Is This For Me and Why......


  1. I thought this video was a pretty unique one in that the man in this video was telling the audience to be absolutely certain that they want to join. He was stating how being a police officer is not like any other job to where you work for a company. Instead, he was stating that it is more like a community job, whereas the workers work for the community first and foremost. The part where Jack Richter was talking about how only 1 out of 1000 recruits make the cut is just a surreal moment in the video. It goes to show that not just anybody can sign up to be a cop. It takes dedication along with physical and mental toughness and those are just listing a few. The fact that the chances of being put all the way through the process are slim is all the more reason to get more education and gain knowledge in many, not one, varied fields. This is one of the main reasons that I plan on going into the military and getting a bachelor's degree. On top of that, I plan on taking some foreign language classes along with some accounting classes. This way I will have an edge on some of the competition.

    1. I agree with you when you said that 1 out of 1,00 applicants was a surreal moment because it does prove that anyone cannot get the job because they did all the schooling for it and has the right degrees. It also shows that passing all the tests is challenging for most and not all succeed. It is good you want take a foreign language and accounting because the more skills you put on your utility belt the more you will stick out from the other applicants you will be up against.
      ~ Dance123 & Dance456

  2. I thought this video was a pretty unique one in that the man in this video was telling the audience to be absolutely certain that they want to join. He was stating how being a police officer is not like any other job to where you work for a company. Instead, he was stating that it is more like a community job, whereas the workers work for the community first and foremost. The part where Jack Richter was talking about how only 1 out of 1000 recruits make the cut is just a surreal moment in the video. It goes to show that not just anybody can sign up to be a cop. It takes dedication along with physical and mental toughness and those are just listing a few. The fact that the chances of being put all the way through the process are slim is all the more reason to get more education and gain knowledge in many, not one, varied fields. This is one of the main reasons that I plan on going into the military and getting a bachelor's degree. On top of that, I plan on taking some foreign language classes along with some accounting classes. This way I will have an edge on some of the competition.

    1. I think when join the military will help you because when you out there they will show you some thing help you. Also if you have more knowledge and some kind foreign language will help be the better fit down the road. Over the other people because with out it might have the chance.

  3. I liked in this video about how the gentleman said that you really have to want to be a police officer to make it. He talked about how only one in a thousand applicants actually get hired. That could be a big eye opener to people that want to be a police officer but are not sure if they really want to be one. You have to be dedicated to get the job in wherever you apply to. It was a eye opener when he went into the whole hiring process and how after you graduate the academy how you are not guaranteed a job yet until you pass the first year. He also stated on how being a police officer is more than just a job. That it is a more like a community job because you are meant to help people and be apart of the community. If you want to be a police officer you have to be wanting and willing to work with the community and the people to help them and the community. With all of this being said in the video is why I am going to ICC for law enforcement. It will help me look better than some applicants who do not have any schooling except for a highschool diploma. Even though I can not even apply until I am close to the age of twenty-one. I am planning on graduating next fall then I will apply at the Peoria County jail. When I hopefully get the job as a correctional officer I will have to work at the jail before I can apply to be a deputy, which I am hoping to be a K9 officer and go up the ranks and do everything that I can possibly do before I retire. Trojan123

  4. I liked in this video about how the gentleman said that you really have to want to be a police officer to make it. He talked about how only one in a thousand applicants actually get hired. That could be a big eye opener to people that want to be a police officer but are not sure if they really want to be one. You have to be dedicated to get the job in wherever you apply to. It was a eye opener when he went into the whole hiring process and how after you graduate the academy how you are not guaranteed a job yet until you pass the first year. He also stated on how being a police officer is more than just a job. That it is a more like a community job because you are meant to help people and be apart of the community. If you want to be a police officer you have to be wanting and willing to work with the community and the people to help them and the community. With all of this being said in the video is why I am going to ICC for law enforcement. It will help me look better than some applicants who do not have any schooling except for a highschool diploma. Even though I can not even apply until I am close to the age of twenty-one. I am planning on graduating next fall then I will apply at the Peoria County jail. When I hopefully get the job as a correctional officer I will have to work at the jail before I can apply to be a deputy, which I am hoping to be a K9 officer and go up the ranks and do everything that I can possibly do before I retire. Trojan456

    1. The way you reviewed what the officer talked about really hit all of the points that the officer described as to what it takes to become an officer. Being a police officer is not for everyone, and it sounds like you have a good plan to get in to the law enforcement business. Being a correctional officer has been an option for me too when thinking about a place to start my career. The only downside I see to being a CO is the danger that each CO puts themselves in everyday dealing with different inmates, but with the proper training and handling situations correctly there should be nothing to worry about. Wings123

  5. The video was pretty on the point because some people want do something good in life. But when they realized being a cop not for everyone , if you not ready to put the work for it and maybe you need to sit and think about what you want do in life. The thing i like the most was when said you have to ask yourself do you really want be cop and its not like working from a company because you need to know there are a risk part being a cop the danger part at same time. If you understand you a person want make a different in your city or town than this might be for you and if so you have be willing put in the work. The reason why i want be cop because i want make different in someone life and the more knowledge will learn about the different are a criminal justice.

    1. I agree with you, you have to know what you want to do because not every can be a cop. Being a cop is a hard job because your discovering different things each day and dealing with different types of people. The test that they have to take will defiantly show it because you have to be prepared for the multiple test. You have to be a people’s person because you are dealing with the community, yes being a officers is interesting but there’s a lot of things that comes with it and you a have to be willing to put in the work like you said. -babyblue123

    2. I agree with you, you have to be able to know what you want to do for the rest your life because not everyone can be a cop. Being a cop takes a lot of hard work, it's not easy job. You have to be able to work with many types of people, you have to be prepared what might come your way. The job isn't routine based your gonna have a new task everyday.Some people might not have what it takes to have a job that is more than a job, but that shouldn’t stop you. Overall I agree with you that putting in the work is gonna get you to be the best cop that you can be. Smile123

  6. This video does a good job of describing that not everyone is cut out to be a police officer. In the future becoming a police officer is going to be a part of the career path that will get me to the job I want. Being a police officer is not for everyone, it takes good communication skills, a heart that wants to serve others, and someone who is quick on their feet and is able to react well to high stress situations. The process of becoming a police officer is an extensive process that only 1 in 1000 people that apply for the LAPD are accepted. Once they are accepted they go through a 7 month paid schooling to be trained to become an officer. After the schooling is complete the new officer is put on probation for the first year of their patrol and is evaluated by a superior officer every day to see if they really have what it takes. I believe that I have what it takes to become a police officer. A patrol officer is not where I want to end my career but it is where I plan on starting. I have always had a heart that is willing to put others first. I have a protective mindset and I have always been a leader when I was growing up. Physical fitness is not something I have to worry about, and I am very confident that I will pass the physical requirements with flying colors. With a four year degree I should be able to easily get a job as an officer and move up in the ranks faster than those who do not have the same credentials. I also plan on learning Spanish as a second language to give myself more of an edge over the rest of people. With a second language I will also have a wider variety of job options around the country. Wings123

  7. This video does a good job of describing that not everyone is cut out to be a police officer. In the future becoming a police officer is going to be a part of the career path that will get me to the job I want. Being a police officer is not for everyone, it takes good communication skills, a heart that wants to serve others, and someone who is quick on their feet and is able to react well to high stress situations. The process of becoming a police officer is an extensive process that only 1 in 1000 people that apply for the LAPD are accepted. Once they are accepted they go through a 7 month paid schooling to be trained to become an officer. After the schooling is complete the new officer is put on probation for the first year of their patrol and is evaluated by a superior officer every day to see if they really have what it takes. I believe that I have what it takes to become a police officer. A patrol officer is not where I want to end my career but it is where I plan on starting. I have always had a heart that is willing to put others first. I have a protective mindset and I have always been a leader when I was growing up. Physical fitness is not something I have to worry about, and I am very confident that I will pass the physical requirements with flying colors. With a four year degree I should be able to easily get a job as an officer and move up in the ranks faster than those who do not have the same credentials. I also plan on learning Spanish as a second language to give myself more of an edge over the rest of people. With a second language I will also have a wider variety of job options around the country. Wings456

  8. The video was really informing because everyone has to work hard to get where they want to go when it comes to their field. You have to make sure that you are really dedicated to your field because your spending all your time getting prepared for it and taking all these test and class and for you not to be dedicated and mess up the whole process and some have to start all over. Trying to become a probation officers is going to be pretty easy but hard at the same. Probationers have to be willing to interact with the community and also because willing to help those get on the right path as well. At this time a lot of people are looking for people to apply as probationers because they are really needed all over the world. So, the hiring process might be easier if you have all the classes and skills needed when you start to apply at different places. I think any part in the law enforcement can be dangerous whether your trying to become a police officers to a probation officers. You defiantly are going to have to know the risk of the different roles because you can be dealing with dangerous people and there also can be people that can talk you down on your job as well. I defiantly agree with him when he says that honesty is key. It is important that you always stay honest with any job because not only they can find out about your background, but when you sit there and tell them the truth up front there is more of a chance that they can trust you and you are more likely to get the job then for then to waste time looking you up and making them feel like your dishonest. This video really helps me understand that you really have to be dedicated in your job. - Babyblue123

