Gender and My Pay Check......How’s That Working Out for You?


  1. In the video on gender and pay, it really lets you see that when the constitution was made it wasn’t truly formed for everyone. We see a lot of contradicting things in it, we always mention how this is the land of equal opportunity but it is really not. The men that are in power and that run the country play it to benefit themselves. It really makes me uneasy to think that if I myself and a woman applied for the same position and we both have the same qualifications but I received the job just because I was a male that wouldn’t sit right with me personally. They mentioned that an average woman earns about 80% of what a man earns. This is insane, if a woman has put her time in to gain education in any position she chooses then I don’t understand why they wouldn’t pay her for what she is worth. When it comes to pay it shouldn’t matter the gender, but only if the person performs the position how it needs to be run. Woman work harder and are more into their education then most males, so it shouldn’t be a problem when it comes time for them to make the same or more than a male if they are qualified. In the video they mentioned that women choose lower earning college majors, and this leads to lower paying careers. Another reason they gave why woman are paid less was because that woman work part time so that they can take care of home and or attend school. If companies could make working hours more flexible for woman then maybe it would help out so that they may choose a higher paying career, and would not need public assistance, the way I see it if the time is put in and the knowledge is there ,pay her what she is worth. Just me 012

    1. I like how you said the constitution wasn't formed for everyone and how you talked and mentioned your opinions about what the video was about. You used the fact that women make 80% of what a man earns and i think that is something everyone should its a simple way of stating the fact that women get paid less. I agree with paying a women for the work she did its only fair to pay her fairly.

    2. I also do like how you talked about the constitution and a big thing that points pout to me in government is that you hear a lot of the saying “all men are created equal.” It’s really hard to hear that because it shouldn’t just be men that is being said it should be all men and women but in society we don’t say women because we see them as lesser then men. A big thing that should be pointed out in society is the fact that for ever dollar a man makes a woman only makes 80 cents and just see how people react to that because I bet not many people know about that statistic. A job that a woman and man share should be paid equally because they both put in the same amount and time and effort to get them to where they are in their job field. Mrbubby012

  2. This video was very interesting to me, because it confirm that men make more than women. Like it goes to show that the constitution was a slap in the face for women, because obviously it was not formed or made for women because look at the outcome. I suppose the first reason that women get paid less than men is not a problem if those are the jobs women choose they know the outcome. After learning the the first 2 reasons behind why women get paid less then men it make sense and it isn't really that bad when you think about. I know when there is a single mother she can't work as hard as a dude because 99% of the time the mother normally keep the kids so if something come up with the kid being sick or no baby sitter the mom have too miss work because or that while since the dad do not have full custody most the time that does not affect them working. I know first hand that if I was going to school and working full time And had a bad I would quit my job and work at a fast food job due to my situation. I just feel like women shouldn't get paid less if its the company doing it because they are a female, if a woman pick a job and they know how much the pay is they can't get mad. I agree jobs should def have more flexible hours because people can have stuff come up in their life especially single moms. I also feel like its not just women who experience a cut on there check I think minorities do to. I know this example I’m bout to use do not represent money but he mentioned how there were to people one name John and one name Jenifer and how Jenifer got paid less than John. I've witness people not get a job due to there first name. I witness so to say a ghetto girl name on a application and the hiring manger was just like “ I can't even say this name” and just threw it away. I think the economy should def fix the gap because its not fair what so ever. - Jolly rancher

    1. You bring up a great point as there are often more things besides gender than can influence who is hired and maybe even pay. Is it the way that they speak, is it their name as you mentioned. Are there cultural biases that could also influence? I have also heard people who were going to do an interview wonder how old a person is because they don’t want to deal with maternity leave. That is inappropriate and many times may impact a good candidate getting a job. We have to be supportive of people who are at different stages of life. We cannot discriminate because of a name that the person did not pick to start with. Let’s get back to looking at who the best candidate is for the job and who is likely to be the most successful and also allow the company to be successful.

  3. This topic actually gives me a 2 side opinion. It's true no one forces women to have children and lose money. That's why it's important to make sure you're financially stabled enough to have a child. I do not however agree with the "Gender Pay Gap". I feel like this shouldn't even be real. This to me is no different from a "Race Pay Gap". Why does it matter what gender you are when it comes to getting paid off achievement or how well you do things. In my opinion it's like we're still fighting for women's rights and for me this is outrageous. Especially being African American and a woman. Statistically speaking women are more likely to graduate versus men. Also, women behave better than men and men are more likely to get in trouble over women but that's beside the point. The fact that women are more academically advanced yet we still get paid less then men. I do see truth in the first reason women are paid less than men which was because women go into majors that don't pay very well. I'm a perfect example, I'm going to school for social working which doesn't pay well. I want to work with people for personal reasons not for the pay. Which is on me, there is no one to blame for me wanting to do this personally. The second reasoning which was women have unpaid family responsibilities. I get that but that should be a reason women should be paid like men. This may just be a fantasy that will never happen but it makes sense to me. One thing the narrator said that stuck out to me was we should 'change our traditional roles and make it so women aren't the primary caretakers'. This would be a very good idea and beneficial. Women being a 'stay at home mom' is something society has made a rule. This is like a cultural norm. This would be the perfect time to step out of comfort zone as a society and try something new. Things like this is what sociology is all about looking at things from a different perspective rather than what we have come to accept. Who knows maybe if the U.S starts doing this first other countries and cultures will see us doing it and trying this experiment themselves. Which would help other countries tremendously. Not only would the men bring home a lot of money but the women too making it more affordable for them to survive. What makes the father so superior to where he can't change a diaper or two for a couple of hours. I believe the Gender Gap Pay is the same thing as Gender Discrimination, period. Women get paid less for being a woman there's no way around that. It's not fair, but life isn't either.

