Founders of Sociology......


  1. Let me start off by asking if anyone else thought it was weird that he asked his viewers to get a shirt for him? I don’t know why but it threw me off a little bit. A lot of this video was reinforcement for what we learned in class. The video starts off by talking about the origins of sociology, which was in the 18th and 19th century, around the time of the Industrial Revolution and cities were booming. The growth of cities created social inequalities due to the increase of people. In a place like New York there are more social inequalities and more diversity than in a town with less than two thousand residents, like where I live (Chillicothe).
    After talking about the origins, the video dives into the men who are considered founders of sociology. First is August Compte, who actually is known for naming sociology, a study of society. Compte’s main contribution was positivism, which strives to make sure the knowledge that we have is accurate and understanding society through science. He assessed social dynamics and statics, which is how society changes and stays the same. Herbert Spencer, the next founder, said that society is made up of parts, social institutions, that help society function properly. These institutions range from schools and family to government and I think he is correct by saying they have an important impact upon society. Something I disagree with is his whole view of Social Darwinism, which suggests that a society is stronger when there are inequalities, basically, and stronger members should not help weaker members. Karl Marx is best known for his idea on social conflict, saying that society is in a constant state of struggle for valued resources, which is apparent even today. There is competition for natural resources and between social institutions. He mainly focused on class conflict, however, where there is a struggle between workers, proletariats, and the owners of factories and workplaces, the bourgeoisie. He theorized that the workers would eventually rise up against the owners one day. Emile Durkheim is the founder that created sociology as an academic discipline. He also said that our personalities are created by the societies we live in. I definitely think it has an impact and you can see this in reality if you travel and interact with people in different societies. Lastly is Max Weber, who focused on interpretive sociology, looking at the meaning people attach to their social world. As we talked about in class there are meaning people attach to things, such as a hand shake means “nice to meet you” in one area and a double cheek kiss can mean the same thing somewhere else. Weber also introduced Verstehen, which explains that we need to understand why people do things instead of just knowing that they do. This was mainly meant in research but is important even for us to remember. Catzfuhdays789

    1. It was a little odd he asked his viewers to get the shirt. How many do you think got one for him? I was wondering why he did it too.I agree a lot of the information we seen on the video we have already heard about 3 times. But maybe it is needed to make sure the info is instilled into our brains. I can definitely see this being on a quiz or mid-terms since it has been repeated. Also, Social Darwinism, I have to agree with you on that too, is not a great way to look at social societies. To every man his own, but this morally seems wrong. I feel like it might to a lot of the U.S. Did you know that in one country pointing is considered flipping someone off? In another country throwing your shoe at someone is the greatest insult. In other parts of the U.S. like Hawaii saying hello is a hand gesture that in IL means I love you. It's crazy to see different symbols used in different ways with different meanings to different cultures!

    2. I also think that by him adding in that question about the shirt at the beginning was a little off topic. But I think that we all have a huge part in how society works whether we’re poor or rich. It does not make a difference. And I think by watching or reading similar lessons like this helps installing it into our brains and makes it easier for us to remember. But onto what I was saying, I like how he goes onto explain what each person did and why they did it. It gives us an idea of how everything was like back then. Schmidt789.

    3. I do agree it was weird about the whole shirt thing it threw me off as well. But I do agree with what you said about Herbert Spencer and the Social Darwinism because I believe that when there in inequalities in society it actually weakens it because then you have unhappy people and people who are always striving to get what someone else has. And it also in turn creates unequal opportunity because then you began to have social class and things like this where the rich has more chances to get things such as better education and medicine then the poor people do because they cant afford it. But then I agree with what he says about social institutions having a impact on society because it does it gives us rules that the people within that society follows and it dictates how those people act within the society and that changes societies

    4. Sure we've heard about the founders a million times over already but the key is repetition. If you hear something often enough eventually it'll stick, right?...well hopefully it will! But wait, what if there is a hidden gem within the 2-3 assignments about of founding fathers? Like what if this is exactly how sociology work? A trend in patterns perhaps? And although each blog has different authors we are pretty much saying the samething using different verbage. The point gets across just the same, yet one persons' blog may resignate more to one person then the other.

      The new guy on the block here is Herbert Spencer(although mentioned in the text book, this is the first time he has been mentioned in the videos). Spencer believed that society equated to, individual human parts working to make up a whole + (family, religion, education, school, government, economy)=Sociology.

    5. I didn't really care for Herbert Spencer's theory because its not fair at all .But unfortunately people cant help some of the cards they are dealt in life. I don't think anybody WANTS to be poor ,uneducated and unemployed .Everybody deserves a chance in life and shouldn't be casted off like a piece of garbage . This way of thinking exists til this day because people with certain opportunities feel as if "everybody has the same opportunities in life " and can do the same things . That is not true for everybody but when you haven't done without you don't understand that aspect.But your comment had very good points!!

    6. While I do agree that the shirt comment was off topic, I have also found that sometimes you catch the listeners attention by saying something off the wall such as this. Maybe his sole purpose was to throw us all off guard to see if we were really listening, as well as to see if we would be interested in what else he had to say. These videos do reinforce what we are learning in each class, which is nice because repetition helps me learn and retain this information. This also helps knowing that these early sociologists are describing things that still pertain to our lives so many years later.-MommaJ789

    7. It seems a lot of us do not agree with Spencer's theory. In my opinion I feel it is very small minded thinking coming from a sociologist. I feel if his theory would have came true we would be living the hunger games or we would go back to when slavery was aloud. I think his theory would solely benefit the rich and eventually that would be all society had. - Gander789

    8. I also found it weird about the shirt thing, because he asked if someone can buy him the shirt and they would be best friends, it makes him sound like a creep. But I do also agree about the Social Darwinism concept was out of hand, because I think both the stronger and the weaker are both part of the society and they both work together to make our society a better place so they have major roles. Also the statement about the rich deserve to be rich and the poor deserve to be poor isn’t right because it can create conflict among cultures. When he says they “deserve to be” it makes it sound as if it their fault or as if they earned the riches. Like some people in Africa don’t deserve to be poor, or anything to that case. Also suicide isn’t only famous in famous people, I think its popular in people who don’t have any encouragement or support or family or who don’t feel like they have a purpose in life.

  2. I found this video to be very imformative and helpful. Since this is what we just discussed in class. Prior to taking this sociology class, I didn't realize that Sociology was so much younger than other disciplines.

