Weiner's Prison Sentence and Sexting. Will the Label Stick?


  1. Part 1 Weiner Sentence: Anthony Weiner is a former congressman who was recently sentenced to twenty-one months in prison for exchanging explicit messages with a teenage girl. The prosecutors stated that he knew that the girl was underage and still asked the teen girl to engage in explicit conduct. However, the defense attorneys tried to make the argument for a penalty that did not include jail time. They stated that the former congressman was a man who had an addiction problem and asserted that the teen had reached out to him in hopes of generating material for a book deal. I found it rather shocking while reading this article that the teen was paid a total of forty thousand dollars by the Daily Mail for her story and for her appearance on Inside Edition. What was even more eye opening to me was that the teen admitted that one of her goals was to have an effect of the outcome of the presidential election. I completely agree with US District Judge Denise L. Cote statement that “ This is a serious crime that deserves serious punishment”. If it were just an average person who got busted for engaging in such acts with a minor, that person likely gets anywhere between six to as many as thirty years in prison. Anthony Weiner is not even going to sit in prison for two years. Devlin-Brown stated in this article that “Judge Cote reasoned that because of Anthony’s notoriety, a sentence of imprisonment could discourage others from following in his footsteps”. This is a perfect example of deterrence in action because if Anthony Weiner gets sent off to prison for his actions, anybody else who would think about committing that same criminal act would think twice because they know they would get the same punishment, if not a more severe one. However, because of his publicity and the amount of money he has, I would say that the label will not stick to him unfortunately, but also the criminal act that he committed is not one that just be easily forgotten. Gymlife123, WS123, Cavsfans123, NDIrish123

  2. Part 2 Weiner Sentence: Just to start off this is disgusting of how much of a lite sentence I think he got. He knew she was a minor and he knew what he was doing was wrong because he admitted to it. But for being a public figure and having money of course you know he's not going to get the time someone like me or you would get. Now society does view this act wrong and that many see him as this quote states “Anthony might once have been a punchline, but he is now — to many in this country — something far worse." Now do I think the label is going to stick or not? To be honest I really don't know publicly I believe the label will stick do to the type of crime and what exactly took place and how the media handled this incident. But personally I don't think that the label will stick this man has money and was in politics all his life and was hoping for a shot at mayor of New York City (which is now never going to happen). I think that there are many people out there that believe that he is innocent and that he should have never been charged and will back him through anything. But another reason I think the label won't stick personally is because he has this money and has had this title for so long now in his life he thinks that he is above everybody else and that he is the superiority. Do to this factor the label will be very hard to stick to him personally because he doesn't view himself as the deviant person that did that deviant act. Now if he does view himself as that deviant person that did the deviant act the label will stick but I think those chances are very slim with a man of this social status. Gymlife123, WS123, Cavsfans123, NDIrish123

    1. I completely agree with you that it wasn't right that just because he has money, he would get a lighter punishment than someone like me or you who don't have nearly as much money or authority. I'm sure that if it had been someone like us, we would have gotten 12 years in prison at least. Not just 21 months. But why was he the only one to have been punished? This girl was looked at like she was a victim just because she is fifteen years old. I'm sorry but I believe that a girl who is fifteen years old is fully capable of making her own decisions and can definitely tell the difference between wrong and wrong. If not, her parents are really to blame. She should have been sent to a juvenile detention center for misleading, and engaging illegally, with an adult. However, that is sadly not how this system works. Do I think the label will stick? Yes. Yes I do. He will forever be known for this act because not only was he famous to begin with but this kind of criminal mark always leaves lasting damage. His reputation has suffered as the report clearly said. He lost his ability to become the mayor of New York and possibly even put a dent into Hillarys campaign. In the future, this will be dirt on his name that no one would be able to clean off and people will always look at him differently. SomethingProfound123

    2. It’s interesting to see the different impact of labeling on people with certain backgrounds. I agree that his sentencing was too light for what a horrific thing he had done. Since he is a man with power and money he seemed to get off easy for something that should have been much longer. It was completely wrong of him to willing text a younger girl and even worse for him to be sending inappropriate content to her as well. The label on this man is going to stick with him because of the media and people will always remember him by this. However, I do not believe that this is going to affect him personally. The label will not stick on this man because he is going to try his best to divert the attention on him about this type of situation. Sunshine123

  3. Part 3 Weiner Sentence: Me personally I feel like they both need to take responsibility for what happen. It was the young lady fault. Although he should’ve known better to not to be texting her, he did. I personally do not think that 21 months was not enough because let that would have been an african american man he would have gotten more time. But, since he was white and had such a high stance in politics than his time was minimized. They should have let them talked to him before just throwing him in jail. Their decision was a hasty too fast. And the girl should have gotten in trouble just as well as Weiner. She knew what she was doing when she first talking to him. Now my question is how did the text messages get linked to social media? How did those pictures even get linked? I feel like the girl was “hot in the butt” and wanted him to get in trouble. When in doubt it could have been a setup in the first place. There is no way the pictures got leaked by accident. I think she was the one that leaked them thinking it would be sweet, and that it was cool. Now, that doesn’t give him the okay to attempt to talk to girls that are much younger than him either. Why did he even step out in his marriage to begin with? He messed up a happy home. And, at the end of the day girl had to have consented to it happening. Just from him having money, I think that after a few years he will won’t be in the social media anymore and everything will be unnoticed. Gymlife123, WS123, Cavsfans123, NDIrish123

    1. It’s crazy to me that a man like him would get such a short sentence. You would think a man with power and money would be able to make wise decisions but clearly this man was out of line here. There could be many different outcomes to some man talking inappropriately to a young girl. The young girl should not have been talking with this man, however, the blame goes completely on him because he knew how old she was when he was talking to her. It is completely shameful to do what he did. He knew what he was doing was totally wrong and disgraceful yet he did it anyways. It amazes me that he did not think this could somehow get leaked into the world. Even if the girl did leak it, it still makes him a horrible person. Overall, the power that this man has got him the better end of the deal. Sunshine123

  4. This all reminds me of the discussion we had in class about Martha Stewart and how her label did not stick. This case is similar and drives me nuts. When someone has the money that Weiner (and Stewart) have, things like this generally do not stick for very long. The lawyers are better, judges may be a little more lenient, and people always come back to their previous fame and money. In this world, money means power and social control. Therefore, I do not think this label will stick, exactly like Martha Stewart's label didn't stick, even after she was convicted and sent to prison. gh_blackhawks123


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