Active Shooter and Campus Safety


  1. Active shooter situations happen in not only our country, but all over the world far too often. That is why it is so crucial for everybody to watch videos such as this one in order to gain knowledge of what to do should such a tragedy take place. The first reaction many people would have during an active shooter situation would be to completely panic. This would be expected naturally because the adrenaline is rushing and your body basically goes into fight-or-flight mode. There are three basic steps however that we all should know to do during a tragic event such as this. The first step is to run. If there is an opportunity to escape the building or area that the shooter is at, it is important to get to safety and then obviously call for help. If, unfortunately, there is no possible way for you to run, the second step would be to hide. Locking the door, turning off the lights and barricading the door with as many chairs and desks will make it much harder for the shooter to get to you and thus will save your life as well as the lives of others. If those two options are not available, there is only one last resort left and that is to fight. This step should be left as a last resort because trying to fight with someone who is armed with a weapon is a very dangerous predicament to put yourself in. Many people may use this last step as the first one in order to be seen as that hero who saved the day. Often times, trying to be the hero causes one to end up being another fatality at the hands of the perpetrator. These type of videos should really be shown to all grade levels of education because an active shooter situation can happen anywhere at any time. I remember back in seventh grade when I first learned about what we should do if a situation were to take place like that my teacher said that it is best to run away from the shooter in a zig-zag formation because that will make it much harder for the person to have a clear target on you. Gymlife123

    1. The zigzag formation is smart. It makes it harder for the enemy to get a clear shot, like you said. The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit, the one you see outside around here, also uses the same method to survive. They aren't actually that fast, but they constantly move in zigzag movements to make it harder for hunters to catch.

    2. In America we experience more incidents than there should be of crowds of people being shot at. Whether the incident is happening in your school, a concert, or on the street as you are walking home, or in your job, you should be fully aware of the steps to take to try to ensure your safety so you can walk out of the situation alive. I love how this video went over the basic steps of run, hide, and fight! No one knows for sure what they would do if someone approached them while shooting, but with the basic knowledge of what to do, it can save a ton of lives. Not only does this video help civilians gain a better understanding on what to do in a horrific situation like this, it helps anyone who is looking to go into a job with the risk of being shot at like police officers, security guards, or anyone else who wears a badge; as well it can help bank tellers, store owners and managers, or any person in a job that is at risk of being a victim of active shooting .Unfortunately though, some people freeze when they become extremely scared, even with this knowledge they can just freeze up. So in these situations if people are frozen up, but you are willing to help these people in the time of need that is also important! This video does great showing that with the last option being FIGHT! If you see a person or group of people just stunned in their seats, or just standing there, or curled up in a ball, if there is time, if you could help them out, and help save their lives, not only would they feel great, so would you. This is a big reason why a lot of us are going into these fields, to help people! I do not think that I will have to experience this in the line of duty that I am going into, but you never know, I can just as easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With this knowledge I am hopeful that I have a better chance of escaping with my life than if I did not have this knowledge. I think this would be a great training video for a lot of jobs out there, even in schools I believe this video should be shown to students to help them gain a better understanding, especially since the rise of active shootings have occurred in typical schools! -MyChildrensKeeper123

    3. First of all I would like to apologize for placing my paragraph as a reply instead of scrolling all the way down to put in in. I didn't realize i was placing it as a comment. So again I apologize. I do want to say I absolutely agree with you, everyone reacts to these situations differently, once your adrenaline starts flowing, you can do stuff you wouldnt normally do with a normal working brain. Even with this knowledge, some people will freeze up from fear, some will want to be nosy, or superman. With this knowledge though, it will definitely help A LOT more people than without this knowledge, this video did a great job of informing people of the accurate steps to help escape situations with their lives! -MyChildrensKeeper123

  2. This video was a nice take on what to do when faced with a life threatening situation. It showed that when there is a shooter with a firearm or other dangerous weapon that you should follow three simple steps. Those steps were run, hide, and fight. This is crucial for anybody who does not know what to do in situations such as this. For example, some people might try to run at the wrong moment and then take the risk of being shot. On the other end of the spectrum, some people might try to approach the shooter in the wrong way like head on and running at them. Some things that I noticed in the video that I admired was the sense of urgency in the police officers. Instead of walking to their vehicles, they were running because they knew that they had to arrive on the scene in a short amount of time. I know when I become a police officer and even a detective, I will show the same amount of urgency. Even when I was working for a farmer by doing tasks, I would run from one job to the other. This sense of urgency is one of the things that would help me become a better police officer and reduce the chances of things getting more out of hand than what they were before.

    1. The video was very straight forward. I feel like I was one of those people who would've ran to the action, but just to help people out. After watching this video, I kind of get the impression that the smart choice is to run, hide, and let the officers do their job. Only fighting back as a last option. The officers respond time in this situation was absolutely spot on. If you have the same level of urgency as any of these officers, you will have no issues in your path!
      ^~^ Itis456

  3. Active shooter situations happen in not only our country, but all over the world far too often. That is why it is so crucial for everybody to watch videos such as this one in order to gain knowledge of what to do should such a tragedy take place. The first reaction many people would have during an active shooter situation would be to completely panic. This would be expected naturally because the adrenaline is rushing and your body basically goes into fight-or-flight mode. There are three basic steps however that we all should know to do during a tragic event such as this. The first step is to run. If there is an opportunity to escape the building or area that the shooter is at, it is important to get to safety and then obviously call for help. If, unfortunately, there is no possible way for you to run, the second step would be to hide. Locking the door, turning off the lights and barricading the door with as many chairs and desks will make it much harder for the shooter to get to you and thus will save your life as well as the lives of others. If those two options are not available, there is only one last resort left and that is to fight. This step should be left as a last resort because trying to fight with someone who is armed with a weapon is a very dangerous predicament to put yourself in. Many people may use this last step as the first one in order to be seen as that hero who saved the day. Often times, trying to be the hero causes one to end up being another fatality at the hands of the perpetrator. These type of videos should really be shown to all grade levels of education because an active shooter situation can happen anywhere at any time. I remember back in seventh grade when I first learned about what we should do if a situation were to take place like that my teacher said that it is best to run away from the shooter in a zig-zag formation because that will make it much harder for the person to have a clear target on you. Gymlife456

    1. I agree with you that people should teach this to all grade levels. We had a couple of gun threats at my school and all they told us to do was hide in a group away from the door and shut off the lights. If the shooter did see us and came in, we would have been fish in a barrel.

  4. This video was a nice take on what to do when faced with a life threatening situation. It showed that when there is a shooter with a firearm or other dangerous weapon that you should follow three simple steps. Those steps were run, hide, and fight. This is crucial for anybody who does not know what to do in situations such as this. For example, some people might try to run at the wrong moment and then take the risk of being shot. On the other end of the spectrum, some people might try to approach the shooter in the wrong way like head on and running at them. Some things that I noticed in the video that I admired was the sense of urgency in the police officers. Instead of walking to their vehicles, they were running because they knew that they had to arrive on the scene in a short amount of time. I know when I become a police officer and even a detective, I will show the same amount of urgency. Even when I was working for a farmer by doing tasks, I would run from one job to the other. This sense of urgency is one of the things that would help me become a better police officer and reduce the chances of things getting more out of hand than what they were before.

  5. The video explaining what to do in a school shooting, is obviously important. Although, I like the video for different reasons. I like how it portrays the entire community’s reaction to it. The students are caught by surprise, just like normal, and even the teachers aren’t fully aware of the situation. When someone finally notifies the police department, their reaction is as expected. At the scene as soon as possible, coordinated with other officers, and helping anyone escape. That case isn’t always the same though. Police departments vary, and some can’t get officers out to the crime for at least ten to fifteen minutes! That where the run, hide, and fight, tatic comes into play. The police department knows it can’t be there, right away, all the time. So, they help the community by spreading helpful tips. I think this could apply for my future job, because the federal government is doing this all the time! Sending out warnings, or tips on how to survive, or overcome an issue. It’s their job! So seeing how the officer presented this video, helps me in the sense that I have a basis of what to say. People that are trying to help other people have to know what to say. Otherwise, it’s a broken record and eventually no one will even listen to it. Another way this ties in with my job, or anyone's job, is the level of teamwork that is displayed in the video. Without coordination, a school shooter can be a lot worse. This, in turn, looks bad on the police department, or any other department responsible for handling the scene. It may not be stressing that point because the video is for students surviving a shootout, but a lot more can be taken from the video.
    ^~^ Itis123

  6. This video and the comments from the teacher shed some new light on my approach to a situation such as a school shooting. I had never thought how different a police officer’s mindset could be compared to an everyday citizen. The mindset of a police officer needs to be to protect and serve everyone in the community fairly. In situations such as an active shooter instead of thinking selfishly and getting out of dodge it is an officer’s job to step in to a leadership position and be able to keep a calm head. Getting everyone out safe is the goal when dealing with this problem, and to do that it takes someone who is always prepared for the unexpected. I have heard this before and try to keep myself on my toes when being out in public. I like to run scenarios through my head to just be prepared for when something would go wrong. My mindset on the situation has changed some though from how I used to see things. My initial reaction if I were to hear about an active shooter would be to go stop it. I do not want to run away knowing there is still a threat to other people. This video has showed me that it is important for now to let those who already have the training and resources handle the situation, and it is my job as a civilian to get myself out of harm’s way. Police officers are like Parents to a very large number of kids, and it is their jobs to make sure those kids feel safe in their community. I believe that I will work well as a police officer and I know I have the correct mindset to be willing to sacrifice my body to ensure the safety of others. Wings123

    1. A police officers mindset is very different, and it's awesome to see it in action! The fact that they are willing to basically take a bullet for a random person is unbelievable. It takes strong willed, and minded people to do this job, because not many people would do that. I also agree with what you said about your mindset changing due to the video. I also felt that it would be best to try and help others rather then run away. Although, after watching the video and seeing how much easier and safer it is to just let trained professionals do the work, I have the same stance as you.
      ^~^ Itis123

  7. The video explaining what to do in a school shooting, is obviously important. Although, I like the video for different reasons. I like how it portrays the entire community’s reaction to it. The students are caught by surprise, just like normal, and even the teachers aren’t fully aware of the situation. When someone finally notifies the police department, their reaction is as expected. At the scene as soon as possible, coordinated with other officers, and helping anyone escape. That case isn’t always the same though. Police departments vary, and some can’t get officers out to the crime for at least ten to fifteen minutes! That where the run, hide, and fight, tatic comes into play. The police department knows it can’t be there, right away, all the time. So, they help the community by spreading helpful tips. I think this could apply for my future job, because the federal government is doing this all the time! Sending out warnings, or tips on how to survive, or overcome an issue. It’s their job! So seeing how the officer presented this video, helps me in the sense that I have a basis of what to say. People that are trying to help other people have to know what to say. Otherwise, it’s a broken record and eventually no one will even listen to it. Another way this ties in with my job, or anyone's job, is the level of teamwork that is displayed in the video. Without coordination, a school shooter can be a lot worse. This, in turn, looks bad on the police department, or any other department responsible for handling the scene. It may not be stressing that point because the video is for students surviving a shootout, but a lot more can be taken from the video.
    ^~^ Itis456

    1. Yes....We are interdependent and the police and community are one - not us v. them. FeelingYou123

  8. This video and the comments from the teacher shed some new light on my approach to a situation such as a school shooting. I had never thought how different a police officer’s mindset could be compared to an everyday citizen. The mindset of a police officer needs to be to protect and serve everyone in the community fairly. In situations such as an active shooter instead of thinking selfishly and getting out of dodge it is an officer’s job to step in to a leadership position and be able to keep a calm head. Getting everyone out safe is the goal when dealing with this problem, and to do that it takes someone who is always prepared for the unexpected. I have heard this before and try to keep myself on my toes when being out in public. I like to run scenarios through my head to just be prepared for when something would go wrong. My mindset on the situation has changed some though from how I used to see things. My initial reaction if I were to hear about an active shooter would be to go stop it. I do not want to run away knowing there is still a threat to other people. This video has showed me that it is important for now to let those who already have the training and resources handle the situation, and it is my job as a civilian to get myself out of harm’s way. Police officers are like Parents to a very large number of kids, and it is their jobs to make sure those kids feel safe in their community. I believe that I will work well as a police officer and I know I have the correct mindset to be willing to sacrifice my body to ensure the safety of others. Wings456

  9. This video is a great learning tool and I always learn something from it although I have seen it about three or four times now. I think all class should have to watch this video not just here at Illinois Central College but worldwide. This video shows you what to do in the event that an active shooter takes place. The majority of people have no idea what to do or what to if think of doing in advance of the situation. Watching this video just makes me want to go into the Law enforcement profession even more and more. To go out and help and give back to all the others that have given to us and be that one person that people can always look to for help no matter the situation. Many people will view you as a role model and as a hero even though you are just as human as they are. We wake up every morning and put our badge on and strap on our duty belt knowing that this could be the last time we walk out this door but someone has to go out and do the job and preform the duties that we as police officers, correctional officers and many others all do. To me this job can be one of the most fulfilling jobs out there in the world knowing that you are always making a difference in the world and your community. No matter the circumstances and no matter what people tell me I plan on sticking with Law enforcement for my career and to live the life I have always wanted to live and to do the job that I have always dreamed of doing since I was little. Not because of fast cars and being able to carry a gun but the fact that I can go out there and help and change things for the better. NDIrish123.

