Implicit Bias and Criminal Justice.....

Implicit Bias and Criminal Justice.....


  1. The first test that I took was the male/female/career/family bias test. The results that I got were slight preference towards male/career and females/family. I think that this is because, from the time that I was born to the time that I entered third grade, my mother was a stay at home mom to me and my brother, while my father continued to work. When my brother entered kindergarten, my mother went back to work, which I think is why I don’t have a higher bias. The second test that I took was the male/female/science/liberal arts bias test. The results I got were no bias between males and females and science and liberal arts degrees. I think that this is because both my parents have degrees in mechanical engineering and they both stressed the importance of STEM in our household. The last test that I took was the religious preference test. It showed that I have no preference between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. I thought that this was interesting because I am a Christian who has not been exposed much to Islam or Judaism. EKT004

    1. That makes since because implicit biases can also come from something were prone to. That's normal for you so that's how you would view males and females in their daily environments. What is a STEM ? I don't find that hard top believe because a couple of my results I didn't agree with. I was just trying to get done with the test so I was clicking through it really fast so I don't think their testing methods are good because I was clicking where they told me to and if I didn't drag the right one to the right place it would put an X on the screen. It was kind of like they were forming an implicit bias for me because I couldn't put the people in the category I wanted them to go in. So I don't think their too accurate. MSSA002

  2. The three tests I did were Race, Weapons, and Religion. The results for the first one surprised me because it said that I have a strong preference towards European Americans over African Americans. This comes as a surprise because even though I have grown up around mostly white people, I have never treated black people any different than white. I am a firm believer in equality among all people and think that no one should be treated any differently than others. I think the result I got was mostly to blame for them switching up the sides to press the button on because it was my first experience ever taking these tests. The second test did not surprise me because it said I had no automatic association between race and weapons. Like I said earlier, I look at everybody with the same view and will only consider them a threat if they approach me in a certain way and it does not matter what race, gender, or religion they are either. The third test I did was religion. I was disappointed because they asked questions between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. All three of these religions are all from the same root. One of the differences is that the main prophet/messiah comes from a different lineage. In Judaism and Christianity, Jacob, the legitimate son of Abraham is the main ancestor. On the other hand, in Islam Ishmael, the illegitimate son of Abraham is the main ancestor. Not only that, but all three religions share the same God, and angels and demons. Personally I am a Christian and I enjoy learning about other religions so I was not surprised that I had no preference between the religions. That is why I was hoping that it would list other religions such as Jainism, Hinduism, Shintoism, or Buddhism; these religions are not as prevalent around this area, so I wanted to test out on those. Rayder004

  3. The first test I took was the gender-career test. My results were I had a slight automatic association for male with career and female with family. I am not surprised from my results, because I grew up in a family where my dad went to work and my mom stayed with the children. My results are not moderate or strong because I hope that I, as a female, can have a nice, long career in the future. The second test I took was the president’s test, and my results were that I had no automatic preference between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. I am not surprised at my results because consciously I am not passionate about politics or do I have a lot of care towards politics. The final test I took was the age test, and my results were that I had a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. I am not surprised by this result because I never spent much time with my grandparents. I have not actually spent much time around elderly people in my life, and this test helped expose what my subconscious was thinking. Scuba004

    1. I feel these results a pretty regular in today's society. Also, it completely makes sense that you wouldn't prefer a president when you don't delve into the topic. Also, I didn't have a preference when I took the age test. I had a lot of exposure to both worlds, so it's not really surprising, either. -AJC001

  4. For the first test I decided to do race. I wanted to see if I had an unconscious bias towards white people as opposed to black people because I grew up in a small town with little to no exposure to black people. I have never considered myself to have a bias for white people, but the tests results stated that I have a strong automatic preference of white people over black people. This result did surprise me because, as I said, I never thought I would have a bias of white people over black people. However, I can see how I may have a slight bias to white people because I never had much exposure to black people. The next test I decided to perform was the one for sexuality. Again, I did grow up in a very small town, so I did not have much exposure, if any, to any gay people, lesbians, transgenders, etc. The sexuality test said I had a strong automatic preference for straight people over gay people. This result really surprised me because as I have grown up, I have been exposed to more people, including an abundance of gay people, some of which are my very good friends. The last test I decided to do was the test for abled vs. disabled. My results were that I have a slight automatic preference of abled people over disabled people. This result really took me by surprise. While I do not have any family members or close friends that suffer from a disability, I was involved throughout my schooling in a program to befriend and help the disabled that I went to school with. It was really a wonderful program and I grew very fond of every single one of the kids, so I was very surprised to find out that I have a preference of abled over disabled. I thought if anything when taking this test that I would have a soft spot, so to say, for disabled people over abled people, but I was wrong. These tests just go to show you that we have all different unconscious bias towards different kinds of people. Purple003

    1. I understand your reasoning about the bias, and agree that living in a community that is significantly white could promote the idea of being bias due to the environment you grew up in. We never believe that we could possibly be biased toward any others but we keep forgetting not only where we grew up but also, in what time period. This goes for all the different biases that we believe we do not have but confront daily, without realizing, at times that we are acting this way. The way our parents grew up and were taught. What about their parents? These issues, back then, were taboo. No one talked about this on television, or at the dinner table, or heaven forbid, in the classroom. These were the secrets that nobody wanted to share, or were too scared to admit to, and definitely not accepted in that time frame. Society has made it so much easier to expose those who are biased or anti-this and anti-that, and to publicly condemn those who are “different” and expose their faults to everyone, sometimes without regard to how this may affect others. We find fault in others without looking fully at the situations or the causes for this type of behavior. When you explained about growing up in a small community, this was a profound statement. People are beginning to understand that we behave, as we do, because we have not always been exposed to what is happening around us. As I grew up, the only way we heard about “World News” was in the newspaper or on the television. Now, we have the internet, social media, and access to what is happening at that very minute at our fingertips. I do agree that these tests do show us that we all have unconscious bias towards different kinds of people. But we are beginning to realize why we have them and can, someday, learn to correct this way of thinking. Seoulman005

    2. I think your results may be accurate and come as a surprise as well. I believe do to you not being expose to other race and different sexuality then it shaped you to only see what was infront of you at the time. However Iwouldnt say you were bias because you dont sound as id race or a persons sexuality make a difference to you. Which is a good thing.I agree that the test shows we all have some kind of unconsicous bias towards people. At the same time I dont believe the test to be totally accurate in determining all bias and its degree of bias.12mc-005

  5. The first test I did was over gay individuals. I got the result "moderate automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people." Honestly, I do not find this surprising as my entire school was largely homophobic, and it was not until the last couple years of high school for anyone to openly admit their sexuality.
    The next test I took was about thin or fat preference. I got "automatic preference for Thin people over Fat people," which I do not find surprising as I was raised in a school that was very good at separating groups of people (especially the girls) based on their body weight. Larger girls were really not close to anyone except others like themselves, and the majority of students made that known.
    The next test was Native. I got the result "slight preference for White people over Native people." This, to me, is not surprise, as I was raised in an all white community and I did not have much contact with other races.
    Lastly, I did the Asian IAT. My results were neutral, with no preference to either. I actually was surprised as all of the other tests showed slight preference, I figured this one would as well. It's good to see that my childhood has not totally geared my implicit biases in all of the wrong directions.
    - AJC001 (and online CRJ 114)

    1. Some of my results were surprising as well considering how I was brought up compared to the results of the tests are completely different. I think taking these tests are a good way to identify what your bias are. Ciaccio001/002

    2. My results were very similar to yours AJC001, I also had a preference to straight people and skinny people. I also grew up with very few gays and very few overweight people and that has impacted me to now be biased against them. It is unfortunate, but it is something that we all have to deal with. zmw001

  6. According to these tests I have no automatic preference between Arab Muslim and Other people, a slight automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people, and a moderate automatic association for American with European American and Foreign with Asian American. Who knew. Apparently this test will give me some insight as to how I am, truly, seeing the world around me. The first test did surprise me. I believed that I was neutral with my belief that all people have the right to their own thoughts and beliefs. But it was the way the test seemed to show me as indifferent to Muslim and Other people. I was raised to respect people and their culture without prejudice or judgement. The second test did not surprise me much. I do not condone or judge homosexuality, I believe in equality for all, but I sometimes feel as though the issue continues to become more sensationalized than people want to hear or see. I was raised in an era where it was not socially acceptable to be different. There was the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy that was supposed to placate those who were uncomfortable with the notion of same sex couples and of “them” being part of society. The last test was the shocker. I have great pride in my Asian ethnicity, even though I am half Asian, I believe myself to be Asian. The test stated that I have a slight moderate automatic association for American with European American. I was raised here in the states and grew up in a time when your ethnicity did not always work to your favor and would, repeatedly, get the comment “Well, you all look alike”. Perhaps we do to those who do not know the differences, but believe it when I say that “We” can tell the differences and at times it is even worse among these cultures than what happens here. I think these tests do give some assistance with understanding how we may actually be seeing others and that there may be things that we say or do that are a result of not just seeing the person but how we were raised to “see” the world. Parents, family, media, and society are large factors in how we develop as individuals, but we must also be willing accept that we are responsible for our own minds and how we behave and act. Seoulman005

  7. The 4 tests that I took were young/old, male/female, gay/straight, fat/thin.
    On the first test I took male/female and it showed me that I really didn't have a preference. I don't prefer on over the other which is really cool because personally I prefer to hangout with more males than females because of how catty females are.
    On my second test I did fat/thin. This showed that I favored thin people to fat people but I grew up around a lot of over weight people in my family so that was kinda like wow I didn't think that I would favor thin over fat because of who I was brought up around.
    The third test was young/old. I feel I connect more with older people than I do younger people, but according to this test I prefer younger people.
    My fourth test was gay/straight. I was taught to respect eveyone no matter color/race/sexuality so this one was an eye opener for me. I have a homosexual family member and I don't love them any less than if they were straight but this test told me I prefer straight to gays. Overall I think these test really make you think alot. Because what you thought you prefer isn't always the case. Ciaccio001/002

  8. The first test I took was the gender-career test. My results were I had a slight automatic association for male with career and female with family. I am not surprised from my results, because I grew up in a family where my dad went to work and my mom stayed with the children. My results are not moderate or strong because I hope that I, as a female, can have a nice, long career in the future. The second test I took was the president’s test, and my results were that I had no automatic preference between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. I am not surprised at my results because consciously I am not passionate about politics or do I have a lot of care towards politics. The third test I took was the age test, and my results were that I had a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. I am not surprised by this result because I never spent much time with my grandparents. I have not actually spent much time around elderly people in my life, and this test helped expose what my subconscious was thinking. The fourth test I took was the weight test, and I had no automatic preference between fat and thin people. I agree with the results of this test because I have been around numerous people of diverse body weights my whole life. Scuba002

  9. The 4 tests I took were young/old, Asian/European Americans, black/white, disabled/non-disabled. On all of the tests I took I got neutral. I think I'm neutral in most of them because I work in retail. Last semester I preferred young people to old people. Working in retail has helped me talk to people. I work in a grocery store so I've gotten more used to older people coming in with their coupons, and dealing with them.
    I understand getting neutral on blacks/whites because although I didn't encounter many black people growing up, my friends have hungout with them and I've gotten used to it. Having an African American teacher has also changed my view. My mom always told me how bad the south side of Peoria is because of the people that live there, and not every African American is that way. I just don't prefer one race over another anymore.
    I don't have a bias against people with disabilities or without.
    I took the Asian/European American test again, and I got the same result i got last semester: I prefer European Americans to Asian Americans. I grew up in a small town where we had 1 asian person in our whole elementary/middle school. Once I got to high school, with over 2000 students, we still didn't have many Asian families. We had maybe 2 Asian American families in the entire community. I think I'm more bias towards them because I haven't had many encounters with Asian American families because of where I grew up.
    I honestly enjoyed taking these tests because I like to know what bias' I have and don't have. Some were a surprise, some weren't. stlblues001, stlblues002

    1. I didn't think about it but your point about working in retail probably helping you be neutral is a really good point. I have worked for the last 10 years since high school in retail and with people of all ages including in a retirement home. I think how you participate in your own community will reflect in how you feel about people of the same gender/ age/ race. Our bias do a lot of the times come from our parents, I currently am in a interracial relationship and my mom does not approve because of how she was raised even though she claims it's untrue. My grandma refers to Asians and Asian Americans as Orientals. It's things like this that can cause a bias but like you said from growing up around people of other races and having a role model who was black and a teacher reaffirms the notion that like you said not all African Americans are the same way even if that's what some assume you have had successful role models who were African American so that changed your perception. Marras002

  10. Taking this test really opened up my eyes to a lot of things. The first result that I got that really surprised was that I preferred straight people over gay. this result surprised me because I did not think that I had this bias towards gay people. Reason being is because I have grew up around gay people. My auntie that I am extremely close with is gay and always have been. I have never singled her out or judged her about being gay. But I can see where I might have tested like this also. My grandma who I was extremely close with also did not approve of homosexual people at all. She did not approve of this because of her religion. So being around her and listening to all the bad things she was saying about my auntie may have effect me rather I knew it or not. Another result that took me by surprised was the result of me preferring white people over black. This surprised me for one because I am black and two I am always around my family who is black. But on the other hand, once I started to think about it, it began to make more sense. Since I was a kid I went to a predominantly white school. And the one time that I did go to a predominantly black school I began to get I trouble and my grades got lower. Going to a mostly white school, my grades began to get better grades and I stopped getting in trouble. Which may be why I prefer white people over black. The last test that I took was that I associated a career more so with a male and family more so with a female. I absolutely know why I did this. Growing up my dad was always the one to work and make the money while my mom sat at home and watched the kids cleaned the house and cooked. It was also like that with my grandparents. So I tested like this because that's all I have seen with my personal life. Although I personal do not believe or even care which spouse plays what role. This test really helps you think about the bias that you may not even know you have and makes you evaluate why you might have them. So overall I believe it is a good test to take. Hawk001/005

    1. I also took the race test and gender-career test. I grew up in an all white community and was surprised my result for the race test was I had no automatic preference. I have not had any bad experiences with black people, but the media shares lots of bias that can easily affect me negatively viewing black people. I got the same results as you did for the gender-career test and I had a similar upbringing. My dad went to work and my mom stayed home to care for the family. Before this test, I did not realize how important my subconscious thoughts were. Scuba004

  11. Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for White people over Black people.

