Law Enforcement.....Guardians or Warriors? Or, Can Both Mindsets Co-exist?


  1. I feel like yes, officers are there to take care of the society but, at the same time they shouldn’t be the ones taking bad people to the hospital. They got shot for a reason, because they weren’t listening to the officer’s demand. Officers don’t need to know when it’s the right time to use their gun as well. They will be so quick to shoot someone, even if they don’t have a weapon on them. The example that they used in the article about how after the cop shot the person, he took them to the doctor. That’s not his responsibility, his responsibility is to make sure the bad person gets caught and won’t be able to make anymore problems. I do agree that some cops need to learn their limit to shooting. Yes, I understand that your life (as being a cop) can be in risk and you have to protect yourself. But, it should take one or two bullets to knock them down, bot 16 or 18. The shooting in Peoria, it shouldn’t have gone down that way to the point you shoot someone 16 times from different guns, no. Cops can definitely handle things different if they want to because they make the decision weather or not they want to shoot or not. Cops should still be helpful but not to the point where now you care because they are shot. You chose to shoot them. -babyblue123

    1. I agree with some of your comment. For example, I think that it is the cops decision on whether or not they need to use lethal force. However, just because a cop shot somebody, that does not necessarily mean that they do not care. They might have had to use lethal force because they were being shot at as well and they were fearful of their lives.

    2. Well when you have a problem and they not trying to listen t you. If the suspect hurt someone you can either talk to them about what going on or you can use legal force if need. The best way to try solve something is talk about it not with shoot someone. A lot times you only hear half of the story not the whole story when someone in shooting half time you will only hear cop shot someone may times instead before jump onto someone how about hear the whole story. If the cop want to take them to the hospital i see no problem with that at all. Nobody know how cop will handle special if this is your first time and not sure how you will handle it.

    3. I agree they are there to take care of the community as a whole, but when one person goes off and the officer has no choice but to shot them they shouldn’t be the ones who have to take them to the hospital. On the other hand though the community will always be asking why the officer never did anything to help even though the officer had to shot that person to save most of the people in that community. Cops are there to protect and serve not to try and save someone who is putting many people in danger. Illini123

  2. This article was an interesting take on police shootings. The idea that police should be there to help the people they shot is a pretty helpful idea. This could prevent the death of an individual who could have been fatally wounded. I also think the idea of taking the wounded suspect to the hospital could be beneficial as well. The Ambulance cannot always arrive on the scene quickly enough in order to save the person who has gotten shot or to transport them quickly enough. I think that this idea would actually help the view of the police through the community's eye because it shows that even though you had to use lethal force, you did not particularly want to kill that suspect, you were just defending yourself.

    1. I agree with you that the article was interesting. I like how they but examples of schools shootings and how they took care of it. That is true about the Ambulance because they have to get everything ready and get it in the car.

    2. I agree with you that the article was interesting. I like how they but examples of schools shootings and how they took care of it. That is true about the Ambulance because they have to get everything ready and get it in the car.
      -- softball123

    3. I agree with you. If a officer ever has to use deadly force they should be able to bandage the person up even if they shot them. Like you said it just shows the public that yes you shot them but you did not want to necessarily kill them. You are just trying to do your job. It is also a great thing like you explained that sometimes a ambulance is not the first one on the scene and with a officer being able to bandage the person up and take them themselves could mean the difference of that person's life. Trojan123

  3. This article was an interesting take on police shootings. The idea that police should be there to help the people they shot is a pretty helpful idea. This could prevent the death of an individual who could have been fatally wounded. I also think the idea of taking the wounded suspect to the hospital could be beneficial as well. The Ambulance cannot always arrive on the scene quickly enough in order to save the person who has gotten shot or to transport them quickly enough. I think that this idea would actually help the view of the police through the community's eye because it shows that even though you had to use lethal force, you did not particularly want to kill that suspect, you were just defending yourself.

    1. I get police job is to help people and protect the community but sometimes thing can get out of handle. When it does you think some cop will talk it out and other don't have the time won't because will end up shot first but instead you should think what you doing first than do it. Sometimes the Ambulance can't make than you can either do the right thing and take to the hospital or do nothing about it.
      - panthers456

    2. I get a police officer's job is to help people and protect everyone in the community but, sometimes it may get out of control to handle. What if your partner was shot at the scene of the crime but, also the suspect was shot to. You can’t try and save both at the same time you may have to let the people that are there to help take care of them other than yourself. I do agree it may be helpful if the ambulance can’t make it but overall I think it should be the officer's decision whether or not they do it because in the end we can’t expect cops to run towards everyone’s safety if they shot someone. Smile123

    3. I agree to your comment completely. If an officer shoot someone they should help that person, so they do not bleed to death. If an officer provided aid to the people, they shot many of them probably would be alive today. I agree you cannot always wait on the emt people to get on the scene those people be needing assistance right away. The police helping those victims is an amazing idea in my eyes, I’m all for it. Then if the police help they wont look like a monster because some people look at the police as these horrible people. If they help they would be saner and humanize. -jolly rancher

    4. I agree with you. Police officers are defending themselves in shootings, so when someone gets wounded why not try and help save their life because why live with the fact that you could have saved someone's life, but you decide not to. You are right, the medical team could be behind and not being able to arrive to the scene quick, so you are the only option. I also think it would help with the communities' view of police departments.

