Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration...Thoughts?


  1. First, I have never agreed with the idea of private prisons. There are many reason why they should not be allowed, and why the states should not pay for them. Some of the main reasons for this is because they are less likely to try and rehabilitate the inmates and most are enadiquite to handle the masses of inmates that they receive. Not just in the lack of experiance or training but in the lack of officers as well. The video talks of how crime against guards is 45% higher in private prisons than in state facilities and 65% higher against other inmates. It also speaks of a riot in the Crowley prison in Colorado. The fact that it went unhandled for several hours before what remaining guards did anything and the fact that local police had to come in and end the riot just goes to show the lack of training and experiance in these prisons. Another Large factor to the way the inmates are treated is the high turn over rates in the guards. In my opinion new quards are more agresive to try and show that they are not easy targets and to try and show dominance in curtain situations. This leads to retaliation on the inmates behalf because they feel mistreated. With long term experianced guards they are able to establish a repore between inmates and guards because they learn each other. Also private based prisons are there to make money they are not there to help inmates better themselves. They only meet basic required guidelines and only enforce rules and security messaures that deem inportant to their needs and wants as a prion. As with State ran prison the rules regulations and guide lines can be enforced by the government.


    1. I could not agree more on every thing you said. I strongly disagree with the private prisons as well, the way that the employees get treated in the prisons is very disappointing to me. In my opinion no one should be scared to enter their work place. like the lady said in the video that she had called for back up to move an inmate and no one came shows just how careless these prison operators are. To let your staff do things such as move a dangerous inmate by themselves is crazy to think. If you are required to move an "dangerous" inmate it should be mandatory for there to be more then one staff member moving the inmates. i would much rather my staff to be on the safe side then the sorry side. with that being said i think all the private prison should be done away with and the prisoners separated into the correct prison security system

    2. I would also have to say that I have never agreed with private prisons neither they make no sense to have and should not be allowed in the US at any point in time they are wasting our tax money to keep them running and they aren’t even running properly so what’s the point in wasting our money on something that can’t run good? I would also have to agree that we should not have to pay for something that won’t even help the inmates in them to get better they purposefully keep them in there to make the tax payers pay more and more per inmate within the walls of these private prisons.

    3. I agree with your post as it was a great post!! I do not agree with private prisons as I learned a little about them from the video. Since I did not know about the private ones I now question the system even more. I was in shock to know that private prisons have 45% higher rates against guards and other employees and that 65% goes against inmates. To know that a guard needed a second hand and it took a half hour to get any help. As well as the riot that took place. It took awhile for people to react and training is a complete fail. When I think of private prisons I think of things being well maintained, the highest and newest of everything, nice, pretty, more controlled, and yet safer but by the video that shows it's not the case. I do not agree with these private prisons because I have learned that they are just there for the money. We don't not have a rehabilitation option for them because they are more worried about which inmate will cost them the lowest in dollar amount. They enjoy the revolving door method because to them I feel like its a money making method for them.

    4. I completely agree with your post. I agree with it shouldn't be no private prisons in no state. It's very sickening how guards are being treated in these private prisons to the point that they don't even feel safe and they have to wait to get help. That should've been a sign to them that it shouldn't be private facilities. But as you can tell the private companies only worry about them not about the people who working for them and that's not fair at all. But you did make some strong points in your post that's completely right savage456

    5. Sadly when I first heard the words "Private Prisons" I assumed that Private Prisons were for the elderly serving life and corrupt governors and famous people. I assumed It was a clean well taking care of facility. More relaxed, but I was wrong, instead its a scary place. Inmates are treated like garbage and in return they retaliate and start prison riots to use as their voice. If we took the time to listen to what we are being told private prisons might not be such a scary place. ~myhearseisnotafuneralcar456~

