Sexuality and the Mature....Deviance or?


  1. We talked a little about this topic in class and it is kind of a big money spending issue when you compare it to other issues we have but are not addressed due to not having the budget. Our elderly people in the United States have better benefits than the young and poor at this point today and its quiet sad thinking about how much money they spend on the things they considered “needed”. When I say needed we sadly are not talking about food on the table or the bill for the nursing home. In this video they call it “the young versus the old” and the old are winning. When the video brings up the budget spent on a growing needing child versus the money spent on the elderly it is sad. How is it such a number difference 3,822$ child versus 25,255$ on an elder. I am not saying growing old is wonderful because it is not your life is coming to an end but right now it looks better to be old and dying. The rules are not made by the young and growing it is made by the lived and dying. 5% of the budget is just on the elderly making sure they have all the toys and medicine they need to keep them young and going. The crazy thing is sexually transmitted diseases are at an all time high if you are in a nursing home right now because the government encourages it. 41% of college students use protection when having sexual intercourse but the experienced is at only 6% that is a huge difference especially when your older you have seen it all and still want it this bad to get diseases? Like the example a student said during class that she works in a nursing home and has seen it all. She explained how they had a outbreak and it is a Christian nursing home. Now how should you be responsible and have to wipe bottoms to somebody who is able to do these things? Do they really need to be taken care of in a nursing home. He talks about this in a humorous way but it opens our eyes as the younger generation. Rules need to be changed because if you can not take care of yourself than how can you have sex? Like he said the 70s are the new 69s. As a society we should want better a better newer government also. Not one that has already lived and no longer understands the world around them. I am kind of disappointed because it is like the elderly is being over taken care off when there are bigger issues that do not have the money needed to be fixed. So many things that are left un spoken about that are brought into the spotlight in this sociology class it is eye-opening but disappointing that this is what our world has come to we are more worried about sex toys than actual problems.

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    2. I agree with how you said there needs to be change. Our community should be able to pin point whats wrong or create opinions about what we think of something and if we don't completely agree that what is going on we should be able to make changes. Not attempt but put into action. I also, like how gave information from the video in your response it shows that you learned something from what you watched and how you interpret it.

    3. I strongly agree with what you have said that our community needs to make changes that are already wrong and that are harming the community instead of supporting the community we live in. I think this is our responsibility as we are now considered the younger generation and we are stronger than the older generations especially now there are human rights and we can raise our voice and support each other. Your response is in the point of that issue and we definitely need to make changes as soon as possible. Moreover, write new regulations for how the government should spent the money and on whom. Thank you for the response! POINTOFVIEW012

  2. By definition, I think this video demonstrates social deviance among the elderly. By engaging in sexual activity, they violate our societal norms, which basically say that once we get old, we do nothing besides golf and watch daytime TV before dying. In fact, I feel that our society basically forgets about the elderly, so any situation in which we hear about them makes us question if what they are doing is acceptable. We only acknowledge the actions that benefit us among our elderly, grandparents, for example. Grandmas can cook great family dinners, talk really loud on the phone; grandpas can read the newspaper and complain about arthritis. They both can be eternally confused with new technology and slip you a twenty at family functions. Obviously, I am kidding about the worth of our elderly, but this does demonstrate how we think of them. We like to embellish the positives, and ridicule the negatives.
    This is why the video opened my eyes quite a bit about the realities behind this country’s older citizens. Something socially deviant regardless of age is having an STD, and Bill Maher explains that occurences of Syphilis and Gonorrhea among the elderly have skyrocketed, which almost made me puke in my mouth. As a teenager, it is completely socially acceptable to be sexually active, and even promiscuous to some degree. That is why it is so hard for me to imagine two old people getting busy with one another, it just does not seem like it would work mechanically! Regardless, the fact that our elderly have nearly the same rate of STD comparatively to our youth is frightening. Not using contraception can be considered socially deviant to some degree regardless of age, but Maher points out that only six percent of elderly males use condoms. Obviously the concern is not pregnancy, as it is nearly impossible for post-menopausal women to carry a child, but condoms also are the first defense against giving and getting an STD.
    Another characteristic society deems socially deviant is being an economical leech. Whether it is the homeless, unemployed, addicts, or elderly, reliance on government assistance is not socially accepted in any scenario, unless you are the focus. Maher points out how much money the government spent on elderly people’s sex lives -- and it is staggering, and very unsettling. Whether it is penal pumps or Viagra, these old folks made sure they were set for life, raising another problem: the truth that these very old people are the ones writing our legislation. And if they remain large and in charge -- the rules will not change. It is human nature to look out for one’s self and peer group before others; very few people are as good a samaritan as they wish to be. I find the true deviance in creating laws and regulations that you know will hurt the country and citizens that live among you, and now there is a true rift between the millenials and baby-boomers because of it.

    1. I am going to have to agree with everything you said, I liked how you brought out what we would normally think about when we think of the elderly or grandparents. I really put a good light on the situation, so that it’s not all negatives that we talk about. I do find it shocking how high the STD rate is among the elderly, although like I stated in my paragraph I don’t think its something that we can stop. If they want to do it they are going to do it, we should allow they to do it safely like provide condoms and such. I agree with you point on that the money should not be spent on these sexual deviancies. The money that they are receiving should strictly go towards things that really matter like non sexual use of medication and surgeries for like heart and kidney, you know things like that. Lastly, the video was pretty funny and I like how he talked about something serious in a humorous way, caught my attention like that. -Jaci7429

  3. Deviance is defined by Oxford American dictionary as, “the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards, esp. in social or sexual behavior.” Based on this definition of deviation, it depends on what the norm is that people could be deviating from or acting in opposition to. Maybe the older generation has remained sexually active longer because the healthcare and products available to them has increased in quality, quantity, and even in all around general availability in the past handful of decades. In the past, people’s bodies would begin the process of deteriorating and aging and by the time they had reached a certain age, they would retire from participating in or making frequent habits of sexual activity - however now, with many large health advancements available to them, it as become the norm that they continue on participating in and taking part in these activities of sexual nature into their latter years. Based on these pieces of information, it is important that we apply the true definition of deviance to the situation we have at hand. If the possibility and probability of the older generation of people participating in acts of the sexual nature has increased significantly over the past few years, then wouldn’t it be expected that these people be active in these practices? If it is something to be expected and readily available, wouldn’t it make sense that it is normal in terms of widespread culture? While this practice may have been deviant in years past, the factors that now allow people to continue these practices on into basically all of the time they are alive has actually transformed this situation from an occurrence of possible deviance or deviant behavior to a situation or behavior that is mostly not deviant (there are still some stigmas attached for sure).
    This situation actually demonstrates the process by which things that were once considered to definitely be deviant by members of the general public shift into becoming not so. As any activity becomes more practical, understood, available, feasible, cheap, and enjoyable, more people begin to participate in them. As a larger percentage of people participate in said activities or beliefs, less people consider them to be things that are in fact deviant in nature. There are hundreds, if not thousands of things that are examples of this phenomenon: things that were once called deviant but are no longer so. Also, because of they way that this process works, that is why people rise up against something that goes against what they believe. When people riot or protest, they are making an effort to attempt to urge people to stop labeling their practice or belief as something that is deviant. If people make known what they believe and has the goal of familiarizing the public with the way they live their lives, then the public’s general attitude towards them is no longer one of labelling them as deviant - it becomes a normal part of the way the society functions and behaves. Deviance is really and truly fascinating concept!

    - MAXIMA012

    1. I think your response is great! I agree with you so very much on all of the points you brought to the table. The idea and topic of deviance is very fascinating and a great thing to think about on many levels, as it can pertain to such a variety of our daily lives. The topic of this video as it pertains to deviance was rather disturbing to be honest. However, I think you responded to it wonderfully as it relates to deviance. Also, I thought it was a great touch to include the exact definition of the word deviance.

