Implicit Bias Test and My Thoughts?


  1. These tests are a good opportunity to gain some insight on how society has socialized certain implicit biases into people. I personally took: the “Weapons and Race” test, the “Gender-Career” test, and the “Age” test. I scored completely neutral in the Weapons and Race test, which tests association of weapons with white or black people, and I probably know why. I haven’t experienced much violence in my life, and most violence I ‘experience’ is in the form of fictional media (videogames, movies, and television); the media that I consume generally lacks this specific bias. On top of this, I have had many black friends in my life who were far from violent, explaining my deviance from the standard association of weapons with black people. To summarize, I was socialized by the agents of mass media and peers to associate weapons equally with white and black people. The second one that I took, “Gender-Career”, gave a result of moderate association of career with males and family with females. Honestly, this result annoys me a little, but I can get where my bias stems from. Despite the fact that both my parents work, my dad is the classic ‘workaholic’ (much to my dismay), constantly looking for work to do, and somewhat distant, while my mother is more passionate, while being disconnected from work, especially at home. My mother is also extremely tightly woven with her family, while my father is pretty distant from his. It doesn’t take much effort to pin down why my bias exists. In this case, socialization by the agent of family was key. The third test I took, “Age”, came up with a result of strong preference of young people over old people. Out of all these tests, this result confounds me the most. I suppose I should accept the result for now, interestingly enough however, I’m pretty sure that this result is the opposite of one that I could’ve gotten less than a decade ago. I used to greatly prefer the company of people older than me; it’s possible that the factors present in my schooling and my personal life gradually altered this. I enjoyed socializing with adults because of my relative maturity for my age; however, as I aged, my maturity was no longer deviant, but expected, gradually eating away my achieved status as an adult-like child, and giving me more exposure to peers through the ascribed status of a young adult. The resulting conflict was likely a case of role exit, as roles previously held were disappearing with their associated status. All-in-all though, I’m pretty grateful for the opportunity for self-reflection that these tests provide.

    1. These tests can help and inform the rest of the world that we are all not perfect and that we all need to see that we are not perfect. I also took the weapons test although I scored a slight association with whites and harmless and blacks and weapons. I to live in a community where there is never really any fights or shootings and the police never arrest a lot of people. The only thing that I get to see any violence in is movies or certain types of video games.

    2. I also took the Weapon and gender career test. My results for the weapons were that I also moderate that the black Americans associated with weapons and white Americans is associated harmless objects. I disagree with that I think it should be quite equal but than if you think about the mass shootings the white Americans is associated more. But I do agree with you coming from the criminal justice point of view people who uses weapons shouldn't have a race on it.Savage456

    3. I agree with what Illini said. I think that this test does prove to us that as people we are not perfect. We are all different and we are all going to react different to people and scenarios. I had the same results for the weapon one as I live in a place with low violence other than any that is fictional.

  2. While the tests can be informative and help us understand why we feel the way we feel a little bit better, I believe it also helps us connect the dots as you just did. Allowing one to put things into perspective with a better understanding of it all! Self-reflection is a great word choice here, and it’s definitely necessary in order to grow no matter your age, gender, race, or religious preference. Your post was a good read.

  3. For my first test I took the sexuality test and I got the results saying that I moderately prefer straight people over gay people which personally is not really a shock I just didn’t think I would have a super high preference for straight people when I personally thought I was in between with this topic. I guess throughout the years my thoughts must have changed and made me not so for gay people. The second test I took was for whether I preferred older people or younger and personally before I took this I had a neutral feeling about this topic as well but my results said that I had a slight automatic preference for old people over young people which just shocked me because like I said I thought I was neutral but I guess it was the fact I said that you aren’t really an adult till you are 21 that had a huge effect on the results but now after taking this test I do realize I tend to surround myself with my age group or people that are older than me because it seems younger people annoy me. The third test I chose to do was the race test and before this one like the others I thought I would be more neutral on it but it seems that my results say I have a more moderate automatic preference for European Americans over African Americans. Which I guess makes sense because I have more white friends then black friends but I figured it would be more in the middle because I don’t truly hate either race nor discriminate. I make fun of both races because there is always something funny to say but I think the reason I got this result is because I don’t really surround myself with many people of other races but my own just because I tend to get along better with the same race as me than others.

    1. Yes when I took the older people versus younger people I had gotten a moderate association with younger people which shocked me because I spend a lot of time with all age groups and I thought I would have been neutral on the topic as well. I also prefer to hang out with people my own age because I think at this age we get the image that if we are with older people too much and someone may see us, then we may not feel as cool and they may not want to hang out with us anymore.

    2. I also took the sexuality test, and my results came that I strongly preferred Straight people over gay people, which I was shocked with my results as well. Like I said in my post I never would have thought of being biased for either one. In my opinion or at least I thought before I took this test anyways, I didn't care what someone's sexuality is, and it doesn't change the person in my eyes. I didn't think I would get those results at all, completely shocking. After reading your other tests you did, makes me want to take the these ones, especially the age one because like you said I tend to put myself people my age or older so I would be curious to see what my results would turn out to be. I didn't take the race one just because I don't care what race someone is but now I would also be curious to see what my results would be with this one too. FoxRacing456

    3. I think for the most part the test knows how to judge people's implicit biases. It is pretty much a hit or miss because I felt like for some of mine it was right on. Then some of the others I completely disagreed with because I know for a fact if an implicit bias is true because I'd have some sort of knowledge of it. Even though I agree with some aspects of the testing, I just simply don't think these sorts of testings can determine someone's implicit biases. I just think it's an close estimate but it can not really determine it because if it could. It would do the same results every time. Because I took the skin tone test before and got different results, and then I honestly don't prefer light skinned or dark skinned. I could care less for either one. McBrightyalife456

    4. This test may help you learn certain stuff about yourself, and your beliefs and feelings for other people and stuff; but it may also be inaccurate. I have no idea how accurate this test is. But I didn't like some of my results, or were shocked as well. I struggled with answering some of the questions because I wanted to elaborate on why I was picking certain answers. I just don't know if this test is accurate. Rugby_456

    5. I agree. Just because of the results from this test, you can’t beat yourself up for this. It is not completely accurate. But it may help some people realize what they prefer over others. No matter what you get on the tests results, you can’t take it to heart. It does not mean you have to go by this for the rest of your life. I didn’t agree with my results. I was taught when I was younger to respect those who respect you in return. Schmidt789

    6. I believe these tests are way too broad with the way they ask questions therefore when you get results you kind of just have to brush it off because you are not allowed to say why you chose an answer but yes I also agree it helps some people realize what they do truly prefer. -swaggyy456

    7. After taking these tests and getting the results i feel the preference for straight people over gay people can have an affect on being a game warden because what if this bias makes me feel differently towards gay people I encounter on the job. What if some how I am seen as a homophobic type person just because of a bias I personally didn't know I had. The second test I chose was the age test and I feel that the results I got will not personally affect my career because I will encounter mostly people that are older rather than younger so the bias won't have a major affect. The third test however will have a huge affect on my career. The results I got for the third test showed I had a preference for white people over black people. The reason this could have an affect on my career is I can encounter all kinds of races and this bias will make me feel different towards the other races. I personally as a game warden do not want to be perceived as a racist just because of a bias I didn't expect to have.

    8. After taking the gay and straight test, I was surprised by my results. Growing up within the church, and understanding the Truth of the Bible...some would assume I would be strongly against homosexuals, but after learning more about people you people aren't really that different from each other. Plus, no one can truly condemn someone for how there decide to be. Respecting ones differences and disagreeing in those differences should make people enemies, but rather friends, who understand each other. But it's just a test OMie23

  4. After looking through the test I decided to take the weapons, age and weight test on the implicit bias website. What I found was kind of shocking, but for the most part I thought my results were pretty accurate. For the weapons test and the association with whites and blacks I found that I have a slight association for the harmless objects with white americans and the actual weapons with black americans. This of kind of surprising, but I figured this really does say what I actually think on this subject. I know that as a criminal justice major I need to get this to where there will be no automatic association with either race. I think that a lot of the police today who are white might have a slight automatic association and that is why we have more black people going to jail and prison. For the age test this was the main result that had actually shocked me because I have a moderate preference for younger people than I do for older people. This shocked me because when I am not at school most of the time I am with my parents of I am at my grandparents house, so I am around older people a lot more often than I am around younger people. I think I have a moderate preference just because I am still young and want to be around younger people more often than older people. For the weight test between fat people and thin people the results I got were that I have no preference when it comes to the weight of the person. I know that some people may think that I am fat and that I need to start losing weight, but it is not always about how you look. If you are truly a nice person on the inside then eventually you will find someone who wants you for you and not somebody that they want you to be. I feel that people do have a lot of control over their own weight and if they want to start losing weight and getting in shape then that should be their choice not somebody else.

    1. I also took the weapons test, and I was surprised with my results too. I got the same results as you, and I guess I never really payed attention or as much attention to it as I thought I did or how much I thought about it. But like you said with being a criminal justice major it gives you an insight on how bias you are. It is good to take these tests because once you're in our careers that we are working for, like Doc. White says, you have to have an open mind with all sorts of things and people. FoxRacing456

    2. Good points at the end! I took the weight test after reading this, and its result seriously surprised me. I was a pretty overweight kid for most of my childhood, and had a great number of overweight friends and I still do, but according to the test, I seem to have a strong preference for thin people over overweight people. It’s possible that this test, in particular, may be influenced by self-image; let’s be honest, who in the U.S. actually tries to get fat? When a person views their own status negatively, then, despite outwardly displaying preference for one trait, they may actually value the opposite trait more.

    3. I don't agree with these test at all. I just honestly think you cannot test someone's implicit bias. Unless you are actually acting on that bias because we are just tapping on keys like when I was pressing E or I. I wasn't associating one with the other I was just tapping whatever they told me to tap with each category. I feel like if there is some logic behind this way of testing your implicit bias. They should at least interpret or try to explain it to you. I don't see where they get their theory from it just doesn't make sense that with a tapping of a couple keys. someone can determine what I prefer over something else. McBrightyalife456

    4. I don't think there being more black people in prison has to do that much with implicit biases because a cop's implicit biases didn't make black people commit more crimes. I do agree thought that having implicit biases doesn't help a police officer's job and each officers needs to try their best to rid themselves of any bias they have because they need to be as unbiased as possible just like the law.

    5. I took the weapon test, and get little or no automatic association between Weapons and Harmless Object with White Americans and Black American. As a criminal justice major and firearms owner, I told myself that it was not the weapon that killed people, it was the people who are using the weapon that killed people. It was not based on color who uses what weapons. White, Black, Asian and Latino use weapons and harmless objects. It all depends on how they use it and live. You cannot judge people by its color. I believe we must have an open mind and better understanding about people and things. -M.Scott456

    6. After taking the tests and figuring out how they may help or hinder my career in the criminal justice field, I found out that having a preference of connecting white people with harmless objects and blacks with weapons is a problem. If I was to find a weapon and I had two suspects and one was black and the other white, then I may think that the black person was the one with the weapon and this may be wrong. Also if I stop a black person I may want to search them more often for weapons than white people. Also when having a moderate preference for younger people this may hinder me because I may be willing to go to a rescue call quicker if it was a younger person rather than an older person, which could be a case of life and death or I would want to help the younger person before helping the older person. Having no preference for thin or fat people is good because is I have to help two people I will not choose to help one before the other.

    7. I also took the weapons test and I received the same results. Your response definitely makes sense since you are in the criminal justice field. I don’t know how you would be able to remove automatic association with either race completely. I think you could be correct regarding white officers having a slight automatic association and that could be contributing to why more black people are going to jail and prison. I think that same statement could be made regarding black officers and white people going to jail / prison. I think your age test results are rather interesting. Maybe you spending so much time with your parents and grandparents is contributing to your score that you need or want to spend more time with younger people. I think that is great that you are not just about a person’s looks. That says a lot about who you are as a person, because we are definitely living in a society where size and looks matter so much more than they should.


  5. I was completely shocked with all three of my results for these tests, and with some of them I don't agree with, but I had to admit it was fun to take. The three tests I took was, Gender-Career, Sexuality, and Weapons. With the Gender-Career test my results came to 32% of as being a moderate association for males with the careers and the females with family. I was shocked for this one because both my spouse and myself work, and I also go to school and have a daughter, so I would've thought that I would've went under the category as neutral for males and females with career and family. The sexuality test my results were 25% of strong association for straight people over gay people. Another one to shock me because I have many friends and a few family members who are gay and being around them never bother me or when I am out in public I don't judge them. The last test I took was Weapons. My results said that I was 19% slightly association for harmless weapons was for White people and weapons was associated with Black Americans. I was kind of shocked because I didn't think I would associate either one, just because I feel that it can go for both, doesn't matter to me what race you are if you would be associated with weapons or harmless objects. At the end of each test and once I got my results I looked at the percentages for each one for other people that took the same tests, It was shocking to see the total percentages for each scenario, but mainly with the last one I took, weapons, because the highest percentage for that one at 32% was that Black Americans are thought of the ones that are associated with weapons more then White. After taking these tests, I'm going to try to pay more attention to my thoughts when I come across these scenarios now. FoxRacing456

    1. Your results are interesting, mainly when put together. I think one thing you may have misunderstood about these tests is that they are not built to test conscious thought; they are called ‘implicit’ for a reason. These tests are designed to uproot unconscious thought associated with other people, which is largely constructed by social experiences, many even being developed during childhood. By their very nature, these biases circumvent conscious neutrality. Who you are is largely determined by how you choose to resist these implicit biases. People worth respecting, if you ask me, are people who work towards a better tomorrow with awareness of their biases.