  4. I Don't think it will make a different if cop did have first aid to individuals they shoot because to the community they shop someone and can do no word. Half times the people who cop shot not trying to let them help because all they see you shot them and why should I let you help me. I think police officers should use their weapons only if necessary not if they don't need to and a lot times some officers don't think about just grab their gun quickly. But i also think if an officers shot someone should take responsibly and not just get nothing at all. Should matter if you are cop or not should have to deal with the actions. Than you wonder why people don't trust the cop because if you want them to truth you have stop make excuses.

    1. I disagree with you. If a officer shot someone and they then continued to doing first aid and bandaging them up, I believe that the person would let them because they are in pain and do not want to die. It also shows to the public that even though the officer shot someone that they still care for the person that they shot. I do agree with you that the officer should take responsibility. But the officer should also know that if they use deadly force it has to be justified and a last resort. Trojan456

  5. I feel like yes it is amazing that cops provide first aid to individuals that they shoot, because even though for whatever reason they shot them they are taking an action to help someone in need. As the article said “little changes cause huge impacts” Savings someone’s life is great thing, even if you shot the person of not. Taking patients to the hospital I think is up the cop if they wanna take them. I think is a smart idea but, on the other hand it might not be a good idea in the long run. If you think the person you have shot may not want your help since you are the one that shot them in the first place but, if it means you can live than so be it I would let the cop help me. On the other hand there are people that can take care of the person other than a cop. I think a cop responsibility is to take the person of interest of suspect into custody and making sure him or her doesn’t cause harm to themselves or anybody else so trying to save someone may be taking their attention away from something more important. Stating this I think that if a police officer has to use there weapon they must have a pretty good reasoning, other than that I think if they don’t need to then make sure it is clear when the right time is to pull and open fire on someone. Grabbing the gun quickly can make or break the situation, it’s overall there decision but just think in the end is it the right one. Overall I think it is great to have some police officers help the person that is shot since they do help the community and are here to help and protect. Smile123

    1. I agree with what you were saying when you were talking about how it is the police officers duty to take care of the people. The role of a police officer is to protect and serve. if the situation has been handled and there is no immediate threat to himself or anyone else around him then they should take care of anyone who is hurt at the scene. If there is still a threat then it is police officers job to neutralize that threat before thinking about taking care of any wounded people.

    2. I agree with you on that cops provide first aid to the individuals they shoot. The police are there to help protect and serve in the community, so letting someone die because you think they need the to wait for the medical teams; well not everyone has much time after getting shot depending on the location of the wound. It is a wonderful and amazing decision to have police officers help out the civilians.

  6. I feel like yes police officers helping society and taking care of someone is a great idea but, at the same time they shouldn’t have to worry about taking someone to the hospital. The cop or another cop shot them for a reason if though we sometimes don’t know the reasoning but that is not the point. An officer responsibility is to take care of the situation at hand, for a cop to get sidetracked and run around trying to get someone to a hospital is probably not a good idea. I think that officers are trained well enough to know when it is the right time to use there gun, yes in some cases it may seem like they didn’t need to use there gun I think it is sometimes they just pull out their weapon quick before they even know if they other person is armed. The example that I read about is how after the cop shot the person, he took them to see a doctor. I think that it was his decision but, I really don’t think I would be worried about taking someone to the hospital if I was the one that shot him/her. I would be getting ready to write my report up on why I did it and what was the reasoning of why I did it. I do believe that is the cops decision whether or not they want to take the person to the hospital though. Cops should still be helpful overall but not for something so little as you taking out your gun shooting them and then running to their safety when it is all done and over with. In the end you're the one that shot the person let the people that are experienced take care of the person. Smile456

    1. I agree with your stance, that a person should not do something, that is against the law if they are not prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions. For example a suspect being shot by a police officer, now the officer has to provide aid to the suspect till E.M.T.'s arrive. People are going to do stupid things that cause them to have law enforcement, just how involved and the overall outcome of a situation is up to the police officers who serve communities. People need to be trusting of law enforcement, and help the police when required. --Acquit456.

  7. I agree with this article to a certain extent. If an officer shoots an unarmed person even if they officer help the victim after the shooting people are still going to bash the officer simply because the man was unarmed. The article would only be accurate if an officer shoot someone when they needed to then people a be like well yeah lil john got shot because he broke into a store, but the officer actually helped the victim. Police officers be shooting these people an it looks to me like they so heartless and coldhearted because after they shoot someone its like they go about the day I have never seen on the news a police officer giving aid to a person they shoot. I agree that officers shoot people because it appears to be the easy way out when in reality it is not the easy way out. Nothing cops do really a have people pro cops cause like the article said the culture is going to want change before change can happen. People be so ignorant now a day that even if a cop tried to do everything right people would still try to find one negative thing about the cop. I don’t agree with officers shooting and killing people unless its needed, but I am all for cops giving aid to those people. I feel like if the cop helps a shooting victim it will show they care about that victim or it will show a sense of remorse for what happened. If my brother or cousin got shot by a police officer, the least I would ask is for the officer to show aid. Then the article mentions that some officers even drove the victim to the hospital that’s real dope to me that an officer would do that knowing they don’t have too. – jolly rancher

