Choice Theory....Thoughts?


  1. Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are the ones that originated the choice theory, there main focus was individuals personal choice which was set to be the rational choice. In the video it states that Derek Cornish and Ronald Clarke were people who influenced rational choice theory. In their thoughts they were two men who wanted to explore the mind of a burglar and what he might ask himself before stealing from someone. Questions he ask himself for example is what house may have more valuables? Another one is there any possible way that the neighbors might be out to watch the house? A final question he may ask himself is how easy is it gonna be to get in the house and out of the house? The questions help a criminal decide his best bet to committing a crime he could get away with. Another thing I learned in the video is that a criminal weighs the costs and benefits of committing a crime before actually committing the crime. Most crimes are all thought out and not premeditating which means that nobody plans to randomly break into a house on a given day. No they have been watching that house and planning a strategy, no last minute plans. The criminals commit crimes because it may be rewarding, easy satisfying or fun in some type of way for them. In the video it states that there is some factors leading to a criminal to committing a crime. For example they may have psychological traits, some may have social aspects meaning that their family background may have some sort of criminal background in their round, further one it may be because they consumed drugs or alcohol and there body isn’t functioning right. All these factors can lead to someone acting out in a criminal manor. The real key is that criminals wonder if they are gonna get caught or get away with the crime they are committing. They may fear the severity of the punishment if they get caught, also the benefits they may get is value gained from committing a crime. Overall a choice need to be rational to the person making the decision. Smile123

    1. The idea and concept of a rational crime is very interesting. This choice theory really emphasizes getting inside the mind of a criminal or normal person before committing a criminal act. Through understanding the mental process of someone committing crime we can try to understand the causes and thought process behind such criminal behavior. I am very interested to see what you guys dig up about the choice theory due to its direct connection to the perpetrator as well as the psychological and social influences that shape their criminal behavior. Group 2 Ghost123

  2. Part 1....
    The originators of choice theory where two people named Cusare Beccaria and Jeremy Benthem. They said that choice theory is a belief that a person weighs there benefits and costs before committing some sort of criminal act. Also, all crime is before and induvial does is already pre-thought out that they were going to do the act. There are some contributing factors to this theory though. Some are part of their background, being there intelligence, their friends and family, also where they live. Some other are situational factors such as being peer pressured to do an act, problems in a relationship, and being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Before a person even does the criminal act, they think of the benefits and the consequences. A person is way more likely to commit a crime when the benefit is good and they have a lower chance of getting caught. For instance, if there is a guy just strolling down the street and a lady leaves her purse on a step and it is wide open and money is visible in it. If there isn’t anyone really around the guy would be more likely to take money out of that purse. Know if he was in the same situation and there was a security officer standing by, the individual will more than likely not take the money because there is a high chance of getting caught and that out ways the benefit. Part of this theory also involves the needs of the criminal. A person who is homeless are going to be more likely to steal and do criminal activity just to survive. A person just needing the basic needs like food, water, clothes, shelter, will do anything to get what they need. They will put their own safety at risk if need be. An example of this is that someone is starving and is really hungry. They would do anything to get food, even if that means to steal or rob for that means of survival. The thought of consequences goes out the window because they need the most basic need. They have nothing to lose. Even if that person got arrested they would still be happy because they would get fed in the jail.
    I agree with what Elizabeth is saying about Choice Theory. The part about how they decide if they want to commit a crime or not or what their thought process is at the time. It makes since because, from my perspectives and probably a lot of other people’s perspectives, we believe that criminals commit crimes based on the benefits from it. They don’t look at the consequences because in their head they don’t believe they will be caught after commit a crime. They think the choice they made is very rational and they believe they weighed their options. In reality they never weigh the negative outcomes, they only see the benefits that come with taking stuff from other people. She then talks about how things around you can affect your thought processes. The people you hang around, you having a rough time in your life, and maybe the area that you live in, but I’m not so sure about that one. Also she brings up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. How the criminals basic needs come before everything else. Such as food instead of a phone. Which one is needed more for a person? Basically, this video talks about how criminals have different factors that contribute to, if they should commit the crime or not. Is it the criminals needs or is it their wants? Is their choice a good choice when it comes to committing crimes? Of course not but it is the best rational choice in their opinion. They feel as though they are benefiting from taking from others but not looking at the consequences. Trojan123,Fireboy123,Smile123, DC123

