Intermediate Sanctions: Boot Camps and Your Thoughts.....


  1. in some ways I always used to believe that the narrative of being yelled and screamed at all of the time wouldn't change someones behavior, but after watching this video I have kind of changed my thinking about that and how boot camps could help. Obviously the kids undergo rigorous military style exercise and discipline, but I believe it is more than that. I would imagine that when most people hear ‘boot camp’ they immediately think of yelling and screaming and not getting much of anything accomplished. However even I never realized that these kids go to these boot camps and have the opportunity to either finish high school and get their diploma, get their GED, or receive extra education regarding how to get jobs or skills training. I believe that that its self is big when it comes to rehabilitation and making sure these kids get on the right track. In some aspects a lot of these kids commit these crimes because they have to fend for themselves and provide for themselves and they had know other way to do it. So receiving that degree can help them in a large way. I can hear it when they are able to be around their family at the end and some of those kids are able to hug their own kids and it really helps them realize that they need to do things a lot better. You would hear most of the parents and grandparents say that they believed their child or grandchild was headed down a dark path before they went to the boot camp and now that they have gone through they look brand new and refreshed. That is why I believe that overall these boot camps can have a positive effect on a lot of trouble kids. PAWW789

    1. I have to disagree in regards to you saying boot camps have an overall positive effect on these troubled individuals. The people we saw in this documentary were probably selected because they had one major thing in common. They had someone waiting for them on the outside or children that they want to see and that’s why this boot camp affected them positively. Ultimately these individuals made up their mind to want to get seriously better, the physical regimen just helps push them along and go get them back to their loved ones quicker. On the other hand however the fact that these individuals got the chance to finish their GED‘s while in this camp is something very positive that they might not have received otherwise. That was most positive part of this documentary for me personally.

  2. This video they showed a Boot Camp in Miami Dade County which was brought about in order to reduce the number of people in jails and prisons. The judge in this video really likes the idea of camps as rehabilitation however as most of us now they just plain and simple were not successful. One Thing that really stood out to me in this video was that almost all of the individuals that are in this Boot Camp have played guilty in order to get into this program rather than prison. Some of the offenders are trading out as much as 15 years in prison for this 16 week boot camp incarceration. In theory this intermediate sanction was not a horrible idea except for the fact nothing was done to rehabilitate offenders mind or to change the way the think when the get out of boot camp. This boot camps were led by mostly retired drill sergeants and ex military. Many of these employees only got paid about a dollar over minimum-wage and they weren’t seriously invested in rehabilitation of these offenders. They would put them through serious physical regimens much like military training. A lot of the offenders only went this route to avoid serious prison time in exchange for a shorter stent of hard physical training and this training only kept them disciplined on the streets for a short amount time. Another negative that went along with the lack of training the Boot Camp instructor’s had was that in 2006 814-year-old boy died from an asthma attack one made to run by a drill instructor who thought he was faking. As you can see in this situation the lack of training led to a tragic death. And this occurred to often in Boot Camp‘s in the south because people were dying of heat exhaustion. I just truly believe that boot camps do more more bad than good.

    1. I agree with you when you say that the individuals that were in this boot camp plead guilty so that they could go into this program rather than go straight to prison. By doing this, these individuals showed me that they truly knew that they did something wrong and they really do want to try and correct their bad ways. These individuals were giving me a glimpse of how driven they really were to get over their bad ways and avoid sitting in prison in any possible way that they could. This is a reason why I like boot camps, as they offer participants an alternative to prison and another chance at correcting their lives.

  3. This video gave me a brief idea of how boot camps for teenagers are ran. A very interesting idea I got from the video is the idea of educating the participants at the camp. Physical training is not the only major focus of these camps. The other main focus is education. If participants do not have their GED, they can take classes at the camp to help them on their path to correct their lives. I really think that is a good idea to have the participants go through physical training and then attend class in the same day to help sort of "speed up" their success and make it easier for them later on in their lives. Another positive of boot camps I learned from the video is that it costs much less to put someone through boot camp compared to housing them in jail. By sending more people to boot camps instead of prison, nearly $1.5 million was saved. It costs so much more to keep someone in prison and have them just sit there without anything to do while by sending someone to a boot camp, it costs less, and they are put through physical training that can actually help them become a better person by the end of it. Despite these two positives, I do believe that there are negatives that come along with boot camps. The biggest negative in my opinion is that the mentality learned in the boot camp will not last for the rest of the participant's life. I say this because once a participant graduates from boot camp, they may act like they are still in boot camp for about half of a year. However, after being out of boot camp for a length of time, the graduated participant will more than likely go back to the ways that they were living before that got them into the boot camp in the first place.

