Socialization and My South Park Crew.....


  1. I found this video to be extremely eye opening, especially in the world of the media and TV. This video consists of small splices and sections of a TV show called South Park. The individual that created this video collected many different clips and strung them together into a twelve minute video snippet. The aim of this video was to give examples of several of the five different ways of socialization to their viewers through a TV show that is normal within their everyday lives. I would guess that the creator of this unique video was curious as to the impact it might have on peoples lives if he could meet people exactly where they are at. Something that is familiar and everyday. In this video snippet there were clear and easy to understand examples of the five different ways in which we are influenced by our society. First we have family, the parents of the small boy in the video were the examples of the family influence. Secondly there are peer influences that can be extremely important, especially in a child’s life. In this video there were several instances of peer related influence. These included the pressure for two classmates to fight during recess, as well as the influence on a red-haired guy who was being called things that caused him to feel disrespected. There is also the influence of school. In this case there were many instances of influence in a school setting within this small little guys life. There were several instances of positive influence from a elder person of influence as well as some situations in which the influence was very negative. Overall this video was an extremely fascinating idea regarding the idea of meeting people exactly where they are at and bringing Sociological ideas to the rest of the world. -THEARSONIST012

    1. I agree to the fullest that the media and tv play a huge role on this generation and soon to come. I love how the creator decided to use snippets from south park rather than a show that is boring. Using south park made this 12-minute video more interesting and more understanding. The simple fact I like this show made me pay strict attention to every aspect of this video. I agree that those 5 elements def do influence people on their behavior and how they act in certain situations. I feel like our parents could influence us the most out of the 5. -jolly rancher

    2. I agree 100% the social media and the TV is brainwashing us. There’s so many things that I learned at a young age just from watching TV. I think the younger generation is going to revolved around media. They all have Iphones and Ipads at age 8. It’s a good thing to be caught up on the latest news but there’s also a lot of negatives that come with TV and media. It’s almost scary thinking about what the future has in store and what will come about with all the new gadgets. The only thing we can do is wait for the day to come when we all have our own kids and see how they turn into a mini you. Cheer123

  2. The five agents of socialization are extremely, absolutely, and profoundly influencing in our daily lives. Without these different things, there is absolutely no way we would be the same people that we are today. The most important and influential out of all the agents of socialization is the family - namely the immediate family. This, of course, makes perfect sense. Our family members are the people who we spend the most time with and participate in the most activities with us during the most impressionable parts of our lives. Without our families shaping who we are, we would not be the same people. School is another major agent of socialization because of how impressionable students of all ages are. In my opinion, school and peer groups bear similar amounts of weight in terms of the amount of socialization they accomplish in the life of an individual. The minds of children are especially open and vulnerable during their childhood years, and what they learn from their friends will have a lasting effect on them. This is where we get the occurrence of peer pressure: young minds all trying to fit into the patterns of socialization that seem most popular and accepted. The media is another one of the agents of socialization, and it is perhaps the most fair reaching. It is incredibly influential because of how much people compare themselves to those in the media (famous stars) and mimic the action and behaviors of those they see on TV etc. Personally, I thought the video was immature and irrelevant to the topic of the agents of socialization, but there is a point there - these things, whatever they may be, have a profound impact on every individual in very different ways. Without them, our culture wouldn’t the same, and it’s members would not be properly equipped and ready to be a part of functioning society.

    - MAXIMA012

    1. I agree with your statement about when we are younger, we are more open and vulnerable and that what we learn from our friends will have a lasting effect on us, to a certain extent. If our friends did something so horrible (whether we joined in with them or not) or if they did something so wonderful (again, whether we joined them or not)- those things would probably stick with us in some way or another as we grew. If the action had a message or an impact- positive or negative- we would chose to either learn from it and either do good things beyond the initial experience or do the exact opposite by mimicking that particular action. TRM012

    2. i agree with everything you had to say. all the 5 agents have a huge impact on our everyday lives just like family. They shape who we are as a person both negatively and positively. I like what you had to say about when we were younger. Even to this day I believe that our friends are and peers can have a huge effect on us and not just as a child either. Maybe someone could have said something really mean to you as a child. Most likely thats still stuck with you to this day. -ILIKETURTLES012

  3. To use South Park as parallel examples in regards to the 5 agents of socialization was not only hilarious, but really spot on. I honestly have always thought of South Park to be correct in their dramatizations and would even go as far as to say how brilliant the writers are as well. If you watch this show on a regular, you probably know this to be true, or then again you may have not thought of it in that way. Although it’s crudeness or the fact that it’s a cartoon may turn people off, I will go out on a limb and say it has value in almost- if not every- episode. In all reality, it’s just another show that plays on real life situations, real life reactions and real life people. The 5 agents of socialization are Family, School, Peers, Groups, and Media. Every single agent plays a role in a person’s life every day. Yes, many kids take after their parent(s) whether it be in the form of good traits or in the form of bad traits. Not every single trait the parent has will be passed to the child, but leading by example is how the child believes he/she is supposed to act/perform in life. Teachers do influence children as well. I know that some kids are not able to spend as much time with their parent(s) as much as they are forced to spend with teachers, therefore- sometimes, the child will adopt the teacher(s) traits. As with family, these aren’t all necessarily good. When we begin to form friendships from a young age, our peers are constantly influencing us. When we are with our friends, we act differently than we would with our family and our teachers. There is an urgency to be something we are not or we are just trying to figure out life and sometimes that’s through peer pressure from our friends. When growing up, 75% of the time me and my friends were getting into trouble. Not because we were hoodlums, but because we were figuring out life and someone always thought they knew the right or better way to do something. We end up falling into groups as we mature, but not all groups are by choice. Work is a not really something most of us enjoy, but we all enjoy the money we earn from working. Living in the digital age, it is hard to get away from media influences. We get it from phones, music, computers, billboards, magazines, etc.- all showing or telling us how we should dress, act or just basically how to live. People like to say they are non-conformists and march to the beat of their own drum, but in reality- we are shaped by everything around us. As Steve LeBre stated “every person is affected by media, especially those who claim it doesn’t”. TRM012