  10. Safety is a high priority no matter where you are or who you with, but in today’s society technology has gotten way better and more efficient than it was in the sixth century BCE. Way back then they had to form a group to watch the town’s borders or gates ensuring outsider wouldn’t attack the town where today we have camera’s we can set up or trackers we can use to know when there’s something dangerous is on the rise. When attending collage’s, high school’s for a long period of time you start to settle and feel comfortable and you stop anticipating so when something isn’t right you wouldn’t feel right away you see it as if it’s just another day. Watching that video made me realize that it’s okay to always watch your surroundings and it’s okay to have plan ready to go if something like a school shooting or public shooting was to occur anywhere around you. That’s why I’ve decided that being in the law enforcement profession is a good way to give back because the college students at Ohio State University was just going about their day’s like any other day not harming anyone, but someone decided because of a vendetta that he had he felt like it was okay to go to the Ohio State University campus and pick off random college students just for his on emotional pain reliever. So with that being said being in the law enforcement profession is so much more than just a job so I can be successful in but it’s a way that I can help make the word a safer place for adults and the youth of today America even knowing that may be losing my life is a huge possibility and I’m have come to terms that I am okay with it.

  11. This video is a great learning tool and I always learn something from it although I have seen it about three or four times now. I think all class should have to watch this video not just here at Illinois Central College but worldwide. This video shows you what to do in the event that an active shooter takes place. The majority of people have no idea what to do or what to if think of doing in advance of the situation. Watching this video just makes me want to go into the Law enforcement profession even more and more. To go out and help and give back to all the others that have given to us and be that one person that people can always look to for help no matter the situation. Many people will view you as a role model and as a hero even though you are just as human as they are. We wake up every morning and put our badge on and strap on our duty belt knowing that this could be the last time we walk out this door but someone has to go out and do the job and preform the duties that we as police officers, correctional officers and many others all do. To me this job can be one of the most fulfilling jobs out there in the world knowing that you are always making a difference in the world and your community. No matter the circumstances and no matter what people tell me I plan on sticking with Law enforcement for my career and to live the life I have always wanted to live and to do the job that I have always dreamed of doing since I was little. Not because of fast cars and being able to carry a gun but the fact that I can go out there and help and change things for the better. NDIrish456.

  12. Active shooters happen everywhere just not in America, it can happen in any country. This is why watching videos like this, is a great way for people to learn what to do in a situation if it comes your way. The most common thing people do in a situation like in the video is to panic, it is not uncommon to do it though. Your body is going through a adrenaline rush and your body just wants to crash and burn or go into fight mode. There are many different practices for coping with an active shooter. First one is beware of all your environment and any possible dangers that you know of. Second one is take note of the two or three nearest exits in any place you visit. Third thing is if you’re ever in a hallway, get into any room and secure the door. Finally if you have no other options, attempt to take action and take the shooter down. Otherwise you can run, fight and or hide. Running is the first safest bet if there is an accessible path route, ammapet to evacuate immediately. If that it not the case though the second option is to hide out. Hiding out is another way if evacuation is not possible. Find a place to hide where you believe the active shooter is less likely to find you. If you can not do any of the two options I mentioned then your last resort is to take action against the active shooter. Taking action includes acting aggressively as possible against him or her, throwing items, yelling, and commiting to your actions. Fighting back might be scary but you gotta do whatever you can to survive. In conclusion this video we watched today should be shown to mostly everyone so they can beware of the situation that could happen anywhere. It is important to know what you can and would do if this ever happens in your town. So remember run, hide and or fight. Smile123

  13. Safety is a high priority no matter where you are or who you with, but in today’s society technology has gotten way better and more efficient than it was in the sixth century BCE. Way back then they had to form a group to watch the town’s borders or gates ensuring outsider wouldn’t attack the town where today we have camera’s we can set up or trackers we can use to know when there’s something dangerous is on the rise. When attending collage’s, high school’s for a long period of time you start to settle and feel comfortable and you stop anticipating so when something isn’t right you wouldn’t feel right away you see it as if it’s just another day. Watching that video made me realize that it’s okay to always watch your surroundings and it’s okay to have plan ready to go if something like a school shooting or public shooting was to occur anywhere around you. That’s why I’ve decided that being in the law enforcement profession is a good way to give back because the college students at Ohio State University was just going about their day’s like any other day not harming anyone, but someone decided because of a vendetta that he had he felt like it was okay to go to the Ohio State University campus and pick off random college students just for his on emotional pain reliever. So with that being said being in the law enforcement profession is so much more than just a job so I can be successful in but it’s a way that I can help make the word a safer place for adults and the youth of today America even knowing that may be losing my life is a huge possibility and I’m have come to terms that I am okay with it.

  14. Active shooters happen everywhere just not in America, it can happen in any country. This is why watching videos like this, is a great way for people to learn what to do in a situation if it comes your way. The most common thing people do in a situation like in the video is to panic, it is not uncommon to do it though. Your body is going through a adrenaline rush and your body just wants to crash and burn or go into fight mode. There are many different practices for coping with an active shooter. First one is beware of all your environment and any possible dangers that you know of. Second one is take note of the two or three nearest exits in any place you visit. Third thing is if you’re ever in a hallway, get into any room and secure the door. Finally if you have no other options, attempt to take action and take the shooter down. Otherwise you can run, fight and or hide. Running is the first safest bet if there is an accessible path route, ammapet to evacuate immediately. If that it not the case though the second option is to hide out. Hiding out is another way if evacuation is not possible. Find a place to hide where you believe the active shooter is less likely to find you. If you can not do any of the two options I mentioned then your last resort is to take action against the active shooter. Taking action includes acting aggressively as possible against him or her, throwing items, yelling, and commiting to your actions. Fighting back might be scary but you gotta do whatever you can to survive. In conclusion this video we watched today should be shown to mostly everyone so they can beware of the situation that could happen anywhere. It is important to know what you can and would do if this ever happens in your town. So remember run, hide and or fight. Smile456

  15. This is a great video showing the 3 most useful steps to take when someone runs into a situation like this. Sadly, these situations actually happen, but not a lot of people are aware of these 3 steps; but they still seem to follow 2 of the steps (run and hide) due to natural instinct. I never heard of someone taking down the shooter in the school, building or wherever it may occur because most likely they’ll freeze up because they are too scared or don’t know what to do from that point on. I believe this video should be shown everywhere around the world! This video should be shown at school orientations/assemblies and job orientations, so that everyone becomes aware of these steps. I remember being in elementary school and we will have practice drills and one of the drills will be “Code Red Response” and what we do is hide away from the door and the teachers will cover the doors up; the only step we knew to do was hide, not run or fight, but hide. Now that I think about it, if the shooter was to run into the school KNOWING the time school starts and ends and he/she sees that every classroom light is off, door locked, and windows covered up they will know that people in there, so say if the shooter was to come in there, now what do we do? All the teachers know what to do is hide just like us kids, NO ONE knew the next steps to the situation. When I become a police officer I will be sure that everyone in the communities are aware of these steps. This is all about working together to survive, which is teamwork and being a police officer is about teamwork as well; Officers work as a team to stop crime and make the communities safe and someday I will be able to be a part of that team that helps with awareness and sense of urgency with similar situations. $tack123

  16. This is a great video showing the 3 most useful steps to take when someone runs into a situation like this. Sadly, these situations actually happen, but not a lot of people are aware of these 3 steps; but they still seem to follow 2 of the steps (run and hide) due to natural instinct. I never heard of someone taking down the shooter in the school, building or wherever it may occur because most likely they’ll freeze up because they are too scared or don’t know what to do from that point on. I believe this video should be shown everywhere around the world! This video should be shown at school orientations/assemblies and job orientations, so that everyone becomes aware of these steps. I remember being in elementary school and we will have practice drills and one of the drills will be “Code Red Response” and what we do is hide away from the door and the teachers will cover the doors up; the only step we knew to do was hide, not run or fight, but hide. Now that I think about it, if the shooter was to run into the school KNOWING the time school starts and ends and he/she sees that every classroom light is off, door locked, and windows covered up they will know that people in there, so say if the shooter was to come in there, now what do we do? All the teachers know what to do is hide just like us kids, NO ONE knew the next steps to the situation. When I become a police officer I will be sure that everyone in the communities are aware of these steps. This is all about working together to survive, which is teamwork and being a police officer is about teamwork as well; Officers work as a team to stop crime and make the communities safe and someday I will be able to be a part of that team that helps with awareness and sense of urgency with similar situations. $tack456

    1. I love how when you become a police officer, you want to make everyone in the community aware of the correct steps to take when in a tough situation like this. I agree that it should be shown everywhere because it is sad that this does happen, but everyone needs to be aware. Now that you mention your Code Red Response, when I was in grade school they called ours the lock down drill. Teachers locked the door, and some covered the small window in the door. They made us hide where if they looked in they could not see us, and we had the lights off. They should be teaching you to run and fight as well not just hide.

    2. I absolutely agree, this video should definitely be shown in schools. When I was in school it was called the lock down drill, and we had to hide under desks or somewhere you couldn't be seen and away from the door and windows. Like you said if something were to actually happen we didn't know what else to do besides hide. I agree that people need to be made more aware of the steps, especially with the increase of active shootings going on, and it happens in more than schools. Bank robberies, drive bys, store robberies, school shootings, concert shootings, etc. This knowledge could save A LOT of peoples lives! -MyChildrensKeeper456

  17. Right on $tack - you got this right. Compassion and effective policing....FeelingYou456

  18. This video is a great video to watch not just for students or staff but for everyone even especially middle and high school students. It gives a great detail description in what you should do if you were to ever be in danger of an active shooter. This video also shows that it can happen to anyone anywhere. The most common reaction of people that come into this situation is panic, and forget what they should do. Main thing is to stay calm and make yourself safe, like with the first step, you should run. Unfortunately running sometimes can't be an option, then you should hide but still to remain calm. Lastly, is if you can't run and you can't hide, look at your surroundings finding ANYTHING possible to use to take the shooter down. I may not being going into being a police officer but even with the career I am going for, it still gives me knowledge and information to remember how to act and respond in my field of work because like I said at the beginning of my blog, stuff like this can happen anywhere at anytime.Motocross123

    1. I agree with you when you say that everyone needs to watch this video because not only would it help them out in an active shooter situation, it also allows you to help others if you wanted to because there are some people who want to save themselves and then there are others who want to help others. Also, even though you and I are not wanting to become a police officer, this video was great information because like you said it can happen at any time at any place. No one is really prepared for this kind of situation.

  19. I believe that this video is great to watch. It really informs you on what you would need to do if you become in an active shooter situation. When I watched this video in class a few semesters ago, I asked some of the friends that go to the other campus about if they have been shown this video. All of them said no and that really blew my mind because everyone needs to be informed on what to do even though everyone’s first instinct would be to panic. No matter what age you are or even if you are not a student/ staff, everyone needs to be informed on what to do. People do not just wake up and think about what they would if an active shooter came into my building. I agree with the video when the officer was saying to take different routes in and out of your building and to know your surroundings because it is good to know a variety of ways out, just in case you would to be in a situation where you need to run. Also, to know your surroundings is good just in case you cannot run nor hide and fighting is your only possibility to survive. Knowing this kind of information is good for all Criminal Justice/ Law Enforcement careers not just police officers. I know my career choice may not be to become a police officer, but I know that I am super grateful to know this information due to that it can happen any time of the day and at any place. You could also think of it this way, if you were put in an active shooter situation, you could help tell people they need to run and if you must hide you can try and help them hide, to try and remain calm, and to be quiet

  20. I believe that this video is great to watch. It really informs you on what you would need to do if you become in an active shooter situation. When I watched this video in class a few semesters ago, I asked some of the friends that go to the other campus about if they have been shown this video. All of them said no and that really blew my mind because everyone needs to be informed on what to do even though everyone’s first instinct would be to panic. No matter what age you are or even if you are not a student/ staff, everyone needs to be informed on what to do. People do not just wake up and think about what they would if an active shooter came into my building. I agree with the video when the officer was saying to take different routes in and out of your building and to know your surroundings because it is good to know a variety of ways out, just in case you would to be in a situation where you need to run. Also, to know your surroundings is good just in case you cannot run nor hide and fighting is your only possibility to survive. Knowing this kind of information is good for all Criminal Justice/ Law Enforcement careers not just police officers. I know my career choice may not be to become a police officer, but I know that I am super grateful to know this information due to that it can happen any time of the day and at any place. You could also think of it this way, if you were put in an active shooter situation, you could help tell people they need to run and if you must hide you can try and help them hide, to try and remain calm, and to be quiet