    1. I like and agree with how you talked about having the dedication and drive into becoming what you really want to do with your life career, if the dedication and your mind isn't set to do it then that isn't the job one should be doing. I also agree with how you said about any job in law enforcement can be dangerous, because no matter what your job title is in the criminal justice the people you have to face head on and try and help aren't always the nicest, or safest people to be around. Another thing I liked that you pointed out on this video was how being up front and honest with people, honesty can get you farther then a lie can, why would one want to lie to someone that could be or is working for because then there is no trust with that person and you automatically start out on the wrong foot. Motocross123

  9. This was a short but a good informational video for people that should watch if they want to become a police officer or honestly anything to do with criminal justice. I liked how the officer in this video said that you really need to ask yourself if becoming a police officer is really what you want and like he said how it's not just about good pay or the vacation days you get, you have to have the drive to help serve and protect the community being it is a community job. I learned in this video that you can be in the process of becoming a citizen to apply for working in the police department, I thought you have to already be a citizen. Another thing that I had learned was that as long as you are honest with your background investigator about the mistakes you made in the past before taking your background check that it wouldn't count against you since you were being honest, obviously as long as it wasn't a serious offense that you had encountered. One more thing to point out that he said was about the once you become a P1, and that you are on probabation for a year, that you do ride along with a "seasoned officer" and how they rate you everyday that you are out on the field, that most of the people that make it that far do pass being rated and the people that don't just shows and proves that this line of work isn't for them. Even though I am not pursuing my degree to become a police officer this video taught me all the tests and levels you have to go through to be one and I know it is the same for the career that I am wanting to do which is become a Correctional Officer for the Federal Bureau Prisons. Motocross123

    1. Not everybody is cut out for police work. They may really want to be a police officer and have that drive in them, but some people are not cut out for this type work, which is why it is so important to really ask yourself if this is want you want to do. It is really important to be honest as a police officer, which is why it is okay to admit to a background investigator that you were a delinquent but have matured and gotten your life headed on the right path. If you lie as police officer, that makes you untrustworthy and therefore means you can no longer testify in court. If you can not testify in court, you are basically of no use as a cop anymore and therefore get terminated. Gymlife123

    2. With being a police officer or even in the corrections part. It is very important that you never lie and are always honest. We are all human and mess up, with that being said everyone will mess up on the job and as long as you are honest with your boss everything will be ok as long as you do not lie and be honest. Also with being dedicated. This job is not just a job you can just apply for one day and just go everyday as a “usual” job. You have to be dedicated to it and really want to do it to not only be well in your career, but to be a good police officer or correctional officer. Trojan123

  10. The video does an amazing job explaining that not all people may have not have what it takes to join the police force. It explains that if you’re not ready to be put in effort in your work field then you might have to actually think of a career path you wanna take. It takes time and dedication to make a dream into a reality. This video was an eye opener for me. In the video the guy explained being a police officer is more than being a job, it is a lifetime career. It’s a process. In the video the guy explained that 1 out of 1000 recruits make the cut even though that is just a surreal moment in the video. The process can be done but if you don’t try your hardest at everything that comes at you the overall result may not be what you wanted it to be.You have to be able to work with the community, you can’t just do want you wanna do. I wanna be a cop because I want to be able to help save lives every single day. I want the feeling that I helped someone make a better choice in there life, and that choice actually affected them.Another thing is that it will be very rewarding to have a job that you feel proud of. Therefore being a police officer you can be respected by the community even though you may get backlash sometimes, in the long run if you really love the job you don’t care what people think. I feel like this path is the right for me. I know it is gonna take some time to start my career but, my goal is to become what I wanna be even if it means I have to struggle to get to the point. I just wanna be able to feel that I have helped make a difference in the community. Smile123

    1. I'm sure you'll make a difference because I can tell just by reading this post you have the right heart and what it takes to be a police officer! Cheer456

    2. I agree, you have to be willing to reach out to communities, so that they know that officers are here to serve and protect. The more effort, the better! I also want those feelings as well. I want to be able to help people to make right choices and reach out to the communities and hope to reduce the unnecessary crime. I really enjoyed reading your blog! It really connected me. $tack123

  11. The video does an amazing job explaining that not all people may have not have what it takes to join the police force. It explains that if you’re not ready to be put in effort in your work field then you might have to actually think of a career path you wanna take. It takes time and dedication to make a dream into a reality. This video was an eye opener for me. In the video the guy explained being a police officer is more than being a job, it is a lifetime career. It’s a process. In the video the guy explained that 1 out of 1000 recruits make the cut even though that is just a surreal moment in the video. The process can be done but if you don’t try your hardest at everything that comes at you the overall result may not be what you wanted it to be.You have to be able to work with the community, you can’t just do want you wanna do. I wanna be a cop because I want to be able to help save lives every single day. I want the feeling that I helped someone make a better choice in there life, and that choice actually affected them.Another thing is that it will be very rewarding to have a job that you feel proud of. Therefore being a police officer you can be respected by the community even though you may get backlash sometimes, in the long run if you really love the job you don’t care what people think. I feel like this path is the right for me. I know it is gonna take some time to start my career but, my goal is to become what I wanna be even if it means I have to struggle to get to the point. I just wanna be able to feel that I have helped make a difference in the community. Smile456

    1. I agree with you and Jack Richter: working for and with the community is one of the most important parts about working as a police officer.

    2. I most definitely agree with you, this job as the gentleman said takes A LOT of hard work dedication. To make it a person has to give the job their all every single day. And like you said as long as you love doing what you are doing, and enjoy going to work to make a difference, then the sky is the limit. I am glad that you want to help make the world a better place one day at a time, and choosing this field will most definitely allow you to do that. Just remember "have an open mind and be flexible, cease every opportunity you can, and NEVER give up!" Most importantly don't lose yourself. Keep prospering, and may one day you have everything you dream of!

    3. I most definitely agree with you, this job as the gentleman said takes A LOT of hard work dedication. To make it a person has to give the job their all every single day. And like you said as long as you love doing what you are doing, and enjoy going to work to make a difference, then the sky is the limit. I am glad that you want to help make the world a better place one day at a time, and choosing this field will most definitely allow you to do that. Just remember "have an open mind and be flexible, cease every opportunity you can, and NEVER give up!" Most importantly don't lose yourself. Keep prospering, and may one day you have everything you dream of! MyChildrensKeeper456

  12. I really enjoyed this video and one of the main reasons I liked this video is because it helped me to realize what type of mindset I need in order to make it and what kind of requirements I have to meet in order to get a law enforcement job. I’ve only just recently taken an interest in Criminal Justice, even though I used to want to be an officer as a kid. I walked into college undecided and I’m still undecided, so it’s good that I watched this video and know to be absolutely sure about what I want to do it because it seems that the whole joining process is very complex and perhaps even tasking and should only be pursued if you seriously want to be in the field.
    I think I would be a good fit for criminal justice/law enforcement because I have always been a person to try and put others before myself and be in service to others whenever I have the opportunity to do so. I also want a job in the community and to be able to work with/for others. I definitely think that if there are genuinely good people who are in these fields, people in the community, people will have a higher opinion overall of them.

    1. being the type of person to put others before yourself would be incredibly helpful in a job field like this! We need more police officers like this. Cheer123

  13. This video was very eye-opening. I didn’t realize how intense the police academy really could be and how even after you graduate you could still be let go if you don’t succeed being a P1 officer. This job includes a lot of skills, not only physically, but mentally. I have a lot of family members who are police officers and even though it’s sometimes very, very dangerous, it’s very rewarding. Trustworthy, honest, strong, and mentally stable are all characteristics that police officers should have. This isn’t the field I was to go into but probation is almost the same when it comes to those characteristics. Working hard now in school will pay off in the long run when I’m working in the career field that I love. Police officers see it all. They are some of the bravest individuals because that’s one job I don’t think I could achieve. You work with so many different people that you have to be super open-minded. Going into a situation with any sort of bias could affect you negatively in the long run. My boyfriends’ grandfather told us many, many stories about the undercover work he used to do in the past. Some of them are terrifying and unbelievable that anyone would enjoy being scared crapless 90% of their work day! I couldn't imagine buying drugs of a HUGE scary man and wondering the whole time if they’ll ever know your secretly a cop. My dad told me a story about his friend going undercover and someone found out and the gang he was trying to be apart of beat him so bad they thought he was dead. I respect police officers so much because of the risk they put their lives at everyday to keep citizens, like me, safe. I’m extremely grateful. Cheer123

