Sexuality and Gender.....

Sexuality and Gender.....


  1. Watching this video and the breakdown on how male and females are because of biological and cultual issues make more sense to me now. I was brought up around alot of different kinds sexuality so it never bothered me one way or another. The saddest psrt to me is the biolagical because some people are who they are by a way of birth. But they are frowned upon in certain societies because people automatically assume that person want to be a woman because his voice sound feminine and vice versa. I like the Structural Functional theory because to its obscered that people believe they should be able to regulate sexuality. I think we do miss out on meeting great people because of our assumptions. 12mc-005

    1. I agree. People are closed minded to what they don't understand or how their culture raised them and that is a problem. We live and a society today were its not as simply as you are a two different ways and no in between, today there are plenty of in between options than just being heterosexual or homosexual. I think people get insecure about others way of life because they have no knowledge on their way of life so that's why people make assumptions, the best way to understand people is to be educated on what their identity, sexuality, and gender is. MelaninQueen005

    2. I also agree with your Comment. So many people are simple minded when it comes to discussing gender and the different aspects of it. I think it depends on your culture on how open minded you would be about the different sexualitys and genders. food005

  2. This video talks about a very wide range of many different terms about sexulity and gender. She first speaks about sex vs. gender. When we hear the word sex we think about having sex. That’s not the case in this video she is talking about the body parts on a man and woman, and x and y chromosomes as well as estrogen, testosterone, and androgen. When she talks about gender she is referring to the way you see yourself your gender identity. Which could be man, woman, both, neither or even something else. She also talks about gender roles it’s the way the world sees you like bro, dude, guy or lady. This video also teaches you about behavior vs. orientation. I learned that sexual behavior is what person you desire to share yourself with. On the other hand sexual orientation is who you fall in love with, or who you would love to make a family with. This video uses words and phrases that I have never heard of. Then she goes on to talk about intersex people that their chromosomes don’t necessarily show what they are, like bigender, androgynous, butch and queer. Just like I mentioned early about behaviors she begins to talk about the behavior in heterosexual and behaviors in homosexual people. Homoseexual people are know as gay, lesbian, same gender loving. Then she touch the basics on the people that feel they are bisexual, pansexual, omni sexual and queer sexual. This video has open my eyes to view the world differently. There are so many terms in this video that people call themselves that I feel there’s a whole other world going on around me. She even talks about how our culture sees us as man and woman. That man suppose to be tough and have a wife, and that women are suppose to be delicate and have a husband. And how people that are transgender their sex doesn’t match up with their culture. I’ve learned a lot from this video. Things that I would have never even known. The last thing she talked about was identity. Identity is the words we use to label our self and the list is endless. Cupcake005...

    1. The bit about having different sexual behaviors and sexual orientations in the same person still throws me for a loop. It kinda fries my brain to think that someone could prefer to share their body with a certain gender or sex, but only have romantic or love based feelings for a gender other than the one they are sharing their bodies with. I accept it and say do whatever makes you happy, but I don't think I'll ever really get it. In regards to your comment about the language and terms -- it really does feel like there is a whole separate, underground world all around you that you never really see, doesn't it? I agree wholeheartedly with that statement and think that is a very good analogy. It is especially shocking if you become friends with someone from one of the lesser represented groups such as transgender and then you end up suddenly meeting more LGBTQ individuals in a single month than you've met in your entire life up til then as a result of becoming part of their social circle. It really is like a door to another world opens up and you see it all.

