Police Legitimacy.....Needed and Why?

Police Legitimacy......Needed and Why?


  1. In this video, it explained procedural justice and police legitimacy and why they are both important. Procedural justice is important because it shows the value that police place on the citizen. It explained the four elements of procedural justice including participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. In other words, when police treat citizens with politeness and showing them they they care, the citizens will feel more comfortable sharing their side of situations, which allows for police to handle the situations in the right manner. While practicing this kind of justice, the officer should show empathy aside from rudeness and dismissive behavior. As shown in the video, the philosophical foundation of procedural justice is, "do unto others as as you would have them do unto you." If police act properly than the community will be more likely to comply, making all situations simpler than if they didn't. At the end of the video there was a slide shown that explained how to better your department in means of behavioral justice. It listed that as recruiting new officers, staff should thoroughly look through all background and learn who the person truly is. Also with proper training and supervision, it limits problems down the road that could harm the officers or those in the community. I think this video went into good detail in explaining how this process works and how current and future officers can better, behappy001

    1. The value the police place on citizen is important as this helps for citizens to decide how they will behave in the long term. With police handle the situation correctly as they show they care they can be more effective in sharing a positive face for law enforcement as a whole as their seen as fair not corrupt. Looking at the background surrounding the officer is helpful with helping an individual to understand what kind of person they are and how they may act towards the public as officer decisions make a major difference on the lifes of citizens. Eagle001

  2. This video about procedural justice touched on many of the things we have been discussing in class about community policing, being respectful, and being effective as possible when handling different situations. The officers that we had come to class last Thursday also spoke about aspects of procedural justice even if then didn’t call it by name. If you want to get into policing to carry a badge and a gun and be a jerk to people, then you’re doing it for the wrong reasons and hopefully you won’t last. Having the authority of an officer doesn’t somehow make you better than the people you will be dealing with. In order to “serve” your community you need to gain citizen’s trust, which you do by being fair, communicating well, and just treating other’s like you would want your child to be treated. Like the officer in class said, “ You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”. How you treat others is a direct reflection of yourself and the department you work for. I’m a firm believer in karma. If you’re treating others poorly or unfairly, if will come back to you someday. Procedural justice is a broad approach to a style of policing. I know everything isn’t always roses, and there will be situations where this model won’t be effective. But if you can treat others fairly and with respect, and be a more effective officer, why wouldn’t you? RustyPete001

    1. I agree RustyPete001, police officers that do not do anything but us their power to their advantage to be jerks to the public do not deserve to be police officers. They are the reason that police have a bad name and should be fired. zmw001

  3. From the Police legitimacy video this outlined the effectiveness that procedural justice could have on the community in terms of having a healthy relationship between the public and law enforcement. The video showed that some officer communities this could be very simple as well such as a traffic stop an officer pulled and individual flew past a curb letting the citizen know that they could have hit someone and they need to be careful is letting them know the seriousness of their behavior along with sending the message across if anyone did this they would be pulled over this is fairness to the public and along takes a couple of second s to accomplish this goal. There was a lot of beneficial factors that went with doing the process of the procedural justice down the road such as, this process increases police legitimacy citizen is more likely to engage positively with the police, procedural justice is more effective after an individual goes with ride along to understand the mindset of the police. If the officer doesn’t communicate with the citizen, why the arrest has occurred or why the officer used whatever force they did then that individual will most likely rebel as they will feel they are being treated unfairly. Participation is also another important part in this entire process as this allows the citizens to share their side of the story which can make this person feel like their opinion is valued. This also can establish a trustworthy motive between the officer and the member of the public. Because of what the public understand they understand fairness more than effectiveness which is why the officer must explain his mindset as the public will not understand the experience of the officer or why they took the actions or behaviors they did. Eagle001

    1. I feel participation is important as well. If police don't explain and allow for the citizen to participate in the conversation, then they are just going to anger that citizen even more. If more departments practiced procedural justice, police departments in this country would be in a lot better shape. Public relations can only be helped by this mind set, which in tern can only help the effectiveness of that department.-OKC001

  4. This lecture is so important for policing today. Within the first ten minutes it talked about everything I would like to do as a cop. Will cops ever have to not use force? No. We live in a world where police officers never having to use violence is an unseen reality. However, do they have to use it every time? If more police officers tried to follow these guidelines then there would be a lot more citizens who wanted to help the police than hinder them. Now, not every person is going to be reached by a calm collected police officer. Sometimes a law enforcement officer just has to be mean to get his point across. However, I feel that police departments would be so much better off if they tried to impliment this way of thinking with all of their officers. With a community that actually trusts its local PD and backs them, that PD will be able to be so much more effective and get things done. But as this video says, not all cops can be so easily converted. The use of procedural justice should be engrained in all new police officers though, so they start out in this mindset and not have to convert them. Chicago is hiring 1000 new officers, and if all of them could be taught these ideas, the Chicago PD would have 1000 new officers that will be so effective in winning the trust back that they have lost, and doing a better job of policing. Chicago is a city that has lost faith in its local PD, and maybe with good reason. While it is ignorant to say that Chicago has no good cops, the justice department thinks that they have a rather large amount of cops who aren’t doing their job to the fullest or properly. Hopefully these 1000 new officers can bring this department back into a positive light with the public.-OKC001

