Active Shooter Training....Thoughts?


  1. The thought of an active shooter possibly coming to ICC was a terrifying thought. When I saw this video it really got me thinking about a situation like that. How would I get out? Where would I go? What would I do if I had to fight? Would I be able to fight? Would I make it out alive and what would happen if I didn’t? All these questions had scary answers to them. I might not get out. There might not be anywhere to go. I might not be strong enough to fight back. I might not make it out alive and my family would be suffering the loss. It really made me think about all the steps provided. I now know what I need to do and now I’m prepared to think on my feet if I need to. I know my ways out from every location that my classes are at. I have thought of many ways that I can use different random objects to protect myself. It’s amazing how cool your imagination can make you seem when you’re thinking about yourself fighting with a pencil. In all reality though, I think I imagined myself being the cop of the situation more than the student in the situation. I can’t see myself being in a victim situation. I could see myself as a cop. Even though I don’t have any police officer training yet, I could imagine myself doing it in the way I thought would be logically correct. This does not go to say that it might not ever happen to me because it most certainly could. No one can see the future so at least now I’m aware and prepared, much like everyone should be about even just walking into a store. There’s a possibility of danger everywhere a person goes. SomethingProfound123

    1. Yes a school shooter at ICC is horrifying, but at least us students would know how to take care of the situation unlike most of the student population. Having all these questions cross your mind now are a lot better than having them cross your mind if the moment may come. If we have all these questions answered now then maybe during the time of the shooter we would be able to help many others. Knowing all the stuff that we know now from this video really helps getting us help not only ourselves, but those around us in the school. Illini123

    2. I agree with you as well because I said the same thing in my response. I feel that if anything this video makes you more aware. It also keeps people to realize something like this can happen. Just like how you said it made you think about that situation, what you would do and how you would react. That's why I think all the college students should have to watch this video. It will have a different affect on everyone because we all absorb things differently but I bet all will pay it some sort of attention to it. It helps you think about the situation and instill a plan in your mind so you don't panic. McBrightyalife456

  2. Responding to a school shooter would be a lot easier if they would let us concealed carry in school. It's rather degrading that all we're supposed to do is "swarm" the shooter and hope that nobody's nerve fails.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum.

    1. One hundred percent agree with your first statement. It is a complete joke that nobody is allowed to have guns on campus legally besides a few police officers and the bad guys. Why in the heck can properly trained citizens not carry legally on a college campus just like they can do so just about anywhere else. How is it a danger to have properly trained people armed on campus? They are no more of a danger than some jack*** with a gun in their coat, backpack, etc that is trying to kill others. I'm from the south and it's pretty much a disgrace when these shootings happen, but all the properly trained people were disarmed by the schools. Countless lives have been lost and will continue to be lost until the fools in state governments and college boards decide to change their worthless rules. We as a community can not continue to let this cycle of violence proceed when some people have the ability to eliminate the threats. Fireboy123

    2. Anyone with clear background can get a concealed carry license regardless of the amount of time they have to spend in the classes to get it. Just because you may or may not have the proper training doesn't mean you wont just snap one day. Heck what if the active shooter had a concealed carry license. Any nut job can think they are an experienced shooter when in reality all they have shot was things in an open field and not under preassure. Now I Am not against guns but the rules and regualations need a bit more thought on how you can get a gun. ~myhearseisnotafuneralcar456~

    3. I agree with you if they allow us to have our concealed carry in school it would make easier to protect ourselves when events like this happen. But at the same time, not all concealed carry holders know what to do in case an event like this occurs. Just because a person has a concealed carry license, it does not mean that person can protect and fight for others. Also, we have a different law in Illinois than other states that we cannot carry our concealed carry in school public building and parking area. I know what you mean, and it looks like the law will not change anytime soon. -M.Scott456

    4. I believe that anyone that meets the requirements to get a concealed carry license should be able to. I am not against the 2nd amendment what so ever. However, allowing everyone to carry anywhere and everyone could or could not create much more chaos. What happens when a weapon gets into the hands of someone that should not have it? What happens when multiple people start shooting at the same time? Looking at it from the law enforcement side this could make their jobs that much harder. Yes, carrying and being able to protect yourself during a time like this is great, fantastic, but you have to look at the advantages and disadvantages as well. UofM123

    5. I think it would be a disadvantage to have concealed carry on campus. It could cause more problems then what it would be worth. having more weapon on campus could lead to more shootings. It would also make it rough on law enforcement, making them have to decide who is the good guy and who is the bad. Jeeper123

  3. Obviously an extremely necessary video for students and faculty to be aware of, I think this video was well thought out and put together very creatively. Thinking about an active shooter makes me nervous, but since ICC is such a big campus, I’m also a bit relieved. I must say that I’m a bit curious as to why the whole “Run, Hide, Fight” idea wasn’t incorporated into this video like the other video for Ohio State University. I did however like that this video talked about lowering each other out a window if possible, using articles of clothing and trying to land on a bush or bed of mulch, whereas the other video didn’t discuss this. - Thanos789

    1. I agree that these kind of videos should be extremely necessary for students and faculty to be aware of because we need to prepare ourselves because this could happen at anytime. This video did incorporate the "run, hide, and fight" but they weren't that easily spotted or heard. The running way getting away through the window, the fighting was when the students attacked the shooter and the hiding was when they silenced their phones and blocked the door. I really enjoyed the video although I have seen it a few times.

  4. This video was an eye opener and very interesting. It is nerve wracking to think this could happen at our school or anywhere else for that matter. To see that it has happened in many different states in the past makes me feel like this video is a necessity to prepare students and faculty for the possibility of what could happen. It held my attention because now knowing this happens, knowing what to do is extremely important. Learning how to spot a shooter or recognize what is going on around you is very important and reacting without hesitation can save not only your life but someone else’s too. I learned you can hide and how to hide if needed. I would never have thought to silence my phone that would have been the last thing on my mind. So being conscious about it and making that decision can help save the life of you and everyone in that room with you. I also realize I should pay more attention to my surroundings. I am good at noticing people around me but I am not used to knowing my exits. Mostly because I am known to be a creature of habit so I take the same entrance and exit every time I enter a building. I agree that having a plan you have gone over and practiced in your head is a good idea. Being prepared and mindfully prepared to do what you have to survive, to know your exits and not panic or hesitate.

  5. The entire time I was watching this video my adrenaline was rushing. Not just because of this video, but because it got me thinking how niave people in our country actually are. I can say that I am the only one in my family and friends that are fully aware of their surroundings at all times. I am constantly telling my friends to get off their phones as they are walking through a parking lot, or asking them if they even know their nearest exit. Of course they respond as nothing will ever happen. In spite of that, that is a poor mindset they have. Many people believe that nothing bad will happen to them, and it most likely won't. But lets prepair ourselves for those possibilities.

    Back to the shooting video specifically. I think this is an outstanding video. It gives people the sense of security, belief and knowledge for themselves and may be the people surrounding them. Although, I would like to see schools teach faculty and students how to secure certain areas. Not everyone has a key to doors, so may be they could teach the population of the campuses how to properly secure themselves and others inside a room. Blocking a door with desks may not be enough to stop an active shooter from coming into the room. So if we do have a belt, or some certain object that could do the job, how do we do the job?

    I have never been in a situation like this, and I pray that I don't. But I think for certain individuals, and myself it would be difficult to stop ourselves from attacking the shooter. It says the first goal is to run. Running is the safest thing to do. But I feel like it would be difficult for myself to not run, dodge the shooter so he/she don't know where I am at and attack them with an object that would hopefully put them to a stop. Now who knows, if I was put in this situation I might run for my life and cry like a baby. But right now as I sit here and think about it, I would want to eliminate the shooter before he/she harmed anyone else. So I think that would be my biggest downfall is thinking I am capable of that. Rugby_456

    1. I understand where you are coming from in your point of view and it is a good thing that you would want to try and stand and fight not just for yourself but for others as well. I know from first hand experience that I would fight back. No I have not ever been in a school or active shooter experience and I hope that I never am but I have been in combat. I don't know your level of training or experience with situations such as these but from what you wrote it doesn't sound like much. If that is the case then I would hope that instead of fighting back and putting yourself in harms way that you would actually follow what the video teaches.


    2. I agree everybody nowadays is too busy either texting or checking social media to care about what is going on in their surroundings. I agree I think that we do need to teach staff or faculty how to secure the rooms, because if they do not know what to do in this kind of scenario then they will most likely be the ones who are targeted first, since they will be the easiest target. Having some sort of object no matter what it may be can be better than trying to face the intruder with just your hands while they may have a gun or knife. Illini456

    3. You don't really know how you'll respond in a high intensity situation like this until you're in one. Adrenaline takes over and everything you do is based upon your basic instinct. You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your training. I can understand the idea that you could and would fight back, it's entirely plausible in a non-adrenaline induced haze. You could fight back and would probably win if you were level headed. However, in situations like this that's never the case. That's why these videos tell us to run and hide before we fight. Unless you have previous experience with this sort of thing and know how you're going to react, don't risk fighting.


  6. To sit back and think when the Columbine shooting hit, I was maybe a fourth grader. I really never thought what would I do if this was my school? Did I even really understand what had happened? Even as an adult I've never really gave it much thought. I mean be honest, do you really think about what you would do if your school had a shooter? This video really changed the way I think about school shootings or school violence.

    I could tell you how I would react to this situation, but I feel it would be a unknown. I feel no one truly knows how we will react until in the situation happens. That's where this video comes into play. We now have a play by play to help us stay calm if this situation arises. It would be amazing if every school would play or could play this video or something similar because you always think it wont happen here. No way would it happen to you? As I am learning you never know what can happen its better to be aware then dumbfounded when the situation approaches you.