    I think this result is almost true, but not quite. The keys here are the “moderate” and “automatic” parts, though. I would say my preference is more “slight” than “moderate”. Naturally, I grew up in a white family, and my community was entirely Hispanic and European whites. There were literally zero black kids at my school as I was growing up, and my grandfather was straight-up racist. I personally believe that any individual from any group of people can be an outstanding person, but I’ve been exposed to more negative opinions about the black community and their culture than I have about any other group of people in the USA. I don’t necessarily believe all of those negative opinions, but simply having been exposed to them at all I’m sure has had at least a slight impact on my outlook. In addition, I do believe some of the statistics associated with explanations for disproportionately high crime rates in poor black communities such as the dropout rate for black children, single motherhood rates for black women, and violent crime statistics. I also understand, however, that those statistics can arise because of factors that have nothing to do with race, and once a culture is cemented in an area, the people of that area (black or not) can easily become influenced by it.

    I take issue with the structure of this test, though. By forcing me to first associate “E” with “Good” or “White” and the “I” key with “Bad” or “Black”, the second part where the keys switch places became much more difficult simply from a motor control point of view. The test creators are surely very smart people and tried to compensate for that in their algorithms I’m sure, but the impact that has on people will vary most likely which is why I think it was just a little bit off target.

    Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people.

    I think this result is a little bit off too, I’d say my preference is more moderate than strong. I think I’ve already established that I can be objective and honest about my perspectives in my response to me racial test data. I have never felt any disgust or other strong, or even moderate negative feelings toward gay men or women. I’m not the slightest bit religious, so I have no religious beliefs influencing my decision on this, nor have I ever had any bad experiences with gay people. I think there is nothing about homosexuality that counts as immoral. Nothing much more to say about this one. I think it is important to note that preferring something doesn’t mean you’re “against” the other. I have not known many gay people throughout my life and I have no holy text guiding my conceptions about them, so I haven’t been able to form a solid opinion about homosexuality people in general which naturally nudges me toward preferring straight people I suppose.

    Your data suggest a slight automatic association for American with European American and Foreign with Asian American.

    I suppose this is pretty much the truth. I took this one because I expected to have no bias one way or the other, since I’m pretty neutral-feeling about Asian Americans. I have had a lot less exposure to Asian Americans than European Americans though, which causes me to see those of Asian descent as being more exotic, and therefore “more” foreign than European Americans. I say “more” foreign because technically everyone aside from Native Americans are foreigners to this land in my opinion. To be fair though, there are far fewer Asian Americans, and they started populating this land mass in serious numbers much later than did the European Americans. Asian Americans also have ancestral culture that differs from our current American culture than do the European Americans. These things do make them seem more foreign in a way.

  12. The first test I took was RACE. I wondered if my white ethnicity was still a part of my decision making. The results were "moderate automatic preference for white people over black people" which disappointed me even though I was in the top 27% of all tested. From kindergarten through high school, I never knew a black person but I do remember my father saying "never judge a book by it's cover." and negative race remarks were not used in my home. The first time I came across a different ethnic group was the large group of Jewish students in my high school and I found out they had different holidays and beliefs. I thought that my secretarial jobs with District 150, where I worked for years with black bosses, teachers, counselors, deans and enjoyed the diverse student population, would counter act any prejudices. I see that my unconscious implicit bias still lingers and I will continue to work on not judging another human by it.s cover.
    The second test was GENDER SCIENCE. The result was strong automatic association for male with science and female with Liberal Arts. This did not surprise me. I grew up in a very patriarchal society with my father being the head of the house and the only wage earner. This was the norm in my neighborhood. Then, when I was married, I quite work to raise the children because we both knew the man could make more money and it was the accepted gender role that I as a female wanted to fulfill. As time went on, I began to question my symbolic-interaction theory role of playing what society called a good mother through everyday interaction with my family. My husband had complete control of money and decision making as the Social-conflict theory of inequality states. The decision of going back into the work field after 10 years at home was the best decision of my life. I did enjoy my three little boys but life was happier when I joined the ranks of liberal feminism and created my future. It is my belief that all women should have a career which gives them the freedom to decide their futures.
    The third test was WEIGHT. The results were "moderate automatic preference to thin people over fat people." This must show that societies influence that fat people are prone to disease and thin people are healthy and more attractive has infiltrated my unconscious illicit bias. Strange because I dearly loved my heavy dad and heavy Polish mother-in-law. I also had a chubby plain looking friend that I went to with my most serious problems and to me her knowledge and personality were beautiful. I like to think of myself as independent and free but this Sociology class has given me reason to reflect on my life, how I view others and what is right or wrong. I choose to celebrate discovery over decline. grandma005

    1. Although I didn't take the weight test, it's interesting to know that you have a preference for thin people over heavy people. I think your results mostly stemmed from our biological instincts and preference for health. Humans strive to achieve an appearance of health so we can attract mates and reproduce. That's why we whiten our teeth, put on makeup, and strive to be fit. A fit body is usually a healthy body, therefore ideal for reproduction of more healthy humans. This doesn't mean that we hate fat people or don't respect them, but it means our instincts are to be attracted to people that seem to be in good health. lasagna005

  13. I went through a few tests, choosing ones I felt least conscience to. What I found unfortunately unsurprising. While it's interesting to quantify particular bias, I could immediately know what the test would tell me as I was taking it. I do like the manner in which the test analyzes you. It gives you an association, to two different buttons, of the word bad and good. Once you have your place it throws you for a loop and adds another element to the categorization, and measures the time it takes for you to decide. If it's easier for you to categorize, the less time to decide, thus suggesting a bias. As talked about in class, there is no perfect test, and I don't think these tests compensate for distraction, pressing another key by accident, or certain discretionary beliefs. But what really seals the deal, is when the test is compared to responsed that you give to questions before or after the test. But then again, this isnt to explain why you have bias for something, or to point out issues. But it gives awareness to your brains immediate response to something, before it adds conditions or understanding to your thoughts. I also wonder if retakes would yield the same results? JAY001 JAY002

  14. The first test on the site I took was Gender-Career which associated female and males with career and families. My results to this test were "Little or no automatic association between female or male with career and family". Essentially I fell into the middle gap when it came to my results. I was not very surprised by this aspect as we spoke in class our experiences can help shape the subconscious of our thoughts. For me personally I grew up in a home where both parents worked, most of my grandparents worked outside the home as well and since I was in High School I have held a part-time job myself. I as a female could have a bias towards women and family being synonymous but I think due to my experiences that was not the case. I agree with my results on this just from how I was raised and I first hand used to go to work with my parents when they would have to work late and switch off who was watching us/ who was taking us home and to bed so I got to see both of them in the work place and in the home setting domestically taking care of the household also.
    The second test I took was on Light Skin Dark Skin preference. This test I felt like I would know the results as a white female who grew up in a predominately white suburb with very little minority populations before moving here to Peoria I thought there would be a slight preference and that's exactly what my results were. A slight automatic association or preference for light skinned tones over darker skin tones. No surprise really as we also talked about in class it can be from what we have come to know. I really don't have a preference in life I am friends with many people from all backgrounds and all skin tones. Realistically as psychology and sociology people tend to have an automatic preference for others who look like themselves anyways, it's also one of those things that studies show we also tend to be attracted to people who are similar to our attractiveness as well. Weird concept but if you think about it, it makes sense.
    The third and final test I decided to take was for weapons and harmless objects. My results were slightly surprising to me after the second test I had a "slight automatic association for Harmless Objects with Black Americans and Weapons with White Americans". My reasoning for being surprised is because I had a preference for lighter skin tones in the previous test. Also with news media coverage and living in Peoria I am aware of there being racial discrimination and prejudice in our community. However, I'm glad that subconsciously I don't let that affect my feelings towards others. I think being educated on the subject and dating a black man who educated me on the subject everyday is a positive in my life. I know outwardly like we talk in class none of us have to be racist or prejudice or have a preference but that doesn't mean deep down that exists.
    As far as what we can learn from this and how we grow from this in the criminal justice system is that police officer and public figures who know they have a bias can work towards not allowing that to dictate their work or how they approach individuals. We had an example in class how a police officer might end up having the same results for a traffic stop but how he spoke to the two different individuals may be very different and bias. And we may think that doesn't affect the work but it can, and it can affect how the community views police and that one incident can dictate how an entire community view their police department both positively or negatively. Marras002

  15. The three biases I chose were Light skin and dark skin, race, and weapons. My results for the light sinned and dark skinned was that I preferred light skinned people over dark skinned. I don't agree with that because my ex was dark skinned and he was handsome. The results for my race test was that I preferred White Americans over African Americans. I have had bad experiences with A.A. and distance myself from people altogether but I don't care what you look like as long as I like your personality. I don't judge people by the color of their skin. My results for the weapon test was that I seen A.A as more violent. Which is completely wrong I don't see color I see suspicion. I was just clicking the mouse where they told me to click it. I don't see how a implicit bias can be formed with this type of test. MSSA002

    1. I agree with you that the test has flaws, especially for race and weapons. Perhaps a better test would've been classifying a person as holding a threatening or non-threatening weapon, and seeing how long it would take you to determine the threat based on race. However, for your other points, you need to keep in mind that the test is meant to reveal your unconscious thoughts, before your rational mind can make decisions. Just because you found your ex handsome doesn't mean that you prefer all dark-skinned people, but it would be a positive factor in it. The same with automatic association of blacks and negative feelings. You might be more hesitant to approach them than with whites, simply because your mind remembers negative interactions with them in the past. That's not to say you're going to see a black person and automatically decide they're a bad person, just that you might need to work a little bit harder against your unconscious mind when approaching them. Green002

  16. The first implicit bias test that I completed was "Age IAT", which dealt with younger and older individuals. The ages 17-25 would describe the younger individuals and 60+ would be considered the older. My results showed that I prefer younger over older individuals. As of now, I am twenty years old and I typically have not been associated with older people until recently. As I become older, I like to think I associate myself with older people, therefore I like to think I would prefer to deal with an older individual because they tend to be more mature. On the other hand, I find myself having a more enjoyable time being around people around my age. Like my older brothers friends, my own, classmates, and even co-workers. The results I received were not too shocking, because deep down, I know what my results would really be. I work at a grocery store, managing and checking. Older customers tend to be difficult to deal with because they tend to be irritating and slow at shopping. Customers of an older age are very specific when grocery shopping, always asking questions, forgetting their items, and not knowing how to pay for their groceries without using a check. I believe this is the reason why I knew what my results would be from the implicate bias test. For example, I would rather deal with a younger customer rather than an older one because they are easier to talk to and work with. That is just how it is at my work and being there for several years typically makes the work boring and irritating at times. But a job is a job, police officer or not, you must listen to the victim or "customer" and cooperate/help them to the best of your ability.
    The second implicate bias test that I did was the "Weapons IAT", which associates white/black individuals with weapons and harmless objects. My results showed that I tend to associate black individuals with weapons instead of harmless objects. I think this bias resulted from movies and stereotypes that I have experienced throughout life. People usually joke around when in the Peoria area, saying things like "we are going to get shot up here" and "hes probably got a gun" when in a poorer area residing black citizens. This creates a label on those individuals being pointed out, which can effect decision making skills and discretion. I have not given this area much thought because I do not typically worry about the people around me having a gun or other dangerous weapon on them so the results were interesting.
    The third implicate bias test that I did was "Sexuality IAT" which distinguishes preference between gay and straight individuals. My results came back with preferring straight individuals over gay, which was not surprising to me. Although I do like to think I have no bias against gay people. Personally, having two gay cousins in my life has lead me to not be bias towards gay individuals. Bry001

    1. I agree with the mature aspect of dealing with older individuals as they have more understand and knowledge and understanding form growing up. Where a younger person tends to more impulsive making quick unration choices. I also agree that people around one of the label group as culture deems each person to categorizes people will make it easier to understand and care for these individuals. Eagle001 Eagle002

  17. Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for White people over Black people.

    I think this result is almost true, but not quite. The keys here are the “moderate” and “automatic” parts, though. I would say my preference is more “slight” than “moderate”. Naturally, I grew up in a white family, and my community was entirely Hispanic and European whites. There were literally zero black kids at my school as I was growing up, and my grandfather was straight-up racist. I personally believe that any individual from any group of people can be an outstanding person, but I’ve been exposed to more negative opinions about the black community and their culture than I have about any other group of people in the USA. I don’t necessarily believe all of those negative opinions, but simply having been exposed to them at all I’m sure has had at least a slight impact on my outlook. In addition, I do believe some of the statistics associated with explanations for disproportionately high crime rates in poor black communities such as the dropout rate for black children, single motherhood rates for black women, and violent crime statistics. I also understand, however, that those statistics can arise because of factors that have nothing to do with race, and once a culture is cemented in an area, the people of that area (black or not) can easily become influenced by it.

