Why Study Sociology in the First Place?

Why Study Sociology in the First Place?


  1. Studying sociology gives you an advantage in life in general. After studying it, you understand the world and can interpret opinions of others more clearly and easily. Having an awareness of the world is an advantage in any career; you gain an understanding of how social norms and interactions dictate the world around us, which can be manipulated to give you the upper hand in any situation. You can prepare for troubles that statistically happen in your demographics and help others in similar situations once you have an understanding of these patterns. For example, if statistics show that because you are living in a low income area and household, it will be more likely for you to not complete your degree. If you understand sociology and these patterns, you can prepare ahead for the troubles you may face and be more conscious of norms you have to break to achieve your goal of getting a degree. Once you are in the working world, an understanding of sociology could be that crucial difference that puts you ahead of your peers. After getting to know the people you work around, you can take your knowledge of sociology and apply it when interacting with them. You can become more sensitive to their belief systems, home lives, and economic backgrounds, and that sensitivity can help you to become someone who is easy to get along with, can lead a team well, and communicates more effectively. With better interpersonal skills, it sets you ahead in your career and allows you to become more successful. Similarly, understanding and being able to interpret external perspectives, especially globally, makes you a more well-rounded person. Those global perspectives can shape you and influence your everyday life in a positive way if you understand the sociological aspects and can learn from them. aardvark123

  2. Sociology is the study of human society. When we think about society we think of a group of people who live in the same area and share a similar way of life, but what we don’t think about is how much society effects everyday decisions. Being able to understand sociology gives us a better understanding on how the social system works, and can give us insight on how people relate to the social system. Sociology is constantly asking questions and getting more than one answer back, because there are so many aspects to the study of human culture. Sociology challenges us to expand our everyday thought process so we can expand our knowledge on everyday life. Sociology teaches us how the think globally, which then gives us an understanding on differing economic standings and how different countries affect the United States. Not only does sociology help us on a global level, but it can also help us on a personal level as well. It helps us grow by showing us the truth behind “common sense”, meaning some of the things we assume to be true simply are not true. It helps us see the opportunities and limitations in our daily lives, and in doing so gives us the ability to learn more about the world so we can peruse our dreams. Sociology empowers us to be active in our society, and can help teach us how to live in a diverse world. Sociology touches on economics, geography, race, gender issues and many others and relates it all back to our society and the problems we are having with all of those topics. Because sociology gives us an idea on how society, as well as life works it can also help us get the jobs we peruse in any field of work.

  3. Sociology is one of the most important and useful fields someone can study at a university. It is the study of our own society. Knowing why we do the things we do and the thoughts that we have is so interesting to me. We are very complex beings and just understanding who we are and why we are who we are is so fascinating in itself. The ability to step outside of your own perspective and see the perspective of others is valuable in any field you will ever go into. I would imagine a minor in sociology would be very beneficial and look really good on your resume for any job, especially ones working with people. Mastering the sociological imagination would also make you a better person. Automatically judging others for their social class or their acts would no longer be a problem. For example, if you were raised by two parents who let you do whatever you want, suffered from drug and alcohol abuse, and were barely able to pay the bills and put a roof over your head you could take your situation and break the norm. You would realize, that statistically, children who are raised like that usually end up just like their parents. Understanding sociology gives you an opportunity to look at your situation from a different perspective and see what you need to do to break the pattern and stereotype society has already made for you. I feel that people who study sociology are people who have questions about our society and the world that we live in. The world is also forever changing. The only way to understand these changes, and maybe even predict them is through the knowledge and understanding of sociology. The people that are teaching sociology are very passionate and committed to the field. These professors have a message to get across and strive to teach as many people as possible about the sociological perspective to better the society as a whole. Scuba123

