Socialization Agents via South Park ....


  1. In 5 agent of socialization shows the outcome between the kids in south park and the agent of socialization. the music was rap is a type of music can put negative behavior to some people because the information like the words the rapper use and personification in the music. like parents acts and thinks, they can shape on how the kids shape like in the video shows them using languages that they learned from their parents. it shows the agents of socialization through the most negative show of all time south park in my mind. it shows that teacher as well as parents can influence the kids. but it does show the negative influence in life through the agent of socialization. It shows that friends can change other through peer pressure and other things. Like in the video show one getting influences getting into a fight with someone and getting influences in a gambling like getting other to move and make big bet. Those in power can influences how other think in the video shows one of them getting power but it whint to his head and start to abuse the power like stopping and hitting with a billy club. The media affect daily how people acts in life. Like they showed being on the computers all the time then freak out when the connection cut out in the building. The media can impact is a daily thing because on what it affects. So, the video shows that south park can show the negative thing in life when one was getting into a fight through peer pressure. South park shows the downside when come the influences thought people go through crude humer and situation. So south park show what can happen to kids if they get negative influences through what is shows. Putting aside extreme levels of personal contempt that I have for South Park, the show utilizes comedy as a form of style, a tinted lens that accentuates aspects of the basic narrative. For comedy to work, it has to have the ability to create a setting and avert expectations. However, it is easy to oversaturate the aversion of expectations, so nearly all comedy has some degree of practicality and relatability, which is often tied to a sense of realism. A joke is not just a punchline, it's a whole story (though the size of said story varies). People tend to find things grounded in relatable or down-to-earth detail as funny, while finding things too far-fetched or abstract unfunny. In a way, a sense of humor is often better at revealing unrealistic writing than logic is. The fact that South Park has such a massive following because of its comedy, can be a hint at a few aspects of its narrative having realistic roots. Of course, South Park is no documentary for social behavior, but the reflections of society's effects on creating its humorous settings are far from unclear. The focus on children allows for a more direct approach of society's effects on people who are still seeking a place in it (besides justifying some degree of absurdist humor). It's no surprise that children are influenced significantly by their environment. The children of South Park are intentionally written to have terrible influences on their behavior in society; let's be honest, even I know that it could only be less funny if they lived in a perfect environment, with its type of humor. Your sense of standards and expectations of decency are purposely averted, a sort of … "How low do you think we are willing to go?" situation. But, without going into excessive detail into the nuances of realistic humor, the simple explanation is that South Park is pretty dependent on its ability to display a setting of society reflected in the lives of the children protagonists. Humor is often used in ways such as this, to accentuate the absurdity of many behaviors. When behaviors such as these are brought to the surface, it is easy to laugh them off as ridiculous, but It is important to recognize that even fiction like South Park is, in many ways, a product of society's making, and has many truths hidden in its writing. Gamer789, and soarsore789.

    1. South Park was a really good way to connect these together and see how they all these people can influence you negatively or positively. You never realize how much everything around you shapes you until you actually think about it. Watching the video reminded my how in class we were told everything we do we are taught because we are born with an empty slate. The media example is one that a lot of people can relate to because people do not know what to do if the internet is down. I remember one time at work the internet was down and everyone was freaking out because they could not get their documentation done and did not know what to do, I honestly think that everyone relies on media way too much. While I do agree that South Park relies on humor to captivate its audience, it still shows us valuable pieces of how society actually works(whether that is intended or not is an entire different conversation). It shows just how impressionable children can be and how peer pressure ACTUALLY works. Cartman didn’t really want to fight her, but because so many people were watching and his reputation as a sudo-badass was on the line, he caved and proceeded to fight her. EPIC789 & pmed789

    2. The quality of the video wasn't the best but like you all said the point definitely got across. This could be a great teaching tool for parents who need "rehab for swearing." Sometimes we as a people conform to our norms so much so we overlook the bad habits that has come of them. In this case swearing becomes normal, which is why it rolls off the tongue of some individuals so easily and with disregard to whom is around or watching. I grew up under the respect your "elders" concept and still abide by that concept today. There were so many other take aways from this video, including bullying and peer pressure. Both of which are prevelant amongst school age children in today's society, not that it never existed but more at the forefront this day and age. Bullies have become proud of their behavior coming equipped with an audience and a cameraman to upload the taunting on the internet. School policies and laws should be more strict, holding these individuals accountable for there actions before the victim has time to create another Colombine or anything of that magnitude.

  2. PART ONE:
    Although this video was hard to follow with the quality and the audio, it got the point across. In one of the episodes of South Park, they showed how the family, peers, certain groups, and the media effects society including its young people. When a child sees one of his or her parents doing something, they tend to think it is either okay or that it is something that does not have consequences and children typically imitate their parents’ actions. Children tend to view their parents as untouchable or they think they could do nothing wrong, they look up to them. Before the children grow up and enter the stage of being influenced by their peers, the impact of the parental figure is very significant and important for development and growth. One of the boys always seemed to walk in on his father doing inappropriate activities that either included smoking while sunbathing outside or the son and his friends had caught his Dad in just his underwear laying on the couch playing a violent video game looking like he had just rolled out of bed. The son took what he was seeing at home, and brought it to school to share and influence his friends, which got them into some trouble. At the end of the video it shows Stan and his father in the car. His dad was cussing up a storm because he was angry about something. Stan wasn’t replying but his dad kept on going. This is a huge point to how we act can influence our children. Then when they went to school the children’s teacher, which teachers typically spend more time with the students than the students spend with their parents, noticed how many bad things they were learning and acting upon. So, using the agent of peers, the teacher helped the students realize what was being said is bad and showed them how to get better. The teacher said that the parents pulled them out of normal school classes to go to group to change their ways which is also not a great example to parenting. Also, in the back ground for the group there is a poster that says get high on pottery. That should not be in a classroom. Even though he is trying to help the students he still cusses, but is trying to appeal to the childrens’ learning already. He tried to help the best way he could and lead a good example. Not all teachers, though, lead good examples. The last teacher that was shown on the video with the puppet, made fun of the students who were actually participating. Not all teachers tend to lead good examples, and the same goes for the parents. Another example of socialization in this video was the peer groups. Groups were a consistent theme across the clips, especially the clique of boys. Peer groups very commonly form, and effect young people, forming their personalities and helping to mold their opinions and outlook on life. When it is a healthy friendship, and everything is a Hardy Boys novel, then all is well. But many of these clips showed the darker side to peer groups. When Wendy had a friend of hers break up with Stan for her, he was mocked ceaselessly. He didn’t seem like that is what he wanted. He didn’t want Wendy to break up with him. Yet his group of friends mocked him for it and made fun of Wendy’s friend for announcing the information. Mocking was a consistent theme, in fact, almost pushed to the point of bullying.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895

