Postmodernism....And Your Thoughts....

Postmodernism....And Your Thoughts....


  1. The video of Postmodernism asks the question, "Do we need a new set of rules and norms for a new era with different cultural patterns and ideas"? This is a challenge for sociologists because culture is always changing. An example of this is the way we operate today and the way we operated fifty years ago. We were a preindustrial country, mostly based on agriculture and an agrarian society. Today, we are highly industrial and rely on machinery for almost everything. With this, came different ways of thinking and different ways of doing things calling for a different sociological perspective. The way we look at the world has also changed. A century ago, the world was almost all religion based. We had always thought that the world was created by a greater being. To this day, there are still a wide variety of people who are religious but there are less than there were a century and this is because of the movement of science and technology. We have a much better understanding of the global processes of the world and how everything works scientifically. This has caused an increase in atheists due to science and theories that deny the existence of God. There are theories that make logical sense as to how humans have inhabited the world through chance, but it has never been proven and may never be proven. Humans are always looking for meaning to all circumstances, it is how we are programmed. The existence of that first cell may always be a mystery. Sociologists have to look at the world based on the time period they are in or the time period they are studying. You cannot use norms from the 21st century when studying the 20th century. Things are so much different and will continue to change. This is why it is so important to look at the world from a sociological perspective based on the norms of the society at the given time. Scuba123

  2. Postmodernity is leading to many changes in society. It’s almost as if these societies are starting over. This idea of postmodernity is challenging sociology. Sociology tries to follow patterns and find trends, but postmodernism is disrupting these patterns. Modernity has failed societies. While there was a time for it, people are beginning to see that modernity contributed to the increase in inequality. People also began to see that the modern approach to solve poverty was not working, as poverty has been increasing for many years now. Modernity left the belief in providence, that God was responsible for social standings and moved onto the idea that we can make our own success and make our futures better. Postmodernists would claim that there is not much one can do to make his future better. People are coming to terms with the idea that social standing plays a major role in how successful we become. This leads to almost half of U.S adults not believing that their kids will have lives better than their own. Businesses are no longer looking for material success, but more of abstract attraction. Material products have become so easy to make that people are putting more focus on the ideas behind them. That is why movements such as animal rights movements are becoming more successful. Success is not determined as much by who has the greatest products, but who has the best reasons for people to invest in these products and services. The entire structure of institutions are changing. This is what I think is hardest on sociologists. Before, there were a few types of families to research. Now, the concept of a family has changed so much that the legal definition has changed. It is much harder for sociologists to look for patterns when there are so many different ways of life that people choose to pursue. As this gets more difficult for sociologists to follow, we must not solely focus on the positives or the negatives of becoming a postmodern society. -M&M123

  3. In the video Dr. Taylor address the term modernity and what it means in our society. In the video they describe modernity as many different things but eventually they all lead back to the same concept. They describe it as the emergence of factories, moving from the rural areas into the city for work, manufacturing different products in mass production, changing our society in the way they think, as well at the development of science and technology. In our book it says that many people like modernity to the term progress which I think is half way right. I think a lot of people see technological advancements as a bad thing. They have corrupted our world and particularly corrupted the younger generations. We have destroyed so many different land areas and beautiful lands all for human needs. I think we are a greedy breed and the more technologically advanced we become the lazier we become. Our world is changing at such a rapid pace that it is very hard for the average American to keep up with the different advances. I believe that technology to a certain extent has really made the world better, but at the same time so many traditional American ways have been lost. We are often lost in our cellphones or zooming around in the latest car to even take interest in the people that are closest to us. Yes, we can now communicate with our family and friends around the world, but what about our family and friends that are living right at home with us. We are losing our sense of community, because there are so many better things to be doing than to take time to get to know your neighbor like the book states. We are now in the era of postmodernism and yet all our questions are still unanswered. The book states that many families look towards the future almost like a better tomorrow. But really is there a better tomorrow? The way we treat our land, community, and technology is it really making society better or worse? We have created huge pollution problems along with the controversy of global warming. And we have yet to solve the problem of poverty and poor health worldwide. So as we are technologically advancing are we really solving the problems that will lead to a better tomorrow worldwide. Litv123