  8. I do think it may look good when the officers is help someone id hurt or injury, however if you the cop who shop him . It really don't matter because all they going want some kind of revenge or you should not shot someone. When you become a cop your job is to help people and take care of the situation and sometimes you may have make a hard choice. Like if the suspect is out there going crazy and and shot someone and you know they not going to listen to or try not to go down without fight you may have to shot them. People don't really get the whole story they get half of the story and when they do just jump the gun before gather all the information. That why its hard being cop even if you do everything bye the book you still get judge being a bad cop. I am okay for cop giving first aid for those who want help and take the injury people to hospital as well. i the kind person who want cop don't shot them only if it is need to shop them you have do it something. Overall this was good article to read had some good thing in here.
    - panthers456

  9. If officers were trained to give medical attention along with protecting the community, then it would require some individuals who are looking into police positions to reconsider. How can you go from getting shot at by someone or getting beat by someone and having to shot them as a way to protect yourself and those who are around you to having to save that person because they made a stupid choice to try and take your life? I can see officers driving those they have to emergency rooms, but trying to patch them up after being shot is another side. If cops want to go to specific training for this type of stuff then let it be their choice don’t force them into this if they do not want to. I feel that police should help if they want because if someone does die because they shot them, most of the community will start to go against the police even though those are the people who the police just protected by shooting this person. Just because an officer does not want to help someone who has been shot does not mean they don’t care it may mean that even though the person is still alive if they do live and are saved by the officer will this person do this type of crime again and will they get shot again? Most officers are trained to protect the community by any means even if that means taking someone's life. If most of us were being shot at we would want to shot to kill not to wound because that person could easily be lying on the ground and when you go to help they may have another gun they use to shot you, even though you were trying to help. Illini123

    1. I think if we were to turn to this new method of policing it might help change the negative culture but it would be very hard. All police officers today already are viewed as a threat and as a negative governing force in all areas of our nation. For this to change for the positive more things than just this need to be done. Now I am not for sure what other changes but we need to at least get the police officer persona back to a neutral standing at the very minimum. That way we can be accepted and viewed equally by all members of society and the communities in which we serve. NDIrish123.

    2. I think if we were to turn to this new method of policing it might help change the negative culture but it would be very hard. All police officers today already are viewed as a threat and as a negative governing force in all areas of our nation. For this to change for the positive more things than just this need to be done. Now I am not for sure what other changes but we need to at least get the police officer persona back to a neutral standing at the very minimum. That way we can be accepted and viewed equally by all members of society and the communities in which we serve. NDIrish456.

  10. The whole job of a police officer is to protect and serve the people and maintain the well being of that said community. We can do like half of that if that really. It seems like today's policing just stops and the protect part. We will protect the people from the crimes that are being committed. We can go out and shoot the bad guy who is trying to or who already has killed other people but we won't help them and serve them. We need to be trained better and for efficiently in first aid to provide to victims. We need to step up to the plate and do the whole statement of the job instead of just half of it. Usually a uniformed police officer will be the first person to a scene so they will be the first line of help. So why don't we train them and teach them that way? They will be the ones who will have to provide first aid prior to the ambulance getting there they will have to be the people who will have to drag someone from a burning car before the fire department gets there. Let's teach them this and train them this, the preservation of life. That I think should be one of the most important things a police officer should know and be able to do under any circumstances and be able to do it effectively and efficiently. Policing today needs to adapt to today's world not just in the technology used but the tactics and the philosophy behind policing and how it is done. Yes today's world is violent and it is easy for someone to get a weapon and use it against a person but just because of that it doesn't warrant us to treat each situation that way and be "trigger happy" on the calls we do get that involve danger. Use deadly force as a last resort. NDIrish123.

  11. The whole job of a police officer is to protect and serve the people and maintain the well being of that said community. We can do like half of that if that really. It seems like today's policing just stops and the protect part. We will protect the people from the crimes that are being committed. We can go out and shoot the bad guy who is trying to or who already has killed other people but we won't help them and serve them. We need to be trained better and for efficiently in first aid to provide to victims. We need to step up to the plate and do the whole statement of the job instead of just half of it. Usually a uniformed police officer will be the first person to a scene so they will be the first line of help. So why don't we train them and teach them that way? They will be the ones who will have to provide first aid prior to the ambulance getting there they will have to be the people who will have to drag someone from a burning car before the fire department gets there. Let's teach them this and train them this, the preservation of life. That I think should be one of the most important things a police officer should know and be able to do under any circumstances and be able to do it effectively and efficiently. Policing today needs to adapt to today's world not just in the technology used but the tactics and the philosophy behind policing and how it is done. Yes today's world is violent and it is easy for someone to get a weapon and use it against a person but just because of that it doesn't warrant us to treat each situation that way and be "trigger happy" on the calls we do get that involve danger. Use deadly force as a last resort. NDIrish456.

