DHS and My Thoughts.....

DHS and My Thoughts......


  1. Something I found interesting on the Department of Homeland Security's website was the immigration section. Every year Immigration and Custom's Enforment(ICE) receives a set budget to operate on. This means that ICE has to prioritize which individuals they want to pursue. ICE has adopted clear priorities for which individuals are to be removed. These are: Broken criminal Law, Recently crossed U.S. border, Repeatedly violated immigration law, or if they are Fugitives from immigration court. As a result in the past three years ICE has removed more that 396,000 individuals. 90% of these individuals fell into one of the categories above. JE001

  2. So on the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) website, I went to the first tab I saw, which was "Get Involved." Where many might thing the the DHS is an entity in itself that operates on its own, but it apparent that the DHS attempts to rely heavily on the communities. There are a collection of departments that work with community leaders, government and non-government agencies to provide homeland security. There are education sources, medical training events, and connection information with contacts to report crimes of trafficking or terrorist activity. There's a lot of collaboration with entities outside of the DHS, which I think is a fantastic idea. Then I move over to the "About DHS" tab. It's obviously cut and dry. The DHS has a mission to secure the United States and protect and prevent threats that would harm the country or it's citizens. They extend their presence from the air, to border control, through cyber security and on water. The employment opportunities are plentiful, as the DHS has their hand in just about every place that could attract a potential threat. It makes one comfortable to know there is a thriving and up-to-date force that can utilize its services among so many fronts. JAY001

  3. The DHS website which is for the Department of Homeland Security had many interesting sections within the site but the one topic that really caught my eye was the cybersecurity section. The cybersecurity tab had many different topics including an overview, how to combat it, insurance for it, and how to protect and secure everything up to a federal network. The overview states it is very hard to secure due to not only the anonymous aspect of it but the fact that anyone person with malicious intent from anywhere in the world can access the tools to commit cybercrimes. Cyber terrorism is one of the main offenses that Homeland Security combats with their cybersecurity teams. Cyber terrorism can be very negative to the nation in more ways than one. One way terrorists attack online is that they will hack a federal network like the FBI or CIA’s restricted files to recover info that the agencies know and will not release as public knowledge. This tactic is essentially used to expose government agencies because we all know the bureau among other agencies have secrets that is vital to keep secret from the public eye. To work in the cybersecurity roles, you need to be very educated and advanced in the technological fields. Both private sector and government hired workers are absolutely critical to stop this modern technology war that is currently ongoing. Fraud is another issue the website deals with. With so many people know educated on how to phish, which is faking an email or website to access someone’s personal info or bank information, it is becoming a very serious issue to where thousands of people every day are losing their life savings to these phishers. Finally, the website stresses education. If the average citizen isn’t aware of this trending topic, there is no way they can prepare themselves to defend it. The first step is always education and if that isn’t done, the cybersecurity issues will continue to happen. RM001

  4. On the Department of Homeland Security’s website, I found that yesterday, April 26th, they announced the launch of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Victims of Immigration Office, or VOICE. This office was created as part of an effort to support the victims of crimes that were committed by “criminal aliens.” The website listed a few key objectives of the VOICE office which were to “use a victim-centered approach to acknowledge and support victims and their families,” “promote awareness of available services to crime victims,” and “build collaborative partnerships with community stakeholders assisting victims.” I like that the Department of Homeland Security is taking a victim-centered approach when creating this new office and one of their objectives is to work within the communities. However, I do wish they would have included some specifics as to how they are going to accomplish these goals. It seemed to me that they were simply saying what they think should happen without actually telling how they will get it done or what steps they are already taking. The press release also states what type of assistance these victims could claim. One of these was access to social service professionals, however they also state that ICE only has 27 of such officers available across the country. With that little amount of officers trying to help all of the victims it is hard for me to see every victim getting the care they need. JAG001

