The Main Paradigms and Your Thoughts?

Conflict, Functionalism, and Symbolic.....Your Thoughts?


  1. There are three main sociology theories that are used in the professional field. The first discussed in the video is the structural functional theory, also known as functionalism. The thought process that goes behind the theory is that all of society comes together to work for the good of society. By working together, social entities emerge from society that are designed to benefit the rest of society. Therefore, a bad social entity that is not benefiting society would then be terminated. Beneficial social entities include health care and criminal justice system. The video proceeds to explain the three types of functions that come from a social entity. The lady chose to analyze gangs to explain the different functions of a social group. The first function is manifest function, which is the planned intention that arises. In gangs, they intended to fill the void of a family. People that join gangs seek family with others that do not have one. The second function that arises is the latent function. This is the unintended results. Unintended results does not indicate harmful results. An example of a latent function in gang activity would be providing jobs. By having gangs, the criminal justice system continues to need jobs for officers that regulate gang activity. The last function that arises from a social entity is the disfunction. A disfunction is any unintended and harmful result from a social entity. This may include violence towards one another or crime in a gang.

    Moving on, the second type of sociology theory is symbolic interactionism, which explains that our daily interactions create our reality. In the video, the lady explains that the people’s opinions and habits can alter another's or cause them to do what they do. An example of this would be clothing or favorite tv shows and movies that one watches. The symbolic interactionism must be looked at from a cultural perspective. Different cultures have different meanings to certain symbols. The global population cannot be generalized into one category.

    The last sociological theory is the conflict perspective. This perspective focuses on two or more groups that are in conflict with each other. With this theory, a sociologishts looks at differences between the two groups and explains their behavior for the battle for power. There is always one group that is in power while the other is not. The group that is in power is constantly trying to stay in power, while the group not in power is actively trying to gain power over the other. One example of this is our democratic political parties in the U.S. There is always a power hungry battle between the democrats and the republicans.

    I think that all of these main paradigms are very interesting to study. They all have a different kind of approach. They are either micro or macro-level orientated. Society is constantly changing and it is interesting to study how and why that happens. Looking from macro-level, we can use the structural functional or the conflict perspective to look at the changes in society from a larger scale. We can also use symbolic interactionism to look at changes in society on a smaller scale. I can see myself using symbolic interactionism in my everyday life. I notice that all of the friends I hang out with share common interests with me. I notice that my interests and likes gradually change when I hang out with my friends as well. I never took notice in this until I began studying sociology. Check123

  2. The video explained the three main sociological theories, structural functional, symbolic interaction, and social conflict. The structural functional and social conflict theories are macro theories, which means they pertain to society as a whole. The symbolic interaction theory is a micro theory, meaning that the theory is based on individual interactions rather than the entire society. The structural functional theory is, in sum, the optimist’s sociological perspective. A structural functional sociologist believes that every institution in society has a positive purpose. Otherwise, the society would get rid of it. The example of an institution the lady uses in the video is a gang. Most would argue that the manifest function of a gang is to have a group to do illegal actions, but the structural functional sociologist would argue that if that were the function of the gang, society would have obliterated it because the function is not beneficial. That kind of sociologist would say that the function of the gang is to keep police in business and drive our economy. In addition, the symbolic interaction theory rests on the principle that society is shaped by individual interactions. The symbolic interaction sociologist would argue that interactions between people shape individuals and, in turn, our society. What people say or do, whether you like it or not, influences us. Symbolic interaction sociologists believe that these person to person interactions are what shape our identities, not society. Moreover, a perspective founded by Marx, the social conflict theory focuses on the flaws in every institution in society. It is essentially the pessimist’s sociological theory. Marx argues that every piece of society has a conflict. The video gives the example of power struggles in family situations. The dominant power, parents, are always trying to stay on top, while the non-dominant power is constantly in search of a way to become the dominant power. It is a never ending struggle. I think that to analyze a society, you have to be conscious of all perspectives. Humans and culture are so complex that it would be so closed minded to only think that one theory explains every sociological phenomenon. aardvark123

