Sociological Research and the Benefits....Now What?


  1. In this video, it simply gives us statistics over teen birth rates. It gives us a good idea on how much more responsibility we have achieved over the last few years. They noticed that the rates hit an all-time record low in the year of 2016. Comparing the two years of 2015 to 2016, there has been a nine percent decline for child births between the ages of 15 to 19 year olds. But that’s not all. From ages 20 to 24 in women, they noticed there was also a four percent decline in births as well. In the United States, the overall change in child births has dropped to one percent overall since 2015. In the year 2014, we had a dramatic increase, but since then, this is the second year in a row with the decline of rates. The reason behind all of this, we do not know. It would be hard to explain. A very possible reason could be because of how serious the United States is making education. They are trying to make it known to everyone that getting an education is very important for your future and to further your career. After having a child at a young age, it is extremely difficult to finish your education because that child is your responsibility now. Back in the 60’s was when everyone was getting along and it was a good decade for majority of people. The baby boomers were also partly in the 60’s. It ranged from 1946 to 1964. The 1960’s were known as the decade of change for women. Females could join the work force. The government approved the birth control pills. The reason I am bringing this up is because this is somehow related to what is going on in the recent years. Back then, women were able to further themselves and improve in so many ways which gave them more power than they had before. Now, it is more important to get a degree to have a successful career rather than just having a paying job. Nowadays we have a better idea of what the “American Dream” should be. It should (in this order) graduating college, finding a successful career, getting married to your individual and then having a kid. I think that might be why we are decreasing in birth rates now because we are focusing more on our future so we can provide for our children. But even if we do have kids before that then that’s never a mistake. It is important to follow through with your education to be able to care for the kids and to be a role model for them. Schmidt789

    1. The "American dream" is sought by American citizens as well as those who live in other countries. To them it may just be earning a higher wage and having an "actual roof" other there head. For actual Americans that means alot more, so in retrospect while the goal is the same, the meaning is slightly different. Nonetheless it isn't easy either way. Education is by far vital in acheiving such dream. The cost of living, working wages, and steady increase in college tuition hasn't quit found its balance here in society though. Which in turn causes role strain on parents who must work twice as much to help put there child through school with less time being spent in the household with smaller siblings possibly. As you said kids aren't a mistake no matter if they were planned or not, they are a gift all in itself. Everyone deserves a chance at the American dream, but what if you lack the resources to help keep you on track toward that dream?

    2. So I believe the "American dream" is the white picket fence, the house, the car, and the family. Right? I don't believe you have to go in a certain order to get to the "American Dream". I know a lot of women or people that did not go in the typical order and they are very successful and happy. I feel its more young women are being responsible with their sexual freedom. Contraceptives are being discussed with young teens. Women are more independent and educated. They aren't just house wifes that will bare as many children as the man wants to. Women have voices now. The "American Dream" is different to everyone. I think as long as you get to the same destination doesn't matter what route you take.- Gander789

    3. I agree with what you were saying about the decrease in birth rates possibly having something to do with us being more goal and future oriented for the sake of ourselves and our offspring. It makes sense and I did not necessarily think of this possibility. Not only do we have a better idea of the "American Dream", but with economy heading in the direction it is, it is getting more and more expensive just to live even a simple lifestyle. I think waiting to have children is a better option for the parents, the child, and society. Not only do the parents need to be financially stable, but they also need to be mentally prepared to raise that child to be the best person they can be.White789

    4. I found interesting all your comment. In my case, I was more focus about how important is the sociological research and how all the results of that research can benefit the society. I was reading, and trying to understand the meaning of the numbers and also the meaning of numbers in percent because numbers talk. I was asking myself what sociologists do with those numbers. The research is done; we have the results and now what? I do not think that sociologists spend time and money in a research that can take years just to show numbers. I think that sociology interprets those numerical results in order to figure out what kind of mechanism or programs can be designed and implement to solve the problem in question. In this case in particular, “teen birth rates in the U.S have declined”, the result could be use to design and implement some programs to provide a solution to reduce dramatically teen birth rates in the U.S. that’s the benefit of the sociological research.

    5. I found interesting all your comment. In my case, I was more focus about how important is the sociological research and how all the results of that research can benefit the society. I was reading, and trying to understand the meaning of the numbers and also the meaning of numbers in percent because numbers talk. I was asking myself what sociologists do with those numbers. The research is done; we have the results and now what? I do not think that sociologists spend time and money in a research that can take years just to show numbers. I think that sociology interprets those numerical results in order to figure out what kind of mechanism or programs can be designed and implement to solve the problem in question. In this case in particular, “teen birth rates in the U.S have declined”, the result could be use to design and implement some programs to provide a solution to reduce dramatically teen birth rates in the U.S. that’s the benefit of the sociological research.

  2. According to a research survey done on 8.3 million teenagers across the United States amongst all demographics ranging in age of 13-19 teen birth rates are on the decline and so is the total number of births last year, decreasing by one percent. The survey was completed over a 40 year span. Teenagers nowadays are doing less drinking, dating, and engaging in sexual intercourse, according to the article. It goes on to state that 18 year olds today are acting more like 15 year olds, which adversely henders independence as the teenager grow into adulthood. Even Freud suggested that developmental milestones are not completed in sequence at any given pace. It's no wonder the saying "act your age not your shoe size" resignant amongst even the younger generation. Would those who respond in such manner fall under the "growing up to fast" spectrum?