  4. Universities require students to take a sociology class because it helps a student understand the society in which they live in. The lady in the video emphasizes the importance of sociology in almost every career field because, as she says, sociology is about finding answers to questions. Employers are searching for employees that are innovative thinkers, as the world is continually changing very rapidly. There is always something within a company that can be improved upon. Social-conflict sociology points out and inspires much needed change within social structure. Although it may not always be welcome change, creating a better environment for all employees will benefit a company in the long run. As we enter the workforce it is almost certain that we will be interacting with people very different from ourselves. Sociology gives a person understanding about the lives and choices of those around us. Seeing things from a sociological perspective can help students better interact with future co-workers or customers. Humans are prone to identifying patterns; sociology articulates and explains the social patterns we see so can communicate these ideas to each other. Communicating effectively is another career skill required to be successful in the workforce, and, as our world has become more globally centered it is possible that our future co-workers will be from across the globe so understanding the global perspective in sociology is important as well. Lastly, sociology aids one in fully understanding their own choices, for example, in class we talked about the link between isolation and depression/suicide. Suicide rates are the second leading cause of death among 25-34 year olds the knowledge that isolation fosters depression may help improve a one’s mental health, thus creating more productive students and workers. Employers need happy, informed, and critical thinking employees who can communicate effectively to have a successful business. Sociology is extremely helpful in creating these skills. -Glass123

  5. I think after one day of class and watching these videos my whole perspective on sociology has changed. I do not think that many people think about it often or ever at all. After watching this short video it opens your eyes to see how vital the study of sociology really is. In the video when she states how sociology used to not be something of importance and wasn't necessarily a vital field of study is really interesting. Because in order to understand all the crisis that are going around in the world you would need to understand society as a whole. You would need to understand why they behave the way they do and what makes them behave that way. Sociology also opens the door to studying why the behavior continues to happen. Why it is repeated numerous times throughout history. Therefor, for it to have not been important at one time is very odd. Sociology allows us to understand the world better along with ourselves better too. You begin to notice different things and I believe it makes you view everything in a very different way. You think about things much deeper that before. It makes your ask questions that you did not have before because you never even knew the correlation between the said events. Sociology is a key element in our world that I believe we need in order to evolve as a society. Litvi123

  6. Dr. Sarah Maltby did an excellent job at explaining what sociology is and why the integration of sociology is so important. She explained that sociology exists to answer questions about the world in which we live. It answers questions about what, how, and why. Therefore, sociology can benefit anyone and can be incorporated into any life. So why should someone study sociology? There are two reasons that I believe sociology should be studied. The first is gaining perspective. Being able to see the bigger picture and passed your own self opens your mind to endless possibilities. World changers are often people who have come to find that there is much more to life than themselves. Having empathy and being able to see the world from someone else’s state of mind can better someone as a person. Gaining perspective can also lead to better job opportunities. Businesses are rapidly growing and looking for ways to be the best. One way they are doing this is by finding ways to appeal to many types of people. In order for this to be done, there must be diverse thinking inside businesses so that a wide variety of people will be attracted. Understanding sociology helps people see from different perspectives, giving them that diverse mindset that many businesses are after. The second reason for why sociology should be studied is that it leads to awareness. Once someone has taken sociology, he has no excuse to be ignorant of the issues present in the world, or even in his own neighborhood. This ability to see from different perspectives that comes from sociology allows people to see that there are not only global issues that are not getting better, but there are also issues within miles of themselves that are not even being addressed. Sociology is a gateway to world change. It shows how prevalent hunger, poverty, domestic violence, and many other issues truly are. Ignorance is lessened as awareness is increased. If there are more people aware of the issues faced in our world, in our country, and even in our own neighborhoods, then more people will be likely to help make a difference. It is a duty for us as United States citizens to try to leave the world better for the generations after us. Why study sociology? Because sociology is the gateway to better people, and potentially a better world.