    1. I agree this video is a goldmine of information we should be learning as up and coming police officers. These guidelines will help build an effectively communicating police force. We need to put forth programs to help officers convert to a style of policing that goes in line with the guidelines of procedural justice. Bike001

    2. I also agree that this video has a ton of information that we and others should be learning to become a police officer. It will help bring the the community and the police force together to work as one instead of what is going on now with the one sided battle going down hill. Steel001

  5. This video informed us about procedural justice and police legitimacy, two very important things regarding policing. Procedural justice is all about police treating people fairly during confrontations and everything of that nature. People like to be treated fairly, which is kind of common sense. For example, if an officer is very physical with one individual and is constantly swearing at them and insulting them but the next day is very calm and respectful with that persons neighbor, they aren't going to be happy with the police. It makes sense that people would like to be treated fairly by the police. In fact, Officer Duncan told us that sometimes people are okay with the consequences of their actions more if they are treated fairly than they would if they were treated unfairly. In order for more effective policing, police officers need to start performing procedural justice. Along with procedural justice, police legitimacy is a major concern. The two are kind of related, because if police officers are failing to perform procedural justice, they will have less legitimacy in their communities. Police legitimacy is how the public views the police and in turn it affects how willing they are to cooperate with the police. People do not want to listen to others if they know that they are all a bunch of jerks, and the same goes for the public and the police. So basically, the more poor treatment that the public receives from police officers will lead to less willingness to cooperate from them. It seems pretty simple and with enough hard work and determination, the public and the police can have a great relationship. zmw001

    1. I’m with you on there are different times you need to change how you police but then what happens when you mess up and use force when you shouldn’t have used it ? I think that you need to always go into the problem the same way but if the problem goes south then that when you can change on how you will then police. I did like how you talked about what Officer Duncan said to us as a class though. Pie001

  6. In this video I like how Stephen Mastrofski talked about that the public wonders if the officer talk/ deal with them the same way that they are they are talking with others. The public wants to make sure they are treated fairly no matter what race, gender, etc. they are. The public though aren’t with the officers 24/7 to see if they are being treated the same way as others are being treat. The video also explained the four elements of procedural justice including participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. This just helps explain what the citizens feel about how officers handle procedural justice. The citizens will talk and tell you more as an officer if you talk with respect and not aggressive when wanting facts. I liked the quote Stephen Mastrofski said “Treat people the way you would want someone to treat your mother” this made me think about the proper way I should talk with someone no matter what has happen. I would not want someone to talk to my mother like she was just a piece of trash, so I need to make sure that I don’t talk down on someone because that could be someone’s mother. Makes you think about how you should handle cases and citizens. Pie001

    1. I agree with you that the public wants to be treated all the same no matter what race, gender, or etc. People want to have that respect and they don't get that respect then there not going to like or comply with that officer in the community. I also agree that if they do get respect then they will be more likely to comply with officers in their community.

    2. I also agree that it is all about the public wanting fair and equal treatment across the board. Most of the community look to the police as someone to respect and give them authority and they expect in return that the police do their jobs the right way and are an active but positive member of the community when they are serving. Blackhawks001

    3. I think respect needs to play a bigger role when it comes to being able to effectively police. I know that if I were treated the way some of these officers treat the public I wouldn't want to help them either. Just because someone commits a crime doesn't mean you can treat them like crap because of the poor decision that they made. I think it was Doc or even Duncan who said this "If you arrested them you have already won so why treat them disrespectful with name calling and taunts". Ciaccio001

    4. I agree people just want to be treated equally. You should approach someone and talk to someone with the same amount of respect as you would talk to your mother. Respect is a huge part of policing. Citizens should also treat police with the same amount of respect as they would anyone else. I think thats one of the biggest problems with people now a days, they don't have respect for elders or authority. -dicpario001

    5. i agree. being treated equally is key and people just want to be respected instead of being looked down upon. It is hard for people to be respectful when they are not getting respect in return. One of the biggest problems is the media and it shows the small percentage of cops that don't treat people with respect and people react to that. bball001

