Law Enforcement and Your Thoughts?


  1. I thought that class today was a unique experience because of the three lady officers that showed up today. I thought that all three of the ladies gave awesome and amazing insights on what it means to be a police officer and what it takes for each of them. The first lady officer, the one from Indiana, had an amazing outlook on life. She was talking about how she goes in everyday with a smile on her face and a glass half full outlook on life, despite the fact that she was always told when she was younger that she was a female and that she could not do what a male could do. She said despite being told that, it gave her the drive to prove them wrong in everything. She played sports and tried martial arts and even got her blackbelt. When she was talking about this it gave me pride because she overcame the obstacles that were in her way. I also liked how she said that everyday on the job and off she was ready for everything. She would carry two handcuffs all the time and how she also carried a go bag on top of all the gadgets she has in her belt. Not only was the Indiana officer amazing, but also the Sergeant. The Sergeant was a unique view because she was on the force for 20 years and she was promoted to Sergeant in 2013. I liked how she was talking about some of the cases she handled in her 20 year experience. One such instance was when the black and white guys that were committing armed robbery at gas stations around Peoria and East Peoria. I thought that it was neat how she admitted to being nervous and still having the courage to approach the two guys in their car. I also thought that the rookie officer was an awesome take because she is fresh on the force so she could give us a little insight of what to look out for. I like how she was honest and shared with us that when the people were firing their guns in the streets New Year's Eve she was full of adrenaline and had to take a moment. Another thing that stood out to me was how she was talking about she did not even grow up around here and how she lived 20 miles west of Springfield. She even admitted that she could not make it to all of her 16 year old sister's games nor the Holidays. Police officers do not always have the option to take the Holidays off and often have to work overtime as well. Not only that, but even when they are off-duty they are still not totally off of work and I thought that it was great that all of the officers mentioned that. All in all, I thought that the three officers that came in today were great and it is nice to know that there are officers such as them on the Peoria Police Force.

    1. It was very good to hear these women officers to speak on their experiences. What they been thought and they also said being a cop is not for everybody and should always have a back up plans. Some these cops are hero or some of them are or people who they look up to. Also sometimes the different is being profession and being people who is ready.
      -Panthers 123

  2. I thought that class today was a unique experience because of the three lady officers that showed up today. I thought that all three of the ladies gave awesome and amazing insights on what it means to be a police officer and what it takes for each of them. The first lady officer, the one from Indiana, had an amazing outlook on life. She was talking about how she goes in everyday with a smile on her face and a glass half full outlook on life, despite the fact that she was always told when she was younger that she was a female and that she could not do what a male could do. She said despite being told that, it gave her the drive to prove them wrong in everything. She played sports and tried martial arts and even got her blackbelt. When she was talking about this it gave me pride because she overcame the obstacles that were in her way. I also liked how she said that everyday on the job and off she was ready for everything. She would carry two handcuffs all the time and how she also carried a go bag on top of all the gadgets she has in her belt. Not only was the Indiana officer amazing, but also the Sergeant. The Sergeant was a unique view because she was on the force for 20 years and she was promoted to Sergeant in 2013. I liked how she was talking about some of the cases she handled in her 20 year experience. One such instance was when the black and white guys that were committing armed robbery at gas stations around Peoria and East Peoria. I thought that it was neat how she admitted to being nervous and still having the courage to approach the two guys in their car. I also thought that the rookie officer was an awesome take because she is fresh on the force so she could give us a little insight of what to look out for. I like how she was honest and shared with us that when the people were firing their guns in the streets New Year's Eve she was full of adrenaline and had to take a moment. Another thing that stood out to me was how she was talking about she did not even grow up around here and how she lived 20 miles west of Springfield. She even admitted that she could not make it to all of her 16 year old sister's games nor the Holidays. Police officers do not always have the option to take the Holidays off and often have to work overtime as well. Not only that, but even when they are off-duty they are still not totally off of work and I thought that it was great that all of the officers mentioned that. All in all, I thought that the three officers that came in today were great and it is nice to know that there are officers such as them on the Peoria Police Force.

    1. I also like how they over came there problems and they face in their life being a officer and being off duty. Another thing i like was they gave up different cop and not the same kind of officers. Each of them have different career path but all these officers had to prove to everyone women can do anything just like men can. The different is women know how to talk to people and something guys can't control them self. I agree with people being a cop like in the movies but its not it way different you have be a leader not a fellow. Sometimes people are not leader you are either born with or it's not you

    2. I also like how they over came there problems and they face in their life being a officer and being off duty. Another thing i like was they gave up different cop and not the same kind of officers. Each of them have different career path but all these officers had to prove to everyone women can do anything just like men can. The different is women know how to talk to people and something guys can't control them self. I agree with people being a cop like in the movies but its not it way different you have be a leader not a fellow. Sometimes people are not leader you are either born with or it's not you.

  3. Today class was very interesting because this show how women officers are change the world. All these officers experience what they went through to be a police officers, because most time you think its all about action but its not . All these women came from different culture like the first lady had her experience with the sheriff she did like that because back would been too far away for one person to hold off. I also like her energy she seem like she the type of will always bring up when you do. Another thing I like what she said was all the males told her she could not be like the other males however all that does for people like her just make them want work hard about it and make them better person. I also like she love to teach people and she know what it like being part of a team because she play basketball in high school and college. For the sergeant she want to go be a cop in Galesburg,Illinois she saw the wall and that was for her at all. What got her name is when these two people was robbery gas stations in Peoria and East Peoria area she had the description of car off her radio and it was right there and called for back up. She was nervous because she never been in that types of solution she partner was mad because had wake her and she was older as well. When she caught them that what made her and work they way to become sergeant at end of the day they just want go home to their family . At the end of the day just want go home make safe for their family. You never know what can happens on any day when being a cop is good but also u need to what it means be a cop and help out the community at same time. She don't like court because the lawyers will eat you up if you not on your game at all. For the last cop she had get used the gun for new years because where she from they don't do that and not used to it. Even thought she young she said you need to know how write good and spell it because without those material you can get from in this job at all. I like how she save someone life and I also she was just pull some over than it all changed when she smell the weed in car . All these officers gave their experience of what it take of being a cop and they did a good job explain them self's.

    1. Class was very interesting and very exciting for us to be able to listen to some of the people that we look up to and view as our hero. They way they told their stories and presented themselves was amazing. The energy is what makes or breaks a story and in class it sure made the story to hear the excitement and all the other different emotions in their voice as they presented their stories to us and went into great detail. I loved class and it was very exciting and listening to speakers just makes me want to hurry up finish school and jump into the profession and do the job I have wanted to do forever now. NDIrish123.

    2. Class was very interesting and very exciting for us to be able to listen to some of the people that we look up to and view as our hero. They way they told their stories and presented themselves was amazing. The energy is what makes or breaks a story and in class it sure made the story to hear the excitement and all the other different emotions in their voice as they presented their stories to us and went into great detail. I loved class and it was very exciting and listening to speakers just makes me want to hurry up finish school and jump into the profession and do the job I have wanted to do forever now. NDIrish456.

    3. I really love your response because it made me feel like I was there and you wee so detailed with your response. It sound like the lady speakers were very well spoken. I love how they ladies was telling the stuff they encounter on thee way of becoming somebody. You mentioned how the men told one of the girls how they can not do it because its a man job or whatever. It s crazy because people really think girls can not do what males do while in reality a female can do the same things a male can do.

    4. That is so true. I also liked how she was talking about how people that want to be police officers need to have great writing and grammar skills because it really does help if you are presenting in court and your report sounds like it is well written, then there will be a little more respect than if you just poorly wrote something.

    5. I agree completely. This class was so interesting and it was awesome to hear about law enforcement from a different perspective. Hearing stories told from a girl’s point of view was very interesting and scary at times. I can’t believe they’ve done some of the things they have. I’m extremely grateful they put their lives on the line daily for us. Not only do they risk their lives, but they have to be intelligent as well. You can't have crappy grammar and expect to be respected. If you don't even care enough to make your handwriting neat and tidy, then no one should take you seriously. Cheer123

  4. Today class was very interesting because this show how women officers are change the world. All these officers experience what they went through to be a police officers, because most time you think its all about action but its not . All these women came from different culture like the first lady had her experience with the sheriff she did like that because back would been too far away for one person to hold off. I also like her energy she seem like she the type of will always bring up when you do. Another thing I like what she said was all the males told her she could not be like the other males however all that does for people like her just make them want work hard about it and make them better person. I also like she love to teach people and she know what it like being part of a team because she play basketball in high school and college. For the sergeant she want to go be a cop in Galesburg,Illinois she saw the wall and that was for her at all. What got her name is when these two people was robbery gas stations in Peoria and East Peoria area she had the description of car off her radio and it was right there and called for back up. She was nervous because she never been in that types of solution she partner was mad because had wake her and she was older as well. When she caught them that what made her and work they way to become sergeant at end of the day they just want go home to their family . At the end of the day just want go home make safe for their family. You never know what can happens on any day when being a cop is good but also u need to what it means be a cop and help out the community at same time. She don't like court because the lawyers will eat you up if you not on your game at all. For the last cop she had get used the gun for new years because where she from they don't do that and not used to it. Even thought she young she said you need to know how write good and spell it because without those material you can get from in this job at all. I like how she save someone life and I also she was just pull some over than it all changed when she smell the weed in car . All these officers gave their experience of what it take of being a cop and they did a good job explain them self's.
    - Panthers123

    1. Class was very interesting and very exciting for us to be able to listen to some of the people that we look up to and view as our hero. They way they told their stories and presented themselves was amazing. The energy is what makes or breaks a story and in class it sure made the story to hear the excitement and all the other different emotions in their voice as they presented their stories to us and went into great detail. I loved class and it was very exciting and listening to speakers just makes me want to hurry up finish school and jump into the profession and do the job I have wanted to do forever now. NDIrish123.