    I take issue with the structure of this test, though. By forcing me to first associate “E” with “Good” or “White” and the “I” key with “Bad” or “Black”, the second part where the keys switch places became much more difficult simply from a motor control point of view. The test creators are surely very smart people and tried to compensate for that in their algorithms I’m sure, but the impact that has on people will vary most likely which is why I think it was just a little bit off target.

    Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people.

    I think this result is a little bit off too, I’d say my preference is more moderate than strong. I think I’ve already established that I can be objective and honest about my perspectives in my response to me racial test data. I have never felt any disgust or other strong, or even moderate negative feelings toward gay men or women. I’m not the slightest bit religious, so I have no religious beliefs influencing my decision on this, nor have I ever had any bad experiences with gay people. I think there is nothing about homosexuality that counts as immoral. Nothing much more to say about this one. I think it is important to note that preferring something doesn’t mean you’re “against” the other. I have not known many gay people throughout my life and I have no holy text guiding my conceptions about them, so I haven’t been able to form a solid opinion about homosexuality people in general which naturally nudges me toward preferring straight people I suppose.

    Your data suggest a slight automatic association for American with European American and Foreign with Asian American.

    I suppose this is pretty much the truth. I took this one because I expected to have no bias one way or the other, since I’m pretty neutral-feeling about Asian Americans. I have had a lot less exposure to Asian Americans than European Americans though, which causes me to see those of Asian descent as being more exotic, and therefore “more” foreign than European Americans. I say “more” foreign because technically everyone aside from Native Americans are foreigners to this land in my opinion. To be fair though, there are far fewer Asian Americans, and they started populating this land mass in serious numbers much later than did the European Americans. Asian Americans also have ancestral culture that differs from our current American culture than do the European Americans. These things do make them seem more foreign in a way. Poet005

    1. I also took the race test and I grew up in a community that sounds very similar to yours. It is interesting how things we have do not consciously acknowledge affects us and our decisions. I did not recognize this until Professor White started talking about implicit bias to our class. In my case of growing up in that type of community, the bias media influenced a lot of my subconscious thoughts. The media gives has a lot of negative bias towards black people, and this can really affect the subconscious's of people who have not been around black people. Scuba002

    2. I feel like these tests also messed with my motor control skills, since during the thin/fat test there were some symbols were I got an x over. So I think getting those wrong it changed my answers completely. But to comment on the white/black test of your results, I got the same. I don't think I am at all racist, and I have both family and even friends who are African American. I don't believe these tests make us racist or anything like that. It is just about our lives and the area we were raised at. So in a way I feel these tests don't prove anything about us as individuals. TB005

  18. The first test I took was the gender-career test. My results were I had a slight automatic association for male with career and female with family. I am not surprised from my results, because I grew up in a family where my dad went to work and my mom stayed with the children. My results are not moderate or strong because I hope that I, as a female, can have a nice, long career in the future. As women progress in the workplace, the test in the future will most likely have an increase in the percentage of people who have no preference. If people took this test 70 years ago, they would have probably got the results of having a moderate automatic association for male with career and female with family because that was the social norm. I took the race test, and my results were I had no automatic preference between black people and white people. I am surprised from the results because I grew up in a small town full of white people. There were only two black students in my graduating class. I have sent practically all of my life around white people. Even though I haven’t had any bad experiences with black people, I thought the media’s bias would have had an effect on my subconscious’ thoughts. The third test I took was the age test, and my results were that I had a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. I am not surprised by this result because I never spent much time with my grandparents. I have not actually spent much time around elderly people in my life, and this test helped expose what my subconscious was thinking. The fourth test I took was the weight test, and I had no automatic preference between fat and thin people. I agree with the results of this test because I have been around numerous people of diverse body weights my whole life. I also took the president’s test, and my results were that I had no automatic preference between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. I am not surprised at my results because consciously I am not passionate about politics or do I have a lot of care towards politics. I would not have been surprised either if my results should a slight preference towards Ronal Reagan because I have heard way more good things than bad when it comes to Reagan. I thought this test was interesting because of all of the political issues that exist today. Overall, these tests were good indicators of bias’ that we may not have even realized we had. I think it is cool that we can reverse our subconscious bias’. Recognizing and reversing these bias’ will help us in the future as we pursue work in the criminal justice system. If these implicit bias tests were part of the hiring process anywhere in the criminal justice system, that would help solve numerous issues. Law enforcement can better themselves by these tests by reversing subconscious thoughts they did not even know existed. Scuba002, Scuba004

    1. I thought you did a good job on this post and I love to read other peoples post because we are all brought up so differently which makes all of us unique. It's interesting to here your points about things especially the political views. The thing I can relate to the most is that how I wasn't really around a lot of older people as well.CRC001,CRC002

  19. For my implicated bias results, I took four tests Weight, Age, Religious, and the weapons test, my results for the tests included for the weight test, I had a moderate response in preference for thin people over fat people in biases. Reason this may exist is during high school was involved in many different sports and so I was mostly around people of a similar weight category and being fat in athletics was almost frowned upon because this said that this person was lazy was the mind set while going through athletics. I also took the religious test which was Judaism vs. being Islam which indicted that I had believed this due to the way I grew being a Christian and much of my own knowledge for each of these old histories for these belief’s. This is important to understand because no person regardless of their beliefs should not be treated as any less of a person just for what they want to worship. This bias for being more favorable for Judaism over Islam also could have come from the sense of understand that with the bible nearly all the books of the old testament are also in the Torah as well when taking in pre-knowledge before taking this test. The tests also indicted that I preferred younger people slightly over those who are older reason I believe this bias may exist is due to the fact of working in retail this is a common trend for older people being the ones who undermine those who are below their age due to the belief that they are disrespected by those who are young. With much of the heat over the years that’s come from these older individuals while working over the years has pushed towards a bias of those who are of an older age than I am. My final test was the weapons test I had no difference between who would and wouldn’t have weapons which is different from the response from last year as I associated African Americans to have weapons slightly over Whites. My beliefs for the change as I had more knowledge, and education this changed the dynamic for who I looked at weapons and the associating knowing that all people of races, colors, and backgrounds can all have an equal chance of having a weapon that not just one group will be the only to ever have a weapon in their position. Just being aware of this bias allowed me to look more into it and change the outcome of my own beliefs and mindset through understanding. This is important for individuals as this will allow for fair treatment of all individuals equal and as stated early just being aware of some of these biases existing can be enough for someone to change their belfies or understand why they may have preferred one thing over another. This would also help to ease a lot of the problems of cultures worldwide because people are more than just a label each person with their own unique story, and background. Eagle001 Eagle002

  20. The three tests I took were race, skin tone, and presidents. For the race results, I was found to have “no automatic preference between Black people and White people.” This didn’t surprise me at all considering I’m white, I have an all white family, and my boyfriend/domestic partner is black. I interact with countless races everyday at my job and at school and have never had a distaste for anyone solely due to their race. For skin tone, I got “automatic preference for Light Skinned People over Dark Skinned People” which surprised me because my boyfriend is very dark skinned, so I thought it would be no preference or preference for dark skinned. It makes sense, though, because most of my friends are mixed race/light skinned and I have light skin. For presidents, I got “no automatic preference between Trump and Roosevelt” which also surprised me because I despise Donald Trump and the hateful things he stands for. It was interesting taking these tests because I got to find out the actual opinions of my brain, not just what I had learned was the right opinion to have. I think these tests should be implemented in workplaces where jobs deal with the IAT subjects because employers should know about someone’s biases and opinions if they get hired. Say if a police officer took this test and was found to have a preference for straight people over gay people, their captain would know to keep an eye on them when they’re dealing with cases involving gay people so that their bias wouldn’t affect the situation. It’s important to acknowledge that we all have biases, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t treat others with respect and kindness. No matter what your beliefs are, all humans deserve rights and humane treatment. lasagna005

  21. The first test that I took was the fat/thin people. I found the test to start easily, but towards the end I started to get more confused about the test. Trying to manage bad words and thin people together on one key. Then good words and fat people on the other key. But my results, I prefer thin people to fat people. Where to me personally weight doesn’t matter to me. I feel like this test was not accurate on how I feel as a person. The second test was the race where my results said, “Preference for White people over Black people.” I feel like this isn’t surprising, since being around white people around me during my life. But I do have African American family members but I don’t see them as often as I see my immediate family. So this test wasn’t that big of a surprise. The last test I couldn’t decide which one to take, so I just chose randomly at the religion test. Picking between Judaism and Islam. I thought that was an excellent test because both of those religions I don’t know that much of, so I learned new words and symbols during this test. My results came back, “No automatic preference between Islam and Judaism.” I didn’t know how to feel about this result because I don’t have any issues with either religion or the people in them. So in a way I just felt okay by the results. TB005

    1. I can relate to growing up in a neighborhood and school district that was majority white people. But even though that is true, my results came back that i prefer dark skin people over light skin people. I also think i got confused towards the end of the test with matching the good and bad words. I feel neutral to both as well, my results surprised me. behappy001

  22. When I took the implicit bias test last semester I wasn't surprised by my results but this semester came as a shock. I took the young vs old test and the light skin vs dark skin. Although I wasn't very surprised that my results came back that i prefer older people, i feel like my results didn't compare to others in class. I think that i prefer older people because i work at a car dealership and they're nothing but sweet and understanding. I also am very close to my grandparents and I love to sit and listen to stories they have to tell. I also feel that at age twenty, i don' relate to many others m age as far as going out. My other test result was that i prefer dark skin over light skin. This surprised me the most. Not that I prefer one over the other (i feel as if i am neutral on both ends) but i grew up in a light skin majority school and neighborhood. I went to Peoria Heights and we didn't really have much diversity throughout. I think my results were surprising but kind of cool. behappy001

  23. I took the sexuality test, race test, and gender - career test. For the sexuality test my result came back as an “automatic preference for straight people over gay people.” I have mixed reviews about this result. From a sexuality standpoint yes I would prefer straight people because I am straight, but from an equality standpoint I have no preference. I don't judge people based off of sexuality. Everyone is equal and thats how I treat everyone. For the race test my result came back as an “automatic preference for African Americans over European Americans.” I am a white male, so this sort of came as a shock to me. I went to a predominately African American high school so I can see why my results would look that way. I interacted with African Americans all throughout my childhood growing up so I could see that playing a part in my results. But I still treat everyone equally. For the gender - career test my result came back as an “automatic association for males with careers and females with family. My mom raised me and my brother as a stay at home mom while my dad worked, so I could see that relating to my results. However, I am all for women getting high paying jobs for big businesses and corporations, instead of always being stay at home moms. PAWW005

  24. The first Implicit Bias test I took was on "Race" of course I went in with an open mind set as well as thinking I'll pretty much have a great idea of what the test results would be however I was totally taken back with the results that was given. So thinking that was a fluke I went on to the next test which was " Disability" knowing full well as I stated before I'm open minded to several situations but once again the results came back with a totally​ different from my actual views​ and beliefs so of course this is were my skepticism radar sensors are really going off. So once again I move on to the next test which was "Religion" thinking that there's no way I'll get the same results, needless to say I did the results came back that I favored one religion over another however those results like the others​ didn't come close to describe who I am; my beliefs nor my actual views on the subject. In my opinion this test may have been put together by a bias individual or group. I say that because the test stated that I prefer another race over my own race which is so far off. I was raised all are to be treated equally then the disability test results was that I have a moderate preference of able than a disabled person once again another disagreement in my opinion I have no preference and​ learned early on at Thomas Jefferson School all are equal! No matter what their limitations are. Religion was the last test and those results states that I have preference for Judaism than Islam and I know very little on both of those religion the test should have given more options to choose from being that most people are either Christians, in some way or form rather it falls under Baptist, Catholic, Islam, Buddhism or even atheism could of been a option for testing sakes. Leathas005

  25. The first Implicit Bias test I took was the “Skin Tone” test. The way I was thinking and the way I thought I’ve always thought, I thought the test was going to go a certain way, but it didn’t. It told me I had “no automatic preference”. I guess it makes a little sense now because my girlfriend is kind of the opposite of what I thought I always wanted. Anyway, second test I took was the “Age” test. It said I had a “slighty automatic preference for old people over young”. The preference has to be very slight. I don’t believe that is correct because in my opinion I feel like I don’t like either of them that much equally. I think it should have been a “no automatic preference” answer. The last test I did was the “Race” test. This test gave me the best answer overall. “ No automatic preference between black and white” I feel like this is a good answer because in today’s society I know a lot of things have been going on and a lot of people have different opinions about certain races. DC004

  26. One of the test i did was the skin tone test. I took this test are truthful as I possabably could. I felt as thought the test was trying to make me have a bais where it would change things up and would cause me to mess up. On this test it told me I had a slight preference for black people. which i can understand i come from a mixed family. I was also in a relationship with a black women for 4 years. So this may have been an influence into my bias that I had. The second test that I took was the weapons test. Where once again I felt as though it was trying to trick you into having a bias by making you mess up. It told me that i correlated deadly weapons more with white people than with blacks. this maybe because i watch alot of war movies where you see white people shooting at other white people. Evo001