    The sexual revolution and prohibition era caused an increase in sexual behaviors as well as STD rates. Women became just as promiscuous as men during this time, feminism thrived and everyone begin exploring as the government prohibited the sell of alcohol, sex and drugs became widespread and mainstream. As a continnum drugs are still on the raise, with alot more variations from ecstasy, lean, and perocet being proper amongst teenagers/young adults. Add to that the fact that the sex industry is a billion dollar industry here in America and we still have the sex and drug combination as our predecessors did during the Sexual Revolution. Birth control may be the key in my opinion. In earlier decades birth control wasn't as widespread yet now there are more then just the traditional options of condoms, women have a choice to choose between an IUD or even an implanted device in the arm. Is this another power move from the guys at the top to control society? Any mother would probably agree that at some point during your post baby check-up you've been asked about birth control, right? Some schools are even offering health/sexual education classes as soon as 5th grade. Perhaps getting the message out more sooner than later is another great approach? The classes aren't mandatory of course but would be a great option for parents who aren't comfortable speaking on the topic. Puberty parties are happening, a new alternative to the "birds and the bees" chat it is very much like a birthday party with cake, candy, and goody bags included except party goers engage in conversation about puberty, changes that will happen with their bodies, and how to protect themselves with the ultimate goal being maintaining their virginity.

    Statistics from both inserts collectively suggest that as a society we are headed in a positive direction, perhaps even the right direction.

    1. I did not know there was a such thing as a puberty party! I even looked it up after reading your comment; how different? My parents left my sexual education to the school, so I never really got “the talk.” I think you are right, though. I am not sure that kids are having less sex, but are more protected with birth control and condoms. Literally, all of my girlfriends are on birth control and it is easy to get since it is free and you do not even need your parents’ approval if you go to Planned Parenthood. However, birth control has been around for a long time, so that doesn’t explain the recent decrease just in the last couple of years. I think there are other factors, such as the change in socialization due to technology, but I do agree that birth control has contributed. Catzfuhdays789

    2. You make a lot of good points, and your personal insight is very much appreciated. I’m not 100% with you, though. Be ready for an onslaught of personal opinions. As much as I agree that it’s best that youths be introduced to sexuality in a controlled manner, so they can make informed decisions, I think that it should be delayed as long as possible. I am a firm believer that youths will find out about something if they are curious enough, no matter how hard people try to hide it, and I believe that the personal pursuit of knowledge is important, as it builds identity and independence. But, I suppose, like anything to do with raising children, parents should always keep in mind that there is no sure path, and decisions should be made very carefully.

  3. This video discusses very briefly how pregnancies have declined from 2014 to 2015, and again still from 2015 to 2016. Time magazine reported that teen pregnancies hit a record low in 2016, but didn’t state exactly how many there were. Time stated that the pregnancies of 15 - 19 year olds declined 9% from 2015, and that the pregnancies of 20 - 24 year olds declined 4% from 2015. Time also stated that the total number of births in the United States dropped last year 1% from 2015. The video stated that the report did not state any reasons behind the decrease of teen births, but failed to mention anywhere in the video that all of this information actually came from a report done by the journal Child Development. I think this video could have been done a lot better with a few short interviews from experts in teen pregnancy studies or even better, interview the people who actually conducted the report. The reason could be that female teens see the opportunities that they won’t have as teen mothers and want more for themselves and for their babies. It could be that teens just aren’t in relationships and therefore don’t get pregnant. It could be that babies are being aborted. Or it could be a combination of these and others. Unless another report is done with research on the reasons why teen pregnancies are declining, the world may never know exactly why pregnancies are happening less since 2014. All I can say is that it’s a good thing that teen pregnancies are declining. NOT that females can’t provide for a child, but waiting until they’re older, more mature, and more financially stable will always be a good thing for the baby. - Thanos789

    1. I agree that the video could have been more descriptive with the content that was presented by Time, but the main purpose was to give just a general idea of what teen pregnancies look like today compared to a couple of years ago. I concur with the idea that young teen women today have opened their eyes a little more to the real world and want more for themselves and their children compared to the struggles of what a teen mother would have to go through. I also, believe that the increase in technology and the quality of sexual education has helped a large amount.

    2. I agree completely. None of us really know yet what the reason is behind the lower rates of child birth but it is a good thing. Not saying that kids are ever a mistake, but some people that are too young to have kids are possibly seeing better opportunities they have so later on in the future when they are able to have babies, they can support and care for them and for the whole family. Maybe in the future we will find out why the rates have declined.. Schmidt789

    3. I agree with you I don't think it was a very convincing video. I would want to know more information about this report or study to make sure the information is accurate. I agree with you, that young women today are seeing that having a baby at a young age isn't a wise choice. Being a young mother is going to be much for difficult then only being responsible for yourself. And as a young mother you run the risk that the father will not be in the picture. Good point regarding abortion, I never really thought about that. Probably is playing a part in the reduction. Also a lot of young people are participating in oral sex, which could be reducing pregnancy numbers as well.