    I try to imagine if I were the people in the video, would I just hide because I'm to scared the attacker will catch me? Would I text as many as I could and run out? Even though it would be very heroic, but not quite me. Would I fight and save who I could possibly risking my own life? Like I said before I don't know what I would do. I pray that I never have to encounter this situation. Gander_789

    1. You thought of all the same questions I had when I watched this video. I think everyone probably had these questions running through their minds. It's completely understandable because with a scary situation and everyone has a tendency to think or their own mortality, the morality of others and their responsibility to others lives. Some people wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of knowing that if they did nothing, they could die along with the person next to them. The consequences are real if we don't know how to handle the situation and just like you said, in being an adult, just like you, we don't often give it a thought until it's right in front of us. You were right in saying that people wouldn't really know how to react until it actually happens. I don't know how I would react. I could be a hero or I could be too scared. I suppose we won't know until it would happen and in the meantime, we can just hope that it doesn't happen. SomethingProfound123

  7. In real life a gun men entering the school is unreal until it happens. Running may come to your mind but alot of people freeze first. Fighting seems stupid since its a gun and a backpack or pencil. I would just let my mind take over and not freak out. Freaking out gets you hurt and others depending on the situation. We hear so much about gun violence in today's world that we shouldnt be too much shocked. People are just plain crazy. So nobody ever wants to be in this position or wish it for anyone.
    -Detective Stabler

    1. I agree , it is unreal you wouldn't know what to do. we say to run but all you can do is freeze and think about what could or is going to happen to you. fighting with a man with a gun, come on now I feel like that's had because all they have to do is shoot nothing more to it. Hiding is the only thing you could do and just wait and be quiet. its just crazy enough for someone to even thing about shooting a school not only that but innocent people.-BABYBLUE123

  8. As students and a society we are taught to play it safe to run and or hide. But As a veteran and as someone that wants to be a cop I don't believe that I could or should do those things. My whole life I have been taught and trained not to run from but to danger to protect the one that cant protect themselves. If I ran or stayed put and hid and someone was either injured or killed because of it I would feel guilty for not at least trying to stop the person or people. I understand that the majority of society does not have training to fight back and I would hope those people would get to safety rather than try to fight but if a person has the knowledge and the ability to help stop an event like this continuing on then I would hope that that person would do so as well. Now coming from a police prospective I understand why they ask people trained or not to run and or hide, due to part it is their job to keep the public safe. I also know that it in ways does make their job more difficult do to them not know who the suspect or suspects are when they arrive so it could put you in their prospective line of fire. This is why it is important to teach and show students and the public what to do in these kind of situations. But if I am ever put in that position I couldn't just turn and run, hide or stand by and do nothing. I would do whatever I could to help get people out and stop the occurrence from continuing on.


  9. When I watched this video it really got me thinking. I would never want to be in that position if an active shooter came to ICC. I wouldn’t know what to do or where to go, my only thought would be is what if they shoot me. When I go anywhere that I personally never been I always look for exits. It’s important to know where you’re at and what doors you can leave out of. The running is always your first thought, of course you’re going to run. Why would I just stand there and wait for him to get where I am and shoot me? Its common sense to run and hide. The fighting part would have to be the hardest for me, I am fighting someone with something that could kill or even injure me quickly. What if you’re not around something to use in then shooter? What to do now? School violence and Shooting has been a little popular so you have to be prepared for anything that comes your way. The best thing to do is be safe and follow what he video says because it can happen at any time. –BABYBLUE123

    1. I personally would have been extremely panicked being in an active shooter situation and would not have been able to properly function or make proper decisions. I agree that the hardest part for me to overcome is to fight for my life. However, I would much rather die trying to save myself then let the intruder take my life with me hiding away. I believe that the adrenaline in my body would give me the strength to overcome that situation. After watching the video I am a lot more prepared and level-minded of the possibility that this could happen to me. Sunshine123

    2. This video really does open our eyes to the fact that school shootings are a very real thing that occurs in our society and knowing how to protect ourselves is important because it can be the difference between life and death. I'm pretty sure that everybody would admit that when they enter a building they are not to going to think about where the best exit routes if a shooting were to take place. It is just not something we can fully expect to happen, but it is something we need to be prepared for. Gymlife123

  10. I find it extremely important for everyone to watch this video or others just like it in order to be prepared for a situation like this. Some people might think it would never happen to them so there’s no reason to even think about what to do. However, like the video pointed out if someone who is not prepared is caught in such a horrible situation like an active shooter in their building they are going to spend more time panicking than actually taking action. If an active shooter is in the building I would feel a lot more comfortable knowing that everyone has seen a video like this so we can work together in order to keep everyone as safe as we can. I learned if I was in a predicament were the weapon is visible in the room I am in to make sure to cover it so the police do not have to worry. Some important key points brought up in the video were not to stay bunched up together in one certain spot because that creates an easy target. Also, if it is known that the intruder is close or able to get into the room you are hiding in to have a game plan. This can be done even before you’re stuck in this situation as the video pointed out that before you’re in an event like an active shooter to look around the room you stay in and make a game plan. This includes what items could be used as a weapon in the room and/or how to possible lock or block the main entrance. I learned that if I am with a group of people and the intruder comes into the room to have one person go for the weapon and have the others go for the intruder’s legs and arms. Sunshine123

  11. During a active shooter process our mind will go through the fight or flight stages. If I so happen to go in to flight mode I wouldn't run out the door to the nearest exit blindly running in to the shooter. if my class room has a window I'm gonna escape out of it even if I have to break it. why? Glass is a potential weapon if I fail to get out of said window or if I do get out of said window. Also the shooter will be inside and I will be going out side to run in a wide open area with more visuals. If I escape out of a door their are blind corners and rooms that the said shooter can pop around surprising you and you freeze. Now if I go into fight mode I'm going into fight mode. I refuse to let someone shoot me easily or my fellow students. What if the shooter is a fellow student? They know what we are going to do all they would have to do is stand by the exit and just gun us down. Be observant of those in class with you, suspect the unexpected. listen to their topic conversations. ~myhearseisnotafuneralcar456~ PS, this is the second time I had to type this , my first one did not post

  12. I have a huge fear of something like this happening, in all honesty. I fight fear with preparedness, though, so this presentation was a good way of quelling my fear by telling me what to do if this was to ever happen. I learned to run, hide and fight. The first two I am fairly confident about. The third, however, is a little daunting. I am a very small, timid and reserved person who has never had a physical altercation. I have to believe that in an event I will be pumped with adrenaline, giving me a bit more of an edge. The presenter mentioned using anything as a weapon, even a chair, which I would not have thought about.
    We all think that something like that will never happen to us, but it is good to be prepared because you will think that until it is happening. My plan of action is to first run in the opposite direction of the shots to the nearest exit. I have been to both campuses and I know the general layout so I have an idea of where the exits are posted. Second, if I cannot run, I will hide. Most of my classrooms have a small cubby-like area at the front of the class away from the doors, making a great spot away from view. Lastly, if I come face to face with the perpetrator, I will use whatever I have on hand to protect myself and my fellow students if possible (I do have pepper spray). So, let’s hope it doesn’t happen but prepare for it regardless. Catzfuhdays789

  13. Knowing that ICC could possibly be a target for an active shooter never really crossed my mind until watching the video from Ohio State University. I feel that every student should know at least one of the three tactics to either get out, hide or fight. When watching the video from Ohio State and seeing the part where people were either prepared or unprepared and seeing how they would react got me thinking, why is this not a mandatory video for every student to watch. Since the video is only six minutes long I feel that teachers and staff at ICC should be required to show this video so students are not just sitting ducks if there ever was an active shooter. If ICC ever had an active shooter and I was in a class with no one else who had ever seen this video then the first thing I would want to do would to try and take the lead or at least inform the teacher what to do. I feel if we have the chance to escape then try to escape and if others do not want to listen then I am not going to risk my own life for those who do not want to get to safety. If I can not get out then I would at least want to be with others in a classroom so that we could work together to either barricade the door or if we had to then be prepared to attack the intruder. If I am ever in the scenario where I may be by myself in a room then I would want to try and find a weapon, so that I would not be unarmed or an easy target for the shooter. I just hope that I can save not only me, but my fellow classmates as well. Illini123 Illini456

  14. I’ve never been in a situation where there was a shooter in the same building as me. I have had many thoughts on the subject and I am prepared if it does happen. I have a good sense of awareness with my surroundings. I pay attention to certain things that most people wouldn’t think to pay attention to. I will walk in to a room and locate the nearest object that could be used for defense. I also look at tables, chairs, or any other structures as if they could provide cover. I think my initial reaction to a gunshot would be to immediately block the entrances with tables or anything sturdy, this way the shooter or threat cannot enter my room. If there was anyone else in the room with me I would ask for assistance or advise that they find some safe cover within the room. Even though I have a good understanding of how I would react and how I would handle the situation, I don’t understand why it must come to that. Currently there is more terrorist attacks and school shootings happening within the United States due to multiple reasons. Kids and teenagers are being bullied to the extent that they would do harm to others if not to themselves. Radical persons believe in a cause that helps them deem these behaviors appropriate. Situations like this could also occur because of mental issues. I believe that in any situation it is always good to be prepared for the worst. If you are overprepared then you it will be easier for you to remain calm and assess the situation. If you’re not prepared then you are less likely to respond to the situation calmly, which could potentially mean risk to you and others. I dislike the fact that this is a topic that must be brought up, but unfortunately this is something that can happen any day to any of us. So regardless of where I am or what is going on, I believe it is always great to be fully prepared for anything. #ViciousAfro789

  15. I think it is very important for everyone to see a video like this and be aware that this kind of stuff can happen. People always think that because they go to a small school or it has never happened before that it is not possible. I remember at my high school we went over the procedure for an active shooter at least once a year and they would call in cops to come in and try to open our doors. The procedure was a little different than college because we were told to go in to the rooms and lock the door we did not have the option to run. When we would have these drills, the cops would come around and shake the door handles and if we were too loud or they heard any movement they would knock really hard on the doors so we would know if this was real that the person would know there were people in there. I’m thankful my school did that because it made me very aware of my surroundings all the time. These videos are so important and need to be shown because before we talked about it in high school it never even crossed my mind. I also like how they stated you should not run to close to the people you are with. In times like this no one wants to be alone but running with space between the people next to you will make it harder to be a target. EPIC789

    1. I believe informing students before they get to college is another great step in helping prevent casualties during an active shooter scenario. It is important to reach out to youth as soon as possible to help maintain a level of readiness ideal to the situation and risk. Furthermore, running in close groups does present a better target than creating spacing of at least five meters. Ghost123