    1. I agree with you I think the test where put together in a way to deceive you and to believing that you sub consciously may not be aware of your thoughts or behavior. I don't believe this test should be used for anything especially jobs, schools or Church for that matter. The switching up on the keyboard to press a different key of course would alter decisions and the score so to me the test was set up in some type of bias form in no way could really speak for no individual. Overall my opinion of the test was that it was negative,pointless and worthless Leathas005

  27. The first test I took was on race I was not surprised to see the results. I did not grow up feeling any certain way about different races. I was always told to make my own choices. The test really did not go one way or the other. The next test I did was on age I thought I preferred older people so I was a little surprised to see that the test said I prefer younger people. I work in an older environment so I guess I do enjoy younger people outside of work. Hearing their thoughts and insights on things is refreshing. I aso did the test on gender I like all different types of people. I enjoy learning about different lifestyles and peoples views. Overall it was OK. I do not think I'm biased either way.sly.003

  28. My first test I took was the “Weight IAT”. I went in to this test like all the rest without knowing how I felt before. I thought I was indifferent towards large or thing people but according to this test that was not the case. I had found out that I had a slight preference towards thin people.I find this a little strange but I guess I can believe it. I have been around large people my whole life and a good part of my family is overweight as well. I think it is because I am really into fitness so that is what sways me towards thinner people. The second test I took was the age IAT. It came back with the result that I had a slight preference towards older people. I think this is because I am not a huge fan of people around my age or even younger. I just feel like older people are more relatable and they understand my humor more. I also spent a lot of my younger life living with my grandparents so this might have a factor in the results. Finally I took the religion IAT and I kind of felt as though I may have already known the result. It said I had no preference in this category. I know why that is as well. I never grew up going to church or anything of the sort. So I never really adopted any religion so I can see why I wouldn’t have a preference here. Altogether I realize I have a few biases that aren’t good. I honestly believe that these would not affect my everyday life as a police officer, but nonetheless I would like to train myself to not have any bias at all. Gym003 Gym005

  29. The first test I took was the skin tone test. It showed I have a preference for dark skin over light skin. I wasn't surprised by the results my father is African American and so is my husband. I have also been more attracted to African American men so I am sure that's why my results showed the preference for darker skin tones. The next test I took was the young/old test. I have a slight preference for younger people. I'm not sure what brought about this result maybe the fact that I was a CNA for 14 years and it is a rough profession dealing with the geriatric population so that may have influenced how my results turned out. The last test I took was the White race/black race test and I had no preference towards either race. I am bi-racial with a white mother and black father. I grew up in the home with both parents present so was exposed to black and white people equally and am sure this is why the results came back like they did. Overall I feel like the results showed very little bias towards anyone person or race and the very little bias I have can be remedied and not affect how I will do my job once working in law enforcement. I feel these tests are important for anyone interested in entering the criminal justice field. That way people are aware of the implicit biases they hold and are able to work on them so that they do not influence the way they perform their duties. mommy004

  30. The 3 test I took were Race, Race and weapons and Disability. I agree with the results for disable people and able people. My result showed that I have an automatic preference for disable people over able ones. I believe because my heart goes out to them and most time people make fun of them, misuse and abused disable people. I go out my way to help those that cant help themselves. Working in the health field for the last q10 years has opened my eyes to a whole different outlook on disable people and how they get treated by the ones that are able to do better. I dont agree with the Race result because it states I prefer black over whites. I have never been a racist person so I cant go along with those results. I treat people as they treat me no matter what I dont care what race they are. Race and weapons was my last test and I disagree with that one also. It states that I have a slight automatic association for harmless objects with white americans and weapons with black americans. I think it is an equal balance between the two because either or can have get weapons and some could be just harmless items. So I really wasn't feeling the results of that test. Plus weapons and harmless objects get in the hands of every race. 12mc-005

  31. The tests I took was the Sexuality, Gender Career and Race. The sexuality came back as I have a strong preference towards straight people. The gender career test cam back as I strongly prefer male career and female at home. The race test came back as strongly preferred European American over African Americans. I call this test BULLCRAP. I personally believe that no matter what your preference is that these tests are rigged. For example, the sexuality, it said that I have a strong preference towards straight people. I am BISEXUAL!!!!! That is completely wrong. The race test said that I have a strong preference towards European Americans but I have a daughter who is mixed. Even for the career test, I truly do not have a preference either way. I think whatever the test start off with is the way you will lean. I know some people got a neutral response, so obviously the answers can be different. I think if the test was given in reverse, I think everyone's answers will be different. hotfox003

    1. And my test results has nothing to do with the way I grew up. For the career, there was not a stay at home mom. I was raised around gay people since I was very young. I also was raised around non European americans.

    2. I see what you mean thinking these tests are unreliable due to personal aspects about you. But as the title suggests these are implicit biases. So on the surface you clearly feel one way but in the back of your head there is always different thoughts that we don't have access to. RM001/002

  32. The first test I did was the gender-career IAT. I have a strong automatic association for male with career and female with family. I believe that I had an association with male with career and female with family but I didn’t think it was strong automatic association. I thought I had a moderate open mind when it came to both male and female with family or career. The second test I did was the president’s test. The results I got was a moderate automatic preference for Donald Trump over Richard Nixon. I disagree with this. I don’t involve in politics or know anything about them. I don’t like anything that Donald Trump has done as president. The third test I took was race. I got a moderate automatic preference for European Americans over African Americans. I’m not sure how they come up with the results from these tests but I’m a little suspect. It only lets you answer one answer. If you answer how they don’t want you to answer it put a red x and makes you answer correctly. Cardinals005

    1. I can see where these results could make someone mad but then again it was there to help see what you would do without thinking about the answer. I can see where someone would get that males should be working and that females be with the family but things are changing now and more women are going out and making the money for the family. Pie001,002,004

  33. The first test I took was the Weapons bias test. My results showed a moderate bias towards associating weapons with blacks, and harmless objects with whites. I expected a result a bit like this, as I tend to associate gang violence and other such things with blacks. I'm not quite sure where I picked that up, though it was probably some sort of television program. I don't think I let this implicit bias affect my interactions with people, as I tend to judge based more on general demeanor, but it's something I'll keep in mind.
    The next test I took was Gender-Career, which showed a slight bias towards men with careers, and women with family. I expected this, which is a bit odd since for most of my life my mom worked. I suppose at some point, the general view of stay-at-home dads got to me, so I started thinking that men have to work, while women could do either.
    The final test I took was Asian bias, which showed complete neutral. While I did grow up around a lot of Asians, this result makes me question the previous two. While in a school environment I expect Asians to be fairly American, for lack of a better term, nearly every other time is in a setting where I'll assume that I'll have trouble understanding their English. A lot of Asians in media are portrayed as foreigners, and a lot that I've interacted with personally were very clearly not from here.
    Overall, the test seemed a bit flawed in methodology. While I don't know for certain how large the margin of error is on them, I know that the first two I spent more time trying to remember which side a category of items was on than identifying it. The number of times I identified a Coke can as harmful, or the word "office" with family is a bit embarrassing. With the Asian test in particular, I feel it's a bit silly to use places like the Eiffel Tower, or Sydney Opera House as the foreign location categories. Most people would agree those areas are fairly white/European, and aren't going to feel as foreign as an Asian temple, or even something like a bottle of soy sauce.(I couldn't think of another distinctly Asian place, sorry.)
    That's not to say I'm discrediting the results, as I am going to keep them in mind. I just question how accurate it is, compared to other ways of testing implicit biases. Knowing that one could potentially harbor biases is important, as it should lead to more equal treatment of individuals, assuming you reflect on them, and remember that you have them in moments where they'd come up. Green002

    1. I would like to reply to the results you received from the Weapon test. No I do not find it shocking of your test results. In fact, I would be shocked if you did not receive the results that you did originally. I would more so like to focus on you reasoning why, and hope that you reply to my comment as I would like to continue this conversation anonymously. I understand we are not suppose to take these blogs personally, which I am not trying to but could to further your reasoning of why you could how generated your bias. For example, John could feel the weaponry is more commonly associated with blacks, because as an African American man he has witnessed hate crimes occur among his peers that included weapons. Or maybe, Vera feels has a bias that weaponry is more commonly associated with black, because as a caucasian women she has seen violent gang crimes being committed within the African American community via television, and vice versa. My point is to challenge your thought process of how this bias has been generated, and maybe even identify the source.


  34. When first being assigned this work I was very thrilled, because it is essential to be aware of interior characteristics. This is important, because biases have an effect on the choice an individual's decides to make, as well as act upon. I decided to test upon Weight and Weapons, which seves many purposes. Self awareness and evaluation is essential to mankind, because this is how society evolves and attempts to remain open-minded. With that being said, the early this lesson is installed within our youth, the better outcome it can serve as our youth evolves and matures. Fortunately enough for myself, I believe this is a lesson I lived early on, which is why I chose to test over these two subjects. In fact, due to my mother’s authoritative parenting style, as my primary caregiver, I am able to pick up on certain things that most people my age would tend to overlook. Anyway, I decided to take the Weight test, because this seemed to catch my attention in my younger years. For example, when I was younger I would notice myself to stare at people when they would eat, despite their weight. As times varied so did my responses, because situations and environments altered as well. At times I would find myself to become annoyed or angered when people would eat; other times I would remain unbothered. So, after taking this bias test I discovered, according to Harvard University, that I have a bias against people where are considered to be overweight, via society’s eyes. First, I would like to state that weight, just like the majority of everything else, is defined by society and the culture an individual lies within. In some cases, weight is seen as a beautiful aspect, and can ultimately judge someone’s level of wealth because they have more access to food than others do. In other cases, such as the one within the USA, wealth is just a clear factor that influences judgement. I did not realize that I had this bias, but that does not mean that I do like people who are overweight, just to clear the air. Second, I also chose to test over Weapons. I chose to take this test, because this has been a hot topic throughout the nation, and I have not given too much thought to it in the past. I have not given this thought due to the community I reside in. In many cases, weaponry, unfortunately, is common in my community, and that just my opinion. I was not aware that the Weapon Bias test would address which color, Blacks or Whites, would I link weapons too, which seemed to draw in my attention even more. Living in my community it is overall a very diverse sector of town. So, I am commonly seeing Blacks and Whites being addressed by the law due to criminal violations. From this test I have been made aware that I associate harmless objects with Whites and weapons with Blacks. Honestly, I do not find these results to be shocking. I say this because of how society has, very recently and frequently, made African Americans seem as violent individuals, which is not the case. More specifically, society has made it seem like African American males are the source of violence, but once again that is not the case. Males naturally are physically intense beings. With that being said, since African American males suffer from discrimination and they are prone to be physically intense, because they are men; they have the factors that would make them targets of society.


  35. The first test I took was the Presidents test. My results ended saying that I was slight automatic preference for Donald Trump over Barack Obama. I am surprised by this result just because I thought President Obama was one of the better presidents we have had. He did a lot of good things for this country and was overall just a good man. He wanted the best for everyone and he also looked out for everyone and it didn’t matter who you were. I’m also raised in a family who are democrats so most of the time I follow and listen to democrat views. For my second test I did the age test slight automatic preference for Young people over Old people. Now for this one I’m not very surprised with because my whole life I have grown up with kids around me. My mom and her two sisters own their own daycare center. So growing up I always had my cousin around me and we basically were like brothers and sisters. Also going to school started making friends and just so happen they lived around us so I usually just walked around with them and we would go play some type of sport. It was nice to be raise around my friends especially so close so it made it easier to hang out with them. I know some kids don’t get those opportunities especially with the cousins situation I was very fortunate. My third test was the weapons test. My results were little to no association between weapons and harmless objects with white Americans and Black Americans. I wasn’t confused by this at all either because the only thing I do with a weapon is go hunting with my white grandpa and also with my black uncle. We do this once a year and it is only for a weekend so it is very short. Besides this I don’t have a harmful things around anyone. My fourth test I did the sexuality test. For this test my results were no automatic preference between straight people and Gay people. I wasn’t surprised by this test at all especially the way I was raised. I’ve always been brought up that people can’t control how they feel they are born the way they are born. I always remember my family saying “that’s just how god created them”. Since I was brought up this way I’ve never judged anyone for who they like or whatever their sexuality is. It doesn’t matter to me as long as you’re a nice genuine person that’s all that matters. In the end this was a great experience especially since we get caught up and don’t even realize we are bias about things. As we pursue work in the future for criminal justice these test can help us recognize the bias issues a person has. When the person then knows about it then they can reverse these bias. This would be a huge help in the hiring part especially because we have so many problems today we could eliminate these bias views. In the end it will make the department better and the cops better at what they do. CRC001,CRC002

  36. The first test I did was if I prefered for Straight people over Gay people. I picked this test because I work with both people and have family who are gay. I thought I would be neutral when it came to this test just because I really don’t have a problem with how people want to live or who they want to live their life out with. The family I have that are gay are so awesome together and they make me so happy to see them the way that they are. I can see where maybe I got my preference is for Straight people over Gay people because that’s what I am around in my direct household. I think it is important to note that preferring something doesn’t mean you’re “against” the other. The next test I took was I prefered Young people over Older people. This test shocked me because I know when I’m working that I talk to older people in a different way than when I talk to younger people. While working though I have seen how disrespectful younger people are to the people that are working. When helping older people though they have more respect for the workers. I have also spent numerous hours with all of my grandparents and I just love hearing about everything they use to do as a kids. Younger kids now of days are sadly wanting to always be doing something with technology and not be outside or enjoy spending time with friends. My final test that I did was I have a moderate automatic association for American with European American and Foreign with Asian American. This kinda makes sense because we have always been taught in school what landmarks belong in the United States and then what landmarks are foreign in other countries. I have lived in other areas of IL. where I have been exposed to people who do came from Asian for schooling at U of I. They would come to the here for the engineering program and then the medical program that U of I had to offer. I had lived there for 4 years so I got use to seeing different culture in my life. This test was very interesting for me to do because I thought I would’ve been more neutral on some of my test. I know the this test isn’t 100% correct but it really helps you see for yourself and then you know what you can change. Pie001,002,004

