For the Sanctuary City California, has a vast history of having immigrants as even one of the dominate languages in the State of California is Spanish. Passing laws to protect these individuals is almost necessary as American has been the home for most of these individuals as most of these people may have been located within this state since their births. This bill SB 54 bars police from working with the federal immigration forces this is necessary as theirs not a good moral need to arrest, detain, and transport every individual that has lived in this country as an alien due to birth, or even being smuggled into this country illegally. But the bill will allow these state police, or local to work with these federal officers if the act involves a violent offender this is critical as getting rid of someone who is harmfully to communities or is causing any disruptions into the community shouldn’t stay with the community as they are not benefiting the area of residency. But this article also points out flaws that exists within this bill such as this also would limit cooperation for federal police officers from dealing with other major crimes as well such as human trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and child abuse. This would also hinder resources for gaining evidence on a crime only being able to use technology that the state can provide or that police department agency which could also lead on too many cold cases as they may not have the necessary resources to gather enough evidence to identify a suspect or obtain a confession for one of these major violent crimes. With a lot of these immigrant’s being individual’s that range in terms of the size of the population being anywhere from 2.3 to 2.5 immigrant’s this range brings in much of the work for the state also obtains many of the resources from these workings so they can obtain their own livelihood inside of the US deportation from this individual would also majorly hurt the California United States economy. Having this defense fraud in place going all the way up to 12 million dollars ensures that if an immigrant is being deported they can have a strong legal r this will help ensure that making of this individuals have a fair chance in staying in the area in which they call home. Many of this individual’s need this protection has their earning family’s friends, job, possessions are all based within this area and could be lost in a matter of hours due to the crackdown being displayed within this federal government. This gives these individuals a chance to survive as they may not be having the proper resources to ensure they can have a proper defense for themselves. In terms of how this law affect issues within the police not having this corruption could also put many officers in danger as well as they could not be able to provide them with the proper safety equipment to ensure that these officers will not be killed within the line of duty. This can also raise safety concerns for many of the civilians living within this state as well as they may be penalized due to the lack of federal financial support along with, civilians lacking resources for their state government assistance from help, with food, water, housing, electricity, transportation, and even being able to provide education for their sons or daughters. which they may need as the family cannot obtain much of these critical needs on their own. Also, said by Abraham Lincoln, which still holds true “A house that is divided along itself will not stand” with this divide between state and federal cooperation this will lead to much more areas that are in turmoil due to such an extreme conflict. Eagle001 Eagle002
California has become one of the states for many Sanctuary Cities. The reason being because many immigrants coming from Mexico trying to start a better life for their families or themselves. What this law is doing is just helping the immigrants out by not letting the federal agencies come in and kick them out. Also passing this to make sure nothing happens to the innocent people. From being a descendent of the Mexican culture I remember my grandpa talking about this all the time. You can’t just kick out everyone because they look Hispanic because many of those people have been born right here in the U.S. Even if they weren’t born here who cares if they stay as long as they follow the rules and laws like everyone else there shouldn’t be a problem. It did state in the article that the local agencies would work with the federal side if a person has criminal charges and is very dangerous to society. I agree with this because nobody wants any dangerous type of people being free out on the streets. With the sanctuary cities it just makes it a safer environment for people in there. It gives them the opportunity to make friends find a job and just live the American Dream. This could also get dangerous for the officers who are working for the sanctuary cities though just because the federal side might not be helping out with this idea because of Trump. IF they don’t help then the people in those cities could be losing resources and not getting their chances to make something out of themselves. IF this happened a lot of angry people would be coming at the local police thinking they have something a part of it. You generally see in places who don’t get the help more violence because of their anger they have. Overall though I like the idea of this because many people who are living here were born here. Just because there Hispanic doesn’t mean they have a place back in Mexico. Everyone should be treated the same as long as everyone here can follow the law. CRC001,CRC002
Lots of the individuals which is stated inside of these article want to have a better life so they come into America this turns out to start a process of being deported back to their country of origin. But with a lot of these deportations this causes also the effect to limit resources from individuals along with destroying much of these peoples family life. I also agree if these individuals are following the law their is no reason they should be deported outside of the country as they are not causing any of the criminal activity or issues within the country. This also could be dangerous for officers because of these criminal actives going on within the state that require needed federal aid and enforcement. Eagle001 Eagle002
I mostly agree with what you said, but the Federal government is not deporting illegal immigrants because they look Hispanic. Illegal immigrants are being deported because they do not have the proper documentation. Also, if a child of an illegal immigrant was born in the US, he or will automatically has a “birthright citizenship” (as given from the Fourteenth Amendment) so they would not be deported. I do see numerous benefits of keeping illegal immigrants here, such as the benefits they give to our economy. I agree that everyone should be treated the same, but numerous issues arise when it comes to undocumented citizens. Scuba002