  5. Homeland security is one of the many protectors of our country and it people. on their website they had many useful things to teach people. one of them that caught my eye was the Active shooter preparedness program. This program will help people when their is a active shooter. It give tips on what to do in case of an active shoot which is run, hide, or fight. These key points will help someone when their is an active shooter. They even go as far as giving an hour long training program that will teach you how to handle a active shooter. They also give indicators into what to look for in the workplace to notice something wrong. Lastly they will help you form a plan into what to do and how to get aid in the case of an emergency situation. They will help you make booklets to give to others so that they can know what to do in the case of an active shooter. Evo001

  6. On april 26 2017 the department of homeland security released that they are opening a “VOICE” office. This stands for Victims of immigration crime engagement. They explain it as the victims of immigration related crime done by illegal immigrants are different because the crimes should've never taken place at all because the offenders were illegal immigrants. They are going to use this office to help support victims and their families, promote awareness for services available to these victims, and build relationships with the community stakeholders to assist victims. I find a lot of this interesting because I didn’t realize how much immigration and illegal alien related crime there is in our country. I think we will see more and more of these offices being placed around our country in high immigration areas. I think this is a great idea because we need to further reinforce victims rights in our country, especially for crimes like these that shouldn't have happened in the first place. They will also provide other services like giving any releasable information available about an the illegal alien that committed the crime or giving updates on that illegal aliens immigration status. I think this will be great to give victims a peace of mind about where the criminal that victimized them may be or even who they were to help bring justice to them. At the end of the article they explain that they plan to further expand their VOICE services to other places in the country who are often victimized by crime done by illegal aliens. Like stated earlier crime done by illegal aliens is very serious because it shouldn't have happened in the first place and we need to put it to an end. With all the services being given to the victims I think will help these places in our country crackdown on illegal immigration and crimes done by illegal aliens. Bike001

  7. What I like about the Homeland Security website is all the information that is on there. It has a topics area that has information on just about anything involving homeland security form Border Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Cybersecurity and Disasters there are also 14 other areas that Homeland Security covers on. Under the "About Us" it has pretty much what they are about, it touches base on Laws, their budget, applying for a job with them, their mission and their history. What caught my eye though were the ways to get involved there are several programs that you could volunteer for, in all there are 6 programs with all their information on what they do and who they help and why. There is also a how do I page, pretty much that page just gives you the information on how to apply for the certain things that they offer. It also shows immigrants how to obtain a green card. This site covers the entire processes of anything that must do with Homeland Security. Cyber terrorism is one of the main offenses that Homeland Security combats with their cybersecurity teams. Cyber terrorism can be very negative to the nation in more ways than one. One way terrorists attack online is that they will hack a federal network like the FBI or CIA’s restricted files to recover info that the agencies know and will not release as public knowledge. This tactic is essentially used to expose government agencies because we all know the bureau among other agencies have secrets that is vital to keep secret from the public eye. To work in the cybersecurity roles, you need to be very educated and advanced in the technological fields. Both private sector and government hired workers are critical to stop this modern technology war that is currently ongoing. Ciaccio001/002

  8. While looking at the Homeland Security page I was able to see that there were many different pages that we could get to. I went to the link on the top of the page that said “Get Involved” this then took me to other links I could check out on different topics. One of the pages that I looked at was on the topic of Human Trafficking. The page talked about what efforts the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is doing on human trafficking. They have set up ways to raises public awareness about human trafficking, leveraging partnerships to educate the public to recognize human trafficking and report suspected instances. There also is different training that the officers have been doing to help with the problem of human trafficking. I then moved to check out “Stop the Bleed” which is a nationwide campaign to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives. On this page we saw a picture that showed how to help someone if they are bleeding out and 911 isn’t on the scene yet. This is a good tool for everyone to look at because you never know when it will be just you and the chance of being able to save someone's life. I also checked out the link that said “Ready” this was telling people a how to be prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. No matter where you live at it is always a great idea to be educated about natural disasters because you just never know when or what will happen. Pie 001/002/004