  4. We don’t know just how much we are influenced by certain groups of people until we look at our behaviors and realize the behaviors of those around us look similar. I think a majority of people are told by someone in their life that who they hang out with in terms of friends is who they become, but what I don’t think many people realize that every group influences who they are, what they value or believe, and how they behave. In the example of South Park, the parents use foul language and the children pick up on this. It becomes second nature to them. In terms of the social agent of school, the school tried to reverse some of the behaviors learned at home in the South Park episode snippet. Sometimes what is taught at school conflicts with a value or belief of the family or religious group, so one social agent, usually the family dominates all other social agents. In terms of the peer social agent, peer pressure is very great and usually influences people, especially adolescence. In the case of the video, the fight was influenced by peer pressure. Peers are not the only groups that influence us. Basically any and all groups, from colleagues to support groups influence us. In today’s society, looking at the United States and looking at the world as a whole, media is a social agent that is growing exponentially. People in many high-income nations are becoming dependent on technology to the point that it is interfering with face-to-face social interaction. I think that realizing how consumed a person can become with social media and the views of the media itself says a lot about a person. Many people today realize the drawbacks of too much media and are limiting themselves, so that they are more equally exposed to all social agents and not consumed by just one or two. After watching this video, I believe that even though family is considered the most important agent of socialization, people go through different phases and not all agents influence a person equally or even in the same ratios throughout life. MySliceofthePi012

  5. This video was very interesting to watch, I think that the idea that we shape into our parents is true. Meaning we get some characteristics from our parents they could physical or personality wise. This proves that television also has sociological views. The traits that the character got from his parents seem to be something he gets from being around them a lot, watching and listening to what they say and do. The five agents of socialization are extremely, absolutely, and they are in our daily lives. As individuals we use these often throughout our lives without any notice. Though we might not notice we are highly influenced by those around us sometimes it can determine how we act. It’s not always bad sometimes it’s for the better, it can shape us into who we are as individuals. This proving that we are dependent on others. Though children pick up habits quicker because they’re at a younger age. In our sociology book its states that the most important agent of socialization is family. Which is true because family is forever and is who most people spend their most time with. Society has shifted in a way such as media has become a huge back bone for influencing people, in the way they talk, dress, post, etc. There was nothing else that stood out to me in the video this is my summary from what I pulled from the video I think, and it was decent in capturing the audience in by the cartoon they used. It gives a brief Idea of the five agents if socialization. Not much information can be pulled from the clips, but it was interesting to piece together what the video was teaching the audience. I think it was also, helpful to others who may not have a clue of the great detail of how individuals are influence by the ones they are closest to and people around them.

    1. I agree and also found it quite difficult to really narrow this down into an intelligent break down of sociology, although it was interesting to watch and a change from the normal videos we watch and report on. But there were also some strong points made here about the agents of sociology. Social media is such a powerful influence on us. Children today rely on it more though than people who are older, I think. And I also agree that it's important to set a positive example on kids because children do pick up habits faster than adults and it is harder for them to break. Thankfully this is a cartoon show and not a real society because that would be bad.

  6. This South Park video was a fun way to look into sociology a little deeper. We can find examples of the different agents of sociology in even the most raunchy and inappropriate of shows. Starting with the first example shown in this video, family, we learned that family was the most important agent of socialization that us as humans have. Family ties are long-term relationships that influence our decisions, thoughts and actions from the moment we are born until the end of our lives. In most cases that is, there are of course anomalies where people don’t have meaningful relationships with relatives at all. Which of course is unfortunate, but that’s besides the point. In the video, the parents of the foul-mouthed kids are just as foul-mouthed and inappropriate. It’s easy to see where they get it from. Which is true in real life. If a child is raised by parents whose ideals aren’t exactly accepted by society, they’re more likely to cause disruptions in social situations when they’re out on their own. But, there are other social agents that influence us, and not all are negative. Having a positive role model in your life can also allow us to change our original patterns of behavior. In the video, they showed the teacher trying to educate the foul-mouthed kids into using more child-like and socially accepted language. So even if you’re raised by parents who do nothing but curse all day, you can easily come into contact with people who can influence you into making better decisions. Which shows that family is not your only agent of socialization, but your school and peers and educators can be, too. You aren’t necessarily defined by your parents and family members, and you don’t have to adopt their traits. You have plenty of opportunity to be successful and go against what you’ve been taught if your situation isn’t always an ideal one.


    1. I agree people dont always understand what they are saying is hurting that little kid or even grown adult that has been through some serious shit to get to where they are today believe in yourself and do the best for you.conrad123

  7. This video was very amusing and made it more fun to learn about the 5. starting out with family. it was showed that even children are being the parents in this generation by telling them things to do that they should already not be going. For example when the little boy told his father to get off HIS xbox. Even in the show it gave a good example of how parents have a impact on how we speak. Like when the parents were using cuss words and then all that came out of the child's mouth were even worse cuss words. in real life many people don't take into consideration that what we say and do can set a bad example for children. But on the other hand there are people that try to set good examples fir children like the teacher in the episode. he tried to set a good example by making a song for better words to use other then cuss words. Another thing i thought that was a good example was when the two little boys were sitting on the bus. one was making fun of the other because of his red hair and freckles. Nowadays we would consider that as a norm because so many people make fun of each other for how they look. I definitely think that could be a very good example to show to children for how making fun of others for how they look isn't ok. We don't know how someone's life could be and making fun of them isn't right.