  12. A cops' last resort is shooting someone, so did they shoot that person for no reason or was that police officer's life in danger? Could less lethal ammunition be used to subdue suspects who refuse to surrender to law enforcement? Should police officers receive increased, first aid/medical training, for handling treatment, of a gun shot from a firearm, and from non-lethal means? These are all questions that need to be addressed. People should not be afraid of the police, unless they intend to cause harm. Harm that puts police officers or victim(s) and innocent bystanders in a life-threatening situation, caused by the suspect's actions. The police are not out there to hurt us, but some police officers abuse their powers. This is a common occurrence, one that needs to be rooted out. People can love police one minute, then hate them the next. It is what happens in that minute that can make a situation become hostile, or helpful. Everyone is different in regards to their dealings with police officers. Police officers are trained to hand situations they come across differently, because they have a job to protect the public and serve the community. Police officers are given powers and responsibilities to them by the state legislature. People's perceptions can change about the police. If there is a foundation of trust, that the police are doing the safest thing possible, for the safety of the community. There are two kinds of people out there, people who follow the law, and people who do not care for the law. Those who fall in line in the first group pay taxes, so police departments protect them from those who end up in the second group. In the end building safer communities, with well-trained police officers is the goal. It is important to make sure the right path is taken to achieve that goal. ---Acquit456.

    1. line 12, the word hand is a typo, handles is the word I meant to put in. --Acquit456

  13. I personally believe that police officers should be both guardians and warriors, and that they are one in the same. I believe that a guardian has to be a warrior at times, and a warrior has to be a guardian. Police officers are there in the community to protect and to serve however the community needs them to do so. Every day when officers clock in and go out on to the streets they need to be willing to lay down their lives for those people living in the community. Having police patrol through the streets is them in a way being guardians to those living in the community. It gives a presence that hopefully people who are thinking about doing something illegal will notice and think twice before hurting someone else or their property. If the mere presence does not detour this criminal from whatever it is that they are trying to do then the police must, at times, step into the warrior mode. If the situation presents itself where officers need to pull their guns and fire at somebody. This is when they become warriors and guardians both. It is their job to stop this person who is endangering everyone around him or her, and if that means ending this person’s life in order to keep others safe then that is what needs to be done. Police officers are given the responsibility to decide for themselves when they need to be a guardian or when they need to be a warrior. Discretion plays a big role in that thought process, and an officers discretion can be clouded by a high tense situation and cause an officer to make a poor decision. When officers make bad decisions with discretion the media loves to expose it as much as possible and put out an image for all officers as the bad guys, when in reality at times it is as simple as one officer making an honest mistake. Wings123

    1. I think they are one of the same as well. Although, they need to pick and choose when to be a guardian and when to be a warrior wisely. I think that is a great example of when police are regarded as guardians. Discretion is huge in these kinds of situations where officers need to be more of a warrior. Media is a huge reason why officers are even at times too scared to pull their weapon. Mistakes do happen, but hopefully not at the cost of someone's life.

    2. Police officers are here to protect and serve, therefore I do agree that they can be both guardians and warriors. However, there needs to be a fine line drawn on the warrior aspect because police officers might be getting too quick to pull the trigger on a person just to end the situation as quickly as possible rather than being patient and resolving the conflict the right way. There are going to be some circumstances where use of deadly force is necessary because at the end of the day its either the suspect's life or the officer's life and that officer is going to rightfully so do whatever he or she needs to do in order to go home with their families.Gymlife123

  14. In my personal opinion, police officers are guardians for the citizens of the United States. Police are to enforce the laws made by the government and by the state to keep the people safe. These laws like wearing a seatbelt, not being on your phone while driving, and working lights on cars being driven all are examples of how the law is keeping us safe. The only other incident I believe that officers are warriors is when they are called to a scene where all civilians are hostages or victims of a huge crime like murder or a drug trade. In an active crime like a kidnapping, an officer is a guardian when it comes to helping the victim, but they are also a warrior when it comes to taking down the suspect in question. When I become a police officer, I would like to be regarded as a guardian for the public. My personal main objective in any situation is to make sure that everyone else is completely safe, including myself, before acting on any other aspect of the problem. I think a police officer’s main concern is the safety of all individuals involved.

  15. This site wouldn't let me publish my comments without making a blog handle, so my handle is the one I had given in class (ThisPrincessSavesHerself456)

  16. I do think it may look good when the officers is help someone id hurt or injury, however if you the cop who shop him . It really don't matter because all they going want some kind of revenge or you should not shot someone. When you become a cop your job is to help people and take care of the situation and sometimes you may have make a hard choice. Like if the suspect is out there going crazy and and shot someone and you know they not going to listen to or try not to go down without fight you may have to shot them. People don't really get the whole story they get half of the story and when they do just jump the gun before gather all the information. That why its hard being cop even if you do everything bye the book you still get judge being a bad cop. I am okay for cop giving first aid for those who want help and take the injury people to hospital as well. i the kind person who want cop don't shot them only if it is need to shop them you have do it something. Overall this was good article to read had some good thing in here.
    - panthers123