  4. Sex had become more and more common in the 1960’s to the 1980’s due the Sexual Revolution. Women were able to become more open and in control of their bodies due to this revolution, in turn made them feel more independent. With all the new founded freedom and openness about women’s bodies and their lives finally became a reality, it also came with consequences. As more women started to explore their freedom, then came the spread of sexual transmitted diseases and the fall of sexual responsibility, that is how the Sexual Counterrevolution came about. Women had been constantly told what to do with their bodies and what was appropriate or right, when this revolution came about women had to test out this new sexual independence. As more and more women became infected with sexually transmitted diseases, the number of women who became pregnant out of wedlock significantly increased as well, until technology finally caught up with the speed of society. Soon vaccines were created to help prevent the spread of these illnesses, a form of birth control was made, and contraceptives came about to help the population become safer in their sex lives. Presently, there are still cases of these certain illnesses because some people cannot afford the vaccination or has no way to access the proper education for practices of safe sex and or being able to access the types of birth control. Not all practices are 100% affective, even if a woman is on birth control or takes all the right cautionary steps, she can still become pregnant or infected. The number of births rose and that increase stayed that way for a long period of time, but finally in the year 2016 it reached an all-time low. Also, the rate at which women from ages fifteen to nineteen years old became pregnant, decrease by 9% in comparison to the year 2015. Similarly, the rate for woman aged from twenty to twenty-four also dropped by 4%. Surprisingly, this happens to be the second year in a row to show the number of births have declined after the year 2014. Overall, the United States birth rate had decease by 1% last year. This change in statistics over the past few years, shows how young adults have learned to be more responsible in their sexual freedom and are receiving proper sexual protection and education.

    1. I agreed that now day, the sexuality education for teen had make the pregnancy rate drop in 2014 and again in 2016. Since teen know the consequence of having sex and the transmit of disease, they act smarter. I also agreed that the development of technology and medication contributed to make us safe and women have more control over their body. The decrease is good but we also must look at it in global perspective. How the teen pregnancy rate compares to other country? For example: the pregnancy rate in United State had drop but still higher than other country can tell us that the drop was not significant enough and we need to try harder.

  5. I feel into today's society people are becoming more prepared. They are getting their education first and family later and women are having children later in life (Janet Jackson). Also I feel like teen mom isn't as big of a hit as it use to be when it first aired. Now teens realize its not always what it seems to be a teenage mother. Reality television is always dramatized because," sadly that's what sales!" People today are demanding raises its harder to get a job or pay bills. You are needing more education and people are realizing that. Between 2000 and 2015, the 18 to 24 old population rose about 4.5 million most of that being the last 5 years. Sex is a pretty open topic and moms are more open to talking about contraception for their daughters. There are so many different contraception's in today's society. This also has brought down the teen pregnancy rate. Since not only did teen pregnancy drop the last 2 years, so did women ages 20 to 24 birth rates by 4 percent. I think that's what made the birth rate in the U.S. drop 1 percent which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If people are waiting til there ready to have children they most likely won't need welfare and extra help for that child. A young or teen mother most likely will. Statistics really just show that young adults are just being more responsible with sexual relations and having children when appropriate. In the last decade it is more common to have kids in your late 20's and early 30's maybe even 40's. -Gander789

  6. The title of this video is 'Teens today are having sex, Dating and drinking less than they used to'. One quick point I would like to make about this video is that it did not mention anything about sex, dating, or even drinking. While sex is an assumed factor, the entire video was about birth rates in teens and young adults, and how those rates have decreased since the spontaneous jump in numbers in 2014. I feel like that brief increase changed our society ever so slightly. Today, in the year 2017, sex and childbirth are so much more widely accepted than they used to be. I remember being a young child and hearing about a girl at the local high school in the town I lived in who got pregnant and it was a huge deal. To be exact with those decreasing numbers though, childbirth in women ages twenty to twenty-four had a decrease of about four percent, while women ages fifteen to nineteen had a decrease of about nine percent. The question is though, why did the numbers drop? They never mentioned a reason why but I am curious. I can imagine that being a teen mom or even being a mother as a young adult is probably extremely stressful. My hypothesis on the situation is that maybe these girls who were a couple years younger than them saw the way these young ladies struggled with that lifestyle and chose to wait. I personally do not have any kids and do not plan to for quite a while. Another reason that came to mind is an increase in pushing people to go to school. Maybe teens and young adults are choosing not to have children so they can focus on their education and even further it. With our economy in the current state that it is in, it would definitely be beneficial to get some secondary education and use that knowledge to get better paying and more stable jobs. I would also like to add that this finding may not hold for the year of 2017. I say this because it seems like a lot of women around my age are either expecting or already have at least one child. I truly respect women who manage to balance a child along with their everyday life, because I know from experience just how hard life can be by itself.White789

    1. I also agree with a lot of what you had to say. I think that people are being pushed towards an education more and more with the state of the economy. I think that as a society we are seeing a shift towards a less strict thinking that sex before marriage is the ultimate sin. The people who are adults now grew up in a time of sexual freedom and revolution. They are being realists and understand that more likely than not their kids will be having sex earlier than marriage years. And I think that understanding and compassion from parents leads to kids being smarter about having sex using contraceptives. I also think that increased access to contraceptives is playing a huge factor in this. I would also like to see the numbers of people who have chosen to remain abstinent. I've heard of several movements recently that have gained serious traction in the teen age brackets. pmed789

