Sexuality and Deviance and Money...Thoughts?


  1. In this video of Bill Maher, he discusses how it’s not a war between blacks and whites or rich versus poor. It’s really a war between the young and the old. And the old are winning. Numbers show that between the years of 2006 and 2011, medicare spent over 172 million dollars from tax payer money on toys for the elderly. He, then, continues to make quite a bit of jokes here and there throughout the video. Afterwards, he compares the federal yearly spending from a child which is 3,822 dollars to an elderly which is 25,455 dollars. This leads to the joke of whenever grandpa funds a quarter behind your ear, he keeps it. He talks about how often elderly people are “getting it on” and as you get older, it is a bit harder for the elderly to maintain their ability to do so. Which is a reason why they put money into these items. It is a very important part of your emotional and physical health, especially as you get older. He goes on to say how people around the age of college students use protection forty percent of the time, while the elderly that are over sixty-one years old only use them six percent of the time. He asks why are they the angriest people political. Research shows that seventy-six percent of the senior citizens say they are dissatisfied with how our country is today. But I can understand in a way of why they are unhappy. Decades ago when they were the ones leading the country, they had more power and more of a say. Nowadays, it has completely changed from the way it used to be and majority of them may not like the way it is now. Back then, there was never a chance for an African American male to be president and now with the last election, we were this close to having a female being elected for president. And along with that, we have made so many other changes over the years that are making them unhappy. Polls show that thy are the most opposed to Obama care because it’s the government paying for it. But it’s the government that is paying for their items that was talked about in the beginning. Schmidt789

    1. yes your right about there was never a chance of a black or woman president because white men ruled the world. Women never had any rights nor did colored people. Its not like a union anymore everyone has their own voice. i feel most of that 76 percent that is unhappy because they can't except change. When I become a senior it will extremely different then what it is now. We have to come to this realization,since the world is always going to advancing and technology keeps growing. Everyday our world grows a little more. -Gander789

    2. For the older population change is hard, for the much younger generations change means growth and is seen as inevitable as technology continues to advance. With newer technology comes higher insurance rates, hospital bills, and as people are living longer due to these advances pharmaceuticals are constantly raising their prices as well. I am certain that the seventy six percent of individuals whom isn’t a fan of how much the country change will have some very valid points. Although I am not an elder just yet I too feel as though things have changed in the last few decades. Life is seen through the eyes of many and that is what makes this world spectacular. Go ahead have sex at 80 with the use of assistive pumps or pills. Isn’t that the purpose here anyway? We all were brought here that way, why not go out that way? Life is a cycle so do whatever it is that makes you happy no matter how young or old, we only have one life to live.

    3. I agree with you one hundred percent with your statement about the elderly being dissatisfied with the way our country is going today because they are no longer in charge of it and not everything that they believe in and says goes anymore. They are unwilling to accept the fact that the world is changing and they can no longer judge a person by what they look like or where they are from. I can see why they are unhappy but they also need to realize that some of the things they think are right isn’t right such as them judging by their race or religion. EPIC789

  2. this video could not be anymore true and its funny. Bill Maher is hilarious but he speaks the truth. There is a war between the young and the old. The old believe our country is going to crap and their getting screwed. The young feel the same way, "we put into social security which we might not see." It's crazy to think the federal year spending for a child is $3,822 but for a senior its $25,455. OK they're old, they deserve it, OK understandable. Why? why do they deserve it? Are we going to get that yearly when we are old (65 and older). Bill Maher says most senior are not for Obama care because its the government paying for medical. As studies show the government pays for senior viagra, penis pumps, and the medication for their sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases have tripled in senior in the last decade mostly syphilis and chlamydia. Statistics show college students use condoms 40 percent of the time. As for senior 61 and older only 6 percent. They are not thinking logical only thing that protects against STD's are condoms. I guess that shows older doesn't mean wiser. In 5 years taxpayers paid 172 million dollars on penis pumps for seniors. So your telling me I'm working for peoples sexual toys? I know in the past 30 years technology has came so far and for some seniors its hard to get use to change. Thirty years ago things were just more simple. Now its much more advanced you have to use your brain a lot more then your body. Most seniors say the new generations are lazy and rude. I will agree today's society doesn't cherish human values and manners like we use to. -Gander789