  7. This video is extremely informative from the get go. The video explains procedural justice, how it works, does it work?, and knowing it when you see it. I really liked the point he made about how it is not about whether to make an arrest or not it is how the arrest was made. This is a key point to procedural justice as he said when the police have to do something unpleasant to a person (like an arrest) they use procedural justice to do it in away where the citizens don't look at the officer negatively because of it. Procedural justice is crucial in a police department in so many ways its unbelievable. It shows the public that the police place a high value on the citizens well being. While using procedural justice it makes it so much easier to see if someone was treated fairly or not as well. One of the four main elements that stood out to me with procedural justice is the Trustworthy motives because once again they care about the citizens well being. Participation is probably one of the biggest points in procedural justice because it allows the citizen to explain their side of the story which means a lot to the citizen. Procedural justice is all about communicating respect to the citizen. If you give respect on the streets then you get respect back. Listening reflectively and allowing venting from the citizen is a big thing, if you are a god listener that will earn you respect but you can't go out on the street and talk down to citizens using technical police terms. You have to learn how to flip your script so that you can talk on the same level as the citizen (never imitating the citizen though). A good thing to do to citizens is to explain what you did or are doing and why you did it because otherwise the citizens might think you have bad intentions or have a bias against them. Procedural justice is key in creating a great police force and we need to practice it religiously in our police departments today. Bike001

    1. The video is very informational and provides great insight into how procedural justice works. Being able to treat the people with fairness and justness is very essential to the police and will make their jobs much easier. Not every stop has to end with giving a ticket to someone, being able to restrain from always giving out tickets or always arresting people even for small crimes can help an officer gain better public opinion, which in turn would help the police in general. Being a good cop does not always mean arresting every single person you can to help clean up the streets, it can mean being a good citizen yourself and not abusing your power for personal gain but rather using it to help the public. Pack001

  8. This video explained procedural justice and police legitimacy and why these two matters are important. Procedural justice is so important because you want to be fair to everyone and you don’t want to single out a race. People in communities feel more comfortable when police officers are polite and are just doing their job. People will be mad at the time for whatever they’re getting in trouble for but, if you do it with respect they will respect you as an officer. Some officers get the badge and feel that they can do and say whatever they want but, even though you have that badge you still have to be polite and respect others. In other words, treat people how you would want to be treated. The community will respect a cop that has respect for them. This makes the people in the community want to comply more to officers and help them out. If you’re a cop that is just rude and has no respect for people in the community, they will be less likely to comply with the officers. Especially if you’re in an area that isn’t very good but, if you have respect and are nice to the people they will start thinking differently about officers. This also goes with the police legitimacy because if you start showing respect to everyone and treat everyone the same they will see you are just doing your job and that you’re not racial profiling. It all starts with the education part again though if you have educated officers that were taught the right way about these procedures then you will have better cops that aren’t racial profiling and overall just being a bad cop. Educated cops will be able to communicate well and have respect for all people. This starts with the recruiting process they need to look into their background to see what training they have accomplished.CRC001

    1. Education is important when it comes to having good communication skills and incorporating it in your police discretion/decision making. The recruiting process should be sure that a potential police officer can communicate well and handle different types of situations. We do not want to focus on their background too much, focusing on what their skills are now and how well they do the job is most important when hiring for a police department. Bry001

  9. This video was very informative in how procedural justice has a great effect on police legitimacy. Being able to treat the public and suspects in a fair and just way is the most important part of policing as these things are usually what shapes the public view of the police force. I remember when Officer Duncan came and talked to us in class, he said that being able to treat people with respect while you are arresting them or questioning them will help them to be more cooperative with you. If you show them respect, they will in turn show you that same respect back. However if you do not show them respect and handle them with a lot of unnecessary physical force they will be harder to deal with and they will not be as cooperative with the officer. It is very important to show people respect while out in the field because that helps shape the view of police and their legitimacy. People often times are more likely to accept their punishment for their crime from an officer who shows them respect while arresting them, whereas they are less likely to accept their punishment if the officer did not treat with respect. The trust between the public and police is very essential to the success of the police and attributes greatly to being able to keep communities safe. Communities that trust their local law enforcement will be more willing to help out officers in any way they can because they in turn also want to help keep their own communities safe in any way they can. If the new generation of police can win back and keep the trust of the people, then it will be much better in the future for police and it will make their job of protecting the people much easier. Pack001

  10. This video does a very good job of describing what police legitimacy is and why it is so important. It also does a good job describing why procedural justice is in place and why it is also so important. The public's perceptions about the lawfulness and legitimacy of law enforcement are an important criterion for judging policing in a democratic society. Lawfulness means that police comply with constitutional, statutory and professional norms. Legitimacy is linked to the public's belief about the police and its willingness to recognize police authority. Racial and ethnic minority perceptions that the police lack lawfulness and legitimacy, based largely on their interactions with the police, can lead to distrust of the police. Distrust of police has serious consequences. It undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement, and without legitimacy police lose their ability and authority to function effectively. Voluntary support and cooperation is linked to judgments about the legitimacy of the police. A central reason people cooperate with the police is that they view them as legitimate legal authorities, entitled to be obeyed over all it seems like this is all in place so that they can make sure that everyone that the department is dealing with or responding to is treated fairly and with respect. I do think that in some cases people do deserve to have more force used against them, and that is why officers are trained to handle people when they do start to resist. But I believe that the officers should only use the amount of force that is the least amount necessary in order for them to handle the situation. Blackhawks001