    1. I must very respectfully disagree with you on the point of kids today viewing their parents as untouchable or that they could do no wrong. I agree that once children reach the age of being pressured by peers, they usually always start to doubt or dislike their parents when disagreements or punishments arise (and sometimes they do a lot worse than dislike them!) But I don’t really see many children actually looking up to their parents, at least where I’m from anyway. The part where Wendy someone break up with Stan for her is something I totally and completely agree with you on. If that were to happen today, and the boy’s friends insulted and bashed the girl for it, there are very few instances where the boy would stand up to his friends and tell them that they aren’t going to insult the girl like that, regardless of what she did or how cruel it felt.
      I think that this show is just entertainment for most people, but it does put out a message to all the viewers whether the creators realize it or not, and whether they acknowledge it or not. This show tells people that children cussing, fighting, being disrespectful, and obscene is very funny and attracts a lot of positive attention. – Thanos789

    2. I agree that the video was difficult to follow due to the quality; the audio alone was difficult to understand. I also agree that a parent can impact a child tremendously based on their actions, even if in an adverse way. For example, if parents are stricter with their child, that may cause the child to act more rebelliously. As for me, however, I was heavily influenced by my mother. Our words, mannerisms, and facial expressions are almost identical. When I visit her at work, her coworkers call me “little Pam.” So, I definitely agree on that front.
      I agree with the part about parents influencing their child's life because kids really look up to their parents so of course they are going to mock things that they do. I also agree with the part when you said that are peers help us figure out our personality because we can be ourselves when we are around are and not have sensor certain things.

  3. PART TWO:
    When Cartman caught gingeritis and sitting next to Butters on the bus, Butters started laughing uncontrollably nearly laughing out of his seat. This was all depicted as humorous. Was it? In the context of modern society, no. It wasn't. Bullying and peers being plain out cruel to each other is an epidemic as bad as any other in our country. Making light of toxic friendships is a trope as overused in humor as a pie to the face or slipping on a banana peel- without the harmless fun. Peers have a real-life effect on our socialization every day. Another agent of socialization is law and government, and when Cartman was placed in a position of authority he immediately began to abuse it, beating people, even his friends father savagely. This was after he had risen from his place in a 'minority' group, and he was now drunk on his own power. I thought it was an ill-fitting allegory for current times as when minorities gain power in modern day society they are the fastest to be put down when they are found to be abusing it, rather than rewarded, as Cartman was. Either way, the clip did an excellent job demonstrating how dangerous and extreme groups could become. How crazy parents can act and how that will affect their children, and how teachers can either bring a child up or make them feel bad about themselves. Although South Park seems like a comical and entertaining show, it demonstrates how messed up people can be. It shows how dysfunctional kids can be as they are growing up without the correct guidance. The main clique of boys in South Park, Cartman, Stan, Kenny and Kyle won’t grow up to be socially acceptable to society because of the society they grew up in and the lack of correct socially acceptable parental guidance, peer interaction and group interactions. And the way that media can influence our lives in a negative way. Like this show for example, if our children were to watch South Park at a young age they would think that the way these characters act is alright. In which it is the complete opposite, the way these characters act, handle situations, and treat each other is in no way alright and we see it as comical. I feel like that is sad.
    Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRick895

    1. I agree with you that there is lot of things that shouldn't be in a classroom, but I think that valuable lesson here is the context of how the agents of socialization can have a positive or a negative impact in the social behavior of the kids watching these type of cartoons and more importantly is to recognize that these happens all the time we see things at home, school, TV, Internet… just to mention some that gives us god and bad information and is up to them to recognize what is useful for them or not specially now that kids have way lot of pressure from every where. Koi789
      I agreed with Koi that now day, kids have a lot of pressure that come from many places that the parents don’t exactly recognize it. And it also true that the perception is depended on each kid. Each kid may view this cartoon differently and was affected at different level. I feel sad that the advanced of technology now led to the corruption of information and for we the people live in that corruption and addicted to technology. It decreases the social skills and cause many problems. The power of internet is huge and terrible. Stranger comments can end the person life, the lie became the truth, bias information led to bias mind, more crime and the addictive issue. People mind easy be shape and control over facts. Now day, kids can easily access to internet and absorb the unappropriated information which impacted on their mind and shape their behavior secretly. But the convenience and the entertainment of the media are overwhelming the negative side of it. Even if the people know, they can’t except it because they have to fix in this technology society. Zero789

  4. This video is funny and disturbing at the same time but it gives an insightful lesson on the agents of socialization. Family is the primary agent of socialization. The parent(s) are the first role model a child has. At an early age, a child starts to mimic behavior they observe and say things they hear. The children of South Park saw their parent’s daily patterns and started to act and think like their parents. The parents used foul, explicit, and vulgar language around the children. The dad sitting on the couch in his underwear playing the Xbox game Chasing the Dragon is setting a bad example to his son. He is subconsciously telling his son that it is okay to sit and lay around all day and do nothing. You do not have to worry about responsibilities, like going to work and paying bills. The child takes what he is learning in the home into society. He goes to school and use the same vulgar language he hears at home.
    School is another agent of socialization. School gives most children their first experience with bureaucracy and impersonality. It teaches knowledge and skills needed later in adult life, exposes children to social diversity, and reinforces ideas about gender. Children are at school for six hours a day sometimes longer. The teacher can become another role model for the child so he or she must lead by example as well. The teacher in the video set a great example by showing the children alternative words to say instead of saying curse words. He created a positive environment by adding music in the lesson and made it enjoyable so the children were eager to learn. The other teacher, however, created a negative environment for the child who answered the math problem wrong. Instead of correcting him, he called him a “retard”. Sometimes we think of ourselves on how we think others see us. The child may start to think he is a “retard” if that is what he hears daily from his teacher.
    Peers is also an agent of socialization. Peer groups has a major influence on socialization. In South Park, it shows how the boy was pressured by his peers to fight and when his girlfriend broke up with him how the group of boys expressed how he “felt”. He really didn’t want to fight nor did he feel the way the group of boys said he did. He did those things only because he was trying to “fit in”.
    -- Thanos789 Granny789 – Part 1