  4. Postmodernity is a relatively new movement in the relatively new subject of sociology. The idea behind postmodernism is that it challenges the idea that we can even have theories or objective ideas concerning culture and society. There are five basic foundational principles in postmodernity. The first is that modernity has failed as clearly seen in today’s society because of the poverty all around us. The second is that “progress”, as defined by modernists, is fading. In the past, we idealized the future and, now that we are living in what was then the future, we realize how wrong we were. The third is that science no longer is able to hold all of the answers. Science has failed us in many areas including poor health and environmental pollution and global warming. The fourth basic principle is that cultural debates are intensifying. Because our basic needs according to Maslow are being met in more abundance, ideas have began to take more importance in the lives of high-income nations. The fifth and final principle of postmodernity is that social institutions are changing. This is clearly observed just by looking at the culture of our own nation today and comparing it to fifty years ago. Although I am able to empathize with postmodernism's viewpoints, I also believe that they do not give modernism enough credit. The past century has seen vast improvements in living standards and longevity in many countries. As the video pointed out, modernity means the emergence of industrialized civilization and the sets of changes which accompanied it (democracy and science being some of the main ones). Modernism came about through the eventual rejection of providence (which is the idea that God or a higher being is in control of everything) in the late 18th century by science during a time period called the Enlightenment.

  5. Social change is something that is happening everyday in our world. In can be broken down into four parts, starting with “social change happens all the time”. Nothing is constant except death and taxes, this is a pretty popular saying that has been around for awhile and is pretty much summing up how nothing is constant and will constantly change. Next is “social change is sometimes intentional but often is unplanned”. Industrial societies actively promote many kinds of change. No one knows when the next big change will happen, it just does and no one can see it coming. Next is “social change is controversial”. The history of the automobile shows that social change brings both good and bad consequences. Sticking to the car example, yes they have helped change a lot of how we travel, it makes us quicker and more efficient. But new products can put old ones out of business, so people lose their jobs and/or homes. The car probably put horse and buggies completely out of job. So people who sold those or made the carriages were thrown out of business. And finally we have “some changes matter more than others.” Some changes have only passing significance, others may change the world. For example, cloths and fashion are just passing by, people get new clothes all the time throughout their lifetimes. However, things like new technology can be life changing. Things like computers, telephones, televisions, cars, ect. These are things that we of course take for granted today, but when they first came around they were a huge deal and changed the world greatly. They made it easier for us to communicate or explore the world in ways our ancestors would have thought to be unimaginable. The video we watched in class covered how the world changes all the time to make us more modern. To make us different than the world ten years or twenty years ago. rosethorns123

  6. It is quite that apparent that the idea and influences behind the sociological theory of postmodernity have both transcended and developed as the industrial revolution has peaked and plummeted. In a certain sense nothing is modern anymore because society is changing and/or growing every second of every day. With the technology we have available to us nowadays there is a constant transition into further postmodernism as it pertains to society. Comparing and contrasting to the 1800s when society would be at a standstill for a certain period of time due to not so rapid progressions in both technology, or as a result of many civilians being out of their homes fighting wars. Although science still plays a key role in creating the developments that we see today in medicine as well as modern health initiatives, there are too many different realities that exist within society for science to still be a singular truth as it pertains to most individuals. If there was ever a debate on any topic in the past few centuries, chances are the debate has intensified, regardless of influence due to the rapid transition of the material world. Social institutions are changing as well, with many individuals adopting different ideas of their own personal realities. There is no longer a common family in America with two and a half children, a dog, and a freshly painted white picket fence. Rather, there is a pervasive movement towards questioning reality and adopting the modernization theory. Through the modernization theory we as humans across the globe are attempting to alter the route of global poverty and promote better economies throughout the world. Perhaps technology will ultimately serve as a helpful tool in regaining society’s need to come together or unite rather, and save the earth from complete and total destruction. Whether the cause is poverty, war, economic downturn, or any other noteworthy events that will potentially alter the routes of both man and history.-MrG123

  7. Postmodernism is a new way of thinking in society. It challenges fundamentals of truth. This means that we understand that the world is changing and there cannot be one true meaning to life. In traditional societies, religion was the reason for why things happened. Now, technology causes more happenings than natural things that people could blame religion for. Modernism was when people thought the world was becoming better due to the extremely advanced technologies. This caused people to believe future generations were going to be living very differently. Today, we worry about future generations because of how far we’ve advanced. For example, the climate change situation is not looking too good and we have stopped producing technology that can solve the problems that come with it. It’s funny that the technology that the world produces causes global warming, yet not a lot of people are prepared to use technology to help stop it. I think this proves that our way of thinking has changed. There are so many more people in the world and they all have new information that nobody has 100 years ago. With this information, people come up with more ideas. Since a ton of technologies have been invented up until today, it’s hard to create things. People are becoming more specific. Fashion, for example, it becoming crazy. I keep up with some big designers and their styles are insane nowadays. Fashion is becoming more of an artwork rather than a normal outfit. Postindustrial society is changing families too. There isn’t a normal family anymore because you never know what their situation is. They all have different financial statuses, sexuality, and beliefs. Postmodernity is also thriving because of social media and the easy access to information on the internet. This gives millennials a new perspective and a new way of understanding the world. Their outlook on life and the future is changing. –Kiwi123

