Agents of Socialization.....


  1. In 5 agent of socialization shows the outcome between the kids in south park and the agent of socialization. the music was rap is a type of music can put negative behavior to some people because the information like the words the rapper use and personification in the music. like parents acts and thinks, they can shape on how the kids shape like in the video shows them using languages that they learned from their parents. it shows the agents of socialization through the most negative show of all time south park in my mind. it shows that teacher as well as parents can influence the kids. but it does show the negative influence in life through the agent of socialization. It shows that friends can change other through peer pressure and other things. Like in the video show one getting influences getting into a fight with someone and getting influences in a gambling like getting other to move and make big bet. Those in power can influences how other think in the video shows one of them getting power but it whint to his head and start to abuse the power like stopping and hitting with a billy club. The media affect daily how people acts in life. Like they showed being on the computers all the time then freak out when the connection cut out in the building. The media can impact is a daily thing because on what it affects. So, the video shows that south park can show the negative thing in life when one was getting into a fight through peer pressure. South park shows the downside when come the influences thought people go through crude humer and situation. So south park show what can happen to kids if they get negative influences through what is shows. Putting aside extreme levels of personal contempt that I have for South Park, the show utilizes comedy as a form of style, a tinted lens that accentuates aspects of the basic narrative. For comedy to work, it has to have the ability to create a setting and avert expectations. However, it is easy to oversaturate the aversion of expectations, so nearly all comedy has some degree of practicality and relatability, which is often tied to a sense of realism. A joke is not just a punchline, it's a whole story (though the size of said story varies). People tend to find things grounded in relatable or down-to-earth detail as funny, while finding things too far-fetched or abstract unfunny. In a way, a sense of humor is often better at revealing unrealistic writing than logic is. The fact that South Park has such a massive following because of its comedy, can be a hint at a few aspects of its narrative having realistic roots. Of course, South Park is no documentary for social behavior, but the reflections of society's effects on creating its humorous settings are far from unclear. The focus on children allows for a more direct approach of society's effects on people who are still seeking a place in it (besides justifying some degree of absurdist humor). It's no surprise that children are influenced significantly by their environment. The children of South Park are intentionally written to have terrible influences on their behavior in society; let's be honest, even I know that it could only be less funny if they lived in a perfect environment, with its type of humor. Your sense of standards and expectations of decency are purposely averted, a sort of … "How low do you think we are willing to go?" situation. But, without going into excessive detail into the nuances of realistic humor, the simple explanation is that South Park is pretty dependent on its ability to display a setting of society reflected in the lives of the children protagonists. Humor is often used in ways such as this, to accentuate the absurdity of many behaviors. When behaviors such as these are brought to the surface, it is easy to laugh them off as ridiculous, but It is important to recognize that even fiction like South Park is, in many ways, a product of society's making, and has many truths hidden in its writing. Gamer789, and soarsore789.


    2. The actions displayed in most, if not all South Park episodes reflect the action of some people within society not the masses in my opinion. I totally agree with the media having a sense of control over people based on what they display and or say in news articles, newspapers, on the radio, tv, and/or internet, etc.. The news is so depressing, like nothing positive ever happens unless Beyonce is having twins. Oh let's not forget Kanye West and Kim Kardashian has a surrogate due to give birth next year. Who cares?....I sure don't! A baby is born every minute of the day here in America, yet not with a silver spoon in their mouth and that's more realistic then not. From police brutality to creating racial divides amongst minorities and majorities via various protest across the country, these two topics have been in heavy rotation within the media lately and it's sad. I don't even like watching the news for those reasons, but just like south park if they talked about positivity on a continuum then their wouldn't be any news shows nor any news anchors, ratings are everything! Truth is a positive platform doesn't keep a consistent fan base, so the media displays alot more negatives than positives. If reality tv was called fake tv would you watch it? I encourage you all to turn off the tv sometimes and open a book to expand your mind...knowledge is power!

  2. PART 1:

    The video talk about the three big agents of socialization. Those big agents of socialization are family, peer and media. That picture shows that it is kind of look like an iceberg when come to a big factor like family then peers and then the media. The video tells each agents of socialization can different to a person point of view. The biggest can the family because it can cause trouble to multiple way, both macro and micro. Family can be positive when shaping a kid, you can do a lot of diverse ways. Like you can give rewards if they did good deed or you could punish them like a grounding. The video tells me that the family is losing importance. The peers can do a lot different thing. It is through peer pressure like forcing someone into a fight. that it starts early and then it gets more in volume as time goes on. But it is monitored in the beginning but it gets less monitored as time goes on according to the video. The reasons for that is people starting care less, and found out the peer cans influenced things like the media and the government and the economy. Now the agents of socialization that is gaining power importance and that is the media. The media probley gaining power is how easily is to gain the information. more and more people is getting more technology things like laptops, tablets and cellphones. But in the you can only get the information through the newsletters, or by the newspaper. You got to places online to get the information things like the social networking sites or look it up in the search engine. The video contain a lot of information each of the three of the biggest agents of socialization. As we see an age moving towards socialization through media, scenarios once reserved for dystopian novels become more real than we could possibly dread. The internet, a source of endless entertainment and convenience, also happens to be the greatest source of information in the world. Everyone in a culture like ours experiences the internet. How soon we forget that the internet is not reality. However, for some, it may as well be. As the world moves forward in an age of technology, the ability to control information becomes the ability to control people. What if I told you that ISIS does not exist? What if, this whole time, the existence of organized terror syndicates was simply a rouse, a comic-book villain draped in spandex, created solely to be a villain to rouse the audience towards a common cause? Not likely. But very possible. How many of us have ever seen a person with such radical behavior? How many of those few have ever spoken to one? It's possible the images painted in our minds are ones painted by experiences never had, dreams never dreamt, and words never spoken. Control of media is control of reality, everything we think we know comes from the trust of our sources of information, but have any of us ever stopped to question those sources, to understand exactly how much of our reality is our own perception? The people whom never ask these questions are those who are defined by their image of society, reflected in a broken mirror, until that distorted image becomes their reality.

  3. PART 2:

    Media has our trust, as well as the power and willingness, to betray it. Whether it is a troll on Facebook pretending to be a type of person they aren't, a flashy commercial trying to sell you an over-priced product, or a news station exploiting tragedies for viewer-count, media has long been using this age of information to influence the actions of others. However, only one thing is needed to be beyond this manipulation: the ability to perceive what another's purpose is. That troll's lies become little more than a facade, that commercial becomes an obvious scam, and that news station loses a viewer. As powerful a grip as media is showing to have over socialization these days, its grip is easily shaken by those who choose to view what lies beyond it, with their own eyes; a fake reality can only go so far until it makes a mistake. Those who wizen up are only stronger for it. Gamer789, and SoarSore789.

    1. I agree that family can affect children in either a micro or macro way. If a child grows up in a bad environment, they can grow to become someone who will always find trouble in their adult life because all they have known is an unstable or crazy life which could affect not only that child, but sometimes a community as whole. Bad decisions made by parents could cause a catastrophic effect on the child socially, morally, and deface their values. That is not always the case, some children tend to find their way and they learn to utilize their negative experiences to affect their lives in a positive way. Some children grow up properly and tend to live in a family where they do not have to struggle every single day to survive, and they tend to grow up with their head on straight more so then a child in an unstable home. This same child, in an unstable home environment, has better chance of growing up socialized and happy if they are surrounded by peers who understand and care for them. There are cases where a child is severely abused and they don’t ever recover from this disadvantage. As you said though, parents monitoring a child’s peers is becoming less and less monitored over time. In this blog, it is asserted that people are starting to care less. I disagree. There may be more distance between people, put there by technology, and media, but humans have proven themselves just as passionate and caring as they may have been in the past. Every action we have is made consciously and we determine ourselves right from wrong and how much distance we allow between ourselves and others. The media has its downs, but ease of communication between peers may be one of the media’s greatest triumphs. The people I love are at the touch of my fingertips. If I were in the nineteen hundredths, I'd just have to should into the cornfields and pray for a reply. As for control of information, isn't that also the responsibility of the consumer? And a problem that existed far before the internet ever came into the picture? Those in power have always held onto the reigns of the flow of information. Pick up a nonfiction book in the library, would you trust the information in that over what you'd find on wikipedia? Maybe you shouldn't. Anyone can write a book, and anyone can post on wikipedia. Both are vetted, if we're lucky, so both would be about equally reliable. This blog has a great point about being careful about what we allow ourselves to believe without doing our research and formulating our own educated opinions, instead of allowing the media to twist us to their own pied piper tune! The media, as stated above, has it’s down and ups. The theory that we are controlled in some way seems ludicrous to some. We don’t want boundaries built around our life, yet they are in some way. And in those ways it shapes who we become whether we like it or not.
      Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRich895