    1. I absolutely agree with you, a job in the law is very demanding,and can take a lot out of someone. If you do not stay on your toes, then you can lose not only yourself but everything. Some jobs in the law have caused people to hit breaking points, and they can't come back from them. They can lose everything in a matter of moments just by the smallest mistake. People have gone undercover and been killed, became addicts themselves, became gamblers, gotten there families killed etc. It most definately takes A LOT to work in law, and everyday you have to push through it. If you can't then as the gentleman said, "this job is not for you." -MyChildrensKeeper123

  14. This video was very eye-opening. I didn’t realize how intense the police academy really could be and how even after you graduate you could still be let go if you don’t succeed being a P1 officer. This job includes a lot of skills, not only physically, but mentally. I have a lot of family members who are police officers and even though it’s sometimes very, very dangerous, it’s very rewarding. Trustworthy, honest, strong, and mentally stable are all characteristics that police officers should have. This isn’t the field I was to go into but probation is almost the same when it comes to those characteristics. Working hard now in school will pay off in the long run when I’m working in the career field that I love. Police officers see it all. They are some of the bravest individuals because that’s one job I don’t think I could achieve. You work with so many different people that you have to be super open-minded. Going into a situation with any sort of bias could affect you negatively in the long run. My boyfriends’ grandfather told us many, many stories about the undercover work he used to do in the past. Some of them are terrifying and unbelievable that anyone would enjoy being scared crapless 90% of their work day! I couldn't imagine buying drugs of a HUGE scary man and wondering the whole time if they’ll ever know your secretly a cop. My dad told me a story about his friend going undercover and someone found out and the gang he was trying to be apart of beat him so bad they thought he was dead. I respect police officers so much because of the risk they put their lives at everyday to keep citizens, like me, safe. I’m extremely grateful. Cheer456

    1. Wow! That story sounds crazy! I agree with you on all the hard work will pay off in the end. It takes mental toughness to become a police officer without giving up, but that's in general with any career. I can't work with officers who has been in the field for 10+ years because I'll be able to learn so much from them along with what the training officer/ police academy teaches me. I also respect every officer because they put their lives in danger everyday for us. $tack456

  15. This was a great video explaining the process of becoming a police officer. I like how he said something about if you don't want to do community work then this job isn't for you, which I do agree due to the fact that the Peoria Police Department is working to get involved more with the community. Community outreach is very important to every police department because the departments want their communities to know that they are safe and will be protected. If the police departments can build relationships with their communities it can make their jobs easier; possibly when there is a crime then the community can step in to help as witnesses. What's crazy to me is that there is people who doesn't like to deal with officers and hates their guts, but those officers are out on the streets protecting them knowing some people dislike them. In order to be a police officer you have to go out and take those risks even though you may have a loving family at home and you have to want it and be able to push through tough situations; It's okay if you can't because there is more jobs out there for criminal justice that may be the perfect fit for you! I am motivated to become an officer and Dr. W is a part of that motivation for me; every time he tells stories about what happened during his career excites and pushes me to work harder. I want to one day be able to retire and tell great stories to my kids/grandchildren. Although my journey to becoming a cop won't be easy I'll continue to stay motivated and go through ups and downs because in the end it will all be worth it. $tack123

    1. I agree with you. It is a challenging career to go into, but the rewards balance out the challenges.

    2. I agree I also feel like he explained how to become a police officer and how the youth who wants to be or think they wants to be a police officer would think. I also feel as the bridge between the community and our serviceman isn’t broken to the point that there is no repair. There is also a trust thing because there be some much lying and sendoffs when citizens have to make contact and socialize with law enforcement, but the end of the day I don’t care with nobody say’s law enforcement all law enforcement are needed to run any country, state or nation.

    3. I agree that working with the community is very important for any department out there. Hence the new way police officers police is community policing. Which is exactly what it sounds like by working with the community to let them know that you are there to help and not harm. I agree that being a police officer or correctional officer is not for everyone, but there are so many jobs in the criminal justice field that people can go into. With this being from people working 911 dispatch, to judges, probation officers, exc. They all deal with the criminal justice system and can be a good fit for many people. Trojan456

  16. This was a great video explaining the process of becoming a police officer. I like how he said something about if you don't want to do community work then this job isn't for you, which I do agree due to the fact that the Peoria Police Department is working to get involved more with the community. Community outreach is very important to every police department because the departments want their communities to know that they are safe and will be protected. If the police departments can build relationships with their communities it can make their jobs easier; possibly when there is a crime then the community can step in to help as witnesses. What's crazy to me is that there is people who doesn't like to deal with officers and hates their guts, but those officers are out on the streets protecting them knowing some people dislike them. In order to be a police officer you have to go out and take those risks even though you may have a loving family at home and you have to want it and be able to push through tough situations; It's okay if you can't because there is more jobs out there for criminal justice that may be the perfect fit for you! I am motivated to become an officer and Dr. W is a part of that motivation for me; every time he tells stories about what happened during his career excites and pushes me to work harder. I want to one day be able to retire and tell great stories to my kids/grandchildren. Although my journey to becoming a cop won't be easy I'll continue to stay motivated and go through ups and downs because in the end it will all be worth it. $tack456

    1. Policing is all about being involved and connected with the community. It helps to build legitimacy with the police in the public's eye and will greatly help with reducing and keeping crime rates down. It takes the right type of character and charisma for someone to be the right candidate for police work. Yes, it is a very rewarding job that comes with excellent pay and great benefits, but you have to be willing to put others before yourself and not be afraid of running into a potentially dangerous situation. Gymlife456

    2. I agree I also feel like he explained how to become a police officer and how the youth who wants to be or think they wants to be a police officer would think. I also feel as the bridge between the community and our serviceman isn’t broken to the point that there is no repair. There is also a trust thing because there be some much lying and sendoffs when citizens have to make contact and socialize with law enforcement, but the end of the day I don’t care with nobody say’s law enforcement all law enforcement are needed to run any country, state or nation.

    3. Working with the community is very important to become a police officer.Conrad123

    4. I agree helping out with the community is the right thing to do at a officer. Right now in this world with the bad rap that police are receive in media, community policing and building trust within the community is the most important aspect.

  17. Becoming a police officer involves going through a very strenuous series of tests such as a written and physical abilities test, as well as an intensive background check and an interviewing process. Policing is not necessarily for everybody, someone may really want to be a police officer, but the job may not suit them well. Policing is all about community service and being involved and connected to the community in which they serve. Community policing has become such a crucial focal point in many departments across the country because it helps to justify the legitimacy of the police. In other words, people will be more likely to trust and be more open with their local law enforcement agencies and therefore help bring crime rates down. It was not really surprising to me when it was mentioned in the video that only about one out of every thousand or so applicants make it through the entire hiring process. One of the biggest reasons why is most people are not at a certain level of physical fitness that is required for this type of work. Another is that some people may say on their application that they were never in trouble before with school or had any prior convictions, however when they dig up that information on the applicant and find out they were in trouble before then that applicant is no longer considered a candidate for the job. This makes that person untrustworthy and if you lie as a police officer that means you can not testify in court. If you can not testify in court as a cop, you are basically useless. Police work is a very rewarding job that comes with great benefits and excellent pay, but it takes the right type of character and charisma in order to be successful at this type of career. Gymlife123

    1. Well said, I particularly liked your stance on trustworthyness and how if you cant be a trustworthy cop, than you are useless. It takes a special person, with a good moral character to be a cop.

  18. Becoming a police officer involves going through a very strenuous series of tests such as a written and physical abilities test, as well as an intensive background check and an interviewing process. Policing is not necessarily for everybody, someone may really want to be a police officer, but the job may not suit them well. Policing is all about community service and being involved and connected to the community in which they serve. Community policing has become such a crucial focal point in many departments across the country because it helps to justify the legitimacy of the police. In other words, people will be more likely to trust and be more open with their local law enforcement agencies and therefore help bring crime rates down. It was not really surprising to me when it was mentioned in the video that only about one out of every thousand or so applicants make it through the entire hiring process. One of the biggest reasons why is most people are not at a certain level of physical fitness that is required for this type of work. Another is that some people may say on their application that they were never in trouble before with school or had any prior convictions, however when they dig up that information on the applicant and find out they were in trouble before then that applicant is no longer considered a candidate for the job. This makes that person untrustworthy and if you lie as a police officer that means you can not testify in court. If you can not testify in court as a cop, you are basically useless. Police work is a very rewarding job that comes with great benefits and excellent pay, but it takes the right type of character and charisma in order to be successful at this type of career. Gymlife456

