To Hab or Not to Hab.....This is the Question

To Hab or Not to Hab.....This is the Question


  1. I agree that non-violent offenders should be placed on some sort of probation. Once on probation the P.O. can determine what sort of rehabilitative services would serve the person best. Simply incarcerating every person is not working it is only causing mass incarceration. Obviously jails and prisons are not rehabilitative but more punitive. But time and time again this has been proven to be a failure. In Peoria County 80% of the population is afflicted with a mental illness. If these mental issues are not addressed then the person can not be expected to make a positive change. By placing people on probation and providing them the rehabilitative services needed jails and prisons can cut down on their population and not be spending large amounts of money to care for these inmates. Freeing up beds for the violent offenders that really belong behind bars. The media scares the general public into believing that crime is on the rise. Yet, the statistics show that it is actually declining. I think part of the problem is that people are not well informed. Lot's of people believe everything they see on t.v. or that they read in the newspaper. When the truth is that our jails and prisons are full of non-violent offenders and mentally ill people. With all the budget cuts throughout the country there really aren't many places to house the mentally ill. They do not belong in prisons instead more money needs to be allocated towards rehabilitative services if we as a country stand a chance at reducing the mass incarceration problem we are facing. I am all for rehab of non-violent offenders. mommy004

  2. I am surprised that most Americans favor putting non-violent offenders in rehabilitation instead of jail. I would have thought Americans favored punishment and consequences instead of help. I support rehabilitation 100%, but I do not think it should replace all of jail time. For every action there is a consequence. I believe if someone commits a crime, he or she needs to be punished in some way. Without punishment, it makes it harder to be able to deter crime. Also, a crime is usually committed when the person sees the benefits outweigh the risks of getting caught. When the risks are lowered, it would allow for a greater incentive for a person to commit a crime. I do not believe jail time is always the correct choice and I think it should be left up to the discretion of judges in special cases. Rehabilitation should be improved and the implementation should be increased, but it should be paired with some time spent in jail. Rehabilitation is a must to address issues that caused the person to commit the crime. Rehabilitation can save money by lowering the jail population from preventing recidivism. As the article states, a majority of those in jails have a mental disorder; since the government shut down most mental institutions, I think jails should become closer to a mental institution by offering help to those who need it. Scuba004

  3. This article came at a surprise to me. This surprise comes in the form of the idea that many people don't realize the amount of non-violent offenders we have incarcerated when compered to violent offenders at a ratio of about 3/4 being non-violent offenders. This survey and others like it a crucial for politicians who are seeking reform within our correctional system. These surveys give our representatives with the fuel and the courage to help get non-violent offenders out of jails and prisons and into treatment facilities or other rehabilitation facilities. It will be interesting to see more of these rehabilitation facilities as reformations continue. Raising awareness for the issues faced with the correctional system in the United States are crucial to changing and fixing them. Ghost004

  4. This article brings up an important topic. That topic is that of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a necessary tool to use against offenders because instead of just throwing them inside of a cell and leaving them there, rehabilitation works with the offender to teach them and help them get through whatever they are struggling with. It is nice to know that the majority of the people that were interviewed realized this as well. Rayder004


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