    1. It's very interesting to see that what we think we believe and how we operate may not be as it seems. Being in a basically completely white neighborhood growing up, I assumed I would have a fairly strong automatic preference for white people, but it was in fact neutral, which was a great surprise to me because I have been working on improving that aspect of how I think about things. These tests are definitely intriguing and can be very useful as we move forward pursuing our goals in the criminal justice field.
      gh_blackhawks002, 001

  37. I took 3 test- religion, weapons, and weight. I was skeptical because for all three results I had little to no automatic association with either. The results for religion surprised me the most because I was raised catholic and was in catholic schools from pre-k all the way through my 2nd year of college. However I started questioning the doctrine around 16, and began to search and learn about other religions. I think this came around largely because I was working at many places where I was exposed to many different people from different backgrounds. Today I am not sure what I believe...I guess I would be considered agnostic, with Christian tendencies? That’s why I chose to do the religion test first. I figured I would prefer Christianity to Judaism and Islam. I took a religious studies class a few years back and it was one of the most informational classes in my college career. These three religions are so similar it is possible that I do not have a strong bias to any of them. I possibly might hold negative connotations to all three religions because they seem to always be the root of conflict.
    I chose weapons as my second test because I have rarely been around guns of all types and I personally do not own or want to own any. I also strongly believe if government has weapons then so should the people as the 2nd amendment allows us. This could be why I received a neutral outcome to the weapons test.
    After this I literally closed my eyes and chose the weight one randomly because the other two didn't seem to tell me anything. Again it was neutral.
    I believe preference and implicit bias are installed in every one of us. Although this test didn't provide me with telling results, I can hypothesize that I may have implicitly manipulated the test. I think I am scared to prefer any religion because I do not know which one if any is good. I avoid conversations about weapons because just like everything else, they are only bad when used for bad. The weight one I knew I would not prefer either over the other because I have family who have been treated for eating disorders, fellow dancers who struggled emotionally to fit in the stereotype and of course my own personal demons. All in all I am either not being honest with my self or I am unsure what I am biased with?-jimmys005

    1. The idea of implicitly manipulating the test is an interesting claim. I too felt, at the beginning especially, that I was attempting to manipulate the survey. I think we are afraid to have ourselves and our views measured by something as remote as an online test. However, it is important that we give these tests a good analysis. Nonetheless, I did try to manipulate the test on purpose for two random tests to see if they were at all manipulative and with my results I found the tests to be highly subjected to timings and coordination between buttons or sides and measured variables such as weapons. This test on a test was purely to understand and measure the thing that wanted to understand and measure me. I believe this test or survey proves its worth just like any neutral survey. It helps organizations collect data and measure how certain populations think and the social environments within them. On a different note I support the 2nd amendment with everything in my being! The weapons section on this test however, was related to race, so on that subject I believe the test helps prove or disprove certain stereotypes we hold true or false in some regard. Ghost003, Ghost004

  38. The first test that I took was the sexuality one. The test told me that i prefer heterosexual people over homosexuals. I don't think that i have a problem with people who are gay or bisexual etc.... I would still like to be around people who are like me heterosexuals. I personally don't think that it is a bad thing that i would prefer the "straight" people over gay people. It is just something that I've always felt. I would just rather surround myself over straight people. I feel like a big role that plays a part in me feeling this way is because i do go to church. I do know the word and what the Bible says about homosexuals, so i know it was wrong to be a homosexual and that I shouldn't be okay with it. I would still not judge someone of their sexuality because it is personally not my business what you like or dislike. I would personally say that I am okay with homosexuals because I don't care about their lifestyle. It is not me so i could care less. WS002

  39. After taking the three tests, I was somewhat surprised with the results that I had got in a way and also not surprised at the same time. The first test I took was the age test to see if you preferred old people or young people. I feel as though all of these tests have some way where they trick you or try to sway your outcome by grouping certain answers together. In the first test it said that I slightly preferred old people to young people which actually surprised me. It said that only five percent of the people who take the test get this result. I honestly thought it would be the opposite result where I preferred younger people because that is mostly who I spend most of my time with. The second test I took was the weight test. I didn't think that I preferred one or the other but my results said I preferred younger people. The third test I took was the weapons test where it saw if you associated weapons with a certain race. My results showed that I slightly associated them with African Americans. All in all I don't think I agree with all the results but the tests were not too bad. hawkshockey004

  40. The second test that i took was young verse old. I would rather be with young people because it is clearly my age group. I’d rather be around my age or young adults because they are more fun.They are more likely to have fun. They do what they want to. They do what they want to at times and can just let loose. I feel like older people are more uptight and stuck up. They are very old school and want things done a certain way when they want it done. The result kind of shocked me because I would’ve thought I would get old people because i usually hang out with people today who are older than me.
    The next test that i took was fat and thin. It tells me that i prefer thin people over fat people. I find that very hard to believe. I think i’m pretty much surrounded by larger people vs thin people. In my eyes size doesn’t matter. I think I’m pretty neutral. I don’t care who I am around, as long as i am having fun. I would imagine that I prefer large people not thin. WS002

  41. I took three bias tests. These were the large to thin, black to white, and Native American to non. My results were that I moderately preferred thin to larger people, I moderately preferred white people to black, and had bias towards Native Americans. The results of the bias tests aren't to be viewed harshly. Just because a test comes back as moderately favorable of one option over the other does not mean that a person hates the latter option. In my case, being more favorable of white people could be because of the setting I grew up in. My father was black, we didn't talk very much and his side of the family and I also aren't very close. But on the other hand, my mother is white and her side of the family and I are inseparable. I grew up mainly surrounded by white people, which explains my bias. As for my weight test, most of the women in my family are actually overweight. I was always very active in sports and dance in grade school and high school so now that I'm grown I continue to work out and in turn remain slim. The Native American test was the only to come back without a bias. My grandfather is 75% Native American. I am 25% Native American as a whole, with Cherokee on my mother's side and Black Foot on my father's. I am in the presence of Native American blood often, but my family grew up without the ceremonies and traditions of our people. So in turn this leads to no bias towards either. I am aware of both, and equally touched by both races. I think that bias tests should be mandatory by agencies, not to worry people or to try to make people feel bad about themselves. Many people don't know they have bias, they get along great with the categories of people they may have a bias against. But knowing your bias can help you quit even the smallest of unequal attitudes and behaviors towards another person.

  42. I have completed six of the survey tests. The first test I took was the one on weapons. Here I fell into the typical statistical sample in that I slightly associate harmless objects with white Americans and weapons with black Americans. This was at first shocking because I like to believe and still do believe that given intellectual time to approach a situation I will approach it in a non-discriminatory manner. However, according to the IAT I do have a slight biases based on their survey parameters. The next test I took with interesting results included the survey on weight preference. Here I discovered I was moderately preference for thin people over heavier set people. This wasn't too surprising considering I naturally consider myself bias due to my hobby and love of fitness and health. However, this like the age survey I also completed, showing I was slightly biased towards young people over old, shows that biases can show even if we don't think they are present or try to fight or suppress them. I took the time to complete the gender-career and the gender-science survey as well as the sexuality test. I was surprised to find I have a bias that shows a relation with males and family and females with career while I consider myself a traditionalist in some senses, not gender roles however. The gender and science test showed little to no association between female and male and liberal arts and science relations. This can neither prove or disprove the previous test on gender, but it does argue that we do draw connections unintentionally. This brings me to the test process altogether. These relational test surveys draw subliminal biases through a process of connectivity between two variables such as good words and thin people. The time it takes to respond and connect certain variables serves as the data collection point for test results. This is an interesting tool that I encourage everyone and anyone to try, however, it is apparent that the results cannot be definitive because they cannot and thus do not take into account every possible variable in a persons life. How we are nurtured, or born and raised, directly and indirectly influences these variables that is why this test takes in testers residential information and preferences. The survey is used as an effective tool for gauging demographic populations and their views on such matters as presidents. While flawed just like everything else this tool serves as an important tool for governments and organizations by providing a way to see how biases influence quick reactionary thought processes. This survey said there was little research into how people might combat these biases, but we must train and try to familiarize ourselves with every side of a topic and refrain from becoming the products of our environment from which we are by nature. Ghost003, Ghost004

  43. The first test I took was the Gender - Career
    My result said that I suggest a strong automatic association for male with career and female with family. I read my result a couple time because I’m unsure if I fully agree with it or not. There are parts of the results I do agree with and on the other hand there are parts I feel that are missing from the data results. I absolutely agree with the part that says males should have a career. And I also agree with the part that women should be with or need to be with the family. Now this is the part that I feel is missing. I feel that vice versa that woman should also have a career or job just the same as men if they prefer. I also feel that man should help with the family and be around the family to just as much as the women. I don’t feel that women man should only work and women should only stay at home with the children. That’s the perception I got from my Implicit association test. The IAT score that I received didn’t change the way I view myself at all. So yes I am a little skeptical of the IAT score I received. I felt as if the percentages on my score were off a little.
    The second test I took was the Race-Weapons Task.
    In the beginning when taking this test it was fun and very interesting. Then toward the end it begin to ask some strange question like how warm or cold do I feel about black people. Than it asked me the same question about white people. I answered them both the same as niether warm or cold to either race. Now I find it really strange what my result were to this test. Actually it pissed me off because I know for a fact that this is not my feeling at all. The data suggest a slight automatic association for Harmless Objects with Americans and Weapons with Black Americans. I feel that there is an academic to this test. I am a black woman and I definitely don’t feel this way at all. Once again this test did not change my views about myself, my feelings and anything I believe in. This test I feel is very inaccurate. This test is even more unbelievable than the first one and I am extremely skeptical of the score it gave me.
    The last and the final test I took was the Weight test
    I choose this test because I feel as if I have a weight issues with myself, so I figured this would be a good test to take. My result suggest a slight automatic preference for thin people over fat people. This test I consider being a little better than the other two. I just have some question about the test. How in the world can they get the answers for my feeling by asking me question about what do other people prefer. The questionnaire asked do other people prefer thin people over fat people. So I told the truth I feel that thin people are more acceptable in this world. This test I feel was very judgmental. In society today I feel that fat people are not acceptable, and that everyone prefers a thin person to look at or be around. This test was alright I do believe the data and the percentages were on the same page this time. Cupcake005...

    1. I was i would have taken the gender career and racism tests. I did Gender, thin and fat, young and old. this world has so many judgmental people out there and they shouldn't be because they don't know what other people go through or face in their lives. apcoug002

  44. These implicit bias tests are very interesting to me, and shows me a fair amount about myself. I grew up in a small town, surrounded by people that look exactly like me, and generally have the same way of life as well. One of the tests I took was the sexuality test, and the results showed that I have an automatic preference for straight people. I used to have a conscious issue with people that were gay, but over the last several years I have been training myself to improve on that mindset, and this test showed me that I still need to work on that since I have that bias in my unconscious mind. A second test I took was the religion test. I am a very religious person as it pertains to Christianity, and the result was no surprise to me as it showed a strong automatic preference for Christians over Muslims. Again, my hometown consisted of zero Muslims, and it’s hard to get rid of the 9/11 memory as well as attacks such as the Boston marathon bombing. As for many others I am sure, this will probably be a tough one for me to overcome, but this is definitely something that I need to work on and get used to seeing in order to be fair on the job in the future. The last test I took was the skin tone test. This was the test that I was most surprised by. The results showed me that I have no automatic preference for dark-skinned people, and I was very happy to see those results because I grew up around a lot of people in my town that had issues with people with darker skin than that of 98% of my hometown. This is definitely an area that I have been focusing on, and it is good to see improvements, as the results used to show an automatic preference towards people of white complexion. I hope to see improvements on my other tests as well as time progresses. I think these tests can be very helpful and informative in finding out where you need to improve when it comes to biases that we have but are not aware of. Tests like these are something that can help with the improvement of relations between law enforcement and the communities.
    gh_blackhawks002, 001

  45. The results I got for my implicit bias test weren't really that surprising to me. If I had taken the test for young versus old people last semester, I probably would have favored younger people, but in November I moved in with my grandma, so me having a moderate preference for older people does make more sense to me now. The second one I took was associating Asian Americans with being foreign or American. I got I slightly associate Asian Americans with being foreign. I think this makes a little sense, but its definitely one I don't think about like some of the others. The last test I took was for fat versus thin people. I have a slight preference for thin versus fat people, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I myself am trying to get in shape, so being thinner appeals to me more at the moment. I'm hoping by the time I start my career, I have little to no preference on any of these. I think we all secretly judge and don't even realize it a lot of the time, but taking these tests made me realize that I probably do quite a bit.I think it is something that everyone can overcome with time and surrounding yourself with all sorts of different people.

