Staged Suicide Completion, Law Enforcement and Harm Caused

Staged Suicide Completion, Law Enforcement and Harm Caused


  1. The staged suicide cased much harm for this community, law enforcement and so many individuals over a selfish financial act. Lt. Charles Joseph made threats against a village advisor for asking for the amount going into the explores program. Also, used three men not even part of his to be tied as if he had been murdered. This costed law enforcement hours of variable time as they hunted a staged crime scene. Due to what they believe was someone who was a cop killer being located in the community of Fox Lake this employed police to militarized themselves against what was perceived against a threat that never existed locking down the village. Other individuals were also harassed due to improper information that could have been obtained early if the village advisors would have put out the information relating to the case that was at hand. Three individuals had been harassed due law enforcements belief they were the cop-killers, even they had their alibi that proven. Finical meads should never be a reason someone should take their own life’s this caused many recessions into the city’s budget as they had to pay out $65,000 to reimburse the individuals that suffered at hands of the police falsely. This also, left a bad image on the police as a whole within this community as the rules goes 20% of officers cause 80% of problems that are going on within their departments. As a good officer he should have sent an example, expectably since he was one of the main teachers for the explore programs. Being accountable would have been a better moral lessons then the one left by the Lt. Charles which will be the one left on these explores and also, the younger officers severing within the department. Hundreds of officer still showed respect for this by attending his funeral which shows the power of the blue across the nation. This was a horrible event that took place even placing personal blame into the hands of the explorers by having them be part of what would have been this officers staged suicide. This officer’s wife is being charged with a felony, explorer program is shut down, and the view of the public of their police department will be different due to this officers’ actions. This also caused probable much stress for the city advisor as well. The lesson to learned from this would be reasonability if the officer could have owned to his supervisor sure he could have lost his job or he could have been incarcerated, but this is much less harmful then what he decided to do. This police department acted quickly to ensure the capture of what could have been a murder of an officer so this at the same time is a horrible event did show also the effectiveness of the police when it comes to protecting lives. Eagle001 Eagle002

  2. This event caused and is still causing harm to the community of Fox Late, especially those in the police force that officer Gliniewicz served in. He was loved by everyone in the community and everyone was horrified to learn of his death, however they did not know at the time that his death had a darker twist to it. Many people who had known the officer especially those who worked very close to him were very hesitant to believe that he could have done a such a thing. Fox Lake Village Administrator Anne Marrin was one of the people who worked closely him about the financial records of the explorers program that he ran, she stated that she had noticed some red flags about how he would answer her questions sometimes but she did not reveal this information to the investigators when they first started investigating. What she did can relate back to the "thin blue line" of trust that police officers share, although she was not part of the force, she showed characteristics of this belief by not reporting her suspicious findings of her colleague. Another example that we can take out of this incident is one that Dr. White told us about in class and that is that "20% of the officers within a police force cause 80% of the problems". In this case only a single person had caused even more trouble than the 80%. because of his actions, the community has suffered greatly and even the explorers program that he headed was shut down. This was a huge loss for the community because the next generation of officers do not have a stable program to learn from and participate in. This event also unfortunately lead to the harassment of potential "suspects" to the case, however that issue has been resolved, but it did leave a negative impression on the police force of Fox lake. Now Fox Lake police force will have to live with the negative impression being always tied to officer Gliniewicz. This event did show some good qualities of the police force, by showing how the force was able to act quickly and in a timely manner to start the investigation and eventually find out the actual truth behind the case.It also showed the brother/sisterhood of the force when they showed respect to the officer at his funeral, reiterating the idea of the clannishness of the force and how officers stick by each other through everything no matter what the circumstances. While this event did bring out a darker side to policing that we often do not see and is often not heard of, it also brought out the good in the department and showed how well they do their job to find justice and ensure the safety of all their citizens in their community. Pack001, Pack002

