Max Weber....Simply Explained


  1. Max Weber was the king of capitalism, which was seen as a result of technological advancement, especially concerning steam power. Weber, however, theorizes that Calvinism, a concentration within Protestantism, and its set of religious ideas were crucial to the capitalistic development. This is because of five key ideas about Protestantism. Protestantism instills a bit of anxiety and guilt, since they cannot be cleansed in such a way that Catholics can and that God will only reveal his true motives on Judgement Day. Also, they saw all work, even baking, as holy. Even further, they operated on the idea that God likes hard work and so much so that their work ethic was even called “the Protestant work ethic.” Unlike Catholics, they believe that the family harbors selfish motives and the community is more important. Lastly, people turned to science in what Weber called “the disenchantment of the world,” which discredits miracles.
    Next, we look at how to develop capitalism around the world. Unlike Germany, Weber notes that the other 35 countries who developed capitalism are not as developed. He believes they are failing because they don’t feel anxious and guilty enough, trust to much in miracles, and favor the family. To develop capitalism, we must focus on culture and its ideology. In America, specifically, we are either not as focused on religion or are Catholic. Those are probably the two biggest ideologies. We are one of the “failing” capitalists. Weber would see how we are focused on family, realize miracles, and do not have the same “Protestant work ethic.”
    Lastly, he said that humanity has gone through three types of power, traditional authority, where Kings rely on folklore to justify their power, charismatic authority, where gallant people change the world through passion, and the current bureaucratic authority, achieving its power through knowledge. These political powers are how we shape the world. Catzfuhdays789

    1. Great blog! When it came to the subject of how to develop capitalism around the world I agree on what you've said. Weber saying that people don't feel anxious or guilty is a big one, or that people trust in miracles too much, and favor the family. I liked how one of his examples for this was how people like to celebrate now rather than invest in the tomorrows, I believe that plays a big part everywhere you go.
      Analysis was done saying that the materialist interventions would never work because the problem really wasn't a materialist, it was the people as well. As well as you summed up the three types of power very well. I like how you kept the traditional authority, charismatic authority, and bureaucratic authority short and simple. Actually learned the simple form of bureaucratic authority from reading yours vs reading and listening to the video.

    2. The video explain the ideas of Weber, but in the current world I can see that some countries which do not have Protestant belief, they are successful economically because they are focus in a high discipline for instance Japan is one of them and mainly it is a Buddhist country. I think that successful countries like Japan fit in the Weber's concept of "Set of Ideas", and also in his concept that prosperity only can be the result of thinking methodically, acting honestly, and working industriously and sensibly over many years, and I think that is what the Japanese culture does.
      On the other hand, I can say that in other countries, especially Latin-Americans countries where capitalism are not well developed it is not because the whole community do not feel anxious for having prosperity. It’s the complete corruption from greedy politicians that has invaded all the government causing the stopping of the prosperity, for instance Venezuela, a rich country in oil, is suffering the consequences of a new dictatorship in that region and this situation is making that many people fly to high-income countries to get opportunities and provide a better, and a bright future to the next generation of the family.

    3. I agree, some countries who do not practice Capitalism are very successful economically not as a result of miracles but because they do have high discipline and strive to work hard in everything they do. Working hard and having high disciplinary community can make you successful economically.

    4. The definition of Capitalism, an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Weber believed that Protestantism had a lot to do with making it possible. Because they believed only God can judge on judgement day and there is no other way to be cleansed, that you can show your faith by working hard every day to help better the community, not believing in miracles, and because they had the pressure to do right they tried their hardest. Seeing any job done by hard work holy. In turn industrialism boomed. I think these ideals are beautiful. Even if you aren't a religious person you can still see the meaning behind it. I do think that we can be better if we take control as a people instead of allowing the state to do it for us. If we work hard to we can overcome this failure as a state, and as a people make it an ideal place to live again. But you are right in order to do that we need to focus on a few different things and think before acting, but I feel we need to act quick.