    2. Class was very interesting and very exciting for us to be able to listen to some of the people that we look up to and view as our hero. They way they told their stories and presented themselves was amazing. The energy is what makes or breaks a story and in class it sure made the story to hear the excitement and all the other different emotions in their voice as they presented their stories to us and went into great detail. I loved class and it was very exciting and listening to speakers just makes me want to hurry up finish school and jump into the profession and do the job I have wanted to do forever now. NDIrish456.

  5. Having the officers come into class and speak was great I loved to hear their sides and see how they have overcame many of the problems they have faced. I always love listening to speakers that come in and speak during class it always helps us view as students what the profession is like today by real experiences other than learn out of a book. Having the three female officers take time out of their days and spend it with us was amazing. They all had different view points being one has been doing it for twenty five years and one has just started. It was awesome to hear what it is really like starting out on a police department from a women who was unfamiliar with the area and now just being on for a year she was able to share some of her great accomplishments thus far. Hearing it from female officers compared to male officers is very different in my opinion. The female officers always seem to go in great detail and they always seem to be excited more visibly than their male counterparts when talking about their job and what they have done to get were they are today. Many people think of a cop to have very little felling for the people that they deal with and that we never get scared because we have to deal with the worst of the worst each and every day but that is wrong. Listening to the officers when they shared some of their stories you could hear the fright in there voice when they were explaining the story. When the officer was explaining how she has been shot at and the other saying that she pulled over a car for a recent armed robbery you could hear the excitement and the nervousness they had in their voices. Even though we are cops we are still human beings we still have feelings for other and for us as a person we just can't show that we are scared. We have to fight through it and solve the problem because that is what we signed up to do and that is what we will do. For every officer they all have the same goal at the end of the night and that is coming home to their family in one piece. Then as the officers went on to explain what is the most rewarding part of the job for them they just didn't use the band aid answer and say helping people. They actually went into real life experiences and explained how they helped some one and what was so rewarding for them as an officer. If your going to be a cop just to be a cop your going into the wrong profession. To be a cop you have to be a leader have to be able to make a change and want to make a change and help those people who are in need. Being a cop takes a toll on you yes but if you view your success instead of your failures and view the rewarding aspect of the job instead of the negative aspect the toll isn't so great and isn't so harsh on you. NDIrish123.

    1. I also like how they over came there problems and they face in their life being a officer and being off duty. Another thing i like was they gave up different cop and not the same kind of officers. Each of them have different career path but all these officers had to prove to everyone women can do anything just like men can. The different is women know how to talk to people and something guys can't control them self. I agree with people being a cop like in the movies but its not it way different you have be a leader not a fellow. Sometimes people are not leader you are either born with or it's not you.

    2. I also like how they over came there problems and they face in their life being a officer and being off duty. Another thing i like was they gave up different cop and not the same kind of officers. Each of them have different career path but all these officers had to prove to everyone women can do anything just like men can. The different is women know how to talk to people and something guys can't control them self. I agree with people being a cop like in the movies but its not it way different you have be a leader not a fellow. Sometimes people are not leader you are either born with or it's not you.

    3. I agree with you it was great to hear these female officers speak on their experience and learn from them. What they went through being females shows that just because a male may say you can’t do it doesn’t mean you give up, you push yourself to prove that they are wrong. Being able to tell us how they overcame their problems in life being an officer on duty and off duty was great. You never understand a person’s life until you actually see them or talk to them in person. I agree that being a cop takes a toll on people, but in the end if you don’t think you can handle it then maybe it isn’t the career path for the person. Smile123

    4. I agree with you it was great to hear these female officers speak on their experience and learn from them. What they went through being females shows that just because a male may say you can’t do it doesn’t mean you give up, you push yourself to prove that they are wrong. Being able to tell us how they overcame their problems in life being an officer on duty and off duty was great. You never understand a person’s life until you actually see them or talk to them in person. I agree that being a cop takes a toll on people, but in the end if you don’t think you can handle it then maybe it isn’t the career path for the person. Smile456

    5. I like your response on the topic. I like how you talked about the humanization of the police officers, because it is widespread belief that people think that police officers are all uncaring and insensitive beings who only care about bringing people to jail and writing tickets. However, this is not the case and many times officers do small jobs and errands such as turning up the thermostat for a civilian. It was evident, as you pointed out, too that the officers were feeling emotions while they were handling with the criminals and the gunshots and the fact that the officers admitted to their nervousness was incredible in and of itself.

  6. Having the officers come into class and speak was great I loved to hear their sides and see how they have overcame many of the problems they have faced. I always love listening to speakers that come in and speak during class it always helps us view as students what the profession is like today by real experiences other than learn out of a book. Having the three female officers take time out of their days and spend it with us was amazing. They all had different view points being one has been doing it for twenty five years and one has just started. It was awesome to hear what it is really like starting out on a police department from a women who was unfamiliar with the area and now just being on for a year she was able to share some of her great accomplishments thus far. Hearing it from female officers compared to male officers is very different in my opinion. The female officers always seem to go in great detail and they always seem to be excited more visibly than their male counterparts when talking about their job and what they have done to get were they are today. Many people think of a cop to have very little felling for the people that they deal with and that we never get scared because we have to deal with the worst of the worst each and every day but that is wrong. Listening to the officers when they shared some of their stories you could hear the fright in there voice when they were explaining the story. When the officer was explaining how she has been shot at and the other saying that she pulled over a car for a recent armed robbery you could hear the excitement and the nervousness they had in their voices. Even though we are cops we are still human beings we still have feelings for other and for us as a person we just can't show that we are scared. We have to fight through it and solve the problem because that is what we signed up to do and that is what we will do. For every officer they all have the same goal at the end of the night and that is coming home to their family in one piece. Then as the officers went on to explain what is the most rewarding part of the job for them they just didn't use the band aid answer and say helping people. They actually went into real life experiences and explained how they helped some one and what was so rewarding for them as an officer. If your going to be a cop just to be a cop your going into the wrong profession. To be a cop you have to be a leader have to be able to make a change and want to make a change and help those people who are in need. Being a cop takes a toll on you yes but if you view your success instead of your failures and view the rewarding aspect of the job instead of the negative aspect the toll isn't so great and isn't so harsh on you. NDIrish456.

  7. Having the female officers come into class and speak to us was amazing, I loved to hear them talk about the problems they have overcome and how they were able to solve them. I think it is fantastic idea to have speakers come into the classrooms to teach the students about the profession that they are hoping to one day pursue. I loved that they got someone that has been on the job for twenty five years and someone who has just started the job, I loved to hear how the new female has had to deal with things that the other female has already dealt with. It is great to hear her perspective .Her explaining that she is not from the town of Peoria and how she could not come from christmas but she dealt with it because she loves her job, really shows that it may be tough but if you love your job then it is all worth it in the end. It really puts in perspective that you have to be able to work overtime and not get days off because of what is happening in the community. It really states that if you don’t like it then it might not be the job career for you. I was very impressed about how the female that has just started recently has already had so many great accomplishments and she was willing to share them with the class. I think for how young she is and just now getting onto the streets makes me feel that I anyone one of us can make great accomplishments and be the best that we can be. Something that caught my attention was there views. For example how the Sergeant had a very unique view, she was on the force for 20 years and then was promoted, that just proves that hard work does pay off. The Indiane officer view was incredible to hear that she carries 2 sets of handcuff and also has a go bag on is absolutely amazing. She is prepared for her job and everything that comes along for the ride. To hear her stories of all the accomplishments she has done is the best thing. Another think I really is loved how the female officer was honest that it is hard for female officers to get hired because of us being females, I loved that she said if you set your mind to something you can and will accomplish it. Hearing her state that if you really wanna be a cop and you’re a female then you absolutely can be one. It gives me encouragement to prove to everyone that I can do a job that males say we can’t do. It is sad to hear that males think is great to say that oh you can’t do that your a female, because then it pushes your drive to make sure you can absolutely prove them wrong and say hey look I can do this. Overall I thought that all three officers that came into my class were amazing and I am very thankful that they came on their days off to speak to us. I have learned a lot of information from them that I will keep in my head while I’m pursuing my dream. Smile123

    1. It was awesome to have three police officers, all female, come to class and tell us about law enforcement. It was a bit empowering and I can see why prof. white wanted to have women come speak to us. Times are changing, and we no longer are living in a male dominated working world. It was interesting to hear their stories, and their advice. Police officers are only human beings, but they have a very interesting, and demanding job. People have different feelings and attitudes regarding the police. It was a very insightful and knowledgeable experience. If you put your mind to it, anything is possible.---Acquit456.