    2. I agree with you that some people do not pay attention to what they say and do and do not realize how much children take after their parents and how much they actually watch what we do. You are right when you said that there are people who try to set good exampels for children such as teachers, but there are also people and parents out there that do not care and they do not set good exampels for children now a days. Many people do act like they are better than others and they use that against people. Making fun of others is not okay because we do not know how their life is going and what has happened to them and people cannot help how they look. People jsut need to be nice and considerate towards others and that is something that kids these days lack.
      - mommaj'skid012

  8. I like the idea behind this video -- extrapolating a sociological lesson from a TV show that most deem crude and satirical. However, I did not enjoy watching it very much. Maybe it has to do with my learning style or my preferred method of applying information. My main complaint is that the clips from the show are far too long. Take 30 seconds of a scene that really capture the idea -- after all, we already learned this information; the video should serve as a review. For someone brand new to the information, I would not recommend this video, but I do not think that was its intent. As far as the actual purpose of the video, I felt the execution was off, but the raw lesson is there. The socializing agents are all powerful in their own right; South Park definitely demonstrates the power of peers the most, as the show focuses on a group of friends. One of my favorite aspects of the show (in a sociological regard) is the distinct individual personalities of the characters. Each character has their own style, language, and persona, yet viewers can definitely see the similarities, especially between the main group of friends. Their pattern of speech is fairly similar -- especially word choice. The other agents of change are present for sure, just not in the spotlight. In the few instances that school is the focus, viewers can see its direct effect on the main characters, often inciting wild ideas and theories. Family is seen predominantly, but for the most part (sans the included clip), the boys seem content with doing as they please. -CSP012

    1. I also felt the execution could have been better. I found the video entertaining though, and I enjoyed watching this more than the other videos we have watched before. I believe the video does a good job of explaining the five agents of socialization in its explanations post clip. I also agree that the peer group was the best example.

    2. I think the video was well put together and was very comical, I don’t think that kids should be behaving in that manner but it does go hand and hand with our society. I say this because we have some households that are similar to this in the video. Parents should be involved in their children’s life so it will at least give them a chance in society and not be negatively influenced by their peers. I think that by monitoring a child’s peers, what they watch on television, and learn at school can help a child’s role in society. If everyone looked at life in this way many things such as crime and murder would probably decrease because of the upbringing, which leads right back to family and why it’s important to mold a child for society. Just me 012

    3. I do agree. I feel like the video could have been done in better quality, since I did have a hard time hearing during certain parts of it. Overall, the idea and concept of it made a lot of sense. I think it was unique to review the agents by picking out certain clips from a TV show that is well known. I feel that shows its significance in how relevant the agents our as we live our lives day by day. The video did a job well done b y getting straight to the point and backing them with examples.

  9. The five agents of socialization are a very powerful diving factor in how every person on this earth was shaped and molded. These agents such as school, family, media, etc. all have a great impact on how we do and see things today. The fact is that the way we think and see things today was created and molded by the factors of socialization. These were all present in the clips of the South Park episode but I believe it goes even deeper than that, while the script writer put all of these socializing agents in his show, he may not have been aware of a lot of them. He wrote a show about a town who has some unfortunate and hilarious problem that are usually self-inflicted in some way. I also believe that he was just writing a funny twist on life and these factor, while present, where just part of life. These agents are present and everyone went through them. He put them in the show and it does show these agents of socialization because that’s how life is. We see the effects it has on the children and how conforming or learning can be both positive and negative in any case. South Park really shows it because it shows the negative aspects of socialization and those stick out to us because that are nom conforming and are “against the grain” of social norms. These actions and sayings, if performed in reality, would cause an uproar in the people around you as it creates a feeling of uncomfortably which, ironically, was also instilled in us by the agents of socialization. We were taught that this is wrong and when a person hears, sees, or feels it, it is foreign to them and in turn segregate you as a person for the social norm, for a short period you may be shunned by a certain social structure. Others may not care. This was a good video especially because the agents really stuck out and because it was funny, which does help keep a person interested in it. –TheMarshall012

    1. I totally agree with what you said about this show portraying something that goes outside of the social norm. You watch it and it makes you laugh because it is so foreign to you. It’s kind of like, “Wow this is so unrealistic that it’s funny.” Things are pretty exaggerated but that helps play into the humor behind it. I do agree hat they may have inadvertently put in these means of socialization due to the fact that it is such a crucial part of each of our lives. If even a show like South Park can show the importance of socialization in our lives, it must be pretty dang important. (Patriots012)

  10. The video did a good job of explaining the five agents of socialization in an entertaining way. The parents of South Park have always been entertainingly dumb and the kids learn from them. Much like real life, family is usually the biggest factor of socialization. The next agent of socialization is education, and this is shown by using the teachers of South Park, Mr. Garrison and Mr. Mackey. The students are shown learning about curse words and why they are bad. The next factor, peers, shows how the bad behavior of friends can rub off on kids. The kids all bad mouth Bebe when she delivers the bad news. This group mentality shows how kids learn from each other how to socialize. The rest of the video explains the rest of the five agents, and they are very entertaining. In this video, South Park does a great job of explaining something that otherwise may have been tedious to learn from a less entertaining video.