  3. Part2..
    Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are the ones that originated the choice theory, there main focus was individuals personal choice which was set to be the rational choice. In the video it states that Derek Cornish and Ronald Clarke were people who influenced rational choice theory. In their thoughts they were two men who wanted to explore the mind of a burglar and what he might ask himself before stealing from someone. Questions he ask himself for example is what house may have more valuables? Another one is there any possible way that the neighbors might be out to watch the house? A final question he may ask himself is how easy is it gonna be to get in the house and out of the house? The questions help a criminal decide his best bet to committing a crime he could get away with. Another thing I learned in the video is that a criminal weighs the costs and benefits of committing a crime before actually committing the crime. Most crimes are all thought out and not premeditating which means that nobody plans to randomly break into a house on a given day. No they have been watching that house and planning a strategy, no last minute plans. The criminals commit crimes because it may be rewarding, easy satisfying or fun in some type of way for them. In the video it states that there is some factors leading to a criminal to committing a crime. For example they may have psychological traits, some may have social aspects meaning that their family background may have some sort of criminal background in their round, further one it may be because they consumed drugs or alcohol and there body isn’t functioning right. All these factors can lead to someone acting out in a criminal manor. The real key is that criminals wonder if they are gonna get caught or get away with the crime they are committing. They may fear the severity of the punishment if they get caught, also the benefits they may get is value gained from committing a crime. Overall a choice need to be rational to the person making the decision.

    Rational choice theory came from Beccaria and the main point is that; people make their own decisions. Therefore it takes mental processing before committing a crime and sometimes to not go ahead and commit a crime. You will weigh the pros and cons of the crime ahead of time; you will not just commit a crime out of the blue. This basically says that all criminals commit crimes that are pre meditated. This is false, because not every crime is thought out ahead of time. Ever heard of premeditated murder? Sure you have, and you obviously know only specific murders’ are labeled with that title. I agree with the lady in the video because she doesn’t believe in rational choice theory. The name “rational’ does not make the crime actually rational, as 99% of people aren’t committing crimes because they actually make rational choices! Criminals are not rational choice makers clearly because of their terrible choices. Beccaria was 100% wrong in his time period and he’s still 100% wrong today! He says that criminals go through a lot of thought processes while considering crimes. This is true because the pre meditated criminals will weigh the consequences/benefits, outcomes, jail time, risks, etc. All humans do this as well just with different reasoning, such as how long you brushed your teeth for this morning or what you are going to eat today. Everyone experiences rational choices, just some more than others. It’s not a surprise that criminals commit crimes without thinking about them beforehand. Imagine a criminal that wakes up as a non-criminal, then he/she sees a hundred dollar bill sitting on someone’s front porch so he runs up there and steals it. This makes him into a criminal, but I highly doubt he woke up thinking how I can steal money from a house on ----- street at this time, what are the risks, etc. He just got presented a situation and reacted without using rational choices…..Fireboy123,Smile123, DC123,Trojan123

    1. I disagree with this last paragraph with the statement that they did not make a rational decision when committing the crime. We are presented with many situations that you could rationalize to commit a crime. You perhaps come to a choice not to act upon that impulse to pick up that 100-dollar bill or to knock on that door and try to give it to the home owner. You could just walk by and say it’s not mine and not my problem if people want to leave money laying out. Just because it’s wrong doesn’t make it not a rational choice. They weigh the pros and the cons before they pick it up it might only take a second but the thought process was there. Jeeper123


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