Dramaturgical Analysis and the Ideal Performance....


  1. This concept is absolutely fascinating, and I feel like we can all relate in some way or another. I think that the dramaturgical analysis is something that affects everyone, because most of the time, everyone is concerned about how others perceive them. If I am in a group of people interested in or participating in something I do not care for, I usually make my feelings shown. However, it is not a blatant statement of distaste, but a subtle indication of my own preferences. It is natural for people to give an idealized performance - who wants to display the unfavorable part of something they like? Nobody. The dramaturgical method of analyzing society can be applied to basically every situation. Everything from how we dress, how we talk, what we eat, and how we carry ourselves are all, based on the dramaturgical viewpoint, reflections of how we want others to see us. In other words, we almost use the public (or those who will perceive/interact with us) as a reference group. Another layer is added when there are other things that we may identify with or enjoy, but they are not part of our persona. The ipod was an excellent example. Despite her like for the Ipod, she wanted to impress upon those around her that the Android was her main loyalty, and the Ipod had potential to discredit that. We are all very aware and concerned about others’ perception of us, and because of this, norms are established. It all plays back into the idea that we are not really free, but instead we are deeply influenced by how we think that society perceives us, and deeply driven by how we wish to portray ourselves to society. Though it was short, it was a fascinating video, and it really made me reconsider how I think about my own actions and how I present myself.

    - MAXIMA012

    1. I too thought this video was truly fascinating. After learning about this theory it is amazing to look around at everything else in our daily lives and find that it is so very applicable to this dramaturgical theory. I completely agree with your thoughts about the way we would like others to perceive us. In all of our lives we would like others to perceive us in a positive and high standing way. Therefore so many of us, maybe even without truly knowing it, hide the aspect of our personal life that we would prefer was not shared with the rest of the world and to produce to the public eye the very best version of ourselves. Great thoughts! -THEARSONIST012

    2. You provide a very insightful response that I totally agree with. We all want to put our best foot forward and make a good impression on others. In a way I think this concept is somewhat tied to biology because this way of living is found across all cultures. We all “act” a certain way depending on the people we are around, the places we are at, and the time of day it happens to be. The only difference with our performances, such as what we may do or how we may act in any given situation, is based on our culture. Culture tells us how to act, but biology tells us why we act as we do. MySliceofthePi012

  2. I found this to be extremely interesting, especially on the topic of Apple and Android users. I feel that it has an extremely applicable reach on all of us in this modern world. Every one of us is incredibly connected to the world around us and all that is in it. The focus on Dramaturgical Analysis which was first introduced by Erving Goffman, is quite fascinating. I found it to be very eye opening. The fact that this young woman who was the spotlight of the the video was very captivating and thought triggering. I found that I could relate very easily. I myself am an iPhone user and I have some very close friends that are Android users so I was impressed with the topic choice, it was easy to understand the Goffman theory after watching this small video snippet. I was also struck with the aspect of concealement within this video. I feel that this is very much the truth in our modern society. We all may have views and opinions on certain subjects and controversial issues. However In our wold we can have such conflicting messages sent from each person to the other. In this video we saw how the woman was an avid Android user. However we were brought to the possibility that she might also be a Apple user, yet concealed. How interesting. It brought to mind the question; I wonder how much of our life can be applied to this theory? How many of our daily tasks and goings on can we find to be within a theory of this sort. The more I learn about Sociology I am fascinated by the many theories and findings that we seem to overlook in our daily lives. This theory and video can be a small example of how we are surrounded by different aspects of the study of Sociology and all we must do is simply look for it. -THEARSONIST012

    1. This blog is not one I was assigned to respond to, but I just wanted to say I 100% agree with the last 4 sentences of your response. TRM012

  3. Dramaturgical Analysis is just a fancy way of saying people are slaves to money and material possessions. Everybody is in a constant state of “trying to keep up with the Jones’s”. It does get absolutely exhausting and it seems to wear on a person’s confidence. In the video, Michelle is trying to show how adamant she is about the type of phone she will and will not use and places her reasoning of this on freedom. She believes one product over the other has the ability to tell someone what they can and can’t do. But then on the other hand, when she is in a public setting surrounded by people using the opposite product of her choice, she wants to still show that she is going against the norm and is proud of it. It is then suggested that Michelle has a version of the other product in her bag hidden from the public she is defying. Very contradictory, but so very common. We all want to act like we are our own person and a free will partaker, but in reality, we are all just conformists in one way or another. The idealized performance is what we all strive to show as this is what drives us. When my son was younger, we lived in one of those towns that acted as if their roads were paved of gold and everybody was upper crust. I worked a lucrative job at a respectable company where most everybody did in that town. However, being a single mom, it was hard to provide my son with all the extras that the others kids had and those extras had to be of ‘the’ brand of that particular moment in time. I had to work 2 other part-time jobs just to provide my son with ‘normalcy’ according to that towns way of life. None of the other mothers of the same daycare/schools/sports that all our kids were in together. This was me trying to give the IDEALIZED PERFORMANCE (acting just like them), while I was practicing CONCEALMENT (extra jobs), by CONCEALMENT OF SECRET CONSUMPTION (hiding my extra jobs). -TRM012

