In the video, the boy shows us the process of getting ready for a date. He is preparing for his later performance, a first date. He showcases the use of props we have assigned to particular social situations, and his props are dictated as appropriate by the voiceover guy with the terrible fake accent. The voiceover told him what to do in relation to his dress and prep, and all of the things he was told to do were things our society has assigned to the particular activity, a first date, as cultural norms. We are told that you are supposed to present your best self in a casual, not trying too hard way, but the definition of your best self is all relative. Our culture has told us what presenting your best self looks like and how to achieve our version of ‘best self.’ You have to groom. This includes cleaning your body, hair, and mouth. After cleaning yourself, you have to enhance your features. The boy put on cologne and styled his hair. American culture tells us that if we want to look our best, we have to smell good and look like we took the time to make up our hair, but smelling good is also relative. Society says that we have to smell artificial to be considered smelling good. All of these aspects are props that our culture has deemed appropriate and necessary for this particular performance of a first date. The video was made as a joke of how to get ready for a date, but when analyzed from a sociological perspective, we realize that the way he properly gets ready has hidden undertones, cultural standards. It gives us a look at what is accepted and expected in certain situations, such as a first date, which is really quite interesting because our standards are vastly different from the standards of others who come from different cultures. aardvark123
During a first date you want to make a good impression on the person you are going out with. In order to do this you should have a good role performance. This involves taking into consideration the setting of the date and props such as what you are going to wear, what you are going to do with your hair, and whether you are going to wear makeup or not, etc. In his video, Calvin walks through all of the tiny steps that also factor into role performance, things such as picking out the perfect color of shirt and wearing cologne or perfume. In end of the video we find out that his date was actually imaginary, so he might want to focus on getting an actual date before he starts worrying about these minor details. However minute these details may be, they all build up to form a person's role performance. While having an exceptional role performance seems to be the goal for most people on their first date in order to look their best, it can be a bad thing when we focus more on what we think people would like rather than what we like. For example in the video when he was told he could pick out whatever clothes he wanted, he picked out a fancy dress shirt and vest. I thought that was way cuter than the next outfit he was pressured to wear. If we put on too much of a performance, then honestly the first date is pointless because you are masking yourself and the person you are going out with is not really going to get to know the real you, but rather the person you are pretending to be. In Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis he analyzes all of these props we use and considers whether they are part of who we really are or whether we are using them to try to be something we are not. -Chameleon123
5/18 Calvin demonstrates the dramaturgical analysis as he prepares his date. He showers because he wants to make sure he doesn’t smell and he even showers again because he puts on too much cologne and doesn’t want to smell as he if he is trying too hard. He then brushes and flosses his teeth and uses mouthwash because he wants to portray good hygiene. He styles his hair because he does not want to be embarrassed by having unruly hair. He then has the task of choosing an outfit for his date. He doesn’t wear colors like purple and green because he feels that those colors do not represent what he wants to represent. He thinks that yellow communicates happiness so could wear that color but then decides against it because the I love NY shirt was not a normal item of clothing to wear on a date. He considers wearing a suit but then decides that a suit is also out of the social norm. His final “costume” is a disney shirt underneath a grey shirt because he feels that represents the character he wants to portray on his date. He then sets a few ground rules for himself. He reminds himself to not laugh at everything his date says because that is not a normal thing to do on a date; it would be normal if he were going to see a comedian like Ellen Degeneres but laughing at everything that a date says communicates desperation. He also believes that he should offer to pay for the meal but not actually pay for the meal because he feels this would communicate interest but not over attachment. His overall presentation of self is good hygiene, looking attractive/socially normal to his date, and an attitude that is interested but not overly attached. -Glass123
The video starts off with a narrator depicting the life of a young man and how to properly get ready for a date. Throughout the video, the narrator was telling this person how to get read and even throwing in comments about that this person is filthy and insinuating that he is slutty. The narrator is symbolized as society, but was also what the boy was thinking of himself. Society has shaped humanity to the point where were told that a certain amount of cologne/perfume is acceptable. What is even more sad about this is that it is true. While the video is trying to make a funny spin off of the situation, it is actually not a joke to some people. Society tells us how to dress, how to act and behave in certain social situations, and this video does a good job of portraying it. I feel like there is so much pressure on first impressions now a days. There is this need to be the best form that we can, even if that means showing people the made up side of us and not the true/natural side of us. Goffman’s theory of to explain social interaction and how we do what we do by comparing us to actors is spot on. We are no longer living a life to present who we are, but what society tells us to be. Whether that be how we smell, dress, think, and act we are putting on a play. There are two types of behavior, front stage and back stage. Front stage behavior is where we present ourselves differently in different situations and show different behaviors. For an example we may act differently at work than we do at church. Back stage behavior is were we act the way we would if no one was watching us, or we think that no one is watching us. In back stage behavior there are no expectations from anyone on how we behave or present ourselves. I think there should be more back stage behavior in this world. sunflower123
I love the carefree, fun attitude that this video has to offer. It definitely makes me feel more engaged and ready to listen. The video is just highlighting how to get ready for a date. Starting with the lazy, tired boy, slugging into the shower to wash himself all off too look presentable (and smell presentable) for his date. Then the boy, Calvin, deodorizes himself and sprays on cologne to make himself smell good for his date. No one wants to go on a date with someone smelly, it's just common sense. The video jokes about how too much coloun can make him smell bad and that Calvin has too be careful. Its also good to take care of personal hygiene, like brushing and flossing your teeth. Then gets to the part of the preparation that focuses on how he will look. He styles his hair so that his date will find him to be “dashing”, as the video puts it. When Calvin gets dressed the video mentions how color can represent different things, which is completely true. Way back when I took a communications class, I learned about how colors can be put off in different ways to people and what colors are good to wear for interviews or dates for examples. Purple can represent royalty, green can represent wealth, and yellow showing off happiness. The video concludes with tips, like don’t laugh too much, offer to pay, and don’t be too forward. The video is pretty comical and entertaining. I can say that I’ve learned a thing or two about dating! Or preparing for a date for that matter. In short, the video ends with Calvin not actually having a date, and the boy was just imaginary. Oh well, at least he can relax with that tub of ice cream that the narrator mentioned. rosethorns123
