UCR and NCVS.....Why Both?

UCR and NCVS.....Why Both?


  1. The Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey are both survey programs designed to identify crime rates, types, and in what areas they are committed. These two programs compliment one another in different areas. For instance, the NCVS reaches out to people living within households and asks them an assortment of questions to gather information on crimes of rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, aggravated and simple assault, household burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. This is different when looking at the UCR. The UCR collects data directly from law enforcement agencies and focuses on the more violent crimes like murder. Both programs are very similar, but the way in which they gather information and from who they gather it from paints a larger picture of crime in our nation. Employees familiar with both programs are able to analyse and categorize crimes and the locations they are likely to occur. Furthermore, analyzers are able to gain a greater understanding of crime trends and can even get a better idea of why certain crimes occur in certain areas. Both the UCR and the NCVS are necessary to capture and support each other weaknesses and to reach to a better sample of people within our nation. Ghost003

    1. I like what you pointed out at the end of your comment. The two do work together very well because one may cover what the other doesn’t. For instance, the UCR only covers the harsher crimes; as opposed to the NCVS which reports all crimes, including crimes that were not reported to the police. I think that is a good factor on behalf of the NCVS because many crimes are not reported to the police. In fact, nearly 50% of crimes are not reported, so the fact that the NCVS encompasses all crimes is very beneficial to the statistics. Additionally, the NCVS is much more in depth. Purple003

  2. The Uniform Crime Report and National Crime Victimization Survey are both very beneficial, and both essentially accomplish the same goals. Both surveys are designed to identify crime rates and types committed in different areas, etc. The NCVS is much more detailed than the UCR. The UCR collects data from law enforcement agencies; however, this report has several issues. For instance, the UCR can only collect data from incidents that are reported to the police. Dr. White stated in class today that nearly 50% of crimes are unreported. Additionally, of those crimes that are reported, only the harsher crimes are reported for the Uniform Crime Report. The NCVS contacts households, and asks about any persons that are over the age of 12. The NCVS will ask multiple, in depth, questions that the UCS does not ask, or report. The NCVS also reports all types of crimes, no matter how big or small. This also encompasses crimes that were not reported to the police. Additionally, the NCVS rotates households approximately every three years, so the same households are not constantly the only ones being reported. The NCVS conducts surveys two times per year; unfortunately, the NCVS’ number of surveys has substantially decreased over the years. Purple003

    1. The decrease in the NCVS' number of surveys in past years is very concerning. I do believe this may be a correlation with the new system being put into place. This new system is the NIBRS. This new system further categorizes crimes committed in areas into 22 fields. This further analysis of information can be vital to help both federal and state law enforcement agencies allocate resources to certain hot spots. Ghost003

    2. I totally agree with you when you were talking about the UCR and the NCVS. The UCR doesn't really go into detailed about the overall crime. They only specific reports that they can so.But, the NCVS doesn't have any limitations. They focus on all the crimes. They don't matter about how big and small the crime is. I like how you pointed that out and be clear about that. I like how you gave a specific percentage that Dr. White gave and tied into your comment. WS002

  3. Both programs are very valuable to have in our law enforcement system. Unfortunately the NCVS program is just too expensive to use compared to the older UCR program. The UCR stores information that is measured to a higher degree. Offenses like murder, rape, theft, and anything labeled aggravated. On the other hand, the more updated NCVS gets a lot more specific. Containing information that is reported and not reported to authorities. This is helpful because half the time, a crime is not even reported to the police, let alone the victims parents. It also has information all about the offender, along with their background, and even the rates for those crimes. The NCVS also takes surveys at a regularly scheduled time. Both programs are very useful in their own ways, but eventually we might not have any use for one of them. Bry001

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. i like how you looked at it from both sides. you brought out the positives and negatives of both index surveys and portrayed them evenly. in the near future hopefully they will give us more insight on crime. RM001

    3. I feel like its better to have some knowledge as to what is going on instead of having no where to look for answers. I think being specific is very important to know. Its sad that not everyone reports crimes that have happened to them or someone they know. How can we be better prepared in helping where it is needed if not everyone is honest. Also I agree with knowing more about their backgrounds and if they are repeat offenders. It's good to have what is offered instead of having no information. Hopefully in the future we get more informed.sly.003