    The Industrial Revolution was a major event which involved the rise of a factory based economy and cities. Unfortunately this did create a rise in social inequalities.
    Here are the keys points that I thought were interesting in the video:

    Auguste Comte is the founding father of Sociology mainly because he came up with the name "Sociology". His biggest contributions are Positivism - is understanding society based on science and Social Dynamics/Statics is how society changes and stays the same. I think sometimes we may think things are changing but yet they might be staying the same.
    Herbert Spencer's thinking was out there in left field. I am very happy we do not follow his thought process today. Just the thought that rich people deserve to be rich and poor people deserve to be poor is very sad. I don't think he was thinking about how society assists or hinders these people in both situtations. Leaving people behind is a scary thought in order to make society a better place.
    Karl Marx, I think he is the most intersting sociologists to me. I find social conflict to be very interesting because conflict doesn't only occur in large groups of people but in small groups as well. I would want to determine what is causing the conflict and how we can solve this. I had never heard of the following words "Proletariat" or "Bourgeoisie" this was interesting because I understand and can relate to what they both mean and represent.
    Emile Durkheim, is credited for making sociology an academic discipline in schools etc. I like the idea that society is beyond the individual. The individual can be part of the problem, but being open minded that society may be playing a role is just as important. I find it interesting that Durkheim was doing research on suicide during 1858-1917. Suicide is something that is very sad and touches my heart because I have lost three family members. I hope the research continues and we use this research to try and save more people from completing suicide.
    Max Weber's big idea is Interpretive Sociology which focuses on the meaning people attach to their social world. Comte believed society was governed by social laws. Weber disagreed with this theory and believed a persons realities are actually created by people themselves. He created the idea of "Rationalization". This definately gets into modern society which is based on knowledge, reasoning an planning.


    1. I also agree that Spencer’s thinking was a little abrasive. I think that both powerful and less powerful people play roles in society, but I think he takes that to the extreme in saying we should promote that. He says, “the poor deserve to be poor.” This statement, as someone who is a broke college student, rubs me the wrong way I think. Like you, I had heard of the words proletariat and bourgeoisie before but never really remembered the definitions and have a better understanding of that now. Suicide is sadly so common nowadays. I have lost three of my classmates and deal with a mental illness myself, so I agree in hoping that research continues and knowledge in the area grows. Catzfuhdays789

    2. I also agree that the “Social Darwinism” concept of Spencer is a wrong perception about how society can evolve and become successful. When he says that strongers should not help the weakers, because the strongers are like that for a reason, and the weakers are like that for a reason, what comes to my mind is that he has not feelings for others. I believe in leverage, I think the strongers should teach, educate, and coach to the weakers to be stronger to build a more successful society, but weakers have to have the burning desire, and persistence to go for the success, and also they have to be able to write their own history of success. Strongers should think that the weakers have their own potential to be part of the stronger community.

    3. I found this video to be informative as well, out of all the videos so far, this one was a lot easier to understand and retain the information from. I think it was sad how Herbert Spencer thought about the rich and poor. It is sad that someone thinks to make something better you must leave other people behind, it reminds me of when people push others down just to reach the top. I also like the idea of society being beyond the individual but also remembering that society is also within us. EPIC789

    4. I get to agree with you About Karl Marx trying to identify what the major problems of conflict where so that could be identified in order to resolve the conflict between the Proletariat and bourgeoisies. In my opinion Karl Marx was the one that nailed in the head by recognizing the issues to find a reasonable solutions for the parts involved.

      In the other hand Herbert Spencer and his ideas of Darwinism which was a little bit too hard by denying help to the poor to create a social balance but from my original perspective Darwinism doesn’t work at all. Koi789

  3. So sociology starts with industrialism which created social inequalities which was changed by enlightenment or revolutions. The 5 founders of sociology include Compte, Spencer, Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Now since we already know quite a bit about each of these important founders I figured I would share my thoughts about each.
    Compte, the father of sociology the man who coined the term, believed society operates by it’s own laws. And we also need to make sure the knowledge we have is true. He also studied social dynamics. How is it created and how it changed. I feel like Compte, for not having so much knowledge as we do now was pretty on point when he coined the term Sociology. His beliefs I think are key to studying sociology. Spencer believed it was like the human body how each part of the body works together to create a well-oiled machine. However, his theory, Social Darwinism I do not agree with. I don’t think that the strong shouldn’t help the weak. How we do that can have be done in many different way and how we help can determine if they rise or fall or stay where they are. I believe you have to know when to help, if that person will take the help and climb with it rather than take it and leave it. Whether or not we enable them. It is all done by instinct. Marx studied social conflict. This theory I do agree with. I do believe there is always some sort of conflict no matter where you are. And the fact that one day the student will be smarter than the teacher. How else do you think we have advanced so far with technology? I also believe that the system itself creates problems, but I believe people themselves do too. Durkheim is known for making sociology an academic discipline. He believed “To love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves”. A beautiful quote to live by because it can be taken in a different way, society was here before us, it shapes us and it will continue to shape even after we are gone. Society is part of who we are as individuals, our personalities, our views, our values are all created by the society we live in. It’s true right! And finally, Weber. Reality is constructed by people themselves. This is also relatable and I also agree with him too. “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes” to understand who they are, where they have been, why they act the way they do. Modern sociology is based on the use of knowledge. I just mentioned earlier that the student become smarter than the teacher. Each generation learns and creates new technology. They retain new information to improve the world and make it a better place. Some people worry about what it will do, and even though I believe and follow some traditional views on life and I have to say, I can’t imagine the world not improving. We have a lot of it to do still.

  4. In this article, he discusses these two main questions: Why do people consider sociology to be science? How did sociologists help define the science of sociology? He starts off by talking about how sociology became an educational discipline. Compared to others in the social science category, sociology is actually really young. We did not begin until the 18th and 19th century in Europe. And because of this major even is how it started, the industrial revolution. This is where we were able to see a major growth in cities and population for that matter. The big change was social inequalities. Following this was an explosion of new ideas for democracy and political rights which caused a lot of violence. He, then, goes on to talk about the three founding fathers. The first known is Auguste Comte (1798-1857). He was a French social thinker and he is also who founded the sociology term so he is referred to as “The Father of Sociology”. He created the term of positivism. He says that all society works in a very similar fashion. He also studied social dynamics. Social dynamics is the study of how society changes and stays the same. The second founding father of sociology is Hebert Spencer (1820-1903). He was an English sociologist. He said how society is like the human body-parts make up the whole. Just like the heart and eyes help make the body function, education, religion, etc. make society function. However, the idea that he is most known for is Social Darwinism. The third person he refers to is Karl Marx (1818-1883). He was a German economist and sociologist. He is known for the study of social conflict. He argues that no matter where you are in society, there will always be some sort of issue or struggle. He also talks about other sociologists, like Emile Durkheim, who was the French sociologist with the credits of sociological discipline. And Max Weber, who was a German scholar and sociologist that studied Interpretive Sociology. Schmidt789.

    1. The age of Sociology was very interesting to me because prior to taking this course I had no idea that Sociology was so young. I found the example the speaker gave for Spencer something easy for me to relate to. I am able to learn and absorb information if I can relate it to real life events. I definitely agree with Marx that no matter where you in life we all struggle. I see this among friends and family members.