  46. After taking the implicit bias test, I took three different tests to see if I had any implicit bias on the specific subject areas. The first one I took was the gender-career test to see if I had a bias between female and male with career and families. On this test it came back that I had little to no automatic association between the two. The second test I took was the disability test to see if I preferred able bodied people or disabled people. The results of this test showed that I had a bias for able bodied people over disabled people probably because I usually spend a lot of time in the gym and I am really into fitness. The last test I took was the religion test to see if I had any implicit biases between Christianity or Judaism. The results of this test showed that I had a moderate automatic preference for Christianity over Judaism. This did not surprise me because just about everybody in my family is Christian so this did not at all come to a surprise to me. CAE004.

  47. The first test I took, was the dark skinned and light skinned people. The test said that I had a slight automatic preference towards dark people. This is probably because my family and girlfriend are darker in color. This surprised me though because I went to an all-white school, and all my friends are mostly white. Then again the racism I have dealt with came from a white people and I can see why I would have a preference for dark-skinned people. The next test was the Islam and Christianity. The date suggested that I had no preference between Islam and Christianity. This came to no surprise since I’m and atheist and I don’t really care about religion. I’m a science guy, I like facts and truths. I do not believe in stories that cannot be proven to be true. If you’re religious that is good for you, but don’t try to force your religion on someone. I believe as long as you treat everyone equal then it does not matter what you believe in. The last test I took, was the Arab Muslims over people. The data suggested that I had a slight automatic preference towards Arab Muslims. This is probably because I am dating a Muslim woman, and I don’t believe that all Muslims are bad people like some Christians do. The irony right, I bet you never thought an atheist would be with a Muslim. coutinho004

  48. The first test that I took was the preference of European or African American. Naturally most would think I would have a higher preference of African American rather than European because even though I am mixed, my skin is slightly darker than many of the people around me. My results were that I have a slight preference of European or lighter skinned people rather than African Americans. I am a mix of white and black but come from a primarily white family. My father lived in Texas so I was naturally around the white side of my family more often. This obviously does not mean that I am racist or have a bias towards African Americans, it's just what I am used to seeing. Being around my mother and her being white can give good reasoning as to why I have a preference of lighter skinned people over African Americans. The next test I took was the test of weapons on white people and weapons on black people. The results were that I had no discriminatory views or results on a white person with a weapon versus a black person with a weapon. I'm sure that being from both sides of the paradigm one race does not seem more threatening to me than another. This is beneficial to me because I don't or wouldn't approach a race with a bias questioning if they are threatening or not. The last test I took was the gay/straight test. My results showed that I had no preference between either sexuality. I found this accurate considering I define myself as bisexual. I have also been exposed to the LGBT community through work, friends, and mutual friends before I identified as bisexual. Some of my the best friends that I have had have been of the gay community. This is also slightly beneficial to me because wanting to go into law enforcement and corrections, opinions are very important considering I would deal with all walks of life at some point in time. Overall I was satisfied with my results.

  49. The first test i took was skin tone. they said i favor darker skin tones over lighter ones. I am actually not at all surprised, even though now I have no automatic preference to tones, as a child I knew i did. When i was younger i would favor darker toned characters over the lighter ones, because obviously, i knew i liked the ones that look most like me. Also most of my family is dark skinned so i am consistently surrounded by them, so that might play a role of my preference of darker skin over light. The other test i took was fat over thin people, the result was that i have no preference for either, i don't know what to say to that because i don't honestly care. I guess i'm in the presence of both weight classes so i don't mind. I see my self as overweight but i don't care at all. I could change but i don't care if i do. it would still be the same as i was before. Honeytea005

    1. I also favored the darker skin tones over the lighter witch seems fairly accurate for how and were I grew up. I don't really have a preference for either or favor one over the other im neutral really. But have grown up evenly around both. wreked001

  50. I took five different tests on the implicit bias test. Some of the outcomes I didn’t really expect. The first test I took was sexuality. I had a strong preference for straight people versus gay people. I guess I can understand this one because growing up I have never had a gay person in my family and I went to a small elementary and high school and I don’t think there were any gays there. The next test I took was the weight test. I was kind of confused by this one, I got a slight preference for fat people over thin people. Which I am not thin thin but I am petite I guess you could call it, and most of my friends are small too so I thought my preference would be that I prefer thin people. the third test I took was the race test. I got a moderate preference for European Americans versus African Americans. I thought I was pretty neutral when it came to race but I guess not. I did grow up in a family and school setting where there were no black people, and it’s terrible to say but a lot of my family is racist. So that’s what I grew up with. The next test I took was the presidents test, I just kind of did this one for fun but I have a moderate preference for Donald Trump then I did for Richard Nixon. I was never alive when Nixon was president so maybe I got this result because I’ve never really heard about him except for Watergate. The fifth and final test I took was age. I completely understand my result for this one, I moderately prefer old people to young people. Right now I work at a VFW and I’m around old people all the time. I would rather hang out with my mom and her friends rather than people my age. I believe this test could help people realize what their biases are and help them to try and overcome them. Steelers003, 005

  51. I took three test and the three tests that I took was thin people vs. fat people, young vs. old, and the race which was light people vs. darker people. I wasn't shocked about the results that I was given because in my mind the answers I received was what I already thought in the first place. For the first one, I did thin people vs. fat people. For this I got the result that I moderately preferred thin people over fat people. I think the reason I thought this was because I am an athlete so I am around thin people a lot and my entire family is thin so I am used to being around thin people. This result made sense to me because of what I do on a daily basis and that I am always around people that are thin. The next one that I did was young people vs. old people. For this one I got a neutral result and I agree with this because I do not feel differently between older people or younger people. I am always around all types of people and the age ranges from young to old so I am not surprised that I got a neutral result for this one. I think that since I am always around my parents who are older parents and that I am around my family a lot that I do not have a preference. Most of my family are all older then I am around young people when I am at school, therefore, it equals out and that I am around both ages about the same so this result made a lot of sense to me. I also got a neutral result for light people vs. darker people I think I got this because I am around all different races and I do not prefer one race over another. Since I am in sports I play with many different races and I have never had a preference towards one. I have never had a bias against one race and I believe any person can do something wrong or do something right so I haven’t felt that one race is worse than the other. Race has never been an issue to me and I think this is one of the reasons why I got neutral on my test. I agree with all of the results I got. I believe that since I got mostly neutral on 2/3 of the quizzes it is because I am always around different races that I got these results. All of the results that I got make sense to me and I have reasoning behind what I got on each one. None of the results that I got shocked me and were different then what I already thought. I think that since I got neutral on most of these tests that this will help me out in criminal justice because since I don’t have a bias against race or age that I will go into a situation open minded and treat many different individuals the same. bball001, bball002, bball005

  52. I had a lot of fun taking these implicit bias test. I actually learned a lot about myself and some of the ways I look at the world make sense now. I took four tests on implicit biases, they are weapons, age, presidents, and sexuallity. I my results are that I don’t identify weapons with whites or blacks, I slightly prefer young people to older people, I slightly prefer Donald Trump to Thomas Jefferson, and I strongly prefer straight people compared to gay people. I am honestly quite surprised at some of the results. I know I’m not the most accepting person in the world, but I’m quite surprised that I am not very accepting of gay people. I am slightly surprised that I don’t associate weapons with white people, as I have been shot at by white people, white people have pulled knives on me, and white people have fought me. I have had relatively no other problems with any other race, just white people. I am surprised and unsurprised that I like young people more that older people because, I love old people. I try to be as nice as possible and do things for them, but at the same time I am way more attracted to young people around my age. But young people are so dumb at times, while some older people are very resistant to change. I guess everybody, every type of people have their ups and downs. Knowledge is power and with more knowledge we gain, the less implicitly biased we become. Paddle001 Paddle002 Paddle005

    1. Being able to recognize your implicit biases can help you not only help you become a better person, but also can help you better police your community. It is very important to realize that every person has implicit biases even though they may not realize it. It was a very good experience to take these tests and find out exactly what type of biases you may have as a person. Pack001, Pack002

  53. I took the weight and sexuality preference tests and my results were slightly surprising. when it came to the weight test my results said that I preferred thin people over fat people. I was a little bit disappointed, but overall not super surprised. I am a skinny person who is very strict with my weight. Growing up I was around a father who was very strict with his weight and always wanted to lose more of it. In our society we see being overweight as unhealthy and as much as I would like to believe that has had no impact on my biases it has. Even though I might prefer thinner people it does not affect my attitudes towards anyone. You could be skinny and an ass and I'll be cold towards you. You could be overweight and an ass and I'll be cold to you too. I never treat anyone in a way that they don't deserve to be treated even with my biases. With the sexuality test my results said I had no preference. I thought it would tell me I preferred straight people over gay people because even though I am asexual I'm still "straight". I think that the situations that we are living and the way we view ourselves has a direct impact on our biases. I'm skinny so I prefer to be around people like me. I like boys so I prefer straight people. But being raised in conditions where family members and friends are gay has evened out my biases, so it proves that your environment plays a large impact on your mental state of mind. Spoopy005

  54. The test told me that I have a preference of white people over black people, and that really made me take another look at myself. I feel as if this is because I was raised around white people for basically my entire life, giving me a bias to favor them. However, as a biracial woman, I am overwhelmingly guilty for this. I used to have views that were bias, but I was under the impression that I grew out of them. Knowing this now will make me take a second look at how I treat people. I am overall grateful for this test, as it's taught me to do better. Ironically, however, I tested to have a preference of dark skinned people over light skinned people. I don't quite understand how, but that interests me. I feel as if this pertains particularly to the African American crowd, as I have had more of an appeal to darker-skinned people, or even other races and ethnicity that are dark skinned. I also have a strong preference of thin people to fat people, which really makes me feel bad. I work in food service and I feel as if I can make more money off of bigger tables because they eat more food, which is wrong of me, in all honesty. I was raised to believe that fat people are unhealthy and its their fault that they are that size. As I have matured, I know that this isn't true, as some people aren't born with the metabolism that others have. I know now that not all big people are unhealthy and not all small people are healthy, but I believe that since I was raised to believe this, I still have a bias against bigger people. Puppies005

  55. As my first test I took, I chose the race. As a response, I was said to have a higher preference over European Americans rather than African Americans. I am defined as white, but to me, I had gotten the wrong response. I have always preferred my opposite race over mine because that is who I have been associated with more while growing up. Going to Central, I am around mostly African Americans and I love it. I love my school and the people. My parents have always taught me about the apposite races and I would more define myself as being in their culture and liking them even more than I like my own kind. I am very interested as to why my results were the way that way, but it does interest me a lot. The second test I took was the Sexuality Test and my results stated that I had no preference between gay and straight people. Which, I really don't. I love being around them and I do not feel uncomfortable being in their sight. I once had tried to identify myself as bisexual, but it was not what had really been for me. I just wanted to see what it was like and I feel as f a lot of people, especially females, go through that phase as a part of growing up. I am so happy my results had fir, because I do not judge anyone for what they like, because I at one point liked my same sex as well. Love is love. The last test I took was weight. I had a moderate preference over thin people over fat people. In all honesty, that is true and I feel so bad for it. We were taught being fat is bad so when we look at someone who has more weight than the average, we think that they need to stop eating and they need to get in the gym and there is so many ways and medicine and surgery that can remove that fat so why are they still fat? We just have so many negative thoughts in our mind about a person's body if they do not look like the models we see on tv. #BabyBray005.

  56. The first test i took was Sexuality, straight vs gay people and my test results said that i prefer straight people over homosexuals. I honestly have nothing against any person who chooses to be homosexual because my brother happens to be homosexual and i don't love him any less. I grew up in a christian house hold and there was no such thing as homosexuality; my parents raised me in a sheltered environment that I didn't even know what homosexuality was until i was 15 years old. Do i agree one hundred percent with the lifestyle no, but same can be said about how i live my life. I encourage people to love who they love no matter what and i think that this test just brought how i feel to the forefront and helped me understand my feelings better for this topic i personally think that i need to be more open minded when such a topic is present. My second test that i took was Weight fat vs thin. The test results concluded that i prefer fat people over thin people and i don't think that is accurate. A lot of my family members are not over weight but we do have health problems such as diabetes and breast cancer has become common in the women in my family. I honestly don't think that any weight matters to me because hell i'm overweight. Most of time i am surrounded by people who are thinner than me. I think that the test could have been better i really don't get how you can prove how someone truly feels based off a computer test that should be updated to dealing with individuals in person to get a feel for what people prefer over other things.MelaninQueen005

    1. I completely see where you come from. I also had taken the straight vs gay test and it told me that I preferred gay over straight. I was personally raised not to judge anyone no matter the color of their skin, where they’re from, what they look like or what they like. Yes,growing up, my family would make a few jokes about gay people but it was nothing harsh or that would make someone think that they didn’t like or approve or them. I had always had a gay friend and my family was always okay with it and always assured them that they wouldn’t treat them any differently if they were straight. Our views or preferences just depend on how we were raised or influenced when we were younger and whether or not we continue with those views.purplehearts005

