Balancing Pragmatism, Safety, and 287g

Balancing Pragmatism, Safety, and 287g


  1. Entrekin is trying to get a hold on the immagration problem and the overwhelming increase in the jail population. The cost is high to house illegals and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Immagrants are crossing the borders and being thrown in jail for months before they are deported. The costs are rising yearly to house these is i inmates and even though the problems are being addressed the solution is slow to exist. Entrikin has special housing in his jail and there is 300 people incarcerated at any given day. The war on deportation isn;t slowing down and will remain a problem for years unless some serious steps are taken.Their are many officials batteling these problems and hopefully a solution is eventually found. People are trying to enter this country for freedom and better opportunities no one can blame them most people want to better their lives. There's not a lot that can be said on this subject because it will always be ongoing until a solution is met.sly.003

  2. You would think there would be a faster system in place that would deal with illegal immigrants in the prison system. They should not be housed in there for that long. I wish somebody would figure out the illegal immigrants in America. I do not know how all that works, but something should be done. Even the people who come over here to work, should not be done. Once they are here, they will not leave. That is where I think the problem starts. hotfox003


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