    1. The video was very funny. I think it is funny because it shows how the things he is saying are deviances from the norm. We do not think of the elderly as sexual beings and, as you and the video state, this is becoming less of a deviance. I guess in a way, workers are paying for seniors to have sex, as you ask. There are a lot of things taxes pay for that you wouldn’t think about.
      Also, I did some research though, and what Bill Maher did not mention is the billions of dollars state and local governments pay for children. It is definitely not as staggering of a difference of funding if you calculate that in as well. Catzfuhdays789

    2. I also thought this was funny. It was something that made it easier for me to focus because it caught my interest. Bill Maher gave us some interesting things to think about and made some funny jokes in my opinion. I really enjoyed this one. I learned a lot from this video that I honestly never thought about. But, like the person ahead of me said, there really isn’t a difference between the amount the tax payers give the younger and the elderly. Schmidt789

    3. I also thought the video was really funny, I did learn a lot of things I didn't know or would have been interested in watching something like this. I found it really interesting that order people are more sexually active than younger generation, that they use less protection and do get sexually transmitted diseases more than younger people. And also how much federal yearly money spent on children and elderly, it was a really big difference.

  3. In this video, Bill Maher jokes about government spending being more geared towards the elderly versus younger generations. His starting argument states that over $172 million of taxpayers’ money went to penis pumps from 2006-2011. Federal yearly spending per senior is more than five times that per child. He implicates that the reason child services, such as Head Start, school lunches, etc. are being impoverished is because of all the money the government spends on seniors. I did some research on this, though, because I disagree and found some interesting information that, while Bill Maher is correct, he is not. The Urban Institute explains that almost all the government dollars spent of children comes from state and local governments. This funding trumps federal spending 8 to 1. Add up everything and spending by government on all levels in 2008 came to about $1 trillion on seniors and $936 billion on children. So, while he is right that seniors are getting the majority of the money, the difference is not as staggering as he suggests. Still, because elders vote and are more involved in their government, the government reacts to that.
    The other point made in this video is the sexual promiscuity of elders. In the video, you see people’s body language suggesting that this idea is unappealing. We think elders should not be sexual and do not see them as such. Even in class, we giggled awkwardly at the comments about our grandparents. The idea that the elderly are more sexual is a deviance from the norm, but is becoming less of such. The CDC reports that syphilis and chlamydia in seniors has nearly tripled in the last decade. This suggests that more seniors are having sex and not using protection. But no worries, because the government will pay for that too. Catzfuhdays789

    1. The number the speaker give was make me surprise but through your research, it makes me more clear about the budget spend on child vs. old. They are not much different after all. I personally think there are no problem for the older just do the things they want. They are live long enough to feel free from other eyes and social norms. It is their right and we should respect this. But I think they should pay more attention on the protection side. This is not just for the old only but for every couple!

    2. I had a good laugh at the video but I immediately knew he is skewing the figures. I agree on the numbers you provided and it makes perfect sense. It's like he's only giving half a side to the story to make his point hit home harder. A kind of shock value. However, if we look at the types of problems that come with being elderly versus being a child, it makes sense that seniors would have more money spent on them. A good portion of elderly people in the United States have medical problems that need some sort of medical intervention whether it be prescriptions, surgeries or devices. Most children in the United States do not have the same chronic illnesses that the elderly do. pmed789

    3. Thanks for doing some research on it! The devil is in the details, as they say. It’s easy to take information out of context and assign blame. Whether or not people individually respect elders, it is pretty much a cultural universal to respect elders, so I would not expect things to change too drastically. Through their voting, it’s possible that the elderly in our society are, in part, responsible for the tendency of the government to be behind the times. But, despite my personal lack of default respect for the elderly, I believe that the government needs this type of regulation to keep political fads from doing irreparable damage. The government needs grannies to keep the young’uns in line.

  4. To be honest at first, I hardly understand his jokes. Maybe because of my limitation from adult words. But I do understand that he is trying to say about the old vs. young and rich vs. poor. I like his last question: Why the old still so upset about the government when they are the groups received most of support and aids? People tend to ignore what they have and pay more attention to what other people have. The older winning but do they actually? I remember when my mother laughed to the new policy of insurance after the election. She said most of the older opposed Obama care because they complain about the government aid to those poor, but the new policy makes the older pay double for their insurance. But I also have different opinion, the senior pay taxes entire life while the child doesn’t pay tax so of course the older should get more benefits than the child. The government cutting the budget for child welfare and education to spend to military, minimum goes to older pocket. This doesn’t fair at all! The government can’t cut the budget for their grandkids to pay for the grandparents their own. The benefits for both senior and child should not be cut and be distribute equally. If there is no more child welfare, people will scare to have baby. If there are no senior benefits, no one want to pay taxes. Aren’t the older and the poor the same deviance from the rich perspective? So, what is the point for deviance vs.? They are just fighting completed the left over of the riches. Besides, I also surprisingly about the statistics about the budget money spend per child and senior. In my mind, I believe that the child received more aids and benefits. But the number proves that it wrong. I believed that many seniors have the same ideas as mine. The old used to be the young, and the young will become old. So old and young are on the same boat and they will be received benefits from the government. Only small percent of money are used to benefits the engine of the boat while most of the money goes to the boat owner. I can see we are lucky under the United State government. Some place outside the world, the government just doesn’t care of the people life.