  57. The three tests that I had taken were race, age and sex. The first one I had taken was race. My end result was the preference of European over African American. I was slightly shocked. I believe that I like both Caucasian people and African American people the same but I wouldn’t be surprised if it gave me the preference of African American over European. I am not racist but I have had more negative experiences with Caucasian than African American. So has my family and so has my community. The second test that I had taken was the sex one. My result was that I preferred gays people over straight. I was but at the same time wasn’t surprised by the result. Since I was a little girl and still growing up, everywhere I went I had a gay or bisexual friend. They tended to be my closest friends as well. I like to define myself as straight but even I have had a gay moment. I don’t prefer gay people more than straight people but I tend to attract them more I guess. My final test was old and young. It told me that I moderately preferred young people over old. I wasn’t surprised at all. Don’t get me wrong, I do like old people. I think they’re cute and they can be really sweet. But most of the old people that I tend to be around are rude and mean and what annoys me the most about them is that they drive slow. I still like them but I rather be around my own age group (young) where we tend to be a little less judge mental and have fun. Purplehearts005

  58. The implicit bias tests are very interesting to me. I took the weight people, age, and religion tests. I was not surprised by the results. I got moderate automatic preference for thin people over fat. No preference between the young and old people. Strong preference to Judaism over Islam. The tests got hard when they switched up the parts with good words and bad words. When they switched the religion around to the other side messed me up as well I really had to think about what I was clicking on. The good words and bad words got me confused because I didn’t know they got switched up. But overall it was a good test to take. There is a verity of them so that made it interesting to choose from. I never got to meet my grandparents so I have always thought that old people were so cute. I have always thought older people knew so much and I wanted to learn about what they have gone through throughout their lives. I am very catholic so I am not surprised that I knew more about Judaism I did a paper on it for religion class in high school. I am a very thin person it is hard for me to gain a lot of weight I have always wanted to be a bit bigger. But oh well maybe when I get old. Elephants005

  59. The first test I took was the weight test. Ive always been pretty skinny my entire life, but never really thought I had an implicit bias towards skinny or overweight people. It turned out, though, that I had a moderate implicit bias towards skinny people. Initially this surprised me as it never really occurred to me that Id have a implicit bias. Upon thinking on it however, it does make sense to me. I've always been skinny in my life and pretty skinny too. I've had friends on both sides of the spectrum, skinny and overweight. I do wonder though, if someones weight does impact my initial judgement of them and I'm starting to think it might.
    The second test I took was the religion test. Coming into this test I didn't exactly know what it was going to test me on. It turned out that the subjects were Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Now, I have had friends from all of these but a large majority were christian. I knew this was going to factor into my test results but I didn't exactly know how it would. It turns out though, that I have a moderate implicit bias towards Christianity. I was raised a christian and so were my parents and their parents before them. I don't have much exposure to Islam in my life, except what I see on the news, and that isn't a pretty picture the media gives it. Judaism though, I might have the smallest exposure too. I have only gotten o know one Jewish person in my life and that wasn't a lot to go off of. There are the stereotypes that people apply to Jewish people, but they are just that-stereotypes. I wonder though, if these stereotypes played a role in my implicit bias that the test showed I had.
    The last test I took was the sexuality test. I am a straight male. Now, I've known quite a few gay people throughout my life and I've been able to overcome any different feelings I've had towards gay people. Or so I thought. Upon taking this test I had a slight preference to Straight people. I'm straight, my entire family is straight, and a majority of the people I associated with in my life have been straight. This makes sense as to how it could factor in my implicit bias towards straight people. Overall, these tests showed me that even if you don't realize it, you will probably have an implicit bias towards something. Acer005

  60. My two test were families and careers and Arabic/Muslims. I've taken all of these test due to my professor. The only one I have not taken was the families and careers one. I never took this one mainly due to my families lifestyle. In my family all the men go to war and all the women work to support the family. So in my opinion the female in my family usually is the bread bringer to the family. However my results showed I choose men to be more related with working while females being more towards the family. I think this is mainly due to the fact that the males in my family were hardly around as us kids were growing up. There was always another fight to be won and it was no different with the home front. Someone always had to go to a school function or broken arm meaning more money needed and more struggles to be won over for the women in my family. While I am surprised by this test I still do not believe that the man in a family should be related more towards working mainly due to the way our culture is changing. In todays day in age there is a thing as stay at home fathers and hopefully when I get married my wife can make enough where I don't have to work. I'm just kidding about that last part but on a more serious note my second test did change results on from the one I previously took. The Muslim/Arab was a test I took around 2 years ago. My results were very predictable due to losing my father in the Iraq conflict of 2004. My results showed that I wasn't very fond of these types of people. But as taking that test today it shows that I'm perfectly find with these people. And I feel truly that I was never racist towards anyone or had any social conflict with any race group. But todays test showed that I have become a changed man and seen the light of all that is good. I don't honestly believe that these test can tell if you are bias towards a race or a type of person mainly because I've never had a problem with anyone. I know wither your black, Asian, white, Latino, etc. we all bleed the same no matter what your social class is or what you do for a living we all thrive for the same existence. And that's truly to live a happy life.

  61. The first test I took was of gender in the work place in which I had scored men family and women career. I would have to disagree as I prefer a larger household income and see it that if both work than the more income will be brought into the household. My second test was the religion test that I am a moderate autonomic preference of Christianity over Judaism. I agree with this statement as I was brought up Catholic however my current review of the different religions differ from when I was a child until now I have no preference of either. My final test was weapons and I scored little or no automatic association between Weapons and Harmless Objects with White Americans and Black Americans. This is how I thought the scores were going to come out from the start of the test. In my opinion every race uses weapons for however they deem fit and not one race is associated more or less. BHL005

  62. The first test that I did was weight. My results were that I have no automatic preference between fat people and thin people. Weight is an issue I struggle with myself and have for a while. Weight is probably an issue with majority of people in society. What part of my issue is why judge people by their appearance? As long as they are comfortable in their skin, then that is all that should matter to everyone. Not everyone is meant to be a double zero and have an “hour glass” figure. Everyone is perfect and unique in their own way. I just do not really understand the point of society making everyone want to starve themselves to make sure they “fit in.” You do not need to fit in, you are your own person and society needs to accept people they way that they are, not who they think they should be. The second test I took was young/ old. My results were that I suggest a moderate automatic preference for old people over young people. I think the reason I received the answer I did is because I love old people. I love babies too, but I do not what people consider “young.” I personally think that I like old people more is because they might not have must more to life to live and I want to give them the best that they can while they are still here own this earth. Babies you still have to have a warm heart. I can totally see why I received the results I did. The third test I tool was gay/ straight. My results were that I have no automatic preference between gay people and straight people. To me whether you are any sexuality, it should not matter. You cannot control who you love and how you turn out to be. This also relates to the weight test too because it should not matter what sexuality you are and who you chose to be with. Society plays a major role in why people are afraid to come out to their friends and families. You cannot control anything, but society is making it every hard for some people and that is what leads to suicide. I hate to as it but it’s true. Society is ruining the world. –Dance005

  63. So the first test I decided to take was the test on race and weapons and I'm really not impressed with the test style. the test collects information of how quickly the person reacts to images to him or her in sequence and with about 3-4 questions at the end. Also through the middle of the test they change the buttons needed to be pressed which can cause confusion and hesitation and in a test where timing is vital I feel this can lead to so very faulty information. now as for my test scores it came out with that I slightly associate African Americans as more likely to have a weapon then the white population. to an extent I agree with this out come. after having lived so long in an area where the crime and gang rates are on the rise and having seen many black people being arrested for crimes I can see where I would think that way. even after our class trip to the county jail I notice that there was a considerably larger amount of Black inmates to White inmates. but I also do not believe that I think this way all the time. for me it depends heavily on the time and location of where I am at. for example if I was in downtown Peoria then I would defiantly be wary of male black individuals, but if I were instead in a smaller town like Dunlap I would not think twice about it.

  64. After seeing my responses for the implicit bias test I was not very surprised by my results. I did the weight one and I found that I preferred thinner people more frequently. I believe that is because most of my family is thin and my friends so I am used to being around thinner people. I also am involved with physical exercise and I believe that is also a factor that sways my results. On my second test I took the race and weapons test and found that I associated weapons evenly with both races. I believe that this was due to my family always being involved in shooting and hunting and just the shows I watch and what I see on TV. Also from doing ride along with Peoria I am able to go on many calls that involve shooting and usually the calls are pretty similar and have similar suspects, not saying that proves anything, but that is the only calls I am exposed to here in this certain area. Blackhawks001

  65. My response did not make too much sense to myself. The two that really stuck out to me were the weapons and race. I took the weapons first and it told me that I associate weapons with white people more than I do with black people. I never really thought I associated weapons with any race, and I still do not think I do. But then I took the race test and it said I prefer black people over white people. Keep in mind I am a young white male with not really many black friends. I am not saying I am racist, because I am not. But why would I prefer black people over white people when that is who I am mainly surrounded by in my everyday life? I still do not think that this is an accurate test. Because it is on reaction time and that should not be required to take a test for implicit bias. I think it should be done a different way, not by just reaction time. I said that last year in the blog and I am still sticking to it.

    1. I felt the same way about my test for Islam. Not all Muslims think the same, so why would I hold the views of a religion as a whole against them? Not all people think the same so it would be ignorant to think that about Muslims. I would treat as muslin the same as I would anybody else.-OKC001

    2. I would agree with questioning the validity of these tests. I know it is supposed to be able to show you what your unconscious mind thinks but a part of me just can not see how matching words and picture is supposed to bring out any true results of a person. Ace001, Ace002

  66. The three tests I took were the one on age, association of weapons with race, and the religion test. The results on the age test was that I preferred young people to old people. That isn't surprising considering I am around young people all the time. For the second test with the association of weapons with race, my result was that I associated weapons more with African Americans than I do with Caucasians. I think I was influenced somewhat by the media, because they unfortunately portray more black men with weapons that white men. For the third test on religion my result was that I have a strong feeling to Christianity of Islam. This wasn't a surprise considering most terror attacks on the news are committed by Islamic men. While this view isn't especially good to have, it is the view shared by many people around this country and around the world. Granted, most Muslims are good people, but the ones that are radicalized and commit these atrocities, give a bad rap to all. JE001

  67. To be honest, I was not surprised with my tests at all. The first one I took was the young people to the old people. My results were that I strongly preferred older people to younger people. I work in a fast food restaurant, and every time a younger person comes in I usually treat them with less respect than I would an older person. I have always noticed this bias I have had. The second test I took was Christianity to Muslim test. This test showed I had a strong preference to Christianity than I did Muslims. This does not surprise me because I come from a very small town in which there is not a single Muslim and everyone is Christian, so that is all I grew up with. The same goes for the last test, straight people or gay people. I had very few gay people around me growing up, which is why I am not surprised that I had a preference to straight people over gay people. Overall, the tests did not reveal anything new to myself, but they were kind of fun to take and prove what I already knew about myself. zmw001

  68. After reading the results for the implicit bias tests I took, I was sort of surprised. The first test I took was the young-old test. It says I had a slight preference to older people. I believe that is what I got because I spent a lot of my childhood with my grandparents so that would make sense why I prefer the older generation over the new one. The next test I took was the fat-thin test. It said I have a moderate preference to thin people. Even though I'm a big guy, I am a athlete so it would make sense to why I have a preference to thinner people because I spent every day of my school life with them. The last test I took was the sexuality test (gay-straight). My results to that test were that I had a slight preference to straight people. I knew even though the results said I prefer straight people over gay people, I have no issue at all with gay people. I have that slight preference because besides maybe a few school friends or co-workers, I don't know many gay people so it would make perfect sense to why I associate more with other straight people rather than gay people. RM001/002

  69. After seeing my results for the implicit bias tests i was very surprised as to what type of biases i have. I have always liked everyone the same as i have been taught from a young age to lover everyone the same regardless of their gender or skin color. After taking the implicit association test i found that I actually have a slight implicit bias towards people of color and although i did not think that I had any problems with people of color. But as we have learned in class we all have implicit biases that we may not know about. My second test that i took was the race and weapons test and i found that i did not really associate any certain race being associated with owning weapons. I believe this is due to the fact that i have not really had much exposure to weapons in my life and therefore i have not really had the opportunity to form an implicit bias based on race and weapons. Being able to recognize the implicit biases that you may have can help you be a better officer and can help you police your community in a better way. Pack001, Pack002

  70. My implicit bias tests came back, and some I was shocked by while others I was not. My first one was Arab people against others. My results showed me as having a slight preference for others than arab people. I don’t feel this way honestly, so this result kind of threw me off. I work at Lowe’s in Peoria and see a pretty diverse group of people every day. I am going to provide the same amount of service to an arab customer as I would a white or black one, and with the same amount of effort. A person’s skin color is not going to make me have an automatic dislike of them. In my eyes, we all bleed the same color blood so who cares. My second test I want to talk about is the Islam vs. Christianity test. I tested for a high preference for christianity over islam. I am a christian and have been my whole life, so this does not surprise me at all. All religions have their flaws, there is no way around this fact. However, in my eyes, my religion doesn’t suppress women. I just do not like the view Islam has of how men should treat women. This is just my opinion however, so in the grand scheme of things it is really irrelevant. This being said, I would not treat a person practicing Islam any worse than I would a practicing christian. Just because people practice the religion does not mean they agree with every aspect of it.-OKC001

  71. The tests I took were the women/men in careers, black/whites, and the old/young. For every test it said that I was neutral. The only explanation I would have for this is that growing up most of my life I had the mind set of wanting to become a police officer so I kinda had the mentality that everybody is equal and that you can not judge anybody based on appearance alone. The biggest surprise I would have to think would be the black/white test just because for my whole life I lived in a community where there was only one or two black kids for the school and I was not really friends with any of them. So I was surprised because I thought I would see some kind of bias for favoring white people. Also it is hard to think about how this test works and how matching photos and words with pictures is supposed to show biases so I would say that I am not a big believer in what this test is trying to show. Ace001, Ace002

  72. I thought it was very interesting to see what my results would be for the implicit bias test; I always viewed myself as a very tolerant person and this test was a great way to see if I had any biases I did not know about. The first test I took was for sexuality which revealed that I have a slight preference for straight people over gay people. This result didn’t necessarily surprise me as none of my family is gay and I went to a school with little LGBTQ presence. The next test I took was to test between African Americans and European Americans. My results showed no preference for one over the other which also does not surprise me. I do have family members who are racist and I’ve tried to avoid that as strongly as possible. My next test was the age test which showed I had a slight preference to younger people over older people. This result also doesn’t surprise me because I work at a gym that has a lot of elderly members, who seem to have the most issues that need resolved. My last test was the weapons test which showed that I associated deadly weapons more towards white people than black people. This result did surprise me a little, especially when considering what has been in the news recently. I would have thought with all the media exposure I would have subconsciously associated weapons with African Americans. I very much enjoyed taking these tests, and thought it was very interesting to have tests like that out there. I’m curious to learn how they are measuring our answers whether it be how long it takes us to answer each question, the number we answered wrong, or a combination of the both. I also want to know more about how accurate this test could be. Could just a simple mistake on one of the questions make someone believe they do or do not hold a bias without that being accurate? Overall it was very cool to be able to take a test and learn where my implicit biases were so I can work towards overcoming them and not letting it affect how I treat people.