    1. Agreed, it definitely takes a certain type of character in order to do well in law enforcement. No one seeking to become a civil servant of any sort should lie or try to otherwise conceal their flaws and mistakes. It goes against the very ideals of law enforcement as a concept and it also furthers any potential divide between the community and the law enforcement agency responsible for said community. I don't agree with your statement that community policing legitimizes law enforcement agencies. I think that law enforcement is a field that has been innately embedded into society from the earliest stages of organized civilization and is therefore a legitimate civil service. I do think, though, that the age of community policing reorients the common perception of policing from an authoritarian entity regulating the people to the people regulating the people. -Gwynbleidd123

  19. This video does an excellent job in providing a solid baseline of expectations for people applying to both the Los Angeles Police Department as well as the majority of law enforcement agencies across the country. The current age of policing is much more advanced and demanding as compared to prior ages of policing. The current age pivots around the community and its needs and demands. It makes sense, therefore, that law enforcement agencies should and do orient their hiring standards around these needs and demands. By filtering out applicants that deviate from these standards, agencies are theoretically increasing their efficiency and availability when it comes to the services offered. Policing has always innately been a community oriented profession, regardless of the overall policing policy that existed in previous ages. Yet, I’m often surprised by the amount of people who misperceive the purpose of law enforcement. Law enforcement is a field which seems to attract some unwanted individuals who simply desire the perception of power and control. These are the individuals who oppress certain individuals and abuse their power as officers of whichever entity they represent. These individuals are the kind of person that this new age of policing is designed to repel. In order to succeed in today’s model of policing, a prospective officer needs to have a passion for serving the community no matter what hardship the community may impose on officers. This goes for all aspects of the emergency services sector, but more so for law enforcement entities. An individual needs to be able to continue to serve the community in the face of adverse conditions. This can be very difficult and it demands a person of a certain mental stature and capacity, hence why hiring standards have increased so much in recent years and why only one in one thousand applicants actually make it to the academy. -Gwynbleidd123

  20. This video does an excellent job in providing a solid baseline of expectations for people applying to both the Los Angeles Police Department as well as the majority of law enforcement agencies across the country. The current age of policing is much more advanced and demanding as compared to prior ages of policing. The current age pivots around the community and its needs and demands. It makes sense, therefore, that law enforcement agencies should and do orient their hiring standards around these needs and demands. By filtering out applicants that deviate from these standards, agencies are theoretically increasing their efficiency and availability when it comes to the services offered. Policing has always innately been a community oriented profession, regardless of the overall policing policy that existed in previous ages. Yet, I’m often surprised by the amount of people who misperceive the purpose of law enforcement. Law enforcement is a field which seems to attract some unwanted individuals who simply desire the perception of power and control. These are the individuals who oppress certain individuals and abuse their power as officers of whichever entity they represent. These individuals are the kind of person that this new age of policing is designed to repel. In order to succeed in today’s model of policing, a prospective officer needs to have a passion for serving the community no matter what hardship the community may impose on officers. This goes for all aspects of the emergency services sector, but more so for law enforcement entities. An individual needs to be able to continue to serve the community in the face of adverse conditions. This can be very difficult and it demands a person of a certain mental stature and capacity, hence why hiring standards have increased so much in recent years and why only one in one thousand applicants actually make it to the academy. -Gwynbleidd456

  21. This video was a very good explanatory video on the qualifications of becoming a police officer. The video was straight to the point, and it did not contain any “fluff” so to speak, as far as him being straight forward about how intense the process of becoming a police officer is. This gentleman did not sugar coat the process, and make it sound easier than it is, just to gain enrollments of officers like some other videos may do. Just like any other job a person must give that job their all the whole way through, or they will not make it for too long. Depending on the job you want to step into in law enforcement you have to be stronger in some areas than in others, so the fact that he addressed that there is more than just a physical test and an initial test to become a cop, is phenomenal, especially since a lot of people do not think of the mental requirements that are needed to obtain a job as an officer, or most jobs in the law. Also, it informs people that besides being physically strong, you will be undergoing a lot of trials and errors to become a cop. You will be faced with failure and success every day, and you will need to be able to push through every obstacle in your way, and overcome every attempt of failure that is put in front of you. That goes along with the mental side of becoming an officer, if you can’t fight yourself everyday to keep going, then you won’t be able to make it. Like the gentleman said, “this job is not meant for everyone,” you may be whole heartedly dead set on a job, but if you do not think out of the box, and approach this job with flexibility, you will not make it. Maybe a homicide detective is what you want to be, but maybe after you get there you find out that in person blood and gore isn’t your thing or maybe some of the crimes are too much for you, so maybe you would be a heck of a lot better on border patrol, or corrections, or a prison officer, or maybe even better working in the special victims unit? Always have an open mind and be flexible, cease every opportunity you can, and NEVER give up! MyChildrensKeeper123

  22. This video was a very good explanatory video on the qualifications of becoming a police officer. The video was straight to the point, and it did not contain any “fluff” so to speak, as far as him being straight forward about how intense the process of becoming a police officer is. This gentleman did not sugar coat the process, and make it sound easier than it is, just to gain enrollments of officers like some other videos may do. Just like any other job a person must give that job their all the whole way through, or they will not make it for too long. Depending on the job you want to step into in law enforcement you have to be stronger in some areas than in others, so the fact that he addressed that there is more than just a physical test and an initial test to become a cop, is phenomenal, especially since a lot of people do not think of the mental requirements that are needed to obtain a job as an officer, or most jobs in the law. Also, it informs people that besides being physically strong, you will be undergoing a lot of trials and errors to become a cop. You will be faced with failure and success every day, and you will need to be able to push through every obstacle in your way, and overcome every attempt of failure that is put in front of you. That goes along with the mental side of becoming an officer, if you can’t fight yourself everyday to keep going, then you won’t be able to make it. Like the gentleman said, “this job is not meant for everyone,” you may be whole heartedly dead set on a job, but if you do not think out of the box, and approach this job with flexibility, you will not make it. Maybe a homicide detective is what you want to be, but maybe after you get there you find out that in person blood and gore isn’t your thing or maybe some of the crimes are too much for you, so maybe you would be a heck of a lot better on border patrol, or corrections, or a prison officer, or maybe even better working in the special victims unit? Always have an open mind and be flexible, cease every opportunity you can, and NEVER give up! MyChildrensKeeper456

  23. In the video the police officer does a great job of talking clear so you can understand want he is trying to explain, He then gone into explaining how everyone sees being a police officer as an awesome job, but its more than a job being a police officer is not like working at another job for the simple fact that the first couple of months is training and it’s not as easy as other jobs its more intense and the training officers are going to push you to your limit now weather you let it brake you or make you is on you. Once you’re done with PTI you go through field training where you every move is documented and it last a whole year where any other job would last a couple of day to a week. Even though being a police officer is a job where you put yourself at risk for a serious injury or even though and the chances of getting the job is slim I still have confidence that this the job for me. There’s nothing like being there and witnessing the pain of PTI or the sound of having to use your weapon for the first time or even being in a life or death situation. I believe that every officer that has done it before had some type of drive that got them through the tough times and the long nights that I feel I have that drive or that I am capable of finding that motivation that I need to push me over the hump to get to where I want to be and that’s being a great police who is more than just collars and completion rate and ending my career as a detective and going to retire with others speaking highly on my career as a serviceman.

  24. In the video the police officer does a great job of talking clear so you can understand want he is trying to explain, He then gone into explaining how everyone sees being a police officer as an awesome job, but its more than a job being a police officer is not like working at another job for the simple fact that the first couple of months is training and it’s not as easy as other jobs its more intense and the training officers are going to push you to your limit now weather you let it brake you or make you is on you. Once you’re done with PTI you go through field training where you every move is documented and it last a whole year where any other job would last a couple of day to a week. Even though being a police officer is a job where you put yourself at risk for a serious injury or even though and the chances of getting the job is slim I still have confidence that this the job for me. There’s nothing like being there and witnessing the pain of PTI or the sound of having to use your weapon for the first time or even being in a life or death situation. I believe that every officer that has done it before had some type of drive that got them through the tough times and the long nights that I feel I have that drive or that I am capable of finding that motivation that I need to push me over the hump to get to where I want to be and that’s being a great police who is more than just collars and completion rate and ending my career as a detective and going to retire with others speaking highly on my career as a serviceman.

    1. Very well said Junior456. I also thought that the officer in the video did a great job explaining everything very clearly. It made it very clear to the point and easy to understand. I also liked how he stated that being a police officer isn't like most jobs out there. I believe it takes a certain type of person to become a cop and some can handle that responsibiliy and others can't. I also feel like I have the drive you speak of as well. -Ramones456

  25. After watching the video I thought that it was very informative on some of the things it takes to become a police officer. I thought that it was good to see the officer in the video tell it how it was and to inform the viewers about the process of becoming a police officer. One point in the video I thought was very informing was that you can be in the process of becoming an American citizen and be in the process of becoming a police officer at the same time. I had always assumed that you had to be a citizen to be a cop. That was good to learn. I also liked how he stated that being a police officer is not your average job and that it is a community job. That is a huge reason why I want to become a police officer. I like to help people and my community. This video had a lot of good points in it for being so short and I can’t wait to go through the process myself within the near future.-Ramones456

    1. I agree when you said helping out the community, is one of the reasons you want to become a police officer. Conrad456

    2. I agree with both of you on helping out with the community. Right now with the bad wrap that police are receive in media, community policing and building trust within the community is the most important aspect.

