21st Century Cop....Thoughts?

21st Century Cop....Thoughts?


  1. The new method of training NYPD officers can potentially change the way people view law enforcement. They are pioneering a training system that I feel is a positive step in revamping criminal justice. The intense focus on the classroom aspect and then the exams have to be passed or you resign. Ensuring that officers know the law front and back as well as going back to making policing about the citizens will make for much better officers. As the older officers retire and the younger millennials become officers this training will I think prove to really have made an impact on the way a mass amount of people view as well as interact with law enforcement. The emphasis on being more calm and making less arrests can trickle down into the jails by lowering the incarceration rates. This training could be beneficial to many aspects of the criminal justice system. It is long over due that our system undergo an overhaul. It is a broken system, with it's racial profiling, mandatory sentences, police brutality, mass incarceration, the list goes on. Finally a department ready to acknowledge there is a problem and work towards eradicating the issues. Again I think it has the potential to make an impact and if so hopefully other departments will conduct their cadet training in a similar fashion. mommy004

    1. I agree with you that the officers need to know the law front and back, and also the amount of training and the way they are trained is also beneficial. This does help with making more rational and empathetic decisions when dealing with people. Rayder004

    2. I agree! I think that it is great that a department, especially one as large and influential as the NYPD is taking the lead in reconstructing this broken system. I think their new training plan will be very beneficial for their citizens, and that it will be beneficial for other departments that'll inevitably follow their lead. EKT004

    3. I agree with how it could be a much better way with handling situations. With these new techniques it could really help out the whole criminal justice system as a whole. Hopefully it can spread to more areas and help out all over the country. Our criminal justice system is not the best and its good to see changes being made. Mustang003/004

  2. I really enjoyed this article. I enjoyed it because it was talking about a new approach to the way police recruits are trained. The article was talking about how the academy was teaching that making an arrest was not the only option and that you did not have to yell at the person you were dealing with on the streets. The academy rather taught the recruits to instead talk to the people in the streets and listen to them because they are, after all, still people. Another thing that I liked about this academy is that it teaches the recruits the three main subjects of policing through more instructors. What this does, instead of the original one instructor method, is gives broader coverage of the overall subject. With having a specialized instructor in each field, it allows for a better understanding of that subject. Also, it gives different perspectives for the recruits because the ideas are from multiple instructors rather than just one. Not only did I like the academic portion of the training, but I also liked the overall system of training because it seemed like it was a challenging training regimen that requires quite a bit of dedication and studying in order to ensure that the recruits make it through graduation. Rayder004

    1. I agree Rayder004 this new method of training is a great idea. I is rigorous but those that actually make it through will have the dedication as well as endurance to be great police officers. The focus on the way they treat people is extremely important. The people they encounter in the communities they police are their eyes and ears. Learning how to treat people respectfully and not be yelling or always trying to make an arrest will go a long way in repairing the relationships between police and civilians. I for one can't wait to see how this new training method works out and if it is proven a success hope that it will be applied throughout the U.S. It is time that people acknowledge the system is broken and by changing the training they give cadets I think the NYPD is actually realizing and admitting a change must be made in the way our communities are policed. It isn't always about being authoritative or arresting people officers need to be able to act respectfully, I think taking this approach will get them more respect and people may start to trust in law enforcement a bit more. It will be interesting to see this play out and see if it has positive effects in certain communities that do not trust or like the police. mommy004

    2. I also like the new approach the academy is taking. I cannot find any ways the academy can make their system better. The academy offers numerous, specialized instructors. The academy requires numerous different subjects to be learned and then applied to physical training. I like that they learn appropriate interview techniques for suspects and witnesses because this helps trainees to develop their communication skills. I think the best way that potential law enforcement officers can learn is through experiences that will be similar to those they will face on the job in real life. The academy offers reality-based exercises and emergency response procedures. Scuba004

    3. I do like how they are really teaching them the things they need to know for the streets. How to handle certain situations is a must and they need to be taught this. Rather than just knowing the law they can handle situations better and do a much better job policing. Mustang003/004

  3. This new training will be a great start in repairing the damage to the criminal justice system. not only will it help bring officers closer to their community that they will serve but it will help create that bond between the community and the police. that we have seemed to have lost in this society. i agree that in training officers should know the laws and guild lines front to back. This will help make the officer better off in the future when handling certian things on the job. i am glad that we can teach future officers that arrest is not the only way for use to police and that their are other options that we can do. I really hope that this new type of training will help the criminal justice system and also help us be better police. Its about time some change has come and i hope that this change is a good one. i hold it high that it be passed though all of the united states so that we can see the changes happen through out the country and not just in New York. evo001

    1. I agree that this type of training will help to create better police officers for our society. The emphasis of communication and listening skills as part of the training mentioned in this article will teach the new officers that there better ways of resolving or de-escalating a situation aside from putting handcuffs on someone. CAE004.