  21. I really like this video because people say they would do it different but you never know what gonna happens. When you are in this situation first you have to do follow three rules one be run, hide and fight back. Sometimes you can't get follow those rules and when you can't just got hide somewhere and when you try fight back make sure you have people around you and find something to fight back. But if you really want be a cop you gonna have be a leadership however its not for everyone but when it comes to this you going have to stand up and be a leadership. Because you don't want people know you are scared like them and that not a good sign. One reason why i want be cop because yes i want help people however want to protect those who can't or scared to stand for themselves. This video was good also what to do when this happens because you never knew what you gonna do when you are a active Shooter and its also good the school alert them what going on to.
    -Panters 123

  22. I really like this video because people say they would do it different but you never know what gonna happens. When you are in this situation first you have to do follow three rules one be run, hide and fight back. Sometimes you can't get follow those rules and when you can't just got hide somewhere and when you try fight back make sure you have people around you and find something to fight back. But if you really want be a cop you gonna have be a leadership however its not for everyone but when it comes to this you going have to stand up and be a leadership. Because you don't want people know you are scared like them and that not a good sign. One reason why i want be cop because yes i want help people however want to protect those who can't or scared to stand for themselves. This video was good also what to do when this happens because you never knew what you gonna do when you are a active Shooter and its also good the school alert them what going on to.
    -Panters 456

  23. This video is really helpful because not everyone knows what to do when they get put in that type of situation. Your first instinct when it comes to an active shooter is to either see what is going on or to run. The run, fight, fight method is a really smart idea because there are many options we have before we decide to fight the person with any weapon. I also agree with when you go to any place you have to know where any exits are because anything can happen. Knowing where exits is will help in any situation whether it’s a fire to some one coming in shooting. They mention that when you run you need to exit out of different places. If you all exit out of one door that will give the shooter an easy target and may have to chance to shoot everyone they can. Its very smart to when you hide to stay quiet and sit still because you wouldn’t want no one to find you. The video said that phones should be on silent and lights should be off, that would get to shooter to think no one is in the school and everyone can be safe. This video should be played at every school because active shooters have been popular over the past couple years and we defiantly don’t want any more life’s to be risked. -Babyblue123

  24. Ohio State did a great job putting this video together and getting police involved with it as well. They give you clear indications of what should take priority over the other with their run, hide, fight steps. It’s unfortunate that these type of tragedies have become so common that videos need to be made about it, but the I’m glad this video is out for the public and numerous schools to utilize to show their staff and students. It’s scary to think about the possibility of something like this happening at Illinois Central College, but having these videos shown to classes can help put things into perspective, as well as making sure to always be aware if you ever catch yourself in a situation like this. The professor made a great point that as criminal justice majors, we need to begin to learn how to become leaders if we aren’t already. Doing so will allow us as individuals to take control of a situation like this in the future if it is to ever occur. Making smart and calculated decisions while also helping as many people nearby as possible get out of the situation safely. Remaining calm is necessary to be able to lead during such an event. The video did a good job of showing different scenarios of encountering a shooting with their different filming locations throughout the school. This video can definitely be related back to my chosen career path due to working together throughout the process. Whether it was running, hiding, or fighting, the citizens in the video were always working together towards the same goal, getting out alive. Throughout one’s career, especially in the criminal justice field, we are always going to have to work together as a team with our co-workers, whether we see eye to eye or not. The video not only gave very important steps to surviving a shooting, but also showing that working together as a team is more often than not, your best bet at reaching your goal.


    1. I can't really say anything to what you have posted outside of that I completely agree with you. The video is incredibly well made and informative and it's a shame that these tragedies have become so incredibly common. We really should have some representatives who work towards fixing the issue of national gun violence in a way that does not directly work to strip away our second ammendment rights. Perhaps we don't have so much of a gun violence issue so much as a national mental health issue but regardless until this issue is solved we are all in danger of losing friends, family members, classmates, coworkers or even our own lives. It may still be incredibly unlikely that each individual person is harmed by this issue but it is still a national issue that needs to be solved as soon as possible. This isn't something that police can solve on their own but it is something that they can work to solve. They could perhaps crack down on illegal firearm owners but in all reality we need the help of legislators and our representatives to help keep us safe in a way that doesn't directly strip away the rights of the citizens.
      - TaxSeason 112 & 130

  25. Ohio State did a great job putting this video together and getting police involved with it as well. They give you clear indications of what should take priority over the other with their run, hide, fight steps. It’s unfortunate that these type of tragedies have become so common that videos need to be made about it, but the I’m glad this video is out for the public and numerous schools to utilize to show their staff and students. It’s scary to think about the possibility of something like this happening at Illinois Central College, but having these videos shown to classes can help put things into perspective, as well as making sure to always be aware if you ever catch yourself in a situation like this. The professor made a great point that as criminal justice majors, we need to begin to learn how to become leaders if we aren’t already. Doing so will allow us as individuals to take control of a situation like this in the future if it is to ever occur. Making smart and calculated decisions while also helping as many people nearby as possible get out of the situation safely. Remaining calm is necessary to be able to lead during such an event. The video did a good job of showing different scenarios of encountering a shooting with their different filming locations throughout the school. This video can definitely be related back to my chosen career path due to working together throughout the process. Whether it was running, hiding, or fighting, the citizens in the video were always working together towards the same goal, getting out alive. Throughout one’s career, especially in the criminal justice field, we are always going to have to work together as a team with our co-workers, whether we see eye to eye or not. The video not only gave very important steps to surviving a shooting, but also showing that working together as a team is more often than not, your best bet at reaching your goal.


  26. Watching this video and thinking that something this horrific can happen at any point in time with no heads up is scary. I think the Ohio State University and police did an excellent job explaining what we need to know of how to survive something like this. I feel that this video should be shown not just in the criminal justice classes, but in every class on every campus. What is there is a class and no one in the class has ever seen the video? They may not know what to do and may be too afraid to do anything. In any criminal justice field you never know when you make a traffic stop or are arresting someone who will not want to go to jail and will do anything to be free even if that means taking another's life. As an officer or anyone with a career in the criminal justice field you have to on your toes and can never let your guard down when out in the field of work. In the field officer will have a very different response. The officer will not run from the gun fire, they will head towards the gunfire and try to protect those who are in the line of fire. Officers will try to save those in the community before they save themselves and they will do what is best for everybody not just one person. Officers also have to have a level head and be able to, if given the chance try to diffuse the situation rather than taking the life of someone. If they are unable to do this they are most likely in the wrong field.

  27. This video, that illustrates what to do when faced with the threat of an active shooter, was eye opening for me. Whenever I thought about what I would do in an active shooter situation I always went back to what I was taught in grade school and high school. We were taught that we would just all hide in the corner of a classroom and hope we’d be safe, though apparently those were incorrect instructions. This video taught me that I should actually be attempting to flee the area so that I can call 911. I also learned that if I do need to hide then I shouldn’t be clumping in a large group with the people who are near me. Though an active shooter situation isn’t something I’m incredibly worried about, because I honestly don’t think that it will statistically ever happen to me, I am glad to know the expected procedure in case I do find myself in such a scenario.
    This video also did more than inform me about procedure but it also seems to have reaffirmed that law enforcement is something I would like to pursue as a lifelong career. When watching the video I realised that in such a situation I would see myself leading people to attempt to evacuate the area, keep the are calm if we needed to hide or convince and prepare people to fight a threat if it were to come to that. I feel like I could excel when under the pressure of such a high intensity moment and I really want to learn how to apply myself in the situations I may be put into in the future so that I can do my best and become the best officer that I can be so that I don’t make mistakes in these high intensity situations.
    - TaxSeason 112 & 130

  28. Ohio State University did a great job of putting together this video about what to do if a active shooter occurs whenever someone may be. They made three great points where the first thing that you should do is run the opposite way of the gunfire. You want to gain as much distance between you and the shooter as you can then call the police. If you cannot do this the next thing to do is hide. Make sure to barricade yourself in a room somewhere if you can and make it hard for the person to know you are there or see you. Then if the shooter comes to where you are the last result that they said is to fight, your life against theirs. These points are exactly what people need to know if they are ever in a type of situation like this. Just this little bit of information can help a person help out the people around them because they might not know what to do. They could help direct people in the right way to run or hide. I feel that every person begging from grade school through college should be taught in active shooter situations at every school they attend so they know exactly what to do and where all of the exits are. Like they said in the video there is a very slim chance that anyone will ever be in a active shooter situation. But if the time happens and you are there, these simple steps could save you life and others. With me going into the law enforcement field I believe that knowing just these little bits of information could help me greatly and it could also help me teach others in what to do in a type of active shooter situation. Trojan123

  29. Ohio State University did a great job of putting together this video about what to do if a active shooter occurs whenever someone may be. They made three great points where the first thing that you should do is run the opposite way of the gunfire. You want to gain as much distance between you and the shooter as you can then call the police. If you cannot do this the next thing to do is hide. Make sure to barricade yourself in a room somewhere if you can and make it hard for the person to know you are there or see you. Then if the shooter comes to where you are the last result that they said is to fight, your life against theirs. These points are exactly what people need to know if they are ever in a type of situation like this. Just this little bit of information can help a person help out the people around them because they might not know what to do. They could help direct people in the right way to run or hide. I feel that every person begging from grade school through college should be taught in active shooter situations at every school they attend so they know exactly what to do and where all of the exits are. Like they said in the video there is a very slim chance that anyone will ever be in a active shooter situation. But if the time happens and you are there, these simple steps could save you life and others. With me going into the law enforcement field I believe that knowing just these little bits of information could help me greatly and it could also help me teach others in what to do in a type of active shooter situation. Trojan456

  30. This video is not only good information for students on college campuses but also for any public place or work place. Officer Tabor was very clear on the steps need to protect yourself and others if this situation should occur. The thought of an active shooter is not only scary, but is a real possibility. In 2017, the United States had roughly suffered 273 mass shootings. A mass shooting is described as more than four gunshot victims not including the shooter. What makes an active shooter do something like this is unknown, but taking the proper steps to protect yourself and others is of the utmost importance. An active shooter is probably very familiar with the surroundings. An active shooter can be a student or even a staff member. Always be familiar with your surroundings is something we have all been taught from an early age. Knowing where to go in case of an emergency or where shelters are in cases of storms or who to contact if we need help. This video explained even more in-depth the importance of knowing where to hide in extreme cases. Of course, your first response is to run and to get away from the situation as quickly as possible, however that option may not be the best depending where the shooter is located. It is important to remember we all have phones these days call 911 as soon as you are aware of a threat. So that authorities can be on the way. Fight this is the last and final resort as you never want to put yourself in harms way. But sometimes there might not be another choice. The information given in this video is not only helpful and informative to those wishing to pursue a career in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement but should be shown throughout every workplace and school. Active shooter situations can occur anytime and any place and knowledge is the key to survival. Of course, everyone reacts differently in emergency situations and we don’t know until it happens what our response would be. With the information in this video I feel as if I now have the tools to not only help myself but those around me if the need should arise.

  31. This video is not only good information for students on college campuses but also for any public place or work place. Officer Tabor was very clear on the steps need to protect yourself and others if this situation should occur. The thought of an active shooter is not only scary, but is a real possibility. In 2017, the United States had roughly suffered 273 mass shootings. A mass shooting is described as more than four gunshot victims not including the shooter. What makes an active shooter do something like this is unknown, but taking the proper steps to protect yourself and others is of the utmost importance. An active shooter is probably very familiar with the surroundings. An active shooter can be a student or even a staff member. Always be familiar with your surroundings is something we have all been taught from an early age. Knowing where to go in case of an emergency or where shelters are in cases of storms or who to contact if we need help. This video explained even more in-depth the importance of knowing where to hide in extreme cases. Of course, your first response is to run and to get away from the situation as quickly as possible, however that option may not be the best depending where the shooter is located. It is important to remember we all have phones these days call 911 as soon as you are aware of a threat. So that authorities can be on the way. Fight this is the last and final resort as you never want to put yourself in harms way. But sometimes there might not be another choice. The information given in this video is not only helpful and informative to those wishing to pursue a career in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement but should be shown throughout every workplace and school. Active shooter situations can occur anytime and any place and knowledge is the key to survival. Of course, everyone reacts differently in emergency situations and we don’t know until it happens what our response would be. With the information in this video I feel as if I now have the tools to not only help myself but those around me if the need should arise.

