Why the Shooting? Your Thoughts?


  1. The shooting that happened in Sacramento is a difficult one because the officers after the shooting turned there body cameras on mute which is raising suspicion on why they did so. People are saying that if they did nothing wrong then why would they have muted there body cameras? I agree with why did they mute there cameras. To me when people get mad about getting body cameras, why would they get mad? If they are doing their job like they should be doing it should not matter. It did say that the man was unarmed, but only those officers where there to tell the story. The person could have very well wielded something that looked like a weapon. With that being said those officers went into the situation ready for everything. So I am not gonna go right out and say that they were in the wrong just because no facts are out about that shooting just yet. But it does start to raise suspicion on why they muted there cameras. There could have been a very good reason on why the officers muted their cameras. It did mention there was no policy put in place in Sacramento on when the officers could mute there cameras and say why they muted them. Which because there was no policy put into place the officers should not be punished because of the fact that they muted there cameras after the confrontation. The only reason that this is a big deal at the moment is because they just had to mute them right after they shot and killed the man. That is what is raising the suspicion of if the officers were in the right or wrong. They could very easily have been in the right. But just the fact that they muted there cameras raises some red flags. Trojan123

  2. The shooting that happened in Sacramento is a difficult one because the officers after the shooting turned there body cameras on mute which is raising suspicion on why they did so. People are saying that if they did nothing wrong then why would they have muted there body cameras? I agree with why did they mute there cameras. To me when people get mad about getting body cameras, why would they get mad? If they are doing their job like they should be doing it should not matter. It did say that the man was unarmed, but only those officers where there to tell the story. The person could have very well wielded something that looked like a weapon. With that being said those officers went into the situation ready for everything. So I am not gonna go right out and say that they were in the wrong just because no facts are out about that shooting just yet. Coming from a investigations point of view it raises some major red flags. The other officers investigating this shooting makes them look further into if it was a justified shooting or not. I did watch the body cam video and you cannot see much but can hear the yelling and the shots that are being fired. They did fire a total of twenty times it said. Which to me is justified because in that moment you get caught up in the moment and keep pulling that trigger until the threat is handled. I would hate to be the officers investigating that certain incidence because you want to be in favor of your brothers but at the same time you have to have justice on what was right and wrong. The fact of that they turned their body cameras on mute right after the shooting makes them look in the fault. But at the same time they could have turned them off for multiple different justified reasons. Trojan456

  3. I can see both points of the family members and protesters and of the police officers. With all of the issues that law enforcement are having with shootings of unarmed people though it should make them cautious of every move they make and their superiors making sure they do. I am curious to know why these officers choose to mute the body cam as well. Just like it said in the article by Alexander, that yeah the officers didn't break any rules when they muted their body cams but it makes everyone else involved question their motives for doing so, and make them think that they were trying to hide something. If the officers were doing their job correctly and by the book then they shouldn't have had any issues with how they handled it, so why the secrecy of turning the body cam on mute?. If these police agencies are using the body cam to help document everything that happened when they arrive to a scene then why is there a mute button available to them, I can see the part where it said that they are trained to activate the mute button when they start talking about confidential matters but why did they quickly turn them on mute right after the shot him. There are a lot of red flags when it comes to the police officers and how the police officers handled this incident. But with not knowing every detail of what happened it is hard to say if the police officers were in the wrong or not. Motocross123

  4. The shooting in Sacramento that happened is hard to think about. I can see where it is difficult for the officers after the shooting turned their body cams on mute is pretty suspicious on why they did what they did. Therefore in the defense of the community thinking if the police officers did nothing wrong why would they put their body cams on mute? Did they really think about their actions when before they did them. He was unarmed African American and they decided to shoot him and then proceed to mute their body cameras. That is telling us they did do something wrong. To hear that these officers decide to make their choice of muting there body cams with no explanation is outrages. Like I think the family and the community around needs to know why they made such a choice. Reading in the article about the unanswered questions that they family has no answers to is sad to hear. Police officers are supposed to serve and protect, yes we do know they thought he was armed but, knowing afterward that he was not means they should be some explanation to why they muted the cams. Stating this the cops might not want to the truth to come out like Sonia Lewis cousin of the Clark’s. If you did nothing wrong why hid the truth from the family. Body cams have a purpose and they do help in cases, but to hear that they have bad cases lying on them is not right. I think from this article cops should realize what they are doing before they actually commit to the act. Even though there is not much detail about and in the story behind them muting the body cams, it still leaves us wondering if the cops in this case are actually the bad guys or not. Smile123