  4. The NYPD has developed a new training method that they are hoping will change the way the public sees law enforcement. They are pioneering a training system that, in my opinion, is a positive step in revamping criminal justice. There is an intense focus on the classroom aspect and on exams; you have to pass or you resign. Ensuring that officers know the law in its entirety, as well as going back to making policing about the community will make for the development of much better officers. As the older officers retire and the younger generations rise through the ranks, this training will, I think, really make an impact on the way the public view, as well as interact, with their law enforcement officers. The emphasis on being more calm and making less arrests will eventually trickle down into the jails and lower incarceration rates. This training could be beneficial to many aspects of the criminal justice system, and it is long overdue for an adjustment. It is an outdated system now that is riddled with racial profiling, mandatory minimum sentences, police brutality, and mass incarceration. Finally a department is ready to acknowledge there is, in fact, a problem and work towards fixing the issues, and I hope that other departments across the country will follow the NYPD’s lead. EKT004

    1. I agree EKT004 this training method could have a profound affect on how communities view and interact with law enforcement. Change is overdue for the criminal justice system. The intense classroom portion of this training is what really has me intrigued. I for one can not wait to see how well this new training protocol works out and if it is a success hopefully more departments will follow the NYPD's training protocol.mommy004

    2. I agree that this new style of training of getting the officers to actually communicate and listen to people to resolve situations as opposed to just arresting people will have a trickle down effect, helping to lower the rate we incarcerate people. I also like how the classroom portion of the training is rather intense because, as a citizen, I would definitely want officers who know the law front and back. CAE004.

    3. I agree when you said the system is outdated. I also think it needs some work. The NYPD is really changing the game up. They are making the police force more diverse and really cracking down on their learning. This will only help the community they serve and make it a better place. Mustang003/004

    4. Change is overdue for the criminal justice system. With these training classes it will help people become more informed on the issues that have been going on. NYPD is going to be setting the bar with the outcome of the training that is going on. It will be interesting to see how that department performs after the training. Pie001,002,004

  5. Being a police officer in today’s society is a monumental responsibility. Changes are being implemented to the way police officers are now trained as a way to evolve with society. One of the training aspects emphasized in this article was the ability to communicate with people. Communication is such a crucial part of policing because you can’t just show up to every call and resolve whatever the issue is just by slapping hand cuffs on someone and calling it a day. Having the ability to communicate effectively with people will result in being able to de-escalate a situation much more effectively as opposed to resolving the situation just by arresting somebody. Not all situations can be best resolved via an arrest. I really liked that there was also an emphasis in this article on making emotional connections. Making an emotional connection with the community also shows that police officers do not always have to make an arrest to resolve a situation. They just simply have to be able listen and communicate well with the public eye. One statistic that stuck out to me about the New York Police Academy was that 24% of the cadets are female and 16.5% are African American. This article stated as well that these were record-breaking numbers for the academy which is a great thing to see. The more diversity a police force has, the better the officers will be at being able to create closer ties with the multi-ethnic communities that they serve, which will enhance the legitimacy of the police. The emphasis of communication and the ability to listen to the people of the community in this training academy will, I believe, go a long way toward correcting a broken system and repairing damaged relationships between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. CAE004.

    1. I agree with you that the emphasis in the article on making emotional connections is important. It is important that the community knows law enforcement cares; that eases tensions between the two. Communication is very important when it comes to policing; de-escalating a situation is the best solution possible. I also liked that the academy is teaching that an arrest does not always have to be made. There are sometimes better options available; I like that the academy is teaching to put people first. This article really helped show us the importance of how communication plays a key role in becoming the best officer possible. Scuba004

    2. I like how you pointed out about the percent on female cadets and African American, that stood out to me as well. I agree with you, it will create more closer ties with the multi-ethnic communities, and its obvious that those communities are growing more and more, so with having that also grow with our law enforcement will lead to better communication and how to handle situations for both the community and law enforcement.Bell003

    3. I agree with how you said with the more diverse a police force is, the better it will be. A place like NYC is very diverse. Not everyone is going to know how to handle certain people and creating a more diverse police force, someone will know. Then others can learn from them and be able to handle more situations a lot better. Its smarter to use your brain in problems rather than use violence. Mustang003/004

    4. I like how you added some of the stats. that came within the article. It is important that the community knows law enforcement cares; that eases tensions between the two. People just think that they know the laws when they really don't know the details. Pie001,002,004