  9. As I was looking through the website I noticed a link to a page describing cyber security, the general overview of it and a few of the things the department of homeland security does to prevent and catch the criminals.Cyberspace is a huge infrastructure that many can access anywhere in the world. Witch is why this makes it hard for DHS agents to find and apprehend them. With all the new technologies being invented and advanced in our daily lives it gives the agents a challenge to keep up and understand the technologies and tricks these criminals use to hack the internet. Some of the more serious crimes they deal with is theft, bank fraud and gaining access to property value. Witch is all closely monitored.wreked001

  10. One of the things that i found interesting about the Department of Homeland Security was the many organizations that are involved with Homeland Security. United States customs and border protection, their main mission is to keep terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. and away from our borders. United States citizenship and immigration services organization helps secure America’s promise as a nation of immigrants by providing accurate and useful information to our customers, granting immigration and citizenship benefits, promoting an awareness and understanding of citizenship, and ensuring the integrity of our immigration system. There are many organizations that are a part of Homeland Security including the United States Coast Guard which help in the functioning of the department. I also found it interesting that there are many ways that you can get involved as a citizen and help the Department. One of the ways you can help is by joining the blue campaign, a campaign to help fight human trafficking and the devastating effect it has on the U.S., another organization that a citizen can join is the citizen corps. The Citizen Corps harnesses the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of all kinds. Another interesting group that you can be a part of is the "Ready" program which a program used to help people be prepared for natural disasters that happen in your hometown or to be prepared to step in and hep with natural disasters that happen in other communities. The mission of the Department is also very interesting as it states "With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American People, our homeland, and our values". The Department of Homeland Security is a beneficial part of the United States and is crucial to the safety of the American people, using their efforts to keep terrorists out of the U.S. and guaranteeing the safety of the American people. Pack001

  11. I’ve always wondered what Homeland security does and while looking at the website it gave a little description on what they do. Homeland security said that their mission is to secure the nation from the many threats we face. In homeland security it has 240,000 employees in jobs which is very fascinating that there are that many job openings. Many of the jobs that they offer are a range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. I found out that the homeland security wasn’t even an agency until 9/11 happened. Reading a little more on the homeland security my interest is what does the job experience levels ask for? Since I’m wanting to go into the federal side this intrigues me that it doesn’t really matter as long as you have some type of education. It could start at the beginning of your professional career, transitioning to the federal government mid-career or another stage in your career the homeland security has a place for you. This is very nice to hear especially because it makes you feel that there is a place for you to work in the homeland security. Reading about the students and recent grads it seems that the homeland security really tries to get you out there and ready for the job. Some of the information they have for you is scholarships, internships, fellowships and full time hiring programs for the Homeland security. For applying today, it sounds like you just try and find what fits your skills and interests. Some of the pathways for interns and recent graduates are in Human Resources, Finance, Readiness, Security, and Acquisition. The homeland security sounds like it would be a good place to work for and hopefully one day I could find a job that would fit my skills and interest. CRC001

  12. When most people think about where crime is committed they think about the people sticking up a gas station or someone who is physically committing the crime. With the internet becoming so vast and powerful now crime is growing just like it would in a city that Is growing. There are many things that a person can do to you online. People can steal your credit card number by hacking into a websites database where they keep all their payment information. If they don’t go right out and steal your money they can steal your identity and tarnish your credit for their own benefit. The people that are doing these online crimes are often referred to as hackers. With people now being so reliant on technology it is very dangerous because one attack can totally screw someone or a company up. People will hack into anything for either a benefit or just for fun because they can. The DHS and their cybercrime team help monitor these crimes and prevent them because the internet is the new wild west and we have to find a way to get it under control. The threat is not just aimed at the everyday people, it has the potential to be a national threat because if someone was to hack into the power grid of an area and shut it down that could result in chaos and even more crime being able to happen. The DHS has many programs running to help identify people who are committing these crimes to help better protect the people of the U.S. Every time we turn on our devices and access the internet it is a risk because someone could be trying to hack into either the site or network and even our device and this means they could get any information they please. JDM001