  11. I found this video to be one of the most interesting video I’ve watched by far. I find this one way interesting because we live in a world where the media and tv play a huge role in people daily lives.
    Then on top of that I love south park drastically so the simple fact that my favorite show can be related to sociology is just amazing. People are addicted to those things, so this video was a real eye opening and it taught me so much stuff I never knew or thought off. I agree to the fullest that kids tend to follow in their parent’s footsteps. Like for example, I have a friend and her dad drink severely and now she drinks severely due to the fact she seen her dad do it and now she thinks it’s a good way to cope with her problems because her dad did that. My mom always tells my brothers to be a good role model in front of their kids or when they aren’t around their kids will copy what they do, and it would show people how the kids were raised. Teachers are def sometime a parent role. Some kids don’t be raised right and the teachers sometime show those kids guidance and show them right from wrong in certain situations. I feel like our peers can only influence us if you are easily influenced. My friends never were able to have me acta certain a way or do certain things because I always stood firm for what I believed to be right. I have a cousin and my mom must tell her all the time your friends are going to get you in trouble or she will tell her that she is doing stuff she would never do if she did not have those friends. -jolly rancher

    1. I have also seen kids resemble their parents in the negative things they do. I have seen people not handle situations well because their parents do not either. They were never taught how to treat certain situations or conflicts. Kids who do not have a healthy family environment have trouble with relationships and understanding others emotions. Sometimes they need an outside source later in life to help them better understand how people should act with others or situations. It is not their fault they just have never known different. I feel bad for people born into messy situations. They are just as capable of succeeding as more privileged kids it just takes more effort and understanding.

  12. They showed how children follow and do what their parents do when in a social setting such as school, the behavior wasn’t expectable and the child was punished for his actions that he performed. The video also mentioned school and how students and the teachers can influence a child at school. They showed the teacher trying to help the bad kid change his vocabulary and use other words instead of cursing and the way a teacher can have a negative influence on a student. It also touched on peers and how we are influenced by them, half of the time it is in a negative way. When we want to be cool we try to fit in and that makes it easier for a person to be influenced. Next they talked about groups and how there are all kinds, and a range from job related to social. It showed how a person can be in a minority group and how his power was abused once he had authority. This is something that was funny in the video but is sad and happens in reality. Media was another point that they mentioned and how it affects our daily and tells us how we should function in with today’s society. They talked about how technology and how it has become so attached to our daily lives, if we were at home and we were playing a video game online with our peers when suddenly the internet connection is lost a person will go insane but this is just one example of how technology has become a part of our daily lives. These things shape and make who we are and I can see why it is important to start with family first because without it we all can be influenced in a way that is not acceptable for our social settings. Just me012

  13. The south par five agents of socialization are definitely having a great influence on our basic daily lives. Those influences could be a positive or a negative depending on the culture itself and the people who are interacting with each other. The main agents in my opinion are the family and the peers. When we were born to a certain family in a certain culture, the first thing as a baby is the interaction with your parents. Whether we like or don’t, no one have the chance to choose their families and the way they are, and no one can change them no matter the situation is. Our family helped us shaping the world and the way we socialize with others. And what we learn and do with our family, we eventually carry it with us to the society especially school, work places, etc. Imagine yourself living in a low-income family where the only thing your parents care is what you will be eating this afternoon. So, they are always under stress and seeking for surviving which might eventually create an aggressive people with everyone including you. I am not saying that people in low income family are aggressive and not good people, but in general the way they live and interact with other will be more out of the norms because they live under specific circumstances which will be different for other middle or high-income families. The other agent is the peers. We have a said in my country “Tell me who is your friend, I tell you who you are!” and this is true because the way we act and react with other is definitely influenced by our friends. We spend most of our time with friends. That’s why we see friends act like each other, for example, I have a friend I know her since first grade, even though she looks different than me, but people always think that we are sisters. That’s why we as a grownup person should understand this concept and think before we take those agents and let it influence us in the wrong way. We can always take advantage of these and make it work well for us and for the community as we are part of this world.POINTOFVIEW012

    1. This is almost a refection to reality. I have seen kids cursing in front of their parents, and the parents would not care. I mean if I said something inappropriate inform of my dad, he would tell me to shut up simply. Or when a kid who gets bully, will he overcome to be someone greater or be fearful about bullying his whole life. This also goes back to the kinds of people we surround because we become influenced by others, for example were in South Park were everyone just drops the f-bomb without care was a great example. Everyone just joins in and says the f-bomb. - LILPUMP012

  14. The first part of the video was about family. They said that in South Park the kids alrady have traits their parents do and they take after their parents. The parents were elading bad exampels and the kids followed that preceisely. Kids tend to learn things from watching and they act as their peers do because they think it is the right way to act or they think it is cool. The next agent of socialization shown in the video is school. Teachers and students at school also have a impact on how we act since we spend a lot of time with them. We saw how the teachers were about to positively and negatively influence students. Sometimes teachers have more impact on students if they do not have a great home life. The next agent is our peers. We are influenced by them a lot and mostof the time in a negative way because we want to do what we think they want us to and what we think is cool. Peer pressure is a big thing that happens within groups because we want to be able to fit in and make friends. Groups is the next agent of socialization. All of our groups have an impact on us that are from jobs, social, sports related, etc. People abuse their power in majority and authority groups and feel left out and forgot in minority groups. The last agent of socialization is media. Media affects us everyday by telling us how we should act, waht we shoud wear, and who we should be like. Everyone is dependent on computers and the media and it affects peoples daily conversations and ways of communication. These agents of socialization shape who we are as people and this shows how much we are influenced by outside sources other than ourselves and our families.
    - mommj'skid012