  2. In my opinion after watching this video I think that these private prisons should be done away with, these people that are in these private prisons are making the guards feel unsafe and scared. To me you should not have to be fearful of your life when going into work. To me that is very wrong, and should be brought to someone’s attention. If you have people that are scared to enter their work place then I feel as if more people need to be hired. Hiring more people, I think would make these guards a little less scared to escort people that are dangerous to the proper place. The lady that was speaking in the video called for back up to escort an inmate to a different part of the building, no one came for back up. This tells me that we either have the wrong kind of people doing the guard job, or these inmates are not getting the punishment that is needed. These private prisons I feel are not giving their employees the proper training to defend themselves. If the private prisons are said to be ran like the state prisons then why do we have these private prisons. Instead of having all different people in one private prison, we could build more public prisons, and divide these inmates up to where they need to be whether it is low security prison or a maximum-security prison. The private prisons are wanting to keep their facility’s full, due to the fact of getting money from the tax payers. There are one hundred and thirteen thousand inmates in private facility’s. If we were to build onto or build more prisons we could do away with the private prisons and put these people in the prisons that they need to be in. by doing this it would make for various experienced guard’s weather it is more experience in the high security prisons or less experienced in the low security prisons. By doing that I feel like we would have less employees feeling scared going into their work places. Thunder 456

    1. Yes I totally agree we need to have almost all private prisons shut down. If an officer who went to school and went through training to get a position can not even feel safe working there, then we do not need that type of stuff in society. I think that most owners of private prisons have no sense of what is even going on with their prison all they are looking for is the check in the mail from the government. If we had more educated or someone with a background in criminal justice open a prison then I feel maybe it would be more safe and a better work environment.

    2. I do agree with you that private prisons should be all done. I think that private prison owners do not care if their employees are being trained properly to defend themselves and to be prepared for what outcomes could happen while on the job. They are comparing their prison to state run prisons which could never happen, state is being run by government not private companies who want their facility to be always full because the more inmates they have the more money they can get from the tax payers. If our government would build more prison facilities to accommodate inmate population we could go away from private prisons. -M.Scott456

  3. Hearing that the Colorado prison population had rose by six times and that almost twenty five percent of those prisoners are incarcerated in private prisons shocked me. Also when the video said that the government gives these private prison money to house these inmates, I had no idea that we were giving almost hundreds of millions of dollars to these types of prisons. Hearing that officers were almost fifty percent more likely to be assaulted in a private prison is outrageous. These owners should be required to have a certain number of officers and they should also have to have a rehabilitation center set up for certain prisoners trying to fix their lives. If a prisoner knows that he or she is going to a private prison where they are almost seventy percent more likely to get attacked, then they not try and fight back. If they do fight back then most likely they will have their sentence extended and have to work for these prisons much longer. When hearing about how the lady had to wait twenty eight minutes for backup to arrive, when almost everybody that works there has to know that this prisoner is violent and will probably do anything and not really care is ridiculous. If an employee can not go to work feeling safe or knowing that someone is there to watch them, then why even go to work why not just quit and find somewhere more safe that actually cares about the employees. All these private prison owners care about is the money that they are getting from the state or maybe the places they might be selling items too. They do not even pay the prisoners well, so we can imagine that they are probably pocketing over seventy five percent of the profit.

    1. I completely agree with you like it doesn't make any sense we all clearly see it as morally wrong but obviously no one cares enough to enforce the change. I think that prisons that are posed as threats, or even dangerous for inmates and staff, they shouldn't be funded by anyone. Its not fair to reward someone to dehumanize people. I think the approach should start with youth though because that's the future. If someone is 56 been to jail all their life it's harder to reach them than a lil kid whose living conditions may not be to fair. I don't think we are doing things such as getting our children out of abusive homes quick enough, or even intervening in their life. I think a lot of people got away from the approach where if a mother isn't properly doing her duties the society steps in. I believe it takes a village to raise a child, and this is the first key to keeping people out of the system for even petty offenses. McBrightyalife456