  4. There are two ways that statistics of crimes of all kinds are measured. UCR and NCVS both of which are tools used to document, research and trend facts about these different crimes. Each one has a purpose to help in following trends based on facts in the different crime areas. The NCVS is more in depth and used in being able to get more facts and details about such crimes. Even though they both contain much the same data, NCVS is more detailed, is used as the primary source of information. By using these reports law enforcement is better able to see just exactly where the trends are in each crime offense.Bell003

  5. Both the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are both programs used to statistically measure the magnitude, nature, and impact of crime in the Nation. The UCR began in 1929 and is administered by the FBI. The Program thoroughly examines each report for reasonableness, accuracy, and deviations that may indicate errors. To identify these fluctuations, the Program compares monthly reports to previous submissions of the agency and with those for similar agencies. It gives information for crime counts, trends, persons arrested (age, sex, race,) law enforcement personnel, and characteristics of homicides. The NCVS began in 1973 and is administered by the Bureau of Justice. It provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends. Two times a year, the U.S. Census Bureau interviews household members in a nationally representative sample of approx. 43,000 households. They collect information on crimes suffered by those individuals that were bit reported to law enforcement. It includes information on the victim and the crimes (weapon used, time, place of occurrence.) Both the UCR and the NCVS measure the same serious crimes. Although the UCR provides statistics for law enforcement administration and management, the NCVS gives unavailable information about crime, victims, and offenders. Both of these programs allows for a better understanding of the statistics and other information from both reported and unreported crime. It is a great source for understanding crime trends and the nature of them in the United States. behappy001

    1. I like that you stated the fact that the FBI by using the UCR looks for errors in their research instead of just putting the number out to have a correct measurement. I also like how you mentationed how the UCR goes about collecting their data such as having information on what the age sex and reace of the person may have been this is important when trying to understand what factors may have played a part into what comes from these crimes. Both of these together really help to shape why crime happens and also helps to let law enforcement know what steps they can take to try to prevent future crimes from taking place. Eagle001

  6. The Uniform Crime Report has helped out with Law Enforcement agencies due to the fact this can help law enforcement narrow down what crimes are happening in certain areas why they are happening and what areas within the jurisdiction these crimes are occurring. Also, from the (UCR) they looked for trends with each of the given crimes to give out the factors that may come into the part of why the crime is taking place such as the person’s age, sex and race which may be helpful information to prevent certain crimes within a certain area if there are certain implicated biases that could be changed to stop the entire process. The Nation Crime Victimization Survey looks at data in a different point of view, this consists of the United States Census Bauru to random places reported information on a crime that may happen within a given area this also allows for law enforcement to gain information on how to prevent crimes or to have counter active measures on creating methods where victims are effected given crime but are unable to get passed certain barriers. This can also establish common trends so that certain steps can be taken to limit the amount of victims within our given the United States. Eagle001

    1. This is a survey that is used more than people think. That is how law enforcement has a better understanding of serial killers or even rapists. That put in the motive in the computer and find similar characteristics with other people. This is a very useful source in this field. hotfox003

    2. I agree that these surveys can be used vastly in our criminal justice system. We get a better understanding of crimes and how often crimes are happening. If we can further use this to help prevent crime we will have a great crime prevention program for our criminal justice system that can be used as a model for the world. Bike001

    3. Yes, both of these surveys are very crucial. They can really help understand what crimes are being reported and not. They also help out with seeing how bad crimes are in some areas and what they will need to focus their attention on. I see it as these two survey only getting better in time to help out.Mustang003

  7. I like that there is some way of keeping track on what crimes happen. There is a lot of research that can be done based on what the surveys say. The only bad part of these surveys is when they call people, you can't guarantee that those people are even telling the truth. Then there is the people that don't even report crime. Those numbers will never truly be accurate. Too bad something can't be done for those people to come forward. hotfox003

    1. I'm with you that it is hard for these programs to work like they are suppose to because people don't tell the whole truth or don't report what has happen to them. When that is the case then these programs can't work to their full plan. Pie001

    2. I understand what your saying it is hard to get the right information and people are not always truthful. and one or two lies can throw everything off, but i will not condemn the program and say it is a failure.Steel001