  4. This video can defiantly correspond to many people lives. The whole dramaturgical analysis is a great concept. If someone can not tie anything from sociology into their daily lives they should be able to this time. The video mentions how people judge people when they don’t have the same materialistic things as them. For example, my dad is team android to the fullest and everybody in my house and family is team iPhone, so we be bashing my dad for having an android. Another example that is very common is this, many people now a day buy designer clothes like Gucci, Burberry, Jordan’s and etc then there’s people who do not wear designer so the people who do wear it think the other people are broke. The people who wear designer here want people to think they got it like that. The video says, “if people wear those designer clothes people want the brand to show so people can think they are wealthy”. That is facts. Concealment in this example could be if the designer is fake you would not want it to be noticeable for others to see because they will know you are not as wealthy as you trying to proclaim to be. This just goes to show that people cares a lot about how people look at them in public. I never been the type of person to care what an audience feel about me because it is not that serious to me. Now a day’s approval from others is an issue. Like my little cousin think if her picture on Facebook do no get a lot of likes she has to delete the picture, which is crazy to me because I feel like if you like the picture the number of likes should not matter what so ever. -jolly rancher

  5. I thought this video was a great example of dramaturgical analysis and ideal performance. I felt I could relate to the video on a personal level because the different groups of people I encounter in life may be either a majority of Apple product users or Android product users. In my everyday life, my idealized performance differs a bit from Maggie’s because instead of trying to show my opposition to the other users around me, I try to fit into the group. I have an Android phone, but like Maggie I also have an iPod. In addition, I have an Apple computer. Based on where I am, I usually have both an Apple and Android product on me. I try to show my “loyalty” by using the product that reflects those who are using technology around me. I try to idealize my performance to try to “fit in” and be like those around me so that they will accept me and think of me as one of them. I have gone as far as installing the iPhone lock screens on my phone to try to “fit in,” even though my phone is clearly and Android. It has fooled many people in the past and many people do mistake it for an iPhone when it lights up with a notification. I had never really heard the generalization about Android users being “independent thinkers, open source supporters, and more tech savvy” than Apple users. I think if the different generalizations about Apple and Android users were more widely known more people would show true loyalty to one product versus the other. I thought the video presented a common occurrence in America in a way that many people would not approach the situation. Most people I meet try to fit in to idealize their performance instead of standing out in Maggie’s case. Because people always want to appear competent, in both cases the concept of concealment is used, as both scenarios require that people do a bit of acting if they are not sure how to use the technology. MySliceofthePi012

    1. Sorry, where I wrote Maggie, I meant to say Michelle. MySliceofthePi012

  6. Many people today use technology as a get away hiding behind whatever they are hiding. In class we felt technology has many negative and positives. But with everything there are negative and positives. When going to the coffee shop often we want to act like it’s a social hour but in reality it is just a push of people into there technology for any reason. Often the society we are in shapes our behavior now this has its positives and negatives because just because everyone agrees does not mean that it is right or wrong there is no straight answer. Often the way we dress or show ourselves is the way we are interpreted. People get to connect on a different level from countries away but it also has its negatives. When we often are faced to communicate face to face some people are unable to. Society has changed on a whole level compared to what it was years ago. Definitely for the adults that grew up learning technology to us young adults us growing up knowing technology. Everything we do on a daily basis is connected with technology. Many people struggle dealing with technology because of this we can sit on our phones but are so unable to connect face to face. Job interviews people are unaware to know how to act feeling stress communicating with one another face to face?! We have some honest problems some people are unable to jest disconnect for a day without this horrible thing we call a luxury. This is a problem we are unaware to address. Apple has became this life changing to all people doing everything or android what would we do without our precious technology you ask your self that next time we are able to connect without the phones.

  7. The video was extremely short, but it was straight to the point. I was able to grasp what it was about and how I could apply it to my life. To me the way the voiceover of the video was explaining and using the example of the young women for the idea of idealized performance was like peeling an orange. It was one position after another meaning the girl started out with having an android phone because she wanted to be in control though she is not in control because she wants to be seen a certain way, which is independent. Though it’s ironic she’s hiding an iPod in her bag because she wants to be seen way. I think this applies to many people because there are some people who buy a ton of name brand not just its something the like or enjoy having but because they want to be noticed and seen as being very wealthy leading to the fact that they care what others think of them. Idealized performance can be in any form or how we act, what brands we use, what we wear, and more. Being able to see this video and learn about it will make others view how they do something and why they do it. Once they realized the real reasons behind their actions they will be able to draw conclusions of how their living their life and how idealized performance affects them. The greatest thing is being able to determine if you’re in control. Not everything we do is a decision we made for ourselves is can sometimes be through how we got influenced or the fact that as individuals we are all apart of an outcome that has already been discovered. Overall the video can help people understand the real reason why they do what they do.