  5. Bill maher talk how deviance that old people are in the united states and they have the most political point of views of the government and the most active than younger people that is still be called an issue. That the elderly have more likely to get std than the younger generation that doing it under age through teen pregnancy. That elderly probley got a lot of time on their hands since a lot of them are retired or can not work due medical issues like having back problem . they are that because they have the ability to do it since the medicine in the untied states is pretty advance than some country so our elderly are more active in many ways. They prabley thick that earned that since all their hard work through out the year leading to it. I know that some people hates being as regarded as helpless so they doing that even they are old they can still the same thing as the younger generation. and they so prideful when come to changing their ways as they do day in and day out. That show how big is the deviance when come to the culture and society. The elderly is doing it to rebel against , the people who do not take them seriously in the government. And that a lot people think that the elderly are helpless people that is not true that because I know people at my work who are still dating and they are in seventies and I know a well know saying and that is “ do not judge a book by its cover.” That is true for all example of deviance and even how people are. Bill maher talk how the elderly spend over twenty -five thousand dollars in a year. That the main is that elderly get more healthcare that pays for more thing and that they saved their money when they were working and other help when paying involving the elderly. Is it bad for the elderly to do that? That the question, now I know it is hard imagine your family act hey that it is called being deviance to the society. When bill maher said they spend over 12 million dollars of tax money spent on elderly for that thing. That was a lot of tax money that goes thers not too places that needs it like school.gamer789

  6. The video was raw, uncut, and hilarious. I don’t watch much television at all but this guy is funnier then I thought he’d be. He started the video with...this isn’t a war between the rich and poor, black or white but the young versus the old. He suggested that the older population was winning this race in part because it takes about 25,455 annually to care for such population and the fact that over 172 million dollars of tax payer money help fund pills and pumps between 2006-2011. Opposite of those findings it only takes 3,822 dollars a year to take care of a child. STD rates also tripled amongst the older populations in the last decade within the nursing home setting while condom usuage is also lower then those of a much younger age bracket. As a society the visual of a grandmother and grandfather getting it on is looked down upon, it’s almost like we don’t expect sexual contact to happen after individuals reach a certain age. The stigma that is attached to aging and sex is huge, so is the price to keep things functioning in a sexual aspect for this particular group. When I first learned about how prevelant and real sex among elders was a few years ago, I was in awe and little taken back by the idea. But the truth of the matter is we’re humans and although society doesn’t place a huge emphasis on sex for older people it is apart of human nature. The point made in the video about young people being the face of American sex drives home how society feels as a whole. Perhaps condoms should be handed out at nursing homes too because being in a more controlled environment diseases spread faster. Would we consider these people promiscuous? Due to the increase in STD rates and lack of condom use? Usually when people are being pleased in the bedroom they seem to be more happier, so why are most older people angry he claims? They get to have subsidized fun via penis pumps and pills on American tax dollars, I haven’t heard anyone mention lowering the amount given to this entity to offset more important debt concerns surrounding health and education. Which would help support the younger generations who still have a full life to live and possibly more contributions to society. Extra funding in other areas can allot for resources to help minimize crime and proverty too. Oh but I forgot American is a sex driven country so that’s where you invest a great deal of money with five percent of the entire budget being spent on dying individuals and a third of that reflects the last month of life. This is a true reality of how systematic our society is but hey get it up, live it up until you expire, I guess as he said go out with a bang *insert fireworks*.

    1. This is crazy, isn’t it? I think that It’s not only the seniors that are being deviant but the government too because they supply the “supplies”. And the amount of money the government spends on everything is surprising! So just like you (expect I am just now learning about it) I am taken back by the idea. One hundred and ten percent! But I do agree that humans are humans and sexual tendencies are a part of human nature. I feel like it might take me a minute to get used to it. No one wants to imagine their grandma/grandpa kissing on another older person. So it is still gross to me.