    2. I agree media is so betraying. I will admit I do not tell my whole true life on facebook. To social media I have a happy family a house, 3 kids, and dog. My relationship is never talked about so people believe it is great which is not the case. I sit there and tell myself I need to delete my facebook because it consumes my life and it does. I at least spend one to two hours a day on social media. Its so sad and some things that is posted isn't even true as I get older I feel facebook reminds me of high school like how many likes you get depends on how popular you are. Thats stupid but why are we so addicted? - Gander789

  4. Part One
    Although this video was hard to follow with the quality and the audio, it got the point across. In one of the episodes of South Park, they showed how the family, peers, certain groups, and the media effects society including its young people. When a child sees one of his or her parents doing something, they tend to think it is either okay or that it is something that does not have consequences and children typically imitate their parents’ actions. Children tend to view their parents as untouchable or they think they could do nothing wrong, they look up to them. Before the children grow up and enter the stage of being influenced by their peers, the impact of the parental figure is very significant and important for development and growth. One of the boys always seemed to walk in on his father doing inappropriate activities that either included smoking while sunbathing outside or the son and his friends had caught his Dad in just his underwear laying on the couch playing a violent video game looking like he had just rolled out of bed. The son took what he was seeing at home, and brought it to school to share and influence his friends, which got them into some trouble. At the end of the video it shows Stan and his father in the car. His dad was cussing up a storm because he was angry about something. Stan wasn’t replying but his dad kept on going. This is a huge point to how we act can influence our children. Then when they went to school the children’s teacher, which teachers typically spend more time with the students than the students spend with their parents, noticed how many bad things they were learning and acting upon. So, using the agent of peers, the teacher helped the students realize what was being said is bad and showed them how to get better. The teacher said that the parents pulled them out of normal school classes to go to group to change their ways which is also not a great example to parenting. Also, in the back ground for the group there is a poster that says get high on pottery. That should not be in a classroom. Even though he is trying to help the students he still cusses, but is trying to appeal to the childrens’ learning already. He tried to help the best way he could and lead a good example. Not all teachers, though, lead good examples. The last teacher that was shown on the video with the puppet, made fun of the students who were actually participating. Not all teachers tend to lead good examples, and the same goes for the parents. Another example of socialization in this video was the peer groups. Groups were a consistent theme across the clips, especially the clique of boys. Peer groups very commonly form, and effect young people, forming their personalities and helping to mold their opinions and outlook on life. When it is a healthy friendship, and everything is a Hardy Boys novel, then all is well. But many of these clips showed the darker side to peer groups. When Wendy had a friend of hers break up with Stan for her, he was mocked ceaselessly. He didn’t seem like that is what he wanted. He didn’t want Wendy to break up with him. Yet his group of friends mocked him for it and made fun of Wendy’s friend for announcing the information. Mocking was a consistent theme, in fact, almost pushed to the point of bullying.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895


  5. Part two
    When Cartman caught gingeritis and sitting next to Butters on the bus, Butters started laughing uncontrollably nearly laughing out of his seat. This was all depicted as humorous. Was it? In the context of modern society, no. It wasn't. Bullying and peers being plain out cruel to each other is an epidemic as bad as any other in our country. Making light of toxic friendships is a trope as overused in humor as a pie to the face or slipping on a banana peel- without the harmless fun. Peers have a real-life effect on our socialization every day. Another agent of socialization is law and government, and when Cartman was placed in a position of authority he immediately began to abuse it, beating people, even his friends father savagely. This was after he had risen from his place in a 'minority' group, and he was now drunk on his own power. I thought it was an ill-fitting allegory for current times as when minorities gain power in modern day society they are the fastest to be put down when they are found to be abusing it, rather than rewarded, as Cartman was. Either way, the clip did an excellent job demonstrating how dangerous and extreme groups could become. How crazy parents can act and how that will affect their children, and how teachers can either bring a child up or make them feel bad about themselves. Although South Park seems like a comical and entertaining show, it demonstrates how messed up people can be. It shows how dysfunctional kids can be as they are growing up without the correct guidance. The main clique of boys in South Park, Cartman, Stan, Kenny and Kyle won’t grow up to be socially acceptable to society because of the society they grew up in and the lack of correct socially acceptable parental guidance, peer interaction and group interactions. And the way that media can influence our lives in a negative way. Like this show for example, if our children were to watch South Park at a young age they would think that the way these characters act is alright. In which it is the complete opposite, the way these characters act, handle situations, and treat each other is in no way alright and we see it as comical. I feel like that is sad.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895


  6. Part one:
    The agents of socialization that are explained in this presentation are just a few of many other agents in sociology. When the speaker is specifically talking about these 3 that are presented, it is clearly shown that each agent ties into each other or other agents as well. Family plays a huge role, it is agreed upon that the “normal” American family is one that has a father and a mother (or other variations), a couple of kids, maybe two cars, good jobs, and maybe a pet. Of course, not all families are that way. Actually, many families in America are broken or have parents that are separated, children get separated, and it is becoming increasingly more common. Some children have to deal with unfit or vacant parents, so they tend to either grow up much faster than the other children their age, or they fall into juvenile delinquency. When thinking of that “perfect” family, it is usually described in that way because that is how it is always believed to be. That picture of a pearly white picket fence, with a family that always figures out their problems and never falls apart. Not everyone, now a day, is that lucky to experience having a whole family. Sociologically, this can result in disaster. Parents are meant to be the primary force of socialization for their children, and when they fail, not only the children suffer. According to the structural functionalism paradigm, we would see society as a complex system who's parts work together to build a whole. If one part is off, and unable to function, the whole suffers. Society suffers if even one child is unsuccessfully socialized, and unable to participate in normal life. Thus parents take preventative measures such as using force, rewards, punishment, and coercion. It sounds like a bad 20's cop film, like somebody is about to get a confession beat out of them one way or another. In truth, all it is is parenting. Every parent does it differently, but the social control of their child is incredibly important. Go to a grocery store, and look at how harried mothers and fathers deal with their screaming toddlers. Force? Carrying them off and sitting them down and waiting out their tears? Rewards, smothering them with hugs and kisses and telling them they're going to be alright? Punishment, yelling at them in front of God and the poor cashier? Or even coercion- 'Baby, stop crying and Mama will give you a lollipop'. Parenting and social control on both a macro and micro scale can determine our very futures. One of the other large agents of sociology, is the influence of peers. When children are associated with other children at a young age, they start to take over that parenting influence and it gets more and more predominate as children grow older, changes grades, enters into high school, and then into college. When thinking more about the subject, it is very true. As kids grow up and start breaking away from their parent’s grasp, they start to figure out what the world outside their home looks like. Children tend to take the example their parents as a young child in the beginning, the experiences they will have with their peers, and in turn they begin to learn who they are as their own person.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895

    1. I do agree with you guys that the perception of what it should be taught to the kids is not what must parents are doing. The video is talking about the some of the essential agents of socialization as the way it should be done, unfortunately nowadays both parents are spending more time working and trying to provide essentials to their family that by the time they get off of work and the kid that has spend most of the day at the day care or school wants all of moms/dad attention and do it by miss behaving now just like you said rewarding them to call them down for miss behaving is not the right way but it is the easy way. I am not personally saying that it is ok. We should try to find the balance to deliver a good quality of care for our kids and try to do it the best way as possible for the sake of the kids. Koi789
      Same here with me, I agree and disagree as some point. I don’t know what other life but I have experience through the divorced parents. I don’t know how bad these events can influence me but I do know that without these events, I may never have the close relationship with my grandparents and be accepted like what I’m recently. Every event has the bad sides and good sides of it. The agreed the example of compliment and punishment like that is not going to help the child anyway, but at least the parents took some action to prevent the child behavior. It sucks to be a parent and it is a most responsible and difficult job you can ever have in life. Zero789