    1. I also enjoyed the concision and message of the video. I felt the iPhone vs. Android example was perfect for this class and generation in general. I agree that even by understanding this concept, we really cannot escape from it. We really can only try to understand our Ideal Self more in hopes of finding our true motivations and desires. I would like to think that I choose my actions out of my own choice, but in reality I am most likely just trying to use the correct lines for my role, in hopes of putting on the best show this world has ever seen! -CSP012

    2. I agree with you on a lot of things but one thing that really stood out to me is what you said about how we buy things that are associated with certain traits or aspects that we believe are socially acceptable and popular. I personally do this with exactly what happened on the video, I buy android phones and usually, I believe I am part of a certain group that is more tech savvy then most. This can also be applied to several things. One good example of myself is I have a PS4 which I like better that the Xbox1. There is a large group following for both and a great debate on which on is better as well. –TheMarshall012

  8. This video is very interesting for many reasons. Reason one being that as an Iphone user, I forget that other phone brands and companies even exist sometimes. I feel like the majority of the people in my age group all have Iphones. I have literally been around android users who said they judge people with Iphones. I never understood that. I think that people with androids associate something negative with Iphones. I guess when I think about it I can see that people with Iphones seem to care more about other people’s opinions of them, and seem to be more materialistic and all about having the “finer things” in life. But I feel like it’s a negative stereotype. As a person with an iphone, I don’t really care about the brand name. I think they’re just more convenient. I think android users just like to be simple, and save a little more money. Which again, is just a stereotype because Andriods can be just as pricy if not more expensive than some of Apple’s technology. This video just brings up an interesting debate. Are there physical or psychological factors for why someone might be “Team Android” vs. “Team Iphone?” Do certain brands make a difference in how we interact with others, as well as how others perceive us? This was a short clip but one of the most interesting I’ve seen today regarding sociology. It makes me wonder if an actual study has been done on the matter. I’m sure there has been, but I definitely want to know more. It raises a lot of good questions and I’ve had this discussion with other people in real life.


    1. I totally agree with you that the majority of people today have iPhones and I see that most people around the world judge others depending on their phone brand and I never understood why they do it. Perhaps they wanted all of them to have the same brand and then they all be the same. It is like asking people from different culture to act and talk the way we do! I think the reasons behind why people, in general, might be in the team iPhone is because they have never tried to be on the team Android and it goes verse versa! POINTOFVIEW012

  9. This was a very interesting video. I also think this video is the perfect video describe our generation in less than 5 minutes. I know that today most of our generation today are predominantly iPhone users including myself. For various reasons, the camera, being able to facetime, emojis are better, and other reasons. But I do know a few people who have androids and are happy with them. That is their own preference, as it should be. There has been plenty of times when I have gotten on social media and seen different memes or other jokes and people are bashing those who have androids. Personally, I don’t think it should matter that much. That is their phone and what they like and maybe they don’t want to be like everyone else and have the same phone as them. Like Michelle, in the video she liked what she liked and that is perfectly fine. Some android users judge iPhone users and vice versa. I love how it spoke on ideal performance. As I said before, that is how to describe our generation perfectly. Especially with the designer clothing. I just recently graduated and at school I would see boys and girls going out their way to make sure their designer was visible. I don’t think it was that serious. But that is the way society has shaped us today. It’s like we must dress a certain way to be acceptable and fit in. I don’t think that is right because some people are on an income that does not allow them to dress the way society is telling them to. But it like you must do so that you fit in and be like everyone else. Unless, you are your own person like Michelle and can careless what society tell you to do.

    1. I totally agree, this video was very well put together. The topical content (such as the comparison and contrast between apple and android) was very appropriate and related well to the audience. I totally loved how the example described the idea of “idealized performance.” It’s fascinating how often I apply the “idealized performance” concept as a practice in my life on a daily basis and never realized. It seems natural to try and make ourselves look optimized for whatever task we are performing at any given point and give a seamless display of our opinion and abilities. I found it super interesting how engrained into our society this idea is.

      - MAXIMA012

  10. This concept is fascinating -- yet so true. It is seen in full action every single day. The popular girl dating a jock, the nerd plowing through a textbook, etc. This video was fantastic, short and sweet, while using a continuous scenario to demonstrate the concept at hand. The scenario is also very applicable to modern society. A seemingly meaningless material item, a cellphone, is the topic of all out social war nowadays. Both main brands, Android and iPhone, do the exact same things: text, call, social media, take pictures. Yet, some people are so set on owning a specific brand. iPhone's are the most common, most everyone knows how to use them, and Apple seems to own everything. Androids are still popular, but the people who own them seem to do so out of pure disgust with Apple and the iPhone. I am an iPhone user, but I would not be opposed to owning an Android. My main complaint would be that iMessage works a lot better than iPhone-to-Android texting. See! Right there I demonstrated my personal affinity for iPhone's while trying to seem impartial, displaying very common act that we put on as a part of our Dramaturgical Analysis for Ideal Performance. This concept is quite scary as well. If we are merely actors in a show with predetermined roles, then do we actually have free will? Or are our actions not truly so? These are the questions that are raised in my mind when I think about my Ideal Performance, so I try not to, as free will seems like a nice ideal to believe in! -CSP012