    2. You bring up a good point and state in it a better way than I could; if we are providing the elder with these resources we are promoting them at be sexually active. While the elderly engaging in sexual activities seems very deviant because we as a society see it as wrong and/or shocking, we should not describe this behavior as being deviant if our government and taxpayers’ dollars are opening supporting these types of activities. Because America seems to be promoting sexually active seniors we should not be in such awe to find out the truth. However, if you are like me, I had no idea that this was even something that went on let alone that our own taxpayer dollars were supporting it. MySliceofthePi012

    3. This is really a great response and explination of deviance. It totally makes sense of how deviance changes based on societal situations. Sex between seniors should be considered more normal because advances in medicine have helped extend that period of sexual activity. You are totally right these medicines are readily available and easy to get so I'm on board that sexual activity in seniors should be considered more normal now.

  4. This video was extremely eye opening, I would imagine it struck many of us in the same way. In all honesty I was rather horrified after watching this video. How completely awful. I can understand and accept that there are people in this world that may do and act exactly described by the people in this video. I can see and understand that our tax dollars may be going in places that we may not support, or even become aware of. In this video when they bring to the light the comparison of how much the government spends per child versus per senior in our society it is truly astounding. I support that these elderly people are in fact far outweighing us all in age as well as suffering and trials throughout their lifetime, so the least we can do is to try to repay all of these mothers and fathers for their undying love for us and the years of tender and loving care that they give to each and every one of us. However, the small portion of the elderly that are explained in this video as using sexual toys and products from the hard earned tax dollars of United States citizens makes me very uneasy and quite possibly sad. In our country we give to each child approximately 2-3 thousand a year in government based funding. For each senior and elderly person in our society we are contributing over 22 thousand per year. The difference is rather staggering. How vastly different these numbers are. As was talked about in class this past week, or perhaps the week before; in years past the most impoverished people group were the seniors and elderly people within our society. It is wonderful to see that this is no longer the case. However, the people group that is now suffering the most is children. There are more elderly people in our country then children, yet as we strive to so carefully prove and care for each and every elderly person. However we clearly still have yet to fight the battle of impoverished children in our society. I respect that there may be elderly in this society that use things and people exactly described in the video. However, knowing my grandparents and many dear friends I did find it to be a bit harsh and disrespectful. I may be wrong but I think I might find this to be slightly offensive if I was and elderly person viewing this video. I have all the greatest respect for the elderly and the seniors in our country. Many of which have lives through some very tough and difficult times. Therefore no matter what the social stigma or what strange things some people in our world may be doing I think it may be important to remember to be respectful to these elders in our lives as well. I am a little curious about where the facts were gathered to make this video. I am sure there are in fact people out there that live precisely as described. However I am very interested to know how many and to what percentage. I think that would be certainly worth looking into. -THEARSONIST012

    1. I agree with your statements regarding this video! It too struck me as shocking and as disrespectful. I think that the phenomenons, occurrences, and things taking place in the video have the potential to be problematic. Not only should they be not be discussed lightly, but it does in fact beg the question about whether our tax dollars are being used correctly. It seems as though this video was trying to make two points at once. In one vein, he was trying to point out th sociological anomaly of sexualy active elders while at the same time trying to address the issue of possibly mis-spent tax dollars.

      - MAXIMA012

    2. I strongly agree with you. After watching this video, it opened my eyes. I did not realize old people got down like that. It really just made me sit back and think. I could not believe government money was going to something so awful such as sex toys. It could be used in plenty of other places such as homeless people, struggling college students, shelters, and many more. I don’t want to say it is all old people but that 6% that having sexual intercourse unprotected is very sad. It is just unbelievable. I was left speechless after watching this.

    3. I thought that a lot of the points you made were extremely interesting. I liked what you had to say about paying back the elderly for all the care that they have given us. I definitely think that our tax dollars should be distributed evenly to causes that we all care about. I loved the point you made about the impoverished children. This is such a growing issue in this country right now and it is our duty to take care of these children who cannot take care of themselves. It is heartbreaking to see children in need when something could be getting done to change that. (Patriots012)

  5. Honestly I don’t have have much to say about this video it supported many facts as well as eye openers. The fact it most of us don’t think of elderly in the way the video portrayed them to be. Which in all is true because they have lived and are dying they have already taken their risks in life. Though the difference between the young elderly just has to do with money and time. We spend more on elderly than we do children considering the fact that there are more old people in our community than their are young people. Older people a lot of advantages of being old in the most respectful way I can put it because they have many programs and places to help have a nice transition into the next stage in their life which is dying. Changing topics is the video mentions how six percent of old men use condoms resulting to elderly’s having sex syphilis and gonorrhea has increased tremendously. It’s nasty but it’s real and as young people this type of stuff concerning older people doesn’t cross our mind because we consider us a young peole being sexual active is okay but if the elderly’s are being sexually active it’s nasty because it doesn’t seem like they would be able to do. This all ties into this activity of the elderly actions being deviant. In terms such as them getting busy is deviant including the fact that they catching something when getting busy. Including there is a lot of money being spent on medications for elderly to get busy. Granted old people should be able to do their thing that money that is being used for that could be used for something different. Proving that more money is being spent on elderly’s on children. In this video there were dramatic numbers of changes between the two generations. If there is something that should change we should do something about it. There are many different ways these things could change we all just have to come together and figure out how to alter the rules which have to do with how the elder approached or wanted to be taken care of. Society focuses on the elderly because they are suppose to be taken care and treated with respect but where does it end if most of the money that should be helping both the old and the young all or should i say majority goes to the old. There is no way of controlling the old people and their actions the best we can do is limit the non necessary sources they have. This is something that can open many others in the way that the see our elderly community and it can also change their view in our younger community and how they all are connected and bounce off of each other in situations like these. Once more any act such as this one is considered to be deviant and not supported by most of society.

    1. I liked your comment because it made me feel different. You stated that most of us do not perceive old people the way that Bill Maher portrayed them, but I have witnessed the shortcomings of the old people already. I have know for a long time that we have been wasting money on old people and we should be spending it on improving the future rather than nursing the past. I liked how you mentioned the old people being deviant, because I do not accept old people in my view of society so I deem them all deviant. I think a mass banishment would do the country some good. I do not actually mean that because it is terrible, but no one could convince me it is not true.

  6. In my opinion I did not really connect with this video as much as the other two we were assigned. It was actually kind of revolting to hear what some of our taxes are being put toward and just how much of that money is literally promoting sexual activities among the elderly. While it seems weird to think of just how much older people are engaging in this type of behavior, it is really a very deviant act. In our society we usually associate sex and sexuality with teenagers and young adults. In a very stereotypical fashion, we think of “new love” or “young love” as being very physical. As time goes on and a couple progresses through the different stages of life, it seems to be understood that love changes and it is not so physical. However, this no longer seems to be the case anymore. While many seniors are probably trying to come to terms that their lives are ending, they probably want to enjoy or relive so of the best moments of their lives. How seniors are going about enjoying their final years is very deviant because the general stereotype that our society has about seniors is that they are generally very sweet, naive, and innocent.
    While I think everyone should be able to enjoy some aspect of the stage of life they are in, I think that the government has it backwards to only be spending 3,822 dollars per child per year, when we are spending 25,455 dollars per senior per year. Our children are our future and that is where I believe we should be investing our money. Only six percent of the elderly use protection whereas 40 percent of college age Americans use protection. I believe that some of this deviant behavior occurs because the senior citizens know that the same money that goes to purchasing the items that promote their sexually active lifestyle will also be there to pay for them if they if the may happen to get a disease. I think that if the government spent less on promoting and encouraging sexual acts among the elderly then definitely few of them would be engaging in these acts. Many of them probably feel safe knowing that, in their final years of life, if they end up getting a disease, taxpayers’ money will go towards helping them. Personally, I think this money could be better spent to help fix schools and roads and other things that most all people would benefit from.
    As a taxpayer, I am kind of mad to find out where some of the money that I pay is going. While I think that everyone should enjoy a good quality of life, I think that our tax money could be better spent, maybe to get our seniors out of the nursing homes once in a while. Finding a new way to use our tax dollars to benefit our seniors may improve their happiness because even though they are currently receiving a lot of money, they are still unhappy with their lives. MySliceofthePi012