    2. I also took the weapon and the sexuality tests. And our results are the same I did not however look at the percentages. Mine also said that I associate weapons with African Americans and harmless objects with White Americans. I was also shocked of my results saying that because I know that anyone can have a weapon no matter the race. As far as the sexuality test I had the same results as you as well. That was shocking to me because I to have many friends that are gay and I also would never judge someone on their sexuality. I really did enjoy reading your results from the three tests that you took. To know that I am not that only one that feels the way I do is also good to know. Thunder45

    3. I took the sexuality test also and got the same result I believe this is due to me not being around a lot of gay people growing up therefore being surrounded by a lot of straight people just grew and stuck to me but now I am around more gay people therefore I feel in a few years my results may be different and more equal. -swaggyy456

    4. The results I have gotten from taking these test will give me a better outlook on each category when it comes to working in the career I am wanting to, which is a Correctional Officer at the Federal Bureau Prison. As far as the gender career, the results I have received didn't necessarily give myself a better outcome just because my results said that I look at the male's being the ones out working and females staying home, clearly I wouldn't want that result being I'm going to be working at the Federal Bureau Prisons. The sexuality test resulted that I was strong for straight people then gay people, that being is my co-workers and or prisoners could be, and as professional in my field being biased towards them would make me treat them differently which wouldn't be professional at all. With the weapons results would be another biased of the prisoners and also coworkers between black and white and harsher against the black more so then White. Really thinking about these results will help me with being a correctional officer in the Federal Bureau Prisons. FoxRacing456

    5. I to was shocked with my results for two out of the tree tests that I took. The two of mine that I was shocked about were weapons and sexuality, my sexuality results were the same as yours and our feeling against straight and gay people. I also have many friends that are gay and we get along great they respect the fact that I am straight. When I got my results back for the sexuality test I was thinking to myself there is no way this is accurate. However, I did really enjoy reading your results and how you felt about your results. Thunder456

    6. It's really interesting that even though you're going into what is generally a male dominated field, you got results that indicated that you associated that you were biased towards males having the careers and females staying at home with the family. You and your spouse do have a daughter, but you both work, so there is obviously a lot of gender equality in the household, and the both of you are taking responsibility for raising your child together, instead of just one of you playing the role of parent and the other going out and being the breadwinner. It's really hard to tell with these tests, and some of them I squinted suspiciously at my results too! You took such a mature and proactive approach to this, however, and I want to applaud you on your lack of hissy fit, existential crisis, or cries of 'fake news'. You took this as a note for change, as I think we all should. Our biases are a chance to look critically at ourselves, and make ourselves better, like the example you used with your career in corrections and the Black Vs. White and Harmful objects test!


  6. The first test I took was the Disability test, and I scored Abled over Disabled. I didn't quite think much about this because I feel it is an touchy subject. I don't think anyone should be treated any different because they have a disability. My mother is deaf and I took care of her basically my whole life I interpreted for her, stood up for her, and grew up kinda early because of her disability I was involved in conversations that a child should not be involved in. Simply due to the fact that my mother was deaf, and reality was most of the time I was her only interpreter. I honestly don't disagree with the results though because in the past I had a chance to work at a place called epic for disabled people and I just couldn't do it. I did not feel comfortable, and I didn't even want to touch anything in the house. It was not that I didn't like the residents, I just could not stand the thought of wiping an older man's drool and butt. The other test I took was the Skin Tone bias , they said I preferred dark skin people over light skinned people. I kinda agree with this because I know I have a bias that light skinned people are conceited. In a way though I don't agree with it because even with my known bias I am more attracted more attracted to light skinned males. The lighter they are the better they look to me. I don't know why I feel that way but I really don't see color when it comes to associating with people, I go off vibes. If you seem cool I'll hold a conversation. If you seem stand offish or mean, I keep my distance. The last test I took was the Gender career test. My result were that I associated males with family, and females with career. The crazy thing is I don't see things this way in my opinion both should work. I wish I would be going to work all day and the man is at home with the kids all day. I don't care if he cook, clean, do laundry, and run my bath water. He better be my babysitter that me and my husband hired. I just don't think women should make a man do all the work as far as bringing in income. She likes to spend money too, and if I was a man my wife wouldn't be spending all my hard earned money without putting in effort, unless I had a good paying job. Even then I feel like women should have at least a part-time job. I don't know if I feel this way because my mother was a single mother with the help of my grandparents who played a big role in my life. I just think anyone who is anyone should get up and work for their own if they want anything. I don't associate men with family or women with family. If we are referring to marriage I think the career and family should be 50/50 just like any other aspect of the marriage. McBrightyalife456

    1. I really did like reading the results of the three tests that you took. My favorite one of your three was the gender career one. I strongly feel the same way as you do in that aspect. The whole time I was reading it I was agreeing 100 percent. I also like the fact that you have excepted your biases, and you know what they are. Like Dr. White said you don’t always know your biases until you have been in a situation where something that perhaps would be biased happens in your life. So unlike a lot of us you are one step ahead on knowing and accepting your biases. Thunder456

    2. I kind of understand your result of the first test but confused as the same time. From the bystander perspective, you have always take care for your mom because of her disability from young. It makes you deeper understand the different between disabled and abled. While your mother disability may become the burden for you. Another think is that, disable has different type and person has different feeling. One can feel close to the disable but one may not. Maybe I’m taking nonsense and not right at all. But I’m also confused from the insider perspective like you too. I took my test on this topic and got the same result while my best friend is disabled. I wasn’t think about this topic at all and mostly pay attention to race topic. But like you, now I’m realized that what my views is and that how I view of disabled person. I don’t think this test was bad because now I can take more serious on this topic and tried to improve it.

    3. I think the results of all of my test will help me in the future as cop. I didn't really think I had biases when it came to the three topics I chose. The disability test will prep me for my future because when dealing with disabled people it will make me observe my attitude or behavior when dealing with them. The main issue I struggle with when it comes to disabled people is germs. I don't know why but i feel, since they don't think like we think or perform as regular people. They don't really care about germs and may attract a lot of them. This test helped me admit that, and work in the future towards being more compassionate because you can retrieve germs from just about anywhere including the air. The other test is also an eye opener for the field I am entering because although I feel as if I don't see color. The fact that I believe that light skinned people are conceited is an bias. As Dr. White said it is an unconscious thought, and throughout my life my experiences with light skinned people have drawn me to that conclusion. If I even assume you are conceited I'll stay away because in my eyes it's a sense of pride. I feel that when you hang around people like that it influences your behavior as well, and I try very hard to remain humble. This will help me with my attitude towards lighter people in my career because even if they are conceited, I shouldn't let that get to me or effect the way I treat them. The last test I took was the Gender career test, I never really felt like I associated women with careers and men with family.Growing up not including my grandparents, that's all I seen was my women family members going to work and their companions staying home. I still don't agree with the results because as I said earlier I feel like work and the family should be 50/50. This bias will help me in my career not to judge women who allow their men to stay home while they work. It helps me realize that not everyone looks at what their family members does and examine it, they simply pick up on the behaviors unconsciously and continue the cycle. Instead of me viewing it from my point of view I can relate because I watched it as I grew up, and possibly help if it is an issue. And the thing is to some people it's not wrong, I just believe the man should be the provider. This test helps me examine myself to not be so strong willed or to judge someone else's belief on what life should be like in my career. McBrightyalife456

    4. That is amazing that you were able to be there for your mother in such an important way at such a young age. I’m sure it was a mixture of an honor and burden at times, in regards to growing up a little faster. I think that is awesome that you don’t see color and you go off of vibes. It sounds like you are truly trying to get know the person for who they are and not the color of their skin. I agree with you that both men and women should work if it works for their family dynamic. I feel strongly that both should help with the house and kids because that is a great deal of responsibility on top of working a full or part-time job. I think that women should be educated and be able to support themselves and their children if something happened to their husband.

  7. The three tests I took for the Implicit bias test where weapons, sexuality, and native American. I was shocked at the results I received back by all three of the tests I took. When the results came back for my weapons test, it said that I strongly associate weapons with African American people and harmless objects with white. I guess the reason this shocked me is because I know there are both good and bad black and white people in our world. There are many people not only black and white but also of other races that conceal carry to protect themselves if a situation where to come up that they needed to protect themselves or others. The implicit bias test for sexuality shocked me even more than the weapons test, I would say that the results that came back said that I support straight people over gay people. As for what my sexuality test results where I don’t believe the test results. I have many friends that have chosen what society would consider “normal” they chose the other path. I have never looked at these people any different as to what sexuality that they chose to live by. This kind of made me slightly mad because I do not care what your sexuality is just respect me and what my sexuality is. The last test I took was the Native American implicit bias test. I chose to take this for a few reasons. One of those reason was because I thought it would be interesting because I have Cherokee Indian in my blood. The second reason, is to see what my results looked like wile comparing white people and native American people there are many people in this country that are native American, and I thought it would maybe benefit me in some kind of way. My result where that I associate Americans with white people and Native Americans with Foreign people. this is yet another one that I think has false results on my part. Due to the fact that I do not consider myself a foreign person would only make since that I do not consider Native Americans foreign. In fact, I strongly believe that Native Americans are white people with a slightly darker skin complexion. I would a consider a foreigner someone who is from a foreign country and does not speak English. Some would say that this is very accurate, I on the other hand don’t feel like this is very accurate. You could very easily push the wrong button for something and not mean to but they tell you to go as fast as you can so you sometimes mess up when you know what they are asking in the questions that are asked on the test. Thunder456

    1. I thought that the test that you took was very interesting. I agree with your explanation about your test results from the Native American test.Just like you, to me someone who is foreign comes from a different country and may or may not speak English. The fact that you have Cherokee in your blood was also very interesting to me. I agree with the explanation for sexuality as well I think that people really shouldn't care about the other person's sexuality as long as they are respectful and treat you like a human being that you are. Other than that nothing should matter to me.

    2. I was think the same when I took my third test on disabled vs. abled and my result is that I’m more prefer the abled one. I always talk to myself to not make the look to disabled and treated them fairly like other. And my best friend is a disabled person too. But think again, if the test result was true, how scary is it? I was fooled myself the whole time. I was so fake. I was bad. I tried cover myself with good image and not even realized this. I understand that you were surprised and angry with those result, especial the Native American one. What if the test was true? And that what you always believed was not what really what you are? I don’t say it bad, I just said it scary. Whether it right or false, I will also think harder on myself and tried to not let this opinion become too strong. Tried to improved it when it wrong better than do nothing because we believed it true.

    3. I took also the Native AIT since I have warm feeling for this culture and attracted for your spiritual Native American music and instruments like drums, rattles, and flutes. Like you, I was also surprised with the results in this test because I was expecting preference for Native American over white Americans, but that expectation does not mean I have some prejudice over white Americans, of course not, I have also my respect for white Americans. My data in the Native AIT suggest little or no automatic association between American and Foreign with Native America and White American. My guess, like I said in my post, is what might affect the results is because the core of the test is our reaction time to associate the pairs, and also how tired we are. The AIT test ask to make the link between pairs, for instance “an image of Australia” with “a picture of a native American” or “a image of Arizona” with “ a picture of a white American”. It was easy to link “a picture of a Native American” with “a image of Arizona” and “a picture of a white American” with “an image of Australia”, but took me some fractions of time to link for instance “a picture of a native American” with “a picture from Australia” because unconsciously I associate Native American with the American soil.

  8. I was very interested in taking these tests because I was eager to see not only if the results stated that I’m biased toward one group or another, but also to see exactly how the test was done. I must admit, I was a bit disappointed in how it was done. I thought that just associating one with negative traits and emotions and associating the other with positive traits and emotions, then switching the two with each other, and telling the test taker to just pick as quickly as they can was honestly a bit lame and uncreative. But I thought about it awhile afterward, and I realized that this is probably the best they can do with interactive tests done on the internet. They could obviously do a lot more if there was an actual bias test expert administering the test, but online, I don’t believe there are any test that could be much more accurate. Anyway, having stated all that, I agree with the results of two of the tests, but not the third. I decided to take the presidential test first that dealt with being biased toward either Reagan or Trump. I wasn’t surprised with my results on this. I lean toward Reagan. I think he was a bit more suited for the position of being president of the United States, but he also didn’t have many of the struggles that Trump has today. Love him or hate him, Trump has to deal with a LOT of opposition from his haters in many violent ways that Reagan never had to. Regardless, I lean toward Reagan and the test results stated this, and I wasn’t surprised by it.
    The second test I took was the age test. This one actually surprised me a bit. The test results stated that I prefer to be around young people rather than old people. I disagree with this result because generally speaking, I’d rather be around older people than younger people. Now that is not to say that I hate being around anyone younger than me or that I love being around everyone older than I am. There are exceptions to just about every rule, and this is definitely one with exceptions as well. But for the most part, if we’re talking about random strangers, I would prefer to be around older people rather than young people because while many young kids today have learned some hard life lessons and could teach me some very valuable things, older people almost always will be able to teach a whole lot more. They have almost definitely learned some seriously hard life lessons, and they have a whole life full of lessons to pick from, so when they tell stories or teach lessons, they pick the best from an entire lifetime spent experiencing them. So it isn’t that I necessarily don’t want to be around the younger crowd, I usually have no problems with that. Its just that if I had to pick one or the other to be around, the older crowd would win.
    Lastly, I took the religion test. This one said I prefer Judaism over Islam, which is very much the case. The big problem I have with these tests is that if someone just gets flustered trying to hit the right answer and gets nervous and they end up hitting the wrong one because they’re trying to go so fast as they’re instructed to do, that has nothing to do with being biased toward one group over another. But again, I think this is probably the best free way to do things on the internet without spending a ton of time and writing out huge novel sized answers to essay questions and past experiences. -- Thanos789

    1. Reading about your results on the topic of age was interesting because it seems as though a lot of blog posts say they preferred people older than them over people younger than them. Even if you think you prefer being around older people maybe your subconscious is saying you enjoy being around people your own age with a similar mindset. I think these tests are a good way to show you what your subconscious may be thinking even if you may initially think something else. With the religion test it's not surprising people would be getting answers saying they prefer Judaism over Islam because of how Islam is being portrayed in the media and the things we read, hear, and see do greatly impact of biases.