  7. Part two:
    She explains that this agent is also intertwined with the economy as well as the government. It also is closely tied to the media, most of the population is greatly influenced by media every day. To Facebook and Twitter to Snapchat and Instagram, all of these media outlets allows the world to keep in touch and up to date with the rest of the world around us. It also helps families keep in contact with their friends and other family members who are too far away and it tells them “what’s hot” and “what’s not”. It is becoming more and more common to find people who are becoming more rounded because of the world of media. To new “reality” T.V. shows that allows the public to see into the lives of the famous to documentaries informing those watching about the wildlife or infamous people or leaders around the world. To the super heroes that are shown on T.V. and in movies tend inspire people want to be better civilians and less self-absorbed. Media is starting to play a monumental role in not only the young lives of the world, but those who have never let technology or the media come into their lives are becoming more and more susceptible to it. How about the singers that everyone dreams to sing identical to and or the actors/actresses everyone wishes they looked like? Maybe using the media is not just used to become consumers, but is also used to compare someone’s life to what they wish it could be, like the “normal” American family. The media in fact, even alters our perception of this "normal" American family. That infamous white picket fence, the yappy dog, the cherry pie, the two and a half happy, rosy cheeked kids. We watch tv, read a magazine, see an ad with a beautiful woman and we think- that. That is what I should be, what I should want. We let it shape us like play-doh. We discussed beauty standards in class, and these are effected upon us mainly through media. Sometimes our family will tell us 'Fix your hair' or 'Don't wear that out' or 'That color makes you look like you recently died, shall I call the mortician or would you like to try a new blouse?' But the media tells us things in an infinitely more insidious and effecting way. 'Before and After'. The before is a beautiful woman. The after is a beautiful woman. The media twists us to think that one is ugly. Our peers are going through that same thing, our families have been through that same thing, but only the media will ever profit off of our insecurity and pain. Media has done a lot to keep us interconnected and to educate us and keep us on this brilliant, fast flowing chain to the future, but as all of the agents of socialization do, it has its downsides and possibilities for damage.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895

    1. You do touch on some negatives of the media but you painted it in an altogether positive light, which you do not see too often. You mention that it helps the economy and I think that it does tremendously. On Facebook alone, I am part of a “planning” group, and they mention so many pens, planners, and supplies that I almost always ultimately end up splurging on. The ads are also personalized to you so people are more likely to buy those products as well. It’s funny, if I have been searching a specific town or flights, an ad will appear on cheap flights or a specific airline or cruise. It’s wild.

    2. You did discuss very well how the media does have a big influence on use and how the same way the media shapes and molds us weather it be negative or not. So does our peers because just like the media we can compare ourselves to our friends while we can also make decisions based off of what they might think or want us to do. And its true that either way it goes each social agent has its own upsides as well as downsides and sometimes we choose to focus solely on one and not the other side. But in yours you kind of painted it altogether meaning you put the good with the bad.

  8. PART 1
    The lecturer in the video explained very important information about agents of socialization. I learned that some agents of socialization are religion, the government, the workplace, the economy, the family, the peers, and the media, but the professor in her lecture is concentrated explaining only three of them: the family, the peers, and the media.

    The lecturer focus the explanation of “family “as an institution and no a family in particular. She says that “family” is considered the primary agent of socialization, because it provides the right environment to create emotional support to the children in which they can explore their emotions to make this child a productive member of our society. She also mentions that “family” provides “social control” to tell us what is right, what is wrong, what is acceptable and what it’s not. In addition, she says that parents can do “social control” using force, reward, punishment, coercion, but we need to understand that force does not mean the use of physical force with the child, force means that the parents can force the children to stay in his or her room for some x days, or not allowed them to go out during the weekend. Those controls can help the children to become a good member in our society. The difficult part is, if the parents are not successful, the results can be fatal for that individual and also for society.

    On the other hand, the lecturer poses that although the family institution is been recognized sociologically as the primary agent of socialization, it’s been losing some of its foundation on that roll in recent years and begin being replaced for “peer groups”. She explains that “peers” are taking the place of parents as an agent of socialization and the influence of “peers” begins around the age of four when children star regular contacts with other children once they start the school like kindergarten or pre-k.

    Finally, the other agent of socialization is the “media”. She poses that “media” is increasingly becoming important to U.S. society, and every day influences on us through phone, tablets, laptops, desktop computers we have at home, at work and at school, and internet resources such us facebook, twitter, and email. Also, “media” socializes us to become consumers which are good for the economy; it could be use for different good purposes like to access higher education, we can go out internet and find information that teach us things that in other way we can not have access. Although the entire good things “media” can provides us it can be a very dangerous agent of socialization, but it doesn't have to be like that.
    The_soccer_league789 and Navajo789

    1. PART 2
      The first part of socialization is the family. From birth children are taught many things from their parents. How to act, speak and look, all of which built a person's foundation for traits. Parents job is to provide a safe environment for kids to explore and grow. A parent’s way of socializing varies. Some may be more strict, or more cautious than others. In some cases a parent may use punishment to get their point across by means of grounding their kid or by taking certain things away. And in extreme cases a parent may use corporal punishment as in spanking to help teach their kid right from wrong.
          However, according to the video, the socialization of the family is losing its weight to the peers. Kids are around peers more so than their family. Kids that go to school see their friends for a minimum of eight hours a day. Those peers can have strong pull on socialization. It is explained in the video that parents tend to be more strict of their kids peers when they are young. That is because peers can have a larger influence on kids of a young age. The parents tend to let their grasp get looser as kids get older because they have more trust in the kids and themselves that they taught the kids right from wrong.
          The last socialization influence is the media. The major media today is primarily influencing kids to buy more. TV has so many commercials targeted to make people buy more. We are a primarily material culture, so the commercials tell us to buy more. However, this is on the decline with new platforms of media including netflix here it is ad free and only bring attention to shows and not advertisement.

  9. Looking at a macro level family environment creates emotional support by giving children a safe environment in which they can explore their emotions. Most of us have the same view of the typical American family. While providing family environment we also, provide social control by teaching our children right from wrong. Showing them what is excepted and what is not helps them become a functioning part of society. By not showing them discipline they will most likely affect society in a negative way. In today's society not only does family influence a child but school, teachers, peers, and much more. Peer groups influence most of us in a negative way since most kids want to just fit in. Peer groups start influencing children as young as 4 years old. It becomes the strongest around their adolescent years. Parents monitor their children more closely at a younger age then an older. Why is that? For example my mom wouldn't let me hang after school with these group of girls because there was no adult supervision. As I got older I would just tell her where I was and she would say OK. She expressed trust in me as I got older because I listened to her when I was younger. As for the media it teaches us to buy and obtain things. The media is one of the biggest things in society in today's age. When I was a kid my grandma always looked at a newspaper to read what was going on in the world. Today I just look on my phone and look on facebook. We always have a phone, tablet, or computer at our disposal. Having these things does give us a positive by giving us access to information we might not have before. Not only does it have a positive outcome but also, a negative for society. Instead of listing what is actually important in society,social media decides whats important as an example. The girl who said catch me outside. She became so popular from stupidity. Does society realize they made her what she is today? Is that really what society cares about? Sadly yes, that girl will get more attention from the world then someone on there that is going to school doing good things in their life etc. -Gander789 Papyrus789

    1. I can definitely relate to the example you provided regarding peer groups having such a negative influence on our children. My niece has struggled with this immensely. She is a beautiful 10 year old girl who has already made negative comments about her overall appearance. My family example is that 10 year old girls in my sisters neighborhood are walking 2 blocks to the grocery store with no adult. My sister is taking control and saying no you can't go, which in turn creates problems for my niece in regards to being "cool" with her friends. Our mother stayed involved both in our adolescents and young teenage life. She drove us crazy, but now I'm very thankful she cared. She gave us a little freedom, but she was very aware of what we were doing and who we were with. I agree with you that the media access we have is both positive and negative. Yes society and media empowered that young girl to behave in such a terrible way. Our media is breeding more negativity and then scolding people that are being negative. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be corrected.