    1. How the public views our police officers is important because if they have poor perception, they will not trust those that are patrolling the streets within the community. I hope that there will be a resurrection of police trust in our country because I feel that we have seen that disappear over the last couple of years. Things will go much smoother when police have strong relationships with the community.

  11. Police legitimacy is an extremely current topic in policing today. There seems to be a big lack of trust in police. When force is needed, and then used, there seems to be a video on the internet within the hour, talking about police brutality and the corruption within law enforcement. Someone from my hometown was arrested the other night, and a friend of his immediately took out his phone and started recording the situation, putting it on Facebook that same night. In the video, I saw the officer place lean him against the side of the car after being handcuffed, and there was nothing wrong with what the officer was doing. Other friends of the guy from my hometown were standing nearby and instantly started verbally harassing the police and saying that they were being unfair and mistreating the suspect. There was about eight people talking inappropriately towards the police, when the man arrested was clearly in the wrong. This is just one example of the mistrust that people have in our police officers. Now, there are definitely instances when the police are in the wrong and mistreat some people within the community, however, those few people should never be cops and unfortunately, they give the rest of the police a bad name. There will always be instances when police need to use force, whether it is small amount, or extreme force, way more often than not it will be justified. Those that truly want to police fairly and legitimately will hopefully get rid of the poor name that the bad apples give to law enforcement.

    1. It's a sad time, as I don't believe communities are really just in their ways of attempting to undermine the police force. However, sometimes I understand the pain. But I believe that the wound is not just the police, but on both sides. And the community has to have the desire to heal before anything will be done. - AJC001

  12. This video covered the topics procedural justice and police legitimacy, both things are important when it pertains to policing. Procedural justice is about police treating people fair and with respect during confrontations and anything else of that nature. An example that can be used is from Officer Duncan who came and spoke to us the other day. He stated that a person is going to be more willing to cooperate when treated with fairness and respect rather than being treated disrespectful and like garbage. I think it is very important to treat everyone fair and with respect because even though they may have done something horrible (let’s just say they are being accused of murder) you are more likely to get an actual confession out of the suspect compared to if you were to treat them poorly where they are not going to want to help you out at all. Along with procedural justice, police legitimacy is a major concern. The two are kind of related, because if police officers are failing to perform procedural justice, they will have less legitimacy in their communities. Police legitimacy is how the public views the police and in turn it affects how willing they are to cooperate with the police. If the police are a bunch of jerks to the people in these communities, the less likely these same people are going to want to help them out if there is a problem that needs to be solved. So, these two things really go hand in hand when it comes to being a police officer. Ciaccio001

    1. I agree with how you should treat the officer with respect, and the officer respecting you as well. I think it causes less of a problem, and struggle. As long as the community also respects the police and learns to trust them, I don't think crime would be super bad like it is today. stlblues002

  13. This video goes into great detail as it explains the needs of procedural justice and police legitimacy. To put it in simple terms; do to others what you would like others to do to you. This means that you should treat people kindly, as you would like them to treat you kindly as well. This applies to everyone in life, including police officers on and off the job. What I mean by that is that an officer of the law, in any situation, should treat the citizens of every situation with respect. Many officers may get cocky, impatient, or rude. These qualities reduce the connection with citizens and the willingness of those individuals to help the police. And when it comes down to it, the police cannot serve the community unless the community helps the police. It’s a two way street, and both parties have to be invested. When citizens are treated with respect from officers, the willingness to help out grows. And thus, police are better able to effectively deal with any situation and are better able to solve problems.
    Police legitimacy and the procedural justice are very important to the law enforcement agencies and all of their individual officers. Legitimacy within the police force helps bring the community and police into a more cooperative state, a more interrelated and reliable bond. When officers lose their willingness to help each individual, the community loses it’s hope in the police. When the police don’t put the time and consideration in, the community feels worthless and loses their will to put in when it comes to aiding investigations and problem solving. Officers must focus on bettering themselves and the ways the treat others. In order for the law enforcement to regain it’s trust from the communities, the law enforcement must return to a time of legitimate police and respectful treatment. These achievements are not far off, and as police begin to police better and are more willing and attentive to the community, the law enforcement can heal the divide between themselves and the communities. - AJC001