  2. Weber devoted his life to study economic capitalism. Analyzing the changes of factories (industrialism). It was said that it was possible because of the development of ideas or technology. Weber thinks it must do more with religion, particularly Protestantism. He mentioned that Catholics have it easy as they devoted their beliefs more so as a day of a week or sermons. They use confessionals to confess their sins and then live their life the way they want if they confess their sins God will forgive them. When Protestants believe that showing faith to all seeing, all knowing God was done by hard work, and that only God can forgive. Protestants believed that no matter what occupation you were in you can still have faith and live life through hard work for the community, that the work of God can be done by anyone with fairness and earnest. They did not put their faith in miracles to change the world.
    The problem I can see here in America, is we still do put our faith in miracles. There is a lot of people who show senses of entitlement, like things should be handed to them instead of working hard to achieve it. Then there are people here who believe hard work is the only way to solve an issue. Even though I don’t classify as any religion I was brought up in two different ones, free-will Baptist who believe that your free-will and what you do with that free-will determines the kind of Christian you are. That God judges, not you. Then Catholic, who believe any sin can be forgiven as long as you ask for forgiveness. We also see everything as material. We need material objects to survive.
    I do agree as well as giving the countries in need money and resources we should be teaching a better outlook as well. We can make a difference by teaching a difference and by them learning the difference. If we continue to hand things out it would be taken for granted by most, and in turn we would be enabling instead of fixing the root issue to begin with. Like being put on a pain medication for a chronic issue such as Fibromyalgia or Lupis. That is doing nothing but covering up the issues instead of working towards making it better. Yes, it is a chronic issue and it may never be 100% better but going to physical therapy and strengthening your body, muscles and heart can help combat the issue. Trying to better the quality of life the easy way, big pharm would rather keep prescribing medicines that are enabling the opioid epidemic. How to change the world? By ideas and teaching those ideas. Not by money. The world as we know it now revolves around it. In my personal opinion, it shouldn’t we should be more focused on the issues and what caused them to begin with. Once we figure that out we can start to make the world a better place.

    1. I agree with you. I think in almost every area that Weber explains was crucial to the beginning of capitalism, we lack. We do not have as driven of a work ethic, and many people are entitled as you said. Most of America, I would theorize, is either not as focused on their spirituality or is Christian, namely Catholic. This being said, Catholics believe they can be cleansed, like you said, which is an opposite ideology as the Protestants as well. I also believe that Americans are solely focused on family over the community. So, in Weber’s eyes I think we would be considered a failing capitalistic nation. To note, I was actually raised as a Baptist as well. Catzfuhdays789

    2. I completely agree with what you’re saying, we should be teaching children how to make a difference in the world. To teach them what it means to have food on the table and a roof over their heads, and to help the realize they should not take it for granted. The way of Capitalism tends to be about the materials and not beliefs and or hope for that matter. I can see how that would work to make society progress to modernizing, but that should not hinder someone from having faith or hope. I agree with you, when it comes to diseases such as Lupis and Fibromyalgia that will probably never be better even with the modern-day technology, if they haven’t already, that’s when people start to hope for a miracle. I think that notion for hope of a miracle will always be a part of humans, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    3. Too be fair we all feel entitled to a certain degree, some people more than others. For instance if you work 40 hours a week you are entitled to a paycheck that reflects your time worked, right? Understandable enough because after all you put in work in order to be compensated, that leads me to my opposing thoughts on the newer generation of children who just feel "entitled to this, that, what they want, and what the next person has" I'm sure some may cut grass and help around the house with chores, etc. but I personally don't remember having high expectations set upon my family or parents. Like we were happy with the simple things such as food, shelter, clothes, and the occasional toy we may have gotten from the store. Indeed, things evolve over time however children have become more harsher in a sense which has heightened the "entitlement" concept, because not only do parents have to provide their children with the basics they now have to make sure the shoes are nike/adidas/jordans, clothes have to have a name brand logo as well just to minimize the impact of their children falling victim to the next bully. Entitlement is on the rise while compassion for others has fallen considerable. Oh how I miss the "old days."

