Law Enforcement and the Oath......


  1. Reading this article has put me in a foul mood. This article was talking about how these officers would work together to do different illegal activities in order to make money or just look like they were amazing officers. For example, they would take large sums of cash from criminals and drug dealers and then take it as their own and without reporting it to the authorities. Another way that they would make some extra cash is that they would punch in on their hours worked so that they could get a butt load of overtime pay. However, they were either at home, or on vacation. Not only that, but they would also plant BB guns in the cars of criminals to make it look like the suspect had a gun so then they could affect an arrest, and they would drive their cars at groups of people to make them run away so then they could charge them with resisting arrest. The amount of wrongful acts that these officers have done could put the wrong view on other good police officers from the citizens and community and that is not helping the relationship at all between the police and the community.

    1. Well from what i can tell these officers was take money fro everybody i understand you have take care your family. However there is that way doing it and there is the right way of doing it. Plus these officers was misuse power and take advanced of people. When you do that you make the other officers look bad does matter how much good the good cop do.

    2. Well from what i can tell these officers was take money fro everybody i understand you have take care your family. However there is that way doing it and there is the right way of doing it. Plus these officers was misuse power and take advanced of people. When you do that you make the other officers look bad does matter how much good the good cop do.I get it you take money from criminals and you know better then they are.
      -Panthers 123

    3. I agree completely that this incident can have people look at the good cops bad. The people who were involved in this like the people they arrested for “ having “ a bb gun on them they would never look at a cop the same again especially if they went to jail for that. This article just shows how money hungry people are and the drastic lengths people would take for money which is crazy and sickening. I do not understand someone could do all that illegal stuff knowing. Then they are wrongfully arresting these people its just sad and crazy. -jolly rancher

  2. Reading this article has put me in a foul mood. This article was talking about how these officers would work together to do different illegal activities in order to make money or just look like they were amazing officers. For example, they would take large sums of cash from criminals and drug dealers and then take it as their own and without reporting it to the authorities. Another way that they would make some extra cash is that they would punch in on their hours worked so that they could get a butt load of overtime pay. However, they were either at home, or on vacation. Not only that, but they would also plant BB guns in the cars of criminals to make it look like the suspect had a gun so then they could affect an arrest, and they would drive their cars at groups of people to make them run away so then they could charge them with resisting arrest. The amount of wrongful acts that these officers have done could put the wrong view on other good police officers from the citizens and community and that is not helping the relationship at all between the police and the community.

    1. I agree with you, when a department has officers doing dirty business like this it is hard for the public to trust them. These instances like this are far and few between because most officers are good officers, but not everyone is going to be good. Those few bad apples in the mix I should say are the reasons some people do not trust the police because they might have had a bad experience with a bad officer in the past or have just heard these stories. These bad officers thing that they are untouchable, but as they have found out that they are just like everyone else and got caught. Trojan456

  3. While reading this article I felt ashamed of what these officers were doing. These officers were planting fake guns on people to make it look like they were out on the street finding all of these guns but in reality there where planting them on innocent people which sent them to jail when they were completely innocent. They were carrying BB guns with them and when they pulled someone over or something they would plant them on them and arrest them. Stories like this is what makes the public think that all officers are bad and they lie and cheat and take from the people and the system. Which is completely not true. A majority of people in law enforcement do there job legally and get scrutinized by the public when they are not doing anything wrong. These officers for years would take high amounts of money from drug dealers and the people. The on part in the article when they said they went into the one dealers house and took $20,000 and then divided it among them selves later is just flat out wrong. I can not believe that these officers where doing this for many years and got away with it for that long. They more than likely but many innocent people in jail just for them to look like they were great cops. Also that they took money from random people that they would do illegal stops and searches on. They also would do many activities that they mentioned in the article like driving up fast onto crowds and seeing who would run so they could chase them down. These officers are a disgrace to anyone in this field and who are planning on going into this field. It is just flat out embarrassing to the department that they are on and everyone else. Trojan123

    1. I agree, police shouldn’t be focused on trying to get someone in trouble unless they know what they are doing is bad. There are worse people they need to be worrying about out there. What makes it worse is some of these crooked cops out there are getting away with the decisions they are doing. And the crooked police officers are taking advantage of that. The crazy part is, I know the hiring process is hard to overcome but maybe those cops deserve the job more then the crooked cops out there that are looking for people to just put in jail.- babyblue123

    2. Unfortunately, every police department is going to have at least a small handful of officers who are dirty in every way and have no business being law enforcement officers in the first place. When people have their rights violated or feel that they are being taken advantage of by the police, some major problems are going to occur. One major problem is the trust between the police and the community they serve. How are the citizens supposed to have trust and faith in their local law enforcement officers if they break that trust? The legitimacy in the police takes a major hit in these situations and it could take a long time for that connection between officers and the community they serve to be rebuilt and rekindled. Gymlife123

  4. While reading this article I felt ashamed of what these officers were doing. These officers were planting fake guns on people to make it look like they were out on the street finding all of these guns but in reality there where planting them on innocent people which sent them to jail when they were completely innocent. They were carrying BB guns with them and when they pulled someone over or something they would plant them on them and arrest them. Stories like this is what makes the public think that all officers are bad and they lie and cheat and take from the people and the system. Which is completely not true. A majority of people in law enforcement do there job legally and get scrutinized by the public when they are not doing anything wrong. These officers for years would take high amounts of money from drug dealers and the people. The on part in the article when they said they went into the one dealers house and took $20,000 and then divided it among them selves later is just flat out wrong. I can not believe that these officers where doing this for many years and got away with it for that long. They more than likely but many innocent people in jail just for them to look like they were great cops. Also that they took money from random people that they would do illegal stops and searches on. They also would do many activities that they mentioned in the article like driving up fast onto crowds and seeing who would run so they could chase them down. These officers are a disgrace to anyone in this field and who are planning on going into this field. It is just flat out embarrassing to the department that they are on and everyone else. Trojan456

    1. I agree with you on your response, when others read this article they will feel ashamed of everything these officers did. They were trying to make themselves look good, but in reality, they a damaging trust within the department and within the community. These officers just prove that not everyone is meant to be a police officer. They not only made their department look like they are not really trying to reduce crime rates, they are abusing the privilege of wearing a badge and carrying a gun and also makes other departments look bad. They need to do time for what they have done.

