It's Still PC to be Ageist.....Said Bill Maher

 Still PC to be Agiest


  1. This video was a great monologue very funny but even through the laughter there was a clear and specific message; that our world is very judgemental of others and it's unfortunately not just the elderly generation being judged on what can be done because of age, however they suffer the most judgemental situations then anyone. I found it mighty funny that Bernie Sanders was in that panel cause not to be speaking for others but I believe his age cost him the election along with the other non sense that went on behind the scene of the National​ Democratic Convention. Not to mention ageisms was questioned by the Republicans for John McCain. In today's world it seems as if ageisms will always play a factor no matter what; although the younger generation really need help from the older generation for the simple fact most have been there done that so to speak, so their generation is able to speak from experience, and not going out making rash decision. Another statement I found ironic in class it was said that America don't take care of their elderly generation like other countries do was overall shocking I guess cause being in the medical field you see middle age kids taking over basic responsibilities that their love ones once had control over, but I see that can even possibly be questioned with those who do it for financial gain or even yet some people can be very selfish and don't want to be bother or take on the burdens. Which further outlines our changing world, but like the old phrase say " with age comes wisdom" Leathas005

    1. At 73, I have seen vast differences in ageing attitudes and ways of living life. Here in the U.S. the majority of us have health care with the lower income having Medicare and Medicaid and better living conditions than lower in-income countries. Therefore most of us are living longer healthier lives. As Bill Maher said age is relative and individual. He mentioned Mr Buffet at 89 is still strong and intelligent as many are.
      I also have very fragile friends that need around the clock care in a nursing home and a next door neighbor taking good care of herself at 92. It is costing our government way too much for elder care and end of life care so I am seeing a change in health care companies encouraging people to stay home or with a care giver and nursing help coming to the home.
      I have prepared for my later years with a good pension, social security and long term insurance. However good pensions are being deleted and who knows how long social security will be around. I am one of the lucky oldies with sons that will take me into their home if necessary. I would strongly recommend that all younger people set aside money($20) from each check and forget about it and let investments make money for your end of life years. Life should be fun after retirement and we all should enjoy a good laugh at ourselves with Bill Maher. grandma005

    2. I was thinking along the same lines as you when I saw Bernie Sanders at that table. I then looked up the age of him and Hillary Clinton because that’s who he lost too. There is a six year age difference. My thinking would be he has more political experience and wisdom at his age then she does at her age. But if my memory serves me right all everyone was talking about was if he was going to make it through a full term in the office before he passed away. That is what our society has come to now. We look at the elderly and wonder when they are going to pass away. What we should be doing is learning from them and taking their experience and knowledge then building off of that. When I talk to older people no matter what their background is I try to learn something from them. I ask questions and listen to what they have to say. The young generation believes they know everything and have all the resources they need on the internet. Cardinals005.

  2. Bill Maher states that ageism is the last acceptable prejudice in America. In our high income country it is predicted that the median age in 2060 will be more than 40 up from 23 in 1990. This is due to less births and people living longer. I see where age stratification, the unequal distribution of wealth and power with age is because older people's voice has become more powerful because they vote for people that will help their age group and because they have figured out that saving money equals power or as sociologists call it gerontocracy. Ageism does exist today where the younger generation fu-fu's our old fashioned ideas. However, they don't think about the fact that those ideas enabled us to own our home and car and enjoy the income we planned ahead for. I agree with the Symbolic-interaction theory with focus on the Activity theory where activity increases people's personal satisfaction in old age and we find new activities to replace the ones left behind. Only with advance thought and preparation can the oldies tip toe through the tulips. I also think family, friends and faith play an important role in our happiness and educating ourselves to keep the ol' brain working. This class, teacher and students are keeping this grandma young!! I don't feel any ageism here!grandma005