    2. Having the three lady officers in class was an excellent experience. Hearing their stories and experiences from the job gave me an insight of what I have to and not to expect when I become a police officer or so. I feel so proud for the Sergeant who is going to take the test to go up to Lieutenant. Gender, race, and age do not stop someone to go; further, times are changing, and she is proving that not only male can be in the higher position in law enforcement. The three of them are showing that you can accomplish something if you set your mind to it. -Chopper123

    3. Having the three lady officers in class was an excellent experience. Hearing their stories and experiences from the job gave me an insight of what I have to and not to expect when I become a police officer or so. I feel so proud for the Sergeant who is going to take the test to go up to Lieutenant. Gender, race, and age do not stop someone to go; further, times are changing, and she is proving that not only male can be in the higher position in law enforcement. The three of them are showing that you can accomplish something if you set your mind to it. -Chopper456

    4. I agree completely. This class was so interesting and it was awesome to hear about law enforcement from a different perspective. Hearing stories told from a girl’s point of view was very interesting and scary at times. I can’t believe they’ve done some of the things they have. I’m extremely grateful they put their lives on the line daily for us. Not only do they risk their lives, but they have to be intelligent as well. You can't have crappy grammar and expect to be respected. If you don't even care enough to make your handwriting neat and tidy, then no one should take you seriously. Cheer456

  8. Having the female officers come into class and speak to us was amazing, I loved to hear them talk about the problems they have overcome and how they were able to solve them. I think it is fantastic idea to have speakers come into the classrooms to teach the students about the profession that they are hoping to one day pursue. I loved that they got someone that has been on the job for twenty five years and someone who has just started the job, I loved to hear how the new female has had to deal with things that the other female has already dealt with. It is great to hear her perspective .Her explaining that she is not from the town of Peoria and how she could not come from christmas but she dealt with it because she loves her job, really shows that it may be tough but if you love your job then it is all worth it in the end. It really puts in perspective that you have to be able to work overtime and not get days off because of what is happening in the community. It really states that if you don’t like it then it might not be the job career for you. I was very impressed about how the female that has just started recently has already had so many great accomplishments and she was willing to share them with the class. I think for how young she is and just now getting onto the streets makes me feel that I anyone one of us can make great accomplishments and be the best that we can be. Something that caught my attention was there views. For example how the Sergeant had a very unique view, she was on the force for 20 years and then was promoted, that just proves that hard work does pay off. The Indiane officer view was incredible to hear that she carries 2 sets of handcuff and also has a go bag on is absolutely amazing. She is prepared for her job and everything that comes along for the ride. To hear her stories of all the accomplishments she has done is the best thing. Another think I really is loved how the female officer was honest that it is hard for female officers to get hired because of us being females, I loved that she said if you set your mind to something you can and will accomplish it. Hearing her state that if you really wanna be a cop and you’re a female then you absolutely can be one. It gives me encouragement to prove to everyone that I can do a job that males say we can’t do. It is sad to hear that males think is great to say that oh you can’t do that your a female, because then it pushes your drive to make sure you can absolutely prove them wrong and say hey look I can do this. Overall I thought that all three officers that came into my class were amazing and I am very thankful that they came on their days off to speak to us. I have learned a lot of information from them that I will keep in my head while I’m pursuing my dream. Smile456

    1. I agree that bring in speakers is a great thing. I do also love to hear them talk and hear their experiences. Anyone can read and learn from the textbook. They are great and have a bountiful amount of information. But, I feel that the best way to learn is from the people that are actually out there on the streets everyday. These people are where you can truly learn what it is like and learn the most beneficial lessons from. Either the officers that have been there for twenty five years or the ones fresh out of the academy. They all have experiences and advice that you can never get from a textbook. Trojan123

    2. I agree that bring in speakers is a great thing. I do also love to hear them talk and hear their experiences. Anyone can read and learn from the textbook. They are great and have a bountiful amount of information. But, I feel that the best way to learn is from the people that are actually out there on the streets everyday. These people are where you can truly learn what it is like and learn the most beneficial lessons from. Either the officers that have been there for twenty five years or the ones fresh out of the academy. They all have experiences and advice that you can never get from a textbook. Trojan456

    3. The three speakers, each one has been a cop for their own amount of time. One was a 26yr veteran, and one just started less than a year ago. So I feel it was a good representation, of sustainability and growth within the P.P.D. All three officers have had different experiences while on the job. Those officers know what is going on in the city because they are out in the community doing what they can to help others. Two of the three that talked in class, showed up on their day off. To me that shows dedication, and passion for the job that they do. --(Acquit456)

  9. Since I wasn't in class for the speakers, I wish I would've been but I wasn't. In class you said to type about what we learned in this class. I feel like this class overall is real interesting and informational. I learn so much in this class from the stuff I see on tv to stuff to the stuff I never know. I wish I could have seen and heard the speakers because from other people responses it sounded like the speakers did great and they were real informational. I don't know how to meet the minimum of words since I was not in class but I hope this will count for something because although I was not in class I still attempted to do this assignment to the best of my ability. I like from what I read so far how there was female speakers instead of just your typical men. Having women speakers gave us females a better chance of knowing she can do it that mean I can do it as well. I really feel like the women who spoke was really valuable considering people think women can not be in the police field.

  10. Having the female officers come in and speak to our class was very great. It was amazing that they took the time out of their day just to come speak to our class. It was nice to see the two officers that have been there on the department for a while but it was even better to see the freshly highered one and hear her story and hear what the process is like from a person that has just went through it. It was very interesting to find out that one of the officers even off duty even carried handcuffs with her. I knew they would carry their gun and stuff but I never thought they would also carry handcuffs. But it does make a lot of sense on why she would. If for some reason she had to intervene on something that she witnessed she would need a way to detain the person. I thought It was also interesting that when one of the officers tried to go for county first but decided not to because she did not like the fact of backup being so far away. I would agree that having backup being that far away could be a scary thought. But for me who is wanting to go county makes me feel that you would have more of a planning on what you are doing and just being more aware of the situation because of the fact that backup could be so far away and it is just you. I did like the fact that all of the female officers that came in had a different background and experiences from where they came from and how they got there. It was very interesting to hear these different stories and to know that anyone can be in this profession. When one of the female officers told her story she mentioned that growing up people would tell her that she could not be a cop because she was a female and that was a mans job. But she did not listen to those people and ended up doing great things in her career. I love it when these speakers come in because it is just a little mix up for the usual class time. Also, everyone can read the textbook and learn from that. But the real knowledge comes from the people who are actually out on the streets everyday. These are the people that I feel you are gonna learn the most from and remember the most. I thank these three female officers for taking the time out of there day to come in and talk. Also to thank all of the future speakers that are going to come in and speak in the future classes. Trojan123

    1. I agree, it was definitely interesting learning that they tend to carry their weapon and handcuffs with them even when they are off duty. It tells you that once you become an officer you have to learn to always be prepared. Once you take an oath to serve and protect, even though you are off the clock and no longer getting paid, you are still an officer. Like the lady had mentioned you are an officer 24 hours a day 7 days a week, its not really a career that you can turn off and then clock back in the next day. I definitely enjoyed their stories as well. I believe they did a phenomenal job explaining the how to of becoming an officer and maintaining being an officer. Listening to them was definitely a learning experience, and was enjoyable. Even to those who are not looking to be officers, they can still learn a lot from these wonderful ladies. -MyChildrensKeeper123

  11. Having the female officers come in and speak to our class was very great. It was amazing that they took the time out of their day just to come speak to our class. It was nice to see the two officers that have been there on the department for a while but it was even better to see the freshly highered one and hear her story and hear what the process is like from a person that has just went through it. It was very interesting to find out that one of the officers even off duty even carried handcuffs with her. I knew they would carry their gun and stuff but I never thought they would also carry handcuffs. But it does make a lot of sense on why she would. If for some reason she had to intervene on something that she witnessed she would need a way to detain the person. I thought It was also interesting that when one of the officers tried to go for county first but decided not to because she did not like the fact of backup being so far away. I would agree that having backup being that far away could be a scary thought. But for me who is wanting to go county makes me feel that you would have more of a planning on what you are doing and just being more aware of the situation because of the fact that backup could be so far away and it is just you. I did like the fact that all of the female officers that came in had a different background and experiences from where they came from and how they got there. It was very interesting to hear these different stories and to know that anyone can be in this profession. When one of the female officers told her story she mentioned that growing up people would tell her that she could not be a cop because she was a female and that was a mans job. But she did not listen to those people and ended up doing great things in her career. I love it when these speakers come in because it is just a little mix up for the usual class time. Also, everyone can read the textbook and learn from that. But the real knowledge comes from the people who are actually out on the streets everyday. These are the people that I feel you are gonna learn the most from and remember the most. I thank these three female officers for taking the time out of there day to come in and talk. Also to thank all of the future speakers that are going to come in and speak in the future classes. Trojan456

  12. The guest speakers on Thursday were amazing, two came in on their day off. Just that alone goes to show anyone that people are dedicated to their jobs, and to making our community a better place overall. I liked how there was one cop who has been working for 26 years, and another has just started and is still a rookie. To me that is a good representation of the past, present, and future. It was interesting hearing the different areas of law enforcement that are available to police officer. From being out of patrol, to being a detective. There were a lot of good question that were asked. To me that is how you learn, not just by asking questions but by hearing and listening to the responses of those questions. Each officer has had different experiences while on the job, some good some bad, and some experiences stick with you. As a police officer, one has to learn from their experiences, and that was apparent in the responses to the question that were asked. Being a police officer is not for everyone, including me, but that does not take away from the knowledge that I gained out of what the police officers had to say. We heard three different stories of how these women wanted to be cops, and how each one got to where they are today. That alone tells you that not every cop goes through the same experiences, as others do. One thing I did not like was that yes there were 3 female officers, but there was no diversity. It would have been better to have one white cop, one African America cop, and maybe an Asian, or Hispanic cop. Our city becoming more diverse, and I believe that police department should do more to contribute to that diversity. That is the only thing I did not like. Hearing about having to be accurate in terms of writing police reports, was insightful. I am going to be a criminal defense attorney, and it will be my job to pick a part those reports and statements in court. If you want to be a cop you need to cover all your bases, dot all the I's and cross all the T's, because if you do not, then criminals walk free. I feel that I have more of a respect for police, they are just ordinary people, but they have a very tough, interesting, and demanding job. Being a police officer is not for everyone, I believe that it takes a lot of hard work dedication, patience, and empathy to be a good police officer.
    There are more good police officers than there are bad police officers. But each police officer is different in terms of how they act when they are out in the community. All in all, it was a very beneficial experience to hear three different people tell three different stories of how they became police officers and why. That can help to inspire the desire of those students in class who want to work in law enforcement.---Acquit456