    1. I agree, not just school shootings are just becoming more and more common- but mass shootings across the country are becoming a huge issue. People in every possible work environment, at school, home, church- basically anywhere you can imagine- need to be prepared and know how to react if a shooting were to occur with them in the area. Being familiar with your surroundings can be a life saver when it comes to these sorts of things because more than likely, the shooter will be familiar with the area. Knowing where the exits are, how to leave going multiple different ways, and where a decent weapon might be should it come down to that are all key parts of surviving these scenarios. Hoagie123

  32. Knowing how to deal with an active shooter situation is something we’ve all prepared for since we were very young. In school, we’ve always had drills and learned to turn off the lights, hide under our desk, and stay calm, but how many people would actually do that if there were actually an active shooter in the building? This is one of those things that you can’t ever be 100% prepared for because if something like that were ever to happen our nerves would be through the roof. An active shooter situation could happen ANYWHERE and with that being said, we need to be prepared. There are crazy people in this world so we can never be too sure of what’s going through others’ minds. First, learning to run is very important. Getting out of the area the shooter is at is important and crucial to your safety. Next, if you can’t run, hide. Turning off the lights and making it seem like no one is in the room will make the shooter think that room is empty in hopes he will leave that room alone. Last, but not least, fight. This takes someone extremely brave and courage, but it would be worth it in the end. All it takes is one courageous person to stand up to the gunman and it could save 1 million other innocent people in the building. I’ve been in a situation before where a student brought a gun to school and threatened someone in the bathroom with it so we had to go on lockdown. Even though the gun wasn’t used, it was still incredibly scary and a million thoughts were going through my head. This video is so important because everyone needs to be aware of what to do in this situation, because there are so many people out there who wouldn’t know what to do and just freak out. Freaking out in a time like this would only result in you getting hurt. Cheer123

  33. Knowing how to deal with an active shooter situation is something we’ve all prepared for since we were very young. In school, we’ve always had drills and learned to turn off the lights, hide under our desk, and stay calm, but how many people would actually do that if there were actually an active shooter in the building? This is one of those things that you can’t ever be 100% prepared for because if something like that were ever to happen our nerves would be through the roof. An active shooter situation could happen ANYWHERE and with that being said, we need to be prepared. There are crazy people in this world so we can never be too sure of what’s going through others’ minds. First, learning to run is very important. Getting out of the area the shooter is at is important and crucial to your safety. Next, if you can’t run, hide. Turning off the lights and making it seem like no one is in the room will make the shooter think that room is empty in hopes he will leave that room alone. Last, but not least, fight. This takes someone extremely brave and courage, but it would be worth it in the end. All it takes is one courageous person to stand up to the gunman and it could save 1 million other innocent people in the building. I’ve been in a situation before where a student brought a gun to school and threatened someone in the bathroom with it so we had to go on lockdown. Even though the gun wasn’t used, it was still incredibly scary and a million thoughts were going through my head. This video is so important because everyone needs to be aware of what to do in this situation, because there are so many people out there who wouldn’t know what to do and just freak out. Freaking out in a time like this would only result in you getting hurt. Cheer456

  34. Watching this video is very important and very descriptive. Telling you details from a cop's perspective, showing the ways of how to protect yourself and the community. The cop that explains the video gives great description on what to do in certain situations. The video is not only leaning towards college kids, but also towards anyone else that is harmed in any way. When someone is trying to kill you, you have to protect yourself. There is always a way to try an escape an intruder or you have to use self defense. You have to find ways to knock them out or get the gun away from them. All college universities should have a buckeye alert telling all students to run or hide. You never know when this could happen at your school. I'm glad I watched this video to tell me what to do in a situation like this. Making alert to the nearest police department is very important so they can get there as quickly as possible.The video should be shown to all college campuses around the world. They need to feel safe and most importantly know what to do in a situation like this. Being prepared for something like this is always a plus especially when they have a weapon trying to kill you or your friends. conrad123

  35. Watching this video is very important and very descriptive. Telling you details from a cop's perspective, showing the ways of how to protect yourself and the community. The cop that explains the video gives great description on what to do in certain situations. The video is not only leaning towards college kids, but also towards anyone else that is harmed in any way. When someone is trying to kill you, you have to protect yourself. There is always a way to try an escape an intruder or you have to use self defense. You have to find ways to knock them out or get the gun away from them. All college universities should have a buckeye alert telling all students to run or hide. You never know when this could happen at your school. I'm glad I watched this video to tell me what to do in a situation like this. Making alert to the nearest police department is very important so they can get there as quickly as possible.The video should be shown to all college campuses around the world. They need to feel safe and most importantly know what to do in a situation like this. Being prepared for something like this is always a plus especially when they have a weapon trying to kill you or your friends. conrad456

  36. In America we experience more incidents than there should be of crowds of people being shot at. Whether the incident is happening in your school, a concert, or on the street as you are walking home, or in your job, you should be fully aware of the steps to take to try to ensure your safety so you can walk out of the situation alive. I love how this video went over the basic steps of run, hide, and fight! No one knows for sure what they would do if someone approached them while shooting, but with the basic knowledge of what to do, it can save a ton of lives. Not only does this video help civilians gain a better understanding on what to do in a horrific situation like this, it helps anyone who is looking to go into a job with the risk of being shot at like police officers, security guards, or anyone else who wears a badge; as well it can help bank tellers, store owners and managers, or any person in a job that is at risk of being a victim of active shooting .Unfortunately though, some people freeze when they become extremely scared, even with this knowledge they can just freeze up. So in these situations if people are frozen up, but you are willing to help these people in the time of need that is also important! This video does great showing that with the last option being FIGHT! If you see a person or group of people just stunned in their seats, or just standing there, or curled up in a ball, if there is time, if you could help them out, and help save their lives, not only would they feel great, so would you. This is a big reason why a lot of us are going into these fields, to help people! I do not think that I will have to experience this in the line of duty that I am going into, but you never know, I can just as easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With this knowledge I am hopeful that I have a better chance of escaping with my life than if I did not have this knowledge. I think this would be a great training video for a lot of jobs out there, even in schools I believe this video should be shown to students to help them gain a better understanding, especially since the rise of active shootings have occurred in typical schools! -MyChildrensKeeper123

  37. In America we experience more incidents than there should be of crowds of people being shot at. Whether the incident is happening in your school, a concert, or on the street as you are walking home, or in your job, you should be fully aware of the steps to take to try to ensure your safety so you can walk out of the situation alive. I love how this video went over the basic steps of run, hide, and fight! No one knows for sure what they would do if someone approached them while shooting, but with the basic knowledge of what to do, it can save a ton of lives. Not only does this video help civilians gain a better understanding on what to do in a horrific situation like this, it helps anyone who is looking to go into a job with the risk of being shot at like police officers, security guards, or anyone else who wears a badge; as well it can help bank tellers, store owners and managers, or any person in a job that is at risk of being a victim of active shooting .Unfortunately though, some people freeze when they become extremely scared, even with this knowledge they can just freeze up. So in these situations if people are frozen up, but you are willing to help these people in the time of need that is also important! This video does great showing that with the last option being FIGHT! If you see a person or group of people just stunned in their seats, or just standing there, or curled up in a ball, if there is time, if you could help them out, and help save their lives, not only would they feel great, so would you. This is a big reason why a lot of us are going into these fields, to help people! I do not think that I will have to experience this in the line of duty that I am going into, but you never know, I can just as easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With this knowledge I am hopeful that I have a better chance of escaping with my life than if I did not have this knowledge. I think this would be a great training video for a lot of jobs out there, even in schools I believe this video should be shown to students to help them gain a better understanding, especially since the rise of active shootings have occurred in typical schools! -MyChildrensKeeper456

  38. In an active shooter situation, the run hide or fight options are the best to use but there is always negatives to if you can’t do an option such as if you can’t run the shooter can catch you. If you can’t hide properly the killer will find you. Lastly when it comes to fighting you may not be strong enough or the shooter may expect something like that to happen so they are ready for it. Now with making this video though it is meant as a teacher to stop active shooters potential shooters can see this video and think of ways to counter each of the three options. If the killer truly wanted to kill people they can take time and lay it all out how things could happen. Though we have these options there still may be casualties though we want it to be 0 there is always that chance there will be at least one. If everyone in the area can delay time till the cops get there then there is a higher chance of no more casualties occurring. I have personally mapped out how to get out in a shooter situation and I have mapped how I plan to hide in each room or hallway I’m in. I feel it is best for everyone to have these situations mapped out if there is a shooter. I also have the fight scenario mapped out it is not always a good choice to resort to but I always have my survival pocket knife on me ready for the worst. Though I don’t plan to kill the shooter I can stab them in the hand and disarm them if that is the last choice for me. This video is a very helpful planning tool for people to have but its on the internet so even the shooter can have access too the video which I feel is an issue so instead this should just be taught in classes not put on the internet for the world to see.

  39. As an EMT, this video doesn't really supply any new information to me. The very first thing we were taught to do before even arriving on scene is to verify our "personal safety". Every single scenario I trained in, the very first thing to come out of my mouth was personal safety or scene safety. You don't know what you're going to find when you arrive on scene. The first thing we're to do if we do find ourselves in a sticky situation is to retreat and radio for police backup, staging nearby until it arrives. Believe it or not, we're also taught to hide if we can't retreat. The third thing we're taught to do is fight, just like in this video. Fun fact: oxygen tanks are pretty heavy and pack a punch when thrown at someone rushing you. The only downside, then, is you now have two patients. We're also taught to identify a situation before it even happens, so I'm constantly on the look out for would-be agitators or dangerous situations in general. When I enter a room, I immediately take note of entry points, exits, windows, potential cover, etc. If you constantly do this, if something does actually happen you're prepared and will act quicker than someone who hasn't adopted this mindset. As far as actually acting goes, everything needs to be done rapidly and correctly the first time. If you don't, you could seriously injure or even kill your patient. The same applies in such a situation as this. If you hesitate or fumble in any action it could amount to your injury or death. All that having been said, I don't think I'd have a problem reacting to an active shooter situation. This video does a good job of condensing what I was taught into something easily remembered by those not familiar with these kinds of situations. -Gwynbleidd123

  40. As an EMT, this video doesn't really supply any new information to me. The very first thing we were taught to do before even arriving on scene is to verify our "personal safety". Every single scenario I trained in, the very first thing to come out of my mouth was personal safety or scene safety. You don't know what you're going to find when you arrive on scene. The first thing we're to do if we do find ourselves in a sticky situation is to retreat and radio for police backup, staging nearby until it arrives. Believe it or not, we're also taught to hide if we can't retreat. The third thing we're taught to do is fight, just like in this video. Fun fact: oxygen tanks are pretty heavy and pack a punch when thrown at someone rushing you. The only downside, then, is you now have two patients. We're also taught to identify a situation before it even happens, so I'm constantly on the look out for would-be agitators or dangerous situations in general. When I enter a room, I immediately take note of entry points, exits, windows, potential cover, etc. If you constantly do this, if something does actually happen you're prepared and will act quicker than someone who hasn't adopted this mindset. As far as actually acting goes, everything needs to be done rapidly and correctly the first time. If you don't, you could seriously injure or even kill your patient. The same applies in such a situation as this. If you hesitate or fumble in any action it could amount to your injury or death. All that having been said, I don't think I'd have a problem reacting to an active shooter situation. This video does a good job of condensing what I was taught into something easily remembered by those not familiar with these kinds of situations. -Gwynbleidd456

  41. Almost nothing wants to make me become a law enforcement agent as badly as when I hear about school shootings. And unfortunately for us today, they’re happening more and more frequently. So, as a student in our current day and age, what can be done to help combat these heinous acts? Well, first off, just knowing the three simple steps of what to do if an active shooter came onto your campus can be a life saver. They are 1) Run, 2) Hide, and 3) Fight. If you cannot run immediately away from the situation, you need to find a hiding place as quickly as possible. If hiding is not an option or it is obvious you will be found, you need to be ready to fight. No matter what, the lives of those innocent people in the school are much more important than that of some idiot with a gun on the campus. Just about anything can be used as a weapon in a situation like this. If there is a situation in which a teacher freezes up or just doesn’t know what steps to follow in the case of an active shooter, then people like myself (or others with courage and the know how) need to step up and take control of the situation- the lights need to go off (once running has been declared not a viable option), doors need to be locked, everyone needs to silence their cellphones, get away from the windows, spread out so they’re not all one easy target, and don’t be visible from the doorway. If running is a viable option, then those criminal justice majors or those with leadership capabilities need to take action and attempt to get as many people to safety as possible, while not putting themselves in any more danger than necessary. What you don’t want to do is attempt to be a hero- this often results in another fatality and isn’t worth it unless you have no other option. Hoagie123

    1. I agree with you watching this video made me want to be a cop even more. I love helping people. Even if I just have to teach people how to protect themselves when faced with difficulties like these. Everyone should be aware of the three choices they have like you said. To RUN, HIDE,OR FIGHT. Once one has learned these things everyone can protect themselves. School shootings are happening to much. (Equality 123)

  42. This video is very helpful because not everyone knows what to do or how to deal with an active shooter or get in a situation like that. The thought of an active shooter on campus makes me think what would I or you really do in a situation like this. In a situation like these, there are three rules to be followed run, hide, and fight. I know that sometimes we cannot follow the rules because the first reaction we do is to panic. We never expect when or where an active shooter will show up on the campus grounds and we are not fully prepared that a situation will happen for real until it happens. Since one of the deadliest school shooting in America, I’ve always been observant and alert of my surroundings everywhere I go. We never know when and where danger will happen, like mass shooting for example. The video is very knowledgeable, interesting, and it shows what action and response we need to take in a short period of time. Knowing this kind of information is good for all the students and staffs, not just for police officers. Becoming a police officer as a career path and knowing variable information like this in advance will help me a lot and in the future. Regarding with this video, I would like to see the campus police show and teach the students, staffs, and faculties on how they can properly secure themselves inside a room, ways to escape, and to fight back if needed. Being prepared, aware of the surroundings at all times, and knowing the layout and exits of the place are the main concerns I have in mind after watching this video. Knowing and understanding what to do when a situation occurs, you could tell and help people what they need to do and save them. Being taught how to be prepared is extremely recommended and important. -Chopper123