  5. I would guess that the creators of the South Park television show would more than likely just claim the show to be nothing more than simple entertainment, it does have some very profound truths to American life these days. When the video talks about kids taking after their parents, that is an excellent point because so many negative traits are unknowingly handed down from generation to generation such as alcoholism, drugs, abuse of most kinds, marital unfaithfulness, philandry and so many others. However, good habits are also picked up as well like marital faithfulness, involvement in their kids’ lives, and good work ethics just to name a few. The video also touches on the topic of students being influenced by teachers and fellow students which is another excellent point. I personally had several teachers in junior high that specifically did not like me and showed it from time to time. As a kid, I was too young to understand what was going on, how extreme it was, or how strongly my parents would have acted if I had told them about it, so I never said anything to anyone about any of it. If I had spoken up, I’m sure if nothing else, the teachers would have been “talked to” by school leadership, which hopefully would’ve made a positive change in their behavior. On the other hand, I also had many teachers that had a very positive affect on me because of their passion for helping students learn. So many teachers teach not because it’s a way to pay their bills, but because they get to help students learn not just the subject they teach, but in so many cases life lessons as well. I learned a cool way to search for meteorites in my science class, and other ways to just live life a little more safely in many different classes. Another excellent point brought up in the video is about how students are influenced, usually negatively, by our peers in school, at work, or wherever. Students are constantly and consistently being pressured by their peers to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and do drugs at younger ages all the time. I agree with this video, to an extent, that the media tells us how to act and what to wear as well. Sometimes it is done with their own people talking about their sponsors, their commercials, but mostly, I would say it is done with celebrities and role models discussing what they wear and where they go. And lastly, as the video points out, way too many people today are dependent on their electronics for everything. If someone forgets their cell phone somewhere, they will drop everything they are doing to go get it. They will be late to work, job interviews, meetings, appointments, etc. It just absolutely does not matter what so many people are supposed to be doing, if they forgot or lost their cell phone, everything stops immediately for them unless/until they get it back.

    -- Thanos789 Granny789 – Part 2

    1. I agree, this video had the ability to give an insightful lesson into the study on the agents of socialization by trying to get students something to relate to with connecting it with a popular adult cartoon. As time goes on, people tend to start seeing more and more characteristics of their parents then they ever thought they would have. Because, believe it or not, we are more like our parents than we ever thought because of how they had influenced us when we were little. They pick up not only bad habit but good habits also. What if we were to always be conscious of our decisions or words before we speak. Wouldn’t that help in a little way to urge children to do the same. Be more positive rather than negative? See a larger picture and not so much tunnel vision. As teens, anyone can agree that normally we think we know it all which is stages we go through but it could also be taught to us by our peers. The attitude that we know what’s best for us. It is true, agreed, that when a child learns something at home from their parents they think it is okay and they share it with those around them, specifically the other children at school. We as parents need to make sure we are setting a good example for our children so when they do go to school they can set an example for let’s say, a child who doesn’t have that example him/her self. School is such a formative place for a child, and I really enjoyed your points on how teachers can affect a student’s outlook. How calling a student a retard could have them believing it, as if by osmosis, they could absorb the insult into themselves. Teachers, I think, do not realize the power that they have over the young lives they are told to shape. They are the adults. And if they react with patience, and understanding, and a little bit of human empathy, their students may respond better than if they raise their voices and put them down, mmkay? Perhaps though, that correlates with how parents are taught to raise their children. Force, coercion, punishment, reward- it all sounds as if parents and children, and teachers and students are going to war. I'm sorry that you had to go to war with your teachers yourself.
      Slimjim789 Buwowski222 MelRich895

    2. When I saw that I had to watch something for class involving south park, I wasn't excited. However I have to say they did a good job getting some points across and even though I am not a South Park fan there were moments when it was funny. You make an excellent point regarding some traits being passed down genetically from your parents. I had really taken that into account. I didn't experience a teacher not liking me, however I did have a speech teacher that if you flirted with him or showed more skin you would get an "A". He was teacher and the schools wrestling coach, I didn't think anyone would believe me, none of us said anything. I think we are numb to what we are being encouraged to do, say or wear. It's just the way life is today. Our young people are influenced by famous people and sometimes it's not always good influence. I am guilty of being overly attached to my cell phone, it is something I am working on. Excellent work you guys!

  6. PART 1
    The South Park video show us that agents of socialization, family, teachers, peers, groups, an media no always influence positively to the children. In some cases they may cause a negative influence to the kids.
    According with the video if a child is growing within a dysfunctional "family" for instance if his or her parents are drug addicts, or alcoholic, that bad environment might cause bad behaviors, and also the use of inappropriate language to the children, because they repeat what their parents do. The attitude, views, goals, and the perspectives of those children depend on what he or she learns from his or her parents. The only thing I see in this video is bad parenting.

    Children spend more time in "school" socializing with teachers and classmates than with their own parents. It’s good to see in the video a teacher teaching to their students how easy is being good and that is a very positive influence. On the other hand is frustrated to see a teacher that treat a student as a retard, and that is a very negative influence. Respect first.

    I think that relationship with "peers" give us the opportunity to develop social skills, and to learn how to relate with others as long as we choose the right "peers", but if we pick the wrong "peers" we will be influenced by them in a negative way. We can not allow people pressure on us to do something that we do not want to do just because we want to fit in that group of "peers". In South Park we saw peer pressure when the group of kids got Eric to fight and we also saw group mentality when stand got dumped.