  5. As I was reading the article, I wasn’t surprised at all. I say that because there is always going to be bad cops out there. Believe it or not, people have a lowkey history of them doing things they weren’t supposed to be doing. But, everyone has a history when they were young, but its up to them to change that and those cops were willing to keep up their history. In the article, it says that cops were trying to plant BB guns in the someone car or something like that. I feel like that horrible why are you trying to get someone in trouble even if you don’t like them. In my Criminal justice class my professor says when you decide if you want to book someone, it takes a lot of paper work to go through just to get someone in jail. Why, waste your time trying to be a crooked cop? When you can give all your time to caught actual bad guys. Also, they mention something about the cops pulling someone over and the man tells them he has nothing on him and has money at home. The cops obviously have some type of bad connection with the guy and then for them to go to the mans house and take the mans money is the crazy part. It says that the cops went to the bar and split the money like everything was okay with that. Like I said before there are some crooked cops out there because they can take the advantage of them being a police because people are scared of the police or will listen to the police and that’s horrible.- babyblue123

    1. I do agree with you i think that wrong if cop is trying to set someone up. Yes if you don't like them there have be some other way to get them off the streets than being a dirty cop.Back in the old days cops hate doing paper work that why a lot them rather just not waste their times with little crimes and rather get the big fish. There will always be bad cops all you can try your best be good cop and good person and that why a lot folks don't like cops can't trust them.

  6. This article seems so unreal. It seems like a movie skit like I seen a movie like this before or something. I feel like this kind of stuff happen all the time just not his drastic I feel like everybody want to be the best at what they do, and some are willing to go that extra mile. This article was of course out of body and those officers was dead wrong for doing what they did and it’s sad because they did all that just to get a label ‘’ best cop ‘’ like it is not that serious. This just shows a lot of people just live in the moment and everybody isn’t mature enough for certain jobs. That’s why a lot of people don’t trust police officers or talk to police officers because they be so sneaky like these officers. Like I don’t understand what cop would do illegal stuff just to be labeled a good cop they just threw away all those years of school and their life just for a title. Those officers are dead wrong and need to go to jail for the maximum sentence because they were abusing their privileges. Also, like that person said he didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t think anyone would listen which I understand completely If a cop was doing illegal things to me to that extent I wouldn’t even think my mom would believe me because nobody would think a cop A do all those things. It makes me mad because any smart person would have known doing what they were doing was not going to last long. They should have stopped after the first stunt, but they couldn’t because they felt they could get away with all the little stunts they had planned. Moral of the story don’t cheat yourself to the top because it will bite you in the rear end. -jolly rancher

    1. I agree with you. This article does seem so unreal. This explains why people have so many bad things to say about police officers compared to good things. Yes, these officers need to do time for abusing their privileges. Having a gun and a badge does not mean you can do whatever you want with it. It also makes me think if they really wanted to be a police officer or just wanted to do it, so they can use the badge and gun towards people they do not like.

  7. How you expect the community to trust you if you have cop being dirty cop like take money . How are you they in better than the criminals you arrest and they not the only different is these cop use the badge and hind being it. So these dirty cop took at least 200,000 from these people and said they did say nothing because thought would nobody would believe them. I can their point because nobody would of trust their words at all and what can you do if you have bad cop doing what they want. That really sad to see these cop would plants evidence just because you did like them . Than also they lie about what they was really doing saying work hard instead just home make money for them. One officers was even banned he had so many complaints and that should told you should be a cop. Now you have profile of how these cop do and like laugh, lie cheat, steal and do whatever they want to. When they pull some over for nothing and took his money and that is so wrong. Overall this is a example how some cop they can get way with anything because they have a badge and nobody can do nothing to them.

    1. Yes we will never be able to have the community trust those who are suppose to protect and serve them in a time of need. If officers believe that they are above the law and that they are not like the criminals who they arrest then they need a reality check and need to be finding a new job not in the police force. Having one dirty cop in a community can turn the whole against the rest and make those who are still on the force feel pathetic and not want to work there anymore. Illini123

    2. When a department has officers doing dirty business like this it is hard for the public to trust them. These instances like this are far and few between because most officers are good officers, but not everyone is going to be good. Those few bad apples in the mix I should say are the reasons some people do not trust the police because they might have had a bad experience with a bad officer in the past or have just heard these stories. These bad officers thing that they are untouchable, but as they have found out that they are just like everyone else and got caught. Trojan123

  8. I know that there are some officers out there who believe that they are above the law, but when we look at all of the officers who are in the United States most are good honest people. These men have disgraced the badge and even if you are not making enough money being an officer you should find a different job or try and work harder for a promotion, you shouldn’t be out taking money from people or doing illegal acts that you normally arrest individuals for. If these men are convicted and put into prison, they will most likely have to face criminals who they have arrested and that will not end well. The good thing was that one of the officers who was asked to join and refused actually prosecuted against them, which I know is wrong, but in a case like this I believe there is an exceptions. If you are going to be taking money from others and breaking the laws, then you should be willing to face the consequences and be willing to admit it not lie about it and say you shouldn’t be put in jail for it. We need to have better check on our officers because one bad officer can turn a whole country against the rest of them and there are more people who are not officers in this country. If we are willing to show that we are going to put these men in jail, then we are heading in the right direction and making the country show that we care and can punish those who are officers just like they are regular pedestrians. We need to make sure that we stop this type of crime and use this case as an example of what can happen when people wget caught. Illini123

    1. The majority of law enforcement officers are good helpful people that want to make a difference in which the communities they serve and protect. It is sad to see people view themselves above the law because they are not above the law they are just as equal as everyone else they are serving to protect. Just because you go to work everyday in a uniform with a badge and a gun doesn't necessarily make you better than anyone else your just as equal and just as accountable as everyone else in this world. No matter how tainted the job of a police officer becomes we will need police officers forever out there doing the job willing to commit and sacrifice everything on the line for some people they don't even know. NDIrish123.