  7. United State today, children are more protected by their parents and so less independent than those in the past. This cause some negative side but also some positive side. Since children are more depend on their parents, they are less likely to go out to do the adult things. As the same time, children received higher education and aware of the consequence of having sex. Almost every high school or even middle school taught student knowledge about this matter early. I remember in my first year of high school, I was shock when the teacher stared to talk about dating violence, sexually abuse, STDs, pills, and condom in health class. I realized that in United State, they are put teenage pregnancy problem up very important. And I think this is the main reason cause the teenage pregnancy rate to drop in 2016. Although our culture recently makes us more and more accepted the concept about sexuality compare to the pass, it also limited out attitude toward sex. In 1900s, people believe in love liberty. Their attitude is more open about sex thus the birthrate also increases fast. Today laws, policies, education, disease, media all help to limited sexually activities thus birthrate drop. Laws limited family population, and education make people smarter to make choice. But on other perspective, birthrate drop doesn't mean sexual actives drop. With the help of today technology and medication development, women can prevent to have baby easier. For example, birth control pills and condoms is there at the local store and abortions are legally at some states. Besides, today we not only have heterosexuality but also have homosexuality. Same gender sex can't have the baby thus not affected birthrate except some specific case. These developments also affected other serious problems like rape, pornography, and prostitution. Men rape can harder be report than women and not all the rape be report. With the develop of technology and internet, pornography and prostitution are widely spread. Children can easily access to these and be affected on behavior and mental. This is the bad side and horrible power of media. I think the reason why birthrate in United State is higher than other country because of America openly attitude toward this problem and the improve in status of women in 20th century. The Asia parents will hit me and lock me up if I am having sex at age 16 while the America parents will happy and let the couple married. Women can make choice about abortion. But it also contradicts when in African, the status of women is very low with the high birthrate. So many factors can have affected the birthrate. But to see the teenage pregnancy rate drop is a good sign for United State. Zero789

  8. The video shown gives many (surprising, in my opinion) statistics about slower development. Teen birth rates hit a record low, and teens are less likely to drink alcohol or do drugs, have sex, go out without their parents, drive a car or work a job. In the study, results showed that 18 year olds acted more like 15 year olds and this was mirrored in other demographics as well. What the study did not explain, however, was why.
    Looking through history, in the 1960s the Sexual Revolution, sex became more accepted. Women were having sex as much as men, people were more promiscuous, and in turn, more babies were born. After the Revolution came the “counterrevolution,” though. People returned to their family values and sexual responsibilities and limited their number of sexual partners. If you take a sociological look (called the sociological perspective), you see similar patterns today. In 2014 and before, the total birth rate increased, seeming to suggest a rise in the amount of sex people were having, including teens. In my class in school alone, I had around 6 classmates having children before they went to college, and I went to a small school. Even now, at 22, I am among the few yet to have a child. Overall though, since 2014, numbers have decreased, similar to a scaled-down version of the counterrevolution. In history, when there is a rise of something, there is also a respective fall.
    There are a couple other things to consider as well to explain the slower development. First is the idea of life-history theory. The basis of this theory, according to Time magazine, states that development will be slower when families are smaller (as they are today), people live longer (as they do today), and children are safe and healthy and education takes longer to complete (as it does today).
    Another thing to consider, is the rise of smart phones, internet access and social media. Technology like this allows socialization to occur without the child leaving the home. In turn, there are less opportunities to engage in adult and/or delinquent activities. Catzfuhdays789

  9. As far as today’s society goes, there are innumerable factors that influence youths. The most commonly acknowledged factor for changes in folkways and socialization, and rising deviant behavior is technology, specifically, the internet. While many of us think of the internet as the place beneath the Google logo, it is a lot vaster, and more inclusive than that; the internet is a source of communication with near-endless groups of all sizes, and a means of exposure to different cultures.
    When people gain perspective of the world, they have a tendency to look inwards. At the same time, the control provided by the internet can be dangerous; if I don’t agree with someone, I can just block all communication from them. This can generate massive quantities of groupthink, as people sit in their echo-chambers. While many, exposed to the negativity bred by anonymity, are socialized to ‘grow up’ mentally beyond their years, others simply curl up in a small corner of the internet, and are only socialized by those who agree with them. My theory is that the rapid decline of so-called ‘adult’ activities is half due to both of these scenarios.
    Those teenagers who ‘grow up’ through exposure to the internet are often mentally strong, maintaining a combination of self-awareness and deviance. What, then, is better for them than a situation that involves self-control and deviance from trends? They likely seek to not fall into the same pit-falls as their peers, or the previous generations, and this desire may be expressed through their actions. If teen pregnancy is given status as a trend, then these types of youths seek to be beyond it.
    On the other hand, the echo-chamber group matures slowly due to the controlled nature of their socialization. They seek people who support their current beliefs, so the ‘hard truths’ of life reach their ears late, if at all. Opinions, well thought out or not, are gauged on their conformity to a subcultural sense of cultural relativism, and are deleted, blocked, or ignored otherwise, assuming that anyone outside of the group would touch it with a ten foot pole. This ‘narrow’ socialization can be a factor in their late adoption of ‘adult’ behaviors.
    However, the deviance against long-standing trends of drinking, dating, and teen pregnancy, is not likely something that can be easily explained. It could be as simple as social media reducing face-to-face socialization, or something as complex as a web of internet subcultures.


