Locked Up in County and My Penological Thoughts Keep Sayin'.....


  1. This Video showed the lockup for the Dallas Texas County Jail, Half female officers as females are shown to be more effective working in this type of environment as they will try to communicate with the offender when they are getting out of hand rather then what the video said for their male correctional officer trying to size up the other male offenders, or for female offenders will having trouble establishing a connection. This video also showed the use of direct supervisor with showing us the South Tower with one officer being in a pod surrounded by offenders being surrounded by inmates, where this comes into play is with seeing all activities and as along as the officer is respectful this type of approach works as offenders are less likely to act out because the stakes of being noticed for violations are much higher then for the officer to be watching the pod from a control room. 90% are related to drug offenses or from other offenses that are related to once the individual is locked up incarnation. This facility was shown to take 90 officers who are working 3 different shifts to ensure protection of effectively keeping the facility under full protection. What was interesting regarding the video is the fact before the state of Texas would send their officers to go through the correctional academy, this is very beneficial as this gives the person going into the career field a chance to see what the job is really like before they are stuck in something they are not wanting to do this also gives the person a chance to see what the job is like to gain a certain idea of what improvements they need to make prior to the person going through the academy. Also, interesting is the fact the strigitic response units for the Dallas County jail help the correctional officers if not responseing to tasks with their regular everyday activities. SRT may have to deal with other inmates who are looking for attention such as during times in which family and friends can visit but don’t, single cells house high profile inmates when a person is emotional upset from personal external events this can effect the person’s ability to understand what a request is and a simple request from a correctional officer can turn into a stand off which can put the entire unit on lockdown. As shown in the video as well even individuals coming from other facilities can have contraband on them as well when not searched properly which can put the correctional establishment the inmate is being taken to at risk if they are trusting of the location they received the person from. As shown in the video too even small things such as handcuff keys can be conceded on the person which can cause an immediate threat to the staff and other inmates at large as the person is in control of their own movement which is not in the best interest of keeping others out of harm ways. eagle789

  2. I really liked the film; it was very visual and lets you see what it really is like for female officers in the big jails. We learned in class that women do make great police officers or correctional officers because they know how to talk, as one of their biggest strengths. Unlike for men, it can work, but there are more prone to look tough against the offender physically to intimidate offenders from picking on them. I was somewhat surprise to see a whole lot of female officers in the Texas County Jail, and there was a lot going on in the jail. We saw many different perspectives and parts of the jail, how they handled the inmates, how the jail was being run and what officers did to get even better on the job. There are so many things you can learn. The film states that the job is not for everyone because some officers do take pride on what they do and others not so much because of the intimidation they have to face each day. Personally, I think it’s a very good way to learn how to communicate with people, grow to be tougher within yourself, and pushes you to be more of a go-getter. Not to mention, but my favorite part of the film was the rookie female officer on the job. It was very insightful because it gave away her facial expression how she felt on her first day and she has not even gone through training yet, and I know many agencies send their recruits to training before starting job which I though it was kind of unique. Now, it gives me an idea how I would be if I were to work in a facility like Texas County Jail, because I feel like it’s a very pusher for many rookies out their just starting out their careers. Also, you can tell when an officer is a good officer or a bad officer on their demeanor. Overall, I thought all officers where being very nice when they needed to be, stayed professional at all times, knew how to respond back to situations that where either dangerous or sympathetic. Another thing is in the film; it looked kind of dangerous for one female officer to be on a room with 30 other offenders with her desk wide open for offender to approach her easily. Though, the benefit was it gave the officers a much better way to monitor the offenders closely, but most offenders who where in their where offenders who where addicted to drugs. Again, situation kind of dictated tactics on this film of how they ran the prison, which looked pretty organized by keeping the offenders looked up by their offenses. Such as drug addicts where being locked up together, because you are not going to lock up some person who killed a person with a drug addict. Over all I though it was great film and I really enjoyed, very insightful for sure! - LILPUMP789