  5. The shooting in Sacramento that happened is hard to think about. Reading into the article it is very sad that this had to happen but the cops weren’t in the wrong for shooting an supposedly armed African American, but the thing that is suppcious is why they muted their body cams? What was the purpose of muting them if you did nothing wrong? What are you trying to hide that you don’t want anybody to notice? Like yes they did give the option to mute them but not for the purpose they used the mute button for. I understand it can be useful if they are talking about topics that are very controversial but to use it right after you shot someone doesn’t seem very smart. If you think about the family’s perspective knowing that a family member got shot and he did nothing wrong from their view is heartbreaking. To know they may never get the answers they are looking for is bad on the cops part. Why is the real question? Talking more in depth about body cams. The agencies are allowing officers to have the body cams to document all that happens in their lives. Why would there even be an option to mute the things. I understand that there may be times you might want to mute it but, I would never think in a situation where you just shot someone you would need to keep quiet on the matter. This person needs justice and so does his family and knowing you can not give them what they deserve is outraging. The family needs the answers and for the cops to just sit back and act like nothing happened and they muted their body cams for the reason that nobody knows why is sad to think about. How about if something like this happened to one of your family members or someone you know. Wouldn’t you want to know why it was so important to mute the conversation right when a poor person got shot even though he was unarmed? Overall this article is teaching me understandings of things that happen in the world and how they smallest thing can ruin someone’s life. Smile456

  6. I heard about the shooting from Facebook my question is if the officer made a mistake why can't he just tell the truth. My other question is why did they shot him 20 times and that over kill it don't matter how you look at it. There need be something not just get off because he a cop and shot someone they thought was a gun and come find out it was phone. If that was anyone else that would be in paper or be in prison, it should matter if they are a cop or not. Why they mute what happens and all I am hear just reason, no reason why they did? Also than you wonder why the community have no truth in you and if you want the community to truth you have do the right thing. The main reason for body camera for if something like this happened you can see and hear. Now you have the profile he made a big mistake and when he know he miss up and , could at least say he sorry for what he did. He took some family member and they would never be the same for them and the community will always member what he did. The family should get something and it won't bring him back but at least if do some good for they if they could. If the officers was train the right way and did everything by the book I don't see why there would be wrong for mess up/. Something in our life we mess up all time however this kind job if you shoot someone they can be gone forever. There a different between good cop and someone who over kill someone and who know there reason and we problem won't never know.
    -Panthers 123

  7. Sometimes cop is put on high risk all the time you never know what that person is goanna do when you are case someone. Sometimes you may have shot back but that should be the right way to do. I not say these cops should get off early when you shot someone special black person and when they did not even have a weapon on them. You know the medial going love because all they hear is someone get shoot at and don't hear the whole story what happened. Only the officers will know the truth about it and yes, these officers mess up do you think should be fired most people say yes and I would agree with them no person should have a job after they shoot an innocent person. If you not goanna wear or use the body camera right than why we waste time with it. There is a lot of question need be asking and answer because like why did they put mute on body came and why did they get nothing done to them? Do they have a problem with black people or something. Why did they shoot them so many times? Also, they could have done it different than this way and maybe next time could of think about just case the first person. These are not just getting fired like career path change if you don't get this right won't help you at at all. I Know it's hard doing this but something the right thing won't be easy at all.

  8. After reading this article and the explanations law enforcement tried to give out, I am to say that I am completely against this case. On March 18th in Sacramento, California, a man of the name of Stephon Clark was shot and killed for the mistaken belief that he was armed with a gun, reported by one of the officers at the scene. I do not like and think it is professional of how in the officers defense that they thought they saw that Clark was armed and then proceeded to fire. It is really disturbing to me that unjust actions or the mistaken belief of a weapon in someone's possession is still a thing. I'm starting to think that some of these officers aren't even taking these types of trainings seriously and almost every time is resulting in falsely accusing someone for having something in their possession. It was said in the beginning of the article that Sacramento’s use of body cameras and the quick release of the footage they capture is seen as a way and effort to improve the public's trust. We all know that it isimportant to have a good relationship between law enforcement and society and so with the active body cameras, it seemed that the citizens were most likely gaining trust from officers. This incident though would not surprise me if that changes because they basically went backwards and did the total opposite of what the citizens respect and want. During this incident it was said that one of the officers says the words “hey mute” to mute the audio on both officers cameras. Another thing that deserves some explanation (which there was no explanation for) is why during their exit of the scene, are the audio on the body cameras being turned off. I think even though their camera was still on, there is a suspicious reason why they put their audio on mute. The unclear reason for why the officers muted their body cameras should result in some type of suspension because there IS a reason but for some odd reason they can't explain why. Even though the officers are taught during body cam training to “utilize mute” in certain situations, was this even the type of situation needed for that? I don't know this whole thing just seems unfair to me and does not make all that much sense. I guess there is no rule that you can't turn your body camera off but it just looks really bad in this case. Hiwelcometochilis456

  9. I think it was wrong that the officers involved in the shooting in Sacramento turned off their audio buttons on the body cams that they were wearing when they shot and killed Stephon Clark, who turned out to be unarmed. The body-cam policy for the city of Sacramento states that officers should record “any enforcement or investigative activity” until that operation has “reasonably concluded.” Yet the policy goes on stating that officers may deactivate their camera under some circumstances, including talking about confidential or tactical matters, or for privacy concerns, as long as the reason is documented afterwards. In other words the officers involved in the shooting used or came up with an excuse to turn off the audio on their body cams when they confronted Stephon Clark. The question is why? In today’s day and age you expect the police to be transparent to be honest and to be upfront. The fact that there is a audio shut off button on body cams is an issue. Police officers should have enough confidence in their abilities as a police officer to deal with people in such a way that whatever is said during the time a body cam is turned on will not be negative, threatening, or could endanger lives. To be honest, there should not be an option to turn off the audio on a body cam. That was there can be no discrepancy as to what was said in footage from a bodycam. In the end transparency and trust are two words that need to be associated with police officers wearing body-cams. Body cams are supposed to be used as another set of eyes an ears for law enforcement, both are needed in order for justice to be served accordingly. The police need to be able to trust one another.