  16. Mass shootings of any kind whether it takes place in a school building or at a public event somewhere is something that we all need to always be weary and vigilant of. These horrific acts can occur in the blink of an eye without warning and without the proper training, many lives can be lost. Being prepared for a mass shooting is extremely important because it can be the difference between life and death. Luckily, I can say that I have never had to experience a horrifying act such as a school shooting and I hope that I never will. What is surprising to me is that growing up, I only remember one time in grade school being taught how to protect myself from a shooter. Maybe it is because that is a scary subject to talk about with young children, but nonetheless, it’s a topic that is very important and like I said, can be the difference between going home alive and well or going to a morgue. Everybody’s natural instinct on how to react if a shooting were to happen would be to panic. This is very understandable because it is such a traumatizing event and our adrenaline would be rushing through our bodies so our quick decision making may not be up to par with the right training tools at hand. Obviously, the natural response would be to run and get away from the situation as fast as possible, but sometimes you might not have that option, so you have to know what else you can do. There are the options of either hiding from the attacker, or as a last resort, fighting the attacker. If someone were to have no other choice but to fight the offender, that person would have to be okay with doing whatever it takes to make sure they can go home that night. Overall, being taught how to protect yourself from a mass shooting is extremely important and is something that needs to be discussed in all grades. Gymlife123

    1. I don’t remember ever being told or taught how to protect myself in any type of situation until I started to attended ICC. I can agree that I am blessed to have not encountered an active shooter situation yet. I also agree that everyone would most likely panic in this type of situation, but I also do think that there will be people that would just freeze and not know what to do because they were never informed or that’s just the type of person they are. I believe it should be taught from parent and schools starting in 5th or 6th grade as well, but little kids most likely will not remember, that is why I think 5th or 6th grade would be better. -Bears456

  17. An active shooter scenario is a terrifying situation for anyone to find themselves in. I am happy that Universities such as Ohio University are providing their students with active resources such as this video. It is imperative that students and faculty become acquainted with necessary steps of action in case of situations like this. Run, hide, or fight seems to be the plan of action the local police department is trying to instill during this presentation, and I believe this to be a good action plan. Without proper guidance one's first action may be to panic and that can increase the danger of an active shooter situation. I believe every university should be required to provide a relevant resource such as this to their students in order to inform and prepare for worst case scenarios. One of the most important aspects I really like in this and the previous presentation we received in class is the idea that law enforcement officers do not know who the shooter is in most cases. Therefore, students should take necessary precautions in making sure police can easily identify them as noncombatants. This can be down by either evacuating or by following every order an officer gives you without taking any sudden actions in which an officer may fear you are going for a weapon. An active shooter is a terrifying but possible reality that every student and faculty member has a responsibility to be ready for. Also, if your going to fight and you grab a weapon, do not grab a little notebook like that one woman did. Ghost123

    1. This type of situation can be terrifying for everyone involved even the police. Being able to have access to the knowledge in this video gives us a better chance at protecting ourselves and others. As terrifying as a situation like this one is, you need to stay focused just like the video says, being focused could mean the difference between surviving and not surviving a situation such as an active shooter situation. People need to take matters such as these seriously, active shooters are no joke and can arrive at any point in time to do harm, and we need to be ready if that moment ever happens. Pack123

  18. As an EMT, this video doesn't really supply any new information to me. The very first thing we were taught to do before even arriving on scene is to verify our "personal safety". Every single scenario I trained in, the very first thing to come out of my mouth was personal safety or scene safety. You don't know what you're going to find when you arrive on scene. The first thing we're to do if we do find ourselves in a sticky situation is to retreat and radio for police backup, staging nearby until it arrives. Believe it or not, we're also taught to hide if we can't retreat. The third thing we're taught to do is fight, just like in this video. Fun fact: oxygen tanks are pretty heavy and pack a punch when thrown at someone rushing you. The only downside, then, is you now have two patients. We're also taught to identify a situation before it even happens, so I'm constantly on the look out for would-be agitators or dangerous situations in general. When I enter a room, I immediately take note of entry points, exits, windows, potential cover, etc. If you constantly do this, if something does actually happen you're prepared and will act quicker than someone who hasn't adopted this mindset. As far as actually acting goes, everything needs to be done rapidly and correctly the first time. If you don't, you could seriously injure or even kill your patient. The same applies in such a situation as this. If you hesitate or fumble in any action it could amount to your injury or death. All that having been said, I don't think I'd have a problem reacting to an active shooter situation. This video does a good job of condensing what I was taught into something easily remembered by those not familiar with these kinds of situations.


  19. I've been around this type of training and scenarios for the past 10 years so I really wasn't able to pick much of anything new up from this video other than the “throw things at him” part. At first I had a little chuckle at it but it would be a viable way to help distract and then subdue an attacker. It’s awesome that there are these types of videos out there for college students but I think we need to start earlier than first year college in preparing students for the worst case scenario. I’m not saying we need to start at the preschool or kindergarten level and scare the kids, but perhaps around the 4th or 5th grade we could start incorporating this kind of education to help with the familiarity of what to do in these situations. We also need to address the problems that cause people to end up shooting up schools or even workplaces. Whether it be bullying, mental health or whatever the cause is. It’s actually really sad that we HAVE to have this kind of training because of the amount of events like this that happen in today’s world. No matter where I go(especially new environments), I am constantly observing people, looking for ways to escape a potentially dangerous situation and if need be, things I can use to help eliminate a threat. If it came down to it, I would do whatever had to be done to make sure the threat was stopped and more people would not be injured. - pmed05

    1. accidentally posted before I was done editing my username- pmed789

  20. As a civilian college student, it is a challenge to mentally wrap my mind around the concept that somewhere in our school, potentially in the same classes as me, there is another person that would willingly kill me because they are in such mental and physical anguish that they want to lash out at the world around them in an extremely violent way. Unfortunately that is why there is such material available. We must be ready to either run for our lives or fight for those around us that they may have a better chance of living to study another day.
    I wish the video had gone into a little more depth on how best to use available materials in a defensive way, but I’m sure there is a youtube video dedicated to that too. On a side note, what if we as a collective went about preventing shootings such as described in a different way? Instead of focusing on how to lessen the damage defensively, perhaps we as a collective society could eventually focus on seeking these damaged, hurting individuals and help them find the mental, emotional, and physical help they so desperately need before they lash out so destructively at the ones around them.
    Toxic thoughts such as self harm and murder rarely develop overnight. Easy access to licensed professional therapists and counselors might help students dealing with such destructive thoughts to seek other forms of self-expression in creative and constructive ways instead of bottling up the negative thoughts (as so many of us tend to do) until they explode with violence and hatred of their fellow creature.
    Before these people became heartless killers, they were first hurt children that had no safe place to turn but to self harm and eventually murder. What if we helped that scared child escape becoming that angry adult?


  21. The thought of an active shooter on campus makes me think what would I or you really do in a situation like this. I know that our first reaction is to panic. Let us be real that we never expect that an active shooter will show up on a school campus and we are not fully prepared that a situation will happen for real until it happens. How am I going to get out? Where do I go? Where can I hide? How am I going to fight back? Am I going to get out of here alive? I would think that these are questions that will run through our mind when a situation like this happens. We have all watched or heard on the news that a shooting on a school ground happens. Remember Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting? It was one of the deadliest mass shootings at either a high school or grade school in U.S., and the third-deadliest by a single shooter. Since then, I’ve always been observant and alert of my surroundings everywhere I go. We never know when and where danger will occur, like a mass shooting for example. The video is very interesting, knowledgeable, and it shows us what actions we need to take in a short period of time. Regarding this video, I would like to see the Campus Police teach and show the school/college faculties and students on how they can properly secure themselves inside a room, ways to escape, and to fight back if needed. Being prepared, aware of the surroundings at all times, and knowing the layout and exits of the place are the main concerns I have in mind after watching the video. I like that ICC has Active Shooter Preparedness and Situation Tips that showed us when we start the semester to be prepared, and I hope other schools and colleges have the same program as ICC does. Being taught how to be prepared in a mass shooting situation is extremely recommended and important. -M.Scott456

    1. I strongly agree with you on the whole what would you do what would I do how could everyone on campus just stay calm if this was to ever happen to us? What kind of emotions go through everyone's heads in this moment how does everyone react do you panic or stay calm. I would also like to say that I agree this video is highly knowledgeable for everyday students to know like what they need to do in a active shooter moment everyone needs to be educated on stuff like this to know their 3 steps they have Run, Hide, or Fight everyone needs to know what step they need to be doing in every moment of an active shooter incident.

    2. I really agree to but I think they need to start teaching personal safety techniques and critical thinking exercises not just for active shooters but responding to any sort of threat. Run, hide, fight works only for a guy walking around like the terminator killing people but wont do you any good where exits can be cut off or explosives placed like Columbine. I think more classes involved with identifying threats would give people more awareness than a video. -M24Ninja123

  22. This video was quite the upgrade versus the joke of a video we were shown in class. This one actually gives you examples of what you could do in an active shooter situation. It even shows people demonstrating how to do so with clear explanation. The fact that an active shooter could occur literally anywhere not just at a college campus is quite terrible. We need to arm our citizens against situations with not just guns and training, but keeping society aware. This can be accomplished by providing free active shooter classes to the general public along with proper self defense/close quarters combat classes. Less gun free zones would help substantially because more people would be able to react with heavier consequences to the shooter(s). Placing less restrictions on open and concealed carry is the start we need. I truly believe all of our military members eighteen and above should be able to conceal or open carry no matter the state regulations. There is no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to do so, as long as they are properly trained(which quite obviously they are). Quite frankly active shooters do not give a............... about gun free zones or anything that is intended to prevent normal citizens from carrying guns in specific places/areas. They are going to do whatever it takes to carry out their disgusting attacks. We need to emphasize on what we as a society can do to prevent them from having zero resistance during their attacks on gun free zones. At ICC I think our officers need to be seen walking around more. This should go along with a high level of physical fitness, tactical training and tactical gear(that is specially designed for close quarters combat). Our officers should be carrying around a high level of firepower to let an active shooter know ahead of time that they will have to go to hell(which they are) and back again to ever think they have a chance against our officers. The high level of firepower(close quarter rifles, shotguns, etc.) is not just to deter the shooters', but to provide enough power due to the fact that we have a very limited amount of officers on campus. We all hope this situation never comes upon us, but if it does you better have a clue on how you are going to escape or viciously murder the shooter, I know do and will... It's too bad that active shooters never try to shoot up a gun shop! Fireboy123

  23. Active shooting is the terrible event that I never want to be in this situation. Thanks to the speech at ICC that first let me acknowledged that what is active shooting and it dangerous level. And also thank this video which let me to understand better what to do if shooting unfortunately happen at my place. The police team will come as fast as they can to the situation but we cannot just wait for them and don’t do anything because you can death at a second by the gun shot. Depend on each location, the time the police arrived may varies so it better that I know what to do until the police came.