      Sexuality Hogwarts? Poet005

    2. I agree that there is much on this video that made we stop and wonder what little I really know about the factors or makeup of the human sexual orientation or preference. Perhaps it is a decision that a person makes due to their chemical makeup and not because they feel pressured by society to conform to what we “believe” is the correct behavior a man or woman must adhere to. Who we fall in love with or want to begin a family with was always described as “the one”. The video gives us a different definition of selection versus orientation. This description sounds like a navigational search to discover one’s soul mate. I know that when I met my wife I had found the one for me, and we have been together for 30 years. Do I wonder if I was right in my choices in life? Of course I do. If you don’t then you are not admitting to being human. We will always question our decisions and choices, and this video helps support that there is more to just conforming to what society deems as right and wrong. I do not claim to be the most knowledgeable man on the planet, but there was so much information in this short video that did make me open my eyes and realize that there is more to choosing who want to be than just Man or Woman. Seoulman005

  3. I feel like the flexibility we give to gender and sexual preference language is a little bit too lenient. I have no problem with viewing the sexuality or gender of people as a spectrum -- in fact I've always thought it was the right way to view things even before I was old enough to care. I think the terminology might be getting a little out of control however. For example, several of the terms used in the video are essentially the same thing as one another (or so it seemed after looking up definitions). Pansexual and Omnisexual seem to be virtually the same thing. Having said that though, it is really my only complaint about the forward momentum that the LGBTQ is experiencing in recent years. I expected the video to be a lot worse than it was to be honest, but I found the presenter to be very thoughtful and made a lot of sense. I will say that it was a bit of a new concept to me when she mentioned that there are often differences in who a person chooses to share their body with and who that same person falls in love with. It seems very strange to me that there could be that kind of separation -- to be physically attracted to one gender or sex, but only have romantic or love based feelings for an entirely different one. Poet005

  4. Sex and Gender. Growing up, sex was the physical act. Period. Small wonder that I was so shocked to learn that there is more than one definition for many words. I grew up during the beginnings of the “Sexual Revolution” when everyone was either into to “free love” or having the fear of “coming out”. As I began to learn about sex and the misconceptions that were beginning to be researched, discovered, and whispered about, you were conflicted with what was accepted or unaccepted, right or wrong. During this time frame people were learning about their “sexuality”, and discovering the “why am I so different” phase. The way that the young woman describes sex as the determining factors of the human anatomy, or the chromosomal and chemical makeup of the body. Gender is referring to the way we see ourselves. Man or woman, masculine of feminine, or both. Society does play a major part in the sexual orientation of many people today. People are more in touch with their feelings and are discovering their feminine side or their masculinity. Finding themselves by how emotionally stable you are. Submissive or dominant. Heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexual, transsexual, there are so many terms that are used to describe how we perceive ourselves, our preferences, even our differences from others and can be a bit overwhelming. When I was growing up a man was the head of the family, he was tough, masculine, strong, and never displayed his emotions. Women were the support for the man, as his wife, the mother of the children, the emotional aspect of the marriage or union. Now, there is the single parent, same sex couples, transgender, and so many more. I do not claim to be the wisest nor I am bigoted about one’s preferences. I want to believe that I see and accept people for who they are and how they represent themselves as well as their community or group. This is what has always been my way of seeing people. I know that I am a good man and do not believe that I have to be the tough guy to prove that I am a man. Seoulman005

  5. I found the Sexuality and Gender blog very informative. It is always good to educate yourself about people that you share the earth with. Apparently there is a whole group of people with different types of sexual preferences. The term sex is defined as the biological differences(parts, chromosomes, hormones etc)for male and female. Gender is how you see yourself and how the world expects you to behave. There are also babies born with both female and male characteristics called intersexual. Recently, Bruce Jenner announced he was transsexual and was in the process of becoming a woman(Caitlin Jenner). I had no idea what this meant so I watched his TV program about his transition. He was born with a male body and a female mind set. At an early age he wanted to wear dresses but found out that society did not like that so he hide his true self. I was perplexed with the sexual behavior described as who you desire and want to share yourself with as different than sexual orientation as who you fall in love with and want to have a family with? Shouldn't they be grouped together? In conclusion, I feel all types of the human species on earth should make an effort to understand and accept all humans globally for peace and kindness to prevail. The blog suggests to make a safe place for all. The old fashioned saying was "don't judge a book by it's cover." grandma005