  3. Max Weber is a Philosopher that can best explain the economic system called capitalism. Max grew up to see his country go through dramatic changes of the industrial revolution. Weber spent most of his life analyzing the change in cities exploding, companies were forming, and new elite was replacing the old aristocracy. Weber goes over why does capitalism exist and its possibility. Capitalism was created Calvinism Protestantism and was crucial capitalism. In the analysis protestants makes you feel guilty. They can come clean and confess more often with a priest. While protestants who believe that only god is able to forgive leaving them with a high feeling, anxiety, and life long guiltiness to prove their worth to a silent god. Along with that came hard work, an obsession which was called the protestant work ethic. Protestants declared that all work could be done in the name of god. Weber said something disenchantment of the world when Protestantism and scientific capitalism turned its back on miracles. Marx came into the picture and urged that religion was the opium of masses meaning that it was a drug that induced passive acceptance of capitalism. But Weber put a stop to that and says people didn't tolerate capitalism because religion, they become that way because the result of their religion. Weber also goes over how we could change the world because he wanted things to change as well. Humanity and three distant types was Traditional where kings relied folklore and divinity for power. Charismatic authority where Napoleon could rise to power with a personality which would help change everything through passion and will. Bureaucratic authority where dominance bureaucracy has major implications for anyone trying to change the nation. Weber tells us how power works now and reminds us that ideas may be far more important than tools or money in changing nations.

    1. I found it very interesting how the Catholics viewed their lives as more relaxed. They had options to attend confession on a regular basis and be cleansed by priests. They believed in God, but they didn't view God as their only option. However how sad for the Protestants that they believed that only God could forgive them and that they had to wait until judgement day to know if they have been doing things correctly. This created a lot of stress for the Protestant people. I also like how he mentioned that taking a leader out of power "Bureaucratic Authority" will probably not solve the problem. That leader may be replaced with an even worse leader. The problem at hand is probably larger than the leader. You did a very good job explaining a topic that we do not talk about very much.


  4. Interesting video that explain that Max Weber is the best to explain us the economic system called capitalism. Weber spent his life analyzing how and why industrial capitalism developed. He grew up seeing his country, Germany, convulsed by the dramatic changes of the Industrial Revolution. He saw how cities were exploding in size, how vast companies were forming, and how new managerial elite was replacing the old aristocracy.
    I see that capitalism exist as a result of developments in technology especially steam power, but Weber proposed something more interesting that actually made capitalism possible and that was a "set of ideas", and also some particular religious ideas. He claimed that Capitalism was created by Protestantism, specifically Calvinism. He believed why Protestant Christianity was fundamental to Capitalism, because in Weber's eyes, Protestant feelings of guilt were diverted into an obsession with hard work, he saw that Protestantism believed that they could clean up the sins of Adam through constant toil. He called that the "Protestant work ethic".
    Protestants declared that work of any kind such us baker, accountant could be done in the name of God so this gave new moral energy and seriousness to all kind of professional life, they also declared that the energy of every individual should be directed to the community as a whole to provide fairness and dignity to everybody.
    Weber also believed that countries that fail to succeed at capitalism is because they don’t feel anxious and guilty enough.
    When Protestantism and the scientific capitalism started believing in miracles like Catholics Weber called this "The disenchantment of the world". Weber did not believe that prosperity came from something mysteriously sent by God; he believed that prosperity only can only be the result of thinking methodically, acting honestly, and working industriously and sensibly over many years without believing in miracles. He believed that society has to use science to get explanations and changes, because that encouraged scientific investigation and discovery.