    I think groups are not like a group of "peers", because groups usually is not created by a spontaneous relationship and sometimes we do not share common values or ideas specially when is a group in our workplace. We are in that group because was set up for our bosses, and sometimes you see the head team abusing of his or her power. In South Park we noticed how Cartman felt once he was placed in a minority group and how he abused his power once he was place in a group of authority.

    it's a fact that "media" influence in our attitude everyday, because it tells us what to buy, how to act, what to say, what to wear. One of the powerful "media" is internet that allows us to connect with our family all over the country and also overseas through skype, or facebook, and that is a good thing, but we can not allow that "media" takes control of our life. In South Park we noticed how dependent all the family was on their computers.
    The_soccer_league789 and Navajo789

    1. Very good points. Children are influenced daily, whether it’s from the parents/other caregivers, siblings, teachers, and/or peers. I believe that learning should start at home at an early age. Parents should instill good morals and values in their children and lead by example. I totally agree with you that this South Park video does show an example of bad parenting, which is one reason why my kids are not allowed to watch that show. But even if they did, it would be up to me as the parent, to reinforce the morals and values I instilled in them. Teach them that some adults do certain things that is not appropriate for children to do, like curse and drink. The parent also should not curse or drink around the child. I remember growing up my dad always use to say, “Do what I say and not what I do”. -- Granny789

    2. PART 2
      The video clip shows the 5 agents of socialization by using clips from South Park. The first clip shows how some kids act like their parents or exactly like them. However, I would have to disagree with the video. Stan does not particularly act like his dad at all, along with many other kids in the world. Stan is way more mature than his dad in multiple instances . He watches his dad do stupid things and in turn, does not act that way.
          Teachers also present many of the ways we are socialized in our lives. Like the video said we spend more time at school while growing up than at school. A teacher's job is to teach kids the right and wrong things to do along with how to make good life choices. In south park Mr. Mackey teaches the kids that cursing is bad and shows the kids alternate words to use. However, teachers may teach kids bad lessons, like in the video. Mr. Garrison uses bad words right after the counselor taught them to not use them. This may happen in real life with teachers who have bad self control or who do not care about their job.
          Peers is another big point of socialization. Kids want to fit in with their friend group as much as possible. For the video it is Stan who cares about his girlfriend but his friends pressure him to leave her. Friends or peers are one of the most important for kids to have. That is why adults say to get in with the right friend group or else you’ll turn out bad. If a kid starts to hang out with the wrong crowd the will start to do bad things in order to fit in with them.
          Groups go together with peers. A certain friend group of sports team could count. A kid is more likely to act with the group than to go off on their own. Also media was mentioned. Media has a huge impact on people. If a kid sees his/her favorite movie actor doing something specific then it is likely that the kid will repeat that action.

  7. PART ONE:
    Our viewpoints were very similar within our group. Below are three viewpoints on the same video.
    In the South Park video, five agents of socialization are introduced: family, school, peers, groups, and media. The video highlights mostly negative effects of the agents, however, which I think is a realistic viewpoint. First shown is family. The video maker says that kids can show the same traits as parents, even negative ones. I agree with this and do because of personal experience; I am almost the same person as my mother. We have the same facial expressions and even talk the same. However, I think negative aspects of family shape a child in an opposite way too. If a child notices a characteristic of their parent that they dislike, they may do the opposite instead of mirroring it. For example, my grandparents mostly took care of me because my father was always working so late and would not pick me up from their house until close to eight at night. I value spending time with family and want to be able to spend more time with my children than my father did when I was younger. The next agent displayed in the video is school, which was important to me growing up. I looked up to my teachers and valued school and my work very highly and actually still do. Peers also influence children and the video shows how in a dramatic but true way. Peer pressure is common in all ages and can be anything from back flipping on a trampoline to using drugs, so it is important to choose the “right crowd” that parents talk about. Groups are also mentioned, showing Cartman abusing power when put in an authoritarian position. The media is an agent that follows you everywhere. With the advancement of technology and social media platforms, we are connected 24/7. When we are bored, we no longer pick up books or actually socialize, we scroll through Facebook and Instagram. I am most definitely guilty of this. When I go out with friends, I notice times when we are silent and checking our phones instead of having an actual conversation. These agents are vital to development and our modes of socialization.
    Buttercup789 Catzfuhdays789 Crown789

    1. PART TWO:
      The first Socialization Agent that they talk about is Family and the example is how in South park the kids often times have traits of their parents. And how because the parents made bad examples the kids followed. Which I know to be true because I have seen it happen in my own family because my cousin watched the bad example that my uncle showed him and he followed right into his footsteps and often times the parents can see it right away but cant do anything about it because by then it's too late to try and fix it. Then another is school and the example is teachers and fellow students influence at school. Which is true because there are certain things that I picked up from hanging around kids at school its also where I kind of learned what was cool to do at school in front of others and what wasn't but then the teachers also have an influence because they teach us how to be adults and take care of responsibilities and then some just don't care. And that also molds and shapes us weather they mean for it to or not. And they showed two different examples of that where one teacher positively influenced the students while in the other one he negatively influenced the children. And this then has an effect on how they act in society because in school is where we learn how to act and function in society and if we are negatively influenced there then that child often grows up and isn't able to function properly in society. And then he discusses peers and that we often times are negatively affected by them because we try to fit in and that makes us easier to be influenced. Which is true but not all the time are we negatively influenced by them because I have some friends who are very positive influences on me they encourage me to do well in school and want to see me go on and do better and when I get off the right path they help me to find my way back on it. But then I have friends who also negatively influence me because they don't encourage me in school in fact they say drop out or skip and just find some easy money. So this video really goes through many mores and much more in detail then I am right now. 
      The South Park video introduced us to the 5 agents of socialization which were family, school, peers, groups, and the media. It showed us how are family could negatively influence us. In the video, most of the kids were taking after their parents and their parents were definitely bad influences on the children. One of the examples they showed where the kids were in class having a discussion and they started to use curse words. Parents don’t always influence their kids in a bad way or if they do it sometimes pushes the kids to be different then their parents. The next agent was school, they showed how the teachers could impact the kid’s life in a negative and positive way. School impacts most kid’s life because we spend as much time as we spend at home there, so the way our teachers act is actually important. Peers are the most influential in children life, this is because most children do things that their friends are doing to just fit in. In the video, they showed where one of the boys are peer pressured to fight someone. I feel that example is very realistic because most kids don’t want to do certain thing but they feel that their friends will make fun of them if they don’t. Another agent they mentioned was groups. In the example they gave Cartman was placed in a minority group and at the end he ended up abusing his authority. The media is one of the most important agents because it affects how people act or even how they view their selves in general. The media is definitely changing things kids barley go out and play anymore because they rather be on some social network. I always think to myself what would we all be doing right now if social media and technology wasn’t so big right now. Buttercup789 Catzfuhdays789 Crown789