  6. One of the biggest takeaways for me from this article is how much an improvement the New York Police Academy is making for the criminal justice system. One of the bigger problems the community sees with law enforcement is racial profiling. The academy is teaching that on the street, everything becomes gray. Their idea is to put people first, which I think is one of the most important things for law enforcement to keep in mind. Community policing is a really important concept, and the New York Police Academy sees that. Getting involved in the community really makes a difference between everyone; law enforcement betters themselves by becoming familiar with problems within the community, and the community betters themselves by being more cooperative with the familiar officers. The academy’s ideas seem to align with some of the Peelian Principles. Some of the goals of the academy and Peelian Principles are that the police exist to prevent crime and disorder and police look for public favor by demonstrating impartial service. The New York Police Academy is also aiming on fixing the gray areas of policing by having a three-discipline curriculum. I like this curriculum because it has a team of instructors and each instructor specializes in one area; this allows for students to get the most out of their classes and is the best way to prepare them for the future. I think the New York Police Academy has concepts that should be adopted across the country. The media typically makes law enforcement out to be the bad guys, but the concepts the academy is working on can ease tensions between law enforcement and the community. The academy is also working towards having their police students better represent the demographics of the community, which will help on easing tensions. It has been proven that the citizens better respects law enforcement that represents the community. I do not see any downsides to the training the academy is giving. The academy brings what the students learn in the classroom to their physical training. The best way for potential law enforcement officers to learn about policing is for them to receive specialty training that gives them reality-based exercises and teaches them how respond in emergency situations. In conclusion, the New York Police Academy is offering excellent training that will reduce community tensions with law enforcement, and the training should be considered for all of the academies across the U.S. Scuba002, Scuba004

    1. I couldn't agree more with you on the how you said about getting involved with the community, being a police officer you're obviously want it to be safe, but you also want to be able to connect with the community and ease their minds. Wanting to be more of a security blanket for your community then rather wanting to intimidate and not have the connection so they won't turn for you for help, being able to communicate and actually listen to them is what makes the best of an officer, not how many arrests you get, and like you said this training does that.Bell003

    2. Community policing is very important because that's the best way to work. People will responded better if the officers look like them and are from their area. I can see where the training is more helpful when it is taught by others who know that special field. Pie001,002,004

  7. I like that they are trying to move towards the talking aspect instead of always going to violence as a solution. We always hear or see videos on the internet about a police officer using violence but we never see them trying to talk a situation down. How may times could a situation been avoided if the police would not jump to using violence instead maybe just trying to talk to the people as, I don't know, humans? Because isn't that what we are, humans? Sometimes the police just want to end the situation as quickly as possible no matter what it takes. And don't get me wrong, I am not talking about all the police officers. There is some really good police officers. That is why I like how the Peoria County Jail is ran. hotfox003

    1. Some people are like how they are and can't be talked down. Hence repeat offenders. Whether they are too ignorant or desperate, they will do what they do and won't change. I would like to see more professional encounters between police and citizens but I would like to see it mutually from both sides. Everyone stops with petty, pathetic that is being televised by the media right now. Everyone grow up. I think all of us discussing in these questions are old enough to know stealing is illegal. Then if you don't do it, you don't have to deal with police officers, whether they are well trained or not.USA003

    2. I agree, verbal skills are everything when it comes to de-escalating a situation. Violence is a last resort and should really only be used for safety purposes. Hopefully with this new curriculum officers will be able to use their discretion a little better. Ghost003, Ghost004

  8. As rough and as stressful as the new training that is talked about in this article sounds, I think it should be given to all cadets that are wanting to become an officer. If you really want to be an officer and do it right, that should give you the motivation and the dedication to take in all the knowledge that you are given. It's obvious that some officers use their badge and handcuffs to intimidate citizens, rather then using communication and listening to their story and go that way of how to handle the situation verbally, and this training seems to get the cadets to that level and open up their minds and eyes about it. Not only does this training help the officers understand, but I believe that it would have a big eye opener for the community as well and that the community would look at law enforcement in a different way. I also enjoyed how it pointed out in the article about the cadets having to stand in a line, and present themselves in their uniforms and their gear like the military, I believe your appearance is number one, you want to look professional. The Three- discipline curriculum is another good idea for the cadets to have to do so like it said in the article to get different perspectives on each situation. Another thing that stood out in this article for me was how the numbers are increasing for female and African Americans. I really enjoyed this article and how great of a training that the New York Police Academy came up with, I really hope other Academies start using this training. Bell003

    1. I agree with you the training being a big eye opener because how policing has changed. The way appearance is very important because the media shows only the bad side of the police force. Pie001,002,004

  9. This new method of training can really change the whole system. As well as the way people view the police officers. Police officers are supposed to protect the people and serve the community. Most of their training though is to know the law. Thats where the NYPD has changed. They started with getting a more diverse group, because that's what the city is mostly like. You'll need to know how to deal with certain people that could be of different race, ethnicity, and or gender. I feel this works really well in their community because NYC is a very diverse place. That's exactly what they have started to teach there. They spend nine hours a day in a classroom learning how to deal with certain situations. They need to know how to handle emotional situations and control them better. With this information they can do their job a lot better and safer if the situation arose. I'm not sure if I would really enjoy nine hours in a classroom every day of the week, but it's all to make your community a better place. Once they know the knowledge on how to handle situations better the incarceration rates could even go down. Mass incarceration is a big problem in our country and not every person needs to be arrested and have their life thrown away. If police officers could just seize the situation and find alternative ways of dealing with it, then it all could go over better. Mustang003/004

