My Rights Do Not Stop at that Wall.....


  1. It should always be a goal to improve jail and prison conditions. As technology begins to improve, there is no reason why jails and prisons should be outdated. And because of jails and prisons being outdated, I believe that is a direct reason to why many people have been subjected to “extreme violence and trauma”, especially for African Americans, as stated in the article. Jails shouldn’t resort to using their inmates for “cheap labor” like what African Americans were going through for 3 centuries. A shocking number to me is that in 2013 The Department of Justice called for 173 reforms in jail conditions and administration. In a sense that may not be a lot of jails, but that 173 more than what is should be. As a nation, we should not have any jails that need to be updated due to the advances in technology and other things are country is going through during this day and age. And since 2013, only 17 of those jails have been reformed since May of 2017. That is an astounding number as realizing that only 17 out of 173 jails have been reformed after 4 years. That number needs to change here soon. It's crazy to know the statistic that in 2005, the African americans comprised 90 percent of the jail population meanwhile, they take up 66 percent of the city population. The Community Advisory Group otherwise known as CAG was created in 2017 after a grant was awarded to the city. It was made up of 28 people from different neighborhoods in the city. They are law enforcement professionals, formerly incarcerated, and teachers. Their mission is to pressure city officials to increase public safety through reducing the jail population and reducing racial and ethnic disparities in the legal system. That is a great was to try to reduce the incarceration rate but i feel like it is targeting the african americans because they have the highest incarceration rate in the city. I know it's not meant to target them but that looks like what is happening there. A lot of people don't know the statistics and therefore they jump to conclusions and that's when we start to get all these protests. CAG has achieved all their goals through a committee that is chaired by the mayor of New Orleans. Basically, according to the mayor, the organization CAG supports the fact CRJ Management Committee is trying to fix the unjustified punishment going on in the New Orleans Jail. In the article, states, if the City of New Orleans works together to renew everything about the jail, the system can have more fair treatment for the individual in jail. Not to mention, somewhere around the 18th century corporal punishment was an ongoing problem, so now the corporal punishment stayed because it was the main focus. Also, the article exploits the fact that it correlates with slavery and how has to do with inhuman inequality. Overall, the whole article talks about how ‘inhuman’ the New Orleans Jail is being and their is no respect or fairness for neither of the correctional officers and inmates. I believe that the article speaks for itself, but inmates still have rights behind bars, their only limited of course. Also, it could be the how the system in the jail is not run properly, or maybe there is no limited bond with the officers and the inmates. I feel one of the key importance for any job is communication. Moreover, The relationship with the city and jail of New Orleans, overseeing and admitting that ‘yes’ there is an issue to be resolved and it’s a bond that cannot be broken, because it’s improvement that matters. Again overall, it’s great to see the city working with CAG to improve its department of corrections because everyone deserves to be treated as a human and professionally. As we near the end of the article we are beginning to see them lay out the reasons of why the incarceration is so incredibly detrimental to these African American communities and for why it is terrible as a government facility.

    1. Part 2-
      We are shown that the facility has a long history of inmate abuse that has been going on as long as the facility has been established, which of course is not acceptable especially for a government facility. We are also laid out that incarcerating these African American peoples leads to their communities being devastated. Devastated economically and in a cultural sense. When you lock up so many people from one particular community you begin to see things emerge such as the popularity of single parent households and poverty, both of which have devastating effects for long term communities. Children who are raised by single parents and are raised by a parent who lives paycheck to paycheck are going to be more likely to turn to crime when they are older. Whether that crime is as an outlet for the frustration they have or as a means to provide for themselves and their families may differ from person to person or even be a combination in some cases but nonetheless it facilitates a vicious cycle of incarceration because if those younger members of the community participate in criminal behavior then they are likely to be arrested and possibly leave a single parent in poverty behind.

      PAWW789, Chewbacca789, LILPUMP789, TaxSeason789

  2. This article explained how a New Orleans Jail has been dealing with intense problems of violence and trauma within it for three centuries and no one has tried to stop it. According to the Loyola University New Orleans College of Law research paper, African Americans have been detained in unsanitary cells, refused medical and dental care for three centuries. This is a perfect example of how racism is still a huge part of our world today. As we have discussed in previous chapters in class, racism definitely plays a big part in the corrections system, which is sad. The officers who made these conditions the way they are remind me of the officers at Attica. Just like in Attica, the conditions were horrible and in the end, it did not work out well for the prisoners or the guards. Demographically, there is more of a minority population present that correlates with the information that we have learned from our book. Not only have they been denied a healthy lifestyle within the jail, these African American prisoners have also been used as a source of cheap labor during the past three centuries as well. In 2013, a reform was created to try and make these conditions and the jails throughout the national become a better functioning place. However, only 17 of these reforms since their creation have gone through and carried out fully. Within this New Orleans jail, the mortality rate in 2017 was four times the national average. From 2015-2016, the paper cites figures showing at least 14 allegations of sexual assault, 412 inmate on inmate assaults, and 52 inmate assaults on staff that occured in the jail. In 2005, African Americans comprised 90 percent of the jail population, despite constituting only 66 percent of the city’s population. By May of 2016 the percentage of African Americans had only dropped to 81 percent. These stats are insane, as they are stating how nearly all of their prison inmates are AFrican Americans.This jail is still violating the civil rights of citizens: in 2017, the Orleans Parish jail “housed an average of 1,586 people on a given day, of which 91 percent had not had a judge determine their guilt or innocence.” The Community Advisory Group’s main point is to increase healthcare and safety for inmates in the jail but they are also here to decrease the number of people that are in the jail.