    Three important acts: evacuate, lock down, and fight similar to the video I watch in ICC: Run, hide, and fight. This video was great because it showed clearly what to do in when lock down happen and ways to fight but I think it can include what people need to do to prepare for this situation like know where the exits were, familiar with the building, etc., to be better. But I don’t quite understand why we need to hide the gun from the police at the end? Is it because they may have misunderstood us was the shooter? And what to do next after we can control the shooter? What weapons can we use to fight?

    I know that active shooting can happen at anytime and anyplace, especially in college. College is the place where anyone can come and out easily without permission like lower grade school and here students have higher stress which led to psycho disorder, because of these, learn and prepare for active shooting is very necessary and important for me who just star to attend college this Fall. Like the chief police said even the small amount of prepare can led to the higher chance of life.


  24. I have seen and heard about the many stories of such violence but I have always thought and believed that I would never be in this type of situation. Therefore, I never considered thinking about having a plan. After watching this video I have had a reality check. I could possibly end up in the middle of a situation where there is an active shooter. Hmmm What now? What would I do? How will I survive? Do I have the courage and strength to fight? It is a scary feeling not knowing what the outcome would be. Will I live? Will I make home to see my kids? Will I ever hug and kiss my grand daughter? Or Will my fear get the best of me?

    If I ever found myself in the middle of this type of situation I will use the steps provided by the Ohio State police officer, as well as the ICC campus officer. Even though both videos had different wording it is the same meaning Evacuate (Run), Lockdown (Hide), and Fight Back (Fight), if warranted. These steps are very helpful and is the key to surviving. Whether I am on campus, at work, at the store, or even church I need and will be more aware of my surroundings and be prepared for the unknown. I pray that I will never be in this type of violent environment, but if I am I will know what to do. In the words of my Drill Sargent "Stay Alert Stay Alive".


  25. It was nice watching this video because most days an active shooter doesn't come across the minds of many individuals. This video was well put together to help educate other schools nation wide on an event that could happen to anyone. This video made me think of my surrounding because I never go into school with the negative thought of that possible happening in my day even though it could happen at any moment. It was nice to sit through this because it makes you recognize a situation that is possible to happen in any school or facility. It makes you think for the future so you can already have a plan for when it happens that way you can always consider yourself prepared even though you have high hopes to never go through it. You have a higher chance of out living an active shooter just by knowing your exit doors, helping others as well yourself escape and the simple one, just being aware of your surroundings. This presentation was great for not only myself but the other students around me. I have now seen the video and know what I should be aware of and to use all my resources around me including the ICC campus police that we have.

    1. I think these active shooter training's should be mandatory for college and even high school students to watch. This could prepare them and potentially save themselves and the lives of others. It's definitely helpful to be educated about this just in case, instead of sweeping it under the rug or brushing it off like it will never happen. It seems as if things happen when you least expect it. I felt as if I learned a lot from this video and from the chief who came in to talk about it.

  26. In response to the video about the active shooter on campus i thought that is was very educational and eye opening. The three steps run, hide, fight that they touch on in the video i feel like are very effective and should be taught to everyone who is in a school or college. The fact that this could happen anywhere at anytime is kind of frightening, but after watching this me and my classmate have a better understanding on what to do if an active shooter would ever take place at ICC. I have never really thought about what i would do if an active shooter situation would take place, but after seeing the two videos I now have some understanding on what to do and how to do it effectively. The chances of survival are better with the knowledge learned, but the circumstances might not be the same as they are in the video, that’s why it is good to know different courses of action that you could use towards your advantage. Getting out alive is your number one priority. This video taught me to do whatever is necessary to make sure that not only i make it out alive but also my classmates. The one point that I thought was very helpful was to bring a weapon even when you are evacuating the building because you never know when you could come across the shooter. Different people have different instincts it is either fight or flight and I have never been put in this situation so I hope if i’m ever am that my instincts chose wisely. Many people believe that something like this will never happen to them or couldn’t happen at ICC, but now I at least know what to look for, know where all of the possible exits are, and what steps to take to greater my chances for survival.

    1. I too feel like the video should be shown at all schools maybe not grade school students but definitely to the staff at grade schools. Also I think it should be shown the first day of any job. I also have never sat in my desk and thought what if someone comes in here with a gun but I may now. I will probably also be looking for the exits as I walk to my classes. And yes a weapon could be something so simple as a pencil since even if you have a conceal carry license you are not allowed to have guns on campus. I think our class could handle this situation better then some others just from watching the video, hopefully we never encounter this though! Thunder456

  27. The video on what to do in the event an active shooter comes onto campus has been very educational every time i have seen it. I have now seen the video for the fourth time and each time it still relays very relevant information on what to do in this sort of situation. Although the video itself was not filmed on the ICC campus it is still very helpful with the information it relays to run,hide, and fight in case of an active shooter.It is something that not many think about because it does not happen that often, however it is always good to be prepared for the situation by knowing your surroundings. Finding possible exits around the campus from your classrooms or finding good classrooms to hide in if you happen to not be in a classroom when the incident may occur. Knowing when to run or whether to hide and/or fight is key to your survival during a situation such as this one. Before i had seen the video for the first time, i had not really thought about a situation such as this one, but after seeing the video a few times now, i have a better understanding and am more aware and prepared for a an active shooter situation if one were to occur. I think every professor at ICC should show their classes this video, even if it is not a criminal justice or law enforcement based class because knowing what to do can save people's lives. Having the knowledge from this video will not only help me survive but also help me to help others survive a situation like this, hopefully something like this will never happen at ICC but in case it does, i feel safer having watched this video and knowing what to do in order to survive. Pack123

    1. I agree that it is good to have a good awareness of your surroundings. Regardless of where you are you should at least know your exit points. Also it is good to know places to hide like closets of secured classrooms. Also I agree that this video helps people become more aware of the possible threat of shooters. The more aware people are the more prepared they are. As for every professor showing this video, I think it would be a good idea because like stated earlier, most people just are not aware of the possibility of a shooter. Navajo789

  28. I think that both videos are very important to watch in order to prepare yourselves for an active school shooter. The videos explained the various steps to take in order to get out of the situation alive. The video however did not teach me anything I didn’t know already, instead it just made me more self-aware of the possible risk. I think the main purpose of the video is not to educate people, but more so to alert people of the risk. The worst thing that could happen in a shooter situation is panic. If everyone stays calm and follows the steps in the video you will make it out alive. There are some things the video did remind me about though. I really liked the belt to the door knob as long as you don’t get shot through the door. And also with knowing your escape routes. The first thing you should do when you are in a new environment is to locate all your exit points. Like in my sociology class, there are two doors in the front and windows in the back. If the shooter is in the building, break or open a window and run to the parking lot. If the shooter is in the parking lot, run through the doors and exit on the other side of campus. And if the shooter is right next to you, you fight. I know I would do everything in my power to stop a school shooter if I had to. I just hope the day never comes, but I always stay alert in case it does. Navajo789

  29. After watching this video I immediately thought to myself what if this ever happens to me while I am in class or on the campus like what would go through my head? Should I fend for myself forget everyone else? Maybe instead I stay and fight with everyone else to get us all out maybe I am willing to sacrifice my life for everyone else to live. After watching this I have to just think what does everyone else think in a moment like this what has anyone that actually dealt with this thought what can you think? Do you panic and face facts you are dead or stay calm and just pray he isn't there specifically to find you? How is anyone in todays world going to wake up now a days have such a horrible life and just say " you know what I'm going to go kill people today" how can anyone have that kind of life and not go seek help like I understand you are disturbed but get help we have professionals for this stuff don't kill people because you are heartbroken or cant deal with life and you want to take someone else's. So in the end everyone needs to be prepared for a moment like this you never know if could happen you never know today who could do something like this so my question to every blogger here in a moment like this do you either stand and fight for everyone else? or do you panic and run and only fend for yourself and be selfish? I'm just curious as to what everyone would do in this moment.

    1. I agree with this because you never know what to do and how to act. But one thing you never do is panic you have to be brave through situation because as you said it's a live or dead situation. Also, I agree with you, you never know how people wake up feeling and it's sad that someone who wakes up saying they going to kill someone today. Also, you never know what people go through so you have to be aware of your surroundings. Yes you have to prepare yourself for moments like this and have a plan because this can happen at any given moment so everyone has to be
      smart and don't overthink because the situation can go wrong and in amount of time. So I really agree with your statement cause I wonder what reactions people will have if this every occur. savage456

  30. At the beginning of the video when people are talking in the hall and then they show the professor and students in the class room doing what they are supposed to. I felt like that was a very normal typical day at school. No one was thinking what if someone came in here with a gun and starting shooting? This would be a normal day for myself, I don't sit in class and think what if someone came in with a gun. However, after watching this video the thought may cross my mind now. Although, I do feel like if I were in an active shooter situation I would obviously be scared but feel like I could be calm enough to do and think as they suggested in the video. I do agree with first and foremost definitely escape if you feel you can. They suggest that once you are out to call 911 I don't 100% agree with because I would probably be calling as I was running out. If I were trapped in a room (hopefully not alone, there is strength in numbers) I feel like I could take charge and direct others to help in blocking the entrance and direct them on what to do if the active shooter should get into where we were. They say to "fight" I definitely would not go down without a fight! I do think that this or a similar video should be shown in all schools and work places in order to better educate those who maybe would have no idea what to do. I thought it was a good video however, they should of maybe directed the students to look a little more scared and not quite so calm. I don't think anyone would be quite that calm in that type of situation. Overall though good video! I do hope I never have to encounter this type of situation when am innocently sitting in my classroom. Thunder456

    1. I agree with you while I am class or even just walking around campus or hallways you never sit and think about someone entering the building with the intention to people which is sad because this situation is becoming more common each day. It is sad to think about my younger siblings and the idea of this happening at their school is scary because as a 20 year old I am not thinking of this possibility therefore I know them being in grade school they have no idea this could possibly happen.