    1. This is all true. Especially in a bigger city there are so many diversified groups that it can be overwhelming to try and communicate with all of them without the proper training. The new way the officers are being trained is going to really help bridge the gap between these groups. Knowing the laws is one thing but being able to really know your city and know how to properly talk to everyone in it is a whole different story. The fact that they have three different instructors all specializing in different areas will really help with the teaching that is done at the academy. Gym003

  10. This article made the academy sound very demanding. In my opinion that is the way it should be though. The goal of police officers is to enforce the laws and protect their communities. We hear on the news far too often about how some police officer has done something wrong and sometimes it goes as far as murder. Had all of these officers done everything by protocol this would not happen. The harder cadets are drilled with the knowledge they need to be successful the more they will think when out working in the field. This new way of training recruits is and will continue to be very effective in the making of good, well trained officers. Gym003

    1. I agree, the police academy should be tough. Just like the military, these people are protecting us. So you don't want the weak and dumb people who lack common sense and good judgement making the decisions and upholding the law. The phrase "Best and Brightest" is usually used to describe military personal, but I think if the academies stay at a demanding level and do NOT lower the standards to become an officer that phrase could be, once again, used to describe out police forces. USA003

  11. I love seeing people step up to serve the country. Whether that be through military or police service or something of the like, it restores my faith that the USA still has patriots. The new recruits aren't just training on how to arrest and write tickets, according to the article, they are learning about the different cultures of people that they could encounter while on the job. Police are to protect and serve. But I fear too many people recently want police to serve them. It is great to establish relationships with the community but don't get too close or you won't be making a good judgement call when it counts when dealing with these people. I'm all for knowing more about the culture you might be policing, but if let to far, it could just backfire. USA003

    1. You bring up a good argument about becoming too close with the people in the community. I think that officers should be close with the community but people need to understand they can not take advantage of the officers title. It is an officers job to offer their services to the community but there is a fine line on what they actually need to be spending their time doing. It is also a very good thing that they are learning how to deal with different cultures as America is so diversified and is becoming more and more so as years pass. Gym003

  12. The new training that officers must undergo teaches them how to be an officer of the law. Learning how to communicate and work with the community is seen as a priority throughout the department. Rather than being taught by a specific individual, officers are taught by a team of instructors that each specialize in a certain area. Officers learn a three- discipline curriculum by three different specialized instructors. Not only do officers go through training activities, they are also required to take standardized tests. A priority of teaching officers would include the culture of modern policing as on the practical aspects of making an arrest. This involves with suspects plus the court systems, along with the understanding of legal responsibilities of law enforcement.Another thing that is changing is the diversity found within the police departments. The article states that departments are leaning toward having more racial diversity on their staff, especially in multi-ethnic communities. For example, NYPD is aiming toward a more diverse staff in order to relate and reflect the community that they are policing in. Bry001

    1. Learning how to communicate and understand how the law applies to the streets can make for a healthy choice when dealing with individuals officers interact with on the streets. I also like how they are split in terms of what each instructor specializes in this will allow the instructor to be more positive in the information their sharing as they are more passionate about what their teaching and knowledgeable. Understanding law, courts and understanding other legal matter before entering the streets also can make the officer effective as they learn how to approach certain areas they may be dealing with on a given day while going through their job to ensure that they are doing this correctly to the best of their ability. Eagle001 Eagle002

  13. The NYPD has developed a new training method that they are hoping will change the way the public sees law enforcement. Changes are being implemented to the way police officers are now trained as a way to evolve with society. One of the training aspects emphasized in this article was the ability to communicate with people. The academy rather taught the recruits to instead talk to the people in the streets and listen to them because they are, after all, still people. Learning how to treat people respectfully and not be yelling or always trying to make an arrest will go a long way in repairing the relationships between police and civilians. The emphasis on being more calm and making less arrests can trickle down into the jails by lowering the incarceration rates, this comes back to knowing good communication skills. We have talked about how important it is to know good verbal skill when helping with the community. This academy is that it teaches the recruits the three main subjects of policing through more instructors. What this does, instead of the original one instructor method, is gives broader coverage of the overall subject. With having a specialized instructor in each field, it allows for a better understanding of that subject. One statistic that stuck out to me about the New York Police Academy was that 24% of the cadets are female and 16.5% are African American. This will come back to know how to talk to people within the beat that you are working but it also come in hand with community policing. People will talk to the officers if the officers are like them, not everyone white person will be so open with talking to a minority officer and the vis versa. The media typically makes law enforcement out to be the bad guys, but the concepts the academy is working on can ease tensions between law enforcement and the community. No matter what good officers do for the citizens the media will only show the one “bad apple” and make out to be that’s how all officers are and act. The best way for potential law enforcement officers to learn about policing is for them to receive specialty training that gives them reality-based exercises and teaches them how respond in emergency situations. When college students get the chance to do an internship or any type of ride along they need to do it because then they get the chance to see first hand just what happens being an officer. Pie001,002,004