  26. After watching this video, I believe what officer Jack Richter said that not everyone who wanted to become a police officer can be one. It is true that it was a good job with a lot of benefits but it’s a community job that means serving and protecting the community. I think his explanations of the process is remarkable because he covered the most important information on the process of becoming a police officer in a short period of time. One of the most important information he gives was, to be honest on the application and for the background investigator. It is true because if you did nothing wrong you don’t have to lie or hide something, you are the one you will get affected by it and for your career. They will know if you’re telling truth about everything. Before I decided to pursue a career in criminal justice I’ve talked and asked some advice to family friends who are police officers, they gave me the same information as what is in the video and one of it is to not commit any felony or crime that will affect my career, having a crime-free background is important. The hiring process was one of the toughest because even you know that you have the potentials, you do and always have a competition. In LAPD, they hired one out of a thousand who applied. I do believe it because they wanted the one who is not just physically and mentally ready, but also who is ready and committed to serving the community. I do believe every police department has its own hiring standard and process, just like different states have different laws. Becoming a police officer is one of my stepping stone to becoming a federal agent, but most importantly having my four-year degree and master is the thing the will help me the most. -Chopper123

  27. After watching this video, I believe what officer Jack Richter said that not everyone who wanted to become a police officer can be one. It is true that it was a good job with a lot of benefits but it’s a community job that means serving and protecting the community. I think his explanations of the process is remarkable because he covered the most important information on the process of becoming a police officer in a short period of time. One of the most important information he gives was, to be honest on the application and for the background investigator. It is true because if you did nothing wrong you don’t have to lie or hide something, you are the one you will get affected by it and for your career. They will know if you’re telling truth about everything. Before I decided to pursue a career in criminal justice I’ve talked and asked some advice to family friends who are police officers, they gave me the same information as what is in the video and one of it is to not commit any felony or crime that will affect my career, having a crime-free background is important. The hiring process was one of the toughest because even you know that you have the potentials, you do and always have a competition. In LAPD, they hired one out of a thousand who applied. I do believe it because they wanted the one who is not just physically and mentally ready, but also who is ready and committed to serving the community. I do believe every police department has its own hiring standard and process, just like different states have different laws. Becoming a police officer is one of my stepping stone to becoming a federal agent, but most importantly having my four-year degree and master is the thing that will help me the most. -Chopper456

  28. Being a police officer is a very serious job. The video is very interesting because it tell detail by detail on how to become a police officer. It's not easy but it's not that difficult. Being mature is step number one having a clean background history is a plus for working in law enforcement. Knowing the material and how to protect not only yourself but others around you and must importantly keeping the community safe. Having a healthy background is also a plus. Just like the video said its a community job. Which is very important to become a police officer. It's a very tough process not only physical but most importantly mentally. It's true how he said not everyone is meant for a cop. Knowing I want to be a police officer, before I even start applying I know that I need to be mentally and get my body in the best shape of my life. Knowing that there are so mean disgusting people out there, my mental stage has to be at it highest. Also, he said in the video when you go to police academy those people push you to your limits to see if your made out to be a cop. Always, always tell the truth it doesn't matter how old you were when you done something that's going to affect the hiring process tell the truth because if the department finds out you're lying then then will cut you. Police departments don't want people who are going to lie to them they need people who they can trust and get the job done. Always keep your mind right, you can't be exposed to something that someone calls you and then you lose your control. Working as a police officer you have to be mature about the situation. Conrad123

    1. I agree entirely with how telling the officer was with the entire hiring process. I thought it was interesting how he explained the entire process, but focused on more steps than others. He quickly mentioned the physical and mental exams, but spent much more time talking about the background checks and the post hire process with the academy and the full year being graded on the daily. It definitely gives you a good idea of where each person testing needs to be on their A-game. As well as how he spoke about the job working for the community, not just being a part of it.


  29. Being a police officer is a very serious job. The video is very interesting because it tell detail by detail on how to become a police officer. It's not easy but it's not that difficult. Being mature is step number one having a clean background history is a plus for working in law enforcement. Knowing the material and how to protect not only yourself but others around you and must importantly keeping the community safe. Having a healthy background is also a plus. Just like the video said its a community job. Which is very important to become a police officer. It's a very tough process not only physical but most importantly mentally. It's true how he said not everyone is meant for a cop. Knowing I want to be a police officer, before I even start applying I know that I need to be mentally and get my body in the best shape of my life. Knowing that there are so mean disgusting people out there, my mental stage has to be at it highest. Also, he said in the video when you go to police academy those people push you to your limits to see if your made out to be a cop. Always, always tell the truth it doesn't matter how old you were when you done something that's going to affect the hiring process tell the truth because if the department finds out you're lying then then will cut you. Police departments don't want people who are going to lie to them they need people who they can trust and get the job done. Always keep your mind right, you can't be exposed to something that someone calls you and then you lose your control. Working as a police officer you have to be mature about the situation. Conrad456

    1. I agree entirely with how telling the officer was with the entire hiring process. I thought it was interesting how he explained the entire process, but focused on more steps than others. He quickly mentioned the physical and mental exams, but spent much more time talking about the background checks and the post hire process with the academy and the full year being graded on the daily. It definitely gives you a good idea of where each person testing needs to be on their A-game. As well as how he spoke about the job working for the community, not just being a part of it.


  30. After watching this video, I still feel my career that I am after which is being a game warden is still the job I would like to pursue like it was said in the video people go after the benefits and the vacation time and don’t actually really do the job or get the job they thought was super easy. With all that being said I still want to be a game warden because I want to protect the wilderness, help animals, and help people understand the laws of the land they may be on. I do like the idea that you have to be 21 and you don’t have to be a U.S citizen but you have to be in the process of becoming one to become a police officer. I also think it is crazy that the odds are 1 of every 1000 get hired and its mostly from the background checks or they lied on the initial that they took. If it isn’t either of those the rest of them drop when they go into the police academy either from the written test or the power test. Most people in the academy fail the power test because they thought they were in shape and ready for it then they take the test and fail miserably. I do like the idea that after you finish the academy you get to go out into the field and get tested once again basically to see if you truly have what it takes to stay out on the field and serve and doing this test will put you in a lot of danger if you are not properly trained. Though there is a lot of negative things that can happen in the line of duty, and though the testing to just be an officer Is very difficult you cannot give up on it or you just wasted your time even trying.

    1. I agree with you about the statement how the odds are 1 out of every 1000 get hired. I thought that those were insane stats but they are for good reasoning as well. The police departments are only trying to hire the best individuals for the job and people that they can trust. That is why the background check is so important to a department because they want to know that they can trust the person to tell the truth

    2. I feel the same in the aspect that I still want to work in the same career. It's really nice to see someone like yourself caring about the land and it's laws. Nowadays, I feel like people overlook warden positions and how important they really are. The age of 21 is expected, but not needing to be a current citizen to start the training process is crazy! Lastly, the fact that the new recruits are always checked up on is amazing, and well needed in todays police force I think!

    3. I do agree with your statement, not all the people who are pursuing to become a police officer are just going for the benefits and paid vacations. I do want to help, serve, and protect the people of the community, and not just the people but also animals and especially the environment. The odds of hiring one from 1000 applicants do sound crazy but I think it is true, because most applicants fail on physical test, if not probably written test and the background check. Different police department has different standards of test and process. I do also like the idea that once you finish the academy, you get to go out in the field and get evaluated for everything you have learn and to see you truly have what it takes to do the job. -Chopper 123 and -Chopper 456

  31. After watching this video, I have better knowledge of the requirements in order to becoming a police officer. I respect the fact that the officer, did not hide or sugarcoat anything.
    I myself do not to be a police officer, but I would not let any important knowledge pass me by if I can educate myself the same way a police officer does. I have a 4 year degree in Political Science, but I want to learn more. I ultimately want to be a criminal defense lawyer, but I need to be knowledgable in the area of criminal justice.

  32. While watching the video I felt that Officer Jack Richter explained the process very well. I understand the process and procedure in becoming an officer of the law. I have always felt that police work is a serious job with many aspects including community policing, search and rescue, as well as active crime scene investigation. I understand the process of police background checks, testing for mental stability and physical fitness. Do to working with the community you would want those in these types of positions to be trustworthy and able to make judgement calls without second thought. I have and still want to become a police officer and am taking the steps needed to accomplish this. I am not afraid of hard work and with great community and family support I can accomplish all tasks put before me to the best of my ability. My interest in police work started when I was in the 5th grade and went through the D.A.R.E. program. I felt that if I could help one person overcome peer pressure or drugs then I would have accomplished something. Since that time, I have consistently read and followed police work, and training procedures. Making sure this would be the path I chose and a path I would find rewarding. I have spoken with several police officers in this state as well as in other states to see what my best options would be or what way would be the best to achieve such high goals. They all agreed that with my personality, my empathy for others, and my keen sense of honesty I would be a great candidate. My goal is to achieve my associates here and then to further my education and receive my masters degree. I am ready to take on this as my career.

