Yoga Pants....Deviance or Gender Scripts or....?


  1. This video was clearly made with humor in mind more than social commentary. I found it to be funny, but to think of myself in the same situation, I am not sure how I would react. I would probably be upset or just felt disrespected if this guy did the prank to me and was talking big trash like he was in the video. He clearly was trying to be funny but he was basically looking to create a social conflict. Certain people reacted to his deviance in different ways. The women he talked to found it funny and walked by laughing. The men had varying reactions, some laughing, some confused, others angry. One of the men said his butt looked good; not sure if this was because he actually believed that or was trying to be funny. I believe the difference in the reactions between men and women have something to do with the men’s masculinities being hurt. The women were able to get a good laugh and were not as surprised as the other men. My reaction to his behavior would probably go as follows: I walk by and see the bent over person, looking (as the prank intends me to) at the rear end. The guy turns around, and I immediately go “Bro. Really?” If he turned to me and tried to talk funny to me I would probably not have been as friendly as some of the men in the video. Obviously all this is hypothetical but I am just being honest. Seeing this video makes me wonder why people go out of their way looking for trouble. We all know the answer in this case is because they want attention, in one form or another. Obviously this guy wanted attention from Youtube, as he was willing to make a video that almost got him assaulted. Other forms of deviance are less for attention in contrast to deviant Youtubers. Someone such as a transgender individual could be seen as a social deviant, which may attract attention but is not because they want it, it is because they feel a certain way. Our culture is making progress in incorporating those that would be seen as deviant in the past into the social norm. One example is the legalization of gay marriage. While the people of our country are still culturally lagging in some ways, progress is inevitable. Certain states have even decided that “drug” use is not deviant anymore and therefore have legalized cannabis, where as in the past a smoker of ganja would have a heavy stigma on them. As the older generations die off and new ones continue to be created, I believe that society will become more accepting of those behaviors which would be considered deviant by today’s standards. That is why it is important that we keep an open mind about things.

    1. I thought the video was fun to watch and the reaction on people’s face was hilarious. I like your comment on it, I think people would feel offended towards the reaction. I commented on it by saying its normal for a person to look at another person of course, but not to expect them to be a guy whose wearing yoga pants. For example, in the Persian Era, men whore high heels instead of women. Now in today’s ear, we see woman wearing high heels. Society has changed so much and gone forward a lot, so now maybe will see guys wearing yoga pants in the future, who knows. - LILPUMP012

    2. I strongly agree with you.I agree it was made to be funny but at the time if I was approached like this I would probably laugh at first but I would be so mad. I I understand it is a prank but I would rather not be pranked like this. The way our society is today people may honestly not even think anything of it.

  2. I really liked this video it shows how we are so use to social norms we do not know what to do when others are not following them. The man in the video obviously did this for humor but to look at this in a different perspective and see what some individuals go through in day to day life. Everything this man did around his car he was either getting stared down or eyeballed by dudes or talked to in a manner that really should not be tolerated. This video tape shows how out of hands males/boys get when they are questioned in what they are. Throughout everyday life as a female this happens all the time and its kind of disgusting that we are in a society where this is not considered wrong. These men in this video hitting on this guy because he is wearing leggings just shows how society has not always been positive on individuals. Some men really wanted to beat him up because he took it to another level others did not respect. We should be able to wear whatever we want no matter what gender. But these men were so disappointed in themselves because they are “not gay” this should not be the man’s fault because he is wearing what he is comfortable to him. I think it kind of opens all our minds male or female because this should not be tolerated no matter what this dude decides to put on. Especially because there are transgenders, guys, and girls that decide to dress of a different sex. They really get beat up for being who they feel they are and that is not right. It should make men feel like they need to be more respectable and not always use this language to females because it should make anybody feel uncomfortable. The way this video is looked at has a whole other picture behind it that is just wrong. People should be comfortable in their own skin and so what you looked that is not the mans fault its yours for expecting something that should not be excepted in the advanced society we are in today. There is so many videos out of girls dancing with a guy or even kissing than they take there wig off and the whole time they were kissing or dancing with a man. There are not any rules for the few individuals that are changing there sex and there should not have to be rules for individuals that choose to do so. Yoga pants is a huge eye opener and I think it should change the society we are in male or female because everything around us is changing either we want to believe it or not so are we going to grow around it or sit in the background and not change with everybody else? Today anything is possible, and everybody needs to know and accept this either we want to or not this is a growing world

  3. MY man’s FOUSYTUBE hilarious! I’ve been watching his content since day one, even though I’ve already seen this before. Low-key, if I was in that situation, I don’t know what I would of thought. I suppose society views girls to wear yoga pants and not guys, clearly on the people’s reaction, which was hilarious. But, its true, why cant guys wear yoga pants? Why cant people do or wear certain items that may cause shock to others. Other thing, I feel like this has been a thing for many years, so now people assume that a girl is suppose to be the ones to be wearing yoga pants in the instance of the video. Many of the people had different reactions, somewhere straight up mad because they though it was a girl. Girls were just laughing it off, and thought nothing else. The guy who liked his butt, looked like he was being sarcastic, but was not too sure. That last guy was about to fight, he got so fired up. I think its normal for a guy to look at a girl and a girl to look at a guy because again, it’s normal. I mean, if you saw a girl bending over, people are obviously going to stare, but don’t want to admit it. In this case, people fell into Fousy’s trap. I suppose it’s a fifty and fifty choice about his deviance because some got humor off it and others mad. But than again, in this scenario, people should wear whatever they want to wear. I guess because he whore yoga pants, it went to more of an extreme reaction to it. Comparing people reaction to someone wearing a dress, the reactions would be different. If I saw a guy wearing a dress, I would wonder why he is, but than again, why can’t he wear a dress? People would not be as mad because is so different. Like in other cultures, people wear different things what we wear in the U.S. And if I went to some other country and see what they were wearing than, people would look at me weird. In some other countries, wearing certain items can offend them or even go beyond extreme. This all depends on the where you at and of course the kind of people you are surrounded with. Fun fact, high heels were actually worn by men first in the Persian era to make them look tough. Now, in today’s era we see women wearing high heels. If we saw a guy wearing high heels, we would be question why the person is wearing high heels. This is a really good example because it shows how much society has moved forward and how much has changed so far. I don’t know, maybe some day down the future we will see men wearing yoga pants and think nothing off it. I thought the video was hilarious and never gets old of course! As we get through the course, we will learn more. - LILPUMP012

    1. I agree about the difference in reactions from all of the dudes. Most were embarrassed, which resulted in anger of some sort, because most guys resort to that behavior right away when they are embarrassed. The last guy was cracking me up, because Fousy got him so fired up and hurt his pride so much just by fooling him. That guy took it so personally mainly because he knew that he had been duped. I think that brings another point up about gender scripts, as males are not supposed to publicly display feminine emotions such as hurt or embarrassment, which the video exposes for all to see. -CSP012