    1. I absolutely agree with your sentiments -- the United States are considered a meritocracy, but that term definitely has not finished establishing itself throughout the entire economic system yet. If I were a CEO, I would not care who the person is as long as the job gets done and gets done correctly. Whether they are white, black, yellow, pink, or orange makes absolutely zero difference to me, same with gender and sexual orientation. In fact, I would make sure that my company demonstrates appropriate cultural diversity -- it is scientifically proven that companies with higher diversity perform better: both economically and within the company itself.

    2. I do agree with some of your statements. In my blog response, I commented on how the gender pay gap is absolutely asinine as well. I also do not agree with the fact that the jobs that are required to make the world run such as nursing and teaching are significantly paid less than jobs that provide entertainment such as professional athletes and chef’s. You mentioned you are going into social work and I know first hand that that does not pay nearly what it should. That is a high stressor job and is absolutely essential on helping communities work fluidly. Base pay regardless of gender for any particular profession with salary increases due to that person’s abilities and what they have brought to the table, not because they are male or female factored in. I wish you luck in your future profession and my fingers are crossed for higher wages for you as well. TRM-012

    3. I agree with you ALL, the pay gap is NOT a good thing. But I want to touch on what you mentioned about certain fields of study being paid less than what they deserve. For example, I do think that Social workers SHOULD be paid more. But we need to remember that it isn't a secret that they don't get paid well enough for what they do. As a society we need to take some responsibility for how things run.. I mean it's still completely up to whomever it is to go into that field for what it is worth.

    4. It should not have anything to do with what gender you are, but I think you missed the point of the video. When the wage gap was calculated it only compared how much money men made throughout a year verses how much a woman made. These statistics do not account for stay at home moms or women who chose different career paths from men. The point is that the wage gap only compares the total earnings throughout a year and not the reasons behind it. according to the video you likely would make the same as a man for the same amount of work at the same job, but the wage gap's numbers are very misleading.

  4. In the past when I heard the phrase “women are paid less than men,” I always equated to if a woman and a man have the same level of education, perform the exact same job, and work the same number of hours, then the women would be paid less simply because she is a woman. As this video seems to imply the reasons that women are paid less than men fall more on individual preferences and life choices than a crooked system. While it is very reassuring, as a female, to know that the gender pay gap is very narrow when it comes to jobs with more flexible hours, I have to wonder why the U.S. does not support paid maternity leave, as so many other countries around the world do. Even though it is a woman’s life choice to get pregnant and have a baby-- and taking time off of work to do so--men cannot have the babies in place of the women. Yes, men can help to take care of the child or children once they are born, but a man does not have to take off work to have the child. This is simply a fact of life. While a few people may refuse to have a baby to keep working their job, this would not be a good idea for the vast majority of the population. The population of the human race would begin to decline, and we would no longer be fulfilling one of our very basic roles as living organisms: to reproduce to ensure the species lives on. Additionally, the video said that women are not taking up high paying jobs in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields as much as men. I wonder if this trend is still left over from the harsh discrimination women have received in the past. We are still trying to break down the inequality that been in place for so longer and slowly we are making progress. I wonder if and when women will be truly equal to men. Women have been behind men in all of America’s existence. It is very hard to catch up to your opponents if you started 100 meters behind them because as you run far, they have run farther ahead of you. MySliceofthePi012

    1. I think in our era, both men and women are getting married and having kids at a much older age than before. Now I know this talk about female and jobs, but everybody brings something different to the table because it’s about what can a person give to help the job better. Now there are women out their that can do really good jobs and also men. I think this is very true, but also reducing slowly as well in our time being. There are some young females who already have their child to take care off and at the same time, she has to work. Now for the man, is different because society views it as men doing everything to bring to the table – which is not necessarily true. But, women do a lot things at once compare to a guy. - LILPUMP012

  5. Wow. This video was truly enlightening -- I hope everyone understands the gender pay gap better now. I always find it “funny” when people believe that women directly get paid eighty cents to the dollar compared to a man. Minimum wage is minimum wage; it does not matter whether you are a male, female, turtle, whatever. With that said, I think this video appropriately splits the main four factors of gender pay inequality into variables that can be “controlled” and those that cannot.
    I will talk about the “controlled” factors; first, choice of college major. As seen in class, nearly ninety-five out of every hundred teachers are female. Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I personally think that generally women are better equipped with patience and compassion to deal with annoying children all day compared to males. As my high school coach, who was a male, once responded when I asked why males teach: “To coach.” Anyways, back to the topic: these jobs that are women-dominated are inherently lower-paid. Whether that has to do with our societal view or common sense is up for grabs. To me, a lawyer who puts in sixty hours a week should be paid more than a part-time receptionist. Whether either job is filled by either gender makes no difference to me, it just so happens that each field is respectively dominated by males and females.
    Next, unpaid family responsibilities. This is a reality that our American society has already accepted and actually thrives on. The fight for paid maternity leave is definitely raging, and some disciplines have already found success with it. The majority of the time however, women take months off of work without any pay to care for their newborn child: as they should, no question. While it does suck that this factor plays into the gender pay gap, I do not think it is that big of a deal. After all, if we measure our lives through our income, there are much bigger problems at hand than who makes more money than who.