  13. I thought having these three lady officers come in was such an amazing experience. It’s one thing to learn about criminal justice in a classroom, but it’s another thing to be able to listen to people who do the job daily. It was very eye-opening hearing some of the stories. I couldn’t imagine being all alone with someone who is armed, waiting for backup. Some of the things they have to do is incredible. Hearing the new girl talk about how she never gets to see her family, go to her little sisters games, watch her little sister get ready for school dances, or go home for holidays is super sad. Family is really, really important to me so that makes me very sad that she has be alone of special holidays and such. Being a cop is a very rewarding job. It’s not just a 9-5 job where you go to work, get some work done, then head home when the clock strikes 5. It’s something you have to put your blood, sweat, and tears into. It’s something you have to have the heart to do. Some people become a cop for all the wrong reasons. They think it’s a “tough guy” type of job, so they want the ego boost from it. There are many people that go into this field for all the right reasons though, which make up for the bad ones. The good ones go into this career to give back to their community. They do this to keep their own neighborhoods safe. It’s scary to think that you may go to work one day or night and never come home. That terrifies me but makes me so thankful we have people out their who are willing to risk their lives to keep me safe. Personally, I don’t want to be a police officer, but I’m envious of the ones that do. It takes a strong minded person to do that kind of job. They deal with the worst of the worst. From being spit on all to being shot at, and they still get excited to come to work every day. I think it was cool to hear it from a female's perspective as well. You always hear about how guys feel about their work but never from a girl’s point of view. Girls are stereotyped as “weaker” than guys, so I love when that stereotype is shot down because it’s completely false. Girl’s can do just about anything a guy can do, if not better. Girl’s are better at using their words than just resorting to weapons. They tend to want to fix the situation more than just put handcuffs on someone and that be the end of it. Girl’s also can be more calm in most situations. Guy’s sometimes want to be manly mans and knock people to the ground to feed their egos and make themselves feel better. Hearing them talk about how they kiss their families each night incase they don’t return home was very sad and eye-opening. It’s scary to think you could just go out on the field, like any other day/night, and not return home. Cheer123

    1. I do agree with what you said. The best way to learn about criminal justice is by hearing it from the people who are working in law enforcement field. The stories and experience they shared are an eye-opening to everyone. It gives us the insight of what they are dealing and experience daily. It is true that it takes a strong-minded person to do this kind of job, it is not for everyone who does not have the will to serve and protect the community and its people. These Police officers who have badges and weapon are still human who are working to keep us safe, and at the end of the day, they just want to be home with their family and loved ones. -Chopper123

  14. I thought having these three lady officers come in was such an amazing experience. It’s one thing to learn about criminal justice in a classroom, but it’s another thing to be able to listen to people who do the job daily. It was very eye-opening hearing some of the stories. I couldn’t imagine being all alone with someone who is armed, waiting for backup. Some of the things they have to do is incredible. Hearing the new girl talk about how she never gets to see her family, go to her little sisters games, watch her little sister get ready for school dances, or go home for holidays is super sad. Family is really, really important to me so that makes me very sad that she has be alone of special holidays and such. Being a cop is a very rewarding job. It’s not just a 9-5 job where you go to work, get some work done, then head home when the clock strikes 5. It’s something you have to put your blood, sweat, and tears into. It’s something you have to have the heart to do. Some people become a cop for all the wrong reasons. They think it’s a “tough guy” type of job, so they want the ego boost from it. There are many people that go into this field for all the right reasons though, which make up for the bad ones. The good ones go into this career to give back to their community. They do this to keep their own neighborhoods safe. It’s scary to think that you may go to work one day or night and never come home. That terrifies me but makes me so thankful we have people out their who are willing to risk their lives to keep me safe. Personally, I don’t want to be a police officer, but I’m envious of the ones that do. It takes a strong minded person to do that kind of job. They deal with the worst of the worst. From being spit on all to being shot at, and they still get excited to come to work every day. I think it was cool to hear it from a female's perspective as well. You always hear about how guys feel about their work but never from a girl’s point of view. Girls are stereotyped as “weaker” than guys, so I love when that stereotype is shot down because it’s completely false. Girl’s can do just about anything a guy can do, if not better. Girl’s are better at using their words than just resorting to weapons. They tend to want to fix the situation more than just put handcuffs on someone and that be the end of it. Girl’s also can be more calm in most situations. Guy’s sometimes want to be manly mans and knock people to the ground to feed their egos and make themselves feel better. Hearing them talk about how they kiss their families each night incase they don’t return home was very sad and eye-opening. It’s scary to think you could just go out on the field, like any other day/night, and not return home. Cheer456

    1. I do agree with what you said. The best way to learn about criminal justice is by hearing it from the people who are working in law enforcement field. The stories and experience they shared are an eye-opening to everyone. It gives us the insight of what they are dealing and experience daily. It is true that it takes a strong-minded person to do this kind of job, it is not for everyone who does not have the will to serve and protect the community and its people. These Police officers who have badges and weapon are still human who are working to keep us safe, and at the end of the day, they just want to be home with their family and loved ones. -Chopper456

    2. I really liked the point you made about how it is a different way of learning hearing from someone who is out there living what the book talks about. Hearing their stories and being able to picture them in our minds along with the vivid descriptions that they gave when telling their stories makes everything more real, and it is a way to learn how things go in the community. The book gives general guidelines on how to complete the job, but actually hearing what it is like and how to handle certain situations is an easier way of learning how to do the job well in my opinion. Wings123

    3. I really liked the point you made about how it is a different way of learning hearing from someone who is out there living what the book talks about. Hearing their stories and being able to picture them in our minds along with the vivid descriptions that they gave when telling their stories makes everything more real, and it is a way to learn how things go in the community. The book gives general guidelines on how to complete the job, but actually hearing what it is like and how to handle certain situations is an easier way of learning how to do the job well in my opinion. Wings456

  15. Having not only one but three female officers come in and speak to our class was very eye opening I think to many people especially the females in the class. I also believe that many of the men in the class liked seeing the female officers and listening to what they have accomplished and struggled with during their many years of service with the police department. I personally think that if I were to want to go into the police force I would take what they have accomplished and done for their communities as kind of a challenge, especially to do better! I was I think a little refreshing to have a younger and more new to the force female as well. She was able to educate us on what is take right now to get where she is. I appreciated the fact that the younger officer did not push off how much it really takes. Most people know that it is not easy but on the other hand this job is also not impossible. The differences that each officer brought to the discussion was amazing. They showed through what they have done and how successful they are that anything is possible, whatever you set your mind to do and have a strong passion to do said career is possible. Another thing that kind of impressed me was that not only one but two of the officers came in on their off time to speak to our class. To me that speaks volume about the passion and commitment they have towards their job as well as wanting to educate the community. To many people the job of any police officer whether city, county, state, or any other job within the criminal justice field is that of a mans. I personally know the feeling of being told as a female that you can't do this or you can't do that. I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and was told on multiple occasions that I could not do something because I was a female. Anything is possible if it is truly what your heart wants. Listening to the reality of what not only female officers but all in general go through I think opened some of the people's eyes. I personally know what it is like to miss holidays and special events in your loved ones lives. It truly does suck but there are just time is in life that we have to do things we may not want to but most of the time it pays off in the future or end of our careers. One thing that I was happy to hear is that just like most jobs you have to start out at the bottom and work your way up. They never said that you could not reach your goal but the officers also did not sugar coat the paths to get to where some of the students in our class are wanting to go. I really enjoy when we have speakers come to class, it helps keep our focus other that power point and textbooks. UofM123

    1. It was definitely great to have all three of the female officers come in. As a man I can agree to what you are saying also that it was appreciated seeing female officers doing great things in the work force. Anytime you can see different genders and different races of people work together and co exist it is a great sight. I agree that having the younger, less experienced officer there. She is still fresh with her training but at the same time has already gotten tons of field experience to talk about. Wings123

    2. It was definitely great to have all three of the female officers come in. As a man I can agree to what you are saying also that it was appreciated seeing female officers doing great things in the work force. Anytime you can see different genders and different races of people work together and co exist it is a great sight. I agree that having the younger, less experienced officer there. She is still fresh with her training but at the same time has already gotten tons of field experience to talk about. Wings456

  16. Having not only one but three female officers come in and speak to our class was very eye opening I think to many people especially the females in the class. I also believe that many of the men in the class liked seeing the female officers and listening to what they have accomplished and struggled with during their many years of service with the police department. I personally think that if I were to want to go into the police force I would take what they have accomplished and done for their communities as kind of a challenge, especially to do better! I was I think a little refreshing to have a younger and more new to the force female as well. She was able to educate us on what is take right now to get where she is. I appreciated the fact that the younger officer did not push off how much it really takes. Most people know that it is not easy but on the other hand this job is also not impossible. The differences that each officer brought to the discussion was amazing. They showed through what they have done and how successful they are that anything is possible, whatever you set your mind to do and have a strong passion to do said career is possible. Another thing that kind of impressed me was that not only one but two of the officers came in on their off time to speak to our class. To me that speaks volume about the passion and commitment they have towards their job as well as wanting to educate the community. To many people the job of any police officer whether city, county, state, or any other job within the criminal justice field is that of a mans. I personally know the feeling of being told as a female that you can't do this or you can't do that. I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and was told on multiple occasions that I could not do something because I was a female. Anything is possible if it is truly what your heart wants. Listening to the reality of what not only female officers but all in general go through I think opened some of the people's eyes. I personally know what it is like to miss holidays and special events in your loved ones lives. It truly does suck but there are just time is in life that we have to do things we may not want to but most of the time it pays off in the future or end of our careers. One thing that I was happy to hear is that just like most jobs you have to start out at the bottom and work your way up. They never said that you could not reach your goal but the officers also did not sugar coat the paths to get to where some of the students in our class are wanting to go. I really enjoy when we have speakers come to class, it helps keep our focus other that power point and textbooks. Tanker456