    2. Yes, the media does have a great impact on our society. Growing up we didn’t have cell phones, Playstation, Facebook, or Twitter. We had turn the dial phones, Atari, and we would go outside and play Hop Scotch, Double Dutch, and have relay races in the streets with the kids in the neighborhood. Stayed out all day but went home before the street lights came on. I feel that social media is a distraction for our children. It takes away from them using their imagination. Instead of going outside they have the option of staying inside and playing a game on the phone or computer. -- Granny789

    3. My mom used to do the same thing, when I was younger she always would ask me if their parents were home and exactly what we would be doing. When I got into high school she would just be okay with me telling her where I was going. At first it was weird because you are wondering why she is being so cool about it but eventually you realize that you have built up that trust from her. I remember waking up when I was little on Sunday mornings to my parents reading the newspaper and as I got older it slowly started to change. If I was to go over to my parents or even grandparents house now they would be scrolling through their phones trying to figure out how to get to the paper on their cell phone. As for the girl that was popularized by being socially inept, yes that is the future. We can see it more and more with the actions of people in the spotlight and how they gain popularity even through scandal. One of the oldest sayings in marketing is that negative publicity, is still publicity. Had that interview with Dr. Phil never happened, she would still be in the same situation she was in before, however now society has glorified her. Which then leads to more bad examples being set for children. It’s almost cyclical right? EPIC789 & pmed789

  10. Socialization is the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture. It’s a matter of nurture rather than nature, for human beings it is our nature to nurture. There is a variety of agents of socialization – religion, government, the economy, workplace, and school. In this video, the speaker focuses on three macro level agents.
    The first is family. The family is the primary agent of socialization. A family’s social position, including race and social class, shapes a child’s personality and the ideas about gender are learned here first. Family has a big influence on attitude and behavior. The role of the family is to teach children skills, values, and beliefs. The way children see themselves and the world depends on the quality of the environment provided by parents and other caregivers. The elements of family teach children to be normally socialized members of society. To do this, the family must create emotional support by giving the child a safe environment and provide social control by using force, rewards, punishment, or coercion. If parents are not successful the results could be disastrous not only for the child but also for society. Over the last 20 to 30 years the family is losing their position as the primary agent to two other agents of socialization which is peers and media.
    Peer groups are taking the place of parents as an agent of socialization. Peers have a big influence, which begins around the age of 4 when children come into regular contact with other children and is the strongest in the adolescent years. Children can get away from direct adult supervision. They can talk about things that interest them with their peers that they may not share with parents or other adults, like the latest fashion or music. Peer influence is closely monitored in the early years but not so much in later years. According to the speaker, one theory could be that parents feel if they have done a good job, then they can lenient and give their child responsibility to choose their peers.
    The third agent is media. Media influences our lives daily. This is great but could also be dangerous. There are so many outlets, newspapers, books, and magazines. Through technology we have cellphones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, as well as, social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The television socializes to become consumers. There are a few powerful people at the top that own tv and they expose us to only what they want us to see. - Thanos789 Granny789 – Part 1

  11. This video is very interesting. I agree that the three main aspects influencing our socialization, especially for younger children, is our family, our peers and the media. The speaker first talks about family, and she talks specifically about the institution of family, not our own families. The only real problem I have with this video is that the speaker discusses the use of force to help raise a child, but I disagree with her use of the word force. She could easily have used either the word punish or discipline and she then wouldn’t have had to clarify that by saying force she does not mean attacking or striking a child. Personally, I think that’s actually ridiculous to say that a mother or father is using force when disciplining or punishing their child for disobeying. I think most people would understand the term “using force” to mean literally either forcing a child to actually do something or move somewhere, or to physically attack or assault them. And the same goes for her using the word coercion. Coercion is defined as using force or intimidation to obtain compliance as by a government or police.
    Then the speaker talks about socialization being influenced by our peers and makes two different assertions or theories by stating that as children age, their parent decrease the amount of monitoring their children as they age. She states this for two reasons. First, she says that parents feel like can loosen the reigns a bit if they did well in the children’s earlier age, and second, parents basically just get tired in their older age. I get the feeling that she doesn’t really have much to base this assertion on because she gives absolutely no reasons at all for where she came up with this idea. Other agents brought up very briefly were religion, government, the workplace, and the economy.
    - Thanos789 Granny789 – Part 2

    1. When I was growing up my parents would use force in the terms of spanking or swatting with either a paddle or a belt depending on what I had done to deserve that punishment and personally I intend on using the same method of discipline on my children. This does not mean that if I didn’t do something simple like forget to take the trash out or do the dishes that my parents would resort to violence. I was spanked if I hit or threw something at my siblings and caused them pain. Or if it had been the hundredth time my parents had told me to clean my room and I still refused to by talking back or throwing a tantrum. My parents, and my logic now, is that if I’m going to cry and throw a tantrum that there best be a good reason I’m causing such a fuss. This does not make me nor my parents child abusers We do not see pointless hitting your children anywhere than on the butt as good or the correct way to discipline kids but personally I do find spanking as an acceptable way to discipline your children.
      When it comes to teaching your kids right from wrong as adults, there is no specific way to do it. As long as there is no harm to the kids and they are learning the right way to do things then that’s all that matters, in my opinion, because then they will learn how to be social and also how to respond the correct way to others in the social world once they grow up. I think this has a huge impact on all of the kids of what the see and what they hear as well in the home that they are raised in. Cassiopia789 & Schmidt789

  12. In this article, it talks about primary agents of socialization, micro and macro influences. What she focused on the most was family, peers, and media. But there are also others that play a big role, like the government, religion, workplace, and many more agents of sociology. Family is the primary agent of socialization. It creates emotional support by giving the child a safe environment in which they can explore their own emotions. It also provides social control by using force, rewards, and punishment. And if the parents are not successful in teaching the child these social issues, then the results will be disastrous for the child, which would be the micro and also for the society which would be the macro in this situation. Family is very important because this is where each person starts out as a baby and they learn everything from this environment. The parents should be the ones telling and showing the kid what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. This is where they begin their lives. We all have an idea of what the family should already look like because we base this off of what we would want ours to be like and what we have already seen and admired. Because of what happens in the household, is how the child will become a productive member of our society. For example, if the parents are very isolated and don’t speak to the kid or if they don’t teach them valuable lessons, the kids will grow up and be unaware of how society works. But if the adults teach them right from wrong then they will most likely grow up to be successful in society.
    Recently, family has been losing ground as the most influential agent of socialization to peers. Peer influence begins typically around 4 years of age when most kids enter kindergarten/preschool, or a day care. Parents typically in earlier years influence a child’s peers heavily by constant monitoring, but as studies show in later years the peers are not monitored nearly as much by parents. Wouldn’t it be weird if you came home with your first boy/girlfriend and your parents watched you two watch the movie, drive somewhere, watched you eat, like it was a playdate set up back in grade school. Or when you first enter freshman year of high school you entered the school and your parents directed you everywhere and gave you no freedom to explore and discover your own individualism. So obviously, that study makes sense. Media also is a huge influence, cell phones give us access to the entire world from the comfort of your bed. You can watch a video on the history of the Roman Empire if you wanted to without having to go to the local library scan the shelves and try to find a huge textbook on Roman history. With the plus side of media being able to connect us around the world to friends, family and information comes the negative side of it which can be cyberbullying, unattainable beauty standards, and dangerous information. Debra Marshall also puts in her thoughts and opinions into this video which I enjoyed hearing. However, the monotonousness in her voice made the video boring and personally I found it hard to concentrate on. She did deliver good quality information in easy to read slides that was nice to follow along to. At the beginning and end of the video she hit on the major points again to drive home what she was trying to get across. She used the example in her side of the iceberg meaning that the three primary socializations: family, peers, and media. Are just the beginning of the multitude of socializations that help shape an individual and lead them to becoming a productive member of society and the world.
    Schmidt789 Cassiopia789

  13. Part 1:
    Family, peers, and media are the three most important agents driving our society today.

    Agents of socialization can have micro and macro influences on us as individuals as well as society. The primary agent here is family which "takes front seat in driving the socialization bus" as described in the video. Family should create emotional support, provide a safe haven where children can tap into their emotions, learn right from wrong, the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behavior via social control, and a combination of rewards, punishment, and coercion if rules are not abided by. If the family unit is unsuccessful in creating such balance the results can be detrimental to the child(ren) within the household structure and society .