  8. I think that it is very important that our country keeps track of the crimes nation wide I think that is very important knowledge when it comes to developing police training and good knowledge for citizens of the country to know what happens in what neighborhoods. However the split in the two different ways of tracking seems redundant. In one way a crime is defined differently than the other so people could easily be confused while viewing the numbers. Also it talks about how they each are benefit in two different ways even though they are both keeping track of crime so why don't they develop one system of tracking crime and get both benefits instead of spending extra time double recording crimes. ACE001

  9. The UCR and NCVS are both very crucial parts of our criminal justice system but they both have their places of use. The key thing to remember with the UCR is that it is a report that includes only REPORTED crime. In the United States today 50% of crimes go unreported. So when using data from the UCR you have to keep this in mind. As for the NCVS it is the golden child of crime reports because it is a survey that includes all crimes including unreported in the statistics. They call houses and use other statistics to data log the amount and categories of unreported crimes. Even young teenagers can answer the phone and tell them if they know of a crime that has gone unreported. It is crucial to have both of these because they both include valid statistics that can be used to improve our criminal justice system today. Bike001

  10. Both the UCR and the NCVS have their positives and their negatives. The positives of the UCR are that the URC tallies crime counts for the nation. It also counts the states, counties, and cities individually. The data is collected and published every year. Most of the time the numbers of these crimes are accurate for the area. The negative portion of it is the crimes that aren't reported are not tallied into this, saying how they aren't reported. So even though there are crimes that have been reported and tallied, there's a fair share of crimes that are not reported into the UCR. With that being as such, you can't completely get accurate numbers if they all aren't reported. Positive things are the NCVS get personal stories of people that have been victims of crimes, even if the crimes were reported or not. It gives law enforcement an idea of what crimes aren't being reported. Bread003

    1. Both are important in collecting data and I say this because one program lacks information the other program has. Although it could be more accurate because some crimes aren't reported, which isn't helping the community in my opinion.

  11. the UCR and NCVS are both essential surveys and indexes in their respective fields to help departments like the FBI get a good understanding of what kind of crimes are going unreported along with the ones that are being reported. the one worrisome thing to me is that only the high level crimes are the ones being reported such as murder rape armed robbery among many other class x felonies that happen on a day to day basis in the US. but the petty crimes that could happen in any little town across america are sometimes going unnoticed. for example if in chicago illinois which is a metropolis essentially, someone gets their pocket picked and notice after its too late, it's 99% of the time going to go unreported due to the likelihood of that offender being caught because of the large population unlike a town like roanoke where the population is just a percent of a percent of chicago and the list of possible suspects narrows down tremendously. but besides that these surveys are very helpful with giving us a good sense of what crime is like across the nation. RM001

  12. As the article states, the UCR and NCVS go hand in hand and complement each other. They are very similar, but both have their differences. The UCRs primary objective is to gather reliable crime data. While the NCVS was designed to gather previously unavailable data about the crime. The two reports are also different in the crimes they measure. They measure overlapping crimes, but not identical. Between the two programs some crimes are defined differently as well as crimes being measured differently. Both the programs serve a purpose and they complement each other while doing so. Both programs are in place to gather as much information as possible about criminal activity in the United States. Costco001

  13. Both of these two programs produces valuable information about aspects of the nations crime problem. They both measure the magnitude, nature, and the impact of crime in the nation. Even though they measure the same things, they are also very different. The UCR program and the NCVS program us different methods of collecting data, they have different purposes of their data, and at the same time focus on different things. The UCR(1929) collects information on crimes by law enforcement authorities like murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and arson. With that info it them complies data from monthly law enforcement reports transmitted to the FBI. The NCVS program(1973) provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends. It also collects information on crime suffered by individuals and households whether or not those crimes were reported to law enforcement. With that technique, this summarizes the reasons that victims give for reporting or not reporting. From reading this I thought that the UCR served a bigger purpose, all though both are very important and well needed. Kt001

  14. “The UCR Program compiles data from monthly law enforcement reports or individual crime incident records transmitted directly to the FBI or to centralized state agencies that then report to the FBI.” This helps everyone see how much crime is going on around in the states to see if there is any type of trend going on with what is going on crime wise. National Crime Victimization Survey provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends. This though only works though if people are reporting the crime. There are so many cases where people just don’t call and report the crime because they think it doesn’t matter the officers can’t do anything about it. Pie001