  4. Although I feel this video’s original purpose was simply comedic -- embarrassing strangers for staring at Fousey’s butt, it does a great job illuminating an actual problem, gender scripts regarding the sexualization of yoga pants on women. Ask any female why they wear yoga pants, and most of them will respond with something along the lines of “They’re comfy!” And I completely believe them; I wear sweatpants and joggers for the same reason. However, what I wear as a male is not sexualized nearly as much as my female counterparts.
    Yoga pants are just one example of a bigger problem that has existed for all of modern civilization. Women have always been viewed as objects, and their clothes are just an extension of that. A prominent example of this point is found viewing the comparative photos in our textbook of the trends in women’s swimwear throughout time. Back in the mid-1900’s, women were viewed as scandalous and promiscuous if they showed nearly any skin below the neck. Nowadays, women are viewed as prude if they are not showing enough skin in swimwear! With yoga pants, the scenario is slightly different. While yoga pants are definitely sexualized, it is a different dynamic. I will speak in to a high school dynamic since that is the group I am most familiar with. Not only does a girl need to wear yoga pants to be considered popular and trendy, but furthermore, she is judged based on how the yoga pants look or fit her. Not only is the gender script employed that require girls to wear yoga pants, but then critique occurs after that, from both genders.
    For males, I would say most judgement is at least semi-sexual in nature. “Dang Becky’s butt looks nice today!” or “Wow I did not realize that she had a thigh gap.”, that kind of stuff. While this type of commentary would not be acceptable in front of a parent or teacher, it is definitely not socially deviant among peers. Among females, I think most criticism is about the fit of yoga pants. “Wow she is about twenty pounds too heavy to wear those!” or “Man she bought two sizes too small on that pair of yogas.” Don’t get me wrong, guys will comment about that sort of thing, but it is definitely not the main focus.
    As far as the video goes, it is definitely socially deviant for a guy to wear yoga pants in public. I bring an interesting perspective to this issue however. As a runner, I wear running pants, which are basically athletic leggings, when the weather is cold. In that situation, it is not socially deviant, but still people may be surprised at first glance. On warmer days, I wear short running shorts, which, off of the trail, may bring some side glances, but most people would understand that it is just regular gear for runners. It does not fit my gender script as a male to wear tight leggings, and it is socially deviant for any male to wear those in a public setting without context.

    1. I agree that women are considered to have to show a certain amount of skin just to be consider attractive in cases. But in others women are understood of how they should be treated. I liked how you touched on this in your response and how you talked about the different views from males and women point of view it gives a different side of the story. Overall I enjoyed reading response you had some very good points that I didn't think of.

    2. I think you make and even better point than I could as a female on how yoga pants are sexualized for girls. I think it is amazing that you brought to light the big problem that women are treated like objects along with the clothes we wear. I also think it is very interesting to bring up that you wear running pants haha. That one is a contradicting point. It is totally true that those are the expected gear for runners so it is kind of weird that people think that is normal but men can't wear yoga pants in public. People see it from different points but it is literally the same type of pants so that is a really interesting point you bring up.

  5. This video, while silly and immature, was trying to make a point about deviance. However, I think that the point was mostly lost because the person responsible for creating the content in the video seemed to be looking to create a fight and stir up drama and discomfort for the sake of making his youtube channel more interesting. However, a male member of society wearing yoga pants is indeed something that is quite deviant from what many people would call normal behavior. Why is this the case? How is it that women are perfectly within their social rights to wear yoga pants while men who wish to wear pants that hug tightly to their frame stir up frustration and weird looks? There are many things that people do in their daily lives that other people cannot do because of the existence of deviance. Breastfeeding is another example of something that reveals some startling truths about deviance and our culture. Earlier this evening, as I was scrolling through facebook, I saw a video that was depicting a young woman sitting at a very public park bench with a form fitting outfit that pushed her breasts up very high and revealed most of them. The reactions of all of the people who walked by were either non-existant or else extremely mild. However, the next clip featured a woman who was breast feeding her baby and was almost completely covered up. Several people (mostly men) approached her and informed her that she should stop what she was doing at once and leave the area because her behavior is disgusting. The final clip showed both women side by side, and when people commented on the woman breastfeeding, the woman with the cleavage asked them why her overly exposed breasts were acceptable, but a baby who was eating was disgusting and inappropriate. It is sad how our culture quickly adapts to mindsets that have been established on thinking that is wrong, disrespectful, or rude.
    However, not all attitudes that consider things to be deviant is bad. Some may look at a student who never does their homework as an individual who is displaying actions that are deviant in nature. In this case, the view of deviance being the quality of the students actions is that is in fact a negative quality. It all goes to show that culture is not always right about stuff, and it is really easy to get hung up on what the crowd believes or what we think is right without any context. There will always be deviance within all of the cultures that will ever exist, for several reasons. 1.) There will never be a culture that is diverse enough to include any activity that could ever be considered as deviant as a norm and, 2.) There are always anomalies. Some might say that if everyone agreed and behaved the same way, then deviant behavior would be eliminated, but there are always anomalies - no matter what. Because of this, every culture will have deviance.

    - MAXIMA012

    1. Amazing post! I totally agree with you. I think it was a great idea to bring about the idea and subject of breastfeeding. It is truly an interesting topic to think about the sexuality and objectification of women in our society. Is is so fascinating that this is normal within our society and culture. I think it is a very real and sad problem within our society and most of the world that woman are very sexually objectified in all aspects of normal life. Breastfeeding is so far from a sexual activity that it is a little disturbing that we view it as such. Great thoughts! -THEARSONIST012

  6. This is an amazing example of a deviation from social norms. The video was very relatable and I can see after reading a few comments already on this post, that it was super understandable throughout the class. I will dive into the content of this video in a second but I wanted to first talk a little bit about it from a woman’s perspective and discuss how yoga pants came to be acceptable for even women to be able to wear. I’m not old yet, no matter how I may feel somedays, however when I was a young kid it was not exactly fully acceptable for girls and women to wear simply yoga pants out in public. I remember it being acceptable for you to wear tight fitting clothes to the gym or on a run or something of the sort. However, yoga pants were still very primarily for the athletic activities in our daily lives and no one would wear them to work or to school outside of gym. However, over the very few years since I was a little kid this social norm has changed. I remember even in middle school looking at girls that would wear tights or yoga pants to school and think wow. That looks kinda trashy or strange. However, within a few short years that has completely changed to the point that I don’t look twice when a woman or girl walks by with athletic pants or yoga pants walks by. Therefore I think it is an excellent topic to discuss if yoga pants can be socially acceptable for men and why exactly that it isn’t now. I personally find it rather socially deviant at this point in time. However I can see that the rapidly changing society that we live in could easily change that. I think it is interesting however to think about the reasoning behind the fact that this guy decided to do make this prank video in the first place. He explains during the intro and opening to his video that he had a female friend who was sharing with him that she couldn't even walk around without people staring at her butt if she was wearing tight athletic or yoga pants. He was inspired by that to create this socially deviant video. Therefore it brought me to think about the way in which we view women in yoga and tight fitting pants. Regardless of how it is widely accepted and normal within our society, it is so very true that when wearing attire similar to this you bring attention to yourself. Woman are viewed very widely as sexual objects within out American society and by wearing tight fitting clothes it seems to draw more attention to the outward appearance of the person, especially male attention. This topic alone has worlds of conversations and arguments that can be brought to the table but that can be left or another time. Therefore I honestly wonder if, although it is no longer socially deviant for a woman to wear tight fitting yoga pants in public, it still seems to grab attention and interest within society. -THEARSONIST012

    1. You bring up a very good point about just how fast our society and social norms are changing. I remember that girls never used to wear tights or leggings by themselves without wearing a dress of skirt to accompany them, but today it is totally acceptable to wear leggings or tight fitting pants without anything covering the butt. Even today I find it hard to wear leggings simply as pants because I grew up in a time when that was not acceptable. I wore tights very often, but I always wore them with a skirt or a dress. Because it is acceptable for women to wear tight pants or leggings, it just goes to show that we still live in a very male dominated world. Men enjoy seeing woman dressed in this way. MySliceofthePi012