    Family has been loosing its footing to Peers, our second agent of socialization because preschool aged children have more consistent contant with other children, which only become more significant and stronger as the child ages so perhaps with age one learns a sense of responsibility by abiding by the rules set for them within the family structure only then will parents ease up on monitoring there every move. Also as parents age and more siblings are added parents may loosen their grips as well.

    Last but not least is our third and final primary agent known as the media. The daily influences of media on individuals are constant from, the radio, billboard advertisements, newspapers, cellphones, tablets, and all forms of "social media".

  14. The actions displayed in most, if not all South Park episodes reflect the action of some people within society not the masses in my opinion. I totally agree with the media having a sense of control over people based on what they display and or say in news articles, newspapers, on the radio, tv, and/or internet, etc.. The news is so depressing, like nothing positive ever happens unless Beyonce is having twins. Oh let's not forget Kanye West and Kim Kardashian has a surrogate due to give birth next year. Who cares?....I sure don't! A baby is born every minute of the day here in America, yet not with a silver spoon in their mouth and that's more realistic then not. From police brutality to creating racial divides amongst minorities and majorities via various protest across the country, these two topics have been in heavy rotation within the media lately and it's sad. I don't even like watching the news for those reasons, but just like south park if they talked about positivity on a continuum then their wouldn't be any news shows nor any news anchors, ratings are everything! Truth is a positive platform doesn't keep a consistent fan base, so the media displays alot more negatives than positives. If reality tv was called fake tv would you watch it? I encourage you all to turn off the tv sometimes and open a book to expand your mind...knowledge is power!

    1. Wrong post, reposted under soarsore789. thanks. mommyoftwo789

  15. While the media helps level the playing field he has negatives and positives just like most other things in life. On a positive note the internet allows us to increase our knowledge base at our fingertips from viable and reputable sources. Now the flip side to this is seeking out the internet for health diagnosis, something as minor as a cold could have you believing you have cancer or some other ailment until confirmed by a physician. You can even use the internet to complete doctor visits and check wait times on the nearest hospitals.

    In conclusion: I agree that family, peers, and the media are key components in our society. Parents are becoming much younger and less hands on. Everyday interactions happen via snapchat and Facebook. Music videos encouraging suicide is another way media impacts society, in fact there is one in rotation on the radio right now. Smh. We have to be our children advocates, pick them up when they are down, redirect when they go left instead of right, and rallying behind them no matter what. Confidence is important just the same.

    For me family has had the biggest impact, not any others. And I credit being born in the 80's with less technological advancements as compared to now, then my family included(immediate family, friends, neighbors, and teachers, aka the village, structure within the household and community was key also, and the actual everyday interactions with friends whom I still talk to today whether it be text, social media, or phone for instilling such great qualities that some parents lack. There is no book written about life, these things are learned as we go. And while one dominanted more then the others in my upbringing each are necessary to thrive within society.


    Part 2:

    While the media helps level the playing field he has negatives and positives just like most other things in life. On a positive note the internet allows us to increase our knowledge base at our fingertips from viable and reputable sources. Now the flip side to this is seeking out the internet for health diagnosis, something as minor as a cold could have you believing you have cancer or some other ailment until confirmed by a physician. You can even use the internet to complete doctor visits and check wait times on the nearest hospitals.

    In conclusion: I agree that family, peers, and the media are key components in our society. Parents are becoming much younger and less hands on. Everyday interactions happen via snapchat and Facebook. Music videos encouraging suicide is another way media impacts society, in fact there is one in rotation on the radio right now. Smh. We have to be our children advocates, pick them up when they are down, redirect when they go left instead of right, and rallying behind them no matter what. Confidence is important just the same.

    For me family has had the biggest impact, not any others. And I credit being born in the 80's with less technological advancements as compared to now, then my family included(immediate family, friends, neighbors, and teachers, aka the village, structure within the household and community was key also, and the actual everyday interactions with friends whom I still talk to today whether it be text, social media, or phone for instilling such great qualities that some parents lack. There is no book written about life, these things are learned as we go. And while one dominated more then the others in my upbringing each are necessary to thrive within society.

  16. Primary Agent Socialization

    The three primary agents of socialization discussed in this video were Family, Peers and Media. I thought it was interesting when the speaker referred to the family in a macro level. I really didn’t understand what the meant. Instead of looking at a person’s specific family, you are looking at the institution of family. The family should provide a safe place physically and emotionally. Parents need to have social control, which just means there needs to be a balance of rewards and punishment. I thought it was very sad to hear that the family is losing primary status to the other two agents mentioned in this video “Peers and Media”. As a society we need to figure out how to make sure the family stays a primary status. I thought it was interesting that peer influence starts at age four. This is much younger than I would have guessed. I have watched my sister exercise parental control with my 10 year old niece. My sister is very picky as to who she allows my niece to socialize with on a daily basis. And as you can imagine this doesn’t always go over very well. I think it’s sad that the United States is the most consumer driven nation on earth. To me it makes us sound like we are materialistic self-centered people and I don’t think that is something to be proud of. We are definitely have a great deal of exposure to technology; television, cellphone, laptop, desktop, Facebook, twitter, email etc. As a result of this we have a generation of young people that are incapable of having a conversation face to face. Instead their means of communication is behind a screen. I have never put any thought into who actually owns television. It is scary to think that the people that own television are very powerful and are in complete control of what we are exposed to on a daily basis. These people may have hidden agendas and or personal interest into what is being promoted.


    1. I totally agree with you about the speaker should have been talking about the institution of family rather than each person’s own specific relative. If the general idea of family is referenced in this situation, then someone is clearly making generalizations about every single family in our society, which is beyond ridiculous. That would be like someone saying that we are all the same because we all act alike, except he’s not saying it about one person, he’s saying it about everyone’s entire families! I also agree with you when you say that we need to figure out how to make sure the family stays a primary status. I doubt there’s anything families could do these days that would block out any and all media and especially peers to influence and affect our kids today, but I would bet a load of money that if all parents of kids who are being negatively affected by peers, media, or whatever really cracked down to take an interest in their kids’ lives and REALLY get involved, a LOT of that negative influence would decrease greatly. -- Thanos789

    2. I too believe that it is very sad that family is losing ground to peers and the media, but it does seem to be true. I see it all of the time. I believe this is the family's doing for the most part. I often see parents, instead of talking or interacting with their children, they had them a phone or ipad to interact with whether it is a game, music or a movie. Even when we go out to eat at a restaurant, I tend to survey the area. I look to see who is interacting with each other and who is looking at their phones. Sadly, the majority of people sitting at tables are not speaking with each other, they are texting or looking at a website or reading something on their devices as opposed to having a conversation with whom they are with. I would like to see that parents and families would take the time to interact with each other and reverse some of this peer and media interaction and bring the influence back to the family.-MommaJ789

    3. I agree with the fact that technology is becoming too much of a distraction. It brings the phrase “too much of a good thing can be bad,” to mind. Technology, where media is most prominent, really is taking the focus with children and teenagers. Also, peer influence in social media too! I believe that the technology that people are starting to really depend on is being used as a substitute to parenting, and socialization. People are using social media to connect with others, and because of that, they’re forgetting how to socialize in person. It’s distancing people from reality, nature, their families, and likely more. Parents are starting to let their kids use the internet and play games for most of their time (hours!). Eye problems and internet addictions aren’t the only problem here. Kids are starting to get smaller attention spans, so they suffer in school, and they spend every waking moment on their phones. - Papyrus789