  3. This film helped me see what life inside of a county jail really looks like. At the jail in the film, nearly half of the staff was female. I found this interesting because a majority of the time, most prisons/jails do not have that many women employees, there is usually a lot more men than women working on staff. Another thing I learned from the film was that very violent fights breakout in between prisoners almost on a regular basis. I always figured that there would be at least a few fights that would occur, but I did not expect there to be multiple fights to happen within a couple days of each other. Going along with the prisoner fights, I noticed that almost every single one of the fights happened because of a very silly reason. One prisoner would move his cellmate’s towel or something like that and his cellmate would become unbelievably angry and then a fight would break out. Within the Dallas Texas County Jail, the method of direct supervision is used to watch over the prisoners. This is a good, efficient, easy way to supervise all of the prisoners at the same time. Throughout the film, a few officers were interviewed and asked if they think that once these prisoners get released if a few of them would return back to the jail. Each one of the officers who were interviewed explained how a few of the prisoners who would be released will definitely be seen at the jail sometime soon. The officers stated how some of the prisoners are addicts and there is not a bunch of opportunities for rehab within the jail. Due to their addictions, the prisoners will simply go back to “getting their fix” and doing the same drugs, drinking, etc. to feed their addiction even more, which will eventually lead the prisoner to being caught again and sent back to jail. Within the jail shown in the film, there were two floors to the jail. The top floor is the women’s floor and the bottom floor is the men’s floor. Men and women are separated in prison to ensure that men do not go after the women and then fight each other over certain women, get in more fights, etc. The Dallas Texas County Jail shown in the film has a special group of trained officers to deal with any major fights, problems, etc. that may break out within the jail. If problems begin to arise involving some prisoners, the SRT group is called in. I found everything about this group to be very interesting. If a riot breaks out, the SRT group is allowed to use things like flash bangs or electric riot shields to take control of the situation. The SRT’s are very well trained and are allowed to do multiple different things to deal with any problems concerning prisoners. Overall, I really liked this film. It taught me so many new things about how jails really do operate and what problems have to be dealt within them every day.

  4. This video was very interesting. The video takes place in the Dallas County Jail. This facility looked pretty hectic. The receiving area showed tons of people coming in. It stated that the jail receives about 300 offenders every single day. With receiving this many people I feel like it would almost be too much to handle. The video said that they have about 90 corrections officers just there to handle this load of 300 people coming in every day. One thing that amazes me is that the jail holds more than 7,000 inmates. That is a crazy number just for the jail. Another surprising thing that was said was that over half the correctional officers at this jail are female officers. The reason this is surprising is because police jobs are very male dominated and then when you get into corrections it is not dominated at all by males. It was very interesting to me when the video said the females can actually handle the offenders a little better in some cases than the males. I fully believe this is true as well. When thinking about it, women have a way of talking to the offenders and de-escalating situations without causing physical altercations some of the time. I feel as though when it is a male officer, other male offenders think they have to be tougher and bigger than the other male. This can cause many physical altercations when this happens. As the video continues it talks about how it is a direct supervision jail. This allows the officers to be able to see the inmates at all times. I feel like this type of 3rd generation jail system is one of the better ones for stopping things before they happen. With 1st generation jails, there is many windows of time where they can be doing things they are not supposed to without being seen doing it. This can be kind of dangerous for officers because next time they come around, the inmate may have gotten a weapon ready or hurt someone. This generation jail works pretty well since the stats for finding weapons every week in the Dallas County jail is about 20 weapons per week. That is a huge amount of weapons every week being taken out of the hands of these people. There is a lot of damage that could have been done if these are not found. Another thing it mentioned was that these inmates find it fun to try and manipulate the female officers. One of the prisoners was talking about how he thinks it is fun to manipulate them and see how much they can get these officers to do. This just shows how scary it may be for some officers if they have been out in situations like these and they do not realize it until it is too late. Overall, I think this video gave me lots of insite and was a big eye opener to the world inside these jails. You would never actually knows what goes on in these types of places.
    - ST789

  5. This film helped me understand what inside a jail looks like in today's world and how it operates. The film was on the Dallas County Jail which holds 7000 inmates, which alot coming in and out everyday. The staff at the Dallas County Jail is nearly half female and half male. Which is very interesting due to the fact that there is usually a lot more men in most jails. Another thing that was very shocking is that they had a 19 year old on a 3 day training cycle before she went to actually training for corrections. Which I think was kind of unbelievable to put trust into the hands of a very young adult that has no previous training. During this film there was a section of the jail that held for direct supervision. This is an easy way to supervise all the inmates at one time, but this can be very dangerous because their is only one officer in the whole pod filled with men. This can always be a dangerous situation because you have no idea what will pop up especially if you are constantly moving throughout the pod. During the film that interviewed officers and inmates. Most inmates are either in for drugs or prostitution. When interviewing an inmate he believed that 90% of all inmates were drug users and addicts. The thing is most of them believe they will never return and that is where we here from officers and they say 9 times out of 10 they will always come back. Which is very sad because some are trying but it takes a couple times of failure the get straight again, and most have children which makes it more difficult. As for prostitution that is what most women are in jail for. They believe that is only way the know how to make money but they always believe in a better life, but for most it will not. Also during the film we were able to observe other tanks. You seem to notice that each tank is separated by offenses because most will not get along having different defenses. For example, a sexual offender will not last in violent offender tanks. By watching this film I also seemed to notice that most fights are about really really small things that the inmate get angry over, such as a towel getting moved. They are already in a high tense, high stress environment that it makes the inmates very moody. In the film we were also informed on SRT group. Which is a group of highly skilled and trained officers that are their to maintain control of the inmates in high tense situations. This group is ready for riots, big fights, and etc. They are allowed to use electrical shields, flash bangs, and pepper bullets. Which tend to diffuse the situation right away. This film was very interesting and really opened my eyes to how jails operate on a daily basis and what problems occur within the jail.