    1. You are correct, not only will this new training effects the way officers must see the public, but it also will change how the public views them. Officers must have the right communication skills in order to do their jobs effectively. Not only good communication but good decision making skills and use of discretion. This three discipline training program will help shape future individuals turn into the ideal officer that is desired in police departments today. Bry001

  14. The NYPD is beginning another training cycle for its cadets. This go around will feature a new focus on culture training as well as practical police skills such as how to make arrests and how the court system works. This new training class comes from all around New York and many have personal reasons for pursuing a career in policing. Some cadets have seen the troubles police face and truly believe they can make a difference. Furthermore, NYPD continues to strive for diversity within its ranks to better represent the community it is policing. I was surprised that 24% of the cadets are female. This statistic seems high which shows progress for women in policing. Nonetheless, these cadets have 6 months of intense training in order to graduate as police officers with a starting probational salary of $44,000 a year. Reaching graduation is no easy task however, cadets are pushed to the limit and learn quickly how to work as a team under high stress environments in order to achieve common goals. This type of training can easily be associated to military basic training. During the cadet’s day, they will train for nine hours in various fields including firearms, combative training, and law and regulation classes. In addition to these classes cadets are taught social skills necessary to communicate effectively once they are out on their own. This type of training, from what Dr. White has taught us, is priceless. Communication is the single most important element in any situation. Knowing what others are doing and thus knowing what you need to do in a given situation is part of working as a team in policing. It is good to see departments like the NYPD picking up this idea of social and cultural focus instead of just the basic skills necessary to perform the basic duties of a police officer. I hope other departments see this example and start using similar programs. The article mentions that other departments are following this example, but overall the NYPD seems to be leading the charge on this particular type of training. More precisely, the redesign of the curriculum into three parts or chapters seems to be the foundation for teaching the cadets while being able to go into depth due to the specialization of each chapter by separate instructors. This type of program gives the cadets the opportunity to seek out and get answers they may have to help fill in the important “grey areas” of policing. The pure amount of knowledge and the stressful environment make basic police officer training challenging but worthwhile in producing effective and accurate officers. Ghost003, Ghost004

    1. I was also surprised that 24% of the cadets were female. The New York Police Academy seems to be doing a good job in improving the demographic percentages that properly represent the community. I think it is neat that all of the cadets have each other’s backs and support each other too. By holding each other accountable, they can encourage each other and help each other get through the tough times. I also hope that other academies can see the success in the New York Police Academy and adopt programs based off of them. Scuba002

  15. I think this method of training is a good start to giving everyone what they want. Throughout the article they use communication as a key factor. I feel as though a lot of times some officers don’t even take the chance to actually go in the community, talk to people, make sure everythings alright. I think some and very few just wait around in their car, being lazy and wait for a call. Either they wait for a call or watch for somebody to speed past them. I don’t think a lot of officers take their time and actually walk the streets and meet people and make people feel more safe knowing they are there. Some really just sit around and wait for the action to happen. The training process sounds very long and interesting though. The writer compared it to college but the first thing that popped into my head was high school. Starting from 6:30am to 3:30pm. That’s exactly like high school. Then they have to wear uniforms so that makes it exactly like high school. But I do understand what the writer is trying to say. He saying this whole thing is a learning process that takes time. You have to dress and behave a certain way with people on the streets or they will surely judge you. A cop walks up to you with his/her shirt untucked and starts talking crazy to you, what are you going to think? How’d this officer get their badge. DC004

    1. I could not agree more. Communication in policing is key, and the NYPD is putting an emphasis on that. I feel that better communication with the people they serve will help them strengthen the the ties the have with the community, and make them a better department overall.-OKC001

  16. I thought this article was a great insight to the training that goes on in the New York police academy. New York is making great strides to bridge the gap between them and the community, and I think it will work. These new officers will have such a great understanding of procedural justice, and help improve the severed ties they have with their community. Officers today face a much more complicated landscape, with far more hurdles than officers before them. The level of diversity that they see, and the problems they face, are much different than officers of the past. The emphasis on de-escalation will help these officers better serve their communities, and prevent unnecessary conflict. I thought the diversity of the class, while still not completely on par with the community, is a good start. Officers are supposed to reflect their communities, and New York City is a very diverse landscape. This level of diversity calls for a very diverse police force, which the city of New York is working towards. Police academies across the country need to shoot for this diversity in their force. If other departments had not only the training that these officers are getting, but also the diversity, many terrible events could have been avoided. Ferguson, Missouri for example is one city that this could have helped. If their police force would have had more diversity in their ranks that better represented the community, I feel that maybe the outrage of the Michael Brown shooting would have been lessened. I feel that with all these steps the NYPD is taking, they will be set the standard for all police departments across the country. Hopefully the controversy and hate surrounding law enforcement can hopefully be alleviated by this training and diversity that New York City is introducing.-OKC001