  17. Part A: Primary agents of socialization as Macro and micro influences, I like the fact that the video talks about the socialization aspects for Family, Peers and media and how the agents of socialization and micro and macro influences are applied to these factors of socialization. Family environment is really important because our journey of socialization and interactions with others start at home. As the video states having a safe family environment provides the opportunity to explore social emotions and social controls as well. I never got to think myself about the importance of the parents being successful in the micro level for the child but in the macro level in the society in order for the child to have a good social development. The family as an agent of socialization will provide the child with the basic social structure in order to be successful in the society and from the micro and macro level and the understanding of being successful just like their parents and take that perception as an standard gradient. Family contribution of with social aspects of moral structure, good manners and what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. Social control is the key that can be used to reward or punish kids by being grounded or some privileges being taken out from them or as a way of control they can be rewarded by getting ice cream just to mention an example. Peer exposure can be fortified in the kids when their parents get to take them to the play ground where they can interact with other children making their peers-social skills stronger. I have to mentioned that back in the day parents had the need to regulate or approve who their kids friends where however nowadays parents don't do much of that and are kind of disconnected from this process specially when they have teenagers and they don't know who their potential friends at school could. It is to believe that as the parents get older and the kids are goring up they don't have to get too involved in this because they values and morals that they had thought to their kids are good bases in order for them to make rational decisions. Media is extremely important in U.S.A. society as we use computers, phones, and electronics in general that allow us to connect to social media and a big amount of information that can be reliable or not reliable. TV is a big way to expose us as a big agent of socialization leading us to buy more products and the way we have to dress or accessorize to up to date socially.
    Koi789 and Zero 789

  18. Part B: Like what Koi said above, the three main agents of socialization: family, peers, and media are important and necessary to shape the children perspective and their moral social. Family is the basic foundation of a person and the parents are construction workers to build the body and support for it not falling. So, the influence of parents is important to the development of the child, here we are talking about nurture. And the one who responsible for the successful or failure of the children is their parents. We can’t deny the fact that not all parents can influence the child the same way and not every parent have the same moral standards. Different places have different culture and different cultures have different standard to determine the value or successful of a person. It’s the same for family. Koi said he is never got to think himself about the importance of the parents being successful in the micro level for the child but for me I’m never think of myself about the importance of the parents being successful would influence on macro level. I’m not the parent yet, but I will in the future. Most of parents but not all probability like me, they may care more about the development or successful of their child more than the issue of society. But while they are doing thing like taught the children what is right or wrong, gave out complement or punishment, they are unconsciously and indirectly influence the environment around them and the children on macro level scale. But how much of parent’s influences are enough for the children? It’s never enough. It’s true that parents became less intervention when they get older, but the need of parents are never enough. Every act of the parents is impacted on their child whether it is directly or indirectly. Peers is the same important and it like the replacement worker for the main worker to take the rest or support the building when the main worker are not present. The important of peers like the family are never the same for individual and so their influence. Some have more impacted and some are not so much but they are the one who easiest after your parents to sway your bell of opinion and perspective on life. Media is the extremely important but not only in U.S but also in other countries over the world as well when technology are development every day. The fastest and power way to influence and to shape people opinion is through the media. But overall, these only the top part of the big iceberg floating on the ocean surface.
    Zero789 and Koi789

  19. PART ONE:
    In the South Park video, five agents of socialization are introduced: family, school, peers, groups, and media. The video highlights mostly negative effects of the agents, however, which I think is a realistic viewpoint. First shown is family. The video maker says that kids can show the same traits as parents, even negative ones. I agree with this and do because of personal experience; I am almost the same person as my mother. We have the same facial expressions and even talk the same. However, I think negative aspects of family shape a child in an opposite way too. If a child notices a characteristic of their parent that they dislike, they may do the opposite instead of mirroring it. For example, my grandparents mostly took care of me because my father was always working so late and would not pick me up from their house until close to eight at night. I value spending time with family and want to be able to spend more time with my children than my father did when I was younger. The next agent displayed in the video is school, which was important to me growing up. I looked up to my teachers and valued school and my work very highly and actually still do. Peers also influence children and the video shows how in a dramatic but true way. Peer pressure is common in all ages and can be anything from back flipping on a trampoline to using drugs, so it is important to choose the “right crowd” that parents talk about. Groups are also mentioned, showing Cartman abusing power when put in an authoritarian position. The media is an agent that follows you everywhere. With the advancement of technology and social media platforms, we are connected 24/7. When we are bored, we no longer pick up books or actually socialize, we scroll through Facebook and Instagram. I am most definitely guilty of this. When I go out with friends, I notice times when we are silent and checking our phones instead of having an actual conversation. These agents are vital to development and our modes of socialization. Buttercup789 Catzfuhdays789 Crown789

    1. PART TWO:
      The first Socialization Agent that they talk about is Family and the example is how in South park the kids often times have traits of their parents. And how because the parents made bad examples the kids followed. Which I know to be true because I have seen it happen in my own family because my cousin watched the bad example that my uncle showed him and he followed right into his footsteps and often times the parents can see it right away but cant do anything about it because by then it's too late to try and fix it. Then another is school and the example is teachers and fellow students influence at school. Which is true because there are certain things that I picked up from hanging around kids at school its also where I kind of learned what was cool to do at school in front of others and what wasn't but then the teachers also have an influence because they teach us how to be adults and take care of responsibilities and then some just don't care. And that also molds and shapes us weather they mean for it to or not. And they showed two different examples of that where one teacher positively influenced the students while in the other one he negatively influenced the children. And this then has an effect on how they act in society because in school is where we learn how to act and function in society and if we are negatively influenced there then that child often grows up and isn't able to function properly in society. And then he discusses peers and that we often times are negatively affected by them because we try to fit in and that makes us easier to be influenced. Which is true but not all the time are we negatively influenced by them because I have some friends who are very positive influences on me they encourage me to do well in school and want to see me go on and do better and when I get off the right path they help me to find my way back on it. But then I have friends who also negatively influence me because they don't encourage me in school in fact they say drop out or skip and just find some easy money. So this video really goes through many mores and much more in detail then I am right now. 
      The South Park video introduced us to the 5 agents of socialization which were family, school, peers, groups, and the media. It showed us how are family could negatively influence us. In the video, most of the kids were taking after their parents and their parents were definitely bad influences on the children. One of the examples they showed where the kids were in class having a discussion and they started to use curse words. Parents don’t always influence their kids in a bad way or if they do it sometimes pushes the kids to be different then their parents. The next agent was school, they showed how the teachers could impact the kid’s life in a negative and positive way. School impacts most kid’s life because we spend as much time as we spend at home there, so the way our teachers act is actually important. Peers are the most influential in children life, this is because most children do things that their friends are doing to just fit in. In the video, they showed where one of the boys are peer pressured to fight someone. I feel that example is very realistic because most kids don’t want to do certain thing but they feel that their friends will make fun of them if they don’t. Another agent they mentioned was groups. In the example they gave Cartman was placed in a minority group and at the end he ended up abusing his authority. The media is one of the most important agents because it affects how people act or even how they view their selves in general. The media is definitely changing things kids barley go out and play anymore because they rather be on some social network. I always think to myself what would we all be doing right now if social media and technology wasn’t so big right now. Buttercup789 Catzfuhdays789 Crown789

    2. OH NO, I posted the South Park reply here. Disregard this thread.

  20. There are three primary agents of socialization. Family is the primary agent. It creates, established and provides emotional support in a safe environment. The macro level is society while the micro level is the child. It asks us what is the meaning of family? It is what is socially acceptable as a normal family? We often think of a normal family as being a man, his wife, two children and a dog but this isn't always the case anymore. We teach or at least attempt to teach our children right from wrong, and what is an is not acceptable in our society. While the influence of family was very strongly the anchor to our society and learning, it is falling short to the footing that our peers and media have over us all.
    Peer groups are taking the place of parents in many instances. By the age of 4, our children are coming into contact with others in social arenas from preschool to play groups, etc. They tend to be the strongest in adolescent years. Peer contact is usually monitored strongly in the child's younger years. Parents tend to loosen the reigns as kids older. As they get older, the parents are more tired and less tense.
    Media is the third influence. It is generally consumer driven by learning about buying and obtaining new things. Monitored by the government and economy. The media has daily influences as such as newspapers, books and magazines. Cell phones, tablets and computers are readily available at school and most homes. People could use social media as well such as Twitter, Facebook, email and internet. These socialize us to become consumers. The big media players give exposure to information via technology. -MommaJ789

    1. I think it is important to have a safe home environment so that children can receive the proper emotional support they need. If these children do not receive the child is effected that is the micro level and when the child goes into society, society is effected which is the macro level. I do believe that peer groups are in fact taking the place of parents in a way. Sometimes children will do what their peers say but not their parents. I think this is because they aspire to fit in. Media tells us how to live in a way. By this I mean when media tells us what to buy and when it gives us information we want to buy the goods and we believe the information we see.