  14. In this video it talks about procedural justice which is about how the police should treat the public fair caring and respectful fashion during interaction with any individual. Procedural justice not whether to arrest the suspect its how you go about arresting the suspect. Its to make the community trust the police because he treats you with the respect when being talked to or arrested. they also talk about how there is four elements to procedural justice. 1) Participation, let the citizen tell their side of the story of what happened. 2) Neutrality, staying non bias and listening what is going on from both sides before assuming what happened. 3) Dignity, treating all the individuals with respect and courtesy. 4) trustworthy motives, showing to the individual that you do care for their well being. It seems like they are still in trial phase of this plan because they have not got much statistics to back this way of policing. It overall sounds like it could work in most communities. Steel001

    1. Yes treating the citizens fair and with respect and not just going out their to arrest is always a better way of policing. Having procedural justice will get you police legitimacy, following those elements are good ideas and being able to apply those to how you police or go to court to testify would make for a better result.-wreked001

  15. The video addressed and discussed the idea of procedural justice. Procedural justice is the practice of treating and interacting with the public in a way that is fair and can be perceived as fair. It is important to treat people fairly and with respect because in most interactions with the public people are going to respect you if you are respectful of them. Another benefit of procedural justice, other than making interactions go more smoothly, is that practicing it can make the police department look better to the public. When people see an officer being respectful of some one while they are interacting with them then the public is going to reasonably believe that they will be treated respectfully if they ever have to interact with the police. One of the important parts of procedural justice is listening to the suspect and letting them explain the situation in their own words. Even if what they say does not have an impact on whether or not a suspect goes to jail, letting them speak and feel like they are being listened to is going to do a lot to calm down the situation. When I was on my internship last summer I was able to see how profound an effect that simply being calm and treating people with respect could have when I saw the more senior police officers interacting with suspects. When they were able to calm a situation down and bring a suspect or a witness closer to their comfort zone they were able to get a surprising amount of information out of them. Even if it did not have a profound impact on how well you can gain compliance over not doing it, i think that being respectful to a suspect or witness is important to do just out of decency. If they're likely a criminal and you're taking them to jail or giving them a ticket anyway then there wouldn't be much of a point to being harsh or unkind to them. CoolGuy001

  16. This video explains what procedural justice and legitimacy is. Procedural Justice is saying that police should treat the public in a respectful way. It focus on how the police interact with the public. The public tends to accept the outcome of a situation if they believe that it was handled in the correct way and Procedural Justice insures that it is. The example that is used in the video that its not also about one side getting what they want but is more about how the officer explains it. Procedural Justice is important because it makes it easier for citizens to determine rather or not it was fair or effected. It also helps citizen determine if the officer is treating them as they would treat any other citizen.There are four elements of Procedural Justice. The first one is participation this is where the citizen is encouraged to tell their side of the story. This is important because everyone like to be heard and this way they citizen feel as if they are being heard. The second one is neutrality. This is where police officers uses legitimate reason and not bias to make a decision. The third one is dignity. This is when police are respectful. The last one is trustworthy motives. This is where the police officers shows that they care about the citizens well-being. All of these are important to have because it can and will make a officer better. In society today we do not trust the people who are suppose to protect us. We see so much in the media on how officers has done this or that and we tend to believe it without even knowing the full story. By doing this we set up a wall between us and officers. This wall prevents us from trusting like we should. SO the police legitimacy and procedural are set in place to try and gain that trust back between the officers in the community. Hawk001

  17. This video explained what procedural justice and legitimacy is. Procedural Justice is saying how police officers should treat the public when interacting with people in any situation. Procedural Justice is not why you arrested someone it's the way you go about arresting someone. Police are commit procedural justice when they show: The public that police use fair procedures in exercising their authority. Effectiveness in crime and disorder control. Fairness in the distribution of outcomes, it's about the process. There are four elements of PJ: Participation, citizens are allowed to explain their situation and describe their views before police decided what to do. I think that's a very important element. People should be allowed to tell each side of the story fairly before action is taken. This is where good communication skills come into play on the officers part. 2) Neutrality: Police use legitimate evidence to decide, not personal biases. Police transparent about the basis of their decisions. I think this is one of the biggest problems in policing. Some police officers will use what they believe or "believe in" before what actually is right. 3) Dignity: police are polite, acknowledge citizens rights. The rights of citizens are very important, how can you fairly police without knowing the rights of the people. 4) Trustworthy motives: Show care about citizens well-being and show concern for society's welfare. I think it's very important for your heart and mind to be in the right place when policing. You want to better people in a positive way. I know arresting someone is not always positive but for some people it only takes that one time to scare them straight. Trustworthy motives is tricky. You don't always know someone true intentions. We see lack of trust now a days in the media. Many people don't trust the police because of a few officers actions. I think it's very important that we work on gaining back the trust between the law and citizens. -dicaprio001