  15. I definitely see the family one even in me. I have grown up to have the same views as my parents because it is what I have seen or heard all my life. Family has a huge impact on who you are. Your parents and even your siblings shape how you see the world and your opinions on things. My sister and I sometimes act alike and like the same things because we feed off one anothers ideas. Friends do influence you a lot. I think that is why when parents had a bad feeling about a certain kid they would not let you hang out with them. They know that if my friend is doing something bad I would most likely play into what they are doing too. Sometimes when you around friends you forget exactly what your morals and values are because you want to do what they are doing and be accepted. I also think friends can have a positive influence. I have hung out with groups who have done bad things and done them too. When I hung out with people who were more school focused I remember receiving better grades and focusing on school more. If they were spending a night in to do school work I found myself doing the same. I also felt I had to be that type of studious person for them to fully accept me and not look at me as "stupid". One of the agents is media. I think this generation is impacted negatively from the media. You see all these attractive people and feel if you do not resemble them you are not good enough. People are always comparing themselves with others they see on social media. These comparisons lead to negative self image.

    1. I definitely agree with your post. Parents and family as a whole has a huge impact on how you go about your daily life. I found myself realizing that how our household were ran were similar. If my mom or dad had a bad feeling about me being around a certain friend, they were more than likely right in the end. That person would have had a negative influence on me. Also, who I was around gave a bad or good reputation on me. If I was hanging with someone who did things I knew I was taught not to do I would want to try it just because I want to see what was so bad about it. In the end, parents were right. The social agent, family certainly has a huge impact on society.

  16. I do think that certain types of media can effect how people grow up, but I also think that people are constantly making assumptions about how the media affects growing up without much evidence. For example, video games were being attacked for having violent content for a long time. This was because people were making assumptions about how violence in video games effects its players, and would bring up anecdotal evidence such as how someone who shot up a school happened to play call of duty. The vast majority of people who play call of duty never do anything violent. There is no evidence that there is an increased aggressive behavior present in people who play these games. All of that said, media where you directly make contact with people can make much bigger impact on peoples behavior than just entertainment. Family has a massive impact on how people behave. People generally mimic what there parents did whether that is consciously or not. For example, when parents eat a wide variety of food in front of their children, the children usually end up being less picky about their food. Peer groups are a bit different than the family though. A person can pick who they want to be friends with, and thus gain a certain degree of control over that portion of their upbringing.

    1. It is really good to know someone views that situation the way I do! Sometimes people have a way of over exaggerating some issues. I strongly believe people just need something to blame violence on so they turn to video games and you're absolutely right the majority of people that play video games DON'T have a violent history. Society has a way of turning things that are meant no harm bigger than what they should be. As far as children mimicing they're parents, so true.Or even someone they grew up around. I have a cousin who was raised by his dad which is my uncle, my uncle had a bad habit of chewing his tongue randomly and now his son does that up until this day and his son is now 19!

  17. Using South Park for the five different agent types of socialization was spot on. While being hilarious it also gets the five points acoss really well. The 5 agents of socialization are Family, School, Peers, Groups, and Media. Every single agent plays a role in a person’s life every day. The video showed great examples from the episodes from South Park on how these all have an affect on our daily lives. When we are with our friends, we act differently than we would with our family and our teachers. There is a sense that you need to explore with your friends. I thought the strongest example in the video was the example of peer groups. Our peers have a big impact on what we do and how we act in our everyday lives. After watching this video, I believe family is considered the most important agent of socialization, but people can go through different phases and not all agents influence a person equally or even in the same ratios throughout the life they live. -CUBSFAN012

  18. The video of the South Park socialization agents was funny and entertaining to me. It disappointed me a little bit which watching it though. The way it portrayed this society and the generations coming up to be was sad but true. While I was watching this video, I noticed in the first scene how the parents are setting a bad example for their children nowadays. The way the little boy talked to this dad shocked me. If that was me, I would have gotten smacked in the mouth about 5 times in a matter of 3 seconds. In fact, I’m grateful that I was brought up that way. It taught me how to communicate with elders, teachers, peers, and just people in general. In the video, because of how the parents set bad examples the children went to school and disrespected the teachers the same way. The child is not even the blame in this scenario the parent is. Also, in the video the sign on the wall “Get high on pottery” left me a bit flabbergasted because it explains how on both ends the child is under a bad influence. It did show how the teacher substituted profanity for different words, that was okay but still blew my mind on how todays society is. Also, with peers it demonstrated how they can have a bad influence on you as well. In high school, there were always fights, and I was always thought it was pushed by peers as well as just trying to fit in. For some reason, fighting made you look tough and I believe that is why a lot of kids fought. The media has absolutely taken over it showed how the mother was telling her children come down for dinner but both of the kids’ eyes were stuck on the internet. That is literally how it is today though. This was a very entertaining video to watch. I believe it was necessary to break down the social agents.

  19. The 5 agents of socialization are Family, School, Peers, Groups, and Media. I enjoyed how in this video each one of these agents was shown in “real life” situations and showed how important each agent is in our everyday lives. Since Family is the most important agent, it made sense why it would be the first one mentioned. The Family Guy clips did a great a job with showing how the actions of the adults affected the children. I think this is the agent that I personally like the most, probably because it explains a lot of the “unknown” about and individual themselves. For example, I can relate to the Family Guy clip that pertained to foul language. My mom has THE worst potty mouth ever but yet gets angry with me when I get tasteful with my language. I feel like that says a lot about humans as individuals. My mom herself cusses freely, around whoever she feels without thinking twice. I think(know) that she is who I picked the language up from. But WHY does SHE get mad when I act how she did/does?? I never understood this and I would really appreciate it if someone could explain it to me. Other than family, I feel school, peers, groups and media have more of an affect on someone once they gain that detachment from family. Those agents are everywhere and are easily accessible, especially media. With knowing that, I think it is important to be mindful of what and who you surround yourself with so that we can be the best versions of ourselves.