  17. Can police change their mindset from warriors to guardians? My answer is yes. If otherwise, how can we expect our officers to listen to the task of using adequate force? Officers that are always in a warrior mindset are more likely to over use force, IN MY OPINION. I agree with SWAT members being allowed and trained to give medical attention to those in need. I think it shows how police are supposed to be the “bigger person.” Saving lives is step one, why not save those that are in need of help too? I couldn’t bare to watch someone struggling to live because of what I did. Especially, knowing that I could save that person. I agree with Sherman, we should be more worried about saving lives, not taking them. The fact that police would rather resort to shooting to solve a conflict quickly, rather than slowly taking care of the situation, and having no injuries. I respect the officers that understand that every situation is different and needs to be handled with the proper forced deemed necessary. I can see why small, populated places are having issues with police homicides. Since not a lot happens in small towns, and police still have to be active, there’s definitely a reason why the numbers are big. And like the article explains, just the little things make the biggest impact on lives. Just the simple carrying around bandages for wounded criminals is huge. “You can’t use training to shift culture unless the culture is ready to receive training,” is a statement made by Goff and I think it is so sad to hear someone say that. Like why would people want to hurt others more because of their culture. That is so sad and hard to hear our newest police officers defined by that statement. It’s crazy.
    ^~^ Itis123

    1. I also agree that they should be allowed, or be mandatorily trained to take care of people who have been shot, by other civilians or by officers, at a scene. This could help save many lives since medical teams cannot always get to a scene right away. I think that calling them guardians or warriors are terms that do not really fit into this situation either way, and officers are already both of those things in different ways today, but they can adjust more to ensure the safety of the people. Wings456

  18. I believe that it is a good idea to have police officers trained in order to take care of victims who have been shot at a scene, whether it is by them or not that should not matter. Although, it is the job of the paramedics to get to the scene and take care of the wounded they are not the first ones there. Police officers, whether they are the ones in the gun fight or the ones responding to the report of a gunfight are the first ones there, and if they had the proper training to at least keep someone who has been shot alive long enough until the medical help arrives it would save multiple lives a year I’m sure. It is also necessary to keep in mind though that it is the officer’s job to protect others, but also to protect themselves. Discretion would play a huge role that the media and community may not always see if police officers were trained to take care of people hurt at crime scenes. If someone has been shot, but there are still others shooting, or others that could possible shoot back, the officers cannot just stop what they are doing and tend to the person that they just took down. In those moments cops have each other’s backs and are trying to do nothing else but survive to be able to clock out at the end of their shift. Once the situation has been handled though, and the officers are sure that the environment is safe then I think that it is a great idea for them to be able to step in and take care of people who need it. Wings456

    1. I agree with how you said "to have police officer trained in order to take care of victims" because that should be a big part of law enforcement. The reason why because that will help show that police officers aren't bad people that is protecting their communities.
      -- softball456

  19. As I read the article “Can Police Change Their Mindset from Warriors to Guardians?” I believe that we are both because we go into some places to deal with shooters and inn other hand we help our community by helping people if they need it. As a police officer we must show the communities that we are guardians because they trust us by protecting their children if there was shooting in a school, but we must be warriors too. As a warrior we got to fight if the time is right. The time as a police officer must be a warrior is when they must go on a call that a school had a mass shooter and killing everyone. I wish that everyone can see that every police officer isn’t bad but that is their opinion.
    -- softball123

  20. As I read the article “Can Police Change Their Mindset from Warriors to Guardians?” I believe that we are both because we go into some places to deal with shooters and inn other hand we help our community by helping people if they need it. As a police officer we must show the communities that we are guardians because they trust us by protecting their children if there was shooting in a school, but we must be warriors too. As a warrior we got to fight if the time is right. The time as a police officer must be a warrior is when they must go on a call that a school had a mass shooter and killing everyone. I wish that everyone can see that every police officer isn’t bad but that is their opinion.
    -- softballs456

  21. I do believe that police officers can change their mindset from warriors to guardians. I feel that it is a great thing for officers to carry bandages with them. I also feel it is a great thing that even if they had to shoot someone that they can still give them first aid. To me that would just show the public that police officers care about them and even though they shot someone for whatever reason that they will still provide first aid for them until someone else can get there to give them the right care. It was interesting also in the article when they talked about how different departments re worked there system to try and deter police shootings from happening more often. From what it says, these procedures that were put in place have worked. I thought when New York in the 1970’s put in there system that if the officers used deadly work or anything along those lines that they had to stand in front of a board and justify why they had to do what they had to do. That cut down on a lot of police shootings during the 70’s they said. I do believe that if a officer has to use deadly force that it is a last resort and they should know one hundred percent that if they use deadly force that it is justified. As long as the officers know that I feel that there should not be a issue as long as the officers themselves know that if they use deadly force that is a last resort and is justified. Also I thought it was a great thing that a lot of departments actually can have there officers take people to the hospital. More times than not the police officers will be the first one there and they could possibly need to bandage someone up and have no time to wait for an ambulance and have to take them themselves which I think is a great thing. Trojan123