  5. Very interesting video that explain how European thinkers with their thoughts create the discipline of sociology and also what was the reason that sociology appeared as a discipline to study the human society. Those ideas make us to understand the world in we live today.
    The video mentions the three reasons of the origins of Sociology: the industrial revolution which was the raise of factories as the base of the industrial economy, the explosive raising of cities that brought social inequalities, and the new ideas about democracy and political rights, because people begun questioning absolute rule which means that people were questioning society that was ruled by only one person, a monarch. Those questioning originated violence, and revolutions to generate changes.
    The video shows how five thinkers contributed to us to create the discipline of Sociology were:
    August Comte, a French social thinker, posed the idea of Positivism, a way to understand society based on SCIENCE. He believed that society operates in its own laws, much like the physical world. He is considered the father of Sociology because he coined the word Sociology.
    Herbert Spencer, an English sociologist, posed his idea comparing the society with the human body that with every organ help the body function, so similarly society with every institution, religious, educational,and others help society to function as a whole .Also he applied the Darwin’s theory to people, when he posed that the stronger should not help the weakers, because the strongers are like that for a reason, and the weakers are like that for a reason.
    Karl Marx, a German economist sociologist, saw the society full of social conflicts and class conflicts. Social conflicts such as wars, fights, rivalries and class conflicts due to issues between capital class (owners of the means of the production, also “bourgeoisie”) and working class (workers selling their labor for wages, also “proletariat”). He posted that capitalism brought the class conflicts and the inequalities. I think that in the world today social conflicts still are present, Middle East, North Korea, Venezuela, rivalries in the workplace, and also the class conflicts are present because of the capitalism represented for the big corporations that keep most of the people working grossly earning minimum wage to pay bills with high fees so that they can make astronomical profits.
    Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist, he believed that society is “beyond ourselves” which means that society was here before we were here, it shapes us while we are on this earth, and it will be here shaping people’s life after we die, society is “in ourselves” which means that society help us to shape our personality. He also posted the concept of “Social Integration” which means the level that a person is connected to society..
    Max Weber, a German scholar and sociologist, his big contribution to us was the idea of “Interpretive Sociologist” which means the study of society that focuses on the meanings of people attach to their social world. He believed that realities are created by the people and that the job of the sociologists is to figure out what those realities really mean using the observation. He also posted the concept of “Verstehen” which means “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” in order to understand the people or a social situation we are studying. He also posted the idea of “rationalization” which means that modern society is based on the use of knowledge reason and planning rather than tradition and superstition. “Rationalization” is precisely on what the today world today is based on, knowledge reason and planning.
    As we can see all four thinkers saw modern societies from different perspectives, but all of them did great contributions to create the discipline of Sociology.

  6. I enjoy the way he explains the life and progress of Auguste Comte. His progress shaped the way we perceive sociology, regardless of what another sociologist might think. Positivism is not a bad way to look at everything. It is rather basic and just provides a nice structure for further examination of sociology. The way he explains Herbert Spencer is also good and I can see how his way of looking at the world would make sense. Without religion or education, the world would have a completely different morale. Religion teaches us morals and education teaches us the basic ethics of the world. You can argue that even with education there isn’t many people with good and set morals, but these are anomalies. Everything we know we learn from others or from society and this is fact. Attending church and school will give you a certain mindset. the way you think about world can be perceived differently from others. I also can see why many people agreed with the concept of social Darwinism. if there is a certain social interaction within a group and they attempt to expand it to other groups, there is a chance that this social interaction will fail and people as a society will throw it aside. Thus, making it the less fit. Karl Marx’s theory was genius in my opinion. The world and all its societies are consistently in a state of conflict. There is and always will be conflict. His example of the proletariats and bourgeoisie was a perfect example of a constant struggle. The laborers will always “hate” the upper classmen, and there are many cases of these laborers rising and giving hell to the upper classmen. I don’t agree with his concept of false consciousness. Even though the system should be looked at, there are many branches (small and large) of society that make changes.


    1. I agree that Comte brilliantly explained sociology. Positivism is an extremely profound concept that everything operates with a scientific kind of methodical process. And yes, I totally agree with you that Marx’s point of constant struggle couldn’t be more true. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing, there will always be struggle or conflict of some kind, to some extent. Big or small, involving just a few people or a lot, I think that conflict is something society will never get away from. Conflict does not affect only one race, religion, sex, country, or culture either. It does not discriminate and it never will. When Marx theorized about the proletariats and bourgeoisie, this was surely true then, but its absolutely true today. While not every single lower-level employee hates all their management team, I would say that probably the majority of younger workers, especially when employed by big corporations, usually despise management, which leads us directly back to his first point of constant conflict.
      -- Thanos789

    2. I agree with both of you and with Marx that there is a struggle between class. There is still a division of class today. That is how I look at the US, by class and not race, religion, or sex. It is more divided because the rich get richer and the poor poorer. However I do not see a large rebellion in our future as Marx did.

  7. Founders of sociology, the father of sociology Auguste Comte states that sociology is a way of understanding society based on science also, how society changes and how it stays the same. Herbert Spencer states society is like the human body our organs work together to keep us alive. According to Spencer society works the same way. When a light stops working at a stop light we all know we need to stop and wait so everyone is taking a turn. If we don't do this its going to cause cautious and wrecks. I do not agree one bit on his beliefs that the rich deserve to be rich and the poor deserve to be poor. You can't help what your born into all you can do is try and change it. People like Spencer want the classes to be divided by rich or poor no in between. Most of us would be considered poor then. Karl Marx studied social conflict and class conflict. Social conflict speaks about how society always has conflict or struggle. We are always going to have issues as a whole either war,racism, sexist, and much more. Class conflict is the conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie's are the owners of the companies or the owner of the proletarians.Proletarians are the laborers, Marx believed one day the proletariat's will over come the bourgeoisie. Sadly we will never over take the owners because with technology growing eventually if man will not do the job for a low wage they will create robots or machines to do our jobs. Emile Durkheim says society exists beyond ourselves meaning society creates us he used quantitative data (charts) to collect his studies. His main focus was suicide where was it more common? Why? Last but not least is Max Weber he used qualitative data (observation) to collect his studies. He believed understanding why people do what they do or putting your self in someone else's shoes. He would observe people instead of judging why someone does something. I feel the world would be such a better place if more people thought like Marx. -Gander789

  8. This video was informational and I was able to follow along pretty easily considering the fact that we had just got done talking about in class. But the video talked about how sociology was the youngest of the sciences and how it was founded in 18th and 19th century in Europe and it came about because of the industrial revolution and cities were growing and also this was the Enlightenment period and social revolutions were going on during this time. Which I didn't before this class really know that there was an Enlightenment period I mean like I knew of it but I never knew that was where sociology had come from and that people were even studying society in that way. But anyway some of the people who helped this science come along was Auguste Comte he was " the father of sociology" so to speak he coined the term and he was a French thinker. Again I had never heard of him before but it did encourage me to do a lot of research on him and I found that he in a way had a lot in common with Sigmund Freud which was someone I had already knew about and I was able to connect them which helped me to understand what he was trying to do. But Auguste said something important and that is that the knowledge that we have we have to be sure of and that means we have to know for a fact that something is true. And I found that interesting because it does make sense especially when you study a society or society that you are sure of something and have evidence to back it up because otherwise it could lead to incorrect assumptions about society or even incorrect ways to act in society which could lead to chaos. But this also is different from other sciences because in other ones you don't have to absolute truths you can have a hypothesis, experiment on it and have a wrong answer but still be able to publish it because then other people can work off of it and correct it. But in sociology its not that easy because when you publish something that's incorrect and because it has to do with society it can cause much bigger problems because not all the time can people find your mistakes or what you did wrong. Then he went on to talk about Herbert Spencer who was an English sociologist and he believed society was like the human body in the fact that the whole entire thing was made up of parts that helped it function and work properly. Which is something I never thought about but I do like that example because in a way its true we all play a certain role in society and without certain roles then society wouldn't work properly which could cause it to crumble or not exist. And his example that social institutions help society to function properly I believe isn't entirely wrong for the fact that in a way it does set rules and regulations and it prepares us for how to act in society or teaches how to and we follow those rules so they in a way help society to function because the people in society are being taught and leaded by these institutions. But this video was really helpful in helping me to see things in new ways that I hadn't seen it before.