    2. I completely agree when it comes to taking the test. I'm fairly certain that results were based completely off of the 'I' and 'E' game, instead of off any of the quiz portion, and to me, sometimes a quiz portion can be even more revealing. Once I had done the 'I' and 'E' game once or twice, I had the rhythms down, and I knew what was expected of me. Frankly,if I'd wanted to manipulate variables for neutrality, I could have, because it became more of a competition half the time than a test of my biases. I ended up frustrated instead of contemplative on one of the tests simply because of the layout. Another test I saw the clipart and straight up backed out. Then the age test, which I thought evoked emotion but no actual meaning, because, as you said, it all comes down to who we'd rather have a conversation with.


  9. I enjoyed taking this test, but at the same time I did not. Some of the questions were difficult to answer, because I was wanting to elaborate on my answer instead. Also, I was confused on how the keyboard test helped figure out what my feelings for certain stuff was. Once your fingers get used to do a certain movement like that, it is easy for them to keep doing that and not realize it; so I pressed buttons that I knew was wrong but my fingers kept going what they had been doing. Besides all of that, I believe my answers to my tests were somewhat accurate.
    I took the test with the thin/fat people, and my test score was no automatic preference to either. I believe that is true, I love all people regardless of their shape.
    I took the test for preference for white/black people, and I got a moderate automatic preference for white people over black. That is true to only a certain extent, and it depends. I don't like saying that, and I am no racist. I love all people. But I was raised in a small town, and only saw black people when I went to the city normally. When I would go there, I often would run across the ones that put bad reps on the rest of them. I don't have an issue with them, I enjoy the ones I come across and have conversations with. I'm just not used to being around ones that guck at girls, and are full of themselves.
    I took the weapon test, and my result was a moderate automatic association for harmless objects with Black Americans and weapons with White Americans. Which I highly disagree with that result. Color has nothing to do with weapons. Gangs, drugs, where people live, who raise them, etc; is what helps them use weapons. Color is not a way to base who uses what weapons. Whites use guns, blacks use guns. White use harmless objects, so do blacks. Whites may not use guns at all, and so may blacks. It all depends on their lifes, not skin color.
    I enjoyed this test, but I also didn't like I said. I don't know if it asked the correct questions, etc. Rugby_456

    1. I took the thin and fat test as well and my score was the same saying there was no automatic preference to either. I also believe this is true because it shouldn't matter what weight someone is sitting at. We should treat and see all people as humans and let them live life how they want.

  10. Taking these test I’m not sure how I exactly feel about my results or how you can decide what someone's results were just based on pressing certain keys.. I’m not fully sure if I agree with them either. The first test I took was the weapons test. The data that was given suggested that I associated harmless objects with white Americans and weapons with black Americans. I’m not sure why the answer turned out that way because I know both whites and blacks can have the same purpose with weapons and harmless objects, it just depends what's in someone's hand and how they act with them.The next test I took was the age test. The age test suggested that I preferred old people over young. I could completely agree with the results it gave me. Yes, I'm young but growing up I surrounded myself with people that were older than me. I grew up where not many kids were my age or around my age group so older people were my choice. And still to this day, I rather sit down and talk with someone a bit older than me or just someone simply way older than me then to deal with people my age which isn't always the best for myself. The last test I took was the weight test.The data suggested that there was no automatic preference between fat people and thin people. I can agree with these results as well because growing up I was taught to love and treat people for who they are, not what they look like. I believed in it growing up and I still do today. You can’t judge someone by their looks and expect that to be okay. We are all broken somewhere in life and I don't believe its favoring people by their weight.

    1. I agree with you about the age test. I have the same as growing up I am being surrounded by elder people than kids my age. Growing with grandparents and no siblings, I do enjoy the conversations and advice they gave me which I was planning to pass to my kids and grandkids. To this day, young people seems doesn’t care about older people, they think they know better because of technology and advance science. But for me, it is, because they are the one with more experience in life and can give you help and advice than younger age. -M.Scott456

    2. I think these results will benefit my career because it shows how I could possibly communicate when it comes to young and old people. I could end up being more patient with the elder than the young and take a side if I have the two standing next to me. The weapons test I'm not sure how that will affect me considering I just have the thought of everyone is carrying at times. I'm always on the look out to see if there's something hidden on someone so I dont really take caution when it comes to that. The last test which was the weight test, I'm not sure how that would affect me either besides when it comes to picking your battles. I'm only 5'2'' so I probably shouldnt pick a battle with someone that 6' weighing thought on that is I wont have a battle because it would already be finished for me. These test were very informational and have helped me learn.

  11. After taking these tests you can really learn something different about yourself that you may not have already known. Like Dr. White said in class, these tests discover our biases that are consciously not known to us. The three test that I decided to take were the age test, the weapons test and the test for religions. Before taking the test about age I thought to myself that I would prefer younger people over older people due to the fact that I am young and like to be around people of my age group. As I suspected I was right my results told me that I suggest a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people based on how I answered the questions and reacted to the pictures they shown me. I was absolutely not surprised by these whatsoever that my subconscious lined up with my conscious mind and gave me the correct results. Before taking the test on weapons I wasn’t very sure what it was going to ask me or retrieve from my unconscious mind. I know my conscious mind has no problem with weapons, I know that weapons can be used for good but also many weapons can be used for bad. These test asked to identify between black and white people and then a weapon and a harmless object. The data from this test told me that I suggest a slight automatic association for harmless objects with black Americans and white Americans with weapons. These results didn’t change my mind about weapons and the use between the two races. I know that weapons will continue to be used by both races for good and for bad. Now onto the religion test, before taking this test I wasn’t very sure what my unconscious mind could uncover. Though I was brought up catholic my family isn’t super religious in anyway. I wasn’t sure what the results were going to be about other religions other than catholicism. The tests were determined between judaism, islam and christianity, as to no surprise to myself the data concluded from these test suggest that I prefer a strong preference for christianity over islam. Although I do not know much about the Islamic religion, but I feel that from many terrorists attacks that have occurred over the many years that I have been alive, have impacted my bias and contributed to my results.

    1. As for these results involving a potential career I could see where some problems could occur. As for the age test I could use my implicit biases to accuse an older person of a crime over a younger person since I prefer younger people over older people. My biases would probably have more sympathy towards younger criminals over older criminals. Religion is were I could see the biggest problem occurring, not that I hate Islamic people but my test said that i strongly prefer other religions over Islam. So wanting to go into law enforcement my implicit biases could lean me to accuse people of the Islamic faith more than people of different religions.

  12. I was very interested in taking this test to see my preference for the categories I chose. The way I was raised was to respect anyone that shows you respect. I have never had a problem with this. I did the age and the skin tone tests. And my results ended up being that I prefer older vs younger and I prefer lighter skin tone over darker skin tone. Which very much so surprises me! I am shocked. I have always been open minded with everyone. It doesn’t matter to me who you are, whether you are white, black, poor, rich, old, or young. If you are nice to me then I will respect you back. But if there is anyone that shows me any sign of disrespect, no matter who you are, you have burned that bridge. But when I got my results for this test, I was honestly expecting the opposite of what I got. Not because of my preference, because I am nonjudgmental. But because of the way I had already thought I was going with my responses. But all I can do is know that by taking this test, does not mean that I am really this way. I have never thought of myself as a biased person. But if I have taken any other tests, it could have been possible if I agreed with my results on some of them. But this is only because I am very strongly opinionated on some categories. But when it comes to human beings, I have always been respectful and loyal to those that give me the same in return. Growing up in different situations, everyone has their own opinions on things, which they have the right to. We all have our own reasons for why we feel or think the way we do. I, personally, have dealt with my fair share of problems along the road. But I have also learned to forgive and let go. Nobody is perfect. There are plenty of good people that are white and also black and vice versa for bad people. There are plenty of elderly that are nice to others but there are also some that are grumpy and get upset when people ask them if they need help. My point is, no matter who you are, there still will be good and bad people. Schmidt789

    1. I feel as though a lot of people taking these tests are surprised when it says they have biases and even though we may not think we're biased towards any group of people the fact of the matter is people have subconscious biases that they may not always be aware of. That doesn't mean you're racist or homophobic or what have you it just means there is slight bias in the way you see people. I think the media definitely can impact your racial bias especially with all the happenings going on in our country. On the topic of the results you got from the age test a lot of people are turned away by recklessness and immaturity which is present in a lot of younger people. Overall I think most people were surprised with their results that may show some insight into their subconscious biases.

  13. I have had to take these tests about 3 times know one for my criminal justice class and twice for my sociology classes and each time I never understand how they grade this especially the keyboard part. But the first test I took was the sexuality test and my results came back saying I prefer straight people over gay people which I kind of knew would happen like I said earlier the tests are so broad it is kind of hard not to get the results you expect with the way they ask questions. I feel as if since I was not really raised around gay people that explains why I got the result I got even though now I spend time around more gay people I feel as if my view is slightly changing. The second test I took was the age test and the result I got back was I prefer younger people over older people which makes sense because growing up there was never any cousins around my age so I always would hang with my younger siblings and also even today I enjoy spending time with my younger cousin watching cartoons rather than being around the adults. The last test I took was the weight test and my result was I prefer thin people over fat people and I believe this goes with me being an athlete my entire life and always working out I want people to be the same way but that does not mean I do not like bigger people, I believe everyone is equal. -swaggyy456

    1. Everyone has minor biases hardwired into their subconscious due to their upbringing as a toddler. It's just simple biology/psychology. The thing which differentiates these biases between being ignorant and being benign is being able to recognize these biases and taking measures to prevent them from influencing our decisions. I'll freely admit that I definitely am biased against overweight people, even though I understand as a medical professional that some people's metabolic systems aren't as efficient as mine or other people's. The reason that my bias isn't discriminatory is because I put them aside whenever dealing with patients or people professionally. In order to work or study in almost any field, you need to forgo any bias you may have and remain completely neutral, trusting only in the facts of the particular situation that you're dealing with. -TheTurk456

    2. Based on my implicit test going into the criminal justice field I would be more biased towards gay people, older people, and overweight people. I feel like knowing my preferences and bias' will help me overall become a better person because this test allowed me to know that I am biased towards different types of people and knowing these can only make me become a better person because I now know what I lean towards so in order for me to step out of my comfort zone and work on not being biased towards certain groups. I feel going into the criminal justice field will only help me become a better person and will help me mature because I will be working around all different kinds of people and I will be put in real situations where I cannot be biased and at first I might be uncomfortable but at the end of the day I will overall become less biased. Since I am not 100% sure what specific job I would like to look into yet I do feel as if I am a state police officer that my preference of younger people over older people would affect my decisions. Unless I am physically interacting with someone on more of a personal level there would not be many interactions with me knowing if someone is gay or not and I also feel as if someones weight would not affect me regardless what job I go into. swaggyy456

  14. Taking these test, I am not sure how I feel about the result by pressing keys that will state my preferences towards people, race, religion, gender, age etc. I do enjoy taking these test, at some point I do not because some of the questions are difficult and I wanted to take my time to assess my answers. First, I took the test with age, and my test result suggests a strong automatic preference for Young people over Old people. Being young, yes, I like being around people in my age group and at some point, I wouldn’t fully agree with the result, because I love, like and respect people no matter what age. Growing up being surrounded by older people and not many kids at my age, I prefer to spend more time talking to elders especially growing up with grandparents. Second, I took the weapon test, and my result suggests little and no automatic association between Weapons and Harmless Objects with White Americans and Black Americans. I agree with this one, as a firearms owner, weapons will not hurt people unless someone or somebody decided to use it. Yes, there are a lot of people who own firearms and at the same time, we are not sure if those people are going to use it in a good or bad way. Where people live, drugs and gangs are the reason why they use weapons. Color has nothing to do with weapon and weapon will not kill even if its left loaded. It was people who use them to kill people. The last test I took was the weight test, the data suggest no automatic preference between Fat people and Thin people. I strongly agree with this one, because as I was growing up my parents and grandparents taught me how to treat, love and respect people for who they are, and not how the way they look. I believe that you cannot judge someone by their looks, we all have ups and downs in our lives no matter what weight or size we in. -M.Scott456

    1. I have to agree that I don't know how I feel about the categorizing things by two different groups using a key stroke. I thought it wasn't right we were grouping black and bad as one and white and good as another. I also agree on the weapons test. I don't think color determines whether someone is going to use a weapon for good or bad. Altogether, I am not a fan of the tests as I don't believe they were accurate.