    2. I personally really enjoy South Park. I find it hilarious because of how realistic it can be with certain things, like this blog for example. It shows how socialization is evolved with the kids and what they learn from the family and everyone else in the household. It is very important what we teach the kids as adults because everything we do and say, they will go out and say the same thing because they think it’s okay to do it. The children look up to the adults. They learn everything from us. Everything right and wrong. In their eyes, we’re their role models. So we need to make sure that what we are doing is a good positive thing that can inspire kids and others to be the best that they can be in their life and strive towards goals that they never thought were possible. And with enough hard work and determination teach them that they can do anything they set their minds to and work for. Schmidt789 Cassiopia789

  8. Socialization Agents via South Park ....
    This video explains the 5 agents of Socialization: Family, School, Peers, Groups, and Media. This was very similar information to the other video titled Agents of Socialization; it was just presented in a different format. This video used many things; however the ones that stood out to me the most were the foul language and humor. Family still does play a very large role in our lives. As young children we are so impressionable and we want to please our parents. So it totally makes sense that we want to copy how they are behaving. School can be a safe haven for some children who have horrible home lives. I had a nice home life, however when I was in high school it was pure survival. My high school experience was less than wonderful. There was a lot of violence in my neighborhood primarily caused by gang activity. Unfortunately many of my teachers were afraid of a large percentage of the students. The teachers were spending more time dealing with behavioral problems then they were spending actually teaching. My sophomore year we were still allowed to leave campus for lunch. A young lady went home and came back with a butcher knife and attacked a fellow student. She almost killed this young lady. After this episode we were on lock down for lunch, no one was allowed to leave the campus. My senior year my friends and I were walking to her car after school and we noticed there were two cars coming towards us with tinted windows and guns were coming out. We had to act fast and we dropped to the sidewalk, everyone was screaming it was the scariest time of my life. We could have easily died that day, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was another local gang doing a drive by shooting when we were all getting out of school. The school was closed for several days after that. No one died that day, but sadly many died and or went to prison during my middle school and high school years. On a positive note, I did have a lot of supportive teachers who did try to make a difference in such a negative environment. Many of your peers can be your best friend and your worst enemy in the same breathe. I was always very smart in regards to the bad decisions I made growing up. I would always weigh the consequences. I did a lot of things in order to fit in with the people who were my friends at that time. However as the end of high school became a reality, I realized that I wanted more out of my life and off to college I went. I am the only one of my close high school friends that went to college. It wasn’t easy, because those friends I’m referring to no longer wanted to be my friends because I was no longer cool. They weren’t proud of me; they felt like I was trying to be better than them. It was a sad time in my life, however I pulled through and I am here today working towards my nursing degree. The Media is out of control. When I was younger I liked watching the news / worldly events, however as I have gotten older I am depressed by the information. I remember being a little kid and we played outside until the streets lights came on. It was a different world a better world than we live in today. And I’m sure that my parents feel like back in their day was even better then what I am referring to. However I have such amazing childhood memories that don’t involve the media / internet. We played outside; on the swing set, in the garden hose/sprinkler, we played jump rope, tag, house, our first love were our bicycles, I was just a kid without a care in the world. I think that parents need to be parents and not their child’s friend. Know what your children are being exposed to on the famous internet. And have boundaries as to how much media / internet time your children have. Parents have more control than they may realize however it may be difficult to exercise it if the parents are not practicing what they preach.


  9. In the video, it showed how everything around us affects us. The first one they showed was how parents influence their child’s behavior. If a parent cusses around their kid and is disrespectful the child is likely to be just like that because that is what they are taught is okay, where if a parent is respectful and uses manners the child is more than likely going to do the same. It shows in the video the parent cussing and when the child goes to school he cusses and does not see what is wrong with it, he even says what is the big deal it does not hurt anybody. When he says something else to the teacher everyone in the class makes a noise like they are shocked because those peoples parents have probably taught them that it is not acceptable to talk to anyone like that. This has long reaching impacts on our children. We often see that people who commit domestic abuse were raised in that sort of environment, so they think it is an acceptable thing to do. Even with more education than ever aimed at preventing domestic violence, it’s still not enough when it is so deeply ingrained in those formative years. This isn’t to say that there are exceptions to this, but by and large, studies have shown it to be true. They are also much more likely to have certain psychological problems in the short and long terms. We also learn from our peers and teachers at school. In the video, it gave the example of the teacher singing a song about other words to say instead of the cuss words. But not all teachers are setting the best examples either. There are plenty of examples of teachers that are not good role models. Last year, my cousin had one of these teachers. The teacher had singled out one specific student most of the year and chose to be extra hard on them. Would point out obvious mistakes that other students would get help with. However, he ended up learning from it instead of mimicking the teacher. He saw what that teacher was doing, and knew it was wrong. But that goes back to his parents giving him a very firm foundation of how to treat people, and knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong. The people you chose to hang out with also have a effect on you. This always reminds me of when I was in high school and you had those friends who acted differently depending on who they were with. If they were with someone who was popular they would try to show off and say things they normally would not say or do. Peer pressure doesn’t just mean changing what you say, it will also lead you into doing things that you don’t want to do. Underage drinking, drug use, sex before you are ready and so on. I don’t think people realize how much media affects us. In the video is gave the quote from Steve LeBre saying “every person is affected especially those who claim it doesn’t.” That was interesting because it is so true the people who always say media does not have a say in who they are, are always the first people to be in that Facebook fight and checking the computer every chance they get. And it doesn’t end with the media. Influences can come from advertisements, movies and TV shows as well. We see “X” person wearing something so we think we have to have it to look acceptable. We see “X” company releasing a new phone, so in order to be technologically hip we run out to buy it. We can also see it in SitComs and movies. We see the way that a family unit is supposed be according to a Hollywood director. Then we emulate that, or on the flip side, we get angry because our families are not like that. Mad because our family doesn’t drive the fanciest cars, go on the best vacations or have the same connections with each other that we see portrayed. This can be a dangerous mindset to fall into and will only lead to disappointment. EPIC789 & pmed789