  8. Post modernism argues that a new set of ideas are needed and that our older ideas should be eliminated. Some people believe post modernism is merely a fashion or a trend that will eventually go away. Post modernism provides a different outlook on our world. I believe it is good to be able to learn about a variety of outlooks. The world as we know it has changed greatly from how it was in the past. The Industrial Revolution was suppose to bring changes to our society. Modernity is where we are today. There were several social changes due to industrialization. Industrialization increased the population and was the main cause of people moving to urban areas rather than living in cities. A major social change was that social classes changed. There was an increase in the standard of living because of urbanization as well. The middle class became more diverse during industrialization. The working class also changed immensely during industrialization. Instead of just men working, women and children were also forced to work due to poor economic situations. That is change that you can see today. Women and children today are also working a variety of jobs. Most adults, especially with children, have to have both parents work in order to provide for their family. Our economy is also facing a decline just like it was during industrialization. While science has helped our society, it has also failed us in many ways. Many post modernism theorists like to point that fact out. In today’s society, our society struggles with pollution, issues with health, and the controversial issue of global warming. Our society uses much more technology than we did in the past. I believe that many people in our society has become greedy because of technology usage. Modernity is allowing us to shy away from the people right next to us because of all of this technology. During industrialization and before that, technology was not prominent and their neighbors were important them. Today, people can text and talk to people all over the world. Many people during modernity have a feeling of hopelessness, while people during industrialization strived to make their lives better. -softball_savvy123

  9. Modernity is the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. There are four dimensions of modernity: the decline of small communities, the expansion of personal choice, the increase of social diversity, and the orientation toward the future and a growing awareness of time. We often link modernity with progress or a state of continual improvement. But change can be a mixed blessing. For example, being rich has advantages and disadvantages. In the Untied States, being wealth allows for a higher standard of living which then makes lives easier and more comfortable. But we start to wonder if the day to day routines are causing more stress than they should be. Over the last 25 years the amount of happiness has actually gone down. Postmodernity is the transformations cause by the Information Revolution and the postindustrial economy. Postmodernity is the era we are living in now. There are five crutial themes to postmodernity. The first states that modernity has failed. As postmodernist critics see it the twentieth century was unsuccessful in solving social problems like poverty. But with today’s high poverty rates we can see how that did not happen. The second states that the light of “progress” is fading. We say this because we are less confident on what the future holds. The third theme states that science no longer holds the answers. Postmodern critics argue that science has failed to solve many old problems, like poor health. The fourth theme states that cultural debates are intensifying. In this postmodernist era more jobs are requiring you to work with symbols and issues such as social justice, the state of the natural environment, and animal right are receiving more public attention. The fifth theme states that social intuitions are changing. The postindustrial society is remaking society again. An example would be the postmodern family no longer conforms to any single patter; now, individuals are choosing among new family forms. With all of the achievements that the 20th century has witnesses, the solutions to many human existence have eluded us. So while we seem to have evolved so much, there have been some setback regarding humanity.

  10. The world and our society are constantly changing. While we are losing old traditions and gaining new technology, we enter the new age of postmodernity. Postmodernist sociologists are arguing that sociology is dated, and we must adopt this new set of ideas to progress as fast as society is. Postmodernity challenges the main focuses of old sociology that were fundamental in the makeup. This makes doing any type of systematic study and research more difficult than it was before. To understand what postmodernity is, you must first understand what modernity is. According to Professor Anthony Giddens, modernity is “the emergence of modern industrial civilization and the emergence of factory civilization”. So, with that definition in mind, modernity began around the Industrial Revolution and continued on to that thereafter as our society grew into industrialization. Advancements in technology, medicine, and manufacturing pushed our society to become more industrial and thus more modern. Postmodern is the time when society decided that modernism has failed. Religion was the basis of society a century ago, but today religion is much less than before. Living in central Illinois, we don’t see this as much as the rest of the nation but it is definitely prevalent. Our perspective on life as a nation has changed and thus our sociological perspective as a nation must follow suit and change as well. It is interesting that this is being introduced now. It will be neat to see how this perspective takes hold in our future and how sociologists in the next century will view it after the fact. SAS123

