they are causing economic issues. The bad police are costing America money. First of all, the bad police are costing us money because we are paying them to act in an unacceptable way towards the people in our communities. Additionally, civil suits, especially in big cities, cost an immense amount of money. The money wasted on these police officers could be beneficial to schools, or other aspects of our community. Possessing educated police officers will only take care of part of the problems we are facing as a country; possessing an educated individual of political power will be even more beneficial. As Obama did during his presidency, we need more political officials to realize the obscenities that are occurring in our communities, by our own police officers. Many political individuals do not realize how massive the police brutality problems are. Police brutality, unnecessary stop and frisks, and excessive force cases can easily be put to a halt with the right reforms. Possessing educated police officers and officials with an adequate political standing could completely diminish the issues we are facing. As the article said, reformation will not be easy whatsoever, but it something that is needed. Purple003

    1. It is sad when very few cops are the bad ones, and because of what they do, it makes the whole criminal justice look bad. It is funny that we all remember the bad times in life and have conversations with people about those bad times but we never mention all the good that has happened when anyone in the criminal justice has changed our lives. You don't hear about the woman who was thankful for getting an Order of Protection from her abusive husband. You never hear about the police officer her showed up at the right time and saved your life. These are the things people should be talking about. hotfox003

  2. Police brutality is something we all hear more often than we should. Sometimes I think that police are sick of dealing will the same people on a daily basis that they need to be a little rough with people. Maybe they think if they push them around a little bit that they will stop being stupid. But the problem is that people anymore are just stupid. No offense but look around. We all look at someone and think how can they be that stupid? No trying to justify what the police do but I do think there might be some madness to what they are thinking. I remember seeing this video where this teenager girl was sitting in a classroom and the police officer was asking her to get up. This had nothing to do with race, and she just sat there ignoring what the police was asking her to do. Her pulled her up and she was wailing all over. Now my opinion, that girl should have just got up like the police officer wanted. It doesn't matter that she was a teenager girl. The moment she disobeyed what was asked of her, she can't get mad at what needed to be done to get her out of the classroom. What was the police supposed to do? Sit there and keep asking nicely??? Like that was supposed to work. It was not like the officer beat her up or threw her. She was the one having a fit. hotfox003

    1. I agree that officer's can't spend all of there time trying to diffuse a situation because someone is out of control and can't be handled the appropriate way and have to be taken by force. There is is also the counterargument that the police can't be judge, juror, and exuceutioner. They must follow the rules set down for them by legislator. If they take the law into their own hands, society would revert to the way it was in the wild, wild west. This would be an intolerable situation as history has already proven.sly.003

    2. The thin balance between diffusing a situation and controlling it can be a tough balance to maintain. However, many police officers deal with the type of people you wouldn't want on the street everyday. Dealing with "bad" people everyday all day, always having to be the one ruining someones day, always being the guy/girl to see the worst humanity has to offer in a given situation can take its toll. How do officers deal with this stress? Are there programs out there for them like there are for veterans with PTSD. Stressful police officers can create stressful situations, so I believe one way to lower the overall incident levels with police officers in general would be to look at their psychological well being. I am not placing blame at any party, neither the community or police departments. However, to solve some of the issues police face we need to approach it from multiple sides. Ghost003

    3. I couldn't agree more with what you're saying. People are just plain stupid. It's not that hard to comply with an officer right? People want to go be stupid and break laws and then get amd if an officer arrests them. If they don't comply and then get rough with a cop, they expect the cop to do nothing and take it. People are not only soft in this world these days, they are also very stupid. Some situations can be solved with just words. The officer has to do what they have to do. Its their job. Mustang003

  3. The police forces have come further in trying to control violence and to be more active in stopping violence. In some situations the police need to use force if the individual is drunk or on drugs. Some people become out of control and think nothing can be done to them. People try to see how far they can push an officer. There are some officers with a lot of patience and don't get worked up. Other officer's could just be having a bad day and come upon someone with a bad attitude. The situation can be turn extreme and escalate. Officer's can only take so much and then they have to react and handle the situation the best way they can. The people in politics don't always know what is going on because they think everyone is doing their job and why get involved. There's always those officer's that just corrupt and don't mind using force to calm a situation. They are scaming themselves and are doing illegal activities. The officer's that are not doing their jobs need to be fired and good officers hired who care and want to make changes. People that have money are getting better treatment than those who have none and live in poorer neighborhoods and can't afford proper legal services and have to take the representation that they get with no other options. Officer's should under go psychological testing to see if they are prone to violence and this would eliminate some of the bad officer's that are hired. That would save the police department money also because they won't have to pay legal fees to defend the officers and won't have to worry about getting sued.sly.003