  10. After reading this article and learning about this new piece of evidence it has me wondering why would officers mute their audio if they were doing their jobs correctly? I know that there are some reasons to be muting the audio, but right after you shoot someone who is unarmed just makes the officers look like they were doing something wrong and were trying to come up with a story to cover their tracks. I know that the officers did not break any rules, but if we want the public’s trust, then we must be willing to do everything by the book and if an officer can not do that then they should have to face the repercussions. I feel that we need more evidence and we need to wait til the investigation is over before we can say clearly if these officers were in the wrong. These officers should know that every move they make whether it be right or wrong will be under the watchful eye of the community and the media. These officers are the ones who make one mistake in their career and it will in turn be the end of their career no matter how many good things they may do afterwards, and it also makes the trust in the whole country for police officers decrease because of what they have done. This not only affects Sacramento, but also the country as a whole and we will eventually start to see protests in other areas until we get the answers that we are waiting for. Officers in today's world need to know that they are going to be under the watchful eye of everybody in the country and one wrong move can ruin their whole career in seconds.

  11. The shooting that took place in Sacramento as of now looks to be a bad shooting one of which the subject was unarmed. The muting of the body cameras are suspicious for when and how they did this. I agree with giving the officers the ability to mute the body cameras for privacy purpose and other things but when they did the muting of the cameras (shortly after the shooting as back up was arriving) looks bad on the officers not just in this department but around the world. It shows to us that there is something they are trying to hide from the public, something worth of value that they don't want anyone to know. I am for body cameras all the way because they can save your butt in keys moments for example when you have to deploy your taser on someone. But no matter the amount of technology we have in this world we as humans will always find a way to manipulate it in our favor that way it benefits us no matter what we are doing. This being another fatal police shooting that the media explodes to show us all how bad the police are but my question is why are all the shootings we are hearing about have white officer and a African American subject? There are other shootings that take place with police that are either white on white or African American on African American or even an African American officer and a white subject but name the last time you have seen one of those in the media... you can't! By means of the media the look on the police has hit an all time low and there is very little to no trust in all departments nationwide. If your going to show one shooting you must show all to the public you can't just select the ones that get out because they have a obvious racial element in that event. NDIrish123.

  12. The shooting that took place in Sacramento as of now looks to be a bad shooting one of which the subject was unarmed. The muting of the body cameras are suspicious for when and how they did this. I agree with giving the officers the ability to mute the body cameras for privacy purpose and other things but when they did the muting of the cameras (shortly after the shooting as back up was arriving) looks bad on the officers not just in this department but around the world. It shows to us that there is something they are trying to hide from the public, something worth of value that they don't want anyone to know. I am for body cameras all the way because they can save your butt in keys moments for example when you have to deploy your taser on someone. But no matter the amount of technology we have in this world we as humans will always find a way to manipulate it in our favor that way it benefits us no matter what we are doing. This being another fatal police shooting that the media explodes to show us all how bad the police are but my question is why are all the shootings we are hearing about have white officer and a African American subject? There are other shootings that take place with police that are either white on white or African American on African American or even an African American officer and a white subject but name the last time you have seen one of those in the media... you can't! By means of the media the look on the police has hit an all time low and there is very little to no trust in all departments nationwide. If your going to show one shooting you must show all to the public you can't just select the ones that get out because they have a obvious racial element in that event. NDIrish456.

  13. The incident that had happened in Sacramento is a debated subject. On the one hand, it was almost suspicious and unnecessary for the officers to mute their body cams. However, the other side of the story could be that the officers were talking about something that could have been unimportant. I seem to think that it was unnecessary to mute their body cams because what more information could have been leaked? There was already video surveillance of what had happened, so why would there need to be muted audio? I think that the Sacramento Police Department should have better judgement on when they should mute their audio and when to not mute it.

  14. My thoughts on this topic is that it is so sad. I bet his mom and dad use to see all the black men being killed my police and never thought they would lose their son that same way. Stephon got killed in his own backyard his mom said while the shots was going off she was in the house telling his little sister get on the ground because she didn't know if a bullet would hit the house. I feel like muting a body cam defeats the purpose of even having them. People was pushing body cams so they could see and hear what goes on in bad situations like this and if you don't have sound you missing a major puzzle piece. I think the officers knew what they were doing when they muted the camera because if you did not have anything to hide a normal officer would not of muted the body cam regardless of the conversation that was going on. Then on top of that I feel like if the officers really believed they were in the right they would not of muted the camera because they already should have known if they shoot this black man and they mute it there will be a lot of negative things about the situation and that is exactly what happened. Then they shot him 20 times, I agree that was a use of illegal force. Even if he had a gun, 20 shots is over the top they could of just shot him 3 times or something but they shot him 20 times they wanted him to die they did not want him to live. Then to make matters worse, he had just had a baby and now his baby have to grow up without a dad and that is so heart breaking. The officers involved should go to jail because what they did was not right at all they broke a family forever and any amount of justice will not bring back there son back.
    - Jolly Ranchers