A lot of people might hear the term sanctuary cities and either not have a clue what they are or even assume they are a bad thing. However, to some people they may be seen as a double edged sword. A sanctuary city is basically a city where immigrants that are residing there are not questioned by police or law enforcement about their immigration or legal status. "Don't ask, Don't tell". Departments that do not follow federal immigration law are at risk of having federal funds cut towards their department due to President Donald Trump. This can hurt them in a multitude of ways however a lot of departments are basically telling President Trump "they don't care, we don't want your money" as they stated in the short video a lot of mayors or government officials of these "sanctuary cities" fear that if they do require their law enforcement officials to question an immigrants status then it could possibly burn a community relation between law enforcement and the citizens with the fact of them being more hesitant to come forward about a crime they either witnessed and or were victimized during a crime. Some other officials are saying that this Senate bill 54 passed in San Francisco does have some critical flaws. Not all of these immigrants are violet criminals or criminals at all. Most of them actually play a vital role in society. Most of them are just trying to make a better life for themselves. However, this bill can create issues as to where a violent criminal or convicted felon comes from say Mexico and has a better chance of slipping under the radar because the bill prohibits officials from questioning or doing anything about illegal immigrants. Hsp001
This article brings up many points that put me on the fence about the “sanctuary state” bill. One of the first points brought up in the article is that California’s local law enforcement resources would be lessened if the police are pulled to arrest law-abiding illegal immigrants, and the exemption to the bill is if the illegal immigrant previously was convicted of a violent felony. The bill recognizes keeping the law abiding illegal immigrants and deporting the violent ones. I am glad the bill at least recognizes deporting the violent illegal immigrants. The article mentioned a story of a woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been here, and that is awful. On the other hand, most of the illegal immigrants are not violent. Also, I took four years of Spanish in high school and throughout I learned the importance of illegal immigrants. The millions of illegal immigrants in the US contribute to the economy; they have to have a place to live, eat, etc. The article states that nearly a quarter of the United States population of undocumented immigrants live in California. Deporting the illegal immigrants will abrupt the functioning of California, but it should be noted that the illegal immigrants who work long hours for little pay take the jobs legal residents (such as teenagers preparing for college or adults trying to make a living) need to function. Also allowing these illegal immigrants supports human trafficking. Business owners can get away with forcing illegal immigrants to work for little pay for long hours. That is not to fair to them. It is also not fair for legal immigrants who pay the fee and wait to get proper documentation. My grandparents were legal immigrants and they had to go through a lot of work to come America. The legal immigrants work hard to come to this country, and it is not fair for them that illegal immigrants can come faster and cheaper than they can. I do not have the solution to this issue, and I am not sure if there is one solution that will work to make our country better. Scuba002
I agree when you say that illegal immigrants contribute to the economy. They have to do everything a US born citizen has to do to survive. They work, they pay taxes, and for the most part they are just trying to make a better life for themselves. I believe that most of the illegal immigrants are not violent and that if they can obtain to the rules and follow them, they should be left unbothered. behappy001
I have to agree with your dislike of the loss of funding aspect of this bill. Law enforcement now more than ever needs more funding to combat the ever changing needs of their communities. Choosing to be a sanctuary city might seem like a good decent thing to do right now, but when crime rates rise and people feel less safe I believe they will regret their choice.-OKC001
Their are many things that i do not agree with in this artical but their are a few things that I can agree with. I don't really like the idea of sanctuary cities. These places allow people who have illegally came into our country to stay for what reason. They may be just trying to start a new life and cant afford to move here the correct way but that should give them the right to stay here and take jobs from our own people. The one thing that I like about the bill is that it will still remove the violent illegal immigrants but will keep the the law abiding immigrants. so at least the illegal immigrants that are cuasing problems will be shipped out. I just dont see how it is fair that legal immigrants who work hard to get here have to watch the illegal ones make it so easy and stay. i feel as though every illegal should be forced to go back and that the state should not be allowed to make laws to protect people that have came their illegally. evo001
When states take part in sanctuary cities, they risk losing funding due to President Donald Trump. A sanctuary city, as California now is, prohibits law enforcement officers from asking about immigration status, giving federal immigration authorities access to interview a person is custody or assisting them in immigration. This bill bars state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources to help with immigration enforcement. The bill allows, if need be, local agencies to transfer individuals to federal immigration authorities if there us a judicial warrant or if the person has previously been convicted of a violent felony. It also requires notification to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement of scheduled releases of people who have been convicted of violent felonies. A big critic of this bill is allowing violent criminals to roam the streets, alarming citizens of the community. This is after the murder of Kate Steinles, when an undocumented immigrant and repeat felon from Mexico who'd been deported five times is accused of shooting her. It's scary but i think with proper documentation it should be allowed under curtain circumstances. behappy001
I fully understand your point on this matter about the sanctuary cities being hurtful if they allow undocumented illegal immigrants to stay in their cities if they are a threat to others. That's why my viewpoint is also that this bill is harmful to those who encounter such acts, and if they defund the police for it well it's even less likely those police will catch the dangerous ones with less resources. I disagree with the article pointing out that Kate Steinles is a product of something occurring if sanctuary cities exist. I think that was an isolated extremely rare incident. If the shooter had been deported 5 times previously then police had already done their jobs.. so how did he get back in to the country for a 6th time? Wouldn't we blame border control for this issue instead of a sanctuary city? Clearly even when police do their job of detaining and deporting violent immigrants they still find a way back into our country even with excessive records so a sanctuary city wouldn't really prevent these occurrences from happening in the future. Marras002