  13. The feature I like most about Homeland Security is the integration it has brought to our national security intelligence. Prior to 9/11 agencies would hoard information and it was if you were pulling teeth to just share info. It was this lack of cooperation that helped the events of 9/11 go unnoticed. Every agency had a piece to the puzzle but was unwilling to share. The Department of Homeland Security put an end to that childish way of intelligence dealings. This integration has made our nation much more able to fight terrorism whether it be at home or abroad. The way we share intelligence now is so much more efficient and effective than ever before. Events such as the Christmas day underpants bombing and many other terror plots we have never even heard of have been foiled thanks to this new age of intelligence sharing. The Boston bombing is yet another example of the results of a lack of intelligence sharing, but on a much larger scale. Had Russia given us the info on these men before they came here, then maybe this event could have been prevented. While DHS could not have prevented this, the information that was shared by all agencies led to the quick identification and capture of the monsters who orchestrated this attack. The DHS has been a really great revolution in intelligence sharing that as a result has made this country safer. I do not know why the Coast guard is a part of the DHS however. I know that in theory they are responsible for the security of our nation’s coastlines, they seem more like they should be apart of the DOD to me personally. However getting back on topic, the info that is shared with them allows them to better prepare for threats to our nation, and address them and prevent them.-OKC001

  14. This website is very informing. You can find almost anything here. I chose disasters just because it was the first thing to catch my eye. After I clicked on it I seen how they broke that topic down into other categories, which I personally think is helpful. They have it broke down into Overview, Response and Recovery, Assistance, Plan and Prepare, Results, and Surge Capacity Force. It is always helpful when looking for something particular to find it more easily when it is broke down into subgroups like so. I did read through them and noticed how their wording really breaks it down to help the reader understand the topic/situation. Overall this is a decent website for information for the future.

  15. One of the first things that caught my attention was the Stop the Bleed section under the get involved tab. What this does is says that bystanders are always the first people on the scene, no matter how fast emergency services will get there. It also says that someone can die from blood loss in as little as five minutes, so stopping the bleeding is very important. Then, it goes into processes you need to do when you are at a scene before emergency responders arrive. The first and most obvious process is to call 911. Without calling 911, emergency responders will never arrive because they will not know of the incident. After calling 911 it breaks off intro three new steps. For the first step it says to apply pressure to the wound with your hands. Applying pressure can help stop the bleeding temporarily. Another step is to dress the wound. Place a cloth or bandage over the wound and apply pressure, this will further help reduce bleeding in the area. The final step to take if the bleeding is bad enough is to apply a tourniquet. When a tourniquet is applied, all blood flow is cut off to the area. If it is left for too long, the limb can be lost however the victim may not bleed out. I feel like it is important for everyone to know this. Whether people know it or not, they could be the one to save someones life. Stop the Bleed is a nationwide campaign that the Department of Homeland Security has initiated so that civilians everywhere can be informed of these steps. The more people that know all of these steps listed in the Stop the Bleed campaign, the more peoples' lives that can be saved. zmw001

  16. From looking at the different topics on the homeland security website, the most interesting thing i saw and wanted to read more about was human trafficking. Human trafficking is a crime and a form of modern-day slavery involving the exploiation of children and adults. This involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit human beings for some type of labor or commercial sex purpose. It is stated that every year millions of men and woman world wide, including the united states are victims of human trafficking. Victims are usually tricked into false promises such as a well paying job or just simply manipulated by people they once trusted. The U.S Department of Homeland Security is responsible for investigating human trafficking. It is said they make up to hundreds of arrest each year. The DHS eventually launched the Blue Campaign that enhanced public awareness, training, law enforcement investigations. Everyone has a role in combating human trafficking. Blue Campaign created a variety of resources to inform people on the crime of human trafficking, how to report suspect cases, and how to get involved with putting a stop to it and making people more aware. This is all pretty much their way to end modern day slavery. kt001