  6. After watching this video. I'm beginning to realize how crazy and hectic working in a jail of that magnitude would be. I was very surprised to see how many women were working in the jails. Before I would have imagined that the male to female ratio would lean heavily toward the male side; because I feel that women would be more intimidated in some of the situations they might find themselves in at the jail. The video stated that they house approximately 7000 inmates at any given time, and bring in around 300 every day, while only having 90 officers during a shift I can imagine that can turn in to a mad house. From the officers perspective things can get very dangerous with inmates getting in to fights about the smallest things, and then the officers have to get involved and the officers are always outnumbered. It could take minutes for backup to arrive if things get violent and minutes are a long time in situations like that. This is why I believe women can make great correctional officers because they are more likely to talk someone down rather than trying to overpower them which leads to less violent outcomes. When interviewing one of the prisoners he said that he believed that 90% of all inmates were in jail because of drugs and that more times than not they would return because of drugs. That same inmate you learn has a baby on the way, and that he wants to get out, and return to the free world a better man to be there for his kid. However when the film crew talked to correctional officer about this she said that more than likely he will end up back in jail, and wont be there for his child. I think that is a sad reality for a lot of inmates because nobody wants to be in prison, and I'm sure a lot of them wish that they could do better for themselves, but they don't have the tools to succeed. With some of the prisoners they interviewed it seemed like they really wanted to turn their lives around when they got out, but as we learned in class when they get out they usually go back to the same life they had before they went in. Another thing I noticed about these inmates is how childish some of them acted. Like when inmate Samantha Rodriguez was locked in to a single cell for fighting another inmate, and spitting on a correctional officer because "she wasn't getting enough attention" which to people that were raised in good households and are educated would seem absolutely crazy to put yourself at jeopardy for such a silly reason. After watching this video I'm very excited to visit the Peoria county jail because it is a lot smaller but I want to see how it compares to the Dallas county Jail. Rudedogg 789

  7. This video helped opened my eyes to inside the prison system and how the direct supervision works with in the prison. Being one correctional officer with 20 – 50 prisoners that have contact with you with in the area of your control. This would be a daunting task for the wrong individual trying to not show a weakness but being fair and firm not letting in to the prisoner’s tricks or charms. I just don’t understand how the only life line of a correctional officer has is a duress button on top of the radio they carry with a minimum of a minute for back up and being beaten by several inmates would be horrifying. The ration for the prisoners vs. guards is completely ridiculous being seven thousand inmates at one given time to ninety correctional officers having one in each block with a control staff that is in charge of the doors is just breath taking. The only thing that would keep you safe in a place like that it the prospects of the ability of parole and or the release time being soon enough to not wanting to add more time on your sentence. With the officer in the block that they are in charge of is there not only there to supervise the inmates but to answer questions for them, deescalate situations if the time calls for it, and notify the inmates of important date that apply to them like a parole board hearing for the inmate or a visitor. I did not know that intake was the first defense of a prison. That is where they get all the inmates information along with a search for anything that would be potentially harmful for the correctional officer like in the video the one inmate had a cuff key in his possession. Which could cause an all-out riot that could not only endanger the correctional officers, and other inmates lives but also the publics well-being. Which would be gravely do to the cost of a human life. I would have to say that it would be hard for me personally to be in lock down for being put in confinement for 23 hours a day and one hour out-side in a little court yard. I could not imagine how that would feel with all that time in a room by yourself and no one but your own thoughts to keep you company.JeepGuy789