  43. This video is very helpful because not everyone knows what to do or how to deal with an active shooter or get in a situation like that. The thought of an active shooter on campus makes me think what would I or you really do in a situation like this. In a situation like these, there are three rules to be followed run, hide, and fight. I know that sometimes we cannot follow the rules because the first reaction we do is to panic. We never expect when or where an active shooter will show up on the campus grounds and we are not fully prepared that a situation will happen for real until it happens. Since one of the deadliest school shooting in America, I’ve always been observant and alert of my surroundings everywhere I go. We never know when and where danger will happen, like mass shooting for example. The video is very knowledgeable, interesting, and it shows what action and response we need to take in a short period of time. Knowing this kind of information is good for all the students and staffs, not just for police officers. Becoming a police officer as a career path and knowing variable information like this in advance will help me a lot and in the future. Regarding with this video, I would like to see the campus police show and teach the students, staffs, and faculties on how they can properly secure themselves inside a room, ways to escape, and to fight back if needed. Being prepared, aware of the surroundings at all times, and knowing the layout and exits of the place are the main concerns I have in mind after watching this video. Knowing and understanding what to do when a situation occurs, you could tell and help people what they need to do and save them. Being taught how to be prepared is extremely recommended and important. -Chopper456

  44. Active shooting incidents happen a lot often than we think. I think this video was very useful and important to not only show college students, but to any grade level in case of a situation happening like the one shown. With the short worded steps listed throughout the video, it gives us a better feel of what to do, and with the filming, gave us a visual of what to almost expect. The basic steps mentioned throughout this video were run, hide, or fight. If you see or hear an active shooter your first instinct should be to run. I like how Ohio State University and every other college sends out an alert to cell phones and computers for situations like these. It gives the students and staff time and a chance to take cover. I feel like hiding in these situations can be really tricky and nerve wracking because even though you might be in a safe place at the time, we are never really sure if the shooter can get in, and that is where we should be prepared for that last part: fight. It's scary to think about if you ever came face to face with an active shooter or somebody in either your workplace or school with any type of weapon. I feel like a lot of peoples first instinct if they actually ran into an active shooter would be to panic but this video is showing us and telling us that we should not be afraid to fight. Protecting ourselves and our safety at all cost is what really matters. Hiwelcometochilis456

  45. This video was really helpful and one of the reasons why is because it made me have a few realizations. One of which is that if I choose to work in this field, I will have to face danger. Another thing is that I have been shy and introverted most of my life and if I do something like this, I’m going to have to get out of my comfort zone and there are going to be points where I have to take initiative and take charge of a situation. It also made me have the realization that I face danger in my everyday life as well, and that if I want to be in service to my community, I have to look out for others as well as myself. The police aren’t always going to be able to get there in time to keep you from harm’s way, so sometimes you just need to take charge and keep the people in your vicinity safe. Also, as helpful as I found this video, I find that potential shooters may gain access to this information and use it to their advantage, using these tactics against potential victims and landing a more devastating blow against them. -Xehanort123

  46. This video was really helpful and one of the reasons why is because it made me have a few realizations. One of which is that if I choose to work in this field, I will have to face danger. Another thing is that I have been shy and introverted most of my life and if I do something like this, I’m going to have to get out of my comfort zone and there are going to be points where I have to take initiative and take charge of a situation. It also made me have the realization that I face danger in my everyday life as well, and that if I want to be in service to my community, I have to look out for others as well as myself. The police aren’t always going to be able to get there in time to keep you from harm’s way, so sometimes you just need to take charge and keep the people in your vicinity safe. Also, as helpful as I found this video, I find that potential shooters may gain access to this information and use it to their advantage, using these tactics against potential victims and landing a more devastating blow against them. -Xehanort456

  47. When I was first introduced to the ideas behind this video, I wasn’t sure exactly what to think. The main theme behind this informative video was what to do in a situation in which an active shooter is embarking on a mission to kill on campus. We were given three basic steps which were, run, hide, and then fight. My initial thoughts when watching this video were centered around the fact that I would want to fight first. I kept asking myself why would I run or hide when I could potentially help save lives? I came to the realization pretty quickly though that life is not a movie. Without the proper training and means to do so, it would be hard to defend myself against an active shooter. After thinking this through, the ranking that they came up with in this video of means to get out of this situation made complete sense. That being said, this video gets me even more fired up to be entering into the profession that I am. I hope that one day I will have the thorough training to be able to help others in a situation like this if the need ever arises. (Patriots123)

  48. To be honest, I totally didn’t realize I did not made the word count, my bad. I also thought this video brought a new perspective to everyone who watches it. Even though these shootings occur much more often than they should, we are still very sheltered to the idea of them. Watching this, we are able to get more of a feel as to what it would be like in this situation. The extra preparation could very well mean the difference between life and death in a situation like this one. Even though we hope to never face something like this, it is better to be prepared rather than the latter. (Patriots123)

  49. Now a days shooting are happening so often in schools and places. A lot of people feel stuck or trapped when they get in this position, because no one ever thinks that they will ever end up in a situation like this. I feel that this video shows the importance of a lot. It show the importance of knowing your surroundings. It also shows the importance of taking different routes to learn different exit points. This video also shows that you are never stuck or trapped. One has the ability to run,hide, or fight. They should never go straight to trying to fight in this situation, but get away if they can. If people practiced the things they showed in this video a lot of people would be aware of the things they needed to do just in case they ever ended up in a situation like this. School shootings are becoming to common and it honestly needs to be stop. I agree with this video 100 percent. Another thing is people need to have confidence. The reason why i say that is because you have to know and believe you can stop the perpetrator. One who believes can achieve. (Equality 456)

  50. Now a days shooting are happening so often in schools and places. A lot of people feel stuck or trapped when they get in this position, because no one ever thinks that they will ever end up in a situation like this. I feel that this video shows the importance of a lot. It show the importance of knowing your surroundings. It also shows the importance of taking different routes to learn different exit points. This video also shows that you are never stuck or trapped. One has the ability to run,hide, or fight. They should never go straight to trying to fight in this situation, but get away if they can. If people practiced the things they showed in this video a lot of people would be aware of the things they needed to do just in case they ever ended up in a situation like this. School shootings are becoming to common and it honestly needs to be stop. I agree with this video 100 percent. Another thing is people need to have confidence. The reason why i say that is because you have to know and believe you can stop the perpetrator. One who believes can achieve. (Equality 123)

    1. I agree with you on how many people don't think that this type of thing can happen to them. That is part of the reason why some don't come up with plans with what to do if it did ever happen to them. Though I'm glad this video is out on youtube because now others can be aware of what's going on and how to stay safe if they ever encounter it.

  51. Unfortunately in today's society an active shooter situation is becoming normal. This video may only show a college campus setting but this kind of situation is not limited to a college campus. People are targeting more than just a college, they are shooting up not only schools but also churches, businesses, and public gatherings. Unfortunately anywhere there is a group of people it can be an easy target for someone that is wanting to do something so hateful as to killing not only one person but trying to kill groups of people. This is not something that is just happening here in the united states, it's happening in other countries as well. I think this video is a good start for everyone. I strongly think that everyone needs to learn how to become more aware of their surroundings. With the military training that I have it is a second nature for me to know what is going on around me and what all my options are as far as exits. With this training I can also see that a lot of people don't know what is going on around them. As a society in whole we are to focused on our cell phones and electronic devices at our disposal that we don’t think something like this will ever happen to us. The sad truth is that it can happen to anyone, anywhere and at anytime. The first instinct for us as humans is to panic, this can be more harmful at times. It is very important to stay calm and try to follow the three steps this video is showing to us. I believe that if everyone can learn to work together and not only think of themselves (referring to all the office workers finding weapons to protect themselves) a lot more can be accomplished. Being a hero isn’t always a good thing and can sometimes end up as a worse situation. UofM123

  52. Unfortunately in today's society an active shooter situation is becoming normal. This video may only show a college campus setting but this kind of situation is not limited to a college campus. People are targeting more than just a college, they are shooting up not only schools but also churches, businesses, and public gatherings. Unfortunately anywhere there is a group of people it can be an easy target for someone that is wanting to do something so hateful as to killing not only one person but trying to kill groups of people. This is not something that is just happening here in the united states, it's happening in other countries as well. I think this video is a good start for everyone. I strongly think that everyone needs to learn how to become more aware of their surroundings. With the military training that I have it is a second nature for me to know what is going on around me and what all my options are as far as exits. With this training I can also see that a lot of people don't know what is going on around them. As a society in whole we are to focused on our cell phones and electronic devices at our disposal that we don’t think something like this will ever happen to us. The sad truth is that it can happen to anyone, anywhere and at anytime. The first instinct for us as humans is to panic, this can be more harmful at times. It is very important to stay calm and try to follow the three steps this video is showing to us. I believe that if everyone can learn to work together and not only think of themselves (referring to all the office workers finding weapons to protect themselves) a lot more can be accomplished. Being a hero isn’t always a good thing and can sometimes end up as a worse situation. Tanker456

    1. Many comments I am reading, including my own, have mentioned the fact that school shootings are becoming more common. It is quite a disturbing fact of our lives. I hope soon we will live in a day when these things do not happen.


  53. The world that human beings live in, is ever changing. So much so that active shooter situations have become almost common place. Hence, the need for videos such as the one presented in class. The video was informative in stating what to do and what not to do in an active shooter situation. I felt the video is/was part of learning process of human conditioning, and adaptation. Due to the fact that shootings such as Virginia Tech, San Berandino, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Columbine just to name a few have in a sense awoken people up to harsh realities. People should not live in fear or change the way the live their life. At the same time, training, proper training saves lives. It is not wrong to always look for exits wherever you are, or have a gut feeling that something is about to happen. Always be prepared, because human beings can be unpredictable. Over the years I myself, have become more observant and aware of my surroundings. Due to the fact that, anything could happen at any time. We as a society have to look at what reasons or factors are behind why and how an active shooter situation occurs. The better prepared and equipped people are in terms of an active shooter situation the better. Remember the acronym A.B.C. (Always Be Cautious) because being cautious, is not the same as being paranoid. If you want to be paranoid, be a hermit. As human beings we have a strong will to live, that will to live is what pushes us to try to become a smarter and safer society. Active shooter training, is just one example of that will to live. It all comes down to the respect for human life, being prepared, and always being cautious. Guns are not going anywhere, and people will continue to use them to harm others. (Acquit456)

  54. This video is a very helpful way to remind people that shootings happen to anyone anywhere. It is a good way to make what is happening all around the world aware to the citizens. Knowing how to save someone else’s life and your own is incredibly helpful. No one knows how exactly their going to act when in a situation like this, so it is always a good idea to have a set plan before you ever need to put it to action. It was nice that instead of doing a speech that most students or others would get bored in the middle they did a video showing how and what would or could happen with a shooting. It made it interesting that they 0were acting it out it keep me interested in what was going on and what would happen next. Run, hide and fight is an effective way to view the situation because initially when someone thinks or sees danger they run away from it. The next thing is to survive by hiding so that you aren’t harmed. Usually after hiding for a long time the person tends to feel either they’re not getting out alive or their getting out alive, so they choose to fight.

  55. We live in a time of emerging freedoms, but with this comes the unfortunate events we are witnessing much too often: the events of an active shooter in places where we live, work, play, and learn. Because we are growing up and living in a very different time than are grandparents did, we have to take certain precautions and think about the unimaginable. For some reason, some people have built-up anger that they take out on people they do not even know, in ways that can detrimentally change lives forever. Public places like schools seem to be the targets of many of these shootings. If students and staff are informed about these types of events and know some basic procedures about what to do if they ever find themselves in a similar situation, we can minimize the amount of those people that may end up killed or injured. No one ever anticipates these horrible events happening to them or anyone they love, but we live in the real world, and very seemingly unreal events happen to real people. Knowing the three basic procedures for an active shooter--run, hide, fight--eliminates some of the thought and panic that usually occurs when we find ourselves in a dangerous and unfamiliar situation. This video lays out a simple to follow plan to use if a person found his or herself in an active shooter situation. Little phrases like “stop, drop, and roll” and “run, hide, and fight” are carefully thought through procedures that we remember in unpleasant situations, when otherwise we may be unable to move and frozen in time by sheer shock. Those who come to a fight prepared, usually end up winning in the end! MySliceofthePi012

  56. In this video titled “Surviving an Active Shooter” created by Ohio State University we learn the details and current information regarding an active shooter in a school or simply anywhere in our daily lives. In the day in which we live it is a very possible and real scenario to find yourself face to face with an active shooter. Therefore we must take all opportunities to prepare ourselves for any situation that may occur. This video clearly outlines the run, hide, fight steps that we must take in the event of a situation where there is an active shooter within the area or building in which you are. Large places of gathering such as churches, theaters, schools as well as other large events can be prime target for shooters as they plan where they will take their action. Therefore it is very important to be fully prepared and aware of the proper plan of action should a situation arise. Therefore in the event that something actually happens you can remain calm and take the correct action in a clear and rehearsed manner. Through this video Ohio State University hopes to share with the world the great importance of being prepared and ready in any event or happening in our daily lives. -THEARSONIST012

