Investigating Murder.....The Highs and Lows Here.....


  1. After watching the episode of Bad Moon of the Shift I really thought it was a very interesting video. I think that one down of the episode is trying to figure out any witness of the incident that occurred, I also believe that it could be a up to the case to figure out what really happened though. The down of trying to figure out which witness has a lead to the case and in the video, it does state that even though there are many witness involved many of them do not have a description of the person of interest involved of the crime that was committed. One of the ups of finding an eye witness is that in the video it does state that they end up figure out a lead from a witness though. In the video it says that they someone who knows the victim. Another up that I think is great is to know that they can talk with the witnesses to see what they must tell about what happened or what they saw. In the video it shows a tape recording of the person who personally knows the victim. To talk to someone who knows the victim and be able to give as much details of the people who committed the crime. The downs to talking to the eye witness can be if they are truthful or not. In the video it proves that even though the person knew the victim as Greg it turns out that was not his name. I understand that the guy the cops talked to might has known his real name but, it is kind of suspicious that this guy his friend but doesn’t know his real name. A think a down is having the detective on the case try and lure the guy so they can talk, I understand they are trying to get aka “Shawty” to come back so they can talk but, I do not think that is a good idea because I do think if the this guy wanted an attorney or something she threw it out the window. To know that if goes to trail they could use it against her for luring him back in town. I do believe though it could be an up because it can give information on the case. In the video it shows that he is willing to talk to her. An up I really do think was amazing in the video is that they put up flyers to find tips to help with the case. In the video they show that someone found someone who put in tip to help with the case in hand. In the video it shows that the guy identified the guy named Greg that was sitting on the steps. A down is that the cop decided to call the mother of the suspect because he is a minor, I think she could have tried to find more information on the boy before just calling the mother in because it stated in the episode that she sent her kid away on a bus to Georgia. Knowing that she brought the mom in and now the kid is on a bus and know has to get her kid to come back to talk to the detective. Watching the video, the cop learned that the mom is not bring the kid in the next day. I think that the cop talking to the mom on the phone it was not right that she cussed to the mom about bring her son in yes it worked but, I don’t think she should have done that. An up to it is that they did get information about the case of the 24-year-old that got shot. They found out that Greg’s friend handed Greg a gun and ended up firing a gun and ending up firing at the victim not knowing where he was shooting. Smile123

  2. After watching the episode of Bad Moon of the Shift I really thought it was a very interesting video. I think that one down of the episode is trying to figure out any witness of the incident that occurred, I also believe that it could be a up to the case to figure out what really happened though. The down of trying to figure out which witness has a lead to the case and in the video, it does state that even though there are many witness involved many of them do not have a description of the person of interest involved of the crime that was committed. One of the ups of finding an eye witness is that in the video it does state that they end up figure out a lead from a witness though. In the video it says that they someone who knows the victim. Another up that I think is great is to know that they can talk with the witnesses to see what they must tell about what happened or what they saw. In the video it shows a tape recording of the person who personally knows the victim. To talk to someone who knows the victim and be able to give as much details of the people who committed the crime. The downs to talking to the eye witness can be if they are truthful or not. In the video it proves that even though the person knew the victim as Greg it turns out that was not his name. I understand that the guy the cops talked to might has known his real name but, it is kind of suspicious that this guy his friend but doesn’t know his real name. A think a down is having the detective on the case try and lure the guy so they can talk, I understand they are trying to get aka “Shawty” to come back so they can talk but, I do not think that is a good idea because I do think if the this guy wanted an attorney or something she threw it out the window. To know that if goes to trail they could use it against her for luring him back in town. I do believe though it could be an up because it can give information on the case. In the video it shows that he is willing to talk to her. An up I really do think was amazing in the video is that they put up flyers to find tips to help with the case. In the video they show that someone found someone who put in tip to help with the case in hand. In the video it shows that the guy identified the guy named Greg that was sitting on the steps. A down is that the cop decided to call the mother of the suspect because he is a minor, I think she could have tried to find more information on the boy before just calling the mother in because it stated in the episode that she sent her kid away on a bus to Georgia. Knowing that she brought the mom in and now the kid is on a bus and know has to get her kid to come back to talk to the detective. Watching the video, the cop learned that the mom is not bring the kid in the next day. I think that the cop talking to the mom on the phone it was not right that she cussed to the mom about bring her son in yes it worked but, I don’t think she should have done that. An up to it is that they did get information about the case of the 24-year-old that got shot. They found out that Greg’s friend handed Greg a gun and ended up firing a gun and ending up firing at the victim not knowing where he was shooting. Smile456