  5. Max Weber was a philosopher who invented capitalism which this video explains a lot. Weber wrote a book which had the two major terms religion and capitalism which were potentially explosive when applied to the interpretation of origins of the modern Western economy. Capitalism began as a result of development in technology especially steam power, it was created by Protestantism specifically Calvinism. Weber argued for the transformative force of certain religious ideas, earning the opposition of most contemporary Marxists; his characterization of Catholicism as lacking in mundane discipline, and as a retarding rather than a stimulating influence upon modern economic development. The Catholics believe that they can confess to a priest but Protestants believe that only God can forgive their sins. The Protestants also say that God loves hard work and doesn’t take time off. While Catholics have a limited conception of what is holy, the Protestants believe any kind of work is holy if done in the name of God even if you’re a baker or an accountant. There are about 35 countries around the world that are well developed in Capitalism but Germany has it well developed among all those countries because that is where Capitalism was observed first. Some countries fail to succeed in Capitalism because they don’t feel anxious or guilty enough, they trust in miracles and like to celebrate now rather than later in the future. I agree with those who don’t succeed in capitalism, because they shouldn’t be anxious or feel guilty about the future, instead they should let the future take care itself and just enjoy the present.

  6. Max Weber was born in 1864 in Germany right in the beginning of the industrial revolution, which sparked his interest in the flow of society and how it would work in this new modernized world. He studied Capitalism for most of his life, and created these ideas of how it works and came about. Capitalism began due to the burst of development in technology and the modernization of society, especially with invention of steam powered machines. He proposed that what made Capitalism tick, was a set of ideas, as set of religious ideas. More specifically the religious views of Protestantism, which is summed up in four basic points. Protestantism tends to make a person of that religion feel guilty because those that follow cannot have their sins forgiven until judgment day, unlike Catholics, who can go to their priests and ask for forgiveness. Which then leads to “the Protestant Work Ethic,” because in Protestantism it is believed that God likes hard work. It is understood that the sins of Adam could only be resolved by continual work, which resulted in the belief of fewer rest days and celebrations. It is also believed that all work is holy, that of which means any work at all is holy done in the name of God. With the Catholic religion, holy work is summed down to just priests, monks, and nuns. This idea of any work being holy, lead to the way of honest work and moral behavior within the work force. Protestantism also believes that people should be putting their community first and not their families. It is believed to be, that the family could influence a person to have egoistic motives and carry out selfish acts. It is encouraged to point those selfless acts toward their community, to achieve honor and nobility. Protestants also did not believe in miracles, which was called ‘The Disenchantment of the World.’ Without this belief people turned to science and technology, and this is what Max Weber believed helped Capitalism get a grasp into society and the modernized world more of a reality. Marx tried to argue against Weber’s findings, indicating that, “Religion was the opium of the masses. A drug that induces passive acceptance of the horrors of capitalism,” but that accusation did not stick with society. Thirty-five countries successfully accepted Capitalism into their society, but the other hundred and sixty-one countries could not quite get a hold on it. It seemed as though those countries that could not accept Capitalism, after billions of dollars were spent trying to aid those countries it was then found to be that they could not give up the belief of miracles and or celebration. They don’t feel “guilty” enough like the Protestants do, they would rather celebrate that moment than finance tomorrow. Families are of up most importance, therefore there is more evidence thieving in the community making things go downhill for the nation. In the end, no matter what the culture or beliefs are Weber has come up with the conclusion that in order to make society flow and work together, is the evolution of ideas. There can be and will be all this new technology and money, but to make the world continue to move on day by day smoothly is a new point of view on how things should run with this new modernized world.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. America can be said to be the current hub of Capitalism in the modern world- and yet, protestants do not make up the majority of our religious observation. Catholicism reigns supreme, though one could argue that Christianity has it's many forms and it's many hands in our country. Catholicism is based on some of the same basic morals, the god-fearing, hard working tenets of the bible that Max Weber would have associated with Capitalism in his time, but there are core traditional values such as family, celebration, absolution, that may poke holes in his theory. Does this mean that he's absolutely wrong? Not necessarily. Max Weber was a man puzzling through his times. The Industrial Revolution was a boom of modernization, of technology speeding past human comprehension, society evolving faster than it ever had before. Weber was making sense out of it by segregating out a large group that seemed to be having a prominent effect.Protestants worked hard and took little time off for themselves. They rarely celebrated, they marinated in their own guilt. They lacked any belief in the miracles of their own God, something that still holds strong in Christians all over the world today. Science and technology was their new worship, advancement their new church. In contrast to Socialism, where community and family was more important, Capitalism prioritized the nation first. When the nation comes before the people, the people suffer, but the nation survives, is that the idea? But Weber was certainly spot on with his insights on bureaucracy. It's like chopping off one head of the hydra, there's always another to take it's place. And to relate it again to modern America, we see now that perhaps we are falling back into the times of Charismatic Authority, where a 'Napoleonic' figure can swoop in and take control of our country on presence and passion alone. It's not yet Traditional Authority, relying on folklore and divinity, but perhaps politics and society and the way that they change are more cyclical than ever marching forward, as Weber hoped.