  57. Sadly active shooter situations are getting more common all around the world and many people aren’t mentally prepared to act when they occur. Even though NOBODY should have to be in this predicament, I feel that after watching this video I will be prepared for it if one day it were to happen to me. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel the “run, hide, and fight” method should be a procedure that everyone follows when put in this situation, especially those in middle and high school environments. I remember when I was in high school and they called these issues “Code Red” and the procedure was for everyone to lock the doors, turn lights off, and just hide in the corner furthest from the door or windows. I absolutely hated this because I feel although it would be harder for an active shooter to get to you, that is still not the BEST possible way to handle it. No shooter is just going to say “Oh man this parking lot it full but all the classes are empty..looks like they had a schoolwide field trip. Darn.. maybe next time.”. I feel by using the “run, hide, fight” method gives the opportunity for more individuals to get away from the issue as a whole. Not only will running benefit those getting away, but also those that were left with no option but to hide. I think that would increase the chances of the shooter actually believing that they may not be in the classroom. Hopefully it will never come to it but I also love the idea of “fight”. In high school I was always told not to even think about doing that and I'm just so happy to see that I'm not alone here. Our lives are so precious… if I’m going down, you’re going to have to work for it. Overall I am absolutely happy that I got the chance to watch this video and learn a more effective way to handle these type of situations and I really hope that other schools will adopt it as well

  58. Ohio State did a very good job producing this video, instructing on a very sensitive subject without causing unneeded stress. After watching, I feel better prepared handling an active shooter situation should I ever face one. Of course, I hope to never encounter such a horrible situation, but if I do, I feel confident with my ability to keep myself and others alive. For whatever reason someone would feel the need to take the lives of many, I know that by staying calm and focused, and trusting law enforcement, the odds of staying alive rise tremendously. This video does a good job walking you through an active shooter situation by keeping the message short and memorable: Run, Hide, and Fight. This message is one that somebody could remember in the midst of a major fight-or-flight response, when the body is overcome by hormones preparing for a life or death situation. Usually, shock and fear will block out unnecessary brain function, which is why I feel the message of the video is great; it's short and simple. I completely agree with the procedure given as well. Most active shooter situations happen in places with large amounts of people, which usually translates to square-footage as well. That's why running is the best option. One person cannot cover a building in the time that someone can escape with their life on the line. Also, most active shooters most likely will not follow anyone outside of a building, due to the fact that they can be apprehended much easier out in the open. Hiding is also another good option, although much more terrifying. Like the video said, law enforcement can get to the scene of the shooting within a few minutes in a populous area, so as long as the room is securely barricaded, odds are the active shooter will be apprehended before they can break into a fortified room. Fighting should be the last resort, as few people have the training or luck to win in a defenseless fight against a gunman. However, through the element of surprise and by attacking in groups, the gunman will almost always lose. It is so sad that these situations have been studied and prepared for as much as they have, but that is the unfortunate reality of the society and times that we live in.

  59. I have had to watch several videos such as this one for many different occasions (namely other college classes, job training, and being a camp counselor). No matter how incredibly important they are, they are still somewhat unsettling. It is truly sad that we live in a world where virtually every social gathering (whether it be professional, educational, or entertaining), must be prefaced with information and strategy for avoiding an act of terror. I know this video was intended for instructional and preparation purposes, but I think that this video, in and of itself, presents characteristics of a social and cultural problem. If we were to look at it sociologically, we could see that this constantly occurring issue could be rooted in many different problems with society’s structure, inequalities, and even how we relate to each other (to apply all of the different approaches). On another note, this video was very well produced, and provided sound advice and crucial information for any viewer who would ever find themselves in an active-shooter or other mass-attack/terror situation. It caused me to put myself into the shoes of people who are in situations like this. No matter how uncomfortable and disturbing it is, it is imperative that we are prepared.

    - MAXIMA012

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This video was very informative and helpful. Unfortunately, shootings happen very often and all over the place. Ohio state did a very good job with putting this message together and I think that "run, hide, and fight" procedure should be enforced in all schools. Growing up we all had to learn the different codes that they were and one was Code Red. lock the doors, turn off the lights, and hide away from the door so you cant be seen. This was something that is VERY important to know but learning a new method is always good. We were always told not to fight so the fact that they included this in the video is very helpful because it shows that its actually ok to fight back. Either way you must always do anything it takes to protect yourself from getting hurt. The very first thing my teacher told us on the first day of the semester was run, hide, fight if we ever were in a situation where it was needed. Hopefully we wont ever need to use the procedure but now I know that I am prepared for what could possibly happen. -ILIKETURTLES012

  62. When I was first introduced to the ideas behind this video, I wasn’t sure exactly what to think. The main theme behind this informative video was what to do in a situation in which an active shooter is embarking on a mission to kill on campus. We were given three basic steps which were, run, hide, and then fight. My initial thoughts when watching this video were centered around the fact that I would want to fight first. I kept asking myself why would I run or hide when I could potentially help save lives? I came to the realization pretty quickly though that life is not a movie. Without the proper training and means to do so, it would be hard to defend myself against an active shooter. After thinking this through, the ranking that they came up with in this video of means to get out of this situation made complete sense. That being said, this video gets me even more fired up to be entering into the profession that I am. I hope that one day I will have the thorough training to be able to help others in a situation like this if the need ever arises. I also thought this video brought a new perspective to everyone who watches it. Even though these shootings occur much more often than they should, we are still very sheltered to the idea of them. Watching this, we are able to get more of a feel as to what it would be like in this situation. The extra preparation could very well mean the difference between life and death in a situation like this one. Even though we hope to never face something like this, it is better to be prepared rather than the latter. (Patriots012)

    1. I agree with what you said about wanting to fight first. I have often thought this as well. Why waste time where other lives could be at stake when we could try to help solve the problem in the first place? The realization always sets in after that of my thinking that it would take a lot to be able to disarm a person with a gun without having one of your own, but I would rather try than to die not trying. I also agree that being prepared and learning the reality of the world these days is much better than not.
      - mommaj'skid012

  63. The run, hide, and fight video is really informing to people about what to do if a school or campus was attacked by someone with the intent to hurt students and or staff. This video is really important to everyone that attends any school just in case this is ever to happen. These situations happen quite a bit unfortunately. I take all the advice that is said in the video. It is an important and serious matter to look at. Just in the past two days, we have had two school shootings. One in Texas and the other in Kentucky. The Kentucky school shooting had two people killed and seventeen others injured. The Texas shooting left one female wounded. These are real situations where run, hide, fight may have helped a lot of those students. It is uncertain when one of these incidents may take place but just in case this should be shown to everyone. Everyone should have plans of escape in my personal opinion. They should know where to go, what they can use as a defensive weapon, and places they can hide in any situation. If this were to ever happen which nobody would want to, almost everyone should be prepared to run, hide, or fight.

    1. I like how you brought the past active shooter incidents. I completely agree with you when you brought up the ways people should know where to go and how to defend themselves. I really feel the run, hide, fight mentality, will save lives when someone is faced with a active shooter incident. -CUBFAN012

  64. The Ohio State active shooter video is a great reminder that our lives could be threatened at any moment. Officer Adams gave three tips that Professor White also issued to us. Run. Hide. Fight. The running in a zig zag was shown as a great way to get away from the shooter and be a harder target. I found it interesting that the Buckeye alert was usually the students and faculty first sign that something was wrong. This is where technology is saving lives by giving people crucial seconds or minutes to get away from the scene. The fact that you need to fight the shooter for sometimes only a few seconds before police arrived was interesting. I like how Officer Adams said it will be the most important seconds of your life. I am a son of a police officer so I hear about the preparation and the urgency to get the situation under control. I admire the police for being the ones to confront the shooter head on. But I appreciate the video for showing that you can’t always wait for the police. Sometimes you might have to fight as well. I think you could apply or show this video at any institution of work. I think this video not only works for schools, but also a company such as CAT. Someone could go down to the CAT headquarters downtown and it would be a similar situation. I like how the video stresses the two first points of run and hide before the fight. Its trying to teach people that you shouldn’t be thinking of stopping a active shooter, but rather running and hiding from them. If that doesn’t work then you resort to the last line of defense which is to fight. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed the video and feel I learned many tips as well. -CUBFAN012

    1. Yes I thought this was great as well. I only had Professor Graf in my last semester, and he showed us this video and also explained its meaning. Which I thought was very helpful and I think this a good think to go over schools, so its best to be preparing for the worst. Hopefully never down the line something like this happens! This is a great a reminder that anything like this can happen, and its best to know in’s and out’s. Overall I thought this was a great video, and encourage schools to show it to their students. - LILPUMP012

    2. I also found it interesting that they had such an advice security system that could notify students and faculty of a situation like this. I think even if it's never used, which hopefully it wouldn't be, its such a good plan B to have, and could save hundreds of lives. I also think it was the best thing for the Ohio State team to refer as the "fight" part of the helpful saying as a last resort. Fighting shouldn't be something you try to do unless it is your absolute last resort. I appreciate Professor White talking to us about this on our first day of class, as well as making us even more aware of what he meant by showing us this video.


  65. I really enjoyed the video! I thought it was very helpful and I think it’s important to know what to do when there is an active shooter in place. Active shooters not only happen in schools, but most of the time they do. I like how the video sets up the strategic plan to survive an active shooter, and how much technology schools are setting up their security. Maybe not all, but most are starting too. Technology is starting to play huge role in out today’s life and possibly same a thousands of lives in the future. Now, I’m not saying it will replace humans, but it helps us a lot as well. I think this should be common sense, but sometimes we ending up forgetting what to do and we panic. Remembering were most of the exits are is also important I thought, because its important to get somewhere safe. I personally always look at the red exit sign just to know were my ways to get out are. Anything can happen, and we are in era were more and more schools shooting happening. Thanks to the Ohio video, I learned much more and thought was very helpful. Very well done and professional! This is a very serious matter and it when happens, its important to be ready. I highly urge schools to show this video to their students and emphasize how big of deal this is, and to prepare for the worst. Hopefully something like this never happens, never! Great video overall, thumbs up! - LILPUMP012

  66. After watching this video, I believe that in our schools here in Illinois, we don’t exactly take the time to educate our students on what to do in this sort of emergency. From Kindergarten through high school, I personally was only ever shown what to do during a fire drill or a tornado drill, and even that was rare. We did the code red drill maybe once or twice, and that was where we turned off all of the lights in our classrooms and sat quietly at our desks with the doors locked. Realistically, that probably wouldn’t have been enough in the case of something as serious as a school shooting. Students and staff should be properly shown how to react during a situation like this, and it should also be made very clear to everyone that while it’s unlikely for this to happen, there is always still a chance that it could. This video was very well done and I think our school should do something similar to get everyone involved and help spread awareness. A lot of tragedies have occurred from school shootings and this video makes me wonder if the right measures were taken in order to truly prevent them. I for sure know that I could use a crash course in school shooting safety and if there were a class to take or a drill to run, I would do it.


  67. It’s sad to think about what the world has become and that we live in a world where we never know what anyone could do at any moment. This video is a scary thought to think about actually happening to you because we never know how to handle a situation like that when it actually occurs. The video goes into depth on the steps to take in order to survive a school shooting. School shootings aren’t even the only thing we have to worry about in the world now a day. Its scary to think about that people open fire on civilians at clubs, concerts, and even just out in public. The first day of class in sociology my teacher explain the rules we would take when such a event would ever happen. Run, hide, fight and he said that he doesn’t care about anyone else but the class he’s teaching at the time and that means a lot because that just shows how caring and willing he is to do anything for the individuals he’s teaching. The run, hide, fight video explains everything there is to be done with situation like that and I feel this video should be shown at all school settings or at least tell the students the process of what is needed to be done.

  68. It’s sad to think about what the world has become and that we live in a world where we never know what anyone could do at any moment. This video is a scary thought to think about actually happening to you because we never know how to handle a situation like that when it actually occurs. The video goes into depth on the steps to take in order to survive a school shooting. School shootings aren’t even the only thing we have to worry about in the world now a day. Its scary to think about that people open fire on civilians at clubs, concerts, and even just out in public. The first day of class in sociology my teacher explain the rules we would take when such a event would ever happen. Run, hide, fight and he said that he doesn’t care about anyone else but the class he’s teaching at the time and that means a lot because that just shows how caring and willing he is to do anything for the individuals he’s teaching. The run, hide, fight video explains everything there is to be done with situation like that and I feel this video should be shown at all school settings or at least tell the students the process of what is needed to be done. Mrbubby012

  69. This video I believe is very important to show it is very straightforward yet informational and I think that every professor should be required to show this or the college should email this video or other instructional videos like this to all students and staff.  Even though this is an a video about ICC the basic principles of the reply.  Reason I think that the college should show this is because Not all students might know the basic please it to survive in an incident like this which are run, hide, and fight.  I also like how they talk about practice and or look for escape routes or alternate routes in your building in case of an active shooter.