    1. I agree with you a lot on this because I to don’t understand why we would use tax dollars to help seniors with their sexual pleasures, while benefits for children are being cut. This seems to me as if they want a certain class of people to stay in poverty and not be able to advance or succeed in life. There are a lot of people who take advantage of government assistance programs, but there are many more who truly need the help. I think if they want to buy things that are for their sexual pleasures they should have to pay for them out of their own pockets and not taxpayer’s dollars. Just me 012

    2. I agree it is kind of a slap in the face to see where our tax dollars go. I feel like like they spending the tax dollars on anything like sex toys really that should not be what the tax dollars should be spent on. I feel like if you can't buy it with your own money you do not need that mess. Yes I agree some people may say it is weird because I know for a fact I had to watch this video a few time before I stop thinking the topic was weird or unusual. I love your response Because you feel how I feel about the video and I replying to people who feel the same as me about the topic we are discussing. ~JollyRancher

    3. I think you should be more careful when you said, “ I feel like if you can't buy it with your own money you do not need that mess.”. Does that still apply when it comes to a medication that one's life depends on but can't afford? I am not saying that I think the government is using their money wisely, because I don’t. However apparently sexual pleasure held great importance in health to enough people to where they managed to get it cleared and continued to use it today. Enough “old people” agreed that their health would be greatly impacted if they could get access to these things through insurance. Not that I agree, I just feel that AS THE YOUNG, we can’t say what is BEST for the old. Who are we?

  7. This video really makes you wonder how much better our country could be if we used government give a ways as it was used as a joke in the video but is really sad if you stop to think about it. They mentioned how Medicare in 2016 to 2011 the government spent one hundred seventy two million on penis pumps. My reaction is seriously, how someone can not have funds to feed their family or how is it that so many people can’t afford a home and become homeless with these types of figures. But yet seniors are seeing it and are basically throwing it away on an erection? Head start, nutrition assistance and welfare is being cut and they are allowing all these funds go towards something such as this, keep the rich richer and the poor poorer , to me something is truly not right with this picture. The federal yearly spending rate per senior is more of that the then yearly spending rate per child. This seems to me like what Karl Marks mentioned many practices are wrong and tainted and can become a macro issue. I by any means do not want to say seniors shouldn’t receive federal assistance but, as we all know the children are our future. If an opportunity could arise where the federal assistance could be more equal with both and think of the future and what is best for society things may change for the better. Every child should be able to receive these benefits because the funds are there, seniors should not be allowed to waste it on such things and if so without the help of the government. Another statement that was shocking is that five percent of the budget is spent on people in their last years of life on medication. He made a good joke when he mentioned dying is hard and I want to do it on drugs, the best drugs that are so good that they will make you think you wasted your whole life doing the drugs that they are already on, that was funny but was a great way of saying how they are also wasting funds that could be helping someone who needs them. They also mentioned how the C.O.D.C.S or centers of dieses control senses noted that nursing homes have the highest STD rate which means they are becoming more sexually active. I can understand that seniors are not suppose to not have sex, but why wait until your life is almost over to contract an std. when they know that they will be treated because the government will take care of the bill. It also was brought to my attention that college students use condoms forty percent of the time and seniors only six percent. If they had to come out of pocket for the treatment they would probably go back to the ways that they were accustomed to before, and college students may be more protective for one because they want to live long enough to become a senior citizen and not taking out by an std, and the second reason may be because of lack of funds. This topic was funny but the truth in it is very disturbing how the system is run. Just me 012

    1. I agree with you on this. The government actively and almost irresponsibly, no not almost, definitely, uses money in the most inefficient ways. 172 million on penis pumps, really? What's sad is that this isn't even a joking number. It's real life. There are so many other issues and facilities and programs that would die to have funding of that magnitude. Programs that actually NEED that sort of funding and we are just wasting it. It's extremely unfair and not right. So while you can make a joke out of it like Bill Maher did, it's tasteless. And you're also right about how we spend so much money to aid dying old people when we could be using those same drugs to actually help keep somebody alive, somebody with a future and not only past. We should be doing more for people who actually have a chance. I'm not saying old people should have to suffer just because they're old, but a better plan of care should be in order for them that isn't so costly.


  8. I remember going over this topic briefly in class I think it is a big money spending issue and I feel like everybody should. This video was talking about serious matters but in a funny way so it did not make me fall asleep it made me stay up and listen and follow along. Then he kept talking about a penis pump which is just funny to me. I also find it crazy that the senior citizen are getting down like that and passing diseases around. I feel like people in those homes should be telling those grandma and grandpas what they are doing are coming with problems like std or sti’s. I do agree that that the old people be the oldest and after watching this video I am like why are y'all angry all the time y'all are living good. I also think its crazy medicare should not be out here supplying free sex toys because that is not a need for someone health. I think its crazy that people are getting free sex toys people already get free plans b with a medical card I just think it is all crazy. I think it is crazy how the government basically allow or support the stuff in the nursing home. Then the man said fucking like rabbits on a bed he is so funny to me. Talking bout 70 is the new 69, his sense humor is like mine with my friends. I Love watching these youtube videos that have me laughing while learning. I hate watching boring informative videos I feel like when you an laugh a little it make the learning better.I think we should try to get a nw government system and fast because its obvious they do not care about people. Then again you can't turn your nose up at the fact the old people having sex because they putting all those people in one building so of course this stuff would happen. I know I would hate for my grandparents to be in any nursing home while that is occurring because my grandparents there to be taking care of and watched not having sex catching more illnesses, then on top of that they old so it will be harder to cure those problems. I feel like everybody. As a whole should be more careful while having sex before the get something they can not get rid of and they will be looking stupid. It don't surprise me that the old people are getting the disease. This older lady I was talking to one day was telling me how the girls my age would get a sugar daddy and the sugar daddy be the one passing diseases around. From this video and what we discussed in class that lady I was talking to was dead right and I didn't believe her because I don't want to think some grandpa or grandma just walking around passing a disease around but that stuff is real and its the life we live.