    1. i one hundred percent agree with you its so hard to not be apart of the in group. If you don't have the newest things you can't be cool or hang with the popular kids. As a child my mom wasn't as good off as she is now. So that being said I wasn't able to get new things I never was considered popular. I honestly never cared though. As for my brother who is ten years younger he will only wear hollister or American Eagle. He is so worried about appearance like our mother. It makes me wonder will my children be more like me or my mother? Even if I teach them to be yourself will they pick up from others to become materialistic. We can't get mad just because our child aren't like us because everyone becomes their own person. -Gander789

  10. south park talks about 5 agents of socialization. Family, school, peers, groups, and media are the ones they talk about, but there are many more. In the video they show the parent is playing the video games so the children want to also. Family is a a big influence on children since most children grow up trying to be like their parents. If parents are showing negative traits the child will most likely follow. School influences our children sometimes more then family does in some cases our children are around teachers and class mates more then parents. In the video it shows a positive and negative influence from the teachers. The teacher shows the children they don't need to curse to be heard. Peers and media are the biggest influence to children in my opinion. Peers can easily negatively influence our children by peer pressure. Most children will do what they know what is wrong just to fit in. Like children smoking they know they shouldn't smoke because there told not to but they want to be cool and like the other kids so they smoke. As for the media it affect our every day lives. It tells us whats in and whats not, it also tells us what to wear how to talk all these things so we can fit into society. It also very negative toward differences. If you try to be your own person media will call you weird or in school they might call you uncool. The media shows our children to bully the different and that everyone should be the same. No is the same or will ever be because we all come from different backgrounds. Lastly, the video talks about groups which can go from job related to social. We all have different groups, like the video said when Cartman became apart of the authority group he took it for granted and abused his power. When Stan got dumped the group mentality was you don't need her she's a whore. I thought the video was actually funny but it did have logic points on socialization. Gander789

    1. I agree that family is a big influence, I have heard so many people tell me "this is how my mom does it" or "my dad said it should be done like this" I've never realized until now how much family influences us. Peers do have a negative influence on children because children are constantly trying to fit in and to fit in they may have to do negative things. I agree that the media tells us that there is a such things as "normal" and "different" is bad and shouldn't exist. I thought the video was funny as well but the point definitely got across.

  11. In this article, it talks about the five agents of socialization given to us by the show, South Park. South Park gives us great examples when it comes to how kids interpret things from everyone. What is taught and learned at home is the biggest influence they get because it is where they start out. When the parents cuss and do bad habits, for example, drug and alcohol addictions, the kids see that and will think that it is okay and acceptable to do. They follow what their parents do because it’s what they learned and they look up to the adults. So, whatever the parents do, the children will follow. However, in some situations, some kids will see all of the negative events that happen at home and they will decide that’s not what they want to be like when they grow up. Sometimes kids will spend more time with their teachers at school rather than their parents at home. They also look up to the teachers because they’re adults. And when any adult cusses or says foul language, they will most likely follow and do what they do because they think it’s acceptable. South Park also shows us how kids are peer pressured into things when it gets tough. There are many groups that range from job related to social. In one scene, it shows Eric Cartman getting upset over being called a redhead or ginger and the other comments that come with that. He gets upset and aggressive. He expresses his feelings in a manner that shouldn’t be acceptable. And when Eric pulls one of the cars over, he tries to show him who’s boss and when he doesn’t listen, he gets mad and starts hitting him with his weapon. Once he was given power and authority, he abused it by doing what he did. In today's world not only do children look up to their parents, they also look at celebrities such as sports stars, actors, singers and many other figures the media puts in the spotlight. An example of this is wit Miley Cyrus when she did the whole foam finger bit and children around the world started to imitate her and do what she did. Same too goes for football or any sports stars in general. Good sportsmanship is what many schools and little league teams try to get across to each child. however when kids go home and watch their favorite football player not stand for the national anthem it sends a message to them saying that they do not have to listen to what they have been told, if someone they look up to does something they are sure to imitate. Looking at South Park from an educational viewpoint never occurred to me until we had to do this blog on it. I always just assumed South Park was created to make fun of what is wrong with today’s society. I find the episodes to be fun and entertaining while not appropriate for younger people to watch it does give adult humor along with addressing key things that the author/ creator of the show wanted to get across. Looking at this show from a new perspective gave me the opportunity to appreciate it more and really understand that the kids do imitate what the parents or adults are doing. Not only does this help with understanding the Tv show it also helps understand what's going on in society and within our own families. With that knowledge we can begin to correct the behaviors deemed inappropriate and help people who kids look up to  be better role models and be influential in a good way to kids future.
    Schmidt789 Cassiopia789

  12. Given the title I knew that this particular video would be laugh out funny and down right honest in the same breath. While I never truly watched the show, I had heard of it. My kids aren't allowed to watch videos with such content generally speaking and it sure helps if they aren't being exposed to such montage via tv and within the home.

    Family, school, peers, groups, and media...does one have more influence then the other or is it a combination of each that shapes us individually and ultimately as a society?

    In the video the Kids of South Park mimic their parents behavior in its entirety. This type of behavior starts at a very early age as kids begin to idolize or lookup to parental figures in the household. If you cook often, your child may want to grab a spoon or two along with a pot/pan and help you in the kitchen, if unable to be hands on the child may just provide the entertainment and beat on the cookware.

    School is vital in socializing children as this is where meaningful friendships begin with peers. During the school year children may spend alot more time at school with teachers then they do with parents at home. And for that reason teachers/staff and other classmates may help in the molding process. Kids feed off of the energy of adults, easily. Using the example in the video the kids had to go to rehab for swearing, yet when the teacher asked a student what 5x2 was and he got it incorrect the teacher referenced to the child as a retard. Understandably it is a cartoon but these things happen creating a toxic environment away from home. However, sometimes the roles are switched and the student(s) are disrespectful and disorderly. Finding the balance may be hard, usually the source is within the home. I've seen some videos showing teachers connecting with the kids via catchy songs related to course material thaf have gone viral. If your audience likes music why not incorporate it into your teaching style?

    At the end of the video where the mother entered everyone's room including one her husband was in to tell them to get off the internet is such a reality in this day and age. It is a big deal how many people like a persons picture as this is equivalent to "fitting in" in todays culture.