  17. Criminal justice is not a job that everyone is cut out for. It takes a passion to do what officers do every day. The Three lady officers that came in to speak to us really gave a good description in my eyes of what it looks like to be a police officer. They did not censor their stories from the field, and they did not beat around the bush and I really appreciated that. Their job is not easy and they could die at any second that they are out there. They have to be the type of people that hear the danger, and get together to go solve the problem and to protect the civilians of their town. They also gave advice saying that if you are not positive that you want to get into a law enforcement job, or are not positive that you will be hired somewhere, then majoring in something else during school is not a bad idea. I liked that they brought that up because you do not have to have a criminal justice degree in order to become an officer. So if someone is not fully committed to becoming an officer than they can get their education studying something else and still go apply to police departments. If they get hired they get hired they can try it out and see if it is the right fit for them, and if it isn’t then they still have their degree and can go look for jobs in a different field. I am really excited to be getting in to a law enforcement career. A police officers job is to protect and to serve their community, and it takes a leader to be able to fully put themselves aside and think about the priorities of other people. I have a lot of experience in leadership roles and have been a captain on multiple sports teams. I think I will fit in well in a law enforcement environment and be able to do my job very well. One of the things that I am most worried about when picturing my life as a cop will be remembering all of the laws and being able to link laws to crimes correctly and not mess up something small that could let the bad guy/or girl get away. Along with that I am also worried about all of the paperwork that writing reports entails. I have never been a fan of writing things down because I can usually remember things pretty well, but when there is a lot of stuff going on than I can forget a couple things. I am sure that I will be able to adjust and learn to write things down, but it will not be the most enjoyable part of my job. Overall I am certain that the good would outweigh the bad and that I would really enjoy, and excel as a police officer, and hopefully be able to move up the ladder and be successful. Wings123

  18. Criminal justice is not a job that everyone is cut out for. It takes a passion to do what officers do every day. The Three lady officers that came in to speak to us really gave a good description in my eyes of what it looks like to be a police officer. They did not censor their stories from the field, and they did not beat around the bush and I really appreciated that. Their job is not easy and they could die at any second that they are out there. They have to be the type of people that hear the danger, and get together to go solve the problem and to protect the civilians of their town. They also gave advice saying that if you are not positive that you want to get into a law enforcement job, or are not positive that you will be hired somewhere, then majoring in something else during school is not a bad idea. I liked that they brought that up because you do not have to have a criminal justice degree in order to become an officer. So if someone is not fully committed to becoming an officer than they can get their education studying something else and still go apply to police departments. If they get hired they get hired they can try it out and see if it is the right fit for them, and if it isn’t then they still have their degree and can go look for jobs in a different field. I am really excited to be getting in to a law enforcement career. A police officers job is to protect and to serve their community, and it takes a leader to be able to fully put themselves aside and think about the priorities of other people. I have a lot of experience in leadership roles and have been a captain on multiple sports teams. I think I will fit in well in a law enforcement environment and be able to do my job very well. One of the things that I am most worried about when picturing my life as a cop will be remembering all of the laws and being able to link laws to crimes correctly and not mess up something small that could let the bad guy/or girl get away. Along with that I am also worried about all of the paperwork that writing reports entails. I have never been a fan of writing things down because I can usually remember things pretty well, but when there is a lot of stuff going on than I can forget a couple things. I am sure that I will be able to adjust and learn to write things down, but it will not be the most enjoyable part of my job. Overall I am certain that the good would outweigh the bad and that I would really enjoy, and excel as a police officer, and hopefully be able to move up the ladder and be successful. Wings456

    1. I agree that people are not interested in law enforcement but I really have the interest init because I am willing to protect and serve for my community. The lady officers did a great job by speaking to the class and telling stories that happened ti them as an officer.
      -- Softball456

  19. Being part of the Law Enforcement was my dream since I was a kid. That is why I pursue a major in Criminal Justice even my parents are against my decision. Knowing someone who works in law enforcement and being in high position inspired me to be a police officer in the future. Not just to wear the uniform, badge, weapons, and some other accessories but to serve and protect the community and people. Just like what it said on Peoria Police Department website “The men and women of the Peoria Police Department are professionals, committed to serve and protect with respect.” I believe what it said is one best way to explain how police officers should be so that the public can do the same with them. Having the female police officers in class was a unique experience. Answering questions and sharing their experience about what they do and experience while they’re on duty gave me more idea of what I need to expect when I become a police officer. The three ladies have some different years of experience on the force, one is a Sergeant who has twenty-five years of experience in the service, and I believe taking the test to advance to Lieutenant position. One who is a field training officer and the other one who just started to patrol on her own. When I heard that she is taking the test to go up a rank, I got inspired because we do not hear a lot of women that are in the higher position in law enforcement. I do enjoy the story of the Field Training Officer, for what I heard she did not start college at around age twenty-four and it did not stop her to get her double bachelor’s degree, Master of Arts, and doctoral in criminal justice for what I know. I do like the story of the new officer who just got hired last year and started to be on her own on patrol. She states that they respond to ShotSpotter call and at the location, it looks like that they are getting shot. What the experience is scary, because like she said you do not know what to expect at all. One of the best statement she shared is that not all calls are necessary calls. Being a police officer, they take an oath to serve and help the community and the people. Responding to a call is one of those even it is not an emergency like lighting a furnace. Her responding to a call and the time she arrived the person is unconscious then bringing that person to life, is one proud moment she has done. I would be proud too if I do the same thing because you just save someone’s life. Hearing some of their shared stories are things that people from the community need to hear. A lot of people think that police officer are just seating on their patrol cars, waiting at a gas station and eating donuts, or taking a nap somewhere while on the clock. The truth is not all law enforcement officials are not what they think, many are like these female police officers who are helping people in need, and some are saving lives. They are police officers who are there to protect and serve, but they are not invisible, they are still human. Who at the end of the night of their duty want to be home with their family and loved ones. In all, we must be respectful and thankful for what they are doing, because we have no idea on what they are dealing and risking on a daily basis. -Chopper123

    1. Chopper123,
      Keep dreaming big and pursue to your dream. I know that parents can be worried because my parents are worried about me to become a officer. I always want to help and serve my community and the only chance I can do that is to become a officer that I always wanted to be. I always had people tell me I can't make it through school and also that I won't be a Law enforcement officer. I believe that officers does take oath serve and help the community. I like how you said that police officers protect and serve, but they are not invisible, they are still humans. That statement is really true.

    2. Keep dreaming and push hard to pursue your dream. It is understandable why you parents are worried because my parents said the same thing. They always asked are you sure that this is the path you want to take? My answer was always yes. So just keep pushing to make the dream a reality. I really agree with your statement that officers and to protect and serve the community but aren’t invisible. Meaning they are humans too, that is absolutely true, some have families at home. Overall I agree with you 100%.Smile123

  20. Law Enforcement is any system that people of a society acts to put manner to enforce that law. People that put manner to enforce the law can discover, deterring, rehabilitating and push people who did the crime or did follow the rules. The steps to become a law enforcement officer takes a while. It just depends on what state you go and apply too. Some police officers told me to start applying at their departments at the age of 20 years old because when I get done with the police academy I would be 21 by the time. The officer must take a written exam, physical fitness, background investigation, drug test, psychological testing, polygraph and medical exam. When I looked up the physical fitness test, I must run 1.5 mile at the time of 16.21, sit in reach 18.8 inch, and the bench press was 58% percent of my bodyweight for the age of 20-29 years old as a female. I have been working on that at the gym, so I can get ready for the test. I believe I can make it because I really want to show people that didn’t believe in me that I can become a law enforcement officer. I want to keep going to school to get my master’s degree in criminal justice. Some departments don’t want a associates degree but if I go to school it can help me by showing that I really want to get better as an officer. I don’t care how long it takes me to become an officer. I know it is hard to be away from family and friends when I am training but they will be proud of me when I graduate from there. I always wanted to become an officer, so I can help people and serve for my community. I want more officers to do community policing because that is the main point of having trust from people in the community. It will change everything in the system if there was more community policing and helping others. I know it is scary to go out in the world a police officer because I don’t know if I will be coming back home safely or I might be 7 feet down into the ground. As a female officer, I knew we talk our way through the situation, but some females just need to put their feet down and show who is the boss in a bad situation. I will tell young females if they want to become a police officer to “do it” because some police departments need more females.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. Some female officers need to put their feet to the ground a little more and a little faster sometimes, though being able to talk sometimes is the best way to go. I love that you are pushing to make your dreams a reality and become an officer. It is great that you want to give back to the community and help those in need. I hope that you can make it through all the tests that are required to make it as an officer because from the sound of it you will make a phenomenal officer. Good luck, keep prospering, and never give up! -MyChildrensKeeper456