  3. Sociology has three major main theories: the structural functional theory, the social conflict theory, and the symbolic interaction theory. The structural functional theory is framework for building theory that see society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote unity and stability. Another way of saying that is all parts of society are working together for the good of society. There are some sub categories to the structural functional approach. The manifest functions are the planned and intended function of a social structure. The latent function are unintended functions that come out of a social structure. Social dysfunction is any social pattern that may disrupt the operation of society and could be harmful.
    The second theory is the social conflict theory. The main idea in this theory is that there are two or more groups in a continual conflict with each other over power. There are some sub branches of conflict theories. Gender conflict theory is the study of society that focuses on inequality and conflict between women and men. The other conflict theory is the race conflict theory which is the study of society that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories.
    The third theory is the symbolic interaction theory which is a framework for building theory that sees society at the product of the everyday interaction of individuals. Another way of explaining this theory is our daily interactions create our reality. In this theory who we interact with have an impact on our perception on things. This happens with food, tv shows, clothing, etc. This theory also has shared symbols that effect our behavior in our culture. There are different symbols in different cultures that may mean different things.

  4. There are three main theories in sociology. First being structural functional theory. This is when all of society work together for the best of society. This is a pretty broad statement. We as a society create social structures that perform functions for the benefit of society. Some examples are health care, the criminal justice system, and gangs. Some label gangs into this category because they are seen as useful, if they weren’t useful then society would have eliminated them a long time ago, according to this theory. It is the planned social structure. So gangs could be labeled as a family for those who don’t have a strong family tie. The second theory is called symbolic interactionism. It means our daily interactions create our reality. The example given is about not liking sushi (or any food) and your friends who do like it try to convince you otherwise. So your everyday interaction with your friends is changing your perspective on things. This example can also apply to TV shows, cars, clothing, etc. These are things that we might think we like now because of ourselves, but the reality of it is is that we like it now because our friends influenced us. And the final theory is the conflict perspective theory. Karl Marx is the one who inspired this theory in the sociology world. There are two or more groups in conflict with one another over power. That is the simple definition of this theory. Inequality is everywhere in our culture, just take a look around. So we look at the difference and the battle for power to understand what's going on. Key point, you can’t just identify the groups in power, you have to identify the behavior that comes into this situation. I found these theories really interesting and the video helped me understand them a little better. rosehtorns123

  5. When opening one's mind into the deep bends of the ever-changing world of sociology there are three main focuses to key in on: structural functional theory, social conflict theory, and symbolic interaction theory. Within the structural functional theory we can find the building blocks to society, including many detailed adjunct divisions that make up a greater whole. With the structural functional theory comes a unique way of examining society however, different divisions working as a whole to benefit the greater good while some of those divisions come with unintended consequences. When delving into the next focus of social conflict theory, it is important to note there are many different factors at play that ultimately influence the outcome and distribution of authority. Within social conflict theory exists several sub-conflicts that break down into both gender and race. Since the dawn of humanity millions of years ago it can be guaranteed that there has been an everlasting divide regarding authority, dominance, and subjectivity among both men and women, as well as among different races. Finally, we drop off at the symbolic interaction theory which is the sticky glue that essentially holds together the different niches within a society. In essence, if I take the same medications every morning before I go to school then the pervasive process of me doing that becomes a creation of my reality. This reality isn't just limited to one specific country like the United States of America either. It travels across the globe and back several times, transcending different symbols with many different meanings. We in America associate symbols with different things like restaurants, entertainment, money, and more. If I'm driving down the highway and I see the bright yellow McDonald's golden arches at two in the morning, I suddenly become very hungry and feel compelled to pull over and get something to eat.-MrG123