  3. Its sad to think that this was all because he took a little money from the police explores program that he lead. This one police officer felt so bad about what he did that officer Gliniewics had to take his own life in the small town of fox lake. Its sad that officer Gliniewics had to go as far as making it look like someone else had killed him. He staged it as though three people people were running from him and then killed him. while officer Gliniewics did not think of the effects that this would have on his family, fellow explorers, the community, and the police department. His wife was ended up being arrested for being part of the fruad to steal from the police explorers program and charged with felony. he didn't think of the explorers that would be affected by the aftermath of this whole ordeal or how motified these future police officers would be from his actions. the three people arrested and herrassed by the police department would later sued for the misconduct and treatment they recieved from the police department. one man was able to get 65,000 dollars. The other two are still negotioating the amount that they will get. then he also hurt the community that he served by causing a mass panic and a lockdown. This also affected the out look on the department itself. How could a 20 year officer just end his life over something so petty and small? This officer should have just faced the problem head on instead of just ending his life which in turn ended others. this act had left a community in pieces. I believe this officer could have found another way to solve this problem such as taking the heat that was coming his way. This man just ruined so many lifes and was not able to stand u for his actions but instead ruin more lifes. A whole department was made to look like fools going on a wild ghost hunt. looking for something that was never their. this man ruined his amazing reputation that he had with the department and millitary. evo001

  4. This case is very sad. This officer went so far to cover up his crimes, and in the end drug everybody in the department through the mud with him. Hundreds of officers spent countless days and nights away from their families, only to find out that Officer Gliniewicz had killed himself. I remember following this case very closely, and feeling so much anger at the sight of a police officer being killed in cold blood like this. I can’t even imagine the anger felt by the officers who went out into every corner of the the area trying to find his killer, and finding out it was the officer whom they mourned. Thousands of dollars and many man hours were wasted on a man who couldn’t face the light on the crimes he had committed. This man abused the badge and uniform he had promised to keep clean. He tarnished so many things in the wake of his actions, I do not believe his wife should receive his pension. Any time that he spent on the job doing good, in my opinion, is completely erased by this series of events. While the officer would have spent possibly the rest of his life in prison, it still was not worth this. Under Illinois Law he would have been charged with criminal sexual assault for having sex with the Juvenal girl in the explorers. He used his position of power over the girl, and she was under the age of 17. This officer, sadly, is one of the reasons that people do not have such a positive view of the police anymore. OKC001

    1. I feel sad for the family and his department that he was a coward that went out by using a coverup. It's one thing to commit suicide but to make up a pursuit and have families torn apart by thinking their own family could be a cop killer is really unfortunate. I can't say I know what was going through his head but obviously he was seriously ill and unable to handle the stress he put on himself for lying and cheating his unit. The end of the article said the department will not be known for this one case, but it will be. It defined them to allow so many actions of this officer to go that far and how poorly they treated the case after learning further of the suicide. It's the cases like this that do define how the public see police and focus on the negatives. Sadly, one bad apple ruins the bunch this way much like this one officer could have caused an entire community to lose their trust in their officers who are supposed to be protecting them. Marras002

  5. Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz killing himself and staging it as a homicide to hide his crimes damaged the reputation of not only the law enforcement of Fox Lake, but also law enforcement nationwide. I consider almost every law enforcement officer a hero, but the few bad apples that the media loves to expose gives the good officers bad stigmas. The article even said that the remaining officers at Fox Lake are left with the stigma Gliniewicz left with them. I cannot believe that the wife stood by and acknowledged he would commit suicide so he can hide his crimes. Families of officers killed in the line of duty also get a significant amount of money. Gliniewicz also probably had good life insurance. The wife might have even put a high approval on her husband’s suicide so she could get a big payout. She is pleading not guilty in court, but she had to know her husband stole the thousands of dollars and was struggling. Gliniewicz revealed his struggles in texts to people not mentioned; I would believe the wife very well knew her husband’s plans. It is sad that Gliniewicz would rather kill himself than step up for his wrong actions. It is also sad that all of this was because of greed. The community went through so much work to honor their “fallen hero” only later to find out that he was the opposite. I am shocked that Gliniewicz would even go as far to think about killing the village administrator. The Explorer’s program sadly ended because of Gliniewicz. Youths will now be missing out on learning about policing because of Gliniewicz’s greed. In the early 2000’s, a coworker of Gliniewicz reported Gliniewicz sexually harassed her. Gliniewicz should have learned from that experience that he needs to get his act together and behave properly as a police officer. He was one month away from retirement, so it is not like he was a new officer who thought he could steal some money and get away with it. Gliniewicz was there for 30 years; now we are left to wonder if he committed any other crimes during that 30 years. I am surprised Gliniewicz did not stage the crime better since he was a law enforcement officer for decades. I think he should have had the knowledge to be able to properly stage his death and get away with it. The initial report that Gliniewicz was killed by three minorities also set blame on Black Lives Matter and the war on cops movement. They spent so much money on the investigation too. They had hundreds of officers on foot looking for the three suspects and the case dragged on for months. Also, thousands of people went to Gliniewicz’s funeral to honor him. If people knew at the time that Gliniewicz committed suicide to hide his crimes, the turnout for his funeral would have significantly dwindled. Scuba002