    1. Part 2:
      This goes back to when we are talking about the overcrowding of jails and prisons in America and the fact that we are imprisoning more people than any other country in the world. This isn’t just something that is academic discussion it is in our communities and it is something that truly needs to be acted upon and not just discussed. These form of on going problems for prisons and jails have been going on for centuries. The history of prisons have been approving since the 18th century but we are still seeing major flaws. Back in the 18th century the prisons was only to house and exploit suspected runaways, and or inflict punishment on slaves based on theirs masters request. The problem with this was that many jailers were getting rewarded for the beating of any slave. The 1807 Regulations for the Police Prison provided financial incentive that was creating these types of rewards. Even though these problems were being aware by the public and important people there was no big improvements when the 20th century hit. There was still multiple complaints of beatings by jail staff, and also a considerable amount of sexual assaults were happening during this time period. Fast forwarding to our time there are still multiple problems with different types of assaults happening but there has been a cut back based on the different types of safety regulations implemented. According to this article Many of the New Orleans’ African AMerican neighborhoods contain some of the highest incarceration rates, which can damage social and economic network. In class we talked about how policing many neighborhoods more than others can damage them because they are already in poverty and if they have to pay fines that takes away food from their children or takes away the money for them to pay there heat bills. Often times people in poorer communities there is little income for them to pay tickets and then the get arrest warrants which helps nothing it just adds more non violent offender to our jails. After reading this article, we learned that big reforms need to be put into place and actually go through to fully correct the problems that are occuring within it. A way to stop racism from being implemented into the jail and to put a stop on all types of assault needs to be created and used as soon as possible.

  3. The New Orleans Jail resembles many of the same traits that the prison Attica has. For example, the cells inmates were housed in were considered “unsanitary”, the inmates would be denied medical and dental care, the inmates would either go through or endure “extreme violence and trauma” whether it be from other inmates or even staff, and lastly those incarcerated they would be considered as cheap labor for the prisons. In Attica people were very racist and reading through the article the people who worked in the New Orleans Jails are also racist. Reading on in the article it mentions that very little has changed within the New Orleans Jail. I find this hard to believe that it is true due to how the different ethics and moral codes that are in place and enforced in so many other prisons. To me it is also shocking that only 17 out of the 173 reforms have been dealt with and changed. It is well know that the inmates endure violence between other inmates but it uncommon to hear thoses say it is horrific, the violence that is experienced by inmates and staff. When the article talks about how many allegations of sexual assault (14), the inmate assault on other inmates (412), and inmate assaults on staff (52) I can see these numbers being true. I see that because of the way that those who are housed there and the way the facility is ran. (Part of 1 of 3) -ST789 , jw789, Dp789

    1. The jail at New Orleans has many things that it could improve on. The jail here in Peoria is a good example of how a jail should be run, and how it should be facilitated because the jail in Peoria is accredited. This accreditation means that the jail is a place that meets the requirements and the standards set by the American Correctional Association. The jail in New Orleans has a long way to go before it can reach this status. The jail needs to be reformed for many reasons, and the main reason being the conditions of the jail. Many people are trying to get change in the jail and make it a better place. The Community Advisory Group (CAG) plays a major factor on this because they are pushing the people in charge for reform so that the community can have a better reputation and image. If the jail were to be accredited this could change everything and have an affect on the community around it. For this to happen the jail needs to be reformed, and to help the jail reform, the people need to back up the CAG, and help get the community involved with the jail. The city of New Orleans has no one to hold accountable for the actions of the jail. They need a strong leader who can be able to take charge and run the jail in a manner that can help the city and the people around it, and the people in it. If the jail were to be reformed, and even to the extent that it could get accreditation it would help the City of New Orleans in many ways. It would change the conditions of the jail and the people in the jail, and it would also help the image of the community and the lives of the people in the community. (Part 2 of 3) -ST789 , jw789, Dp789