  11. I feel like the sum up Dramaturgical analysis and ideal performance, it’d be easiest to say that no matter how much we say “I don’t care who likes me, because I like me”, it’ll be and will always remain a LIE! I liked the scenario that the video used mostly because the battle of the iphone and android has been an ongoing rivalry, especially when it comes to consumers. Materialism is glorified in today’s society and I genuinely feel like with the expansion of the social media world, it may only get worse. I mean seriously.. I loveee my iphone and will never want an android but who told me that the iphone is better? NOBODY! I also really enjoyed this video because of the examples given in it. They were extremely relatable but also is kind of scary to think about. “We don’t care what others think… its America,land of the free”… how free are we if the things we don’t even think twice about are only like that because someone else said so? It really makes you take a step back and just think. For example, I wanted to come to work today in my pajama pants and beater BUT I didn’t. WHY????? BECAUSE SOMEONE (idk who would say this) said it is NOT ok to work in pajama pants and a tank top. All jokes aside, I think it’s super interesting that we don’t even have to think about giving off “our message”.. We just do it. It really is like we have the cheat codes for how to act “normal” which is kinda cool and yet terrifying.

  12. This is the most interesting video I have ever watched because it described the secular interaction and the presentation of self in everyday life. We all do this at some point in our lives maybe because the culture we live in shaped us the way we are today. I felt the example of Android vs. iPhone they used in this video straight to the point. I personally never look at people according to their phone brands. For me it doesn’t matter because they all do the same function, you can call, take pictures, and even tweet or snapchat from any brand. However, some people tend to be very overwhelming on what the brand of their phones, is it the last version or not, and even thought the color of it. Even thought that some people tend not to show that they agree with iPhones and give specific reasons for owning this brand and put it as a part of their dramaturgical analysis. I also liked how the video represents the idealized performances. We attempt to wear things we don’t like to wear to let people think that we are worth to know and like there are no mistakes in our personalities because of the way we dress. I see this in Middle-Eastern countries where there are patterns that girls and a boy should be wearing and acting. That is how I related this video and understand it from that point. I might be wrong but as we care about how people perceive us, we do the same on others! I like to watch those kinds of videos because it always is helpful to know how things are going on outside your comfort zone and how people think and see each other which might be different than the way we see other people. PONITOFVIEW012

  13. The concept of dramaturgical analysis is something that is quite intriguing really. The concept that each person in broadcasting or at least trying to broadcast as image onto the public by means of self-advertising traits, both physical and mental, that they want people and the public to believe there are that kind of person or that they have these traits, even if they do not in reality. Now that I look at it more, I realize that everyone is doing it and that includes myself. I may try to broadcast a sense of confidence or smarts but in reality, I may fall short of those traits. I also thought that the concept of concealment, again both physical and mental, was very interesting. This is also something that I believe is very present in the United States and all around the world as a whole. This act of hiding what we really are to conform or to become part of the norm is very interesting in my opinion. Like a camouflage of some sort. This is, in my opinion, to hide that which would set us apart. At this point, the person would become uncomfortable which I think is a sort of pain, not physical but mental. This pain/discomfort would bother us and cause social “harm” and no person want to be harmed. This bring me to a point made in class about how everyone is actually putting on a play and one wrong more could ruin the “show” and this make us uncomfortable and aggressively defensive, if that makes sense. Personally, when I am embarrassed, I become defensive about it and I lash out verbally most of the time. I now believe that if I took the time, I could see more things that a person is broadcasting or even maybe something that they are hiding. –TheMarshall012

    1. I agree with your position about how we might not fully actualize a role that we are attempting to fill so sometimes we make mistakes that "ruin the show". It is a constant state especially in a professional or academic atmosphere. you want your co-workers and classmates to see you a certain way. In high school we all tried to be a certain way and fit into a certain crowd and then when we become members of the work force we then again take on a whole new role. It is all about how we are seen. -twentyfourframes012

  14. The idealized Performance to me is something all age groups and cultures use every day, we all use social mobility to manipulate the way an observer sees us. We may think that we make good choices as for technical devices all the way to the clothes we wear. When someone goes out into the world they may want the world to know that they are with what is in at that certain time. A person may go to the mall and see something that they may never catch themselves wearing, but since it is the style that is in at the time we automatically will purchase the item. A person may not even be concerned about the comfort of the item, but just as long as they get the approval from society or from their social class. The same person may go to Wal-Mart but when purchasing the outfit from this store they might try to use concealment. This happens all the time in everyday life, a great example was made using the apple and android scenario in micelles story. There is not anything wrong with wanting nice things but people shouldn’t try to keep up with what everyone else is into, they should be their own person and apply things that are in reach and not what is cool with the in crowd at the time. The best way that I can put it to me is that there is no need to try to keep up with society but to stay in our own lanes; we don’t have to follow the way of others if we know that it’s not something we wouldn’t normally do. If everyone could get past this I believe it would take away all of the conflict and judgment of upon one another. Just me 012