  7. Dr Sarah Maltby articulates extremely well her beliefs on why one should study sociology. I personally believe that sociology can be applied to any field of study seeing as how sociology is simply the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. Sociology encompasses all that we as humans do together as well as what we do by ourselves because what one does by alone may have an effect on those around them. Especially in today's day and age, sociology is of even more importance than it has ever been because of increasing numbers of both emigration and immigration. With people coming into our community from different backgrounds, whether that be economical, geographical, or religious, it is important to be able to understand from where that person draws their ideals.
    Studying sociology also, as Dr. Maltby notes, offers the student a sort of “...orientation to life.” From studying sociology, the student receives the knowledge of being able to better understand not only themselves, but also others around them along with their specific viewpoints. What this also means is that sociology is not a confined subject matter; it does not fit into only one box of academia. Instead, sociology spreads into all areas of every conceivable career path available while also possessing some specific vocations in and of itself. Sociology, whether a person realizes it or not, contains a large amount of what they do every day.
    A third reason for studying sociology is that it helps guide a person in not only asking good questions, but asking the right question. So many times in life, it seems like there is a perfect opportunity for research to be done on a current problem and yet no one seems to care enough to do anything about it. Sociology allows students to gain the knowledge on how to ask better questions to start eliciting some deeper answers about the world around them.

  8. Sociology is a want to understand why things happen and what exactly is happening, according to the video. It can fit in any job that you do. Studying and understanding sociology is important in your career. It helps with communication skills, manners, and understanding your surroundings. Sociology can help a person communicate and understand their boss, their co-workers, and their work environment. In the workplace, it is important to have observant, calm, and understanding people. Not just in the workplace but in basically everywhere. Whether it be your hairstylist that completely ruined your haircut or your boss yelling at you for something trivial, something happened in their day that made them do some irresponsible and immature way. Learning how to understand, accept, and communicate is vital in our everyday lives. Sociology gives us the tools to interact correctly with human beings. It is so important that if you study sociology, you can pretty much have any job. Knowing how people think, and learnig to observe people will help in any social and individual aspect of your life. Panda123

  9. Dr. Sarah Maltby explained that sociology is not only the systematic study of human society. It also answers the whys and whats of life. Before a sociology degree was used for people looking for a career in the social field only, which was a limited area. Now, sociology can be used in almost any career imaginable. This is why sociology is a required course for any associate's or bachelor's degree offered at most colleges and universities. It not only helps with social situations, but also helps you think and reason more creatively. This type of thinking is what businesses are looking for. Businesses are looking for people to look outside the box. Studying sociology can help train people to think this way. Dr. Sarah Maltby also states that sociology is not orientation to knowledge, but life. Taking a course in sociology helps make it easier to relate to others. Look at the area people come from and maybe find a way to relate to them. This can help in a situation where you need to explain how to do something. Finding a connection with the people you are talking to can make it easier to relate to them to explain something to them in their own terms. Understanding people and their situations can help a person succeed well in life. Sociology can help you achieve this ability .Sociology can help you know what to expect or anticipate from a group of people. Also let’s you know a little about yourself and others around you. This can help you change an expected outcome for yourself. It can help you make better decisions to change an anticipated or undesirable situation. For example, maybe nobody in your immediate family has received a college degree. This could help drive you to make better choices to achieve this. Diver123

  10. I noticed above that another classmate had mentioned their perspective on sociology had completely changed even after having just one day of class. After watching this video I actually couldn't agree more. There is an essence in studying sociology in that it both builds character and allows the person learning to see through a different pair of eyes. In the modern world we live in it seems that we all get caught in the ruff and tough of our daily routines often not stopping to think much about the world around us and how we are influencing it, as well as how it influences us. Studying sociology furthers one's education by teaching them the important constructs that allow one to break down the barriers of self limitation and pursue fulfillment in all that life has to offer. More often than not we as people are searching for something that we still haven't found. Whether that be something as simple as a chosen career path, a person to spend the rest of our lives with, or even happiness. Through the study of sociology we may not exactly find and grasp the things in which we are searching for but we will at least leave with a better understanding of why it is we are searching for these things in life, and how we decide what it is we are looking for. Life can seem both trivial and trying at times but we are often carried by are own freewill to pursue a better life for ourselves and those around us. Taking even just one sociology class at some point in one's academic career as well as examining the sociological imagination will open up so many new doorways to understanding the world and finding the meaning to life. Looking from within and then looking from the outside are the first two steps.-MrG123