  31. I have never really thought about being in an active shooting situation besides watching the videos in call and talking about it then. Knowing Illinois Central College could be a target for someone with high casualties’ kind of scares me. Having a discussion and watching the video just like how we did in class should be one of the first thing all professors should talk about. But who would just sit there thinking about what would I do if someone came in here and started shooting; what would I do? I know that I would not just sit and think about that because it would just be a normal day. I feel like we should not just get shown a video and talk about it, we should have like a run though kind of like how in high school you practice fire drills and lock down drills. Yes, the video is very informative and educational. I know a lot of people say they know what they would do in that type of situation, but I cannot say what I would do because I have never been in that situation. This video should be shown to all faculty and students, so everyone has an idea on what to do, not just certain professors show their students, everyone on a school campus needs to be informed because school shootings are more active now. I know a couple of people that attend Illinois Central College, that have not been shown the active shooter video. WHY? It irritates me that not everyone on campus has seen the video or have had a class discussion it. Making it out alive should be everyone’s number one priority, but I know that there is some that would flip a switch and all they want to do is help others to make it out alive. -Bears456

    1. I agree with you i never really thought about being in an active shooter situation before either, knowing ICC could be a potential target scares me as well after that crosses your mind. I think that we should run through drills, practices and shown demonstrations too. That would help out with preparation if that kind of situation does happen. Next I agree that all professors should be required to show this video to every student that are enrolled in their classes so every student is ready and prepared. Lastly i agree with your last point that making it alive should be every student’s top priority.

  32. The fact that we have to watch a video about shootings on a school campus is sickening. Unfortunately we live in a society where this is kind of common. More common than anyone would like it to be. The video does however show some important things and is very educational, especially for those that knowing everything about your surroundings at all times is not a habit already. Anyone attending Illinois Central College or any college at that, would like to think that a campus shooting wouldn't happen and we hope it never does but that does not mean that it couldn't. Fortunately we have videos and trained personnel to teach us how to go about a situation like this. This subject also makes me take a step back and think about the person. Could it have been prevented? An action as small as asking someone if they are okay can mean the world. Belittling people and making people feel worthless is unacceptable yet it happens all the time. Treating someone less than because you have more is wrong. NO ONE is better than the person standing next to you. Everyone has a different view or way of life. Everyone is raised in different circumstance, different amounts of money, both parents, one parent, no parents. That doesn’t make them any less of a person. We all make mistakes, some more severe than others, it still does not make you better and someone else less than. You can be as prepared as you want but I believe that in this type of situation your adrenaline is going to take over and your will make rash decisions anyways unless you are a very quick and rational thinker. Not everyone is. I don’t think anyone can say they know exactly how to handle the situation because you never know what the situation could be. Until you are in the situation unfortunately you cannot know for sure. We can sure try to be as educated with possibilities and rough plans though. UofM123

    1. I agree with you about the thought of an active shooter on campus is completely terrifying, we have never truly seen this type of violence up close and personal and I hope that day never comes. We are lucky to have officers on campus now and they have now prepared a presentation to brief students on how to act in this type of situation. I agree, not all of us do well under pressure, some of us truly need a plan to focus on, a type of strategy. I also fully agree that belittling those around us and treating someone as if you are above them is unbelievably wrong and should never happen. Yes, it does happen and bullying will probably always exist, but to go and get a weapon with the intent on hurting and or ending the life of innocent students is something above and beyond just bullying. Especially when there is an active shooter(s) at an elementary school, shooting at little kids. No matter if their targets are the teachers, they will still and or risk injuring a child. When someone reaches that point, to kill random college, high school, and elementary students there is something else going on, something deeper. No matter their reasons, it’s horribly wrong, but I am thankful to have officers close by if students need them and now a plan to help protect ourselves if something like this ever does come to our college.

  33. After I watching this video I instantly thought what if I was in this situation ? I thought about what actions would I have to take due the active shooting. I know you just have to be brave in situations like this you have to stay calm and not panic because you will freak out and it will cause a negative outcome to happen. During this video I was thinking that this can happen at any moment so I have to react fast. In the video I learned a lot of procedures what to do and what would happen if I do those procedures. One thing I fear while I’m at school is an active shooting because it’s a surviving or death situation. Another thing is you have to know your surroundings because you never know who is who so always be aware. During this video the three important tips that were given was: evacuate , lockdown and fight which comparing to the tips we have here at ICC. These tips are important because it’s the best way to try to keep yourself alive. To conclude, this video is a good to watch because it help you when going through an active shooting but an important thing to remember is to have a plan.savage456

  34. My thoughts on the active shooter training is that I think it’s very important for situations like this to be discussed in college classes to inform people on what to do if an active shooting were to occur. I think it’s a very good idea to train people for a situation like this because if it did happen, then most students would know what to do if there was a shooter on campus. I also think it’s good to have someone come in the classroom and talk about what to do during an active shooting to help students realize the reality of an active shooting. If students didn’t watch videos like shown above or have someone to come in and talk about active shootings, then they probably wouldn’t have an idea what to do. These trainings save potential lives of students and faculty by taking the rights precautions. I would have to say that this video grabbed my attention and made me think about what if I was in a situation like that. It’s an eye opener and keeps you on your toes. I think every college or even high school student should be required to watch a video like this to prepare themselves if an active shooting were to occur. It’s good for people to be aware of their surroundings and to understand the different routes of their campuses and/or buildings. It’s always good to prepare yourself for the worst possible outcome just so you can make it out alive and possibly save the lives of others. It’s not something you would want to think about happening but it seems as if it’s more common now a day for active shootings to happen and seems that not every situation there is a gun involved. If students were more prepared for things like this then more lives would be saved.

    1. I agree that there is great importance to this video, and I think that this video should be a requirement in every class at every college. I always thought about situations like this one, but I never had a three-step plan. I was always determined to go find my friends/family and help get them out; however, if everyone follows these three steps, then almost every student should be pretty much protected from the shooter. Without any prior knowledge of school shootings, and active shooter scenarios in general, a lot of people will freeze up and not know how to handle the situation, which leads to panic and endangerment to themselves and the students surrounding them.

  35. This video helped me because I think I would probably be the one to try and save everyone from the shooter. When I am faced with situations where I haven't been told what to do I quickly react in consideration of the terms of the situation. When I am briefed on something, it intensifies my awareness on my surroundings. The tip the man gave on running in a zigzag was helpful as well because if I'm running for my life I wouldn't think to run that way. Now if I'm put in this situation this we'll be something I will remember. I don't agree with that statement he said about hanging over the ledge because I wouldn't want a broken leg, I would rather encounter the shooter, and try to talk the shooter out of it if confronted. Another tip he gave that I didn't agree with was to use even a water bottles or book bag as a weapon. I think something like that can be missed or dangerous, and may even irritate the shooter. I would try to talk as much as I can see if they'll allow me to continue to talk, and if they hear me out then ill stall for as long as I can. Then I'll be looking for an escape route in my head, and run for it when given the opportunity. If their an active shooter and I know they dropping people for a fact. when I'm confronted by them I'd hide and tackle once they've came close enough. I watched this video for a second time just as a refresher at work, and two police officers found the video quite humorous, and laughed the entire time. They even pulled up a chair and watched as if it was a funny you tube video. They had a funnier view of all the tips. McBrightyalife456

    1. I'm glad I got the opportunity to watch this video, now if there was a shooter on campus I'm going to be calmer than I would have been knowing I watched this video. I think that all classes should have to watch this video, so if they don't take anything else away from it but that it can happen. In my opinion that's good enough they'll have at least an idea of what to do. McBrightyalife456

  36. Dealing with an active shooter situation at school, or anywhere else for that matter, has always been on my mind as I have seen and heard of the awful acts of violence in setting such as Columbine High School, Sandy Hook, the nightclub in Orlando, and way too many more. This video does a great job of explaining what to do if you get caught in a situation similar to those that were listed, and how to remain calm and collected in order to respond quickly and efficiently. Your first action in an active shooter scenario should ALWAYS be to run and flee from the scene as far as possible. To prepare for this step, have escape routes from every classroom that you go into, every restaurant, club, gym, stadium, and so on. There is no such thing as too many escape routes in such a situation. If all of your possible exits are blocked off by the shooter(s), the next step is to hide. The best way to do so is turning off all of the lights, silencing cellphones, and locking the doors. If there is time, barricading the door is also a good idea. If the shooter looks into the room and cannot see anyone, the chances that he will attempt to come in are slim. If the shooter does see people inside of the room, and then realizes that the doors are locked, more times than not, he will most likely move on to an easier target rather than wasting his time on a room that is hard to enter. If running and hiding are not options, the last option is fighting for your life against the shooter. If you are with other people, or even one person, work together to take down the attacker in order to survive. Find any object that would be an effective weapon; a knife, fire extinguisher, chair, lamp, belt, etc. No one wants to go through such a traumatic experience, but having the necessary mental preparations for an active shooter scenario may save your life and many lives around you.