This youtube video was a very good dramaturgical analysis. This video was showing the backstage of Calvin. This was his time to prepare for his front stage performance. When going on a first date, you want to make a good impression. You want to make an impression that will make you likable. We want to control how the other will see us when going on a first date. So, we dress a certain way, style our hair a certain way, and even make ourselves smell a certain way that would appeal to the other person. When I prepare for a date, I don't think I go as extreme as Calvin did. I know I would take about a half hour to an hour to prepare myself. I would do my makeup, pick out a cute outfit, and maybe rehearse some lines in the mirror. Dramaturgy is such an interesting concept. We all have another side to us that we never share with anyone else. We are all social and we want others to like us. Everyone says, “oh just be yourself.” That is true, however, to a certain extent. We can act like ourselves, but we don't want to potentially scare people away. When we are performing on our front stage, we are following the norms that society has created for us. Though having a perfect stage performance for others to see, it can also be deceiving in certain circumstances. There are some people that put on their normal mask to draw people into liking them. Later on, they can trap the other person into liking them and then manipulate them. Often times, we hear about people getting into abusive relationships by falling for someone’s false first impression. It is interesting to see how human beings interact with each other. We are all similar in a sense that we use dramaturgy to prevent from being alone. Socializing with others is a normal and healthy behavior. Though we use a front and back stage, which seems a little silly, it is how we interact with one another. Check123
When I first began watching this video I didn't know if I had clicked on the wrong one at first. As I kept watching though the message did get more clear. He was showing himself get ready for his big date for that night. The entire process was him getting ready with his "props" to perform that night which would be the date. All the different clothes were his props for where he was about to go. I believe this video was trying to show the viewer how ridiculous each thing we do is to get ready for a date. From not wearing too much cologne but not wearing too little cologne. He even went as far to decide which underwear to wear when no one would even see those. We are way too obsessed with many things about ourselves that many people don't even notice. We put on this huge appearance take hours to transform ourselves into somebody that we have forced ourselves to think looks acceptable. Everyone takes about an hour to get ready before they would ever walk out of their house. That just shows us how much we care about our physical appearance. We really don't care for ourselves thought its because we care how others perceive us. This video is a perfect example of what we discussed in class of putting on a mask when we leave our house. We do what we need to so that the world will view us as normal and accept us so we are not an outcast. I think that is a fear of many Americans although they would never admit it. We like to think we are so unique and do not care what others think. But from doing our day to day actions of dressing up and getting ready we do not even realize what we are doing. Litv123
Having gone on many dates with several different girls I can say without holding back, that there is certainly a great amount of truth to this video. The third person narrator notes in the beginning of the video that it is truly amazing how the boy, Calvin, even got a date in the first place. Something I'm sure we all can relate to at one point or another if we're semi self conscious. Calvin then goes through the process of preparing for his date by getting in the shower, washing his hair, applying certain deodorant, only to wash it off so that he doesn't smell like an "Abercrombie model's asshole". How does he know what that smells like? He then goes through the process of styling his hair so his date finds him especially attractive before heading to his closet to find the perfect fashion. His decision isn't an easy one but he eventually settles on something nice to wear for his date. The point of all this is if all the trouble he is going through to get ready for his big date really an accurate representation of his personality and who Calvin really is? Well maybe to some extent, but one thing's for sure; if Calvin just woke up from his nap through on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt, maybe just maybe, that would be a better representation of his personality and who he truly is. Nevertheless, Calvin must make a good first impression on his date by dressing up fancy and cleaning up exceptionally well, which I most certainly am guilty of, especially on the first date. Do we even realize that we are just preparing for a great big dramatic performance or do we also believe that this is an accurate expression of who we truly are as individuals? That is essentially a question that must be answered from within as we prepare for our next night on the town.-MrG123
In this video, it bought back memories on myself encountering dates. I used to ask my mother for advice before I went on my dates. She used to tell me everything a man do is to attract a significant other and vice versa. We as human beings are social creatures. I found this video hilarious. You can tell from the beginning of the video that Calvin was not mentally there to get prepared for this date. The video showed how to prepare for a first date. Calvin had to make sure he was spruced up. I remember when I use to on dates I did everything that Calvin did maybe more. Calvin had to shower twice, because he didn’t properly put on the cologne. He had to brush his teeth, comb his hair, and pick out an outfit. The narrator gave meanings and symbolization on what some colors meant. He stated that purple represents royalty, yellow means happiness, and green can symbolize wealth and money. I can see that being true with the color symbolization and meaning. The narrator gave three things you should not do when you go on date. 1. Don’t laugh at everything 2. Offer to pay for the meal, but don’t pay for it “Don’t move to fast” 3. Keep it in your pants. I thought that was funny. After 30 minutes into Calvin’s date his body language and deception showed that something was wrong with him. Calvin was sad and depressed, because his date stood him up. Calvin had a social interaction to his date. Social interaction according to the book is the process by which people act and react in relation to others. The video stated that when a young person is getting ready for the date, they are preparing for this date to prevent from being rejected. This is the process of the Goffman’s Dramaturgical Analysis. The Dramaturgical Analysis is the presentation of self is used to create specific impression in the minds of others. The role performance was when Calvin was preparing himself for the date. According to the textbook, Goffman’s research shows that although behavior is spontaneous in some respects, it is more patterned than we like to think. Rendezvous123
This video was all about young man preparing for his first date with a woman. He used a variety of props to get ready for his date. His props were all of the clothing he tried on. It was somewhat eye-opening to me to realize how absurd it is to try to get all dolled up for a date. The more important thing is internal not external. Is he nice, patient, easy going, and so forth? Many people care more about a person's personality than what they look like. We discussed putting on a "mask" when we are in the public eye in class today. When we leave our house, we mask who we really are in front of people we do not know well. This video was a perfect of that. Like we also discussed in class, people need human contact in order to survive. If they are alienated from schoolmates or other people, then they will not gain those social skills. People want to follow trends such as clothes, shoes, and the newest toys so that they are not outcasts. It is too bad that there are not as many people who do not care what what others think of them. It is easy for people to say "oh, just be yourself" when getting ready on a date. For me when someone says, I think of every negative thing about myself. It is hard to be yourself especially with people you may not know well or a love interest. If you look into the video deep enough, the guy who is telling the boy what to do can be viewed as society today. Do this, do that, in order for people to like you. It is kind of sad if you think about it. -softball_savvy123