  11. In the pre modern society, the explanation for most things was religion. The enlightenment shifted our focus to the scientific explanations which provided better rationality for what was happening in our nation. The enlightenment was brought on by the industrial revolution which gave us the mindset that progress is due to continual improvement rather than the traditional view that stability was best. These advances in technology and industrialization brought about a whole new type of society. We are now geared towards fashion, future, and doing the most in a short amount of time. We are doing away with old traditions and focusing more on the future and how we can make it better. Postmodernity as a result has seemed to draw our nation apart despite all of the technology and advances in communication. Everyone is centered on self interest and live essentially as strangers as is told through the Gesellschaft theory. The traditional ties that used to hold people together are being tossed out as we shift all of our attention on advancing forward. The demographics of our nation are rapidly changing, however I am not so sure it is for the better. Once we realized that we can take control of science and discover advances to improve our future, we aimed all of our goals towards that rather than remembering to appreciate the past. As a result, the opposite of what was supposed to happen has happened. In fact, current parents do not have high expectations for their kids because the discoveries we have made in science have made us realize the negative reality rather than the positive outlooks. This has made not only the lives of the people harder, but also the jobs of the sociologists more difficult as they can not predict the future for our nation as efficiently. -Chameleon123

  12. Postmodernity is the transformations of the information revolution and the post industrial revolution. meaning that times are changing. science no longer has the answer for everything, that's what he was trying to get across in this video. we are not going to be the same 30 years from now there will be new technology, new ways to how we learn. there are five themes to post modernity, " in important respects, modernity has failed, the bright light of progress is failing, science no longer holds the answers, cultural debates are intensifying, and social institutions are changing." the first one explains that postmodernist in the 20th century were unsuccessful in solving social problems. while the second one states that people believed that their lives would change for the better, but as time went by people started to think that their children won't even get to where they stand in society today. the third one i discussed earlier in this post. The fourth one discusses how the world is able to produce materials and ideas have some importance to them now.. The last one is the transformation from industrialization to social institutions. These are just brief examples of all five but in the video he didn't go into much detail about theses things. He just discussed that the world is constantly changing so that means we are changing not for the worse but the better. I completely agree with that due to the fact the things i had when i was younger are completely different from my brother generation. They have excelled in technology making it easier for young kids to learn at a younger age through games and all sorts
    of stuff Dancer123

  13. The video we watched in class started to discuss the idea of modernity and how it relates to postmodernity. Modernity was described in the video as the emergence of modern industrialization, urbanization, and a scientific and rational way of thinking. Science and technology changed society's perception of reality. Instead of looking for answers religiously, science seemed to have better, proven answers. As society reaches enlightenment, we realize that a lot of the questions we thought science could answer couldn’t be solved. The textbook explains how individualism also came about during modernity. People started to develop their own beliefs and assumptions outside of religion and science. This could be from the rapid increase of social diversity. So many different religious and cultural ideas were coming together as areas began to urbanize, and as a result many members of society developed their own realities. Postmodernity is the time frame we exist in now. Because science could not answer all of our world problems, such as poverty, sociologists have moved back to a theoretical way of thinking. In postmodernity, we see technological progress slowing. So many significant advances have been made during modernity that some could be seen as making things worse instead of better. For example, smart phones have only become popular during modernity. Society saw the benefits of having a little computer system at your reach at any time. Now that we have reached a new era, society is starting to see the negative impacts of these cell phones. People as not engaging with those around them, and we lose a sense of culture. Many sociologists seem to be focusing on how modernity failed, and how sociology must change to adapt to postmodernity. Instead, I think postmodernity should be approached after evaluating the positive, as well as the negative, impacts that the modern era provided. Many other nations have not reached modernity, let alone postmodernity. To keep sociology up to date globally, both science, religion, and theoretical ways of thinking must be combined to understand the different realities of the world’s cultures. daisy123