  7. This video was very interesting to watch and showed me how quickly people make assumptions about others. The basics of it is that many people assumed that the guy was a girl because he was wearing full blown leggings. They all just paired one idea which is the leggings to another a women. They did this because normally, most of the time women wear leggings. This is actually apart of stereotyping because without knowing the guy or seeing his front said the other guys walking passed automatically assumed I see leggings and a nice butt so it must be a girl. Not knowing that it was an experiment some guys were upset because a norm was broken that norm was a guy wear leggings. Some took it out of context because they did not like the fact that they mistakenly looked at a guys butt they might have felt as if they were targeted to be considered “gay” just because they got caught looking at a guys butt that they thought was a girl butt. The video also, goes along with the idea of his actions being deviant meaning it is wrong for a guy to wear leggings. As a society we all unknowingly follow social norms an example would walking on the right side of the street when someone else is walking past you on the left side of the street. I believe that some social norms like this one becomes natural to our community. Meaning we don't need anyone to tell us not to do a certain thing because weirdly knows what would be considered deviant and out of social norms. Our society shapes norms differently now therefore as our communities change and the people within the communities we are more accepting to change and things or people who do things differently or are themselve different. The crazy thing about these norms is that it judges others in a way such as people second guess or shut out how they really what to dress, talk and more just because they're afraid of not being “normal” which is considered following the norms. People should be able to live their lives freely no matter what others think. This clip of his experiment can really get people to think about how they view others in day to day bases and how they judge people they don't know. What kind of conclusions they bring of the unknown resulting into stereotyping. Considering that there is always going to be some type of judgement going on in someone's mind because it does not have to be about other individuals the judgement can be about themselves. Though our culture has come a long way in accepting others just the way they're there are still some tweaks that could be made. Proving that we have a long ways to go as a society but in all the clip showed how naturally people see certain situations and how they respond shows how they feel on the problem.


    1. I like how you saw this as a stereotyping when people first came across that man and thought that this is women because he is wearing yoga pants which are made for women and act according to that assumption, and once the guy turned, they saw a guy wearing yoga pants! and I saw that most of them were disappointed because they didn't recognize it since they only saw one part. And yet they didn't accept this odd behavior because they saw it as deviance and that is out of their norms which is a good thing to know that those behaviors are not accepted for a lot of the population. I don't like watching those kinds of video, I don’t feel anything other than sad and disappointment because with these behaviors we are changing the norms of being a girl or a man. POINTOFVIEW012

    2. I really like the point you made about how this video really speaks to the large prevalence of assumptions that exist is most sociological encounters in our culture. One thing that it seems others haven’t discussed is the men looking at the youtuber’s rear made the ASSUMPTION that it was a woman wearing the pants simply based on the attire - with nothing else to go on. While you and I may believe it to be a reasonable assumption, that’s how many problems occur - we make assumptions about others based on just one attribute. How often do we place others in a box based on a single assumption we made from just one part of their person we may not fully understand?

      - MAXIMA012

  8. This video clip goes to show that society plays a major role in defining gender roles and norms. While the guy in this video is engaging in deviant behavior because he is engaging in a recognized violation of cultural norms of our American society, by where yoga pants, others would argue that the men who walked by and stared at his butt were being deviant. According to a more traditional American society, guys as not supposed to be physically attracted to other men, and in this video men are engaging in deviance by violating this norm. I would say that this video demonstrates the symbolic-interaction approach analysis of the labeling theory. The idea that deviance “results not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions.” A guy who wears yoga pants does not have a negative connotation until we as humans functioning in a society give it a negative meaning. Because women and girls wear yoga pants, and our society defines yoga pants as a feminine object, it is understood that guys should not wear yoga pants. In this example people respond to a guy wearing yoga pants which makes his behavior seem deviant and he responds back to them, implying that their behavior is deviant.
    Some of the guys in this video admitted that they thought that the guy who was doing the experiment was a girl based on the fact that they saw the yoga pants. This demonstrates the fact that society also contributes to many of our stereotypes. This reminds me of an experience I had when I was in grade school. Because society had lead me to believe that boys were supposed to have short hair and girls were supposed to have long hair, I mistook a boy for a girl because he did not fit the stereotype that I had always followed and knew to be true. Blindly following stereotypes and the norms for a society leads us astray when we find anomalies in the crowds. A guy wearing yoga pants is an anomaly, but I do not think that these anomalies need to throw us off and catch us off guard. Some of the men and guys went as far as to wanting to fight because they saw a guy wearing yoga pants. We think that everyone follows the same rules and lives in the same way as we do, but this is a very ethnocentric way of thinking. I think those people that are more ethnocentric find and identify more people as being deviant. If a person is more open and liberal, they may see less acts as being deviant. How we define deviance really does depend on location. With the United States being a high-income nation with less inequality between men and women, I would think that there would be greater acceptance towards what men and women can wear. Being a woman myself, I like to wear yoga pants because they are comfortable, but I think men should also be able to enjoy that comfort that women are able to have in their clothing. MySliceofthePi012

  9. Man this video was funny as heck. Even though I seen this video on Facebook a little while back this video is still funny. Then buddy who did the prank was playing around asking if they wanted to feel his butt. The funniest clip was when the dude got made and the boy in the yoga pants had to tell him that it was a prank and there was hidden cameras. He brave as heck cause some people do not play that gay stuff and would really fight or shoot somebody about that stuff. Like if he pulled that with my dad my dad would have been heated but my dad don't have anything aganist gay people but he personally do not play that gay stuff with his self. Over all though if you got a sense of humor this video will have you in tears because it is just that funny. It is crazy because most girls wear yoga pants too me comfortable and not for attention. I kid you not whenever a girl where yoga pants she get a comment about her booty and I’m positive the girls who wear them do not be wanting to get that attention. Then it is crazy because they automatically seen yoga pants and thought a girl was wearing them. Then what made it worse is the men was getting made that it was a boy in the yoga pants like how are you mad that you assumed a girl was wearing those yoga pants. Then on top of that gay stuff normal now so a dude should not be that thirsty knowing it is a lot of gender swaps happening and etc. This video made me realize I am not the only person that be quick to judge something or someone. Cause those people in the video judged a booty in yoga pants and assumed like I said it was a girl, I be assuming based off the internet if I am going to like someone or not. Stereotyping also came to mind when I seen this video. People so use to seeing girls in yoga pants they assume anytime they see yoga pants they gone see a female those yoga pants but its 2018 that is not the case anymore. The people who laughed at it was real people cause the acknowledged that they was salty about the situation instead of getting mad. To be real anybody can wear any clothes society labeled what girl clothes are and what male clothes are so from there thats how that happened. The stuff people would frown at back in the day like boys wearing yoga pants it is not a problem anymore. I feel like people should stop being so judgmental about things and people should not be quick to assume things. On top of everything if you don't know what you looking at or who you looking at you should really keep yo thoughts and words to yourself until you know what you are about to do or say is the absolute right thing to do.

  10. I had to respond to your comment cause you talk like me. I watched the video and was like the mans is Hilarious. I agree people think only girls should wear yoga pants when in reality if a boy wants to wear yoga pants they should be able to with out getting mistaking for as a female. I agree people from different cultures have different norms than we do. Like when Young Thug wore a dress for a dress for his album cover some people thought it was ok and some people was like why do he have a dress on.