  11. Among college disciplines, sociology represents one of the most interesting and thought-provoking disciplines to study, for a unique and important reason. Rather than being focused on a specific segment of human life like its politics, biology, or history, sociology is rather focused on the broad strokes of life itself. Thus, sociology is particularly beneficial to study for someone who is interested in how different environments leave impacts on human beings - essentially how each one of us in society came to be. This also helps to contextualize our own lives and make informed decisions bearing in mind the sociological factors behind our actions. Sarah Maltby describes this as the “whats” and “whys” of life, which I found to be an incredibly succinct description of the discipline. In this mini-definition, Maltby explains how the discipline is more than a standard study but rather a broad study of every aspect of our lives. However, this isn’t only beneficial in the context of education for the sake of education; sociology provides skills to be able to succeed in a variety of careers. For example, it provides students with the skills to understand the lives of individuals. This is a crucial component of persuasion and effective communication within business deals. Some forms of sociology can also provide the student with tools to engage in powerful activism to drive positive social change. In relation to social change, sociology is one of the only disciplines that explicitly acknowledges and focuses on those living in the margins of society. This provides the student the ability to better empathize with those less fortunate than themselves, driving forward social change for all individuals. Personally, I am most interested in studying sociology for the purpose of understanding the social processes of the world around me in a way unlike any other discipline. - dday123

  12. Sociology is the study of society, and the patterns found within society. As a whole, society can be defined as a community of people living together. Societal patterns can be found in smaller scales, as well as global scales. Studying human society is about being curious enough to ask questions like "Why is this happening?" and "What exactly is happening?" Sociology gives you a new outlook on life and the functioning world around you. Studying sociology requires passion and adaptability as the world is constantly and rapidly changing. It was once thought that a major in sociology would only lead to a career in the social work field. However, nowadays this is not the case. With so many specializations within sociology, such as media, global news, crime, terrorism, etc., there are many fields of work in need of sociologists. All these new specializations give sociology the cutting edge for keeping up with society's changes. If you are passionate about the ever-changing world around us, beginning to understand sociology really will give you a chance to see the world from a new sociological prospective. Daisy123

  13. Humankind has always been curious. We have the ability to think freely. Because of this, we have become a well developed species that is constantly learning and discovering. One of the curiosities we are fascinated with is ourselves. Sociology is one of the newer sciences that focuses on the understanding of human society and why we make the decisions that we make. Being able to understand our decision making is important to how we live. Humans are social animals and we are constantly interacting with people. Simply by watching the news, we can apply what we know from sociology to have a better understanding of why the things are happening in the world. We can use many sociological principles, like social imagination, in our everyday lives. Having an understanding of sociology allows us to interact with others using a different kind of approach. Being able to have an understanding of people's decision making can give us an advantage to possible negotiating or persuasion. Studying sociology allows us to open up our minds and gives us an understanding to why we do what we do. Having this kind of understanding lets us challenge the decisions that we know we make due to what society says. In addition, this kind of knowledge can also give us an opportunity to change society. If we know about bad social habits, we can all actively try and change those habits to benefit the rest of society. After being in class and watching these videos, sociology is much more complex and interesting from what I originally thought. I never realized that sociology has many different areas that it is incorporated with. I think that is another reason why it important to study sociology. It touches on so many different areas that it simply can not be left out of one’s education. Check123