Sanctuary cities in my opinion are in this day and age very dumb. So, as the article stated, sanctuary cities are “hiding” so to speak, illegal immigrants from the terrify grip of the federal government. Now, there are many drawbacks to this plan. The first being funding. The federal government provides billions of dollars in funding through justice grants to all of the major sanctuary cities’ police forces every year. By choosing to defy federal law that has been around forever, is risking losing all of this funding. Chicago is a wonderful example of this, that could in a very real way affect us. Chicago is choosing to be a part of the sanctuary movement, when they receive ten percent of their yearly fiscal budget from federal funding. 127 million dollars of their funding for their police department comes from justice grants yearly. For them to lose this, would have untold consequences. The hiring of the 1,000 new officers that they desperately need would have to be put on hold, and their city as a whole would suffer because of it. We, the taxpayers and future law enforcement officers could basically forget Chicago as a viable department choice, since the won’t be able to hire a sole until they can get that money back. President Trump has threatened marshall law in the city, and whether you like that idea or not, this would only help his cause to do so. The United States in my opinion is the greatest country on earth, so yes, I understand why people want to come here. This is a land of opportunities these people couldn’t have dreamed of in their old countries. Also, I do believe that we need to make changes for our many paths to citizenship, which is just too long of a process right now. However, that does not give these municipal governments the okay to go and defy the federal government.-OKC001
I am right with you on your disapproval of sanctuary cities. I think it is ridiculous and unacceptable that these cities would defy the wishes of POTUS. Laws are put into place for a reason, and those laws need to be enforced just as any other law would be. I know that ma ny people want to be in this great country, but it needs to happen the proper way. gh_blackhawks002, 001
One part of the article that I found very interesting was when they stated that they would be wasting precious time and resources if they addressed every case of immigration that they came across. The police force is not big enough to handle the every day to day calls and handle the cases of immigration. They state that they are not going to take time away from serving the city to question maids, workers, busboys, labors, mothers and fathers. I do like the fact that they said they will address the fact that they are an illegal immigrant and make the transfer to federal agencies if there is a warrant or if they are participating in illegal activities. If they are not going to be productive members of society, then they should not be allowed to enjoy the benefits of being in this country. Blachawks001
Sanctuary cities are a hot topic recently, especially in California. The term "sanctuary cities" refers to jurisdictions including counties and major cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco that have policies in place that limit cooperation in enforcing federal immigration laws and protect local immigrant populations, going against the policies of government, and defying the President of the United States. A bill that was passed keeps officers from cooperating with the government as it pertains to the illegal immigrants. Personally, I do not understand why this is happening. Protecting these illegal immigrants is against how the country is meant to operate and goes against the laws that were put into place. I have no issue with, and neither does the administration and government controlling this country, immigrants coming into this country legally. But to come here illegally does nothing to help this country, and these cities that are becoming “sanctuary cities” are going against the laws of this country by protecting and essentially guarding these immigrants from the government that leads this country. I understand that a majority of illegal immigrants just want to be in America because it is one of the best countries to live in, but that does not justify these cities protecting them from the local, state, and United States governments. Everyone deserves a chance to live a prosperous life in the United States, but this needs to be done the proper way, not with the protection of sanctuary cities. I do not, and will not agree with sanctuary cities at any time, and I think the rising of this issue is absurd and should not be tolerated by the government. Although many would not like it, Trump may need to make some decisions to get rid of these sanctuary cities in order to enforce to proper law of this country. gh_blackhawks002, 001
Before this article I was unaware of what it meant to really be a sanctuary city, I was blindly believing that it just meant the city was not actively seeking out illegal immigrants and deporting them. However as this article made me realize there are positives to being a sanctuary city but it also hurts the city as well. The SB passed in California is stating that officers during an arrest won't ask the legal status of the person. The reason the SB hurts a city from my viewpoint is that the bill is protecting people who have been arrested. I don't agree with the harsh deportations that Trump wants or asking someone of their status because the article is right most law abiding illegal citizens are doing the jobs we don't want and are just working and living their lives here in a country they believe has been better to them then their own. But with this bill, those who are arrested for serious crimes could be continued to be let out on the streets, and may cause more harm. This will affect the way police officers conduct their business though, especially if Trump wants to take money away from those cities that are sanctuaries when we need the most. If the bill could be reformed and require it for violent crimes then I would agree with it, because I don't think we need to spend extra funds on manhunts on people who aren't doing anything wrong but doing the jobs that we don't realize help us live every day life in an easier manner, the jobs that most deem their too good for. I agree with the moral of the bill and the good hearts behind it because after all these are human beings lives we are talking about on the line here, but for police it just complicates the funding and how to do day to day business. I can see why California would be a sanctuary city though they have one of the highest illegal immigrant populations and they aren't affected by those people living in their state/cities because they help economically for producing services and goods that are in demand for their population. Marras002
There are exceptions to the bill, you have to think that when a person gets pulled over, minority or not, they are asked for identification. The bill in California does not protect immigrants with judicial warrants, or those that have committed a violent felony. What it's saying is that they can't be deported for low end crimes. A petty crime in the states would get you usually a pretty small sentence, but for an immigrant they would have to return home to a country that has most likely treated them horribly in the past that made up their decision to leave. When said person hands the officer their I.D. they would be able to search for warrants. At this point the federal government would take over the individual. Hootie002
California has become one of the states for many Sanctuary Cities. The reason being because many immigrants coming from Mexico trying to start a better life for their families or themselves. What this law is doing is just helping the immigrants out by not letting the federal agencies come in and kick them out. Also passing this to make sure nothing happens to the innocent people. From being a descendent of the Mexican culture I remember my grandpa talking about this all the time. You can’t just kick out everyone because they look Hispanic because many of those people have been born right here in the U.S. Even if they weren’t born here who cares if they stay as long as they follow the rules and laws like everyone else there shouldn’t be a problem. It did state in the article that the local agencies would work with the federal side if a person has criminal charges and is very dangerous to society.Sanctuary cities in my opinion are in this day and age very dumb. So, as the article stated, sanctuary cities are “hiding” so to speak, illegal immigrants from the terrify grip of the federal government. Now, there are many drawbacks to this plan. The first being funding. The federal government provides billions of dollars in funding through justice grants to all of the major sanctuary cities’ police forces every year. By choosing to defy federal law that has been around forever, is risking losing all of this funding. Chicago is a wonderful example of this, that could in a very real way affect us. Chicago is choosing to be a part of the sanctuary movement, when they receive ten percent of their yearly fiscal budget from federal funding. Ciaccio001/002