    1. Well one thing is the types of gun the suspect had on them and they also had some marijuana and on them. It was attempt drug deal went wrong. and more shooting outside was outside and some start inside.

    2. It really is difficult to determine who ended up firing the fatal bullet in a scenario like this.

  3. This video had a lot of information you can learn from. One of the good is trying to figure out which gun shell is the the one who killed your person, because you have some inside and also have some are outside. One of the down are trying find any kind witness so there for you have go to door and hopeful will help you. The hard part is you not sure if they are lie or not because how you know they are . Another ups is when they finally found someone who the may know something about what happens its one his friend say called Greg . Greg may be the person they look for because he was there in the stairs way in hallways when all this happens. The detective though it would come back to Greg however did not work like it was someone total different. One down I think the detective could of handle it different when tell someone they just lose the lose one. The next down was how they handle Shawty because when finally got him he saw how it was they scared him off. HE was the main person saw with him all day and they could come up with nothing else at all. Another up is when   Shawty girlfriend got him lie said she was pregnancy because without her he would never came in at all. Another up when they crime stoppers help tip line got a new lead on a suspect who is a 16 years old who is the one who shot. Another down when one the victims say remember say person called Greg was involve and may be the one who shot them. Another down when the mother knew the whole time she was never going help because to them that her son and she not trying help at all . Just know she need get her son out of hear because she think bye send him away to Georgia will help him. Another downs is when she say would help than she change her mind because to the parents they will do no wrong at all. Greg went see a friend have him sat in hallway than three men enter the building one the rob him took his money. Than before they got out Greg friend came back in start shoot them and than he start shot 4 times and not sure if he hit one of them.

    1. I agree with the points you are making about the high and lows of this story. There were definitely some moments that were more important than others, and I think the ones that you chose to hit were good. I am pretty sure though that the man’s name is Craig, not Greg. It is too bad that they never were able to figure out who the fatal shooter was for certain. With the inconsistencies in Craig’s story though you have got to wonder if he was telling the whole truth. Wings456

  4. From watching the video there definitely were a lot of ups and downs that went along with the investigation process when finding out who shot j boogie. The case got off to a hot start right away because there were plenty of witnesses to tell the detectives what they had saw. No one actually saw the shooting take place other than those who were directly involved so they need a lead. The detective gets a lead from a friend of a guy named Craig. The guy told her that Craig was sitting out in the hallway when he came home. After he went inside he said he heard some arguing and then shots. The detective figures out that a guy nicknamed shorty is involved. Shorty was seen hanging out with J boogie the night he was shot. A bad thing is that shorty had left town. So the detective does some digging and she finds out who shorty’s girlfriend is. She contacts her and gets her to agree to get shorty back in to town. Once shorty gets back in to town he gets talked in to coming down to the station. The detective has another guy come in to talk to shorty with her and he does not like that right away. Shorty then figures out that he doesn’t have to be there at the station and can leave whenever he wants, and so he does. This leaves the detective at a standstill, and she has to start over and find new leads. The detectives canvas the neighborhood looking for tips, and it worked out. A crime stopper sent in a tip that led the detective back to Craig. The detective then finds Craig’s mom and has her bring Craig in. The detective was able to figure out that the two people that shot were shorty and Craig, but no one knows who shot the fatal bullet that hit Johnny. Wings456

    1. The only one who would probably actually know was Craig's friend, but you could not really get a statement from him because he would just cover for his friend most likely.