  14. The study of sociology allows you as an individual to ask questions and try to understand what is going on in the world around you. I feel that people use sociology on a daily basis. Sociology can fit into any job in the world. It allows you to socialize and figure out your wondering thoughts. It allows you to integrate our research into our teachings. When your faced with a certain situation it allows you to realize that you are not alone. Studying sociology gives you the voice to question what is going on in today's society. Why? What? When? and Where? is the questions we ask ourselves in our everyday living. Sociology gives you an outlook on how to answer the questions you maybe seeking to know. In all actuality if you take a group of people no matter race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or background sociology will force some type of opinion or form a question. Now those questions is a part of sociology. Making you want answers on why things are the way they are is a reason to study sociology. I feel that studying sociology is interesting because it allows you to understand society. I never understood what sociology was until today. I think that studying sociology is something that everyone should take within their lifetime. I never knew for sociology to be a part of everyday living. I think that studying sociology would give myself a better understanding on what is going in politics and the world as a whole. Rendezvous123

  15. Sociology allows you to understand the world around by asking questions and researching behaviors of society. The people who question our society. Wondering why certain things are happening within our world, for example. These people make the best sociologists because of their curiosity. Honestly, I was not too sure what the study of sociology was before I began this class. I thought that it may be similar to psychology, but it is not the same. Being in a sociology class, at least one, should be a requirement for everyone. Everyone needs a better understanding about the world we live in, our society, politics, and people's perspectives. Learning why people think the way the do, why they say the things they do, and why they do the things they do will allow people to become much more tolerant of one another which is important within a society. It is intriguing that studying sociology is beneficial in every occupation in the work field. Understanding people and having good people skills is essential for all jobs. Managers and owners can usually tell right off the bat whether or not a person has good social skills. Sociology can help everyone become better because you are learning to be tolerant and understanding of people's feelings, actions, religion, sexual orientation, and so forth. Studying sociology does not only help people understand the people around them, it also helps them learn more about themselves. Being able to understand public crises around you, is very important in strengthening our society. People too often look at public issues as personal. -softball_savvy123

  16. Sociology is how one sees the world in not only theirs shoes but putting themselves in the shoes of others, It's the study of how society works. In the video " The Sociological Imagination" it describes how sociological research is guided by facts and the workplace but this did not sit well with Mills. Mills believes that in order for a person to have effective sociological imagination they need to be able to imagine. By this he means " the quality of mind" is being able to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself in the shoes of others. In order to have an effective quality of mind one needs to not only report back how they see society they need to stay objective of the world and its problems. The researcher needs to be aware of the problem, its causes, and they need to put themselves into the shoes of the victim. For an example if a researcher's reports back how many people are homeless, he needs to be aware of how it feels to be homeless meaning he needs to think of the causes of being homeless like being stranded by family, not being able to keep a job, not being able to make it to work because of transportation, being addicted to drugs, and the list for being homeless could go on and on. That is what Mills was trying to explain, people of society don't think about others circumstances when it comes to someone struggle or down fall, they don't see the big picture they only see whats infront of them. Also in the video it talks about how the issues are social problems and not just individual problems meaning people need to identify the problems as a whole and not just from an individual standpoint. Back to what Mills was talking about you will never understand “ the quality of mind” if you don't put yourself in the shoes of others or in other words you will remain a simple minded individual. Dancer123

  17. Sociology is how one sees the world in not only theirs shoes but putting themselves in the shoes of others, It's the study of how society works. In the video " The Sociological Imagination" it describes how sociological research is guided by facts and the workplace but this did not sit well with Mills. Mills believes that in order for a person to have effective sociological imagination they need to be able to imagine. By this he means " the quality of mind" is being able to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself in the shoes of others. In order to have an effective quality of mind one needs to not only report back how they see society they need to stay objective of the world and its problems. The researcher needs to be aware of the problem, its causes, and they need to put themselves into the shoes of the victim. For an example if a researcher's reports back how many people are homeless, he needs to be aware of how it feels to be homeless meaning he needs to think of the causes of being homeless like being stranded by family, not being able to keep a job, not being able to make it to work because of transportation, being addicted to drugs, and the list for being homeless could go on and on. That is what Mills was trying to explain, people of society don't think about others circumstances when it comes to someone struggle or down fall, they don't see the big picture they only see whats infront of them. Also in the video it talks about how the issues are social problems and not just individual problems meaning people need to identify the problems as a whole and not just from an individual standpoint. Back to what Mills was talking about you will never understand “ the quality of mind” if you don't put yourself in the shoes of others or in other words you will remain a simple minded individual.-Dancer123