    1. Your theory that people mimic society and reality on the cold planes of the internet is really fascinating to me. A split group of teenagers, one rebelling against the past, and the other completely shutting out the present, makes me truly wonder what you see in their future. I think a lot of people, not just people on the internet, nor just teenagers, have a tendency to find like-minded folks, link up, and then shut out everyone else in the near vicinity. You accredit a lot to the internet, and I agree. For teenagers, life is half reality, half binary, and if I ever met one that didn't spend at least an hour at the keyboard I'd be shocked. But I do disagree with the two tropes. The rebels and the cultists, one all grown up and one locked away in their tower of 'I'm right, I'm always right!'. The truth is, you're not completely wrong. Some people are every much like that. But the majority, I think, control the internet the way they control the world. We each make our own realities, and as such, we each have our own distinct digital profiles. It'll always be a personalized mix of opinions and activities and pages. Teenagers are just that. Teenagers. Some are going to lash out against the norms of the current cultural climate, and others are going to cling to what they know.


  10. The video show teen pregnancy have reached recorded low for the U.S. the video show that people that did the researched for teen pregnancy that show the decrease in that field to show that all the programed out there is helping the number to decrease and to show that number are very powerful when persuading that it decreases. That number shows what is can be truth in that topic an bring more truth that the topic and makes a differences in that topic. The video show that researching that can help other by using the art of persuasive that the information can work . information is very powerful just like using numbers. That because the information and numbers are powerful both mentally and an act as persuasion device. That the people can see the video , since the video have researched information then people will do something about something involving the teen pregnancy rates in the untied states. to further decrease the teen pregnancy for the untied states . that if you use research information and the number in a video on a way to prevent teen pregnancy in the untied states . like say in the video it drop by one percent in the united states then it went down by a lot in 2015 than in 2014 since it went up in 2014 and then it down a lot in 2015. By using research information can werther the decrease the number in teen pregnancy. The video shows how powerful in the research information as a persive device. That can decreasing the number of teen pregnancy by the video and the research show how efftive it is working definitely from a sociology point of view and research. That research is one communication that highly believed in getting the message across the point. By showing the numbers in the video can be act as persuasive in the decreasing the teen pregnancy rate in the united states. The video tells the person who watching the video show the what people doing right now is helping to decreasing the teen pregnancy rates in the united states. And that the factors that help influence teen pregnancy rates has been decreasing due to using the researched information as an persuasion device to further decreasing the number in teen pregnancy. When the research information use efftively that can make a difference by that the act of persuasion.gamer789

  11. The video was rather short and didn’t provide any background or reasoning as to why the birth rate for teens and young adults has dropped. Personally I think there are a couple of reasons behind why this is happening. First off, I think that education is becoming more effective. Not just in schools but in the home. In my opinion, adults who are parents to teenage kids in this generation, grew up in the age where everyone was having sex and they realize that more than likely their kids will end up having sex before they graduate high school. They are being realistic about this and talking openly with their children. I think that those parents are making a more comfortable environment to talk about sex and provide guidance in the event that it does happen. I think that those same parents are telling their kids to be smart about it and IF IT DOES HAPPEN, use contraceptives. I also think that the increased use of birth control for teenage girls is on the rise and that will also help with these numbers. The increasingly easy access to prophylactics such as condoms and the Plan B pill will also help decrease teen pregnancy. The sex education programs in schools have made huge advances in effectiveness just in the 15 years since I’ve been in high school. We also see the stigma about having sex before marriage being a terrible tragedy going away. I also think that a lot of kids are becoming better educated all around and realize that raising a kid while still young is very hard to do. I believe the economy also has an impact on this. Kids are very, very expensive and kids are just a never ending burden on finances. We also see the popularity of the teen mom shows on TV. They see firsthand the hardships that having a child before you are prepared is causing people and it is pushing them to be smarter about having sex before they are truly prepared. As for the drop in 20-24 year olds, I think we can also attribute it to the increased use of birth control and better education. Also, more people are going to school and want to make sure they graduate and get a good job. A pregnancy can ruin those plans and set people back financially. We’re seeing people getting married later in life and having kids later and I believe that is due to the “work hard early” culture that is becoming more and more prevalent. pmed789

    1. I also believe that education is becoming more effective, I think schools are taking it more seriously and spending more time talking about it. I also agree that it is becoming effective in the home as well because parents seem to be more open about it and are not just telling their kids it is bad and not to do it. I think people wanting to go to school and have a good job is also part of the reason, because having a kid can set those plans back due to you having to put your child before everything else. EPIC789

  12. The video shows some statistics that say how teen birth rates in the U.S have declined. Well, may sound like good news saying that the rate among fifteen and nineteen years old declined by 9% or the birth rate for women between twenty and twenty-four years old dropped by 4% or the total number of births in America decreased 1%. I think those are good news, but I think that still 9%, 4%, and 1% are small numbers. If the survey used a sample of 8.3 million teenagers and the result is represented with those small numbers, that means that the birth rate in each case is still high regardless if the today’s kids are not growing up too fast or they’re growing up slower than they used to or they are not engaging in adult activities like drinking alcohol, dating, having sex, going out without their parents, driving a car or having a job or if smart phones and Internet access has played a role in accelerating those patterns. The research reveals some good changes in the behavior of teens, but following the results in numbers tell me that the issue is still there in high percent.