  5. After watching this show with the detectives in it, there were some ups and downs about the investigation. One of the ups that happened in the video was that there was some physical evidence such as a bullet shell and that the detective was using that evidence to determine what type of gun was used. However, I thought that the detective could have also tried to get a print off of the shell because the person who was shooting the gun was more likely than not to have loaded the gun in the first place. Another thing that I thought was good about the detective is that she went around questioning some people, however the downside to that is that the surrounding people did not want to share information. The detective then was asking a man who lived in the area about if he knew who the murder victim was which was a positive, however the downside to that was that the man did not see the victims face first so he misidentified the victim at first saying that his name was Craig and that they were friends. After that the detective took some prints and identified the victim as Johnathan. She then did a positive thing and went to the address of the victim and she approached the residents of the house asking if they knew the victim. They replied that they did not at first, but then they said they did and they were his family. After that, the detective asked if she knew any of John's associates and the cousin said that she knew one by the name of Shorty. After finding out about this, the detective did a positive thing and went to Shorty's girlfriend's house and they asked if she knew where Shorty was. She replied that he was out of town. The detective then asked if she could persuade Shorty to come back and the girlfriend said yes which was a positive thing. After Shorty came back into town they asked if he could come in voluntarily for some questioning which was a positive thing. However, once he was about to be questioned, the detective said that he was not under arrest and then Shorty left, which was a negative thing. The detective then went back to the friend of Craig's because she found new information about the possibility of him being involved and after that she called Craig's mother in for questioning. She voluntarily came in, which was a positive thing, but she said that her boy Craig was on his way to "military school" because he voluntarily wanted to go. The detective believed her and asked the mom if she could call him to see if she was back and the mom said she would.

  6. After watching this show with the detectives in it, there were some ups and downs about the investigation. One of the ups that happened in the video was that there was some physical evidence such as a bullet shell and that the detective was using that evidence to determine what type of gun was used. However, I thought that the detective could have also tried to get a print off of the shell because the person who was shooting the gun was more likely than not to have loaded the gun in the first place. Another thing that I thought was good about the detective is that she went around questioning some people, however the downside to that is that the surrounding people did not want to share information. The detective then was asking a man who lived in the area about if he knew who the murder victim was which was a positive, however the downside to that was that the man did not see the victims face first so he misidentified the victim at first saying that his name was Craig and that they were friends. After that the detective took some prints and identified the victim as Johnathan. She then did a positive thing and went to the address of the victim and she approached the residents of the house asking if they knew the victim. They replied that they did not at first, but then they said they did and they were his family. After that, the detective asked if she knew any of John's associates and the cousin said that she knew one by the name of Shorty. After finding out about this, the detective did a positive thing and went to Shorty's girlfriend's house and they asked if she knew where Shorty was. She replied that he was out of town. The detective then asked if she could persuade Shorty to come back and the girlfriend said yes which was a positive thing. After Shorty came back into town they asked if he could come in voluntarily for some questioning which was a positive thing. However, once he was about to be questioned, the detective said that he was not under arrest and then Shorty left, which was a negative thing. The detective then went back to the friend of Craig's because she found new information about the possibility of him being involved and after that she called Craig's mother in for questioning. She voluntarily came in, which was a positive thing, but she said that her boy Craig was on his way to "military school" because he voluntarily wanted to go. The detective believed her and asked the mom if she could call him to see if she was back and the mom said she would.