    1. ignore this one too. Dancer123

  18. I think the first interesting statement she made was that most people go after degrees that provide them with some opportunity of employment, and then she goes on to say that sociology is both a career and a passion. A lot of people go into a major with the sole intention of be able to make money when they graduate. It’s refreshing to hear that sociology not only offers the income, but will help you to better the world around you. The world has a lot of controversial issues taking place at the moment and she explains how sociology helps you to understand these issues. Understanding sociology would make understanding life easier. She even says sociology would help you when working in any job. This is true because many careers deal with the world and the people in the world. Having a sociological imagination in any field would increase your chance of successful interactions with people and situations. I liked the idea of taking students out to the city of London to practice sociology. I think that providing students with a chance to see their own society in a new perspective is important. It would be very eye-opening to walk around your home city with the purpose of “doing” sociology. This could open your eyes to problems and actions of your own society that you have never noticed and could possibly make you want to fix them. Everyone has something to offer the world and I think practicing sociology allows us to be more motivated to take action and feel more confident about approaching issues in society with that better understanding. Understanding why things are happening brings society together as well. If everyone had a sociological imagination, there would be less focus on petty matters and more on the ones that affect everyone as a whole every day.-Kiwi123

  19. I find it very interesting to read all of the posts above from my classmates and see how similarly our perspectives are already changing. Studying sociology is important because it's life. It's a way to view the world that is not at such an individualistic level. Whether we realize it or not, our society plays an enormous role in every decision we make. (For example, we discussed in class how a personal decision like how many children you will have is very dependent upon the culture you live in.) I found that discussion very interesting because it is not just dependent on the country you live in. My family is Apostolic Christian, and my friend is a Lutheran. While my cousins and my friend live in the same town, went to the same school, and are similar ages they go to different churches. My aunt has seven children, my friend has two. Both family sizes are common in their churches. I didn't realize how sociology is everywhere before today's class and I can tell that studying sociology deeper is going to bring so much light on ideas I had not even thought of before. Dr. Maltby did a nice job explaining how sociology plays into every career path you could take. She explained how sociology is important because it answers the questions. The what, why, how. Studying sociology makes us more tolerant of the world around us and helps us to understand the differences between us better. She talks about "doing" sociology in London with students from there. She said they find it cool to see the place they grew up in such a different way because they understand the what, how and why's more than they did before. Sociology is beneficial in all job areas, which is why it is a required class to take. In the past, a sociology class would only be used to go into the social field. Today, sociology is used across the board due to its importance. SAS123

  20. The video “ why study a sociology degree at university” she is talking about how people didn't view sociology as an important aspect of education. But then soon realize that we need sociology for any job we partake in because of the fact we are constantly dealing with other individuals for our entire lives. People should study sociology in college no matter what college it is due to the fact that students will use this learning outside of the school aspect. Sociology teaches you how people think in certain situations, so with that being said you need to have some type of knowledge of sociology which includes how people think and how they react to certain situations. The study of sociology can lead to a better society so for those who have not taken this course but are done with school have missed out on a learning opportunity that will be useful to them whether it be at home or work they will not take the time out of their day to stop and think of the underlying problems of other individuals. To those who have or are taking sociology will have a better understanding of society and how it works.They are one step ahead of the people who have finished before them. Studying sociology helps you learn behavior patterns throughout human society. By this I mean studying people's behavior patterns may give you answers on their life styles.Back to the video she stated that in one of the sociology classes they were required to go out and do sociology in London meaning students who already live in london get to view London as a whole different place. They took learning sociology and turned it into doing sociology and actually doing the research themselves. I feel sociology is essential in everyone's education. Dancer123