    1. To your response I say the elderly are the elderly and the young are the young, so their two different sides here. But, I don’t really think about this kind of stuff, but again seeing through my eyes I can see how this is going at. Don’t get me wrong elderly people can be awesome and smart humans and sometimes the next day you will find them fighting with the guy at the cashier over some fruit punch. -LILPUMP012

  9. It's funny my mom actually is a CNA manager at a supportive living home for seniors and I talked to her about this topic and she said sometimes they catch them having sex! My thoughts on this video; I thought it was humerus, it shocked me, I learned something new, and it also gave me another reason to hate going to my mom's job. Learning the STD rate for seniors is higher than teenagers did not surprise me now that I think about it. Seniors are overly experienced. They've been around a very long time and they were once the young adults we are. I've had plenty of seniors tell me to be careful and safe when it comes to intercourse I never thought too hard into WHY they were telling me that but after learning this I understand now. Another thing I'm thinking could be the reason for their rate being higher is because if you think about it they're stuck in these nursing homes. They don't really have access to the outside world, all they have is each other, space and that's probably the only entertainment they have access to. I liked how he turned something serious into a comedy. His jokes were extremely funny "70 is the new 69". My favorite one had to be "when a grandma yells BINGO it means an old vet found her G-spot" I cried laughing when he said that. Although he turned this into a comedy that doesn't take away the fact that this is really serious. This was a touchy subject because my family had a friend who caught a STD and he actually passed from it. He had it for years and unfortunately it wasn't treatable. This video caused me to wonder a lot. For example, are seniors really catching STD's when they get in a nursing home or did they have it all along and never got checked out. Back in their day did they have access to get tested the way we do today? Maybe that's why it's so high in seniors. Most of these people are in their 60's-70's back when they were our age the access to test and treatments may have been beyond their budgets. Today, they have testing for free! We have medical cards that will cover that for us. They didn't have it so easy. As far as solutions, I don't know at this point. Actually, I think it's too late at this point. It's really sad thinking about it. Overall the video was educational and funny.

  10. This video uses a lot of humor to get some very interesting and valid points across. Although it does provide a lot of disturbing information that could be describes as "T.M.I" But I feel like as a whole we don't know enough about the elderly community, so it's cool to have a quick crash course on the subject. A lot of young people don't give the elderly the respect or credit they deserve. Old people can be very knowledgeable and wise. Many of them have paved the way for us to be able to have the freedoms that we do. On the other hand, many of them are responsible for and continue to cause a lot of economic turbulence and detriment. As Bill Maher leads off this video, he says that the amount of money given to the elderly community is vastly greater than money given to any other age group. For every $3000 a young person might see regarding health care or something of the sort, an older person will see 8 times that amount. The state takes great care of older people financially, yet they are never satisfied. Despite the extra money and benefits they receive, over half of the population of older people are reported as "unhappy" with the country's policies regarding healthcare and taxing and anything to do with politics. Which pretty much holds that "old people are grumps" stereotype to be true. Yikes. Continuing on with the information provided in this comical video, we are provided with an interesting yet disturbing set of facts. First one being, yes, grossly enough, old people are still having sex. Not a pretty mental image I want in my head, but it's definitely real. Old people are getting caught having unprotected sex in many nursing homes at an alarming rate. To make matters worse, only 6% of those people are having protected and safe sex with condoms. I find this information to be staggering because even our generation of youth uses condoms more than that. Tallying in at 40%, we're leading condom usage by 34%. Which seems crazy to me, seeings how people have been popping out babies left and right. The std rate is also higher in old people, which while gross, is kind of humorous. Only because you would think they'd know better by now. But then again, old people tend to regress backwards mentally and act more child-like, so it makes sense.


  11. This video is a very opening eye on different things that are happening nowadays in the entire world not only in the United States. Since I am an international student and I came two years ago but I kind of a person who likes to hear the world news and know more about the outer world than the one I was in. In my point of view and according to the few information that I have on this specific subject, I think the problem of young versus old is basically in everywhere even in the low-income countries. And it has been forever because the culture itself support this, and we as people also support that. We always say that old people have the ability to take the right decision which is in most cases is wrong, but we keep support them. As what happened in Libya, and the things are happening now it is all basically because the old people are having the power that we as Libyan gave to them as we thought they are old and wise and they will spend our money on building a healthy community and provide all the chances to the new generations that we were not able to have during Qadafi’s regime . However, they still keep spending money on their own needs and forget the rest of us. It is sad to know that in the USA the federal yearly budget spent on a growing child is only $3,822 and the federal yearly budget spent on an elderly is $ 25,455. This is unfair even if the older need too many things such as drugs and other basic stuff to live and that a child can survive without them if we consider that child is healthy and do not have any health problems. Those regulations are done only by old people that already keep and save their own rights and failure to protect the rights of the other population such as children. Since they didn’t even mention people in mid-age who are working so hard and doing everything they can to support themselves and to support their family too. Moreover, instead of giving that money to those people who are the foundation of the community and raise a healthy strong community without forgetting old people, they give it to people who spend it on things that are not even the basic. It’s happening in my country too but in a different way since all the rules and the regulation are done to protect the old, rich, specifically men. The main problem that the world is now changing but the power is still under the old people who don’t see the changing around us and the needs of that community unless they are in that specific place which is not happening at all. All the rules and the regulation should change, and they should give a chance to the young people and give them the power so they can support their rights and give the chance to others since they are more open and flexible than the older people.POINTOFVIEW012

  12. thought this video was very amusing but also interesting because I learned about some things that I didn’t know about. I thought it was pretty shocking that the STD rate is higher for senior citizens then it is for the younger generation. We often would think that if would be the other way around because we usually hear stories about college or high school students having STDs but never thought about older people. However, I also do think that STDs are becoming more common because they know health care can take care of them if something happened. In a way I think this is wrong because most of the money being used for them is coming from other people. I personally would not want the money that I work for to be used to help someone that had an STD because that’s a problem that they should take care of with their own money. It is not other people’s responsibility to pay for medication to help get rid of a sexually transmitted disease. Today this would go against our social norms and it would be social deviance. We often think that older people don’t have a sex life because they aren’t able to perform like they used to. We also think that most of the time younger people are the ones to just be having sex. However, I think that the reason for all of it is because once older people are in nursing homes they get bored. There is also a stereotype that is being set for the older generation. For example, we think that all they do is play board games, watch or play golf, or even do cross words puzzles. This video definitely shows that that’s not true at all. I also think its crazy how much money the government is spending on sex toys and medications for the elderly to perform sexual actions. That should not be the main focus in our country right now. We have many children in our country that are in poverty and we are not taking care of those types of problems when that should be the main priority. It was also so shocking when he talked about he huge gap that is being spent on the elderly with STDs then children with actual viruses. I’m not try to sound arrogant but I think we need to take care of the children more because the elderly not have much time left anyways. These types of situations today go against social norms. For example, when we watched MR. Mum we saw that he was pregnant while presenting himself as a man. We can also relate the STD out break in the same way. Neither of these situations is something we would even think of or see everyday. To see them is something really shocking. However I think with how developed this country has got its became more acceptable. I believe that we need to enforce sexual protection more in nursing homes if this is going to be the case from now on. -ILIKETURTLES012

  13. I think first off we need to dispel a myth that I think a lot of people think is real. Yes, people over the ages that qualify them as seniors can still have sex and is not that weird. We need to realize that almost every generation of people now has seen a time when a sexual revolution of some kinda happened. Some big event that chnaged what we thought about secuality. The 60s was free love. The 80s was the beginning of gay rights in America. And now we are once again seeing a sexuality and gender revolution. So, the idea that sex is not pretty much always on humans minds is a wrong one. Senior citizens of America and the rise of sexual activity is something that could be researched more and I’m sure the answer will be very scientific and have to do with many factors and be very analytical, but I can give you the sparknotes version. If you live in one place that intermingles genders and forces interaction between said groups sexual activity will occur. Colleges are not sexaul active prely because young people go there... young people go to Walmart and I hope you don’t see nearly as much sex there as you would at college. College gives some amazing benefits that I can list. First, isolation and not in the creepy way. I mean you don’t have to worry very much about what other people think when you're there and to be frank you have access to a bed. Second, you have a overall stigma that surrounds the environment that includes hooking up. Is it that impossible to think that in a senior living home or something like that, not that all seniors live in one but it has a good parallel, that a attitude of sexual tension is not achieved. As you age many things do change, but you still remain the person you were and if during your younger years you were sexual active that probably wouldn’t change much as time went on. To answer the question originally posed by this writing assignment, no I do not believe that it is deviant behavior to continue secual activity into later years. I do however thing not being safe while having sex is deviant behavior no matter what age you are, and that is something that as awkward as it seems needs to be addressed more fully if the issue persists among older people even though they probably should know better by then.

