Local Law Enforcement and Immigration Law

Local Law Enforcement and Immigration Law


  1. This article discusses the immigration issues the United States has been dealing with. The United States used a “catch and release” policy, but now Trump has presented a new policy requiring all aliens be detained until further decisions are made. This new attempt to stop illegal immigrants has both pros and cons, as many policies do. I think with this new policy, illegal immigrants will be more skeptical and intimidated to attempt to illegally cross over into the United States because the immigrants do not know how long they will be detained, what will happen after they are detained, and so on. Additionally, I think the prior “catch and release” policy was a waste of time because many immigrants will just keep attempting to come over if little to no consequences are implemented. On the contrary, the United States is in a tremendous amount of debt and limited on prison space already. Adding the hundreds, or thousands, of illegal immigrants that attempt to infiltrate our country will make matters worse. Plus, the article states that only 9.5% of illegal immigrants encountered by United States Law Enforcement were committing a felony crime. Conclusively, we simply do not possess the space or money to detain all illegal immigrants. Purple003

    1. I agree with the idea that a "catch and release" program has faults in regards to recidivist activity. If we simply catch illegal immigrants and throw them out of the country there is little to nothing stopping them from trying their luck again and crossing the border illegally. With illegal immigrants crippling our economy something must be done to keep them out or help push them to enter the country the registered and approved way. Ghost003

  2. Policies on immigration have been going through fast and radical changes since the Trump administration took office in the United States. This latest memo proposing a new policy to replace the dated "catch and release" policy pushes for more severe repercussions for illegal immigrants coming into the country. This new policy, unlike the recent one that proposed the National Guard be activated in select states, aims to boost law enforcement capabilities in order to combat the wave of illegal immigrants entering the country. Furthermore, the policy looks to imprison or detain illegal immigrants for periods of time in order to lower their recidivism rates. However, this may place the United States backwards in regard to incarceration rates considering there has been a major push to lower the number of people incarcerated. More money and resources would have to be spent in order to back this policy up and ensure that it creates the level of success it aims to achieve. Many people agree with proposals such as this new policy while others disagree creating an even more divided America as well. Something needs to be done regarding our high level of illegal immigrants but imprisonment may not be the best answer. The United States cannot afford this type of policy long term with it estimated costing some counties around 2.2 million dollars a year to run. We will need to find a more cost effective way to keep illegal immigrants out of the country while enforcing strict consequences for those who do in order to achieve the goal of this policy. Ghost003


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