    1. I agree that the de-escalation methods that these officers are learning will serve them well when they begin working in their communities. However, I’m not so sure that they are seeing much different problems than the officers before them. I think they just go about handling them in different ways these days. Hopefully these attempts to amend a broken culture will be noticed by the community and lead to a better future. RustyPete001

  17. This article for 21st century cops points out that, the class sizes for modern day police training are broken down into small class sizes this allows for better personal interaction with officers in making sure their effectively learning the traits to be a beneficial law enforcement officer. Making sure these new trained officers are ready for the streets, court, and aspects of policing. Than after this class is broken down into smaller groups the training requires that each of these upcoming officers learn about each of their classmates personal to make this a more comfortable experience as their going through this training together this leads into less people giving up or being thrown out also allowing this new officers to build relationships with others who are going into the same career they are allowing for better connections. The 21st century police also wants to make for a better diversity within their departments as this helps to have more positive interactions within communities as people interacting with law enforcing on the street can help get based some implicated biases they feel towards law enforcement. The state at the academy for these officers that they will start out with $44,000.00 per year this difference in fincial earnings will make these officers less likely to accept bribes, hand-outs, or to commit illegal crimes because many of these officers will have the meads to support their own finical lifestyle burden. The feeling of this new training is that the department focus is on the person doing well and if the individual doesn’t do well than the department is going to try to be there to support that officer this training that focus on caring for the officer rather than punishment can create a better officers as their focus is not on fear of what could happen but knowing there have support to make a better choice which could also help the officer to have better more positive interactions with individual’s they encounter when working the streets as well. The article points out that at 6:30am all new recruits must stand in attention which their inspected this cause for professional is what officers needs as well as these officers reflect their department and if they are dressed poorly this sends a message that officers are slobs and doesn’t help to show a positive police force. This also teaches officers to be displianed as is a career that demands dispolicane as there are dangerous situations that exists within a law enforcement daily activity. Within this modern police training recruits are also learning emergency producers and how to handle exercise that simulate things which will be encountered working on the felid having this in a control environment will make this officer less likely to be at risk when they have to perform the real job. The new idea of this training is a focus of not always making arrest for people they serve but having the ability to make an emotional connection this change is helpful in changing the minds and hearts of people law enforcement encounters also helping to improve relationships within the community. Eagle001 Eagle002

    1. - I also like the small classes the New York Police Academy offers. It is harder for me to learn in the bigger classes, and I can imagine how much harder large classes would be when it came to physical training. The high level of interaction with the professor helps cadets to learn and remember for the long term. I like that the academy teaches discipline, which will help them be better law enforcement officers in the future. The idea on making an emotional connection with people also helps the cadets be the best they can be in the future. Scuba002

  18. I like the fact that the NYPD are coming up with news ways and techniques for the training and academy program. This new method of training should definitely change how we see law enforcement. I see this as a better way to reconstruct our police and hopefully how society interacts with them in a more positive way. The test taking being just as important than any other aspect is important because it makes sure that our future cops know the laws and are well knowledgeable in that part of the academy. This new training program should hopefully make some positive changes with our society and police relationship. kt001

  19. This would be a very interesting series to watch. I wish they would be allowed to make it into a TV show like the one they have on rookie corrections officers. It seems like the NYPD is doing many of the same things PPD is doing in order to form a better relationship with members of the community. The focus should be on having one on one contact with individuals and understanding how the police can help them out. It’s not going to prevent police officers from doing their jobs as far as locking up dangerous criminals, but it will definitely form a better perception of the police. Spending more time at the academy learning how to talk to people and talking about resolutions that don’t require taking someone away in cuffs should only make these officers more well rounded individuals. As they said in the article, there is a large emphasis on communication at the academy. This is important because how you speak to people can largely impact the outcome of a situation. Not everyone responds the same way to certain types of communication. Sometimes yelling will only make the situation worse. Learning and applying these social skills are going to make individuals feel like they are being treated with respect, which will in turn make things safer for officers. A six-month academy definitely sounds like a grind, but those officers had the right attitude. Put your head down and get it done. I think it’s great that the recruits have a team-oriented environment. I like how they help one another out. That’s how it should be and hopefully how it is when they arrive for their jobs. Everyone in the department should be on the same team. The “us vs. them”, “every man for himself” mentality is what got us in this mess in the first place. RustyPete001