    1. The very crucial part that you left out towards the end was when Craig admitted to actually shooting at the people. But he said that he did not know if he had hit anyone. They did not have enough evidence to do anything to Craig so they had to let him go. Trojan456

  7. After watching a episode on the shift, there were many ups and downs during the investigation. One of the very first ups that they had was when the they first got the statement from Jacob who heard the shooting happen and thought he seen the men that did it. The down about this part was that Jacob thought that the person who got shot was the kid that he went to school with named Craig, but it turned out to be that a twenty-four year old named Jonathan Brewster was the one that got killed. Another up that happened was when they performed a autopsy on Mr. Brewster they found out that he was shot one time in the back that went straight through his heart. The down about this autopsy was that there was no bullet in him, the bullet went through him. The next up that happened was when Jonathan's cousin called back and agreed to talk. They have found out who the other person was that was with them and his name was Shorty. The next day they went to find shorty at his girlfriends house but find him not to be there. The next thing that ended up happening was that Shorty's girlfriend agreed to get Shorty back into town and have him come to them and talk. When Shorty came to talk though they had no grounds on holding them and when he found out that he was not in trouble for anything he just walked out of the police station. The very last up in this show was when they realized that they needed to talk to Craig who was the person that Jacob said was in the hallway that he thought was dead. They ended up getting Craig into the station and getting to hear the story and he said he did shoot at the group but did not know if he had hit any of them. They had zero evidence to convict him of shooting Jonathan so they had to let Craig go. Even when everything pointed right at him that he had shot and killed Jonathan. Trojan456

    1. That is true about the ups and down part. You got all of the man points that the detectives had to take to find the person who did this tot he man. Also don't forget the the kid on the steps was doing a drug deal in that apartment.-- Softball456

  8. After watching the episode of The Shift called Bad Moon it had me thinking about quite a bit actually. One of the downs to this investigation I think would have been the conflicted stories. Some residents of the apartment complex heard three to five gunshots and then another resident said ten to fifteen. During the investigation I believe 11 shell casings were found. On the other hand it was a good thing there were residents there at the time because it helped piece some of the events together. Another down side to this investigation was the fact that there were drugs in an apartment complex where children were and it was on Halloween night when all children in the neighborhood are out. Another down was the fact that there was a shooting at all on a night that is about children and families being together. A good thing about this investigation was that the detective had people that were willing to work with them. Even though there were plenty of people that heard the altercation before the shootings no one could describe who shot the victim. A huge down to this whole situation is that a 24 year old male died and his mother and relatives had to find out through a homicide detective. Towards the end of the video the most information they got was that Jonathan possibly could have been shot by accident and not intentionally. What kind of set me back was that people knew what happened yet they were not willing to help. I understand protecting family but at the same time if something like this happened to someone you loved and cared about wouldn’t you want justice? This video also makes me think about juvenile programs. We as society must help these children and create activities for them to be a part of in their youth so they are not growing up on the streets and involved in all the gang activity. Parents must step up and prevent or stop these children from becoming involved in such violent activities. Tanker456

    1. I agree completely with what you said about there being children in the apartment complex where the shooting took place. That would be extremely terrifying being a little kid and hearing gun shots and not knowing whats going on. Cheer456

  9. After watching the episode of the shift called “Bad Moon” was an eye opener about investigating a crime. The crime happened on Halloween night. The detectives showed how long it takes to find the suspect. At the end they found the suspect, but they didn’t arrest him. The detective got a lot of evidence and thought the guy’s friend that last seen him was the person who killed him. The residents in that apartment where the guy was killed, heard three or five gunshots. There was a kid on the steps just sitting there because he was scared because he heard the gunshot. His friend asked if he was okay and the kid said he was okay. The kid was doing a drug deal at that apartment building. When the investigator goes there, they saw were the shell casing was on the step and there was a residue on the wall where the bullet hit the wall. In the video it shows that people were willing to help investigate the crime scene. The worse thing was that one suspect wouldn’t even talk to the detective because he didn’t want to talk about his friend that was dead. This video helped a lot for showing how investigation system is complexes with many things to go by. I am glad I got to see an example of investigating a crime. – Softball456