    Through this video, I can see that sociological research has the benefit to make us understand how sociology helps us to understand society’s patterns, how society really works using a research method to collect and analyze observations about the world and reflect those patterns in numbers, in percents. The survey shows good changes of the teenager behavior patterns through numbers and percents but now what? After all, what we do with all those numbers? Of what I have learned so far I think that sociology is a social science that gathers or collect data, and then process that data to get valuable information as a result and then use those results to suggest the creation of some programs that can help to solve problems to help to construct a much better society. I think that this research was developed to explain the behavior of the sexuality in teenager and then design and implement some programs to provide a solution to reduce dramatically teen birth rates in the U.S.

  13. 'The teen birth rate is lower than ever'! Makes for a triumphant headline. Seeing that in a newspaper, in the pages of a magazine, would make anyone feel better. A mother, a teenager, the father of a teenage daughter. Numbers and statistics are bandied about in the video, and I think numbers and statistics are very important-but rarely on their own, in regards to sociology. It is only when the article comes into play that this gets interesting. Why are teenage births declining in the first place? Is it because, as the title implies, 'Teens Today are Having Sex, Dating, and Drinking Less Than They Used To'? And if so, why are they doing that? Jean Twenge actually cites technology as a main source of connection for these teens, saying that having smartphones and internet access means that they can talk to each other without having to congregate outside the home. In class, there's been so much discussion on whether or not technology drives us further away from each other, or brings us closer, and perhaps it's simply a matter of timing. For teenagers and pre-teens, who don't have the ability to simply drive over to a friend's house, and don't live in an 80's movie where everyone is on the same street and it's as simple as trotting down the sidewalk, sometimes when you need that human connection, it's this wonderful, beautiful thing to be able to grab your phone and type in an 'I need you'. Instead of just running out the door and doing something much more self destructive. Another thing that Twenge didn't bring up, but I want to, because I never give up a chance to get up on my soapbox, is sexual education. In Sweden, and most of the Netherlands, sex ed is compulsory, rather than something that parents have to sign a permission slip for. It starts young, sometimes even in primary school (though sex is rarely mentioned explicitly to very young children) and focuses on healthy sexual choices for young people. Their birth control rate is five times lower than that of the U.S. Our sexual education in the United states is not only hard to come by, but also nearly always focused entirely on heterosexual sex. We end up learning from the internet and from each other, and let's face it. Those sources are sometimes biased and dramatic and rarely full of empirical, objective data for young people to study. Part of education is access to what we've learned about. Planned Parenthood has been taking a lot of heat lately, but it has been a hub of information and of tools for contraception and control for anyone with a uterus for a long time, and for a lot of high school kids it's better than praying that wikipedia has the right answer, or accruing hundreds in debt from a gynecologists bill. We need education and we need the means to protect ourselves if we want to keep the birth rate low. Connection to each other is only the half of it.


    1. I didn't think about the fact that technology may have a positive effect on these teen birth rates going down. Unfortunately, I believe that technology is responsible for an increase in pornographic photos being exchanged between teens. So, are they just sending pictures and there is a decrease in the actually act of sexual intercourse between teens? MommaJ789

  14. This was an extremely quick statistical overview of teen birth rates. I was expecting more on why these numbers have dropped. Is it because birth control is more readily available? Is it that in some areas the government is providing sex education more and of better quality? Or is it due to religious reasons that young adults are trying to take better care of their bodies in preparation for their future? There are many reasons of possibilities. I know that the option of sex education is not available in the Catholic school system. They teach some form of respecting your bodies and teach the importance of marriage and keeping the covenant between two people that are married. This isn't the case, however, in the public schools around. I am curious what the differences really are because my children go to Catholic schools. Are these numbers dropping for the right reasons? And what are the right reasons? This is different for different cultures and people of different sociological perspectives. I really hope that, at least for some, that the reason is that parental involvement in these decisions and topics is greater than it has been in the past.

    When I was in high school, 25 years ago, this wasn’t really discussed either. They weren’t handing out pamphlets and birth control or condoms. They only briefly spoke of child birth and sexually transmitted diseases in health class which was only a 6 week course. At this time they started cutting funds for these types of classes and home economics, etc. You learn about how hard it was to take care of a child and what it all entailed. So, I am curious about what the reasoning is behind the drop in these numbers. I hope and pray that it is because our children are more educated and not using birth control methods for the wrong reasons.