  15. The terrible incident that had happened in Sacramento in terms of the shooting was unnecessary. The officers had run down this man and thought that he had a gun and then proceeded to fire on the unarmed man. That was not the unnecessary procedure however. The unnecessary procedure that had happened was when the police officers had been video and audio recording the whole incident up to the point to where they had shot the man and then once they were about to talk to some colleagues, one of them declared, "Mute." I found this to be somewhat of a strange incident because I doubt that this action was needed. I do not know what the officer was thinking when he said to mute the cams, but I hope that it was not for bad intentions.

  16. Reading this article I could understand the pain and the questions. When the officers shot the young man that right there should have made them want to make sure they followed the rules. The reason why I say that is because the communities already believe that cops are trying to take out the young black men. They shot a man over a phone that they believed was a gun. When they muted their microphones after the shooting, that was a big red flag. Everyones knows that that’s when the truth comes out. That’s when you hear the conversation of if the young men had a gun or not, if the officers made a mistake. The officers should have never mutted the cameras. It made is seem like they were up to something they didn’t want anyone to know about. I could understand if the officers were just out getting food and they wanted to have a personal convo, yea mute the cameras. But he and she shouldn’t mute the cameras after a shooting. That raises suspicions. I understand that in the article it said that “they had no policy on an officer muting there camera or not”, but I think it's pretty clear on not to mute it after something like this occurs. Now when and crisis start there’s no one that can stop it. At least if the cops would have kept there cameras on it could have helped the case not raise a riot. Body cameras are suppose to protect the officers and the surveillance. Though how can anyone be protected, when the cameras are not on? Another thing is that others said they never heard the police identify themselves. The whole thing to me is a red flag. Just because someone called in a crime of someone breaking into cars does not mean just go around shooting and muting cameras. (Equality 123)

  17. Reading this article I could understand the pain and the questions. This incident raises a lot of questions. When the officers shot the young man that right there should have made them want to make sure they followed the rules. The reason why I say that is because the communities already believe that cops are trying to take out the young black men. They shot a man over a phone that they believed was a gun. When they muted their microphones after the shooting, that was a big red flag. Everyones knows that that’s when the truth comes out. That’s when you hear the conversation of if the young men had a gun or not, if the officers made a mistake. The officers should have never mutted the cameras. It made is seem like they were up to something they didn’t want anyone to know about. I could understand if the officers were just out getting food and they wanted to have a personal convo, yea mute the cameras. But he and she shouldn’t mute the cameras after a shooting. That raises suspicions. I understand that in the article it said that “they had no policy on an officer muting there camera or not”, but I think it's pretty clear on not to mute it after something like this occurs. Now when and crisis start there’s no one that can stop it. At least if the cops would have kept there cameras on it could have helped the case not raise a riot. Body cameras are suppose to protect the officers and the surveillance. Though how can anyone be protected, when the cameras are not on? Another thing is that others said they never heard the police identify themselves. The whole thing to me is a red flag. Just because someone called in a crime of someone breaking into cars does not mean just go around shooting and muting cameras. (Equality 456)

  18. In a situation like what those officers involved in the shooting of Sacramento faced, it’s very difficult to interpret who’s in the right and who is in the wrong, especially being as the officers muted their body cams. To me, the ability to mute a body cam should not be left up to the officers- this leaves plenty of room for corruption, brutality, and the ability of the officers to not tell the whole, proper truth. Although this is my opinion on whether or not the officers should’ve had the ability to mute their body cams, I believe that this shooting falls into the same category as many other african american shootings across America- an unfortunate accident. Without hearing what was said between the officers and suspect, we only have the video to go off of. After watching the footage myself, it’s hard to say if the officers actually did any wrongdoing by turning off their microphones- why they did it, I do not know, but it doesn’t appear like it affected anything. I believe even had they left their microphones on, Stephon Clark would’ve ended up shot regardless because he simply did not comply with what the officers were commanding him to do, and he was an unarmed african american male fleeing from the police. Unfortunately, scenarios like these are stereotyped and the officers likely presumed the male was carrying a weapon and would do anything to avoid arrest. The two police officers may have reacted too quickly, but had the male suspect actually been attempting to pull out a gun and aim at them, they may not have made it out alive had they not reacted as quickly as they did. When police officers are placed into highly stressful and potentially deadly scenarios like these, adrenaline and instincts kick. The officers probably feared for their lives and reacted quicker than they should’ve in assuming the suspect’s phone was indeed a gun. Hoagie123