  14. The world has dramatically changed when the industrialization revolution began. After the entitlement the world was no longer black and white, thus complicating our ideas about the world. Modernity complicates things because it focuses on the future we can’t see how new ideas will affect the future and we cannot predict the future so empathize on the future makes ideas hard to understand. Modernity began because people were moving from rural farms and crowding into cities and increasing technology changed how people view the world. Problems in society were more evident because there were so many people around you experiencing the same sorts of problems. Philosophers and sociologists at the time began very idealistic and hopeful about the world they began constructing utopian ideas about the future. Through we are in the stage of postmodernity we cannot reverse the ideas the enlightenment gave us about the world . Most of us cannot see the world as black and white anymore. This means that we realized that we are individuals and that certain ideas don’t work for everyone this means that there is always an exception to the rule so no matter what amazing idea we have it will always fail for at least one person The information age has allowed us to connect with people very different from ourselves which intensifies the feelings of never being able to solve social issues. We recognize that modernity has failed because we cannot create a Utopian society because as one problem in society disappears three different problems arise in it’s place.We have seen hundreds of new ideas be put into place and see hundreds of these ideas fail. The optimism of modernity gave way to the pessimism of post modernity. Post modernity also recognizes that science often fails science is the acceptance of a universal truth and in our new society we recognize that there is no longer such thing as universal truth. -Glass123

  15. Prior to the modern era, humans believed they lived their lives according to the providence of God - that is, anything that happened to them was a result of god’s will. The transition into the modern era was long and represented a total change in the lives of members of these societies. This change was three-fold: industrialization, the development of democratically-led states, and an “enlightened” view of the world based on rationality and science. Thought patterns shifted away from living as subjects to an omniscient god and rather focused on the search for objective truth. The idea of modernity persisted until the mid to late 20th century. At this point, scientists became distressed by challenges such as the atom bomb and quantum physics; these developments posed serious issues to the centuries-long challenge for a rational and objective truth. This change in scientific thought led to a change in thought in the arts and social sciences. Postmodern thought challenges the certainty with which we see the world we live in. Postmodernists champion the fact that reality exists totally within our own minds. These explanations rely mainly on concrete experience and individual interpretation rather than abstract principles which claim to be valid across all groups, cultures, and traditions. Postmodernism is called “post” because it denies the existence of any real ultimate principles and scrutinizes the search for objective truth characteristic of the modern era. This has interesting implications for not only sociology, but also the various aspects of the art world. For example, postmodern fiction doesn’t focus as much on the main characters searching for a truth within their reality, but struggling and failing to live and succeed in their own environments. Postmodern art is similarly less focused on a simple view of a photorealistic scene, but a connection of symbols up for the viewers interpretation. dday123

  16. Postmodernity was a time where the will of God was not questioned by people. Society believed that events that occurred in life were driven by dogma, religion, and superstition. Certain things were meant to be left in the dark because society was not ready to fully understand all of the deep and controversial questions in life. The enlightenment period emerged in the late 18th century. New technology like steam power allowed more work to be done with little effort. Before, it took a lot of labor from many people to build infrastructure. In addition, it took a lot of time and money to perform certain tasks. The enlightenment period was the time where science was becoming more prominent and accepting in society. The Industrial Revolution enhanced human productivity and raised the living standards in many nations as a result of the enlightenment period. The idea of modernity emerged in the in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. Society was ready to change the way they thought about how the world was influenced. Science and technology was used to set ourselves against the past and the traditional ways of thinking based on religion. This eventually became known as the Information Revolution. The Information Revolution brought knowledge to power in a way. Social classes were questioned and education became a stronger foothold in the social hierarchy. Postmodernity refers to the transformations caused by the Information Revolution and the postindustrial economy. Some sociologists think that modernity has failed because it has not solved problems such as poverty and financial insecurity. Some postmodern critics also say that science does not provide the answers that we are looking for. Unsolved medical cures, environmental pollution, and global warming are seen concepts that science has failed to answer. I wonder what will result in what may be argued as a postmodern age. Will we still rely on science to seek answers? Society change occurs over time. Human kind tries to evolve and change society to benefit everyone and it is interesting to study the past that we have taken to get where we are today. Check123