    2. I took the test about the age, weapon and weight. As an immigrant, I see a lot of things that is new to me here in the United States than where I originally from. I never seen people who judge others by how they look and their appearance, and who has the right to have a weapon or not because of their color. So, what I learn about the implicit bias test is to use it and to help me on my field of study to better understand why for a reason those things are happening. I know for one thing is that news, social media and etc. are the reason people are having such some negative feelings, comments or traits towards others. I plan to be more open minded to all the things that are happening around me even if its negative or positive stuff. I will use those to improve myself, to help me succeed on my career and to be a better person as part of society. –M.Scott456

  15. I took the race test and it started that I prefered white people over black. I can honestly say that this surprised me more than I thought. Considering that I am african American I for sure thought that I would prefer black people more. Not that I don't like white people, but I have grown up around my family who I am extremely close with. But once i started to examine why I may have tested this way. I figured out it was maybe because growing up I grew up and went to school with mainly white people. I see now that yes I was really close with my family but at some point after I moved away we grew apart and I grew closer to my friends at my new school and started to form relationships with them. Which has a great reason of why I may have tested that way. Another test that I took was the sexualitly test. I took this one for many reasons. But my resulted really surprised me. I was almost for certain that I would test neutral on this test, but I didn't. I tested that I prefer straight over gay. The reason why I was almost for sure that I would test neutral was due to the fact that my auntie who I basically call my second mom is gay and i grew up around her and her girlfriend.  I have always had a tight relationship to her and i have many other people in my life who are gay. But i don't think of that at all when I am talking to them or even hanging around them. But when I was a kid my grandma never approved of the dating the same race because of her religion. So due to this she would always preach to us kids on how it was wrong and it should not happen. I have always ignored her thoughts and stuck to mine but now I see how they may have affected me without me even knowing. The last test that I took was the career test. I tested that I believe that the the male should be out working and the women should be at home with the kids.  I know why i tested like this. Because in every household that I have been in the men has worked while the mone sat at home with the kids including my house. But i honestly do not care which gender goes out and make the money as long as money is being made. I realize that even though I thought that i would not have certain bias against things that maybe i do. And maybe it's not what I exactly think but it may be because of what I have heard or saw. Latte456

    1. In my results I feel as if it was really good to actually realize what my hidden bias was. Me personally I would never try to treat people differently intentionally. But now i see that I might treat someone unfairly without being aware of it. For example if I was to police in a black community I would probably treat them differently than i would treat the white community. Not that I just hate the black community or that I don't like them just based on the fact that I prefer white people over black. I would without even trying treat them differently than I would. Another test that I took them may affect how I police in the future is the fact that i prefer straight people over gay. It may affect the way i see them or police them. Having a bias that you don't really know about is can affect you more than you can actually know.

  16. I didn't think these tests were all that good to be honest. These tests were supposed to find out how I felt at a subconscious level but the way they went about doing it just didn't seem right. From what I can tell they use three ways of getting to know you, one being your background by asking you about your age, race, where you live, etc. then have you play a game of associating good or bad things with stuff like gay or straight people or black and white people. Then they just ask you what your preferences are to certain things like how hot or cold am I to gay/lesbian women. So asking me about my background makes sense as of course depending on what area I grew up in would obviously effects my implicit biases. The game of association I don't think works for me because It was hard to remember what I was even associating things with. For me I just saw the game as put A in the A box and B in the B box with the I key representing B and the E key representing A. It didn't matter what A was whether it was harmless weapons or gay people or black people or whatever it just became a game to match the right things as fast as I could and not screw up. It had nothing to do with how I actually felt about anything. Finally those question about my preferences were kind of dumb because isn't the reason why I am taking the quiz is to find how I feel subconsciously? If I know that I have a preference to gay people over straight people then why the heck am I taking a quiz to find out if secretly have a preference to either gay or straight people? This isn't me rebelling against my answers either I'll be honest about them I apparently have a moderate preference to straight people over gay people which I thought was weird seeing I've known plenty of gay / bisexual people and could care less about what team they play for. Also the tests say I don't have a preference to the religions of Judaism vs Islam which isn't true because I think that women get a really crap deal with the Islamic religion. The tests also said I associate violent weapons with black Americans and harmless objects with White Americans. Yea I don't know about that last one I guess I'm somewhat racist now? Anyways I'm just really skeptical about these tests.

  17. Taking these tests is a good thing because it helps you see how you view people in different categories. Also, it shows how society has these implicit bias on the people. The three implicit bias I had took was: Gender careers, Weapons, and Age. All my tests were moderate, I was surprised at a few of the outcomes that was shown. First, with gender careers my highest result was male with careers and female with family. I wasn’t surprised about those results because that’s usually how society view the differences between males and females. My lowest result that I was strong with is male and family and female with careers. I wasn’t shocked at that at all because I expect males to more of the handy work than females and the females do more of the family work because females are more orient than males. Furthermore, my second implicit bias test was weapons. I disagree with my two result that I was strong and moderate that black americans is associated with weapons and white americans is associated with harmless weapons. I disagree with that because I think it will be equal that they both uses weapons but if I will have to go with white americans associate more when it comes to using weapons. I’m not saying this because I’m a black american but if you think about all the major mass shootings it was majority white americans who were doing those mass shootings. Lastly, the “aging test” was my last test I took. I had to categorized good and bad words with the young and old. My results was that my preferences was for young people over old. My results on the graph was that I was strong and moderate that my preferences was still young over old and they both was at 30%. To conclude, my results were all pretty accurate except the weapon ones. But overall this test definitely tested what I believe in these different categories. Savage456

    1. The fact that gender careers is interesting do to the fact that now there are just as many women with careers as there are men. It is still bias in some fields such as law enforucement. The fact that is most of society still looks at women as the homemaker while the men go out and provide for the family. This could impact my line of studies such as corrections because women tend to be more teacher like and nurtiering then a seasoned officer or prior military service member.


    2. These tests are a good thing to do because it will help me in the criminal justice field. When it comes to the weapons I know my continuous when it comes to African Americans and white Americans with the whole weapon thing. I know how I feel towards white Americans when it comes to weapons so with me majoring in criminal justices I have to be more cautious and be fair in the situation. I also believe that African Americans can play a part when it comes to weapons but I know where my bias stands with those people but I have to be fair and not let my implicit bias choose what I should do. Lastly, in aging my preferences is more for young over old. I have to be more cautious and not choose young over old if the young is in the wrong I have to be more honest with situations . In conclusion, these tests will help you or break you if you're majoring in criminal justice because you have to be fair about problems when it comes to people you don't like and the ones you do. Overall just have to be more fair about it. Savage456

  18. Through the entire process of taking these tests it really lets people think deeply and not know the outcome which im sure it scares some people but for me im so neither side of everything that every test I took the outcome was that there was no amount of tests that could help decide so I guess I wont have any answers to this test but hat I know these tests. The tests that I took were Weapons because ever since I was a little girl Ive always been around weapons from my family because of hunting and my dad really enjoys owning guns as a hobby so I thought it would be an interesting one to take but the result just concluded nothing. I took the race test because I thought it would be interesting and same outcome but I thought I would switch up my answers and it still came out to be the same. It upsets me because I thought i would get better results.

    1. Part 2
      This can help me in the field of criminal justice because working in this profession you need to have a broad perception of diversity. Because my tests told me that I have no preference which in my eyes I see it as a good thing. For me to have no preference on any race or ethnicity I can really see everyone's point of views on any situation and I see that as a good thing to have. Because in the court system everyone is going to have their own views. As me being a conservation officer I believe it is good to have a broad idea of everyone I work with because Im going to have to deal with a lot of people with my job. It can come down to a life or death situation with dealing with certain people and to have skills like I have to not prefer one thinking over another it is good because it could possibly save my life. Because being a conservation officer or any officer im going to face hard times in my career and I would like to handle every situation in a positive way and a safe way.

    2. I think that it is a good thing that you did not have any preference over anything, it will defiantly help you in the world. By not having a preference over someone you are more likely to be open to all the differences between cultures in the world. I think this will help you a lot in the criminal justice field because you will not come with those implicit bias without knowing about them. EPIC789

  19. I can honestly say that I feel these tests were almost too subjective. The race one made me feel like they were not trying to find how you feel about Black versus White, but if you thought one was better than the other. They get a general background about you based of off your region, race, and education. From there, it makes you categorize people. I understand how my region and zip code can affect me and the data they receive as I live in an area that is most predominately white only. What I honestly hated about the test was the categorizing. I was expected to put black or bad together and white or good together. I felt the same about the one about sexuality. I for one avoid seeing color or a difference in black versus white. I think we're all people, obviously we are all different but that's what make the United States what it is. Although I have grown up around mostly white straight people, my test results were not much different than I expected. According to the tests, I prefer white people and straight people. I suppose that is due to the area I was raised and what I have been accustomed to. I am not one to judge or seperate myself from others as I have said, but I think these tests do an accurate job showing that nature has a result on your life. Although the tests did not show me anything I didn't already know, I do believe these are pretty helpful and could most definitely help people see differences.

    1. I really understand what your saying because it my hometown it is the same way and i think that its really categorizing people into the way people would stereotype. I also have only grown up around whites but i have no problem with any other race but this test didnt show me any results on each test because I am so diverse in all the tests that it cant catorigize anything but I agree with everything you said about these tests.

    2. I completely agree that the test was asking too general of questions and categorizing the test taker right off the bat due to the certain answers to choose from based on the work place, race, ethnicity, location, etc. I understand that this was just a basic test, and I am sure there are more tests out there that are more extensive and accurate and do not categorize as much, but it was really interesting to see what just a general test could come up with about individual bias’s.

    3. Part 2 Response
      After doing the implicit bias test for race and sexuality, I do believe that it will affect me in my criminal justice career. As a correctional officer, I think I need to most definitely overcome my hidden bias. My bias shows I slightly prefer white people over black people. In the prison system, an officer cannot treat one race better than the other. The repercussions from the bias that is seen could be life threatening to me. I need to overcome that bias and make sure it doesn't show. If it does show, I could have a lot of trouble gaining the respect of black inmates. Not only would that make my career harder, but it could be more dangerous. If I have prisoners who don't respect or like me, there's a chance that group of men or women could want to hurt me. Not only is it dangerous to my health, but it would be impossible to rank up as an officer when I show any hints of racism. Not only are there black and white inmates, but black and white officers varying in all different ranks. If I showed bias toward white officers, then it could create a divide between us officers. If officers cannot stand together, it will be even more dangerous for me. Overall, my racial bias could create life or death for me. I am glad I have taken the test because now I know what I need to overcome in my career.

  20. I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing someone else's results and viewpoints. I took some of the same tests, and I got different answers slightly. I agree and also disagree with you when it comes to females with work. I also took the weapons one, and I got that white are more likely to use weapons. But I don't like to put race to anything. I don't think color has anything to do with anything. I believe how you were raised, where you were raised, and the environment influences that. I don't believe color has anything to do with anything. I don't think I took the age test, but I already know I prefer older people over younger. I enjoyed reading your results! Rugby_456

  21. The implicit bias tests were interesting exercises, and I think that they use good metrics for determining bias. The tests that I chose to take were the tests on Weapons bias, Religious bias, and on Age bias. In the Weapons test, my data suggested little or no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with white Americans or black Americans. This took me somewhat off guard, because I regard myself as rather biased on this one. Not in the way one might think, but rather in the opposite direction: I tend to consciously associate weapons, and weapons ownership with white Americans, because most of the people that I deal with who are involved in the usage of firearms for the purposes of sport or self protection are white. The demographics of the average American gun owner do tend towards the profile of older, white males, and that is certainly a stereotype present in the media as well. The next test regarded attitudes towards religions, specifically Islam and Judaism. This one wasn’t as surprising when it informed me that I showed no bias, because I have had few serious interactions with people of either faith. If I had to profess a bias, it would probably be slightly towards Judaism out of sheer gut instinct, due mostly to the visibly distinct way in which the stricter adherents to Islam dress, which always strikes me as out of the ordinary, and which I’ve always found slightly perturbing. Finally, the test on age bias threw me even more, because I work with senior citizens at my job and I’m rather fond of them on the whole. I was sure that I would display a preference towards older people, but was informed that I had no automatic preference between old and young people. I feel as though I may need to redo this sometime, because I fear I may have been overthinking the test. I kept forgetting which keys went with the good and bad, and which went with the old and young. Being thrown like that required me to keep looking back at the top of the screen, and I suspect I might have thrown off the test by going back to those instructions constantly, instead of operating on gut instinct.