  15. This video explains the society we live in today as clear as day.The part I found quite interesting was there's actually a name for everyone trying to fit in with society. Idealize Performance which now that I see the word the meaning is literally in the word. In my own words this basically means going out and buying the latest things to try and keep up with society. I have to bring a counter argument to that claim though. Not every one that owns an IPhone purchased an Iphone to be like society. That's just what society has made it out to be! I believe it was certain parts of society that created this whole IPhone vs Android mess and that's just a petty reason why everyone owns an Iphone when that doesn't apply to everyone. Anyway another sentence stood out to me when the narrator mentioned "concealment of secret consumption" I didn't hear exactly what the meaning was but it sounded important. The example she used was interesting. This video was OK to me not the best however.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you! I think its absolutely ridiculous that people have to go and buy the latest and greatest thing just to keep fitting in with society. This shows me at least how Americans are so attached to material objects and how out of touch we are getting with ourselves. JE012

  16. I think this video brought in some perspective on some things we don't really think about. As a iPhone user I am not afraid to say that I have definitely judged some people for not having iPhones because I swear by them and have used them my whole life. Im sure a lot of Android users have said the same thing for me. When it comes to idolized performance we use social mobility to change the way people view us. We often put together ideas that just because someone has an iPhone means that they have money. thats not always the case. its all one big stereotype and we have all followed it. I guess it just depends on what is easier for you. some may say that Androids can be cheaper then iPhones which brings us back to the point of people that have iPhones are more wealthy. Stereotypes have become such a big part of our life that if we even go against it we can be judged. -ILIKETURTLES012

    1. I agree with you as I am also a iPhone user that has looked at the competition and thought they could nowhere compete with Apple products. I like how you brought up the notion just because you have an iPhone that they have money. Which is not always the case. That is a really good stereotype example. I also agree that stereotypes do play a huge part in todays society and it can really effect our lives. -CUBSFAN012

  17. I agree completely with your statement. Everybody at one point in their life have been in a predicament where they have stood up for the phone they have. I feel like this video used a great example with the iPhone vs Android because that is the world we live in. Like you said some people say if you got an iPhone you got money and if you got an android you broke, which is false. Everybody want’s to be looked at normal nobody wants to stand out really, so they bash others thinking the other person will be on agreement with them. -jolly rancher

  18. I found this video very interesting to me and I think that it was 100% correct. People are judged and ridiculed for so many things in life and their possessions are definetly one of them. Growing up going to a private school I was definitely ridiculed for some of the things I did not have. I went to a private school, but I did not have a lot of money. My parents worked very hard for me to be able to go to this school and we did not have a lot of other things or get to do a lot of other things because of it. Many people who looked at me and saw me assumed that I was a "snobby rich kid" when in reality I was not. People also get judged for their types of clothing and other things that they have and do not have. I remember being in 6th grade and the new UGG boots were the newest and coolest thing to wear and I did not have them. I remember getting asked multiple times why I had different off brand UGG's and I was embarrased to say that my parents did not have the money to buy them for me so I would say that I liked these ones more or they were a gift and things like that. I still defintely get judged in that perspective of things. I wrote a paper on this in English last semester and my opening paragraph was about the kind of car I drive. I do not have my own car and I drive my moms. It is a fairly nice car and people look at me as if I have a ton of money, but they do not know that the car is eleven years old and that it has over 220,000 miles on it. I think this falls into the same category as the phones. I found this viedo very interesting and relatable.
    - mommaj'skid012

  19. I feel like I see situations occur most often with this with kids in a school setting. If there are kids that are not as economically privileged as others they feel embarrassed if they do not have the same things all the other kids have. In reality it does not matter but people and society have shaped it to be that way. A lot of people who can not afford name brand go above their means and purchase big name products to fit in. These people do not want other to look at them and know they could not afford what others can. Even the people who have money buy the most expensive things medium income people can not afford to show their economic standing. This video portrays my generation very well. Every kid expects every kid to have an iPhone. I have an older iPhone and everyone always comments on how it is not one of the newer ones I could have. Life would be a lot easier if society did not shape the way we view certain brands. Everyone would be making better purchase decisions if buying a certain brand name did not stand in their view. I even have done something like this before. I have bought $30 T-shirts just because of the name or the brand design on them. I knew how overpriced things like this are but purchased them anyways because I thought they were so cool even though they are just as good as any other T-shirt. People need to learn to just not care how others view them or what they own or wear. A lot of times we are our worst enemy and overthink tons about status and how others view us. As I have gotten older I have gotten better at just not caring and being who I want to be, wearing what I want, and purchasing things that I can afford.

  20. The idea that we all are living out our lives in roles as if we are all members of one big performance is an interesting concept about human nature and why we do the things we do and in many cases it truly does seem to line up with how people act. In my experience people who are extremely vocal about trivial things like brand of phone and what not do wish to be noticed for their decision whether that be a statement of rebellion or conformity is up to the scenario, but rarely does this type of person actually care about the phone and its advantages over the other they have simply just memorized the talking points that the company has spread about the product and claimed it as their own thought. Like with certain android or samsung phones the commercials will show a samsung user having a much easier time than an apple user. These commercials usually highlight a few key points like battery life or picture quality or storage. To make a point as to how it is better and then people just repeat this claim without truly ever knowing if it is even true. And obviously idea applies to many different scenarios. We put on many masks to blend in or fit our role. If you are a police officer you have to fit a role of authority and strength as to not appear like someone who could be overtaken in a scenario. A teacher becomes another figure of authority, but in a different way. You do not think of a police officer and a teacher the same way nor do they act similarly they have both authority positions, but are dealt with in very different ways. This even applies to us as students we are all different types and creeds and ages yet we are here to do the same thing and we all act similarly to achieve the same goal, a passing grade, hopefully better.

