Law Enforcement and Sexual Assault Investigations....

Law Enforcement and Sexual Assault Investigations....


  1. As this video begins, it provides statistics explaining how common sexual assault occurs against women. 1 in 6 women have experienced sexual assault, and for those who are women in college, 1 in 4. That’s baffling to me, 25% of women in college go through the nightmare of sexual assault? I knew that this was an issue in today’s world, but I did not realize it was that terribly common. Of all of these cases, only 26%-37% get reported. Generally speaking, about 50% of crimes committed get reported. This is a serious issue when a major crime such as rape is only getting reported around 30% of the time. A survey taken over a 4-year period at a university showed us that 120 out of 1882 men admitted to committing acts of sexual abuse, which is about 6% of men who were asked. 76 of those 120, admitted to committing multiple rapes, about 6 in a year. The 76 repeat rapists commit nearly all of the total rapes that were committed. I cannot imagine putting someone through such a traumatic event, and these 76 sick men did it roughly 6 times a year, and most of those will not even get reported. Going through such an event can and will change the life of the victims forever, so it is a shame that so many offenders get away with this every year. A difficult challenge in these cases beyond the lack of reporting the crime, is dealing with the victims when they are reported. There is no set emotion that is found in victims of sexual assault. Officers and investigators would love to help take down the offender, but this can prove to be difficult because the victims struggle with cooperating fully because they are dealing with so much trauma following the incident. Probably the biggest challenge that is faced is the fact that there is a lot of one person’s word against another’s, claiming the it was consensual for example. This is not easy to go through for the victims, and it is definitely not easy to prove when it actually does get reported.
    gh_blackhawks002, gh_blackhawks001

    1. I couldn't believe this occurred either one quter of all women that's horrible buts steps should be taken to prevent this. This is also troubleing that most of these offenders are not getting punished for their crimes being allowed to be inside of their communities this is a hurtful fact the victim as they know that their predator is still walking the same streets this fear can cause much pay and is troubling as this is a common issue happening to 25% of all college students. Eagle001 Eagle002

    2. I could not believe the numbers that they came up with for rape from college men. Yet no one has said anything to stop this. The men think they just want it if they move or say a certain thing to make them rape them.The policed have to make the victim comfortable when talking to them. They have to lets them speak again even though it will make them feel bad. Ask them multiple times into what happen so they will not for get or there answers are not the same. Sometimes the women will not remember what has happened. Adelle002

  2. How this video starts at really has effect movements across the country stating that one in every six women are sexually, and one in four college women are sexual assaulted this is horrible. FBI only has 35% of all rapes occurring. This video also stated that most victims of sexual assault also know their assailant this helps investigations narrow done how they offense is connected too. For police with pursuing cases that involve with sexual assault there is a lack of evidence which makes this hard to convict as no hard evidence can be presented inside the court room. Also, when cases are presented the people who are close to the individual who got sexually assault this makes a unclear message of what happens as personal feelings outthrow the story of what happened to the victim. Also, with the victim being sensitive as well with being the victim of a crime this makes it harder for investigators to put together and relive the story as this make re-victimize the person who suffered at the hands of the offense. Officers also dealing with these offenses are uncomfortable talking to victims so this can lead to a lack of information on the first field incident report which can also lead to a failed conviction. The most important part stated by the video in dealing with these cases is creating a safe environment where the victim doesn’t feel ashamed to share their story this can lead to a better understanding of the events that took place along with gathering truthful statements as the victim will not have as many conflicting emotions or statements. On idea for investigators was that they should be open minded with a lot of the confusion revolved around sexual assault the story can change within a second bases which could help the investigator to get the truth of the story. Small details help the investors to understand the context to understand how this offender may act or give clues to who they are. Investigators need to follow respectful, intelligence guidelines of hard questioning and being understanding of the victim as this a horrific crime and hurts the community and may of the individuals related to the victim. Eagle001 Eagle002