    1. I agree that parts of it were funny and parts not so funny. The reality of it is that this truly depicts our society in so many ways. The family where the children mimic their parents and try to fit in by doing similar things. The sad part is that our kids are learning these things also by example and it is our fault as parents (society) for letting them watch it. It is unfortunate that our society has become this way. It would be nice to have a happy medium. I don’t expect the world to be perfect, but I do hope that we do not really all act like South Park residents.MommaJ789

  13. Part A: Family: kids definitely take after their parents and of course the same traits as their parents. Kids definitely do what they see and behave the way they learn. The video showed parents leading and teaching unknowingly by example and kids are good learners and did as they where taught.
    School: Teachers and classmates are a determining factor about kid behavior and the way they influence us in a negative or positive way and in some cases we are more likely to be more influenced by our teachers than our parents. Kids are latterly taught how to behave at school and all of this teaching can be good or positive just like the video shows, but we are not being forced to learn bad things from others but of we don't do cool things than we will not be socially accepted among the cool kids at school. This behavior is more likely to be a way of acceptance and why not social pressure from the cool kids.
    Peers: our peers influence us and most of the times are not a positive influence. We try to fit in a particular group and we want to be accepted being a major reason why it makes it easy to misbehave. Just like the video showed how Eric was pressured to fight even when he didn't want to do it, but he did it anyway and the way stands friends reacted his girlfriend dished him and showed apathy and disregard that he was hurt.
    Groups: Group pressure is the worse either because the are bullying you verbally or because and putting you in a minority and unimportant group it can be very painful. In the other side of the spectrum it can be completely different when you are placed in a group of power that somehow you are the one who becomes an oppressor just like Cartman did.
    Media: Media seems to have become more important in our daily life than actual human interactions and we are more centered about what kid of clothes to wear or the way we talk or interact or behave because media is a big influence. The technology has come to take our human interactions away and we are getting to more obsessed with our computers, iPad, phones and social media updates that we are practically getting controlled by these device in instead of us controlling them just like the video demonstrated a perfect example of what we have become. Koi789

  14. Part B: Thanks to the one who edit this animate video to show us the vivid example of how the agents of socialization affected on children. Children pick up the bad and good habit of their parents whether the parents aware about of it or not. The children pick up not form what you told but on what you do. I have the younger sister and she becomes more and more like me but on the bad side. I just awake too later that my bad habit now become my sister habit and I can’t fix it. But in contrast, in my case, I saw my father smoked and gambled every day and that led me to have the negative feeling about smoke and gamble and I never want to touch those things. Children can learn the bad stuffs from their parents but they also can draw experience form their parents too. The level of influence depends on individual’s awareness and situations but parents are the main worker who shape it. Another interesting agent in here is teacher. The children not usually pick up traits from their teacher, they were taught the social moral by their teacher. The child tends to listen more from their teacher than parents because they have less connection to the teacher which means more concerns. The teacher always like the model in their unconscious mind that have high education and old. Student learns all the good things from their teacher because purpose of teacher is to teach the good things. Peers and groups are the same important. Peers pressure can be very bad. The peers are not having responsible for the decision the child make although the child decision was made by the peers. Peers pressure are scary power that act like the giant bully pool and it hard for people to swim out of it like what in the video show. Media is the same scary power that can shape people opinion. From newspaper, radio, television to the internet. The television control the news that they want the people to expose to. Propagandas were using in the war times to shape public opinion to make them support or against the war. Now with the advance of technology, the easier and quickly we can access to the news the harder we can find the accuracy one while trying not be overwhelming by the information. Everything has the bad side and good side of it and everything can make the influence on people and on society.

    1. Koi789 and Zero789 are partners. Part A and Part B supposed to go together.

  15. Lol..his was a very funny video to me.It shows how certain parenting styles can influence kids.The kids in this video where very open and free flowing . Teachers definitely have to be both teacher and parent to different kids because of what they are lacking at home . I work with kids everyday and some cling to men that work at they're school because of the lack of a father a home .So you find yourself giving advice about life and things that have nothing to do with school. Bullying can also shape how kids view school . Kids that wanna be the tough guy enjoy being on top and intimidating others until that faithful day they meet they match it and everything changes. Unfortunately, that causes some kids to commit suicide or just give up on school completely. It happens everyday. Drinking smoking is a part of peer pressure in school . Some kids can handle it some cant . They do it mostly to fit in not understanding that drinking and smoking can open the door to other more powerful drugs and alcohol they can lead to dependency I have friends and associates that wanted to do it to be cool and now they are in a bad spot in life and look much older than what they really are.Was it worth it then ?? ,yea. Im pretty sure they regret it now but you can change the past ,all they can do is move and and try to make better decisions going forward. Society thinks because a student comes from a bad neighborhood he or she automatically have to bea drug addict or whatever. Honestly its more kids that come from affluent neighborhoods that do drugs and drink because they have more access to it and its viewed differently when they become addicted. They get more of a pass and help is readily available because they parents can afford it quickly .They don't want to see anything happen to they're kid understandably.Meanwhile, kids from poorer neighborhoods get less of a "pass" and get casted to the side as a failure and written off. The video quality was kind of hard to catch but it got the point across and did the job.

    Social agents via south park

  16. There are five agents of socialization; family, school, peers, groups and media. All five of these agents influence our lives and shape the way we live and think. Family is the most influential agent because from birth we are with our families most of the time. Sometimes in homes where there is fighting between the parents the children will become more violent than if they grew up in a peaceful home. Family has both positive and negative influences on our lives. If a child sees their brother or sister are disrespectful to their parents they are likely to disrespect their parents and maybe even their elders. On the other hand, if a child sees that their siblings respect their parents they will more than likely follow the lead. School has a huge influence on our lives and the way we act. Since students are in school for about twelve years and they are there for almost eight hours a day it is easy for them to be influenced by school. Sometimes these influences are positive, for example children meet great life long friends in school and they have a great influence on their life. Sometimes the influence is negative, sometimes students come from homes where their parents use profanity and they go to school and use the same language; they use this language around a student whose parents do not use profanity in the home and that student starts to use profanity. Peers have a huge influence on people some of these influence are negative and some positive just as the other agents. Sometimes when teensgers are around their peers they will do things they normally wouldn't do if they were alone for example some people are more likely to commit delinquent activities if they are in groups because of the thought “if they are doing it then why can’t I”. There are some positive influences peers have as well; if a teenagers peers are going to the library to study and they are not used to studying they may go with them to study because they group is going. Also if a student in high school sees other students doing volunteer work they are more likely to volunteer as well. Groups have influences on our lives as well, if our group of friends attend a church or a community center we are more than likely going to attend as well. On a negative note groups can influence us to commit crimes, do drugs, or even bully; this could be because there are more people doing it than not. I believe media has a huge influence on our lives. Media influences the way we dress, the way we feel, and even the way we think. A lot of people want to be like popular and famous people on social media. This is very negative in a way because these people are not wanting to be themselves. Sometimes media has an affect on how we feel, if we hear about terrorists we may be fearful of people and be skeptical of people just because of how they look or dress. Overall these agents are very influential in our lives and they shape us into the people we become.

