Alternatives to Criminalization....Thoughts?


  1. After watching this video, it is clear to me that there is a problem in the correctional system in dealing with homelessness, mental illness, and drug abusers. As the video stated, the amount of people being put in cells for the prior reasons mentioned is extremely high and the video is correct when it said that making these things a crime will not fix the problem. I believe that It is making it worse. It is costing the taxpayer, the state, and the government tons of money to house these “correctional clients” when it is easier to correctly rehabilitate them and make sure they do not come back to a holding cell in the future. If we did start to rehabilitate those afflicted with homelessness, mental illness, and drug abuse, I believe that we would see a large increase in possible workers and productive members of society and that both the correctional system and the general populous would benefit from it. This would help both in many ways. Corrections with budget and the population and country as a whole economically with the introduction of new workers and the less amount of money toward the correctional system. This money could be directed elsewhere. –TheMarshall789

    1. I also see this trend but its also clear that we are finally making positive steps seeing how we can effect people in a positive way to empower them in order that they may be able to benefit there life. The problem doesn't fixed by jailing everyone on the streets the problem is fixed by seeing these people as people and than effectively making steps in order to ensure that they will want to better their lives in order to get out of a slump that they are currently in. eagle789

    2. I agree with you. There is a few times here in the city where I have seen homeless people just on the streets with everything that they have. I always tell myself "I wish it was something I could do for them". This video really opened my eyes to the fact that if there were more rehabilitation facilities for these people to go to for help that would decrease the number of those imprisoned and inmates in general. I hated to see that in the video when police are called they just take them in.When in general all they really need is help and that's all they want too. Stated in the video, the number is high and making it a crime will not fix the problem like you said. This is a trend that I do want to see eventually go away because it is sad. prettygirlhd

  2. Our correctional system only gets worse. Now were locking up people homeless people for being homeless? What happened to our rights? Again, this is not community policing, its just punishment. In the video, states that helping those who cant help themselves, usually do better after a year or three. These people are being booked about 14x to 25x for drugs and than sending them to prisons/jails, and is clear that these people need help. Not to mention, it says they only know how to send people to prisons and jails. Let it be more programs to help them improve, and get them off the addiction. Looks like people, who are on drugs, most do want the help, and can continue to be part in society. If your caught consuming drugs, you will get kicked out of the program, so its all about working with them with improving yourself, and to help those to start new. 9 billion dollars is spent locking up mental ill, that’s a lot of money and crazy amount that shouldn’t be that high. Mental ill people need treatment, help, because the point of the police is to offer service and help those who cant helps themselves. Clearly, police officers don’t know how to handle situations with mental ill people. Criminal Justice needs to improve its system and tactics. Police officers don’t want to help the mental ill, or don’t have the resources now stated in the video. Crazy! - LILPUMP789

    1. This comes from a change in policy and legislation street officers see this if its a crime written and their forced by their department, state, or agency to make an arrest this officers are than left with little to no choice or face personal consequences. These people do need help but as a community we have to see the need first as more people open their eyes to cuticle done to these people hopefully change does come out of this and people can finally get the help that should have been place in the first interaction between the police and the homeless. eagle789

    2. This is where community policing and the rehabilitation programs make a big impact to everyone. To begin, no one should be getting sent to jail for being homeless. I wouldn’t even think about this being a crime because not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy a nice home with heat/ac in it. What good does it do sending the homeless to jail? After they get out they are still homeless. A home doesn’t just magically appear just like that for anyone. All this does is hurt the people going to jail. It does them no good at all. The Justice system needs to be changed.

  3. Watching this video saddened me a lot. Thinking about arresting people because they might be down and having hard time so they end of homeless. They can’t help it that they don’t have money for a place to live. Where else are they suppose to go? Hearing that Utah has a program that gives these people a place to live even with them having to change their lives before they get housed. They even have help in these housing facilities for drug abuse or mental health issue type things. Obviously this works since the chronic homelessness decreased 72% from when the program started. This is a great alternative to taking them to jail. The studies show that just giving these people houses takes the big struggles off their shoulders and lets them focus on getting jobs. One of the homeless people they interviewed mentioned that they have been arrested over 40 times for drugs, yet no one ever asked if she needed help for treating this problem. This just proves that they don’t really care. This lead to the video talking about how they arrest people for drug abuse and then just don’t give them any chance to get help. Some places are actually helping people and getting drug abuse victims help instead of arresting them. I think this is a better solutions than letting people ruin their lives.
    - ST789