I agree with your stance on not kicking people out that are trying to start a new life. That's basically what America is supposed to be for. But they do need to address the violent offenders and the human traffickers. They cant really do that with limited access to their information.MSSA002
Sanctuary cities are a hot topic recently, especially in California. The term "sanctuary cities" refers to jurisdictions including counties and major cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco that have policies in place that limit cooperation in enforcing federal immigration laws and protect local immigrant populations, going against the policies of government, and defying the President of the United States. The bill will allow these state police, or local to work with these federal officers if the act involves a violent offender this is critical as getting rid of someone who is harmfully to communities or is causing any disruptions into the community shouldn’t stay with the community as they are not benefiting the area of residency. With a lot of these immigrant’s being individual’s that range in terms of the size of the population being anywhere from 2.3 to 2.5 immigrant’s this range brings in much of the work for the state also obtains many of the resources from these workings so they can obtain their own livelihood inside of the US deportation from this individual would also majorly hurt the California United States economy.President Trump "they don't care, we don't want your money" as they stated in the short video a lot of mayors or government officials of these "sanctuary cities" fear that if they do require their law enforcement officials to question an immigrant's status then it could possibly burn a community relation between law enforcement and the citizens with the fact of them being more hesitant to come forward about a crime they either witnessed and or were victimized during a crime. Pie001,002
Sanctuary Cities are a safer place for illegal immigrants to start a life in the United States. This is critical because some places rely on immigration in order to maintain a steady flowing economy. Illegal immigrants are more likely to work the jobs that typical Americans do not find appealing. Since these immigrants are working these jobs, they are making a paycheck, paying taxes, and reinvesting their money back into the local economy. States on the West Coast are likely to have sanctuary cities located within them. I think these places are a good thing to have in very small numbers, too many can lead to further future problems like overpopulation and no available employment. If police departments located in these sanctuary cities are being forced to enforce certain immigration laws, it could ruin the stability of the local economy and also damage many families that have stationed in the United Stated for many years now. If departments refused to enforce these laws, their funding will be decreased, if not stripped completely, leaving them no choice but to enforce them. Bry001
It makes sense that California would have some of the leading numbers of undocumented immigrants residing in it with over two million. I personally agree with the sanctuary bill. I think that the U.S. has a lot more serious problems to worry about than trying to get rid of the hardworking immigrants that just want to make a better life for their families. The truth is that the majority of illegal undocumented immigrants are not like the one that shot and killed Ms. Steinles. We have many American citizens that could just have easily and more regular kill their fellow citizens. The bill contains exceptions as to whether or not an immigrant has a judicial warrant, or has been convicted of a violent felony. With these exceptions the case of Ms. Steinles shouldn't have occurred anyway. The man who shot and killed her was a repeat felon and had been deported five times. That is not something that the new bill is looking to allow. That is a problem of U.S. customs and border patrol at that point. You'd think after a certain number of times being caught re-entering the country and continuously being deported that he would have been on some sort of a higher look out list than others. I think that California is right to stand up against Trump's blatant hate for all immigrants. Immigrants many of the times get called out for taking the jobs from those born and raised in America. But the thing is that American's who don't have jobs most of the times won't do the jobs that immigrants do here. It's not like immigrants are taking over CEO positions at the fortune 500 companies . They're doing the hard laborious jobs that lazy americans won't even consider doing. If you go to towns with higher populations, take Florida for example, you'll not see very many homeless Mexicans. Hate to call it out straight like that but you don't, and Florida also has a pretty high rate of undocumented immigrants. You see mainly white men and women on the corners begging for money. The immigrants that Trump wants to throw out so badly are out their working the low paying, over working jobs that his people won't do. Hootie002
The California senate passed a "sanctuary state" bill (bill 54) It basically limited state and local police cooperation with federal immigrant authorities. They couldn't use resources such as money, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to enforce immigration. They cant even ask about an immigrants status. The bill was passed by a 27-ballot. The only exceptions to this bill is if immigrants have a judicial warrant or have been previously convicted of a violent crime, then they should transfer immigrants to federal immigrant authorities. Senator Jeff Stone says that the bill restrains state and local police from communication with federal authorities which makes it hard for them to get dangerous and violent felons out. If there are a lot of violent immigrants I agree with Jeff's opinion. I also agree with hi stance on the latest amendment. He stated it doesn't cover other serious crimes such as human trafficking, child abuse, and assault with a deadly weapon. I think these are the most important crimes everywhere in America and it needs to be addressed and enforced. MSSA002