    1. I agree with what you're saying. This video did a good job of touching on all the basic police requirements. Even if it was the same thing that everyone is told when entering this career field. I also believe that police work should be taken very seriously, and without good judgement calls, there would be a lot of unqualified police officers. It's awesome to see someone greatly affected by the D.A.R.E. program, although I feel like it doesn't do what is intend to. Continue with the great attitude towards this career and becoming a cop will be a breeze!
      ^~^ Itis123

  33. While watching the video I felt that Officer Jack Richter explained the process very well. I understand the process and procedure in becoming an officer of the law. I have always felt that police work is a serious job with many aspects including community policing, search and rescue, as well as active crime scene investigation. I understand the process of police background checks, testing for mental stability and physical fitness. Do to working with the community you would want those in these types of positions to be trustworthy and able to make judgement calls without second thought. I have and still want to become a police officer and am taking the steps needed to accomplish this. I am not afraid of hard work and with great community and family support I can accomplish all tasks put before me to the best of my ability. My interest in police work started when I was in the 5th grade and went through the D.A.R.E. program. I felt that if I could help one person overcome peer pressure or drugs then I would have accomplished something. Since that time, I have consistently read and followed police work, and training procedures. Making sure this would be the path I chose and a path I would find rewarding. I have spoken with several police officers in this state as well as in other states to see what my best options would be or what way would be the best to achieve such high goals. They all agreed that with my personality, my empathy for others, and my keen sense of honesty I would be a great candidate. My goal is to achieve my associates here and then to further my education and receive my masters degree. I am ready to take on this as my career.

  34. I feel like the video kind of stated the obvious, at least when it came to police requirements. Such as the age requirement, the extensive background check, and the tests/ academy graduation. Although being a police officer isn’t my intend goal, these tips, mentioned by Mr. Richter, does give me insight to my career. Such as honesty over failure. Just because you did something wrong and still want to be a cop, doesn’t give you the right to hide it. Which is why the background test is so hard. Another tip I liked was the successful recruitment ratio. The number might be bigger than a normal police department, but keep in mind they are in Los Angeles, CA. This tip is helpful for me, because it shows me that the job I want, is going to be ten times harder. Mostly due to people competing to see who has the best skill sets. What I take from this: I need to be so unique or qualified, that it would be crazy to not get hired on. This will take so time and effort, but when you want something bad enough, the effort is without a doubt worth it. I did notice how he mentioned that people realize that this field of work isn’t for them. I think that maybe it just wasn’t the right choice of work in that certain career field. Instead of telling them to give up on the criminal justice field, maybe show them other job opportunities like that one! All in all though, becoming a cop, or being able to, is the first step for my career. If I don't qualify for that, then there’s no way I could have a federal level job! So being able to listen to his words of wisdom is beyond appreciated.
    ^~^ Itis123

  35. I feel like the video kind of stated the obvious, at least when it came to police requirements. Such as the age requirement, the extensive background check, and the tests/ academy graduation. Although being a police officer isn’t my intend goal, these tips, mentioned by Mr. Richter, does give me insight to my career. Such as honesty over failure. Just because you did something wrong and still want to be a cop, doesn’t give you the right to hide it. Which is why the background test is so hard. Another tip I liked was the successful recruitment ratio. The number might be bigger than a normal police department, but keep in mind they are in Los Angeles, CA. This tip is helpful for me, because it shows me that the job I want, is going to be ten times harder. Mostly due to people competing to see who has the best skill sets. What I take from this: I need to be so unique or qualified, that it would be crazy to not get hired on. This will take so time and effort, but when you want something bad enough, the effort is without a doubt worth it. I did notice how he mentioned that people realize that this field of work isn’t for them. I think that maybe it just wasn’t the right choice of work in that certain career field. Instead of telling them to give up on the criminal justice field, maybe show them other job opportunities like that one! All in all though, becoming a cop, or being able to, is the first step for my career. If I don't qualify for that, then there’s no way I could have a federal level job! So being able to listen to his words of wisdom is beyond appreciated.
    ^~^ Itis456

  36. I thought the officer did a great job going into such detail on the entire process. He did really well laying all of the steps out for viewers to get a good understanding of the lengthy process it takes to get hired on at a police department. I thought it was interesting howas someone trying to get hired as an officer, he really emphasized how important the background checks were. You could test higher than anyone else for the written and physical tests along with the interviews, but if you forgot or lied about something that shows up on one of the background checks, you’re not even going to be considered after that. This might be obvious to many, but something I definitely took away from the video was that no matter what you’ve done in the past, be honest with it during the hiring process. Departments would rather have someone who’s made mistakes and be upfront with them than an officer who is willing to lie and hide their mistakes. Something else that stuck out to me during the video was how long the process is. I personally had an idea of how many steps the pre hire process had but I was not aware of the post hire steps that were in place. Some of these details I’m sure may vary depending on the department you’re talking about, but I had no idea how long the academy lasted. It’s clear they put your physical and mental toughness to the test and limits. As well as the full year you spend once you are finally hired being rated every single day. They really do make it a point of emphasis on finding the best possible candidates out there. This video can definitely related to many people, whether they want to go into the criminal justice field or not. You need to ask yourself as a person if what you plan on using for a career is really for you. No matter your career aspirations, some self reflection is always something everyone can benefit from.


    1. I agree the officer telling how the whole process was completed and how to get through the process was great. Finding out that only one applicant out of a thousand were actually going to go to the academy was surprising. Then when you think about how much some people will lie and what they will do to lie that gives and good explanation why so many people fail to make it to the field and to the academy.

  37. I thought the officer did a great job going into such detail on the entire process. He did really well laying all of the steps out for viewers to get a good understanding of the lengthy process it takes to get hired on at a police department. I thought it was interesting howas someone trying to get hired as an officer, he really emphasized how important the background checks were. You could test higher than anyone else for the written and physical tests along with the interviews, but if you forgot or lied about something that shows up on one of the background checks, you’re not even going to be considered after that. This might be obvious to many, but something I definitely took away from the video was that no matter what you’ve done in the past, be honest with it during the hiring process. Departments would rather have someone who’s made mistakes and be upfront with them than an officer who is willing to lie and hide their mistakes. Something else that stuck out to me during the video was how long the process is. I personally had an idea of how many steps the pre hire process had but I was not aware of the post hire steps that were in place. Some of these details I’m sure may vary depending on the department you’re talking about, but I had no idea how long the academy lasted. It’s clear they put your physical and mental toughness to the test and limits. As well as the full year you spend once you are finally hired being rated every single day. They really do make it a point of emphasis on finding the best possible candidates out there. This video can definitely related to many people, whether they want to go into the criminal justice field or not. You need to ask yourself as a person if what you plan on using for a career is really for you. No matter your career aspirations, some self reflection is always something everyone can benefit from.


    1. I agree with you on how well he did with explaining the entire process. The way he explained everything was very easy to follow and really makes you think about what you truly want to do. I also agree with the fact that if you are willing to lie to get the job, what else could you lie about if the time is right? Another point that you brought up that I completely agreed with was that it does not really matter what career field you are planning on that this topic could be considered. Everyone should always ask themselves before committing to something such as a lengthy career or anything that you are striving to do is " Is this really what I want to do"? Thinking about this should benefit all who take the time to realize is the time I am putting into this going to give me the results that I am either planning or hoping for. UofM123

    2. I agree with you on how well he did with explaining the entire process. The way he explained everything was very easy to follow and really makes you think about what you truly want to do. I also agree with the fact that if you are willing to lie to get the job, what else could you lie about if the time is right? Another point that you brought up that I completely agreed with was that it does not really matter what career field you are planning on that this topic could be considered. Everyone should always ask themselves before committing to something such as a lengthy career or anything that you are striving to do is " Is this really what I want to do"? Thinking about this should benefit all who take the time to realize is the time I am putting into this going to give me the results that I am either planning or hoping for. Tanker456

  38. I think this video did a great job with explaining the basics of being a cop and some of its qualifications and what to expect if someone is serious about working in this field. I feel like this video would be ideal for someone who is thinking about dedicating their time in working in such a community based career, with all of the information someone would need to know if that was the route they were thinking about going. One thing that i found valuable to the information he presented was when he talked about how being a cop isn't like working for a company, it is a totally different job. He talked about how it was importantly based on the community and that if you're genuinely really not there or even care to better it then it wouldn't be the job for you. To me if your intentions aren't that, then being a cop clearly isn't a serious priority to you, and nobody wants a cop in their community who is working for the wrong reasons. Something the officer in the video mentioned was the types of tests needed to be pasted to qualify for this job. When he started talking about the background test and how it needed to be squeaky clean with no record of crime violations, i wonder what type of exceptions they take if the violation was extremely minor, like how strict would they be and what would qualify as something not too serious if they did have a record of previous crime history. Another thing i liked and thought was smart is how the potential cop to be would start off with a year of probation, basically training is what it sounded like. Shadowing and working with your trainer for that long i feel is very effective and it allows the future cop to wet his or her feet a little instead of going into such a serious job, like being a cop, raw.