  70. This video was phenomenally done. It carefully and thoroughly depicts and explains what to do in every situation and why, thus making things clear and easier to recall when in the situation. I think this video is very important for students, faculty, staff, and even officers, to know. Every single thing highlighted in the video can save your life and/or others. Survival is very important, and not many may take it as seriously since they don't think they may encounter the situation. Though, as the video said, it is scary to think about and you may not think it'll happen to you, Run/Fight/Hide is crucial to know and have in the front of your mind. You never know when this will happen, and it's better to be safe than sorry. At least in the future you know you will be more prepared than you were before watching the video/learning ways to survive/avoid an active shooter.


    1. I agree, the video was well done. I think students are much better off knowing this information. Would also agree with students not taking this as seriously as they should. Although I feel like that's because not most think about the situation, as you said. Without this video, I wouldn't have known about the run, hide, and fight rule. I would've tried to fight and be a hero. Not smart. This video has given me great insight on making smart choices. Not always heroic actions.
      ^~^ Itis012

    2. I strongly agree some may not take this video as serious as it actually is; this system is set up to at least give people a better chance of survival in the incident of an active shooter. It really hits home since I’m attending classes and just the other day it happened again just the other day. Take the video as a survival tip, I know I will and I hope that I myself and the other students will not ever have to endure. But if ever the need be run, hide, and fight. Just me012

  71. The video explaining what to do in a school shooting, is obviously important. Although, I like the video for different reasons. I like how it portrays the entire community’s reaction to it. The students are caught by surprise, just like normal, and even the teachers aren’t fully aware of the situation. When someone finally notifies the police department, their reaction is as expected. At the scene as soon as possible, coordinated with other officers, and helping anyone escape. That case isn’t always the same though. Police departments vary, and some can’t get officers out to the crime for at least ten to fifteen minutes! That where the run, hide, and fight, tatic comes into play. The police department knows it can’t be there, right away, all the time. So, they help the community by spreading helpful tips. I think this could apply for my future job, because the federal government is doing this all the time! Sending out warnings, or tips on how to survive, or overcome an issue. It’s their job! So seeing how the officer presented this video, helps me in the sense that I have a basis of what to say. People that are trying to help other people have to know what to say. Otherwise, it’s a broken record and eventually no one will even listen to it. Another way this ties in with my job, or anyone's job, is the level of teamwork that is displayed in the video. Without coordination, a school shooter can be a lot worse. This, in turn, looks bad on the police department, or any other department responsible for handling the scene. It may not be stressing that point because the video is for students surviving a shootout, but a lot more can be taken from the video.
    ^~^ Itis012

  72. I think the video was very good and worth watching. They started off the video by showing a typical school shooter (white male with weird haircut) walking into a crowded public place and pulling out a gun. The video was informative and I liked the way it encouraged running and hiding. The protocol I have witnessed in place is just stupid. Hide in the corner, bunched up and unable to do anything to defend yourself. This is what I have always had to do in high school and it doesn't work. I am glad they are encouraging self defense and fighting, as I feel that people should feel empowered to protect themselves. I have always had a strange fantasy of stopping a school shooter and saving my peers and professors. It is disturbing to see a new school shooting happening ever more frequently. The day I wrote this, there was a school shooting in Kentucky, and it is saddening.

  73. I think that Ohio State University did a great job a on putting the video together on helping one with knowing what to do in the case of an active shooter. I would like to thank Adam Tabor and the rest of the men and woman who help protect us every day and from these types of acts of terror. It is very sad and scary to think that anything such as this could happen, but in the case of it occurring one will at least have some type of plan to put into action. The run, hide, and fight are some things that we all naturally do in dangerous situations. We run when something puts us in fear, we hide and get to safety to avoid danger, and the fight activates if one is cornered or tells them self I am not going to die today. These are all things we do normally but this makes you more conscious about it that it is brought to ones attention and applying it in a more orderly fashion. I also thought that the buck eye alert was a great idea in these time almost everyone has some sort of device that can pick up the alert and for those that don’t they can find out quickly from a colleague. In any active shooter event everyone now has a better understanding on what can be done to stay safe and most important alive. Just me 012

  74. This video was good to watch and learn from. Although its seems very basic its good that this information is being put out there because students and faculty should be aware of these things. It is a scary topic to think about. It was nice to see a visual of what we are supposed to do in case of such an attack. Often people blow off such serious things because no one wants to believe it could actually happen to them. So its nice to see that its on the minds of educators around this area. I hope this is shared nation wide or at least the knowledge of things such as run hide and fight like in this video. Its sad that we need videos about school shooting and what to do but unfortunately mental illness is a very real thing. I will definitely apply this information and I am glad Its out there.

  75. Before I watched this video I was always told something similar when there was a threat whether it was a shooter or a violent person where I was. After I watched this video I came to realize there are other things I should do before I do what I was always told to do. If there would ever be a incient like a active shooter I think I would panic and try to remember what the video has said to do. I never knew that running would be the first thing to do. I always use to think that hiding and making sure the intruder could not get into the area where you were hiding. In the video when they started to barricade the door I noticed a student put his belt on the top part of the door to keep it from opening. I thought that was a very smart move to keep the intruder out of the room. Toward the end of the video when the gentleman stated what you should do now when you walk into a building room or just walking around the school was very true. I feel like this video was very informative and it showed what you should do because many people do not believe things like that will happen where they go to school.

    1. I appreciate you stated about when the boy put his belt on the top part of the door, because that is also something that stuck out to me. Most of the time people are not taught to be tactile in a situation as such. It should be encouraged to use your humanly instincts and the knowledge you know. Knowing and understanding tactics to use in situations like this is very beneficial. The belt idea is something I would have never thought to do. This video opened my eyes to use survival techniques and put your brain to work on the situation current and doing everything you can to stay safe.

  76. I had previously not heard of “Run. Hide. Fight.” I don’t think anywhere else I have attended school or work had addressed a situation such as an active shooter, which is surprising considering how many news stories lately have been about active shooters. I think it’s smart to educate students and faculty about all the possible situations that could arise, but I find that this rarely happens. I haven’t been part of a fire drill…probably since high school ten years ago, let alone any sort of drill for a shooting. All I have ever heard is the phrase “Don’t be a hero,” but I think that may apply more to hostage situations than active shooters? Either way I can’t imagine going through the training police need in order to stay calm in these kinds of scenarios. I thought the boy in the video leaping on the table and using his belt to tie the door shut was ingenious, and also strangely put together. In my head civilians don’t react as calmly and tactfully as that guy did. Lastly, I thought the system Ohio State University has set up to where if there’s trouble they send you a text is very useful, I had never heard of something like before and I think other universities should pick up on a system like that.

  77. When I was younger, we were always taught to hide right away. Stay where we were and get out of sight. We always huddled together in school and the video said to scatter and not be in the sme place because it makes an easy target. I think that grade and high schools should show this video to their staff and students, because I know that my little sisters don't know to run, hide, and fight other than what my dad has told them. My dad always told me to run, hide, and fight. I had a teacher in the sixth grade who is ex-military and he always said he wanted us to fight as well. He stated that he would die fighting for us. I think that this video was very informative and very well done. I hope that if this situation ever happens to anyone who watched this video, that they remember the steps to stay alive. I also hope that people take this seriously because it could happen anywhere. A lot of people have the views that bad things will not happen to them. They think they only happen to a efw people in the population, but what if you were one of them? I think that these steps would be very useful in the situation of a school shooter. I also liked the fact that they recieved text messages about the situation that was happening. I think that it would be very useful and resourceful.
    - mommaj'skid012

    1. I agree with your post, we had some similarities. All of my teachers in high school would also tell us to hide in big groups all huddled together. This makes me think if i was doing the right thing. This video was very informative with what the steps were and what situations to use them in. I also had many teachers in high school say that they would die protecting the class if it came down to fighting the shooter. I also agree that people don't think this can happen to them. that is something I also put in my post. A school shooting may be scary but it can happen anywhere at anytime and we should be prepared for it

  78. Firstly, what was that woman going to do with that cord, though? Secondly, I know statistically, fighting only lasts for so long but even in a situation like that I’d probably be the type of person that would freeze up. Maybe it’s just me and the rest of you are brave, but this is really just me being honest. Hopefully it never comes to that.
    A friend of mine said in that situation he'd want the school itself to invest more in gates and doors to further slow down the process in general. In his words, “The shooter would basically have to go through the Russian Roulette.”
    But in another stance, he said in the rare case that a child is in there, the young human should be evacuated immediately or hidden because “One sneeze and boom! a child is gone.” (Meaning, if the shooter sneezes, which would be weird in that case. I'm sure it's unusual for a gunman to go shooting when his allergies are acting up but anything can happen…)
    I've used a lot of what my friend said because we had a discussion on this and I didn't really have many gathered thoughts on this particular subject to be able to have a long, drawn out comment so here's some thoughts...

  79. In this video, Ohio State University did a great job on what you need to do during an active school shooter. The "Run, Hide, Fight" method is something different than what most people have been taught growing up. Running away (if you can) should always be the first option. If you have a chance to get out of the building safely then you should always run to safety and call for help. This video also should be introduced to other schools around the United States. In my opinion this is the best option for all schools to follow by. The Ohio State Police Officer also said to be aware of your surroundings and find the nearest exits on campus in case you ever get put in this situation. Its better to be safe rather than sorry. I also think he Buckeye Alert is a great tool that the University has and can save many of lives throughout the whole campus. The Buckeye Alert keeps everyone involved as into where the shooter is. Fighting should always be the last resort. The shooter has the upper hand with the weapon he has. Try to hide and be calm as much as you can in hopes that the police will be there as fast as they can. In all, I think this video is very resourceful and can help many of people and school. -SBC012

    1. I agree with your stance on running away (if possible) should always be an option. I feel like since we are young we are always taught to avoid. Whenever something violent were to strike we are normally taught to hide and stay quiet. Which I understand but what we are not taught is to handle different situations differently. When a violent act strikes against the environment you are in it is good to know the different ways to react to it depending on the circumstance. Everyone needs a broader range of defense mechanisms like this video teaches.

  80. I think this is an extremely important video and a procedure that should be followed and reviewed in all colleges and universities across the country. Over the past 10 years there has been what seems like more and more school shootings. There was one that just happened in a high school in Kentucky, unfortunately. I think that Run, Hide, Fight is a good strategy but not necessarily what I have been taught over the years. When I was in middle school and even high school we were taught that you should just hide right away. And ironically, we were told to hide all packed together, so the shooter couldn’t see us from the window in the door. Hiding in a big pack is exactly what this video said not to do. This also makes me wonder what exactly happened in the school shooting in Kentucky. Were the two kids that were killed running, hiding, or fighting? I think this is a good method for college specifically, which is what it is meant for. I think this should even be brought to the attention of teachers and students of lower grade levels. This is a scary situation, but it can happen anywhere at anytime and I believe that everyone should be prepared for it.

  81. After watching this video, it has reinforce my prior knowledge of the subject at hand. Active shooters and school shootings. This subject has come up very frequently in today’s media such as news channels, newspapers, and radio broadcasts and has impacted us all, whether directly or indirectly and this subject should be taken incredibly serious as it may be our problem one day. This video was very informative on what to do in case this should ever happen. I believe this video is important to watch and that every student should have to watch it and understand it. What is the use of it if they do not understand the video and what it relates too. As a US Marine, I was also trained on what to do in active shooter situations and it is very similar to what this video tell anyone who watches it what to do. This information is important and crucial to the survival of students and staff alike. In today’s world, thing like this happen all the time and this is very disturbing and unfortunate. That is why it is important for everyone to know this. It is no longer a real occurrence for this to be happening and know how to handle and dangerous and delicate situation like this may mean the different to you or the people around you. If you know what to do, you may find that it is now only your own life that you are saving but also the lives of those around you, regardless of location or situation. –TheMarshall789

  82. With the events of todays world and how often horrible shooting events play out in todays school platforms its more prevalent now than ever that we ensure that people can take the proper actions to ensure survival of yourself and of others in these awful events. The reason for the proticle to be in a strict order such as run, hide and fight is because this ensures that more people will make it out alive in these events. The reason running is so vital to this order is because with running this keeps you at a distance and gets you out of the event of being at harm to the shooter preventing the lose of life. Hiding is the next opinion if running doesn’t exist this means getting out of the line of sight if someone is close to location you are in the video show this includes barricading the door with a belt do this to any entrance or exit points a shooter will be able to use to get into the space until the matter is broken up by the proper authorities. The last one is fight this only stands if is not possible to run and if them exists no opinion for the individual to be able to hide. In this event the induvial fears for their lives and will attack the predator to ensure that their lives will not be immediately taken by the events caused from this individual. I’m glad videos like this exists as events like these are horrible and the more people know regarding what to do in the events the more likely they are to take proper actions rather than be froze in fear.

