Social Disorganization Theory....Real?


  1. part 1
    When watching this video, I agree with the fact that how we interact not only with the people we know, but also with the people we meet in a certain day does play a big role in how our lives will be shaping up. If our social system is organized and we interact with everybody the same way whether we know them personally or we may have just met them that day we need to treat everybody with the same attitude and values to make sure we do not make the society disorganized. When the society does become disorganized that is when we can see that crime rates will begin to rise and people will start to go to jail or prison for crimes that may not require time to be spent behind bars. When seeing that even as you moved further away from the inner city it did not matter what race you were, but crime rates were going to decrease, so we know that it is not just a racial issue it just has to do with the poor poverty-stricken areas that surround the center of the city. When children are born with parents who suffer from an alcohol addiction or drug addiction or maybe their parent might be out prostituting, again this is all they will ever know because most of these families will not have the income to send their children to schools outside the city. If this is all the see even when they go over to friends’ houses, then this is all they are going to want to do, because most of the kids today say that they want to follow in their parent’s footsteps whether it may help them or hurt them and we need to start changing this so that we can have future generations succeed in life. This video had some really good points. She mentions that the “zone in transition” which means residential to commercial, had poor housing, incomplete and broken families meaning they the parents were either fighting all the time or were in the process of getting a divorce, birth and unstable meaning children born outside of marriage, low income, education and occupations. I totally agree what she said because a lot of that does happen and people get labeled that by how they live or their income. babyblue123,Pizza123 & illini123

  2. Part 2
    This video had some really good points. She mentions that the “zone in transition” which means residential to commercial, had poor housing, incomplete and broken families meaning they the parents were either fighting all the time or were in the process of getting a divorce, birth and unstable meaning children born outside of marriage, low income, education and occupations. I totally agree what she said because a lot of that does happen and people get labeled that by how they live or their income. Today people are having a lot of babies at a young age, which giving the mother lack of education because she now has responsibilities to take care of. And that she must take care of another human you have to have money and that’s were delinquent acts come from. Those neighborhoods have high official rates of adult crimes. Those type of people have drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution which is very true because they feel like they don’t have nothing to lose they are just living their lives and trying to make money off of anything. She also mentions something about “underclass”. They have high rate of unemployment, welfare support, drug use and violence, and single parent families. She says even in most disorganized areas, only a minority of youths and adults are involved in crimes. They need all the support they can get. Those type of people depends on other people to take care of them because they are struggling to take care of themselves. Most of these youths are having trouble because they need support. they need their communities to be a good influence. Them being around violence and drugs influence them to be in gags and commit delinquent acts. Also, the parents play a big role because if you know your neighborhood is not a good place at least try to get them or help them stay on the right track. so from what I watched / heard on the video social disorganization Theory first develop in the 1920s at U of Chicago it also called The Chicago School of thoughts. they found that they fit a systematic pattern. like rates of delinquency and a low class neighborhood where higher near the inner city and it decreases as moved out outward to more affluent areas. These communities were characterized by physical Decay , broken family's, low-income households ,low education, drug abuse, use alcoholism, prostitution. Crime and delinquency are transmitted from generation to the next like the kind of neighborhood I grew up in people were getting thrown out there houses left to right and there were a lot of fights it was a crazy neighborhood so my old Community was socially disorganized. even and the most disorganized areas only minority or youths in adults are involved in crimes. the absence of social control is a key competent behind social disorganization. social class and racial are variables that have been used to measure social disorganization rather than measuring social disorganization itself . babyblue123, Pizza123, Illini123


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