  19. I have one opinion on this topic. This is one reason why cops have such a bad outlook. The community should be pissed. This is so not right, 20 rounds on a guy that just had a cell phone. Really? Breaking into houses, I don't care if it was him stealing 40 million dollars. He didn't just go murder a guy and who knows if it was actually him breaking into houses. How could it possibly be him if all he had on him was a cell phone. This doesn't matter if this guy is black, white, orange, green, or brown. Nobody should be shot that many times. He didn't pull out a gun, what did he even do to deserve something like that. Then the officers are going to turn off there body cams for what reason? To say something that the community doesn't want to hear or your agency. These officers deserve to be punished more than just being fired. These cops are BAD cops in my opinion. You had to be hiding something more than just shooting this individual. Muting your body cam is not part of why it is on your person. That is part of your uniform and if you mute it then youre are hiding something. I really hope these bad cops are being punished. I want to be a police officer one day and I think this is a brutal situation and puts a horrible reputation on police officers around this world. Yes, this could have been a mistake or it could have been a part of anger, who knows what these officers were thinking at the time. We need to take action in this situation and I hope the police force can take action on this and help this family as much as possible or they are going to be dealing with a lot of bad situations. I don't blame the people for rioting and being pissed off they have a reason to be. Conrad 123

  20. I have one opinion on this topic. This is one reason why cops have such a bad outlook. The community should be pissed. This is so not right, 20 rounds on a guy that just had a cell phone. Really? Breaking into houses, I don't care if it was him stealing 40 million dollars. He didn't just go murder a guy and who knows if it was actually him breaking into houses. How could it possibly be him if all he had on him was a cell phone. This doesn't matter if this guy is black, white, orange, green, or brown. Nobody should be shot that many times. He didn't pull out a gun, what did he even do to deserve something like that. Then the officers are going to turn off there body cams for what reason? To say something that the community doesn't want to hear or your agency. These officers deserve to be punished more than just being fired. These cops are BAD cops in my opinion. You had to be hiding something more than just shooting this individual. Muting your body cam is not part of why it is on your person. That is part of your uniform and if you mute it then youre are hiding something. I really hope these bad cops are being punished. I want to be a police officer one day and I think this is a brutal situation and puts a horrible reputation on police officers around this world. Yes, this could have been a mistake or it could have been a part of anger, who knows what these officers were thinking at the time. We need to take action in this situation and I hope the police force can take action on this and help this family as much as possible or they are going to be dealing with a lot of bad situations. I don't blame the people for rioting and being pissed off they have a reason to be. Conrad 456

  21. As I read the article “why did Sacramento officer who shot Stephon Clark mute their Bodycams?” was interesting. The reason why I thought it was interesting because why would the officer mute the bodycams. In my thoughts, officers should never mute their body cameras because that is showing evidences. As the article said, “the body cam footage from the two officers who shot Clark in a residential backyard after dark on March 18 includes the chase.” The officer shouted gun and had a mistaken belief that he was armed. That is when the gunfire had started. Also, that is when the officer said “mute “and both officer’s cameras went silent. The chief was speechless about his officers turning the cameras on mute. He said, “there could be various reasons why his officers turned them off and he wouldn’t say Clark shooting was one of them.” Clark’s family and protesters criticized the shooting as the illegal use of force. I don’t blame the because that is one of their loved one that has been shot and killed. The family attorney is filing a wrongful-death lawsuit against the officers. The company that made the cameras said, “the cameras are delivered without the mute function active, but it is “provided as an option for the agencies if they want to use it.” After the incident happened Sgt. Vance Chandler said, “officers are taught how to us the body-cam training “to utilize mute” in certain situations but would not say what they were.” So, of these departments doesn’t know why their officers are muting their cameras. They need to figure that out. -- Softball123

  22. As I read the article “why did Sacramento officer who shot Stephon Clark mute their Bodycams?” was interesting. The reason why I thought it was interesting because why would the officer mute the bodycams. As an investigator, I would tell all the departments to keep their body cameras on. In my thoughts, officers should never mute their body cameras because that is showing evidences. As the article said, “the body cam footage from the two officers who shot Clark in a residential backyard after dark on March 18 includes the chase.” The officer shouted gun and had a mistaken belief that he was armed. That is when the gunfire had started. Also, that is when the officer said “mute “and both officer’s cameras went silent. The chief was speechless about his officers turning the cameras on mute. He said, “there could be various reasons why his officers turned them off and he wouldn’t say Clark shooting was one of them.” Clark’s family and protesters criticized the shooting as the illegal use of force. I don’t blame the because that is one of their loved one that has been shot and killed. The family attorney is filing a wrongful-death lawsuit against the officers. The company that made the cameras said, “the cameras are delivered without the mute function active, but it is “provided as an option for the agencies if they want to use it.” After the incident happened Sgt. Vance Chandler said, “officers are taught how to us the body-cam training “to utilize mute” in certain situations but would not say what they were.” So, of these departments doesn’t know why their officers are muting their cameras. They need to figure that out. -- Softball456

  23. I think body cameras would be such a great addition to every police station but how’re they ever going to work effectively if we have officers like the ones in the article who turn off their cameras when they choose to. I think those officers shooting the black man was extremely uncalled for and wrong. They had no intention to help the situation, they just went straight to shooting. The problem with this situation is that it could have been easily prevented. All they had to do was approach the man and see what was going on with the breaking windows situation, but instead they resorted straight to shooting this innocent man. If body cameras are going to work, we need officers to have integrity and honesty. Telling another officer “mute it” should result in both officers getting fired. We don’t need officers on our streets that we can’t trust to handle a simple break in call. It’s scary to think there's officers out there who we can’t trust to not resort to shooting as their first response. Cheer123