  4. Boot Camps have a lot of highs and lows to them. One fact that stood out to me was that most of those juveniles in the boot camp have children and a lot of them. Also the most of the children they are under the age of three. This surprised me because it showed me the difference in culture and where you live. Most of these young men just wanted status on the street and to get as many women as they could which would eventually end up with them pregnant. Another fact was that they are more likely to respond to rules and regulations during this camp. Yes there are some that act out and don't respond well to the treatment, but most banned together to accomplish their goal to become better people. Another fact that I realized by watching this film is that after six months of the boot camp they are sent on their own with no follow up. So most kids are more likely to go live where all the crime started happening which tends for them to slip up again. Which is sad because they don't have anyone looking out for them. One other fact is that the drill sergeants are not getting paid much for doing this job. They are only paid a couple dollars over minimum wage which is not very much. To me that wouldn't even been worth doing, especially just to scream in a kids face. Lastly, most of these kids don't have a highschool education because they either dropped out or got kicked out. So during this program they have classes and are able to get their GED. Which I thought was pretty nice. All in all I really do not think that boot camps are really helpful because truthfully they only work for a little bit after they are done and then the kids go back to doing the same crimes they started with in the first place.

  5. This video shows that it good to try and make them into young adults again. I personally think that this is the best way for these kids to treated because they need to get there head on straight and with this program that will defiantly get that done. When they are screaming ant them you an see that they want to fight back but cant because they are not on there own ground. When they walk into this place they either want to succeed or fail and most of the kids want to get out clean. The officers that are they are trying to help in the best way possible but at first they will seem like they are there to make you feel like crap but in the end of it they are really just trying to break you down and then build you back up so they can see every side of you so they can help you in the best way that you need help. The kids that are in the video have no home life and they are just trying to figure it out on there own or they got mixed up with the wrong group. These kids want to make the change in there life and that is why they chose this program to try and help them get better so they can provide for there family when they are done with boot camp. One of the people that was there this was his second time trying to do this and he didnt want to do it again and had to go to prison because of it. They talked to him while he is said he was dumb for not trying to get straighten out. Most of the kids did not have a GED I want this program to stay in because so kids just need some guideless in life and this is what they need to get there head on straight. Gator789

    1. I totally agree that this program helps these individuals get their lives back on track. MAny of them coming in want to succeed, like you mentioned. I doubt any of them would have choose to have a second chance like this if they truly did not want to get back on track. I also agree with how you said most of these kids do not have a great home life, if one exists for them at all. They have most likely had parents in and out of jail and that's all they know. So it is awesome to have a program like this to help show these people what it is like to have the support and care that is needed.
      - ST789

  6. After watching this video, I have to say I think it is really cool that they give these people the opportunity for a second chance. I feel like most people deserve a second chance and people make mistakes. The video stated that in the specific facility, this was the only program that they have that involves rehabilitation. This honestly is kind of sad. It is sad that they focus more on punishing people than they do on trying to help them become a better person. This program seems to be pretty helpful. It mentioned that most of the offenders going through here have not completed high school yet. This program allows these people to get training and education which is a really awesome thing to be offering people. This program also saves more money than what it would cost to put these people into prisons for many years at a time. Another interesting fact that the video gave was that the recidivism rate is only 11%. This is much lower than that of prisons. I think this also has a lot to do with shock incarceration having rehabilitation, where as prisons do not offer this very often. I believe that rehabilitation is one of the biggest factors in not having people come back or get in trouble again. It helps teach them life skills and makes them a better functioning member of society. The last interesting fact I heard was that 85% of graduates from this program stay on a straight and narrow path after leaving. This gives the reasoning to believe that it might truly help people with their problems they are facing in life. I think that This is a good thing for people. It i had to choose between serving 15 years in prison or several months in a rehabilitation facility, I feel it would be a no brainer choice.
    - ST789

    1. I know these people need a second chance as everyone makes mistakes in their life and some individuals just need more guidance to do the right thing compared to others, which is exactly what this program offers. I agree the focus should be on helping these individuals as most of them come into the program with no self esteem a broken wall that is more broken when all it takes is some workers to get the brick wall functioning again. Education and training are the most important factors this program has to offer as many of these individuals once completing the program are still steps behind that of their peers due to the simple idea of lack of education. eagle789