  18. The video discusses procedural justice, police legitimacy, and community policing. All things we’ve talked about in class. When people don’t listen to what a police officer is telling them, police may sometimes have to use force. Not all officers have to use force, but sometimes they have no choice, and that’s the only thing social media captures.
    Police legitimacy helps bring the community together, and making it so the community can rely on them instead of making them lose trust and hope.
    Procedural justice is police treating the people they encounter kindly, instead of being cocky and rude. If you cooperate with the officer, you have a better chance of being respected. stlblues002

  19. Stephen Mastrofski spoke very true when discussing procedural justice. Speaking about a citizens well being and fairness in a situation. Communication is key, as Stephen says "You don't get any points unless you communicate that to the citizen.. if it isn't communicated then it doesn't occur". Procedural justice is most important when it comes to officers patroling on beats and are the most interactive with citizens. The actions that police take effects citizens behavior in a situation, which is why good communication is important to have. Participation, Neutrality, Dignity, and Trustworthy motives are the four of PJ according to Stephen Mastrofski. These four things all relate to good communication skills. Showing that police care about the society and citizens is important in order to keep a positive and safe environment Bry001

  20. This video discusses many things such as procedural justice, police legitimacy, and community policing. One thing that i noticed is the way that a police officer would treat a suspect or the way that they would handle a situation. If the police officer handles the situation with respect and treats the suspect as a human being they are going to have a better handle on the situation then someone who comes out cussing and yelling at the suspect. A police officer that has respect with the suspect or person of interest will have a better chance of getting along with that person and they will be more cooperative. If an officer escalates a situation then they may have to use force to calm the suspect down, which is something they would rather stay away from. Having good communication is key because the more that an officer can talk someone out of a situation versus using force the more likely they are going to have a better outcome. Police legitimacy helps the community come together and believe in the system that is there to help them and serve them. The officers go into different situations with different mindsets, if someone treats the officer with respect then they are most likely going to get respect back. But if someone is rude to an officer it is more likely that the officer is going to be rude back. The media has had a big affect on the way that people act or react when an officer comes around. The media tends to point out a lot of the bad things that officers have done and this can affect the way a person reacts when they come into contact with an officer. It is important to have a safe environment and the police try to keep it in order and try to keep the positivity around. bball001, bball002

  21. the act of procedural justice if done right along with the act of getting to know you community and working your beat with wanting to actually get to know the people and things that go on in your area will insure police legitimacy. Getting out of your car and walking around when you can or stopping to talk to the neighborhood kids to see how their doing goes a long way in peoples and parents eyes.-wreked001

  22. From the Police legitimacy video this outlined the effectiveness that procedural justice could have on the community in terms of having a healthy relationship between the public and law enforcement. The video showed that some officer communities this could be very simple as well such as a traffic stop an officer pulled and individual flew past a curb letting the citizen know that they could have hit someone and they need to be careful is letting them know the seriousness of their behavior along with sending the message across if anyone did this they would be pulled over this is fairness to the public and along takes a couple of second s to accomplish this goal. There was a lot of beneficial factors that went with doing the process of the procedural justice down the road such as, this process increases police legitimacy citizen is more likely to engage positively with the police, procedural justice is more effective after an individual goes with ride along to understand the mindset of the police. If the officer doesn’t communicate with the citizen, why the arrest has occurred or why the officer used whatever force they did then that individual will most likely rebel as they will feel they are being treated unfairly. Participation is also another important part in this entire process as this allows the citizens to share their side of the story which can make this person feel like their opinion is valued. This also can establish a trustworthy motive between the officer and the member of the public. Because of what the public understand they understand fairness more than effectiveness which is why the officer must explain his mindset as the public will not understand the experience of the officer or why they took the actions or behaviors they did. Eagle002

  23. Police legitimacy is an extremely current topic in policing today. There seems to be a big lack of trust in police. When force is needed, and then used, there seems to be a video on the internet within the hour, talking about police brutality and the corruption within law enforcement. Someone from my hometown was arrested the other night, and a friend of his immediately took out his phone and started recording the situation, putting it on Facebook that same night. In the video, I saw the officer place lean him against the side of the car after being handcuffed, and there was nothing wrong with what the officer was doing. Other friends of the guy from my hometown were standing nearby and instantly started verbally harassing the police and saying that they were being unfair and mistreating the suspect. There was about eight people talking inappropriately towards the police, when the man arrested was clearly in the wrong. This is just one example of the mistrust that people have in our police officers. Now, there are definitely instances when the police are in the wrong and mistreat some people within the community, however, those few people should never be cops and unfortunately, they give the rest of the police a bad name. There will always be instances when police need to use force, whether it is small amount, or extreme force, way more often than not it will be justified. Those that truly want to police fairly and legitimately will hopefully get rid of the poor name that the bad apples give to law enforcement.