  6. When it comes to talking about the difference in pay for women vs. men. It’s a known fact that this in fact happens in all professions in so many companies. However, it is also known that the pay gap is closing- as it should be. When we look at athletes and what they get paid, an astronomical pay for a ‘game’ that no doubtedly requires talent and serious luck, but provides no real essential purpose beyond entertainment. If you look at the jobs that are held by both men and women around the world, that pay is dramatically lower. If for one day nobody did their job, and everything shut down- there would be pandemonium and some serious ramifications would result. Now why don’t the jobs that keep the world turning get paid like they are jobs saving the world or country? Why do athletes need to be paid millions for the entertainment that not everyone enjoys? (No secret here- I am a huge fan of almost all sports) Now, when it comes to men and women and this particular pay gap- it truly is such a trivial matter. I do get that some jobs are meant for men and vice versa- that’s a given. However, there aren’t many that are gender exclusive and this ties into breaking barriers. Pay gap is definitely not what it used to be like back in the day or way before when most standards for anything were determined by men. This is not a feminist statement- it is a known fact and it’s just how it was. Evolution is constant and that’s why the pay gap has reversed from an abyss to a gap. I am a firm believer that whatever the job is, the performance should be paid accordingly no matter the gender. I also believe this to be true when hiring people for the jobs. Look solely at qualifications and other important factors per usual. Start the position at a base salary across the board and give raises for performance and what that particular person brings to the table enhancing the company. 4 reasons as to why women get paid less are choices versus stereotypes or prejudices and can be corrected or altered to be less gender bias based. Women do tend to choose college majors that pay less like nursing and elementary teaching- but there has been much discussion as to the pay not reflecting the work. Hopefully soon into the future pay for the essential professions will increase significantly to reflect the importance. As far as women are less likely to negotiate wages, I believe this comes from knowing retaliation does occur and sometimes the “boys club” prevents them from asking for the wage increase, but with the “Me Too” movement, this is hopefully changing for the better by providing confidence. Nowadays men are staying at home more and more to take care of the family vs. the woman. However, I believe work from home for both genders, could be more prevalent so wages aren’t cut and maybe the home responsibilities could be split more evenly. Gender discrimination is the 4th reason that can just go away. It just needs to be put to sleep and left in the past. We live in a progressive world and something so silly should just not be an issue. TRM-012

    1. I often wonder, as well, why athletes are paid so much. Generally, when we think of well-known and well-off athletes they are males. I personally think that a person, whether they be male or female, should be paid according to how vital and important their position is to keeping society going. Not that I have anything against athletes, but the world could keep spinning without sports. Where the world would begin to far apart is if we took away political leaders, doctors, and lawyers. All of the position I just mentioned are very well paying positions, but elementary and secondary school teachers are just as important; however, they do not get paid near as much as a doctor or lawyer. Sometimes I think back to history when wages were being set and sexism was very prevalent in America. The positions that men tended to occupy were dubbed with the highest pay, whereas a women’s jobs were determined as subpar and denoted with a lower wage. MySliceofthePi012

  7. It is crazy that the way the world goes about these problems is broadening them into commercials. The way they put it out there is just like really is this the place and is it true. In this video it really opens the truth with Audi especially since all their high ranked employees are MALES. A equal pay with the rank they will be at for the rest of their lives I am thinking which is ridiculous. With real data shown though men work and choose to work longer than woman showing a different pay. Biologically all the caring jobs woman pick as careers though is the lower paying jobs. We pick the social fields or even nursing when they are not the higher paying jobs. In todays world with this being said there are few women applying to these higher paid jobs but that doesn’t mean the pay rate chose is fair but we picked our major because we liked it. Today a lot of engineering and tech jobs will help woman get jobs because of the huge gap there is in these fields. As woman we dream to have families which stop us from doing whatever jobs we pick on top of when we have a family the time we will request off. We really would have to make it so the family roles are not just put on the woman they are put on the father as well. To fix these problems we would have to go about pay issues by asking for raises and making sure that everybody around you is receiving the same pay as you are. Or the common just discrimination against the feminism either intentionally or unintentionally. Men jobs are not fair either but it is really just the way this topic is discussed why we already have a answer before the facts are even shared.

    1. It really is odd how in some companies all the high ranked employees are male. In my opinion implementing a woman into a group of functioning workers could only better it. Women and men have different ways of thinking and women could bring up a point or issue all the men maybe did not see. Or a woman could approach a subject or issue a boy was not sure how to. I think it is a domino effect. Once one man is placed high up in a position then the pattern will continue unless we have some open minded high up man who wants to think outside of the box in front of all his peers by suggesting to hire a women. Now a days no one wants to speak up. Everyone does everything for themselves. Even if a man thought it would be a good idea to hire a woman if it meant his peers thinking differently of him he most likely will not. Everyone has something to offer, boy or girl.