For the Sanctuary City California, has a vast history of having immigrants as even one of the dominate languages in the State of California is Spanish. Passing laws to protect these individuals is almost necessary as American has been the home for most of these individuals as most of these people may have been located within this state since their births. This bill SB 54 bars police from working with the federal immigration forces this is necessary as theirs not a good moral need to arrest, detain, and transport every individual that has lived in this country as an alien due to birth, or even being smuggled into this country illegally. But the bill will allow these state police, or local to work with these federal officers if the act involves a violent offender this is critical as getting rid of someone who is harmfully to communities or is causing any disruptions into the community shouldn’t stay with the community as they are not benefiting the area of residency. But this article also points out flaws that exists within this bill such as this also would limit cooperation for federal police officers from dealing with other major crimes as well such as human trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and child abuse. This would also hinder resources for gaining evidence on a crime only being able to use technology that the state can provide or that police department agency which could also lead on too many cold cases as they may not have the necessary resources to gather enough evidence to identify a suspect or obtain a confession for one of these major violent crimes. With a lot of these immigrant’s being individual’s that range in terms of the size of the population being anywhere from 2.3 to 2.5 immigrant’s this range brings in much of the work for the state also obtains many of the resources from these workings so they can obtain their own livelihood inside of the US deportation from this individual would also majorly hurt the California United States economy. Having this defense fraud in place going all the way up to 12 million dollars ensures that if an immigrant is being deported they can have a strong legal r this will help ensure that making of this individuals have a fair chance in staying in the area in which they call home. Many of this individual’s need this protection has their earning family’s friends, job, possessions are all based within this area and could be lost in a matter of hours due to the crackdown being displayed within this federal government. This gives these individuals a chance to survive as they may not be having the proper resources to ensure they can have a proper defense for themselves. In terms of how this law affect issues within the police not having this corruption could also put many officers in danger as well as they could not be able to provide them with the proper safety equipment to ensure that these officers will not be killed within the line of duty. This can also raise safety concerns for many of the civilians living within this state as well as they may be penalized due to the lack of federal financial support along with, civilians lacking resources for their state government assistance from help, with food, water, housing, electricity, transportation, and even being able to provide education for their sons or daughters. which they may need as the family cannot obtain much of these critical needs on their own. Also, said by Abraham Lincoln, which still holds true “A house that is divided along itself will not stand” with this divide between state and federal cooperation this will lead to much more areas that are in turmoil due to such an extreme conflict. Eagle001 Eagle002
ReplyDeleteCalifornia has become one of the states for many Sanctuary Cities. The reason being because many immigrants coming from Mexico trying to start a better life for their families or themselves. What this law is doing is just helping the immigrants out by not letting the federal agencies come in and kick them out. Also passing this to make sure nothing happens to the innocent people. From being a descendent of the Mexican culture I remember my grandpa talking about this all the time. You can’t just kick out everyone because they look Hispanic because many of those people have been born right here in the U.S. Even if they weren’t born here who cares if they stay as long as they follow the rules and laws like everyone else there shouldn’t be a problem. It did state in the article that the local agencies would work with the federal side if a person has criminal charges and is very dangerous to society. I agree with this because nobody wants any dangerous type of people being free out on the streets. With the sanctuary cities it just makes it a safer environment for people in there. It gives them the opportunity to make friends find a job and just live the American Dream. This could also get dangerous for the officers who are working for the sanctuary cities though just because the federal side might not be helping out with this idea because of Trump. IF they don’t help then the people in those cities could be losing resources and not getting their chances to make something out of themselves. IF this happened a lot of angry people would be coming at the local police thinking they have something a part of it. You generally see in places who don’t get the help more violence because of their anger they have. Overall though I like the idea of this because many people who are living here were born here. Just because there Hispanic doesn’t mean they have a place back in Mexico. Everyone should be treated the same as long as everyone here can follow the law. CRC001,CRC002
ReplyDeleteLots of the individuals which is stated inside of these article want to have a better life so they come into America this turns out to start a process of being deported back to their country of origin. But with a lot of these deportations this causes also the effect to limit resources from individuals along with destroying much of these peoples family life. I also agree if these individuals are following the law their is no reason they should be deported outside of the country as they are not causing any of the criminal activity or issues within the country. This also could be dangerous for officers because of these criminal actives going on within the state that require needed federal aid and enforcement. Eagle001 Eagle002
DeleteI mostly agree with what you said, but the Federal government is not deporting illegal immigrants because they look Hispanic. Illegal immigrants are being deported because they do not have the proper documentation. Also, if a child of an illegal immigrant was born in the US, he or will automatically has a “birthright citizenship” (as given from the Fourteenth Amendment) so they would not be deported. I do see numerous benefits of keeping illegal immigrants here, such as the benefits they give to our economy. I agree that everyone should be treated the same, but numerous issues arise when it comes to undocumented citizens. Scuba002
DeleteA lot of people might hear the term sanctuary cities and either not have a clue what they are or even assume they are a bad thing. However, to some people they may be seen as a double edged sword. A sanctuary city is basically a city where immigrants that are residing there are not questioned by police or law enforcement about their immigration or legal status. "Don't ask, Don't tell". Departments that do not follow federal immigration law are at risk of having federal funds cut towards their department due to President Donald Trump. This can hurt them in a multitude of ways however a lot of departments are basically telling President Trump "they don't care, we don't want your money" as they stated in the short video a lot of mayors or government officials of these "sanctuary cities" fear that if they do require their law enforcement officials to question an immigrants status then it could possibly burn a community relation between law enforcement and the citizens with the fact of them being more hesitant to come forward about a crime they either witnessed and or were victimized during a crime. Some other officials are saying that this Senate bill 54 passed in San Francisco does have some critical flaws. Not all of these immigrants are violet criminals or criminals at all. Most of them actually play a vital role in society. Most of them are just trying to make a better life for themselves. However, this bill can create issues as to where a violent criminal or convicted felon comes from say Mexico and has a better chance of slipping under the radar because the bill prohibits officials from questioning or doing anything about illegal immigrants.