  11. Everything in this comment is only my point of view, and I don’t want to anyone who read this comment to feel bad or think that I don't respect their point of view. However, this is not accepted because this is neither as humor nor educational because this is not normal behavior. We as human being were created by God in a beautiful shape with an amazing ability to think. We are the best creature in this world. We are different than the other creatures by having mind and being able to think critically and act reasonably and right according to our human being. It does not matter if you are living in a multicultural place like the US or in a monocultural one like countries in the Middle East. This principle is around the entire world because we all share the same way of reproduction. It might differ from one place to another but eventually, at the end of the day, we all go to sleep and hope for the better! What I can clearly see in this video is that we as human being use our ability to think uncritically and do things unacceptable and immature in this life such as the man in this video who is wearing Yoga pants! Yoga pants were originally made for WOMEN not for men and by wearing women stuff while you are not a woman is just hurting my eyes and disrespect my culture as being woman and do nothing good at all. It doesn’t increase my rights, neither yours doesn’t even represent men in a courteous manner. It does only say that men can be women and act like that and ask for other to accept this view and give me their rights to do that which is not even biological possible unless one did a surgery which is in the first case rejecting yourself and reject believing that we were born as a human being with a specific character and should act according to all our generations did and will do in the future. We live today to support the message that our parents hold and transferee it to us. Not to change everything because some people thought that they can change the world and see it differently. Men and women are not equal neither biological nor culturally. If God created us equally, then there is no meaning of life because we are all equal and share the same characteristics. We are men and women, boys and girls, religious and non-religious, etc. these differences give the meaning of this life. That’s why we see the differences among us, but the normal and the acceptance one. By publishing this video on the social media, is saying that they are a lot of people who accept this attitude. And by addressing it as a normal thing, people will start see it as normal which is absolutely WRONG! We are using our rights as human being wrongly and that’s why the world nowadays is getting worst and worst. We should act as a human being, not as people who want to change the world. POINTOFVIEW012

    1. Based on how a person is brought up and their beliefs go a long way in one’s life, everyone does have the right to dress and act how they feel, not to say that it is right but have the choice. When males dress and act as that of a woman my first thought is that they may have not been raised in a home that was bringing them up in the right direction. What I mean by this is, there may have been something going on in the home that leads up to the actions that give them the reasons to act as such. Missing either dad or mom may have an affect on a child as well. Once someone grows up and enters society on their own, groups and peers also can have an effect on someone to have them play this role also. As long as they are “happy” I say who am I to judge. Just me 012

  12. In the fousey tube video the guy wanted to see if his friend who was female was correct when she told him that it is hard being a girl especially when wearing leggings, so he decided to put it to the test by wearing them himself to see what reaction he would have. Now I have to say that this guy is way more braver then I am and I will just be honest about that. But this is only what society has labeled the yoga pants as, in many sports spandex are worn by males and this is accepted by those that are involved with the sport. If a certain social class sees yoga pants as a specific piece of clothing for a specific gender then a person might feel uncomfortable if put in a position to wear them because of the backlash and negativity that may come from one’s peers. When he performed his test some of the guys looked at his backside, but when confronted about it they denied it. This could have been because of their ego not being ruined and not wanting a label placed on them once they seen it was the opposite sex. Others past by and looked and even committed on it but when approached they admitted that they were looking ,this reason could have been because they are more opened minded and are not as much concerned , but only because that they only made a mistake because they thought it was a girl. Some of the guys thought it was funny and had to ask why he was even wearing them in the first place. A person should be able to wear whatever they please as long as it is not to reviling in areas that are not to be shown in public. One of the guys was really enraged and wanted to fight, I believe that the reasons for his actions was because he didn’t want his peer to think a certain way about him and wanted it to be known that he wasn’t bisexual by showing his toughness. In all I do believe that it can be hard to be a female in a society that sells and promotes sex. From what someone may see at a movie or at home on their television, they automatically assume that the person is that way as they have seen. I think if someone is comfortable and want to wear those types of pants that there is nothing wrong with it, but there will be some sort of reaction when in society. I will have to say that it depends on a person’s maturity level as well. It is not hard to tell the difference between those that wear those kinds of pants because their whole goal is to get the reaction and attention from those in society, and then there are those how don’t like the attention but may only wear the pants for working out or fashion. This does happen and will continue to because of how it has been labeled by society. Just me 012

  13. This guy is so funny. I find it funny how some guys really are in LOVE with yoga pants. Seeing a woman in yoga pants really gets some men excited. I think that was culturally created if that makes sense. As a society we've created yoga pants to be "revealing" and "sexy". Which is why you see a lot of celebrities with big butts in yoga pants or some type of stretchy pants on. The one guy had no shame in his game he's like "you have a nice a**" I think that threw the guy with the yoga pants off. Then the guy right after that one goes "that mug is fat" that was extremely rude. I get a lot of comments like that online but if I were to hear that in person I'd be super offended. That just goes to show how quick guys tune in to yoga pants. This is something in society we have given a meaning. I found it funny at least 2 men tried to fight him over this, but they were the ones looking. I really can't say much about this video but men will be men.

  14. I thought this video was really fun to watch because I enjoy the breaking social norms kinds of activities. This one was obviously aimed towards men and I thought it was 100% aimed towards them until I saw the clip of the girls staring at the guys butt. Obviously in America it’s kind of known that yoga pants are for girls and it’s considered weird if guys wear them because that’s just how our culture is. This video totally supports my thoughts though on how yoga pants attract attention to your butt no matter who you are. Yoga pants do accentuate butts no matter if it’s a boy’s or a girl’s. I find it particularly funny though that in this video it was a guy that was wearing the yoga pants. I feel like once he confronted the guys about staring at his butt it made a lot of them step back for a minute and think that might be “gay”. I think this video brings up a big point about sexuality and what are the norms for girls and guys in America. I feel like the tall African American guy reacted the most strongly to it and got defensive actually. He was actually going to square up and fight the guy for wearing yoga pants just because he thought it wasn’t right, which is kind of ridiculous in my mind. I think people should be able to wear anything they want. I don’t think that yoga pants should be only for girls. From personal experience of being a girl I wear them mostly for comfort because I think they are better than jeans and easier to move around in. The reactions in this video really do range in perspectives though. Two of the guys that looked at the other guy’s butt actually got defensive and were going to fight him. I thought the other guy who admitted he looked was the funniest. He had no shame that he looked at the guys butt and said that he liked it. Even though this guy was honest about his thoughts it brings other questions to mind for me and probably for other people too. I think a lot of people me included would wonder about that particular guy’s sexuality. Was he just being honest that he looked at his butt or is he gay? Then for me this brings up more questions like are the other guys that were defensive homophobic? You would also have to bring the two girls into the picture too. The two of them responded how I thought they would and giggled and couldn’t believe what they were seeing. All in all, there was a lot of different reactions but the one that surprised me the most was the two guys that got defensive over it, sure they thought it was wrong and that’s their opinion but it really opened my eyes. This kind of stuff really makes me think that sociology should be a required class for all students because then maybe this country will be more accepting as a whole. Over the generations I think people in America have become more accepting but there still is a large group of people that disagree with the LGBTQ community and people who are still racist. I hope that in some way sociology and learning about different societies and communities would help people to open their eyes and be more accepting towards others.

    1. I agree with you here on this. The most surprising reaction in the video wasn't the guy who was like "yeah you have a nice butt" but the guy who literally tried to beat up the guy playing the prank. Seriously why was he so angry? He clearly was homophobic to the extreme and didn't appreciate a harmless joke like that one. Which is extremely ignorant because there's nothing even really to get offended about. It's 2018 and people are still proving to be so close minded and uneducated. The guy wearing the leggings isn't the problem, the problem would've been the guy who was staring at who he thought was a woman just because of the pants she had on. Seriously, it's harassment.


  15. For starters, this video is seriously hilarious. At the same time though, it makes me uncomfortable, which was probably the point now that I think about it. I felt a serious wave of second hand embarrassment. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way, I highly doubt it. The guy in this video is purposefully trying to create an awkward and mildly humorous situation by which social norms are challenged. He stated in the beginning of the video that his female friend was complaining that she's always being stared at while she's wearing leggings. which I can attest to literally being true, and he wanted to see for himself if guys have seriously been conditioned into staring at women's butts in leggings. I think the guy is really cool and I give him his props for trying this out. I say this because most men wouldn't dare subject themselves to this sort of experiment because it might "ruin their manhood" or "tarnish their reputations" yeah right. I think the concept of masculinity is so wildly fragile it's pathetic. Anything that makes a man question themselves or their sexuality is automatically wrong and offensive. I think this experiment really ties along well with how men are conditioned to behave from childhood to adult life. Men can't cry. Men can't wear pink. Men can't even think other men are attractive without literally being seen as less of a man. It's ridiculous. Even in a harmless social experiment such as this one, men react so differently than say, a woman would. Shown in this video, some men were able to see the good fun in the whole thing and laugh it off like they were intended to. Others, didn't find it quite as funny. Some men literally wanted to fight the show host and had an apparent psychological break down because they thought he was taking a shot at their sexuality and manhood. Not necessary. And women would more than likely not even see this as an issue. I know that if this prank was played on me I'd do nothing but laugh hysterically. Why? Because most women aren't conditioned into staring at another person just because they're wearing leggings, and if we do we usually don't cat call or harass people for it, or maybe that's just me. Just kidding. Clearly the girls in this video handled it just fine. It's funny because it's not something you see everyday, and it's definitely not something you should try to fight over. I think for the most part it just teaches a lesson. A funny one but an important one too. Most girls don't like being stared at, so next time, guy's should think before they look.