  20. I do agree. I feel like the video could have been done in better quality, since I did have a hard time hearing during certain parts of it. Overall, the idea and concept of it made a lot of sense. I think it was unique to review the agents by picking out certain clips from a TV show that is well known. I feel that shows its significance in how relevant the agents our as we live our lives day by day. The video did a job well done b y getting straight to the point and backing them with examples.

  21. The television show South Park has always prided itself on having an edgy and satirical look at the world we live in. Almost every episode talks about some topical thing in our culture. Whether that be Facebook, videogames, or politics. Sometimes the show attempts to tackle very dark topics like school shootings, or suicide. The show always tries to be outrageous which is some of its appeal, but it should also be praised for its accurate commentary. When we apply this to socialization we can actually see two things. first, what the show runners intend is for you laugh at the humor, but also maybe look deeper into real issues in our world. They are attempt to give you a new perspective through your social activity of watching tv. Secondly, the less intended function is that the show has very crude behavior and violence and this does rub off onto people. Matt Stone and Trey Parker are clearly vulgar people with there show as proof, but that does not mean they wish you to repeat and believe some of the satire they represent in their show. which some people can not discern from sincerity. So, it is funny how a show that can teach us about our social world affects it positively or negatively all the same.

  22. I for one have never watched South Park, but from the clips that were shown in the film, they pertained very well to the topic of socialization. I was surprised to see fairly accurate stuff in such a ridiculous show. Overall, the video was quite eye opening to me. To think that all these different sources are influencing your behavior, some positive, some negative. Its up to you, the person to try and sift through all the information being thrown at you on how to act and be a responsible human being. JE012

  23. I want to start off by saying that south park is a funny show! I haven't watched that crazy show in a very long time. This video clearly shows how much socialization influences our everyday lives. The creator of this video used different clips from the tv show south park, to show the five different agents of socialism and how effective they are. From this video i retained that family is the most influential agent of socialism out of all the five. I think because you're with your family generally for a large amount of your life that family is the most important one. You can't get rid of your family. And especially as a child you are easily influenced and susceptible to things, you learn and mimic so much of what your family does. You generally act the way your family acts. Your morals and values come from your family. I feel like most of what is installed in one person comes from their family. That is why family is a big agent of socialism. The other big agent of socialism, i thought was media. In the video they gave an example of the people talking in the casino, how bad our face to face communication is due to media. Another example was in the clip the mother was telling the children and her husband to go to bed and get off the computer, they all got upset and tried to give excuses on why they need to stay on the computer. Then when the internet was cut off the family lost their minds. They absolutely needed the media. That just shows how much of an effect media has on people and its real. I think that is another major agent of socialism

    1. This video shows that children are learning everyday as they grow up because they are at the stage of not knowing so much and learning what is wrong and what is wrong so the people around them will influence the person they are become. The person who made this video picked out some funny scenes that made a lot of sense in the aspect of social influence because the scenes that were being showed, the boys were doing things that they thought were acceptable because those things were being done around them either in a home, public, or school setting. I agree with what cheese said about the media and how media is pretty much over ruling our lives because without media I don't know what would happen to the world because no communication with other nations and no communication with people around us and I feel we would just be set at a stand still not knowing what to do. Mrbubby012

  24. First off let me start by saying South Park is my second favorite show. I literally cry from laughing so hard when I watch the show. I watch it so much and know the characters so well I actually predicted their reactions on certain scenes. The swearing method was hilarious and really brilliant. I found myself thinking deeper into this video than I should have. South Park was very genius the way they thought of something in society that is influenced by society. What I mean by this is cursing in society represents our culture, if you're not cursing you're not cool. I find it one of the worst cultural symbols. So by using that to inform everyone you don't have to use foul language because everyone else is doing it. In the video it says "We are influenced by peers, most of the time it is in a negative way. We try to fit in, making it easier to be influenced." The ending scene when Stan's dad got upset in the car spoke volumes. It goes to show children listen and learn off what their parents do. In South Park the parents are actually no better than the children. How the children act in that show is learned behavior! Especially since they're so young they are influenced heavily by each other and what is learned at home. I never realized how much South Park does focus on society. In future episodes I'll make sure to take notes.

  25. This video was, for one very entertaining, and two eye opening. I like how they explained how someone acts can affect how others act within their social interactions. Our family influence us first in how they act, the old monkey see monkey do effect. Our peers influence in a way that tells us how to fit into the norm while in school or at work etc. It’s interesting to look at because at first it seems that we act as individuals but further analysis of our social interactions tell us we are more concerned with fitting in some manner. I do enjoy how they used South Park to illustrate this. This show is hilarious and it was entertaining to learn something from this show. They showed 5 different agents of socialization with family being the first and most important of the groups. This went to show that we are nurtured into ways of thinking and acting by our family. I know for a lot of people cursing is not common place among there family but in mine it is pretty common place. Not to the level of South Park but it’s still there. I’m sure other families would find the way we talk appalling. My parents did say not to curse in church and places that it would insult others so I did learn how to behave in a certain way that made me put on a presentation of myself. It is really interesting how much influence is in our lives without even thinking about it. Day in and day out everyone acts a certain way that was parts of the socialization they were a part of. The act played in the front of the audience is a learned part of our lives that was passed on by these agents of socialization. Pretty interesting to sit back and think about whom we are in regards to the things we have learned from our interactions.-pj012