  73. I thought it was very interesting to see what my results would be for the implicit bias test; I always viewed myself as a very tolerant person and this test was a great way to see if I had any biases I did not know about. The first test I took was for sexuality which revealed that I have a slight preference for straight people over gay people. This result didn’t necessarily surprise me as none of my family is gay and I went to a school with little LGBTQ presence. The next test I took was to test between African Americans and European Americans. My results showed no preference for one over the other which also does not surprise me. I do have family members who are racist and I’ve tried to avoid that as strongly as possible. My next test was the age test which showed I had a slight preference to younger people over older people. This result also doesn’t surprise me because I work at a gym that has a lot of elderly members, who seem to have the most issues that need resolved. My last test was the weapons test which showed that I associated deadly weapons more towards white people than black people. This result did surprise me a little, especially when considering what has been in the news recently. I would have thought with all the media exposure I would have subconsciously associated weapons with African Americans. I very much enjoyed taking these tests, and thought it was very interesting to have tests like that out there. I’m curious to learn how they are measuring our answers whether it be how long it takes us to answer each question, the number we answered wrong, or a combination of the both. I also want to know more about how accurate this test could be. Could just a simple mistake on one of the questions make someone believe they do or do not hold a bias without that being accurate? Overall it was very cool to be able to take a test and learn where my implicit biases were so I can work towards overcoming them and not letting it affect how I treat people. JAG001 , JAG002

  74. When I took my three implicit bias tests I found that I had a moderate preference for white people over black people, a strong preference for heterosexuals over homosexuals, and that I did not disproportionately associate weapons to either black or white people. I grew up around white people in a mostly white neighborhood. I only knew one Black person in my high school graduating class and he was half Irish. I imagine my preference comes from me not having grown up with very many people who look differently from me combined with the almost universal preference of people for people who look like them. For my preference for heterosexuals over homosexuals it is a similar story, I did not know many homosexuals in my childhood or at least did not know many openly homosexual people. For both of those biases it is probably more preference for what I would take to be known than unknown and not really prejudice. When I took the Weapons test, it showed I did not associate weapons with either white or black people disproportionately. This could be due to my experience in the military, but I think it has more to do with how the test was structured, more specifically with the types of weapons that they chose to use in pictures. I have not to any extent to my knowledge been led by any media or other outlet of socialization to believe that a black person is going to come at me with a viking battleaxe any more than I would suspect a white person of coming at me with a piece of 18th century field artillery. While I may prefer to be with people who are more like me and that does not mean I hold any prejudice against people who are different, after taking these tests I believe that I should work harder to see myself in others. I mainly think that because it is the root of compassion, and compassion is essential to a policeman or any other public servant or leader. Coolguy001

  75. I end up taking three of the test. I took the preference on black vs white witch it end up scoring my preference with favoring blacks a little more than whites. My second test I took is the young vs old, witch I end up favoring younger people over the older people according to my score. The last test I took was male vs female, witch with my score I end up favoring women or men more. All of these scores seem fairly accurate for how its taken. wreked001

  76. When i took the implicit bias test i realized that i had biases that i couldn't really find out the reason why. The test i took said I prefer white people over black people which makes total sense to me. Growing up in a predominately white household I am obviously going to be more comfortable around people that look like me. The other test I took said i was more comfortable being around younger people than older people which stumped me because i dont have any problem at all with old people. These tests are good for showing you that your subconscious mind is very judgmental and it is hard trying to straighten out those biases.

  77. When I take the implicit bias test every time I have doc as a professor. I always learn something new. I took for different test which included age, weapons, religion, and weight. When I took the age test I found out that I prefer young more than old. I am ok with the result of taking the age test because it's partially correct. What I mean by that is when it comes to handling personal or professional business I prefer old over young and when it comes to having fun or just hanging out I prefer young over old. The reason for that is when I am conducting business I want to deal with people who are mature and knowledgeable because then I that I am going to be handling the situation correctly and professionally. When I want to have fun I prefer young because they can't last longer than old people and are more playful. When I took the weapons test I found out that I prefer black males with dangerous weapons and Caucasians with non-harmful weapons. It's true because in today's society there are more black males that are being caught with weapons and drugs more than whites. There are some white males out there who do get caught of course but not as often as African Americans do. I then took the weight test and I prefer skinny over fat. That is somewhat true because I do like skinny but I also like medium size as well. I also do like fat people but only in a professional way. Last I took the religion test and I prefer Christians over Muslim. That is because I am a Christian myself, which I have been for years and Muslims have certain beliefs about God that I don't agree with.-NIKE001/NIKE002

  78. I took the gender and career test and the skin tone test. I learned that i have a slight preference for light skinned people. I also have a slight association with males and careers. On both tests i selected before hand that I was neutral on both, but these results really don't change my view of myself. It's something that i will keep in the back of my mind, but I'm going to keep on keeping on. I definitely don't think i treat people differently based on their skin tone. I would like to know what they mean by a slight preference. Lighter skins are more appealing to my eyes?? I think these tests are good to point out an obvious implicit bias you may have, but I'm not sure they're totally accurate at finding slight biases. However, like I said, I will keep these test results in my mind and be aware that I may have a slight preference one way or the other. RustyPete001

  79. I did all of the bias tests. I found out that I am neutral on almost everything, except for the presidential one. The two choices were president Obama and president Dwight D. Eisenhower. There was already a bias due to the fact that I am a military historian so that was a given. Eisenhower was a great military fighter and general. So of course I was very biased on that. Other than that, I am a very scientific person and believe in purpose more than these petty things involving bias, implicit or not. There is no reason to worry about someone’s skin tone because that doesn’t matter when making major decisions.
    All of this racial profiling and bias crap is completely worthless. There is no need for it. All of these biases and racially fueled situations are all based on emotion. Emotion in almost every case can be used against you. It doesn’t allow you to think clearly, and for anyone wanting to become a cop you must and I mean must have complete control over your emotions.
    From a scientific stand point, racism and all of these emotionally based arguments are extremely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what color someone’s skin is, what their religion is or any of the other worthless arguments people make. It is what kind of a person are they. If they are cruel and tyrannical then treat them accordingly. If they are a nice person, have good morals and treat everyone with respect.
    In closing don’t let your emotions dictate how you think. Use common sense and good reasoning to go about your day. Racism and all of these bad things going on in the world will phase out eventually. It is a given. It takes time and you cannot force it or else it might reverse on you and get worse. TAMA001

  80. I did three implicit bias tests. Gender, Young and old, and Thin and Fat. For the gender test, my result was slight automatic association for females. I figured that mostly because I am a female and we associated better to our own gender than the opposite. Even though I believe as well that I connect better with the same gender than the opposite. My second test was over young and old and it said my bias was over more young than old. I figured as much because like I said its easier for me to talk to people my own age than someone quite a bit older than me. I do feel like I connect better with people my own age. But also knowing how to respect older people has its ways too. Having respect for both ages really show your true colors and mentality. For my third test it was over thin and fat. I figured I would choose thin over fat but actually it was that I didn’t have a preference that I was neutral. To me that seemed pretty cool because I respect people and my parents taught me not to judge people by their weight and I believe growing up with that mindset changed the way I thought about thin and fat people. Which overall in my implicit bias test made me neutral. Overall looking at these tests made me realize that where you grew up really matters, and how you were taught as a kid. Having respect for others and a somewhat neutral bias for overall people makes life easier and you are less likely to be so judgmental, because the world we live in today is high judgmental. Apcoug002

  81. The first test i took was the gender one and i had got a strong preference for women at home and men working. i most likely got that result because of my mother was more of the time at home and my dad spent most of his time at work. then i took the light or darker skin color and my came out to be a no preference. i think it was that way due to the time i spent in the military being around many different cultures and races. Then i took a third test the sexuality test and i got a strong preference to hetero probably because of natural male instinct. for the fourth test i got the preference for skinny then big people. i think i'm that way due to being in an organization like the military it is frowned on to be big or fat. steel001 banshee002

  82. It seems to be that on my first test (race) that I was biased against African American people and not biased against European people. I would not agree with that because I don't care who you are or what you look like, if you're nice to me then I'm nice to you. The first question even asked me what I am biased towards and I had to answer so I just picked a random one. That probably swayed what my true thoughts are in the test towards races and ethnicity. I then took another test that was the sexuality one. I didn't really care for it either. I still have the same opinions of what I did before, I don't really believe what this test was because once again I treat people how they treat me. I don't support someone who is gay and I don't not support them if that makes sense. Both tests were interesting though, asked me question I never really thought about. Flannel002

  83. I did not like how they set up the test only because when you first answer questions you have to chose one or the other. And that one you chose for that specific topic stays with that topic threw out the test. I believe that they should add a both button that you can chose. Because there was times I had to choice either or and I thought they could go for both topics. When you chose the topic you thought was meant for it, it showed that it was wrong. Making the test preset to the answers that should go with that topic even thought you think differently about that topic. I took the bias test of African american and white eroupens. They said I pulled more to white eropeans than African Americans. The questions they asked about that made me think that some of them could be other but I could not chose both for that word. When they showed the pictures and told me to chose which one is which.I could recognizes the facial feathers to tell me which one was which. My second test was gender and career rolls and I was pulled more toward the women staying home. When I think both people can do eighter or deicing how hard they want them to feel accomplished. Adelle002

  84. Taking the bias test the first test I took was the 'Skin-Tone' test. The results stated I preferred light-skin over dark-skin which was shocking to me considering most of the people I associate with are about my completion (dark-skin). But not purposely when dating most guys I date are a lighter completion. When taking the pretest I selected neutral which I still pretty am it hasn't changed my outlook on myself much. The second test I took was the 'Young- Old' test. The results stated I preferred young over old which is slightly true I believe. I interact better with peers around my age when dating I'm someway some how always end up dating a guy younger than me. So for me this test was pretty heads on. TRACKER001

  85. I had done three of the tests. The first one was the race between black and white. The second was age between young and old. The last one was the gender and career between male and female. So the first test you had to distinguish the pictures between European and African origin. For the first test i've always felt neutral between race and have never had a problem with it. The test came back as a moderate automatic preference for white over black. I started thinking about it and i could see a little bit of a resemblance towards myself. There has been some situations one where i have preferences. It was just a slight preference which i can now think is pretty accurate. The second tests I had felt like i may have new the outcome before i took it. The second test had me choose pictures of young and old people and select works that could be negative and positive.It says in the description of the tests that Americans often have a preference for young over old. The results came back with me being the same with a moderate automatic preference. The last test was between gender, career, and family. It had me pair pictures of a man or woman and choose whether it went with family words or career words. I had more of a preference than the other tests for men and career and family with women. I can understand why as my household is my dad with a hard labor job and my mom caring for the family mostly. Some people may have different outcomes, but it mostly is the results of your life. The description of the tests came out with what most Americans would have chosen and that's what i had got. Mustang003/004/005

  86. The first test i took was on weight. My result was that i moderately prefer thin people to over weight people. my result doesn't surprise me too much. i have had an eating disorder in the past that i attended consoling for. My result would have probably been different months ago before i got help. This showed me my outlook really has been changed for the better and im more positive. The second test i took was carer-gender. The result i got was that men are connected to carer and woman are family. I do have this bias because of the was i was raised. my mother raised my siblings while my dad worked full time. I like the tests i took i thought they were really interesting. chi005

  87. The first test that I took was to deal with race white/black. I had no preference, I didn't prefer white people over black people. I think that's because I grew up being taught that the color of your skin did not matter. I grew up with black peoples as well. I went to a public high school that allowed kids from peoria to go to our high school if they wanted to. I believe that racism is taught. I was never once taught anything negative. The second test that I took was straight people v gay people. I also had no preference. I think this id because the way I was raised and also the generation that i live in. In the generation i grew up in there has always been homosexuals. It was never taboo or shocking. If i would've been born maybe 20 years earlier I think my bias would be different. The way we are raised and the environments we are raised in have a huge impact on our bias. -dicaprio001


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