  6. The video talks about the three most commonly used theories in sociology today. They are the Structural Functional Theory or Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Perspective. The narrator Melanie Thacker starts to explain these three theories a little more in depth. First is Structural Functional theory which is that all parts of society work together for the good of society. We have created certain social structures that perform function. Now the social structures need to be positive or society would get rid of them. Some of the social structures that are mentioned are healthcare, the criminal justice system, and gangs. Melanie talks about gangs because people may be confused to think of gangs being positive. This theory is broken down into three subgroups, they are Manifest Function, Latent Function, and Dysfunction. Melanie goes on to use gangs for an example. She explained that Manifest Functions are a planned intended function of a society. Gangs are seen as a positive social structure because it could fill the void of a family for someone that doesn’t have one. So she said that gangs can act as a pseudo family. Next is the Latent Function. The Latent Function is an unintended function that comes out of a social structure. A Latent Function for gangs could be, that gangs can create jobs. Believe it or not some of the jobs created are more police officers are needed and more criminal justice personnel needed to handle the rise in crime rate. The third subgroup is Dysfunction. Dysfunction are things that come about that are unintended and also harmful to society. This can be easily seen with gangs as the violence and crime caused from the gangs. The next theory is Symbolic Interactionism. This is said to be our daily interactions creates our reality. Melanie gives an example of someone saying that they don’t like sushi. After hearing her friends talk it up, that person seems to all of the sudden like sushi. So basically it is other people helping us make up our thoughts. The final theory is Conflict Perspective. This is that there are two or more groups in conflict with one another over power. Melanie uses family as an example for this theory. She states the power struggles between parents and children, mother-in-law and wife, husband and wife, and tension between families. She then dissects the example of parents and a teen. Where the teen is wanting more freedom or power. The change in the teens behavior would be the teen acting nicer than usual or more responsible to have the parents think that the teen may deserve more freedom. She then says that this conflict of power is never ending. This theory is widely used because it can be used for many different situations. Diver123

  7. There were three main theories of sociology explained in this video. The first discussed is the structural functional theory. It is defined as social structures created for the function of society. According to this theory all social structures in society are working together for the good of society if a structure was not beneficial to society it would not exist. There are two consequences in social structures manifest and latent. Manifest functions are the positive consequences of a social structure. Latent functions are the unintended by still positive consequences of a social structures. Dysfunction are the unintended harmful consequences a social structure has on society. Every social structure has manifest functions, latent functions and dysfunction. When using the structural functional theory one should always be able to find manifest functions, latent functions, and dysfunction. The second theory she talks about is symbolic interactional theory. The symbolic interactional theory is defined as our daily interactions create reality. She explains that our interactions with family, friends, co-workers, media and anyone else we come in contact with shapes our ideas about the world. She explains the there are shared symbols within societies such as wedding rings that everyone understand meaning behind. Language is another example of a shared symbol within a culture. The final theory is the social perspective theory. Karl Marx created the ideas behind the social perspective in sociology. The social perspective is defined as two or more groups in a struggle for power. She explains there is always a group in power and a group struggling for power thus, there equality is always present in social structures. This theory is always active because one group is fighting to gain power and the group is fighting to remain in power and unless there is cooperation there will always be equality and a struggle for power. -Glass123

  8. There are many theories when it comes to sociology but the three important ones are symbolic interaction theory, the structural functional theory, and the social conflict theory. In this video she describes to us the theories themselves and how they work for starters we have Structural functional theory is “All parts of society are working together for the good of society”. Meaning that we work together as whole to better ourselves as a whole. The examples she used were health care, the criminal justice system, and even gangs. She used gangs as one not describing them as horrify violent people describing them as people who needed another family, she states that the reason gangs still exist because they're illegal activities help the economy in some way. The symbolic interaction theory is “ our daily interactions create our reality “ meaning that who you hang around or what they say that you might disagree with may change your perception of things. Another way you can use this is with symbols is think about what are the symbols and how they affect you. Like an american flag it is a symbol for our country and it makes me think automatically that we will live in a free country. The social conflict theory “ is having two or more groups in conflict with one and another over power” meaning that individuals try to gain power over one another. The example she used was a teenager trying to have more freedom also known has having more power over their parents so he cleans and the parents give him the freedom and then he is late coming home and he is now over his parents and they take that back and ground him so now they have full authority ( power). So there is no both sides winning it's either one or the other. Dancer123