  39. I really liked the video. I thought it was a well made piece that really described what it you must do to become a police officer. The officer in the video really does a good job explaining what the person is going to go through while trying to be hired by a police department. There were two parts in the video that really caught my attention. The first part that really grabbed me was when the officer was talking about the background checks and going into the community and talking to people about you as an individual. Just as the officer in the video states, it is best just to be truthful and tell them what mistakes I might have made when I was young and reckless and especially just not to lie about anything in my past. The second part that really grabbed me was when he said 1 in 1000 of the people get hired. That really blew me away. That just means that if I want to get a career in law enforcement I am going to have to work hard at it and follow through with my goals, starting with doing well in college. Overall I really thought it was an educational video and the officer in it did a great job explaining the steps and processes.

    1. I can sort of empathize with you here about how you really have to stay focused if this is a career path you're interested in. Though I don't have any serious things that I could need to notify future employers of it's equally important, if not more so, to focus on keeping a clear record. I, like you, have high expectations of myself this semester so that I have better odds in the pool of the thousand applicants so that I may be the one that they select. I wish you good luck this semester and in the future!
      - TaxSeason 112 & 130

  40. Hearing the officer talk through the entire process of getting hired has really opened my eyes and made me think about what it really takes to become someone in the criminal justice field. With me wanting to become a conservation officer more of the work that is required will be with people who have firearms and if they are doing anything illegal will most likely do anything to try and get away with their crime. The officer did a great job talking about how demanding and grueling the job is and if you are not set on being able to go through this process you should consider another field of work. When he talked about the toughest part being the background check, it doesn’t matter if you forgot or anything like that you will be getting the boot and asked to leave because if you were willing to lie to get the job you will most likely being willing to lie while on the job. Even if you score higher physically and on the written test once you lie you will be kicked out of the program is a good choice. Once out in the field this is where the training officer can get to see where you can improve and if this job is really for you or not. If you are one of those people who is afraid to be told they are wrong you are most likely in the wrong field because you will always be told that you can improve.

  41. Even though I do not want to become a police officer; watching this video was amazing because not only did he say some of the requirements needed to become a police officer, but also what all you must go through to get there. There are some people who do not realize all the steps that are taken to even become qualified. One of the things that stood out to me was that 1 out of 1,000 applicants are hired and before watching this video I thought it was more like one out of a couple hundred, not once did 1,000 cross my mind. It just comes to show that not everyone who wants to be a police officer gets to become one. Another thing that really stood out was that when he said that they watch the applicants get to the academy and if they can tell that being a police officer is not really for them, they pull them aside and talk to them about it. They are not trying to be rude, but mention that they should reconsider being a police officer. The only thing that I was unsure about was when he said that passing the mental test is the hardest one people must pass. I can see where he is coming from when he says that, but then in some ways I think the physical test would be the harder one out of the two to pass. To become a police officer, like he said, you must have the right mind set and even be confident and absolutely positive you want to become one before considering applying places. It is defiantly not for everyone.
    ~ Dance123 & Dance456

  42. I think this video was something that sort of confirmed what I had already thought about the career path in front of me and that it’s another reminder that if this is what I want to do I need to commit myself to it. Since this is what I want to do with the rest of my life I must commit myself to things like staying out of trouble, keeping focus on learning everything I can about this career field and maintaining the attitude that I need to do this to help other people. I know this is the field for me because I don’t want a standard job like my father has where he goes into the office for a few hours, works on some engineering things and collects a paycheck at the end of the month. I can’t imagine anything worse than devoting my life to something I didn’t feel a passion for. Though instead I’m inspired by my mother, a nurse. She makes a difference and applies herself to do her best and holds herself to a high standard so that when she does her job she is really helping other people. She comes home each night with new stories about what all happened at work. I want to do this so that I can make something of myself and so that I can make a positive influence in my surroundings.
    - TaxSeason 112 & 130

    1. I really liked what you said about making sure you get into a career field that you are passionate about. So often I see people who cannot stand going into work every day, but they do it because they are making good money. This occupation is truly the best of both worlds, the pay is nice and you can make a difference in the community. Also, if you have a passion for it then dreading going into work will not be something that will even have to cross your mind. (Patriots123)

  43. After watching this video I would have to completely agree with this man. Everyone needs to ask themselves the question of " Is this for me". If you can truthfully and confidently answer that with a yes then you may be okay but if you cannot then maybe that is where you need to look at other options. I truly believe that you could apply a lot of what he said really to any career path you decide to take in life, but even more with a career within criminal justice. You really need to think about every aspect when committing to a career. While many jobs might have amazing perks such as retirement plans or pensions, 401k's, vacation time, insurance or health benefits, maybe even a signing bonus, or guaranteed hours, there is work and time that has to be put in and/or could be required in order to receive those perks. There is an unbelievable amount of extra time and services that may be required of you that is not necessarily in your job description. As this guy said being a police officer is not for everyone. There are many skills that you will need. One that comes to mind that is difficult for many is to treat everyone according to the law even though the people who you may be dealing with are treating you with little to no respect. Other common skills would be communication or being able to work with all types of people from all kinds of different backgrounds. Even though I do not intend to pursue a career in the area of a police officer, I did find the information very useful. This video really gets you thinking about both sides of the fence, now you just have to decide which one outweighs the other. UofM123

  44. After watching this video I would have to completely agree with this man. Everyone needs to ask themselves the question of " Is this for me". If you can truthfully and confidently answer that with a yes then you may be okay but if you cannot then maybe that is where you need to look at other options. I truly believe that you could apply a lot of what he said really to any career path you decide to take in life, but even more with a career within criminal justice. You really need to think about every aspect when committing to a career. While many jobs might have amazing perks such as retirement plans or pensions, 401k's, vacation time, insurance or health benefits, maybe even a signing bonus, or guaranteed hours, there is work and time that has to be put in and/or could be required in order to receive those perks. There is an unbelievable amount of extra time and services that may be required of you that is not necessarily in your job description. As this guy said being a police officer is not for everyone. There are many skills that you will need. One that comes to mind that is difficult for many is to treat everyone according to the law even though the people who you may be dealing with are treating you with little to no respect. Other common skills would be communication or being able to work with all types of people from all kinds of different backgrounds. Even though I do not intend to pursue a career in the area of a police officer, I did find the information very useful. This video really gets you thinking about both sides of the fence, now you just have to decide which one outweighs the other. Tanker456

    1. I agree with you everyone should evaluate if this job is for them. Sometimes after successfully completing the task of becoming an officer people begin to regret the decision and it no longer becomes a career but a job. I also think that there is a lot of mental preparation that needs to be done when it comes to taking on a job in the criminal justice field. You have to have a humbled mindset and think beyond the paycheck and benefits. This is a social job you must keep others in mind as well to be able to uphold the law to the fullest extent.
      TJGirl123 &TJGirl456

    2. You pointed out that it takes time and work necessary to put in to receive the benefits or perks offered at some jobs, and that goes for any job offering those extra vacation days or the retirement plans. I liked that you followed up by mentioning how there's even more of that with police work and hinted that it's not even to get the perks because that just comes with the territory of this job. I, too, find myself heading in a different direction for a career, but I agree with you that it was interesting and useful information.
      - shedoesntevengohere456

  45. When considering a career in law enforcement, there are many things that must be evaluated when trying to determine if it is the correct field for you. This officer did an exemplary job of explaining not only being an officer on the job, but also all of the steps that it takes to get there. Based upon everything that he said and personally hearing from other officers, this job is not for everyone. I really liked the emphasis that he put on background checks and how important they are in the process. It is a top priority to not only keep a clean record while you are an officer, but also beforehand. Knowing this, it is much easier to stay motivated to stay on the straight and narrow. It is also very encouraging to know that they realize that we are all human, and that we all mess up. At the end of the day, they are looking for honesty and integrity in the person that you are right now. (Patriots123)

    1. I agree with you. This video highlighted the importance of this job and everything. They respect that we are all different and we all bring different things to the table. They respect integrity more though. This job is not for everyone and that's okay. Just because you have a clean background when you become a cop does not mean one gets to act a fool because you have a badge. One has to stay true to themselves . He set out the steps for everyone, but it doesn't mean everyone has to climb them. And on a personal level just like you other cops have said the same thing. This career is not outlined for everyone. (Equality123 & Equality456)