In this video, the boy is getting ready for his first date and he clearly isn’t too enthusiastic about it. I think this is because he doesn’t want to have to get ready to impress someone. He has to prepare for a role of his best self basically. So, he wears the costume, which is something casual but not too dressy. He puts on the right amount of cologne so that his body odor does not smell. He is told to act a certain way by not laughing at all of his dates jokes and not paying for the date. These are ways of acting a role of being the guy that would play hard to get on a first date. This all comes together to make his presentation of self. Unfortunately, he doesn’t end up going out on the date because he only imagines it. The narrator speaks about what Calvin is doing in the video. There are times when Calvin is embarrassed of the choices he made because they didn’t live up to his culture’s norms. Some of these were when he puts on too much cologne and has to shower again so he can redo it, and when he tries to fix the style of his hair. Another part was when he picked his favorite pair of underwear, but it wasn’t good enough so he picked a plain colored pair. At the end when he is crying on the couch, the narrator reassures Calvin that there is someone out there for you and his name is Tom Daily. This shows that Calvin idealizes this guy because he starts crying harder when he says that he is already dating someone else. He ends it with saying there is a tub of ice-cream and a series on Hulu calling his name. I feel like this is kinda a backup plan for most cultures in Ameirca. -Kiwi123
Many of our everyday actions can be viewed as “dramaturgical,” - a performative, idealized version of our ideal self. First used as a sociological term by Erving Goffman, this idea can be easily applied to many aspects of our daily lives. In the example provided by this video, the narrator guides a boy through the process of getting ready for a first date. Though the entire video is intended to be humorous, it is still possible to do a dramaturgical analysis on the various aspects that went into his preparations for the date. The video begins with the boy in bed being jostled awake by the narrator - who continues to offer his sage advice for the entire video. From the start, a heavy emphasis is placed on finding the middle ground for things; the boy should wear cologne (but not too much cologne), a nice outfit (but not too nice), and generally present a perfectly manicured version of himself. This is one of the key points of the idea of dramaturgy. In preparation for his first date, the boy arranges his props and sets the stage for the act he is going to play for his partner. Since dramaturgy is focused on how others perceive your appearance and actions, it makes sense that the narrator would ascribe different personality traits to different colored shirts. This is consistent with the sentiment that “all the world’s a stage,” first said by Shakespeare in the 17th Century laying the groundwork for future dramaturgical analysis. In the video, the boy didn’t want to appear too casual or too formal, implying that in doing so he would provide a bad image going forward. This would result in embarrassment, a personal acknowledgement that you played a social role incorrectly. This video provides an excellent example of the many dramaturgical instances we take part in each and every day. - dday123
In this video it describe the Goffman's dramaturgical theory so well. First he started off with the backstage concept. He rolled out of bed took a shower and all of the other personal hygiene stuff to ensure that he looks good for his date. This shows how he is practicing how he will want his date to view him as a person. Meaning he wants his date to know that he has good personal hygiene and that he actually tried for the date. The next thing he did was pick out an outfit not only not trying to over dress but not underdress. They started talking about the colors of the shirt and how some colors have meanings like purple meaning royalty and green meaning your rich and yellow meaning your happy. When it comes to getting dressed for a date i never really think to look at the color of the outfit or dress i just make sure i look presentable enough without looking like i'm ready to go to the club. After he finished his basl stage region he moved to his front stage region, they didn't really show us how the date went but they showed his facial expression after the so called date and he was upset and sad so i'm going to assume that his front stage presence was not up to par and he didn't practice enough in his back stage region. Really i have a better understanding of this dramaturgical theory and what Goffman meant when he was talking about backstage and front stage regions. I think as people we never seem to stop and think about the way we do things or the underlying preparation for these things. We believe that we do this out of impulse or just because it's the right thing to do. Dancer 123
The video starts off by showing a young gentleman getting ready for a first date. Even though the video was suppose to be a parody of dating, it did have some validity to it. When presenting yourself for the first time many people try to hide and cover up any imperfections or flaws they might have. Or even make others feel that they take better care of themselves than they really do. The boy starts off by showering not once, but twice making sure everything is clean. He even takes extra time taking care of his oral hygiene. He tries messing with his hair to make sure it looks the best it possibly could. Then he goes through the regiment of what am I going to wear? Trying several outfits from his wardrobe. This is as if he were going to be presented to the world for the first time and he wanted to look perfect. This is like he is going through Goffman’s Dramaturgical Analysis of life, where life is like you are on stage of a theatrical performance. Since he is by himself he is practicing on how to put on the best presentation of himself. Using everything he has, himself and props. The voice over is like his conscious talking to him as if he is on the back stage practicing what is going to happen later that night, and making sure everything on his part is perfect. We don’t hear this conversation but he is probably even going over what he is going to say and do on the date. Even though this is over dramatized, to an extent it is true. People try extra hard to make a good first impression. They go so far as to give a false impression of who they really are and who they want people to think they are. Diver123
This YouTube video messed with my head a little bit as it was an almost spot on assessment of what I myself have done for every first date I have been on (except for the ending, of course.) In the video, the main character, a boy, presumably of high school age, attempts to prepare himself to be presentable to a potential admirer. The boy showers (twice), uses cologne, brushes his teeth feverishly, flosses (which is an activity that occurs far too little in my own life), makes his hair look nice, and then picks an appropriate looking outfit for the first date. The outfit portion of this video was what struck me the most. We as humans (excluding social outliers) have a natural tendency to care about what others think of us; this is why the boy has such a dilemma on his hands when attempting to pick the perfect outfit. He does not have this much trouble when washing himself because there is only so much he can change about the physical shape of his face and body. His clothes, on the other hand, can be varied and changed completely. To me, this dramaturgical theory that we talked about in class seems to correlate with the psychological concepts of ‘egocentrism’ and the imaginary audience.’ Egocentrism, in this context, refers to the main character thinking and worrying too much about himself when he could be thinking of other things for the night ahead (such as conversational topics, where they will eat, what to do after they eat, etc.) The imaginary audience refers to the idea that everyone is paying extremely close to what you are doing, what you look like, and what you say when, in reality, most people are more concerned about themselves than they are you. The imaginary audience idea plays out well in this case because, as it turns out, the main character’s date did not exist. -ThreeTwo123