      P.S. Love the fireworks

  7. The old folks home is the new freshman dorm. My gosh this is so not a cultural norm and I guess it is beginning to be. Who wants to know that their Grand-ma-ma is doing the deed? I mean who wants to even think about it? This is a hilarious yet a little disturbing video however I am not going to lie I did share it to Facebook because of how surprising it is. This is not only surprising but disturbing too. All the money that goes to the brown chicken brown cow for old folks is outrageous and even more surprising is it is true! The percentage of STD’s that have gone up in seniors, how can our grandparents be less careful than us when they taught us to be careful along with our parents. Because I feel this way I am sure these actions would be considered deviant behavior am I correct? So, in the future does this mean that grandpa doing you know what will be normal?! Wow! In honesty, I cannot see this epidemic ever sitting well with me, or my stomach. I do think that the money could go elsewhere like our schools or assistance for child care and daycares. Instead of going to making senior living better. They do deserve comfort because they have lived full lives. But just like everything else in life we should work for what we accomplish in the future. Nothing should ever be handed to us. Why did this start happening anyways? Why did the government start to provide these methods of gross pleasure and medication for the consequences in participating in the first place? Who would have guess that seniors are more likely to get an STD than the younger generations? I understand we are trying to make the end of life easier but spending $12 million on that contraption is unbelievable. We also provide drugs to keep them sane or comfortable and housing. Sometimes the government pays for the funerals too. I hope that when these younger generations grow older that they (we) have the same treatment. Is it worth it though, to have a great ‘end of life’ experience and take away money needed for education or assistance for children? Is it worth living in a country that keeps you hard until your stiff? This whole thing is astounding I do not think that the seniors are just being deviant but also the government by supplying these supplies for this purpose.

    1. I agree that we could use the money to better our schools, day care, helping children get healthier meals, etc. I don't think we should just forget about the seniors and making their lives enjoyable but I think we should get a say in what is appropriate and what is not at a certain age. Not that I think they shouldn't be able to entertain themselves in this manner, I just don't think that we should use tax payer money to support it either. I think we could come up with better alternatives that are better use of the resources that we have. Or offer to pay a percentage of resources for that matter, not millions of dollars worth. MommaJ789

    2. Watching this video I only hoped to not think of my family doing their personal business. I know its a human thing and everyone does it but I dont really think of older people having sex as they age. I liked how the rate for protected sex was in the young when it was always the older men and women telling us young ones to use protection. I found the money part on this video interesting as well because yes they are still human and have every right to getting help to continue their freakishness but I'm sure we could also be placing that money else where and helping the young. This video was overall funny but I also learned that some things just arent worth it.

  8. Bill Maher does a great job keeping a straight face in this video. The others in the video were obviously having issues with not laughing hysterically. I was a little embarrassed to be listening to this at first, but soon realized that this was very humorous to listen to fully. I do however feel that it is an issue that needs to be addressed in the very near future. It could potentially be very serious. Just the diseases being transmitted between these older individuals alone may be contributing to a shorter life span due to antibiotic resistance or sepsis if these infections aren’t being found and treated early.
    My interpretation of what he is saying is that there isn’t necessarily a war between rich and poor or between different racial groups, it is between the old and the young. The old complain most about government spending yet the government is spending the largest amount of tax payer money on them. And for many reasons that just don’t seem to be the right ones. He jokes about the amount of money that Medicare has paid for penis pumps and pill for erectile dysfunction. He also goes on to say that sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in people over 70. STD’s have actually tripled in the past decade for this age group. I am thinking that maybe we should spend a little money on sex education for these individuals. It seems to me that we need to remind them that diseases are spread just as easily in nursing homes as they are in the back of a pickup truck or SUV. Our children, or young adults, seem to be paying more attention when it comes to this subject than our older population. The earlier the detection the better for these people, or patients. This may help to decrease other infections as well.
    While I do believe that older people deserve to have fun and be able to have the same opportunity for these experiences, they do need to realize or try other alternatives. Millions of dollars on penis pumps alone in the last decade seems absurd to me. I feel like we could find better uses of this money.-MommaJ789

    1. I completely agree that sex ed is key! Seniors are from a different generation, where contraception and protection was a completely different ballgame! Yes, I'm sure they're all familiar with condoms and such, but as Bill Maher says in his video, many of them cited spermicide as 'too spicy'. Perhaps they just meant 'too unfamiliar'. A good course on sex ed and the options available to them could be of some true help to them, as it has been to our teenagers and youth! I also agree that millions of dollars on penis pumps is a little extreme. It can be debated whether sex is a luxury or a necessity, but the funding that was cut to our youth was in relation to food, shelter, and other things that a child can not be expected to go without. I believe whole heartedly that seniors deserve physical love and human contact as much as the rest of us, but I also believe that if they're so unconcerned about money, perhaps they should start shelling out the cash dollar for it when they can, to relieve the financial burden on the taxpayer, and allow us to put our money where it's really needed.