  6. Sex is the physical act but also means your physical biological makeup, but for gender identity it is how you identify as and it sometimes doesn’t correlate with your sex. Sexual desire is you are physically attracted to and sexual orientation is who you are attractive to. Our society is getting better at these concepts, but still we have work to do, it is usually a one sided talk. We break them down into hetero and homo. In sexuality there is a large spectrum, you can fall anywhere on the chart. And as for identity it is how you see yourself and what you identify as. It is extremely important to set an identity for yourself, it’s a form of expression. i feel if you don't be who you truly are you may end up miserable Honeytea005

    1. I feel like I need to learn more about sexual orientation and how to describe to future generations. Cause you are right it is something our society is getting better about. But we are not all the way there just yet. And if we keep explaining it to future generations, then more and more of them will understand and be way more accepting. TB005

    2. I do agree with what you are saying to a certain extent, but do realize it is not as easy as you have made it seem to be. I find it an issue that you did not highlight the difficulty of gender identity, because the process can cause much stress. Also, I am slightly confused of how you believe gender identity is a form of expression. I do understand you are proclaiming who you are, but that does not necessarily mean you are proclaiming what you stand for, your morals, or your values. Overall, I do agree with what you have stated, but I wish you would have further elaborated.


  7. I found this video to be very interesting and also a little confusing. This video proves that I know very little between gender and sexual orientation. That I maybe need to sit down and learn a bit more about how other people feel about them. When she was talking about how some men feel feminine, I can see why that is. Many people in the world, who are boys, probably didn’t grow up with a father so they leaned closer to their mom. And maybe their mother couldn’t find a man to help raise her son. So that son maybe never had a father figure to look up to. That could be a reason why they could be a bit feminine cause they didn’t have a father figure to look up to. Maybe the same if it was girl, instead of a boy. That could be the case, but not always, some children just feel like they are a girl when their gender is a boy. I don’t feel this issue personally, so I couldn’t put myself in that persons shoes. But they probably go through a lot since they feel that way, and I feel like society needs to understand that they can feel the way they want. TB005

    1. The video is confusing. At the end of the day, we are the ones who are identifing ourselves as anyone. We choose our sexual orientation and gender. Yes like you were saying, it is kind of a nurture type of decison. How someone is raised or what someone is influenced by does affect the decisions or the self identifing process. For example, to emphasize on the single mother, if you are a single mother with 4 girls of different ages and a little boy, being the youngest, how do you think he will turn out? If he has a close bond with his mother and siblings, and not with any males family members, he may develop some feminine like qualities. He may be sensitive, have better fashion and hygiene than a typical guy or even have the same sexual preferences as his siblings. It all just depends on how a person is influenced.PurpleHearts005

  8. First off, sexuality and gender is different. When talking about sex, it is not in the reproductive sense. Sex is the biological science if your body. Gender is like how you go about the world, what you choose to be. For example male and female is your sex and feminine and masculine is an example of gender. You can be transgender as well. Depending on your gender, there are different behaviors, interest and societal norms that define it. Within sex is your sexual orientation; what sex you are attracted to yourself. You are a male but may be homosexual, heterosexual and or bisexual and can change over time. Someone identified as a female may be expected in light colors like pink or yellow, and purple. Someone identified as a male is expected to dress in colors like blue, reds, greens and oranges. Their voices are supposed to be deep, their chest hairy and just all together aggressive. Females are thought to be quiet, courteous, hygienic, sweet and things of that nature. No one can tell you who to be. Sure you may be given a sex when you are born but it is up to you to identify yourself. You choose how you want to be, what and who you want to like.PurpleHearts005