  4. Many statements from this video and information that have much importance moving forward in fixing issues existing in our criminal justice system. The first part of this video showed facts people are arrested for violating existing laws that have to do with limited choices due to the fact they are homeless with an existing criminal record this makes it harder for these individuals to obtain jobs or get out of this condition. Also, many of this people have drinking or drug problems with these existing in these individuals being thrown into incarnation doesn’t give them the skills they need to overcome what they are facing at being functioning members of society. Lead a case worker program helped these individual’s in order for them to better their lives this is amazing as they saw these individuals for the people they are look at current challenges they had been facing without threating them with punishment also this program had a pull bringing in new legation that made it where street officers didn’t have to lock up anyone they deemed to be under the influence of drugs or have drugs on their position but to allow them to send people into rehabilitation centers. Which help the community on this aspect as well as the cost is tremendously less costing 240 dollars for 30 days in comparison to the 3,104 dollars that it costs to house individual’s in a jail in the nation. For example, the cost breaks down to 103 dollars a day to jail an individual. New York in the year of 2012 177,350 had been arrested for drug offenses this cost if offenders sent even a single night in New York jail costed tax payers 18,267,050 the cost is horrible compared to getting proper help to individual’s which is millions of dollars less putting more positive aspects into community’s rather than millions into the jails. Aside from the finical aspect of the matter these are people being in jail has prevented these people from going back into their addictions, the only way we can do that is by getting these mentally ill people back on their feet instead of behind bars also interesting fact stated by the video is that the police department mention for the crises intervention training which showed that 95% of all officers were trained no use of force issues were reported for six years in those departments the tactics work and also build confidence in officer as they feel like they are prepared when dealing with a mentally ill patient. eagle789

  5. This video showed me how some of the things that make up our law enforcement system need to be changed ASAP. For example, the video stated that 20% of the people arrested were homeless. Homelessness became ILLEGAL for a time in certain places. This is a terrible idea. These people have no place to go, so they get put into prison, which is wasting taxpayer money on keeping people in there who shouldn't be there. Also, by arresting homeless people, the amount of arrests went up dramatically and the prison population grew just a little bit larger. A majority of these homeless people are doing drugs, drinking, and may even be addicted to some things of that nature. I really liked how a program was started that allowed homeless people to have a nice place to stay with food and water, a bed, bathing water, all for free. However, there was a catch. In order to stay in these places, the homeless people applying must have been sober for at least 1 year and remain sober while staying in this place and no drugs are allowed at all. If these rules are broken, then the person is kicked out and becomes homeless again. This program is amazing, as it teaches and helps the homeless to get and stay sober, along with giving them their very own place to stay at night for free, and it lowers the amount of arrests made.

  6. This video is talking about the reality of what is happening in our society nowadays, and it has become a big problems and we are not realizing it. our collocational system are quickly making decisions of putting people in jail without without even giving a person a chance to explain themselves and solve the problems without thinking of jail first. the portion of the videos was talking about the specific people been in jail multiple times. it was clear where the lady said that she has been in jail 14 times and even sometimes by the same police officer. Arresting homeless people several times this even make their background record look dirt, now it is even more difficult to such people to have jobs because of the messed up records. the life o such people is more worse to survive in this country. Towards the end of the video , it has a good solution for the homeless and drug related addicts and limit the number of people going to jail. police can now bring those in crisis to treatment centers instead. The video also stated that a lot of people are being arrested because they needed help and that is true according to me. Most of police see that any person walking in street doing nothing is a criminal and targeting them to put them in jail and which is wrong. if law enforcement take time to listen and talk to such people need they will help them to take them to the treatment centers or job training institutional to help them get jobs and get out the streets by doing this in a few years we may found the population in jail and prisons are decreasing. crisis intervation training will absolutely help too. GUSII 789

  7. I really don't believe that we should be punishing people for being homeless. Should us as a country do something about it? Yes, but locking them up in jail or even in prison isn't the way to do it. “punishment” shouldn't be used for homeless people. What else are they supposed do? They already feel bad enough about having no money, no home, possibly no clothes and possibly no family. I read an article a while back that one of the U.S.’s big cities (I don't remember which city) was going to pay homeless people to clean the streets of that city. Albeit it wasn't going to be very much, but that is a start in the right direction, and I believe that is what most cities have to do. When it comes to the mentally ill, they don't deserve to be locked up in prisons. They obviously need help in any way they can, so they should be placed in treatment centers to help them get better and to try and get them to be productive in society. paww789