  46. I thought this video was interesting for a few reasons. One the ratio of 1 to 1,000 people getting hired was pretty interesting because it makes you think of the standards that will keep you from getting in. Two I like how the officer said you need to make sure becoming an officer is really for you and how he pretty much explains how you need to be social person to take up this job. And lastly I was amazed at how he was explaining him inspecting or evaluating the P1 officers remined me of how I was inspected in NJROTC in high school which kind of put in my mind a sort of military organization almost.
    TJGirl123 &TJGirl456

  47. It’s comforting to hear that there is such an extensive and selective process for actually becoming a police officer. It says a lot about the dedication and mission of the police force as a whole. Being someone without a serious interest in a career in criminal justice the video only further solidified my reasoning behind why being a part of law enforcement isn’t something for me to pursue. A desire to help people will only go so far. Sometimes that doesn’t cut it. My emotional capacity would not make me a very good officer. I also found the “after selection” piece to be interesting, just how intense and lengthy the probationary period is. It’s got to be intimidating to know that people are specifically trying to weed out “the weak ones” from doing the job when you’re in the midst of the selection process, but that’s going to show just how well one can hold their own in the real situation. What was nice about it, as Officer Richter had said, is that they’ll show the appreciation at the desire to do the job and serve the community but also steer a person in a better direction suited for them if the signs indicate a certain person is not cut out for this career. I’d be interested to know more about what they look for with results of the mental test and things of the like, especially when you hear stories of police corruption and things of that nature. With such a selection process in place, it certainly doesn’t seem like corruption or brutality or any other negative stigmas riding on lots of police forces today would be systematic, especially if they would be looking for warning signs to hint that someone might possibly not be right for the job. – shedoesntevengohere456

  48. I think this video did and excellent job with this and I agree with it 100%. Growing up everyone always says “i’m going to be this or that when i grow up”, but they never really ask that one question ,is this job really for me? As a cop it means long hours and rarely spending time with family and friends. Everyone has their eyes on you because your considered a hero or role model. One has to be able to let their past go and be honest about their past. Like stated in the video one wrong thing in your past can ruin your future. To be a cop you have to have integrity, accountability, and honesty. One’s partner needs to know that they can always count on you. With this job you also have to be able to be outspoken, what he or she has to say can help the case. One has to be able to think outside the box. There are so many different things this career has to offer but the question is “Is this the job for you”? I also liked that in the video he mentioned the requirements for a cop. He also mentioned how once your hired, you’re not actually hired (if that makes sense). Your still on probation and you have to go through difficulty things to prove that you can be a cop. I agree with the testing, but not completely. Passing the physical test i feel is where the competition lies due to many reasons. If a candidate fails this part but passed everything else like do they get another chance or no? When it comes to mental how often do cops that’s already on the job have to be checked? I really do believe that when choosing this career one needs to make sure this is the job for them. He or she needs to be 100% sure that they are going into the field they want and not because it's what someone else wants. (Equality123)

  49. I think this video did and excellent job with this and I agree with it 100%. Growing up everyone always says “i’m going to be this or that when i grow up”, but they never really ask that one question ,is this job really for me? As a cop it means long hours and rarely spending time with family and friends. Everyone has their eyes on you because your considered a hero or role model. One has to be able to let their past go and be honest about their past. Like stated in the video one wrong thing in your past can ruin your future. To be a cop you have to have integrity, accountability, and honesty. One’s partner needs to know that they can always count on you. With this job you also have to be able to be outspoken, what he or she has to say can help the case. One has to be able to think outside the box. There are so many different things this career has to offer but the question is “Is this the job for you”? I also liked that in the video he mentioned the requirements for a cop. He also mentioned how once your hired, you’re not actually hired (if that makes sense). Your still on probation and you have to go through difficulty things to prove that you can be a cop. I agree with the testing, but not completely. Passing the physical test i feel is where the competition lies due to many reasons. If a candidate fails this part but passed everything else like do they get another chance or no? When it comes to mental how often do cops that’s already on the job have to be checked? I really do believe that when choosing this career one needs to make sure this is the job for them. He or she needs to be 100% sure that they are going into the field they want and not because it's what someone else wants.(Equality456)

    1. I agree with your very important points that you have labeled about all police officer's all have to have integrity, accountability, and honesty. Although these are only a few in my opinion that each officer needs to have and be able to use effectively and efficiently. Being a police officer especially in today's world is not the easiest job. You have to go out and risk your life day in and day out and have the weight of the worlds problems on your back and your left there to solve it, fix it, and make everything better. You are a hero. NDIrish123.

    2. I agree with your very important points that you have labeled about all police officer's all have to have integrity, accountability, and honesty. Although these are only a few in my opinion that each officer needs to have and be able to use effectively and efficiently. Being a police officer especially in today's world is not the easiest job. You have to go out and risk your life day in and day out and have the weight of the worlds problems on your back and your left there to solve it, fix it, and make everything better. You are a hero. NDIrish456.

  50. This video was a great video to watch. Everyone ask what do you want to be when you grow up but no one ever ask why, especially in this line of work. Most people would think why do you want to go out and risk your life daily and deal with all the worlds problem every single day. Honestly I don't have an answer for that question from my perspective. This is something I have always wanted to do since I was a little kid. The video I also agree with all the way around. With all the good points that the officer listed and everything he stated. This type of work everyone has their eyes on you all the time and you always have to be ready for anything. This type of job you have to be one hundred percent sure that this is the job you want to do you can't go into and work your whole career halfheartedly. To be a police officer you have to really excel in your profession to be a great officer I believe and to really excel each officer must have integrity, accountability, and honesty. Not just for yourself but for your co-workers and your department that you work for. You must be able to think outside the box and solve the most complex issues not always with your muscles and your body but your most important tools is your brain, and your mouth. If you don't know how to use these two tools you will struggle day to day in this job. These are only some of the things that officers must have in their arsenal and be able to use on a day to day basis and use it effectively and efficiently to be a successful police officer anywhere in the world really. NDIrish123.

  51. This video was a great video to watch. Everyone ask what do you want to be when you grow up but no one ever ask why, especially in this line of work. Most people would think why do you want to go out and risk your life daily and deal with all the worlds problem every single day. Honestly I don't have an answer for that question from my perspective. This is something I have always wanted to do since I was a little kid. The video I also agree with all the way around. With all the good points that the officer listed and everything he stated. This type of work everyone has their eyes on you all the time and you always have to be ready for anything. This type of job you have to be one hundred percent sure that this is the job you want to do you can't go into and work your whole career halfheartedly. To be a police officer you have to really excel in your profession to be a great officer I believe and to really excel each officer must have integrity, accountability, and honesty. Not just for yourself but for your co-workers and your department that you work for. You must be able to think outside the box and solve the most complex issues not always with your muscles and your body but your most important tools is your brain, and your mouth. If you don't know how to use these two tools you will struggle day to day in this job. These are only some of the things that officers must have in their arsenal and be able to use on a day to day basis and use it effectively and efficiently to be a successful police officer anywhere in the world really. NDIrish456.

    1. I can totally relate to you in the sense that we don't necessarily have a clear answer as to why we want to do what we want to do, but we've always been drawn to it. For me, it seems as though I've always been drawn to helping others and I desire to do that on a bigger scale in much more high-risk scenarios. I value the lives of those in my community as much as I value my own and wish to provide protection from those who wish to cause deviance and crime. Hoagie123

  52. I really like this video because it made me realize just how badly I want to be in law enforcement. The officer speaking in the video said roughly 1 in every 1000 applicants are hired on, and even then not everyone makes it through the academy. This captured my attention immediately because I love a good challenge and I want to be apart of something great- a great force meant to serve and protect. It makes me want it even more because I know so few people out of how many apply are hired- it seems very selective. It also got me thinking about the physical test and about how I can’t wait until I can start preparing for it. Once my reconstructed knee allows it, I plan on getting into better physical shape than ever before to really try and give myself every edge possible over the other applicants. He also says you’ve gotta really be sure you want it- I have never been so positive of anything in my life. I have wanted to be a police officer/go into law enforcement since I was roughly five years old and haven’t changed my mind once. The way he talks about the police academy reminds me of what the intentions were during hell week of high school football- it was intended to weed out the kids who couldn’t handle it- if you weren’t mentally strong, physically fit, capable of pushing yourself and if you didn’t really want it, you didn’t stand a chance. This is very similar (from the sounds of it) to the police academy, except that you earn a salary from the day you start. Something my professor said in class was that we would be working with many people you don’t have the same mindset of, or you just plain and simple don’t like. For me, this could be a struggle because I find it very difficult to work with people who are extremely opinionated and close-minded. This is why I have started practicing working better with others I don’t typically get along with at my current job and am trying to put aside my biases. Hoagie123


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