    1. This video was very helpful to me as well. It gave me a better understanding of what we learned in class and what I read in the textbook. Since the first class, sociology has me thinking “outside the box”. All the Founding Fathers had a key role in the development of sociology. Even though they all had different approaches and theories, they shared one common goal to study society and change the world.

  9. Watching this video was very informational. Starting with the orgins of sociology where it was developed in the 18th and 19th century due to the rise of factory based industrial economy, explosive growth of cities, and new ideas about democracy and political rights. But Auguste Comte born in 1798 and passed in 1857, he was a French social thinker and considered the "father of sociology." Positivism was placed on him in a way of understanding society based on science. He quoted "knowledge is what we can know fur sure, or which we can be positive." He believe society has its own laws and works in its own ways. He also studied social dynamics and statics studying how society changes and yet stays the same as well. Herbert Spencer who was born in 1820 and passed in 1903 was the second man who was a English sociologist. He says society is like a human body the make up the whole. He is most known for social Darwinism that is applied in darwins theory. He says survival of the fittest is the strongest members of society and they should not help the weaker members. Basically, rich deserve to be rich and poor deserve to be poor. Karl Marx was born in 1818 and passed in 1883. He was a german ecomimist and sociologist. He dealt with social conflict which was the struggle between segments of society over valued resources. He went over class conflict which was the struggle between the proletariat and believe that the proletariat would eventually rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie. He rejected the idea of individualism. Emile Durkheim born 1858 and passed 1917 and he was a French sociologist. He had a famous quote and it says "to love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves." He says society is in us as humans but is also beyond us. He was the first to use the scientific method to called data so sociological experiments. He dealt wit social integration, which dealt with why famous people commit suicide. He always said an individuals desires must be balanced  the guidance of society. Max Weber was announced again which he was born in 1864 and passed in 1920. He was a german scholar and sociologist. He went over interpretive sociology which is the study of society that focuses on the meanings people attach to their social world. Reality is constructed by people themselves and use qualitative date to create social realities. Weber believed that you would have to really put yourself in someone elses shoes to really understand verstehen.


  10. The video tells about the founders of sociology. In the beginning the video tells me that he like to talk about sociology, that he tells there is a shirt that says the founder of sociology with some of the picture of the founder and that he cannot afford the shirt, it is a video on the founder of sociology. Which is always since a lot of people help evolve sociology to it is today. And everyone thinks which need to talk about and which is more important. First talked about what is the big question to ask in sociology like ask why that is and what cause it. And how did sociology begin to develop as is today. First the video talks about is how did sociology starts since it is the youngest social science. And the is started eighteens and nineteen centuries and it was during the enlightenment and the industrial revolution. The tells on where each founder from like auguste comte is a French social thinker. And show good visuals that fit each founder way of thinking. The video, first about auguste comte is one of the first who coined the term sociology. And that he more like the world has it basic and society has those basic laws as well. And the knowledge is known as certain, that is called positivism. Second is herbert spencer he like to compare sociology to the human body. That means everything has a job just like the human body. And he thinks about the strong is the strong and poor can be poor. That is called social Darwinism based on the famed biologist Charles Darwin. Third is karl marx which in social conflict is always there shaping society. But more to class conflict. Than emile durkiem is more gathering the information . max weber is more observitive way of thinking. Gamer789

  11. Sociology is one of the youngest academic disciplines it developed in the 18th and 19th century in Europe due to the Industrial Revolution, growth of cities, and new ideas about democracy and political rights. This video talks about the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber.
    Auguste Comte, a French social thinker is considered the “father of sociology” because he called it “sociology” first. His approach was scientific know as positivism. His beliefs were that society functions on its own laws like the physical world and knowledge is based on positive facts as opposed to speculation. He also studied social dynamics, how society changes and how society stays the same.
    Herbert Spencer, an English sociologist. He believed society is like the human body parts that work together to make up the whole. Just like the brain and heart helps the human body function, social institutions like religion, education helps society function. Spencer applied Darwin’s theory of natural selection to people. He is most known for his controversial theory Social Darwinism. He believed in “survival of the fittest.” The “strongest” members of society should not help the “weaker” members. The rich deserved to be rich and the poor deserved to be poor. By letting the sick, weak, poor, and homeless go away creates a better society.
    Karl Marx, a German economist and sociologist. He focused on social conflict. He felt that in society there is a constant struggle over valued resources. Marx believed that during the nineteenth century two classes developed in Europe. The capitalist, people who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits. He felt that capitalism turned most of the population into industrial workers, people who sell their labor for wages. Class conflict was created between capitalist (bourgeoise) and workers (proletarians). The capitalist wanted extraordinary profits so they kept wages low, but the workers wanted higher wages. Marx believed that this conflict would end only if capitalism ended. That the proletarians would eventually rise and overthrow the bourgeoise. He also rejected the idea of individualism believing that society creates problems not the individual.
    Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist. He is credited for making sociology an academic discipline. He believed that society is beyond the individual and personalities are created by the societies we live in. Society was here before us, it shapes us while we are here, it will remain after we are gone. Durkheim was the first to use the scientific method of quantitative collection data to create sociological experiments. He studied the concept suicide and linked it to social integration, the degree to which an individual is connected to society. He believed that individuals with weak social connections are more likely to develop self-destructing behaviors. Individual desires must be balanced by the guidance of society and if there is no balance this could led to defiant behavior.
    Max Weber, German scholar and sociologist. He believed in interpretive sociology, the study of society that focuses on the meanings people attach to their social world. “Reality” is constructed by individuals themselves. Weber use qualitative data to create social “realties”. He used the concept of Verstehen. He believed we need to understand why people do things rather than simple observe what they do. He developed the idea of rationalization. Modern society is based on the use of knowledge, reason, and planning rather than tradition and superstition.