  8. The video was very detailed in a way such as approaching the problem and giving information to what is behind the problem that people may not see in their point of view. Though men benefit more than women do in the work force because they are the ones who make the rules and enforce them in a way that this clip shows why reasoning for that is the way it is. In the video he mentions that women tend to go to school and get a degree in low paying jobs rather than male. Well, that is valid, but I feel as if those low paying are important in society or to society there would be changes to make them pay higher or equal to the other jobs. Most women work in those under paying career fields, but those jobs are the ones that make a difference such as nursing and more. Also, the clip talked about women working part time to take care of her children and the household but if the company or industry knows that she is taking less work hours, so she can take care of another important responsibility than she should be paid equally as more or more than she makes at the moment. I feel that if a woman is doing her job very well plus more she needs to be paid more. “We should change our traditional roles so that women are not the primary caretakers.” I believe that would be an amazing because it would break the social norm of “stay at home moms. If society itself is changing and the individual in society are changing why can the “rules” change. Not ordinary change but change for the better of our society. As a community we should come together and make these changes not just for us but for the next generation.

    1. Keep in mind how our world works today. We can not expect every woman to be paid more than a man just because they are woman. If two people of the same profession have wage inconsistency that should be changed, but we can not just flip the problem upside down and call it better. Equality is the goal not retribution. I do agree though a collective degendering of the roles we have. A caretaker does not have to be female, but it does not have to be a man either. Individuals can work out the details as they wish to live their lives and we can work on making the economy more equal to better support these decisions. -twentyfourframes012

  9. The part of the video that caught my attention the most was the part when they discussed the girl vs boy majors factor that plays a role in women receiving less pay. It mentioned that one reason girls are getting paid less is because they choose jobs usually in social sciences while boys choose more majors involving STEM. He mentioned how girls should try to pursue STEM majors as well to make more income, which I agree with if that is your thing. I know this is about how things should be equal between genders but I do believe from a majority perspective men excel better in engineering aspects while women excel in things such as social sciences or care taking. The only reason it is like that is because society already has a view from the day you are born that girls are more caring than guys. If there was a break from this certain outlook things would be different. If from the day you are born we are all taught everyone is equal and everyone can grow up to be whatever type of human they please then things such as pay would be equal. Even there would not be a gap between things such as how many girl vs boy engineers there are. We are taught to think boys are better at assembling things while girls are better at communication. As a result that is exactly how our society is as a majority. I have seen plenty of girls in my math classes who seem brilliant at math while I have seen boys in my sociology or speech classes be great at communication. I think the vast majority of the reason girls are getting paid less is because of the route they take due to society's impact. Yes there are sexist or close minded people who believe a man will get the job done better but if more women stepped out of the social norms we would be closer to closing the gap.

    1. I do agree with some of your statement. I think what makes women choose jobs usually in social science because our society is forcing them to do that. Plus, it is getting hard when a woman chooses one of the STEM majors to get a job because it is always going to be people will choose men over women. So that’s why women choose because they want to get a job and support themselves instead of staying home because the society doesn’t think that she will be able to do that job which is absolutely wrong! I do agree that our society as a majority supports this idea, but we should do more effort to change it. POINTOFVIEW012

  10. I really like this video because it flat out explains why women on average get paid less than men. This gender gap in the work force is a result of a woman doing “womanly things” basically. Women are the ones who have to take off work to have a baby, so that takes away part of their earning. I feel like this is unfortunate for women that there isn’t paid medical leave to have a baby at every job, but it is your choice to have the baby in the first place. Another reason the video said was that women often pick jobs with lower incomes. Again, this is unfortunate, but it is a woman’s choice what to study and what career to have. The video talked about how there is a very low showing of females in STEM jobs. I remember in high school when my physics teacher addressed this to the class. He talked about these scholarships for college and high school STEM programs, especially for girls. I do wish more girls were scientists, engineers, and even astronauts but I guess there’s just something about those jobs that don’t appeal to women. Personally, I hope to see this change a lot during my life time. It gives me faith to see one of my friends from high school in a STEM program at UIUC. In high school she was voted most likely to cure cancer and now in her freshman year of college she works closely with a doctor to find other ways to cure cancer. The gender gap is still significantly present but it’s girls like her that I think will defy this and change the world. Overall more women graduate college than men but they tend to pick the lower paying jobs. I think the most interesting thing about this is that it doesn’t really matter in our society if a man or a woman has a more flexible schedule to take care of the kids. In our society the woman generally still has a majority of the roles of taking care of the kids but it doesn’t have to be like that.