  6. What shock it must have been to find out this officer was part of the 20% of police that make the other 80 look bad. G.I Joe wasn't your typical officer who completed suicide. This was someone who once felt like he was invincible, on top of the world. He was G.I Joe and no one could touch him. As we talked about in class, it can be easy for officers to feel like they're above the law and can do whatevevr they please. This is an extreme example of what can happen to officers who don't stay grounded. He clearly thought he was untouchable and could get away with whatever he wanted. When some people get a little bit of power they tend to run with it. This fool ended up so upside down that the only thing that made sense to him was staging a suicide. He couldn't possibly face up to what he had done after being looked upon so highly for so long. He decided that he would rather die than own up to being a thief and changing people's perception of him. This touches on a couple of things we talked about in class today. Some officer's do feel that they are holier than though. Accepting free coffe or donuts was nothing to this guy, he thought he deserved extra thousands of dollars for putting on his uniform everday. I remember hearing about this and thinking how unfortunate it was for such a good cop, a good man to lose his life in the line of duty. When i found out that he staged his own suicide i was disgusted. That's how slippery of a slope it can be for police. You can be a hero until you slip up, just even a little bit. This guy had been taking advantage of his situation for a long time, but even one bad decision can take you fom being a respected cop to an unemployed crook. Anyone going into the criminal justice field should be aware of this slippery slope. Everything we do will be highly scrutinized and we need to be sure we are staying grounded and not getting too high on ourselves. I'm sure there will be times when we'll want to puff our chest out and think we're the "man" or "woman", but we can't forget that one wrong decision, one wrong judgment call will bring us crashing back to earth. No one is above the law and if you're taking advantage of your situation it will come back around. This officer won't be remembered for all the good he did as an officer or explorer program leader. All people will remember is that he was a crooked cop who was too much of a coward to face the music. The easiest way to be remembered for all good things you accomplish is to not allow yourself to get caught up with the B.S the other 20% are doing. RustyPete001

  7. This event caused so much harm and distrust to the community. The community loved officer Gliniewicz, and they were so upset to hear about his passing, little did they know though. Some didn’t want to believe he passed. He caused a lot of pain and trouble for the community. The community suffered a big loss, and the explorers program no longer was run because he was the one who was in charge of it.
    Faking a suicide left a huge impression on the Fox Lake police department, but most importantly, Officer Gliniewicz, and not a good one. The police did act rather fast when it came to the investigation, and acted fast to find out the details of the case. The officers stuck by one another at the funeral, and investigation. This event showed the 80/20 rule we talk about it class, how 20% of officers cause 80% of the problems.
    After the bad impression on the officer, and the horrific time the police department and the community faced, it showed how well and quickly the department works together, and how well they care about the community. stlblues001, stlblues002

  8. This is one of those cases where a small community was rocked by an incident they never saw coming. The officer who killed himself and staged it to look like he had been murdered is very disgraceful to officers everywhere. This officer was guilty of stealing from a program and then when he was about to be exposed by his own he decided instead of facing the music at this point he would kill himself. On top of that calling in a false pursuit of three individuals. Because of this incident people do have skepticism over officers being truthful, forcing people into false confessions; that didn't happen here but three men were taken into custody heavily questioned and treated as criminals when they were not. It took 2 months for the official story to come out to residents who still did not feel like it was the whole truth. And unless someone was involved in that investigation they really wouldn't know. As we learn a death is going to be treated as a murder until proved otherwise, I just don't personally believe with the information given that it took that long. If I was also a member of the community I would be skeptical of my police for not catching the incident sooner, for not releasing that to the public, or coming forwards to address rumors during the funeral and so on. It's harmful to police who do not find themselves in similar situations scamming the system or taking advantage of their positions but get blamed and have this stigma attached to them. For those who do go above and beyond to help their communities but get zero credit because people become bias and stop trusting them. Marras002


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