    2. The majority of law enforcement officers are good helpful people that want to make a difference in which the communities they serve and protect. It is sad to see people view themselves above the law because they are not above the law they are just as equal as everyone else they are serving to protect. Just because you go to work everyday in a uniform with a badge and a gun doesn't necessarily make you better than anyone else your just as equal and just as accountable as everyone else in this world. No matter how tainted the job of a police officer becomes we will need police officers forever out there doing the job willing to commit and sacrifice everything on the line for some people they don't even know. NDIrish456.

    3. Most officers are great people and help a lot in the community but, is it sad to see that some officers use their badge in ways that they shouldn’t. I agree with you that yes these men have disgraced the badge even if they are not making enough money being the officer that they became they never should have choice that life path. No matter what they took an oath and they went behind that oath and decide to take matters into their own hands and do it their way and thinking they weren't going to get caught. All we can take from it is to realize what they did and not think about ever doing something like they did. Smile456

  9. I have read this article a couple days ago and when I first read it I could not believe what I was reading. In one of the worst places to police in Baltimore Maryland they had this big corrupt police task force. Baltimore you can't have corruption you have to have the best of the best there to police that city. This was said to see and read about and was unbelievable. For these officers to go to such great lengths to pull this off why? is my only question. The fact that they all thought they were above the law just because they worked in law enforcement is wrong. We are not in the pre-1200s anymore. I am glad they got caught and its sad to hear about especially in one of our worst cities but these officers joined the job for the wrong reason and have tainted the rest of the Baltimore Police Department and police nationally now. In a bunch of apples you always get a few bad and rotten ones and that is what has happened in this case. Not all police officers and police agency's are bad they are there to help and ensure the well being of the community. No matter the police level all the way from local police all the way to the federal level there are always some bad police officers and the only thing we can do is find them and weed them out the best we can. We don't know when they are sitting in front of us for an interview how the power and the gun and the badge will effect a person the only way to tell is let them go and see where they end up. The majority is fine and whats to be there for the right reason but some just get stuck on a "power high" and can never come down. NDIrish123.

  10. I have read this article a couple days ago and when I first read it I could not believe what I was reading. In one of the worst places to police in Baltimore Maryland they had this big corrupt police task force. Baltimore you can't have corruption you have to have the best of the best there to police that city. This was said to see and read about and was unbelievable. For these officers to go to such great lengths to pull this off why? is my only question. The fact that they all thought they were above the law just because they worked in law enforcement is wrong. We are not in the pre-1200s anymore. I am glad they got caught and its sad to hear about especially in one of our worst cities but these officers joined the job for the wrong reason and have tainted the rest of the Baltimore Police Department and police nationally now. In a bunch of apples you always get a few bad and rotten ones and that is what has happened in this case. Not all police officers and police agency's are bad they are there to help and ensure the well being of the community. No matter the police level all the way from local police all the way to the federal level there are always some bad police officers and the only thing we can do is find them and weed them out the best we can. We don't know when they are sitting in front of us for an interview how the power and the gun and the badge will effect a person the only way to tell is let them go and see where they end up. The majority is fine and whats to be there for the right reason but some just get stuck on a "power high" and can never come down. NDIrish456.

  11. Police officers take an oath when they get sworn in, and are expected to uphold that oath and be “good cops”. Not every police officer is truly a cop though, being a police officer is not putting on the uniform and carrying a badge and gun. It is an attitude and a lifestyle that should come from a lifetime philosophy that you have to help people and serve others. Being a police officer takes a special type of person. This person must be a leader, and must be ready to step into any situation calm and collected. They need to be able to work well other meaning knowing when to listen and when to step in and tell other what needs to be done. Some people just become a police officer because they didn’t want to go to school, or because they think it will be a good paying job and do not really have the heart for the job. A Netflix documentary I have watched is a great example of this. The documentary is called “The Seven Five” and focuses on these two officers who were partners, and mainly on the head guy who was a very dirty cop. He got a job as a police officer when he graduated high school because he thought it would be a good job and was put in to the seventy-fifth precinct. This was known as the dirtiest, and most dangerous area that police officers could patrol. This police officer was dragged into the crime world because of greed and ended becoming more of a criminal in a police officer’s uniform. This documentary shows that anyone can go through all of the training and become an officer but not really have what it takes to be a police officer. Those people can fake it all that they want but ultimately get found out when their true motives and life philosophies come out. Wings123

    1. I believe that cops, can be influenced to do the wrong things. Especially if they work with police officers who commit criminal acts. There are cops out there who want to live beyond their means, and they find illegal angles. I want to know why cops who followed the rules, decided to stop and do what they wanted to get what they wanted. There has to be a balance somewhere, police officers need to be more transparent in the way they do things that are a part of their job. There should not be any pressure on a police officer to do the right thing.--Acquit456