  15. Although the video was short, I believe it had a lot of meaning. It talked about how the teen birth rates in the United States are at an all-time low. The video did not give a reason as to why the birth rates are at the lowest but with a little outside research I found out that some reasons as to why would be access to contraceptives and use of them. I feel like it is way easier for someone to get birth control now than it ever has before. This is so true because when my oldest sister was growing up it was uncommon if you were on the pill and people would look down on you when now it’s almost uncommon if a woman is not on the pill. Another thing that I think is making numbers fall is how easy it is for people to go and get the morning after pill, all they have to do is go to their local Walmart and buy it, no questions asked. I also feel like it is dropping because people are becoming more educated on it and parents are more open to talking with their kids. Also in school, they are talking about it a lot more, they are not just quickly brushing over the topic anymore they are making sure everyone knows how serious it can be. Although I have watched them I think that the television shows with the teen moms on them are ridiculous because it truly does not show you what it is like to be a teen mom. I watched my sister become a mom at eighteen and what they show on there is nothing compared to what I actually saw my sister go through. She did not just get to drop the baby of at my parents’ house whenever she felt like it, she had to go through long nights of staying up late studying and taking care of the baby. Those shows just try and make being a teen mom look cool and easy when it is nothing like that at all. EPIC789

  16. Sociological Research and the Benefits...Now what?
    I found the article to be brief but full of alot of useful information. This video is full of statics based on teenage pregnancy. In 2016 the United Stated hit a record low in teen birth rates. Teenagers age 15-19 declined by 9% compared to 2015. However it didn't say what the percentage was in 2015. Women aged 20-24 also dropped by 4%. Within the last year in the United State the total number of births has dropped by 1%. This is the second year in a row that the number of births have declined following an increase in 2014. This report did not discuss the reasons for teenage birth rates to drop. I think that women are more empowered then we have ever been before. We are interested in being successful and stable prior to starting a family. Women are choosing to wait until they are in the late 30's or early 40's to have children. I think this change comes from school programs educating teenagers that they have a chance to do things differently. I think family can play a huge role in encouraging the teenager to repeat the same family pattern of having children young. A quick story that relates to this topic. When I was in fifth grade we were in the restroom after lunch and a classmates started screaming in pain. It turns out that this classmate was pregnant and didn't know it. She was a larger girl so no one knew she was pregnant. We thought she was dying we didn't know what was wrong. Very scary at eleven years old I would think that most of us were not thinking about sex.

  17. Teen pregnancy has been a hot topic for years .Its has actually dropped 4 percent in the last year.Most people will assume that its hasn't dropped or increased of course without doing any research they will assume that. Its so many factors that go into teen pregnancy its crazy. You have peer pressure which to me,is the most influential. Then you have income , the school you go to , home life ,all those things you definitely have to factor in when discussing teen pregnancy.Me personally i witnessed it in middle school. It was common place to see girls 13 14 years old pregnant at school. But i have friends that told me they were appalled when they saw it high school. But that goes back to WHAT kind of school you went to,WHAT kind of life you have and how a student lets peer pressure influence they're decision making. It was really never any guys in the same grade level as he girls .it was always older guys in high school or college got these girls pregnant. I could blame it on the lack of fathers in households in especially the African-american community so they tend to cling to older men to fill the void of the father being absent. Those girls that became pregnant would often disappear when it was close for them to have the baby, and wouldn't even graduate with the class they came in with. That often set them back in they're peer group and make them feel like they aren't part of they're friends. Most of the time if you haven't been in a school where that is a regular occurrence you wont understand. This can also create rifts with the family dynamic as well. Parents will either embrace the child or cast them to the side as a failure and don't help them at all.That can have dramatizing affects and set a teenager back in life and force them into society before they are ready.I think the reason the birth rate for women between the ages of 20-24 because they are focusing on getting an education and putting more value on they're bodies and making better decisions in fear of a baby messing all they're goals up they have set for themselves. Many have friends that didn't make smart decision and got pregnant anyway. Those women can definitely STILL be successful in life and reach they're goals it will just take a little more focus and "want to". -collegekid789-

  18. Watching this video I also find myself learning something new. Teen birth rates in the U.S. hit a record low in 2016. The rate among 15-19 year olds declined by 9 percent compared to 2015. The birth rate for women aged 20-24 also dropped and by 4 percent. I find these rates interesting as I feel like there was a hit recently where everyone was having children rather they were ready or not. This information was helpful even though they did not explain the exact reasons for why the rates declined over time. I can only hope that the rates of women yet young women having children is because girls are realizing reality. We can only hope that education on child life is put out there and that family are educating their children as well. There's nothing wrong with having a child young but I know from family experiences like my mother that its definitely not easy either. She has continued to educate my sister and I that if you have sex you are risking pregnancy if were not using protection and being smart. I am reminded daily that even though she wants grandkids, that she can wait.

  19. I believe this video is all about perspective. These statistics may not seem like any big deal unless you use the sociological perspective. I think that society may make it seem like there is a huge teen pregnancy probe, due to TV and what they teach us in school form an early age. Teen pregnancy rates in the US are the lowerst they have ever been, and that doesn't surprise me when i take into account history. It was not uncommon to be married and pregnant before 20 years old not too long ago, and society has progressed a ton since this was a true norm. Not only in teens, the total number of births in the US has dropped by 1% this year. I'm not sure how important this statistic is, as the US seems to be in the middle of an exploding and imploding population. Nobody is really sure which side of the teeter-totter we lean on. Now, does this make teens less prepared for adulthood? I don't believe so. I think too many teens fall into the responsibility of having to take care of a child and end up failing because of their lack of preparedness. Less teens causing trouble and getting pregnant should give them insight on how to live a better, more whole adulthood. But, on the other hand I could see how this could cause humans to develop slower over time. If we aren't faced with hardships and "real life" scenarios early on, how will we progress? There is an apparent study that proves that children are maturing at a slower pace already. I think this strongly correlates to the age we live in. Children don't have to work as hard, communicate as much, or face much in general thanks to technology. Some may believe that technology would cause birth rates to spike due to it being an easier way to communicate but it actually prevents people from having face to face interaction. This has caused kids to drink less and have sex less. I think these numbers will continue to rise and fall for awhile, but I see a decline in birth rates long term due to humans not interacting as much in the future.