This article brings up many points that put me on the fence about the “sanctuary state” bill. One of the first points brought up in the article is that California’s local law enforcement resources would be lessened if the police are pulled to arrest law-abiding illegal immigrants, and the exemption to the bill is if the illegal immigrant previously was convicted of a violent felony. The bill recognizes keeping the law abiding illegal immigrants and deporting the violent ones. I am glad the bill at least recognizes deporting the violent illegal immigrants. The article mentioned a story of a woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been here, and that is awful. On the other hand, most of the illegal immigrants are not violent. Also, I took four years of Spanish in high school and throughout I learned the importance of illegal immigrants. The millions of illegal immigrants in the US contribute to the economy; they have to have a place to live, eat, etc. The article states that nearly a quarter of the United States population of undocumented immigrants live in California. Deporting the illegal immigrants will abrupt the functioning of California, but it should be noted that the illegal immigrants who work long hours for little pay take the jobs legal residents (such as teenagers preparing for college or adults trying to make a living) need to function. Also allowing these illegal immigrants supports human trafficking. Business owners can get away with forcing illegal immigrants to work for little pay for long hours. That is not to fair to them. It is also not fair for legal immigrants who pay the fee and wait to get proper documentation. My grandparents were legal immigrants and they had to go through a lot of work to come America. The legal immigrants work hard to come to this country, and it is not fair for them that illegal immigrants can come faster and cheaper than they can. I do not have the solution to this issue, and I am not sure if there is one solution that will work to make our country better. Scuba002
ReplyDeleteI agree when you say that illegal immigrants contribute to the economy. They have to do everything a US born citizen has to do to survive. They work, they pay taxes, and for the most part they are just trying to make a better life for themselves. I believe that most of the illegal immigrants are not violent and that if they can obtain to the rules and follow them, they should be left unbothered. behappy001
DeleteI have to agree with your dislike of the loss of funding aspect of this bill. Law enforcement now more than ever needs more funding to combat the ever changing needs of their communities. Choosing to be a sanctuary city might seem like a good decent thing to do right now, but when crime rates rise and people feel less safe I believe they will regret their choice.-OKC001
DeleteTheir are many things that i do not agree with in this artical but their are a few things that I can agree with. I don't really like the idea of sanctuary cities. These places allow people who have illegally came into our country to stay for what reason. They may be just trying to start a new life and cant afford to move here the correct way but that should give them the right to stay here and take jobs from our own people. The one thing that I like about the bill is that it will still remove the violent illegal immigrants but will keep the the law abiding immigrants. so at least the illegal immigrants that are cuasing problems will be shipped out. I just dont see how it is fair that legal immigrants who work hard to get here have to watch the illegal ones make it so easy and stay. i feel as though every illegal should be forced to go back and that the state should not be allowed to make laws to protect people that have came their illegally. evo001
ReplyDeleteWhen states take part in sanctuary cities, they risk losing funding due to President Donald Trump. A sanctuary city, as California now is, prohibits law enforcement officers from asking about immigration status, giving federal immigration authorities access to interview a person is custody or assisting them in immigration. This bill bars state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources to help with immigration enforcement. The bill allows, if need be, local agencies to transfer individuals to federal immigration authorities if there us a judicial warrant or if the person has previously been convicted of a violent felony. It also requires notification to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement of scheduled releases of people who have been convicted of violent felonies. A big critic of this bill is allowing violent criminals to roam the streets, alarming citizens of the community. This is after the murder of Kate Steinles, when an undocumented immigrant and repeat felon from Mexico who'd been deported five times is accused of shooting her. It's scary but i think with proper documentation it should be allowed under curtain circumstances. behappy001
ReplyDeleteI fully understand your point on this matter about the sanctuary cities being hurtful if they allow undocumented illegal immigrants to stay in their cities if they are a threat to others. That's why my viewpoint is also that this bill is harmful to those who encounter such acts, and if they defund the police for it well it's even less likely those police will catch the dangerous ones with less resources. I disagree with the article pointing out that Kate Steinles is a product of something occurring if sanctuary cities exist. I think that was an isolated extremely rare incident. If the shooter had been deported 5 times previously then police had already done their jobs.. so how did he get back in to the country for a 6th time? Wouldn't we blame border control for this issue instead of a sanctuary city? Clearly even when police do their job of detaining and deporting violent immigrants they still find a way back into our country even with excessive records so a sanctuary city wouldn't really prevent these occurrences from happening in the future. Marras002
DeleteSanctuary cities in my opinion are in this day and age very dumb. So, as the article stated, sanctuary cities are “hiding” so to speak, illegal immigrants from the terrify grip of the federal government. Now, there are many drawbacks to this plan. The first being funding. The federal government provides billions of dollars in funding through justice grants to all of the major sanctuary cities’ police forces every year. By choosing to defy federal law that has been around forever, is risking losing all of this funding. Chicago is a wonderful example of this, that could in a very real way affect us. Chicago is choosing to be a part of the sanctuary movement, when they receive ten percent of their yearly fiscal budget from federal funding. 127 million dollars of their funding for their police department comes from justice grants yearly. For them to lose this, would have untold consequences. The hiring of the 1,000 new officers that they desperately need would have to be put on hold, and their city as a whole would suffer because of it. We, the taxpayers and future law enforcement officers could basically forget Chicago as a viable department choice, since the won’t be able to hire a sole until they can get that money back. President Trump has threatened marshall law in the city, and whether you like that idea or not, this would only help his cause to do so. The United States in my opinion is the greatest country on earth, so yes, I understand why people want to come here. This is a land of opportunities these people couldn’t have dreamed of in their old countries. Also, I do believe that we need to make changes for our many paths to citizenship, which is just too long of a process right now. However, that does not give these municipal governments the okay to go and defy the federal government.-OKC001
ReplyDeleteI am right with you on your disapproval of sanctuary cities. I think it is ridiculous and unacceptable that these cities would defy the wishes of POTUS. Laws are put into place for a reason, and those laws need to be enforced just as any other law would be. I know that ma ny people want to be in this great country, but it needs to happen the proper way.