  12. After reading the article I felt pretty disappointed to hear what these officers were doing. Planting fake guns on people just so it makes them look like they are cleaning the streets and finding all the guns but, in reality they were hurting innocent people which sent them to jail and ruin their lives. This is the definition of a bad cop. For them to pull them over and then plant a gun on them and then arrest them is so horrible and sad to think about. Why would you try to get someone in trouble when you don’t even know them. I learned it class that too book someone takes a lot of paperwork and why you wanna waste your time on writing a false report cause you planted it on someone. To think they knew can get away with it is so unreal, these stunts that they have did proves that the decision they made was not a smart one at all. Cops are supposed to be trustworthy, just because they are above the community they should not be above the law. Taking someone’s money like in the article was talking about it absolutely sad to hear. Cops are supposed to protect and serve the community and for a cop to sit their and do this to innocent people then that is just very very disappointing. I really hope we can take this case into consideration and understand that when you get caught you gotta think was it really worth it in the long run, ruining people’s lives just because you thought you would never get caught. Smile123

    1. I agree because people need to see what is going on. There is some people are not fit for being a police officer because then they find out they could get in trouble if they do something stupid. When it happens then they will lose their jobs because they knew that they did something that they should never done.
      -- softball456

  13. After reading this article it made me realize that for these cops to take a oath and promise to uphold the oath is pretty disappointing to hear what these cops did. These cops thought it would be a great idea to plant fake guns on people and then arrest them after the process is complete. Being a cop takes someone that can be a leader, and must be able to keep calm and collected in any situation. To think that these cops really thought it would be a good idea and thought they would never get caught is absolutely horrible. I believe they joined the force for the wrong reasons, I don’t think they actually wanted to be in profession. Now stating not all police agencies have “bad apple’s” some agencies have a great team that know what there role and responsibilities are. Just because these cops decided to do what they did doesn’t make all cops bad. This article at first did not seem real to me, it seemed like something you would see in a movie or read in a book, you wouldn't really think it would happen in real life but it did. I wish this never happened because for someone to think it is so easy to do something to be labeled a good cop is never the way to go. You should be proud to do stuff that is right and stuff that you know won’t get you into trouble. I really hope this case helps people learn not cheat yourself because in the end it might just hurt you and come right back at you. Smile456

    1. I wish that all officers would actually take the duties of being an officer seriously. It makes no sense why someone would go through all of that schooling, personal time and hard work to get into the job field they wanted, only to screw over everyone alongside them. The officers in this article really did this to themselves, and the chief of police is completely ignorant for letting all of this happen while watching them with his own eyes. If only there was a way for people to know when others plan on completely throwing away the reputation of where they work and what they have studied so hard for.

  14. Police departments are comprised of many hard-working, dedicated, compassionate people who are willing to put their lives on the line so the community can sleep safe at night. However, not all cops are considered good cops. There is always going to be that small percentage of bad seeds that spoil and rotten the reputation of law enforcement as a whole in the community. Unfortunately, that is the case with what is mentioned in this article. This article talks about six members of the Gun Trace Task Force that pleaded guilty to several serious charges which includes racketeering, robbery, and firearms violations. There was evidence that depicted the dysfunction of the police department where it was discovered that some officers had lied in official paperwork and lied in court as well in order to cover up their tracks and avoid any repercussions. There was a quote by U.S. Attorney Derek Hines that I feel really illustrates how there are unfortunately some bad apples working as police officers in which he states that this “isn’t a case against the police. It’s a case against a group of criminals who happened to hide behind a badge.”. A major focal point of this case is directed towards the task force’s sergeant, Wayne Jenkins, who the convicted officers said he had such an incredible drive to hunt down drug dealers that had large amounts of cash on them which he referred to them as “monsters”. I was shocked to learn some of the various activities that Jenkins encouraged his officers to do which included driving at high speeds towards large groups of young men to see who would run, profiling of certain types of vehicles, and making unjustifiable stops and searches. These actions are the reason why some people have a lack of faith in their law enforcement agencies. Legitimacy in the police takes a major hit and relations between the police and the community become damaged and torn as a result. Gym456

  15. After reading this article, it really opens up the eyes of the public that there are in fact some bad apple cops working in our communities. Police officers are to be seen as people who the citizens of their community can trust and have faith in protecting their safety so they can sleep safe at night. Unfortunately, this article talks about a group of task force members who are facing some serious charges such as racketeering, robbery, and firearms violations. There was one officer who was a main focal point in this article named Wayne Jenkins who was the task force’s sergeant. The convicted officers stated that he would, shockingly, have them drive at a high rate of speed toward large groups of young men just to see who would run. He would have them profile certain types of vehicles. Jenkins also would make them perform unjustified stops and searches. When officers are conducting these types of actions against the citizens of their communities, it causes some major problems. A big problem that arises is the trust between the police and the community. Legitimacy takes a big hit when citizens feel that they are being mistreated or that they feel they are having their rights violated by the police or even being taken advantage of. Actions like the ones taken by these six officers are the reason why some people have a dislike for law enforcement officers. It really only takes one bad apple to spoil the rest of the bunch and give a foul identity to law enforcement officers as a whole. Someone may have one bad experience with an officer, and suddenly that person might assume that all police officers are bad. Tension begins to develop between the community and the police when officers break the trust of the citizens that they serve. Gymlife123

  16. I find it completely disgusting that these officers would go to such illegal measures to make their lives easier. I am glad that the 2 officers mentioned, Hersl and Taylor, are facing the maximum sentence given for life in prison. Why would a police chief condon such actions like planting a gun, random stops and searches, and purposely scaring young pedestrians by driving at high speeds to see if they will run. I also do not understand why officers were taking drugs and money for themselves from known drug dealers. Police officers are supposed to be helping their community become drug free and safe. These officers have no right to fight the charges against them because of their selfish actions. One of these actions include making extreme amounts of overtime. Because they took so much overtime, they were being paid more than necessary for not working at all or being on vacation. As the article said, “These men were not working hard, they were hardly working.”
    Another problem in the article was Hersl altering his time cards to make it seem like he was at work at certain times or was not there at all. There was also an argument on whether or not Hersl should be charged with extortion. The definition is obtaining something like money through force or threats. While he did not take the money with force or threats, Hersl did take some of the $20,000 when the other officers split it up between everyone involved. The man who had all of that money never actually fessed up to dealing drugs, but he and his wife were pulled over because the officers in question thought that he was selling drugs.
    Everything said in this article does not amaze me in the slightest. There are some really bad people in the police force, and they do not deserve to keep their badge or their title.