  16. This was a very funny video to me. I enjoyed watching it. It made me realize how much we as a society are used to social norms. Obviously, we aren’t used to seeing men wear yoga pants. That’s partially why it was funny because that’s not something we see daily. For example, if ladies were seen wearing suits, depending on how it was worn people would look at her funny. Normally women may wear a dress and heels or maybe dress pants and dress shirt. A suit is normally what males wear. This video really opened my eyes because it made think about I’m used to seeing things every day. I think this video did a good job of showing us how we are used to things being. If I would’ve walked by it would’ve been weird to me too. It was interesting seeing all the people’s facial expressions as they seen the man bent over in his trunk. Obviously, he was seeking attention from all those people. I feel like the way we were brought up we were told what was normal and what wasn’t. We carried that on with us as we aged and seen that mostly everyone agrees with us with what is normal. Society plays a huge role as well. I believe social media tells us what it is normal and what is not as well. On Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram for example shows that women should have these super nice shapes and no fat at all but if it were a male it wouldn’t be as bad. Men don’t care about most stuff that females do anyways. Another example is if women were to go around and have sex with a lot of men they would get called all types of hoes and made fun of. But we see men doing this all the time and nobody really talks about them as bad. I have over heard a couple of guys talking and to them it’s cool to have a lot of people that they have had sex with. My point is that- that type of thing goes unnoticed and not much is said about it. In my opinion, it’s just as wrong for males as it is females. Not only because of the bad reputation but also disease is really real out here. But again, that’s a norm for our society that females can’t have sex with a lot of men. When you sit back and think about all of the things we consider “social norms” some of them are actually kind of sad and not okay such as what I mentioned above with it being okay for men to have sex with multiple people. I’m glad I had the chance to watch this video it opened my eyes and made start to look at things differently. This is also why I find sociology cool because we dig deeper into things like this and it makes you actually think about the things that take place in your daily life.

  17. Watching this with all issues and views set aside, this video definitely made me laugh. Some of the reactions to this guy were super hilarious, and I was honestly surprised by some of the legitimate anger that some of these men had towards the one conducting the experiment. I think the true intent behind this video was to create a shock factor for these random men who were passing by. I don’t think the videos true intention was to draw attention to gender differences and problems but it definitely did so. The idea of a man wearing yoga pants is not generally an idea that is accepted. There are certain sports uniforms or workout gear that have more of a yoga pant look, but those are usually the only times in which men wearing yoga pants or something very similar is acceptable. I do have to say that in a sense these men didn’t have a right to get upset at the one who was conducting the experiment. If they are willing to openly check someone out, or even comment on the physique of the stranger, then they should be able to take whatever negative consequences that come with it. I do believe these men reacted the way they did because they found their masculinity being questioned, as they clearly found the other man’s hind end attractive. This could potentially be an eye opener to what women have to deal with on a daily basis. Constant cat-calls and inappropriate attention they weren’t looking for. I mean yeah, everyone is going to find other people attractive and look at them, there’s no question about that. But, when you go as far as making unwarranted advances then you have to be prepared that it may not end how you want it to. On another note, I don’t really view this as a gender “issue.” If men really wanted to wear yoga pants, then there is nothing stopping them from doing so. There is no rule or law that states that it is illegal for a man to wear a pair of these pants. I think it generally goes down to the fact that most men would never want to wear them. Out of all of the men I have ever met, none of them have ever expressed to me that they wished they could wear yoga pants. The men who do truly wish to wear yoga pants will, and at the end of the day that’s their choice and no one else’s. I mean if I had a boyfriend would I want him to wear yoga pants? Probably not, I think I would prefer he wouldn’t and I would hope that he respected that. But as far as strangers or random people, I really don’t care. You can do whatever you want, it’s your life. Overall though, I thought this video was pretty hilarious. Guy seems to have a really good sense of humor though, and I think people tend to take things way too seriously. (Patriots012)

    1. I like how you mentioned that if guys wanted to wear yoga pants they could do so. Then you say that if your boyfriend tried to wear them you would not want him to. You would not want him to because even you are taught something by society. If your boyfriend wore them you would maybe think of him as “fruity” or that they just do not look “attractive”. Which I totally understand, it is just funny that even in the comments we see how society has shaped our views on when it comes to boy versus girls things. The fact you mentioned the guys questioned their masculinity when they were fooled is exactly what I was thinking but could not put it into words! That is exactly it. Since guys are used to looking at girls who wear those when they found out it was a guy they were very thrown off and acted very defensive.

  18. I found the video quite humorous and entertaining. It shows how society just assumes who we are just based on what clothing we have on. The dude in the video obviously did this for humor and his Youtube channel, but it really illustrates what a woman goes through everyday when she wears clothing like that. This video goes to show how out of hand males get when they are questioned in what they are doing. The girls in the video just laughed it off, and thought nothing else. The guy who liked his butt, looked like he was being sarcastic in his tone of voice. But the last guy looked like he was ready to go multiple rounds.. I think it's normal in today’s society for a guy to look at a girl and a girl to look at a guy because it's the norm. What the guy did in the video was flip that on its head by changing the gender along with the clothing. The reactions he got were pretty priceless.
    The guy who made the video was inspired by a female friend to make the video. In turn he created this socially deviant video. The video brought me to think about the way in which we view women in yoga pants. Regardless of how it is widely accepted and normal it is within our society, it is so very true that when wearing attire similar to this you bring attention to yourself. Though our culture has come a long way in accepting others just the way they're there are still some tweaks that could be made. Proving that we have a long ways to go as a society, but in all the clips that were shown you can see how naturally people see certain situations. Even how they respond shows how they feel on the situation.
    It is not hard to tell the difference between those that wear these kinds of pants because their whole goal is to get the reaction and attention from males. But the other side of the coin is that there are those how don’t like the attention but may only wear the pants for working out or fashion. This does happen and will continue to because of how it has been labeled and constructed by our society we live in.

    1. yes. i agrees 1oo%. it is crazy how just what this man had on made other men attracted to him, thinking he was a girl. Men know that they should not be looking at other womens butts but its just what they do because they are pigs. It is honestly disgusting how easily they can be turned on. Things like this make me feel conscious about being a women, knowing that i may be making someone feel some type of way just by what i wear. Many high schools and junior highs have made it a rule that young women are not allowed to wear yoga pants, because it is a distraction to men. which the majority of time girls are just wearing leggings because they go with just about any outfitt. On the other hand, at one of these schools there was a guy boy who wore leggings just about everyday. You could see his junk, the girls were quiet offended. But it was "okay" because his intentions were not to turn people on, his intentions were to "be himself". this did not seem right to me because even as a guy he was still as distracting as the females were. (wanderer211)

    2. I like how you mentioned how it is present in schools as well. I believe that the school system is organized and ran in the efforts to get as many individuals as they can to conform to our belief systems as a society. When I grew up it wasnt so much enforced on leggings and yoga pants but rather the shoulders being shown. I never understood that rule either, but as a corporation their jobs were to socialize us and basically train us to know what is and isn’t expected from a female and male. I think kids are being robbed of their individualism when we start to salp labels on clothing, it just makes things messy and complicated.