    1. I think this was also a good video it did give good facts on why the average woman is paid less than men. It is crazy how when a woman has a child it hurts their pay, you would think that with all the funds that are being spent elsewhere that there would be some type of plan that would cover this when the time is needed. If a woman wants to have a child she should have every right to do so without fear of losing her job or pay. The choice of study is another reason woman has lower paying jobs also more woman should do what they want instead of being pressured by society. Just me 012

  11. I thought the video was very detailed and made it easy to follow his points and views about the gender pay gap. In the video the guy mentioned that women tend to go to school and get a degree in low paying jobs rather than males do. I found this interesting, but feel as if those low paying are just as important in society as the higher paying ones. Many of these jobs that are lower paying are crucial to our society such as a nursing career. I feel that if a woman is doing her job very well plus more she needs to be paid just as well as a male should. Society itself is ever changing and the individual in society is changing as well. It's time for this gap to change with it. Not ordinary change but change for the better of our society. As a community we should come together and make these changes not just for us but for the next generation. Overall, I thought the video was very informative and had some interesting points to consider upon. I don’t think the video was supposed to make you change your mind by just watching the video, rather, just show you the other side of the coin. -CUBSFAN012

  12. When professor White said that in the United States men get paid more than women, I was like what!! Why!! I think it is very interesting that the land of equal opportunity doesn’t support equality. In the video, the man talked about the reasons behind why men get paid more than women which I think that those reasons are untrue, unreasonable and unfair. The main reasons behind why this is still happening is because that men always in charge of everything and they made this for them not for everyone. Second, the society itself is forcing us to choose men over women because of what our parents taught us about. Asa women, we had no chance to change this, not because we don’t want to change it and giving it all to men but is more that we cannot do anything because this is a men world’s. moreover, the social norms are also forcing women to be in those categories, the weak, emotional, unable to do what men could. Working in those categories is happening because we got no chance to be in that place. To be able to change the way we are today. To have better and equal opportunity depending on who we are and what we are able to do not on our gender. Even though that the woman is capable to do what men can’t. for example, a woman can get a job in any place, taking care of her parents, and working full time job as a mother tirelessly. And at the end of the day she gets less than a man. This is moronic how the gender pay gap is, and how the jobs such as teaching paid less than the entertainment ones. And how the society sees women and put us under those categories and forcing us to be in that specific place. POINTOFVIEW012!

  13. I enjoyed this video a lot. I'm actually happy that we got the opportunity to watch this because I feel like so many individuals are mislead when they’re hit with a statistic like this. Men make more than women that is a fact, however, ¾ reasons why they do are because of personal choice. Although I myself am a woman, I could see why it would be a good business move for companies when in the hiring process. If you really think about it, if a woman and a man are both applying for a job, there would be less issues when choosing the man. NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE BETTER but because women have a special power called getting pregnant. Why do you think pregnant women won’t usually inform the interviewer that they are currently carrying a child? When you’re hiring someone you want someone that is flexible and will show up. Why hire someone that is pregnant and will eventually have to go on leave? It’s just how the business world works. The other reason he mentioned, about women not negotiating for higher pay does NOT surprise me! The United States has never placed women with enough significance when i comes to the workplace in general! Not too long ago women weren’t even supposed to be WORKING, let alone asking to be paid more than what they are offered. We’ve been conditioned to think “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” when it comes to those type of things in my opinion. The other reason I liked that he mentioned was that women go into lower paying fields. I feel like this point leaves us to blame nobody but society ourselves. WE create the social norms in our culture, so I feel like this issue could be easily fixed if we just changed our attitudes about which gender should do what.

    1. Yes, I agree with what you said about the statistic being misleading. While its 100% correct, the way the statistic is portrayed makes it sound both way worse than it is, and a super easy fix. The problem actually lies deeper - a societal problem that has very little to do with pay. Wages are just a symptom of it. Women, as per stereotypes, aren’t being given the same equal access to jobs and opportunities as men are - this leads to a wide-spread decrease in female’s pay. Only when these deep societal problems are fully addressed, can we see the equalization of male and female wages, in general.

      - MAXIMA012

  14. Gender equality has been a long debated topic. This video was very good at explaining some of the reasons that often not considered in regards to the difference. One of these is the career choices that often draw more women such as teaching and nursing. These are very caring and nurturing professions that often don’t draw the same male attention. These are also careers that often have lower pay ranges. Then there are family commitments. Historically, women were often the ones to work part time to allow time to care for their children or parents. I do believe that this is changing sometimes. My family personally knows families where the men work part time to allow their wives to work full time in higher profile roles. There is also a great deal of work to engage women in STEM careers. This includes high school experiences to help with this engagement. I also agree it is harder for women to ask for higher wages or negotiate for higher wages. Maybe there should be considerations for training or programs that could help women feel more empowered to negotiate. Women also need to talk more about what they are experiencing and expecting from employers. As more and more women get into leadership positions, especially CEO positions, I feel they will help to close the wage gap as well. They may also be able to make a work environment that allows more flexibility as well. The work life balance is important in today’s world is so important. I personally feel lack of work life balance can lead to marital issues, financial problems, and is disruptive to the family environment. There has also been a lot of research done in the past that supports that money is not everything. The extrinsic factors of balance, flexibility are all very important. I recently visited a factory that allowed their staff to bring their dogs to work. This was a huge satisfier for their staff and was mentioned as a method to help with retention. So I don’t believe that everything has to be given in dollars but providing flexibility for all may be more beneficial. I would want this for males and females. In my mind, if you are doing the same job with the same expectation, the pay should be the same.