    1. I am also disgusted with these cops to make others suffer while they benefit from it. The two officers that fought their sentences were crazy to think they could get away with what they have done! I also want to know why this police department had such chief in charge. These cops wanted to use the criminal justice system to gain from it. Whether personal, or not it's not right. The fact that they tried to use that overtime to justify themselves is a joke. I agree with everything you said. None of this surprises me. I just don't understand why these people think that fighting the law and doing it wrong is okay, and they won't be caught.
      ^~^ Itis123

    2. This is not how policing should be done at all. Departments need to have a way to never let this become a problem in the first place. They need to think of a way to be able to monitor the officers better while still letting them be able to do their jobs independently. However, with watching them closer, if they start to act up or try to do things like these officers did they can be found out faster and either be corrected or terminated right then and there before things get out of hand like it did in this situation. Wings456

  17. This just goes to show that sometimes it not just the police officers that are bad apples. It can be a whole police unit! I can’t say I’m surprised at the incident at all. Police have been known to have been caught doing stuff like this in the past. Especially with planting evidence, and stealing drug money. What I am surprised about is how many co-workers were all in on it. The fact that most officers said that this sort of behavior is normal is scary to think about. It makes me feel uneasy that other departments aren’t really looking after their own. By this I mean that other officers aren’t being looked at as much by higher ranking officials. Otherwise, someone would’ve seen the patterns going on involved with the evidence, and could’ve stopped them before they committed other offenses. I’m very glad the officers were arrested. Not only because of their crimes, but because it shows people the corruptness we have in the criminal justice department. Even if it is just a little. There shouldn’t be any. No one should think they’re above the law, or others. I can’t believe no one noticed these shenanigans before. I think it shows the lack of responsibility that police department had for management. Goes to show that even the littlest of notes, makes a big deal. I do like how all but two officers admitted openly to their crimes, but don’t understand why the other two tried fighting it. I think it just made everything worse and even made his previous criminal offenses more open. I hope that anyone that was wronged by these people get helped. Hopefully there isn’t any wrongful convictions, although proper cause seemed to be thrown out the window with these cops. Goes to show that even the good guys have selfish intentions sometimes.
    ^~^ Itis123

  18. This article just shows that not everyone who get a job as a police officer is meant to be one. Many police officers are very biased in their tactics and try to get people who haven’t even done anything wrong in trouble. Officers who were put on trial gave statements that their sergeant told them to target specific cars, or to drive at people to see if they would try to run. They would carry BB guns to plant in people’s cars in order to get them into more trouble, or stop and search people illegally trying to find illegal stuff. Police officers are meant to make the community feel safe and protect them from people who do bad things, not feel like police officers are people who are just trying to find a way to get them into trouble. Profiling and discrimination is something that should never be brought into the workplace of a police officer. Those things are what causes society to have a bad profile of a cop. That one bad cop out of everyone at his department is enough to ruin the integrity of the entire department. There needs to be a better way of training officers in order to weed out these bad cops before they can be allowed to go out on the streets. This is hard though because it can be very easy to pretend to have the right intentions for long enough for people to trust you to do your job, and once they have their freedom they can just go back to their real values which are not the right ones to have as someone who goes out every day to protect and serve all of the people in the community. Wings456

    1. I agree because there is some people are not fit for being a police officer because then they find out they could get in trouble if they do something stupid. When it happens then they will lose their jobs because they knew that they did something that they should never done.
      -- softball123

    2. It really did show that not everyone that gets a job as a police officer is meant to be one. I agree that these police officers are very biased on their tactics and tried to get other people in to trouble instead of taking on what they did were wrong. I understand that their Sargent gave them an order to do those things like plant bb guns in peoples cars, and searching people when they didn't need to, but they themselves knew that it was wrong but yet they still did it?! They were just as "crooked" as the sargent in eyes. I also agree that profiling and discrimination should never be brought into the workplace of a police officer because like you said it does make the society and community not trust them. Motocross123

    3. I agree with what you are saying. It is true that job as a police officer is not for everyone especially those who just want the badge and authority to cover up their crimes. It is ridiculous that there are officers who are in high position ordering others to do such things. Yes, police officers suppose to make the community feel safe and to protect them from bad people. But the other way around is happening, and these officers are creating the image of other police officers look bad to the eyes of the people. That is why nowadays people do not trust police officers anymore which is sad. -Chopper456

  19. As I got done reading the article “Gun Trace Task Force case about 'equal justice for all,' prosecutors say in closing arguments” by Justin Fenton. I felt like it was an eye opener. The reason why I thought it was any eye opener because of the Gun Trace Task Force. They said the case was a “equal justice for all”. The case said there was six members pleaded guilty to the federal charges. I am glad the Baltimore detectives are fighting the charges. They said the case shouldn’t be charged as federal crimes. I really don’t know about that because I wasn’t there to see it happened. We really don’t know that he split up the money. If he did then that is a federal case because it has to deal with money that they stole. I think as police officer s should tell their boss that they did something they shouldn’t have done because that usually save their butts. Also, I think that people should beware also about this.
    -- Softball456