  17. One section in the website that i found to be very interesting was about the topic of Homeland Security working with state and local departments all across the country. It is very important for the federal agencies to be working with and not against the state and local departments due to the fact that the local and state agencies are going to have more intelligence about the residents and problems that are occurring within their jurisdiction. Just like we saw in the Patriots day movie that just recently came out in theaters about the Boston Marathon. We see how the local departments are able to help work with state and federal agencies and gain information about what cameras to be using and what businesses have cameras and which angles that they were facing at the time of the attack. Federal Departments are not large enough to be covering every part of the united states, that is why they work with smaller, more local agencies so that they can cover more ground without taking away from their resources. One creation out of this joint effort are the fusion centers that are used by the federal and state and local agencies. State and local fusion centers are the designated focal points connecting the federal IC to state and local intelligence collectors and analysts on counterterrorism threats. In most cases, state police manage state fusion centers. In the article on the website I read that Homeland security begins with hometown security. As part of its commitment to hometown security, DHS has worked to get tools, information, and resources out of Washington, D.C. and into the hands of our federal, state, local, tribal and territorial law enforcement partners. They also mentioned that it is vital that DHS law enforcement partners have a clear understanding of the tactics, behaviors, and other indicators that could point to terrorist activity. The Department works to:
    Improve how it communicates and shares information
    Enhance the kind of federal resources and support it provides through grants, training, and other means
    Strengthen its analytic capabilities to achieve better awareness of new and emerging threats
    Overall we see how important it is for Law Enforcement Agencies to team up whether it be State, Local, or Federal. Every different department has some kind of information that could be useful to the others. The better and more often we work together, the better we will become at preventing these attacks and making America safer. Blackhawks001

  18. I never really knew how big the department of homeland security was until I read the description about them on the website. Just to size it to scale, homeland security has roughly 240,000 employees while there are about 900,000 sworn police personnel in the United states. The website contains a ton of different information like civil rights/liberties, programs that you can get involved with, and even news for the public along with job information/application information. The website contained the National Terrorism Advisory System which they replaced the color coded alerts of the Homeland Security Advisory System. This NTAS provides up to date information for the citizens of America by consisting of two types of advisories. These advisories are Bulletins and Alerts. Bulletins communicate current developments/ trends of terrorism threats. While Alerts are more specific and are about the nature of the threat, including the geographic region, mode of transportation, or critical infrastructure potentially affected by the threat, as well as steps that individuals and communities can take to protect themselves and help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat. The homeland security website contained interesting information all over the page. I had no idea that such information was even posted to the public this way. It states on the website, that citizens are required/expected to report any kind of suspicious activity through contacting authorities. This website can be very useful with the information it contains. Bry001

  19. This site was very informative besides the part about job applications it was confusing on where you would go to get a job. I sent me to one site then another and finally i made it to USA jobs.com. the mission statement was easy to find "With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values." march first 2003 was the first day the doors to the homeland security were open and they were officially a section of the executive branch. the seal consists of In the center of the seal, a graphically styled white American eagle appears in a circular blue field. The eagle's outstretched wings break through an inner red ring into an outer white ring that contains the words "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF" in the top half and "HOMELAND SECURITY" in the bottom half in a circular placement.The eagle's wings break through the inner circle into the outer ring to suggest that the Department of Homeland Security will break through traditional bureaucracy and perform government functions differently. In the tradition of the Great Seal of the United States, the eagle's talon on the left holds an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 seeds while the eagle's talon on the right grasps 13 arrows.Centered on the eagle's breast is a shield divided into three sections containing elements that represent the American homeland - air, land, and sea. The top element, a dark blue sky, contains 22 stars representing the original 22 entities that have come together to form the department. The left shield element contains white mountains behind a green plain underneath a light blue sky. The right shield element contains four wave shapes representing the oceans alternating light and dark blue separated by white lines.
    steel001 banshee002