    1. I agree with you. It takes nothing to give out first aid. It takes nothing to help others at all. Cops should help people no matter the situation. Having cops carry around bandages is actually a good idea. I didn’t think of that at all. They are the first to arrive at the scene so they could make a big difference. (Equality 456)

  22. I do believe that police officers can change their mindset from warriors to guardians. I feel that it is a great thing for officers to carry bandages with them. I also feel it is a great thing that even if they had to shoot someone that they can still give them first aid. To me that would just show the public that police officers care about them and even though they shot someone for whatever reason that they will still provide first aid for them until someone else can get there to give them the right care. It was interesting also in the article when they talked about how different departments re worked there system to try and deter police shootings from happening more often. From what it says, these procedures that were put in place have worked. I thought when New York in the 1970’s put in there system that if the officers used deadly work or anything along those lines that they had to stand in front of a board and justify why they had to do what they had to do. That cut down on a lot of police shootings during the 70’s they said. I do believe that if a officer has to use deadly force that it is a last resort and they should know one hundred percent that if they use deadly force that it is justified. As long as the officers know that I feel that there should not be a issue as long as the officers themselves know that if they use deadly force that is a last resort and is justified. Also I thought it was a great thing that a lot of departments actually can have there officers take people to the hospital. More times than not the police officers will be the first one there and they could possibly need to bandage someone up and have no time to wait for an ambulance and have to take them themselves which I think is a great thing. Trojan456

    1. I do not believe that police officers need to necessarily completely change their mindset from being a 'warrior' to a 'guardian'. Both can coexist inside a police officer, it is just a matter of keeping that equilibrium between the two qualities that is what is going to separate a mediocre cop from a great cop. Officers are supposed to be seen as people who are caring and compassionate of those that they serve but also need to remain vigilant in order to keep themselves safe and those around them safe. Sometimes that does, unfortunately, require lethal force. I also love the idea of officers providing first aid for shooting victims because that does show that they are not killing machines that the media often times portrays them to be. Gymlife456

  23. Police officers should be seen as both warriors and guardians in my opinion. I do believe that the two characteristics can coexist in a police officer. However, I believe that there does need to be more of a guardian persona as opposed to a warrior image because police officers are becoming a little bit too quick to pull the trigger on some of the people they encounter. Maybe it has something to do with their adrenaline kicking in and they want to end the situation as quickly as possible instead of resolving the issue the right way. In some instances, the article mentions that a lot of shootings done by officers were due to them feeling the need to resolve a confrontation as quickly as possible so that they could go somewhere else where they were being needed. There were some possible suggestions brought up in this article that I love the idea of. The first suggestion was to have all patrol cars carry what is called a hemostatic bandage. This bandage is designed to help prevent shooting victims from bleeding out and losing their lives. This would no doubt drastically reduce the number of police related homicides because the victim would have immediate medical attention as opposed to having to wait for an ambulance to take them to the hospital. Another one that was brought up was to have police officers drive shooting victims, including possible victims of their own involved shooting, to hospital emergency rooms. Ultimately, to me it really all boils down to the way these officers go about resolve conflicts in the first place. There needs to be more patience built into these officers so that they are not so quick to start shooting at someone. Police officers are there to serve and protect. Not serve or protect, therefore I do believe that they can be both guardians and warriors with the ‘guardian’ part being related to the serving aspect of law enforcement and the ‘warrior’ part relating to the protection aspect. Gymlife123

    1. I agree with how you said that both being a guardian and a warrior coexists in a police officer. I also agree that alot of police officers, especially now, are quicker to pull their gun out and use them because of instead of resolving the situation they just want to end the situation. I too like how in the article about them having the hemostatic bandages in the patrol cars because like you said it would reduce the number of police related homicides, because even though they used their firearm they can still bandage them up for them to still make it in time for proper medical treatment and also for questioning. I also agree with you that the police officers are there to serve AND to protect not just one or the other. Motocross123

  24. This article left me with mixed emotions because I think that you should give immediate first aid to someone who is injured whether you shot them or not. Would you rather let them die and have to live with that for the rest of your life or try everything you can to keep them alive? I understand that there are good reasons why police officer ends up having to fire their weapons. The example of the officer taking the person to the officer could be because the person could be responsible for a case they have, or the police department needs something from them, so instead of letting die, the officer took the person to the hospital, so they can get what they need. There is nothing wrong with whoever is already on the scene to take care of the person who is injured. To just let someone, die when you could possibly save his or her life is dehumanizing to that person. I know I would not just let someone die when I could have done something to save his or her life. For not obeying the officer's orders, they could go to jail for that, their life does not need to end over that. Not all police shootings are meant for the person to die, it just ended happening. That is why I 100 percent agree whoever is on scene should help in any way they again.

    1. I agree with what you are saying. I think that giving immediate first aid to someone whether you shot them or not. It does not matter whether they are the bad person or not. The most important is saving someone life. Usually, the police officer is the one who arrives at the scene, and I think if the suspect or victim life is on the brink of death, they can drive them to the hospital to get the help they need. Not all police officer just want the person to die, but sometimes it just, and there is nothing they can do.