Deletegh_blackhawks002, 001
One part of the article that I found very interesting was when they stated that they would be wasting precious time and resources if they addressed every case of immigration that they came across. The police force is not big enough to handle the every day to day calls and handle the cases of immigration. They state that they are not going to take time away from serving the city to question maids, workers, busboys, labors, mothers and fathers. I do like the fact that they said they will address the fact that they are an illegal immigrant and make the transfer to federal agencies if there is a warrant or if they are participating in illegal activities. If they are not going to be productive members of society, then they should not be allowed to enjoy the benefits of being in this country. Blachawks001
ReplyDeleteSanctuary cities are a hot topic recently, especially in California. The term "sanctuary cities" refers to jurisdictions including counties and major cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco that have policies in place that limit cooperation in enforcing federal immigration laws and protect local immigrant populations, going against the policies of government, and defying the President of the United States. A bill that was passed keeps officers from cooperating with the government as it pertains to the illegal immigrants. Personally, I do not understand why this is happening. Protecting these illegal immigrants is against how the country is meant to operate and goes against the laws that were put into place. I have no issue with, and neither does the administration and government controlling this country, immigrants coming into this country legally. But to come here illegally does nothing to help this country, and these cities that are becoming “sanctuary cities” are going against the laws of this country by protecting and essentially guarding these immigrants from the government that leads this country. I understand that a majority of illegal immigrants just want to be in America because it is one of the best countries to live in, but that does not justify these cities protecting them from the local, state, and United States governments. Everyone deserves a chance to live a prosperous life in the United States, but this needs to be done the proper way, not with the protection of sanctuary cities. I do not, and will not agree with sanctuary cities at any time, and I think the rising of this issue is absurd and should not be tolerated by the government. Although many would not like it, Trump may need to make some decisions to get rid of these sanctuary cities in order to enforce to proper law of this country.
ReplyDeletegh_blackhawks002, 001
Before this article I was unaware of what it meant to really be a sanctuary city, I was blindly believing that it just meant the city was not actively seeking out illegal immigrants and deporting them. However as this article made me realize there are positives to being a sanctuary city but it also hurts the city as well. The SB passed in California is stating that officers during an arrest won't ask the legal status of the person. The reason the SB hurts a city from my viewpoint is that the bill is protecting people who have been arrested. I don't agree with the harsh deportations that Trump wants or asking someone of their status because the article is right most law abiding illegal citizens are doing the jobs we don't want and are just working and living their lives here in a country they believe has been better to them then their own. But with this bill, those who are arrested for serious crimes could be continued to be let out on the streets, and may cause more harm. This will affect the way police officers conduct their business though, especially if Trump wants to take money away from those cities that are sanctuaries when we need the most. If the bill could be reformed and require it for violent crimes then I would agree with it, because I don't think we need to spend extra funds on manhunts on people who aren't doing anything wrong but doing the jobs that we don't realize help us live every day life in an easier manner, the jobs that most deem their too good for. I agree with the moral of the bill and the good hearts behind it because after all these are human beings lives we are talking about on the line here, but for police it just complicates the funding and how to do day to day business. I can see why California would be a sanctuary city though they have one of the highest illegal immigrant populations and they aren't affected by those people living in their state/cities because they help economically for producing services and goods that are in demand for their population. Marras002
ReplyDeleteThere are exceptions to the bill, you have to think that when a person gets pulled over, minority or not, they are asked for identification. The bill in California does not protect immigrants with judicial warrants, or those that have committed a violent felony. What it's saying is that they can't be deported for low end crimes. A petty crime in the states would get you usually a pretty small sentence, but for an immigrant they would have to return home to a country that has most likely treated them horribly in the past that made up their decision to leave. When said person hands the officer their I.D. they would be able to search for warrants. At this point the federal government would take over the individual.