    1. I agree, this test was really interesting in the way they had laid it out in order to receive the best results. It was really surprising to see what the test had drawn together due to my answers. Although, I do believe my answers were mostly correct I do not think it is entirely accurate. It tries to make the test taker answer swiftly so that there is no time for doubt or time to think about what keys need to be pressed. I think this test also helps make test takers see the different ways in which people think and how they become bias to certain categories of people. It was a fun learning experience and was really interesting.

    2. Regarding these tests and their effects on my future career, I think all of these have a good degree of import. Weapons identification is increasingly important in a highly PR focused world of policing, where making the wrong decision has lethal consequences. Religious bias is important when interacting with people outside of my own religion, and there's a strong likelihood that I'll be involved in some community that is radically unlike my own at some point in time. As such, a lack of bias is a good indicator going forward, as treating people equally before the law is really at the core of the "rule of law" system of the United States. As to age preference, it's probably positive that I don't display a distinct preference between the old and young, because it's easy to imagine situations where the testimony of a young person against an older one would sway someone a certain way. Impartiality is at the core of how I think the police ought to behave, and I do want to live up to that.


    3. The age bias test is interesting because all thought many people would think that with age comes experience in law enfourcement its actually better to be younger due to the physical demands of the job. not to say that as you gain in age that you cant preform the job but your body itself is more likely to be unable to handle the physical stress than when you were younger. An example of this lets you you're 25 and you in great physical shape you can run and work out with no real issues you join a police station you work that job for 20 years now your 45 and over the years youve taken a few injuries now you can run as far or as fast as you ounce did and maybe now you cant lift weights at all. your ability to know hoe to do your job has either stayed the same or increased but the ability to preform your job has decreased. so although the wisdom and experiance is there you are retiered for a younger more capable canidate.


  22. ^^^ that was meant to be a reply to savage456. Rugby_456

  23. After taking the implicit bias test, it seems that my score was shown as that I have no automatic preference between young and old people. I can agree with this because I don’t really discriminate or have a certain partiality between young and old aged people in regards to talking to them or something. I think it’s good to talk to all ages of people just to gain experience and knowledge to know different backgrounds and learn new things. The next test I took was the weapons or harmless objects in relation to white and black Americans. The test suggested that I have a moderate automatic association with harmless objects to white Americans and weapons to black Americans. I was a little surprised at the results because I think white Americans can be associated with weapons just as equally. I personally think that objects and weapons aren’t the problem, it’s people in general. The third and last test I took, my results showed that I have a slight automatic association for male with family and female with career. I am not too surprised at my results on this one because I see women working more outside the homes instead of being stay at home moms. I really don’t mind being a working mother. I would much rather pursue a career then stay at home and it seems to be more popular for women to have careers anyways in todays age. I also think it’s very important for men to be just as associated with family just as the females are. This test shows a lot though because it helps you realize that you are bias about certain things and you unconsciously and unknowingly do not realize that you are “judging” something before having all the facts. This kind of puts things into perspective and helps you to try to keep an open mind with people even if you might be a little biased.

    1. I think the results I received from the implicit bias test will help me in my career because it shows I am comfortable with all ages of people and this is something that I will need through out my career whether it's from ages 0 to 80. This test shows the hidden biases that I have and may not realize it. I think this will help me become more aware of my surroundings and the different people that I will be associated with in my career. This will help me to keep an open-mind in certain situations also.

  24. Honestly I was not a fan of how the test was set up. I did not like the e and i for answer keys. I kept getting a little typing happy. My first test was the weight task. simple enough I am a little overweight. my results leaned slightly towards thin people as a preference. who doesn't though? we are all human we all desire to be thin with some proper curves. My next test was something to do with gender and liberal arts and science. my results came back as no preference. towards the careers and genders. i think anyone can be anything honestly. next was race i leaned towards moderately white, once again i think the was a typing happy influence on my results. I will treat people the way they treat me. myhearseisnotafuneralcar456

    1. I agree that the test was a little odd. I got a little keyboard happy as well, but I think that is the point. I think that, without realizing it, our brain chooses the keys based on the words and pictures based on our bias. The questions, however, were worded odd to me and tripped me up a couple times. I agree with you that our view of social standards and what we are “supposed” to look like factors in to the results. Most beauty pageant members are white, thin, large breasts, and blonde hair. So, living around that beauty standard raises our own to unachievable heights. Catzfuhdays789

    2. I agree with you regarding the layout for the test. It is supposed to be testing your automatic thought processes regarding certain issues. However I did enjoy taking these little tests and took a few more than required. I did take the weight test as well after and got the same results. I think that a good amount of these tests can be traced back to a societal or cultural foundation of our upbringing. The one that really surprised me as the preference to skin tone. It told me that I have an automatic preference to the dark skin tone and I was kind of shocked. I thought I had no preference but evidently my subconscious is telling me otherwise. pmed789

  25. This test was designed for people to assess their personal levels of bias and sometimes the results surprise you. Personally, I took the sexuality, race, and disabled quiz. To start off, I took the sexuality quiz. I, myself, am bisexual and I socialize with other openly gay people often due to my peer group agent of socialization. While growing up, my primary agent of socialization, family, were very against being gay. My dad, without knowing my sexuality, noted that he is worried that my sister might be gay because she hasn’t had a boyfriend. How close-minded? I also went to church a lot growing up. These agents have all impacted my development, but my implicit bias is actually more towards gay people than straight people. I think the constant fear before I came out made me appreciate the gay community and fear and partially dislike (because of that fear) straight people. Second, I took the disabled quiz. I, personally, also have a disability: two specific mental disorders that make daily life harder than usual. It was surprising to me that I favor abled persons more, according to the test. In the sake that this is anonymous, I will share that I am in the process of applying for social security after my doctors suggested it to me, so I do not currently have a job. It is very embarrassing to admit to someone that you do not have a job and are applying for social security, especially with a mental disability that is not blatantly obvious. Even in class, people who didn’t have jobs were labeled as lazy and undeserving. So, I thought, it would be similar to my sexuality results. However, I do not socialize with many other people who are disabled, and as I think of it I do not know anyone in my friends group who is, so maybe it is more likely that I DO favor abled people. Lastly, I took the race test. This one surprised me the most. Almost exactly like my sexuality quiz, I socialize with more black people than I do white and I very obviously (to me, I should mention) that I get along better with them. Personally, I thought I had a bias towards African Americans, but the test proved me wrong. Very similar to previous answers, my grandparents and most of my family is kind of racist—it is embarrassing. Maybe, without realizing it, being brought up in that kind of environment tainted me a little bit. Catzfuhdays789

    1. Biases are things that we have either suppressed, ignored, or are consciously not aware of. I enjoy reading honest post as I am a straight forward individual and see right through bs. These test allow us to take a more in depth look at ourselves and hopefully make adjustments. Truth is we’re so sat in our ways and value the things we were taught to a fault which helps cover up those hidden biases. I disagreed with my test at some point too.

  26. My first test is on race. Because for me, race has more weight than other element. May be because I was affected by education in class. The race problem had never brought up in my country before because most people there have the same traits and common background. But in USA, this problem is huge and was mention many time in almost every subject. USA is like the melting pot that mixing up by many ethnic groups and different races. So, race still a very new aspect for me but as the same time make me pay more attention into my own view and perspectives on this problem and my behavior toward different people from different race and ethnic. That is when I stared realized that I’m not that a good person like what I used to believe in term of neutral. I was not so surprised when my result come out that suggest a moderate automatic preference for White people over Black people. I was affected by my family and my around environment which form the prejudice in mind about black people. I grow up in the light tan skin family and never see the black skin people. People tend to scare something that unfamiliar to them and I’m not different. But the African American people never hurt me, they just look scary. I always hide it to myself that I’m prejudice and racism, because I think this is bad. But this test makes me look straight to myself and determine clearly that I’m preferred white than black. And I need to fix this view before it became too strong.
    The second test I took on gender and my result suggested a moderate automatic association for male with career and female with family. This had not surprised me at all. I was taught from the kid that women can get a job or do house work at home while men need to work to support the family. This view is hard to remove from my mind. But at recently, women have increase their status and value view. More and more women worked include my mother. I got more education and more goals than just be a housewife. That’s why I’m not has a very strong association for this opinion but not a neutral neither.
    The third test I took was indeed very surprised me. It was on disability and my result suggested a strong automatic preference for abled person over disabled person. I have the disabled friend and we are very close friend. I was very sure that I’m neutral or slightly preferred abled person but was not expected it is strong. I though the result was wrong as first. But if the result was true. I had to think back about myself more. Maybe it was like the race test, I was just hiding this preference to make myself feel more pleasant and look good. I feel bad to myself and to my friend. I saw that these test are helpful that make people realized their views on something that they never expected and then make them in the more serious attitude toward the problem. People can fix mistake only when they realized and accepted that they are wrong.

    1. Race is just a label that society place on an individual to categorize or rank them in a hierarchy giving some people more money, power, prestige, and some people feel that they are “better” than others. You stated that you have never been hurt by African-Americans “they just look scary”. The media portrays negative stereotypes of African-Americans, especially men. I, myself being an African-American have succumb to racism pretty much my entire life. I use to think that all “white” people had prejudices towards “blacks” but as I got older and begin to interact with “whites” more I found it was not true. I appreciate your honesty. You recognize that you do have some prejudice and racism towards blacks and that is the first step in changing your view of African-Americans. The majority of those who are prejudice do not recognize there is a problem. If we all can recognize and understand that there is a problem, then we can fix it.
      Granny 789

  27. I like the thought of this test, and I took a few more than required because something about it seemed a bit off. I agree that for the most part these tests can determine preference to certain things but there is also some room for some subconscious manipulation. I took the religion, weapons, and sexuality tests. On the religion test I scored a moderate automatic preference for Christianity over Judaism, which I think is an accurate view of my religious beliefs. Looking back on how I was raised this would appear normal. I have preference of the religion I was raised in, however, that does not mean that I have a dislike of Judaism or any other religion. I could not tell if the results meant I just preferred my own religion or if I dislike any religion other than Christianity, which is not true. On the next test which was weapons, I scored a little to no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with white americans and black americans. This one I agreed with. There are terrible people in the world and it doesn’t matter what color your skin is. I have worked the streets in cities long enough to see this be 100% true. Sure there are statistics, but I truly believe that the color of your skin does not predetermine you to be associated with weapons or not. It also reaffirmed to me that everyone be treated equally until you give me a reason not to, regardless of what your skin color is. For the last test I chose the sexuality test. I scored a slightly prefer heterosexual men than gay men. I’m not really sure what that means to be honest. As a straight person, I have zero issue with gay people and believe they should have all the rights as any other person. If it means I prefer the company of straight men to gay men, I disagree. I have straight and gay friends and do not prefer the company of one over the other. Both sides of the sexuality line have their pros and cons, but to say I prefer one over the other is simply not true. Overall I had quite a bit of fun with these tests and reaffirmed what I knew about myself. - pmed789

  28. The three Implicit Association Tests I took was the age AIT, the presidents AIT, and the Native AIT. The result of the age task suggested that I have a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people, the result of the president task suggested that I do not have automatic preference between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Donald Trump, and the result of the Native American task suggested that I have little or no automatic association between American and Foreign with Native American and White American.
    I am not skeptical about the results of the “age task”, but I was expecting equal preference between young people and old people. In this task I was categorizing bad words with images of old people and young people.
    The results of the “president task” also were not I was expecting. I was expecting an automatic preference for Franklin D. Roosevelt over Donald Trump. In this task I was asked to sort pictures of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Donald Trump and words into groups.
    It surprised me the results of the “Native American task”. I was expecting automatic preference for Native American over white Americans. In this task I categorized foreign and American images and images of Native Americans and white Americans.
    My guess is what might affect the results is because the core of the test is our reaction time to associate the pairs, and also how tired we are. The AIT test ask to make the link between pairs, for instance “young” with “appealing” or “old” with “love” or “Donald Trump” with “triumph” or “image of Australia” with “a picture of a native American” or “a picture of Arizona” with “ a picture of a white American”. It was easy to link positive pairs like “young” with “happy” but took me some fractions of time to link “young” with “tragic” or “a picture of a native American” with “a picture from Australia” because unconsciously I associate Native American with the American soil.
    Finally, I think it was great experience to participate in this research and to learn more about implicit biases.

  29. I have taken a test like this when I was younger, but the answers were completely opposite to what I truly felt, which lead me to believe they did not hold any true meaning and that they were not completely accurate. Initially, I felt rushed to press the right keys and got quite a few wrong answers so I thought I had made a mistake and got the wrong results. I then re-took the Gender Science test twice just to be sure I was doing it correctly. I choose the tests that I felt most neutral about, just to see if I was as neutral as I think I am. I was quite surprised with my second test which was the Weight test because that was the only test that suggested that I was not neutral and that I had an automatic preference towards thin people than I do for larger people. Which is kind of strange to me, I have never discriminated or judged someone based on their size. That is something I have struggled with my whole life and would never prefer one over the other. As I said before, I understand that these tests are not accurate all this time and it is just a test, but it is surreal to see the results that get generated. For the Gender Science test, both times I tested neutral. Both of these results do not surprise me because I have never felt one sex is more powerful or more intelligent than the other. Going through high school and college, I have noticed that some of the boys are more interested in certain course than the girls and vice versa, but that does not mean they aren’t capable of accomplishing the course if they put their mind to it. Again, with the Race test, I was not surprised with my score being that I had no automatic preference between African Americans to European Americans. I believe that no matter the race or the gender, there should be equal opportunity always (in my perfect world). Granted, after taking a financial fall, not everyone can collect themselves completely off the floor and begin again. It is hard, and for some it is significantly harder. Yes, there is and always will be that hand full of people out in the world content with living off the tax payer’s money, but the majority of those in poverty are in that financial situation unwillingly. I do think these tests have some truth to them, but no test can truly tell who a person is or what they truly believe in.