  7. Most of these juveniles are told that if they make their way through the correctional camp then they will avoid prison most juveniles lacked self control focus was on display some juveniles were homeless before being put in these juveniles boot camps to give some background history of the life these individuals had experienced. These juveniles were built down to nothing then rebuilt most come from backgrounds were the first instance they are told is to stand up for themselves that being said this causes a problem. Most of these juveniles come from uneducated backgrounds missing the common connection of having stable mentors with this being said this works for juveniles while their in the program but once out they are exposed to same factors they experienced before. Most guards come from military background having no skills with dealing with troubled teens this being said when trying to teach them how to cope in everyday society when some of these guards are struggling to do that themselves because of some of the tries to teach them how to function. Boot camps are shown to only have a 11% rate of recidivism rate this shows that boot camps have a major failure at helping these individuals, going through these programs need help with outside factors instead of just being forced to learn skills that their background will not allow them to fully understand. Staff also wrote recommendations for these who took the program seriously evening allowing jobs after these programs such as becoming a defense attorney later on in life after the program had ended. Having mentors after these programs are critical to the success of these juveniles for years the program as said in the video is easy when they are being told what to do every miminite of the day but the trouble comes in when the juvenile has to tell themselfs what to do and make the choices on their own to stabilize self control. eagle789

  8. In this video about the correctional boot camps that was designed to help offenders with no violent crime to be rehabilitated. I thought that overall there was a good reason to try this with the studies that they did to figure out if this was a plausible means to substitute prison sentence. The disciple that the boot camp instills in them is a good way of trying to correct the problem that was there in the first place. If it does work the rate of recidivism should be should retain a lower percentage. The percentage of habitual offenders for the conventional convicts is 42% and the with the boot camp it is almost half at 26.4%. Since the boot camp has had some success this should be used but it has some work that needs to be done. For example, it needs to be refined as in, the instructors need more training in drug rehabilitation, anger management, and good trainers for then to learn social skills that can help them succeed in life along with some traits that could help them retain a decent job. The shock treatment as it does work but with anything in life it does fade away after a while. The passage of time inside their community the habitual offender will continue to re-offender and in up inside the correctional institution. This program of shock treatment should be looked at for 1st time offenders but after that it should not be used again on that same individual for that if the first time does not correct the deficiency then the only way to fix the problem would be incarceration as the fix due to the system not being suitable for rehabilitation for the problems the government have with under-funding of the correctional side, but with the proper mean it could eventually become a suitable substitute. JeepGuy789

    1. I agree with you on the fact that these boot camps did a pretty good job with trying to instill discipline within these offenders. We know however that this discipline did not stick with them very well after they had graduated and left the camps. I also agree with the fact that the instructors of camp such as the ones in the video need to have more training in order for them to be able to effectively "train" these offenders to live normal lives when they reenter society. Pack789

  9. The video we watched the boot camp in Florida was very informative and provided a lot of good insight into why boot camps do not necessarily work in our country. The first thing I noticed about the video is the fact that half of the class of the people being sent to the boot camp did not have any sort of high school diploma, all they had was a 10th or 11th grade education. This shows how most of the time criminals are people who do not have a good education so they then have to resort to crime in order to make things work in their life, whether it be paying for bills or other life expenses. The second thing that I noticed about the video is the fact that the people who were running the boot camp were from military backgrounds, also meaning that they likely did not have any type of secondary education. The third thing that I noticed while watching the video is that the guards at the camps often times become parental figures for the offenders that they may have never had. We know that having positive buffers in one’s life can help deter them from committing crimes and can help them to avoid people who commit crimes in their community or even in their own friend groups. The fourth thing from the video that caught my attention is the fact that the recidivism rate for the people who graduated from these camps was only 26%, this is really quite amazing because we know that on average 66% of people who are readmitted to prison are because of parole violations. The last thing that I found interesting from the video is the fact that these boot camps did not prepare the offenders for their lives after the boot camp. Just as one of the kids at the camp said, “The boot camp is the easy part, sticking with it after you leave is the real challenge”. Pack789

    1. While I agree that boot camps have many problems and there could be adjustments to boot camps that make them far more effective and alternatives that could be much more effective, I think you are overlooking some things that boot camps do to help those enrolled. You mentioned that most people enrolled do not have a high school diploma or equivalent and turn to crime because of this lack of education. While I believe that the lack of education keeps people from getting jobs and abandoning criminal lifestyles, I think that many people are already involved in these activities when their peers are completing their secondary education. I think you overlooked the fact that boot camps provide those enrolled with secondary education in your post. You also claim that because boot camp staff is primarily ex-military, they have not completed secondary education. This is false as the military requires enlistees to have a High school diploma or equivalent. I do however agree that boot camps do not do much to help people after graduation. -Rudedogg789