  10. After watching the video I realized there are many highs and lows to this exact case.
    One high is that the detective was doing a great job at getting the right people on her side. Another high is that she got the shooters girlfriend to get him to come back into town so that she could question him. Another high is that they had a lot of witnesses who lived in the apartment complex and heard the gunshots. Fourth, the detective found fingerprints of the victim since he was once in jail, which helped to figure out the victims real name and to start piecing together the people he surrounded himself with. Lastly, a high was realizing it was probably a drug deal gone bad since there was money laying on the ground and a bag of weed. Now on the opposite end of the spectrum, there were a couple lows that happened during this film. First, there were no bullets found in the victim's body so there was no way to trace back the bullet to the shell casings. Another low is the fact that the cousin lied at first when the detective asked if she knew the victim. Another low is that they couldn’t determine who shot the shot that actually killed the victim. Another low is the friend of the victim would not corporate and talk to the detective since he wasn’t required to stay. Lastly, there were no witnesses of the crime that actually saw the guy’s faces’ which made it difficult for the police to determine who the suspects were. Cheer456

    1. Other lows of the investigation are that the mother of the suspect found out that her son is dead over the phone by the cousin. They could not hold one of the possible suspects because they don’t have enough evidence to tie him to the case. Also, a lot of possible witnesses with many different stories that make the entire investigation more difficult. -Chopper456

  11. There were many highs and also a few lows to the video we watched in class. The first high was, that the detectives knew it was a 9mm that killed the boy. Also, they had a witness that was a friend of the kid, but he didn't see the shooting happen. Another high was that they got the finger prints to figure out who the kid actually was, because at first they had the wrong name. The detectives also got people on her side, so they trusted them. Lastly, they knew it was a drug deal that went bad because there was money on the ground and also weed. One of the lows was that the guy they interviewed would not talk to them, he just left the interview. They also had witnesses, but nobody could give them details on what the guys looked like. They could not tell which bullet he was actually shot with. Another low was that they could not tell if there was multiple guns shot or just one. The worst part about this was that his mother had to find out over the phone from his cousin. Lastly, the victims friend would not speak to them because he was scared on what was going to happen to them. They never found the killer at the end of the movie, which was the worst part about it. Conrad456

    1. I am honestly also upset that they never actually found enough evidence to convict Craig or anybody else. I thought everything was there, but after writing out the blog and reanalyzing everything, I realized why they could not convict anybody. -ThisPrincessSavesHerself456

    2. I like and agree with what you had to say, but you left out the fact that the female detective practically manipulated shorty's girlfriend into getting shorty to comeback to Indianapolis to come talk to the police. Legally cops can do that sort of thing to get the job done. All in all I think there were witnesses who stayed silent. It is not their problem, yet they do not help by staying silent. In the end no arrests were made, no chargers were filed. The case hit a dead end, due to the fact that detectives did not know who shot and killed Jonathan Brewster.---Acquit456---

  12. In this particular episode of The Shift, a few calls were made to a dispatcher on Halloween night in Indianapolis because of shots fired in an apartment complex. One of the lows that I noticed right away was that many of the people who called in to report the gun shots did not know how many bullets were shot. No witness at the apartment complex could identify how many shots were fired between 7:30 and 8:30. One of the highs that I noticed, though, was the descriptions that the first witnesses gave. She was able to describe where the kid was sitting, what he was wearing, and what he looked like by seeing him once when going to her own apartment. As the case drew on, Detective Mannina discovered the victims identity as Jonathan Brewster. Another high that I noticed was that Mannina was able to look up Jonathan’s name in their database and figured out a criminal record, where he lived, and and surviving family members that detectives can talk to for information. A little after getting to Jonathan’s listed address, I noticed another low as one of his family members lied to Detective Mannina’s face about knowing Jonathan. Mannina then is able to get information of his mother’s whereabouts from his cousins. As the documentary progressed into the next day, the next high point I noticed was how fast the autopsy was done by the next day. The other high point I found was the doctor’s finding out all of his injuries, and which was fatal enough to kill him. A low point was that there were no bullet casings in Jonathan’s body. After interviewing Jonathan’s girlfriend, Detective Mannina discovered that Jonathan’s friend ‘Shorty’ and another guy were with Jon when he left his girlfriend’s house that late afternoon. The cousin then relayed some information to Mannina, saying that Shorty was extremely calm when he came back from hanging out with Jon and the third person. The low point during this was that Mannina did not actually know if she could trust Jonathan’s cousin to give a straight answer because she lied the first time she was confronted. Towards the end, Craig’s mother was not willing to bring Craig in for questioning without legal representation, which in my mind is a high point. I was glad to know that these people knew their rights and had a general idea of how the legal system worked. The low point, though, was when Craig’s mom said that he left on a bus to go to military camp, even though he dropped out of public school and was kicked out of the house for not attending school regularly. Overall, I found this documentary to be extremely informational and interesting to watch! -ThisPrincessSavesHerself456