    2. The article states that African Americans were making up 90 percent of the prison population , yet they only make up 66 percent of New Orleans city population. This an extreme amount of inequality taking place in New Orleans, yet this is also something we have been seeing for many many years now with the prison population. This is something throughout our history that we have seen. In a video we had watched in class, slavery had “ended” after the Civil War, yet they still found ways around it. One of these ways was by warehousing this minority groups, or otherwise known as incapacitation. This led to a huge increase in the African American prison population. This shows that this is not a new problem for the United States. This concentration of minority imprisonment has a huge consequence on the family relationships as the paper mentioned. This brings a full circle effect to the jailing of African Americans in prisons. The article states that many of the communities in New orleans contain some of the highest concentration of incarceration of African Americans. One of the biggest factors this happens is due to over policing of these neighborhoods. Professor White mentioned that he would send officers to higher crime areas to try and stop crimes from happening. This is something that most everyone will do in order to stop crime. These areas are more often than not, low income, high poverty communities that African Americans are living in. High crime is happening in these areas due to not having the means of getting what they need. Due to more officers being present, there will be a very large increase in that certain community being incarcerated. This is most likely a huge factor of the reason for the large and unequal amount of African Americans being locked up compared to others races in New Orleans. This can cause racial tension as well and feed into the extreme violence and trauma that is happening inside the New orleans jail. (Part 3 of 3)
      -ST789 , jw789, Dp789

    3. This is an extreme amount of inequality as this will cause much unnecessary tension just not only among inmates but also almost the staff as a reflection of the inmates will also be a reflection of the staff members who are the supervisors of the jail itself. This also will add to the likelihood of having more violent outbreaks as this could potential cause a race war as people who are in these facilities may feel as if they are being pinned against their race due to their born biological factors, making these inmates act the biological factors they are being out casted for. Along with sending officers into these neighborhoods another idea that could be done is also seeing to it that professionals of the communities and some of the local government will handle some of these upcoming issues as having different lines of defense will keep problems from occurring that if unnoticed could get out of hand or come from being a minor problem into becoming a problem that will have to have either outside help or the whole community will have to come together in order for the problem to be effectively settled. Also local agencies that are settled in the area need to look over factors that are contributing to this kind of discrimination and ways to prevent them with a heart in compassion which is better than throwing handcuffs on any person will locking them up in the local county jail. Also, with more effective training for the correctional officers will also help to ease many of these issues as they will be able to effectively handle different tensions along with being able to conduct themselves with inmates in a respectful manner which will limit the amount of conflicts that inmates will have with staff while the staff is carrying out their daily activities. eagle789

  4. The jail in New Orleans county is a staple of the discrimination and the hate that African Americans have experienced throughout their history here in the United States. While they have accounted for over 91% of the prison population and only 66% of the general population itself, is quite frankly ridiculous and asinine. We know from corrections that all over the United States African Americans have been discriminated against in every way, including having harsher sentences and laws based to catch them only pushed upon them for centuries. We know that the war on drugs and the war on crime were both “wars” that were based on the fact that our government wanted to attack poor and ethnic communities. We can see that the effects of those acts, is coming to light in New Orleans as they are experiencing the drawbacks of these laws and the questionable history of our nation. African Americans were put through some very horrible conditions, as far as unsanitary cells, being denied the right to healthcare within the prisons, and experiencing violence not only from guards but also from inmates too while in the jail. The problems that these inmates have faced in Ne Orleans are starting to get better, however the jail population of African Americans has only decreased to 81% in the last couple of years. This number is still astronomically high and there are still many problems that need to be addressed within the jail. There are many people within jails that are there for very miniscule charges, and we know that these people also have very long sentences just like Mr. Spyres who came and talked with us this semester. If we are to change how our nation views its own people, then we first need to start by treating those that are in our correctional system the same and with the same respect. Pack789

    1. I agree, this is a very disheartening article but it is part of the sad truth of our correctional system. It astonishes me of that this discrimination has gone on for this long. How can anyone expect anything positive coming out of such treatment towards people. Regardless of what they have done to be incarcerated in the New Orleans Justice Center, by treating people in this manner how can anyone feel safe? If you beat someone down over and over again how you can be surprised if they get out and lash out at other people or continue a life of crime. Taking away the humanity of a person has not worked in the past but for some reason it seems to still be happening. Some of these people were refused medical care, and others were beaten by other inmates or prison staff. I can’t imagine living in that kind of environment and no one should have to. Something that stood out was 173 reforms this jail was told to make and only 17 of those things have happened. It shows how much some the people in charge of Orleans County Jail really care about this issue, which with this knowledge is not much. As you had stated this has been going on for a long time. The article stated that in 1807 there was financial incentive to beat prisoners who were suspected runway slaves. It is good that they have organized group like the Community advisory group, letting people around the city be involved and help put a stop to this atrocity. ~pj789


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