    2. I agree with you in the fact that there are many problems involved with correctional boot camps and shock incarceration in general. The problems outweigh the benefit in my mind and generally, I believe that the correctional boot camps only have marginal success while still maintaining a relatively high recidivism rate. This can be attributed to external factors that the correctional system cannot take care of like that number of graduate that end up in the same area of their criminal activity and reintegration back into a group that commits criminal acts such as gangs, etc. These are usually a big problem with the program. –TheMarshall789

  10. Fundamentally, I think that boot camps provide a good opportunity for troubled juveniles to build discipline while removing common setbacks, but they cannot help those who are not willing to help themselves. In practice however, I think that bootcamps are unable to provide this opportunity completely due to underpaid staff and the absence of any follow up upon the completion of boot camp. I think that most people who truly do want to change are often set back by the people in their environment with whom they associate. If these people enter into boot camp, they are far less likely to be affected by negative peer pressure and much more likely to develop the discipline that they lack. However, after boot camp, the vast majority of these individuals end up in the same environment from which they came and most likely reintegrate into the toxic peer groups with whom they had previously spent their time. That said, these individuals have a much better chance of becoming productive adults than they had before boot camp. Their odds of succeeding not only come from the discipline that they can develop but also from the diplomas and degrees they can earn while in bootcamp. Unfortunately, people do not always choose bootcamp because they truly want to better themselves. Many choose it as an alternative to years in prison that they would otherwise have to serve. Many of these people fail to conform while in boot camp, and many likely only go through the motions as a means to an end, that end being graduating boot camp. However, even these individuals are far better off than they would be if they earn the degrees and diplomas not otherwise available to them. Some improvements that could be made other than replacing the boot camp system would be a follow up program, higher paid instructors who could serve as advocates to boot camp graduates, and follow up programs for graduates. I believe that these simple changes would make boot camps far more successful and the benefits far more long-lasting. -Rudedogg789

  11. When I first watched the video about correctional boot camps and shock incarceration, I remembered my personal experience with boot camp as a US Marine. It is for this reason that I think that these correctional boot camps and shock incarceration like this are generally good on paper but ultimately fail to achieve what the system wanted. The boot camps have, however, achieved marginal success. This can be attributed to those who took the lessons learned to heart. Thing, however, can stack up against a person once he or she leaves the program. The recidivism rate for boot camps is noticeable lower that prison rates but generally, it is still high. I believe that once out of boot camp, the correctional client will be clean for about six months before they become active criminally again. This can be aggravated if the graduate return to the same place and is almost a guarantee if the graduate is reintegrated back into the group or gangs that they were a part of before the incident of arrest. This can also be mitigated is they move away and continue a path for and education, even if it is just finishing a GED or receiving a high school diploma. These factors usually play as a positive force on the former correctional client. If these factors were a guarantee, the boot camps are a good tool for the correctional system in the US. However, I believe that the boot camps are generally a failure because of the factors, such as those stated earlier, are external and the system cannot control those factors. I also believe that some people are just not able to handle the military oriented life style and will end up breaking either physically or mentally. This could be potentially dangerous to the client or the people around him or her. –TheMarshall789

  12. When I first watched this video its of shocking more especially when I saw this beautiful young female and male going through hard times in this boot camp. Most of them are very young at the age of 15 to early twenty’s. More surprise the majority of this young generation has kids at home that they don’t even know their parents. To my side I compared this process of boot camp as an important for this generation in that they are there just for a few weeks and they will be over with it instead sitting in prison for ears and years. Instead of losing this intelligent young male and female from the society of which most of them committed stupid and small none violent crime which is now making them to stay in prison for years it’s their privilege for this boot camp to take a another chance to go through all this hardship to get out of the jail and join the family’s home. For me at the first time it seemed to me as torcher when all these trainee yelling them into their ears but when I watched this video up to the end it makes sense that they are helping this young people to be something in their future. Also I realized that most of these guys will come out more successful more that they were before in the society. All the respects and behavior they learn at the boot camp will help them the rest of their life. It is even more worth than rehabilitation and I guarantee most of them comes out and give good advice to the rest of young people in the society. The training and excise they help them healthies and give them determination to go through any hardship in life. GUSII 789


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