  8. The video was very helpful in the sense that it really shows you how the modern jail works. Even though this is one of the largest jails in America the basic inner workings was a good representation of what goes on in jails across the America. I did however find it very interesting that nearly half of the staff was female. This ratio of female officers is definitely not the case in most law enforcement jobs. I thought it was interesting when some of the inmates seem to think they can get into female officers heads when in reality most of them just immediately shut them down. A lot of them earn respect of the inmates even though they vast majority of the inmates are men. One really strange thing I did notice in the beginning of this video was that the new female officer on her first day was given her keys and radio right in front of about a dozen inmates who were watching. I understand that most of them would realize she is a new officer even if they have not seen that but in my mind that situation was handled not in the best way only because now these inmates are going to be harassing her even more because they know for a fact this is her first day on the job. I also thought that showing the work of the officers who were in charge of prisoner in take from off the street board transfers was very interesting. I believe the video said they get in roughly 300 new inmates per day which has to be extremely stressful for the officers who are trying to get them processed and in the right place. That to me is just a larger number than what I would have expected even though the jail hold 7000 people. The part where they talk about the different cell blocks is interesting also because there are so many people in this jail and there are so many different levels of offenders from DUIs to rapists and murderers. The comment from one of the prison guards about if A lower level offender was stuck in with higher level offenders than that lower level offender might not make it out with his life was kind of crazy to think about. I never really thought that there would be that much violence when they are in jails because most people are out of jail within 2 to 3 days. I made this logical mistake thinking that most people in jail or able to bail out or they are serving short sentences. However this is the case for example the murderer who is sitting in higher level security may know that he has no hope of ever getting out of the corrections system and can cause problems for everyone else in that cell block. That is why this jail has a strategic response team to deal with things when fights or riots break out. It is a really good thing for jails to have a team like this especially when the jail has such a high percentage of violent offenders.

  9. This film is great for us to see so we can see what it's really like inside the jails because you really can't go in and just see what's it like. This video helps to see what really take place inside the jail and how the inmates are treated and how the inmates treat the workers at the jail. When you see how the lady took control over the inmates that's what you have to do you can't just let them walk all over you because if you do that they will try and get away with things that they should not be getting away with. With the inmates you can't get into there games that they are going to try and play with you because they will try everything to get under your skin so you will give them more than you give everyone else in the jail. With the girl that was not even 21 yet and the inmate new that right away and that not good because the inmate will catch on to it and they will pick at the girl because they know that they will not be able to handle the pressure. The girl handle it pretty well by not getting close with the inmate and she told them to think what they want and that's what they will go with because she does not want to give any personal info out.On a special force team you usually think that it will be men but in texas jail there is a woman that is meaner than you could ever think. This woman went through the pain that men went through to make the force and she does this so she will not get beat up. She is a women that the inmates do not want to mess with her and they know when she comes to there cell they are going to listen because they don't want to mess with what she can go. She got called to a fight and as soon as she walked into the door the inmates listened right away and that is the amount of force that you need to work at a jail because there inmates need to be scared of you and that is the bottom line you are not there to make friends with them. They are there on serious crimes and they needed to be treated like bad because of the crimes that they did. People need to see what does on in the jail and we need to show them so they see and not keep it from them. If we show them what the inmates get to do people will see that they getting treated wrong if they act out or they do something out of character. Gator789

  10. The video that we watched in class about the Dallas county jail was very informative and added a lot of great insight into how some of the nation’s largest jails work and operate. One of the first things that the video talks about is how the jail is almost always at full capacity and often times has been overcrowded as well. Like most jails and prisons in our nation, they are overcrowded with inmates and prisoners and the recent boom in our prison population throughout our country does not seem to be slowing down or stopping anytime soon. Another thing the video kind of emphasizes on is the fact the staff for this jail is mostly female. This is great for the correctional system because it shows how this type of work is not just a man’s work anymore and females can do the job better than the males can sometimes. We know from other classes that females are more likely to be able to control and diffuse situations without the need to use force. They are able to use just their words and demeanor is order to calm people down. The next thing that I learned form the video is the fact that this jail is a direct-supervision jail, which is common among jails due to the advancements in technology. The video offered great insight into how these types of jails actually operate which was nice to see since we had just recently covered the different types of jails in lecture not too long beforehand. The jail focused on 28- year veteran to the jail Officer Freeman as she manned the direct-supervision pod during her shifts, it showed the struggles that she faces during her daily shifts and the issues that she might have to face with the inmates that she is watching. The next thing that the video talked about that shocked me was the fact that this jail intakes about 300 people a day and over 100,000 people over the course of a year. This number was absolutely staggering to me just because of the shear number of it. The video followed one of the intake officers, Officer Martin, who uses her kindness to help people become more clam as they go through the sometimes-frustrating process of intake. The video showcased how female officers can have a much easier time comforting or calming down inmates because of their increased ability to use their words. One of the last things that the video focused one the SRT or Special Response Team, which responds to emergency situations within the jail. The video followed Officer Humphries who is the only female member of the Dallas Country SRT. It shows how she has earned respect through her actions as well as her behavior while working within this special unit. The video even shows inmates who talk about how they do not mess with her because they know she means business and that she is not one to be trifled with. Pack789


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