  4. After watching this video, I think that private prisons should not be allowed in any state because in them the guards are fearful of the inmates and they are supposed to be the leaders of the prison and they are afraid of what can happen to them. No prison guard should be afraid of their job because of another person at the prison it is their job to protect the people in them not be afraid of them. I feel that these prisons need to get more funding to train their guards better if they plan to keep they prisons properly running if they can’t train the guards to defend themselves then why even have the prisons it is basically a boxing ring for the inmates inside since the guards can’t really defend or stop them from fighting in the first place. I also feel we need to either train the guards better or make the private prisons disappear and make them public prisons it is easier to get highly trained guards at public prisons then private apparently since our public prisons have better trained guards then the private based on the fact our public prison guards aren’t afraid to go to work like the private prisons guards are so that means that the public guards must either have more confidence or better training. I also think it is pathetic that private prisons get money from tax payers to keep the prisons running so the prisons are practically forcing the prisoners to stay longer so they can take more money from the tax payers. It would be better if we used that money to train the guards rather than to keep the prisons running as crappy as they are we need to train the guards and make the prisons run a lot better and they will last a lot longer.

  5. I agree that America isn't taking into consideration the public safety when incarcerating individuals, as well as their human rights. There were more than 2.3 million people incarcerated in 2011, and that was more than even Russia and China had incarcerated. She said more than 70% of inmates are placed in private prisons where they are viewed as morally wrong. There were articles about emerging issues in private prisons. The lady went to a private prison where the sensor said the door was open but the door really wasn't open. This automatically is an issue because what does the sensor do when the door does open. If something was to happen to a guard and a cell opened, would they know or even be able to save them with the sensor. Especially due to the fact that the Prison had a riot. I wouldn't want to work knowing that the warden doesn't care about my well being or the inmates. Private prisons are also seen as causes or result in health issues. I think that its sad a man died due to a medical condition they didn't know about. A prison should almost be like a hospital, not saying we should let criminals off easy but ensure their rights are still being enforced. I like that Buffie Mcfadyen lady she's right about the jails putting money on body counts. She has good initiatives and I like her overall goal. My uncle said something similar to that he said that American was one big corporation, it's like a business. Now that I'm older I understand why he said this and his approach on the topic. When corrections was interviewed they said they had nothing to do with legislative sentencing. The judges are responsible for this issue but corrections is the reason for longer sentencing. I just think its ridiculous that no one high up enough like the President isn't seeking to reduce this issue. Buffie basically had the same idea as me she wanted money to be invested in road, and in college campuses. I think that the main focus should still be education for all ages, and I don't think the government even cares about that anymore. If our government only cares about money, what happened to justice, like the lady said it questions if we are really even free. McBrightyalife456

    1. The reason that Trump isn't looking into this issue is because he is apart of the issue. According to USA Today, he's indirectly received millions for his campaign from both the CCA and GEO Group. His policies favor increasing the prison population. His interests collide with what's going on in these private prisons. It's one of the many ways he makes a profit. The president doesn't care what's going on in the country and what he can do to improve it, he's only in the position he is in order to benefit his own business ventures. Everything he's done and plans to do benefits him or his family.


  6. I actually enjoyed watching this video because I learned a lot from it. I didn't realize we have private prisons and that's just because I haven't paid much attention to the prison system. I got the feeling that private prisons aren't around for a good reason. Hearing that guards were unsafe, prisoners were rioting which this prison got themselves a good riot at one point, and that people are against it yet for it made me think a little more and I decided to go look up the private prison system across America. I couldn't believe it when it came to the workers safety after hearing it took 30 minutes after asking for back up plus the male worker that fled because he was scared. That made me question on if he was scared because of actual fear or if he was scared because lack of training. Another thing that caught my eye was that how private prisons get millions of dollars from taxpayer's money to corporate jailers and house its excess prisoners. With the U.S having the highest population rate in the state/federal/private prison systems, the system still have not figured out what the problem is as a backlash of unsafe prisons for both inmates and the employees itself, as a former worker said you better worry a lot more when it comes to working in a private prison for your safety. With one in every 100 prisoners locked behind bars, the industry continues to thrive and to me that is not okay because we clearly have a system that is just focused on money and not rehabilitation for the people. Buffy McFadden, a women argues that private prisons have an investment in making sure people fail because if any company that makes money off a body in a cell, how could there mission really be anything else. For an example on that the system that private prisons have is a sentencing legislation, where inmates are constantly transferred in and out because its a new body in the cell depending how long their sentence is and any prisoner that is low maintenance or considered a low cost inmate, its beneficial to the prison. To me that just sounds like a money making system where it doesn't matter on the person you have in the cell because their life doesn't really mean anything to you, just if you're making money and not putting it back into your system to better it which in private systems that's something that they aren't known for, then you'll always have that revolving door opportunity to continue to make money.