  37. From my point of view, I see things a bit differently during these active shooter training videos as a first responder. I like to think myself competent but by no means an expert on dealing with these types of situations. From my point of view, I don’t think they properly teach people how to respond to active shooter situations. The run part for example is ideal if you are located near an exit and far enough away from a shooter but if not may only create chaos for other people and responding forces. If you run away from a known location and situation into an unknown and unsafe situation you may have made the worst gamble of your life. I do not think a 3-point briefing can be considered enough to show you what you should do in such a life-threatening situation other than how to be a probable victim. I know the variables in an active shooter are endless and infinite and you can’t have a video for each one but run, hide, fight sounds more like a football chant than a life saving advice. We should be teaching people every other sentence explained in these videos, in a workshop or exercise that has their adrenaline going while making decisions. Every active shooter exercise trains and shows how first responders what to do during an active shooter but the people who are stuck in it. Could you imagine if they trained Swat members by a 10 min video showing highlights of a made for TV movie of how to neutralize an active shooter? Then why train students and faculty the same way? They need to be shown the severity of what can happen to them and multiple ways to prepare and defend themselves mentally and physically. Oh, and of course allow them Concealed carry. -M24Ninja123

    1. I do agree that they could be more in depth with the "what to do's" but for a 6 minute video they cover alot of good points. The basics to preventing yourself from being a victim is what i got from the video. I think they should shine some light on what if the shooter enters your room first.

    2. I think for a short video shown in class it does it's job fairly well. Yes after watching the video you won't be a trained expert on surviving a school shooting and the reality is that this video does not raise your chances very much in surviving a school shooting. To truly raise your chances more you would need much longer training sessions and that is what the longer training seminars mentioned at the end of the video above are for. Students come to class to learn about the subject of the class, not to learn how to survive a school shooting. So realistically the best you can do is show a short video once a semester in each class in hopes that it at least gets the students thinking and maybe even gets a few of them to go to the longer training seminars.

  38. The video showed good information on how a shooting on a campus can happen. it also shows the different technique you can use to fight off a shooter which all of them I would think is plausible besides going out the second or third story window. I do like how they taught in the video about fight or flight which is considered an instinct. Knowing where the closes exit at all time I think everyone one should know and possible knowing a second exit would be best. If you run away from a known location and situation into an unknown and unsafe situation you may have made the worst gamble of your life. I do not think a 3-point briefing can be considered enough to show you what you should do in such a life-threatening situation other than how to be a probable victim. But with having campus police on the property does make it safer. If people stay calm with cool collected thoughts most of the time thinks will be alright. Also if you know where items are that could possible be a weapon would be good to scope out. Jeeper123

  39. The video we discussed in class on wednesday was very informative and eye opening. Most people never think about the what ifs and the video bring up the big what if their was an active shooter on ICCs campus. The 3 steps that were discussed in the film were run, hide, and fight. The main thing about the video i liked is that it gets the idea in students minds so they don't panic as much when a situation like that does happen. They will be able to assess the situation and act much faster than someone that has never thought about what they would do in a hextech situation like a shooting. Like the video said these types of terrorism only last for a couple of minutes before police are on scene so the steps you take in the very beginning of the event could save you and your peers from becoming a victim. I have told many of my friends and family about this video so they to can get the idea in their head that it could happen to them too so they might want to start thinking about it every time they enter a public or private building.Think about good exits and places to run once you get out of the building.

  40. The thought of someone coming into an educational institution with just the one purpose of harming others because of their own personal turmoil is terrifying. That means this person is hurt, angry, and very unpredictable which is incredibly dangerous. Never once in my many years of attending school did I ever think about what I would have to do if someone were to enter the building concealing a weapon with just the one intention of hurting and or killing the innocent. School is supposed to be the safe place to learn and to grow, but now I entered a class room to my college course greeted by the chief of police of the school and a presentation on how to protect myself in a catastrophic event as many schools have had to face. Watching the news over the past few years and seeing the active shootings that have gone on in many different cities occurring in colleges, high schools, and even in grade schools, had me start questioning if my school was safe to come to everyday. Knowing now the best tactics on how to survive these terrifying incidents, has me a little more at ease attending class. It also helps knowing that there are now officers, not just security guards, on campus who could be at the scene in a matter of a few minutes. I am thankful to know now how to handle myself in these situations, but it’s scary and sad to me that it’s had to come to this point in society to prepare kids, as young as grade school kids, to teach them these tactics as well. I hope that one day we will overcome this nightmare so that our schools would go back to the way they were, safe and a place for us to grow to make the world a better place.

  41. the_soccer_league class#1065

    It is an Interesting, a professional, and a good educational video that show us important tips to be ready to face an armed intruder incident, but also it was scary to imagine an incident like that happen in the college. I come from another country and I am very glad that the Colleges and Universities in America take the student safety very serious with this program, and also it is great that this information is provided the first day of the class. I am wondering how one of us can react and do if someone next to us is wounded. The threats exists everywhere, but I hope that nothing happen in the campus, but I am going to keep in mind the plan to evacuate fast, the plan to Hide, and the plan to Fight back to stay prepared, to stay alive!

  42. Although I have watched that video on multiple occasions throughout school, it seems eye opening to me everytime I watch it. Growing up, I always found school to be a safe place for me to learn and talk with the people that I had met. As school shootings have occured more and more, they have began to worry me more than before. It seems I find myself constantly surveying everyone in the room and becoming more attentive to the people and things around me. As a volunteer firefighter and Emergency Medical Responder, the term "scene safety" was pounded into my head. Now, that is the first thing that comes to mind when I'm in public around anyone, even in such a safe place as a school. I do think it was a great idea to show the students in our school, as not everyone thinks the way that I now do. I believe this video will open the eyes of many college kids. Although it is scary to many people, it is possible it could happen to a school like ICC. Luckily, the video has the three steps, which would most definitely help in the case of an emergency. Remembering these steps will help unify students and faculty as a whole, instead of people going haywire with no guidance. I'm very thankful that we were all shown this video, and I believe everyone took it seriously. God forbid that it would happen to our school,I believe that the people of ICC, and the security team have done a great job at teaching the students the right thing to do.

  43. In these active shooter videos I see myself going through different senerios in my head thinking what I could do and what I wouldn't do and I think every kid watching these should have the same mind set. With the way the world is nowadays with all the gun laws being more lenient everyone thinks they can just bring them everywhere. There might be no gun signs on the doors but people believe if it is okay to carry them they can bring them everywhere. So I believe every student that goes to school even high school should be required to watch the video and reflect on what they watched. No student should every have to feel scared to go to school because they wouldn't know what to do in case there was an attack even if the attack doesn't envolve a gun. The way I feel is everyone should have a way out in their mind to fight or hide and these videos tell kids its okay to think this way to not be scared and to take action against the attacker even if they have to get physical in the worse case senerio. I also think that kids should never engage the attacker in less its the last thing that can be done. Every classroom should have a map of the nearest exits and kids should be aware of their surroundings. Some people think that even middle school kids should watch these viedos because problems of bullying which is a big factor in the attackers mind comes from a young age and maybe these videos could change the way kids act because kids can be extremely mean. But these videos shouldn't go any lower than middle school because kids wont want to come to college because of fear. So these videos are extremely important.

    1. The fact that you state that you see yourself going through these different scenarios, to me, is a great thing. Although many people see it as being paranoid, I would rather be overprepared and feel a little more confident in one of these situations, than to be lost and have no clue what to do. The point about the age to introduce these videos is excellent, as kids should be prepared. I don't believe elementary schoolers should see this, as it may frighten them to much to want to continue with school. People need to be aware, not afraid. These videos are extremely useful, and I am glad we were shown it.

  44. I like the video and how it is short and simple giving the viewers just some basic tips about how to react in a school shooting. Categorizing everything into the simple words run, hide, and fight was also a good choice as it makes remembering this stuff easier in a moment of high stress. What I think is most important about this video though is the fact that it makes students actually think about what if someone came into the school and started shooting. I feel like most people when they hear about a school shooting that happened the reaction is always how terrible it is and concern for the victims of the shooting but then people never think what if that happened to them. People tend to give themselves a false sense of security so they don't bother with thinking what they would do in a school shooting. At least this video might get students thinking a bit more on what to do and if a school shooting ever happens at a school they are attending those three words run,hide, and fight might come back to them and they can take some action instead of just freaking out and not knowing what to do.


  45. I like how the video is short and to the point. It tells you what you need to know and how to handle different situations. In the video it talks about, if you have to fight back, there is a certain way to do it. The first person by the door gets the gun and hides it, then everyone from that point on is suppose to get either arms or legs to make sure the shooter doesn’t move. Also like in the Ohio State video they tell you to evacuate, but in the University of Ohio video they tell you how if you are trying to evacuate and are not on the first floor. 1. Break out window 2. Hang articles of clothing from the edge to lessen your fall and 3. Try to land in somewhat of a soft area like bushes or dirt. You getting injured from a fall is better than you getting shot. Evacuate, lockdown, or fight back if necessary. Simple and to the point of what needs to be done if someone encounters a active shooter. Green123

  46. Everyone thinks that accidents and horrible events could never happen to them until they become face to face with one. In schools around the nation shooting have been the topic of many different presentations, assemblies, and meetings. Most people when faced with a life or death situation natural instincts take over, Fight, Flight, or Freeze, but with an active plan in effect schools around the nation have been able to minimize the casualties from a shooter. It's comforting to know that ICC has a plan in effect for such a situation, the campus now has armed cops/campus police on campus in case such a situation would arise. Personally I did not know that ICC had an emergency number until class Wednesday night. Up until then I just thought to call 911 and get help through them, however help is closer than I thought. We were handed a flyer in class as well that has the steps: Run, Hide, and as a last resort Fight. It also contained the emergency number at the bottom of the sheet.