  17. In the 5 agents of socialization via South Park, it describes in detail family, school, peers, groups and media. For most people, family is the most important of these agents. However, families are quite different depending on how they were raised, and what race, social class and position. As children we are taught skills, values and beliefs by our family. Not all things that are taught are intentional though. We are sometimes taught bad habits and beliefs that are not socially acceptable in the normal world. Children tend to follow the examples of their parents even if they are bad ones. At school students are influenced by teachers and fellow students. There are a lot of times where children are at school with their teachers more that with their parents at home. At school, children learn about differences between them and other children. They learn about race and class and gender and usually tend to form their own groups accordingly. The next social agent is the peer. We are often influenced by other people of similar ages and interests. This is also prevalent in the group setting. Groups of individuals tend to influence others both positively and negatively. These groups are sometimes job related as well. The media is the last agent discussed. Mass media is the means for delivering impersonal communications to a vast audience. This can be done via newspapers, radio, television, and internet just to name a few. The mass media is important because it does introduce different ideas and images that do reflect the larger society and the entire world. In the US, the mass media actually has a vast influence on attitudes and behaviors much like the South Park examples. We have seen this with rioting in recent times.-MommaJ789

    1. I like your mention about kids learning about other races, classes, and genders while forming their own groups; school is really an important place in shaping and socializing children. Their teachers and parents really do impact on who and how exactly these kids act to the people around them in school. When the teacher and parents show a negative example, the kids adopt similar manners to them. This reflects onto how they treat others; which influences others because of that Peer Agent of Socialization. If most kids are encouraged to act a certain negative way by teachers and their community, it’s likely that kids with positive influences are the minority in that school (in South Park).

  18. In this video of five agents of socialization, it gives you five agents which are family, school, peers, groups, and work. Each one of those has a negative and a positive side of how we socialize with others and our daily tasks. Family can have a big impact on you depending on how you grew up, if your parents smoked, used inappropriate terms around you, abused alcohol and drugs around you, there is a high risk that you might become that way when you are fully grown or in you teenage years or even adolescent years. Mean while, if your parents had a positive attitude and taught you to stay away from negative things and always do your best in life, you will be able to grow up to be a positive person. I kind of do agree that in real life many kids take after their parents, not all kids but many. School, we also get influenced by our teachers and our fellow students. As the video say in some instance, we are with our teachers more than our own parents. Most teachers have a positive influence but some may not like in the video when a teacher one of his students a retard that was a negative influence, it will make the student think less about themselves. Also peers have a huge influence in our lives; most of this influence is in a negative way. Peer pressure is common in peers, for example Eric was peer pressured to fight. Trying to fit in can have a major negative influence on us because you are trying to be someone you are not just to have someone like you. Groups also have influence on us whether it social or job related. In South Park, Cartman abused his power when he was placed in a group of authority which is a negative influence. Lastly media, it affects us daily, tells us how to act, what to wear, what to say. Everyone is affected by media whether you believe or not. We should not let media or our peers define who we are or what we should wear, how we should act. Have a positive influence in your like. Furthermore, Even though South Park it is not a great show, it is a good example for the five agents of socialization. Family is the top agent of socialization. Some people may not want to hear this but there is a big chance that we end up like our parents. For some people, it may not be good, maybe their parents lead a bad life but there is always a chance of you changing that. We are influenced by our family. examples can be maybe we did not try academically in high school because our parents never cared when they were in school so we feel the need to not care because “why not, my parents don’t care why should i?” Just like in South Park and the children used foul language, because it was normal to hear people in their family using the same language so they think it I okay. Next agent they introduced was school and for me this was more having to do with the teachers. There are some teachers that will pour everything they have to teach children and you have those teachers that could care less whether you passed their class or not. In the video, you see that teacher that is showing the children not to cuss and is helping them with a song about how it is bad and it shows that some teachers do care for their students. Teachers are looked up to by their students especially by their younger children they love their teachers so it’s very important that teacher help build their students. Next agent was peers and I think this one is a very important one. Your peers influence you every day. They may influence you in a a positive way but it can also be a negative way. A bad way groups can influence you is through peer pressure we see it often, children getting influence by their friends by pressuring them to do bad things. Lastly, the agent we saw was groups. I think a great way to see this is to observe a high school lunch hour you’ll see the different groups of teens eating lunch you see they dress the same, and that may be because of the influence of the group they are in. in the video you see, one kids about to fight someone and they may not have done it with all the pressure of the groups around him.
    Ria789 &Vct789

  19. In South Park: 5 agents of socialization, the video uses South Park as an example. Family really does influence children into growing up as normalized or productive members of society – or rather, they teach their children to follow their example, for good or bad. In south park the parents are bad role models, which encourage the kids to do what they do in life: not care about the consequences of their actions. By giving their children a bad environment, they influence them to adapt into what the children see as normal and acceptable. School is another agent of socialization they convey in the video. It’s true that children spend a lot of time at school with their teachers, so the teacher is responsible for guiding them to grow up as respectable members as society, to put their knowledge to use for their goals and dreams while setting an example for others. In South Park, teachers there negatively influence the kids, calling them names and such. This shows the kids that name calling is acceptable in a school environment. Teachers positively influencing the kids try to guide to become better people. Peers is the next agent. We are influenced by the people around us because we seek their approval as social creatures. We instinctively want to fit in, which lets us be influenced easily. Peer pressure, as shown in South Park, negatively influences people to do things they’d rather not want to do, or encourages them to act rashly without thinking. Group mentality makes people feel as if they’re “in” and accepted into the group, sticking together against others or even another member against their group – whatever is the majority opinion is followed, to fit in. Groups, job or social wise, is another agent, along with media. Our surroundings and the people we’re with, along with the media, influences our actions, our clothes, and our beliefs.


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