California has become one of the states for many Sanctuary Cities. The reason being because many immigrants coming from Mexico trying to start a better life for their families or themselves. What this law is doing is just helping the immigrants out by not letting the federal agencies come in and kick them out. Also passing this to make sure nothing happens to the innocent people. From being a descendent of the Mexican culture I remember my grandpa talking about this all the time. You can’t just kick out everyone because they look Hispanic because many of those people have been born right here in the U.S. Even if they weren’t born here who cares if they stay as long as they follow the rules and laws like everyone else there shouldn’t be a problem. It did state in the article that the local agencies would work with the federal side if a person has criminal charges and is very dangerous to society.Sanctuary cities in my opinion are in this day and age very dumb. So, as the article stated, sanctuary cities are “hiding” so to speak, illegal immigrants from the terrify grip of the federal government. Now, there are many drawbacks to this plan. The first being funding. The federal government provides billions of dollars in funding through justice grants to all of the major sanctuary cities’ police forces every year. By choosing to defy federal law that has been around forever, is risking losing all of this funding. Chicago is a wonderful example of this, that could in a very real way affect us. Chicago is choosing to be a part of the sanctuary movement, when they receive ten percent of their yearly fiscal budget from federal funding. Ciaccio001/002
ReplyDeleteI agree with your stance on not kicking people out that are trying to start a new life. That's basically what America is supposed to be for. But they do need to address the violent offenders and the human traffickers. They cant really do that with limited access to their information.MSSA002
DeleteSanctuary cities are a hot topic recently, especially in California. The term "sanctuary cities" refers to jurisdictions including counties and major cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco that have policies in place that limit cooperation in enforcing federal immigration laws and protect local immigrant populations, going against the policies of government, and defying the President of the United States. The bill will allow these state police, or local to work with these federal officers if the act involves a violent offender this is critical as getting rid of someone who is harmfully to communities or is causing any disruptions into the community shouldn’t stay with the community as they are not benefiting the area of residency. With a lot of these immigrant’s being individual’s that range in terms of the size of the population being anywhere from 2.3 to 2.5 immigrant’s this range brings in much of the work for the state also obtains many of the resources from these workings so they can obtain their own livelihood inside of the US deportation from this individual would also majorly hurt the California United States economy.President Trump "they don't care, we don't want your money" as they stated in the short video a lot of mayors or government officials of these "sanctuary cities" fear that if they do require their law enforcement officials to question an immigrant's status then it could possibly burn a community relation between law enforcement and the citizens with the fact of them being more hesitant to come forward about a crime they either witnessed and or were victimized during a crime. Pie001,002
ReplyDeleteSanctuary Cities are a safer place for illegal immigrants to start a life in the United States. This is critical because some places rely on immigration in order to maintain a steady flowing economy. Illegal immigrants are more likely to work the jobs that typical Americans do not find appealing. Since these immigrants are working these jobs, they are making a paycheck, paying taxes, and reinvesting their money back into the local economy. States on the West Coast are likely to have sanctuary cities located within them. I think these places are a good thing to have in very small numbers, too many can lead to further future problems like overpopulation and no available employment. If police departments located in these sanctuary cities are being forced to enforce certain immigration laws, it could ruin the stability of the local economy and also damage many families that have stationed in the United Stated for many years now. If departments refused to enforce these laws, their funding will be decreased, if not stripped completely, leaving them no choice but to enforce them. Bry001
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense that California would have some of the leading numbers of undocumented immigrants residing in it with over two million. I personally agree with the sanctuary bill. I think that the U.S. has a lot more serious problems to worry about than trying to get rid of the hardworking immigrants that just want to make a better life for their families. The truth is that the majority of illegal undocumented immigrants are not like the one that shot and killed Ms. Steinles. We have many American citizens that could just have easily and more regular kill their fellow citizens. The bill contains exceptions as to whether or not an immigrant has a judicial warrant, or has been convicted of a violent felony. With these exceptions the case of Ms. Steinles shouldn't have occurred anyway. The man who shot and killed her was a repeat felon and had been deported five times. That is not something that the new bill is looking to allow. That is a problem of U.S. customs and border patrol at that point. You'd think after a certain number of times being caught re-entering the country and continuously being deported that he would have been on some sort of a higher look out list than others. I think that California is right to stand up against Trump's blatant hate for all immigrants. Immigrants many of the times get called out for taking the jobs from those born and raised in America. But the thing is that American's who don't have jobs most of the times won't do the jobs that immigrants do here. It's not like immigrants are taking over CEO positions at the fortune 500 companies . They're doing the hard laborious jobs that lazy americans won't even consider doing. If you go to towns with higher populations, take Florida for example, you'll not see very many homeless Mexicans. Hate to call it out straight like that but you don't, and Florida also has a pretty high rate of undocumented immigrants. You see mainly white men and women on the corners begging for money. The immigrants that Trump wants to throw out so badly are out their working the low paying, over working jobs that his people won't do.
The California senate passed a "sanctuary state" bill (bill 54) It basically limited state and local police cooperation with federal immigrant authorities. They couldn't use resources such as money, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to enforce immigration. They cant even ask about an immigrants status. The bill was passed by a 27-ballot.
ReplyDeleteThe only exceptions to this bill is if immigrants have a judicial warrant or have been previously convicted of a violent crime, then they should transfer immigrants to federal immigrant authorities. Senator Jeff Stone says that the bill restrains state and local police from communication with federal authorities which makes it hard for them to get dangerous and violent felons out. If there are a lot of violent immigrants I agree with Jeff's opinion. I also agree with hi stance on the latest amendment. He stated it doesn't cover other serious crimes such as human trafficking, child abuse, and assault with a deadly weapon. I think these are the most important crimes everywhere in America and it needs to be addressed and enforced. MSSA002