  20. As I got done reading the article “Gun Trace Task Force case about 'equal justice for all,' prosecutors say in closing arguments” by Justin Fenton. I felt like it was an eye opener. This also showed that police officers can have a bad reputation because they did something bad. The reason why I thought it was any eye opener because of the Gun Trace Task Force. They said the case was a “equal justice for all”. The case said there was six members pleaded guilty to the federal charges. I am glad the Baltimore detectives are fighting the charges. They said the case shouldn’t be charged as federal crimes. I really don’t know about that because I wasn’t there to see it happened. We really don’t know that he split up the money. If he did then that is a federal case because it has to deal with money that they stole. I think as police officer s should tell their boss that they did something they shouldn’t have done because that usually save their butts. Also, I think that people should beware also about this.
    -- softball123

  21. ight from the start of me reading this article, my mood changed. I have always thought that no matter what police department you look into, there will be at least one officer who should not be in law enforcement and is making a bad name for the whole department. This is one reason why people think all officers are bad and we all know that there are really good police officers out there, but with what is going on with these two officers, it puts a bad reputation on all of them. You know, I understand they might have families to take care of but stealing money from your job is not the way to go. We all know that there are multiple police officers that have not reported all the drugs they may get because they keep a little for themselves. We have talked about it in class on more than one topic. For them to plant stuff on them and drive at people to make them run away, is not doing their job. Are they doing it to make them look like they are doing good at their job and making their community safer? They are just causing even more issues with the community trusting them. It also proves that there are innocent people sitting in jail for things they did not do. These two officers are making the entire police force in any state or department a disgrace because since this article is public, other people may be thinking that the police officers in their community could be doing it too. Why arrest people you do not like or plant stuff on them to make an arrest because all the time it takes for you to arrest them, so with them to the station, and sit with them through the booking process you could be looking for real true criminals and actually be getting criminals off the streets and making communities safer.

  22. ight from the start of me reading this article, my mood changed. I have always thought that no matter what police department you look into, there will be at least one officer who should not be in law enforcement and is making a bad name for the whole department. This is one reason why people think all officers are bad and we all know that there are really good police officers out there, but with what is going on with these two officers, it puts a bad reputation on all of them. You know, I understand they might have families to take care of but stealing money from your job is not the way to go. We all know that there are multiple police officers that have not reported all the drugs they may get because they keep a little for themselves. We have talked about it in class on more than one topic. For them to plant stuff on them and drive at people to make them run away, is not doing their job. Are they doing it to make them look like they are doing good at their job and making their community safer? They are just causing even more issues with the community trusting them. It also proves that there are innocent people sitting in jail for things they did not do. These two officers are making the entire police force in any state or department a disgrace because since this article is public, other people may be thinking that the police officers in their community could be doing it too. Why arrest people you do not like or plant stuff on them to make an arrest because all the time it takes for you to arrest them, so with them to the station, and sit with them through the booking process you could be looking for real true criminals and actually be getting criminals off the streets and making communities safer.

  23. I believe being a police officer is not just wearing the uniform, the badge, and carrying gun. It was a lifestyle and attitude to help, serve and protect others. They take an oath to serve and protect the people and community. But after reading this article, I am not sure what are those police officers are thinking of taking an oath to serve and protect the community. One of the reasons why the people of the community are not trusting police officers nowadays. I know that there are police officers who think that they are above the law, but if we look at the other city or state around the United States, there are officers who are good honest people. I read and watched news about Baltimore police before who are planting drugs in the cars they pulled over. I think planting BB guns was I believe worst than planting drugs because there are police officers who we called “trigger happy” that once they saw weapons to the vehicle that shoot first before saying a command or asking questions. What I cannot believe is that this group of criminals was in Gun Trace Task Force who is just using their badge to commit crimes and to take advantage of their victims. The worst scenario about this issue was some of the officers who have pleaded guilty and received the stand admitted to committing the crimes they are doing dating back to 2008. Today is 2018, and these police officers are doing this crime for ten years or so. These men have disgraced the badge and should be ashamed of doing such thing. If they are not happy of what kind of salary they are making, they should have worked hard to get a promotion, but instead, they do illegal acts and make police officers look bad to the eyes of the community. -Chopper123

  24. After reading this article, I am not sure what are those police officers are thinking of taking an oath to serve and protect the community. The promise they make to uphold the oath was disappointing to the point it not just they that will look bad to public eyes but the rest of their station. One of the reasons why the people of the community are not trusting police officers nowadays. I know that there are police officers who think that they are above the law, but if we look at the other city or state around the United States, there are officers who are good honest people. I read and watched news about Baltimore police before who are planting drugs in the cars they pulled over. To think that these cops are planting BB guns was I believe worst than planting drugs because there are police officers who we called “trigger happy.” Once they saw weapons to the vehicle, they intend to pull their gun, instead of saying a command or asking a question, which sometimes they end up shooting. The worst scenario about this issue was some of the officers who have pleaded guilty and took the stand admitted to committing the crimes they are doing dating back to 2008. Today is 2018, and these police officers are doing this kind of crimes for ten years or so. The outrageous thing that I cannot believe is that this group of criminals was in Gun Trace Task Force, instead of doing their job to get rid of the city of guns, they were hard working and are just using their badges to commit crimes and to take advantage of their victims. These men have disgraced the badge and should be ashamed of doing such thing. If they are not happy of what kind of salary they are making, they should have worked hard to get a promotion, but instead, they do illegal acts and make police officers look bad to the eyes of the community. If they get sentenced, I bet that they will see some of their victims inside the cell that are innocent and are behind bars because of what they did to them. -Chopper456

    1. I agree with you. Things like this make the people as a whole view cops different. It only takes one cop to mess up and then the whole station is under scrutiny. No matter if they had anything to do with it they are still getting looked at as if they did. The fact that they took oaths to serve and protect makes it even worse. They did everything besides them two things. Not everyone deserves a badge to me. (Equality 123)