  21. Law Enforcement is any system that people of a society acts to put manner to enforce that law. People that put manner to enforce the law can discover, deterring, rehabilitating and push people who did the crime or did follow the rules. The steps to become a law enforcement officer takes a while. It just depends on what state you go and apply too. Some police officers told me to start applying at their departments at the age of 20 years old because when I get done with the police academy I would be 21 by the time. The officer must take a written exam, physical fitness, background investigation, drug test, psychological testing, polygraph and medical exam. When I looked up the physical fitness test, I must run 1.5 mile at the time of 16.21, sit in reach 18.8 inch, and the bench press was 58% percent of my bodyweight for the age of 20-29 years old as a female. I have been working on that at the gym, so I can get ready for the test. I believe I can make it because I really want to show people that didn’t believe in me that I can become a law enforcement officer. I want to keep going to school to get my master’s degree in criminal justice. Some departments don’t want a associates degree but if I go to school it can help me by showing that I really want to get better as an officer. I don’t care how long it takes me to become an officer. I know it is hard to be away from family and friends when I am training but they will be proud of me when I graduate from there. I always wanted to become an officer, so I can help people and serve for my community. I want more officers to do community policing because that is the main point of having trust from people in the community. It will change everything in the system if there was more community policing and helping others. I know it is scary to go out in the world a police officer because I don’t know if I will be coming back home safely or I might be 7 feet down into the ground. As a female officer, I knew we talk our way through the situation, but some females just need to put their feet down and show who is the boss in a bad situation. I will tell young females if they want to become a police officer to “do it” because some police departments need more females.

  22. Being part of the Law Enforcement was my dream since I was a kid. That is why I pursue a major in Criminal Justice even my parents are against my decision. Knowing someone who works in law enforcement and being in high position inspired me to be a police officer in the future. Not just to wear the uniform, badge, weapons, and some other accessories but to serve and protect the community and people. Just like what it said on Peoria Police Department website “The men and women of the Peoria Police Department are professionals, committed to serve and protect with respect.” I believe what it said is one best way to explain how police officers should be so that the public can do the same with them. Having the female police officers in class was a unique experience. Answering questions and sharing their experience about what they do and experience while they’re on duty gave me more idea of what I need to expect when I become a police officer. The three ladies have some different years of experience on the force, one is a Sergeant who has twenty-five years of experience in the service, and I believe taking the test to advance to Lieutenant position. One who is a field training officer and the other one who just started to patrol on her own. When I heard that she is taking the test to go up a rank, I got inspired because we do not hear a lot of women that are in the higher position in law enforcement. I do enjoy the story of the Field Training Officer, for what I heard she did not start college at around age twenty-four and it did not stop her to get her double bachelor’s degree, Master of Arts, and doctoral in criminal justice for what I know. I do like the story of the new officer who just got hired last year and started to be on her own on patrol. She states that they respond to ShotSpotter call and at the location, it looks like that they are getting shot. What the experience is scary, because like she said you do not know what to expect at all. One of the best statement she shared is that not all calls are necessary calls. Being a police officer, they take an oath to serve and help the community and the people. Responding to a call is one of those even it is not an emergency like lighting a furnace. Her responding to a call and the time she arrived the person is unconscious then bringing that person to life, is one proud moment she has done. I would be proud too if I do the same thing because you just save someone’s life. Hearing some of their shared stories are things that people from the community need to hear. A lot of people think that police officer are just seating on their patrol cars, waiting at a gas station and eating donuts, or taking a nap somewhere while on the clock. The truth is not all law enforcement officials are not what they think, many are like these female police officers who are helping people in need, and some are saving lives. They are police officers who are there to protect and serve, but they are not invisible, they are still human. Who at the end of the night of their duty want to be home with their family and loved ones. In all, we must be respectful and thankful for what they are doing, because we have no idea on what they are dealing and risking on a daily basis. -Chopper456

    1. I have also dreamed about law enforcement, since a child. Honestly, my father has always been on the other side of the law, and didn't agree with my decision. After understanding that I was taking this route seriously, he agreed to disagree. The female officers were a treat to have in class. I feel like I have a little more understanding of a cop thanks to their past experiences. Hopefully more women do earn higher up positions to show that they are just as great in this field. The younger officer is right, always expect the unexpected. Lastly, you are right about officers being just like a normal citizen. They have families to take care of, and are just protecting and up-holding the law. They are brave individuals that should be looked at with up-most respect.

    2. I have also dreamed about law enforcement, since a child. Honestly, my father has always been on the other side of the law, and didn't agree with my decision. After understanding that I was taking this route seriously, he agreed to disagree. The female officers were a treat to have in class. I feel like I have a little more understanding of a cop thanks to their past experiences. Hopefully more women do earn higher up positions to show that they are just as great in this field. The younger officer is right, always expect the unexpected. Lastly, you are right about officers being just like a normal citizen. They have families to take care of, and are just protecting and up-holding the law. They are brave individuals that should be looked at with up-most respect.

  23. Being able to listen to the three wonderful ladies was a phenomenal experience. Although I will not be making a career in law enforcement myself, I was still able to learn a lot from these three ladies. Even in the career field that I will be participating in, I will still need to have to work closely with the local law enforcement in many ways, as well as have a full understanding of the ins and outs of the law that they work every day to enforce. I liked how they were brutally honest about the difficulty of becoming an officer rather than making it seem as if anyone could do it just so get applicants, as well as how hard you still must work once you get the job. Unfortunately, some people can get the job, then turn around and misuse the job and take the easy pay. Those are the type of officers that give the rest of the officers a bad name. Just like any other career you need to go into the job every day loving what you are doing, because if you don’t love doing it, it will show in the work you perform. I commend these ladies for being able to pull themselves together everyday after experiencing some of the horrific things they have experienced in their line of work. When they opened up and talked about some of their bad experiences, like the man that shot himself, and the lady tried giving him CPR, and had to feel the hole in the mans head. It gave her nightmares, as it would any normal person, but the fact that she was able to pull herself together and continue working for as long as she has been, is definitely inspiring. People tend to look at women officers and underestimate them in many ways, but women can be just as strong if not stronger than men in many ways. To me I feel like these ladies showed so much more passion in the way they described why they loved their job. I have sat with male officers, and typically they seem to just push through the questions, so they can move on. With these ladies I sensed that they were more admiring about making sure that everyone learned what they needed to, so they could have the best knowledge possible to secure a career as an officer or any similar field. To hold a job in law enforcement, you must absolutely be strong mentally, emotionally and physically, because there are so many crazy people that do so many crazy things, and to be able to go out and deal with all the craziness every day, you must be one strong person; man or woman. I admire the bond these ladies have as sisters of the shield, you can tell that they respect each other so much. They covered a lot of what we have covered as a class, and so much more. I absolutely enjoyed sitting down with these ladies and listening to their stories, their warnings, and their knowledge. -MyChildrensKeeper123

  24. Being able to listen to the three wonderful ladies was a phenomenal experience. Although I will not be making a career in law enforcement myself, I was still able to learn a lot from these three ladies. Even in the career field that I will be participating in, I will still need to have to work closely with the local law enforcement in many ways, as well as have a full understanding of the ins and outs of the law that they work every day to enforce. I liked how they were brutally honest about the difficulty of becoming an officer rather than making it seem as if anyone could do it just so get applicants, as well as how hard you still must work once you get the job. Unfortunately, some people can get the job, then turn around and misuse the job and take the easy pay. Those are the type of officers that give the rest of the officers a bad name. Just like any other career you need to go into the job every day loving what you are doing, because if you don’t love doing it, it will show in the work you perform. I commend these ladies for being able to pull themselves together everyday after experiencing some of the horrific things they have experienced in their line of work. When they opened up and talked about some of their bad experiences, like the man that shot himself, and the lady tried giving him CPR, and had to feel the hole in the mans head. It gave her nightmares, as it would any normal person, but the fact that she was able to pull herself together and continue working for as long as she has been, is definitely inspiring. People tend to look at women officers and underestimate them in many ways, but women can be just as strong if not stronger than men in many ways. To me I feel like these ladies showed so much more passion in the way they described why they loved their job. I have sat with male officers, and typically they seem to just push through the questions, so they can move on. With these ladies I sensed that they were more admiring about making sure that everyone learned what they needed to, so they could have the best knowledge possible to secure a career as an officer or any similar field. To hold a job in law enforcement, you must absolutely be strong mentally, emotionally and physically, because there are so many crazy people that do so many crazy things, and to be able to go out and deal with all the craziness every day, you must be one strong person; man or woman. I admire the bond these ladies have as sisters of the shield, you can tell that they respect each other so much. They covered a lot of what we have covered as a class, and so much more. I absolutely enjoyed sitting down with these ladies and listening to their stories, their warnings, and their knowledge. -MyChildrensKeeper456

    1. The thing to really get out of this lecture, in my opinion is to hear their experiences, and what they have to do on a daily basis. It gives you a different perspective on what they go through, and I always find myself either getting excited hearing them talk about their duties. It's these shared experiences that really creates a new found respect. Honest is the best policy, I agree. I like how they weren't afraid to say that they have lazy cops in their department and they know who they are. I agree with the ladies being more careful with their cases as well. The ladies were a blast to have!

    2. The thing to really get out of this lecture, in my opinion is to hear their experiences, and what they have to do on a daily basis. It gives you a different perspective on what they go through, and I always find myself either getting excited hearing them talk about their duties. It's these shared experiences that really creates a new found respect. Honest is the best policy, I agree. I like how they weren't afraid to say that they have lazy cops in their department and they know who they are. I agree with the ladies being more careful with their cases as well. The ladies were a blast to have!