  14. Video was great way to see many aspects of the elderly and the youngsters. I actually had to watch the video couple times to understand. What I got out of this is many different things in different part of areas. I think its kind of crazy how the government uses money to spent things on very unusual things that aren’t even needed. I believe some elderly do need assistance and so does the kids who cannot afford to go to school. I think this is very crucial because it’s a 50/50 choice because their some things to take into consideration, and many people do take advantage of this, but maybe some not for the common good. For example, the medication being spent is huge and astronomical high. Don’t get me wrong, but medicine is important, but only when it’s truly needed. Its their for people who needed. Though, supplying sex toys in the Medicare system is crazy to me because, first of all I never knew such a thing. Like who knew that would happen? Like what’s next? Let’s be honest here, this is going to get elderly people mad, but I think it could be speaking the truth in the end. Older people having more sexual intercourse surprises me now, but I guess that another way to get diseases faster. Elderly are the elderly and the young are the young, so their two different sides here. But, I don’t really think about this kind of stuff, but again seeing through my eyes I can see how this is going at. Don’t get me wrong elderly people can be awesome and smart humans and sometimes the next day you will find them fighting with the guy at the cashier over some fruit punch. Why? I don’t know, but what I do know is that the elderly do take a lot of money in Medicare and a lot of is used. The problem has been a continuous things that has been going on so far, so is their anything going on to help it preventing. I believe there should be a limit for the elderly for the common good, right? But lets not just throw the young people under the buss, people out their need certain things and especially now. I also believe that the young is having more sexual intercourse and earlier than before. I know I’m kind of jumping around everywhere, but my point stands, hopefully. - LILPUMP012

  15. This video was kind of a shocking eye opener to the truth. Younger people might think it’s weird but it’s the truth. People over 70 still have a sex life and are more careless with it probably because women are past menopause, which is causing this increase in STDs. It’s kind of crazy to think that things like chlamydia and syphilis in old folks’ homes have nearly tripled in the last decade. The question I have when I hear this is how is it possible? Aren’t nursing homes and senior living homes regulated 24/7? I guess my answer would be it’s easier to get around than you think. I also think it is shocking how quickly all this has spread in ten years. It really blew my mind when he said that 40% of young adults wear condoms during sex but only 6% of seniors wear them. That is just mind boggling to me, but I guess it makes sense if I were in their position. I think a big reason for this happening is that health centers in America preach about STDs and staying abstinent to young kids and teenagers. Since this issue is aimed towards the younger generation I feel like it loses its importance for the older generation. Sure, they know about STDs and all that jazz but its not like they follow it. According to all these stats it seems to get worse the older people get and that can turn into a serious problem. Obviously, this video was made to be kind of humorous because of the jokes he makes about the old people having sex but the reality of it is that it’s true. The other main point he makes in this video is that the older generation is winning compared to the younger generation and that is true in many aspects. The older generation has the money and sex. These people get their social security checks and some of them flaunt it and it helps them get around. I feel like this is something we would see in the movies for a young couple but when in reality it is the truth for older people. It seems like they have the best of both worlds but at the same time they are still an angry generation. The stat he said in the video is that 76% of seniors say that they are dissatisfied with the way that the country is going right now. This doesn’t make sense because they are pretty much the best off in America when excluding the classes of people, like I said they are getting the best of both worlds. I would say this issue definitely against the social norm of what people in America think about seniors. In other words this topic obviously would shock a lot of people because sex among older people is not something that is talked about in America and is often thought of as gross.

    1. It is quite interesting when you look at the hard fact that you usually would not think would end up there. These fact about the elderly and how they complain of being not satisfied with the country and how it is and like you said, they are probably the best off in the country. Perhaps they should be more educated on how good they actually have it compared to the new, incoming generation. Overall, higher cost of living, etc. All against the new generation and the elderly have several places to draw money from the government from. The whole thing about the sexuality of the elderly is also on there and just like I said is deviant to the general public as a topic but privately is, in my mind, okay. -TheMarshall012

  16. The Bill Maher video was humorous, but really had a serious message with it. We talked about this topic a bit in class and at that time I wasn’t really convinced that the old folks homes were getting “busy”. Turns out that I was wrong. Not only are they getting busy, they are also passing around Syphilis and Gonorrhea. This made me sick to my stomach. You could see by the reaction of Bill’s panel they were all just as disgusted as me. We spend more money on the elderly than we do children considering the fact that there are more old people in our community than their are youth. A major reason why the diseases are running rampant through the nursing homes is due to the fact that only 6% percent of males use condoms. This is a huge reason why the diseases have tripled in the last decade. I found it fascinating that the government will supply all these medications to the elderly, which in turn makes them more likely to get it on. They are covered any way and every way. I don’t particularly appreciate our tax dollars going to these homes because in turn it is promoting sexual activity in these places. While I think that everyone should enjoy a good quality of life, I personally think that our tax money could be better spent. Finding a new way to use our tax dollars to benefit our seniors may improve their happiness because even though they are currently receiving a lot of money, they are still unhappy with their lives and even getting sick in the process. I think that the government has it confused to be only spending $3,822 dollars per child per year, when we are spending $25,455 dollars per senior per year. This statistic was eye opening because I didn’t know that the youth are getting miniscule amounts compared to the elderly. Overall the video had humorous moments, but the subject matter was definitely serious and will be in discussion for years to come I feel.

  17. This video was definitely an eye-opener, for more reasons than one. For starters, there is the initial shock factor behind the amount of sex that the elderly are having in nursing homes. I feel as if the generally accepted fact or norm in most young people’s eyes is that once you hit the age where you have to be in a nursing home, then you just stop having sex. This is probably a norm that is accepted because if someone is sick enough to be in a nursing home then it is assumed that they are not well enough to be getting it on all the time. I mean that and the fact that none of us really want to picture people our grandparent’s ages having sex, that’s for sure. The truth behind the matter is that we’re all human and I guess we can’t expect that they just stop having sex. So that is definitely one social deviance that us young people have a hard time accepting that is happening, but it is clearly prevalent. As far as the “young vs. the old” argument goes, I believe there definitely comes a struggle between the two. It is definitely not the typical power battle you would think of, but it is an issue. I believe it comes about when there is any generation change. The older generation is used to being the leading generation, the one that is in charge. When the younger generation begins making changes and doing things for themselves there is going to be a pull-back from the older generation. They often know how things were done when they were the leading generation and do not want to see it done any other way. That is why when you think of the older generation they are often known as being set in their ways, not wanting to change their opinions or views. This would then explain why the older generation complains so much about the government and state that they are dissatisfied, mainly because they are seeing that it is changing from the government that they knew when they were young. This, though, does not give the elderly the right to often be as prejudice or judgmental as they are. Don’t get me wrong, I love elderly people and I think they have a lot of wisdom that they pass down to the younger generations. I also do not think that all of the elderly are prejudice or unaccepting. There is definitely a clear generation different between us and them, and where we have learned to be more accepting, many of them lack. This is why you so often hear of children being shunned from families for different life choices they make. I think that we have a lot we can learn from the elderly, but they also have a lot they can learn from us. If we could change the attitude from an “us vs. them” to both of us learning from one another, society would develop so much more as a whole. (Patriots012)