    3. I also liked how you mentioned it was in schools well. I also mentioned it that it was in schools. This is something that happens in every day life all around us and we usually do not see it. While it is not strictly enforced by law, it is by social standards and gender scripts that are strictly enforced by thee society around us. Simple shunning and ostracization of those who challenge the norm ca have a profound effect on the person in question. Things are expected of us through roles that we are trained to play, if we do not ply our part, we are considered weird. -TheMarshall012

  19. this video is absolutely hilarious. all the pervs staring at Fouseys butt were caught so off guard when they noticed that it was actually a guys butt! This prank was a good way to show how men and women have very specific gender specific characteristics.How men and women have to act, dress, walk and talk are all so specific. A women must not leave the house without her hair and makeup done without being called ugly or lazy, while men can just roll out of bed and throw on their mommas socks and sandals and be just fine. Girls have so many rules to live up to in order to be respected or fit in. the guys did not notice the butt in yoga pants was a man butt, because they are so used to seeing a womans butt in yoga pants. They were so surprised when they saw it was a man, half of the did not know how to react. The first guy on the video asked if Fousey thought he was gay because he was caught looking at his butt, even though he had no idea it was a man until he was called out. But men can stare and say inappropriate things to a women whenever she wear yoga pants, and its "okay" because women are supposed to wear fitting clothes that make their butts look nice. When really all this video is doing is showing how men are pigs and will look at any butt in yoga pants. for me, as a girl, that is very uncomfortable. i do not want any man, except my man, staring at my booty. it is upsetting that a man who wants to wear yoga pants in public gets shamed or called gay because it is only something girls should be doing. I also think it is ridiculous that if a women wears sweatpants or any other loose, modest, clothing in public she is shamed to be a lesbian, or ugly. Why cant a women go out and be comfortable while still getting called gorgeous and beautiful. Society expects way to much out of women these days and I hate it. Women and men should be able to wear what they want, ow they want, where they want, without being shamed. ( wanderer211)

  20. This video was so funny! I’ve actually seen this video before and when I first watched it I thought it was just for comedy purposes and really had no other point to it but after being in class and going over things, I’ve realized that there are social norms in society. No one would ever think that a man would be wearing yoga pants so that then made the men look because they just assumed he was a girl just bending over but when he looked up and the men saw he was a man they became angry because I felt that felt as though they were being viewed as gay which they weren’t. They were mad because they were caught in the act of looking at another man’s ass and they didn’t take it so well because that’s not the social norm for men to being wearing yoga pants. Through our whole lives we adjust to things we see in society and they become normal to us and this all majorly starts in grade school when we figure out what girls and boys are and what they mainly are associated with. As boys I saw them as athletes and liked to play in the dirt and didn’t associate with girls because they had cooties and with viewing girls I saw them as playing with dolls and jumping rope and doing all the girl things and as we grew older we knew those things didn’t really have to associate with the different genders but as children we saw these as norms because that’s what we were taught through living in society. As we grow older we view the world a lot better and adjust to things a lot better and we know social norms a lot better and what to associate with what genders. With these social norms we can only associate them with the United States I feel because something here could be totally viewed differently in another country somewhere in the world and that’s what makes us all unique in our own ways. This video was eye opening because I put myself in the shoes of the guys and imagined how I would’ve reacted if I was caught looking at a man’s ass in yoga pants because I knew that wasn’t common for men to wear yoga pants so I would be mad with the other person because why would you be wearing yoga pants. This society has shaped what is right and what is wrong and so these men’s viewed this guy as doing wrong with wearing yoga pants. We as a society just need to have a more open mind on situations and it’s not our right to judge people for what they want to do and that it’s their own lives not ours so why are we to judge. No one has to privilege to judge others because mostly everything we judge on are just social norms and we don’t view those things as being normal to us so therefore we judge on that. Mrbubby012

  21. Although is video was clearly made for the humor, I feel like he highlighted an issue that so many women face today. Just from personal experience, I FELT THIS VIDEO. As talked about in class, females have a lot of things that are expected of them to live up to. I don’t know whose idea it was to say “let the females have a hard time” but they did a good job of making sure things stayed that way. I have always been a bigger girl my whole life, so jeans were never fun to shop for and I prefered sweats most of the time. When yoga pants became a thing it’s like my prayers were answered. Shopping was never a hassle, they came i'm black mostly so getting dressed also became easier for me. Out of the positive things the main issue I have now is harassment. I wish American society was more open to the human body and didn’t hold it as such high importance when it comes to interacting with others. I feel like if I am supposed to be comfortable in the skin I’m in, then I shouldn’t have to also worry about someone pushing me to feel discomfort. Just to make it clear to guys, WE KNOW WHEN YOU’RE LOOKING. Yes, it’s a “free” country so you have the “right” to do so; however, you staring at my butt will not get it into your hands any quicker. However, it is hard to blame guys because really that is just how they think. I feel like a lot of guys think that us girls enjoy that type of attention due to how we are portrayed through media. Just like any other individuals in society, we are all expected to conform to a way of life that is simple, one sided and afraid of change. The only way we can break these binds that society has on us and our gender roles is to cut off the meaningless connections that we have made for years. For example, only girls where dresses. Who is going to say that to the guy with the kilt on in the other room? We have to stop dividing unique, complex individuals into broad categories that can we feel can only be right or wrong. Now don’t get me wrong, if I was a guy, I personally wouldn’t want my business being squeezed and visible by spandex fabric that leggings provide, however I wouldn't say it is wrong for a guy to do so.

    1. I agree, I feel like women today have so many standards that we must look up to and live by. That society doesn’t allow any room for women to change or be their selves. You know I saw somebody on my facebook make a post saying women shouldn’t wear bonnets, that they are tacky and distasteful. Like women don’t wear bonnets to please someone, they wear it to protect they hair. Who’s to say that a woman can’t wear a bonnet or head scarf but a man can wear a wave cap or durag. It so ignorant to me how people think sometimes, like that was so double standard.-Jaci7429

  22. Honestly, with our topic being “deviant” or “deviance”, I really can’t apply it to this video. The video was clearly made out of humor and for humorous purposes only. Not like he was trying to change laws or make a statement to bring change for something. The video is hilarious! You’d be surprise how many people look at things a certain way and in reality when things boil down to it it’s not what it seems. One time I was checking this person out and the more closer I got, the more I noticed that the he was really a she. Like omg, I was so embarrassed but I didn’t really think too much into it. Today it’s so common for guys to make videos on youtube mocking a girl. They dress, and talk and try to impersonate us, but in reality, it is all for fun and the purpose of it s to create humor. Those are actually the best video’s to me, because what better way to get a perspective on something or gender roles if we don’t impersonate them. There is no real “deviance” here to me. This is actually pretty common and accepted in todays millennial. I think it’s important to keep an open mind about things, this is one of them. the guy isn’t trying to bring change, or protest a cause. He’s simply making a joke out of something that is obviously (proven in the video) natural. I thought the girl was a boy, just like those dudes thought that his butt was a chicks butt. We get embarrassed at things that look shameful, or not culturally accepted. Some of the guys in the video were so embarrassed that they tried to assault or seem threatening towards him. But like why? It’s a joke and he wasn’t threatening in any way. They could have just easily walked off and went about their day instead of making a bigger fool out of themselves. To me it’s really ignorant for people to say “that’s gay, why are you doing this or that” like what makes somebody gay? Doing humorous video’s of a guy in yoga pants, no! Sometimes I feel like our culture is so black and white on some things that’s there is no room for change, or education on something. Honestly, idk at this point im just ranting on about some things that I have opinions about so I can make it to 500 words. In all honesty though, there was no deviance of some sort in this video. It was just a humorous video that he was making a point about. If I walk around in a nice neighborhood in the evening or any time of the day actually in black sweat pants and a black hoodie with shades on people are gonna think that I’m up to no good. Is that essentially true no. -Jaci7429