  24. I think body cameras would be such a great addition to every police station but how’re they ever going to work effectively if we have officers like the ones in the article who turn off their cameras when they choose to. I think those officers shooting the black man was extremely uncalled for and wrong. They had no intention to help the situation, they just went straight to shooting. The problem with this situation is that it could have been easily prevented. All they had to do was approach the man and see what was going on with the breaking windows situation, but instead they resorted straight to shooting this innocent man. If body cameras are going to work, we need officers to have integrity and honesty. Telling another officer “mute it” should result in both officers getting fired. We don’t need officers on our streets that we can’t trust to handle a simple break in call. It’s scary to think there's officers out there who we can’t trust to not resort to shooting as their first response. When an officer turns off their body camera, it’s going to make people think that they are hiding something. Just as anyone would think, if you delete your messages, it usually means you don’t want anyone to see what you’re saying to people. If those officers had nothing to hide they wouldn’t have to mute it. It’s unfortunate that an innocent man had to lose his life in the process of this incident, but hopefully something like this never happens again. I think police departments need to be very careful and tedious with the people they’re hiring. Not just anyone can be a police officer, and not just anyone deserves the title of being a police officer. That is a title that only certain, special people should hold. Cheer456

  25. When it comes out that a man has been fatally shot and killed, it is never easy news to hear. Regardless of opinions either way, it should first be acknowledged that this was a human life that is now lost. Someone who had a family that loved him and people who cared about him, and the loss of his life is a tragedy. There is something else that has to be remembered though, the two responding officers on the scene that night also have family and friends who love and care about them. They went into work that morning wanting to come home that night. If they honestly believed that their life was in danger, that the man had a gun, then it can be argued that this shooting was justified. Due to the fat that none of us were there to witness the event, it is very difficult to judge whether the officers were in the wrong or not. The investigation that is underway will definitely help clarify this. Now, to address the muting of the bodycam. To the public, this is definitely something that could come off a bit suspicious. They are questioning why the officer muted the bodycam, stating that it must be because there is something they are hiding. This may not necessarily be the case though, mostly due to the fact that muting is a normal thin. It was most likely done to protect the officers. After an event this big goes down, it is safe to say that they are not completely calm or thinking straight, so the muting my have just been done for their own privacy. At the end of the day, the only one who truly knows these officer’s true intentions behind the shooting and the muting are these officers themselves. “Patriots123”

  26. I find the whole situation to be weird. Why would you want your body camera to be muted before with get ready to shoot or be in a conflicted with some. You should want to have all the evidence you can get when you are in a risky situation. I don’t understand why any other time you would mute your body camera. I feel like the officers new what they were doing when they got there. In the article it says ‘’ He said officers are taught during body-cam training "to utilize mute" in certain situations but would not say what they were.” You obviously need to let the officers know what a good time is to turn the mute bottom on. I would see if the family was in a fight and they’re on the phone arguing, then I would mute the body camera because what’s going on in your personal life is no one business. But you are getting ready to shoot someone, especially as black male and everyone knows there has been a lot of conflict with those type of race and for them to mute it really got everyone thinking. If I was an officer and getting ready to be in a risky situation I would have the body camera on and everything, so everyone knows what happened. Officers favorite thing to say about someone is ‘’they had a gun on them’’. no everyone has a gun on them, I think it’s a way for them to feel like they are doing something because they are some police. They have to get their act together, now that we can have evidence they are trying to abuse it. -babyblue123

  27. Reading about this story first of all it is sad to hear that a person died, and that it possibly could have happened from police misconduct. The idea that you will be able to see and hear what the officer is doing at all times in theory is good. In a way though it is invading the officer’s privacy. It would definitely be weird to always be heard and see what I see at work, and it might even cause me to act differently. With being an officer you have to have to faith in them and trust that they will do their job well and those higher up in the ranks will higher the right people. The body cam definitely has its perks though. Seeing a crime scene being made at a shooting and seeing who shot first and all that would be much easier to figure out with a body cam. Well the two officers involved in this incident decided to at one point mute their body cams purposely and then continue to talk and then the result is an unarmed man being shot and killed. Apparently the officers had received training on using the mute button and were given scenarios on when to mute to camera, but those reasons were not released. Police say that their investigation into the matter is going to be figuring out why the two officers muted the body cameras and if it was justified. It does look a little shady that they would mute the camera and then that be the result, but they could be falsely compared through another variable and not be related at all. If no one would have been shot these officers would probably never be questioned on when and why they would mute their body cameras Wings123