    1. You mentioned that we are a high-income nation, and that our life expectancy is going up all the time. It is ironic that a country with a good life expectancy and the highest income would have so much ageism. I’m glad to hear that you don’t feel like you’re the victim of ageism at ICC though! I think after contemplating it for a bit, my theory on why there is so much ageism in this country is two-fold. The first reason I think is that our country emphasizes so strongly the idea of “self”. We are self-centered and materialistic in this country on average. When we are self-centered, we do not look outward as often for guidance and help which has traditionally been the main purpose of our elders in societies going back for thousands of years. Once we’ve convinced ourselves that we don’t need that anymore, society stopped appreciating our elders as much, which is nonsense. I believe the second reason is that our country is one of the most liberal and progressive nations in the world. Being as progressive and liberal as we are, we tend to devalue the opinions of older people because we associate their possible contributions with conservatism and regressive ideas. Even though this is not necessarily true, it is a stereotype that old people are more racist, sexist, and intolerant or inflexible in general. Those sentiments create a natural disrespect and resentment for elderly people which is ironic because it is the exact same kind of mentality that we dislike and generally associate with the older populations. Poet005

  3. I love watching Bill Maher videos. I almost forgot I was watching this one for a class. Bill brings up a very good point, and I have repeated it many times throughout my life. I’ve always been off-put by the lack of respect and veneration that elders receive in the U.S. It is not as though there are a thousand big candidates to consider every election. Candidates for president (and in fact most positions in the world other than government as well) should be considered on a case-by-case basis, because as Bill mentioned, age is always relative. Of course, deep down we all know this if we are asked about it as individuals and can really think about it for a minute. We still end up often making decisions with this irrational prejudice as an influencing factor though. I feel like a broken record because I have stressed this point in other blog posts as well, but this is another example of how subject we are to cultural influence on our thought patterns. We ignore obvious, objective truths by adopting popular opinion instead (which could form in an innumerable number of ways from bad science to simple rumors). I’d like to say that we’ll eventually know better, but unfortunately, I think this is simply human nature. As pack animals, it is just too easy for us to get swept away in public opinion. Poet005

    1. Although I am guilty of having made such prejudices I do agree that such prejudices do not benefit anyone. I admit at the time I wasn't thinking about the negative effects and was more of an impulse. This is not my basic way of thinking as I view myself as more of an advocate of such generalized issues. I treat people appropriately with respect and as a person as which people are. I view our societies treatment of elders just like their treatment with any disability, ergo don't get to close you might catch it or I feel bad for you but I rather not have an awkward conversation. Just because others are different doesn't mean their treatment needs to be different. Awkward conversations can be avoided just don't create them speak normally. Most of the time elderly want to be treated just as you would treat the youth and welcome simple conversations. Situations are only as hard as you make them for yourself not the other way around. In all I agree with what you have said in the blog and keep on preaching your beliefs. BHL005

  4. This clip had humor but brought insight into a subject that I never really thought a lot about. Bill Maher did a good job at proving his point on how the younger generation doesn’t pay attention to the older generation. The older generation is going to just continue to get bigger and bigger. The younger generation is going to be outnumbered by half the generation being over forty three in 2060. The younger generation will be taking over businesses, government jobs, and the care for the elderly. We as a younger generation need to do a better job in learning from them and taking what they’ve learned throughout their years. We need to build off what they started not go back and restart everything. Bill Maher joked about the young generation being interested with butts. What I got out of that was the younger generation is more interested in big butts than it is with the older generation. With the baby bombers growing old there isn’t going to be enough nursing homes to put everyone in. The younger generation is going to have to take care of their parents like they did us when we were youngsters. The price of healthcare is only going to up because of the demand. If you don’t have enough resources to provide a nursing home you will have to do it yourself. Use as the youth of nation need to start learning more from the older people and worry less about big butts on the internet. Cardinals005.