    1. I like the fact that you looked up the private prison systems to help you understand what is going on. The fact that these prisons are allowed to exist and operate the way that they are is just not right. I believe that if we continue to allow these prisons to go on thew way they are with out correcting the issues at hand that it will eventually help with a down fall of our nation and the people in it. I know that there are bigger and worse issues that contribute to this factor but if prisons keep cycling inmates back into the system with out rehabiliting them or helping them to better their selves the eventually our nation is going to be filled with nothing but ex-cons and cons that have no way to provide for themselves or a family if they have one. This in-turn leads to them going back to a life of crime to provide for what they need and the cycle continues to grow and grow. We as a nation need to stand up and help to right the wrongs that are in the corrections system so that the inmates when they get out are more productive and intigrated back into society with minimual to no issues to provide for themselves and or loved ones.


    2. I agree with your post due to them not really caring about the prison as a person, they only care about the money they will be making off of that prisoner. Also, how they could be terrified due to the lack of training they had. They should not just pick and choose whoever they want to get transferred from state to state due to beds not being filled or they have new bodies and they do not have enough beds, so they have to transfer. Like the guy in the video who died from cancer. He was transferred and away from his family and his family could have helped out and he wouldn’t have died. -Bears456

  7. The many reasons that private prisons should not be running is that they are seeing every inmate at state and federal level as an instant profit and investment, not as a human being. When they know that the states cannot accommodate all their inmates, they will give them a great deal just to stay in business, and that is way wrong. You should not make a profit from inmates especially a payment funding from the tax payers. Some people may think that if you work for a private prison that it is a safe environment unlike the local state jail or prison, but it is not. The case of working in private prison is worrying for your life for a reason that there are not enough people who could back you up when you needed help. After hearing the case of Donna Como, I would also quit my job and sue the company if there are not enough people who are trained to help you and to defend themselves. Really, one person to handle a dangerous prisoner out of his cell without any back up? Hearing that there are forty-nine percent more staff assaults in private prison and sixty-five percent more prisoner’s assaults sounds like that this private prison hired people who are just looking for job but have never been trained or prepared for what could happen on their job. These private prison owners only care about their facility being fully filled because of course the more inmates you have the more profit they get coming from the tax payers. It also sounds that these owners do not care about the safety and security of their employees which given a low pay on a dangerous job and treating inmates by giving them bad food and inappropriate use of force was unnecessary. -M.Scott456

  8. I can see what prisons for profit got started when they did. People knew they could make money off of incarcerating people and took advantage of that. Which i think is horrible and immoral in my stance. I definitely don’t think that the prison industry or company should be a billion dollar business. The people that run these places really don’t care about the well being and safety of these inmates which they are making their living off of. Being a business their only real concern is whether they are making money. The fact that colorado’s prison population have grown to over six times what it was in the 80’s is concerning to me. The money is driving mass incarcerations over the state. The prisoners aren’t the only ones that are hurting from this, the state shovels 95 million of the taxpayers money. I don’t think that it is fair that the residents of Colorado should have to pay for this for profit business. These prisons are a mass growing industry and multiple new prisons are being built every year to house the 2.3 million people we have in prison. The woman being interviewed admitted that the state operated prison are safer for both the inmates and the guards alike. She was also saying that the state prisons have better programs set up for the prisoners for rehabilitation purposes. I think that privately operated prisons are more violent. There must be a reason why they aren’t required to report incidents that happen in these facilities. The fact that the emerging issues in privatized prison found out that there was 45% more staff assaults and 65% more prisoner assault are alarming because that alone tells you that these prisons aren’t as safe as the state funded ones.