  25. All I can say about this article is wow. The officers like these in this article just in fact proves that not all police officers are there to serve and protect their community, and honestly puts a bad name for all police officers and makes the community not trust their police officers or police departments. It also shows that not everyone that has a badge is a good person and is doing the job for the right reasons. I agreed with the line in the article that said that it wasn't a case against all police officers, it was a case against criminals that were hiding behind a badge. This article also shows that even the higher up officers aren't always the right people for the job. Not only does it cause tension between the community and their local police department, but it also carries tensions within the police department itself. The lower rank officers should be able to feel comfortable and believe that their higher rank officer is giving them the correct orders and advice to be able to perform their job duties, but in this article the officers even said that their Sargent Wayne Jenkins, encouraged them to do illegal police tactics. Officers are made to take an oath to serve and protect, doesn't mean that they are above the law or above anyone, they are suppose to take that job into wanting to help serve their communities and help protect them, and officers like these just put a bad reputation on the police and makes the community not trust the people that they should feel like that can trust. Motocross123

    1. Wow is right. Although we are told about this stuff going on all the time, I still get chills when reading articles about the justice system doing the injustice. The badge is just a sign that this person has done law training. Don't ever mean that makes that person a good person. We should look at the badge as a sign of safety, but not as a judge of character. If the higher ups aren't doing a good job, then of course the latter of the team is going to fall too. I also think it's unfair the rep that is put on officers due to people like this, but it's just unavoidable.
      ^~^ Itis456

  26. This article is insane. I can’t believe police officers, who were swore in under oath, would betray the system…. Let alone their own people. I think, from a detective aspect, we should be looking through police departments for these “bad apples.” If we can be success in finding the bad cops in the system and replacing them, I think a lot of good would come from it. No more false arrests, over use of police force, or even misplacing of evidence. This article also brings up another point. Why are these police officers the first ones at the scenes and why are they allowed to handle the evidence? We wonder how this officers are getting away with all these crimes. There should be rules put in place by these police departments so reliable and people that need to do their job can be the first ones there. How are the going into properties with the warrant on the way? That crazy, and they still don’t get questioned about this act. That due to lack of leadership. I know that’s not how hardly any police departments are ran, but for the ones that are. Something needs to be done about it. We need some sort of system of checking these departments and seeing if they are being ran adequately. This is eliminating so many issues or even upcoming issues. Although we might not have all the resources to do this. So funding might be needed, but after people realize what this is doing, they won’t have an issue with supporting this cause. I mean, so much is said about police brutality. Here’s your golden ticket to starting to fix that problem! This article was very well written, and I think very one is really glad these officers not only got in trouble from this, but shown the public that this is an issue. It needs to be fixed!
    ^~^ Itis456

    1. I agree on what you are saying, I cannot believe it either that there are police officers who were under oath to serve and protect the community and its people but end up betraying the system they tend to serve. It is true that if we find the bad cops that are on the system and replace them, it would result to a good outcome. No more planting drugs or worst is BB guns or replica guns that can cause to false arrest or the sad part them shooting the victims. I cannot say that changes in criminal justice system will get rid of police officer like these just something must be done. -Chopper123

    2. I completely agree with your comment. It blew my mind to think that the same people who the community was suppose to put their trust in, was betraying them. I think something needs to come into action to keep an eye on people like this. Like the article mentioned, they are just criminals hiding behind a badge. -AS003

  27. This article shows a great represiontation of how most likely every police department has that “bad seed”. It is kind of scary to think about how many cops throughout police departments in the United States are secretly taking advantage of their rights as a cop. It is a shame that clearly some people use this career as an opportuinity to commit crime on the down low. I know there have been public stories on other depatments having issues like these, so why does it continue. Why do these cops still try to play the system as if they wont eventually get caught. The actions of Daniel Hersl and Marcus Taylor are extremely foul and I feel like the sentence mentioned in the article fits as a great punishment. The men played so dirty that they started victimizing people with no shame about it. I think facing maximum sentences of life in prison is pretty much fair. They used their power to trick innocent people just because they felt empowered to. Not only did they know they were crossing the line but the damage they could have caused these people and potentially putting them in prison, basically falsely convicting them, i feel like life in prison for them would be best. No type of law enforcement job position should be taken by them down the road just for the fact that they are incredibly malicious and unfortunately people like that should not be entitled to be classified as protectors of our people. Hiwelcometochilis456

    1. I agree with you with everything you said. Even though they knew they would eventually get caught they still did what they did. They used their badge to belittle innocent people. People who didn’t deserve to be treated the way they got treated. These cops were in deed bad seeds. Not everyone deserves to be a cop. Not everyone actually wants to be a cop, they just want the title. Wanting only the title puts everyone in danger because no one knows what him or her will actually do. Not everyone deserves to be a cop and that's the bottom line. (Equality 456)

  28. Reading this article shed light on not only happened in this police station, but others as well. In some cases some officers use their badge to do things that they know isn’t right. This not only affects the community, and the officer his or her self, but the police station as a whole. Things like this make people view cops in a different matter. A line that stuck out to me from the paper is when Hines said “It’s a case against a group of criminals who happened to hide behind a badge.” This is happening all to often. It seems as if police departments don’t actually know who they are hiring until they are already on the job , but that happens in every job. They were hired to protect our streets, but instead they were causing harm themselves. Robbing people and putting people beneath them is not human like to be frank. This article is the definition of coward cops. No that don’t mean all cops are cowards, it just means that these cops took advantage of the privileges they were given. The right to protect and serve. They believed they were untouchable , but forgot they were still human. (Equality 123)