  12. This video basically explains the general origin of sociology. The study basically began when the industrial revolution happened and when cities were booming up all over the place. Thoughts, opinions, and ideas on democracy and politics also gave it a starting push as well. We’re told that Auguste Comte is considered the father of modern sociology mostly because he’s the one who coined the term sociology. Another of Comte’s biggest contributions to sociology is positivism, or understanding society based on science. He thought that society operates similarly to the way the universe operates in scientific ways. Under positivism, apparently it is understood and accepted the knowledge is what can be proven for certain.
    Herbert Spencer is another figure in sociology. He compared society to the human body, both having internal functions that allow the bigger unit to function as a whole. Spencer’s controversy comes into play when he theorized social Darwinism. He applied natural selection to society, stating that the strong and rich should not help the weak and poor.
    Karl Marx is another figure brought up in this video, who basically stated that there is always a struggle of some kind going on everywhere. According to Marx, there are two different social classes, the proletariat or laborer and the bourgeoisie, or management. Marx theorized that these two are always conflicting with each other and will never be able to get along. Marx then theorized that the proletariats would eventually rise up together to overthrow the bourgeoisie, which the speaker refers to as communism.
    Emile Durkheim is credited with making sociology an academic discipline. Durkheim was quoted once as saying “To love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves” which is a very profound statement to me because if you love people, your community, your neighborhood, your town, state, or whatever, you can’t pick certain people to love. You have to love all of them with all their good and bad, and in doing so, you truly are loving beyond just yourself. We can’t love only people of a certain race, or people of our own religion or beliefs of whatever system wo hold most dear to us. - Thanos789

  13. That was a little awkward he asked folks to get him a shirt. Sociology isn't really that old.To me the industrial revolution has a big influence on how the world was shaped. It made people that where pretty much free to do what they wanted to them having to be on time to "work". That made people feel like zombies and they no longer where they're on person. Herbert Spencer compared sociology to the human body .He also had a very controversial way of thinking basically the rich deserved to be rich and the poor "deserved to be poor. to him thy don't matter as much to society and so they should just wither away and die essentially erase them as like they never existed. Marks believed the system itself causes the problems and the people themselves ,which o me very true to a certain extent. We as people cant chose nor dictated where we are born,who our parents are, and what situation we are born into. Lebron James kids cant help they they father is a millionaire and never has to work in his life. But some people view his kids as spoiled and sheltered from societies struggles .To a certain extent its true because they dont know what it is to have a job and pay bills. They dont have to make the NBA they can live off they dad a have a worry free live if he allows it. Karl Marx felt as if its always problems know matter where you go which is true . Its poor people all over this world . He predicted the workers would eventually try to overthrow they're bosses and jobs, which thats why unions where formed so employees can have back up and not be taken advantage of.Max Weber he felt as if realities are created by themselves. He observed people around him to get his prospective on sociology. He also felt that you cant really understand people until you walk in they're shoes and live in they're reality. I agree with that. Thats like a white person telling a black man he knows exactly how its feels to be racially profiled by police when getting pulled over..he doesn't and never will.Not being men thats just reality all he can do is sympathize if he chooses to do so.


  14. The video starts off by explaining the origins of sociology, which was in the 18th and 19th century, in Europe during the Industrial Revolution and creation social inequalities or when the cities were expanding. We have actually learned about the founders of sociology in class. Also the video has two questions to go with the topic: “Why do people consider Sociology to be a science?” and “How did the early sociologists help define the science of sociology?” First lets start of with Auguste Comte was a French social thinker, he considered the “father” of sociology because he coined the term, he wanted to study society so he called it sociology. He is best known for his contribution to Positivism, which he defines as a way of understanding society based on science. I really like how he thinks about the world operating on its own law, much like the physical world. Which is true, because our society has laws for everything and they all function for different reasons. He also talks about knowledge, which is what we can know of for sure or of which we can be positive. We can not say I know I am going to fail a test, unless you didn’t study for it then you can say that because you are positive because you did not study and you won’t know the material on the test. He also talks about Social and statics dynamic which are how society changes and how it stays the same. Society does change over period of time, and at sometime it stays the same. Next is Herbert Spencer an English Sociologist, he liked to think of society as a human body part that make up the whole. The human body has body parts that make it as a whole and they have functions. Society has social institutions such as religion and education etc. that help society function. He applied Darwin’s theory of natural selection of society which he calls “Social Darwinism”. “Survival of the fittest which claims “the strongest member of society should not help the weaker members”, I disagree with that saying because I think everyone should help each other because we are one nation and you never know when you will need something from the poor. He also says the rich deserve to be rich and the poor deserve to be poor which creates a stronger society, I also disagree with that because some rich people don’t deserve to be rich. The next founder is Karl Marx a German economist and sociologist, and he is known for social conflict. He defines it as struggle between segments of society over value resources. He also has Class Conflict which is the struggle between proletariat and the bourgeoisie, he believed that the proletariat which are the workers selling their labor for wages, would rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie who are the owners of the means of production. He also rejected individualism. Emile Durkheim a French sociologist who credited sociology’s creation as an academic discipline. He says society exists beyond ourselves: “to love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves.” He says it shapes us, it was here before us and it will remain after we are gone. He also says that our society creates our personality which I disagree because I think our cultures and our environment or the way we grow up creates who we are and our personality. And he was the first to use scientific method to create sociological experiment using quantitative data collection. Lastly, Marx Weber a German scholar and sociologist. Used interpretive sociology: study of society that focuses on the meaning of people attach to their world. He used qualitative data to create social realities instead of quantitative data. He also studied verstehen to understand why people do things rather than simple observe what they do EMPATHY.

  15. This gentleman describes the founding fathers of society in detail. I am still not sure what the shirt comment was meant for, but it seems that he may have been trying to catch our attention by making an odd statement. I have found that I do become more interested in what people have to say if I am curious about how or why they are interested in the subject, or possibly even if I feel as though I am different. When I find that someone has a different opinion, value or viewpoint on a subject, I become more interested in finding out why they feel as though they do.
    August Comte was a French social thinker and was considered the father of sociology because he came up with the term sociology. He talked about positivism being the understanding society that operates its own laws like the physical world. He said that knowledge is what we know for sure or which we can be positive. He also talked about social dynamics and statics which is the study of how society changes and stays the same.
    Herbert Spencer was an English sociologist that spoke about how society is similar to the human body. The parts make up the whole body. The heart and eyes help the body function like social institutions such as religion and education help society function. He came up with Social Darwinism which is the theory of natural selection in society. He talked about survival of the fittest, how the strongest members of a society should not help the weaker members. He thought that the rich deserved to be rich and the poor deserved to be poor and that this creates a stronger society.
    Karl Marx, a German sociologist, was an early influencer of the sociology field. Marx studied the social conflict between capitalists and proletarians. Capitalists were people who owned and operated factories and other businesses in pursuit of profit, or the bosses. Proletarians were the people who sold their labor for wages, so they were the workers or laborers. The social conflict between them was the struggle over valued resources. What bothered Marx was that all the profit from these new ways of business was falling into only select hands. Only the select people could enjoy luxuries and privileges of the rich. The rest were living in not so desirable conditions. They lived in the slums due to working long hours for extremely low wages. Marx thought that the only way to end social conflict was to end capitalism.
    Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist that was the first to make Sociology an academic discipline. He stated that sociology existed beyond ourselves and the individual. He said that our personalities are created by the societies in which we live. He was first to use quantitative data collection to use scientific method to create sociological experiments. Described social integration as the degree to which an individual is connected to society will affect self-destructive behaviors.
    Max Weber was the last of the founding fathers. He was a German sociologist and scholar that talked about Interpretive Sociology as the study of society that focuses on the meaning of people attach to their social world. Used a qualitative data observation technique to create social realities.-MommaJ789

  16. As we all know Sociology is the youngest discipline and it began to boom during the Industrial Revolution. Early sociologist defined the science of Sociology as the combination of ideas, concepts, and thoughts. With such rise came explosive growth of cities that gave way to social inequalities.