  9. This video hit a lot of interesting points. Like the biological differences between males and females, the different names that you can identify yourself as and the spectrum of gender. This video discusses a very controversial argument because a lot of people are taught and Is or are being raised to believe that being “gay” is wrong. So they put them in a category that is wrong and usually ostracizes them as a whole. Last year there was a transgender that attended my school. He identified himself as a she. When she attended my school she went through a lot of bullying because of the culture shock that everyone was experiencing. people at my school have heard and know what a transgender is but never have we actually seen a person who has those types of preferences before. So that put everyone in position of not knowing what to do and because the way society is set up and how the human race thinks altogether majority of students believed bullying or treating her different would help them cope with the fact that a transgender actually attended our school. This video helps explain and discuss the different sexualities there is in the world and its okay to identify as something other than what you were born with.Food005

    1. It’s saddening to see how cliquey human beings are. We feel the need to categorize everything and ostracize the things we know nothing about. Why? What occurred for us to have it engrained in our biology, to flock together and weed out the people that are not similar to us? Maybe it’s because humans are animals, many groups of animals have individuals who are left out for whatever reason/purpose. Humans have many. Such an interesting topic.Puppies005

  10. Sexual behavior is different than sexual orientation. Sexual behavior is the more primal one of the too being more about the more dirty thoughts people have. Sexual orientation is who you could be with long term, or who you could fall in love with. We expect when a man is born they will be a man for all their life so it can be a culture shock to discover they may be a transgender person. I try to respect all types of people and not judge them based on their beliefs. Just because I am different doesn't mean I can't respect you. Sex is split into two things: male and female,, while gender is split into man and woman. Lastly, behavior orientation is split between opposite and same. These are the two hard things we expect people to be, either one or the other. We don't expect people to be somewhere between the spectrum of these two. It is an example of social scripts and how we expect people to be and live a certain way in our society. These social scripts are slowly being broken though. Acer005

  11. During this video I have found a few points i would like to discuss. First, at the beginning of the video, the lady defined sexual behavior and sexual orientation. Sexual behavior is basically who you decide to give yourself to sexually, Where sexual orientation is who you love and gravitate towards. I find this to be interesting, because you would think whoever you decide to give yourself to sexualy would be who you are actually attracted to. With that being said, from my understanding, if it possible for a man to sleep with another man and never be attracted emotional towards him, as well as vice versa? Can you just say that the individual is just confused? Maybe a reevaluation of one’s inner self is needed? Not saying that in a bad way, but way engage with someone you do not like. Finally, at the end of the video the women made the comment of gaining knowledge of them people of whom you are around you. I love that she stated, “You need to learn… unless you will miss out on some very important people in your life”. This goes to further my claim of knowledge can be the cure of ignorance, but it hurts that people do not event want to attempt to learn about their society.


  12. This was one of the most informative and helpful videos I have ever seen by far. I knew that there were tons of different adjectives people use to describe their identity but I didn’t know much else; the breakdown of it all. I love opening my mindset at any given opportunity and when she said that the way we perceive sex and gender all depends on what’s normal, it blew my mind. This is most likely engrained because of the religious background our country has, and how the bible established gender roles that were later integrated into our culture. The more we spread this knowledge, the more liberal-minded our communities have the potential of becoming. This is brilliant. I truly feel like the world will become a happier place once we educate ourselves about lives other than our own and explore the different walks of life. Puppies005

  13. Gender and identities can be based on our culture and our background. The way we perceive things has a big part of our identity and what we think others identities are. Our society is so diverse and different because people always have a different outlook on what their identity is and what they think it is. Seeing how you interact with people of the same sex or the opposite sex cause be part of your identity depending on how you interact with them. This ties into Sexual orientation and Sexual behavior. Who do you more towards more and why is that? Or who do you give yourself up to and why do you do that? No matter if it is the same sex or opposite sex, it is part of your identity. Your gender is what you were born with. Either you are a boy or a girl. Some people decide to switch roles because they think that is part of their identity and that they should be the opposite sex than what they were born with. This all comes down to your background and what you were taught while you were growing up. What you have been taught and what you believe shapes your identity and shapes what you perceive to be other peoples identity. bball005


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