  25. This article left me with mixed emotions because I think that you should give immediate first aid to someone who is injured whether you shot them or not. Would you rather let them die and have to live with that for the rest of your life or try everything you can to keep them alive? I understand that there are good reasons why police officer ends up having to fire their weapons. The example of the officer taking the person to the officer could be because the person could be responsible for a case they have, or the police department needs something from them, so instead of letting die, the officer took the person to the hospital, so they can get what they need. There is nothing wrong with whoever is already on the scene to take care of the person who is injured. To just let someone, die when you could possibly save his or her life is dehumanizing to that person. I know I would not just let someone die when I could have done something to save his or her life. For not obeying the officer's orders, they could go to jail for that, their life does not need to end over that. Not all police shootings are meant for the person to die, it just ended happening. That is why I 100 percent agree whoever is on scene should help in any way they again.

  26. I think that the police can change their mindset from warriors to guardians. I agree with the criminologist Sherman when he said that "Little changes can cause huge impacts", because they can. I am sure it would be hard if they were in fear for their life but maybe if they had different training to learn different tactics to go by it would ease up their fear. I also think that it would be a good idea for the police cars to have the hemostatic bandages like the military have, so if the officer did shoot but was able to bandage up the offender long enough for medical treatment and even later for questioning if needed. I also see the point where Sherman said that are the police officers just anxious to solve one call so they use their firearm so that can go to the next call, if that is the case then once again more training should come into play for these officers because it shouldn't be on their mind when they arrive on scene or whatever the case may entail, that they are worried about the other calls that are coming in that need their attention. When it comes to the racial biases, with just my classes that I have taken for criminal justice, it has been said numerous times, going into this field, you are suppose to teach yourself that you can't let your biases over take your actions or thoughts. Even still it is known that a lot of police officers still do with all the statistics pointing to the biases of these police officers against the civilians especially in the shootings of police officers using their firearms against a civilian who is unarmed. So with that being said, I think that the officers that are in Toronto Colorado that have to give their badge number and hand out their cards, wouldn't be a bad idea for other police departments either, especially since there is so many officer involved shootings. So in my opionoin I believe with the proper training and procedures, they can be both, it just depends on the officer themself and how they handle it. Motocross123

  27. Police officers can absolutely be seen as both a guardian and a warrior. The two qualities can, and in my opinion should, coexist with each other in an officer because I believe that is what makes a great police officer. They are there to lend a helping hand to those in need and be, in a sense, a role model for certain people in the community, but also they are there to protect not only the people that they serve, but themselves as well. However, officers do need to be careful with not letting that ‘warrior’ mentality get the best of them because they may not really take the time to slow down and resolve a situation the best way possible. This article mentioned some different suggestions on how to reduce the number of police related homicides. One was to have all patrol cars carry a hemostatic bandage which would provide immediate first aid for shooting victims and would help prevent them from bleeding out and potentially losing their life. This would definitely help to reduce the number of people killed in officer related shootings because they would not have to wait for an ambulance to show up and take them to the hospital where it could potentially be too late at that point. Another one that was brought up was to have police officers drive shooting victims, including possible victims of their own involved shooting, to hospital emergency rooms. Police officers are supposed to be caring and compassionate of those that they service but also need to remain vigilant and do whatever is necessary to keep themselves safe as well as those around them as safe as possible and unfortunately sometimes that may require lethal force. Therefore, I believe that a police officer can carry both characteristics of being a guardian and a warrior. Gymlife456

  28. After reading this article, what I feel like is that police officer should be both guardians and warriors. Why I say that because police officers take an oath never to betray their badge, the public trust, to serve, and protect the community and the agency it serves. But that is not all; they also have to defend themselves and not just the community. Yes, I believe when police officer involves in a shooting, and the suspect or victim need help they should tend right away. The main thing is to save lives because emergency responder and ambulance cannot be at the scene right away. I like the suggesting example about requiring all patrol cars to carry hemostatic bandages like the military use on the battlefield; I believe it can prevent of losing the lives of the victims from bleeding to death before they get the proper medical help. I also believe that every police officer should be trained on how to be a first responder, not just CPR but also how to stop bleeding from a gunshot wound properly. On the other hand, the most neighborhoods that suffer from police shooting are people of color, and that the majority of police shooting fatalities were African-American or Hispanic men. Reading and watching the news we always hear and see that white police officer shot and killed an African-American or Hispanic man. But we never saw or hear that the officer who involves in shooting drove the victim to the hospital and tried to save their life. Well, the thing is not all police officer is bad who are just wanting to shoot suspect or victim because of their color, they have the right to protect themselves from danger. Our police officers and the criminal justice system needs more training and changes to make to the people of the community feel safer and for them to trust them more.-Chopper123