  26. This video was a perfect way to show people the truth behind how much of an impact people around us have on the way we act. I see so many times in my daily life kids acting like spoiled brats because their parents allow them to act that way. A lot of the times, parents just won’t want to hear their kids complain so they give them what they want to keep them quite and it results in them being spoiled. Also, parents cursing around their kids all the time could make younger children think it’s okay to say those type of words. Growing up in a rublician household would make someone grow up and believe something completely different than someone living in a democratic household. It’s kind of crazy to think that if we just lived with someone different then our whole lives could be different, or if our parents belief was different then maybe mine would be too. I don’t know why our brains are set up that way but it’s extremely cool to think about. I always wonder to myself how different things would be if I put in someone else’s shoes. Would I still be the same old me or would I change to be like the people I’m surrounded by. I’m sure everyone's parents have said sometime in their lives, “be careful who you hang around.” I think that’s beyond true. If you’re hanging out with people who are making bad decisions and doing drugs, the likelihood of you doing those same things is very high. We could be doing these things because we think we’ll be more “accepted” or you could just be doing it simply because it’s the norm and that’s all we’ve ever known. For example, growing up in a house where your family smokes cigarettes in the house, you’re going to grow up thinking that's normal and every family does that. These kind of topics excite me. It’s so cool to see how much my surrounding really do shape me into the person I am today. Cheer123

  27. Is it where you grow up or is it who you grow up around? People come from all different cultures and families. If you come from a troubled home will you be troubles in the future or will you overcome and be who you want to be. The video has a lot of examples of bullying and other kids being mean to each other. This is or could be one of the worse things. Getting bullied or rape for example can mess you up for life.The people that do these things are sick but is it where they came from or are they just a sick person. When somebody does something seriously wrong they are always looking at their parents to see what they are like. People are also always wondering if they come from a high income or low income. Rich or poor people can do serious and cruel things. Where you came from might be a mean bad place but don't treat other like that. Don't people want to change and be a better person. Drugs and alcohol is a big issue on this problem with adults and any sometimes teens. It's sad because sometimes teens are just out on their own and they have nobody to help them in the right direction or are to scared to ask or get hurt. People believe different things and that is fine but why hurt or do something bad to hurt you in the long run. This is one of the reasons I want to be a cop to try an influence some of these people especially the kids because they are the next generation. I don't want people out here killing each other over gangs or just people arguing I want to help the streets get better and safer. Conrad 123

  28. I found it pretty hilarious how they were able to so directly tie in social influences in life with South Park. This definitely shows that even in a silly show like this, the characters were influenced by many of the things outside of themselves. We can so easily relate this because each and every one of us has gone through most of these ourselves. For example, we were all in grade school and middle school one point or another in our lives. We know how it feels to want to fit into a group of kids, and sometimes doing things we wouldn’t normally do just so that we can gain their acceptance. They also showed in the beginning of the video how parents are some of our primary influences. I couldn’t agree more with this point. These are the people that raised you, the ones that essentially taught you everything you know until you start going to school. It is no wonder that the kids in this show start to develop traits of their parents because at the beginning of their life their parent’s actions were all they knew. I like how they brought up the fact that even your teachers can influence you because you often spend a large portion of time with them also. Not only this, but they were also to bring in some social norms in this video. One was the kids cussing during class which is definitely not a social norm. The show defied the normality of society and showed us another way in which things could be had we been raised differently. If there’s one thing I can say about this, it is that I never would have thought I would have seen life being compared to South Park. The more I watched this video, the more I was able to see distinct similarities. It’s funny how you can learn from almost everything. (Patriots012)

  29. I love of this kid of stuff! I found this extremely hilarious I thought. Like who can forget this scenes! My favorite is was he drops the f-bomb multiple times. But, yes perfect example to use. But in all seriousness, this is almost a refection to reality. I have seen kids cursing in front of their parents, and the parents would not care. I mean if I said something inappropriate inform of my dad, he would tell me to shut up simply. Or when a kid who gets bully, will he overcome to be someone greater or be fearful about bullying his whole life. This also goes back to the kinds of people we surround because we become influenced by others, for example were in South Park were everyone just drops the f-bomb without care was a great example. Everyone just joins in and says the f-bomb. If you hangout with people who play basketball, you are more likely to play basketball. If everyone at lunch gets a burger, you are more likely to get a burger because you don’t want to stand out as the odd one and than everyone is going to stare and say why you the only one who didn’t get a burger. Again we are driven by society to do what is the ‘norm’, but to what extent is the real question. I am an explorer at the Peoria PD, and we were looking at pictures were these two people were sagging their pants, and an officer said that he had not parents. I think we all as a society have different views, others who see people sagging may think they are bad people, but no. We are driven by media and other things, and influenced by some many things within seconds and don’t even notice that half of the time. - LILPUMP012

  30. It’s shocking to see how even children from a younger age are affected by the 5 Agents of Socialization. Family is definitely the most important and effective, since they are the people (generally speaking) that we are surrounded with and taught by both directly and indirectly pretty much 24/7. That’s why whenever you’re around children, or even babies, you have to be very mindful and careful of what you say and do around them. The younger they are, the more critical this is. They are always watching and learning, even when you think they aren’t paying attention to you. They don’t have to necessarily understand the meaning behind what you did or said, but they learned this behavior because they saw you do it, and that’s reason enough for them to copy you. That’s just what kids and babies do :) It’s kind of saddening to see that when it comes to peers and media, the influence is more likely negative than positive. Though, in some cases, the media can be an excellent tool in any positive case. It can be used to raise awareness, fundraise, teach, etc. Also, your peers can have a negative and/or positive influence on you. It mainly depends on your social group and who you surround yourself with. This can be both in and out of your control. Regarding school, this is also a big one. Your peers play a big role here, both in and out of school, and your teachers, faculty, and staff members. Also, the environment varies depending on what kind of school you go to (middle school, high school, community college, college, etc.), the size of the school, where the school is located (city and state), the diversity, size of the population, etc. So many factors go into it! And that leads to another point that’s previously been made. Humanity cannot be predicted. There are so many factors that play into every single individual’s lives, and they are all so different from each other. That’s what makes everyone so unique!