    I grew up in a small town and most of my friends are farmers or helped out on a farm, this includes me. I would go over to some of my buddies homes and help out with animals and/or with whatever work needed to be done for the day. Most of the time a knife of some sort was kept on your person since you never knew when you would need one and did not want to make the hike back to the house to get one. The reason for stating that back story was to point out that for most of my life, and the same goes for my friends, we carried around knives and were taught how to be safe with them. When we go to school, however, we must forgo our knives. In the act of an active shooter the last step is to fight. Personally, I would feel safer with my knife or if anyone in the room had a knife to protect us rather than the local fire hydrant from the wall if someone can grab it in time. Now the knives aren’t theses massive machetes, they are small enough to fit into your typical girl jean’s pocket. For those who haven’t heard a girl jean’s pockets are tiny, so the lovely clothing companies can sell us purses. Besides, the point is, yes knives are a weapon, yet so is a gun and if I wanted to I could bring a knife to school every day and no one would know. Yet if the need would ever arise that I was put in the situation where I would need to protect myself, being allowed to carry a pocket knife could save lives. Cassiopia789

    1. I one hundred percent agree with your reasoning for carrying a little pocket knife. I grew up in the same background as you and I also would feel much safer having at least a little pocket knife with me to defend myself like you said rather than a fire extinguisher. I agree knifes are weapons. But, if say students where taught how to use them safely and just carried around everywhere just like people do with their wallets, or purses. To me would make me feel more safe and comfortable in a situation such as an active shooter on campus. Trojan65

  47. I like the fact that ICC has taken things one step further in implementing a plan of action in case an active shooter were on campus. The thought of something like this happening is terrifying, yet it is a dose of reality these days so it is very important to "be prepared". Due to the recent surge in school shootings throughout the U.S. it is also important to remain vigilant and be aware of your surroundings. What I found a little concerning though during the in class presentation is that their are only a "select few" individuals on campus who are trained and/or armed in such catastrophic events. Although some is better than none, are their any staff members(outside of security guards/police officers) who have been specially trained for active shootings as well?....if something like this were to happen here on campus or anywhere for that matter, naturally our "fight or flight" response would kick in. Depending on how you perceive the danger one will either flee(run)or deal with the situation directly(if survival is necessary or unable to escape), fight is then the only option one will have. While an individual may not be certain how they will react under pressure during such incidence, my two boys are my world and they depend/need me and besides I have yet to fulfill my purpose here, so I will utilize any/all options to make it home to my babies. People please if you see something, say something as "our" lives may depend on it!


  48. While I was watching this video, it made me run through my head what I would do in every classroom at ICC if a shooter ever happened to walk into the school. This video for as short as it was being a very good little run down on some tips of what to do if something like this ever happened. I like how they explained it in very easy to remember three steps, run, hide, and fight. I believe that if this ever did happen many kids would just freeze and not know what to do. If more and more teachers and professors showed this video to their classes. It would put the staff at ease in a way that they know their students would know what to do in that type of situation. Also, it would better prepare the students for this possible type of occurrence so they would know their escape route and if they can’t to hide, then if all else fails to fight. I also liked at the very end of the video how it explained very briefly the swarm technique and showed also to hide the firearm so the police don’t see it right away when they enter the room so they don’t automatically think as one of the students that took the gun from the shooter to be the threat. Though I believe that there should be another video explaining a little more in depth of each step. For instance, like how far would a safe distance be and what would make a space that you are hiding in better and how to better block off the door. Also, even more ways to fight back the gunman say if you were by yourself or if everyone wasn’t able to take down the shooter. Some more diverse scenarios would be I believe a little better of a teaching video. Trojan65

  49. This video is well made and gave me more insight to an active shooter situation. Although I hope this never happens anywhere, I'm now confident in dealing with an active shooter. It was nice to learn about evacuation techniques. Evacuation would most definitely be the first thing on my mind. If it did come down to barricading, I would use the largest objects in the room first. The way the students fought back was really well played out. Honestly I'm not sure how well that would work in a real instance where real emotion is involved. I would have never thought of isolating the firearm so that the police wouldn't see it as they entered the room. I can now see how that situation could play out otherwise. That is some of the most valuable information in the video above. As well as not opening any door for anyone until the police getting there. Overall I am so glad that my class has watched this video and has gotten the chance to hear from the ICC Police Chief.


  50. This video is a scary reality of the events that are occurring in our society right now. It makes me sad and angry to think that someone would want to harm me for no reason. I just really struggle with people attacking for a cause, and the person they are attacking had nothing to do with the problem directly. Of course this thought process is very unstable and not normal.

    How do we fully prepare for something we can’t see coming our way, or we see coming our way but it doesn’t look threatening or violent? I know that I am guilty of trusting individuals based on how they look, dress, speak, male or female etc. The video’s definitely help me be prepared if I were ever in this situation. I have been attending ICC since fall of 2015, and I wasn’t aware that ICC had anything in place regarding Active Shooter / Sudden Attack. I found it very helpful that the chief of police at ICC came and spoke in our class.

    Key points in both videos that stood out to me: ICC’s moto is Run/Hide/Fight (preferably in a group) and this totally makes sense and is easy to remember. If a group of people are hiding and the attacker is trying to reach them, spread out and have a plan to take down the attacker when he/she enters the area. This one I would struggle with because I would want to help everyone that wasn’t as lucky as me to be hiding. Do not let anyone in where you are hiding because it could the attacker.

    These videos really show that we as a society are more of a “Team” than we may think we are.


  51. the information’s about active shooter was very good. It should a very good by the statistics in the begin talk about how it can happen any time and to anyone. The video tells what to do when the incident should arise. Like to try run first and then call campas police than the cops because the slower response to the incident. Be ready at all time because it can happen any time. Also to tips on how to get ready like take different paths to know where are the exit, and leave your things behind and run. The cops number one parity is to down the perpetrator that is do it. That a lot of times that the will not have a escape plan they will do a suicide. Even tells why they do it stress can do it or some that have been bully. I was surprised that Caucasian males are more to be an active shooter than other races backgrounds. if odd that you have fight the person doing it grab something that you can use like pocket knife. it shows example what you can do like if you can escape block the doors, turn the light off and hide so the person doing it does not see is good tell people the information if someone did very good to have an officer tells the information because the questions have been left unanswered that been answered. I am glad I got the information on what to do when active shooter does happen.gamer789

  52. Before I watched this video I was very ignorant. I thought that the only way to "survive" was to hide, I had never thought to run nor have I ever thought to fight. I graduated high school in May and every since kindergarten we would always do lockdown drills and during these lock downs we were only taught to pretend we were not in the building; to hide. I always thought, if someone at this school wants to come in and kill us they would know we were in here because of these lockdown drills. With the active shooter video the shooter has no way to know where everyone is because there are so many possibilities of what to do. Now that I have watched the video I know what my possibilities are and I am equipped mentally with how to survive. I believe this video should be shown to students of all ages at any school because the only option is not to hide. I will share this information and this video with my family members and my friends because everyone needs to know how to survive in an active shooter situation. Overall, I now know what to do and how to survive if I were ever in this situation. There is always a possibility of an active shooter coming into a school anywhere and this video will save lives and prevent a lot of families from hurting. This video can also discourage potential active shooters from committing this crime because they are not one hundred percent sure they will get their target. This video will save lives!!!

    1. I understand where you are coming from, ever since I was maybe in 2nd grade we learned how to lockdown the school. We all had to hid in the corner of the room away from the door, look the door, turn the lights off, and be very quiet. I understood why they had us too that though. What I didn’t understand is one time in about 4th grade I was going to the bathroom and they did a lockdown drill and I was in the middle of the bathroom freaking out. I didn’t understand what was going to happen. After this video, we watched I realized I would have had to hid in the bathroom or fought my way through the mess I was into. The video in the end explained a lot. Smile123

  53. After watching the active shooter video, I was a little bit scared of the fact of, if someone entered ICC with the mind set to kill a lot of people. How would I react. I believe that if I truly had to fight I would try to fight as best as possible, but if it got down to where a shooter was right in front of me I think I would just freeze. The video really made me feel like I should often think on these steps just in case something like this ever happens. Knowing every way out possible in your college is a good first step to try and figure out. Are you going to go left out that door or right out of that door? Sometimes when people panic they lose control of themselves. Under the conditions you just got to try and stay calm, because in the end the decisions you make are up to you anything you do may risk your chance of dying but you can’t let that stop you. To be fair I think if I was in a situation where there was no running I would grab random objects and try to fight my hardest. Another option is I could also try and hide, I believe I am small enough to get in a place where he might not be able to see me at all. For example, like a book case or a locker or just underneath any desk. After watching the video, it made me realize I should always know what to do if something like this happened. I could Run, Fight or hide. I really do hope nothing like this happens but if it does I believe 100% after this video I am prepared to do anything I need to do to survive. Smile123

    1. When i got done watching the active shooter video, i felt like the things they did as far as the students taking cover and being prepared were things that i already had in my head to do.Its scary to think that this can happen and you might freeze up and do none of the things in the video. I Think as far as staying calm,everybody can't do it at all so everybody has to help each other and try to be comforter to one another.Risking your life trying to be the hero should be the last option ,running is the first option to come to mind.I pray to god this never happens but if it does, i think everyone that watches this video will and should be prepared.I understand your point of view as well!!!!

    2. When i got done watching the active shooter video, i felt like the things they did as far as the students taking cover and being prepared were things that i already had in my head to do.Its scary to think that this can happen and you might freeze up and do none of the things in the video. I Think as far as staying calm,everybody can't do it at all so everybody has to help each other and try to be comforter to one another.Risking your life trying to be the hero should be the last option ,running is the first option to come to mind.I pray to god this never happens but if it does, i think everyone that watches this video will and should be prepared.I understand your point of view as well!!!! -collegekid789

  54. Schools seem to be rather proactive these days when it comes to things like 'school shootings', that likely would have been considered an very niche situation only a decade or so ago. I got a few red flags before when one of my other teachers mentioned new protocols for an active shooter, and told us to prioritize running BEFORE hiding. I guess after years of schooling you build an instinct for detecting incoming lectures. Anyway, to be completely honest, I'm not quite sure why people thought it was a good idea to hide when you can be at McDonald's™ across the street eating a Big Mac™, not sponsored by McDonald's™ or affiliates! Jokes aside, it's possible that the perception people had of 'school-shooters' was … skewed at the time. Many cases include a simple lack of forethought, though. In all the schools I attended, they taught us to lock the door, turn off the lights, and hide in a corner, one of those schools not realizing that all a shooter had to do was look for the closed doors in a hallway of open doors, not vastly different from many buildings of the ICC North campus at certain times. Much of it comes down to the lack of understanding of the shooter's motives, however; some may plan every step including: time, place, targets, and escape routes, while others have a purely emotional purpose with little to no forethought. Though it is likely impossible for us to perfectly prepare for every curveball a shooter can throw (we're not all trained soldiers, here), finding a plan that can bend to the situation and account for panic will likely be the best choice, and this 'Run, Hide, Fight' plan seems to be an amalgamation of these concepts, put into simple format. All in all, a little late in implementation if you ask me, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20.