    Auguste Comte the father of Sociology coined the term positivism, which is understanding Sociology based on Science which operated within its own law. More or less how society change or stay the same?

    Herbert Spencer believed that parts of society shapes the whole....the rich deserves to be rich and the poor deserves to be poor, survival of the fittest or social dwarfism as it is called.

    Karl Marx believed that no matter where you are in society their is always conflict whether it be social or class conflict.

    Durkheim was the first to use scientific method to create sociological experiments using quantitative data including the balance between personal pursuits and society.

    And lastly, put yourself in someone else's shoes(Verstehen) according to Weber. Each founder has made some sort of impact on Sociology as we know it today.

  17. In the video, it talked about the founding fathers of sociology. The first one they talked about was August Comte, he is considered the father of sociology. He believed that society has its own laws. He also looks more in to social dynamics of how society changed and stayed the same. The next one was Herbert Spencer, he believed society was like the body, it had different parts all working together to make it function. He also believed that the rich should only help the rich and the poor should only help the poor. I do not agree with that, I think to make a successful society everyone has to work together and you cannot pick and choose who you help and who you do not help. He thought the sick and poor should just die off because they really weren’t doing anything for society. The next one was Karl Marx, he believed that no matter what you are doing in society there is always some sort of struggle going on. I agree with that so much because I think that even if doesn’t affect you a lot no matter what there is going to be a bump in the road. The next founder was Emile Durkheim. Durkheim believed that society is way beyond ourselves. Although society is beyond us it is still within us. I also agree with this because society is beyond ourselves but we are what makes up society. Durkheim also came up with social integration, which is the degree someone is connected to society. If someone is less connected to society they are more likely to be harmful to themselves such as completing suicide. Max Weber was the last one talked about, he believed that to truly understand a social situation you must put yourself into their shoes. I agree with this one the most out of all of them because you never know what someone truly is going through or feels until you are put in that situation and dealing with it firsthand. EPIC789

    1. I agree with you completely, Spencer was focused so intently on independence and personal strength that he lost sight of any human compassion that he may have had. He forgot that Darwin's theory was originally meant to apply to animals, who do not group together in societies half so advanced or intricate as that of humans, and that we have a responsibility to our fellow man and to our own morality to help others when they are down in the dirt, because we all end up down one day, and we'd want someone to help us up, too. I agree also about Marx, because have you seen the world today? Or, should I say, have you seen the world ever? We all have. Social conflict never seems to stop knocking on our door, and Marx was ready to roll up his sleeves and fight it with blood on his knuckles and his beard all askew. Society is never perfect, and those in power don't always help those who are powerless. I find it admirable that the man wanted to help the working class, though an uprising is perhaps extreme. Though, when in history has extreme not been necessary to shift power? I love what you have to say about Weber. It's so true that we never know what is going on with other people. I think a lot of us like to think that we know someone so well that we can suss out exactly what they're thinking at all times- but we can't. We'll never be able to read their minds, nor their moods. Just because they look or sound angry doesn't mean that's not hiding a deep sadness. Anger is, after all, a secondary emotion. We never know what's going on until we ourselves have dealt with what they're dealing with. And even then, we cannot perfectly relate, because we're not in their heads. We can only do what Weber did. Empathize. That is one of the most wonderful things to do with someone, I think. Empathize.


  18. This video goes into depth about the origins of sociology and the founding fathers of it. One notable founder is Auguste Comte who saw society was based on science. Society acts like the world as a living being. Also we will never be sure of anything until we are positive on it.
    The next sociologist is Herbert Spencer. He saw sociology as a human body. He compared the branches of sociology to that of the arms and legs of a body. He coined the term social darwinism in which the more powerful people in a society should not help the less powerful because a society of only the strong would form.
    Karl Marx is a very famous sociologist. He looked at conflict and saw than man was always in a war over resources. Also he talked about the fight for class in society. Between the owners and the worker. He claimed that because the two could never get along that one day the working class would overthrow the owners.
    Emile Durkheim was credited with sociology as an academic study. He saw sociology as something beyond just the individual. Society shapes while we are living, and even after we are dead. He used quantitative data to conduct many experiments. One of his experiments was on suicide and how social ties had a factor in it.
    Lastly is Max Weber. He was credited to interpretative sociology, the “Realities” are created by ourselves. He used more observative data. He said that in order to understand other people you had to see life through their eyes. You had to fully immerse yourself. He also came up with the idea of rationalization, which means society relies more on knowledge rather than tradition.

  19. I wish I was there when Herbert Spencer and Karl Marx read each other's theories for the first time. There must have been some kind of verbal fistfight, perhaps even a real one, knowing Marx's reputation. Social Darwinism and Marx's constant fight for the rights of the proletariat would have clashed magnificently, and that is one of my main takeaways from this video. That sociology, still in it's youth, was formed from fathers still very much in dispute, pushing and pulling and tugging at her, trying to make it into something less complex than what it actually is. All of them had their own theories, starting with Auguste Comte, the true father of sociology, who coined the term, and demanded everything be done with a cold, scientific eye. He based his studies on positivism, studying only knowledge of the physical world, what we could see and touch and taste. He disregarded anything like feelings or thoughts. Wonder what Weber would have to say about that. Next was our beloved Spencer, an Englishman, (who sounds like a structural functionalist to me), and who came up with the brilliant idea of social darwinism. It's a jungle out there, boys, eat or be eaten! If you're poor, it's your own fault for being poor, and I suppose that you should either just stay that way or make some more money instead of being so lazy. I can hear him now. Karl Marx, who lobbied all his life against the bourgeoisie, standing among the poor and the sick and those of a lower class, must not have liked that very much. Marx specialized in social conflict. And in Darwinism, there wasn't much conflict. Things were merely as they were always supposed to be. He may have even labeled that false consciousness, because Marx didn't blame the people for their problems, he instead blamed society. Emile Durkheim, thought society wasn't something to be blamed at all. In fat, society simply was. It was here before us, it shaped us while we are here, and it would be around long after we were gone. Though he did not create the term sociology, Durkheim is credited with turning it into an academic discipline, and he was the first to use the scientific method to do real sociological experiments. I think him and Comte may have gotten along, doing objective science and studying societies changes. Last but not least there is Max Weber. Max charged his sociology with a deep well of emotion, instead of the cold scientific dispassion of some of his fellow founders. He worked with people, watched them, saw what meaning they attached to their surroundings, what kind of reality they created for themselves. He cared about human empathy, understanding why people do what they do, why someone would extend a helping hand, instead of just watching them do it. He also thought that society was moving towards rationalization, instead of a past based on superstition and tradition. These are our founding fathers of sociology. However, I have to ask- these are all European men that we learn about. What about other kinds of sociology that developed in other parts of the world? Surely the caste system in India is a type of sociology, merely different from ours. They just didn't put a big blinking neon sign that said 'Science' on it. We learn about such a limited social sphere when I'm sure that there are thousands more founders of sociology to be explored.