  9. It was originally thought that capitalism began as a result of technological advancements, most importantly the steam engines by way of the Protestant religion or Calvinism. Protestantism is said to have been crucial in the shaping of capitalism. People who followed the Protestant religion worked as bakers and accountants with jobs like that of everyday people. They were very hardworking individuals who did not favor family, and all work was deemed holy work under this particular religion. The Protestant work ethic as it was termed came with disparity, little to no time off, increased levels of anxiety, guilty desires, and sin. Also, under the following miracles were seen as "The disenchantment of the world" so instead of looking to an invisible/silent God they sought answers within Science.

    Catholics were quite the opposite, it was said that they had it easy as compared to the Protestant faith. Why? Because they were able to confess their sins at regular intervals with cleansing provided by Priest, this particular offering was not available to Protestants. Holy work was limited to monks, nuns, and priest.

    Capitalism exist in over 35 countries, including here in America where it is alive and well in my opinion. Take for example: The many advancements in technology from software, cell phones, and cars....there is an update for iPhone every month or so, cell phones were once just landline phones connected to a wall jack, cars once had manual window handles(now you can push a button to start your car and warm your seats.) Furthermore, the ability to start a savings account, IRA's/CD's that may help you buy a house or car, perhaps put your child(ren) through college. Saving for a rainy day or isn't a bad idea either. The options and resources here in America are aplenty, utilize them.

    1. I agree with you. coming from a catholic background it was a little hard to process the fact that he compares it so much and that he beleives that catholics have it easier. Personally we all wouldnt know how it was to live back then during this time but its just hard to believe that this great philosopher would focus on that and make that one of his biggest points. redline789

  10. Max Weber - Simply Explained

    Max Weber is one of the best Philosopher, he did the best at explaining the peculicar economic we live in which is called "Capitalism". He was born in Eufurt, Germany in 1864 - which means he grew up during dramatic changes of the Industrial Revolution. Weber spent his life anazyling the changes that you saw occuring. These changes included: cities were growing in size, companies were forming, and new managerial elite were replacing the old aristocracy. There are 35 counties where capitalism is wdeveloped, however the most well developed is Germany where it was first observed.
    He really focused on religion: Protestant Christianity and Catholics.

    Protestant Christianity:
    He pointed out that Protestantism makes you feel guilty, and that only God can forgive them. They believe that God likes hard work and taking a break creates anxiety. It is discovered that other types of work can be done in the name of God. In this religion community makes more than family. They do not believe in Miracles, this makes people turn to Science for explanations and changes.

    Catholics have it easier because they are able to attend confession on a regular basis and be cleansed by the priests. The following works are holy "Priest's, Monk's, and Nun's". Family is the most important and it's still this way today.
    Marx agrued that religion was a drug that induced acceptance of the horrors of capitalism. However Weber didn't agree with Marx's view. He felt that people do not tolerate capitalism because of religion. They become capitalist as a result of religion.
    He wanted to change the world. He believed we needed to know how political power operated. Traditional Authority- example kings relied on folkloroe to justify their power, Charismatic Authority- example a person "Napoleon" able to rise to power and change everything through passion and will, and Bureaucratic Authority- example achieves its power through knowledge. There are major consequences for anyone trying change the nation.
    I really like this statement: Ideas may be more powerful than tools and money.