  21. PART ONE:
    Our group covers the main three agents covered in this video.
    In this video, they talked about three primary agents of socialization which are family, peers, and the media. Family is one of the primary agent of socialization in America. One of the important factors with family is that it creates emotional support and is supposed to have a safe environment in which to explore emotions for their child. Family’s should also create social control to prepare their child for the world. Social control tells us what is right and wrong, and by helping their child figure that out they use force or punishment. Growing up if I didn’t get the grades that my mom approved of she would put me on punishment or take something from me that I cared about like my phone. By my mother doing that I knew I had to do good in school or there would be consequences. The next primary agent is our peers, our peers could have a big effect on us, because peers our now beginning to take the place of family’s. As the child gets older is when the influence is more active and that is because parents aren’t monitoring their child’s life as much as they were when they were younger. I know that once I got to high school I was spending less time with my family and wanting to go out and hang with my friends. The media is becoming more important to society, this is because of technology and how everyone is always connected to some social media because most of it we can pull up on our phones now. The media socializes us to become consumers and teaches us what some powerful people want us to know.
    There are three primary agents of socialization and those are family, peers and media. But religion, government, the work place and also the economy is one. But the video just focuses on the three main ones. And this video also discussed the micro and macro level of impact that these things had on us. So like the family one it says the family environment creates emotional support by giving the child a safe environment in which to explore their feelings. But then in some households you don't have this which then can cause the child to act out in public places or cause them to hold it in and bottle it up which then creates problems for the child as they grow older because then they began to devolp anger issues or may even end up bullying other kids because they have never had a safe environment to explore this feelings and also have rewards and punishments. Which you learn that too much of one thing can be bad because if you give a child too many rewards then they grow to become spoiled and have a sense of entitlement but then on the other hand if you always punish the child and never give a reward then that child can grow up harsh and mean and be cruel to others because of the lack of rewards in their life. And then she begins to talk about the other social agent and that is peers and how it taking the place of parents as a social agent in US societies. And then it discuss how this begins at a young age around 4 when they begin to come in contact with other children. And this is something I do agree with because as you grow you find yourself spending more and more time with friends then your family because as you find yourself you began to confide in your friends about thoughts or things you did before you think to confide in your parent about it. So then she begins to discuss media which is increasingly important in the US and we are constantly influenced by it weather it be on the news or facebook we constantly have ideals put into our mind or see things that influence us in the media and we post things that influence others as well.
    Catzfuhdays789 Buttercup 789 Crown 789

    1. PART TWO:
      The video highlights three of the primary agents of socialization: family, peers and media. In American society, family is the primary agent of socialization. Its latent function is to create emotional support for a child and supply a safe environment for children to express their emotions. Family is meant to prepare a child for the world and create a well-rounded individual. They do so by using force, rewards, punishment and coercion. For example, when I had homework, I was not allowed to watch television or play any of my games until it was done. As another example, my sister was grounded when she got home after our curfew. The video explains that not only does the family agent affect the child, but also the society. Next are our peers. They are so influential that they are slowly taking the place of family as an agent of socialization. When we are younger and have more parental supervision, our friend groups are chosen for us and monitored. As we get older, however, there is more leniency and we are more likely to choose our own friends and be influenced more by spending more time with them in and out of school. Every day after school, I used to hang out with my friends from school who lived around the block for hours. We had school together, hung out in the neighborhood and at each others’ houses, and even participated in girl scouts together. In fact, in my childhood years, I may have interacted with her more than my parents, proving its impact. Last is media. With the commonality of having technology, people are connected through social media on their mobile phones, tablets and computers. Media socializes us to be consumers, the video suggests, which I definitely agree with. On Facebook, I am a member of a planning group (we use planners and decorate them with stickers, doodles, and other fun things) and they constantly post sales and different items that I almost always end up buying. I have a collection of over 200 pens because of that Facebook group! This is not a bad thing, though, since it is good for our economy. Catzfuhdays789 Buttercup 789 Crown 789

  22. PART ONE:
    There are three main agents of socialization that influences us: Family, Peers, and Media. Media is growing to be a huge, influence on socializing people nowadays. We interact with it daily through our devices. It’s like one mass peer pressure thing, that tells you what’s in or out. It’s negative in the way that the information released in whatever format it comes out as, because it influences our opinions on various things (like hating mainstream things, or hating anything in general on a whim because a possibly inaccurate article says something is bad) on second hand information, or biased information, or in whatever way they want people to react. It’s good in the way that information is on our fingertips: ignorance is something that more people can defeat. However, people controlling what information the public is exposed to, isn’t great. It reminds of me of the tactic that tyrants use to control their kingdoms, controlling their information so that their citizens don’t rebel in light of the news that it’s better somewhere else, and that everything they’re taught is false. I can think of North Korea as an example of this, where the people think they’re living better than anywhere else (in which they have limited information of – no permissible internet). Their ignorance cripples their options for most people. While Family’s influence is decreasing in comparison to peer influence, it’s still very much a large influence since people are completely surrounded in their family environment. They teach you what’s right and what’s not, along with how to behave. They’re hardly perfect however, and can fail, leading to people that become criminals or make decisions that negatively impact themselves and society. They’re supposed to give the children a safe environment where they can explore their emotions, that’s how we get socialized. My thoughts are that bad environments create future environments that are similar, and that family culture can also affect what influences the children (for example, a family that doesn’t allow their children to explore their emotions because of religion or where they live). Peer influence starts at age 4 and gets stronger as they age – especially in the children’s adolescent years; I believe this mostly to be because of low self-esteem, insecurities and depression that comes from puberty. Validation that comes from peers is the reason why this agent is powerful; peer pressure is an example of this. Family is supposed to give you unconditional love, but you have to try to get your peers’ acceptance; it’s why children are anxious when they move to a new school, they have to fit in. Peers are a large part of their life, and teaches them social skills. The family, their peers, and media influence people in these manners.

  23. PART TWO:
    Looking at a macro level family environment creates emotional support by giving children a safe environment in which they can explore their emotions. Most of us have the same view of the typical American family. While providing family environment we also, provide social control by teaching our children right from wrong. Showing them what is excepted and what is not helps them become a functioning part of society. By not showing them discipline they will most likely affect society in a negative way. In today's society not only does family influence a child but school, teachers, peers, and much more. Peer groups influence most of us in a negative way since most kids want to just fit in. Peer groups start influencing children as young as 4 years old. It becomes the strongest around their adolescent years. Parents monitor their children more closely at a younger age then an older. Why is that? For example, my mom wouldn't let me hang after school with these group of girls because there was no adult supervision. As I got older I would just tell her where I was and she would say OK. She expressed trust in me as I got older because I listened to her when I was younger.
    As for the media, it teaches us to buy and obtain things. The media is one of the biggest things in society in today's age. When I was a kid my grandma always looked at a newspaper to read what was going on in the world. Today I just look on my phone and look on Facebook. We always have a phone, tablet, or computer at our disposal. Having these things does give us a positive by giving us access to information we might not have before. Not only does it have a positive outcome but also, a negative for society. Instead of listing what is actually important in society, social media decides what’s important as an example. The girl who said catch me outside. She became so popular from stupidity. Does society realize they made her what she is today? Is that really what society cares about? Sadly yes, that girl will get more attention from the world then someone on there that is going to school doing good things in their life etc.