  9. First off , I never liked the fact that we have private prisons . Having private prisons is not a good thing for many reasons. First, the guards shouldn’t be scared to go to work at all. The fact that they think some will happen to them is terrible. Another thing is the state shouldn’t be paying for private prisons anyways. Watching this video I learned a lot about the private prisons that I didn’t even know about. I don’t like the fact that they get over  95 million dollars in taxpayers money to coperate jailer's to  house their excess prisoners. . It’s not fair if they getting all that money plus they making profit off the prisoners anyways. It’s also shocking how Colorado inmate population explode six times larger. I just want to know like what are we doing? Why are we expanding like this in the private prisons. I definitely agree with Donna that the state has more help for the prisons then the private prisons. If the private facilities are getting over millions of dollars why not have rehabilitation for those inmates to reduce the population. It’s sad that you have to be worry about working in the private prison and worry if your gonna be safe or not. It was very sickening to hear how she sat twenty-eight minutes with no respondent. I will also quit to because why go to work and I don’t feel safe and also don’t get no help. With all that money they get they shouldn’t be understaffed and getting paid low. It’s sad how the staff with no experience had to deal with that riot. To conclude, the private company should be training their staff with all that money they get and stop worrying just the company and worried about people safety and treating them fairly. savage456

    1. I agree with this post because like you said why are guards afraid to go do their own jobs? If they feel like their atmosphere is not safe how do you think the prisoners feel? I also agree that this video did me more information that allowed me to come to the decision and view that private prisons should be shut down. Private prisons are supposed to get a lot of money and yet the prisoners are not being provided with simple things in order for them to survive.

  10. Private prisons are one of the primary reasons that incarceration rates are so high today, yet crime rates are lowering every year. These prisons are finding new ways to keep existing inmates jailed for longer terms or increasing their recidivism rates. It's deplorable and the fact that it exists says a lot about our society. We ultimately don't care what goes on. We'll watch the stories on the 5 o'clock news and say "Well, that sucks, but it's not my problem" and move on. This seems to be a very common occurrence in recent years. If we want to better our society as a whole, we need to reform our attitude towards these situations. By standing by and letting these corrections companies run the show however they want to, it's just worsening our country. It's worsening the relationship between the criminal justice system and the citizens of the United States. These private corrections systems are doing the opposite of the idea of corrections. They're worsening criminals and driving up crime. Quite a few of these prisoners have families and children, and these children are growing up seeing the way private corrections systems are using their parents in order to make a profit. It's just creating a larger divide between the law and normal citizens. These children are going to grow up with a hatred and fear of the criminal justice system. Using common sense, one can assume that they'll be more likely to commit crime and end up right where their parents are now. The chain needs to be broken before we negligently create a society that is irreversible or at the very least very difficult to correct. Not only are private prisons eating into our social structure, but they're eating into our economy as well. Subjecting unnecessary costs to the State and Federal governments in order to drive up personal profit. Punishing prisoners by having them work in the interest of the society that they offended is one thing. Using prisoners for personal profit and gain at the expense of society is another.


  11. I already do not understand why we have private prisons and after watching video my view on the situation stays the same. I believe private prisons play a role in why prison capacity is increasing at the rate it is today. Private prisons have the power to keep inmates locked up for longer terms which is very unfair because sometimes these inmates are not granted parole. Reading and watching all these articles and videos really shows what kind of society and day of age we are living in right now, it says a lot about our true era. Today we are supposed to be living in the community era where police and the community have a good working relationship when in reality we do not. I feel like we need to get back into the community era bad or else the country will continue to fail and ignore problems like this. Private prisons are worse than regular prisons because they do not care about inmates and are throwing people in there for petty crimes and being very harsh on inmates. Private prisons also do not properly fund for their inmates which causes a lot of problems within the prison.