  15. This is a really interesting debate, and one that I admittedly have not spent much time considering in the past. Initially, it seems incredibly straight forward - women ought to be paid the same amount of money that men are, point blank, no questions asked. However, the speaker brings into light several things that cast the situation differently. He mentions that women often choose to study and pursue schooling and careers that are known for their lower salary grades. This means that while women may in fact be working just as hard as men are, the general population of women opts to pursue something less financially rewarding. Same amount of time invested; less financial compensation.The problem with this really arises when women aren’t given the true choice, and are barred from opportunities that they might otherwise have if it wasn’t for social subtleties and gender stereotypes. This is wrong. Women and men should be given equal opportunities when it comes to jobs. If they legitimately chose the lower paying job, there is no harm, but if they were really forced into it, that’s where we have a problem.

    What it really all comes down to is that men and women absolutely need to be paid the same amount of money for the same job. If two people are completing the same task, then they need to be paid the same. However, it is wrong for women to not be given the same opportunities to get into these higher paying jobs as men. Nearly every different work climate functions significantly better when an even mix of men and women are present in the team. In general, men and women have different ways they approach issues. So, the more variety, the more innovation and progress. Without a mix, not nearly as much is accomplished, and not everyone in accounted for in the process.

    - MAXIMA012

    1. I really like your last point about how women and men should work together to create a better result in something. A males perspective is entirely different than my own and we see the world in completely different ways. I think the mixing of us both is good in the work field or honestly in anything because the genders have different things to bring to the table. That being said in today's society, I feel like keeping the sexes separate seems to be more so what happens than us coming together. Even though studies prove that combining men and women is 100% more effective in completing a task than just all women or all men. It's better to have the best of both worlds for sure. Also, I agree with what you said that as long as women are choosing to work in a lower paying field, I don't really have a problem. The problem arises when women don't have other options and are FORCED to work for lower wages. That's when changes should be made.


  16. I found this video to be a great look into the many different causes that play into the gender pay gap. There is definitely not one, two, or even three reasons that cause the the gender pay gap. There are many causes that have an affect; many of which we may not even think of. Some of the reasons being career choice to begin. Studies show that women tend to choose career paths that are more geared toward helping and supporting people. Career paths such as nursing, teaching and social work may be directions that women are more apt to take instead of the higher paying and more “impersonal” jobs that men may be more interested in pursuing such as management, tech jobs or high standing office jobs. Another aspect of the gender pay gap is the maternal aspect of life. Most women in the working field have one or more children that they are most likely responsible for raising. Therefore the hours that these women are available to work may be more limited then that of a working man who’s only responsibility may be to look out for himself. Also, regardless of children in the home, most women may be more apt to hold household responsibilities that would require a substantial amount of time in their day to day lives. However, regardless of these two possible causes along with many others, there is still an evident presence of gender bias. In this video they brought to light that there was a study done where a application was sent in for a job, first with the name Jennifer and also with the name John. What they found was that the man, John, was offered 13 percent more pay than the woman, Jennifer. This is very eye opening and quite shocking to say the least. I think that it will be a very important thing to continue working to eradicate within our country in the coming years. -THEARSONIST012

  17. This video is very good I like it a lot. It brings up a lot of the social problems that women face regarding the pay gap. It is a definite fact that women make less than men. Research has and can be done to prove it. Women make 80 cents to every mans dollar. It is completely unfair but getting to the root of the problem isn’t always so simple. When asked to pinpoint why there is a gap, it’s hard to say for sure. The man in this video mentions that the gap between men and women’s pay may honestly be more subconscious than outright, and I believe that is true. Another really good point made in this video is that while something can be unequal, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is unfair. For example, a woman earning less might have it more to do with her own personal choices than there being a pay gap between men and women. A woman is more likely to choose a lower paying career, such as nursing, while a man is more likely to choose an engineering career. There’s literally nothing stopping a woman from pursing an engineering career other than the fact that she just doesn’t want to. It makes sense. Men make more because the jobs they’re willing to do are usually more tedious, challenging, dirty, rougher, you know, things girls usually don’t have much of an interest in or a desire to do. I know that’s true for me. I work in a restaurant where the cooks are 100% male and the servers are 100% women. The hourly pay is different by literally 6+ dollars, with the cooks earning more. BUT, its not that simple. On a slow day, when there aren’t any customers and no way to make tips, servers make less while the cook gets paid the same decent rate regardless. But, on a good day we can make up for our low hourly wage in tips. So, what I’m trying to get at here is this: I have no desire to work in a nasty kitchen even though some days cooks can make more money than I do serving. I’d rather work on the floor serving and run the risk of making less, but that is my PERSONAL choice. There’s nothing stopping me from working in the kitchen with the guys and making a consistent amount of money every week, I just don’t want to. Does that make sense? To me it does. Pay gaps and wages aren’t always crystal clear and there are jobs that are more male dominated but it more so relies on personal choice and preference rather than gender inequality. I don’t know. I have a lot of thoughts on this subject.