    1. I think you had great lows and highs. Can tell you paid attention to the movie. I like what you said about the trustworthy factor. At least with witnesses giving statements to the police. Of course the mother doesn't want to give up her son. I guess anyone would feel that way though. I think that they could've told the mother in person instead of over the phone, but I understand the circumstances. Overall though, a great summary of the highs and lows of the investigation.

  13. Watching Bad Moon brought to mind something that I don’t remember ever being explicitly talked about in either class or any of the various police media that I’ve seen over the years - fingerprinting the corpse of the victim. It’s something I had just presumed upon, I suppose, but because of its grisly nature, I suppose it had been glossed over in the media. Seeing the police struggle just to identify the victim, going from the pseudonymous “Craig” to Jonathan was an odd sort of low point, as there was a complete disconnect between the two identities and even the people involved. The reactions of the cousin and mother were fascinating, if tragic, studies in reaction to shock. The cousin became extremely distraught, screeching “That’s my cousin!” as though that would bring him back somehow. The mother was, if not calm, somewhat more collected, even as she asked for confirmation of the victim’s identity three times on camera. Shorty, the accomplice to the crime, however, showed nearly no reaction, being stated to be calm and collected, even as he stated that he was unsure whether Jonathan was alive or dead. These reactions to death and shock display something that can almost never be accurately captured on film, as people’s responses to shock are almost always different.

    Regarding the crime itself, it seems somewhat straightforward, although the account given is somewhat confused in its telling. The victim attempted to rob a drug dealer alongside his friend, and was shot for his trouble. This discovery definitely counts as a high point, although the path towards it was definitely a low. During the gunfight, 11 shots were fired collectively, and there seems to have been only one hit landed - the fatal shot that slew Jonathan Brewster. The 9mm bullet entered and exited through Jonathan’s heart, and the slug was not recovered in proximity to Jonathan’s body, or at all, seemingly. This suggests that all of the thugs involved were employing not merely accuracy not unlike that of Imperial Stormtroopers, but also the cheapest possible ammunition, full metal jacketed ammunition. Upon close examination of the casing in the video, it appears that the neck of the casing was clipped and indented by the ejection port upon its ejection from the weapon, perhaps easing identification.

    The conclusion to the case, if one can call it that, was utterly disappointing. Craig said that he wished to go to military school in Georgia, and was put on a bus by his mother, where he might as well have evaporated. Anywhere between Indianapolis and Georgia is a wide net, and casting out into it would be utterly fruitless, putting yet another case into the cold case files.

    1. I also find the conclusion of the case surprising to me Craig wanted that lifestyle where he wanted to grow up faster than normal but then turned around and said that he wished to go to military school in Georgia but yet didn’t want to go to regular school, and was put on a bus by his mother, where he might as well have disappeared to only god knows where. He also could’ve told his mom once she found out what the detective knew to lie so he can try to get out or away with it.