  20. I was most interested on immigration and the DHS' role in it. I went through the website to Citizenship and Immigration Results. This page is about a multi-layered, risk based system that the DHS uses and through which the department has taken significant steps towards ensuring the immigration benefits are not granted for individuals who pose a threat to national security. This program combats immigration fraud, strengthens identification verification, and works on biometric information sharing. A Visa Security Program (aka VSP) is a program used to identify potential terrorist threats before they come over seas. This program, with cooperation from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of State (DOS), deploys highly trained agents in task teams into so-called high-risk visa activity posts. These posts are used as a ground base as agents work to identify terrorist and criminal threats, with the intention of stopping them before they pass to the United States. Currently, 19 posts are maintained across 15 countries. In strengthening the IDentification Verification, the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) is used. This program was successfully implemented by the DHS in 2009 for land and sea travel to the U.S. This requires that U.S., Mexican, and canadian citizens present a passport or other secure travel document that denotes identity and citizenship when entering the U.S. In 2005, the DHS checked about five percent of all passengers crossing land borders by vehicles, however this rate has increased to 97 percent due to the WHTI’s implementation. As for Biometric Information Sharing, the DHS has worked on International Agreements. These agreements are reached with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. These programs developed a routine sharing of biometric information that was collected for immigration purposes. With this shared information, there have been many cases of routine immigration fraud that has been stopped as well as various dangerous peoples being denied access to the United States, even if they are under false identities. - AJC001

  21. I enjoy that Homeland Security has ways to prevent a bleed out if someone is cut or shot to prevent a bleed out and this web sight goes through the steps to prevent a fix the issue. I also believe that having a n awareness page for individuals looking onto the website to get quick information regarding safety changes or changes that Homeland Security is doing within the United States is beneficial as this helps to give individuals a better understanding of being adopted and also understand the reasons that exists with the new ideas for change in the battle of safety for citizens of the United States. I also think that it's a good idea that the United States Homeland Security also helps to give an understand of what to do in crisis situations how people can adopt to disasters if their are faced with the issues also how a normal everyday individual can get involved in the program to help establish a crime prevention tactics. Also Homeland and this was very surprising they use different areas of prevention there are dealing with in the united states to also be used as employment opportunities such as going on to the cyber security page of the website this will show job openings that focus solely on just cyber security. The web page also gives details lon to how homeland security is involved with different organizations across our great nation such as business transportation, science and technology and also the law enforcement partners that Homeland Security is involved with. Also noted Homeland Security is the only organization that is involved with keeping a privacy standard on how to combat a lot of the current issues our federal government is facing across the nation. Eagle001

  22. One of the many jobs of Homeland Security is dealing with global human trafficking crimes. Homeland Security has started a campaign called the Blue Campaign to bring awareness, prevent, and stopped human trafficking. This campaign is working toward collaboration with all law enforcement and government agencies along with private non government agencies. The campaign also offers training to law enforcement to increase detection and investigate human trafficking. The Department of Homeland security also emphasizes that they follow a victim centered approach when dealing with a human trafficking case. Also just recently they announced a new office for victims of human trafficking. The new office is to assist the victims by providing them information they need by calling a number, access to social services, and help track immigration custody status of the perpetrators. ACE001

  23. Since Homeland Security was formed after 911 I’ve always been curious as to their methods of preventing terrorism. I know they have watch lists and they’re constantly gathering intelligence on individuals that could be a threat. I’ve always wondered where this intel comes from. Do they have informants? Are they just connecting the dots? I’ve always wanted to know to what extent they investigate these people of interest, and how many of the person’s rights are compromised. Homeland Security relies on partnerships with local law enforcement for information regarding certain individuals. The people on the local level are a good source of information because they are much closer to the issue. One way DHS is preventing terrorism is by using the National Terror Advisory System. Through this system DHS can communicate information regarding terrorists to people in the public and other government agencies. Included in these advisories is a summary of a potential threat, and public safety information to keep people safe. In order for DHS to share a NTA with the public there was be very credible information regarding a current threat. Another way the DHS is combatting terrorism is by engaging with the communities and training them on how they can help in the war on terror. This effort is to get to the root cause of terrorism. There is a program called Office for Community Partnerships that was created in 2015 to gather resources to fight against terrorism. They work with DHS and other government agencies to provide leadership, innovation, and support. In order to fight terrorism there needs to be money generated to pay for training and other resources. One way the Department of Homeland Security gets money to put towards these efforts in through grants. RustyPete001