  29. Reading this article shed light on not only happened in this police station, but others as well. It showed that even some cops don’t follow the rules even though it can cause harm. In some cases some officers use their badge to do things that they know isn’t right. This not only affects the community, and the officer his or her self, but the police station as a whole. Things like this make people view cops in a different matter. A line that stuck out to me from the paper is when Hines said “It’s a case against a group of criminals who happened to hide behind a badge.” This is happening all to often. It seems as if police departments don’t actually know who they are hiring until they are already on the job , but that happens in every job. They were hired to protect our streets, but instead they were causing harm themselves. Robbing people and putting people beneath them is not human like to be frank.Not only were these cops doing awful things they were harming lives. Every case they ever done probably had to get looked at again. They were most likely falsely accusing people and locking up people who did not actually deserve it. They took time away from people lives that cannot be given back. These cops were fully aware of what they were doing when they did it, they just didn’t care.This article is the definition of coward cops. No that don’t mean all cops are cowards, it just means that these cops took advantage of the privileges they were given. The right to protect and serve. They believed they were untouchable , but forgot they were still human. (Equality 456)

  30. It’s really sad to see cases like these because it poorly reflects what the police should be doing. These two officers had been doing a bunch of crimes such as robbery and gun violations. They also took tons of drugs from drug dealers and even some cash that they had. One officer testified against them by saying that Jenkins told them that they should carry BB guns to plant of people. This means that they could get away with shooting an innocent unarmed man and could plant a BB gun on him to make it look like a gun fight. This is absolutely terrible because he was telling other officers to do it and who knows if any of them actually did it. They also did a lot of lying in official paperwork throughout the years and even lied about when they were working on overtime. This article really makes me wonder how they got away with all of this for so long. I feel like they were constantly breaking rules and not being careful about who knew. One time they even took 20,000 dollars from a closet and split it up at a bar with other officers later. If I were one of the other officers I would of looked into his cases more to see if I could find more lies and rules he had broken so I could set up a case against him. Or I would of told my boss and would of got them fired because that is totally against the whole concept of police. I think that whoever their supervisors are should be looked into as well because I find it hard to believe that they got away with it for so long without anyone catching on to a single criminal thing they did. Celtics003

    1. I agree with everything that you said. I was disgusted with the way that these officers portrayed law enforcement as a whole. The way that they portrayed police officers is a disgrace to law enforcement. I do not understand how these officers got away with all these crimes for as long as they did. -Anchorman003

  31. All police departments have officers, that believe that they are above the law, and corrupt officers. I 100 percent believe that police officers that are corrupt, and abusive should be severely punished. Corrupt police officers, not only make the police look bad, but they also make a toxic environment in the police department. Especially if it's an officer in leadership role, what officer is going to tell on the police chief for being corrupt and abusive. This gun trace task force in Baltimore is a perfect example of how people in leadership, and higherup roles can get away with being corrupt. The two detectives on this task forced, though they were above the law, and bullied and abused people who they thought were below the law. No matter what the six officers did, any officer who abuses their power, and subdues people by bullying them with their authority, should be punished, and put in jail for a long time, because we do not need those type of police officers in communities. There was also plenty of evidence in this case, with over 30 witnesses there was no doubt that these officers were corrupt bullies, and deserve every sentence that gets thrown at them. I really liked hines quote “This isn’t a case against all police.”
    “It’s a case against a group of criminals who happened to hide behind a badge.” These criminals were hiding behind their badge to get away with things, that they wouldn't get away with, if they were not police officers. It seems to me that this task force mainly targeted black males. Not only were they corrupt, but they were extremely racist as well. These officers have had a track record of being corrupt officers as well. One officer was banned from an entire district due to complaints placed on him.

  32. This case in Baltimore is mind blowing at the least. The task force called the Gun Trace Task Force consisted of police officers who committed robberies, racketeering, and even firearms violations. The article states that these detectives thought they were “above the law” and could take from people who were ”beneath the law”. The U.S. Assistant District Attorney said that these men had a choice to make in their career an some of them took a different route. Being someone who is currently trying to obtain a job in law enforcement and hearing things like this make me disgusted. These people are someone who the community is suppose to look up to and trust. No wonder people do not trust the police in certain communities across the United States. When things like that are going on, it ruins the legitimacy of police departments all across the country. When that is ruined, people will be against the police. The article mentioned that the members of this group were criminals who were hiding behind a badge. These people were abusing their powers in such a terrible way. To be stealing money from people who do not stand a chance of anyone believing them is horrible. One of the leaders of this organization was a sergeant who intentionally went after the drug dealers who he called “monsters”, which were just drug dealers with a lot of cash. This shows he had the power to go after people in a way to selfishly commit crimes in a way to benefit himself. It is officers like this that give police a bad name in this country. The few bad examples ruin the trust for the whole policing community. Something needs to be done to police the bad officers in this nation. -AS003

  33. After I finished reading this, I felt disgusted with these officers. The video talked about what was known as the gun trace task force. This was a task force consisting of police officers. The police officers were committing multiple crimes. This really makes the police force look bad in many people’s eyes. People are supposed to be able to trust police officers but the way that these officers were carrying themselves, it’s no wonder the communities have trust issues when it comes to law enforcement. These officers were trying to get involved in crimes while carrying a police badge. They were taking drugs from drug dealers and keeping their money as well. When I heard the part about the BB gun, this blew my mind. Planting BB guns on people after shooting people. That is insane. This really made me disgusted. One other thing that made me even more disgusted was the fact that they got away with so much before anyone ever found out about them. How are people supposed to look up to police officers if there are officers like this in the police force. Many people going into law enforcement are doing so just because they think it will make it easier to get away with things. Those people will find out real soon that that is not the case at all. People going into this career need to help make a change in the communities and also help change the face of the police force. When I say change the face, I mean they need to figure out how to represent the police force as more of a helping community based type of career. That way we can somewhat erase some of the nasty stains that mark the true meaning of policing. Even police officers are not above the law, and these officers made the mistake thinking that they were. -Anchorman003


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