  23. This video was quite funny and it kept my attention the entire video. This video also shows the usually gender stereotypes we associate with material like clothing, colors, vehicles, movies etc. In this video we saw a man were leggings which is usually associated with women. We also saw the affect this deception had on some people walking by. This action caused a stir in the local population and those who passed by. It was an action out of the norm and that was considered unknown. People in general fear the unknown and begin to ask scared, defensive, or aggressive. This is shown to be the case with a couple of the subject in this social experiment. This experiment shows how most people in the United States would react to a situation like this. We, as a people, are not used to people breaking the norm and those people usually become social outcasts and are shunned or ostracized from the community in some way, shape, or form. It also showed the gender script that have been constricted and held up in high esteem for so long. We are taught to conform to the standard instead of change it, so when a person goes against the grain, they are considered a rebellious person ad that is rarely considered good in today’s culture in the US. For as long as we have been around, certain things were considered for males or females an if the opposite did something considered for the other gender, they were socially ostracized. This is even evident in schools, those who challenged the social norms were considered not popular and constantly called weird. Personally, if I was in this situation, I would believe that I would react the same way. We can also explore the idea that the person in the video made them question their perfect idea of themselves. He “cracked their mask” if you will. This screw up in their big stage play made them go on the defensive and they tried to save face by being aggressive or defending themselves. I would also go on the defensive and try to justify my action with tales of the person’s deceit and general lie. The general norm is there and we are taught these norms from childhood. On in this situation could justify that the singular purpose for this was to get a rise out of people and etc. Some could even justify their actions as he is being purposefully deceptive with knowledge of the reactions prior. Regardless, this video shows the gender scripts we are taught and how people would react to the embarrassment from falling into a trap like such. Any person whose masks suffers a crack or break as the like of the video usually become defensive or aggressive because of the feeling of self-doubt and the general feeling of being deceived by someone who would be considered an outcast of society. This video is a good example of how we picture gender scripts and the reaction we get from regular people to changes of the norm. –TheMarshall012

  24. I think that we apply a gender to most clothing items, and the fact that he was wearing the leggings made people think he was weird. The most interesting part was after people found out that he was not a girl they seemed very angry at him and wanted to fight him. This just goes to show how much the gender switch messed with their minds. They acted as if he was making fun of them personally or attacking their manliness. Some of the guys reacted fairly well like the man who just started making fun of the YouTuber and telling him to stop, even though he seemed to be mostly just making a joke. This video also shows that when we act outside of our societally determined roles people will be mad. This is where deviance falls into play. Where it is not illegal or anything of the kind for him to wear the yoga pants he still was yelled at and people thought he was weird. I think it is deviant to purposefully act outside of your normal patterns. He was even making fun of the guys as they passed and the group of girls too. He wanted a reaction for his YouTube channel. That is what is more deviant than simply wearing the "wrong" clothes. Most people will look at you weird when you defy social norms. In the case of the video it was played for laughs but I do feel like a new plan needs to be set about what is and is not allowed. We live in a modern world where the issues of gender norms are being challenged so if we are so focused on what people should be doing we eventually accidentally end up controlling how people act and forcing them to be the same way that we already are. We should not make our personal world views a template for what everyone thinks, because we Americans should know a neighbor can disagree just as heavily with another neighbor as they can with someone of a different culture. With some exceptions it is impossible to be wrong when it comes to things like this, how people dress and such. If we start to allow new idea into our lives we just might start to make the world a more cooperative place where people of all creeds and cultures can live and thrive for mutual goals without petty issues blinding our way.

    1. I am very impressed with your response to this video! So true it is that when you said ”We live in a modern world where the issues of gender norms are being challenged so if we are so focused on what people should be doing we eventually accidentally end up controlling how people act and forcing them to be the same way that we already are.” It is our approval or our disapproval of what is acceptable that dictates societal norms. However, I do not agree with you thinking it was deviant to purposefully act outside of his ‘normal patterns’. By saying that, you are just proving what you previously said about issues of gender norms. I believe boundaries need to be broken because issues about fashion just are not as important as other worldly issues and feel in such a forward thinking nation, this is so trivial as to why it’s an issue to me. Social deviance 0 Showing you’re a sheep 1. -TRM012

    2. I totally agree with how you said the gender switches messes with guy’s minds and makes them feel their manliness is being threatened. When you said there needs to be a new plan on what is and isn’t “allowed” I completely agree there too. People seriously need to open their minds to a changing world especially when it comes to gender do’s and don’ts. We can’t control how people act and we honestly shouldn’t even try to tell anyone else what to do or what not to do! I completely agree with you and your post!

  25. Fousey is a hilarious person. Majority of his videos are for laughs but he does have some that are sending messages. In this video of him wearing the yoga pants, he clearly did it to get the reactions on camera. He knew this was going to be funny so he did it. When I watched this, I thought it was hilarious and thought there was going to be more violent reactions. If it was me walking in that scenario, I would probably look as well. After I would’ve found out it was a guy, I would probably be pissed but whatever. He got you with his prank right. It’s all fun and games. As a guy, it’s natural to look at something you like. It is an everyday thing in today’s society. It’s not hurting anyone so why not right? But to get in depth, it isn’t socially correct for men to wear leggings in public like a women. It would be more socially accepted for women to wear them. The only time I have seen a guy wear leggings was during the cold sports seasons. But even then, the leggings are being covered by the equipment like in football. Should men be able to wear leggings in public? I personally don’t like that idea at all but I mean if you want to, go ahead and go for it. I’ll think it’s a bit funny but then I won’t pay it any mind. Men like to see women in leggings. Even to me though, I respect women 100%. I was taught to respect women and their bodies by my father. I see women in leggings all the time but sometimes I just don’t agree with them being worn in public. I have a female best friend that gets upset when I tell her to go put on pants instead of leggings. Sometimes leggings show a bit too much or are super tight on some people. They aren’t correct to wear everywhere like to an interview or something along those lines. In some instances, leggings are deceiving. Thinking somethings there but not in reality lol. (JOKING) All jokes aside, I think the reason women wear them is because they’re comfortable. I mean why not wear them if they are. If I find something that’s comfortable, I’d wear it. Just not leggings. I just refuse. I see them a lot when I go to the gym to workout. Majority, if not all the women are wearing them there. At the gym, I always catch guys starring at the girls running or doing leg exercises like squats. They grab immediate attention from guys and sometimes other girls. There is no person that hasn’t looked at a female in leggings. And if there is, you have great self-control. All in all, leggings can be bad but they can also be good at the same time. Depending on who you are. Do I think men are going to start wearing them on a daily bases and in public, more than likely not. But who knows, only time will tell. We’ll see what the future has in store for us.

