Run Like Girl....Flipping the Script


  1. In my opinion there should be no such thing as “like a girl.” Sure boys and girls do things differently, but is that because we were taught to act differently? I believe that there is little to nothing that boys can do that girls can’t and vice versa. Boys in general are stronger but that isn’t to say every girl in the world couldn’t train to be just as strong or run just as fast. I don’t think it is possible for us humans to stop giving out gender scripts but maybe we need to stop trying to humiliate or be rude to the other genders. Gym005

    1. I agree there is no such thing as run like a girl. There are plenty of women that are alot stronger then men on any given day. Gender scripting will always be an issue because there are so many close minded people in the world. Alot of them think its funny to offend and disrespect their peers. We see it evryday how people try to talk down on others and think they are so much more than the person they talk down about. So I think this is something that will continue to be a problem because most are stuck in what society say is right or hip.12mc-005

    2. I think you're spot on in the thinking that there are far and few things between what a man can do that a woman can't, and vice versa. Physiology aside, I think the sexes are for more similar to one another that we give them credit for. Personally I believe most, if not all, of what men and women are taught to do to reflect their sex is nothing more than a social construct that fit the narrative of the world when it settled in as the norm. Additionally, I don't think it's a bad thing or a good thing, but I believe it's a topic that should always be handled with care. Forcing men and women to behave one way or another takes so much of the freedom out of life, like placing women in a servile role and telling them it's all their responsibility - or telling men that you get strong or die, and if you don't have an attractive wife and "x-type of kid," that you're a failure. I think an organic approach to roles of household members is far more palatable than the, "nuclear family," plan the US and a greater portion of the world lives by. That said, I think it all winds up with the individual though - if a woman wants to be the housekeeper and child rearer, and the man wants to work and provide - no one should be able to tell them that's not okay. To each their own, through and through.

  2. Years ago the statement run like a girl would of had a whole different meaning. More offensive to most people because it would mean they were gay or feminine. I believe do to the personal traits and social position that society has put on men and women has made gender to be shaped in a bad way. To me there is no such thing as you run like a girl. What does that really mean? How is that really define? To me a person just run without putting a label on it. I dont care how or where you were raised theres no way to define like a girl. I think that critical sociology need to be applied more in todays world. Gender is a matter of power because if you strong and masculine then you are male with some kind of importance and not seen as feminine. Gender is attached early on from society saying hey you are a man act like one and vice versa. Common sense really hasnt played a major role in people lives these days. Its monkey see monkey do type of world we live in with no consideration or knowledge of there is a difference in each and everyone of us. 12mc-005

    1. You're definitely correct about that one many years ago run like a girl would have been very offensive. It would have meant nothing on the lines of girls are weak because back then girls where girls and that's all it was. Yes gay or feminine that's all it meant. Absolutely society puts gender in a bad light and now everyone is brainwashed and hell-bent in thinking the wrong things. I will agree there is no such thing as run like a girl. What does it really mean good question cause I would love to know the exact definition. There is no defining that nonsense. Running is without a label or gender. I do think the world could utilize from some critical sociology in today's world. Yes masculines is male. Nowadays there is no more common sense left. This generation is very different. Cupcake005...

  3. As society in America progresses, differentiating between what is masculine and feminine is becoming fuzzier than ever before. With corporations like McDonald's considering doing away with sex specific child's toys, to famous brands of clothing completely flipping the script with, "boy colors," and, "girl colors." All of this culminates to one central point, that we as a nation - and even the world, some quicker than others, are becoming more and more accustom to a genderless narrative. This featured commercial however, strays away from the, "unity," aspect of the genders and focuses on a saying far older than any of us, describing actions performed, "like a girl." The contrasting opinions on what it means to use the phrase versus what it really means to do something, "like a girl," is stark. I think it's important that we as a whole remember that using terms like, "girl," in a derogatory manner is negligent of roughly half of the world's population who is equally as successful as their counterparts. I think the most important information that comes from our books and is present in the ideals of commercials and media like this is that it's our accomplishments that define who we are, not something as trivial as our sex.