    1. We all have something to take from Social interaction it is something that is all around us and we need to not forget this. Everything we do is through social interaction just even a conversation. Socialization changes everything we do. Without it people would struggle with the interpretation of everything in everyday life. On our phones we are even socializing or arguing with the ones we love. Socialization is all around us and we do not even see it as this. Without socialization we would not understand things like we do or understand the different views on everyday life.

  31. This video brought back so many memories of watching south park when I was high school and this video shows how people and things have such a huge impact on the ones around us. The part of the video when the boys were in the class room and when Eric said the F word while in class because of something someone else said and he didn’t know that was wrong to say not only at school but also just to say period. He said it because I assume he heard his parents say it and he felt it was okay to say because he heard them say it. Our parents have a huge role on how we grow up and its up to parents to teach and to discipline when their children do wrong or else things like this example will actually happen and the children wouldn’t even know what was wrong with saying it. Not only do parents influence but also our peers do also. When children are at school and they’re saying bad language or talking about inappropriate things, this gives the other children the idea that it’s okay because they can do so why can’t I. When were not around our parents we are most of the time around our peers and so this means that they have a big influence on how we act. Teachers have a big role in the way we are influenced because if the teachers are just okay with children acting up and doing and saying what they want, those children are going to go home or into a public setting and do what they do at school because they see this as being okay and acceptable. Media is another big thing now because as we get older technology is advancing and soon mostly ever household will have televisions and everyone will have cellphones which has the internet that you can pretty much access everything on. Mrbubby012

  32. This video is talking about the five agents of socialization. Starting off with family. I very much agree with kids taking after their parents. We are all living proof! We all have traits that we take after our parents. South park shows this by show us bad parents, and sure enough the kids are just as bad. Monkey see monkey do. The next agent is school. School starts to develop our social skills and shows us other cultures. We learn how to deal with everyone. Even people we don't like. We also develop skills to follow directions, and how to work well with others. It also shows us just how others can influence us like teachers. This lead into the next agent, which is peers. While they do influence us majorly, it is more often negative. Since most people just try to fit in with others. People also tend to gang up on people. Which leads us to another agent. Groups! There's many types of groups. From work to school. To just group hobby. Groups are good and bad. Depending on what the group purpose is for. If it's for a bad cause, then anyone involved with the group will come out with bad intent. Just because they feel accepted in that group.The last agent is media. Media affects everything about us. From what clothes and shoes we wear, to what we want to eat for dinner. It also influences the people we deem "acceptable to date." We want to be like all the famous people and try to copy them. Then when praise is given. They become obsessed with that and continue to do it. We use the media to do everything. From buying stuff we want. To talk to friends thousands of miles away. Sometimes it's too much. It can affected the smallest things we do in life.

  33. Social interaction is something that is all around us and we need to not forget this. Everything we do is through social interaction just even a conversation. Socialization changes everything we do. Without it people would struggle with the interpretation of everything in everyday life. On our phones we are even socializing or arguing with the ones we love. Socialization is all around us and we do not even see it as this. Without socialization we would not understand things like we do or understand the different views on everyday life. Without socialization we would not be the intelligent human beings we are today. Just a conversation at school will change your train of thought or the mood we are in. Some people would not be able to deal with daily life without expressing so with one another we all take so many things from a day being awake we don’t even realize. We all look at the world around us differently, but it describes how we are the way we are as people. Today we need to just understand what is does to the daily lives we live. Even changes the way we think and look at one another. Reality is our social world so we always need to think about reality and not the past is kind of how I see it. This video has a lot you can take from it and we will all take something positive from it. We all just need to make sure we are thinking from our minds and not the minds of others.

  34. I enjoyed this video it showed how family, school, peers, authority, and media could be seen in South Park. These five agents of socialization largely influence how we socialize with other people. Family puts the initial means of socialization into our brains. Our family is the people we grow up with and are around the most so they are the first ones that influence us on our methods of socialization. Kids often follow in the footsteps of their parents in this situation. School is a very big element also. Teachers expect a certain level of socialization and respect from students and that comes from experience and learning. The example in south park was swearing in class. Students are expected to not swear in class and are more influenced to swear if their teacher swears too. Peers are almost as big as family when it comes to the agents of socialization. Your peers are the people you are around mostly when you are at school growing up. Your peers opinions and what they say can have a big influence on how you think and how you respond to what they say. For example, you can pick up slang or what your friends say easily when you are around them often. Authority is big and has a good example in the south park video. Stanley is given a wildlife badge as authority with makes him feel important. When he has this feeling of importance it gives him an extra boost of confidence that he is better or more important than other people. And the 5th agent of socialization is media. In the video the whole family is on the computer and is attached to what they are doing on the computer. The media plays a big role in what people say and how they act because of the content they see online. All of these things are huge to the incorporation of socialization of a person.


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