    2. agree as well. They have a different mind set versus a younger person. Penis pumps are never an option as younger person simply because they aren't needed. I can only imagine the inconvenience they cause if they were to ever malfunction lol. Some older people view sex as something they do because they just want to have a little bit of fun. Younger people look at it as something they need to do . They have peer pressure to deal with Most do it just because everyone else is .But definitely you made some very valid points in your post for sure!!

  9. This video was amusing, to say the least. We all probably have the image of grannies slowly cruising through Walgreens to the pharmacy, with their tennis ball-clad walkers. The common opinions surrounding the behavior of the elderly acts as a perfect rug to pull out from under our feet, as the… ahem… ‘activities’ of the elderly draw our attention. It may be a shock (to say the least) to some that the elderly are so …um… ‘lively’. This is obviously an uncomfortable topic for me, and I’m probably not the only one. But, I suppose that what granny does in her spare time is her business. On a more serious note, according to this news report, the elderly of our country are not only more sexually active than most would expect, but are now at a higher risk of obtaining STDs. This behavior against what is broadly expected of them in society can be considered deviance. Can we call every person over the age of 65 deviant though? Yes, and no. For one thing, it’s important to understand that not all elderly people are sexually active, so on an individual level, they are not deviant according to the younger generations, but are to their more sexually active peers. On the other hand, those that are sexually active are deviant to younger society, but not so among their peers. This discrepancy can be considered evidence to the fact that age can act as an ascribed status; they are subject to expectations associated with a status that they had no choice over being assigned. To tackle a more tangible issue, the rising cases of STDs in the elderly are somewhat worrying. It is likely that the elderly are either taking advantage of health-care, or on a more somber note, less worried about dying to an STD because of the encroaching shadow of death. I guess my point is, that if this STD issue is to be resolved, it needs to be treated differently than how we would deal with this problem in younger people. It’s likely not a matter of ignorance or impulse, but a matter of personal disregard for risks that are known. Because of this, I’m not really sure if it is a problem that can be solved through familiar channels. I’m not even sure if it can be solved before it becomes the next generation’s problem. In the end though, it’s interesting to see how easy it is for your own expectations of others to be wrong.

  10. In this video Bill Maher begins the video by say the war isn’t between rich or pool, black or white but it’s between the young and elderly. It is related to sexual battle, saying the elderly are having more fun than the younger generation. In fact according to general inspection, between 2006 and 2011 Medicare spent over 172 million dollars from tax payers on sex toys for the elderly people. In the video he also goes on making jokes about the elderly sexual life, saying that they have a hard time having sexual interactions due to their health and age status that is why they spend all their money on sex toys because they can’t physically do it themselves. He also talks about how sexually transmitted diseases are popular among the elderly because only six percent of the elderly use protection and 40% younger generation use protection. You would think the elderly would know better than the younger generation but do they know so little. In nursing homes, elderly are more affected with sexually transmitted diseases that any other diseases because they don’t think protection is that important to them. Federal spending yearly for the elderly is much higher than per child which you would think that a child would cost more. But everyone needs sexual interaction because it is part of the human nature and it is a mental need that we need.