    1. If I had taken the gender science AIT I think it would be neutral too. My results weren’t what I was expecting but after thinking about it and doing some digging into my memories I realized that the results could be true. I don’t think the test are saying we discriminate other people or criticize them I believe the test are just saying our preferences. You say that you have struggled with weight all your life. If you are trying to stay the same weight or lose weight wouldn’t that mean you prefer the skinnier version of yourself rather than the larger one? You are a beautiful woman anyway and shouldn’t be hard on yourself about this remember that! To be honest I was a little scared to take the race test. I didn’t want to know if I had a little bit of preference between the two. I feel like I already know the answer and I don’t like it. What I am trying to say is kudos to you for doing that!

  30. These Implicit Bias tests were very interesting. I took the Weight, Age and Sexuality Test. My results from the Age test showed no automatic preference between old people and young people. I can agree with that. Why did I get that result? It could be that I am over 40 and I feel like I am not that old but at the same time I am not a “spring chicken”. Also through the socialization agent family, my parents, as well as my grandmother, aunts and uncles instilled morals and values in my everyday life. I was taught to respect my elders and have proper manners. I had to use “Mr.” “Mrs.” or “Miss”, “Thank-You”, “Please”, “Yes/No Ma’am”, and “Yes/No Sir”. I have always preferred to be around older people because I was always intrigued by their wisdom and knowledge. Who defines old? You are as old as you feel.
    My results from the Weight test showed that I have a moderate automatic preference for thin people over fat people. I do not agree with the results. I feel like I do not have no preference when it comes to weight. I do not like the word “fat”. I believe that is a “label” that society uses to categorize, and degrade or humiliate an individual because of their body size. It does not define what type of individual he or she may be. We are socialized to see those who are overweight as not being beautiful, lazy, and no self-control or self-discipline. The media typically portrays beauty as being thin, and slim. There are a lot of reasons as to why a person in overweight. It could be due to genetics, mental illness, or medical condition.
    My results from the Sexuality test showed that I have a moderate automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I feel I do not have any preference. I have no issues with any individual based on their sexual preferences at least I thought I didn’t. Growing up I was told that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Relationships are between a man and woman, it was unacceptable for same sex relationships. Since the Gay Rights Movement, the rules of society have changed and homosexuality became acceptable. I have accepted that change, but maybe deep in my subconscious I do have somewhat of a bias toward gay people.
    Granny 789

  31. I took the age, skin-tone, and president tests. According to my results on age, I moderately prefer older people over younger people. This is very much true as the younger generation of kids are found to be over the top and very disrespectful this day and age. So my social circle and daily interactions are usually with older people. While their wasn’t any particular age associated with being considered young or old, I am apart of the thirty plus club. That doesn’t mean I don’t talk with individuals that are younger because maturity doesn’t come with age it comes with growth. Children and young people today are quit the opposite of my upbringing and perhaps because it’s different then my norm, I now have a moderate preference for older people. Continuing on, my results state that I have a strong preference for light skin tones over dark skin tones. I disagree because I never dated only one group versus the other nor have I given credit to one group versus the other. I feel more neutral in this regard, too be completely honest I was at work and some distractions while taking this test. In fact I thought if anything it’ll say I prefer dark skin tone over a lighter one. So leaving a little room for error, this test was a fluke. I love my culture and am open to all other cultures, overall skin tone does not matter to me. Last but not least I took the president IAT, this test compared Ronald Reagan to Trump along with good and bad connotations. My results were astounding with me slightly favoring Trump over Reagan. So not true, again I feel more neutral here if anything. The errors I had trying to put Trump into every bad category were astronomical, sadly. But that in itself says what my thoughts are exactly. Too each it’s own though, my preference is not your perference and so forth. In closing: I plan on living my life like it’s 1999, America was great then!

    1. I am 24 and associate with people who are older than me also. I know maturity doesn’t come with age however in my experience it always has. Seriously have not met one person who is younger than me that has just as much or more sense about life than I do. Also, you are 100% truthful and I agree that people (children) today are a lot more disrespectful than how I was raised too. Personally, I was raised to respect my elders, yes sir/ma’am, no sir/ma’am and use my manners like thank you no thank you and please. When I was working at a daycare the older children who were in school and came there afterwards had no respect for me or the teachers who were my age. I think that had to do with the fact we all looked younger and maybe they didn’t see us as elders. You took the president test! I am not political so I thought I wouldn’t need to take that one. But if I did I feel like I would prefer Reagan over Trump too.

  32. Who would’ve though I prefer gay people over straight people. I know that no matter which relationship you are in the grass isn’t greener on the other side. But I did not expect this result. I always assumed that I want neutral! The first test I took was Sexuality ('Gay - Straight' IAT). My results came back as a strong automatic preference for gay people over straight people which only 3% of web respondents got that score. I do not mind straight couples or gay couples. I believe if you are in love you are in love and there is nothing someone else can do about it. That is why I support gay marriages and gay rights in general. Love is love right. Now a days I believe it is more acceptable than it was in the past but there are still steps to take to bring equality. The second test was Gender - Career. That IAT often reveals a relative link between family and females and between career and males. The results for this test showed I have a slight automatic association with males with careers and females with family. 19% of web respondents received this score. I think what this test was showing is whether or not I believe a man should have a career and a woman stay at home with family. Since it shows a slight automatic association, I do agree with it. I wouldn’t have agreed with one or the other more strongly. However, I would have agreed with a neutral perspective also. That is how I perceived myself thinking it was. Growing up my mother and step-father raised us, both took turns cooking and cleaning, and both had a hand in raising us. However, the male always had a job and my mother did not. Then when we were all in our teens our mother raised us on her own. That is why i agree with this result. I do believe each is equal, but it does make sense why I would say men should stay at home rather than women work too. Presently it is almost impossible to raise a family on one income and I know this by experience. I was raised that a man should work then as I got older realized that women need to be just as equal. That is why I would have accepted a neutral score also. The final test taken was Weapons ('Weapons - Harmless Objects' IAT). I wanted my results to show that I see them both as equal. Both Black Americans and White Americans use weapons. My results were, I have a moderate association for harmless objects with White Americans and weapons with Black Americans. The score I received was the same as 30% of the other web respondents. This is the highest percentage for this test. When receiving these results, it made me think about the crime I have witness throughout my life. Truly I believe I received this score because of being raised in White American family who is cultured. We have lived where racism is present and we have lived where it is not and diversity is high. However, every time I have witnessed crime it has been a black on black confrontation with weapons. Then in high school I realized that whites do the same also except not with weapons. They are more cruel with words than blacks. When we have witnessed crime, it has been black men or women with weapons and white men or women with words. From my personal experience I see it this way. But I do know that White Americans are just as likely to pull a gun or knife on someone. Overall my experience taking these tests have been interesting. I would like to think I am more neutral than one over the other. These tests prove that I do have biased opinions and I would like to change that. Everyone should be equal that is how I see it and everyone white or black can be dangerous with or without weapons.

    1. UPDATE:
      I am going to take all of them. Just for the heck of it!

  33. I took the race, sexuality, and the weight IAT. I strongly disagree on the sexuality. It says I slightly prefer straight over gay. I don't feel that is correct because to me you can't help who you love. As a mother I would not care if my children were gay or straight its what ever they prefer. When I was younger my mother raised me to never bring home anyone of the same gender or a different race, but in my mind I think that is wrong and simple minded. Same for the race IAT, it said I slightly prefer white people over black other than how I was raised. I've always seen black people no different then myself. My grandma married a black man who she still is married to. I feel that is why my mother feels the way she does because our family told her how wrong that was. How is that wrong? You can't help who you love or attracted too. I think I don't prefer whites over blacks nor do I prefer gay over straight. I believe we are all equal. Now, for weight it says I slightly prefer fat people over thin. I can see that as true a little because I am not thin. As for my best friend she is thin as a rail and I love her regardless. I do find myself being self conscious when I'm around thinner woman. Wondering if they think I'm nasty or dirty because I'm over weight. So I guess I would say I prefer people my size vs. thinner. -Gander789

    1. I took the Weight test as well. My results showed that I prefer thin people over “fat” people. I was shocked with my results. All of my friends weigh more than me. I have been “thin” all my life. I use to get teased about being skinny. I am the opposite. I am self-conscious as well when I am around people who weigh more than me. I wonder if they think I’m sick or malnutrition because I am so thin.
      Granny 789

  34. Considering I’m doing this experiment for two different classes, it’s given me the opportunity to take multiple test instead of just three and learning my preferences for things. The first three test I was shocked on the results. The next three experiments I wasn’t sure what to think with the results. The first one I took was skin tone with the preference of light skin over dark. I would like to know more on this one because I can only assume I prefer light skin because that is what I’m mostly exposed to in life. I don’t think I’m fully one way on the skin tone though, so I do not agree with these results. The second one I took was race between blacks and whites. This result and the next did not give me a side that I leaned towards more on. I believe this one treated me somewhat fair but I was hoping for a final answer on which one I prefered. I believe this one turned up how it did because I am from a family with diversity. My mother is white and my dad is black which yes I didn’t have much exposure to my fathers side but I’m still interested on the history of that side of my family. The last test I took was the religion experiment and I had the same results which put me in the middle saying I didn’t have a preference. I believe this one is true because I am not religious at all. I have attended church but that was for my grandmother when she would ask me to attend, other than that I never took a religion on and I have not decided to settle with one yet. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a religion, I just have not been interested enough to get myself involved in one. These experiments were somewhat fun to take, although I do not agree with some of the results, I am glad I took them.

  35. I took the race bias test. My results are that I am more biased towards white people than any other race. This makes sense because I was raised primarily around white people. All throughout school and even living in Pekin I was mostly surrounded by people who look like me. I don't think I treat people of different races differently, I just have an inner bias towards my own race. With going into Law Enforcement, this test is pretty important. Being a police officer you deal with all kinds of different people from different backgrounds, races, ethnicity's, etc. Even though I feel like I treat everyone the same, I still need to step aside and re look at the way I deal with other people. You have to treat everyone with the same level of respect in Law Enforcement. I know this is important and I definitely want to work on it, so in the near future I can be the best officer I can be. Even though this is an inner bias and I feel like I don't treat others differently, I still want to change it, so next time I take the test I will not be biased towards one group. Steve789

  36. One of the tests I took was to see if I preferred a certain race. My results were a moderate automatic preference for white people over black people. I agree completely with the test results. I grew up in small towns with no other race besides whites, therefore I am not used to being around blacks. I am not racist, I am just more comfortable with whites as of right now. As I spend more time in law enforcement, I will encounter more races. I will build friendships, and learn more about other races than whites. So I agree with the test result that I received.

    Another test that I took was about weapons. My result stated that I have a moderate automatic association for harmless objects with blacks, and whites with weapons. I would like to disagree with this statement. This is a very important topic, especially with this field. I believe that any race can use any type of weapon, or object. And I hope that mindset will stick with me and I will learn that to be true as I continue through the law enforcement.

    The last test I took was about weight. The results suggested that I have no automatic preference between fat and thin people. I believe this to be true. I treat all people with respect, no matter their shape or size. I enjoyed taking these tests. Rugby_456

    1. I took the fat vs thin test to and got the same result. I think it was true for me for the same reason it was for you, we are all the same. I think people put labels on everything way to often and that is how all of these biases come in to place. Just imagine if we did not stereotype everything. Epic789

  37. Honestly I don't see how my results affect the criminal justice system. for my weight test My results said that i slightly preferred thin people over overweight people. unless you are doing a physical test that is the only thing that should come into effect on the criminal justice system. you could smoke weed and be overweight and smoke crack in be thin. I dont see how i would let a thin person get away with an offense over someone that is over weight. i come from a family of overweight individuals and some are also thin. growing up i was told to treat people how i wanted to be treated. for the other test i took i had no preference of male or females with liberal arts degree or a science degree. i still don't have an opinion on that because once again why does that matter. the only thing that will come in handy is during an interview if they are up against someone who does not have a degree.
    now the last test i took i preferred white people over black. i live in a white community. No i am not a racist but if their was a black person walking around or down my street that im not used too or i even an new neighbor i might be spectacle because its out of the ordinary. so if i was patrolling an area and something or someone was out of the ordinary i would ask questions. myhearseisnotafuneralcar456

  38. I plan on being an inner city police officer and I realize that working in a big city means I will experience several different kinds of people with different cultures, skin colors, sexual orientations, etc.. This means that I am going to need to try my best to rid myself of all bias so that I can do my job fairly. I guess that's why I got frustrated over some of my answers for my implicit biases because I always thought that I was indifferent with no real preference for a lot of these implicit bias tests. One test that surprised me was the violent weapons and black or white skin color test. Apparently I lean towards associating violent weapons with black people and non violent weapons with white people. I don't know why I would have this bias because I have never had any violent encounter with any black people. Maybe it's because I grew up on Air force bases and until I moved to Illinois at age 17 I had only met maybe 5 black people or maybe it's been the media that makes me feel like black people are more likely to have a weapon. I'm not sure but regardless of the why I need to realize that anybody of any skin color can have a violent weapon or not have a weapon at all when I approach them as a police officer.