  26. This video shows how much society has a certain view of what boys and girls can and can not wear. There are certain labels on certain things that are either for boys or girls but not both. The boys who looked at the guys butt thought it was so wrong once they found out it was a boy but do they ever think it is wrong to look or act that way when it is a girl too? The fact all of them automatically thought of him as a girl because of the pants he had on shows how most people do not see any gender wearing whatever they want as socially acceptable. The guys would get so defensive when they discovered it was a boy not a girl. I wonder why it made them become so defensive? All it was is that they thought it was a girl instead of a guy. I think it is weird that there are certain clothing that shows off a part of us that is only okay for girls to show off. I do not think it should be this way. Anyone should wear whatever they please without getting comments that it is something the other gender should be wearing. As long as it is not a revealing piece of clothing that could actually be negative to maybe an adolescent, there should be no social restrictions on what people can or cannot wear. It’s honestly very sad how all of those guys were looking at fousey’s butt. For some women, they may just be wearing the leggins to be comfortable not to show off their ass. So when a boy sexually exploits a women by depicting them as only a sexual character, I do not think that is right in our society today. This is why other countries’ can have nude beaches and sexual paintings or statues in the open to the public because they are not as sexually brainwashed the same as we do here in America.I’m not sure how almost everyone in the United States is this way but it should probably change. Millions of men in this country find it so easy to label women something disrespectful as opposed to what they truly are and what they truly have worked for and deserve. I, as a woman, obviously do not appreciate the kind of label we can get put on us as only sexual figures.This video alone, directly hits on an actual problem we have between our sexes in society today. This kind of action and these kinds of labels being thrown onto women are only negative. If we could eliminate situations like these and problems like these, we could have a more peaceful kind of tie between men and women, essentially our society. As everyone does this nowadays, it only makes sense for the next generation to do the same, and the next, and the next. This really just makes our society and really our nation to just slap another negative label on it, immature.

  27. This guy is known is for his pranks on youtube, in this case hes making other people uncomfortable for his own gain. Making them question their sexaulity by wearing yoga pants bent over in a car where you can only see his ass. He knows its deviant thats why hes doing it, hes breaking social norms and using that to his advantage to prank these people, both men and women. It waivers on the edge of gender role and deviance, but more towards deviance simply because he uses the social norm of women being the only ones to wear yoga pants and wears some himself hiding his face so its hard to see if it is male or female so the viewer automatically assumes the wearer is female because that is what we are used to. Females wear yoga pants and men don't. The reactions were funny, especially when people go from either end of the spectrum, from “yea you have a nice ass” which shuts him down completely to people becoming hostile and attacking him all because he placed a thought in their mind that made them possibly question their sexuality by being attracted to a male, some people like they guy who complimented his ass accepted it, and the people who became hostile were upset for him placing that thought in their mind. Going totally against social norms can really confuse people and disorient them, and this is a great example of just that.

  28. I found this video very amusing and hilarious. I also thought it was very interesting because it showed an example of a stereotype. Today we mostly see women wearing yoga pants and we all know that they do happen to be flattering to the butt. The video showed the men walking by and getting surprised and mad when they found out that it was a dude. The one I thought was the most funny was the tall black guy with the hat on. He wasn’t necessarily mad but he was kind of shocked to why he would trick people into thinking he was a girl. Seeing this video, it showed that social norms were being broken when he worse the yoga pants. We saw that all the men that walked by stared or said something. I believe that a huge part of why the men felt so embarrassed was because they felt that it made them feel less manly. However, the women’s reactions were different. Yeah they looked at his butt but they also didn’t get mad when they found out it was a dude. I think that the reason being is because us girls don’t have a certain standard that we have to obtain like men. For example, men judge each other really hard when it comes to their masculinity. Like in the video the men looked at the dudes but and it was such a big ordeal because it would have been considered gay. However, girls are different. We often give each other compliments and because of that we aren’t taking it in a weird way thinking another girl is hitting on them. I also thought that it was really funny when the two dudes walked past and got really angry because they were so in denial that they even looked at another mans butt. We also saw that there were a few guys that gave an explanation to why they looked at his butt. they thought he was a girl so the men thought that since they thought he was a girl then it was ok. Most men nowadays think that its okay to stare at a women’s butt and it is in fact becoming more sociably acceptable. There also was a man that did admit that he was staring at him. I thought that was really funny because we don’t see many people owning up to their actions nowadays. I think the reason this video Is so funny is because of the reactions to the social deviance. I do think that Fouseys video was very good because it brought up some good points without the intentions of making them known. This video showed how it went against social norms and deviance. Its showed that the way women are looked at today is becoming more socially excitable and that it needs to change. And how the difference between men and women and their role expectations. We all have such high expectations for one another and I think that a few things need to be changed. -ILIKETURTLES012

  29. I think the video was absolutely funny. The guy has a lot of confidence going into this video as with a lot of his videos. He does this for shock value by going against the grain of societal norms. Knowing full good and well that what he is doing in this video (as with almost all his other videos), he takes what is considered unacceptable and runs with it. Whatever we as a “societal norm” has preconceived notions as to what is considered right and what is considered wrong. Why is it unacceptable for a guy to wear leggings? All it really is, is just a form of clothing worn while working out and has mainstreamed into everyday wear for mostly women. Just within the last couple years, it has become totally acceptable for men to wear skinny and even super skinny jeans without much backlash. Considered as fashion for women and men alike, why not leggings/yoga pants? Those that ride bicycles professionally and on other serious levels or even just for the local cycle fitness groups- leggings are worn for better performance. Although just different material, essentially skinny jeans and cycling pants are the same as yoga pants- material that is stretchy for the comfort of movement. I am not sure why this carries such a stigma for guys to wear as it is just clothing and if you are feeling confident enough- wear them! I personally would not find it to be unusual to see males wearing yoga pants as it really depends on the style. Surely if this were to become acceptable and the fashion industry took this to the next level of designing styles for guys that support the male structure and apply fashion forward prints and designs, it would be accepted more by the public. When womens yoga pants/leggings are designed, it is kept in mind to double layer the womanly area with shape consistent material that does not creep into the netherland region. By keeping with this in mind when creating mens yoga wear/leggings, by not accentuating- and provide form fit for a males structure, this would possibly help the acceptance along. I do admit that when I wear yoga pants I am a bit more conscious of myself. I truly love the comfort they provide as well as all the styles that we have to choose from. If I catch someone looking at me in my yoga pants, I just hope it’s because my pants are super cute or just maybe it’s because my butt looks good, too. I would certainly not retaliate if something were said to me- unless it were negative, at which point I still wouldn’t care. There is no law that says men cannot wear this fashion and it shouldn’t carry the stigma that it does. If a man is caught looking at another mans butt while said pants are being worn, if the man is confronted (which is mostly highly unlikely if the fashion is picked up by males) the guy could just tell the truth and admit they thought it was a girl with a nice butt. Guys like compliments, too and if a guy tells another guy this- it shouldn’t be seen as sexual. Or maybe it was- it just depends on the context, environment and situation. AS WITH EVERYTHING ELSE!! -TRM012

  30. The man wearing the yoga pants clearly set out to make people laugh when creating this video; although it seemed like he was trying to start a little bit of fighting or drama it was funny. It seemed like he was egging them on so I can understand why some men would get mad at him or upset with him. It’s one thing to wear the yoga pants and call out other men for staring but he went above and beyond in some situations. I watched this with one of my guy friends and he personally thought it was funny but said he would be embarrassed if he got caught checking a guy out and said “he was wearing leggings though isn’t that what he was asking for when putting them on?” Which made me think, do guys seriously think girls only wear leggings or yoga pants so guys can gawk at our assets? Newsflash boys, girls do not live or dress to please you!!! Some guy’s response to looking was “aw man I’m sorry I thought you were a girl” so just because were girls it’s alright for you to look at us as if you’ve never seen a butt before? Wrong, show us the same respect you’d like us to show you.
    The whole purpose of him making this video was to get guys to look and call them out for it. This video truly goes to show just how many guys look at women wearing yoga pants or leggings and have no problem “cat calling” her but when it’s a man they’re doing it to they feel as if it’s wrong and get defensive. We are so set on the mindset that only women can wear skin tight pants..why is this? If a man wants to wear pants that show off his legs and butt what’s wrong with that? Absolutely nothing is! The problem is everyone else caring and having something to say about it. In my opinion, if you don’t like it, don’t look! And even if you do like it, mind your business!
    I thought it was funny in the beginning when one of the guys being called out said “are you trying to call me gay or something?” Like no dude all he did was say you were looking at his butt don’t get so offended! Did you truly feel as if your masculinity was being questioned right there? Is being gay even that bad of a thing??


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