  18. This video brought up some very good points. The one that I enjoyed watching about is how unequal doesn't always mean unfair. I never thought about it like that before, but I agree that does play a part. He brings up some examples on how some of the more dangerous jobs are mostly male and how teaching is primarily dominated by females. Like him i agree that it has to do with personal preference on what individuals do with their careers, and not this institutional discrimination that politicians and feminists try to push. This video was based on evidence he researched and it brings another light to the gender pay gap. There is always improvement that can be done, but it isn't as bad as the politicians would have you believe. JE012

  19. This video runs right along what we talked about in class. From women choosing lesser paid job fields yet still more women going to college and getting degrees, to most women feeling the need to be stay at he parents. He even mentions how more women in the work force can bring more balance, a different point of view and can help productivity. The point he makes about the gender pay gap is interesting where he says a big contribution to the gap is less women are working full time rather they are staying home and raising the family. But that also doesn’t really explain the reason women are paid 8/10ths of every dollar men are paid. Both points he makes I really like, first changing our gender roles on who raises the family. The woman doesn’t need to be the primary care taker some men even want to do that. Or you can split the work equally. And the he talks about more flexible hours, which even as a man I would like too. The women doesn’t ask for raises portion was very interesting to me. Thats something I myself have over looked and I have just not thought about. Then his last point down right gender discrimination. Which amazes me is still alive and well. Why would it matter what gender they are if they are the same type of work, intelligent, and work harder? I know its gender discrimination is still running rampant and its disgusting and something I hope we can change soon. The unequal does not mean unfair point is really interesting and turns the whole thing on its head, he then ends with saying it doesnt matter what you want to be just work hard. I really enjoy that, thats what I’ve been told by my parents my whole life and I think it could really make the difference.

  20. I wish to point out that what this man has said should make it more clear the problem we are facing. So often do we find ourselves looking at inequality as if some monster lurking in the shadows is pulling strings to put people who defy a prebuilt form down, but that just is not the case. I think if you asked everyone in our class they would say if two equally talented people wanted a job they should be chosen based on other criteria instead of gender. We all are not inherently discriminatory. However, this is still a huge problem for America. We need to find a new path that breaks the idea that women can not have these better jobs, but we also can not just hand people positions based on the fact that they normally would not have it. That adds to the problem. What we need is a new dialogue about careers in America. We should talk more about how people are coerced into the fields they want. As well as a complete degendering of careers. No job is inherently masculine or feminine or at least very very few. I still believe this all links back to how we see the world around us. If someone wants to have a position in STEM as a female they definitely should be allowed, but no one should be considered “just” something. Just a teacher, just a nurse, just a mother. Life is complicated and we need to be more open with one another about our intentions. Most importantly we need to realize that it is not ss versus them. It is us versus the problem, and this is a problem we can fix as long as we keep our goal clear and in sight. -twentyfourframes012

  21. I do agree with what the man said in the beginning of the video about this commercial not being about equality. They expected to get a reaction out of their commercial from one gender or the other or maybe even both. The want to make one gender happy in order to increase their sales. Men are paid more than women and we touched on this topic in class. He stated that the average woman makes about 80 cents to a man's dollar. He stated that while the statistic saying that men are paid mroe than woman is true, it is misleading. He said there are four main reasons whuy women are paid less than men and one of them is the jobs that women choose. I find this to be true. He stated that many women choose majors in the social sciences, elementary education, or nursing and that therefore makes leads them to earn less money. Women can bring more to the table in some aspects like he talked about, including balance and point of view. A lot of women also feel the need to stay at home and be with their families which lowers the statistic as well. They could temporarily put their career on hold as well. They may work part-time, no holidays, or fewer hours at their full-time jobs and that would all affect how much income they bring into the home. He is encouraging women to take up a job in the STEM field which includes science, technology, engineering, and math. These majors are mostly taken up by men. There are not very many females in these majors and he believes that it could help significantly, which the gender gap. The majority of the gender pay gap is not blatant discrimination. I agree with what this video is saying in many ways.

  22. I really found this to be video super interesting!! I love that he clearly analyzed and pointed out every single reason, generally speaking, as to why women are paid lower than men. Every reason he pointed out and thoroughly explained made a lot of sense, even if they weren’t necessarily in the right. I’m hoping in the future that these reasons/issues are addressed accordingly and women get equal pay. Though, that being said, some of the reasons women don’t get paid as much, such as not getting as highly paid jobs, being stay-at-home-moms, or working part time, are things that are unconditional and cannot necessarily be controlled. As stated in the video, these decisions are free will and a woman cannot be forced to do something she doesn’t want to do. But I really do think there should be a change regardless of these decisions she makes in her life. For example, having two identical applications and the man being hired over the woman just because she’s a woman is wrong. This is an issue that can easily be addressed. Gender discrimination is something that needs to be eradicated as soon as possible. It’s an issue that is increasing rapidly, along with religious and racial discrimination, and it’s left a great amount of people out of jobs for no sound reason. Unemployment, gender discrimination, and other such things are current issues that are nonetheless interconnected and have negative effects on the other. I also do know that I have to keep in mind that general patterns and cultural norms are very hard to get rid of and change, but I also know that it’s not impossible. People can make a change if awareness is raised and people care enough about the issue. I hope at some point this issue is addressed and dissipates in due time.


  23. Interesting video I thought! Film right away, states, “an average woman earns about 80% of what a man earns.” Basically, I feel like it could be true.