  8. Homelessness, drug addiction, and mental illness are all decidedly horrible ailments from which a person can suffer. Treating people who suffer from these ailments as average criminals is an incredible misuse of our time and resources. Not only is this mishandling impractical, but it is also incredibly unethical as it subjects those who have very limited control over their own actions to a criminal justice system that will only increase the amount of obstacles standing in the way of that person regaining control over his or her life. Crisis intervention team training, as discussed in the video, would be healthier and more worthwhile use of public resources. Not only does CIT training save money, but it also changes people’s lives for the better. If CIT training becomes a norm in law enforcement it is likely that we would see fewer violent altercations among the mentally ill which could allow them to overcome or at the very least manage their problems. It would also be far more effective to treat the addictions of those dependant to toxic substances as opposed to continuously punishing them for the crimes that they commit as a result of their addiction. The homeless problem is interesting because the vast majority of homeless people are either mentally ill, addicted to drugs, or both. Overall, I think taking time to reassess our current tactic regarding the homeless, drug addicted, and mentally ill would provide us with more working, able-bodied members of society while also saving taxpayer money. -Rudedogg789

  9. Just watching this video I found it to very depressing that just because you were homeless you were getting taken to jail. What are those people supposed to do they have no money, no home to go to or no food. I found it really cool that those who have had a drug or mental health problem and now are homeless because of it now have a place to go. I liked how the housing for the homeless does not require them to get help before but provide them a house and resources they would need in order to change their life if that is really something they would want to do. It is really good that Salt Lake was able to reduce the amount of homeless people incarcerated and keep others out of the corrections system. Later on in the video i am glad that some police stations and other people figured out that increasing a person over and over again for a drug problem is not going to help them get over the addiction. Just the same as with person with a mental illness. They need treatment and not just locked up behind bars because that is not going to help them. I understand that the United States government is not always the best but they do help out with organizations to help others to keep them out of the correction system just with the little amount they do. I feel like more police agencies should require a class on how to understand or help to mentally ill without the use of deadly force unless it is necessary. This video was very informative. -jw789

  10. I think it’s crazy that over 100 cities have basically made homelessness illegal.  They have made laws and ordinances to about people sleeping and or laying down and loitering along city streets illegal and homeless people every day are going to jail for breaking these laws.  This quite honestly makes no sense to me instead of helping them out we throw them in jail quite literally only for being homeless.  I thought the quote from one of the homeless lady in the video pretty much said it all she said “ where are the homeless people supposed to go”.  If they had homes or some sort of shelter it inside they would obviously be there nobody wants to sleep out on the street, yet lawmakers act like it’s their fault.  I love the plan of action in the video that provides homeless individuals housing and the policy of housing first as opposed to having them change their ways such as sobering up before they are able to partake in these housing project.  They are able to get into a house project and then work on sobering up and changing their lives in the statistics really show that this works just because a home gives you a more secure sense of life and you then begin to be able to turn your life around.

  11. The problem is not with the police force or the correctional but the law makers that come up with the laws and don't account for the consequences of passing a law. Putting people in the jail or prison for being homeless is not a proper way to go about it to rid the state of homelessness. I do like the idea of the social help programs that was came up with for the homeless that gave them a home. it took chronic homeless and put them in homes. Which in turn dropped the recidivation rate of that city and eventually making that town or city "safer". Dropping crime in that area and reducing the amount of people that don't need to be in jail or prison just because of their social status in society. Which should be a unconstitutional in its own sense, to put someone in jail over a status crime of not having a home and sleeping in the streets. I can understand the drug charges that put people in to jail. JeepGuy789

  12. Many people do not realize just how many people we actually incarcerate, and it is quite a big number. Any type of reform for how we criminalize certain crimes and also certain people should be welcomed by our society. We do have a problem with incarcerating and criminalizing too many people and we also have a problem with incarcerating only certain types of people. More black people are sent to prison than white people and are often criminalized more than white people are. As far as financialy speaking goes, criminalizing more people and more “petty” crimes is not good for our tax payers because it costs them more money to provide for more and more inmates housed as those funds come from our taxes. It would benefit us as citizens to not criminalize as much as we do as a nation currently. If we ere to rehabilitate those people who commit instead of just locking them up, we would have a lot more workers within our workforce as well as an improved economy from having more people who can work and make money. Our country has a very bad problem of incarcerating far too many people and it needs to change if we are to ever grow closer to having a better functioning nation. Pack789