The whole time I was watching this video, I was either laughing or smiling. The video was well put together in the sense of showing what happens when someone, whether it be a boy girl, prepares for a date. I for one can see myself doing this, especially the part when it comes to picking the outfit. I would try on maybe five to seven tops to see which one would look better. It also shows when you put too much of something, like the cologne he put on. There are some people, like me, that get headaches if the cologne or perfume is too strong. The dramaturgy in this is shown with Calvin first having to get clean, smelling good, and styling his hair. He takes the shower so he doesn't smell, he puts deodorant and cologne to make the smell last longer, and he styles his hair to make him look more presentable. Then, the next step he takes is choosing the outfit. He looked at about three to four different shirts to see which one would compliment him better, and which one would be suitable for a first date. After all of that preparation he felt presentable enough, and he was ready to go. He would have been fine if the date was a real person. The humor in the video was very fun to listen too, and the way they showed the process of getting ready proves the dramaturgy theory. panda123
In this video, it displays a young man getting ready to go on a first date. He begins the day by taking two showers, applying deodorant and cologne then picking out his outfit. I found it interesting that he took a second shower because he applied too much cologne and did not want to smell like ‘an Abercrombie model’s asshole’. After getting clean, he went to pick out an outfit. This is where the video went from pretty weird to very weird. He started by picking out his favorite pair of underwear because as the narrator said, ‘a good pair of underwear is always a good luck charm.’ He then put on a regular pair of jeans and spent very little time on that. I found that strange because he spent such an extensive amount of time on the next part picking out a shirt. He decided against purple because it represented royalty and green because it represented money. He made the decision on an outfit that was not overly fancy but did not look bumish. I find this video relatable in just the essence of what the video was about. I also tend to change my outfit a couple times, or redo my hair, etc. on important days to me like a first date, a first day on the job, vacations as so on. I think that it is so important for us to make a good impression on our appearance that we often forget that people will remember more than just how we look or what we wore when we first met them. While this video was meant to be humorous, if you look at it from the sociological perspective it shows a lot of cultural norms and standards we follow. For one, he didn’t want to be overdressed or underdressed for the first date. The entire idea of being over/underdressed is a social concept we created. Also, taking the shower to make sure he didn’t have too much cologne is another social concept. All of these things he was putting on were his props. SAS123
The video "How to prepare for a first date" is a perfect example and representation of Dramaturgical analysis. Dramaturgical analysis is the social interaction of humans explained by Erving Goffman. In this scenario, Calvin is obviously exhibiting his personality at the front stage level. Calvin wants to impress the other person he is going on the first date with. To do this, he is going to look his absolute best, and be at the top of his game. In a sense, he is putting on a mask to attempt to impress this person. On the other hand, the person he is going out with is also probably showing their front stage self. This is very typical for dates, especially first dates. You want to give the other person the best possible impression of yourself, even if that may not be how you usually are or when you are most comfortable. The more these two date the more this could change over time. They could begin to see each others back stage personalities and selves. The back stage is not something someone just shares with anyone. It is only usually shared with the people closest to you like family or maybe a best friend. In this scenario, Calvin is using his clothing, style, and hair to impress the other person. He may even change his personality to shape around his dates personality to make that person like him more. People will do a lot for the acceptance of others. I would hope people could be totally honest about themselves and true to their identity without being judged. The sad thing is most people will change to please others or be liked. In this video we only see the physical attributes of Calvin's "acting". There is a lot more on the personality side that has to do with dramaturgical analysis. Although, 75% of language is nonverbal so your body language and how you look is very important to the impression you give off. Scuba123
At first, I was confused by this video and how it related to the dramaturgical approach. Fairly quickly, everything started to fit together. Calvin is a young boy getting ready to go on a first date. The voiceover during this video not only gives us a brief insight into Calvin's thoughts, but also symbolizes society in a way that tells us how we need to behave. Calvin first gets ready by showering, brushing his hair and teeth, and putting on cologne. While Calvin is styling his hair, the voiceover says which ones are considered acceptable on a first date and which aren't. The voiceover also comments on the amount of cologne he sprays, and how smelling too strong can be a bad thing. When it comes to choosing an outfit, each color shirt symbolizes something to society. Society also tells us we cant be too dressed up, otherwise we may come off too strong. There are also a few tips the voiceover gives on how to act on a first date. Society is always influencing the way people think, dress, and act, even if we are unaware. During the length of the video, Calvin is getting ready to preform on his front stage by using impression management. Calvin wants to put his best foot forward, so he conforms to society's standards on how one should act on a first date. Daisy123
Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis makes the claim the people are like the cast of a play. We put on a show for our audience. We use props, much like a cast does. We wear costumes, change our tone of voice, and we use gestures. Different cultures have different props that may be cooler or more popular than others. In this video, we saw an example of how an individual may get ready for a performance (a date), where the audience consisted of one person. Calvin spent his time getting ready for this date by preparing himself to be pleasing to the eye. He started off by doing things the way he may want to. He put on some boxers that he would like to wear, but he changed his mind in hopes that a different pair would be more impressive. He grabbed a few different shirts he liked, but he settled for an outfit that he knew would be more attractive to his date. There were several other similar things Calvin did that he obviously would not have chosen to do if he was not trying to impress someone. People do this everyday. Some put on make up, dress up, talk a certain way, use symbols we know are cool, and do many more things in order to make an impression on people. We choose to do these things because we either want to stand out or fit in. Some people may wear neutral colors because they want to be liked and accepted. Others may wear very bright colors so that people notice them. Whatever the intention, we have all put up some sort of front that hides who we are behind closed doors. Dating is one place where this probably happens a lot. Impressions are huge when it comes to dating. Most of the time, you really like someone and you are hoping that he or she will have the same feelings. We think that by making ourselves more attractive or different then we will be more likely to succeed in dating. So, we put on our make up, cologne, or whatever and we pretend to be much “cooler” than we probably are. What I wonder, “is in what point of a relationship does the acting finally stop and your partner is allowed to see the real you?” -M&M123