    1. I agree that hindsight is usually 20/20 as well. But I am also grateful that we are at least doing something. They also may have been doing this for quite some time, but you may have not been present for that specific training or maybe they didn't provide it in the course you were taking due to lack of adequate personnel to teach it. The Peoria Police Department has been doing these types of intruder drills for many years in the area schools. I am just happy that they are doing something. Some training is better than nothing at all. MommaJ789

  55. The thought of having an active shooter in a school building and school property has never come to my mind because of my previous school district and the location. I felt really safe and thought nothing would happen especially an active shooting. But when I was in class for the first day in sociology, I realized that this could happen and if it did happen what would I do or what are some things that I should do in order to protect myself and my fellow class. Of course we practiced drills in high school just in case we had fires, tornados, and active shooter, but drills aren’t the same as reality. After watching the this video and hearing the chief lecture about the steps you should take when you are in this situation was really helpful and really struck me that hiding was only my only choice but I can also run away from the shooter and fight the shooter. This step action can also be used not only for the active shooter but when you are being attacked while leaving campus for those who have night classes and some midday classes as well. Having to think that this would happen at anytime is really horrifying but once you take those safety actions, you should be safe or able to get away from the shooter.

  56. The video was informative but most of it was about things i already had in my mind as to what to do. This is a nightmare that has already been a devastating reality for so many people. A shooter doesn't have to be a certain race,religion,or gender.It can be someone who has had a bad day and just couldn't mentally or emotionally take the pressure any longer .Some aren't easily read and hide they're problems and vent in different way such as social media or just being "anti-social". This kind of situation is always random to the innocent people apart of it.Events such as active shooters can have life long effects on people and how they everyday life as they know it!!! -collegekid789-

    1. Yes this may have been something you have always thought about or had in your mind but it's something that you can always learn from and expand your mind on the possibilities and expand your knowledge on this subject and how you are going to ensure your safety. Many people may think about this maybe once or twice but not as often as we should. This is a kind of topic we should always think about something your mind is always open to for example finding more than one exit point not just from your room or your place but from the building and also not to just have one or two plans but to have multiple and maybe practice them if time allows for that. And always be open to improvise maybe try putting yourself if that situation and see how you would improvise or would you at all. This is one of those things we don't really know till it happens. NDIrish123

  57. I am 40 years old and would have never thought about what to do in situations like this when I was younger. I think it is really the mindset that this would never happen to me. I thought where I lived was safe, and secure and never honestly thought that anyone would be that mentally off to come in and shoot up the school. It is very scary to think that it really could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. I am curious how often this has happened before the media started televising these types of issues more consistently. I am grateful for the availability of videos and trainings like this to students. The more students and faculty are exposed to these situations the better they can respond. Victims of incidents like this are already scared and nervous. This rush of adrenaline makes it hard to think clearly about what to do to protect yourself and others. I am honestly not sure how I would react. This video is great because it gives examples of what to do in this situation. People would more likely remember these examples from previously watching video trainings like this than be able to think clearly and make good split-second decisions. I hope that these types of trainings not only help prepare potential victims of these types of events, but also may make the person thinking of doing these horrific things to hurt people think twice because he may not be able to carry out his plan. MommaJ789

  58. This video is a great learning tool that all teachers across our nation should show their students. Not just colleges but high schools and so on because this type of thing can happen anywhere at anytime. This video hits major points on what to do and how to go about ensuring your safety. I have already seen this video once before but the first time I watched it it gave me some helpful insight on what to do if it does happen and to always think through what you would do not just occasionally. Originally I had some ideas on where I might go or what I might do in case of this situation and this video taight me how to do that more effectively and more efficient than I did before. Schools always say that their students and faculty staff's safety is number one to them then my question to them would be why don't they mandate this for every class to ensure that every student watches this video for their own safety. To me that would show me the place where I am going to school is taking the extra step to help protect me and ensure my safety which is a nice feeling and thought to have. Even watching this video for the second time there is always something new you can learn. This is one of those things you can watch it a million times and always learn something new no matter what. This will always be an evolving topic and smarter and new and better ways will come forth and present itself. But in today's society and today's world this is a great video that not necessarily every school should watch but maybe every school and big like major businesses do to there size and faculty numbers. NDIrish123

  59. The presentation that was given was super informational and I think a lot of people need to be aware of what to do in situations like that. The video really taught me some different spots for me to hide in and some ways to make sure the person doesn't know I'm there and I can get out safely and soundly. And if I have other people around me to make sure I'm safe and then help them as I can. And while we all hope we never are in these situations it doesn't mean it cant happen to us and we should always have a plan for a situation like that and this video really does inform you of a safe plan and what steps you should take to make sure you are safe and get out alive. And it's good that they do go around and teach students about this because a lot of us don't really know what to do if we ever are caught in that situation it makes us all feel a little bit more safer and secure to know that there is a plan of action to follow and that the number one thing is to just get away as quickly as you possibly can. It was also good to know that the police will try to neutralize the threat as quickly as they can but they can't always get there as fast as the situation may occur so you need to just always be aware of your surroundings and know what's going on and when so your not caught off guard because you can maybe avoid the situation or not get caught in the crossfire of something. But the big thing I got from this was how to go about handling the situation and that it could happen anywhere at any moment and we don't know when it might happen and we should always pay attention to our surroundings and know what's going on so we never are caught off guard and we must be alert even when you think it's safe you may never know. So I think everyone in schools and universities should see this since it seems to be happening so frequently in our society and it just will help there be less casualties and victims and everyone can be a whole lot safer. Buttercup789

  60. Active shooter situations anywhere are not a joke. It is nice to know that while attending ICC if a situation like this were to ever happen I feel like ICC has a solid plan on how to stop it. I have so much confidence that the chief will do anything in his power to keep our campus safe. Personally, I thought the presentation was very informing. The presentation really opened by eyes, you never think it will happen to you but you should be prepared regardless. Most people in those situations just start panicking and their body goes into fight or flight mode. Active shooter situations unfortunately are common in our world and some people do not know what to do. This video was short and it gets to the point which was nice. It can be frustrating leaving all your stuff behind because you may have something important, but those things cannot be as important as saving your own life. I am actually very pleased that we were shown this video because in the two years I have unfortunately never been told what to do just in case of an emergency like this. One cool feature that the video shows that ICC uses is the “My Alert” text, email, and phone call alerts. The “My Alert” feature send you a message to alert you if anything dangerous might be going on at campus. It was very nice to meet the chief as well because I have never met him. He made me feel safer while attending ICC. He did give us the emergency number to campus police and which is really nice to have especially when having night classes throughout the week it’s nice to be able to have a number to call if I ever feel unsafe, instead of calling someone off campus that may not be able to get to me on time.

  61. The fact that a shooter situation could happen at ICC is scary, but also incredibly sad. It’s realistic to prepare for such an occurrence, and I can see how logical the Run, Hide, Fight options are, in that order. This video instills a sense of responsibility; to be able to take care of yourself in this situation is essential for survival, and would help other people fend for themselves and not worry too much about others. The hide and fight option are also courses of action to be mindful of, since a single mistake could cause other people to be killed, which is tragic. For example, not hiding correctly, fighting recklessly… all things that could decrease the chances of survival for not only yourself, but other people. This video is informational, useful, and effective in making me (and hopefully a lot others) take this possible situation seriously, where these options could help save lives from a shooter who needs saving from themselves. I hope something like this never happens here at ICC. The advice on how to run away, hide/block effectively, and fight strategically, is really useful in this setting. While this video didn’t have as much as an impact as the Ohio University video, where it showed the steps that could have any unknown outcomes, that showed that this situation can be very real, and possible, the video is enough for anyone to learn how to safely deal with situation. In this situation, I don’t know how I’d react, adrenaline and basic instinct would determine that. But with this information, at least I’d know what to do if I needed it. It’s still very sad that we need this, but it’s necessary, and I can only hope for a future where we can feel safe, and happy with ourselves so that no one can lash out in violence when they feel utterly alone in the world.


  62. It is really important to know about what is happening around us and our environment, so that do not get taken by surprise by an armed intruder. The video was quite informative to me about knowing how to react and follow the necessary steps to survive in case of this happening here at ICC or any other public place. It is quite terrifying to think that one-second you are in class and the next one you may be trying to survive an armed intrusion. This video shows the three steps that will help to increase the chances of survival. The steps are as simple; as run, hide, fight. Coming up with a plan about what to do is based is on the circumstances and where you are at that moment and the location of the intruder to asses if you need to run, hide or fight. I personally feel really terrified about the whole idea that my social environment can become hostile and unsafe so abruptly. I really appreciate the video because this valuable information can definitely save many lives including my own life. I noticed that if there is any evidence of a gun belonging to the intruder is has to be hidden from the police view but it doesn't really explain why this is important. Koi789

  63. I have seen the active shooter video multiple times and everytime I watch it, it makes me realized that it can actually happen in real life. Because there was a recent shooting not too long ago where a suspect killed 6 students and injured 5 students because the suspect was getting bullied at school and yelled at constantly at home. So it can happen anywhere thank God it hasn’t happened at my school yet. From watching this video it makes me wonder “where at school will I be and how will I get to safety during the event?” Because you can’t be unprepared when it happens and not know what to do, then you may end up hurt or possibly killed. Before I have watched this video for the first time I didn’t have the emergency texts or email system setup on my phone but once I saw this video I made it my top priority to get it setup just in case. Most people assume that an active shooter in the school will always be a male but that’s where they make the mistake because I have read some articles in the past and the shooter have been a female and she killed 4 people. So I always tell people when they talk about active shooters don’t underestimate women as being incapable of committing such acts. I have noticed that our local high schools and middle schools don’t go over an active shooter with their students and they are the ones who may get affected by the event the most because they are unprepared to find out what to do when they're caught off guard.-NIKE789


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