  11. The War between the Young and the Old? Don't make me laugh. Well, actually, it did. So scandalous, granny getting it on. As though sex drive disappeared at sixty. Mothers and Father and Grandmothers and Grandfathers seem to lose their humanity in our eyes. We don't call them by their names. We don't call them 'Cathy' or 'Frank' or- Do you know, as I was writing this, I struggled to recall my Grandmothers actual name? It was Anna. They're no longer people to us, they're merely the roles they play. But they feel that full breadth of desire and want and need for human closeness that we all do, and to spend the majority of the video cracking jokes about them having sex instead of honing in on the real issues is, to me, ridiculous. The shock value overpowered the true focus here, and that's how much is being spent on the elderly in comparison to the youth. Do you remember the healthy food initiatives that Michelle Obama put into place for our students? She was trying to make our kids' breakfasts and lunches better and more nutritious.The current proposed budget would repeal those. Our budget cuts are impacting our youth every day, but those infamous 'penis pumps' (not to mention viagra, hormones, etc) for the elderly are still being covered. Medicare is spending 172 million dollars on seniors from 2006 to 2011, and yet seeing as only 6% of seniors wear condoms, and they spurn other kinds of protection, they end up with STD's and land themselves in the hospital! An effective use of tax dollars, no? Seniors are also shown to be the most opposed to Obamacare, because heaven forbid the government pay for all those medical bills you racked up with your STD's. Got a touch of Syphilis? No problem! The government pays for everything else, might as well pay for my flesh eating genital diseases! Bill Maher called nursing homes 'the new freshman dorms' and yet you hear scandals every day about mistreatment of the elderly, caretakers not doing their jobs, horrendous conditions. Is sex really what we're worried about? Not our children going hungry, not our grandfathers and grandmothers being maltreated in their last years? The funding is absolutely disproportionate and needs to be changed, with that, I agree. But I'd rather kick up a fuss about how the funding could be reallocated, instead of who grandpappy was poking.


    1. This video made me laugh as well. Bill Maher humor is sickening, in a good way. We don’t talk about people 60 and older having sex. Just like we can’t imagine our own parents having sex, even though that is how we came into this world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the elderly engaging in sexual activity. The problem lies with the increasing STD rates among seniors 61 and older. Even when they go to the doctor, they do not check or even ask if there is a possibility of having an STD, unlike teenagers and younger adults. I believe there needs to be more of a focus on educating these seniors about “safe sex etiquette” and making them aware that a problem does exist.
      Granny 789

    2. Yea if definitely was a funny video. He made many good points about how older people aren't looked down on by the government because they vote bu young people could care less. Older people getting busy is definitely something that mot people i know don't want to talk about and would avoid it at all costs. Its always going to be the elephant in the room as well. Nobody thats in they're right mind would want to walk in on some old people getting busy happens unfortunately lol. But you made some very good points as well in your post!!!! -collegekid789-

  12. This video was pretty funny once I got past the first couple seconds. I found it interesting when he said you have to stop thinking that there's a war between black vs whites, and the rich and the poor. It really a war on the old vs the young with the old winning! Between the years of 2006 and 2011 Medicaid spent over 172 million dollars on the old for penis pumps. Yes you can’t make that up. If you're old clearly that’s a concern for you, why go out with a limp Bill says when you can go out with a Bang. Why say money is an object when its really not for seniors. In America bill says we spend a lot of time on the takers and the beggars but in America we have a federal yearly spending per child listing at 3,822 and a federal yearly spending per senior….25,455. If you like at the young and the old, clearly the old are the ones getting the money. I like how he stated that senior often ask what kind of world are we leaving for our children? That would be a good question when seniors are once again taking majority all the money. His example of the known trick that older people get you with when you are younger was the quarter behind the ear, but instead they keep it instead of giving it to you as a awesome survivor. 5 percent of the federal budget is spent on people living their last couple years of that life and 3 percent is just spent in the last month. Bill talks humorously about old people going out and still sleeping with each other. He also talks about how most senior are dissatisfied with the country politically. The question was why? But seniors have been know to not like Obama care but why again if it pays for medical care. That would be because of the government but also they government is paying for the pills and penis pumps that are helping them. This guy clearly knows how to talk about something personal to some but make it into a joke where everyone is laughing about the matter.

  13. The way he started out the video was so true, the ongoing battle truly is between the young and the old. The older people truly do complain way more than younger people. When I worked at a restaurant the older people would come in and read the paper and complain about everything they possibly could and if a younger person came in they would just read, eat, and leave. I found it shocking to hear about how much money seniors use vs how much a child uses per month. Everyone is going to have different opinions on this based on how they were raised but I think the government should not spend the money on the pumps because I know some seniors who barely get enough money a month to support themselves when they could take some of the money from that and use it to provide assistance to more people in need. Also it said how older people are likely to get a sexually transmitted disease than a younger person, and this goes back to social change. When they were younger they were not taught all about the precautions to take and might have not even known they could get diseases, where people in the United States are becoming very well educated on it and are being directed towards the correct resources to prevent them. I also think that if younger people got more involved in voting and voicing their opinions the government might react to them a little bit more. EPIC789

    1. I work with mainly seniors on a daily basis in my job. I would say most of them are angry at the world. But there are some that are so full of life. I think in my situation with them they might be angry because of their current health situation. I do agree that the difference between the amount of money that a child uses vs how much a senior uses per month is very large and concerning. I also agree that this is definitely social change occurring almost reversing. Young people are being more sexual smart then the seniors. I find this shocking because when I think of a senior I think of someone that I would look up to for advice / guidance etc.