  21. I found this video very interesting. I feel we all can relate to what Michelle was experiencing in the video. The dramatical analysis is basically saying people are tied to what possessions they own and judged upon them. Most of us are always trying to keep up with the latest trends in today's society. I like how Michelle was talking so highly of her Android phone and how it gave her freedom Apple didn’t, but while in the coffee shop it is suggested that she owns a iPod. This very contradictory, but I think very common for most of us. We all strive to be the “normal” ones in today’s society. If we have something other than the norm then we are looked at differently. This video really represents the majority of us and how we try to just fit into society. I think if you are considered the “odd” one out, I don’t think that is a bad thing. I think we all can appreciate what we have and stop worrying about trying to make others happy. Overall, I thought the video was a good representation on how most of us feel in today’s technologically advanced society.

  22. The idea that we put up a performance for others is interesting for sure, and I personally think that the performance that people put up for one another is just as much a part of a person as how they act when they are alone. That said, this topic has already been talked to death by people other than me, so I want to talk about something else that the video brought up possibly by mistake. The idea that people avidly defending the brand that they happen to like is not something that just arose from people pressuring each one another. Large competing companies often purposely try to gain people with a strong brand loyalty. This has a few advantages they are trying to get when they do this. First, people that have a strong brand loyalty are pretty much guaranteed to be returning customers. Second of all, it creates controversy that causes people to basically advertise to everyone around them "I have the superior type of ______".

    1. It is interesting to see everyone's performance that they show so they can be perceived in a certain manner that they themselves feel fit them. I never thought about how big companies do that to gain a competitive edge. That's really interesting to think about the different ways companies do that. Like those Chevy commercials showing how its a family vehicle and such. Its just an object but people put so much meaning on material things they use as props. Kind of sad that it maybe the same thing like a phone but if its a different phone then its looked down upon by that loyal follower of the opposite brand.-pj012

  23. This video was really interesting to watch. I feel like we all do this at one point in our lives. We decide to make ourselves feel superior to others by the brand we identify with. Some examples that I can think of are IPhone vs Android, Ford vs Chevy, PC vs MAC, and many others are out there. I think its preposterous that we as human beings have the need to make ourselves feel superior to others just because we buy and like different brands. I like how the video brought up concealment and talked a little bit about it. That goes to show, people put up a fake front, while in reality they like the product that they're bashing. JE012

    1. I agree it really does show that we all somewhat put a fake self out there. It’s kind of sad that there is a need to feel more important than someone else, but is nice that this video put things like this in perspective. I know I have done of thought of some of these things and didn't even realize I was putting on an idealization of myself. This video does a good job of illustrating how we try to project ourselves through certain objects and judge others for not liking the same things. I have done the same with car brands and it really doesn’t make a difference when put into perspective.-pj012

  24. It is amazing to think that almost all people put on some performance to present themselves in manners that they feel presents the identity. In this video they talk about how the android phone gives off a sense of independence while the iPhone says the opposite. It’s interesting to think of the things we wish to show off because they show who we are or feel are. Like if someone has a really nice watch because it’s expensive and that persons wishes to be seen well off. It’s amazing to see that the props we use every day for our performances in our idealization of ourselves affect us so much. In a way it’s sad to think that we do judge others for the things they wear or props they set up to show who they are. It is not something I thought was so common but when I analyze some of the things in my life I realize I do this very thing and think nothing of it. I like to drive a decent vehicle, not a sports car or anything, but a vehicle that runs nice and shows everyone I’m doing alright for myself. I thought nothing of such actions but after this video I am curious to know what other things I use to show myself. Dramaturgical analysis is a really interesting in how it shows how people act in ways that provide them with a coat of normalcy. This way thinking provides a great insight into the interaction of people. It gives insight into judgment of others and really makes you step back and analyze the person a little more rather than just the things they are wearing or phone they use. –pj012

    1. It is really interesting to see that cell phones really are an extension of our beings, so much so that she used this example showing what our specific cell phone usage can say about us. I also sat and tried to think of examples in myself, and there are just so many. Everyone in society can come up with so many things that they do and say to make themselves seem a certain way to the people around them. --Burnsky012