    1. I'm interested in learning more about Marx. You seem to know a little more than me! I really resonate with some of his ideologies but i've heard controversial things about him. I'm glad you picked up on the clashing of ideologies between the founders. Unfortunately I think this will always be a social issue. Your point about social darwinism and Marx made me laugh. I never thought of it that way but I can now see how Marx would hate that way of thought and vice versa. It is clear you have a great understanding of each of the founding fathers of society. I really enjoyed your sentiments about Max Weber. He definitely was the founder with the soft heart. I think his approach is the most valuable of all, examining peoples feelings and creativity, and how each individual shapes their own reality. I also wonder about the rest of the world during this time. I can't help but think these english white males had somewhat of a skewed view of the world without any sort of social media or means of fast and easy travel. Obviously society has been a thing since the earliest of civilizations, and man has had to think of these civilizations from many different perspective. Wouldn't it be interesting to know how some of the first societies and cultures viewed themselves?


    2. I’m too wished to see all of them appear in the same time and listen to their reason on each theory. But I have to disagreed about Spencer view of Social Darwinism. If the society always been like that and we should let it to maintain what it is, so why are there so many problems still happening? If there are problem, it’s mean something go wrong and we have to find the solution for it. Everyone just not automatically become rich and poor. The poor and rich have to exist at the same time. Without poor, rich don’t have the scale to measure it is rich and the poor was the same. They both originally are same and equal. This is our original. Trying to help the poor equal the rich will make the society became normal. The conflict of these theories just like the Republican and Democrat today. I think every people have different view on such topic. And I also believe that there are many more types of society out there over the world that we are not encounter yet.

  20. When my mother asked me what is sociology? I simple replied her “It is the study of society”. Now I know the first person to define this phrase was Auguste Comte. Why people took too long to create the word “sociology” while other like biology, physiology, geometry had already appeared? Sociology was found in 18th century when the industrial revolution happens in Europe. May be until this period, people start to see the pattern of society more clearly when the population in the city increase and many major problems happen in society. Sociologist stated that sociology was science. And it right! You can’t say men commit suicide more than women when you don’t have evidence to prove this. Sociologies have to replicate many trial or experiment to have that conclusion. And the process of research, observation, and experiment are science. In the video, 5 sociologists were mentioned as the founder of sociology: Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber. Each have a unique view about society and each view also create the conservation on it. I disagreed with the view of Spencer about Social Darwinism. If the rich just got richer and the poor just get poorer, the society will finally come to an end. The grapes between rich and poor are exit long in history but it was not originally there. And it was one of the reason for the falling of system of society through history. If the society like the organism and every part working together to be good, the parts which became bad should be fix or improve to make the organism stronger and happier. If just try to hold the bad parts in place to keep the organism function the same way, overtime the function be weaker and less productive. And I also agreed with Weber view about verstehen. I can’t truly understand the person if I don’t put myself in that persons’ position and the same go to society.

    1. When trying to explain to someone what sociology is, it can be hard because of all that goes into the study of society. I completely agree, there cannot be an accusation without substantial proof, but because Durkheim studied the suicide rate he could make that accusation that rich isolated men were more likely to complete suicide than women. The way of science is obtaining information by observing, conducting multiple experiments to see if the same result is continued, and research the results or any finding that may have come about. Because of how young this science is, more and more new ideas will come about to further educate those on the ways of sociology.

  21. It was interesting to learn about how sociology came to be. The fact that it’s one of the youngest fields of study makes a lot of sense. When sociology came to be, it was during a time where humans were questioning absolute rule. According to Comte, knowledge is what we are positive about. So when sociology first became a study, people were questions society and what they consider to be true. Herbert Spencer's remarks about how society is like the human body really struck a chord with me. When I see society I see a connectivity throughout all aspects. I think this is true no matter how you are looking at things. Macro or micro, everything is one. I could see why Spencer was controversial though. Social Darwinism is hard for most people to digest. Maybe there's some truth to it though, as the fittest typically does survive. This does make a stronger society and allows it to progress in the way it does. This is just the duality of life. Karl Marx was a revolutionary thinker. I believe he was way ahead of his time with his school of thought. Especially with class conflicts, this is insanely evident in today’s society. He also rejected the idea of individualism, which I also think is evident today. The system does create the problems, because if it was up to the individual conflict would almost be non-existent. I enjoyed the quote from Emile Durkheim “To love society is to love something beyond us and something within ourselves.” This quote is similar to the way Herbert Spencer thought. Everything is indeed connected. We are society and society is us! Durkheim was the first to use actual quantitative data for sociological experiments. This is very important if we are going to examine and question “positivism.”

  22. This video talks about the origins of sociology almost in a chronological order and each one of the founding fathers of sociology and what they have contributed to the science of sociology. I will start with the mention of a metaphorical comparison of sociology and the human body. Meaning that every part of sociology-social institutions, work together and are intermingle giving the opportunity for sociology to exist as Herbert spencer believed.

    Herbert spencer had a strong believe about the Darwinism theory-survival of the fittest and he thought that it was applicable in sociology as well so that there will rich people and poor people so that the rich was not to help the poor so that this would create a stronger society.

    Karl Marx was a strong believer of social conflict; straggle between segments of society and its constant struggles such as wars, fights, and rivalries… Etc. Class conflicts between the proletariat. Marx saw that these conditions rejected the idea of individualism creating a false consciousness or false explanation of social problems as the shortcoming of individuals rather than the flaws of society by the system creating the problem and not the individuals.

    Emile Durkheim – “To love society is to love something beyond us and something in ourselves” society was here before us and shapes us while we are here and it will be here after we are gone. This words kept my attention while he was explaining Durkheim’s theory and believes about sociology.

    Max weaber and his theory about interpretative Sociology and reality as a construction of reality by people itself to create their own realities. Verstehem translates to: put yourself in to someone else’s shoes. I guess he basically referred to live our life and let others live their own life. Koi789