  24. Homeland security's main job is to keep any treats away from the U.S. There are definitely many jobs from general mission support, law enforcement, to travel security. All of these fields are said to challenge your mind. General mission support is careers that involve medical, human resources, budget any many more. Law enforcement helps protect the president, and vice president and all if the families. They also help secure the nation's border and enforcing the immigration laws. They also have a prevention and response section. This protects the public, environment and U.S economic and security interest in any maritime region. They have many places for you rather you are graduating high school or a veteran. If you are graduating high school more than likely you will be placed in the internship programs or be placed in one of their training programs. They also offer short o log time projects for those who ma not have as much times such as a retiree. They also work with the veterans to find a job suitable for them. So as you can see they have many job opportunities for many different people. As a homeland security employee you will help secure the borders,airports, seaports, and waterways. Also you will have to understand and adapt to the new technology that is forever changing.you will have to learn how to react to the natural disasters in the world, and terrorist acts. Hawk005

  25. The Department of Homeland Security has a new program called VOICE. This program is centered around victims of illegal immigrant crime. It is designed to help those victims that are in need and to gather data from them and the surrounding around to better investigate and solve crime. Their goals are to use a victim-centered approach to acknowledge and support victims and their families,promote awareness of available services to crime victims, and build collaborative partnerships with community stakeholders assisting victims. The website for the DHS also has helpful information on what to do to stop severe bleeding and how to report suspicious activity. They also have a part of the site that helps people prepare for natural and man made disasters. The DHS also has a part about your privacy as a person and how it affects you. TAMA001

  26. This is a very interesting and informative website to visit with multiple different links that can show you how to get involved, what to do during a natural disaster, cybersecurity, and so on. A few of the links that I found intriguing on this website for starters would be the “preventing terrorism” Tab. This tab was interesting because it showed all of the different types of security that is practiced. For example, The countering violent extremism tab Gave a brief summary on what countering violent terrorism exactly means (violent extremist threats such as al-Qaeda and ISIL) and how they could commit violence either in their home country and or try and cross over seas to become foreign fighters. It gave information on the grant that was put forth and a background on the funding opportunity that was put forth. This grant would provide state, local and tribal partners as well as community groups religious groups mental health groups, social service providers, educators, and also others with an ability to build prevention programs that essentially address the root cause of violent extremism. Also helping with deterring individuals who may already be radicalizing to violence. There was also a tab to contact the office for community partnerships which I think is helpful in the aspect of getting involved. Another tab I found intriguing was the explosives tab. It gives lists of things you should do if you received a bomb threat, if you find a suspicious item, as well as a plan that is guidance in a way for facility owners operators and managers. When you click on the link it gives you it takes you into detail on the DHS-DOJ bomb threat guidance which allows to train employees, tenants, or even visitors properly. This website has so many different tabs and links all about what to do and how to do it and I think it is a very helpful website.

  27. The main reason that Homeland Security was created was to protect the American people from terrorism and the threats thereof. It’s self-explanatory if you think about the name itself, Homeland Security. The biggest focus of Homeland is simply protecting and securing the country. A difficult aspect to this is the fact that terrorists use many different means of attack, such as biological means, chemical, nuclear, explosive, and cyber. Furthermore, not all terrorists are foreign, there are a large amount of terrorists that are homegrown. The Department of Homeland Security’s focus on preventing terrorism is constantly requiring new technologies to aid in preventing said terrorism. These technologies are needed to detect explosive devices as well as other types of weapons, are used to help protect critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack, as well as for building information-sharing partnerships. One branch of terrorism that receives attention from Homeland Security is chemical security. There are many chemical facilities that need to be monitored due to the fact that terrorists may try to get possession of certain chemicals to use in planned attacks on the United States. A program that is in place as it pertains to chemical security is the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS), which identifies, monitors, and regulates high-risk chemical facilities to ensure they have security measures in place to reduce the potential risks that are connected to these chemicals. This program requires facilities to meet and maintain performance-based security standards that are appropriate to the facilities and the risks that each facility poses. There have been many terrorist attacks on the United States over the years, 9/11 being the most well-known attack. Without the protection and security of Homeland Security, it is very possible that the amount of attacks that America has gone through, would be even higher than it is now.
    gh_blackhawks001, gh_blackhawks002