  9. The three major theories of sociology are structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and the social conflict theory. Structural functionalism is the theory that every social force that exists is there for the betterment of society. When I heard this theory I was thinking that there is no possible way that everything benefits our society. However this theory makes more sense when the different functions for social forces are defined. Manifest functions are the intended consequences, latent functions are the unintended consequences and dysfunctions are the unintended consequences that affect our society in a negative way. These different functions help me to understand how it is possible for everything to have a positive effect on our society because even gangs for example can have a positive effect by providing police officers a job of catching them. In the video, the lady mentioned that all manifest functions have to positive. However this is the point where I would argue that while I agree that everything can have an unintentional benefit, not everything was intended to be beneficial. The second theory called the symbolic interactional theory says that our daily interactions create our reality. Every conversation or exchange we have with someone else will affect our future conversations and comments we make. If we really hate something but our friends all tell us they love it, we may be more open to trying it in the future. Lastly, the social conflict theory says that there are two or more groups in conflict with each other over power and that not all social force is for the benefit of all of society. If a group is trying to gain power they are going to act different as a means of attaining that power. This battle for power is everlasting because as one group gains power they are trying to keep it and the other is trying to take it. -Chameleon123

  10. There are three different types of theories people with a sociological perspective might have. These help people to understand how and why societies act the way that they do. Structural-functional, or functionalism, is the theory that a society is made up of a bunch of different working parts that come together to make the whole society work. This involves the social structures, which are the patterns of behavior in a society. Without one acting the way it did, another wouldn’t be that way. For example, she talks about gangs and how if we didn’t have them in a society, an economy wouldn’t have that boost they contribute. This theory says that different functions are what keeps a stable society flowing every day. Symbolic-interactionism, another theory, is based on the interactions that people with each other in society every day. These are smaller things that what the other theories focus on. So, as someone goes through their day in society, they will look at everything around them to help build their identity. Most likely, what is surrounding you is similar to the people who share the same reality. I think the combination of many people sharing different small experiences creates one entire culture in society. People bounce off each other’s ideas and experiences to help build their own. Everyone influences each other. The conflict perspective theory is one that is based off conflicting groups and how they generate the conflict and change. She gave an example of conflicts in family and how they affect behavior. So, a mother and daughter might fight for power in the household. She says that a daughter might do extra chore around the house and be nicer in an attempt for more freedom. This is abnormal behavior for the daughter and the only reason she is acting that way is because there is a conflict that she is trying to change. When the child gets the freedom, and abuses it, the result is the parent grounds the child. It is a nonstop conflict. -Kiwi123

  11. This video made me very aware of the three major sociology theories. The three major sociology theories are structural functional theory, symbolic-interaction theory, and social-conflict theory. According to the textbook, Structural-functional theory is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. It is also called functionalism. The things in society that are considered a structural- function is health care, criminal justice system, and gangs. In the video, it talked about that social functions which is the consequences of a social pattern for the operation of society has many functions. These functions are manifest and latent functions. Manifest function is when the consequence is recognized or intended of any social pattern. The manifest function fills the void for people who don’t have families when you are relating this function regarding gang members. The video used the military for an example of manifest function. In the military, the manifest function is to protect the United States from foreign enemies. When it comes to gang member’s crime is a latent function. Latent functions are the unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern. According to the video, in a gang crime is a latent function and in the military jobs are latent functions. The video stated how jobs is always a good example of latent functions. Symbolic-interaction theory is a broad focus on social structures that shape society. The social-conflict theory is a framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. With the symbolic-interaction your daily interactions with people is changing your perception. You tend to notice that the company you keep around starts to influence your behavior and/or thoughts. The video asked the question, “Have other people comments and thoughts interfere with my own comments and thoughts?” I believe that I can honestly answer that question with a, Yes! We have all experienced in life someone influencing us to do things whether it may have been our parents, teachers, etc. The video touched on the conflict perspective which includes two or more groups in conflict with each other in power. I see this type of behavior every day in society. I see it on the news, within my household, just everyday living. I feel that power is something everyone tries to maintain and pursue. Rendezvous123