  24. The video talked about the three primary agents of socialization they are, family, peers, and media. The first one she talked about was family, she said the family is supposed to create emotional support and give the child a safe environment also teach the child right from wrong. The job of the parents is to teach a child how to socially normal, or at the very least socially acceptable. She claimed that if parents aren’t successful it can be disastrous for the child(micro) and society(macro). If the parents don’t succeed, it can lead to the child being socially inept, or withdrawn and to the extreme the child would be( or do things that are) socially unacceptable. Kids need that solid foundation that is built at a very early age to have the best chances at being developmentally and socially strong. The next one she talked about was peers. The video also made a point about how parents chose and dictate who the child can be friends with in their early years and that is so true. They also strictly dictate what types of media the young children are being exposed to. One theory she uses as to why they may not decide as much when you get older was because of younger siblings that require more of their attention, another was because they feel they raised you well enough to know what is right and wrong. I think for me I would agree more with the second theory. I always hear parents saying things like I raised my kid better than that or they should know better than that. The media(TV, movies, magazines, other printed material, the internet) also falls under the peer part of the video. In America, kids are exposed to the ideology that it is important to buy and obtain things. This can be seen with the plethora of advertisements and commercials. We see the desire to have the latest and greatest in everything from the shoes on our feet to the car in our garage to the cell phone in our hands(that ultimately will end up in our children’s hands). The last one talked about was media. The first thing she talked about was how people used to read the newspaper and read books to gain information but now most people wake up and look at Facebook or Twitter to get the information they are looking for. However, she makes a point that with the constant flow of information, we have to be cautious where we get our information and it needs to be properly vetted to assure accuracy. Like my mom used to tell me as a child, “don’t believe everything you see on TV”. Well, now this is the case for the internet and the unlimited flow of information. It also made a really good point about how some very powerful people control what we actually see on television and how it is communicated and what we are exposed to only benefits those people in power. Also in class we also talked about if technology is a good thing or a bad thing. Personally I see it being a great thing a big majority of the time. At the place I work we have some nonverbal people and technology has come so far that they were able to create a talking device so this person can communicate. With technology we can also have entire machines built in a matter of minutes, assistance with life saving procedures in the operating room and be able to have a direct feed to nearly any location in the world. But it has deeply impacted our ability to effectively communicate on a personal level. I fear(effective) face to face could end up having to be taught to our younger generations if we don’t do something to curtail it. EPIC789 & pmed789

  25. I think socialization is both nature and nurture because when a baby is born they socialize with their mom by being attached to them, eating, etc, but once the baby grows up little by little they learn to socialize with other people which bring me to primary agent of socialization number 1, family. The family creates emotional support by giving a child a safe environment in which to explore their emotions. I also don’t think if one parent is not successful. Families especially parents provide social control by using force, rewards, punishment and coercion. Some of those might not work on some kids if they are really bad behaved kids. Peers, our peers play a big role when it comes to socialization. Peers are increasingly takes the place of parents as an agent of socialization in the US society. This influence begins around the age of 4, when kids come into regular contact with other children but it is at its strongest in the adolescent years. Our peers influence us about how we think of ourselves, how we dress, how we act, how we do certain things that is why this agent aligns with the agent of media which they are a dangerous combination. As young adults in the US society, we learn the importance of buying and obtaining things whether it comes to fashion or house or cars we just want what is in trend or the best. The last one is media; this agent of socialization is becoming important to the US society. Newspapers, books, magazines, cellphones, tablets, computers, twitter, facebook, email, and internet are all media related and are daily influences on individuals. We can learn from media and use electron devices to communicate with each other, but sometimes we can over use technology or take advantage of it. Socialization can be positive on individual if it done the right way and can also have negative effect if not done right. Those three agents are just the common one there are also other ones like religion, culture, etc. Furthermore, Family as an agent is talked about as our understanding of family. Family creates emotional support and social control for us. Social control are what teaches us what is good and bad in the world, and different parents have different way to provide social control through force, rewards, punishment, and coercion. Families influence you in so many ways. They shape you they are the part of you life that sees you the most and you learn a lot from them. Family effects the way you are in society, the way you act. In circumstances were maybe your family wasn’t there for you emotionally it can build up a lot of tension and emotions in yourself and can then effect the way you show yourself emotionally in society. Peers have been in some ways taking the place of your parents as an agent of socialization in the United States. You influence starts about the age of four when you start having more contact with people. Your peers can sometimes be selected from your parents. When you’re young you know the people you know because of your parents you don’t really have a choice of who you were hanging out with as a child. Once you hit an older age your parents don’t monitor you as much of who you are hanging out with you're going to school full time you have more of chance to select your peers. Your peers shape you as much as your family does you grow up with them, you guys hang out share the same experiences. Media is a big influence in the United States. In the world of today we spent a lot of time on social media and watching TV. Media even though it is a great thing it can influence use in a negative way. We see things on TV that make of think it is okay to act like that. For example that riots happening lately we see that young children see that and some of them think it may be okay to think that way because they see it on TV and they see certain powerful people in the world support it. We see the “powerful” people of the internet tell us what to buy and use and show us what we should look like and that why media is a big influencer in our life.
    Ria789 Vct789

  26. It’s funny how many influences we have in our lives and how much they can shape our way of living. Three of the primary agents of socialization are family, peers, and media. There are many more agents but these are the primary influences in our lives. The family environment creates emotional support and provides social control. Family creates emotional support by giving the child a safe environment. Family provides social control by using force, rewards, and punishment. There are no two families that are identical because everyone gives support and provides social control in different ways.Sometimes families have a mom, a dad, and a child; some have two moms or two dads, some have pets so these environments will all look different. Influence of peers can start as early as the age of four. Parents usually choose who their children are around and where their children go while the child is young. Some parents monitor peer influences less as the children get older. This could be because the parents are more tired or the parents may have other young children that they have to pay closer attention. My mom has known all of my friends my whole life and that is because she wants to know who I am around I have noticed that as I got older she didn’t ask who I was with or where I was going as much. For one I think it is because she grew trust in me and also I have two little sisters that are nine years old. I noticed that when I became an adolescent my peers did influence me the most. I used to have a friend who stayed out late and her mother wouldn’t know because she’d be at work. One night I stayed out with her late (about 8:30pm) and my mom was so worried she called the police because I never stayed out that late without being with a family member. Needless to say I never stayed out late again, but this is how my peers have influenced my life as an adolescent.I believe media plays a big influential role in our lives because it teaches us what “should” be. For example people buy Michael Jordan's shoes because he is famous and media tells us the shoes are cool. These shoes range from $85 to around $400 and some people buy the shoes instead of paying their rent, light bill, or car insurance. These agents have positive and negative influences in our lives it was interesting to find out how early we can be influenced and how strong these influences are.

  27. From being in this sociology class this semester. I have learned more than I ever have about society and how it affects our daily lives. In this video she talked about 3 agents of sociology which included family, peers, and media. When she started talking about family I thought she was going to say something along the lines of, “a individual effects society in it’s own unique way.” For example, a person who is a very outgoing person who is very talkative and active. Which in the video she touched upon it a little but in a different way. I learned that family is the primary agent of sociology and that it’s serves as the purpose of emotional support. Within the family she stated that the backbone of the family agent is social control. In other words applying use of force in a non physical way for example, telling your child that their grounded and can’t have their cell phone. Also how a parent treats their children at home affects the way the children treats society. After she talked about the agent of family she then started talking about the agent of peers. I believe from my personal experience that our peers teaches us more than our parents do. Because from my life I learned a lot more about life and how it operates from my peers. The only thing that I pretty much learned from my dad is what not to do as a parent. I read this article that this guy was being poorly treated at home by his father and this guy way of retaliation was harming the students at his school so what a person learns from his peers and family plays a huge role in how society operates. Last but not least she touched upon media, media in today’s society has changed so much overtime. For instance, a long time ago people wasn’t able to have internet on their phone or listen to music while using other apps. Examining the different types of social media sources out there like snapchat, facebook, instagram, can absolutely say that the average teen doesn’t care 100% about education compared to the new events going on for the upcoming weekend or the new clothes coming. Which overtime teaches kids that money and fame is everything. Because about 98% of all youth are all followers and want to do what everyone is doing to fit in. So the media agent of sociology is also a vital part in how our society survives. -NIKE789      


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