  28. The most interesting thing that I found on the Homeland Security website is border security. I choose border security as my favorite topic in DHS because my goal in life is to become an DHS agent. Within the DHS I want to get placed into the Special Response Team unit and work as a canine handler agent. The DHS is a federal organization that protects the country's land from terrorist and from dangerous criminals inside the country. Most people won’t consider working for homeland security because, they say it’s boring and that most DHS agents gets put into the airports and borders with barely any money. I for one think otherwise because I don’t want to work for a big federal organization because I do want a life and a family. While at the same time having a big job that will make a huge impact on our country and while also making a difference within whatever community that I may get placed in. I considered going into homeland security since I was a sophomore in high school because in DHS canine handlers get utilized a lot more than any other law enforcement agency in the country and it is also more appreciated by others. Because here in my home town the police department doesn’t appreciate the canine unit as much as they should because of all the strict rules that the explains what the dogs can and can’t do. But in a federal position canine as much more leeway and the pay salary is tremendously better. For example, a canine officer in the municipal level is only getting paid like 59,000 a year to whereas DHS canine agents are getting paid 72,000 a year. So DHS is where my heart is and where I see myself having a career in.-NIKE001

  29. I found the history of the Department of Homeland Security. Something interesting about the history of the Department of Homeland Security is that is combined into 22 different federal departments and agencies. These agencies are the Department of Homeland Security. Eleven days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was appointed as the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security. The office of Homeland Security oversaw and coordinated a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks. When the Homeland Security Act by Congress passed in November 2002, the Department of Homeland Security formally came into being as a stand-alone, Cabinet-level department to help further coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts. And it opened its doors on March 1, 2003.The Department of Homeland Security’s seal was created in June 2003. It’s symbolic of the Department's mission. To prevent attacks and protect Americans - on the land, in the sea and in the air. Paddle001

  30. The Homeland security page is a wealth of information. Homeland Security was formed following the 9/11 terrorists attacks on the World Trade Centers. The Department of Homeland Security combined 22 federal departments into a unified agency to better respond and face the terrorists that threaten us. The purpose of The Department of Homeland Security was and still is to protect the American people in a variety of ways. Everything from protecting our borders to preventing cyber crime, combating human trafficking, and even providing transportation security. The Department of Homeland Security also responds to areas effected by natural and man made disasters.-Costco001

  31. I found the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin to be the most interesting thing because they focus on getting information to the people . But the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin or NTAS is there to help stop at home terrorism . and i like the fact that it tell people to report criminal activity. Like with learned in class that the police work better with the community help and in my opinion so does the government. Their main concern is stopping another 9/11 from happening and they are using all their tools to

  32. The Homeland Security website gives us a lot of information to use and tells us what to do for different situations. This website tries to cover many different aspects of what can happen daily. From natural disasters to what to do when someone is cyber bullying you, this website tells you what to do and the next steps to being protected while in the United States. If you are not from the United States this website tells you how to get a green card and what the steps are to getting a green card. If you are going out of the country to overseas this website gives you people to go to, to try and help you go overseas and get back safely. Homeland security’s main mission is to protect the nation from threats that they may have or that they may face. I think it is interesting that Homeland Security did not become anything until 9/11. I think if we didn’t have homeland security now we would have more terrorist attacks and it would be harder to get through natural disasters. Homeland security gives us awareness of terrorism. If you want to get a job with homeland security, there are many different places you can go and not every job deals with being out in the field. One would just need some sort of education and then they would find where they fit in well and try for that job. Different sections of Homeland security help people with everyday life after a natural disaster or after damage have occurred. Homeland Security does a lot to keep our country together. Bball001


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