    2. I was a little skeptical about Craig wanting to do a complete 360 at the end as well. To be a kid doing drugs and even selling drugs, you don’t just make that decision over night. Then the fact that he didn’t want to go regular school and abide by the rules of hos mother’s home how could he want to abide by the rules of a military school. In my opinion he was trying to move somewhere he wouldn’t be found and was still going to be living the same ruthless lifestyle. TJGirl456

  14. To be honest, watching that video, I felt like I was watching a show trying to be way to much like the First 48 on A&E. With that being said there were both highs and lows, in regards to how the detectives handled the homicide. First, the highs: There was physical evidence at the murder scene, i.e. shell casings. In all the 11 shell casings were discovered, that helped to show where the firing started and ended. The detectives covered their bases, in terms of working the steps of their homicide investigation. They did not do or act in any way that was or could be viewed as careless. They had to work within legal guidelines and regulations. At times in the show you could see a little frustration due to that. Yet there is still a need for checks and balances. To stay on that theme, the detectives in the show each knew their role and did their part to contribute to the homicide investigation. During the show, I noticed that the detectives, each worked an angle or aspect of the case. They did not try to step on each others toes, and had a common goal of trying to solve the homicide. I admired the female detectives’ way of getting shorty’s girlfriend to convince shorty to come back to Indianapolis. It may sound like pure manipulation, but it is just simple tactics. The detective got a hold of shortys girl, and convinced her to do the right thing. Lastly I thought the detectives, and the patrol officers did a good job of canvasing the apartment complex for witnesses to the shooting. They handed out fliers, and put info out on crime stoppers, which paid off in terms of continuing their investigation.
    The lows of the show: There were too many witnesses, saying different things, disinformation is then crated, which makes things more difficult. That is a part of investigations, one just needs to be able to wade through the b.s. People who lived in the apartment complex were reluctant to come forward and speak to the police. Even someone in the show said, that someone saw something, but they are not going to come forward. That alone could be why the detectives could not find out who shot Jonathan Brewster. Watching the female detective serve the death notice to Jonathan Brewster’s family was hard to watch, but it is a part of a police officers job. All she could do was tell his mother we will get who did this, but in the end no one was arrested or charged with his murder. One thing that did not help was the fact that the bullet that killed Jonathan Brewster entered and exited his body, but was not recovered at the scene. There fore it couldn’t undergo ballistics testing. In the end the detectives, had a dead body, had people involved, had witnesses, but in the end could not make an arrest. Plainly put, the police got played. ---Acquit 456

  15. Solving a homicide is a stressful job from beginning until the end it really takes a lot of patients and self-control. 1+) the detective made note that even though he lived that lifestyle he was still another human being who had someone who loved and cared for him to her he wasn’t just another dead body in the statistics category. 2+) when she interviewed “the friend” she didn’t be so hostile and aggressive. 3+) When the detective got ahold of “the mother” instead of doing the bare minimum instead she went out of her way to comfort the mother in person. 4+) When the “mother” said that she had to forgive them showed me that all people aren’t evil or bitter yeah, she shouldn’t have to barrier her son but the fact that she said she would forgive him really shows the type of person she is and what type of heart she has. 5+) When taking with the gf and trying to get her on her team to catch the suspect like previously she comforted her and let her know that helping turn him in was a good thing without being aggressive towards the girlfriend. 1-) when she went to the “cousin” house instead of being straight forward about knowing the victim, she waited until she found out what it was about. 2-) Even if the victim was after one of the friends said “they didn’t know if he was dead or alive the police should’ve got involve right then and there. 3-) Also once the told her “they went and hit a lick why didn’t you start asking around and calling the police. 4-) again now you found out that your friend got hit why didn’t you all call for help or try to help instead of letting him die? 5-) The suspect mother knew the whole time I think cause your child didn’t want to go to a school where all teachers told him to do was so your work but all of a sudden want to go to military school where everything you do is evaluated and you got to look, act, and say stuff a certain way junior456