  12. I believe that private prisons really do not care about their inmates. There are several reasons why that I know, and several that I do not have knowledge of, yet. One fact is, assaults inside the prison are much higher than state and federal prisons. 49% more staff assaults and 65% more prison assaults in private prisons. Now lets stop and think why. The guards run away in the private prisons. Are they not properly trained? Do they not have the correct projection on them, are they armed? Also, why are they under staffed? Private prisons pull in billions of dollars.

    This industry is an industry that does not need to exist. They hire people that do not need to be hired necessarily. They don't have the correct mandatory skills set out for their employees. It seems to me that they just hire them just to hire them. They also don't pay them as well. What is the point of this?

    Private prisons earn money off of prisoners. The more prisoners, the more money. Stock holders are paid to put prisoners in cells. How do we expect to get prisoners out of there? Say it is time for an inmate to meet with a judge about parole; he has done amazing the last three years. He has gotten his GED, he has stayed out of violence, and he is a hard worker. Did I mention that he is also in there for having a pound of weed? A non- violent crime? Yet all of that, the judge will tell him absolutely not and back to prison he goes. Why? Because with him out of the private prison, the less money it makes. And if we continue to keep private prisons around, our incarcerated numbers will never go down. Rugby_456

    1. I to believe private prisons do not care about their inmates simply because they do not provide them with the things they need and they take to long to respond to incidents. I also think the shoe little care about the staff as well simply they do not think to help them right away in hostile situations and they under staffed so people are afraid to work. I also agree that private prisons use prisoners to make money off of them and the sad part about that id they make a good buck off of them and is not to improve the facility or to help out the prisoners but simply to make a good buck off of them.

    2. Your right to question why prison assaults are so much higher in private prisons and it definitely has something to do with the reasons you listed. It also shines a good light on the problems with these prisons. These private prisons need to be done away with. All they care about is making money and the way they go about operating there prisons is to difficult for the government to keep an eye on to make sure it is done properly. Our prison population is staggering and things needs to be done to lower it and I agree with you that the incarceration numbers are never gonna go down with these private prisons still in place.

  13. I feel like that we should get rid of private prisons all together. Nothing good has come out of a private prison, and watching this video just gives me a little more edge on my opinion. First off you have heavily over populated facilities and they are under staffed. what makes this bad is and and an what is an example in the video there is no help in case of an emergency. Second off you have the staff scare to even come to work and that is also because there is more prisoners that staff. Based on this video and from the interview of the former guard of Cowley Corrections it would be better to rely on the the state prisons than a private prison when it comes to safety. Another thing is taxpayers are giving way too much money to private prisons when the make money off their prisoners anyway.

  14. After watching this video, I learned that there actually are private prisons because I have only heard about prisons. Now I do not think they should be around. The way people act inside is just horrible. They are not seen as human beings, they are dehumanized. They employees should not be terrified to walk into their work place every day and not even want to be there. Your work environment should be one safe place you can be, grantee something can happen in a split second, but still. An employee called for back up to move an inmate, but it looked like no one cared. Private prisons seriously need to just go and we can make it work with just having prisons. We do not need people feeling uncomfortable in their work force. Or all the employees that work in private prisons should do some more training, so when it comes to dealing with the more violent inmates, they will not need to have back up or just so they will not to have to be so afraid. They are making a profit from private prisons and that’s all they care about. Not human rights. 49 percent of staff members are being assaulted and 65 percent of inmate are being assaulted in private prisons. In private prisons staff members need to fear for their lives, but not in public prisons. You should not move prisoners from state to state because they aren’t filing up their beds. Cannot believe that no one would help that inmate who had cancer move to the bathroom or even get him help. The one thing I liked about this video is all the programs they have for the inmates and the dog programs is what I liked the most. If they are behaving the can keep the dog. -Bears456