  5. I agree with you completely a lot of the younger generation really do take the older generation for granted rather it be those whom​ scam them out of their life savings or even those who see them out in public and won't even hold the door, in those who still remain at home don't have kids in the neighborhood like they did back in the days take care of the elderly rather it be making sure they ate, cleaning, running errands, and other everyday activities of life. Hopefully the younger generation do realize that the older generation is more of a help than a burden. Leathas005

  6. I have to agree with Bill Maher on how ageism is viewed by the younger generations. I have to admit that in the last election I disregarded Berny Sanders due to his age. I agreed with his views but felt that the stress of being President would send him to his grave as it has in the past with other Presidents. I believed that if you voted for Berny you were really voting for the Vice President when the time came. I didn’t grow up with grandparents, my grandmother passed when I was 13 and growing up was spent being watched by my aunts if we were at my grandmas. All my other grandparents past before I was even born, so I wasn’t exposed to the elderly as much as others are and lack that relationship that others have had with their grandparents. The elderly are filled with knowledge as they have experienced many events throughout their lifetime, just like if some asked something about the 90s I could answer but millennials couldn’t. So as the elders can answer or be more precise of an event that occurred before my time. The elderly shouldn’t be disregarded, held back, treated poorly, just because their age. I have witnessed people in public talk to the elderly as if they were infants and if that was me I would have to really screw with the person as that is the type of person I am. Think I can’t understand you be prepared because now it’s a game to me and I’m going to see how many times I can make you repeat yourself. Stereotypes are how one views another and implies that such stereotypes are true for everyone that falls into the category. If you want to be treated with respect than treat others with respect, treat others the way you would like to be treated. Adapt to those who actually need an adaptation for whatever circumstance. BHL005

  7. I very much so agree with him when he says that 78 shouldn’t be too old to be president. I disagree with him when he says that young people are in charge of this country. It’s true that young voters would have a bias for younger candidates, but that’s because they feel like the younger candidates understand the problems they’re facing better than the older candidates. If you were to take a look at congress you would see manly older faces. What Maury is mixing up is what is deemed popular and what runs the country. Millennials control what is popular and in style because they are up to date on technology and are the modern generation, whereas the older generations seem out of touch and stuck in tradition. Millennials drive this country, but they don’t control it. During Hillary’s campaigning she ruined a lot internet jokes for millennials because she was trying to appeal to them. Who knows if Trump will do this, but a lot of presidents try to appeal to as many people as possible to pass legislation. Some of those people that they are trying to appeal to are younger people, so the president has to be aware of what they want to see change and then make that change to get the younger generations on their side. Spoopy005

  8. Okay this is a very funny video but it still is letting off a message. Age isn’t anything but a number. I heard all the joke possible about Bernie Sanders when he was running for president. No one had a better argument then “He’s too old”, “He’s going to die in office”. Like really? We elected a 70-year-old Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders is only 75. The average age for a man living past 65 these days is 84.3 years old. Bernie is healthy, lives well and never shows a weakness. What makes everyone his doctor by saying he isn’t going to make it to be a president.? So, what makes Donald Trump better? 5 years? That is sad. Age should not determine who you are and what you can do. He gave so many good examples. These people are 80, 70+ years old running, breaking records and all other things. Like these people are doing things people my generation would never and almost could never do. So, who are we to show prejudice because this man is 78 and the woman is 81. So, what. My grandfather worked his entire life from 13- 79. Of course, he could have retired but for what? To fit the stereotype that he is “too old” to be working. He worked with no complaining and did it with the biggest fake teeth smile he could give off. Anyone can do it. Age doesn’t limit us to do anything.

  9. Disengagement theory says that society gradually replaces roles of older people with younger people. In some cases this may be helpful. For example, we live in a fast paced society when new ideas are endless through endless sharing of information. On a smaller scale, when learning in science classes there are many times when my instructor has to correct text books that were published just a few year prior because of new information. We also see some new practices in healthcare that hasn't been completely accepted by the older generation of health providers. In some cases this is good for society recycling roles as generations age makes room for younger generations to have a chance to succeed. Many of the times however this is not the case. Bill Maher makes a point in saying that we are marginalizing not just age, but wisdom too. By categorizing someone being too old for governing may hurt us more then help. This is because people who have been here for longer are still here for a reason. Survival of the fittest. With out our previous generations we could not learn from mistakes. -jimmys005


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