  39. When I took these test it felt like they were trying to make me feel bi about how the test was set up. My views are in general with people due to what I've learned living on earth. As a christian being Christ like is to be neutral. Your only human and going into this field it would be beneficial to be Christ like. My results were scattered but the test is emotional bound with backgrounds of your growing up. Adults who want to future presume this career minds change. Police Officers have to be able to enforce the laws made by the people thru legislation, but cant have any personal after feelings bi towards any human. I think that is completely fine because citizens are mad at the wrong people. Citizens made these damn laws so if they feeling some type of way change it ya damn self. Cops enforce what "we the people" put out and fail to realize. So with any test and the results, on one hand its like ill change when these bogus people change. Second hand, i'm still human with growing to do myself as long as i'm on earth. Third hand, its hard to shake a person from there personal background and beliefs. Its up to them on that part. Police Officers are becoming wide range also in color, gender, weight, height, etc. Meaning being bi is like you never know. I'm not knocking the test because they are a positive experience.
    -Detective Stabler

  40. The first test I took was the gender and career test.Before I took took this test I had it in my mind that women can do well in the work place just as well as men. Well my results said otherwise, It said I prefer women in the family setting and men in the work setting. Looking at this this could be a slight problem with the career of being a probation officer because I have will have this unconscious bias that a women should be at home worrying about her kids and taking care of the home and I feel like it would be as if i am judging her and the same scenario can happen with the man working. This could kind of be helpful if I go about using it the right way by giving them options and/or alternatives using work or taking care of the home or kids.

    The second test I took had to with the preference of whites or blacks and I thought I would be kind of neutral because my family is a biracial family. Well my testy told me that I have a Preference of blacks over whites. This could be a problem because I have this would make me treat my Caucasian clients differently than I would my African American clients.

    The last one I took was the gay over straight. I thought I would be OK because a lot of my family members would be are gay. Well the test told me I preferred straights over gays and even thought that might be true I can still have some issues rise up in my career because I wouldn't want to condemn my client because of their sexuality.

  41. These tests were really interesting to take and to see your results because you might not know what your answer would be you would probably hope for a different answer and get a totally different answer than what you expected. I personally took the “Weight, Race, and Age” tests. My results came in that I slightly prefer thin over fat people, which I wasn’t expecting the answer because I think I like both weights equally and don’t really have a preference but because I took to look to press the “E” for good or fat people that’s why I got the slight preference. For race, I had a moderate automatic preference for white or black people but I know why I got that answer although I am an African American, though I was hoping to get neutral because I grew in a country with mostly black people back in Africa. Lastly for the age test, I had a slight preference for young over old people, which I thought I would get neutral because I like both young people and older people the same. The reason why I got the moderate preference for white people over black people was because when I moved to the US, I live in Dunlap and most people are either white, Asian, or Indian. I went to a school with a big majority of white people rather than black and I also live in the white neighborhood and having both my parents being white. The only black people in my neighborhood are my brothers and I because we were adopted, and so I am used to my environment that I live in. For the age, I hang out with people who are younger by 1 year or two, same age or slightly order than me. But I still love both old and young people, lastly for the weight in my opinion I don’t really have a preference as long as the person is well put together am completely fine with it, on the other side I can understand why I preferred thin over fat people because I go to the gym everyday, I my old culture majority of people were thin, it was rare to see someone fat, but being fat in my country was good because it showed that you are wealthy rather than here in the US.

  42. The three tests I took for the implicit bias tests where weapons, native and the sexuality test. I feel as if all of the results that came back from taking these particular tests were wrong. After taking the weapons test my results came back that I associate harmless objects with white people and weapons with African American people. I believe this is wrong because everyone no matter what your race is, can associate themselves with weapons and anyone can also associate themselves with harmless objects. The results for the weapons test were slightly shocking to me for this reason. I don’t think there should be an either or for who you associate weapons or harmless objects with. However, you do hear via the media that more blacks are caught with weapons then whites, but to me the media is bias in a way because they are likely looking more for the black people that have the weapon rather than the whites that have the weapons also. As for the native test goes, I really wanted to know what my results for this one because I am part Native American. I thought taking this test would be very interesting as that they wanted to know your preference of whites and native Americans and foreign places and non-foreign places. My results for this test were what I expects that I prefer whites over natives, and American places over foreign places I know this because I have never been to a foreign place. And I have never truly talked to a full blooded native American. I feel like there is no way of telling if you prefer one over the other if you have never associated yourself with the other, by that I mean a foreign place and a native American. There for I can say that I prefer white people and non-foreign places because I have never meet a full blooded native American, and I have also never been to a foreign place. As for the sexuality test goes I was a bit surprised at the results. My results said I prefer being around straight people rather than gay people. I find this hard to believe because when I was in high school my best friend was indeed gay. I know many people that are gay and that take it with pride as I believe they should. I do not however have preference on gay or straight people I have friends of both sexuality’s. to an extent I feel like the tests I took on weapons, and sexuality were a bit off, but however I do think that native one was spot on like I said earlier. Thunder 456

    1. i think all three of the tests i took will help me in the criminal justice field because there are very different kinds of people that i would have to encounter with for that reasson i took the native test. there are also a lot of people in the world today that are not all straight, this is why i took the sexuality test. ass for the weapons test i took that because i strongly thought that it would come back as neutral how ever by reading the post you know that it did not come back neutral. with these tests coming back the way they did this just gives me a heads up on the things that i need to work on in order to better my self for the law enforcement field. Thunder 456

    2. I have family members of different race and ethnic backgrounds and I really don't treat them any different than I would somebody on the street. The tests did help me realize after a while after seeing the same thing associated with the same person you almost cant help but to think good or bad about them especially if that is all you know about a particular group of people. Its crazy because people actually think this way everyday of they're lives and think its normal to say someone from a different race than theirs has to be associated with this or that.

  43. Slight, moderate, and strong. I have my own ways to describe my opinions, and no one has ever accused me of being 'moderate' or 'slight' about anything. In the bias test however, I did end up being neutral on Age, had a slight preference for Judaism over Islam where religion is concerned, and I had a moderate tendency to see Native Americans as foreigners. Some of this wasn't shocking to me. I already knew that I'd grown up with sympathy for my Jewish friends, hearing about Hanukkahs and having my favorite librarian explain to me how exactly Jewish vampires could skirt the rule of not consuming blood (She asked her Rabbi). The only real contact I've had with the religion of Islam is in the pages of a book or through the screen. It's not a lack of trust, rather, I think, a personal ignorance of their faith and their culture that I can only improve on. My second test was age. I was actually much more surprised at my apparent neutrality towards the elderly, because I would assume my own preference towards youth. I have an ingrained respect towards the elderly, for their wisdom and their experience, but they are from a different era with very different social mores and biases, and in my opinion, that can make for a bit of a gap between us sometimes. However, if you've ever been in a room with a tv and a game show on, that gap is bridged very easily by family feud. Me and my Grandma used to take on all the game shows. The third test though, was the one that really shook my perception of myself. I have a moderate tendency to see Native Americans as foreign. NATIVE. Americans. It's in their name, folks. They are literally native to the land that we live in, and I see them as the foreigners. I was born in Chicago and grew up in Peoria, so I was never really raised in an area where you met anyone who was more than 'one sixteenth on my grandmother's side'. In fact, according to google, the most reliable source on earth, there are no federally recognized Indian tribes in Illinois today. We've done to them what the Romans did to the Celts, wiping out not only the people, but systematically destroying their culture, their languages, their religion, and forcing them to assimilate to survive. They can't fully assimilate though, can they, when people like me are taught to see them as other, as foreign, as the deerskin wearing, warpaint donning movie adaptations of what their proud ancestors were. Real life reservations are a far cry from Johnny Depp in Lone Ranger. The tests in and of themselves really made me question myself. Especially when I had to put good and bad with either Islam or Judaism, I felt a twinge go off in me like 'This isn't right, something's off'. Just having to associate the words 'angry' and 'disgusted' with a religion gave a very uncomfortable twist to my stomach that I have very little desire to replicate in the near future. Still, I think these tests were designed exactly for that. To put those twists in our guts and make us feel that deep drop in our stomachs. We have to question our beliefs to advance as individuals, and I think that all starts with shaking our core beliefs.


  44. I thought these tests were kind of interesting just by the way they are set up, I did not really understand how it worked. The first test I took was the disabled person over the abled person, I got that I had a automatic preference to disabled person over abled person. I think I got this because I work with disabled adults and know that they are just regular people. I think people often think way to much in to it when we should not even classify them as disabled, just because someone may not be able to do all of the things you can we have the put the label disabled on it? The next one I took was the fat person vs the thin person, I got that I did not have an automatic preference. I believe I got this because it is true it does not matter to me what the person on the outside looks like, who cares if they are a size large or a size small, like I said about we are all the same inside. The last test I took was the straight people vs gay people. My results were that I had a moderate preference for straight people over gay people. I think I got this because we often prefer things that we are attracted to. I do not have a problem with a gay or straight person honestly, I think we as people put way to many labels on things and that is what causes these bias, because if we did not have these labels this test would not be possible. EPIC789

  45. The tests I took were race, age, weapons. The test were very informative and they helped me realize the way I think ..I didn't even notice it. The age test was very easy and non-bias to me because I don't think that people should associate anger disappointment ,fear or anything with either age group it just depends on the person ,environment all sorts of things that are out of peoples control. Sociological prospective states that general patterns of society dictates how we think about certain ethic groups how we interact, everything .WE never know how someone will treat us until you are around them and that situation becomes a reality. The weapons test wasn't very surprising to me . I didn't really associate white or black with weapons. But the more I saw the same TYPE of people associated with either harmful or harmless weapons I kind of associated the race with it for that duration of the test. Most people will take these test and feel as if everyone should feel the same way about they do about it. That to me is a very close-minded way of thinking and fuels the racism in this country. To me personally, I don't think people should be judged by race or age because no one can help that part of themselves nor change it. As far as weapons ....most people wouldn't have thought a 64 year old Caucasian male would kills 50 + people and injure 500 or more . Seen walking he would be viewed as harmless. But if a man of color would have been seen with all those bags he might have been treated way different. now That's just my opinion of the situation but the next person might feel a little different. I don't think in that situation that it matters what kind of person does something like this ..its a terrible act of violence regardless. Society has painted a picture for us to think that old people are supposed to be old ,don't have sex ,be mean and bitter , smell bad all sorts of asinine thoughts and behaviors . Certain violent crimes are for certain ethnic groups, all sorts of things that shouldn't be handed to a particular people. Life isn't fair , test aren't fair , some people religious beliefs aren't fair .I think if everyone would gain a more open-mined way of thinking the world would become a way more peaceful place to be. -collegekid789-

  46. The first test that I took was the test on whether I prefer younger people or older people. I felt that I was going to score for not having a preference, and that’s exactly what I scored. Since I am still young I have the friends that are my age but I also like to surround myself with an older crowd because you can actually learn things from them that your younger friends don’t know much about. The second test I took was the race test, I thought that I was going to have a neutral score but I didn’t I preferred African Americans over European Americans. I grew up more around African Americans and that’s what majority of my friends are, I felt that I was going to score neutral because I don’t dislike either race I’m actually mixed with both races. But it does make more sense if I was around the African American culture more than that is going to be what I prefer. The last test I decided to take was the gender career test. The result that I got back was that I associate males with careers and females with family. I felt that I was going to have neutral results with this test because I honestly feel that either gender could do both so I was kind of shocked with my results.

  47. 1. age test- I received a moderate preference towards younger people. which is understandable to me because I am exposed to more older people in my line of work. Who can be in poor health which means they call us(fire dept.) for help. Which can be annoying over time when it's the same repeat offenders, or ones that choose to not change their lives for the better. Also I am in a leadership role towards youth.
    2. Weight- Obviously I prefer not as fat people so I received a heavily skewed score towards lighter people. I and others in my career are not fond of picking up heavy people day in and day out. So I definitely prefer lighter people and would date a lighter one.
    3. Weapons- I got a neutral score on weapons because quite frankly I am not racists towards whites or blacks. It's pretty clear when a water bottle is water bottle and a gun is a gun. Also it's pretty easy to tell if someone is white or black. Not really sure why you would assume a white or black person is more likely to have a weapon unless you have firsthand experience or statistics to back it up.