In the video, the boy shows us the process of getting ready for a date. He is preparing for his later performance, a first date. He showcases the use of props we have assigned to particular social situations, and his props are dictated as appropriate by the voiceover guy with the terrible fake accent. The voiceover told him what to do in relation to his dress and prep, and all of the things he was told to do were things our society has assigned to the particular activity, a first date, as cultural norms. We are told that you are supposed to present your best self in a casual, not trying too hard way, but the definition of your best self is all relative. Our culture has told us what presenting your best self looks like and how to achieve our version of ‘best self.’ You have to groom. This includes cleaning your body, hair, and mouth. After cleaning yourself, you have to enhance your features. The boy put on cologne and styled his hair. American culture tells us that if we want to look our best, we have to smell good and look like we took the time to make up our hair, but smelling good is also relative. Society says that we have to smell artificial to be considered smelling good. All of these aspects are props that our culture has deemed appropriate and necessary for this particular performance of a first date. The video was made as a joke of how to get ready for a date, but when analyzed from a sociological perspective, we realize that the way he properly gets ready has hidden undertones, cultural standards. It gives us a look at what is accepted and expected in certain situations, such as a first date, which is really quite interesting because our standards are vastly different from the standards of others who come from different cultures. aardvark123
ReplyDeleteWOW! All of that just to get ready for a date I’m a female and I don’t do all of that so cliché right but I hope you get my drift. People place so much emphasis on appearing flawless in front of other people. In this video, the young man was backstage prepping for the front stage and making sure everything was perfectly in place down to how fragrant he was. He took several minutes just trying on clothes to ensure that it was the right choice, he also did extra mouth care from brushing to using mouth wash down to flossing for the first time in two weeks. He definitely wanted his first impression to be his best and ensured that all of the prep work behind the scenes was going to land him the leading role in his dates heart. Although it is not as clear, I can see what Goffman was referring to when he said that it is on the backstage that we let our hair down, and that that’s when we are most ourselves. I’m not sure if the voice over was supposed to act as his conscious either way it shows how people do have negative or con artist type thoughts by his statement saying, “offer to pay for the meal but don’t actually pay for it”. Also after returning from the “date” the voice over kind of made light of the situation which I can relate when I’ve embarrassed myself, I’m my own worst critic. This video encapsulates dramaturgical analysis to a tee because it shows us behind the scenes what all he was thinking and his actions while getting ready and while looking at behind the scenes, we can picture what Calvin may have acted like especially seeing how he was let down after realizing that the date was a fallacy. Benoodles123
ReplyDeleteDuring a first date you want to make a good impression on the person you are going out with. In order to do this you should have a good role performance. This involves taking into consideration the setting of the date and props such as what you are going to wear, what you are going to do with your hair, and whether you are going to wear makeup or not, etc. In his video, Calvin walks through all of the tiny steps that also factor into role performance, things such as picking out the perfect color of shirt and wearing cologne or perfume. In end of the video we find out that his date was actually imaginary, so he might want to focus on getting an actual date before he starts worrying about these minor details. However minute these details may be, they all build up to form a person's role performance. While having an exceptional role performance seems to be the goal for most people on their first date in order to look their best, it can be a bad thing when we focus more on what we think people would like rather than what we like. For example in the video when he was told he could pick out whatever clothes he wanted, he picked out a fancy dress shirt and vest. I thought that was way cuter than the next outfit he was pressured to wear. If we put on too much of a performance, then honestly the first date is pointless because you are masking yourself and the person you are going out with is not really going to get to know the real you, but rather the person you are pretending to be. In Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis he analyzes all of these props we use and considers whether they are part of who we really are or whether we are using them to try to be something we are not. -Chameleon123
ReplyDeleteChameleon....Really? The other outfit? DoingMe123
ReplyDeleteCalvin demonstrates the dramaturgical analysis as he prepares his date. He showers because he wants to make sure he doesn’t smell and he even showers again because he puts on too much cologne and doesn’t want to smell as he if he is trying too hard. He then brushes and flosses his teeth and uses mouthwash because he wants to portray good hygiene. He styles his hair because he does not want to be embarrassed by having unruly hair. He then has the task of choosing an outfit for his date. He doesn’t wear colors like purple and green because he feels that those colors do not represent what he wants to represent. He thinks that yellow communicates happiness so could wear that color but then decides against it because the I love NY shirt was not a normal item of clothing to wear on a date. He considers wearing a suit but then decides that a suit is also out of the social norm. His final “costume” is a disney shirt underneath a grey shirt because he feels that represents the character he wants to portray on his date. He then sets a few ground rules for himself. He reminds himself to not laugh at everything his date says because that is not a normal thing to do on a date; it would be normal if he were going to see a comedian like Ellen Degeneres but laughing at everything that a date says communicates desperation. He also believes that he should offer to pay for the meal but not actually pay for the meal because he feels this would communicate interest but not over attachment. His overall presentation of self is good hygiene, looking attractive/socially normal to his date, and an attitude that is interested but not overly attached. -Glass123
The video starts off with a narrator depicting the life of a young man and how to properly get ready for a date. Throughout the video, the narrator was telling this person how to get read and even throwing in comments about that this person is filthy and insinuating that he is slutty. The narrator is symbolized as society, but was also what the boy was thinking of himself. Society has shaped humanity to the point where were told that a certain amount of cologne/perfume is acceptable. What is even more sad about this is that it is true. While the video is trying to make a funny spin off of the situation, it is actually not a joke to some people. Society tells us how to dress, how to act and behave in certain social situations, and this video does a good job of portraying it. I feel like there is so much pressure on first impressions now a days. There is this need to be the best form that we can, even if that means showing people the made up side of us and not the true/natural side of us. Goffman’s theory of to explain social interaction and how we do what we do by comparing us to actors is spot on. We are no longer living a life to present who we are, but what society tells us to be. Whether that be how we smell, dress, think, and act we are putting on a play. There are two types of behavior, front stage and back stage. Front stage behavior is where we present ourselves differently in different situations and show different behaviors. For an example we may act differently at work than we do at church. Back stage behavior is were we act the way we would if no one was watching us, or we think that no one is watching us. In back stage behavior there are no expectations from anyone on how we behave or present ourselves. I think there should be more back stage behavior in this world.