  20. This article on the 21 century police officer is an interesting article. It talks how the new recruits go to the academy for 6 months and go through the paramilitary training of the police force and how they instill the discipline of the military to create bonds between the new recruits. how they put them through classes that relate to the profession. These new officers will have such a great understanding of procedural justice, and help improve the severed ties they have with their community. Officers today face a much more complicated landscape, with far more hurdles than officers before them. The level of diversity that they see, and the problems they face, are much different than officers of the past. The emphasis on de-escalation will help these officers better serve their communities, and prevent unnecessary conflict.The academy rather taught the recruits to instead talk to the people in the streets and listen to them because they are, after all, still people. Learning how to treat people respectfully and not be yelling or always trying to make an arrest will go a long way in repairing the relationships between police and civilians. The emphasis on being more calm and making less arrests can trickle down into the jails by lowering the incarceration rates, this comes back to knowing good communication skills. Steel001 Banshee002

    1. I definitely agree that diversity needs to be put more and more into policing which I think that the NYPD at new method will do that and do that very well because a role as a police officer is really to communicate more and more with the offender versus just throwing the cuffs on them or possibly just keeping them out of jail if they are a young person and sometimes jail isn't always the only answer so I really feel like that is where communication comes in and it will help the officer. I also feel like the classes that they will learn during this new method will be very beneficial because I feel like the laws are constantly changing and a cop needs to know them inside and out so I think that the new way will really help I think the new method will lower the incarceration rates. The repeat offender ratios I feel like the new method is going to really benefit our community as a whole as well and maybe teach people not necessarily to be afraid of the copsc because I know cops are coming under a lot of fire 4 a lot of discretion movements made but in real honesty they only have a split second to make a decision and I know that the community sometimes does not agree with it or understand why that course of action was taken I'm hoping that the new method will help with that as well. Calmnthechoas001,002

  21. This article was very interesting and informative. It's very pleasing to learn that the NYPD is training their officers in a new way. At the academy the recruits are divided into companies of 24, which allows for smaller classes and better interaction. I think it's very important, and allows everyone to learn more. One of the most important things that was pointed out, was the recruits are taught how to make an emotional connection with the people they serve. They are taught that you don't always have to make an arrest. Changing the idea of basic procedure. They are taught you don't have to yell, you don't necessarily have to make an arrest. You have to figure out how to talk and listen. Communication skills are very important in law enforcement. I believe that's where most people go wrong. They don't necessarily have communication skills. They just know how to argue their point and not hear out the other side of the story. Policing today is much more different than policing thirty years ago. The move for great diversity in the police force is one of the most important things. Having more diversity in law enforcement so that it reflects the community.Someone growing up in a black community could look at police officers differently if they saw more who mirrored them. Delasio stated in the article that "It will create a sense of appreciation among the people that you serve and a connection to the people that you serve." Overall I think this way of training is brilliant and could possibly resolve a lot of problems that police officers face now. It's sad to say but in some parts policing is all about the numbers, that's where they go wrong. Some people are in this field for the wrong reasons. If your heart isn't in it, you shouldn't be. -dicaprio001

  22. The way that the NYPD is coming up with new training is it great way to see into what the NYPD really do I think that the new way of training will really hope the new generation of policing. Officers today face a lot more diversity than in the past I think it's a great idea to have them go to the academy for six months and I think it's going to be a great idea that they instill discipline like the military overall I think it'll give it a better well-rounded experience for the new coming in officer. I also feel that this will give officers a new sense of confidence and doing their job because of the things instilled in them from the longer time at the Academy and the military discipline. Overall I think that this will be a great new way to train and I think we will see great results from it and that is personally My Hope. Communication is really key in policing the police force is a lot different now than it was 30 years ago so I think that is why communication these days are more a vital tool then just throwing the cuffs on a person. With this new method it will definitely help the new officers with communication and give them a better sense of confidence and they will learn their job a lot better I feel like with this new method. Calmnthechoas001,002

  23. The new method of training NYPD officers can potentially change the way people view law enforcement. They are pioneering a training system that I feel is a positive step in revamping criminal justice. The intense focus on the classroom aspect and then the exams have to be passed or you resign. Ensuring that officers know the law front and back as well as going back to making policing about the citizens will make for much better officers. As the older officers retire and the younger millennials become officers this training will I think prove to really have made an impact on the way a mass amount of people view as well as interact with law enforcement. The emphasis on being more calm and making less arrests can trickle down into the jails by lowering the incarceration rates. This training could be beneficial to many aspects of the criminal justice system. It is long over due that our system undergo an overhaul. It is a broken system, with it's racial profiling, mandatory sentences, police brutality, mass incarceration, the list goes on. Finally a department ready to acknowledge there is a problem and work towards eradicating the issues. The feeling of this new training is that the department focus is on the person doing well and if the individual doesn’t do well than the department is going to try to be there to support that officer this training that focus on caring for the officer rather than punishment can create a better officers as their focus is not on fear of what could happen but knowing there have support to make a better choice which could also help the officer to have better more positive interactions with individual’s they encounter when working the streets as well. The article points out that at 6:30am all new recruits must stand in attention which their inspected this cause for professional is what officers needs as well as these officers reflect their department and if they are dressed poorly this sends a message that officers are slobs and doesn’t help to show a positive police force. This also teaches officers to be displianed as is a career that demands dispolicane as there are dangerous situations that exists within a law enforcement daily activity. Within this modern police training recruits are also learning emergency producers and how to handle exercise that simulate things which will be encountered working on the felid having this in a control environment will make this officer less likely to be at risk when they have to perform the real job. The new idea of this training is a focus of not always making arrest for people they serve but having the ability to make an emotional connection this change is helpful in changing the minds and hearts of people law enforcement encounters also helping to improve relationships within the community.Again I think it has the potential to make an impact and if so hopefully other departments will conduct their cadet training in a similar fashion. Ciaccio001/002