  15. Prisons should not be a way of making money. Prison to me is about two things, one being a way of imprisoning people too dangerous to be allowed back in society(those that get life in prison) and two, a way of punishing people who have broken laws and a way to rehabilitate those people so that they better serve society in the future(those that only get a few years in prison). This seems like something that needs to be controlled by the people through the state government, not be controlled by private companies who are not interested in the two reasons I stated above but are only interested in making a profit. A prison's number one priority should be the two things I stated above but how can this be the number one priority for a privately owned prison when they need to worry about turning over a profit so that they can continue their business? Also another thing I take issue with private prisons is the way they do things are different from each private prison to the next and the government can't keep a good eye on all that's going on inside these prisons. This applies to the lack of humanity given to prison inmates but it also applies to the employees working in these prisons. Donna Como is a prime example of this, I mean being left alone with a volatile inmate as she said for 28 minutes is ridiculous. On top of that but what kind of work environment is that? to be constantly looking over your shoulder so that you do not get attacked by a group of inmates because the prison your working for cuts corners on security measures to save a couple bucks.

  16. Employee's should feel safe when they have to go to work, they should know that a facility has their back. They need to have the proper training and not have to worry about not going into a situation as a scared team. They need to have confidence in their team members that they all will come out the same way as they went in. This correctional officer should have not been in the situation that she was put into to have to sue the private prison. She should have not been left alone with a dangerous inmate. She should not have been teamed up with a rookie officer who just left her behind. Also, if you are going to run a private prison have the proper security. the amount of mass destruction that I saw in those images was horrific. If these prisons are making a profit how come they Don't use the proper measures to insure the safety of everyone. seriously, we got to look at how these places are being funded and where the money is going to because obviously the money is not going to help improve the safety measures of the facility or the inmates. ~myhearseisnotafuneralcar456~

  17. Watching this video....A couple area shocked me. Frist an inmate had to die because they refused to treat him for bone cancer. Like his dad said; He didnt do a crime punishable by death. Second, the women correctional officer had no backup response for 30 minutes detaining an inmate. Also, they had a crazy breakout in Colorado's private facillity. This is all just in Colorado private prison. The prison is doing some possitives with education and workshop. Prison of Colorado has downfalls in that as well with inmates pays and such.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. First I believe there shouldn't be private prisons because they cost even more than regular prisons. A prison shouldn't be just for the money they should be a safe and controlled place where monsters are locked away and kids cant be afraid of people getting out. The main concern is that she was with a rookie officer and that was her first mistake and she found out the hard way when she was left. She was left alone and that can be extremely dangerous because inmates can be bigger and stronger over the female officer which is a big ordeal in prisons everywhere not just private prisons. If someone wants to have a private prison they should have the money and proper security for the prisons to run. It shouldn't be a guessing game if something were to go wrong. They can break through and destroy prisons and pictures that you can see are kind of scary to be honest. I personally don't want to be a correction officer even for a private prison it just not my cup of tea.


  20. The thought of a private prison has been disturbing to me since the day professor Graff explained them to me. He used the reference that Walmart opens a prison. Obviously it's a stretch, but it works. They are a company built solely for profit. You keep the most people in as possible, as the government pays you per person. On top of that, you cut all costs possible. Shower as little as possible, feed them the bare minimum of food, and highly overprice all of the goods in the commisarry. When people in private prisons can't afford their personal products, they begin stealing or forcibly taking property from others. This not only adds on to their jail sentence, but it makes them mad as they are locked up longer. Private prisons are built to grow criminals. The more criminals that are locked up, the more money these prisons make. There should not be any private prisons, as they do nothing but add to the growing number of people imprisoned. They also do not fund rehabilitation, because that would cut down on the prison population. That's like WalMart giving money or products to people just because they can. Cutting costs, inmates outnumber guards, and it puts everyone at risk. When an officer is sketched out, they are more likely to act irrationaly to save their life. When an inmate thinks an officer is going to act dangerously, it puts them on edge. If nobody is comfortable, bad things happen. Private prisons should be closed, as it's the governments job to run corrections, not "Walmart."


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