I love the carefree, fun attitude that this video has to offer. It definitely makes me feel more engaged and ready to listen. The video is just highlighting how to get ready for a date. Starting with the lazy, tired boy, slugging into the shower to wash himself all off too look presentable (and smell presentable) for his date. Then the boy, Calvin, deodorizes himself and sprays on cologne to make himself smell good for his date. No one wants to go on a date with someone smelly, it's just common sense. The video jokes about how too much coloun can make him smell bad and that Calvin has too be careful. Its also good to take care of personal hygiene, like brushing and flossing your teeth. Then gets to the part of the preparation that focuses on how he will look. He styles his hair so that his date will find him to be “dashing”, as the video puts it. When Calvin gets dressed the video mentions how color can represent different things, which is completely true. Way back when I took a communications class, I learned about how colors can be put off in different ways to people and what colors are good to wear for interviews or dates for examples. Purple can represent royalty, green can represent wealth, and yellow showing off happiness. The video concludes with tips, like don’t laugh too much, offer to pay, and don’t be too forward. The video is pretty comical and entertaining. I can say that I’ve learned a thing or two about dating! Or preparing for a date for that matter. In short, the video ends with Calvin not actually having a date, and the boy was just imaginary. Oh well, at least he can relax with that tub of ice cream that the narrator mentioned. rosethorns123
ReplyDeleteRosethorns....I'm understanding your point on colors and impression and part of the presentation of self....DoingMeMore123
DeleteThis youtube video was a very good dramaturgical analysis. This video was showing the backstage of Calvin. This was his time to prepare for his front stage performance. When going on a first date, you want to make a good impression. You want to make an impression that will make you likable. We want to control how the other will see us when going on a first date. So, we dress a certain way, style our hair a certain way, and even make ourselves smell a certain way that would appeal to the other person. When I prepare for a date, I don't think I go as extreme as Calvin did. I know I would take about a half hour to an hour to prepare myself. I would do my makeup, pick out a cute outfit, and maybe rehearse some lines in the mirror. Dramaturgy is such an interesting concept. We all have another side to us that we never share with anyone else. We are all social and we want others to like us. Everyone says, “oh just be yourself.” That is true, however, to a certain extent. We can act like ourselves, but we don't want to potentially scare people away. When we are performing on our front stage, we are following the norms that society has created for us. Though having a perfect stage performance for others to see, it can also be deceiving in certain circumstances. There are some people that put on their normal mask to draw people into liking them. Later on, they can trap the other person into liking them and then manipulate them. Often times, we hear about people getting into abusive relationships by falling for someone’s false first impression. It is interesting to see how human beings interact with each other. We are all similar in a sense that we use dramaturgy to prevent from being alone. Socializing with others is a normal and healthy behavior. Though we use a front and back stage, which seems a little silly, it is how we interact with one another. Check123
ReplyDeleteWhen I first began watching this video I didn't know if I had clicked on the wrong one at first. As I kept watching though the message did get more clear. He was showing himself get ready for his big date for that night. The entire process was him getting ready with his "props" to perform that night which would be the date. All the different clothes were his props for where he was about to go. I believe this video was trying to show the viewer how ridiculous each thing we do is to get ready for a date. From not wearing too much cologne but not wearing too little cologne. He even went as far to decide which underwear to wear when no one would even see those. We are way too obsessed with many things about ourselves that many people don't even notice. We put on this huge appearance take hours to transform ourselves into somebody that we have forced ourselves to think looks acceptable. Everyone takes about an hour to get ready before they would ever walk out of their house. That just shows us how much we care about our physical appearance. We really don't care for ourselves thought its because we care how others perceive us. This video is a perfect example of what we discussed in class of putting on a mask when we leave our house. We do what we need to so that the world will view us as normal and accept us so we are not an outcast. I think that is a fear of many Americans although they would never admit it. We like to think we are so unique and do not care what others think. But from doing our day to day actions of dressing up and getting ready we do not even realize what we are doing. Litv123
ReplyDeleteHaving gone on many dates with several different girls I can say without holding back, that there is certainly a great amount of truth to this video. The third person narrator notes in the beginning of the video that it is truly amazing how the boy, Calvin, even got a date in the first place. Something I'm sure we all can relate to at one point or another if we're semi self conscious. Calvin then goes through the process of preparing for his date by getting in the shower, washing his hair, applying certain deodorant, only to wash it off so that he doesn't smell like an "Abercrombie model's asshole". How does he know what that smells like? He then goes through the process of styling his hair so his date finds him especially attractive before heading to his closet to find the perfect fashion. His decision isn't an easy one but he eventually settles on something nice to wear for his date. The point of all this is if all the trouble he is going through to get ready for his big date really an accurate representation of his personality and who Calvin really is? Well maybe to some extent, but one thing's for sure; if Calvin just woke up from his nap through on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt, maybe just maybe, that would be a better representation of his personality and who he truly is. Nevertheless, Calvin must make a good first impression on his date by dressing up fancy and cleaning up exceptionally well, which I most certainly am guilty of, especially on the first date. Do we even realize that we are just preparing for a great big dramatic performance or do we also believe that this is an accurate expression of who we truly are as individuals? That is essentially a question that must be answered from within as we prepare for our next night on the town.-MrG123
ReplyDeleteIn this video, it bought back memories on myself encountering dates. I used to ask my mother for advice before I went on my dates. She used to tell me everything a man do is to attract a significant other and vice versa. We as human beings are social creatures. I found this video hilarious. You can tell from the beginning of the video that Calvin was not mentally there to get prepared for this date. The video showed how to prepare for a first date. Calvin had to make sure he was spruced up. I remember when I use to on dates I did everything that Calvin did maybe more. Calvin had to shower twice, because he didn’t properly put on the cologne. He had to brush his teeth, comb his hair, and pick out an outfit. The narrator gave meanings and symbolization on what some colors meant. He stated that purple represents royalty, yellow means happiness, and green can symbolize wealth and money. I can see that being true with the color symbolization and meaning. The narrator gave three things you should not do when you go on date. 1. Don’t laugh at everything 2. Offer to pay for the meal, but don’t pay for it “Don’t move to fast” 3. Keep it in your pants. I thought that was funny. After 30 minutes into Calvin’s date his body language and deception showed that something was wrong with him. Calvin was sad and depressed, because his date stood him up. Calvin had a social interaction to his date. Social interaction according to the book is the process by which people act and react in relation to others. The video stated that when a young person is getting ready for the date, they are preparing for this date to prevent from being rejected. This is the process of the Goffman’s Dramaturgical Analysis. The Dramaturgical Analysis is the presentation of self is used to create specific impression in the minds of others. The role performance was when Calvin was preparing himself for the date. According to the textbook, Goffman’s research shows that although behavior is spontaneous in some respects, it is more patterned than we like to think. Rendezvous123