    1. I agree that it is important not to arrest every person that you can. That leads to mass incarceration, horrible police-community relations, and an overall poor criminal justice system. I think the training that is being implemented is a step in the right direction, and other states can build off of this to improve their departments as well.
      gh_blackhawks002, 001

  24. One thing that is being strived for to improve the law enforcement throughout communities is diversifying the police force to mirror that of the community. Although this may work, it still does not eliminate the bad apples of each department, so this will not solve all of the issues that we see throughout the system, such as brutality and very poor police-community relations. However, diversifying the police force is still a good step towards better relationships between law enforcement and members of the community. Another good aspect of training new cops is the building of relationships with members of the community, creating emotional connections with the people that you will encounter throughout your shifts. Another priority, one that is found to be a great skill of female officers, is the social skill of de-escalation. De-escalation is a very important skill to have, and it can be the difference of life and death. If a situation is handled poorly, in the case of George Zimmerman for example, out looking for trouble basically after he was told not to pursue Trayvon Martin, the situation escalated quickly, and Zimmerman ended up pulling his weapon and Trayvon was killed. George Zimmerman clearly didn’t have de-escalation skills because 1) Trayvon was not even armed and 2) The physical altercation was not needed and could have easily been avoided, giving us one example of the training that can be implemented in new training of officers. The steps that New York are taking to improve the police force are definitely a good place to start in building connections with communities throughout the area, and the more we strive to seek better relationship, the smoother things will go and the less tension we will see between law enforcement and communities.
    gh_blackhawks002, 001

    1. I like how you brought up the case of George Zimmerman and de=escalation. If Zimmerman used these tactics instead of approaching Martin in the way he did, the situation would have been completely different. It's crucial to engrave officers with the procedures and how to handle certain situations. A lot of times it can mean life or death. When officers are out under a large amount of stress, their split second decisions can be altered. It's extremely important to everyone involved. behappy001

  25. I think that the training is very insightful and encouraging to the community to know that their officers are taking that extra step to better their department. The fact that one of the officers used her bad encounter with an officer to make it an positive outcome. MSSA022

  26. It's satisfying to know that the New York Police Academy is training cadets in a positive way to meet the standards of today's society. It's important that new cadets understand how police officers are viewed and the possible confrontations they may face on the outside. The diversity on a department is so important and to have each officer trained in the same ways, learning the same procedures and steps to take in all situations, it will hopefully decrease the amount of violence that takes place. There are many different reasons why individuals choose to go into this career, at times a career that is thankless, selfless, and dangerous, and some may be for good and some for bad. This new program of training focuses on today's culture and the practical aspects of making an arrest, dealing with suspects, and understanding the legal responsibilities of law enforcement. A huge mindset that is being taught is de-escalation and confrontation, limiting the percentage of violence and other issues. Their training lasts six months, in which they're learning how to be agents of law enforcement and even thought they aren't permitted off-duty employment, they get the starting salary of an officer at $44,000. I think it's also important that the article points out how "everybody wants you to do well." Everyone on the department wants what's best for everyone and they are all willing to help each other if need be. It's a mutual support system where everyone is reaching for the same goal. This is a great start for every individual becoming a respectable officer. behappy001

  27. Ensuring that officers know the law front and back as well as going back to making policing about the citizens will make for much better officers. As the older officers retire and the younger millennials become officers this training will I think prove to really have made an impact on the way a mass amount of people view as well as interact with law enforcement. This new training class comes from all around New York and many have personal reasons for pursuing a career in policing. Some cadets have seen the troubles police face and truly believe they can make a difference.Their idea is to put people first, which I think is one of the most important things for law enforcement to keep in mind. Community policing is a really important concept, and the New York Police Academy sees that. Getting involved in the community really makes a difference between everyone. I really liked that there was also an emphasis in this article on making emotional connections. Emotional connections is the key part of communication in the police world and having good communication skills with people on the streets will get you a long way in your career.-NIKE001/NIKE002


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