  21. It is only through examining our society and the interactions that take place inside of it that we can understand and address the problems happening in our world, or even between two people. While sociology used to be considered a useful tool if you were going into the social field, it has now been recognized as an extremely important credit for life in general. No matter what your future is, an understanding of sociology will benefit you. It helps people to expand their mind to include the perspectives of people with a different background than theirs and that will affect every decision they make. Even something as simple as a conflict between coworkers could be prevented if they had knowledge on sociology. For example, say one employee tended to yell at his coworkers and as a result his coworkers all outcasted him and treated him unfairly at work. However, his coworkers did not know that he was abused growing up and that yelling was how his parents communicated and how he was taught to communicate. If this man's coworkers would have been educated on sociology they would have considered his background and reasons for his actions rather than jumping to the conclusion that he is just mean. So sociology can create a better work environment due to better communication and critical thinking skills. However communication skills do not end at the workplace. For example, communication between continents allows for global trade which requires us to know the different cultures so that we do not offend anyone and we can understand their actions. Without sociology, people would think about themselves as being separate from everyone else. We need education on sociology in order to understand how we are all interconnected and that will be invaluable in wherever we go in life. -Chameleon123

  22. Sociology is a very interesting topic to study simply because it allows people to be able to recognize and connect with other people whether they are from the same walks of life or are on different paths in life. It allows our minds to be open to the fact that there are many different reasons why some things happen within a certain group of people or within society around the world, and that everyone's opinion does not have to come out of a box to be socially accepted. Studying sociology shows us that although we are so different, we are actually quite the same as well. Personally, I think it is astounding to be able see trends and why some people do or say some of the things they say and how influential one's society is on them. I myself am guilty of thinking that I am my own person and that I am driven by my own ideas and thoughts but in all actuality, I'm shaped by my culture, religion, as well as what some may call socially acceptable behavior. I agree with Dr. Maltby that sociology will help students in their careers because it helps people to understand one another and to realize that although a person thinks differently than the next person, the same two people with differing viewpoints, both can shed light onto the same situation. It would also open up so many different doors (jobs) because a person with a sociology background may be better versed than a peer applicant and would better be able to handle a broader, more difficult situation if placed in that position. Studying sociology is a very important concept and it is definitely not just beneficial to a certain group but is extremely important to the whole world. It looks at ways that can improve mankind not just one certain group/ individual. benoodles123

  23. This video gave a very great introduction to sociology in my opinion. She talked about what it was in a general sense and why it is important to our everyday society. To be honest, I actually didn’t know what sociology was when I first joined this class and this video helped me understand why it is important for students to understand this. Sociology is really important for any major, for it is literally anything. Pretty much all degrees in an undergraduate school have you take this course to help you better understand what is going on in the world around you per say. She mentions what kind of work sociology can help you get into. In the past, sociology helped you get into the working field that involved being social, but nowadays you can get into almost any job with a sociology major. Capitalism is mentioned in the video as an example of our everyday changing world, which I completely agree with. The world is changing everyday, just take a look at the news. The world is documented through communication networks, like she says, which I’m guessing she means that everyday things that are happening in the world can be documented and accessed through technology. The world is strongly understood through sociology, that is it’s study after all. Since the world is continually changing, this makes it easy for sociology to fit into almost any job category. The video takes place in a college in London, so a question is proposed about why students (undergraduates) should study sociology. And I think that this question can be adressed to any school across the world. This is a way for people to better understand the world we live in before the work in the real world. Sociology can be done in pretty much any environment, whether it be work or living related.


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