  25. I really loved this video. It was short and to the point, but said so much. I think that the way in which it was portrayed through the example with Apple and Android was a good way to put it! The concept of concealment is one that I think everyone struggles with/undergoes at some point in their life. It could be physical, like in the video, when Michelle hid her iPod in her bag. Or it could be mental/emotional, which a lot of us do often, keeping our own beliefs, thoughts, or feelings to ourselves. Our ideal performance, to an extent, is influenced by our social interactions. As shown in the video, Michelle was influenced to either show off her isolation from Apple and loyalty to Android by using her phone in public, yet, she also didn’t want others to see that she was struggling with it. She felt she may be judged, or it could potentially influence or support Apple users who don’t have Androids, because they aren’t struggling with their phones. Michelle also had a thought that panged her: she had an iPod, an Apple product, in her bag. She didn’t dare take it out in fear of what others would say or think about her, especially if she was so anti-Apple. Why have an Apple device if you’re pro-Android? Lastly, her wanting to dress in clothes and wear accessories with big name-brands indirectly indicates, whether it’s true or not, that she’s wealthy and/or has access to more expensive products. This video, I think, was a great way to depict concealment and ideal performance. We all deal with/behave in this way on a varying scale every day! And our choices, behaviors, and thought processes are all determined and affected by our surroundings and past experiences. This is such a captivating concept, and I’d really love to learn more about it!


    1. I like how you explained the video. i agree that everyone struggles with concealment. I can honestly think of many times that I've done that myself. A huge point that I agree on is that our ideal performance is influenced by our social interactions. The rep that certain products have has a huge impact on if they are cool or not. The popularity probably has the biggest influence on this and makes people often feel judged for liking something or owning something. I think that if you like something good for you and if someone else doesn't like it that's their opinion.

  26. I found the concept behind this video extremely fascinating. It explained the idea of ideal performance in a way that was easy to understand and follow. I can definitely see where this happens in life every single day. As much as we would like to think we do not, we often do care what other people think of us. No one wants to be viewed as less than someone else because of what you do or do not have. I think this is an interesting concept that could place directly into the criminal just field also, specifically juveniles. We have been speaking about in my juvenile delinquency class how often a young person’s actions can often be play out based upon material things they do not have. It has been shown that children that grow up with less money in rougher homes often turn to taking things that aren’t theirs, often because they want to fit in and have what the other children have. This fits completely into the idea of ideal performance; these juveniles are subconsciously doing this because to them they would rather break some rules to fit in rather than be the odd one out. This of course wouldn’t be the reasoning behind every case of juvenile delinquency, but it could explain one reason why. Another example for those of you that aren’t criminal justice majors, would be some of the extremely expensive clothes lines. I’m really into workout gear, and I feel one hundred percent better when I’m wearing a pair of workout pants that I know are in style like Gymsharks or Lululemon. Just because I’m wearing these pants doesn’t mean that my workout is any better with them, but I still like it better when I’m wearing them. In that case it would completely be about perception and how others view us. Just FYI I have an Android and I miss my iPhone so bad haha. (Patriots012)

  27. This video was short but it made so much sense in the little amount of time it was. Erving Goffman introduced dramaturgical analysis and it talked about how everyone lives their lives as if we were actors on stage. This is pretty much saying that we were all given scripts to live our lives. The scripts in this could be society and society has impact on how we live our lives based of where were from and the people around us. I feel everyone, no matter what your background is, deals with this because the things around you shape the person you are and want to become because you may see someone poor and you say you don’t want to end up like them and then you see someone who’s rich and then you want to become them and that makes the script of life because you have to go by that script in order to become the rich person. The way the video made the comparison between iPhone users and android users is spot on because people want what they see around them because they think it’s the trend and they want to be like everyone else because if they aren’t, they feel like they’re going to be judged and be lesser then someone else. I have an iPhone and I’m not going to lie I have one because most of my friends have one and I love the way the iPhone lets you interact with one another. When people who don’t have iPhones that I talk to I always end up saying something like, “oh, you don’t have iPhone?” This video just showed me that everyone has something about them that they don’t want to feel like their left out and that their lesser then someone else so when someone sees something they everyone else has, then their going to want that one thing. This doesn’t just have to be with material things but also emotional things as well. Mrbubby012

  28. I love this so much! I kind of laughed at this because it’s so true and it speaks a lot. Lets be honest hear, we all heard or said that we were an ‘iPhone’ person or an ‘Android’ person. I probably said this too, but now I just really don’t care what I have because I just want a phone that works, texts, calls, and has stuff that I find interesting. I had an android once, and now I am rocking the iPhone. I really don’t care, and I really don’t want a phone to describe who I am. I would prefer to stay true to myself because that’s the person who you want to find interesting. But yes, the video speaks a lot in just two minutes. We are shaped by the way we dress, and things that surrounds us, or what we have. I am not sure if you new this, but the way you dress is based on the connection of your mood. Basically, I find that we hangout we people we surround ourselves with. For example, how we spoke in class about the people who smoke surround with others who smoke and just talk among themselves. I think this is trues and we all do this, like I love football (soccer) and I would honestly have a long conversation with someone else who would be interesting in soccer because I grew up playing and following the sport. Praises to Goffman intro to dramaturgical analysis. Find all the information we learn very helpful and especially in the long run. Next time I go to the mall, I will watch the social groups and see how they have similarities. I guess this is what drives our society as well, to be a police officer; you will surround yourself with other police officers. Typically right, but can happened or not right?
    - LILPUMP012