  12. This video explained the three main sociology theories used in the work field today. The first one she had discussed was the structural functional theory. This theory suggests that all parts of society are working together for the good of society, and if a certain group was not beneficial, it would cease to exist. Structural functionalism also suggests that society creates social structures that perform specific functions for the good of society. There are three main types of functions: manifest, latent, and dysfunctions. Manifest functions are those that are planned or intended. Latent functions are unintended but still contribute to the good of society. Dysfunctions are those that are unintended, but also harmful to society. The next theory is called symbolic interactionism. This is the theory that daily interactions create our reality, and we change our perceptions of the truth based on people around us. When using this theory, one must be aware of different cultures, because different cultures interpret the same symbols different ways. Words can also be used as symbols. In the video, she uses the example of British and American english. Each language uses the same words, but they have different meanings depending on where their at. The third theory is conflict theory and it is based on Karl Marx's studies. This theory suggests that behavior is affected by conflict between two or more groups over power. This conflict is always a continuous struggle because the one in power wants to remain in power, while the one without power wants to consistently gain it. Each of these theories are interesting ways to view society as a whole, but in most cases I think all three of them could be looked at. Daisy123

  13. I think that the best way to understand the three main theories, or paradigms, is to see know what each of these theories looks for in societies. If I were someone who saw society from the structural-functional theory, I would most likely see society as an organization with lots of structure. I would say that society contains many people who each play a role in shaping the society. Everyone is like a part of a body or a machine. There is a social structure, or a common pattern of behaviors, present in society. Everything that happens in a society has a function that leads to results. Some of these functions are intentional, known as manifest functions. Other functions are unintentional. An example of an intentional, or manifest, function is going to college to get a job. Getting a spouse from college is an example of an unintentional, or latent, function. As a structural-functionalist I see society as purposeful and ordered. But, if I were to look at society through the social-conflict theory, I would see that society is full of winners and losers, essentially. Life is more like a predestined competition. There will always be people who come up short, and there will always be people who reap many benefits. Something both of these theories have in common is that they look at that the grand scheme of a society. Every person of a society is involved when looking through the perspective of these two theories. The final theory is one that requires examining the individual person. This is the symbolic-interaction theory, and it is based on how the individuals of a society see the world and their own society. Everyone lives his own reality. Some are shared and some are not. Society develops and changes constantly because people develop and change constantly. Someone looking at societies with this theory may say that society is the way it is because each individual person perceives his own society and reflects what he sees or wants to see. This leads to change. The symbolic-interaction theory ultimately says that society is shaped by individual people. I think that all of these theories contain aspects of truth and reason.

  14. In this excellent overview, Melanie Thacker extrapolates on the three main theories involved in sociology: structural functional, symbolic interactionism, and conflict perspective. Structural functional is the view that all parts of society work together for the betterment of society; in essence, society creates social structures that are intended to benefit society itself. If these social structure do not benefit society, we eradicate them. Professor Thacker uses the healthcare system, the justice system, the military, and gangs as examples of current social structures. She delves deeper into the social structure of gangs, looking into its manifest function (what it’s original purpose was), latent function (the unintended functions), and its dysfunction (the unintended and harmful outcomes.) Gangs in the United States, if I have my history correct, were originally created to protect minority groups (manifest.) Now, Thacker notes that they help keep the police and justice systems going (latent). Obviously, killing and violence are a dysfunction of gangs.
    Symbolic interactionism is the theory that our daily interactions create the reality in which we live. Thacker gives the analogy of a person who has never enjoyed sushi their entire life being suddenly coerced into going to a sushi restaurant simply because their friends were pressuring them. I think that media, especially political media right now, have a strong sway over the opinions of many people. Symbolic interactionism also relies on common symbols (such as a wedding ring) to nonverbally communicate messages. These symbols are not universal, however, and change from culture to culture.
    The last perspective is the conflict perspective which is based off of the ideas of Marx, the main premise being that there are always two or more groups in constant conflict with each other trying to gain power. The evidence of this is shown through the socio-economic inequalities which run rampant throughout most (if not all) cultures. An example Thacker gave was how housework in the family may present a conflict between parents and their teenage son. If the teen is smart, he will do more than he is asked concerning his chores and household duties, thereby manipulating his parents through kindness. If the parents give into this and grant him more freedom, the son will most likely abuse it and have his privileges revoked, thus initiated the cycle once more.