  25. We were introduced to three female officers, who varied in experience, ethnicity, and backgrounds. I say these things because it is a big deal with our police departments today. Women are joining the police force with more regularility than before, and these women prove it. Although, the gender ratio is still at an embarrassing low number that needs to be changed around. Experience differed because the two older cops had a new recruit with them. She had just joined the force, but had already saved a life via CPR! That’s honestly insane to think about, and I’m sure a good story to tell. The older officers had some stories to tell us about their career field. Some amazing and even inspiring, and others, not so much. They helped show the younger women of the class, that gender doesn’t mean as much as it did before. Now more departments are more leaning towards evening out the gender ratio. It also showed us men that having a female partner is sometimes better than having your best pal next to you at a crisis. Just because they are female, doesn’t make then any less of a officer than anyone else. Understandably, I feel like women do better as police officers, due to how closely they are watch, and quicked to be judged. With this constant pressure, anyone would be carefull to watch their backs. Any slight slip through the cracks, and the whole department is screaming, “I told you so.” Another thing they helped to show us students, is how the hiring process really is. The youngest cop was really the best help on that, since she had just got done with the program like two months ago. Just got to make sure you can pass the written test, physical test, drug test, polygraph (which I was surprised she had to do honestly, since it’s considered basically useless, and the mental health test. Plus the probation period, and being under constant supervision until checked off on be your supervisor. She also showed us that everyday is a new day and you don’t really know what to expect out in the streets. The other officers agree with this claim and even gave insight of how they pray before work everyday. That they make sure their kids love them, before they go and risk their lives. It really shows you how this cop, or career can be mentally, and physically exhausting. It’s not just your life to be worried about, it’s your family. I think it showed everyone that at the end of the day, you really need to love your job. If not, the this isn’t the work field for you. Your pride, loyalty, and braveness will be put to the test every single day. If you think the law doesn’t come before you, or that you are the law, then why even make life harder for others? Every single officer showed us why they are deserving of the title Peoria Police Officer, and why others show be inspired in upholding the law for the safety of others that can’t protect themselves.

    1. Good point on how men can benefit of having a woman as a partner, often times they are much better at going into a situation and using words to bring the problem to a stop, where as men can be more likely to go in and us physicality to bring the problem to an end. I agree with how helpful the newer officer was with the hiring process, as she has gone through the process much more recently. She had no problem being straight forward with how you have to be tactically ready for any and every call you receive, because as an officer, you just never know which one is going to give you the most problems.


  26. We were introduced to three female officers, who varied in experience, ethnicity, and backgrounds. I say these things because it is a big deal with our police departments today. Women are joining the police force with more regularility than before, and these women prove it. Although, the gender ratio is still at an embarrassing low number that needs to be changed around. Experience differed because the two older cops had a new recruit with them. She had just joined the force, but had already saved a life via CPR! That’s honestly insane to think about, and I’m sure a good story to tell. The older officers had some stories to tell us about their career field. Some amazing and even inspiring, and others, not so much. They helped show the younger women of the class, that gender doesn’t mean as much as it did before. Now more departments are more leaning towards evening out the gender ratio. It also showed us men that having a female partner is sometimes better than having your best pal next to you at a crisis. Just because they are female, doesn’t make then any less of a officer than anyone else. Understandably, I feel like women do better as police officers, due to how closely they are watch, and quicked to be judged. With this constant pressure, anyone would be carefull to watch their backs. Any slight slip through the cracks, and the whole department is screaming, “I told you so.” Another thing they helped to show us students, is how the hiring process really is. The youngest cop was really the best help on that, since she had just got done with the program like two months ago. Just got to make sure you can pass the written test, physical test, drug test, polygraph (which I was surprised she had to do honestly, since it’s considered basically useless, and the mental health test. Plus the probation period, and being under constant supervision until checked off on be your supervisor. She also showed us that everyday is a new day and you don’t really know what to expect out in the streets. The other officers agree with this claim and even gave insight of how they pray before work everyday. That they make sure their kids love them, before they go and risk their lives. It really shows you how this cop, or career can be mentally, and physically exhausting. It’s not just your life to be worried about, it’s your family. I think it showed everyone that at the end of the day, you really need to love your job. If not, the this isn’t the work field for you. Your pride, loyalty, and braveness will be put to the test every single day. If you think the law doesn’t come before you, or that you are the law, then why even make life harder for others? Every single officer showed us why they are deserving of the title Peoria Police Officer, and why others show be inspired in upholding the law for the safety of others that can’t protect themselves.

    1. Good point on how men can benefit of having a woman as a partner, often times they are much better at going into a situation and using words to bring the problem to a stop, where as men can be more likely to go in and us physicality to bring the problem to an end. I agree with how helpful the newer officer was with the hiring process, as she has gone through the process much more recently. She had no problem being straight forward with how you have to be tactically ready for any and every call you receive, because as an officer, you just never know which one is going to give you the most problems.


  27. Not only did we have the honor of having not one but three police officers that work for the city of Peoria, but all three were women which I believe was a great choice for speakers. All three women were great speakers and gave so much insight to so many aspects of being a police officer for the city of Peoria. Having the officers speak to us that are part of a minority in the law enforcement field I believe gave us as a group and many of the women in the classroom what some of their thoughts are on getting into the career field that is male dominated. What was also nice for not only getting women for speakers, but all three had a large difference in experience and rankings. One of the officers had only been on her own for a little over a month now and did a great job sharing what some of her stories were. Not only some of her already big success stories, but some very scary, real stories that really put things into perspective as a young officer. Another officer was Sargent Sandoval is on the interview panel for Peoria city, so some of the students may be seeing her in the near future when attempting to get a job with the department. Sargent Sandoval brought more experience to the discussion and was very brave, as all three were, in sharing some very horrifying cases she had to deal with. As well as some of her most stressful days as she had to testify on two major sexual assault cases on the same exact day. The stories of some of those terrible sexual assault cases really open your eyes and can hopefully mentally prepare you (to an extent) for some of the things you as an officer will have to deal with. Officer Blair was our most experienced speaker and I believe due to how long she has been an officer, she had a ton of info that we can all take with us as we move into our careers. She not only shared some of her best and her worst experiences as a cop, she also gave you some real information on what it is like in your daily life when away from the department. Sometimes you're going to get called in when the department needs you. There's also a ton of opportunity for overtime, and if you have a family or significant other, you need to do your best to help them understand how this job as an officer is not your normal 9-5 job. You aren't always going to get off when you're scheduled to. You may run into people you've arrested or some of your narcs while off duty, and need to give your family some cues to find something to occupy themselves as you talk to this person. All three gave some great insight into what being an officer is. They don't beat around the bush, they let you know straight up what the job is and how it affects your home life, because it absolutely will if you are not prepared for it. Not only was having women officers benefit the classes understanding of what the job entails, but also that women are just as capable to do this job as men are. Sometimes even better.


  28. Not only did we have the honor of having not one but three police officers that work for the city of Peoria, but all three were women which I believe was a great choice for speakers. All three women were great speakers and gave so much insight to so many aspects of being a police officer for the city of Peoria. Having the officers speak to us that are part of a minority in the law enforcement field I believe gave us as a group and many of the women in the classroom what some of their thoughts are on getting into the career field that is male dominated. What was also nice for not only getting women for speakers, but all three had a large difference in experience and rankings. One of the officers had only been on her own for a little over a month now and did a great job sharing what some of her stories were. Not only some of her already big success stories, but some very scary, real stories that really put things into perspective as a young officer. Another officer was Sargent Sandoval is on the interview panel for Peoria city, so some of the students may be seeing her in the near future when attempting to get a job with the department. Sargent Sandoval brought more experience to the discussion and was very brave, as all three were, in sharing some very horrifying cases she had to deal with. As well as some of her most stressful days as she had to testify on two major sexual assault cases on the same exact day. The stories of some of those terrible sexual assault cases really open your eyes and can hopefully mentally prepare you (to an extent) for some of the things you as an officer will have to deal with. Officer Blair was our most experienced speaker and I believe due to how long she has been an officer, she had a ton of info that we can all take with us as we move into our careers. She not only shared some of her best and her worst experiences as a cop, she also gave you some real information on what it is like in your daily life when away from the department. Sometimes you're going to get called in when the department needs you. There's also a ton of opportunity for overtime, and if you have a family or significant other, you need to do your best to help them understand how this job as an officer is not your normal 9-5 job. You aren't always going to get off when you're scheduled to. You may run into people you've arrested or some of your narcs while off duty, and need to give your family some cues to find something to occupy themselves as you talk to this person. All three gave some great insight into what being an officer is. They don't beat around the bush, they let you know straight up what the job is and how it affects your home life, because it absolutely will if you are not prepared for it. Not only was having women officers benefit the classes understanding of what the job entails, but also that women are just as capable to do this job as men are. Sometimes even better.