    1. It’s inspiring and encouraging to know that our society is progressing towards a better future for gender equality, along with the breaking down of the gender barriers and expectations. It would be amazing if we could inspire other countries to follow in our footsteps and hopefully make the world a better place for women in every country. I think it’s applicable to reference the Ted Talk we watched a few weeks ago for a blog entry; the man that gave the presentation is the face of our future. Gender is fluid, and so should its attributes be. Puppies005

  4. Run like a girl is a very good video that everyone needs to watch. It opens our eyes to the fact that we as women stereotype ourselves. It also shows the world that this is wrong. It's a disgrace that men already feel this way about women and society has put this in the minds of our children. It really makes me sad as I watch this video. Due to the fact that If I was asked to fight like a girl, and to run like a girl I would have done the same thing. This video shows how society has a very big impact on our beliefs. It's amazing how everyone thinks it’s tradition for women to be weak and aren’t strong enough to fight for anything. Are women weak or not as smart as men? Are women not as powerfully as men? Women can do just the same and in most cases even better. Women have been underestimated for many years. It is so true that when someone says you run like a girl it does sound like you're being put down. It does sound like it’s something bad. It sounds like a contagious disease that nobody wants to get. I will agree it's time to be great and continue being a girl and be all the girl you can be. Cupcake005...

    1. I agree one hundred percent with your statement saying everyone should watch this. It is very true women can do everything men can do and I do not know where this "like a girl" term came from but it is honestly idiotic to say something like that where it is made to sound degrading to a whole gender. It is strange how society makes these things up out of no where. There are some of things each gender may be better at than the other but that should not make the term "like a girl" a bad thing to say. Gym005

  5. The Run like a Girl video really shows that in today’s society there are still many stereotypes towards women. In my opinion, when a person says something is “like a girl”, I feel as if they're referring to it as weak, or soft which can make the term super offensive. Truthfully, I know some women that are stronger, run faster, and hit harder than some men. In today’s society, more and more women have branched out to do things that were things “only men” technically did back in the day. Women are police officers, fire fighters, boxers, athletes, surgeons and etc. These are jobs that were classified as jobs for men but women have overcome a lot to be able to do these things. Some women are better at these jobs then some men in fact and I don’t think the “like a girl” term is relevant any longer because of this. Women were back then, and sometimes still today, underestimated and the saying “like a girl” just keeps that happening. Being a girl is nothing to be shameful of because girls can do what guys can do and sometimes 10x better at that and I think this video represents that well. -pizza005

  6. When people say, you run, hit, fight like a girl what does that really mean? It just doesn’t make any sense to me girls can do whatever they want and probable do it 10x times better than a guy doing it. This to me goes back to society issue where girls aren’t supposed to do anything physical or out of the “social norms” for them which would be cleaning, cooking, and so forth. So, when you have a girl who for example might do boxing wrestling and you have people say you do it like a girl. That could make you bad and make your self-confidence just go down based of those 5 words. Girls are sometimes looked down as being weak, and soft and just can do anything and of course we know this isn’t true. Look at Laila ali, Serena and Venus Williams, those are just 3 examples of strong women who can do anything and be good at it for “being a girl”

  7. It hurts my heart to know that these girls really see themselves as weaker as a result of our society and the stratification of self-confidence between girls and boys. I have always heard “like a girl” ever since I was little, and I believe the phrase has just been engrained into our every-day language; most of the time, people that say it don’t think twice about it. I believe that I realized the damage the phrase does in about sixth grade, and ever since then, I instantly correct anyone that says it. My mother says it often and it makes me wince when she does—it just doesn’t make sense. Internal misogyny will be the biggest battle that feminists have to fight, as women that are sexist towards women normally don’t realize it. I just don’t understand how you could use such undermining vocabulary that applies to over half of the entire world’s population. The commercial most definitely calls for a reform in our society, as our young girl’s minds and confidence should not be compromised by the way we view women as weak and incapable. Why do we view women as weak and incapable? There is no credible evidence proving that women are less capable of completing a task than men, yet we like to give men the upper hand when it tcomes to anything. Our patriarachal society finds a way to seep into everything around us, giving us no choice but to acknowledge it, and those who are ignorant of their surroundings are often taken in by the misleading information. We must find a way to stop this, and we are, as gender equality is in the future. Puppies005

  8. In my vocabulary there really is no this as like a girl. Culturally for me, men and women are held on the same podium, so there is no word “like a girl”. It makes me sad we have a word. I believe we use like a girl basing how a girl should do something. Like a girl can also connotate as an insult, of that a girl (woman) being of lower status to the man. A girl can do be as good as a boy, because we are both human. We base things off a gender script on how a girl should do this or a boy can’t do that. Just yesterday instead of waking my brother up he called he out to fix his car with him. I replaced both the engine and transmission oil of the car. Traditionally that would probably been a job that my brother would have done, but instead I did the deed of fixing it. We live a in a patriarchal society, that rules over how things are supposed to be in this world. Things won’t change culturally if we don’t find a way to end this way of thought.honeytea005


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