  16. First off, the video was a great example of a random investigation. The scene was bare of lots of evidence, and hardly any leads came easily. It showed how the investigator had to interact with the public which brings me to one of my ups. The detective talking to the neighbors of the apartment complex. Although, this includes a down. When the officer first talked to the victims cousin, the women was reluctant to answer. Obviously, to protect her family member but it still is a negative because lots of information is retained from officers in other cases because of this. Another positive is the notes the lady took when interviewing a witness on the stairs. She was later given a tip from someone using the same name that she had been given from that previous witness. She then was able to confirm the full name of the suspect. Although getting that suspect was difficult. Which is another negative. The fact that the police had to reply on the mom to get the son to come back. Instead of being able to find him, themselves. I know it’s hard and very unlikely but it still is a negative. Another positive is, they were able to identify the victim and his previous affiliations. Found a family to notify and maybe find leads off of. Although the negative with all that was the fact the investigator had to let the mom know of her son's death over the phone. It was unprofessional but couldn’t be helped in the situation placed on the officer. Another high is all the evidence collected at the scene. Something that should be done no matter what but it helped a lot. Shell casings were found inside and outside the complex. The bullets helped identity the gun used. Marijuana was found along with some cash, so they expected a drug robbery gone bad. Also, a fingerprint was found that the detective manage to match a suspect. The low in this all, is the fact not enough evidence was found to convict anyone. Or just figure out the shooter. Since there wasn’t enough witness and it was dark, the finishing blow couldn’t be pinned on anyone. Yet this brings up another plus, which is the fact that even though the killer can’t be pinned, everyone involved is still going to get punished. So some justice is being served. Lastly, I feel like the case could’ve been dealt with quicker if we had more officers that knew that part of the town. Like beat officers. If someone just knew his name and the crowd he hung out with, this case could’ve been dealt with in a timely manner. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think it would’ve been at least beneficial
    ^~^ Itis456

  17. There are many highs and lows regarding how the detectives handled the homicide. The first high was there was physical evidence and knew that the casing that killed the boy was from a 9mm. Second high has they had a witness that can lead to a possible suspect that can tell what happens. Third high is that they can check the latent print to identify the victim and to notify the relatives of what happened. Fourth high is having people to trust them and to cooperate with them for information about the incident. They also went back to the place of the incident to ask for possible information that can help them identify the right possible suspect. Lastly knowing the possible reason for what occurs with just a little evidence on hand. The possible lows of the job are that first there are many possible witnesses with different stories, which makes things more difficult. Second is that the mother of the victim found out that her son is dead over the phone from the cousin. The third is that they did not recover the bullet that killed the victim for ballistic testing, which may give more details. Fourth lows are that they cannot hold one of the possible suspects for questioning because they don’t have enough evidence to tie him to the case in which brings the lead to a dead end. Lastly, they had people involved, witnesses, and a dead body without a killer because they could not make an arrest. All she could do was tell his mother that they will get who did this, but in the end, no one was arrested or charged with his murder. -Chopper456

  18. There were quiet a few highs and lows in the particular case that I caught on to in this documentary. Some of the highs were:
    1. The gun casing allowed the identification of the gun, which was a 9mm.
    2. Detectives were able to pull fingerprints off of the victim in order to identify him and contact his family.
    3. Detectives were able to get the girlfriend of a suspect to help them get him back in town for questioning.
    4. When detectives were back at square one they were able to canvas the neighborhood and crime stoppers were able to give them their possible murderer.
    5. Mother of suspect comes in and talks to the officers.
    1. Cousin of victim lied to police and then after learning her cousin was killed wanted to help.
    2. A suspect comes in to talk to the detectives but is intimidated by a detective looking smart and leaves without talking
    3. Mother comes in without son and doesn’t bring him back the next day.
    4. They come back four days later with attorney and by that time the son knows exactly what to say.
    5. The detective made an assumption that Suspect fired the fatal shot but couldn’t prove it so case couldn’t be solved.


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