  18. This video was eye opening and also educating on the fact that I never even knew how much money was actually being spent on older people. I see why people say they can’t wait to be old because they have so many benefits waiting their way that it’s incredible to think about. This video was funny and just showed how much money was being giving annual to two sections of society. One section being children where only around 3,000 dollar was being given and the other section being the elderly where 25,000 dollars was being given. The two differences is crazy to think about even though that older people need a lot more help and care but like he said they are dying. Now I’m not saying just take away all the benefits they receive and stop giving so much money away and just watch them die but there should be some cutbacks on how much money they do receive. The fact that younger children are going to be the next people to take over this country and to run it should make them the number one priority with money being given to them. Money should be spent more on children’s education and more college plans for people who are less fortunate. Older people had better education back then because it was the norm for you to graduate high school and to go on and go to college but now a days its not because many people can’t afford it. People need to be educated in order to take over the country. Education should be the main priority the government has right now and not the elder. Now we will still care for the elder and grant them money but just not as much because they are growing weaker and dying so I feel that should have a big say in where tax money goes. With the part about how sexually active elder people are is kind of funny because you wouldn’t expect them to be having sex as much as they do and for them to being doing it so much and that diseases are spreading more and more because less condoms are being used is not something we want in this country. Condoms should be issued in nursing homes and there should be mandatory classes about sexual diseases in the nursing homes so that they are more informed on the situation and more likely to have safe sex instead of exposing one another to the possibility of spreading sexual disease amongst each other. The fact that our tax money is even being spent on penis pumps just makes me so mad because tax money could go somewhere else more important. It’s the elders fault that these diseases are being spread and its their option whether to use protection or even have sex at all so why should tax payers have to pay taxes for that money just to go to some sex shop for a penis pump. This whole video just made me so upset about the fact of where our money actually goes and how it’s being spent. Mrbubby012

  19. After watching the video I learned a lot of interesting things that I didn’t know before. The average being spent on the elderly is $25,455 in comparison to a child is $3,822. This is outrageous, it is such a stretch and difference. Although medical may be higher to to increased illnesses and problems this is still a large difference in numbers. That’s even if the money is being used towards illness and medical problems. This brings me to my next point about the sexual behavior “deviance” in the elderly population. In my opinion, if granny wants to hump let granny hump. She probably doesn’t have much longer to go anyways. This goes the same for grandpa. Now, do I believe that they should be having unprotected sex no. I believe safe sex is for all ages and should be applied. One thing I noticed is that the guy in the video mentioned how the elderly in nursing homes have an increased and outrageously high number for STD’s. When watching this video when he talked about the old, I assumed he meant all of the old and not just the ones in nursing homes. This includes, ones still working, ones retired, ones in retirement homes and ones in nursing homes. Although, he only focused his attention at the older people specially in the nursing homes stating that the new 70’s is the new 69. This is pretty ironic, I actually think the whole video was funny and ironic but that does not mean that I disagree with his points being made and that something would need to be done. Or this topic should be at least more closely looked at. But when he said that I started to think like, why are they even having sex if they are in a nursing home? I mean a nursing home is where the elderly go when they need some type of care. There are nurses and staff there working around the clock to physically take care of these people. Why are they having sex? If you can have sex, you should be able to wipe your own bottom and be able to shower by yourself without the aid of someone else. Just my opinion, but if I was a CAN and im working in a nursing home, there is no way in heaven I would take care of someone who is able to perform sexual activity. I mean if they aren’t ale to take care of themselves how are they able to clean them selves up after the sexual encounter (ew to think about) but on a serious note. Although that is how I feel, I also feel like there is no stopping it. If they want to do it, it is going to happen. Just like teenagers, if a teen wants to engage in sexual activity or any deviant activity no matter how strict the parents are or what limitations they put on the child they are still going to find a way to engage in such “deviant” behavior. If I worked in a nursing home and even if I didn’t like the fact that the residents are engaging in such behavior I know that there is no way we can actually stop them. I would just kindly put a bowl of condoms on the table, and even though it is not allowed I know they are going to do it anyways so if thy are going to do it anyways why not just do it safely? That’s my opinion. On a lighter note I do not feel like there should be so much money spent on the elderly for sexual activity or sorts. Healthcare is strictly for health, not the pleasure of one. We need to start supporting our youth more and setting the right examples. Examples like this is reason’s why our children are growing up with more psychological and physical problems. We need to stop supporting the old s much as we do, I mean isn’t that what their pension is for? Our youth is the backbone of our society, eventually they are going to be taking care of us someday, we should want to guide them in the most positive, and right direction as possible with any topic or problem. -Jaci7429

  20. I think it was pretty funny how Bill Maher really conveyed something I have been thinking for a long time. I believe the fact that so many resources are spent on the old is something necessary, but not that I want to accept. The fact that the money I earn is spent so frequently on old people that are waiting to die frustrates me because I could spend it on things that actually contribute to society, rather than just take up space (sorry Grandpa). That last part was a joke (kinda), but seriously, they have had their time to shine. They have lived their lives and they do not need to be so coddled… Because lets be real. What do old people even do (at least the ones that this video applies to)? The thing I hear the most is “They have valuable knowledge from a time before.” This is not always true and here is why: many of the old people that are concerned in this issue were born in a time when racism was accepted and welcomed in some areas. They grew up in a time when a man’s wife was his property. Not all of them still think this way, but trust me, I have met some toxic old people that made me want to leave the room. Do not get me wrong here, for I am not anti-elderly, or ageist as some might say. I simply believe that society as a whole would benefit from the money spent on old dying people being reallocated to something else. Infrastructure, the children who are our future, not our past. The fact that so much money is spent on people in their last month of life is just dumb. Comfort is important, but the old people do not need to be coddled to death by drugs, they can die off just fine without them. There are many drugs that could be given to an old person that are much cheaper than the ones they use now and they provide just as much comfort, if not more to the ailing individual. Bill Maher segues to his next topic by mentioning penis pumps and the fact that they are given away so frequently on the governments (and our) dime. This only encourages the elderly to engage in sexual acts, which in turn is spreading disease in the elderly community. Sexual disease, one of the worst kinds, has tripled in the elderly. Only six percent of the elderly use condoms. Six percent is an extremely low number for that statistic. Imagine if the young people only used condoms six percent of the time. Society would be different, but I am not sure how deep I want to get into that. Anyway, old people do not need all the money.

  21. Although I got more of a commentary vibe from this video, I feel like the information itself was very useful and showed how relevant age is throughout our lives. Rather than focussing on the jokes made in this clip, I found myself more interested in the “why?”. After watching the video two times through I ended with the same question. Why in the world is the government funding these types of things when they could be geared towards other things. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that this really shouldn’t have surprised me for various reasons. I feel like the American society as a whole tricked by the media into being afraid of aging. There are so many other cultures that embrace the changes, cognitive and physical that come with aging and yet in America we try to do as much as we can to look and feel as young as possible. When “sex” comes up in a conversation I can’t name one person that would say old people are the sexiest individuals and embody what being sexy is all about. NO NO NO! I feel like this plays significance in why they made sure their sex drives would be taken care of later in their life when biologically, their body’s aren’t capable of doing it on their own. Not only has society itself shaped this but I also feel the generation itself had a lot to do with these circumstances. I may be reaching too far but when I think old I instantly think of the “baby boomers”. I feel like that goes with the saying “Once a hoe, always a hoe” in the most serious way possible. I mean let's think about it, if they didn’t care much years ago when treatment was rare and protection wasn’t easily accessible so why care now when it is? I mean they are almost dying. There could be different reasons as to why there is so much funding being put into those type insurance companies but I feel those two could have a role in it. As for whether I think it is right or not, I say neither. Being a nineteen year old girl, I would say I am fairly young and would not have endured the same things that an eighty year old has. If it works for them, have at it! I’m more for living for a good quality of life and if grandpa wants to take a dip in Sally, Sue and Sandy, then do what you have to do to increase your quality of life. Most of their life has been spent anyways so do you really think that they care about what happens to them when they’re almost done? As young people we should mind our business, maybe it’s necessary, but we don’t know because we’re not on the flipped side. All I am really trying to get across is that we cannot continue to view things in black and white, we have to be able to open our minds and understand that life is so complex that for there to be no grey in the world would just cause more separation and judgment.