ReplyDeleteThis video was all about young man preparing for his first date with a woman. He used a variety of props to get ready for his date. His props were all of the clothing he tried on. It was somewhat eye-opening to me to realize how absurd it is to try to get all dolled up for a date. The more important thing is internal not external. Is he nice, patient, easy going, and so forth? Many people care more about a person's personality than what they look like. We discussed putting on a "mask" when we are in the public eye in class today. When we leave our house, we mask who we really are in front of people we do not know well. This video was a perfect of that. Like we also discussed in class, people need human contact in order to survive. If they are alienated from schoolmates or other people, then they will not gain those social skills. People want to follow trends such as clothes, shoes, and the newest toys so that they are not outcasts. It is too bad that there are not as many people who do not care what what others think of them. It is easy for people to say "oh, just be yourself" when getting ready on a date. For me when someone says, I think of every negative thing about myself. It is hard to be yourself especially with people you may not know well or a love interest. If you look into the video deep enough, the guy who is telling the boy what to do can be viewed as society today. Do this, do that, in order for people to like you. It is kind of sad if you think about it. -softball_savvy123
ReplyDeleteIn this video, the boy is getting ready for his first date and he clearly isn’t too enthusiastic about it. I think this is because he doesn’t want to have to get ready to impress someone. He has to prepare for a role of his best self basically. So, he wears the costume, which is something casual but not too dressy. He puts on the right amount of cologne so that his body odor does not smell. He is told to act a certain way by not laughing at all of his dates jokes and not paying for the date. These are ways of acting a role of being the guy that would play hard to get on a first date. This all comes together to make his presentation of self. Unfortunately, he doesn’t end up going out on the date because he only imagines it. The narrator speaks about what Calvin is doing in the video. There are times when Calvin is embarrassed of the choices he made because they didn’t live up to his culture’s norms. Some of these were when he puts on too much cologne and has to shower again so he can redo it, and when he tries to fix the style of his hair. Another part was when he picked his favorite pair of underwear, but it wasn’t good enough so he picked a plain colored pair. At the end when he is crying on the couch, the narrator reassures Calvin that there is someone out there for you and his name is Tom Daily. This shows that Calvin idealizes this guy because he starts crying harder when he says that he is already dating someone else. He ends it with saying there is a tub of ice-cream and a series on Hulu calling his name. I feel like this is kinda a backup plan for most cultures in Ameirca. -Kiwi123
ReplyDeleteMany of our everyday actions can be viewed as “dramaturgical,” - a performative, idealized version of our ideal self. First used as a sociological term by Erving Goffman, this idea can be easily applied to many aspects of our daily lives. In the example provided by this video, the narrator guides a boy through the process of getting ready for a first date. Though the entire video is intended to be humorous, it is still possible to do a dramaturgical analysis on the various aspects that went into his preparations for the date. The video begins with the boy in bed being jostled awake by the narrator - who continues to offer his sage advice for the entire video. From the start, a heavy emphasis is placed on finding the middle ground for things; the boy should wear cologne (but not too much cologne), a nice outfit (but not too nice), and generally present a perfectly manicured version of himself. This is one of the key points of the idea of dramaturgy. In preparation for his first date, the boy arranges his props and sets the stage for the act he is going to play for his partner. Since dramaturgy is focused on how others perceive your appearance and actions, it makes sense that the narrator would ascribe different personality traits to different colored shirts. This is consistent with the sentiment that “all the world’s a stage,” first said by Shakespeare in the 17th Century laying the groundwork for future dramaturgical analysis. In the video, the boy didn’t want to appear too casual or too formal, implying that in doing so he would provide a bad image going forward. This would result in embarrassment, a personal acknowledgement that you played a social role incorrectly. This video provides an excellent example of the many dramaturgical instances we take part in each and every day.
ReplyDelete- dday123
In this video it describe the Goffman's dramaturgical theory so well. First he started off with the backstage concept. He rolled out of bed took a shower and all of the other personal hygiene stuff to ensure that he looks good for his date. This shows how he is practicing how he will want his date to view him as a person. Meaning he wants his date to know that he has good personal hygiene and that he actually tried for the date. The next thing he did was pick out an outfit not only not trying to over dress but not underdress. They started talking about the colors of the shirt and how some colors have meanings like purple meaning royalty and green meaning your rich and yellow meaning your happy. When it comes to getting dressed for a date i never really think to look at the color of the outfit or dress i just make sure i look presentable enough without looking like i'm ready to go to the club. After he finished his basl stage region he moved to his front stage region, they didn't really show us how the date went but they showed his facial expression after the so called date and he was upset and sad so i'm going to assume that his front stage presence was not up to par and he didn't practice enough in his back stage region. Really i have a better understanding of this dramaturgical theory and what Goffman meant when he was talking about backstage and front stage regions. I think as people we never seem to stop and think about the way we do things or the underlying preparation for these things. We believe that we do this out of impulse or just because it's the right thing to do. Dancer 123
ReplyDeleteThe video starts off by showing a young gentleman getting ready for a first date. Even though the video was suppose to be a parody of dating, it did have some validity to it. When presenting yourself for the first time many people try to hide and cover up any imperfections or flaws they might have. Or even make others feel that they take better care of themselves than they really do. The boy starts off by showering not once, but twice making sure everything is clean. He even takes extra time taking care of his oral hygiene. He tries messing with his hair to make sure it looks the best it possibly could. Then he goes through the regiment of what am I going to wear? Trying several outfits from his wardrobe. This is as if he were going to be presented to the world for the first time and he wanted to look perfect. This is like he is going through Goffman’s Dramaturgical Analysis of life, where life is like you are on stage of a theatrical performance. Since he is by himself he is practicing on how to put on the best presentation of himself. Using everything he has, himself and props. The voice over is like his conscious talking to him as if he is on the back stage practicing what is going to happen later that night, and making sure everything on his part is perfect. We don’t hear this conversation but he is probably even going over what he is going to say and do on the date. Even though this is over dramatized, to an extent it is true. People try extra hard to make a good first impression. They go so far as to give a false impression of who they really are and who they want people to think they are. Diver123
ReplyDeleteThis YouTube video messed with my head a little bit as it was an almost spot on assessment of what I myself have done for every first date I have been on (except for the ending, of course.) In the video, the main character, a boy, presumably of high school age, attempts to prepare himself to be presentable to a potential admirer. The boy showers (twice), uses cologne, brushes his teeth feverishly, flosses (which is an activity that occurs far too little in my own life), makes his hair look nice, and then picks an appropriate looking outfit for the first date. The outfit portion of this video was what struck me the most. We as humans (excluding social outliers) have a natural tendency to care about what others think of us; this is why the boy has such a dilemma on his hands when attempting to pick the perfect outfit. He does not have this much trouble when washing himself because there is only so much he can change about the physical shape of his face and body. His clothes, on the other hand, can be varied and changed completely. To me, this dramaturgical theory that we talked about in class seems to correlate with the psychological concepts of ‘egocentrism’ and the imaginary audience.’ Egocentrism, in this context, refers to the main character thinking and worrying too much about himself when he could be thinking of other things for the night ahead (such as conversational topics, where they will eat, what to do after they eat, etc.) The imaginary audience refers to the idea that everyone is paying extremely close to what you are doing, what you look like, and what you say when, in reality, most people are more concerned about themselves than they are you. The imaginary audience idea plays out well in this case because, as it turns out, the main character’s date did not exist.