  3. This video brought up many valuable points. I think it is important to know that 1 in 6 women are victims of sexual assault and 90%- 95% of victim know their attacker. Much of the problem occurs on college campuses; 85% of sexual predators are under 30 years old. The good news is that the awareness of rapes and sexual assault are growing. The video addressed that these rapes are coming from men in college, not men in prison. Colleges should be required of informing students about sexual assault through a required online or in-person orientation. The video also talks about the challenges when it comes to building a case, such as the lack of conclusive evidence. It is difficult to prove a rape occurred especially when it comes down to one person’s word against another person’s word. One of the most important topics to me in the video is how police officers handle the victims of rape. Properly addressing a victim of rape is very important. Rape victims may have delayed memory, be hysterical, or be totally withdrawn. Officers have to be careful to make sure they do not re-victimize rape victims. Our book talks about the importance of avoiding re-victimizing the victims, and I think this is a big issue when it comes to rape cases. I think most rapes go unreported because the victims do not want to readdress what happened and they feel as if the police cannot do much. The rape victim in the video said the investigator she talked to was rude, sarcastic, did not care, and acted like he did not believe her. To be the best law enforcement officer, it is important to be able to know how to do deal with diverse situations well, especially rape victims. The video mentioned how some officers did not know how to deal with the victims and officers made mistakes because they were uncomfortable. Police have the training when it comes to gathering evidence for a rape case, but need to learn how to address rape victims. Scuba002

    1. I agree that officers should be better taught on how to address rape victims. It's a touchy subject and should be handled very carefully. I think, however, that the presentations raising awareness in college campuses should be solely in person. I know that college students are busy and that online videos are cheaper, however I believe that this topic is extremely important and should be given greater effort and in-person speeches and presentations. - AJC001

    2. The statistics that were laid out were definitely very eye opening. I can't imagine going through something as awful as sexual abuse and being able to bottle it up and keep it to myself. It really bothers me that all of this happens so often on college campuses. I grew up being told to respect all of those around me, especially women, and to take advantage of them and disregard their wishes just blows my mind.
      gh_blackhawks002, 001

  4. The very first thing this video hits the viewers with is a terrible statistic. 1 in 6 women are victims of sexual assault. And, another point that is pretty bad, 90 to 95% of the victims who are sexually assaulted know those who assaulted them. Most of these sexual assault attackers are under 30 years of age, and a lot of these occurrences are on college campuses.
    However, things aren't all bad. As our country has furthered itself in so many ways, so, too, has the awareness of rape and sexual assault risen. Many college campuses are starting to have presentations about preventing sexual assaults and how to protect yourself. This information is priceless and thus should be required by all college campuses. If this is where the crime is occurring, them something needs to be done to stop it.
    However, college campuses aren't the only thing that needs changed. A lady who was interviewed in the video told viewers about an officer questioning her after she was sexually assaulted. The officer did not seem comfortable (which is understandable) and was rude to the lady. Our officers are, indeed, trained to help collect evidence and bring justice for these crimes. However, more training should be given for officers to deal with rape victims. It is a touchy and uncomfortable subject, and the trauma of the situation can cause a lot of problems. Officers must appear caring and kind when oozing this information out of individuals. I do believe, that with proper training, these situations can be handled better. However, because evidence is so difficult to come by for these situations (usually just word of mouth), I am not sure if these crimes will ever be more efficiently avenged.- AJC001

    1. I think it's a matter of sensitivity training and officers become more aware of how their demeanor and tone of voice can project judgment to a victim. their job most of the time is intimidation and standing firm against criminals but we also have to realize when your job is 100% of the time dealing with the public and your own community that there are going to be situations that come up where you need to be able to change how you approach a situation based on who or what is involved. I agree though, thankful for the increased knowledge and increasing awareness of assault especially on college campuses, it's something that should be informed about to everyone. I never remember learning about sexual assault until maybe high school where we could openly talk about more serious things in health class, it should be or could be brought up sooner and any victim should be encouraged to speak up to police without fear of repercussions or judgment. Marras002

  5. This video starts out very raw and very shocking in my opinion because the one and four women and College really shocked me because the statistics that are shown really do show that more steps need to be taken for women to feel protected if they choose to report and I think that that's why I lot of women don't report their sexual assault. Officers also need better training that there was one officer that really didn't seem comfortable which is understandable but he should have had better training or stepped aside and let another officer handle the situation. The statistics really just drove home the fact that most victims know their attacker and that can make for a sticky situation in reporting the situation period I think that if the officers possibly had better training it might make it easier for a person to report a family member if there is a way that we can do it to where the person stays Anonymous as possible period I think that certain protections need to be put into place for that. I think that this is going to be more and more and ongoing problem. I think that certain things need to be put into action when it comes to a victim saying their story over and over because in my eyes because in my eyes I view it as reliving a horrible nightmare we could do videotaping or something else to wear officers can just watch that instead of asking over and over the same story and making the victim feel even worse over and over. Calmnthechos001,002