  29. I could not have been more excited to find out that Doc White invited in three female officers to come in and speak with us. As a female wanting to go into the police force, it is easy to be intimidated by the fact that it is a male dominated profession. Although there have been huge steps made in diversifying the force, there is still a long way to go. As far as class went on Thursday, I have to say that I learned so much. It was really interesting getting three different takes on law enforcement from three women in different positions. It was really nice getting the view from a new officer, hearing her speak about how passionate she is about the career she chose. She talked about how you can never go into a call expecting it to be ordinary, that you should always expect something to happen that you are not expected. Not only that but she also talked about how important it is to be proactive. So often, officers can get into the mindset that they will just respond to calls and leave the rest, but she talked about how rewarding it can be to be proactive. Moving on to the Sergeants perspective, she was able to give insight as to what it is like to move through the ranks in law enforcement. She spoke of the different units she had been on, and it was very clear that her career was something that she does not take lightly. When she spoke about how much she hates court, it definitely made me feel better because I thought I was the only one who had trouble with public speaking. This is clearly something she has been able to conquer as well. Knowing Officer Blair for a while has definitely been an honor. Every time I speak with her she always gives me new advice about law enforcement and her passion is super clear. She is an officer that I have looked up to for a while now, and if I can accomplish half of what she has I would be very proud of my career as an officer. One thing that all of these ladies pushed was getting involved and being in your community. As an officer that is something I will want to strive for as well. Blair talked about how she was on duty at the moment, but there was an elderly woman who needed her to come and turn down her heat for her. This is clearly something that the lady could do herself but Blair was able to pick out the fact that she was probably just lonely and wanted someone to talk to. Then then proceeded to say that calls like that are some of her favorite because she is able to know that being friendly and taking the time to be with someone and just talk can change someone’s day or even life for the better. At the end of the day, an officer’s duty should be to care for the public in whatever way it is necessary. (Patriots123)

    1. Seeing that most officers in the force are male is intimidating and hearing how these women were able to get past that and were wanting to share their story with us is great. They had to make sacrifices just like any other officer that is out in the field and they need to know that they are great. Hearing all of their stories and how they wanted to become an officer has really got me wanting to do this type of stuff for others. Being able to share their story with no backlash is great and I hope to meet more officers like this in the future.

  30. Having 3 girl police officers coming from the city was very interesting. I'm very excited our teacher brought them and not guys. It is different being a girl cop. They were fierce though and you could tell they weren't scared they were just doing their job everyday in and out. Having them come to our class and basically just answer all of our question was better than them just lecuring on how to become a cop, because we the people want to know what experiences they have had or what difficult thing they had to do to overcome the situation. Knowing you have to go to your job everyday to fight for your community and the people around you. The big thing I learned was you cant take anything easy. Everything you do has to be 110% because if you arent going that 110% that could be your last shift or your parents last shift. You have to commit to this job and what I learned is there are no off days. You have to always be prepared for the worse even when your off duty. You never realize when something so bad could happen. I want to be a police officer one day and I would most definitely take one of those girls are my partners. You could just tell in there voice that they would go to battle for you. Girls are overlooked by everyone nobody realizes that they actually can do this job and maybe even be better at it then guys. Most girls can talk better then guys, you dont always need the muscle or roughness to be a police officer. For example when someone has a gun up to their head, you need to say the right words to that person. If you dont you could have that image in your mind for the rest of your life. Another thing they taught me is that all the officers are family they need to be family to succeed and they even said for themselves that there are people in the department that are not family because the things they have done. Always have each other back though and that's one of the reason I want to work for a department that has your back at all times. I really enjoyed how they talked and how they answered the questions I enjoyed them coming to class. conrad123

    1. Yes bringing in the female officers brought out a new look and new way to see how being an officer is and how it feels. There are not many females in the force and having them come in and speak was great. It seemed that they are just as good as an officer as a male would be and that their knowledge on the subject was excellent and it taught me alot. We must never underestimate those who are around us and these women did a great job explaining what it is like being an officer in Peoria.

  31. Having 3 girl police officers coming from the city was very interesting. I'm very excited our teacher brought them and not guys. It is different being a girl cop. They were fierce though and you could tell they weren't scared they were just doing their job everyday in and out. Having them come to our class and basically just answer all of our question was better than them just lecuring on how to become a cop, because we the people want to know what experiences they have had or what difficult thing they had to do to overcome the situation. Knowing you have to go to your job everyday to fight for your community and the people around you. The big thing I learned was you cant take anything easy. Everything you do has to be 110% because if you arent going that 110% that could be your last shift or your parents last shift. You have to commit to this job and what I learned is there are no off days. You have to always be prepared for the worse even when your off duty. You never realize when something so bad could happen. I want to be a police officer one day and I would most definitely take one of those girls are my partners. You could just tell in there voice that they would go to battle for you. Girls are overlooked by everyone nobody realizes that they actually can do this job and maybe even be better at it then guys. Most girls can talk better then guys, you dont always need the muscle or roughness to be a police officer. For example when someone has a gun up to their head, you need to say the right words to that person. If you dont you could have that image in your mind for the rest of your life. Another thing they taught me is that all the officers are family they need to be family to succeed and they even said for themselves that there are people in the department that are not family because the things they have done. Always have each other back though and that's one of the reason I want to work for a department that has your back at all times. I really enjoyed how they talked and how they answered the questions I enjoyed them coming to class. conrad456

  32. Being in class today was a great experience to see what it is like first hand for the Peoria police. Having these women come in and share their story with the class was great because they can tell us stuff about what it takes to be a police officer not only in Peoria, but also around the country. When learning about criminal justice is great to hear first hand what it is all about especially from women because as we know not many women are in the police force. It was great to hear all the stories about how they became an officer and what was the best part about being on the force and just learning some of the useful knowledge that they know. If we were not to have these guest come in and talk to us we would never get the real feeling of being out on the street until we actually graduated and got out there for ourselves. Hearing the officers actually talk about real life experiences is great because then we get to feel like they want to be there and are happy in share what they have done and it also tells us what type of officers they are by them revealing their strategies and tactics. When officers were asked about some of the worst parts about the job and they talked about, we could feel just how scared they were or how mad they might have been depending on the type of case. These officers know that they might not make it home that night and that is something that we going into the criminal justice field must deal with because we never know what might happen out in the field and we don’t know what some people might do to try and get away. It was great to hear about what they may have had to overcome while out in the field and what they wish they could have done. I liked when all of them were asked if they could choose another field to work in what would it be and they all said that they wanted to be police officers because of how rewarding and great of a job it was. The rookie officer telling about how she had to work on the holidays and not be with her family is just one of many things that officers must do in order to keep their communities and themselves safe. We have to be able to follow our dreams and we need to show that we are willing to help those in need especially when most of them are against you. This was all in all a great experience that I hope will stay with me forever and one day I hope to make the same impact on those who are where we are today.

    1. Well first thing it was good to have women officers come in because a lot times people would say women can't do something. They is wrong because women can do anything they want just have to set their own goals and you might have to work hard than everyone . I know there not many women who want get their hands dirty when it come to criminal justice field also want help people make different in there life. Most jobs you do in life there a chance you won't make home safe and that why when you out there who ever your partner is should always have your back.

  33. Today class was very interesting because this show how women officers are change the world. All these officers experience what they went through to be a police officers, because most time you think its all about action but its not . All these women came from different culture like the first lady had her experience with the sheriff she did like that because back would been too far away for one person to hold off. I also like her energy she seem like she the type of will always bring up when you do. Another thing I like what she said was all the males told her she could not be like the other males however all that does for people like her just make them want work hard about it and make them better person. I also like she love to teach people and she know what it like being part of a team because she play basketball in high school and college. For the sergeant she want to go be a cop in Galesburg,Illinois she saw the wall and that was for her at all. What got her name is when these two people was robbery gas stations in Peoria and East Peoria area she had the description of car off her radio and it was right there and called for back up. She was nervous because she never been in that types of solution she partner was mad because had wake her and she was older as well. When she caught them that what made her and work they way to become sergeant at end of the day they just want go home to their family . At the end of the day just want go home make safe for their family. You never know what can happens on any day when being a cop is good but also u need to what it means be a cop and help out the community at same time. She don't like court because the lawyers will eat you up if you not on your game at all. For the last cop she had get used the gun for new years because where she from they don't do that and not used to it. Even thought she young she said you need to know how write good and spell it because without those material you can get from in this job at all. I like how she save someone life and I also she was just pull some over than it all changed when she smell the weed in car . All these officers gave their experience of what it take of being a cop and they did a good job explain them self's. In life sometimes you won't make it home that why it's important to have someone who going be there for you and have your back so all can make home to your family. Also these women seem like they are the type who love to help and teach young people. This was a good experience for us because show you can do anything you want just have to be willing to put the time in and hard work will pay off in long run. I also like when the officer is off duty their family know when to stay away from them.
    -panthers 123

  34. Having those officers there was really nice. I love when they explained everything to me because I got a better understanding of what they actually do. Being a police officer is not easy at all, you go through a lot of different situations and problems. Being a police officer’s plays big role in any community because you are there to protect people and make sure or try to make sure everything is done correctly. You have to be willing to risk your life for someone else’s because people sometimes depend on officers. Yes, it is a big thing going around saying all officers are bad but that’s not true. We do have some officers that are bad and make bad decisions because they can take advantage of that opportunity but its not right. The bad ones are the ones that stick out the most. They also mentioned that every call in is important. It can be the smallest or something any other person would think is stupid but, to officers it is a big deal because everything matters. They are supposed to be people heroes. Something that stick out to me is that it can be an emotional job as well. People can do something sad things to others and themselves and your emotions can take over sometimes. Sometimes the situation you have to deal with could of happen to you and to see someone else suffer can be a huge deal to you. But, as an officer you have to be strong. With me trying to become a probation officer, they did mention that police officers and PO does work hand in hand as well. So, I will be very excited to be able to work with officers and become friends with them. being in the law enforcement is a big deal and I’m excited to start my career in it.-babyblue123

    1. I think that good these officers can and broke it down what they go through on a day basic. A lot times people just see all the bad thing about being a cop but intend you should stop and think. It's not easy being a cop because its hard being cop these days with the social medial around you and some folks can't handle with all come with it. On the other handle the bad cops make the good cops look bad because , they think all cops are bad don't matter how much good you do and try.


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