  28. Reading about this story first of all it is sad to hear that a person died, and that it possibly could have happened from police misconduct. The idea that you will be able to see and hear what the officer is doing at all times in theory is good. In a way though it is invading the officer’s privacy. It would definitely be weird to always be heard and see what I see at work, and it might even cause me to act differently. With being an officer you have to have to faith in them and trust that they will do their job well and those higher up in the ranks will higher the right people. The body cam definitely has its perks though. Seeing a crime scene being made at a shooting and seeing who shot first and all that would be much easier to figure out with a body cam. Well the two officers involved in this incident decided to at one point mute their body cams purposely and then continue to talk and then the result is an unarmed man being shot and killed. Apparently the officers had received training on using the mute button and were given scenarios on when to mute to camera, but those reasons were not released. Police say that their investigation into the matter is going to be figuring out why the two officers muted the body cameras and if it was justified. It does look a little shady that they would mute the camera and then that be the result, but they could be falsely compared through another variable and not be related at all. If no one would have been shot these officers would probably never be questioned on when and why they would mute their body cameras Wings456

  29. Its unfortunate what happened in Sacramento and is right that no family should lose a family at a very young age or no mother should have to barre her child by any means. But with what’s been going on with law enforcement and the communities, everyone is always quick to say the police did this wrong the police for this and that but don’t sit and try think about the situation you must try to put your foot in the officer and the victim shoes. Every officer once they get on the job, there thought process is to do whatever they have to, to make sure they make it home at the end of their shift so if you were to get a call in at a time where its very late yeah, its street lights on but not in the spot that you are at, and the call is someone breaking car windows & dressed all black which very much blends in with the darkness while you’re on your way there you don’t know where he’s at or what he got so once you spot the suspect and its dark yeah you got a flash but his hands is in his pocket and approaching toward it’s a split second decision that could determine weather your going or not would you say you’ll handle it any differently? But we can decide whether it was a good or bad shoot because one we weren’t there to physically see and two we didn’t have the adrenaline rush and fear of the unexpected as did the two responding officers. It’s always hard to see another life get taking away at a young age no doubt but some human being gets their self in situations where the outcome isn’t what we would like to see. Junior 123

  30. Its unfortunate what happened in Sacramento and is right that no family should lose a family at a very young age or no mother should have to barre her child by any means. But with what’s been going on with law enforcement and the communities, everyone is always quick to say the police did this wrong the police for this and that but don’t sit and try think about the situation you must try to put your foot in the officer and the victim shoes. Every officer once they get on the job, there thought process is to do whatever they have to, to make sure they make it home at the end of their shift so if you were to get a call in at a time where its very late yeah, its street lights on but not in the spot that you are at, and the call is someone breaking car windows & dressed all black which very much blends in with the darkness while you’re on your way there you don’t know where he’s at or what he got so once you spot the suspect and its dark yeah you got a flash but his hands is in his pocket and approaching toward it’s a split second decision that could determine weather your going or not would you say you’ll handle it any differently? But we can decide whether it was a good or bad shoot because one we weren’t there to physically see and two we didn’t have the adrenaline rush and fear of the unexpected as did the two responding officers. It’s always hard to see another life get taking away at a young age no doubt but some human being gets their self in situations where the outcome isn’t what we would like to see. Junior456

  31. The shooting that happened in Sacramento is a difficult one, especially where life had been lost. The officers who were involved in the shooting put their camera on mute after the incident that put suspicion if they are hiding something or not. I can see that people will ask questions like, why would they have muted their body cameras if they are not hiding something. With that situation, I think the officers' action is at right at the moment because the suspect could have wielded something at them that looked like a weapon. Yes, being a police officer is a very dangerous job, their life is always at stake, and they cannot tell what would happen. The police officers are doing their job of responding and looking for the suspect but shooting the person over twenty shots is overkill in my opinion. I cannot tell if that was their police department policy to empty the whole clip of their magazine when they engage in a shooting. I cannot tell. Only time and further investigation could tell. The city's body-cam policy does not mention muting at all, and the policy adds that officers may deactivate their cameras under some circumstances. There might have a very reason for why the two police officer involved in the shooting muted their body cameras. Probably for confidential matters or for privacy concerns that they do it. Does not mean they can, it does not mean that they should not be punished for what happened. At the moment, this issues a big deal because of their action and a person being killed. The body cams are supposed to be used as another set of eyes, ears, and witnesses for law enforcement which I think that every police department should have. The incident will not bring the person back to life, but the truth will come out for the family to get some answers or justice for what happened. -Chopper123

  32. The shooting that happened in Sacramento is a difficult one, especially where life had been lost. The officers who were involved in the shooting put their camera on mute after the incident that put suspicion if they are hiding something or not. I can see that people will ask questions like, why would they have muted their body cameras if they are not hiding something. With that situation, I think the officers' action is at right at the moment because the suspect could have wielded something at them that looked like a weapon. Yes, being a police officer is a very dangerous job, their life is always at stake, and they cannot tell what would happen. The police officers are doing their job of responding and looking for the suspect but shooting the person over twenty shots is overkill in my opinion. I cannot tell if that was their police department policy to empty the whole clip of their magazine when they engage in a shooting. I cannot tell. Only time and further investigation could tell. The city's body-cam policy does not mention muting at all, and the policy adds that officers may deactivate their cameras under some circumstances. There might have a very reason for why the two police officer involved in the shooting muted their body cameras. Probably for confidential matters or for privacy concerns that they do it. Does not mean they can, it does not mean that they should not be punished for what happened. At the moment, this issues a big deal because of their action and a person being killed. The body cams are supposed to be used as another set of eyes, ears, and witnesses for law enforcement which I think that every police department should have. The incident will not bring the person back to life, but the truth will come out for the family to get some answers or justice for what happened. -Chopper456