  48. The test that I took were race, age, and weapons. In the weapons category I honestly did not know how I would score and it said that I see black people having a gun more often what white people. This is not really surprising to me. The second one was race. I knew I would be more partial to white people and that is what the test came back to say. The last was age and I figured that I would have no bias towards young and old and it did come back that I was neutral. Trojan123

  49. The first test i took was on weight and it resulted in no preference for either heavy or light people. which i think came from being around both around my life. for my second test i took the race test and for a result i had a moderate preference for whites over black. i think that is due to being raised in a predominantly white community. which would effect my view. the third test i took was the old verse you test. my result was that i preferred young over old. i think that is due to me being around younger people all the time. when would change my opinion of them.Jeep123

  50. In the first test i took, i chose to take the religion test. From my results it showed that i have no preference between judaism and islam religions, meaning that i see both religions as equal and do not associate a certain religion with any sort of terrorist or bad act. I was not very surprised by my results as i am not a very religious person myself so therefore i do not really see any problem with different beliefs than myself. In the second test i chose to take about age, it showed that i had a strong preference for younger people over older people. Once again i was not very surprised by my results because i am a young so obviously i am going to have a stronger preference for people my own age rather than people who are older than i am. The third test that i decided to take was the test concerning weight. It showed that i had a slight preference to people of a more slender figure than those who have a more heavy frame. I was a bit surprised by these results mostly due to the fact that i do not see wight as being an indicator of being a good or bad person. Taking these tests has helped me better learn about myself and the implicit biases that i have buried within my sub-conscious. Pack123

  51. For my test I took the skin tone test and it came back that I have a moderate preference for light skinned people this can is most likely because I live in a community with very few dark skinned people and my family is mainly white. For my next test I took the Native American and white Americans and I got that there was no preference of whether one was foreign or not. I thought that I would have some sort of bias because I never really see any Native Americans where I am from and I never talk with any either. For my last test I took the abled vs disabled and got a moderate preference for abled people. I think this is because I am never really around and people with disabilities and I never really interact with other who have disabilities.

  52. My first test that I took was the sexuality one. it indicated that I would prefer heterosexuals over homosexuals. This does not surprise me because I am not around homosexuals all the time. And, I do not talk to people that are homosexuals. i don't feel like there is anything wrong with my results because I knew that before I even took the test that I would prefer heterosexuals over homosexuals. The next one that I did was male vs female. My results suggested that I prefer male family and female with career. I think it seems pretty legit. I think i am pretty neutral because I like all family members and want everyone to work WS123

  53. The first test that I took to discover what some of my implicit biases are was the weapons test to see if I had any preference between whites and blacks and the association between weapons and harmless objects. The results of that test came back that I did not have any preference or that I had a neutral stance between the two. Then the next test that I took was the weight test to see if I had an implicit bias towards people who were overweight or were not overweight. It came as no surprise to me that I had a preference for people who were thin as opposed to people who were overweight simply because of the lifestyle that I live. I typically live a very healthy, active lifestyle and consider myself to be a fit person so I would be able to associate with those who are also under that category as well. Finally, the last test that I took was the Arab-Muslim test to find out if I had any hidden biases towards Arab-Muslims. I was not at all surprised to find out that I had a preference for other people as opposed to Arab-Muslims because typically those types of people are associated with terrorism. This does not mean that I think they are bad people, it is just simply due to the way the media teaches us about them and especially after events like 9/11, I would imagine that most all Americans who were to take this implicit bias test would have similar results. Gymlife123.

  54. The first test I took was on weight. My results concluded that I have no automatic preference between Fat people and Thin people. I agree with my results because I strongly believe that a person’s weight does not define them as a person. Obviously I want everyone to be healthy but I want people to live their life the way they want to and my opinions shouldn’t affect them. The second test I took was on Weapons. My results suggest that I have little or no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with white American and black Americans. I was not surprised with my results because I don’t have a strong opinion on the matter. The color of their skins does not affect my feelings with harmless objects versus weapons. And finally the third test I took was on age. My results stated that I have no automatic preference between old people and young people. I wasn’t too shocked with my results, however, I do not feel like I work well with older people. With my job as a waitress in a country club I tend to deal with a lot of older costumers and have had many bad experiences. I mainly just do not like to disappoint and I feel more comfortable with the younger crowd because I am young myself. Sunshine123

  55. To me this test was very surprising even though I have done this more than 5 different times now. The one that shocked me the most was that I preferred white's over blacks which surprised me. My best friend is black and we have been friends for a long time and have a great friendship together and I would have never thought that I would favor white's over blacks. That was the most surprising test for me that I took and even though it was a slight preference I still wonder if it is right or not. The other two test I took was the weight and weapons test. NDIrish123.

  56. I took the religion one. I prefer Christianity. It doesn't surprise me because I am a Christian and that is how i was raised. WS123

  57. For my first test I took Gender-career. I was slightly surprised by my results because I thought I would associate males with careers, but I had little to no automatic preference for one or the other. This is probably because both of my parents worked throughout my life. My second test was very surprising because it said I moderately prefer black to white. This is surprising, (and I think not very accurate,) not because I'm racist, simply because I grew up around white people only. The third test was not a big surprise as it showed I have a moderate automatic preference for abled persons over disabled persons. This does not surprise me too much because there are only a few people in my life that struggle with these issues, and they are not extremely close in my life. gh_blackhawks123

  58. For my test I took the skin tone test and said that i had a slight preference for for light skinned people that can be explained because i grow up where very few black people are around. my next test i did religion where i slightly liked Judaism over Islamic and might be because of the way i grew up as well. I took the sexuality act and came back i liked women over men. this could be because i have been around women more than men throughout life. Cavsfan123

  59. The tests I took were race, sexuality, and skin tone. My first result was no preference for race, which to me seemed right as I tend to take a second with everyone to try to understand them as a person. Secondly I tested slightly preferring straight over gay. This did shock me a bit as I personally don't care if people are straight or gay. Also men when hitting on you buy you drinks! (Sarcasm) Last test I took was skin tone and I slightly preferred light over dark skin which did not surprise me much as it is harder to judge facial movements of people with darker skin for me personally. Overall I can believe this test was informative. -M24Ninja123

  60. I took the weapons, Arab Muslim, and disability tests. During my first test on weapons I discovered that the program said I had a slight association for African Americans with harmless objects and white people with weapons. This was not surprising to me considering I have had more contact with white personnel carrying weapons than African Americans. The second test I took was the test covering Arab Muslim biases. After completing this test I found that I have a slight preference to other people over Arab Muslims and this may be due to all of the media we see on the internet about terrorist attacks from the middle east. Thirdly, I took the test about disabled personnel and found that I was slightly more aligned towards regular abled individuals over disabled ones. This was interesting to me because I have never contemplated my biases towards handicap individuals. Overall this research will prove useful in helping me isolate my implicit biases and eventually trying to counteract and decrease those biases through new experiences with people of different races and ethnicities. Ghost123

  61. when i took my first test which was sexually it came up as moderate. i treat people the same weather they are gay or not. gay people are still the same just like straight people they just like the same sex and you shouldn't judge that. my second test i took was the race test.It came back moderate as well. I am African american and i feel like everyone should be treated the same way. It shouldn't matter what race you are we should all be able to do the same thing weather its owning a business or becoming the biggest lawyer it shouldn't matter what skin color you have. My last test i took was religion. It also came up moderate. i think growing up in a church i wold say i cam very religious because that was what i was taught. this test really help me getting a better understanding about myself. -babyblue123

  62. The first test I took was the Arab Muslim test. I felt in my head that I would have any bias towards any Arab-Muslim, but the test said it was a slight bias for them. The Second test I took was the weapons test. The weapons test showed that I had no automatic association for white or black people with weapons. The last test I took was the Gender-Career test. I believed that I really don’t have a bias for people in a workplace. Whether female or male, I feel like there is equal opportunity there for everyone. The results of the test stated that I had a slightly automatic preference for male with a career over female. All these test were very hard and confusing sometimes because they kept switching the topic with different letters on the keyboard. When you first begin, you think it’s all easy and is going to be quick, but then they start switching topics with letters then you are just stuck there for a second looking to see what to do. Once you do one test you’ll get the hang of it. I might take a test again to see if the bias change over time. DC123

  63. The first test I took was the gender and careers and my results were "Your data suggest a slight automatic association for Male with Career and Female with Family". I do agree with the results and I think they are accurate based on how I was personally raised and the things I have been taught until now. The second test I took was weapons and my results read "Your data suggest a slight automatic association for Harmless Objects with White Americans and Weapons with Black Americans". I don't agree with this because I don't believe your race has anything to do with using harmless or harmful weapons. The third test that I took was the disability test and my result were "Your data suggest no automatic preference between Disabled Persons and Abled Persons". I find these results to be pretty accurate because disabilities are not always visible so treating people differently is wrong. UofM123

  64. The first test I took was the test on religion and I got a score of having an automatic preference for Christianity over Judaism and that to me, isn't necessarily surprising. My parents tried to raise me Christian but I developed my own belief later in life. My parents have strong beliefs against other religions, especially Muslim religion or Judaism. Personally, I always try to be neutral to the subject because talking about it always led to arguments and I didn't want to deal with the stress of fighting with people. Honestly, I don't have a strong preference to either religion but it didn't test me on any other religion but those two. I will most likely continue to treat all religions as neutral as I possibly can as to not be biased. The second test I took was the weight test and it stated that I had an automatic preference for thin people over fat people but I know that has to be because I resent my parents for who they are and the things they have done, and they are both heavily overweight and I believe it formed a bad subconscious opinion of fat people. Which it also developed a deep fear of ever becoming overweight because I work super hard to keep myself thin out of that fear. I can't say that I necessarily treat people differently because I've had a lot of overweight friends and I see nothing wrong with that but I suppose I could watch myself more on the differences in the ways I treat my friends differently. The last test I took was about the gender career and it stated that I had no preference between who I thought should be the one with the job, male or female. This is slightly surprising because my dad always tried to teach me that the man was supposed to be the bread winner and bringing home the money while the woman fed and raised the family. He kind of strayed from that teaching though as I got older and started to teach me that if I wanted anything in life I couldn't depend on anyone but I sure as hell wasn't meant to support someone. So in the back of my head, I always thought that having the man be the bread winner was the way I thought that would go but I guess I am just strongly independent enough to support myself while at the same time believing that the man should be responsible enough to have a job as well. Regardless, all three of my results were right around where I feel my personality actually sits. SomethingProfound123

  65. The first test that I took was on the bias of religion. It consisted of questions on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I knew what my preference was going to be but I just wanted to see what the religious tests were all about. I found it interesting how much quicker I was to respond to the Christian questions than any of the other questions on Islam or Judaism. My final result was a Christian bias in a landslide. Arthur123

  66. The first test that I took was the bias test on Gay and Straight People. Now, personally, I knew thought for sure it would be neutral. Being a believer in the Bible, I know what the bible says about homosexuality but I also know as a believer I’m not to condemn people for their lifestyle. Often in churches, people of the church condemn and judge others for their same sex attraction. After testing my test, I was slightly surprised knowing that I prefer Straight over Gay people, because I have gay friends and I don’t treat them any different than my other friends. The second test I took was “Gender-Career”. I was automatically association Male with Science and Females with Arts. Is that sexist of me? I have been raised around women all my life, seeing women do all things. Never really knew what men could do because I only interacted with men at school(teachers) or family gatherings. I was hoping to be neutral, but I guess when really looking at my childhood I should be that surprised by it. The last test I took was the “Weapon and Harmless Objects”. After taking the test, it suggested that I have little or no automatic association when it comes to associating weapons and harmless objects with a group of people. When I see a black man I don’t assume “weapon”, or if I see a white cop, I don’t assume “harmless objects” when theirs a weapon on his belt. OMiE789

  67. Implicit Bias Test and My Thoughts?
    I thought this blog was very interesting because we were able to perform a task that allowed us to learn more about ourselves. I choose to take the following implicit social cognition tests: Weapons, Presidents and Religion. The results were very interesting.
    Regarding weapons here are my results: Harmless objects with white Americans and weapons with black Americans. I found this to be interesting because I do have a lot of avid hunters in my family that own weapons. I was wondering what kind of an impact that would have on my score. Weapons especially guns make me a little nervous because I have had a close friend shot and killed in a murder suicide and my aunt shot and killed herself. My friend was white and her boyfriend was black and my aunt was white. I also grew up in the South end and still reside there today. I experienced a great deal of violence especially shootings and unfortunately a lot of the crime was being committed my young black men. And in general a lot of the crime that I have witnessed in my own neighborhood is black on black crime. I do understand that white people have weapons and commit crimes however I haven’t been exposed to as much of that. I also understand that not all black people are out committing crimes. There are great people in the world within both races.
    Regarding Presidents here are my results: My data suggested a slight automatic preference for Donald Trump over Barack Obama. I found this to be very interesting. I don’t really follow politics as much as I know I should. I don’t trust what anyone in politics has to say. I feel like during their campaigns they tell us what we want to hear and that is not usually what we receive. I think they both have strengths and weaknesses like all of us.
    Regarding Religion here are my results: Christianity over Islam. I am not overly surprised by this, however the reason I took this test was to see if it would come out the way I expected. I have had a great deal of exposure to Islam in the last six years at my current job in healthcare. I have learned so much from one of the physicians that I work with. His Mosque even had a community event so that people within the community could learn more about the Muslim faith. It was amazing and I think it was successful. I am dating an American man and his sister married a Muslim man and converted to Islam. This has also made me more comfortable with Muslim people and understanding their culture and beliefs. I do view myself as a Christian woman and I have no interest in changing that. However I think it is important to respect other religions views and be an open minded person.



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