  24. This video did a great job explaining procedural justice. I am surprised that procedural justice does not depend on the outcome, but it makes sense that it depends on the fairness in the distribution of outcomes. Procedural justice sounds easy; police just have to be fair, but with the media speculating and jumping whenever a police officer messes up, that makes it difficult for citizens to positively view law enforcement. I think procedural just will work way better and easier if the media was barred from reporting on law enforcement, investigations, etc. The media also needs to stop being so biased and stop reporting half the news. Practically, none of that will happen, so police officers will just be left with the responsibility of working harder. Procedural justice consists of four parts; participation (citizens explain their situation before police decide what to do), neutrality (police use legitimate evidence to decide), dignity (police are polite), and trustworthy motives (police care about citizen’s well-being). Procedural justice increases police legitimacy. If the police communicate their fair process, the citizens will believe the police are right, and the citizens will cooperate and obey the laws. I like that procedural justice can occur just about anywhere, even during interrogations and bookings. Procedural justice is all about communication. The police need to be able to effectively communicate with citizens so they (the citizens) understand the situation. Realistically, I can see procedural justice being focused on and implemented in police departments, especially since 78% of officers support procedural justice. Police legitimacy is needed for citizens to respect law enforcement. Citizens need to respect law enforcement because the more respect they have, the better they can perform their jobs. Citizens who respect law enforcement are more likely to obey the law. Without police legitimacy, citizens would not trust law enforcement. Citizens would report fewer crimes to the police and communities would be flooded with crime. Scuba002.

    1. I’m with you on there are different times you need to change how you police but then what happens when you mess up and use force when you shouldn’t have used it ? I think that you need to always go into the problem the same way but if the problem goes south then that when you can change on how you will then police. I did like how you talked about what Officer Duncan said to us as a class though. Pie001

  25. In this video I like how Stephen Mastrofski talked about that the public wonders if the officer talk/ deal with them the same way that they are they are talking with others. The public wants to make sure they are treated fairly no matter what race, gender, etc. they are. The public though aren’t with the officers 24/7 to see if they are being treated the same way as others are being treat. The video also explained the four elements of procedural justice including participation, neutrality, dignity, and trustworthy motives. This just helps explain what the citizens feel about how officers handle procedural justice. The citizens will talk and tell you more as an officer if you talk with respect and not aggressive when wanting facts. I liked the quote Stephen Mastrofski said “Treat people the way you would want someone to treat your mother” this made me think about the proper way I should talk with someone no matter what has happen. I would not want someone to talk to my mother like she was just a piece of trash, so I need to make sure that I don’t talk down on someone because that could be someone’s mother. Makes you think about how you should handle cases and citizens. Pie002

  26. The video linked above touched base really well on police legitimacy, procedural justice, and community policing. These things are so essential when you're a police officer because if one of these things are lacking, it makes you look bad from an outsider standpoint. When it comes to procedural justice the end game is just to use your discretion carefully and make sure you are treating everyone with respect and the same fairness. But on the other hand citizens are making that harder and harder in this social media era where people enjoy getting arise out of officers while recording to get their 5 seconds of fame on facebook. Police legitimacy is a cornerstone in the aspect of mutual respect between the officers and the citizens. You need to as a police officer do your job by the book and avoid breaking rules to get what you want because as soon as that happens, the community will lose all respect for you and they have officially labeled you as a dirty cop, something no officer wants to be called. Community policing is so important because not every officer is working in LA, Chicago, and NYC. Most officers are just beat cops walking around their neighborhoods making sure all is well. But just walking around isn't enough anymore, officers need to connect with their communities to show that they aren't just out their to write tickets and arrest people. Making friends with the community also will help you with your job because more people are likely to inform you on all the stuff you aren't around to witness. RM001, RM002

  27. This video was very informative in how procedural justice has a great effect on police legitimacy. Being able to treat the public and suspects in a fair and just way is the most important part of policing as these things are usually what shapes the public view of the police force. I remember when Officer Duncan came and talked to us in class, he said that being able to treat people with respect while you are arresting them or questioning them will help them to be more cooperative with you. If you show them respect, they will in turn show you that same respect back. However if you do not show them respect and handle them with a lot of unnecessary physical force they will be harder to deal with and they will not be as cooperative with the officer. It is very important to show people respect while out in the field because that helps shape the view of police and their legitimacy. People often times are more likely to accept their punishment for their crime from an officer who shows them respect while arresting them, whereas they are less likely to accept their punishment if the officer did not treat with respect. The trust between the public and police is very essential to the success of the police and attributes greatly to being able to keep communities safe. Communities that trust their local law enforcement will be more willing to help out officers in any way they can because they in turn also want to help keep their own communities safe in any way they can. If the new generation of police can win back and keep the trust of the people, then it will be much better in the future for police and it will make their job of protecting the people much easier. Pack002