  29. This video was interesting. And im pretty sure most people have experienced the same thing michelle was experiencing in the video. dramatical analysis has affected everyone in one way or another, even if you don't notice it right at that moment. People are always worried about how others perceive them. How people think of us and how people see us plays a big part in a lot of people's lives. For example of past president obama can't walk out in skinny jeans and a gucci shirt when he's giving a speech to the public. Its all about image. I like the example they gave in the video where michelle might wear designer clothes and a designer handbag to be seen or noticed. she wants everyone to assume she wealthy even though she may not be, The “ideal image”. I think that the iphone vs android is a very good example for this class and generation. Its telling me that we do not choose our own actions but in reality we are putting on a show for others to see. I feel like most of what we do is for the impression of others. We act a certain way in a certain setting such as a professional setting. Versus us acting a certain way in a more lacks setting with our friends. I find myself wondering about what others think. For example if im at a meet and greet with important people i will make sure my hair and makeup is good, i would make sure what i wire was appropriate, and i would act in a way that holds a certain standard. Because i want the new people i meet to have a positive impression on me. We all have had a moment like that. It happens, its reality.

    1. I have most definitely experienced the same issue Michelle has. People have a huge problem with how others are perceiving them. I used to be the same way til I just stopped caring. Image is a huge role in our lives. It's almost sad, but understandable. Not a lot of people would like the prez walking out in sweats, and a baggy wife beater. It shouldn't matter at all, but people just can't look past the terms we associate with items or brands. Yes, exactly. People are putting on shows for people. Reason why? Personal enjoyment. There is nothing wrong for looking good for others. But there is a problem with trying to be better than others. ^~^Itis012

  30. This article is about Idealized Performance. The concept is pretty simple to understand. It is basically saying that you would do special things to show, or make something seem better. Like if I want someone to think I’m wealthy, or that I just want to show off the fact I have a lot of money. I would idealize myself by wearing expensive clothes, or even might wear jewelry. This is giving off the “I have a lot of money” impression. This is good and bad in my opinion. I think it is good for the fact that people can express themselves as openly as they want, or don't. Just because you have a bunch of money, doesn’t mean you have to flaunt it around. It’s kind of how you want other to see you, or something you have as. They brought up another good example about iPhone and Android users. If you have an iPhone, you would want to show off to android users how your phone is better. You might try and hide any frustrations the phone gives you. Or maybe try to make it seem better than it actually is. All of this is fine, although, some people can take offense to this. So be careful. Don’t want someone robbing you because you look rich but actually, are in fact broke. Or you show off your phone so much that when someone is trying to explain to you how it is in fact not as good as another phone, you look dumb. Don’t be that guy. Just find the even ground. Try not to show off too much but make an image for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you have a art at making clothes, why wouldn’t you want to show off that talent? Just know the right places, and right times for your idealized performance.
    ^~^ Itis012

  31. I found this video about Idealized Performance very interesting. I think the comparison with androids and iphones was a very good example for this, I couldn’t think of a better one. Idealized performance is a concept where you basically present yourself like you’re not. For example you could be poor but try to make yourself look rich by wearing expensive clothes. In this video they said that the girl might be using an android to show that she is more wealthy than other people. She might also be doing it to hide the fact that she has an ipod hiding in her purse. This would be like concealing a secret. The reason that seems to hold true for the girl is that she has an android because it is more technological than an iphone. For this reason she might have it to show it of and make an iphone seem dumb and outdated. It might persuade people into thinking that iphones don’t do much and that they should get an android instead. Personally, I think there is a right and a wrong time to do this. Sometimes a bias like this comes around and is strictly personal opinion and sometimes it could be used to built your reputation. If idealized performance is used in the right way in which you present yourself then it could be a successful too. Not everyone can tell the truth 100% of the time but it is important to stick true to who you are as a person and not try to be someone completely different than yourself.

  32. i agree with you. idealized performance is a simple concept to understand. people do try to impress others or even themselves with what the have, for example in the video michelle had designer clothes and a designer hand bag on for show. she wanted to be seen by others or for others to deem her as wealthy even though she may not be in reality. and have you ever caught yourself doing that? i know a lot of people that worry so much about about what others think of them and in a way its normal. Everybody does it!

  33. I understand the concept she is conveying, but I didn’t like the example she used with the iPhone versus android users. I can see why she used that example since almost everyone in our culture has use of a cellular device, and she had to make the example superficial so that everyone could understand it. I just personally didn't like the video because she relayed the concept through a lens of brand loyalty, and that didn't do the concept justice. An idealized performance is the way a person acts to project how they want others to see them, and the dramaturgical analysis is Erving Goffman noticing this behavior and putting a name to it. Most everyone behaves that way in order to fit in or make themselves feel better than or equal to the people around them. Everyone, whether they admit it or not, want to be accepted by other people, we all want people to like us because we are social creatures. I think it’s funny that we crave attention and need friends, but one of the ways we go about acquiring them is to put on a front to show them we are what they are looking for in a friend whether we are or not. I can’t say that I am not guilty of this as well. I like to invite people over for dinner so I can cook for them and they can think that I’m a great cook. I like to dress up and go to nice restaurants, I use makeup, etc. There are a hundred examples of this because Goffman nailed it when he said that we are all actors on a stage, and the stage is life. --Burnsky012


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