Africa for Sale? The Reality of Neocolonialism....Thoughts?

Africa for Sale? Neocolonialism and the Reality


  1. I find this to be a huge issue. While I do agree that foreign lands that offer resources create job, but this is not being handled in the correct manner. For example, we find that these workers that are being employed by million, or even billion, dollar companies are being short-changed, which shows inequality. I feel as if there needs international regulations set to ensure the correct distribution of payment for all individuals. The dollar of foreign countries should be met and not unvalued. Higher society fails to realize that without blue collar occupations, such as factory jobs, the majority of society would not function. Therefore, why do we continue to discredit these hardworking individuals? Especially ones who are not apart of our own society. Does that mean it is alright to violate workers’ rights as long as they are not our own people? I am mainly taking this stance against the United States. How about we send American workers to these foreign lands see the reaction to them if they were treated the same. Also, could we possibly compare the payment inequality to the one of women in the United States? I mean I am sure foreigners face greater payment inequality, but it still does not make it right. I proclaim a self-evaluation is needed. Via Global Stratification, we can clearly see that there is a explicit pattern of social inequality that exists.


    1. I will agree this is a very huge issue and problem. Yes there definitely is a better way to handle this then screwing countries and there people over. Yes inequality at its finest. That is a great ideal that international regulation needs to get involved to make sure all individuals get their money so they can continue to provide for their families. It would also be a good ideal that the right parties can get involved so that those foreigns that don’t want to sell their land don’t get it taken away from they unjustly. Yes they should be paid appropriately to the worth of their land and the amount that’s being sold. I think higher society isn’t worried about blue collar jobs it doesn’t effect them. The hardworking people are the ones that make society continue to function. I’m with you there none of this is right. It’s definitely time for a self evaluation to stop and look and try and fix the wrongs. Cupcake005...

  2. I am so disgusted by the role the African government is playing. He is the one finding outside companies to come and take the land from his people. I understand that he is making money in these transaction. This is definitely dependency theory where the rich nations are responsible for global poverty. That's not right for one the land doesn’t belong to him, and two how do you tear down yours own home land and sleep at night. Talk about the African government is corrupt he is out to help himself and don’t care about the people of Africa at all. Do he not know that Africa will not survive if he continues this. That’s why poverty is continuing to grow in rapid form in Africa . The people their are not only getting their land taken from them they are also losing work and they no longer have food to eat. It’s so sad these people grew up on their land, and it belonged to them and their family and that’s all they know. Now it’s being taken away from them to make crops that are shipped elsewhere and it’s not even to help feed Africa. It’s devastating to watch your land being destroyed and you can’t do anything to stop it. This is the worst thing that a person can do to another person. How do you take someone else's land or property and then forbid them to come back to it. This is taken their livelihood away and if they try to stop it they risk getting killed. These deals that are being written in the contracts are very one sided. They call it land grabbing and that is exactly what they're doing to all this foreign countries. In this story clip they had the audacity to talk about the benefits of all of this. There are no benefits for the landowners or the people of the foreign countries because they are getting everything taken from them unfairly. Cupcake005...

    1. I completely agree, like what was your purpose to begin with in going into your field? You are supposed to be the one that the people can trust and look up to. You shoild be the one that they turn to for help. How can anything change for the better if the one with the power is the one that is corrupt and causing the problems? Your people are already struggling. They are struggling to put food on their tables and whatever else may be the everyday problems that they face and for most of the land owners cases, their land is helping them to solve that. The more that the government is corrupt, the more that their country will fail and eventually there will be no country left. PurpleHearts005

    2. I agree how can someone bring in people from elsewhere to take from the same people he know and have lived with all his life. He was once one of them but chose to turn the other cheek for a few pennies. The sad part is he's able to sleep at night because he think he is living higher then the ones he took for granted. But in reality he just half a step from being where their at and going. Also I agree that if the crops and whatever else they were using the land for was being used to support and feed Africa then it wouldnt be so bad. BUt it still wouldnt make it great but atleast it would show morals and values in a sense. But thyre shipping that stuff all over the world and making millions off of it.Times will never really change only age the process. 12mc-005

  3. Watching this video, I automatically just feel bad for the land owners. Africa already is known to be a poor place to live. They struggle a little more in ways that we Americans do. For some of these land owners, I assume that they are participating in a traditional economy. The land was most likely passed down for many generations. For some of these people, it is the only source of money brung in. The only thing that they know how to do. It's probably the only thing that they have ever known and probably will be the same for their children. It's one thing for corporations to come in and try to do business with the land owner but for them to scam and unfairly pay what is due, is disgusting. They are basically being harrassed to give up their land. You would think that Afiricas' own government would be concerned and protect them from it but they are participating and ADMITTING to the corruptness. For centuries, there have been people coming in trying to take others resources to benefit themselves and it's selfish and horrid to think about. There needs to be some kind of change. PurpleHearts005

  4. I found this video to be very disturbing and sad. The government in Africa know how bad it is, yet they allow people to come in and take the land from families that has depended on their land that them and their ancestors put so much pain and love into. Its all about the money for the government and foreigners. How the hell can they buy their land and then in return lease it out to them for 60 plus years? I believe that is a little dependency theory because they are made to rely on them and now in debt for something that is rightfully theirs in the first place. They are also using global stratification to its highest degree. The most disturbing part is that theyre not even putting the land to great use for he people and wont even employ them knowing they have no where to go or any real means to survive. Mr Brooks said it can bring more jobs etc but to me he is crooked and covering up they shady business. It is a win win for the people buying and taking the land. However it is unmistakinly neo colonialism at its best. Have of them were not educated enough to even know what was going on. Thats when I would of assumed the government would have stepped in and assisted in the right way to help their people out. As long as there is the love for money there will always be these types of situations. 12mc-005


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