  28. This video covered the topics procedural justice and police legitimacy, both things are important when it pertains to policing. Procedural justice is about police treating people fair and with respect during confrontations and anything else of that nature. An example that can be used is from Officer Duncan who came and spoke to us the other day. He stated that a person is going to be more willing to cooperate when treated with fairness and respect rather than being treated disrespectful and like garbage. I think it is very important to treat everyone fair and with respect because even though they may have done something horrible (let’s just say they are being accused of murder) you are more likely to get an actual confession out of the suspect compared to if you were to treat them poorly where they are not going to want to help you out at all. Along with procedural justice, police legitimacy is a major concern. The two are kind of related, because if police officers are failing to perform procedural justice, they will have less legitimacy in their communities. Police legitimacy is how the public views the police and in turn it affects how willing they are to cooperate with the police. If the police are a bunch of jerks to the people in these communities, the less likely these same people are going to want to help them out if there is a problem that needs to be solved. So, these two things really go hand in hand when it comes to being a police officer. Ciaccio001/002

  29. Procedural Justice is the how of the procedures being used on the public. It's active action taken in a situation. Is this situation fair to another situation in which the party did the same thing as me and were we treated the same by the officer(s). The video explains that citizens are less influenced by what is told to them to do and how it is said. Procedural justice is including the community in participating in the situation and giving them a chance to speak their mind and about the situation. It also allows for a return of of respect and dignity for the officers. This aspect is allowing the community to become more involved and an important factor for creating positive feeling towards the officers. We live in an era or time currently where a lot of the public, especially in high crime areas, do not respect how the police handle public situations and do not treat every situation the same or fairly and that it becomes personal. The procedural justice would ensure fair treatment, make it less personal, gain public trust, hopefully decrease crime in their area and allow for a greater police-public relationship. Reasons this is needed is to create a more uniformed way that the public and police interact, being on the same page, and resolving issues at and. How you treat people is always important it can determine you finding out a suspect versus escalating a situation further. And it also holds the reputation of the officer and department on every action a police officer makes. The officer and department want to be known for making positive strives in reducing crime in their district, at procedural justice and the concept of it can lead to that in a more helpful way to what they already use that works, it's an additional step to what they currently do. Marras002

  30. This video explained procedural justice and police legitimacy and why these two matters are important. Procedural justice is so important because you want to be fair to everyone and you don’t want to single out a race. People in communities feel more comfortable when police officers are polite and are just doing their job. People will be mad at the time for whatever they’re getting in trouble for but, if you do it with respect they will respect you as an officer. Some officers get the badge and feel that they can do and say whatever they want but, even though you have that badge you still have to be polite and respect others. In other words, treat people how you would want to be treated. The community will respect a cop that has respect for them. This makes the people in the community want to comply more to officers and help them out. If you’re a cop that is just rude and has no respect for people in the community, they will be less likely to comply with the officers. Especially if you’re in an area that isn’t very good but, if you have respect and are nice to the people they will start thinking differently about officers. This also goes with the police legitimacy because if you start showing respect to everyone and treat everyone the same they will see you are just doing your job and that you’re not racial profiling. It all starts with the education part again though if you have educated officers that were taught the right way about these procedures then you will have better cops that aren’t racial profiling and overall just being a bad cop. Educated cops will be able to communicate well and have respect for all people. This starts with the recruiting process they need to look into their background to see what training they have accomplished.CRC002

  31. This video was very well put together. It explained what procedural justice is and how much every officer needs it. Basically what procedural justice is when you are out on patrol and you go to a call. The scenario is a boyfriend and girlfriend are fighting and the you are the first officer on the scene. This whole call could literally go anywhere at this point. But due to procedural justice you can control whether it escalates or whether it stays calm and collected with procedural justice. How you handle the public will make any call easy. Handling the scene and the people or much rather the public on the scene in a kindly manner is procedural justice. Not coming out of the squad car and starting to yell at everyone for no reason and acting like you are the president of the United States. It's the exact opposite, calming everyone down and making sure the least amount of action happens on the call. Anyways, having procedural justice will make that or really any call that much easier to deal with. Having respect from the civilians in the situation and in the public in general always helps out your job. And giving the same respect out to the public will do that much more as well. Flannel002

  32. The community will respect a cop that has respect for them. This makes the people in the community want to comply more to officers and help them out. Police legitimacy is how the public views the police and in turn it affects how willing they are to cooperate with the police. If the police communicate their fair process, the citizens will believe the police are right, and the citizens will cooperate. A police officer that has respect with the suspect or person of interest will have a better chance of getting along with that person and they will be more cooperative. Procedural justice is all about communication. procedural justice is more effective after an individual goes with ride along to understand the mindset of the police.-NIKE001/NIKE002


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