    1. The statistics really helped viewers understand how much of a problem this is in our country. I heard about rape culture in sociology, but never really understood it until this video. I agree with you that officers need better training to handle these situations. Victim's rights are emerging more and more every day, so I do not think it will be long before officer's go through more extensive training on how to handle the victims of rape. Scuba002

  6. I find it interesting how in american women it is 1-6 experience sexual assault. Women in college its 1-4 experience sexual assault.Also how men in college admits that some of there acts can be counted for as rape and that is 1-12 men. 6.4% of men say they met the qualification of rape or attempted to rape.Of those 76 say they committed multiple rapes to women. I find that shocking. Looking at the 76 serial rapist I find it astonishing how they have 439 for adult rapes,49 sexual assault of adults,277 acts for sexual abuse of children,66 acts of children abuse and 214 ts of battery. All are committed by men attending college that have not been reported. The should get locked up like other people do for committing those crimes. but the women are to scared to call the police on him. They will keep on doing this because they think its alright to do so because no body said anything.The women emotion when ever these acts are committed. It is hard for police to come up with evidence of rape. When most cases are a he said she said situation. I think they should crackdown more on sexual assault. Adelle002

  7. Law enforcement faces considerable challenges when it comes to sexual assault knowledge. 1 in 6 women are victims and 1 in 4 college women are victims. But only 30% of assaults are even reported. And those that are may have little evidence left to test, or like we have learned before some agencies do not even test the kits that they get from a rape kit done. Officers have to work off of little information because a lot of the time it's embarrassing or too private of information for the victim to detail everything that has happened to them or even unable to verbalize the situation as in cases involving children. Officer as the video points out can't have preconceived opinions about a person it will hinder how they approach them or speak to them. Officer need to be trained to handle these situations as any victim is fearful of speaking it will make a situation worse when an officer does not know what to say or does not know how to sympathize with the victim. The preconceived idea that police won't help or make a situation worse is one of the reasons victims do not want to come forward. It's understandable to see why some investigators may seem emotionally closed off from a case until substantial information is gathered because in some cases women or men lie about a rape for numerous of reasons. But any human willing to make a statement about something like this should be taken seriously and never judges for the words they are saying. Investigation on cases like this can be just as intense and long as murder cases. They need to be looking for all evidence and statements and witnesses to back up this claim and determine what had happened. An officers job is to determine the truth and protect the public. Training methods for sexual assault cases should be a must for all department just learning how to speak to a victim and gather both sides and determine the truth like this video points out which is somewhere in the middle of all the statements. With better methods of interviewing and training for these purposes and actually doing something about a report of sexual abuse the number from a low 30% of all cases being reported may go up and create a safer space for victims to come forward. Marras002

  8. When it comes to helping someone who has been sexually assaulted is a very difficult thing to do just because most of the time the people who are the victims don’t want to report what happen. In american women it is 1-6 experience sexual assault. Women in college it's 1-4 experience sexual assault, while men in college won’t report that they have been a victim. 90 to 95% of the victims who are sexually assaulted know those who assaulted them. It’s not like on TV and it’s just some stranger off the streets. the victim being sensitive as well with being the victim of a crime this makes it harder for investigators to put together and relive the story as this make re-victimize the person who suffered at the hands of the offense. Every one that is involved working the case has to make sure to put everyone’s feelings and emotions into play while talking with everyone involved. The most important part stated by the video in dealing with these cases is creating a safe environment where the victim doesn’t feel ashamed to share their story this can lead to a better understanding of the events that took place along with gathering truthful statements as the victim will not have as many conflicting emotions or statements. Pie001,002

  9. The preconceived idea that police won't help or make a situation worse is one of the reasons victims do not want to come forward. Because victims feel that they get revictimized by the police because the police forces them to talk about what happened and in result the victim is reliving the rape all over again.I think that if the officers possibly had better training it might make it easier for a person to report a family member. The rape victim in the video said the investigator she talked to was rude, sarcastic, did not care, and acted like he did not believe her. This is why victims don't report crimes because of detectives like that and then officers wonder why they find dead bodies from people committing suicide because of the pain. I think that this is going to be more and more and ongoing problem because a rape crime occurs over day and the police support system hasn't gotten better from the last.It is difficult to prove a rape occurred especially when it comes down to one person’s word against another person’s word. That's when we need to contact witnesses if any to try and make a case but depending on where it occurred determines what kind of witnesses the police may get.However, more training should be given for officers to deal with rape victims. So they can better understand the victims situation and how they feel.-NIKE001/NIKE002


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