  4. Police brutality has been a major topic of discussion over the last 5 years. Police brutality seems to have been on a rise. There is a handful of officers that believe that they are above and beyond the law and can’t be touched. In most cases, do whatever they want to do. When you have officers like that constantly cause more problems in the community than they are solving then you create a divide between the community and the law enforcement. This puts up walls between them that continues to grow. That’s something no community wants around. You want the public to feel comfortable when they see law enforcement, not scared and nervous about what is going to happen next. You want to welcome them with open arms and show them that the law enforcement is there for them to serve and protect. Not tear apart and divide. You want the law enforcement and community to be together as one. Now when have those terrible officers around and charges everyone in the picture money. Mainly because of the civil law suits. When take out or remove those bad officers you lower the number of civil suits and save tons of money.

    1. I really enjoy when you discussed the divided community and law enforcement because you really stressed how important it is. Having a strong relationship between the community and law enforcement is beneficial to everyone. As Dr. White discussed in class, he had people in the community tipping him off to crime that was occurring in the community because those people knew that Dr. White was trying to make the community better, as are all law enforcement. People are intimidated by law enforcement, which should not be the case. Ultimately, we all want to have a safer community, and that is the purpose of the law enforcement officials. Purple003

  5. To even say "The police are out of control" is ludicrous. The police are the peace keepers in our local communities. Have there been recent shootings that were less than reputable or unjustified? Maybe. I wasn't on the jury so I can't say for certain. I also know how much respect I have for the strong, uncorrupted cops who protect me and my family 24/7 365. To disrespect them for 2 or 3 bad judgement calls or poor police performance is pathetic and childish. We are all human, and we do all make mistakes. I think the problem is not the police, its the media trying to make them look bad so they can boost ratings. Because controversy fuels their ratings. Stop trying to fix the police and start fixing the news. USA003

  6. Illegal use of deadly force, unreasonable search and seizure, and many other issues are plaguing the police structure within the United States. A man by the name of Samuel Walker thinks he knows how we may be able to reform police departments with some of these serious issues. Many people may consider police in our country to be "out of control" or not subject to the laws they enforce, some may even say that some police officers are racist or sexist. While I am sure some of these accusations are true in some respect, they cannot reflect on all police officer’s nationwide. Walker believes that, though many of these products of media are false in the larger sense, some of these accusations still might portray problems in the system overall. Walker goes further in his argument by suggesting that activist set against police brutality should target the politicians that are elected into office with little experience on police matters. They should seek to educate and outline plans to better regulate police activity and lower crime rates overall to the politicians. By approaching those who are considering running for a public office, the activists could get them on board and educated in better ways to understand, use, and develop policing in their respected communities. Apparently, there are already several sources to help develop these types of plans. Former President Barrack Obama started a task force with just this in mind as well as multiple other well-known sources. However, I do not think that just targeting the future political powers of America will do it all together. I believe we should look at police training as well. As Dr. White, had mentioned in class, police officers spend a great deal of time on marksman ship and shooting. Maybe emphasizing so much time on firearm proficiency gives the recruits a tendency to fall back on the gun in stressful situations that might not call for the use of deadly force. Adding more training that focuses on learning how to communicate and deescalate situations more thoroughly may provide better "control" in our police force. Ghost003

  7. Police brutality is an issue. That's what the media wants you to think. I have always felt as a police officer you do what you need to do to calm down the situation. Not only do people think police are bad, but some people are just not smart. They want to harass police and do anything except what they say. That's how problems occur. People are just stupid. When people get mad if a police officer tackles someone to the ground and then the media goes out of control. How hard is it to just listen to the officer and comply with what he says? If you comply with them and do what they say their doesn't need to be a bad situation. So many people get very mad at police officers for doing their jobs. As Dr. White said in class, that 95% of police officers are good. That little bit of 5% makes them seem so bad. Not all police are bad, they're just doing their jobs. Instead of criticizing the police they should be thanking them. The police are not the people that really need to be reformed. It's the stupid people in today's society that can't understand what a law is. Mustang003


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