  23. The way the speaker presented the information on the founding fathers along with some history, was funny and it kept my attention. He asserted two vague questions at the very beginning, which I found cleaver because throughout the video I was trying to find the answer to them which kept my attention to the material. Sociology came about in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries due to the sudden increase in the development of factory based industries, which lead to the augmentation of cities and the formation of social inequalities, otherwise known as the Industrial Revolution. New concepts of democracy and political rights came about as a result of the sudden population growth in one area, also known as the Enlightenment and Revolutions. The first sociologist that also known as the “father of sociology,” who created the idea of positivism, which is the way of understanding society based purely on science. Auguste Comte created the idea that society functions within its own rules, and the apprehension of pure facts is what we can only know for sure, or to which we can be “positive” about. Comte studied how society changed and or stayed the same creating the idea of social dynamics or statics.
    This next sociologist from England, thought about things from the Social Darwinism point of view. Herbert Spence believed society worked like body parts, for one section to work the other had to be working properly as well. With the Social Darwinism view, he believed in the “survival of the fittest” would create a stronger society, the rich deserve to be rich, while the poor deserve to just be poor. The German economist and sociologist, Karl Marx, believed that conflict is what made society survive. The struggle between segments of society over valued resources is the idea of the Social Conflict, there is always going to be a struggle due to the valued resources which generates wars and rivalries. The struggle with the “proletariat” or otherwise known as workers selling their labor for wages, to the “bourgeoise” which is the owners of the means of production is called, the Class Conflict. Marx believed the idea that one day the proletariat would eventually rise and overthrow the bourgeoise, and rejected the concept of individualism which is very significant.
    Emilie Durkheim, a French sociologist, who is known for the creation of sociology as an academic discipline. He believed that society exists beyond oneself, even when we are gone from this world society will still exist and even existed before we were born. He received his findings by using his own method called qualitative data collection. By using social integration is to help best understand the degree in which oneself is connected to society. Last, but not least, Max Weber, the German scholar sociologist, created the study of society that focuses on the meaning people attach to their social world, which he called interpretive sociology. He was trying to understand why people do things instead of just conducting simple observation with what they do, or otherwise known as Verstehen. He also concluded that modern society is based on the use of knowledge, reason, and thought out actions rather than tradition and superstition. So, the presentation clearly answered the first question, but why do people consider sociology a science? Because it is not based on superstition or tradition, as Max Weber mentioned, it is based on rational findings that came from experiments and studies over long periods of time. Although sociology could be bundled up and wrapped in a bow to help others better understand what this study truly is, but when it is opened up and unwrapped it truly creates a whole different dimension.

    1. You know it really kind of surprised me that someone back in the industrial revolution would say something like "The rich deserve to be rich and the poor deserve to be poorer". Imagine if something like that were said today and the outrage it would carry with it. I've also come to see in the short time in this class how sociology IS a science and how deeply we are connected to it. I don't want to say that I wasn't aware of how society works, but after reading the first few chapters and listening to lectures, it's already very apparent just how awesome everything is tied together! pmed789

  24. I feel like I’ve heard everything in this video somewhere before :) Okay, okay let’s get into it. Sociology started back in the 18th and 19th century in Europe based around the starting of the Industrial revolution. There was tons of social inequalities that were becoming apparent and some intellectuals wanted to start figuring out why. Auguste Comte was French social thinker who coined the term Sociology. He tried to understand society based on science and this was called positivism. He also studied social dynamics and statics, basically what changes and what stays the same. Next up was Herbert Spencer(awesome chops). An english sociologist that looked at society like a human body. Lot’s of different parts coming together make the body work effectively. His most controversial view was applying Darwins theory of “Survival of the Fittest” to sociology, and then twisting it. Basically the stronger people at the top should not help the weaker members at the bottom. The third person was Karl Marx. He looked at conflict within a society and no matter where you were on the social ladder, there was some sort of conflict. He specifically talked about class conflict between the bourgeoisie(haves) and the proletariats(have nots). He said these two classes of people would always be in conflict until the proletariats rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie. He also blamed society as a whole for the people who did not fit in or would act socially unacceptable. Emile Durkheim is credited with making it an actual course of study and gave it credence. Emile Durkheim kind of went down the same path as Marx and said that “Society is beyond ourselves”, meaning the individual. He also said that society was here before us, makes us who we are and will be here long after we are gone. Max Weber was the last person highlighted. The contributed the interpretive sociology concept which stated that reality is constructed by people themselves. Which that statement goes against both Durkheim and Marx. He wanted to use hard data and studies to determine what creates social realities. pmed789

  25. Sociology is a really young discipline. Right now it’s seen as a social science, because of certain people. Aguste Comte is considered the father of Sociology, and introduced the concept of analyzing society like a science. In science, you study things, make observations, ask questions, and see if you can answer them by doing experiments, or even referring to statistics. He considered that society had its own laws like the physical world. That was a key point in making Sociology seen as a science. This is called Positivism. Herbert Spencer, a controversial person, claimed that society was like the human body, where society is the sum of different parts that make it work. Karl Marx believed that social conflict was what society was about. He rejected the idea of individualism, in that individuals have a connection to the society as a whole. “The system causes the problems, not the individuals”. Emilie Durkheim believes society exists beyond ourselves. It means it shapes us and lasted longer than us and will last past our lives. He was focused on quantitative date collection. It emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries during the Industrial Revolution, the Enlightenment where new ideas about democracy and rights came about, and with the growth of social inequalities along with cities. This is probably because these new ideas, along with social inequalities, were questions to be analyzed and answered. Why and how do social inequalities come about? Seeing similar patterns in history probably also influenced people to study society. People asking new questions about democracy and such required answers and observations on society too. The founders focus on macro and micro aspects of society, and see it as something the people are shaped by, or shapes society.

  26. Why is sociology a science? It is a science because it’s the study of society in different settings. Sociology is really young but it has been around for centuries since the 1800s. Sociology was created by five men. Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber and these men were dedicated to show the world exactly what sociology really means. Auguste Comte is a social thinker who is also a french positivism. Comte main focus was social dynamics- to see how created and how change happens within society. In this video it stated that the rich people should not help the poor people in society because it will disrupt the balance in the way society operates. Herbert Spencer is a English sociology professor who main focus in sociology is social darwinism. Next who contributed to sociology was Karl Marx who is a German economist and sociologist. Marx had 2 main areas in sociology  that he wanted to focus on which was social conflict and class conflict. Social conflict for example is when two people argue over a parking spot. Class conflict for example is when tension or antagonism which exists in society due to competing socioeconomic interests. Then there came Emile Durkheim who is a french sociologist. Emile was the first sociologist to use the scientific method. He also focused on social integration and quantitative data. Last but not least came Max Weber who is German Scholar and an interpretive sociologist. He geared his focus towards rationalization and verstehen view of life through something else. What makes sociology a science? If you break down the word sociology, soci/o- meaning "social, sociological, society" and –ology meaning "the study of", the fact that these scientists are studying society and all things social and the word breakdown itself is what makes it a science.  Second question, how did early sociologists help define the science of sociology?  That question has a little more complex of an answer, but here it is.  There were five men who were involved in all of this. First, Auguste Comte, a French social thinker who gave himself the title "Father of sociology".  Born in 1798 and passing in 1857, he had a lot of involvement with positivism and social dynamics and statics.  Then there was Herbert Spencer, born in 1820 and passed in 1903.  An English sociologist who believed society was like the human body, made up of parts rather than being one whole.  He also applied "social Darwinism" to society, believed that the rich deserved to be rich while the poor deserved to be poor.  Then there is Karl Marx, a German economist and sociologist.  Born in 1818 and passed in 1883, he studied social conflict and class conflict, and rejected the idea of individualism.  Fourth on our list is Emile Durkheim.  Born 1858 and passed in 1917.  He studied social integration and believed that desires must be balanced by the guidance of society, and if there are weak social connections it could lead to self-destructive behavior.  Last, but certainly not least we have Max Weber, a German scholar and sociologist.  He studied interpretive sociology, studying the meaning people attach to their social world.  He was born in 1864 and passed in 1920.  He also studied rationalization and verstehen, also known as empathy.  These five scientists and the various things they studied are what helped define the science of sociology.-NIKE789, WHITE789            


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