  14. Watching this video made me think of the structural functional approach and Karl Marx’s conflict theory specifically, the class conflict. Instead of talking about the poor versus the rich, Bill Maher spoke about the conflict between the elderly and younger adults. Highlighting, the substantial difference in the amount the government spends on seniors compared to the amount spent on children. He made a reference from the current issue of Harper’s that yearly federal spending in the U.S. per child was $3,822 and yearly federal spending per senior was $25, 455. Bill also stated that 5 percent of our budget is spent on seniors with 1/3 being spent within the last month. In the U.S. it’s within our culture to accommodate and respect our elders, but at the sacrifice of our children, who is our future. The government has cut and/or decreased funding for programs, such as, child care, welfare, and education, all which I believe are vital to create a “successful” member of society. By cutting funding for these said programs, children are sometimes left unsupervised, to care for themselves, and hang in the “street”. They are more likely to commit a crime and/or become a victim. Yet, Medicare spent over $172 million dollars on penis pumps between 2006 and 2011. Elderly women also has access to progesterone and estrogen creams (which is covered by Medicare) that helps with arousal and makes sex more enjoyable.
    In the U.S., it is not the typical norm for the elderly to have sex regularly. I believe a lot of people think that by the time you are 60 and older that sexual activity stops or decreases. Who imagines their 80-year-old grandmother or grandfather engaging in sexual activity more than a 20-year-old? With the increase of sexual activity among the elderly, there has been an increase in STD rates. Bill Maher stated that the STD rates, specifically syphilis and chlamydia, has tripled for seniors over 61 in the past decade. Between 2007 and 2011 chlamydia infections among Americans 65 and older increased by 31 percent and syphilis increased by 52 percent (Derrick McDaniel, Huff Post April 2017). Young adults between the age of 15-24 account for 50 percent of all STD’s. Why is the STD rate so high among the elderly? I believe due to the “magic pill” to help erectile dysfunction mixed with women who are post-menopausal with no chance of reproducing, the elderly thinks it’s okay to engage in unprotected sex. But seniors are not recognizing that a problem exist in contracting and/or sharing the diseases. These elderly Americans were born during the “Baby Boomer” decade where a majority were already married. When sex education became available they were not worried about “safe sex” talks and were never educated on “safe sex etiquette”. Unlike teenagers and younger adults who have been educated on “safe sex etiquette”. Only 6 percent of seniors use condoms. The elderly could have symptoms of an STD but are unwilling to discuss with loved ones or even their doctor due to the possibility of “losing face”.

  15. The young and the old have been having issues with each other. Uncle Sam jumps when seniors say so because they vote and most young people don't because they don't feel like its important. Older people have been getting busy more and more now because they have things like Viagra and pens pumps lol. This topic is the elephant in the room because its awkward to discuss old people having sex. Me personally it doesn't bother me because i don't have to discuss at all. STDs are on the raise as well. They are having more sex than society may think. Its nasty to think about your grandparents getting busy but how do you think your parents got here. Plus they have more time on they're hands because most are retired. Nursing homes have to be more mindful of people that live there having sex . Walking in on that would scar anybody that accidentally witnesses that.People in nursing homes are having a jump in sex drives as well and are trying to experience the feeling that they had when they were younger and had more energy to have sex. They also know if they do come in contact with a STD the government will pay for least when Obama was in office.Older people can still have kids but it comes with major risks. But most the time it doesn't happen because older peoples body most likely cant produce a child anyway so they end up dodging that bullet. Older men are often trying to get younger women to have sex with them. Most of the time they have to offer money and lots of it so they can get what they want.Most older guys that don't have alot of money aren't able to get services like that so they most likely end up going without.There aren't many options when you are old and poor when it comes to women. I hope most of them aren't catching STDS and it causing other health problems. Thats the black lash of all this getting busy. They want to try to get as much of it as they can before they get too sick to "do it" lol . This wouldn't be a topic back in the 50s they would have been more ostracized if anything because this getting busy stuff wasn't ok to discuss. Plus penis pumps where nowhere being as of now they better do it as much as they can. -collegekid789-