  33. After reading this article, all I can say is wow. This is kind of tough to really discuss, but my first thought is the officers were a little too quick to pull the trigger. I know in some situations an officer is not going to wait around and be shot, but if the individual does not pose as a threat then I would say be ready to shoot if needed to do not automatically shoot. Secondly, what is the issue with muting the body cameras. A lot of officers would like for the public to believe that they are good officers and don’t try to intentionally deceive the publice, and want to prove that proper protocol was taking; well that can be done if you are trying to mute the body cameras in hopes to cover up something. It doesn’t look good for the officer to yell mute and the sound goes off. The public will literally come up with their own theories to why the cameras were muted and it will get ugly quick. As for the family my heart goes out for them and I can only imagine what they are going through, but the speculation they have of the “cops” being up to something is what stuck out to me the most because as they are fighting this even if they don’t win the case this could put police departments around the US in jeopardy of having the trust, faith, and respect of the community making their jobs a little more harder. TJGirl123

  34. After reading this article, all I can say is wow. This is kind of tough to really discuss, but my first thought is the officers were a little too quick to pull the trigger. I know in some situations an officer is not going to wait around and be shot, but if the individual does not pose as a threat then I would say be ready to shoot if needed to do not automatically shoot. Secondly, what is the issue with muting the body cameras. A lot of officers would like for the public to believe that they are good officers and don’t try to intentionally deceive the publice, and want to prove that proper protocol was taking; well that can be done if you are trying to mute the body cameras in hopes to cover up something. It doesn’t look good for the officer to yell mute and the sound goes off. The public will literally come up with their own theories to why the cameras were muted and it will get ugly quick. Something mentioned in the article stood out to me when it was said something about this being an illegal use of force. When you think about it it really could be simply because officers were using a warrior mindset and shot an unarmed individual. As for the family my heart goes out for them and I can only imagine what they are going through, but the speculation they have of the “cops” being up to something is what stuck out to me the most because as they are fighting this even if they don’t win the case this could put police departments around the US in jeopardy of having the trust, faith, and respect of the community making their jobs a little more harder . TJGirl456

  35. Oh wow! Another police shooting. Oh wow! the Perp didn't have a lethal weapon. These cases are happening so much more regularly then before. But this case is special, not just because someone died, but because after the killing of an unarmed man. Well African American man, which is another issue to talk about. The audio on the cameras were turned off. I would think this is because the officers probably wanted to say some words he didn’t want courts hearing. Nothing bad but it would’ve maybe have made the officers look bad if they said some stuff about the shooting others didn’t agree with. Or, like the article said, maybe they were just talking about confidential stuff or tactics used by police force that they didn’t want the public to know about. Do I think that they turn off the audio to do something illegal? No, I think that they were honestly being respectful towards the family of the deceased. After realizing they messed up with shooting an unarmed person, they probably discussed who said he had a gun and why he said that. Knowing that this was going to be a court case waiting to happen. I, honestly don’t think officers should have the option to mute their camera. Or even turn them off! Not because I don’t trust the police force, but just so we don’t have issues like this in the future. It causes chaos and confusion. Especially for the family who thinks that the police are murdering their race, or even other races out of spite and not justice. I, for one, think that the police should be handling these cases a lot more carefully. They know the tension among the communities and should’ve thought ahead. These officers need to be dealt with, but l understand it’s hard at times to decide whether to use reasonable force or not. Although, a good officer would know when the right times are for shooting someone.
    ^~^ Itis123

  36. Oh wow! Another police shooting. Oh wow! the Perp didn't have a lethal weapon. These cases are happening so much more regularly then before. But this case is special, not just because someone died, but because after the killing of an unarmed man. Well African American man, which is another issue to talk about. The audio on the cameras were turned off. I would think this is because the officers probably wanted to say some words he didn’t want courts hearing. Nothing bad but it would’ve maybe have made the officers look bad if they said some stuff about the shooting others didn’t agree with. Or, like the article said, maybe they were just talking about confidential stuff or tactics used by police force that they didn’t want the public to know about. Do I think that they turn off the audio to do something illegal? No, I think that they were honestly being respectful towards the family of the deceased. After realizing they messed up with shooting an unarmed person, they probably discussed who said he had a gun and why he said that. Knowing that this was going to be a court case waiting to happen. I, honestly don’t think officers should have the option to mute their camera. Or even turn them off! Not because I don’t trust the police force, but just so we don’t have issues like this in the future. It causes chaos and confusion. Especially for the family who thinks that the police are murdering their race, or even other races out of spite and not justice. I, for one, think that the police should be handling these cases a lot more carefully. They know the tension among the communities and should’ve thought ahead. These officers need to be dealt with, but l understand it’s hard at times to decide whether to use reasonable force or not. Although, a good officer would know when the right times are for shooting someone.


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