  15. In the article it explains the difference of the uniform crime report (UCR) and the national crime victimization survey (NCVS); the UCR only incorporates arrest made going from city to county to state crime report. Then sent to the FBI to be put in to a data base that shows averages and percentages across the states. the NCVS reports on crimes that have and have not been reported. With both of these programs working; it helps law enforcement change and better sop to be more effective out there on the beats trying to prevent any further crimes from happening.Steel001

  16. The UCR, Uniform Crime Reports, and NCVS, National Crime Victimization Survey share a lot of similarities, as well as some differences. Each of the programs cover crime rates, and basically the same types of crimes, such as rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. However, in the case of rape, the Uniform Crime Reports only measures the crime committed against women, while the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), measures it against both sexes. These two programs were actually created to perform two different purposes. The Uniform Crime Reports goal was/is to provide a reliable set of crime statistics to law enforcement, while the National Crime Victimization Survey was created to provide previously unavailable information, such as crimes that were not reported after they were committed. While they have some similarities along with some differences, they each have their own set of strengths. The UCR provides a measure of the number of crimes reported to law enforcement throughout the country. The NCVS is the primary source of information on the characteristics of criminal victimization as well as on the number, as well as the types of crime that are not reported to the authorities. Both of these programs provide great information on crime trends that we see changing throughout each year. One crime may be on the rise in some areas, while on the downfall in other areas. We may also see that a certain area is seeing a high rate of a certain crime, but very little of a different crime, while in the same area. The programs explained may also assist in understanding why we are seeing such trends, which will then aid in managing, as well as fixing these problems as time goes on. As we know, crime will never come to a stop, so programs like these will always be necessary for monitoring, assessing, and controlling crime throughout society.
    gh_blackhawks001, gh_blackhawks002

  17. This article mainly focus on what each organization can and can't do. The UCR focuses on more of the small crimes than the bigger ones. The UCR is crimes has to be reported for it to be viewed. But, the NCVS doesn't have to be reported to be viewed. They do not matter how big or small the crime is. They will still take action in whatever is happening. WS002

  18. The UCR and the NCVS are truly amazing when it comes to helping police operations and criminologists studies. Both of these programs provide an aspect to crimes that can help in the effectiveness of our police forces. The UCR goes as far to show which crimes have been cleared, and which ones have not. They can show trends in crimes, and the areas in which they are happening down to the county and city. This capability allows are police forces to see what is going on, and what they need to focus on, which is an indispensable tool. The NCVS can show police departments who’s being victimized, whether or not they reported, and their reason for doing either. This report can show police departments what kind of people are getting victimized whether it was reported to them or not, so they can try to better protect those types of people who have continuously been the victims of crime. Criminologists come into play with this because with this information, they can do so much! Criminologists can see why victims didn’t report crimes, and try to find ways to entice more victims to come forward, and try to get help. This can allow them to identify trends of crimes and victims in certain areas and try to identify the cause of this rise in crime and find a way to stop it. Having all of this information centralized in one location for each survey is so helpful to law enforcement as a whole. -OKC001

  19. Both the UCR and NCVS are two systems that greatly benefits in different ways. The UCR collects data on crimes such as murder, negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The UCR examines each report giving to them for accuracy. This program also compares the data to pervous months in order to see if crime had fluctuated. The NCVS conducts surveys on household members to get the details on frequency and nature of some crimes that the UCR does not. As stated in class on many occasions there is a large percent of crime that is not reported tot the police. The target goal of the NVCS is to get more detail. These two programs compliment each other and makes of for the others weakness. The UCR focus on crimes that are reported to law enforcement. The NVCS focus on those that are not reported which is needed since many crimes are not reported. By using both of these programs it will help understand the trends and nature of these crimes that are committed. Hawk001

  20. The Uniform Crime Report and National Crime Victimization Survey are very helpful, and accomplish the same things. They’re designed to identify crime types in different places. The UCR only collects data from accidents that have police reports. The NCVS reports all type of crime. Both programs gather information on criminal activity in the US. It helps law enforcement what crimes have happened that weren’t reported. stlblues001