  13. It’s crazy to think of the many of reasons we throw people away. It seems that anyone who doesn’t fit in society properly is treated as a nuisance and thrown away. This mentality in my opinion is a problem. I believe we should be searching for root problems and finding helpful solutions that don’t incorporate spending time in a cell away from society like there a leper. I believe incarcerating people over and over again because they are homeless, drug addicted, or have a mental illness can lead to further serious and costly problems. Were social creatures and to separate certain people in a group because they do not fit in society can lead to the further growth to an already huge incarceration problem. These alternative methods are awesome. To use twenty thousand dollars a year to keep the homeless behind bars is, in my opinion, sad and pointless. Building homes and helping them find peace by giving them a place to live makes far more sense and according to this video is far more cost effective. It was great to see that we are seeing drug addicts in a new light. It seems that society sees drug addiction as an unsolvable problem. I’m not saying that some people won’t continue to take illegal drugs even with treatment but I believe finding the root cause of their drug addiction can give many a greater chance at life out of prison and a longer life in general. The LEAD Program was a very good idea. Helping people see things in a new light and helping them through their various problems is far more effective than locking them away and closing our eyes to the very real epidemic that is going on. I liked in this video that they addressed mental illness. Mental illness doesn’t get treated behind bars as far as I know. It’s nice to see that they are training law enforcement officers with programs like CIT. In the video it was nice to see people with mental illness express how they felt. The fact that it’s there illness that leads them to get arrest is a reason to learn more about mental illness so we can help and learn instead of throwing them in cells with no hope. Pj789

  14. This is where community policing and the rehabilitation programs make a big impact to everyone. To begin, no one should be getting sent to jail for being homeless. I wouldn’t even think about this being a crime because not everyone is lucky enough to enjoy a nice home with heat/ac in it. What good does it do sending the homeless to jail? After they get out they are still homeless. A home doesn’t just magically appear just like that for anyone. All this does is hurt the people going to jail. It does them no good at all. The Justice system needs to be changed. To me, it feels like it is all about the money. The officers still have discretion. Instead of enforcing and sending the homeless to jail, the officers should be given information on how and where the homeless can get help. That way, when a police officer comes across the homeless, they are there to help and not to arrest. This would change the views on how some people look at police officers. It wouldn’t change everyone’s point of view but they would be much more respected and the homeless wouldn’t have to fear that the officer is there just to send them to jail for something they couldn’t help happened to them.

  15. It is so sad that today we have in our minds have made homelessness illegal. Our cities and towns on a daily basis make laws and ordinances against people sleeping or just walking around on the streets which I guess would also be called loitering. So these people are basically just breaking the law on a daily basis but they can not help their situation. Some couldn't work because of disability and got evicted from their house. It's not from drugs or criminal acts they just are in a bad situation. It does not make sense to just throw them in jail for a situation they can not help. Most of them do not have a place to go. Also the worst part the jail is probably warmer and safer then on the streets so they prefer to be in there. Knowing that people are helping out and giving the homeless places to stay is great and its even better that if you are addicted to drugs you have to sober up first before hand which makes things much safer for each individual in that house. You are able to turn your life around by these house projects because you do not have to worry where you are going to sleep for the night. I just think it is sad that we even have to fight the provide for these people when in reality some just are in bad situations.

  16. After watching the video I think that it is just terrible how homelessness is viewed in the United States and how our criminal justice system would deal with the homeless people. I do not think that it is right that a person can be arrested just for being homeless, when many people cant control that they are homeless. As the man in the video described, he said that many homeless people are running away from troubles in their past or something bad that has happened to them, and they become addicted to either drugs or alcohol and become homeless. I do not think that it is right to punish someone who is just looking for help like they are. I really like the housing communities that they were put in in Utah. I think that it is a great idea and is much better than sending them to jail when the jails and prisons are already so overcrowded. I think that when they are put in these homes, it really just helps the homeless men and women to get back on their feet and start becoming better people and better for their community. It said that they were testing this method to help the homeless in 2015. I am curious to how well it worked.

  17. After watching this video it makes me wonder why we are trying to put people that are homeless in prison when there are no more room in the prisons. When you see that its sad because they are not doing anything wrong and we are doing things to them that they do not need in there life. When you see the stories of the homless and how with the help of just one person they can be on there feet quicker than everything. It we just give people hope they will do things that we would have never guessed and that's why we need to help everyone out so they can help this world go around. Gator789

  18. It’s so sad to think that homeless, Drug addict and mental illness people get treated like criminals because they are having a hard time in this world. They have to follow all the laws they have created but they have no were to go so they just put them into jail and not even try helping them it good that they started helping them buy making the right decisions and helping them find a place to sleep and they found a way to save money at the same time they also got help for their addiction problem by helping them emotionally and physically. I like the idea were they have created CIT training to help the officers what to do in these situations this program is not only a great way to help how deal with mental illness the people won’t be just thrown in to prison which is a lot of money they are also saving money. The percentage of people that are homeless, drug addict and mental illness has gotten lower in those 3 years of them going to jail I think they should make this program everywhere in the united states. It will not only help them it will also help the community and become a better place.


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