  15. This video discusses the three main theories in the sociological field. The first of these is the structural-functional theory. The main idea in this theory is that all parts of society work together to benefit society as a whole. We, as a society, create social structures that benefit society. These could be healthcare, gangs, or criminal justice systems. Gangs are considered a social structure in functionalism because functionalists believe that if it wasn’t beneficial we would eliminate it altogether. Functionalists identify manifest functions which are the intended benefits. They also identify unintended functions - called latent functions. An example of a latent function would be gangs boost the economy. Dysfunctions of social structures are always latent. The second theory is the symbolic interactionism. The idea of this theory is that our daily interactions create our own reality. A good example of this would be food. Your friends all like a certain food and you do not like it but you decide to try it because the interaction between your peers and you influenced your decision and thought process. There are symbols in our culture that also affect our behavior. The example she gave was a wedding ring. The wedding ring represents commitment to one specific person so you would think the person wearing it would no longer go out to bars and flirt with people and people looking at them would not flirt with them - hopefully - because they see that symbol of commitment. The last theory is the conflict-perspective theory. The main idea in this theory is that two or more groups are conflicting over power. A key point in this theory is that you don’t only identify the groups but their behavior as well. Examples of groups that could be in conflict of one another is husband and wife, parents and children or wife and stepmother. SAS123

  16. There are three very important theories based on sociology and the social interaction of all people. The first theory is the structural-functional theory and this is based on every force is there for the better of the society. All parts of the society are working together for the success of the society. Durkheim was one of the first structural functionalists. These people believe that every social structure in existence has a positive effect on the world. The woman in the video uses gangs as an example, which at first glance, does not seem like a group helping society. She argued this is a type of "family" for people, to feel part of a group. Gang activity also causes the need for jobs in certain areas. I could see how people could come up with something positive from any social structure after the discussion on gangs. The next theory is the social-conflict theory and this is the work of Carl Marx. This theory says that there are two or more forces battling for power. An example looked at in the video is the struggle of power within the family. I really understood this when thinking about the relationship between the child and parent. There is constantly a struggle for power between these people. The child creates behavior that is abnormal to gain power in the family. The child may be extra nice or cook for his parents with the intent to get what he wants, such as go to a party the next weekend. The last theory is the symbolic interaction theory thought up by Max Weber. This states that our reality is based on the social interactions we encounter throughout our day. This is the only micro level theory because it is based on small, specific situations. Your perception can be manipulated by the thoughts and comments of others to shape your reality. You may be talked into skydiving, with no intentions to jump out of a plane, because of the way a friend of yours explained it. This interaction shapes your reality. Without this interaction there would be no way you would go skydiving. Scuba123