  22. The topic of the elderly and their sexuality and whether it is considered deviance or not depends on the person to which the question was presented. Personally, I do not care if the elderly want to get it on. It is a basic American right and freedom to let a person or people do what they wish. This right is given with the understanding that it must not affect the people around them and that it must not impose on other people’s rights as well. I do not believe that elderly sexuality is, in its self, deviant. However, I believe that it become deviant if it starts to affect other people in any way, shape, or form. This can be physical or even mental knowledge of the subject that the elderly person or people in question start to divulged unwanted or unneeded details and information. If these are not happening and the actions and knowledge of the actions remains private, it is not deviant. This would be evident in the sayings ignorance is bliss and what they do not know won’t kill them. That is the more widely accepted version of this. Deviance also changes depending on the person and their experiences. My version of deviance is not the same as someone from the inner city. Their version is different than someone who lives in the country. All of their definitions are different from someone in China or England. Personally, I still do not think it is deviant unless the elderly start to talk about it or anything pertaining to the subject starts to make someone or myself feel uncomfortable being in the immediate situation or setting. This is a prime example of deviance. Deviance, in my own definition, is when something appears or is considered not normal in the eyes of the general public. Another thing talked about during the video was spending on the elderly compared to the young. These numbers are offset by a large margin and this is completely unreasonable. Even from a statistical stand point does not make sense. The elderly are at the end of their life or are close to it. If they start to get money spent on them only to pass due to old age, it is against common sense. I am not saying that we should leave the elderly to die but the spending on the elderly is just out of control. About 25,000 USD for the old compared to the 3,500 USD for the young. This number is out of proportions and is unbelievable. The young are the next generation of Americans and are responsible for the future of the US. Not the ones on the way out. I am not trying to sound insincere about it but that is just the way I see it. With this massive and unfortunate gap in spending and how it is being spent, it is not uncommon for this generation to say that all the last generation left us was debt and a declining country. –TheMarshall012

  23. This whole subject topic caught me off guard, especially the spending portion I did not realize we spent that much money on the elderly nor did i know this like sex toys are covered by insurance. Which seems truly outrageous to me. I did know however that the elderly in nursing homes were bumpin’ uglies more than young people and recently we actually had a chlamydia out break in some of the homes in the area. I know this because we saw about 6-8 elderly folks from the same home come through our department with the same symptoms and it turned they had all contracted chlamydia from one of their partners. By definition this is social deviancey, it totally breaks the norm like he said in the video. When you think of the people having the most sex you think of 20 somethigns in college dorms banging like rabbits because this is the first time leaving the house and living that close to the opposite sex. Rarely do you think of viagra poppin elderly folk as people who are going to be having sex. It makes it kind of comical. But also kind of sad that the fact that the government spending on spent on stuff like this rather than things like health care or helping children. But i also want that when i get to that age. I want my quality of life to be the same now as it is then. So that makes it a hard subject to talk on. Because I want that kind of treatment when I am near death, but I also would like better funding for things like childrens homes and care of the young. I think the fact that the amount of spending we having on things like he said penis pumps and viagra is outrages. Most people, including myself dont think of insurance that would cover something like that especially government spending. Maybe if we worried less on getting the elderly their sex toys so they can get their rocks off maybe we could do things like tackling obesity, help fund public schools and educate children, or hell even help improve our roads. Rather than make sure grandpas rock hard for the old bitty down the hall we can help improve quality of life, seniors included. The whole thing is kind of comedic and the way it was presented by Bill Maher was pretty funny, its really something you don't think about at all. But clearly this is something that happens often, and all the time. You don't realize that your tax dollars are going to be used for sex toys of the elderly but sometimes that exactly what happens. And basically like he said the best way to change it if you don't like it is to vote, the young don't vote nearly as much as the old and it shows. We can still help he elderly with insurance and medical costs, lets just make sure that the money is going to something to better their health. Thats not saying sex doesnt better your health, but clearly some times it can make you sick. But why not budget it a little better.

    1. I agree that the spending is outrageous and I myself was not aware of it either. The weird thing is that our country is so in debt, and so ridiculous about our spending and how to manage our money, that even a situation like this, that is very well known, can't even be fixed in our society today. Obviously this spending could be used on something much more beneficial. It is comical all in a sense, I like to look at it that way because we all know that this kind of situation isn't actually going to be fixed. The elderly will continue to be bangin like rabbits in the future and continue to be funded for it.

  24. Bill Mayher is a gag. the things he was saying about old people were a bit harsh but all so true. I hope to get the imagine of my grandparents out of my head.. gross.i remember talking about this topic in class last week. it is a very interesting topic to me, except when i see old people doing freaky stuff in my head lol. there are very good point in the previous topics that ask why old people are so expensive and why us young people pay so much toward them. I only cost 3,455$ (i believe is what he said) a year while my grandpa cost 24,322$ a year.. what some people do not realize is that old people have gone through so much in their life time. most of us in this class are 18 years-25 years old at the most. we have not experienced nearly as much as any old person has. i mean shit can you imagine being alive for 70-80 years? my grandparents, moms side and dads side, go above and beyond for my family and i. my grandpa is a Vietnam veteran and he worked for the state for 15+ years and he created his own business building old style cars. My grandma taught the youth for 20+ years and then worked at a nursing home. My grandparents shave always been ones to help other people and they always put other first. with this all being said, i believe that the live of an old person is very special and they were so selfless to help others so i do not mind at all to help out the elderly because they have lived a long while, their lives deserve to be expensive. (wanderer211)

    1. Agreed! This is all so important but all so surreal at the same time. I was absolutely shocked to see and hear all of this regarding elderly people both in this video and in class. My grandfather is also a Vietnam veteran. It’s amazing how much our grandparents do in their long lives! They dedicate years to one thing and many years to another, yet all along caring for those they love most. It’s amazing.  And yes, them living is an expense. Hopefully the government can change that. It’s going to take work for everyone to unite and make this change, but it’s worth a shot!


  25. I remember when talked about this topic in class. It really was an eye opener when I heard a class mate say they had a crab outbreak in her nursing home. Personally, when I hear these things it just surprises me. You wouldn’t even imagine an elderly person getting down like this. Especially with their age, it is just not safe. It was crazy that just 6% of the elderly are using protection when they are involved in sexual activities. I have always thought of elderly people as cautious people. It is unbelievable that 41% of college kids are using protection and that is greater than what the older people are doing. The government I feel like needs to look into this situation. It is almost like their money is being wasted on stupid things. They are buying sex toys and other things that they should not even have business buying. I do not want to say this all of the older people but according to the research it is some of them. The money that is being wasted can be used somewhere else such as for college students, the homeless people, shelters etc. There are plenty of places where this money can be used and actually help the community. I feel like it would be hard for the government to decide on this though. I understand that there are some out there who are really ill and are on their death bed that really need it. But how does the government even decide on something like this because they are all not the same. This was just a huge eye opener for me because you would not even believe this, and it is hard for me to even believe it. When you sit back and think college students are being more responsible than the older it is sad. I thought since they were older and had their younger days that they would not think to start it back up. College students would be thought of to have the 6% rate. Just because of the simple fact that they are free. They make their own rules and they do not have to abide by what their parents say anymore. This makes me actually think of college students as more responsible and can be held accountable. I know college students can be immature and irresponsible but in this situation, they are not so much. This is where deviance comes in because the social norm is for college students to be somewhat wild with their freedom. As for older people, I do not mean any harm, but they are more fragile and usually ill. That is what we are used to. I just feel like the government should take into consideration where their money should go. When you see government, money being spent on sex toys and that money can be used on struggling college students. Obviously, something just does not add up and government needs to take action sooner than later.