  17. Postmodernization is where we are at today after the industrial revolution. Modernization is the process of social change begun by industrialization. Modernity is the changes brought about by the industrial revolution. A lot of people associate modernity with the idea of change or always wanting to be improved upon.The question needed to be asked is where do we go from here? The problem is that we have nobody to look at or mimic to know if we are going in the right way or not. People of today are less social and interact less with each other. Do we need to throw away all the rules and the norms of yesterday and right new rules? What are the new norms going to be? From here nobody knows if we are right or wrong in the way we are going. Is life getting better or worse? Some say that in today's life things are easier because we have instruments and tools to do a lot of the manual work we need to get done, but people are thinking that life is not getting better but worse. Life even seems to be more stressful. So is life better or worse than before? What about our children? Are their life's going to be better or worse than our life today? Many people think that their life is going to be worse than our life today. The fairy tale ending of our lives is not their any more. Is there a happily ever after, or is the happily ever after definition changed? Before people always thought that life for their children would be better than their life today. Now the norm seems to be that they hope that their children's lives will be at least just as good as their parents. Diver 123

  18. Postmodernity is the time in which we are currently living in. Before this time, modernism was starting to leech into society. In the video examples of modern civilization, industrialization, democracy, and science were what was considered modernism. These aspects of life have progressed, and changed society. In fact, even family values have changed. In the video, they mentioned collapsing cultural traditions, and a media dominating world. Those two things go together because now almost every single home in this postmodern world has some sort of form of a cellphone, and what is on those cellphones?, social media, and internet. Things like eating together at the dinner table and talking about their days or just spending time together are traditions that are slowly slipping away as values change, and technology continues to advance. Even though there are no definite concrete theories on postmodernism, we do know that the theories that we used in modernism, it doesn’t really apply to this era now, because life, society, jobs, and people are always changing.

  19. Industrialization marked the beginning of modernization. It involved the progressive weakening if not destruction, of the relatively cohesive communities in which humans found solidarity and meaning. It also allowed individuals to examine their lives and what was driving them in their daily lives up until that point. It brought about openness with other cultures and ethnicities; communities lost gemeinschaft, creating more businesslike emphasis on facts, efficiency, and money. And finally, it opened everyone’s eyes to something much more different than what they were accustomed to previously. It has brought about more equality due to everyone being able to go out and work according to their specialty. Therefore, allowing people in one social group not to have more power so to speak than the next person unless they were afforded those special skills needed to take on a higher position. Modernity has given many people an idea of continual progress and in the world we live in today everyone is always seeking where they can get their next dollar or next meal from. People that are content with their work are seen as stagnant.
    Postmodernism says that modernity has failed because the 20th century was unsuccessful in solving social problems such as poverty, people are not as enthused about the future because they aren’t able to see what good things the future holds, it’s evident that science no longer holds the answers because it has failed to solve old problems while creating new problems also, postmodernity is also a post materialist era, and social institutions are changing each individual within a family is able to make their own decision about where they want to go work, where the want to worship at ect.
    This world we live in is forever changing and who knows if it’s for the better. In many ways, modernization has helped change society for the better because it’s bringing many different people from different walks of life together and allowing us to be culturally diverse. On the other hand, it’s harmful to world because people are always trying to one up the next person creating greed, jealousy, and ultimately hatred. Benoodles123

  20. Postmodernity came about after industrialization, a period of modernity, when there was a call for sociologists to change their way of thinking and explain the social changes that were happening. With the advancements in science, society has complicated patterns and flipped culture on its head from the previous religious based cultural beliefs. There was a need to explain this rapid, unpredicted social deviance within the entirety of the populations after going through industrialization from a sociological perspective, and the previous ideas thought of by sociologists were not providing a thorough explanation for the changes. That was what sparked postmodernity. Postmodernism is a result of the need for humans to rationalize the world around them through science. After a period of modernism, there was a cultural lag where society was still trying to catch up to technology, and the reaction of society after that lag was a jump forward after the humanistic need to understand our world around us allowed culture to easily accept the scientific discoveries that were happening in the time period. The advancement filled our need to rationalize and absorb explanations for phenomena that were previously only explained with theological forces. It was our desire to reason and reach closed explanations that allowed the cultural adoption of science to be so quickly accepted by society. Postmodernism may have also been widely accepted by post industrial cultures because scientific explanations stressed the importance of humans and human interactions. It raised the value of an individual, which may have contributed to the wide acceptance. Suddenly, the stress was taken off of religion, and you could create your own destiny in society’s eyes. People do not like feeling miniscule, and previous theological perspective stressed how an individual is part of a bigger picture, just an insignificant piece in the puzzle. Postmodernism released people from the old ideology, which gave people a certain amount of hope and entitlement, something people gravitated towards in a changing world. aardvark123


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