  20. It was interesting to me that teen birth rates are lower than they were before. In the media, it's usually displayed that teenagers are horn dogs when they hit puberty, and that they can't tell the consequences because of a lack of education and foresight. That in comparison to the past, people are way more “wild". Yet in America, most people are pushed to go to college… which is something hard to do if you are pregnant. If you don't have a college degree, you won't make it out there is the sentiment. We are socialized to do everything at once- have a social life, work, study, and get that happy, secure ending. An education is an important value today. And teen pregnancy isn't something caused by ignorance as much as before. With contraception and more sexual education, it's less likely for an unwanted pregnancy to occur. How though? Contraception and sexual education is playing a bigger role now than it seems. Even teenagers are accepting teen pregnancies as something that just happens by chance. Contraception is something teens have easy access to. Back then, with the sexual revolution, people were liberated sexually like never before. Like rabbits in the mood, they spread STDs and children. So when you look at it like that, sexual activity today in teens are more controlled, but it’s just shown in media that they really can’t think without their hormones getting in the way. With the abortion debate as well, teen pregnancies are happening less frequently. This is influenced by our peers and family and media. Most teens know what sex is, and usually want to experience it when they figure out that it’s fun. Peer pressure and conformity encourage sexual relations, which you can see in kids even as young as 11. More kids find out about sex quicker than their parents or school can tell them. The media laughs at virginity, yet glorifies it at the same time, and our families ban sex, which makes it all the more tempting for kids exploring their sexuality. But with teen pregnancy mentioned in social media and movies, it seems natural that teenagers are better at detecting these risks.

  21. I believe this video is all about perspective. These statistics may not seem like any big deal unless you use the sociological perspective. I think that society may make it seem like there is a huge teen pregnancy probe, due to TV and what they teach us in school form an early age. Teen pregnancy rates in the US are the lowerst they have ever been, and that doesn't surprise me when i take into account history. It was not uncommon to be married and pregnant before 20 years old not too long ago, and society has progressed a ton since this was a true norm. Not only in teens, the total number of births in the US has dropped by 1% this year. I'm not sure how important this statistic is, as the US seems to be in the middle of an exploding and imploding population. Nobody is really sure which side of the teeter-totter we lean on. Now, does this make teens less prepared for adulthood? I don't believe so. I think too many teens fall into the responsibility of having to take care of a child and end up failing because of their lack of preparedness. Less teens causing trouble and getting pregnant should give them insight on how to live a better, more whole adulthood. But, on the other hand I could see how this could cause humans to develop slower over time. If we aren't faced with hardships and "real life" scenarios early on, how will we progress? There is an apparent study that proves that children are maturing at a slower pace already. I think this strongly correlates to the age we live in. Children don't have to work as hard, communicate as much, or face much in general thanks to technology. Some may believe that technology would cause birth rates to spike due to it being an easier way to communicate but it actually prevents people from having face to face interaction. This has caused kids to drink less and have sex less. I think these numbers will continue to rise and fall for awhile, but I see a decline in birth rates long term due to humans not interacting as much in the future.


    1. I think it is something more than just prespective I think it more about the awareness of success and to know what are those tipy of behaviors that lead to a non-succesful life and carrier. Nowadays technology has mimprived significantly and is making people more aware about what is good and convenient to make a better educated decision. Most kids want to be successful and want to be part of something big and significant to their lives. I have heard kids talking about becoming as successful as Tim cook was for Apple and Mark Zuckerberg was for Facebook. Kids are getting smarter every time and more aware of pros and cons. Koi789

  22. This video talks about the research and talks about teens having sex, dating and drinking less that they used or according to previous data about teen’s behavior and how those patterns are changing. The video mention that in the U.S. hit a record low during the year 2016. The rate of among teenagers 15 to 19 tears declined by 9% compared to 2015. The birth rate for women aged 20 to 24 years old also dropped by 4%. In the U.S., the total number of births declined by 1% overall last year. This is the second year in a row that the number of births has declined following an increase in 2014. The report did not discuss the reason behind the teenage birth rate drop.

    This was a really short video talking about the decreasing behavior rates among teenagers and young adults and how in the U.S. in general the birth rate in the U.S. has been more noticeable. I personally think that it has something to do with the fact that people nowadays are more centered about their success in their school to obtain a degree that will lead them to a better life for them and for their future families and have less time to behave the same way that previous generations used to. The other factor is that the cost of living is quite expensive creating more consciousness about not spending money or getting in to trouble that will cost them lots of money in the long run. Having kids a young age most of the times lead to not being able to continue their education and therefore the quality of life for them and their kids will not be the same. It could be that a new age of the electronic gadgets revolution among millennial generation only see the way to become successful and spend more time developing ideas and innovative creations in software and hardware such as app development and micro processing technology. Those individuals that have the potential to do great in their software development and hardware development carriers have better opportunities of getting a job for major companies such as apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook… etc. this times are time consuming and we don't have time to waste on fooling around like our parents did because the times have change and there is more and more competition for those trying to get in to the workforce. Koi789


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