  29. This article was an interesting subject about police shootings. An idea of the police officer to help the people they shot is a helpful idea. What I feel like is that police officer should be both guardians and warriors. Why I say that because police officers take an oath never to betray their badge, the public trust, to serve, and protect the community and the agency it serves. But that is not all; they also have to defend themselves and not just the community. Yes, I believe when police officer involves in a shooting, and the suspect or victim need help they should tend right away. The main thing is to save lives because emergency responder and ambulance cannot be at the scene right away. I like the idea of taking the wounded suspect or victim to the hospital. Also, I like the suggesting example about requiring all patrol cars to carry hemostatic bandages like the military use on the battlefield; I believe it can prevent of losing the lives of the victims from bleeding to death before they get the proper medical help. I do think that every police officer should be trained on how to be a first responder, not just CPR but also how to stop bleeding from a gunshot wound properly. Reading and watching the news we always hear and see that white police officer shot and killed an African-American or Hispanic man. But we never saw or hear that the officer who involves in shooting drove the victim to the hospital and tried to save their life. On the other hand, the most neighborhoods that suffer from police shooting are people of color, and that the majority of police shooting fatalities were African-American or Hispanic men. Well, the thing is not all police officer is bad who are just wanting to shoot suspect or victim because of their color, they have the right to protect themselves from danger. Our police officers and the criminal justice system needs more training and changes to make to the people of the community feel safer and for them to trust them more. In all, this was a good article with a lot of good suggestion of what officer supposed to do.-Chopper456

    1. I think the idea to save criminals lives is a must. The fact that we weren't doing it before kind of rubs me the wrong way. I agree, I think cops should choose when to be either a guardian or a warrior. Sometimes both! The bandage idea is great. I think it's crazy we weren't doing this before. Especially since it was a norm with the military. Very much see your point in my every police officer should know how to deal with an injured person. Media is always changing the perspective of the people. It's almost not fair to officers. And again, all people are the same! ^~^ Itis456

  30. Speaking on this article with a different outlook on it. A detective aspect to it. I think that providing treatment is very necessary when dealing with injured criminals. With that being said, detetives can see it as another way evidence ends up damaged or missing. I guess in some cases it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I guess that’s when police discretion is used. Although, I feel that if the suspect is going to die without any kind of medical treatment, then the evidence can be put on the back burner. Until the life on the individual is safe, then we should be worried about evidence. I also believe that investigation side likes this new mentality of saving lives, not take them. It gives them a lot more to work with. Easier to prosecute an alive man than a dead one. I still think that the police need to know when to switch from warriors or guardians. This helps the investigation process since not everything has to escalate majorly. Not a lot of work goes into a runner, compared to a shooter. Again, hopefully this whole “majority of police shooting fatalities were African American or Hispanic men,” gets fixed. I’m sure the records that most investigation departments have show this is true. We need the culture shift Mr. Goff is talking about. Maybe we can have all the higher ups talk to their squads and explain to them something simple. Everyone is equal, and for heaven's sake, no deserves to get shot more than someone else. The same goes for the little things as well. Like stop and frisks, or traffic stops. There is no need to be profiling people so much. It’s redundant. While you’re pulling over all the black people for nothing, the other ethnicities are passing you with drugs. It’s everyone, no more than another.
    ^~^ Itis456

  31. I believe that officers can be both guardians and warriors. I believe that there is a time and place for everything. When cops fire their guns it shouldn't be to kill. It should be to stop the offender when the time comes. It should be to protect themselves from harm. That doesn't mean kill them. I think that yes , they should take them to the hospital. If it was the other way around cops would want the same treatment. In this article it talked about how the officer took the guy to get help. I saw nothing wrong with that. Stop them, help them, arrest them. It’s all about serving are community and helping one another. It's not about shooting to kill . If cops all showed they cared I feel it would actually help the communities . People would see that it's not people vs cops or cops vs people , but it's us standing as one united. There's is nothing wrong with officers being guardians and warriors. They are the people who protect our streets when we sleep and run into battle blind sometimes to also protect us. (Equality 123)

    1. I agree with what you are saying that police officer can be both guardians and warriors. It is true that when they fire their weapon, it is not supposed to kill but to stop the immediate threat. I agree whether they are the bad person or not; they should take them to the hospital especially if they are on the brink of death. Emergency responder and ambulance cannot be at the scene right away, but they are. By doing such thing, it will help not just the community. Also, the people will look at them in positive and better way. -Chopper123

  32. I believe that officers can be both guardians and warriors. I believe that there is a time and place for everything. When cops fire their guns it shouldn't be to kill, but to help. It should be to stop the offender when the time comes. It should be to protect themselves from harm when the time comes. That doesn't mean kill them. I think that yes , they should take them to the hospital if necessary and if not still make sure they are okay. They are still human no matter what they did. If it was the other way around cops would want the same treatment. In this article it talked about how the officer took the guy to get help. I saw nothing wrong with that. I saw one human helping the next. It didn’t matter that one was in uniform or not. All that matter is that everyone was okay. Stop them, help them, arrest them. It’s all about serving are community and helping one another. It's not about shooting to kill . If cops all showed they cared I feel it would actually help the communities . People would see that it's not people vs cops or cops vs people , but it's us standing as one united. There's is nothing wrong with officers being guardians and warriors. They are the people who protect our streets when we sleep and run into battle blind sometimes to also protect us. (Equality 456)


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