  26. I think it's ridiculous the comparison between the young and the old nowadays. I never realized how expensive the elderly were until this video.$24,000 a year, compared to $3,400 a year is insane. And the fact that our tax money is actually supplying the old with penis pumps and sex toys is very dumb. There is a lot of better things that money can be spent on and especially for how expensive those things can be.. Although the elderly has ideally spent their life working hard and they may deserve this lifestyle they are currently getting, the money they receive shouldn't be used to diminish their sexual desires. If that kind of money was reversed where the young and upcoming leaders of our nation were getting 24k a year, that could be insanely helpful. To spend that money on maybe college tuition for kids who cannot afford it, I think our nation would benefit more out of supplying someone with education as opposed to supplying someone with viagra and vacuum cleaners that make you erect. An extra 20k year for every college student could literally supply them with extra education they could use to get a real job. We could lower our unemployment tremendously with these numbers. Our country would be in less debt because student loans could be something you don’t have to worry about and maybe even this money can help you get all the way through college. This money could instead be used to literally boost a students’ education. That will help them accel in our nation. And get a successful job, and have a successful family. Isn’t that all we want in America, for everyone to succeed and college to be free? Right now it seems with this video that all we want is old people to be getting it on all the time and spreading STDs quicker than ever before. That’s so disgusting even that these old people are getting syphilis and gonorrhea all the time. And only 6% wear condoms during sex. I sure wouldn’t think that number is lower than an average teenager but it is, I guess I wouldn’t think it in general because when did these old people start getting it on? I didn’t even think they were in the right health condition to do that, let alone all the time. I get it you guys are bored, but you’re catching STDs left and right, doesn’t that get annoying? And the fact that all these elderly people know they are going to be alright because our tax money is going to pay for their STD treatment. They get supplied to have sex, and then they get supplied to rid of their nasty diseases. How expensive can that be? Definitely not cheap at all. It sounds cliche but that money can be used for hungry kids or cancer research, what good is it to waste our money on that, when we can literally be advancing our nation and coming through a lot of our problems

  27. Firstly, this was a very hilarious and entertaining video! But there is a lot of truth to it. It is interesting that elderly people have a lot of say and influence, and national support, but still seem dissatisfied. Possibly they’ve outgrown cultural norms/wants because they’re so old. Not entirely sure. But I am really curious as to why so many seniors are having sex and rampantly spreading STDs. But, that being said, I think people sort of forget the fact that elderly people are still people that have emotions and feelings. They still can have arousals and desires, thus the want to engage in sexual activity. I still think wearing a condom would at least help with the decrease of spreading STDs. Regardless, elderly women are highly unlikely to carry a child, so that wouldn’t be a concern, but still. I’m not saying the elderly can’t have intercourse, but they should at least be more cautious for their own health and safety. As for spending, I think the money should go to the group that needs it most, even then I feel both groups should receive an even amount of spending instead of it heavily falling onto the elderly. As a society, I think we should look more so at needs instead of specific groups of people. And those needs need to be actual needs, not anything like penis pumps etc. I personally think that the government needs to reset and analyze its priorities, because they clearly are not set straight.


  28. I have always held the stance that our government budget and spending is completely and utterly disoriented and it’s not a wonder our country is in the state it is in. Spending $25,255 a year on average on an elderly person as opposed to spending $3,822 a year on average on a child makes absolutely no sense to me in the least bit. Now, I agree with providing the elderly with quality of life until they are no longer living, but there needs to be a balance and some common sense decisions being made in regards to what they actually need to fulfill their last years of living comfortably without many limitations and without compromising the programs geared towards our youth. When I hear head start programs and after school programs are being cut indefinitely for additional spending towards the elderly and their sexual activity needs, therein lies the issue. Where is the balance? The government who approves the budget should be ashamed and really be put in a position where their children would possibly be forced to have to do without, and then see if their priorities shift. It is alarming to hear that when comparing “The Young Versus The Old” and the old are winning- this is deviance at its finest courtesy of our government. These are not acceptable standards and never should have become so as this absolute total departure from the usual and accepted standards. I am not trying to say my stance on the elderly is total opposition when it comes to providing and taking care of them. What I am trying to say is that the needs of the elderly must be reconsidered and shifted to a more complete balance. One that does not provide an excess amount of funds to do whatever, but a respectable amount that would cover all the elderly needs to live in comfort such as food, clothing, shelter and needed medications and medical attention to stay alive when quality of life is still there. The ones that paid into Medicare and state/federal taxes for decades should be allowed more than the ones who did not. But not one elderly person should be excluded from being provided basic necessities. The elderly are the most disrespected majority in the United States alone and this as well needs to stop. Balance across all planes is desperately needed and providing an abundance of sex toys and curative measures given for STD’s is not the way to spend a majority of the budget. It was discussed how most of the elderly were opposed to Obamacare; a government funded healthcare, but will accept Medicare and Medicaid- other government healthcare funds. Over spending is also approved because grandma votes and our young adults do not, this allows grandma to get her way- no matter the cost. I think grandma is just not aware of the bigger picture and would not approve of the overspending on her as opposed to her underprivileged grandchild that is going without the things they need to live a comfortable life and. -TRM012

  29. Bill Maher is hilarious I love this video! It can’t get any better than mixing facts with comedy. As far as this video being a deviance, it depends on what people believe is the norm the elderly are defying. I honestly cannot believe that Medicare spent over 172 billion dollars on penis pumps from 2006-2011… That’s a lot of money just to make sure our elderly are still able to get it on! I always thought my grandma and grandpa were complete saints until I found Viagra in their bathroom (gross). You can’t really blame them though; they’re humans like the rest of us. However I do find it totally gross though how the elderly are having sex in nursing homes.. For one, HOW does that even happen? I guess I would assume that they’re under very strict care for 24 hours a day every day considering they are always supposed to be taken care of. For two, how are all these old people ending up with syphilis and chlamydia? The video states 41% of college students use contraceptives and only 6% of the seniors do, that’s a huge difference! Older people always seem to act like the younger generations are sleeping with multiple partners but plot twist: it’s them who are! I find it odd how the government is practically begging for these types of results; they are clearly the cause of the problem for providing them with everything they need to have sex. Death is obviously very sad and getting old is most likely terrifying for every aging person, so providing them with drugs to feel as comfortable as possible might seem like the most ethical thing to do but spending $3,822 on a child each year versus $25,255 for a dying person seems a bit extreme. In my opinion we should be investing our money in the generations who have their entire lives ahead of them instead of ones who will be dying in the next few months. Not that the elderly doesn’t need the proper medications in their dying years but because toys to get busy are not a necessity. Food, clothes, shelter, and education are all things that children absolutely NEED in order to live a decent life and so many of them cannot afford those things, but here our government is wasting hard earned tax money on items that are not truly needed by anyone. This video was so eye opening on where some of our tax money goes to; I honestly want to keep watching it just because of how funny it was. When he said “the face of American sex used to be a young virile sexual athlete like Bruce Jenner and now it’s an old woman like Bruce Jenner” I absolutely lost it!!! That was my favorite part of the whole video I could watch it at least six more times if I had to.


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