  21. Crime statistics can be measured in a variety of ways. Our national agencies use two forms: The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The Uniform Crime Report gives limited, but useful, details on the police reports of police all over the country. This provides basic information about the crime, providing a good overview of crimes and the areas they occur in. The National Crime Victimization Survey gives some great information, all obtained from survey forms given to those who have witnessed crimes. The NCVS is much more detailed and gives a better look, with information considered much more specific. Both of these forms are very efficient at gathering intelligence for police agencies to use in their war on crime. - AJC001

  22. I think it is helpful to have more than one way to try to measure crime. Now these methods that we use to try to measure crime are not perfect. They need some tweaking and revisions and they will be more viable and less confusing. I got really confused when the webpage was trying to explain how and why the UCR and the NCVS record crime data differently. To me that is pointless, that is a waste of time, a waste of money, and a waste of space. It still is really confusing, once again. The UCR and the NCVS both have their advantages and disadvantages, but I still think we are better of having both, rather than nothing at all.

    1. That was Paddle001 and Paddle002

  23. In my opinion both the UCR and NCVS are very important means of collecting data on crimes committed throughout the United States. It can help each city manage their laws and how and when police officers operate and how they can cut down on certain crimes. The UCR is more generalized in how it records it's crimes. It will only collect data on the most serious offense. That is where the NCVS is better in my opinion. It records in much more detail by collecting data from each offense done during a crime. It also goes more in depth on who did the crime. It can give accurate details on which groups seem to offend more than others. It collects data over twenty three data sets as opposed to the UCR's two different parts that it records. In my opinion both are vital and neither should be praised over the other. But if one were to be done away with, in my opinion it should be the UCR just for the sole fact that the NCVS goes much more in depth on the crimes committed and it even collects data on crime that wasn't reported to the police. Gym003

  24. The NCVS includes reported and not reported crimes, but the NCVS excludes a lot of crimes the UCR make up for, crimes like homicide, arson, commercial crimes, and crimes committed by children 12 years old and under. UCR collects only arrest data for simple assaults and sexual assaults other than forcible rape. They both lack information the other program have. The two programs calculate crime rates using different bases. The NCVS provides unavailable information about crime. The UCR provides CRJ statistics for law enforcement.

  25. The U.S. Department of Justice administers two statistical programs to measure the magnitude, nature, and impact of crime in the Nation: the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Each of these programs produces valuable information about aspects of the Nation’s crime problem. Because the UCR and NCVS programs are conducted for different purposes, use different methods, and focus on somewhat different aspects of crime, the information they produce together provides a more comprehensive panorama of the Nation’s crime problem than either could produce alone. There are also significant differences between the two programs. First, the two programs were created to serve different purposes. The UCR Program’s primary objective is to provide a reliable set of criminal justice statistics for law enforcement administration, operation, and management. The BJS established the NCVS to provide previously unavailable information about crime (including crime not reported to police), victims, and offenders. Blackhawks001

  26. The UCR and NCVS are similar in a way but they have their differences. The UCR collects data on the hard core crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, aggrivated assult, etc. Then the NCVS conducts surveys for things that the UCR does not do to try and find out all of the crimes that have been committed that have not been reported and to give more data on that. The two compliment each other well because they both give data that the other one does not. The UCR gives data that has been reported to the police and the NCVS finds out the data in the US that is not reported. So overall they can find out the true numbers and percentages for the crimes that take place in the United States. This is very helpful so the police force understands what types of crime are going on and when they are happening but they also find out all the crime that is not being reported. bball001, bball 002

  27. The UCR and NCVS are both very crucial components of the criminal justice system. The UCR however is lacking between the two. One of the main problems you see by viewing the UCR is that most of the crims are not reported. That means they will not be recorded. However, the NCVS surveys victims that were victims of crimes and also the victims of crimes that were not even reported. That way there is a better indication of what crimes are popular in that area and can the find a good approach on how to fix it. Both of these tools are very useful in the system today. They can provide accurate measurement on what the crime is like in that area. They can go hand in hand. I see the NCVS as being even better since as long you're over the age of twelve, you can pick up the phone and help out the police. These surveys they do are very important parts and i can only see these two tools improving and helping out over the years. Mustang003


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