    1. Yes I thought this was great as well. I only had Professor Graf in my last semester, and he showed us this video and also explained its meaning. Which I thought was very helpful and I think this a good think to go over schools, so its best to be preparing for the worst. Hopefully never down the line something like this happens! This is a great a reminder that anything like this can happen, and its best to know in’s and out’s. Overall I thought this was a great video, and encourage schools to show it to their students. - LILPUMP789

  83. I really enjoyed the video! I thought it was very helpful and I think it’s important to know what to do when there is an active shooter in place. Active shooters not only happen in schools, but most of the time they do. I like how the video sets up the strategic plan to survive an active shooter, and how much technology schools are setting up their security. Maybe not all, but most are starting too. Technology is starting to play huge role in out today’s life and possibly same a thousands of lives in the future. Now, I’m not saying it will replace humans, but it helps us a lot as well. I think this should be common sense, but sometimes we ending up forgetting what to do and we panic. Remembering were most of the exits are is also important I thought, because its important to get somewhere safe. I personally always look at the red exit sign just to know were my ways to get out are. Anything can happen, and we are in era were more and more schools shooting happening. Thanks to the Ohio video, I learned much more and thought was very helpful. Very well done and professional! This is a very serious matter and it when happens, its important to be ready. I highly urge schools to show this video to their students and emphasize how big of deal this is, and to prepare for the worst. Hopefully something like this never happens, never! Great video overall, thumbs up! - LILPUMP789

  84. In the first day of Sociology 110 class, professor White introduced and talked briefly about the terms that are used in the video, Run, Hide and Fight. I was unsure of the reason for professor’s White care. I always have the feeling of peace in places like colleges or universities maybe because in my culture we look at those places as holy places. Unfortunately, today the world is getting crazy and the crime rate is increasing not only in the US but also everywhere. 10 years ago, when we hear about that kind of incidents, we find out that the reason behind this act was mainly because of poverty, poor, mentally unstable, but nowadays people start shooting on each other with a reason and without a reason. People don’t care about other’s lives anymore. I bet there are reasons behind those acts, but it is getting harder for us to focus on those things because in my opinion, we as a society don’t see the value of other’s lives and we are stuck in doing what we are supposed to be doing. I did like this video it helped me personally to understand that I might be in that kind of situations and now I know what exactly be doing in those situations. Thank you, professor White for lighting up parts of this life that I might forget that it exists. POINTOFVIEW012

  85. The run, hide, and fight video is really informing to people about what to do if a school or campus was attacked by someone with the intent to hurt students and or staff. This video is really important to everyone that attends any school just in case this is ever to happen. These situations happen quite a bit unfortunately. I take all the advice that is said in the video. It is an important and serious matter to look at. Just in the past two days, we have had two school shootings. One in Texas and the other in Kentucky. The Kentucky school shooting had two people killed and seventeen others injured. The Texas shooting left one female wounded. These are real situations where run, hide, fight may have helped a lot of those students. It is uncertain when one of these incidents may take place but just in case this should be shown to everyone. Everyone should have plans of escape in my personal opinion. They should know where to go, what they can use as a defensive weapon, and places they can hide in any situation. If this were to ever happen which nobody would want to, almost everyone should be prepared to run, hide, or fight.

  86. This video describes perfectly what you should do if you become a part of an active shooter situation. It may not seem very likely, but there is always a small chance that you could be in one of these situations, so always be prepared. I liked how the video described the main three options for this type of situation (run, hide, and fight). It may seem like a very basic action, but always check your surroundings to make sure everything seems to be fine. Nowadays, we all are glued to our phones and computers, so we might not be checking our environment very often. With our faces looking at our technology screens, we do not always look up for just a few moments to make sure that everything is ok. If something just does not feel right, always check with others or try to find out any info you can as to what is going on. Running should always be your first choice, without a doubt. By running, you have the chance to protect yourself, call the police, and possibly protect anyone else who might still be near the shooter. At first, the idea of fighting the shooter seems very frightening. However, if you were ever to actually be in an active shooter situation, it would seem like a very good option. If an active shooter comes into a classroom with you and all of your classmates in it, all of you outnumber the shooter, so you all could throw stuff and go at them, buying each other time to escape and subdue the shooter.

  87. Run, Hide and Fight… I am not going to pretend I would have even known, before this video, of what to do. I cannot even say that after watching this video, I could remember these steps. I have never watched a video on what to do when there is an active shooter, which is kinda crazy to say in this day and age. However, whether you have seen 20 preparation videos and have had self defense classes or any other actions taken to avoid such a horrible situation- I do not know if there is any way to be fully prepared until you are possibly faced with it in person. I would definitely like to think I could stay cool, calm and collected and be able to protect myself as well as those around me or even possibly work together as a team. But, then again, I could freeze, freak-out, scream or pass out. My only hope may be the person next to me doesn’t do the same thing and then they would possibly be responsible for me as well as them themselves and possibly others. Just the thought of this type of situation makes me sweat, but it is good to know there are so many ways to prepare yourself- you just have to really hope you remember them when you’re in the moment and under pressure. A non-complicated approach such as what was shown in the video has probably the most impact.- TRM012

  88. This video is very insightful because not everyone knows what to do or how to deal with an active shooter. having a thought of a situation with an active shooter on campus makes me think what would I or you really do in a situation like this. In a situation like those, there are three rules that can be followed run, hide, and fight. We never expect when or where an active shooter will show up on the campus grounds and we are not fully prepared that a situation will happen for real until it happens on the spot like the resent shooting in Kentucky. We never know when and where danger will happen, like mass shooting for example. The video is very knowledgeable, interesting, and it shows what action and response we need to take in a short period of time. Knowing this kind of information is good for all the students and staffs, not just for police officers. Becoming a police officer as a career path and knowing variable information like this in advance will help me a lot and in the future. Being prepared, and aware of the surroundings at all times, and knowing the layout and exits of the place are the main concerns are the key point that should be focused on when you go any where. Knowing and understanding what to do when a situation happens, you could stay calm and start to direct people to do what need to be done to surivie. JeepGuy789

  89. This video is very helpful because honestly I did not know what you could do in those different situations dealing with a shooting. In this world today situations like this are happening constantly and people of every age need to be aware and know what to do. I really am glad I had to watch this because it showed different things to do in different situations. People are always being warned about what is happening in the world around us but do we really know what to do when it happens? I do not think anyone at my high school would fully know how to best handle the situation when it happens. No one would know these more effective steps. I believe every school should require EVERYONE to watch videos such as these together. Faculty and students need to all be on the same page. Today things you never thought would happen happen at random times. I want people to be prepared. If I knew everyone at my school knew the actions to take I would feel a better sense of safety and trust. Being a senior at my high school I feel so safe and comfortable. I have my fellow classmates and the teachers I have known for four years now but this video reminded me things happen outside of my school and can be brought into it. None of us are ever truly 100% safe and everyone needs to remember that regardless of how accustomed and comfortable you have become to your surroundings and because nothing violent has happened yet.

    1. So very true, I too, responded with the unfortunate truth that I did not know how to handle a situation like that if it ever occurred in any type of setting. I graduated high school 20 years ago, and although a few school shootings had already happened, it was not as commonplace as it is today. It is a very scary thing to think about, let alone to experience that. My son is a senior in high school, but goes to a private parochial school. I would not think that anything like that would happen in his school- but that was before. Now I realize that this can happen anywhere, anytime for a number of reasons. I will now have my son watch this, too. It is good for not just the school setting, but for all settings you can apply these tips. TRM012

  90. Its sad to say that this happens way to much. When something like this happens to your campus you want to be protected. The first thing we need to get done is to try and calm people down because most will cause a scene and then thy will know where you are at This video is really helpful to students that don't know what to do when something like this happens. We all need to be aware of what we need to do. When an active shooter comes in most kids would try and run but they don't have a plan and would end up just running right into the active shooter. We need to have all the teachers on the campus to have a plan so we can get to safety as fast as possible. This is key for younger kids because they have no clue what to do. Some of the things that they said to do in the video i had no idea what they were so this helped me out so i will know what to do when something happens. If i'm ever in that moment i'm going to try and help everyone else out before I worry about me. I'm going to try and get all my classmates and teacher out before they can get to us and i will do anything that i can do to make that happen. Gator789

  91. This video I believe is very important to show it is very straightforward yet informational and I think that every professor should be required to show this or the college should email this video or other instructional videos like this to all students and staff.  Even though this is an a video about ICC the basic principles of the reply.  Reason I think that the college should show this is because Not all students might know the basic please it to survive in an incident like this which are run, hide, and fight.  I also like how they talk about practice and or look for escape routes or alternate routes in your building in case of an active shooter.

  92. This video has a ton of great information in it. In the video it talks about all the ways to survive an active shooter. The steps are to run, hide, and fight. I have heard this before and it would be very useful for everyone to know these steps. In today's world there have been a lot of mass murder situations. A statistic I did not know is that most active shooter situations are over within 5 minutes. It is crazy how much damage can be done in that amount of time, so knowing these steps would be useful to everyone. In the video they mention they have something called the buckeye alert. I think this is a great tool for any type of emergency situation. Am glad ICC has an alert system so if anything like this were to happen, people could know about it as soon as possible. One downfall is it would not be completely up to date, like the video says, they are very fast pace situations with things changing quickly. I feel like if I was in this situation it would be very stressful and hard be hard to make decisions when this would be going on. A lot of people in these types of situations just try to hide immediately, and this causes them to be stuck in a place with the shooter when they could have gotten out of this deadly situation. This should be something that is taught in any class even if it is very brief. It is sad that we would have to teach this but, it is well worth it.
    - ST789

  93. This video more creating awareness to every individual in the community. The most key word or point in this video is to educate every one to be careful and not to trust people that we meet and those who are around us. So many incident have been occurred in this country shooters breaking in to college, movie theaters and open shows where the result come out that many citizens get killed. Enemies are everywhere the video strictly teaches us to avoid interacting with new people that you are nit sure of or be aware of the know every corner of your sounding incase of anything you know exits to run to. As from history even people with security get killed and a sanitation is real as we know even some of american president were killed. so the video is trying to keep as aware that shooters are around us and its every one job to know the sounding and pay attention to where you are. Gusii 789

  94. This video provides a lot of very good information for anyone who is currently attending a university or who visits a college campus for classes as part of their daily routine. It shows the ways that one can help themselves and others survive a school shooting. Simply by following the advice given to you in this video produced by the Ohio State University campus police, you can increase your chances of survival as well as the chances of other people’s survival. The video talks about how you can run, hide, or fight based on what type of shooting scenario you are involved in. Running away from the school shooter as well as contacting the authorities should be your first option as trying to fight a school shooter heads on is not usually a good idea. Hiding is your next best option if you cannot run, barricade doors and turn off the lights of the room you are located in to try and deter the shooter form your room by making it appear as though it is empty. The last option you have is to try and fight the shooter, grab anything that you can use as a weapon. Being able to have this knowledge is very crucial to us as criminal justice students, as we are learning how to protect people, and having this information can help us be the leaders that we need to be in order to save lives. We will more than likely have to deal with people who have weapons during our careers and having this information will not only help us in a school setting but also within any other setting as well. Pack789

  95. This video is very well done. In a world where a scenario like this is all to possible its important we teach people how to survive in an active shooter situation. In situations like this people tend to lose their composer immediately, having never been in a high stress situation such as this. Another important aspect of this video is that they break down how to survive in to an easy three step exercise "run, hide, fight" a simple thing to remember in high stress situations. The alert system the buckeyes have is an invaluable tool that every college and work place should have to help prevent casualties in active shooter situation. I know ICC has an alert system in place but its not mandatory we watch this video. In fact I have been shown this video before but not in every class; faculty and administration should make this a priority so that in the unlikely event something happens the student body can be prepared. Overall I think this video is a great tool to educate and prepare the masses in the unfortunate event that an active shooter situation becomes a real life scenario for the individual watching. -Rudedogg789.

  96. Situations and active shootings almost happen on a daily basis, they might not be as serious and a whole wide school shooting but they are still very dangerous. This video was very informational on how to react in these certain situations. They should show this video to all schools nationwide and it is sad it isn't because you never know in these situations. Just in the past two days we have had two shootings one in Texas and one in Kentucky. All together there was two killed and seventeen injured and maybe possibly could have lowered if some students knew the proper way to react. This could give the kids a confidence of knowing what to do in these very dangerous situations and not being scared and not taking the proper measures to secure there safety. Personal I always think about how I would react in this situation and the video gave me some very well thought out information. I always want to know where to go and what to do in those certain situations. Also knowing what would be a good defensive weapon if they have to fight in there certain situation. He uses three worlds that everyone should know and that is run, hide, or fight. Fight is always the very last option but if it comes to that one everyone should know what to do if they watched this video. Knowing that these situations happen quite frequently is very sad but if I know that people watch this video and know how to react this definitely could improve the success of life.

  97. I think the video was very informing. They have taught me what to do in middle school what we should do in situations like this they told us to lock doors turn off lights and huddle away from doors and windows they always told us to all huddle in a corner out of sight but the video said to spread out the school that I went to never told us what to do in other situations I feel like they should have told us but it’s scary to think off but it has happened more often than you think. You have to know what to do in this situations because you will be papered and you can also help save yourself and others you can take action because you know what to do because your main goal is to get out of you situation alive in my school we had a bottom in each class room that will alert the office and the office alerts the police and the school so we all go on lock down we usually practice in the begging of the school year. This video had more details on what do I think they should show this to all schools and jobs because it would be more helpful. Everyone’s main goal if you are in this situation is to know what to do and come out alive they are papering people for what really is out their it does not only happen in the United States it happens all around the world.


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