The whole time I was watching this video, I was either laughing or smiling. The video was well put together in the sense of showing what happens when someone, whether it be a boy girl, prepares for a date. I for one can see myself doing this, especially the part when it comes to picking the outfit. I would try on maybe five to seven tops to see which one would look better. It also shows when you put too much of something, like the cologne he put on. There are some people, like me, that get headaches if the cologne or perfume is too strong. The dramaturgy in this is shown with Calvin first having to get clean, smelling good, and styling his hair. He takes the shower so he doesn't smell, he puts deodorant and cologne to make the smell last longer, and he styles his hair to make him look more presentable. Then, the next step he takes is choosing the outfit. He looked at about three to four different shirts to see which one would compliment him better, and which one would be suitable for a first date. After all of that preparation he felt presentable enough, and he was ready to go. He would have been fine if the date was a real person. The humor in the video was very fun to listen too, and the way they showed the process of getting ready proves the dramaturgy theory.
In this video, it displays a young man getting ready to go on a first date. He begins the day by taking two showers, applying deodorant and cologne then picking out his outfit. I found it interesting that he took a second shower because he applied too much cologne and did not want to smell like ‘an Abercrombie model’s asshole’. After getting clean, he went to pick out an outfit. This is where the video went from pretty weird to very weird. He started by picking out his favorite pair of underwear because as the narrator said, ‘a good pair of underwear is always a good luck charm.’ He then put on a regular pair of jeans and spent very little time on that. I found that strange because he spent such an extensive amount of time on the next part picking out a shirt. He decided against purple because it represented royalty and green because it represented money. He made the decision on an outfit that was not overly fancy but did not look bumish. I find this video relatable in just the essence of what the video was about. I also tend to change my outfit a couple times, or redo my hair, etc. on important days to me like a first date, a first day on the job, vacations as so on. I think that it is so important for us to make a good impression on our appearance that we often forget that people will remember more than just how we look or what we wore when we first met them. While this video was meant to be humorous, if you look at it from the sociological perspective it shows a lot of cultural norms and standards we follow. For one, he didn’t want to be overdressed or underdressed for the first date. The entire idea of being over/underdressed is a social concept we created. Also, taking the shower to make sure he didn’t have too much cologne is another social concept. All of these things he was putting on were his props. SAS123
ReplyDeleteThe video "How to prepare for a first date" is a perfect example and representation of Dramaturgical analysis. Dramaturgical analysis is the social interaction of humans explained by Erving Goffman. In this scenario, Calvin is obviously exhibiting his personality at the front stage level. Calvin wants to impress the other person he is going on the first date with. To do this, he is going to look his absolute best, and be at the top of his game. In a sense, he is putting on a mask to attempt to impress this person. On the other hand, the person he is going out with is also probably showing their front stage self. This is very typical for dates, especially first dates. You want to give the other person the best possible impression of yourself, even if that may not be how you usually are or when you are most comfortable. The more these two date the more this could change over time. They could begin to see each others back stage personalities and selves. The back stage is not something someone just shares with anyone. It is only usually shared with the people closest to you like family or maybe a best friend. In this scenario, Calvin is using his clothing, style, and hair to impress the other person. He may even change his personality to shape around his dates personality to make that person like him more. People will do a lot for the acceptance of others. I would hope people could be totally honest about themselves and true to their identity without being judged. The sad thing is most people will change to please others or be liked. In this video we only see the physical attributes of Calvin's "acting". There is a lot more on the personality side that has to do with dramaturgical analysis. Although, 75% of language is nonverbal so your body language and how you look is very important to the impression you give off. Scuba123
ReplyDeleteAt first, I was confused by this video and how it related to the dramaturgical approach. Fairly quickly, everything started to fit together. Calvin is a young boy getting ready to go on a first date. The voiceover during this video not only gives us a brief insight into Calvin's thoughts, but also symbolizes society in a way that tells us how we need to behave. Calvin first gets ready by showering, brushing his hair and teeth, and putting on cologne. While Calvin is styling his hair, the voiceover says which ones are considered acceptable on a first date and which aren't. The voiceover also comments on the amount of cologne he sprays, and how smelling too strong can be a bad thing. When it comes to choosing an outfit, each color shirt symbolizes something to society. Society also tells us we cant be too dressed up, otherwise we may come off too strong. There are also a few tips the voiceover gives on how to act on a first date. Society is always influencing the way people think, dress, and act, even if we are unaware. During the length of the video, Calvin is getting ready to preform on his front stage by using impression management. Calvin wants to put his best foot forward, so he conforms to society's standards on how one should act on a first date. Daisy123
ReplyDeleteGoffman’s dramaturgical analysis makes the claim the people are like the cast of a play. We put on a show for our audience. We use props, much like a cast does. We wear costumes, change our tone of voice, and we use gestures. Different cultures have different props that may be cooler or more popular than others. In this video, we saw an example of how an individual may get ready for a performance (a date), where the audience consisted of one person. Calvin spent his time getting ready for this date by preparing himself to be pleasing to the eye. He started off by doing things the way he may want to. He put on some boxers that he would like to wear, but he changed his mind in hopes that a different pair would be more impressive. He grabbed a few different shirts he liked, but he settled for an outfit that he knew would be more attractive to his date. There were several other similar things Calvin did that he obviously would not have chosen to do if he was not trying to impress someone. People do this everyday. Some put on make up, dress up, talk a certain way, use symbols we know are cool, and do many more things in order to make an impression on people. We choose to do these things because we either want to stand out or fit in. Some people may wear neutral colors because they want to be liked and accepted. Others may wear very bright colors so that people notice them. Whatever the intention, we have all put up some sort of front that hides who we are behind closed doors. Dating is one place where this probably happens a lot. Impressions are huge when it comes to dating. Most of the time, you really like someone and you are hoping that he or she will have the same feelings. We think that by making ourselves more attractive or different then we will be more likely to succeed in dating. So, we put on our make up, cologne, or whatever and we pretend to be much “cooler” than we probably are. What I wonder, “is in what point of a relationship does the acting finally stop and your partner is allowed to see the real you?”