  17. In sociology, there are three main theories. There is the social-conflict theory, the symbolic-interaction theory, and the structural-functional theory. The main idea of structural-functional theory, also known as functionalism, is that all parts of society are working together to better society. The title of the theory is actually helpful when learning about the theory. Social structures are healthcare, gangs, and things to that nature. All social structures are beneficial according to structural-functional theorists. There are planned intentions for all social structures. One example within the video are gangs. One beneficial structure society receives from gangs is that they can be like a family to people who do not family. An unintended function, or a latent function, of gangs would be something much less obvious. Gangs, believe it or not, actually boost our economy due to selling drugs and they make jobs even without trying. I have never even thought about unintended functions. As this type of theorist, he simply believes that every person is a body part, or each person has their own specific purpose. The next theory discussed is the symbolic-interaction theory. Simply, these theorists believe that "our daily interactions create our reality". These social interactions can easily change your perspective on life. Clothing, food, and other behaviors that we see in social settings can change because of friends, family members, and television. Our friend's thoughts, for example, can change our own thoughts. A wedding ring is a common symbol of trust and love in America. It will effect their own behavior and people around them. Someone, most likely, will not come over and flirt with them if they see that the person has a wedding ring on because the ring symbolizes a committed relationship. It effects yourself because you are not going to go out flirting with others at a bar, for example. The last theory is social-conflict. Family is a good example of this. Mothers and mother-in-laws in some families do not get along well. That is a social conflict. When parents have the power, teenagers will often try to gain more, while parents will always try to have the most. The conflict between power between children and parents will always exist. This simple is very applicable in everyday life and easy to grasp. Personally, I believe that all three of these theories have many truths, good reasoning, and evidence and examples to back the theorists up. -softball_savvy123

  18. This video has expanded on three kinds of sociological theories, structural functional theory, symbolic interaction, and social conflict. The one I understood was the symbolic interaction theory. For example, the video used an example about if your peers tell you that sushi is good, but you don't like sushi, if your friends keep talking to you about it, eventually you will want to go to a sushi place. Just like what was said in the video, "Daily interaction of people change our perception of things." In my experience, one of my friends is obsessed with watching all the seasons to cop TV shows. I never thought of looking for the seasons on DVD because I always waited for it to come on TV. After months of seeing her watch these shows, and seeing how the episodes aligned correctly. I finally started to rent out and find the seasons of my favorite TV shows. Another symbolic example the video used was that of the wedding ring. In a romantic situation, if one sees a man or woman with a wedding ring, automatically your intentions change, because you already saw that they belong to someone, and you need to keep friendly distance. I make obervations like that almost everyday. If I see a male when I am out, I always look at their left hand to see if their is any kind of ring just in case if they are married and I need to stop looking at them or whatever thought I have in my head. Symbolic interaction is important. By observing certain things, you know how to approach and treat the person differently than you already thought.

  19. My thoughts of the structural functional theory is that it sounds great, why wouldn’t we as a whole want to bring about betterment amongst our fellow neighbor? This theory will go with the road most traveled so to speak because it would be ideal for everyone to go down a path that would be more beneficial for the whole group, but what about the individuals who would not benefit from it? This theory might bring about a sense of confusion because how could someone argue that something is better for everyone except me, and not only is it not better for you but there’s nothing we can do to accommodate you during this dilemma. This theory fails to get on the level of each person and see what would be beneficial to each person instead of generalizing every person as one whole. So, do I think it’s a great theory yes but could it be better? Yes, it can but that would be a lot more to deal with than what people are willing to do.
    The symbolic interaction theory is a pretty neat theory. The way I understand it is that it uses the world around us to aide in decision making. It’s one thing to hear for instance, how well a product may work, but then to see the product in action brings about another emotion and may solidify or sway someone’s way of thinking. To me it’s similar to an identity builder because it’ll start to expose people to things that they may or may not like to do and it shows the level of influence people may have in their lives. It’s bizarre to have people undermine this theory because it sets standards that some people follow their entire lifetime.
    Social Conflict seems like it should be controversial just by the name alone. This theory most definitely occurs in our everyday lives. It’s a battle between 2 or more individuals over the fight for power, greed, and respect. One of the individuals involved may feel a sense of superiority than you and may have no problem openly showing it while the other individual may want to show they’re able to do the same or partake in the same activities as everyone else. As a result, lines get crossed, emotions run high, and feelings may get hurt. This particular theory will always arise in many societies especially in the United States because this country is such a diverse country and allows freedom of speech which gives people the right to openly voice their concerns which just might offend someone and bam here comes the arguing, fussing, or fighting. Reading about this theory I must say I enjoyed it because now I can understand and relate to how some of the individuals may feel and why they might feel that way. Benoodles123


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