    1. Reason women aren’t getting paid as much is because women choose lower earning college majors. – Though I do feel that may be partial truth to it, but I also think that its also getting better for women because now they are focusing more on their studies, so now they are getting involved more on higher positions than before. Also, in our era, both men and women are getting married and having kids at a much older age than before. Now I know this talk about female and jobs, but everybody brings something different to the table because it’s about what can a person give to help the job better. Now there are women out their that can do really good jobs and also men.
    2. Women are more likely to have unpaid family responsibilities. – I think this is very true, but also reducing slowly as well in our time being. There are some young females who already have their child to take care off and at the same time, she has to work. Now for the man, is different because society views it as men doing everything to bring to the table – which is not necessarily true. But, women do a lot things at once compare to a guy.
    3. . Women are less likely to negotiate wages. – I also feel like it may be true, but also true for men. I think now it matter most of getting the job than the wage at the moment, which could be the reason. But, this something that can be a common for every individual but not just woman. - LILPUMP012

  24. This video brought up a lot of great points and went over pretty much everything we went over in class. He talked about how women are usually the ones to pick fields that have lower pay then what men would typically pick but also something that stood out to me was that a lot more women go to college and graduate more then what men would. I feel that women just over time just choose the jobs that have been chosen by women in the past because women are so use to doing what they’ve been doing for so many years that they just feel its normal to go that route. You’ll see more women now a days choosing the big time jobs and becoming more of the things that society wouldn’t see women doing and that’s okay because everything we see are just the social norms and if women go against them then of course were going to be like what is happening but it’s okay. The pay difference between women and men doesn’t seem that big because its just 20 cents but Dr. White was saying if a male made $100,000 a year then a women would only be making $80,000 which is a big gap in between just by thinking that twenty cents wouldn’t make a difference. Living in this world now is strange if you sit back and actually take in everything. After attending sociology classes you just seem to understand more and see the world for what it actually is and too be honest this is just totally wrong. Women have been set to lower standards then men and are seen throughout the world as lesser then men and it’s just wrong because we were all created equal. Hopefully over time things will change for the best because the way society has made women seem lesser is just wrong in my eyes. Mrbubby012

  25. I truly believe that for the most part men and women get paid for the same work. That said there are a couple of reasons that I think an employer would pick a man over a woman to work somewhere and vice versa. The first reason would be honest to god sexism, but I do not think that that is very common in the U.S. but I can't bring much evidence to the table for that for either side of the argument because it is hard to make data for it accurately. I can however say that this would make up a very small portion of the "pay gap". The next is differences in ability, women are naturally physically weaker than men so certain jobs would not be suited to them as well as an employer has to think about the longevity of their business, so hiring a middle aged woman would add a level of unpredictability to the equation as women are likely to leave on maternity at around that age. For the most part other than those things it can be chalked up to women and men having differing career paths. The wage gap should really be renamed to the earnings gap because it has very little to do with the same work for the same job. When the data for the gap was gathered it included things like women who work less, stay at home mothers, and differences in choices of career, but did not mention them and simplified the information by saying that it was a gap in how much people get paid per hour which is misleading.

  26. This was a very interesting video to watch. It honestly made me feel just a little mad. I feel as if men and women should be payed equal. If a man and a woman went to school and put the time in they should be payed the same. I don’t see why this is even a thing. In my opinion, women are not less than men, so they should have equal opportunities. 20% less is quite a difference. But at the same time as the guy mentioned in the video, women pick majors that make them get payed less than men. Also, the responsibilities that women have such as taking care of her children and husband. These responsibilities lead to them having to take on a part-time job. Whereas with men, they do not have all these responsibilities that women have so they obviously have more time to work. Women trying to work full time and take care the needs of a household are a lot of work. In fact, I know a woman that is a doctor and she takes care of her household needs. This is rarely seen nowadays because it is a lot of work that goes into that. Taking care of a family is a job itself in my opinion. Let alone working full time then getting off and cooking dinner and cleaning up. But that is the way it is now. It shocks me but at the same time women want nice things as well and wants a nice life for her children and working part time may not always cut it. So, we have to sacrifice and go after what we really want. No matter how hard it may be.

  27. Based on what gender you are determines how much you're getting paid. What I mean by that is women get paid twenty percent less than the male gender. I get that but the one thing I do not get is how the United States says that they are a gender equal country but there are statistics out there saying otherwise. In some jobs I would have to agree when the gentleman talked about how women are better than men. The parts I would have to disagree is there are always men and women who do not do their job or do not do what they need to do. Another reason why I agree when the guy say women do a better job is because women are raised to take care of everything in the household. With doing everything in the household women tend to learn many great skills that the male gender does not learn because they were not raised to do the things needed in the household, they were taught not to be the “breadwinner” not the female. I find it interesting that the four main reason women get less paying jobs are what they are. In the middle of the video the gentleman talked about how women tend to major in the lower paying job careers I get that but the thing that gets me is that we do not know each women who major in them. The female could really like doing the lower paid jobs or that job is all they can do at this point in time based on their home life. Personally I do not like all the stereotypes against women because they can do better job than males at some points. I enjoy when people say that I can not do something just because I am a girl and I end up proving them wrong. Overall I found this video very informational and helpful.


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