  16. Sexuality and Deviance and Money ... Thoughts?
    Bill Maher is hilarous and I thought the video was very funny. This video also provided alot of stastics. Medicare spent 172 million dollars of tax payer money on penis pumps in 2006-2011. I work in the healthcare field and have noticed that we prescribe alot of erecticle dysfunction medications and most of the patients are on Medicare A & B. He then makes reference to the federal yearly spending per child being 3,822 dollars. And the federal yearly spending per senior being 25,455 dollars. This is a very large difference in amount of money spent. He made jokes about federally funded programs being cut because of how much money is being spent on seniors. He also pointed out that 5% of the budget is spent on people in their last year of life and 1/3 of that on just the last month of life. That is very sad stastic. I think people think it's funny that senior citizens are still have sex. However it really is a problem with the increased outbreaks of syphilis and chlamydia. I have seen first hand the STD increase in seniors. As I mentioned before I work in health care and many of the patients are seniors. We have alot of "snowbirds", people that go south for the winter. And we see quit a bit of STD's in these individuals. He also mentioned condom use in young people being 40% and those over 61 years old only use condom 6% of the time. I find both percentages to be low. I would be all about protection, treat everyone like they could give you a gift that keeps giving. And finally he ended the video pointing out that 76% of seniors are dissatified with where the world is today. And they are the ones most opposed to Obama Care.

    1. I do agree with you about the disparity between the federal spending of 3,822 dollars spend per child compared to the 25,455 dollars spend per senior. I happened to divide 25,455 dollar by 3,822 to see how many children could be helped with the spending amount of a single senior (25,455/3,822=6.66012559) if round that up it shoes that you could help 7 children with that amount. I think that in instead of treating all this sexually acquired illnesses outbreaks they should come up with safe sex programs among seniors. I think it would be less expensive in the long run. Koi789

  17. This video talks about the research and talks about teens having sex, dating and drinking less that they used or according to previous data about teen’s behavior and how those patterns are changing. The video mention that in the U.S. hit a record low during the year 2016. The rate of among teenagers 15 to 19 tears declined by 9% compared to 2015. The birth rate for women aged 20 to 24 years old also dropped by 4%. In the U.S., the total number of births declined by 1% overall last year. This is the second year in a row that the number of births has declined following an increase in 2014. The report did not discuss the reason behind the teenage birth rate drop.

    This was a really short video talking about the decreasing behavior rates among teenagers and young adults and how in the U.S. in general the birth rate in the U.S. has been more noticeable. I personally think that it has something to do with the fact that people nowadays are more centered about their success in their school to obtain a degree that will lead them to a better life for them and for their future families and have less time to behave the same way that previous generations used to. The other factor is that the cost of living is quite expensive creating more consciousness about not spending money or getting in to trouble that will cost them lots of money in the long run. Having kids a young age most of the times lead to not being able to continue their education and therefore the quality of life for them and their kids will not be the same. It could be that a new age of the electronic gadgets revolution among millennial generation only see the way to become successful and spend more time developing ideas and innovative creations in software and hardware such as app development and micro processing technology. Those individuals that have the potential to do great in their software development and hardware development carriers have better opportunities of getting a job for major companies such as apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook… etc. this times are time consuming and we don't have time to waste on fooling around like our parents did because the times have change and there is more and more competition for those trying to get in to the workforce.Koi789

  18. wrong video posting. sorry! Koi789

  19. The battle between the young and the old when it comes to health care benefits and what it considered to be a medical necessity. The erectile disfunction among senior males is a normal process of the aging but the amounts of money that are being paid for Viagra and penile-pumps are a little ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that grandma and grandpa should have some sex fun. What I am saying is that there should be a type of balanced expenses for both sides. Entitlement is something else that is talked about in this video and who are the takers and who are the makers and put as an example the Federal yearly spending per child to be $ 3,822 and the spending per senior is $ 25,455. The seniors federal year spending is 7 times the amount being spend per child. In the other hand the nutrition assistance programs and child welfare being cut. 5% percent of the national budget is being spent in the last year of people’s life. I love Bill Maher said that the $$$ dollars got to grandma because she votes and young people don't vote. In other words the young is not as important for those politicians that are leading our country. Seniors in nursing homes are being sexually active because the Center of Decease Control reports that syphilis and chlamydia in seniors has nearly tripled over the pass decade. It mind blowing to know that college kids use condoms 40% of the times and seniors only 6% of the times. I know I just typed what he said but o boy of he was on point about it. I will say that money and benefits are not being distributed in a reasonable way and that those in charge of improving the heath care benefits for all the citizens are just looking at what can generate political gain for next elections. Koi789


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