  11. Capitalism is an economic system that emerged in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Max Weber produced something that many experts believed to be the greatest individual contribution to sociology. Weber understood the power of technology and shared many ideas about social conflict with Marx. Weber had a philosophical approach called idealism which emphasized how human ideas especially their beliefs and values shape society. Weber also believed in capitalism that came from fast developing companies, especially steam power, and a set of ideas including religion. He spent years considering how and why capitalism was developed in the first place. The birth of industrial capitalism is believed to come from Protestant Reformation. Weber saw industrial capitalism as an outcome of Calvinism. Calvinist approached life in a formal rational way. The study of Calvinism provides evidence of the power of ideas to shape society. Later generations of Calvinist lost they religious enthusiasm, but the still had a drive for success and personal discipline remained. What started as religious ethics was gradually transformed into a w work ethic. Earlier Calvinist went from keeping a record of daily morals that just ended up becoming keeping track of money. Weber believed that rationality is the basis of modern society rising both the industrial revolution and capitalism. Marx also believed in how we could change. He believed that the world had gone through three levels of power. The first power being traditional authority that brought the kings with their monarchy. Next, form of power was the charismatic authority with the heroic powers such as napoleon, and the final authority bureaucracy. Bureaucracy was a form of power brought through knowledge, only the bureaucratic knew how to work the technology. Weber let us know how power works now and the ideas are far more important than tools and money.

  12. I believe this was an interesting video because it is short and simple but detailed at the same time. Capitalism can be complex however it was Max Weber’s life. He had such an interesting point of view on how society was impacted and compared two of the main religious groups of the time. He compared Protestants with Catholics. Explaining that capitalism worked best under Protestant religion opposed to Catholic. His main point of view with this is that due to Protestants having to work harder in life they were able to dedicate their time and life accordingly instead of wasting it on waiting/believing in miracles or not working as hard. This shows a lot about the religious divide that was present back then. The video explains how capitalism should be based more on thinking things as a whole and not for personal gains. Or gains in the present time. Which can be good due to people not wasting their time with certain things and thinking of the greater good. The only thing is now a day’s can you imagine living like that? Can you imagine not having that hope or believing in miracles. It just seems so empty. I think coming from a Catholic background does impact my view on things because although I would hate to admit it this video does show or prove a lot of interesting points about Protestants vs Catholics. I also found it interesting that the video shows many different countries that have tried and failed at capitalism. Which isn’t difficult to picture due to the lack of many resources other countries have. Although it isn’t just the resources but the structure itself. redline789

  13. Max Weber helped invent capitalism. Capitalism was created by protestants mostly Calvinists. This video explains how Max Weber wrote a book which explains why protestant religion was so crucial to capitalism and how protestants believed that hard work was the only way to please god and how catholic which was the other big religion wouldn't have worked for that time. He also believed that you could only work hard and think methodically for many years and that was how society should work. And because this was towards the time that people didn't believe in miracles any more and they were looking towards science so this lead to scientific discoveries and technological booms. So he believed that people turned toward capitalism because of their religion. In about 35 countries right now capitalism is developed but it works best in Germany but in other countries it doesn't work because they don't feel anxious or guilty enough according to Weber and they still believe in miracles and like to have celebrate now instead of investing in tomorrow. So I don't agree with capitalism because I believe that you don't have to feel anxious and guilty all the time and you don't have to worry constantly about the future I think this is just another way for them to make other feel afraid or like they constantly have to look over their shoulders in a sense I think it just makes for a very sad life and while that person may be productive because they have to work hard all the time it can lead to depression and maybe worse because they aren't having fulfillment in their life. But those in countries who don't have it aren't necessarily happy but they don't feel guilty or anxious all the time for the pressure that they have to work for something they can never reach
    Buttercup 789


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